#ofc she gets to be in the polycule she got to him first
vanity-breaking · 3 months
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so here's Charlie in a sports bra
version below the cut is entitled "Charlie gets hoes"
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hollisiguess · 8 months
im bored so y’all are getting some hazbin hcs
Alastor is aroace and agender but he does not know it he has no clue what ANY of those words mean
Rosie actually knows that Alastor is all of those but to fuck with him she doesn’t tell him however she will from time to time call him one of those (for example when she says she knows Alastor is an ace in the hole)
Alastor and Rosie are in a qpr!
Velvette and Vox are besties they will gossip about everyone and everything
Velvette is a non-binary lesbian who uses she/her
EVERYONE in hell assume that the vees are a polycule and for the chaos they never correct anyone
Velvette barely tolerates Valentino and would like to beat the shit out of him at any given time
Ok I have to restrain myself with Velvette so last one even though Vox has beef with Alastor to everyone’s shock she hangs out with him every once and a while over some tea
Lute is aroace but she and Adam are « dating » bc people kept asking Lute out would never take no for an answer and it was making her uncomfortable
Despite everything Adam does care for Lute and is a good friend towards her hence why he agreed to the fake dating plan
Vaggie before getting her wings back would get HORRIBLE phantom pain from them and whenever Charlie would ask what was up she would always dodge the questions and Charlie wanting to respect her gfs boundaries wouldn’t push to much
Vaggies love language is acts of service and Charlie’s is physical touch
Charlie ADORES Vaggies wings she thinks they make her gf even more gorgeous then she already is
Vaggie is actually insecure of her wings as they remind her of a past she’s rather forget but Charlie fawning over them does make her like her wings a bit more
If Charlie is cold Vaggie will use her wings to make her warmer
After the battle against the exorcist Vaggie went back to thank Carmilla for her help and the two got to talking and ended bonding now they meet weekly at Carmillas to practice battle together (the both enjoy it greatly) and sometimes it leads to Vaggie staying for dinner
Carmilla Carmine is essentially Vaggies mom/mentor
Vaggie bonded with Carmillas daughters and they see eachother as sisters
Charlie will sometimes head over to cannibal town to give Rosie a visit and she now calls Rosie Auntie all the time
Vaggie brought Charlie to meet Carmilla and Charlie brought Vaggie to meet Rosie (both were super nervous to meet each others respective mom/aunt figure worried they wouldn’t approve)
Husk and Cherri used to hate eachother but after Angel forced them to hang out they grew to like eachother in a I hate u and hope u die/affectionate type of way
Angel does Cherris hair and I will not elaborate
Angel can’t cook for shit and almost set the hotel on fire many times (he’s now banned from the kitchen)
Vaggie however is a great chef!
Husk taught all the members of the hotel who didn’t already know how to play poker, poker
The hotel guests now have game night which is usually the entire cast struggling while Alastor, Husk and Vaggie sweep and have a rivalry between themselves the others are trying tho!
Alastor also taught the residents chess
Nifty eats the pieces
Im not elaborating on that last one
Vaggie and Angel actually like one another (PLATONICALLY) even considering one another one of their closest friends but neither would ever admit it out loud
Alright now that that's said Angel and Vaggie have mini cooking lessons in secret (WITHOUT ANY FIRE for safety reasons ofc) so Angel can make food for his friends
Lucifer and Vaggie actually bonded a lot especially given both are fallen angels
When Lucifer found out why Vaggie was cast out and how Vaggie had to physically restrain him from (somehow don’t question how he'd even be able to get to heaven to do it) beating the shit out of Lute
Shickingly Lucifer, nifty and Husk are friends and hang out
in fact Lucifer knew Husk before the hotel and had already grown fond of him
Sir Pentious and Charlie are besties
Charlie was the first person who Sir Pentious actually told he liked Cherri (the others still knew but like he actually told Charlie)
Sir Pentious makes Alastor babysit the egg bois after the outing he had with them a while back
Sir Pentious does like Emily but she kinda makes him sad as she reminds him so much of Charlie and he cant see her anymore given she's currently in hell
Razzle was always super attached to Charlie but Dazzle wierdly enough got super attached to Vaggie making her even angrier with Lute when she killed him
Imma end the hcs here cause this is already a shit tone lol
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sheepinwolfcountry · 7 months
how i view the choir/my rtc headcanons (it's pretty clear who's my favourite tbh)
I mainly see her as tiffany tatreau's portrayal
she/her, cis, aroace
doesn't really get the concept of being trans, was only introduced to it when ricky joined the choir
ocd, asthma
2nd shortest in choir, 5'4
has never had a haircut
the only time she got into trouble at school was when she and noel were arguing. she cried until she threw up after that. it was the first day of senior year.
says she's a polyglot but she's nowhere near fluent in the languages she claims to speak
hates theatre :(
texts with proper grammer
listens solely to up with people
i mainly see him as james ragen's portrayal (trinity theatre actor)
he/they/she, nonbinary, gay
jean valjean from les mis was his gay awakening
speaks french
autism, bipolar disorder
unironically says slay, pop off, queen, etc.
instead of saying "who in gods name" he says "who in jean genet's name"
can't cook or spell for the life of him
has ocean saved in his phone as "the lion, the witch, the audacity of this bitch"
types only in lowercase with no punctuation
does ricky’s french homework
listens to french music and mitski (once ocean walked in on him belting a taylor swift song. that was never spoken about again)
has a crush on mischa. cried when mischa and ricky got together.
he has a boyfriend...! he just... goes to a different school... in a different timezone... in a different country...!
permanent teen angst phase
i see him as a mix of adam stanley and chaz duffy's portrayals
he/him (doesn't mind they though), trans, bi, poly
dating ricky and talia
has invited noel to the polycule before but they prefer to live in tradgedy
adhd, ptsd
once he forgot how to breathe
learnt spanish for ricky and his family
hates duolingo
fluent in multiple types of sign too
when ricky came out as trans (while they were in a relationship with eachother) he posted a video to his youtube talking about trans rights and changed every video with ricky's deadname in it <333
once his "friends" (the people that mischa hangs around with to keep his persona strong but in reality despises them) made fun of ricky, safe to say ricky isn't a very safe candidate to mock for them now
usually types all in uppercase but does relax it sometimes
the human embodiment of a golden retriever around people he likes
listens to maklemore and eminem but is willing to listen to music that talia & ricky like
him, talia and ricky all have promise rings
loves sharks
when talia comes to canada, she agreed to go to a planetarium with ricky and teach him some ukrainian
once he forgot a word in ukrainian and look horrified
i see him as yannick-robin eike mirko's portrayal... like only their portrayal... godamn you, autism (although i do have multiple versions of him in my mind)
he/they/it/xe/nameself prns, trans, boyflux, pansexual, poly
dating mischa and talia
autism, adhd, degenerative disease, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, asthma, maladaptive daydreaming
always looses his inhaler
speaks spanish, german and korean as well as three types of sign (and english ofc)
puerto rican
moved to canada at 14
he’s 16 (technically canon)
his parents are really religious
when he learnt what sex was, zolar became his horny place as well as his escape
emoticon user
once ate a bauble because xey were bored
does noel’s spanish homework
used to unironically watch the emoji movie and liked it...
does write music, prefers to keep it a secret because ocean WILL use his music for choir songs
listens to glam rock in general with a few musicals mixed in there
randomly has allergic reactions
paints his nails
knows everyones secrets :)
writes fanfiction
tries to hum along to the music at rehersal
has his text size at the biggest possible one
has glasses, whenever he adjusts them ocean thinks he's trying to correct her
won't eat the school lunches
constantly sleep deprived
does not know how to kiss
okay i don't want this to entirely be ricky... so lets move on
jane | penny
i see her mainly as em flosi's portrayal
they/it/she, agender, aroace
autism, drdp
carried her doll everywhere
speaks latin
joined choir because her social worker made it
doesn’t really listen to music, but when she does they listens to old music
has their parents old jewlery
spends most of their time in the library
i mainly see her as princess victomé and tiffany polite's portrayal
she/they, demigirl, pansexual, asexual
depression, social anxiety
had a crush on ricky for a while
loves to bake
brings brownies, cookies, cakes etc to choir rehersals
brings extra food for kids that don’t have any
usually runs the café on weekends
her brother is called xavier
okay that’s it. this took me >2 hours to write so erm…
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shimmer-wolf-arts · 10 months
Gonna ramble again bc why not
So we already know Varian is super awkward around new people (especially people his age), and when people catch him off guard, right?
He'd be even worse with physical affection
We've only seen him willingly hug like 3 of the characters in the entire show: his dad, Rapunzel, and Lance. His dad bc, well, that's his dad. Lance bc he LITERALLY SAVED HIM FROM FALLING TO HIS DEATH. And that boy was frazzled AF when Lance caught him. Raps bc she had just saved his dad from literal death.
When Rapunzel hugs him, though? He's always genuinely surprised, confused, or just doesn't react at all.
So imagine him when the person hugging him or showing him affection is a romantic interest or even partner to him. You can bet he's gonna turn into a shy, probably even blushing, mess.
The guy isn't even used to getting hugged all that often, do you think he's gonna keep his composure if someone he's got a crush on shows him affection, and especially something like kissing? Probably not, especially early on in the relationship!
And honestly, the same goes for Hugo. Neither of them are used to physical affection, so when he first starts dating Varian, it's a mess of blushing and stuttering, despite the cool and calm demeanor Hugo tries to put on.
And with Grace a part of the picture, she and Varian are dating for a good two years before Hugo comes into the picture of the polycule. So those two are pretty used to showing each other affection, but ofc still get a little flustered (especially if it's PDA lol). Before that, it's about 6 months before either of them start opening up to him as a friend and start showing him any kind of physical affection like hugging. And even though it's not romantic at the time, Hugo is still very shocked by it, and understandably so. The guy grew up in an orphanage that didn't really nurture him all that much, and after he ran away from there at 14, he was on the streets where nobody would show him physical affection. So the first time Varian even puts his hand on Hugo's shoulder, just as a show of support, it's definitely a shock to Hugo.
Yes this is me rambling about Frozen Alchemy before 7am again, it's fine xD
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quordleona03 · 13 hours
TFW: Oh a new MASH story. Oh this one is about an OFC who joins the 4077th and the writer is going to do an alternate version of the series hoping it will get people interested in MASH! It's her first ever MASH story! Okay, I should not be prejudiced, maybe it's going to be interesting. Click. Read. Note formatting errors in text and utter lack of any novelty.
*mutes author*
I do not think this is how to get people who have never watched a single episode of MASH interested in the series.
If you are interested in writing about MASH 4077th from the POV of a newly-arrived nurse, there are a lot of technically-canon nurses who could be your POV character
Of course, as a matter of canon, these POV characters will mostly be spending their time with the other nurses. They may be having affairs with Klinger, Hawkeye, Trapper, probably not Charles, definitely not Potter, possibly Henry Blake and maybe once but he'll angst about it BJ. If Radar, it depends if you catch him before he regresses. Or even Father Mulcahy, if you can get past the chastity belt he drops only for Hawkeye. But mostly, your new-nurse character is going to be seeing the 4077th from a nurses-eye view - not hanging out in the Swamp and playing poker there.
You might be playing poker in the nurses' tent. Or backgammon. Or Scrabble. Or whist.
That could be fascinating! But to do that, you'd have to really think - what would it be like to be a new nurse at the 4077th. What does the 4077th look like from a nurse's eye view. What do each of the main characters look like to a brand-new nurse. You will not do it if what you want is to write a story about a new nurse who isn't hanging out with the nurses: she's hanging out with the main cast.
Because what makes MASH fascinating is three things intertwined - it's a comedy that makes people laugh: it's a series of bloody tragedies happening in a war zone - and it's about a tangle of people who are involved with each other under dire circumstances and weird situations.
So if you're going to facinate people into watching MASH who never have, you've got to play on at least one of the three with elements of the other two: make them laugh, make them weep, intrigue them with the polycule of relationships.
None of which the muted author has done with this story. There's nothing new here, no interesting nurses-eye POV. it's dull.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
final cress thoughts!!!!
i absolutely inhaled that book holy shit lol. got winter at the bookstore today because shipment just arrived and i gotta say it's HELLA chonky. i am EXCITED. of course fairest will have to come first
since the plan has been explained to us the readers, that means it's DEFO gonna go wrong (note: it did - sybil ambushed them)
god why is cress married to everyone. first thorne now wolf
rolling my eyes sighing bile is rising in my throat. i CANNOT take this alpha nonsense. admittedly when cress says it in a brightest star of a constellation way, that's cute. unfortunately the omegaverse connotations cancels it out completely
OMG CINDER AND KAI FINALLY. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG. rip to everyone that was reading these as they came out because i can't imagine how PAINFUL it would have been to wait two years for them to see each other again as opposed to me just binging the books across like 3 weeks max by the time i finish the series
respect for torin holy shit that must have been SUCH a hard choice for him to make to not only let the prince go but to reveal his tracker chip
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT THE PLAGUE IS BIOWARFARE. i'm a genius. but the mutated strain was just genuinely a coincidence judging by levana's reaction LMAO
was absolutely baffled why tf thorne was kissing cress before i remembered the promise he made. i feel sickly and nauseous. get off that minor rn
as much as i hate thorne. gotta admit that the shooting scene was badass
wonder who the queen is married to
i respect every ounce of rebellion in erland's bones. yeah piss off the queen!!
grossed out by cress and thorne some more. please man keep pushing her away. literally his responsibility as an adult. ew
holy shit scarlet actually lost her finger
it's nice to properly meet winter
something very strange seems to be going on with winter. master and pet lunar stuff?? weird af. wants to be besties?? girl are you even understanding the situation?? also has she never met a ranga before??? is she HIGH????? and what's with the role playing games??? she's somehow more delulu than cress, acts even YOUNGER than her actual age than cress does
winter seems to THINK that she was friends with cinder. interesting. once again i want cinder to get her memories of pre-fire back real bad
winter is a SIMP for jacin
OH I'M SO DUMB HOW DIDN'T I REALISE THAT SHE WOULD BE DELULU BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T USE HER GLAMOUR. respect for winter has increased. this means that ALL the time scarlet spent thinking about how beautiful winter is was the truth LMAO. gay gay homosexual gay. is it too much to hope for a polycule?? they'd literally be like parks and rec. "i'm wolf andthis is my gf scarlet, this is her gf winter, this is winter's bf jaycin".
ofc a lake on the moon is gonna be called artemisia lake LOL. now we've had one moon titan and one moon goddess reference. chang'e when????
NOT FARAFRAH. i bet you all found it downright HILARIOUS when i went on about how much i love farafrah back in one of the other posts
ngl think it's too early for cinder and kai to be eating each other's faces. kai got over his issues REAL fast lol. idk how i feel about it but willing to see where winter takes us
i didn't even think of the implication because i don't consider kai and levana legitimately engaged so i find it HILARIOUS that the silly family tree of kai being engaged to one woman and then making out with her niece. reminds me of ouat
revolutionary cinder ftw
speculation for fairest:
i did the maths and realised that since levana is like 30 and cinder is 16 then she was about 17 years old when she decided that cinder just had to go. I'M 17. cannot imagine killing a 3 year old. cray z. and then she was even YOUNGER than that when she killed her sister for the throne. ALSO insane. that will be one deeply disturbed mind to dive into in fairest
read the blurb and don't exactly have anymore thoughts other than trying to figure out who the in universe equivalent to her REAL husband would be since we're defo getting backstory on that. since she's the evil queen then it must be winter's father "the good king", however because of the blurb i reckon it's some kind of "mirror mirror on the wall" figure. idk what exactly that would entail. some kind of royal adviser???
speculation for winter, because i don't want to forget everything i'm thinking by the time i'm done reading fairest:
mother reveal for cress - i don't remember if any lunar scientists have been mentioned or named yet, but i WILL be keeping an eye out. i suspect someone who has something to do with the wolf soldier hybrids, she might even know wolf. regardless hope the bitch dies
father reveal for cinder
from the way jacin calls garan linh's device an equaliser, it's DEFINITELY gonna be reproduced in this book, ESPECIALLY with winter going all delulu, and the way cinder is concerned about becoming like levana
jacin pov chapters now that miss marissa doesn't have to make his motivations and loyalties ambiguous
ngl i HATE prequels, ESPECIALLY when they're about the villain of the story, and i often skip them. i'm a bit apprehensive about going into fairest, but i want to have the proper reading experience of tlc, and it's important to the story. putting my personal feelings aside and hoping for the best!!
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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sapphicdib · 1 year
r u willing to give us some info abt the streamer au? You’ve mentioned it before but I’m just curious abt it tbh :D
so: what happens when you put the physical manifestation of ADHD into an apartment with 3 different flavors of autism, give her a successful twitch career, and blast all of them with Beam Of Insufferably Horny?
the streamer au LMFAO (putting this under a cut bc it got. INSANELY long omfg)
normally i dont rlly like human aus (they’re just not my thing) but this stupid au wormed it’s way into my heart and now i cherish it lmfao. there’s no real set plot, there’s just Situations these lil guys get into. some are soft and adorable (ie. pebbles’ first kiss with sig) or hilarious (sig’s ridiculous amount of flirting with his own chat) or just fuckin stupid (their halloween stream where they do a whole production where chat has to figure out who “killed” sig and it’s just chaos). tbh ive found myself accidentally focusing on the ragequit aspect of the au despite the entire polycule being a thing (lilypad, sunstone, traffic light, ragequit, and hurricane all happen)
i think the Main Things that sum up the au are:
Sig punched Pebbles’ transphobic (now ex) boyfriend in the face and spent a night in jail bc of it LMFAO
Pebbles and Suns meet after Sig drags Pebbles to a party at the college he attends (and Sig attended for a single semester before the whole streamer thing took off). Suns went to catholic school and is incredibly repressed and hesitant with Pebbles and Sig ends up having to instigate a lot of shit to prevent them from just fuckin. never going past hand holding.
Speaking of, Pebbs is an art major and drew all of Sig’s custom emotes. He also loves drawing everyone in the apartment, though usually keeps those drawings hidden from everyone in his sketchbooks
Wind and Sig being childhood best friends who are each others ride or die, they were each others first like, everything. The funniest one being where Wind is having a crisis bc he thinks he might be gay and Sig is just like “hm well I’m kinda a guy maybe kiss me and see if you like it?” And well. Wind has been kissing this fool for 7 years now and does not plan on stopping.
Moon is usually a moderator but does make appearances occasionally and chat loves her. Suns will not go on camera without a face mask. Pebbles was originally camerashy but ends up being in pretty much every stream after a while.
Sig refuses to tell chat his gender and thinks it’s funny watching everyone guess. If you ask/ask for pronouns he just replies with “whatever’s funniest” or “whatever makes this gay”, or if someone’s being rude about it, “whatever pisses you off most”
Sig is like. Insanely good at FPS games and holds multiple top rankings in competitive esports. Yui (Unparalleled Innocence) is one of her main rivals. It’s cute tho. They’re like. rivals who kiss.
Pebbles is Moon’s adopted brother, and has some pretty bad weakness in his hands/legs bc he had cancer as a child. They all support him a lot (Pebbles is rlly stubborn about “being okay”) and Sig does a lot of charity streams for things like forgiving medical debt and cancer research. Sig and Moon bought a huge thing of stickers to help decorate Pebbles’ crutches so he’d like them more.
Pebbles’ name is Pebbles because Moon came up with it as a nickname when they were kids, and when Pebbles came out he chose that as his name. Moon cried about it. Also I just like the whole “transmasc w a silly name” thing bc I feel like it fits him.
Sig helps Pebbles dye his hair (emo mf) but requires that if he helps she gets to put streaks of color in his bangs. It’s usually pink but sometimes she chooses a different color. Sig has the underside of his hair dyed purple. Pebbles’ natural hair color is a pretty light brown.
They all have their cats ofc!! Messenger, Hunter, Arti, and Ruffles!! They were all either strays they found or adopted from a shelter.
That’s all I can think of rn! I wanna draw their designs eventually (and I have but I don’t rlly like them anymore bc OUGHHH I haven’t drawn people in for-goddamn-ever) but yeah!! Damn this got long LMFAO
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superbatson · 2 years
i saw fotg today and bc i'm still not of sound mind to write a proper review (for here or letterboxd), i'm gonna just do a dump of all my spoilery thoughts featuring stuff i loved about the movie:
the new theme is incredible and epic i love you mr. christophe beck i'm gonna make you one of my top spotify artists this year for sure. (for reference: the previous score composer made my top 5 artists back in 2019 bc of how often i streamed the first movie's score.)
FREDDY AND ANTHEA WERE SO CUTE! obviously i'm ride or die for freebat but like freddy has two hands so he can date anthea too. honestly i'm team anthea/freddy/billy/courtney polycule. make it canon!
DARLA AND THE KITTIES! SHE NAMED ONE OF THEM TAWNY!!! so basically cat tawny, as my freebat server invented, is now movie canon. boom. (no really i screamed, i hope somehow that kitten becomes actual tawny in the movies. we really need to see tawny someday)
freddy calling billy "captain everything jr" was so fucking funny to me. like ofc freddy would act all cocky as a hero and the boys would still argue over who's the sidekick. i love it so much
GAY PEDRO REAL! WE DID IT Y'ALL!!! that scene got such a good laugh in my theater, it made me so happy. and i love that jovan got to be the one to say it too rather than dj. 'cause i know internet gays go all gaga for dj but coming out can be such a sweet, pure thing sometimes so jovan really deserved to have that moment and i'm glad he did. (and now seeing the movie, i have more respect for the tie-in comics, since pedro's was all about him being into baseball. i get why now hehe)
also i know i'm jumping ahead here but AY WE GOT AN ELVIS REFERENCE! sure, it was just the end credit song, but hey, i'll take it. it's something. and it was the junkie xl edit of the song too, so naturally, i loved it even more.
speaking of, the movie had a decent amount of bvs parallels! well, more than one, at least. everyone's harped on the final battle with billy basically sacrificing himself just like clark did in bvs (i hope to see those parallel gifsets in the future!), but i also noticed some bvs nods during billy's fight with hespera. when she dragged him by the cape and lifted him over her head to slam him onto the ground... i swear that was just like the bathroom fight with bruce and clark. at least the cape drag. i'd have to go back and watch both movies to see exactly what shots are parallel to each other, but, yeah. sandberg's movies still feel like love letters to zack's and i adore that.
WAS ANYONE GONNA WARN ME THAT IT'S ASHER'S FACE WE SEE WHEN BILLY DIES???? i mean, i didn't want the spoiler anyway but oh my god, i was not emotionally prepared. oh god. i'm still thinking about it. and freddy's sobbing. god. speaking of bvs parallels--
that scene is gonna haunt me for the rest of my days. i'm gonna write and read so many fics about it. ahhhhhhhh
yeah the movie did have a good amount of freebat bless you sandberg & gayden (and now jack and asher are adults so i can justifiably enjoy the freebat-ness of jack & zach scenes here too. suck it, antis!)
but also the movie did have a severe lack of asher and that made me kinda sad. there's a shot from the tv spots he's in that i do Not recall seeing in the movie at all. (though i did run to the bathroom just before the final battle so maybe i missed it somehow? but i doubt it bc his outfit was from an earlier part of the film) but also i kinda wish it was asher who came out of the grave instead of zach. like in the context of the movie, i understand why it was zach, bc diana gave him his powers back, but they buried regular billy so i wish he was the one to emerge from the grave. but whatever, i'm just picky.
asher did kinda out-act zach in all his scenes, though. this boy needs to get more work PRONTO! (he only has one other project coming out this year, i think. some small true story movie. put him in more blockbusters! disney, get him for your tangled remake! just something, please!!!)
the diana cameo was actually amazing and anyone saying bad things about it needs to shut the fuck up. it was great and yeah billy had a crush on her but he's established to be crushing on her in the first film too, it's literally nothing new.
"taste the rainbow, motherfu--!" one of the best lines in the movie, hands down. skittles has the only valid in-movie marketing. i know the line kinda got spoiled in tv spots but it was still so funny in context.
also darla sorting out all the yellow skittles for hespera was so cute and i was kinda thinking autie vibes before she explained her reasoning for it. the whole shazamily is neurodivergent and i will die on that hill.
yeah that's all i can think of for now i really loved the movie, i also kinda wanted more from it but probably bc i felt like we didn't see enough of the family together. but that can be resolved in a third film, of course. (if we ever get one. i know the opening box office is disappointing but maybe the film can still turn a profit. the budget's basically the same as the first film so it only has to make like $300 mil again for wb to make their money back. and it could blow up on streaming afterwards. you never know. i just hope wb is patient and takes their time before deciding on the future of shazam, if this cast is truly out for the reboot.)
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cheemken · 1 year
since you love the platonic pairs so much any other platonic pairs in pokemon that you have?
Anon you are so dope for sending this ask I hope masarap ulam mo ngayon uvu
Anyways ouo
I'd say the Kanto trio and the Johto trio but like I also wanna say they're also a polycule and Silver and Green are fighting on who has the better polycule, Red and Gold are placing bets, Blue is filming the entire battle, Kris just gave up halfway through and is honestly just hoping Silver somehow leaves unscathed
Hoenn kids on the other hand?? Fighting the Unova kids on the best friend group. Like the Hoenn kids there's Brendan and May and Wally and Lisia and these four have one working braincell and for some reason it's Brendan who's the one holding it. May has the most issues and she wants to spite her father so ofc Lisia, being the lil shit that she is, was the one who told her to beat the Frontier Brains and rub it in her father's face she's better. Wally is honestly just so supportive of everyone and Lisia got so attached to him and got so happy when she saw Wally also had an Altaria. Brendan is the one keeping them all together, he can't leave the other three for more than a minute bc the next thing he knows they're off to fight god
Hoenn kids basically just
Brendan, seeing a bunch of people doing smth stupid: hah, what idiots
Brendan, squinting and seeing May, Lisia, and Wally: wait shit those are my idiots!
Sinnoh trio also great friends, they're all close w each other and I know for a fact Dawn and Barry would visit Lucas in Sandgem to distract him from his work. Like Barry looks at Dawn when he's bored and goes "hey wanna piss off old man Rowan by taking Lucas away from that boring old lab?"
And Dawn, who has nothing better to do, just goes "bet."
Lucas keeps them in check. Well. Tries to. It's hard keeping the other two in check bc they see anyone looking at them and it's just "HEY YOU! LETS BATTLE!" Ofc, Dawn is more,, well, more calm, but Lucas knows that she's as bloodthirsty as Barry when it comes to battles, she's just really good at hiding it. Lucas isn't a good battler, he admits that and he doesn't really mind, as his field of work doesn't really require him to battle, but Dawn and Barry were insistent that he should at least have six pkmn w him. Lucas said it was alright, but still yknow, that made Dawn and Barry a bit protective towards him
We all know abt my Unova kids hcs so hey, let's just go to the Aspertia kids hahah idk what to call their friend group so like,, Unova kids 2, yeah. So Unova kids 2 there's Nate, Hugh, Rosa, and Roxie. Look, listen, listen, they're as tight knit as the Unova kids okay, they're like the epitome of a great and healthy friend group too, they love each other so much, Nate honestly needs a break every one in his friend circle is thirsty for a battle pls someone give this boii a relaxing vacation in Undella. Hugh and Rosa would battle each other everytime they see each other to see who's the strongest now, it always ends up tied. Roxie would join in on those battles and it'd end up as double battles w Hugh and Rosa on opposing sides.
Your honour pls they're also soft w each other okay, like Nate, Hugh, and Rosa would always be at the front row of Roxie's concerts, they cheer so loud for her that it's on par w how loud her music is. She gives them her albums for free too, ofc she does, and they love her music so much. Also pls the four of them in the Battle Subway, having lil challenges on who can get to the Subway Bosses first
W the Kalos kids, ngl I honestly don't see them as that,, that close idk hahah like yeah they're friends yknow but like, not as close as the ones previously mentioned. I hc for Calem to always fly solo, and like, his friends are cool yknow, but he's just not as attached to them nor does he hang out w them that much. I do wanna say he's close to Serena just a bit, and she's probs the only one who knows why he doesn't hang out w them much, and hey she doesn't really fault him for it, she understand, that's just how Calem is
The more I think abt it May and Calem are kinda similar in my hcs, cause they're both from different regions that just moved in to Hoenn/Kalos, but like the difference is May actually managed to make friends and has her own friend circle she can trust, whereas Calem only had the surface level of friendship w the Kalos kids, as they already know each other that well and it feels like he's missing a lot of things abt them that at this point he couldn't be bothered to know
Alola has a lot of kids man and they're all pretty fuckin close and like, man, Kukui needs a goddamn break these kids take years off his life hahaha like he's a chill prof yknow, he's cool, but also, those are his kids at this point and they don't have one working braincell between and he honestly thought that at least Gladion or Lillie would hold the braincell but nah they get pulled in on their friends' antics that Kukui really has to keep an eye on them. He tasked the Trial Captains to at least keep watch but let's be real only Kiawe reports back to Kukui, most of the time, some times he'd be dragged to their hijinks too and as much as he denies it, it's fun not being stressed over his duties as Trial Captain
Small quick edit: not me being an idiot and accidentally posting this💀
Anyways omf Galar kids hcmdnd
Right okay so, in my hcs Victor is like, Gloria's older brother by at least two or three years so he went on a journey before her. So that left Gloria w Hop and look, listen, these two bond over the fact that their parents probs like their older brothers more. I mean ofc, Hop's brother is the champion, undefeated in Galar since he was ten, and Victor was one of the few to actually go through the Isle of Armour and get himself an Urshifu, and he may not be champion but w his strength he might as well be one. And the two bonded over that, that they always had smth to prove to everyone else, that they're as great as their bros, and the way they bond is basically just them trauma dumping on each other. But yknow, as they went on their journey, they became even closer and didn't let their insecurities get the better of them, and they end up just encouraging each other to do their best. Your honour pls these two are also really soft like Gloria would drop kick anyone insulting Hop. Bede probs insulted Hop once and while Gloria knows Hop is capable of defending himself, no one fucking calls her bestie weak. Their dynamic is really just Gloria going "hey bitch, he asked for no pickles"
Paldea kids well they already are a great friend group in canon so hey, not much to say, they're like the Unova kids ig hahaha
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intimesnewhomo · 1 year
🌤️🌀☔ :3c tell me bout ur writes
Ofc u would choose the ones that make me think the hardest lol. Gonna bap these bad boys behind a readmore bc there is. A Lot™
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
(Sorry this is gonna be a lil long sbsbsbdbd but I rly like this exchange between Cyrus and Aym I would have added more but this is long enough so shout out to Aym calling Dara a weed-powered fog machine just a lil bit before this)
"So, what's your deal then?" he asked, changing the subject.
"My deal?"
"Yeah. Like, I'm a werewolf now, I guess, and Aylwin's a vampire, and Keren's a fucking god. I know Dara said something about you having horns." He laughed. "What are you, a minotaur?"
"A demon, actually," Aym replied, turning his gaze back onto Cyrus.
He felt his heart squeeze a little and his breath come up short. For a moment his vision blurred, though the image of Aym's face was burnt into his mind. That image flickered, and then changed. His eyes were solid black, edge-to-edge, and two long, goatlike horns twisted upward from his forehead. As Cyrus watched, Aym's mouth cracked into a long, nasty grin full of sharp fangs and in the middle of his forehead the skin blistered, then split, revealing a third, jet black eye.
Then it was gone, and Cyrus' vision cleared. Aym was watching him intently, brow furrowed, though Cyrus throught he saw the corner of his mouth quirked up ever so slightly in a smug little smirk.
"Are you all right?" Aym asked, leaning forward a little.
Cyrus unconsciously leaned away from him, rubbing his face. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just got a little dizzy there for a moment is all."
Aym was quiet a moment, then: "I'm not evil, you know. The world at large exists outside of humanity's morality." He sniffed a little, brushing more invisible lint off his shirt. "You mortals can't even decide amongst yourselves what constitutes good and evil, why should the rest of us follow suit? A lion preying on a gazelle isn't evil, nor is she good. She is simply following her nature."
A little shiver ran up Cyrus' spine. It was all too easy to imagine Aym as a lion, stalking him through the grass, ready to pounce when the moment was right. That image of Aym flashed in his mind again, all black eyes and sharp teeth, and another shudder ran through him. He wrapped his arms around himself and looked at the floor, the dark tv, out the window, anywhere that wasn't Aym's dark gaze.
"And what is a demon's nature, then?" he asked shakily.
There was a hint of glee in Aym's voice that Cyrus had literally never heard before and it made his uneasiness worse. His skin prickled and tingled, and he stared out the window, his brain somehow convinced that as soon as he looked back at Aym he'd be that demonic vision from his mind's eye.
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
I'll give you the Abominations summary since that's my Big Project and what the snippets I'm sharing are from. The overarching plotline is just. The trials and tribulations of a polycule of gay ass supernatural creechurs and their close friends and family (honestly more or less one giant polycule surrounding and branching off of the core five. These mfs are just. Fucking sm). The first book, the one I'm working on rn (tentatively titled Rebirth) deals with Cyrus joining the family and coming to terms with his new life as a werewolf. He's a college student who gets attacked at a party and almost killed, and now he has to deal with his new werewolf status, the supernatural world, and figuring out his place in the family and the growing pains for all of them that come along with it. And if all that isn't enough, the asshole bastard man who attacked him comes sniffing around causing just, so many problems tbh, not only for Cyrus and the fam but for himself and his little pack. (And his presence is going to bring More Trouble down the line but. Shhhh >:3) I'm aiming for very. Urban fantasy with splashes of very very Queer™ romance. (Genuinely I don't think we have a single heterosexual in the cast even the minor character couple who are "str8" married are actually bi4bi so. The only characters who I could say For Sure are straight are. Future antagonists, that I would genuinely almost classify as actual villains lmao)
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Godddddd probably my Adieu fic 😩 I want to write it sm but I don't know if I'll ever get around to it bc I have too many original fics I want to focus on more. I know I've already given you a big ole rundown of it but mostly it would consist of the Rammlads being an elite assassin squad for The Church™ and Till getting captured and slowly regaining lost memories and uncovering the dark secrets abt their existence, namely them being clones of the first resistance group that rose up against The Church™ and that keep getting replaced and given the same (at least half fabricated) memories any time they get killed or injured beyond saving. Till would help the other lads recover their memories and then it would kind of. Segue into the video, with them going into church headquarters and blowing everything up to end the cycle and hopefully deal a debilitating blow to The Church™ itself.
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healerelowen · 2 years
Aaaa your event ideas are so creative! Could you please do Polyamourus Poppy Seeds and Bigender Barberry with the Chaoscule? 👉👈 Only if you have the time ofc ^^
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Hello! Thank you both for your requests! I’m happy to do The Chaoscule for this event, it seems fun! Luke might be added later, but as of right now, I’ll just stick to the original four. I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your day/night!
Polyamorus Poppy Seeds-When did they realize that they fell for their S/O?
The Chaoscule
It was more like they each fell, one by one. 
Leshy fell first. Since he was the first one you met, you both had spent more time together which caused him to fall for you pretty quickly. 
Grimora was the next to fall for you. With her friendly nature, it also didn’t take long for her to fall for you. 
When Leshy, Grimora, and you all discussed this, you were like “...Poly?” and they both agreed. 
That decision actually helped Grimora and Leshy to both mend their broken relationship. With some additional help from you, of course.
Next was Magnificus. I feel like the three never really isolated themselves away from each other and still maintained some form of friendship with each other. I think Magnificus would see the three of you and feel envy over the past relationship, and wants to try again, hoping maybe things would be different. But he’s too stubborn to admit that he wishes for a reincarnation of old times. 
When you notice that he’s been acting off, you ask him about it. Magnificus didn’t see the point in arguing with you, so he admitted that he was feeling envious. 
You offered to let him join the polycule that consisted of you, Leshy and Grimora (With your other lover’s permission of course). Magnificus agreed and now was a part of the polycule. 
They all caught up on each other since they had been busy ever since they were freed from being cards. And he also got the relationship mending therapy treatment. 
Lastly was P03. Since he had isolated itself away from the other three Scrybes, it was much harder to rebuild that relationship. 
He had a lot of trust issues with them due to the past and some other recent events.  Therefore he didn’t see the point in trying to find a way to fix the already broken relationship. He didn’t trust them enough to do so. 
That’s where you came in! P03 hadn’t been insulting the other Scrybes as much as it used to. Reason being was because he didn’t want to insult your lovers, that’s kind of below the belt, even for it. 
Don’t get him wrong, it hates them with a passion. But when their lover is right in front of him? Yeah, that’s not the best idea. 
With this lessening of insults, comes his hatred for them lowering, and slowly and very steadily its hatred soothes until there’s very little of it. 
During that time, you had been trying to become on more friendly terms with P03. While it was certainly a challenge, you succeeded in that goal and managed to befriend the bot as it became less hostile towards the other Scrybes.  
Eventually, this led to P03 being absorbed right into the polycule. He also got the mending relationship therapy treatment.
All in all, they’re all just happy that everything has finally worked out and it’s all thanks to their favorite challenger. 
Bigender Barberry-How would they like to be comforted after a bad or stressful day?
The Chaoscule
Leshy would like to be comforted by just being allowed to vent to his lovers and then having a giant cuddle pile afterwards. 
Comfort food. Grimora makes it, I could totally buy her being the chef of the polycule. 
Instead of him telling stories, you all will take turns sharing stories for Leshy and the others to listen to and enjoy while eating snacks. 
Just some comforting quality time with his loves.
Grimora would like to be comforted with some affectionate silence.
To elaborate, Grimora prefers being left alone with little gifts from her lovers as well as small forms of physical affection such as a peck on the cheek or forehead while she continues her work. 
 Afterwards, she’ll just enjoy some quality time with her darlings, because knowing they’re okay makes her feel happy and relaxed.
P03 would like to be comforted with verbal and physical comfort. 
He would probably vent about its frustration, and some validation and verbal comfort is just what the bot needs. 
Also some little pecks on his display and cuddles will always make it feel better. 
P03 will always be glad that he has four amazing lovers that will always be by its side, no matter what. 
Magnificus would like to be comforted with silent physical affection and acts of service. 
Helping Mags with anything that he may need help with is a very major breath of fresh air for Magnificus. 
Since in a previous post I had made, I made a headcanon that Magnificus’s favorite form of affection is acts of service, so that only amplifies the effect. 
Afterwards, just his lovers silently cuddling up against him is enough to help Magnificus destress. 
Very fluffy and sweet all around. 
Have a safe and happy Pride Month loves!       
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OKAY so last night i said something in tags about “ask me about my thoughts on atla post-canon polyamory” 99% because I had typed a bunch of shit in the tags and then accidentally CLOSED THE TAB thus losing said tags, so that was a bummer, BUT like 3 different people reached out wanting to hear about it so HERE GOES. (thanks to @taibhsearachd for rambling this out with me last night)
SO. this started bc we got somehow on the topic of how much we really disliked the whole Aang/Katara kiss at the end of the show.  Not because we’re against them kissing (Aang had to already have turned 13 by then, an innocent kiss is perfectly reasonable for a 13yo in my opinion), but because the placement of the kiss made it so... CENTRAL. We were talking about how we would’ve liked the kiss to have been earlier, preferably before the big finale, and then like... they still could’ve had a soft romantic moment on the balcony but it could’ve been like.  Hand holding or sitting together with Katara’s head on his shoulder.
And Birdie mentioned she’d always liked Zutara back in Ye Olde Tymes because the whole “Aang and Katara get together when they’re barely 13 and 15″ thing just seemed... really untenable if we’re going with endgame, AND it made a lot of sense to get Katara and Zuko together politically, especially since there’s nooooo princess up north anymore since she turned into the moon and all. But the resurgence of the fandom (thank you for once Netflix!) has opened our eyes to ZUKO AND SOKKA and that’s fuckin amazing but now we’re back to square one in re: Aang and Katara. But then I realized that we can fix all of this with a) allowing for healthy breakups of relationships that don’t work yet but might work when the people involved have grown/processed things, and b) extensive polyamory.
And so here’s my thought:
Aang and Katara break up for a while probably not long after the end of book 3.  They’re fucking kids, they’re traumatized kids no less, and they both have a lot of shit they need to deal with both personally and in the world that isn’t really conducive to “baby’s first serious relationship”.  They’re still friends, they view it as “well... let’s maybe try again in a few years if we’re both still interested”.  All their friends are aware of this and supportive and in the end it’s healthy for both of them bc their traumas and coping mechanisms didn’t always play nice with each other even BEFORE all the fallout from the finale and having to take on more responsibility in the world and such.
Zuko properly gets with Sokka and Suki during this time, though there’s no talk of like. Marriage or anything. Yes, Sokka’s politically got the same sort of appeal as Katara, but the thing about politically advantageous marriages at that level is there’s sort of the assumption that you’ll be, y’know, having heirs, so Sokka’s not really cut out for that and Suki flat out refused to be official Fire Lady or whatever.
So once Katara and Aang are older, like Aang’s 17 and Katara’s 19 and Zuko’s sitting over here at 21, and his advisors are all “ok but seriously Fire Lord Zuko, we really should look into at least a BETROTHAL of some sort” and he just sighs, and they’re bringing up all these Fire Nation ladies and he’s like “no it’s gotta be more diplomatic than that, she shouldn’t be Fire Nation” and so one of them’s like “well, uh, that water tribe lady you’re friends with, she’s set to be a pretty strong leader as she gets older, that would be a good way to do it.  Or that blind Earth Kingdom--” “NOT TOPH.” “ok but seriously, tho, think about it your majesty”
So Zuko’s torn because he really does like Katara, and she’d be an amazing Fire Lady in addition to being an amazing... whatever her title would be down in the Southern Water Tribe (I definitely picture her and Sokka basically being the leaders of the pan-tribal council - he handles military and adjacent stuff and she handles the rest).  But Katara’s with Aang again FINALLY not that they’ve made a big deal of it outside their friends.  BUT he knows that y’know... people can be with more than one person.  Hell, look at him and Sokka and Suki, right?
So he goes to talk to Aang like “I want to make sure I run this past you so she doesn’t have to try and do it, because I’m the one even bringing it up, and it’s obviously up to her, BUT here’s the sitch”.
And see, the thing about the Air Nomads is it really doesn’t make sense to me that they’d have the same kind of ideas about like.  Monogamy and parenthood and relationships as other nations, ‘cause like.... the kids are clearly raised communally.  Like, I vote ‘you probably know who your parents are but really all the adults are your parents, maybe you get an extra cake from them on your birthday but that’s about it’ for the most part. And y’know being with who you want to be with sort of thing. Sure you’ll have people you might be more committed to, but by and large the general consensus is “love who you love, whoever and however many people that is!”
So Zuko’s all prepared to angst for even ASKING if Aang would mind playing technical second fiddle in an heir-producing/marriage/inheritance/etc sense to HIM, ugh what if Aang hates him for even thinking it? and Aang’s just like “oh yeah that’s cool dude, if she’s down go for it! You wanna talk to her together? I don’t mind being there to reassure her it’s ok, and that you weren’t asking me permission to ask her so much as you were making sure it wouldn’t upset me if you did, and all that” and Zuko’s like “...what. I.  Ok sure?”
And Katara does like Zuko, she just y’know, also liked Aang and didn’t want to GIVE UP Aang, but Zuko’s like “it’ll be good for our people, and I’d never make you stay in the fire nation full time you have your own responsibilities and also you don’t have to stop being with Aang or even like hide it or anything, it’s not like people don’t know I’m with Sokka and stuff, it’s just, y’know, OFFICIAL HEIRS and stuff” and so she’s like “Oh!  Oh, yeah, that’s good, we can have a couple kids and stuff”
But ofc they end up a lot closer than “just a couple kids” but it’s sweet!  She has kids with Zuko and kids with Aang and really as long as one of them turns out a firebender (can the avatar have a kid of any bending type? NO ONE KNOWS but Zuko’s advisors are prepared to accept it at this point) so long as they end up with A VIABLE HEIR that Zuko will claim etc etc.
And of course Zuko and Sokka and Suki have a couple kids whose parentage is uncertain not that they really CARE, and Suki and Aang aren’t really into each other romantically but when they’re a bit older they discuss it and decide to have a kid just so they can have a shot at a potential airbender baby, because heck yeah rebuilding the airbenders, might as well get some extra genetics up in this ish.
And these kids are all largely raised together in this big pack of like 10 kids of varying ages who move between 2 or 3 different homes, and Zuko rules the Fire Nation and Sokka and Katara lead the southern water tribes, and Aang does his Avatar thing, and they all spend as much time together as possible with the kids and Suki and some of her girls from Kyoshi Island are the main people ALWAYS THERE for the kids.
And there’s at least one kind of each bender in the group (bc you can’t tell me it’s 100% you have to have a bending parent, considering neither Katara’s mother or father were benders, so one of Suki’s kids is DEFFO an earthbender) and they’re a chaotic bunch and sometimes the Gaang forgets which one of them provided the genetics for which kid but really it doesn’t matter bc they’re ALL the kids’s parents, and all the kids are ALL their kids, and it’s a big happy messy disaster of a polycule that the Fire Nation nobility and advisors despair over, but they can’t deny that it seems to be working out pretty well and that the Fire Lord is good at his job and pretty damn happy, so they don’t bitch too much about it.
...Also at some point Sokka and Toph discuss dating and end up sort of doing it for a while but then going back to being friends, but she does ABSOLUTELY get him to father one of her kids, which she then declares firmly she made out of a rock and bended to life, and most people are preeeeetty sure she’s full of shit but can’t fully discount the possibility and only the Gaang knows the truth.
so yeah that’s my avatar polyamory thoughts, it is not canon-compliant with legend of korra but who cares this is my imagination and headcanon and LoK doesn’t play into it at all. *nod*
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Polycule ask: who gives who flowers? Besides Mel ofc giving their partners really lovely and meaningful ones. I’m mostly saying this bc I adore the idea of Maia’s partners just... showering her in beautiful and lively things. Also because I feel in my heart of hearts that Simon’s train of thought about Raphael is: hm. He’s old fashioned and likes nice things, but I wouldn’t know what to buy him. I want to court him (someone, mb Izzy or Maia: court?? Why are you talking like that)... flowers! :)
POLYCULE ASK! POLYCULE ASK! POLYCULE ASK! god i’ve missed those!! it’s been a while aaaaaaaaa and i lOVE this one im so excited!!! YES!!
ok so first of all yes meliorn like u said always gives them flowers, and they always get meliorn flowers as well because they know this means a lot in seelie culture so it’s always a nice gife/expression of love for her :)
i also have the headcanon that meliorn gets some flowers for taki’s, which idk if counts as Giving Her Partners Flowers, but i think it’s a cute touch that helps her be a part of taki’s considering she’s less in their realm than the others and doesn’t visit as much. also, she gets the most beautiful, sunny, wonderful flowers for them and they always fit the ambiance so well and it’s really nice :) they aso always have faint but good smells that both maia and raphael can appreciate and that won’t get in the way of their sensory issues and that are also allergy-proof because MAGIC okay. like it’s just :’) wonderful
and you are CORRECT, all the flowers for maia!!! i have particularly soft images of izzy getting maia flowers kind of awkwardly because this is not something she’s really done before except for meliorn, which was easier because she knows seelie flower language so all she had to do was put together a meaning and BAM! done. but for maia she has to make a Pretty Arrangement without having a sorta... meaning chart to go by or something, so that feels weirder somehow?? and she’s kind of lost and probably gets to maia’s all sheepish in a way that’s very uncharacteristic of her with roses and shit (she went to alec for help because they are that kind of siblings and alec is a traditional man so roses it was. also she will be teased FOREVER because of that, which is only fair considering how much she got on his ass). the bouquet is probably too big and maia laughs when she sees it but izzy has that huge smile and looks at her with those big imploring eyes of her like “do you like it?” tilting her head you know, and maia smiles and is like “yeah, i like it, you nerd” and izzy absolutely beams at her
but also!!!!!! simon!!!!!!! and i’ll get to simon getting raphael flowers in a second because boy i do love that image but SIMON GETTING MAIA FLOWERS okay. it’s probably a spur of the moment thing like he went past a flower shop and saw something pretty (im picturing yellow flowers just because...... maia in yellow.... the way it would POP on her and she would look so amazing and gorgeous and lively and just PERFECT ugh) and bought it on impulse so now he’s seeing her in their date that was probably like a movie date or something, you know, definitely not customary to bring flowers to those, and maia laughs and is like “what is this? we came here to watch the new star wars” and he’s like “yeah i know but i saw those on the way and just... thought of you” and she smiles and says “that’s pretty cute” and they kiss and it’s SOFT
also picturing he takes it to her at taki’s or something and raphael teases him like “what, none for me?” and he gets all flustered you know like “sorry i just uh i just saw those and i thought of maia, you know, because yellow suits her so well, and i didn’t think that uh, i didn’t stop to look at others for you, but i probably should have-” and raphael laughs like “simon, relax, you can save the flowers for another time” and simon is like “so you do want flowers! okay good!” and maia just giggles as she places her flowers somewhere safe at their anticts. GOD I LOVE SAIAPHAEL SO MUCH IT’S UNREAL
and of course raphael!!! raphael gets them all flowers. he is that guy. absolutely. he likes to Court. personalized bouquet arrangements he puts a lot of thought into, honestly. i mean of course with meliorn there’s flower language for even for maia and simon he just... he likes to pick something that he thinks suits/represents them even if he’s just going by Vibe. he is that guy who gets them flowers and gets behind them and shows them the petals and shit and like
for maia i’m picturing daylilies so he’s just... he gets behind her and she’s already touching the petals delicately kind of in awe because daylilies are pretty and he’s like “see this? they are fiery. vibrant. intense, but delicate. like you” and she smiles and he goes, “but you know what i like the most about daylilies? they attract butterflies.” and he pauses as she turns around to look at him, surprised, and he smiles at her before taking a breath and going, “you see, daylilies, they are beautiful, and they spread that beauty around. they grow together, and they help all the other flowers around them. they build a family. they care for others. just like you do. everywhere you go, you make things better, and maybe you don’t even realize it” because LOOK im a sap and hes a sap and maia has seen herself as lonely most of her life but the way she cares for her pack and everyone she sees who’s struggling is fierce and beautiful and i just!! it really suits her!! and maia is speechless and she ends up kind of nuzzling his neck and giving him a little kiss on the cheek and he’s like “i take it you like it” and she goes “of course i liked it” and aaa
and for simon... i picture sunflowers. idk i just think simon is a sunflower kinda guy. also you know haha daylighter and shit. but really tho it’s an intense attention-calling sort of flower without meaning to, but it’s also beautiful and vibrant and livens up the place, and it also has a delicate, kind of lonely side? like idk you don’t see sunflower bouquets a lot, usually it’s a single sunflower. and the literal Dark Part you know the black part in the centre that’s swallowed up by the vibrant yellow and that people tend to ignore but that’s also there? not in the sense that simon has a Dark Side, but he hides his sorrows and there’s so much more depth to him. i also like to picture he says something like... “you know, the sunflower turns during the day, trying to always keep close to the sun. but i don’t think it realizes that it has so much beauty of its own” and simon is so very pleased and a little speechless and raphael smiles at him and teases him all like “oh, so now you have nothing to say?”
but he gets his revenge when HE gets RAPHAEL flowers cuz no i didn’t forget!! and i know i wrote that paragraph but i like to think that the first time simon got raphael flowers, that had never been mentioned before and it was a complete surprise. that time was afterwards and he was just teasing him (and maybe fishing to get more flowers because look he’s only human). but the FIRST time they weren’t dating but they were.... getting there and simon was like “HOW can i woo raphael” and everyone else is like “stop saying woo for starters” and simon is like “whatever meliorn how did you woo raphael” and meliorn tells him about the whole flower language thing and how he used that to ask raphael out and simon is like FLOWERS! GREAT! and essentially runs off to get raphael some
so next time him and raphael have a not-date simon shows up with this probably massive and very extra bouquet with many many kinds of flowers and raphael’s eyes widen absurdly and he’s like “simon, what is this?” and simon’s all like “flowers! i didn’t know which flowers you liked, so i just got a bunch, i guess.” and he starts rambling about all the kinds of flowers that he got and their names and why he thought they might like it and is all like “but then i thought, maybe he’d be more into something smaller, so i figured i’d also get-” and raphael interrupts him all like “simon. what is this?” and simon stops for a second like he’s almost panicking and raphael softens all like “i like them all. i just want to understand” and he’s softly touching the petals because this is only the second time in his life that someone got him flowers and for meliorn it had slightly different connotations as it was a cultural thing - not that it’s less special or meaningful, just like, different - and he has this little bashful smile and he’s so pleased and simon kind of goes “i wanted to ask you to go out with me” y’know and it’s SWEET okay aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i can’t BELIEVE i’m saphael trash
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bejeweledbuckley · 4 years
I'll gladly help you procrastinate! For the character ask, Ayda Aguefort, Pete the Plug, and First of her Name, Sovereign Ruler of Candia and the Sugarlands, Witch-Queen of the Dairy Sea, High Priestess of the Sweetening Path, Archmage of Lost Sucrosia, Enemy of the Faith, The Sundae Sorceress, Storm-Captain of the Frosted Fleet, Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip.
oh gosh this got LONG kldsaljda ty for the ask friend! sorry for the weird formatting i had to copy it from the notes app because i didn’t trust tumblr not to randomly delete it while i was typing
Why I like them- goodness gracious why do I love Ayda? Best best best girl. She wants friends desperately but she has a hard time but she doesn’t try to change herself to do it? And she is just,, so brilliant and Wonderfull and she makes me very emotional. Fun fact, there’s a video on YouTube that’s just all of her appearances, and I started watching that when I couldn’t get access to dropout because I was so intrigued about what I saw on Tumblr! And she’s like 60% of the reason I got dropout
* Why I don’t- BEST GIRL.
* Favorite episode (scene if movie)- I mean the figayda first kiss and everything that preceded it was GOLD. Also the scene where adaine asks if she wants to hold boggy. What an angel.
* Favorite season/movie- sophomore year obviously! Can’t wait for more content with her as time goes on!
* Favorite line- “NOOO IT’S TOO CUTE!” And “if i was you, i wouldn’t want to be anyone else” “I too am a low quality child”
* Favorite outfit- the sweater she’s wearing in the full version of my icon because its says “reading is lit” and I love the pun sm! you know one of the bad kids would get it for her! https://rabdoidal.tumblr.com/post/190876580075/baby-youre-hands-down-the-best-thing-about-me-and
* OTP- Fig!! They’re such a good balance for each other! Fig is always trying to be other people, but around Ayda she’s growing into herself more! And Ayda learning from fig too, getting out of her comfort zone and GAH I LOVE THEM. IN THE WORDS OF LOU WILSON I BLESS THIS UNION
* Brotp- Adaine! Gorgug! And Cheese of course!
* Head Canon- I have no idea how junior year is gonna go, but I can see her spending time at Aguefort trying to talk more with her dad and see her friends since she doesn’t really know anyone else in Elmville? And she will slowly and accidentally take over their school library and anyone taking wizard classes will totally come to her for advice! Let Ayda have all the friends okay.
* Unpopular opinion- I talked about this in a different ask but her cameo in pirol felt just a bit out of place? Like if I hadn’t seen fhsy it would’ve really thrown me off and it kinda messed with the standalone nature of the season. That being said I LOVED that scene!! i want more of her and cheese being friends!
* A wish- idc how unrealistic it may be, fig and ayda will be high school sweethearts dang it! I think they’ll have their struggles for sure, but that’s endgame baby!
* An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- if brennan hurts her I WILL be meeting him in the denny’s parking lot, no mercy
* 5 words to best describe them- brilliant, radiant, outstanding, show-stopping, resplendent
* My nickname for them- best girl!!
Pete the Plug
Why I like them- my boy is really trying his best!! The voice of the dreams, who finds a home and people who love and respect and support him, who stares down the dream and asks to see its true form.
Why I don’t- I love him your honor!
Favorite episode (scene if movie)- yo I bingewatched this season so fast my memory is badddd so I’m not sure!
Favorite line: my memory is such garbage man!! Idk!! I just looked through his Tumblr tag and that one line in the coffee shop where he asks where the crying booth is is GOLD
Favorite outfit- cowboy hat KING
OTP- I am not immune to the Pete/ricky/ester/Sofia polycule,,
Brotp- Kingston!! they had a rough patch, but I love the way they grow to understand and care for each other! And also Nod ofc, their scenes were my favorite!
Head Canon: he pops up at the hospital to grab lunch with Kingston and the other nurses are just like “Kingston your boy is here” and no one corrects them
Unpopular opinion: I’m not sure tbh? I have trouble with these cause I’m not sure what the popular opinions are
A wish- someone get that boy a sweater. Its New York in December he’s gonna FREEZE he needs a COAT
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- no more toxic relationships! Let him thrive!
5 words to best describe them- unpredictable, wild, wonderful, passionate, reckless
My nickname for them- not a nickname but occasionaly i will see fanart and just go KING in my head. love that vox fantasma
* Why I like them: it’s illegal for me not to fall in love with Emily’s PCs. Her backstory absolutely wrecked me! She’s trying so hard, she was without a family for so long and she found a family and then she was finally reunited with her blood family and it was weird and complicated and FCK she’s so good
* Why I don’t- Emily axford does no wrong
* Favorite episode (scene if movie)- finale! Holy shit that finale! (Also for scene, that first round of combat where she thunder steps and saves Joren. Holy fcking moly.)
* Favorite line: god it hurt me DEEPLY, but I can’t stop thinking about “you can be my sister or my queen, but you can’t be both” “then I choose to be your queen”
Favorite outfit- anything as long as she has a CROWN dang it
OTP- a loving home where she can spread magic and have PEACE
Brotp- Theo!! Axmurph were killing me this season!
Head Canon- one of the ways she bonds with her family is taking them on rides on Cinnamon! That feeling of freedom, of magic; it helps them understand her better, and it shows that they trust her. The first time Ruby goes flying with her, she tells her to hang on so they can do something cool, and Ruby instinctually wraps her arms around Saccharina. It’s the first time they hug. They don’t mention it, but they both get a little misty eyed.
Unpopular opinion- I really wanted a scene where she asked about Jet. She’s spent so long wanting a family, just to find out once again the church had taken the chance from her. i have some,, personal feelings about what that would be like and I really wish that her feelings about that had been explored a little more
A wish: oh let her be happy PLEASE. Her family may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but those bonds WILL grow
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- if we had gotten the bad ending of them turning on each other,, oh god
5 words to best describe them- fierce, magical, powerful, resilient, strong
My nickname for them- I just love the nickname Rina for her!!
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