#of trying to one up zawa
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fuanteinasekai · 1 month ago
Oh, hey. Maybe this is a good time to post the thing I've been trying to write for… more than a year. It keeps getting too long because I'm basically covering the entire manga, so instead I'm just going to hit the biggest points and let you fill in the gaps yourself.
In Volume 1, Natsume meets Tanuma for the first time. Much of the story revolves around Natsume's inability to tell what is ordinary and what is yokai, a problem he refers to twice as his "unstable world." This weakness is a major running theme, and he shares it with all other powerful characters. It is likely one of the main reasons they choose to live in isolation or in the exorcist/magical world. Focusing on this in the story about meeting Tanuma may have originally been meant to highlight his fear that Tanuma wasn't real, but it's the perfect foundation for his long-term arc.
In the author's note for Taki's storehouse arc (Volume 11), Midorikawa-sensei says this:
自分はおかしいのかもしれないと思っていた田沼にとって、不安定だった世界を肯定してくれる夏目の存在は大きな救いになったのに、自分はたいして夏目の力になれないというのはもう田沼が友人として抱えていかなければならないジレンマかなという気がします。 "For Tanuma who thought there might be something wrong with him, the presence of Natsume who affirmed his world that was unstable is a great relief, but Tanuma can’t really support Natsume himself. This is a dilemma I have a feeling he must be facing by now as a friend."
This "world that was unstable" is a clear reference to Natsume's "unstable world," but cannot actually be the same so it must be a parallel. The simplest possible interpretation is that the ideal solution to Tanuma's "dilemma" would be "affirming" Natsume's "world that was unstable." That is, the ideal conclusion to Tanuma's "dilemma" arc would be to somehow help Natsume navigate the boundaries between the yokai and ordinary world. In this same story, Tanuma is able to sense the location of the demon's leg before Natsume can see it.
In Volume 12's Omibashira arc, Tanuma spends most of the story sensing yokai-related things: Sensei not being Natsume, the bottle, the presence of the monkey oni, the separation of the yokai world itself, and Omibashira. Each of these is accompanied by the same "zawa" sound effect that accompanies Natsume encountering strong yokai energy. Tanuma gets hurt because he doesn't trust his senses, and tries to confirm Omibashira visually.
In Volume 16, Tanuma reveals he always knew Ito-san was not what she claimed to be, and that he had come to believe she was "an ayakashi or something like that" once he learned they were real. The same story reveals that Natsume's presence has stabilized Tanuma and allowed him to grow stronger physically and have fewer headaches and illness. In other words, Natsume's power offsets the negative effects of Tanuma's power.
In Volume 22, Tanuma has a vision while Natsume sleeps peacefully, adding another dimension to his sensitivity. Later he tells Natsume the staircase yokai is not the one he dreamed of because its face was different and it didn't feel "malevolent." As is often the case, Tanuma was dismissive of his vision (ability) until Natsume validated him.
Later in the same volume, we finally get the origin story for the Book of Friends. This implies a major turning point in the manga as a whole.
Tenjou-san, in Volume 23, is the story of the four boys and Homura-sempai's investigation of the eponymous possibly-cursed painting. At one point, Tanuma says this:
夏目の世界はあいまいなものがいっぱいなんだな おれは…やっぱり時々夏目と同じ世界を見てみたいなと思うけど 見えるものが違うからこそ確認しあえることも��るのかもしれないなって "Your world is full of uncertain things, huh? I��� still feel like I want to see the same world as you, sometimes. But I also think sometimes it's because we see differently that we can confirm things with each other."
The context for this is not the painting, but rather Natsume's fear that Homura-sempai could be a yokai—Natsume's "unstable world." Natsume brings this up again at the end, but Tanuma's role remains unresolved. That's because this dialog was never meant to set up the end of Tenjou-san—it's meant to set up the end of his entire arc. Tanuma couldn't help yet because he doesn't accept that he can "judge the authenticity" of magical objects until By Invitation of the Queen in Volume 29. Realizing he can also sense who is human and who is yokai is yet to come. If he can tell the difference, that means his power offsets the negative effects of Natsume's power.
In Intermission Detectives, Volume 24, only Tanuma is able to ignore the unimportant and notice the significant yet tiny details. Nishimura and Kitamoto are preoccupied with the leading lady and what her beauty implies, while Natsume is too distracted by the possibility of a yokai in disguise to think about anything else, arguably too distracted to enjoy the movie. That means every Tanuma story between Tell Me Your Name and Village of the Sleeping Vessels has had a yokai in disguise—or the possibility of one—as a major plot point.
Village of the Sleeping Vessels introduces Tanuma's "light," an ability he has had few opportunities to use. The same story introduces Ban, a character who can somehow judge the authenticity of magical objects. Ban's name literally means "companion."
This is the beginning of the "female collector" storyline, which also has undertones of "growing up." Hence the combination of Reiko (Natsume's foil must grow up before him), Natsume's interest in magic (to be independent of his mentors/protectors), and Sensei's vulnerability as well as his frequent long excursions (to motivate Natsume's independence or reliability). Tanuma is central because he is meant to be Natsume's life-long partner, without whom Natsume cannot have the life he wants.
In an author's note, Midorikawa-sensei describes Tanuma as "surely able to support Natsume, but unable to come." This is a marked shift from the critical tone of most previous Tanuma notes, a shift which is maintained throughout the "female collector" stories. This is also the same "support" from Tanuma's "dilemma."
Like Intermission Detectives, By Invitation of the Queen (Volume 29) juxtaposes Tanuma's high perceptiveness with Natsume's confusion and fear of yokai in disguise. The same story is Natsume's first physical meeting with the "female collector" Shinobu. It is not a coincidence that she meets him at Tanuma's side, or that Tanuma is the "hero" of the story. His strengths will be relevant to the rest of Shinobu's storyline. Natsume is the one who realizes Tanuma has the power to sense what is real or not, and Tanuma himself is initially skeptical. However, his description of the "occult" fakes as "clean or pure" and Ban's dolls "oozing something sinister" suggests that he is sensing spiritual energy. It is also similar to how he described the yokai in the Volume 22.
Portrait of a Girl implies that Tanuma's power is significant through Matoba and Ban. Matoba's curiosity and the constant threat of meeting Tanuma builds tension, and Ban's shock at Tanuma's ability to see the light in the mirror suggests that they share the same rare ability. The ceiling yokai is able to hide from Ban by hiding from the mirror, implying Ban also shares Tanuma's weak sight. At another point, Natsume overhears an exorcist talking about his ability to use "good tools" even with fading (weak) sight. This isn't about Natsume or the regular exorcists, so it must be about Ban and his dolls, Tanuma, or both.
いつも友人の側に行きたい気持ちを抑えて蚊帳の外で待たなければならない田沼がすでに内側にいる状況 [や、一族の中で生きてきた的場さんの身内の事情や術具についてなど、] 描くことができて嬉しかったです。田沼は実際は出来ることは多いのに本人出来ることなんか大して無いと思ってしまうタイプかもしれないと感じました。 "I was happy drawing things like Tanuma, who has always had to wait outside the mosquito net, repressing the desire to go to his friend's side, but is suddenly on the inside […] I have a feeling Tanuma might be the type who thinks there's not much he can do when in reality he can do many things." (Volume 31) [n.b. the "mosquito net" idiom was used in Nitai-sama when Tanuma described being allowed to help "instead of being outside the mosquito net"]
Matoba is almost suicidally obsessed with "tools," his sister (perhaps spitefully) collects them, and Ban is a scout for magical things, so it makes sense during this storyline to focus on Tanuma's own ability to scout. However, there's little to no set-up for this ability in the manga. Even Tenjou-san, which was the perfect opportunity to hint at his ability with the painting, hinted at identifying yokai instead. The coexistence of the "pure" painting with the "pure" humans is not coincidental, but a retroactive hint to future readers that the ability to recognize what is "real" is the same whether the the "real" applies to an object or person.
So while Tanuma's ability to scout "powerful" tools may be important in the short term, it's a mere step toward his true power. The ultimate goal is to reveal that Tanuma's sensitivity to spiritual energy extends to yokai as well, and that he can tell Natsume what is yokai and what is not and even, it seems, what is malevolent and what is not. Through this, he would become irreplaceable, the only person Natsume can trust to give him peace, to affirm his unstable world, and to allow him to be as indifferent to random yokai as Shinobu.
The only thing that works against this is the inconsistency with which Tanuma appears to notice yokai. But this has been addressed through his "ability to judge authenticity." When Natsume first points out that Tanuma knew the box wasn't real, Tanuma initially dismisses his feelings as a "hunch," before going on to talk about how he never had a chance to be exposed to fakes before. He then admits that the "occult" collection felt "clean or pure," but he only noticed because he had Ban's dolls as comparison just before.
Natsume himself describes Tanuma to Natori as "cautious" and "deep thinking." In other words, he is the opposite of impulsive, only acting when he has gathered enough evidence to make a case. Tanuma would have felt things many times without reacting until he had more to go on. Fun fact: when Natsume first brings up Tanuma's power, he actually starts by talking about how he was "spinning in circles" "confusing [human matters] for ayakashi matters" unlike Tanuma who "sees people clearly." Midorikawa-sensei is a troll.
Tenjou-san (yes, again) addresses this gap from a different angle. When Natsume considers telling Nishimura and Kitamoto the truth, Tanuma suggests Natsume still needs the "space to be treated normally" "unlike me, who always worries and asks if there's something there." In other words, Tanuma feels bad about talking about yokai unnecessarily, which means he's not going to mention a feeling he doesn't think is important. This likely goes back to Volume 5, when Natsume admitted to lying about yokai and wanting to keep things "normal" between them. (The original Japanese is an incomplete sentence, but this is what he seemed to be getting at.) This is why, for example, Tanuma says he "didn't want to bother" Natsume when he wasn't sure he was possessed in Volume 8. He's not just unsure of himself—he's actively avoiding potential validation to give Natsume space. This is also probably why he gets more… excitable recently—the more Natsume talks about yokai, the less Tanuma feels the need to hide his interest.
All of this only addresses Tanuma's power and how it solves his dilemma. It is heavily implied that Tanuma's dilemma is at the heart of his sense of inadequacy and, in turn, his "characteristic sense of distance" from Natsume. This suggests that the reveal of the true extent of his power could lead to him being more open and finally closing that gap. But I'm not quite sure of this. Despite Tanuma's feeling of a "wall" between him and Natsume and being "unable to keep up," they're much closer than they used to be. This could mean that it's their closeness that will lead to revealing his power, thereby centering Natsume's emotional development rather than Tanuma's insecurity. And that matters because their emotional bond is at least as important as what their powers mean to each other.
While the hints at Tanuma's power have been comparatively subtle, his emotional support has not. Throughout the manga, Tanuma has helped guide Natsume through his anxiety and emotional trauma. He listens to him talk about his grandmother being an unwed mother with powers like him, confronts him over hiding his true needs, and sees through his lies or silence when others can't. In Volume 13, Tanuma's role in Kitamoto's story implies that he grounds Natsume and allows him to accept attachments to the town and the Fujiwaras. In the Volume 26 notes, Midorikawa even says that Natsume is able to deal with "sorting out his feelings" by spending time with Tanuma without even talking. This emotional connection is particularly evident with the Fujiwaras, whom Tanuma is invested in because of their importance to Natsume. In Volume 20, for example, his conversation with Natsume about the Fujiwaras is clearly framed as something between the two of them, that Taki can only observe.
This Fujiwara theme makes its appearance in Portrait of a Girl when Tanuma gets invested in Morio's relationship with his adoptive parents. These characters are an obvious mirror for Natsume and the Fujiiwaras. At the end of the story, it is also Tanuma who resolves Natsume's feelings of anxiety about why Morio sold off all of his parents' belongings. I had previously thought of Tanuma's emotional support as a kind of parallel to his power, but the mingling of the above with Tanuma's increasing involvement with the exorcist/magic world changed my mind.
Tanuma's emotional support relies on his empathy, understanding of people, and ability to see what others don't. It's not one single thing. When Natsume talks about Tanuma's ability to "see people" he also brings up his "night vision" which is a completely separate ability from all of the above. There is overlap in the abilities he uses to help Natsume with the ordinary world (e.g. Fujiwaras) and the abilities he uses to understand what is yokai and what is ordinary. This is why By Invitation of the Queen is simultaneously about Tanuma's ability to see through people and his ability to sense the "purity" of the box. Tanuma's extraordinary perceptiveness is an entire collection of talents, all of which he can use to see what Natsume can't, to give Natsume inner peace, to allow him to live in the moment instead of constantly looking over his shoulder. But only if he's there—just as Natsume can only offset Tanuma's sensitivity if he's present.
If Natsume is allowed to support Tanuma in the same (or similar) ways, and if Tanuma realizes how powerful he truly is and Natsume allows him to help, then their relationship will be truly balanced. They will be able to support each other in all ways, in all worlds, without worrying about being too much or too little.
This is what makes Tanuma the Sasame to Natsume's Misuzu—without whom Natsume cannot be "fulfilled" even when "surrounded by liveliness." It's what makes him the light in the dark forest, Natsume's guide through the fog that all with sight suffer. Tanuma may need Natsume to live, but Natsume needs Tanuma to live.
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court-jobi · 4 months ago
Learn by Doing
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((Banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's work or Hirune's gorgeous art))
Pairing: Aizawa x reader (American!Pro Hero (fem)reader)
Words: 4.4k
Rating: T+
Warnings: ANGST/COMFORT, canon-typical fights mentioned, light injuries, minimal pronouns used, big feelings turned big confessions, reader is not very demure/mindful in this one and that's refreshing to me, Hizashi Yamada is a good friend, emotionally constipated Aizawa needs a hug
You’re in trouble with just about everyone, in some way. Mixed reviews at best… but no doubt in trouble with your agency, the damage control unit, and most notably– Shouta Aizawa. You can look the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission in the face should you ever royally mess up; but not a disappointed ‘Zawa. 
In the moment, you expect to have to avert your sights from his trademark flat look of disapproval. But instead, you are honed in– finding him more raw than ever before. Turns out, Aizawa wasn’t just angry: he’s scared. He’s an angry crier, and that scares you straight. 
A/N: Omg I've been sitting proofing this one for so long, trying to get it right, until... i just needed to release it to the hounds of the internet. Just some friendly neighborhood AngstZawa for your viewing pleasure.
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on Ao3
Back in your beloved UA building, you expect Shouta Aizawa to start up the lecture you’re due for, but still- nothing from him. 
No word when you rejoined the team outside the raided building. No word when you received mixed praises of success from your superiors: who might have given all glowing remarks if it wasn’t for your unorthodox way of earning them that had them worried there for a moment. There’d be more investigation and potentially some penalties for tonight’s actions, even if the result was overwhelmingly positive. Though through each step of your mission debrief, Aizawa was dead quiet.
Not a single word from him -even out of comfort- when you got checked over by the medics on site, and nothing still on your drive back to UA courtesy of an equally tense Hizashi Yamada, who could no doubt feel ‘the energy of the studio’ tonight.
Hizashi looked at you sympathetically between the surface level chatter you two share in the car. Behind his aloofness behind the wheel, you gathered there wasn’t much he could say to appease the storm that he knew might be looming behind Aizawa’s nearly shut eyes. Per usual, said hero remained like a mouse in the backseat, his silence blaring loud. The twinkle in Hizashi’s eyes offered only the unspoken wish that you’d be patient and keep your pretty chin up. You relied on this energy, because it stems from a lifetime of knowing Shouta Aizawa and carries confidence, and have to trust in that history- even if you held a healthy amount of nerves from his silence that you’re certain is burning a hole into the back of your head in the car.
‘Zashi would ordinarily have said a quick ‘good luck’ once you parked… if ‘Zawa wasn’t waiting right outside your door, for you. This time, you merely gave a muted word of thanks and got on your way from the passenger’s seat.
The uncomfortable quiet remains when Yamada heads to the teacher’s lounge while you and your co-teacher head back to the dorms to check on the students and head to bed yourselves. However, when Aizawa veered to the South A tower -toward his classroom- he paused and checked for you in his peripheral– the unspoken command to follow rings loud and clear.
Even though you obeyed with a step behind him, your spirit was hardly calm like the night air around you. Aggravated by your still present headache, your pulse keeps thumping in your ears as you step through the still, minimally-lit hall. 
Aizawa opened the door to his room, holding it for you, while turning his head back down the hallway- away from your face as if he couldn’t spare the glance. 
God, this silent treatment. It’s juvenile, you’d think, if he didn’t radiate so much stern control that unnerved even the most upright student.
But the minute the door closes with his lock to seal you both in, Aizawa’s trademark drone returns– lethal as ever.
“You've sure got a lot of nerve, Miss America.”
You can take the dig at what reputation precedes you. At the end of the day, Aizawa tends to hear you out, no matter the tone, so you’re simply glad to be on talking terms again.
…but that doesn’t mean you’re entirely passive. You’re known for your sugar and spice. Unable to curb your attitude, you make no attempt to hide how much his pouting annoyed you, 
“Had enough of my chatty time-out, huh?”
“I find berating anyone when they’re already down to be cruel and ineffective,” Aizawa merely shrugs his coat off, then nods to the desks facing him at the front of the classroom. “But to say you don't need to get a firm talking-to would be delusional.”
The knocking around you received is a wound enough, so you’re thankful he doesn't mean to pour lemon juice right on it with a snappy reflex of ‘you should have been more careful’, with regards to your scrapes. But quite the long debrief awaits you now, nonetheless.
No, you know the events that got you to the point of overextension and liability must have been the bigger concern: 
"Look I get it,” you finally settle on the lip of the desk, Young Ojiro’s. “To you, that was a hothead move. But I've been around the block with ops like this, it’s far from my first...” 
You stress that your ‘nerve’ was not misplaced while Aizawa rounds his desk to loosen and stow his capture weapon.
“-but you saw on those cameras, they were teetering Iseri and Koshito too close to the edge- I couldn't just--"
"Both of whom are plenty prepared for these situations."
“But they’re kids-”
“They graduated four years ago, and have been in the pro circuit for the last three. They're not UA students anymore, and certainly not our direct reports. Those were the roles assigned in the mission terms, and you signed them.”
The shortness in Aizawa’s voice ignites so many things in you. Namely, outrage. Being shut down and interrupted has been -and continues to be- a big temper trigger for you.
But you remember, above everything else you know of the teacher: facts over feelings is the tactic that’s going to land with him. You had to lean into the rational side of things in order to explain yourself. 
The truth was, you were afraid he wouldn't trust you again. 
Over the last two years, you've trained with these students together. This year’s class is particularly promising -and challenging- due to the ridiculous amount of villain interferences you've faced as a staff… that you've faced together. More than any other sidekick, any other partner, Aizawa has been your anchor in all the ways that matter- even those unspoken.
Thankfully he’s in a listening mood now, and you hope it’s enough of an opening to talk this out. Since reapplying some eyedrops, Aizawa is solely set on figuring out what was wrong with his goggles. He’d gotten smacked around a good bit, too, though not as harsley as you. He’s scraped along his good cheek just a touch from a square hit to the face, though the poor lackey who chose to come at him with cheap moves didn't fare as gently. 
You train your volume down a pitch, seeking out a more tender part of the man before you. A still, small hope holds true that he could follow your line of reason enough to not dismiss you entirely. You couldn't bear that thought. 
"You trusted my judgment and I clearly see that I broke that... but I did nothing to put anyone at risk outside of myself, and when I see another way that can spare others, I take it. Without the visual outside, without any signal, I couldn't see any other ways to follow the plan, or else I would have done it,”
You press on, joining him in front of his desk now. Things are improved, him speaking to you, but not perfect. He’s not looked you in the eye in hours. So, you’d make yourself impossible to ignore. 
“I went off-book, and I acknowledge that. But please know that I don’t go rogue for nothing. Not because I feel like it, certainly!”
Still, no response. 
You flick at the still itchy residue from the butterfly bandages stretched taught at your temple and cheekbone. 
“You see this and think that's bad.. Imagine watching me pulling moves like that five years ago when I thought I was hot shit, n’where that would have gotten me…”
Aizawa’s jaw worked as he clasped and unclasped the hinge on his specs.
Unnecessary; they’re not broken badly. Anxious? Surely not.
“Aizawa, please say som-"
The goggles resound with plastic clatter on the table; its owner rounded the corner with blazing irises, and not one lit by any quirk. 
Aizawa in all his intimidating glory came close fast while leaving a desk’s distance between you, his eyes turning from anger- to fear- to utter heartbreak.
"There were other plans. There will always be alternatives. Solutions that don’t involve anyone, if you’d just slow down for a second to think.” 
“What solutions?!”
“They called Oversight in- who brought drones. He was on call the whole time,” Aizawa fired anger in short, perfect jabs, “Or did you ‘forget’ reading that, too?”
You’re put on notice quick.
“Wh– he was?”
“He took point on leveling tactics for the building. The city came with artificial reinforcements, too- diversions he created and leased to them for reconnaissance, tech designed to work on command without room for any human error,” Aizawa finally grits out his impeccable perspective, 
“We knew your radio went down, and we knew we had to get you help or else you'd be blind, so we called in  failsafes– but your blasting through going a mile a minute the moment we lost contact was far from rational. You didn’t even give us a chance to try and help.”
Shame bubbles where indignancy once filled you. 
You speed-read through the mission brief- overly confident, perhaps, and missed- -honestly, a key detail that might have changed everything. You’re clearly not used to serving on a team this large, this wide of a support net, and it shows.  Hyper-independence was costly now.
“...I.. didn't hear that.”
“No you didn't,” Aizawa answered cooly and aired his grievances further,
“You look at what's right in front of you, but you've got these blinders on, and that's one of the most dangerous things you can do in battle. You’re part of a team now, but you’re still acting like a vigilante. That’s reckless, no matter how seasoned you are. Think about Kaminari: you think he doesn’t look around before he sets off thousands upon thousands of volts in every direction before he acts? Or that Todoroki doesn’t consider if his ice is going to freeze out any bystanders or harm himself in the process? Each one of their actions can be costly: to those around them, and themselves.”
You swallow your idealistic pride beating beneath your chest, because you know he’s right. 
On that exposed open platform of the building, you’d been so worried about who had been close to the edge, that you tried to divert all attention to yourself in order to get them away from that precipice.
Your actions, your ‘diversion’ resulted in a tousle that: yes, gave the younger rookies a better chance at a safe exit, but landed you square in the trap yourself, and in limited range to the still-fighting thug who was not just caught, but pissed.  You’d also created more work for the Net Hero below to cast a gridlock wide enough to grab the villain effectively. 
As a long-distance fighter, those were poor odds you subjected yourself to. You’re lucky to have gotten out as smoothly as you have.
“I know that. And I am sorry–” you gestured to your own new set of blooming bruises for good measure, “-- and I’d like to think I’ve learned my lesson… That’s how you say your students learn best, right? ‘Learn by doing, learn what stings’?”
–Aizawa’s upper lip jolts in a scowl. Wrong thing to say.
“That’s not a win,” Aizawa threatens lowly. “No one in their right mind would be celebrating something like this. Injuries happen, but they shouldn't be needless.”
You wince, torn between guilt and annoyance again. 
“Yeah, well, I get it’s needless now, but I didn’t know what I didn’t know. At some point, we have to call mistakes what they are, and leave it, right?” 
“This is too important to drop,” Aizawa growls, “and I won’t, until I know you understand. This isn’t a test, this isn’t for a grade. This is serious. You’re getting hurt over it.”
Your defense was wearing thin, but you stood your ground. A more sassier remark would have been along the lines of dooming yourself to the ‘stupid Americans’ club till you’re inevitably deported- but that would be too emotional of a response, and not helpful. A fool’s hope was all you could carry now. 
You studied Aizawa for anything that would level out his respect for you- praying he held any. –you square yourself before him after as deep a breath as your winded lungs can give you– 
“I was wrong,” you pressed the point once again, “I overlooked key information that would have impacted my actions. I can -and will- learn from this and do better, and even do my part in meeting with more of our allies so I can work with them, not around them. Get all the information, and actually use it... And I don’t have to stick my dumb ass out on the line like a rookie, with shit like that.”
Aizawa agrees, but doesn’t look altogether happy about your apology.
“Any of those steps would have sufficed- if you truly couldn’t stick to the plan…”
You’re waiting for a final lesson learned, but receive a strange pang of emotion from Aizawa’s firmly set stare–
“But plans may still fail. You’re going to have to go off-book, it’s inevitable. I’m not slighting you for that. But if there’s one thing you have to keep at the front of your mind, it's that there’s only one you.”
You’ve been guarded this year. On edge, day after day, by threat of attack at all hours. You accepted this role as a teacher to help bolster the faculty’s support staff of heroes with the rising crime rates, but have come to enjoy the job on a much deeper level- in a way you wouldn’t have experienced without Aizawa specifically at your side…
This feeling -safety, even in the most uncertain circumstances- radiates from him whenever you’re together. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing; you don’t have to be in pressing danger or fight-or-flight to feel it. It’s a constant hum of assurance from Aizawa that settles your spirit and draws you to him. 
By action, he never pronounces his entrance or use flamboyant body language; rather it’s his subtle and meaningful motions that aim to soothe.  With his words, he says what he means, and doesn’t sugar coat things– and by that very token, you know even the kindest of affirmations that come out of him must also be true- few and far between as they are.
Those signs are all subtleties that point to a very private person. Ultimately, if you did not know him so well by daily interactions, you may never have picked up how a man like him truly feels. 
Only right now, you can’t help but see it. Every emotion he’d hold inside is palpable. He does feel very strongly, and you’re gifted by its raw power: even as you are the sole audience for such a show.
There’s something in his eyes that’s not so much angry, but pained. It’s rearing up like wings to make itself appear bigger than it is, but also to shield away from unwanted eyes. It forces you to stare back, and not look away. Demands you attention, because this matters.
It’s scared.
“I know you don't give a damn what you think of yourself,” he says cautiously, “but the rest of us do care what happens to you-”
The words your nursing friend had said at the hospital tending to your most recent injuries. That this is beyond a dauntless streak of selflessness, but that your life has value and meaning. Aizawa must not have been ignoring you fully earlier. Hearing him say this proves that he had overheard you both after all– and to an extent agrees. 
Damn, your pride doesn’t like hearing that. And damn your self-deprecating sense of humor: the one that’s not-so-funny to the Japanese populace, apparently. 
You cross your arms, a flit of sarcasm dripping as a defense mechanism:
“Ok, Doc– I get it–”
“I’m not Doctor Mori.” Aizawa snapped, void of patience. “Or your darling Suzuki for that matter.”
Your two best friends, the latter whom you share a group chat with who will also not be happy hearing what's happened to you today. Neither would negate anything Aizawa has told you so far. In fact they'd agree, wholeheartedly.
Furthermore, they know what he means to you, too. Beyond your hero work, beyond your classroom partnership… 
They know Aizawa makes your world go ‘round. You practically set your clock to his time, so that you might be in sync and have something reliable in your life. You learn from him, you thrive by him, you're thankful for how you've grown and how you continue to feel when he looks your way. It's all genuine, and you appreciate that in a level that's perhaps become more than that of friends. 
Guilt twinges the strength left in your words, 
“I know you're not… your say matters, too.”
“Well your actions sure as hell aren't matching. You say my words have weight? Then you listen to me now.”
Aizawa flares his sights at you, rounding the last tabletop between you as he does so.
“I don’t expect half measures from you and I would never ask that of you. I do believe you are a great hero, and I believe you’re going to give your all, don’t misinterpret that. Never doubt that. But for whatever it's worth- if it even means to you what it means to me- you don’t just have a circle of people who want you and need you… who doesn’t just see you as another name on a mission roster, or just an asset to a team… But there are people who hate watching you dance with danger like it’s something only you can do, not when you have someone who will be at your side.. As we fight it together.”
Before irritated disbelief could settle across your face– Aizawa’s fight-worn hands that had laid fisted by his side flew up and cupped the base of your skull.
Aizawa’s eyes sting red with tears; wet emotion bared in your presence for the first time. 
“You are my breath,” Aizawa manages your name desperately, “My anchor, and my light, and you’re holding what little heart I have left, and I can’t lose you.. to this.”
–his words had you shocked speechless. Your heart could break itself looking back in those eyes. 
You sense the hurt bursting from the seams right in front of you– hurt that had rendered him silent for much of your journey back here. You can't imagine having been the one who scared him this much, someone you truly believed was immovable. 
Aizawa’s given you something far more important than a down-to-earth talk. It’s a beautiful confession you never saw coming.
Your hand cups his wrist back gently, its tendons tremble underneath you. He asked you to call him by name, so you would.
"Z-. Shouta..."
His eyes shut, and he falls forward, his forehead to yours. Containing tears within, Aizawa steeled his deep voice again:
"I have these nights… nights with dreams so bad, I can't wake when I want to. And then others, where I never want the good dream to stop. You're in both, and that scares me to no end."
His fingers bear down on the hastily thrown-on menthol patch you'd not get spent the minimal seconds it takes to affix straight. He feels the raising bump under the pads of those fingers, feeling evidence of your recklessness yet again. 
“I lived a life without you. It feels so long ago now...after we met, after you stood by me at city hall–I don't want anything less. Never again. I just want you to be more careful about these things."
Tears pricked yours, too. Never would you have imagined a close call would have affected him like this. Out of the hundreds of nights you’ve rounded up villains together, you’d broken the final straw of his resolve.
He cares. He cares for you. You dare to think he may love you– and found this as his way to say it. 
"I was- I really didn't-- I'm sorry, Shouta. Please..."
His eyes opened at your voice calling.
"Then promise me."
"Promise me you won’t take these risks again. Not alone. Not when you have someone in your corner... Someone who can help you see past the hurt, the vengeance– whatever is going through your head that you’re thinking you need to prove. We can make something better from it. Smarter. I’ve walked that path; I know it well.”
You nod in his hold; your oath back to him, as he lays it all out. Were this a written love letter, you’d memorize every line. 
“-but promise me you'll never scare me like this. Not when it’s avoidable. Don’t ever do this again."
Aizawa’s voice fell to a choked whisper by the end. The last window of his strength crumbled like settling dust while his thumbs scroll your temples reverently.
You swallow tensely, nodding all the quicker, 
"Yes, I promise, yes.” You’ll fuck things up differently, sure, but not like tonight’s show of heroics.
Aizawa shuddered; it sank in. "Thank you."
Still, you made it your job to make him believe, so you lifted up off the desk to stand before him. Fighting the burn in your arms was a worthy cause when rising to hug him– and rewarded you instantly as he reciprocated. You relished in the feeling, the warmth from his breath on your neck, how securely his arms held you tight, the caring hand that fisted the back of your hair in an intimate gesture. 
There was nowhere else you'd rather be. Taking a deep breath, you let your eyes close in his hold. You’d tell him someday, but you’ve dreamt of him to, though not so heartbreaking in memory, as he shared with you. Many of your dreams settled on moments just like this; tame, warming fantasies that you wished you could share with him as a break from the chaos. Because he deserved softness, too.
And here he was: hugging you. You smile. Shouta Aizawa -man of a thousand sleepless nights- is fucking hugging you. Hizashi will never believe this.
You felt the change the minute your name crossed the line of Aizawa’s lips. His shoulders sagged and he pressed into you, his hands loosening and patting your hair, the fierce nature in which he'd captured you melting into a protective caress.
The man’s face still sunk inwards, weary as he met your eyes. Where was that look coming from? He seemed so worried, like he wanted to say something but was trying hard not to. His gaze darted to your lips to your cheeks- basking in every bit of this moment, like he'd never get the chance to be this close again.
Hearing his inhale at the touch, your hand smoothed over his heart, purposefully, lovingly. Eyes locked, you tipped your head to the side and lifted your chin to be clear to him- an invitation. The corners of his mouth lift. 
I feel the same, you want to cry to him. But with his emotions still sitting under the surface, you will yourself to be the strong one.. just for a moment longer. You’ll share your vulnerability once the pain meds wear off.
Aizawa met you halfway in one fell swoop. Still tender from your fight, you brought his lips to yours to seal in the promise made. 
This kiss was more than you imagined. Impossibly gentle lips, dizzying warmth, the lowest of hums leading into it. Had he been angry, it might have been a growl, but you’re sure you would've jumped on it anyway. The energy he gave into this first kiss caught even you by surprise.
After another drawn out press, you bowed your foreheads together and took in shaky breaths.
"Wow,” you sighed out a smile.
He whispered the awestruck wonder back, and drew you right back in.
Parting after several rolling kisses later, you saw him clearer, sporting that Totoro smile at your blissful face. 
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this," Aizawa spoke into your ear, still holding you close, but mindful of the tender parts you winced at.
Careful of the taxed weakness in his elbow, you carefully massaged up his arm gently, “Sorry I had to piss you off to get it~”
He chuckled breathlessly, feeling soft enough to nuzzle your cheek. You laughed at the roughness of his scruff on yours. It’s so comfortable with him like this. felt up his chest slowly while you had the chance. He took a deep breath at the sensation. 
"Guess this means you’re putting in your name as ‘that someone’? Do this together then?" You gestured with your shoulder between you, working out the words, “I mean, I should hope so– you just kissed the daylights out of me."
Aizawa brushed some hair away you'd nervously let forward. He seemed cool as ever, but spoke gently with you. 
"I wasn't so sure someone like me could feel this way about someone like you. So yes. I'd like to see where this could go,” Aizawa centered back to meet you with level calm. “I think.. what we have to start with, works. Don't you?"
You smiled sweetly and nodded with confidence. How things will look for you from this point on will simply build on the foundation you have. That all can be learned. Finessed. You braved a smile and assured him, despite the nagging fear you felt you caused;
"I won’t let you down, ‘Zawa."
His eyes almost rolled shut into a breathy chuckle.
"You know, I adore you. So damn much." He captured your lips again in a couple long kisses. You hummed in between them, drowned out by his own possessive trills back as they echoed into your shared mouths.
You gave a breathy little giggle in happiness and trailed your fingers over the edge of his jaw, caressing the stubble of beard. 
“Guess I have added incentive to stick around then.”
“Oh, you are. And you’re going to have to face the music with the city task force come Monday.”
–Ah yes, this felt more normal. The king of rational thought swooping in to burst your bubble. But… you suppose you rely on this too. All part of the Eraserhead package deal.
You’ll take it; along with your consequences.
“Ugh shit.”
“Told you so.”
Planning out your next steps in Aizawa’s homeroom, as a team, went well for the remainder of your time propped up at his desk… until you got distracted again. This new dynamic between you will be sure to prove tempting, you fear, as inevitably your reputation for being a horrific flirt started getting the best of you when Aizawa stuck his hair up to get back to work.
Unfair, how good he looks when he’s angry. Even worse when he looks back at you, in love.
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mirai-e-jump · 2 months ago
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Uchusen Vol.187 (Winter 2025) Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger ft. Soma Satoru x Miyazawa Yu Interview (translation below)
Publication: December 27, 2024
"What were your first impressions of each other?"
Miyazawa: I think the first time we spoke was after I was chosen for the role. By the way, I participated in an audition for Boonboomger around the time they were selecting the initial five members. Ultimately, they passed on me during that audition, but I was with Satoru during the final rounds. So, even though we met during the audition, we didn't properly greet each other until after I was cast as Sakito and was having my costume fit.
Soma: Because of the vibes Zawa-kun has, he gives off the impression of being pretty aggressive. He's normally like this too (laughs).
Miyazawa: What do you mean by "like this"? (laughs).
Soma: When we first greeted each other, I thought he might be alittle scary, but when I actually got to know him, it was the complete opposite. He's really kind, can both tell and respond to jokes, and I found him to be someone with surprisingly calm vibes.
Miyazawa: I'm a pretty normal guy though (laughs). When I first met Satoru, the impression I got was that he was very calm, and that he felt similar to Genba. He appeared kind, and even now, that kindness hasn't changed. It sorta feels like he's Buddha (laughs).
Soma: I'm always calm (laughs).
"Are there any parts of the other that have changed since those first impressions?"
Miyazawa: I knew right away that he was a decent guy when we started filming, but especially around episode 27, Genba's drama, which included the fact that he was actually an alien, began to be depicted, and I was able to see the mindset and enthusiasm Satoru had for his performance. He also fills his scripts with tons of notes, so it was clear to me that he was actually passionate about what he was doing, which was in contrast to the slightly mysterious impression he'd been giving me up to that point. I realized that he was incredibly serious and gave things alot of thought, and my impression of him changed considerably.
Soma: From my first impression of Zawa-kun, I felt that he had some "aniki" vibes to him, and in fact, when I interact with him, I often think, "He really is an aniki." As an example, when everyone's feeling abit exhausted and spaced out, or when we're doing "this" important scene, he'll firmly use his words to get us through it. There are times when I also think it'd be best to get back on track, but since I often try to make them understand through my behavior, rather than with words, it's sometimes difficult for me to get the message across. However, he communicates clearly with his words, which I feel grateful for.
"What scenes specifically were you referring to?"
Miyazawa: I'm too embarrassed to talk about it myself……you do it (laughs).
Soma: One instance was during filming of the final battle with Disrace (episode 35). There's a scene where all five Boonboomgers take turns speaking a single line, but due to the order they filmed us in among other things, we weren't able to do it in the right order on set. However, to make sure we wouldn't keep messing up, he told us, "This is an important scene, so let's get it together." I'm grateful for the fact that he's able to be straightforward with us during important moments.
Miyazawa: Every Director films differently, some of them work on the arrangement first, and others film test shots to get our expressions right, so it can sometimes be hard to tell which parts they're filming. However, the scene of them defeating Disrace was also a highlight that represented the strength of the Boonboomgers, as they all carried Genba's feelings on their backs as they took him down, so it was an incredibly important scene. I of course think that everyone's doing their best, but in situations like that, everyone, myself included, gets fired up when I say, "Let's focus!"
"What kind of position do you two usually hold within the Boonboomger team?"
Soma: I'd say we're both on top when it comes to being teased. "Aniki" gets teased the most though (laughs).
Miyazawa: In the beginning, I used to be the one who'd respond to them, but I've always been the joking type. Anyways, I wanted to be the funny one so badly, that I ended up reaching my breaking point in an instant (laughs). I can rely on Satoru because he's an "all rounder" who can also give good responses.
Soma: There's way too many funny guys on Boonboomgers team (laughs).
Miyazawa: Sometimes, Satoru's the only one making jokes, as no one will be able to respond to them. That's why there tends to be a "standoff" of just jokes (laughs).
Soma: What more, once someone's made a joke that we're all satisfied with, it ends there, but then we're like, "What was that all about just now?" (laughs).
"Ever since episode 27, there've been alot more scenes involving Genba and Sakito."
Soma: We talk alot about the scenes the two of us are involved in, but basically, for the performance I'll think, "If he does this, then I'll do that," and do my best by using what I have in mind for each situation.
Miyazawa: We don't really have discussions beforehand or anything like that, rather, Satoru will bring it up when we're together on days when we have off from filming, and I'll reply with, "Maybe we should do it this way, but I can't be sure until we try it out on set."
"Episode 32 was the ToQger episode. What are your memories with the guests?"
Soma: I had performed some scenes together with Nijino Akira's Nagahama Shin-san, and I was very happy that he was so friendly. I was abit uneasy because Nagahama-san both gives off mature vibes and is much older than me, but when I spoke with him, he was very calm and easy to talk to.
Miyazawa: Maybe he was being especially kind to Satoru because they're Orange senior and junior (laughs).
Soma: Orange heroes appearing together may be one of the most rare occurrences in the history of the franchise.
Miyazawa: I was also happy to have the opportunity to work with him during post recording. Akira is a character with unique vibes, but when Nagahama-san's performance is added on top of that, it's incredibly appealing, and, it made it easier for me to add Sakito's responses.
"What about Shison Jun-san?"
Soma: I didn't perform any scenes with him, but I had the opportunity to greet him and observe his recording session.
Miyazawa: Together with Haruhi, the three of us recorded together, and I had alot of fun with the interaction between Sakito and Right. Shison-san is skilled at recording, and Right is a character with rather relaxed vibes, so I was concerned about the imbalance between him and Sakito, but I thought to myself, "I definitely don't wanna lose." Director Nakazawa also encouraged me by saying, "Don't lose, Sakito" (laughs).
"Have you gotten used to post recording?"
Soma: I'm still struggling with recording. In my case, my performative voice is totally different from my real voice, and when my voice is applied to the Suit Actor's performance, the way it sounds there changes as well. Even if I think that I should put more emotion into a certain part and apply my voice abit more strongly, it ends up sounding completely different when I listen back to it. I struggle with nuances like that the most.
Miyazawa: In my case, Byundi is basically next to me all the time……Suit Actor Takada Masashi-san is of course very careful, but when Byundi moves, the suit sometimes makes a rubbing sound, and when that happens, post recording has to be added to that scene. This is why I often record not only after the Change, but also for Sakito when he's untransformed, and it's still difficult trying to use a voice that expresses the emotions, as well as the actions happening within the scene. It also felt awkward at first to voice the action depicted in battle scenes. I do jujutsu, so I was like, "When you attack, you don't speak out that loud, right?," but I've come to understand that it's necessary to communicate in a way that's easy to understand. However, it's still difficult. If I'm too focused on it, it'll turn out too strong.
Soma: When I first started, I was worried that I might not be able to do it at all, and when I look back, there are many parts that don't fit well, but recently, I think those parts are slowly decreasing.
"The Voice Actors are all veterans too."
Soma: When I listened and compared myself to them, I felt depressed (laughs). At first, I didn't even know how the recording process was done, so I was allowed to observe.
Miyazawa: I also had the opportunity to observe, and it was truly amazing. We're all about movement, but the Voice Actors can accurately match their breathing and lines to the movements. I think that Voice Actors are amazing, but we're also doing our best as actors, and we're determined "not to lose."
"What are your impressions of Bundorio's Matsumoto Rika-san and Byundi's Hanae Natsuki-san?"
Soma: I've done post recording together with Matsumoto-san, and her voice is so powerful, that I'm almost overwhelmed by it (laughs). Still, every time, she talks to me in an incredibly friendly manner. She also gives me advice during recordings, which especially in the beginning, I appreciate.
Miyazawa: I was able to observe Hanae-san when he was recording for the first time, and he's a really calm and wonderful person. He does alot of adlibbing during the recording, and Hanae-san's lines for the scenes between Sakito and Byundi adds alot of depth to them. Speaking of, while we were filming on set one time, Hanae-san was there for recording, and he suddenly called out loudly from behind us, "Sakito!" I was really happy, but it was alittle embarrassing because everyone there started staring at me (laughs).
"What characters are you particularly fond of?"
Soma: Mine are the Nejiretta. I don't know how to properly put it into words, but I like how charming they are. Their faces are nice, and at a glance, they also give off the impression of being incredibly weak, so when they fight, I think, "They're cute." Yaru-chan is cute too though.
Miyazawa: Mine should naturally be Byundi……however, it's gotta be Madrex. He was cool even during his final moments.
Soma: Episode 33 was supposed to be a major episode for Genba, but then he stole the show at the very last minute (laughs).
"We understand that the two of you often spend time together in your private time."
Miyazawa: Both of us love saunas, so when filming finishes early, we go to a super sento type of bathhouse together.
Soma: Doing three sets of going into the sauna and then taking a cold bath is sufficient enough for me, but every time, Zawa-kun asks me to do another, and so we end up doing about five sets.
Miyazawa: I thought it'd be sufficient for me too, but I'm always tempted to take on the challenge of doing more (laughs).
Soma: It's not always just the two of us, as sometimes, Yuki and Ryu join us, so we've probably been there about ten times in total.
Miyazawa: It's fun every time. We talk about work while enjoying the ganbanyoku……
Soma: About 80% of our conversations are meaningless (laughs). Still, I think it's nice that we're able to have that kind of relationship.
"Looking back over the past year, how do you feel?"
Soma: It really went by in an instant. There was so much to learn, which is the reason why it felt like time passed so quickly. I think it was a fulfilling year, and I hope to use what I've learned here going forward. I still think that there are some areas that I need to improve on, but I feel that the number of things I'm able to do has gradually increased.
Miyazawa: Many of the seniors from my agency come from tokusatsu backgrounds, and when I was selected for the role, they told me, "You're going to learn alot, and it's definitely going to be a great year, so enjoy it." Just as they said, I actually had alot of fun doing it, and I was given the opportunity to play a rewarding role, so I think it's been a truly fulfilling year. It's not often these days that you get the opportunity to work on a single role for such a long span of time. The fact that I was able to spend so much time performing and creating a single role will without a doubt be valuable inspiration for me in the future.
"What are your concerns regarding future developments?"
Miyazawa: After the Christmas episode, the story will begin to quickly move toward its climax. Including the connection between space and the Earth, how will things turn out for the Boonboomgers and the ISA, as well as the Hashiriyans? I hope that you'll pay attention to what each one of us will do, as well as to the BBG, which is Bundorio and the Boonboomgers dream.
Soma: Since you said everything, I'll just say a condensed version (laughs). The story will move forward at full throttle once we enter the new year, so including the expressions of each character, I hope you won't miss a single important scene.
Miyazawa: I'd be happy if you pay attention to what's being depicted down to the finest detail, such as, "Why'd this person do what they did?" I think that you'll really enjoy it if you watch it while thinking about the feelings of each character, and I think you'll also find it interesting as that sort of drama!
"And now finally, please give a message to the fans."
Soma: I'm really happy that I've been able to feel the presence of those who love and support Boonboomger, not just through SNS, but also at in person events, and every day I feel a strong sense of joy and fulfillment by appearing in such a production. From now until the final episode, the story will push forward, so I hope you'll continue to love us until the very end. Thank you for your continued support!
Miyazawa: First off, thank you so much for 2024 (laughs). Everyone's vocal support for Boonboomger has been a great source of strength to us, and we have nothing but gratitude for that. In response, I'll do my best to return the favor in the form of my performance, and I'll give it my all during the last spurt after the new year. We're doing our best to bring everyone the fun and wonderful parts of the story, so definitely make sure to look forward to it. I look forward to your support in 2025!
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lovebeatriceplz · 1 year ago
Baby it's cold outside 🌧️
Aizawa x reader
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Summary: It's a rainy/ cold day and he's trying to convince you to stay in.
Note: I live in a country where it doesn't snow so I'm not even gonna try and write about it😭. We do have a cold front rn so i can write based on that. This is short.
Normally the sun would have been peeking out a little by now. But as your eyes flutter open it still appears to be dark. The clock on your wall, however, tells a different story. Attempting to sit up you find yourself held back by something...or rather someone. You lift up to blanket to reveal Aizawa's arms wrapped around your waist, his face buried in your stomach, not really planning to let go anytime soon.
His hair was somewhat disheveled. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, the only time his brain isn't overworking. You didn't really want to wake him, but you had things to do. In a soft, gentle manner you trace the scare on his cheek, he responds with a soft hum, leaning into your touch. "Love? Zawa wake up" you whisper. He grunts.
Sighing you start to untangle yourself from your husband's grasp. He opens one of his eyes, tightening his grip. "where are you going anyways? Didn't you watch the forecast..." He murmurs, falling back into a slumber.
"no... C'mon i still have to go to work". You sit up fully in the bed. He looks up at you. "can't we just stay in this morning, please?" He was hard to resist no doubt. Planting a kiss on his forehead you distract him long enough to slip out of the bed. You hear him groan "seriously?" He calls out. You were already heading down the hallway.
The cold floor causes you scurry quickly to the bathroom. The freezing air making you shiver. It was cold.
A cold shower was definitely a no no. As you wait for the water to warm up you sit on the edge of the tub, springing up immediately. The sink, the towels, the railings, the fricking door knob, was everything just freezing cold. You were beginning to reconsider your lovers pleas.
Actually getting ready wasn't any easier. Not when he was looking at you like that, studying every inch or your body, silently begging you to come back to him. "you're not making it through that door" he mumbles, turning his back to you and making a cave with the pillows. "i love you too" you tease, blowing him a kiss.
Standing in the door way you shiver, looking out you could hardly see anything because of the thick fog. You close the door, standing there and wondering if you should call a cab or risk it and walk in those conditions.
Large, scarred hands wrap around your waist, pulling you close as hot breath hits your neck, warming you up instantly. "You're a stubborn brat y'know that?" He murmurs into the back of your neck.
His fingers slither into your skirt, fiddling with the waist band of your underwear, causing you to chuckle out of nervousness "and you're a bad influence" you retort. He hums softly, intertwining his hands with one of yours "just for today, i promise".
And with that he's luring you back into the bed room, planting kisses all over and leaving markings on your neck. You decide to send a text to your boss later, they'll understand.
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dabisbratz · 2 years ago
GODSSSHAIA dilf!aizawa who is trying his best to set in an ipad w/ parental controls 4 eri ;;;;;
having to knock next door to his new neighbor only to find out that the neighbor is a newly grad who moved out to the city for the experience, clearly dumb out of his mind but managed to get it set up in under a minute
the next time they run into each other dilf!aizawa is coming home from work while himbo is on his lil jog, stopping to take a breather and say hi to his neighbor despite the fact his boob are just… boobing
dilf!aizawa who had the cut the conversation short and give a short greeting to eri on the way to his room so that he can quickly jerk one out, the post-nut hits him so hard he got his sight back cause there was no reason he should have came that fast..
EE n they continuously bump into each other!!! s’like the second they make contact sho gets hard.. gets to the point where it’s normal for them to see each other at least once a day, n they speak so much even eri is invested, always tryin to get sho to ask out their handsome neighbor.. poor guy doesn’t even know! he’s jus happy to be there n likes helping out! plus he’s good with kids n eri is delightful to be around.. her hot father is just a plus!! except reader’s much too sweet… he’s always quick to spoil eri despite sho’s warnings n the second he’s caught he’s pleading for forgiveness while zawa jus….. forgets what he’s talkin abt n pops a stiffy right theresjdgjdjs
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machiroads · 7 months ago
4 (Mirko in Nine Lives!!) & 5 for the fanfic writer asks!!
#4 Share a headcanon about Mirko in Nine Lives
Haha oh boi I don't know if I have any headcanons about Mirko Nine Lives that weren't already covered in the fic? Her entire existence in the story is a headcanon in and of itself LOL. Perhaps 2 conciliatory fun facts about Mirko Nine Lives:
For a time, I considered writing a brief spinoff about the sidebar conversation she had with Mic after Aizawa's quirk testing went Not So Good. It was an extremely entertaining prospect to me, because up until that point, they hadn't formally met. So it's basically just Mic rolling up like "Hi you don't know me, but I think we both care about the guy next door and he's Going Thru It."
In the (now AU) version of Lost & Won where Kuroboro lived, him and Mirko hit it off. Cloudbunny lives rent free in my brain
#5 Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
Perhaps nobody noticed because 9L and L&W are rated T, but I try to be careful about not describing genitalia (in bathtime scenes etc) because I know a lot of people headcanon Aizawa as trans. So you can interpret 9L!Zawa as whatever you want, because fundamentally it's a story about him Going Thru It, and what he's packing downstairs has no real bearing on the story.
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dgalerab · 1 year ago
speaking of zawas in Situations i am perpetually thinking about him being separated from mic and cloud during a battle and only realizing it was a planned set up when he is surrounded by villains who overpower him. it all happens so fast he doesn't have the chance to think about things rationally and before he know it he's restrained and helpless on the ground in the alley, gagged and blindfolded so all he can do is listen as his captors discuss what they are going to do with him amongst themselves, completely nonplussed that he's right there hearing their plans. that's when the true gravity of his situation sinks in, and he's panicking and writhing in vain to try and free himself, maybe some of his captors laughing and jeering at his helplessness. he's panting heavily through his nose as he wears himself out, internally begging his friends to notice him missing and come save him before he gets taken away.
whenever people drop unsolicited aizawa situations in my inbox i always wonder how to convey the sheer "cat nyooming over while screaming in excitement bc he heard there are littol treats" energy i have
i feel like we've only seen him overpowered when he's already injured and incapacitated so he's fighting against the pain and exhaustion to keep trying to make noise or leave a trail for his friends to follow or maybe find a window to strike and escape
and even when he's rescued he for sure is like it's fine. i was rescued so it's all over. why would i be stressed about it now? and shirakumo has to be the one to be like squeezing him tight and being like THAT WAS SO SCARY UWUUUU while mic teases him relentlessly about his stoicism
and then naturally after shirakumo has fallen asleep still squishing aizawa and aizawa is pretending to sleep as well, hizashi very graciously lifts up his leg so aizawa can *accidentally* roll under it so that hizashi can form a protective little cage for him squeezed in between the two of them while aizawa very quietly and totally not scared anymore hides his face between hizashi's back and the pillows
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pr4yerp0sition · 5 months ago
Whispering close to their ear while caressing the nape of their neck. ( zawa/isamu)
       A  SHARED  LIVING  SPACE;  quiet,  comfortable,  somewhere  to  hide  when  the  rest  of  the  world  was  overwhelming.  From  the  everyday  mechanics  &&  responsibilities  that  kept  the  small  circle  of  theirs  going,  Isamu  could  feel  the  weight  of  exhaustion  lingering  in  his  bones.  Happy  smiles,  questions  of  uncertainty,  paperwork  &&  the  small  miniscule  task  that  would  go  unrecognized  yet  were  equally  as  important.  Taniguchi,  he  had  the  skills  to  be  a  proficient  sorcerer,  one  who  could  have  easily  made  a  respectable  &&  dignified  life  with  a  heavy  surname  to  help,  he  rejected  it  all.  Between  the  childish  bickering  of  students  &&  the  moments  that  caused  his  monotone  features  to  scrunch,  bursting  out  laughing,  he  found  this  life  enjoyable.  The  shadowy  canine  pads  around  the  apartment,  eager  to  greet  the  familiar  face  they  have  known  since  Isamu  was  small,  cowering  over  this  strange  world  &&  the  chorus  of  the  dead.  “Fenrir,  keeping  Aizawa  safe  for  me?”  the  small  whine  echoes  of  reassurance,  to  which,  he  cannot  help  but  smile  fondly. 
   His  voice  raises  slightly,  an  announcement  of  his  presence,  “I’m  home,  sorry,  work  ran  later  than  usual  -  I  keep  telling  Todo-chan  to  not  rush  into  things,  he  never  listens,  I’m  starting  to  feel  sorry  for  the  curses  that  have  to  take  him  on”  the  pleasant  jest  that  was  met  with  a  quick  change  of  clothing.  Softer,  cream  fabric  that  pressed  against  ink  skin,  icy  blonde  locks  suddenly  scooped  up,  held  together  with  a  singular  clasp  as  his  mind  raced;  dinner,  right,  that’s  what  couples  prepare  for  one  another.  Even  if  this  faux  marriage  was  simply  trickery,  there  came  an  urge  to  be  responsible,  try  to  make  things  work.  Wine,  he  thinks,  chilled  &&  kept  safe  for  the  right  occasion,  the  sound  of  vegetables  being  chopped,  carefully  placed  into  the  warm  makings  of  a  savory  meal.  It’s  nostalgic,  a  life  prior  that  he  can  barely  recall,  seeming  to  grasp  onto  it  with  utmost  ferocity. 
     Conversation  that  regales  the  mundane,  honey  eyes  that  twinkle,  “Let  me  guess,  your  students  were  perfect  as  ever?  Tsk,  at  least  you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  them  using  the  oddest  of  items  for  weapons”  the  soft  jest  that  sneaks  from  his  lips  as  he  snorts.  Just  as  he  turns,  there’s  a  touch  upon  the  exposed  flesh,  a  shudder  coursing  through  as  the  counter’s  cold  surface  presses  against  him.  Soft  words  that  cause  his  heart  to  flutter,  fingers  that  brush  together  entwining  as  he  murmurs,  “Insatiable,  right  before  dinner…”  the  desperation  to  touch  as  slender  hands  capture Aizawa's  jaw  within  his  grasp.  Yearning  that  caused  his  heart  to  ache,  a  blissful  life,  the  thought  that  haunts  his  mind  -  content  with  one  another.  No,  he  shouldn’t  entertain  it,  but  each  kiss  against  his  pale  skin  causes  him  to  shudder,  the  few  loose  strands  tenderly  being  stroked  igniting  the  pit  of  his  stomach. 
        “You  should  know  better  than  to  waste  good  wine,  dearest  husband,  trying  to  drink  all  of  me?  I’m  afraid  that  won’t  work”
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depressedexpressed8 · 2 years ago
Yandere Mental Hospital
  Yandere pro’s as different roles in an asylum and reader being their favorite little patient. Obedient for everyone except Endeavor and AllMight. Whenever she is in the same room as them, she has to get sedated for acting out or trying to escape. But the others can’t get rid of them because they all agreed to share reader and keep her from leaving them.
Mic is reader’s inpatient case manager
 Zawa is a doctor 
Midnight is an art therapist 
AllMight is a nurse 
Endeavor is a tech on nightshift 
Miriko is night shift nurse
 Hawks is a tech
 Best Jeanist is a nurse 
FatGum is the cook
Tensei is the therapist
(y/n) was a kid who grew up very isolated and neglected, she had to start working from a very young age and it wore her down. It widdled away at her little by little as her hard work went unapreciated. So she stood on the top of a 3-story building, only to be pulled away by a blonde bulky man in scrubs. He-Toshinori- took her to his work place, which he just came from. He had a therapist-Tensei- do an intake for her and got her set up with the nurse on nightshift- Mirko- to get her checked and in bed, where she would be safe.
The next day, (y/n) woke up confused before remembering what happened. she runs out of the room, and into Toshinori, who she met the night before. He sees how frantic and anxious she is and tried to calm her down. It doesn't work very well and he has to call in his coworker, who was about to clockout, Enji. Enji sedates her and (y/n) wakes up to three people scolding Toshinori. one black-haired man, and two blonde-haired men. (The reason she hates AllMight and Endeavor is because she thinks they had a really stupid reaction to her reasonable panic.)
Toshinori explains to the three men that he was concerned that she would hurt herself in her fit of panic. The dirty blonde male is the first to notice her wake. He starts off joking in a laid back way but when (y/n) asks to leave he-Keigo- frowns and softly says that they can't do that unless they are sure that she is safe and since she tried to attempt not even 10 hours ago, they can't release her. reader starts crying, Keigo's words being the cherry on top of her stress sundae. The other blonde man-Hizashi- panics and franticly throws soothing words at her, making her cry more because it was the first time someone tried to comfort her without trying to gain anything. The black haired man-Shouta- is the one to calm everyone down. Explaining that they will let her go as soon as they were sure she was stable enough to not attempt again and that as long as she was good, she wouldn't have anything to worry about.
After a few weeks of being there with no end in sight, (y/n) starts to act up, spending more time drugged out in a room on her own (as far as she knew). The workers (her yanderes) would take turns watching over her while she was too drugged out to struggle. After realizing that she was getting nowhere with lashing out at everyone, and resorts to just the man that brought her there and the man who was the first to drug her. Her hatred of the man-Enji- increased when she met Shouto, his son who was locked up like her. She heard his story, his poor mother stuck in this hospital just like them. And not constantly being on the receiving end of (y/n)'s spite, they found her resistance of the two bulky men kind of funny. The two large men being bullied by the “small frail girl”, unable to fight back against her antics.
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castershellwrites · 1 year ago
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I am so excited for posting time to roll around for this one. Here's a quick preview of Aizawa being a total DAD-Zawa <3
Image text is below the cut.
Present Mic was out of sight behind UA's gate, being restrained by Hound Dog and Vlad King, and practically frothing at the mouth. "I will rip them to fucking shreds if they don't leave her alone. Just let 'em on campus to try and take a picture, I'll give them a sound-bite!"
It was sweet, though unnecessary, for his husband to be this worked up. Shouta shut him up with a kiss. "I took care of it. Deep breaths. Eri needs you calm."
Surprisingly, the kiss worked. Hizashi buried his face in Shouta's shirt collar, whimpered, and took a few deep breaths until he calmed down. Then he stayed there. Shouta would have felt awkward if they weren't in the relative privacy of UA with only a few friends and coworkers around.
"You better?" he asked, patting the thick leather of Hizashi's costume jacket.
All he got was an affirmative hum and his husband snuggling deeper into his neck.
"Are you huffing my cologne?"
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bunnyandcomet · 2 months ago
Prequel: The Twilit Road Home - Chapter 3
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The ST Department.
I don't know whether Roka owed him or what, but Onda and Nina joined Aporia through an introduction by one of Roka's old acquaintances. To give them a place where they could fit, that blockhead pushed past Ai's reluctance and established ST as a sixth department.
Even though I'm part of Watchdog, which should be in charge of relatively similar work, I still don't really know what it is they do.
They seem to have no interest in anything other than their own business, don't need anyone except each other, and honestly, probably just think that other people are in the way.
I'd thought that Kamiya joining that ST Department was laughable, but in hindsight, it's something that can be settled with a simple "so what?"
It's just one more of those regular Aporia happenings that don't make any sense.
Same with Onda singling me out to join.
Urara: I never said I wanted to go. If someone was gonna be transferred from Watchdog, it'd have to be me either way. I just told him to stop fucking around and get it over and done with.
Yuzuru: Why would it have to be you?
Urara: Use your brain. Transferring Mika or Gori into a role where they're a "support who's one step behind" is a waste, and there's no way Zawa would ever ditch Watchdog. Besides, Shizu doesn’t wanna move any of them elsewhere.
Roka: ......Is that what Oshizu said? That it’s fine if it's you who leaves?
Urara: ......It's not like I remember every little thing he said. I said I didn't give a shit, he said "I see", and the conversation ended there. That's it.
Yuzuru: ......
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Shizuka: We're not a team that'll collapse if one person's missing, but I would be troubled if any of you left. I bet the others would have things to say too if you told them you were being transferred to ST.
That's probably true, I think. But it ain’t what I'm getting at.
Shizuka: So if you'd rather remain in the Watchdog Department, I'll have them take that into account. What do you want to do?
If you said that to Mika or the others, they'd probably stay.
Even if you weren't keeping them tethered, even if you told them they could go anywhere, they wouldn't leave you. They have no doubts that this is where they're meant to be.
But, as for me.
Urara: ......Don't do anything unnecessary, it's a pain. Unlike you guys, I don't give a shit who I'm working with. It's all the same to me.
Shizuka: ......
Urara: I'm sick and tired of you guys trying to rope me into all sorts of shit outside work too. Good riddance.
Shizuka: ...... I get it.
Urara: ......
Shizuka: Well. I see. It might be good for you to transfer.
Urara: (......Would you look at that.) (That's how you really feel, isn't it?)
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It's not like I despised that environment, and I wasn't ostracised either.
It's just, that place has always been someone else's home.
Because it's someone else's home, even if you're welcomed in and accepted, this is how it'll end up.
I understood that, so I didn't touch anything, and I didn't let anyone touch me. And I'm glad I did.
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Urara: Anyway, no matter where I am, I'll work for you as promised ‘til I pay back what I owe. May as well put me to good use.
Roka: ......
Yuzuru: ......Urara. That's......
Roka: All right.
Yuzuru: !
Roka: I’ll give it the go-ahead as long as you're not just putting up with it and transferring reluctantly......or anything like that. But that's not the case, is it?
Urara: Ugh. Quit acting like you know how I feel.
Roka: OK! Well then, as the owner, I will approve your transfer to the ST Department!
Yuzuru: Roka-san......
Roka: We'll be counting on you, so do your best.
Urara: (......Shut the fuck up.)
Everywhere is the same. In the end, they're all just temporary homes.
Not even this guy wants me around here forever.
Roka: Kamiyan needs no further description, but both Tomo and Yu-han possess kindness and strength rivalling that of the Watchdog Department members. You can rest easy. They're a super trustworthy heartwarming hero duo. I'm sure there's a ton of things you can learn from them ☆
Urara: Haah......?
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His words don’t click in my brain at all. And just over one week later…
As an induction course for the ST Department, we accompany that "heartwarming hero duo" to a commission site.
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(Crack, thump)
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Man: ......Ughh...
Yu: The aim of your assault, and your employer?
Man: ...... ! Gah?!
Yu: ......
Having been attacked by a man from a blind corner, Nina brandishes a baton almost without looking and knocks him down like it’s nothing.
Pinning the man's stomach with his knee as he speaks, Nina calmly covers the man's mouth with one hand.
And then—
Man: Ngh!!?
The dull sound of something breaking, and a muffled groan. The man's legs kick the air as he struggles.
Yu: Aside from the one who escaped, are there any others?
Man: ......!
Urara: ......
Even from a distance, I can tell that the bodyguard client, a man a few steps behind Nina, is recoiling in horror.
I’m probably making a similar face at the moment.
Urara: (I knew it already, but that shit-for-brains really is completely useless......Is he stuck in a dream or something?) (In what fucking world does a hero snap his opponent's finger with a straight face?)
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mirai-e-jump · 8 months ago
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TV Life, 7/19/2024 Issue (No.14) ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Cast Members (translation below)
Publication: July 3, 2024
Iuchi Haruhi x Hayama Yuki x Suzuki Miu Saito Ryu x Soma Satoru x Miyazawa Yu
Iuchi: Sakito grew up in space, so there's something awkward about the way he keeps his distance from people.
Miyazawa: He basically acts by himself. That's why he doesn't spend much time together with everyone. He'll often go and help them out when they're in a tight spot though.
Iuchi: Still, it's amazing how Yu-kun's able to express his awkwardness so accurately. I'm sure this is how I'd be if I were in space my whole life and didn't know anything about Earth.
Suzuki: He's different. Mira's good at closing the distance between people, and yet even I felt overwhelmed, or rather overpowered by his intimidating presence.
Iuchi: That's why I've become much more motivated to do some muscle training. I'm sure there'll be alot of scenes of me standing next to Sakito from now on, so when that happens, I'm afraid I'm going to "lose" because of my appearance (laughs).
Hayama: He's a good stimulant, don't you think? For me, I'm glad to see Violet, a character closer to the color blue join us, as there's already so many bright, reddish colors in Boonboomger (laughs).
Saito: Black's the only one that's neither (laughs). Still, Sakito's cool just from a visual standpoint, isn't he? I've thought that way ever since I first saw the makeup artist doing his hair.
Miyazawa: Ryu and Miu-chan ran over to me and said, "What's Violet like?" (laughs).
Suzuki: We were like, "Oh~!"
Saito: That's right. We were like, "So cool!"
Miyazawa: Both of them said, "So cool!," but as I looked at them, all I could think of was, "They're so cute~" (laughs).
Saito: His purple extensions are nice too. Haruhi said, "Isn't that unfair?!" (laughs).
Iuchi: I wanna wear some too (laughs).
Soma: His character and appearance are both striking. In that sense, although their personalities are completely different, he and Genba may be similar in some ways. Also, for me personally, it was a weight off my shoulders when Zawa-kun (Miyazawa) became the oldest character (laughs).
Miyazawa: In my mind, Satoru's character is the oldest.
Soma: No, absolutely not, that's not possible (laughs).
Iuchi: Still, you two might be abit alike. They've consciously taken away the feeling of being our seniors and made it easy for us to talk with them. That's why they're more like having kind big brothers around.
Miyazawa: You guys just mess around with me though (laughs).
Suzuki: Zawa-kun's being teased the most now, isn't he? It used to be Satorun (Soma).
Soma: That's why I'm doing the teasing now.
Hayama: That's fun too, right?
Soma: It's fun. Zawa-kun takes care of "cleaning up" for us (laughs).
Miyazawa: I mean, all five of them are silly, aren't they? I was put into the group chat, but even there, they were just posting silly comments……multiple times. The next day I was like, "Someone say something in response!" (laughs).
Suzuki: Everyone's just doing whatever they want (laughs).
Hayama: Still, the atmosphere on set has become tense due to Zawa-kun. Everyone's trying not to lose to him.
Saito: I'm looking forward to the story from now on. How will Sakito interact with the other five? There's still alot we don't know about him as a character.
Miyazawa: I think it'll become more apparent in the future that he "has another side to him."
Iuchi: With the addition of Sakito, the relationships among the other five will probably change, and in a good way, we have no idea what the future holds, so I hope you'll continue to watch over us! _
Q: What's something you'd like to have the "Cleaner" resolve?
Iuchi: I'd like him to "clean up" the oil that accumulates in my stomach. I like yakiniku and ramen, and often go out to eat with everyone after filming. However, I'm weak with oil, and always get an upset stomach when I eat too much of it (laughs).
Hayama: Do you clean drains? I'm a cleanly person, so I clean my place atleast once a week. However, I tend to skip the areas that use water, only doing them about once a month…I'd like you to clean them on my behalf (laughs).
Suzuki: Mira's always showing her legs, so I'm working hard on muscle training every day. However, there are times where I just can't be bothered. I'd like you to take care of this "troublesome spirit of working out"!
Saito: I always fall asleep as soon as I get home. This is why I always put off cleaning…Some days it's clean, but on average it's pretty dirty, so I'd like you to clean my entire room (laughs).
Soma: Because of my thin chest, I want to build muscle. I like to move my body, but I'm the same as Miu-chan, and there are days where I'm not motivated to work out, so I'd like to have those feelings taken care of.
Miyazawa: I wish there was something I could do for all the things the five of them said (laughs). Speaking of, I was recently taken out to play futsal by Satoru. I've been wanting to go out and play it for a long time, so I was finally able to "clean up" that desire!
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dabisbratz · 2 years ago
Okay so I looked up eren and he doesn’t look much different then I expected. The hair is def brown but he looks like a anime version of what I imagined but with longer hair lol.
On a separate note let’s talk abt dilf Aizawa… istg you take every thought I’ve ever had out of my head and put it in your stories. I love ur babysitter AU and I had a similar one but mine was daycare worker instead (Sorry for the long post in advance)
Hear me out tho, you’re a gullible and very broke college grad trying to get by on an internship at a daycare in a better part of the city that markets towards rich people like heros, celebs etc. basically anyone who needs to worry abt their kids safety more then usual. You don’t really do much and have barely interacted with parents or even kids in the few months you’ve been there. You really only talked to Aizawa once or twice in passing. To you he was just another hot single dad among many. That was until suddenly this hot single dad is at your local grocery store. It’s a little strange that he’s in a crime ridden downtown area nearly 45 mins away from the daycare but you try not to think much of it. It’s not that big of the deal.
It’s just a coincidence when he’s at the shitty dog park you frequent with no dog in sight. It’s just a normal every day run in when you catch him on his morning run… in front of your out of way apartment. And surely he didn’t mean to knock on your door in the middle of the night. I mean he says he’s just visiting a friend after a long night of drinking but can’t find or remember the apartment #. Surely you’ll let him in so he can sober up <3333
Sorry if I’ve been sending too many asks you’ve just got so many wheels turning in my head😵‍💫😵‍💫
you could never send too many!! jus… drunk zawa goin on n on about how handsome n pretty you are, says he knows you’d never go for an older guy like him but he can’t help himself..n that he liked you since the day he saw you trailing around the daycare…he keeps to himself obviously but he’s leaning in close to talk to you n never makes eye contact!! jus stares at your lips n nibbles at his own.. n when you’re handing him a glass of water hes brushing his fingertips over your knuckles n there’s jus… so much… tension…
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machiroads · 11 months ago
sitting here with my head in my hands trying to pic only one WIP title when they all intrigue me😭 I'm sorry FFXII steampunk au, I have to know what's up with When the Battle's Lost and Won
When the Battle's Lost and Won is the next installment in the Nine Lives Extended Universe and it's effectively a post-final battle post-mortem. I've been picking away at it since I finished 9L (like. a year and a half ago now) and every week a chunk of it is like "oh well this isn't going to be canon anymore" but oh well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ WRITING CANON-ADJACENT FICS IS FUN.
It's intended to be 4 parts (Moon > Sun > Cloud > Stars) and I SINCERELY HOPE I DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE THAT.
Here's an excerpt that probably? won't have to get deleted
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The FFXII Steampunk AU is a bit of a redundant title, as FFXII's Ivalice is inherently kind of steampunk (or at least steampunk fantasy). It's a fic with a demographic of approximately two people, and it still lives in my Active folder because I inadvertently bamboozled three other very talented people into collaborating on it and then just. Didn't do anything with it for uhhhhh a solid year now. Oops.
It's a big damn adventure fantasy, featuring Spy/Bard!Mic, Airship Pilot!Shirakumo, Viera!Midnight, and Time Mage!Zawa (and the two mist-touched kids who follow him around). There's legitimately probably like. 20k of it written and I really should just put some of it up for funzies but I have a mental block against posting things that I can't commit to finishing in good faith because I have a pathological need to be reliable. Maybe some day. Not right now.
It was originally supposed to be just a loosely connected series of vignettes but those vignettes keep getting longer and longer :V
Here's a chapter transition of all time (spice warning)
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myselfinserts · 6 years ago
❝ You’re never too young to learn our national no-snitching policy. ❞
Team Inseki. A rebellious group of kids who went around doing minor vigilante work and protesting injustice. Famous for their parkour skills and their inability to be found, they were holding their latest round of tryouts today. 
Coming here was a bad idea. She knew it was a bad idea. Eraserhead had patrol today. If they were seen, they’d be caught for sure. Caught, arrested, maybe even expelled. All of them, all ninth graders aside from herself, were at risk of ending their futures with this move. 
And yet, the thrill of being caught was part of the appeal of this challenge. And it was exactly what Atsuko wanted. Though she wouldn’t say it out loud.
The leader of this team, an upper classmate from her school named Arisu Soramaru, was the best of the best on the school’s track team. As the leader of Team Inseki, she had final say in who got to be on the team. Those that made it got a member name. Those who didn’t got their memories of the team erased. 
Soramaru stepped forward, smiling brightly as she handed the group of students their black jerseys. These were to signify the initiates. Atsuko had been studying this team for the last six months. She new every member who was already on the team. How they kept themselves from being found. 
This was the biggest test.
“Alright kids,” Soramaru said cheerfully. “Now that warm ups are done, here’s the goal. We’re here, near he center of the school districts. The one point where they all converge. The goal is to get to Wookies without being caught by Eraserhead. These track suits and sneakers are the same ones used by all the sports teams in the area so if you get seen they can’t pinpoint you by glance alone. And each jacket has been outfitted with a special escape function. If someone not wearing one of these jackets grabs you, a smoke screen will activate and you can use that chance to get away.”
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“Also, we’ll need you all to take one of these candies before we start. Each one is specially made to activate with your adrenaline. If you make the team, you’ll get the second candy that’ll deactivate the first. Those that don’t will forget the team ever existed the moment that your adrenaline levels out. And we don’t start until I see you chew and swallow.”
Atsuko watched closely to make sure she could tell if there was a way around the candies. Soramaru had each of the kids one by one chew and swallow. She inspected their mouths to make sure none of them were cheating. No under tongue, no behind the lips in front of teeth. She was being thorough. 
Looks like I’ll have to grin and bear it. 
When it came to her turn, Soramaru stopped. “Wow. That’s an intense look you got there, Kan. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you make a face like that.”
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“It’s only because I’m determined to win.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear.” She handed her the candy. “Eat up.”
“Hold on!” one of the other initiates complained. “She’s like, a little kid! She’s way too young to be joining us!”
“We’re all middle schoolers idiot,” Soramaru chided. “The call for initiates said ‘anyone between grades seven and nine.’ She’s a seventh grader and already one of the best runners on the track team. You’re never too young to learn our national no-snitching policy.”
Atsuko ate it, surprised by how pleasant it was. A small chocolate that tasted like berry pie. The slight tingle in her blood became evident of the drug taking effect. 
“Arlight!” Soramaru called. “Masks on! Voice modulators on!”
Everyone slipped on their ski-masks, stuffing any and all loose hair out of sight and slipping the voice box on.
“On your marks! Get set! GO!”
“TOUCH OFF!” Atsuko screamed, her modulator making her sound weathered like a soldier.
Without even waiting for the rest of the initiates reactions, Atsuko took off to the next rooftop with a forceful run. The breeze buffeted her with every step. The world became a blur. One step. Two. Three. She reached out her hands to grasp the roofs with every jump. She slid down pipes, ran through crowds. Dodged into alleyways and ran up walls and fire escapes. She was taking a slightly longer path, but it was flatter. It was smoother. She’d be able to cut back from this.
“Stop right there!”
Atsuko glanced back briefly to catch the goggles of the erasure hero right behind her and a few other students that had chosen to try and follow her. She turned on her heel just as the capture rope came flying at the slowest runner. Atsuko jumped landing right on top of it and nodding to the runner, watching them leave before turning back to Eraserhead. 
“This building is private property,” Aizawa said. “You’re trespassing-”
“Kiss my ass.” 
Atsuko jumped off the capture weapon, smirking as it came for her. Without blinking, she caught it and pulled. This seemed to catch Eraser off guard, and she managed to send herself flying right at him. When he grabbed her arm, the smoke activated. She could just make out his shocked expression before swinging around and grabbing him, throwing him over her shoulder. She took the end of the capture weapon hogtied him, punching him hard in the gut to knock the wind out of him before taking his goggles. 
“You’re getting slow and predictable in your old age,” she said, grateful that the mask and modulator was hiding her identity. “You should have known this initiation was a diversion. Chances are Team Inseki are causing mayhem clear across the city. They announced a protest of the latest regulations on quirk usage a week ago.” She crushed the goggles in her hands, smiling as the spark of the tracker in the corner went. She pulled it out and tossed it aside, snapping what was left in two and taking the empty half, shoving it into her pocket. “You should have listened.”
“How did you do that?” Eraser coughed, trying to regain a breath. “How did you-”
“It’s a rhythm. A song. Every step I take is leading me forward. I am the blood of the wind. That’s how I was able to hogtie you.” She placed her hand on his neck, pinching slightly. “Now go the fuck to sleep.”
In three seconds, Eraserhead passed out. Atsuko padded herself down, making sure he didn’t slip a tracker onto her before taking his utility belt. She scattered all the items, used the smoke bombs, and crushed the first aid kit, including the healing water vials. She made sure to drink one before smashing the rest, careful not to get her DNA on anything. 
As soon as she was done she ran off. She took a backway, making sure to keep to the shadows. Once she found a spot to hide, Atsuko took a moment to breathe. She couldn’t help but smirk. 
The candies weren’t immune to her mother’s healing tempest. Her adrenaline had evened out and she remembered everything. 
Once she was sure the coast was clear, she began her sprint again, keeping more out of sight than before. It didn’t take her long to get to the mall, and once she arrived, she found the meeting place. An old bookstore just down the street. She entered through one of the rooftop windows, immediately being grabbed by two fellows in red tracksuits who immediately removed her mask and modulator.. 
Soramaru stepped forward. “You’re the last one, Kan. Sorry you didn’t make the cut.”
Atsuko smirked. “You want me on your team.”
“We don’t need slowpokes-”
“I take it the others didn’t tell you what I did to Eraserhead?”
“You…what?” Soramaru looked her over. “What do you-?”
Atsuko tore her arm free and reached into her pocket, pulling out the piece of goggle. “I left him hogtied and passed out on a rooftop. No injuries. Just damaged pride.”
Soramaru examined the piece of goggle, making sure there were no other tracers. When she made sure it was clean, she smiled. “Well done. This is…damn. I didn’t know you had it in you.” She paused. “…What’s your quirk?”
“I’m a healer. I can create bloody crystal claws on my hands and heal with extreme acupuncture. But I can only heal so much. Stuff that’d normally kill you like being crushed by a building is currently off the table, but I can heal a broken arm and such.”
She nodded. “I see. Soramaru stood up, nodding for the others to let Atsuko go. “Perhaps you’re the one we need after all.”
“Are you allowed to bring two people?”
“Under certain circumstances. This is one of those.” She reached into her pocket, pulling out a candy that resembled a cherry cordial. “Welcome to Team Inseki, Atsuko Kan. Or should I say ‘Touch Off’?”
Atsuko smiled. “Perfect name.”
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After dinner that night, Ena and Atsuko sat in the General studies dorm room, going over their homework and occassionally asking for an extra hand from Clement as he arranged things how he wanted them. After a long conversation, he’d managed to convince Marianne to let him move into the student dorms. They’d spent all of Sunday getting him moved in. 
Had Atsuko not been busy, she would have helped him on Saturday. 
“I’m gonna go get some snacks,” Clement said. “Want anything?”
“Cookies,” Atsuko said, not looking up from her book. “And milk tea please.”
“I’ll take the same,” Ena said. 
Clement nodded. “Sure thing. Anything else”
Atsuko shook her head. “No, I think we’re good. Thank you, aniki.”
As soon as he left the room, the girls counted to three. When they were sure he was gone, they sighed. 
“Thanks again for helping me train,” Atsuko said. “And sorry for roughing up your dad.”
“It’s fine,” Ena assured. “You didn’t exactly leave him to the wolves and he was unharmed aside from being a little grumpy. And they found him not long after you’d hidden yourself away.” She leaned in close, smirking playfully. “So, you get the data on Team Inseki?”
Atsuko nodded. “Some of it. I managed to jump from level 12 recruit to a level 3 member thanks to the extra flair. Your level determines your level of access in the organization. Most levels 12-6 are general grunts. You wanna be in the top 5 ranks to get info and help make plans. And I learned that the candies are what make people forget about the team. They aren’t immune to mom’s tempest, so if you get some of the water into you before your adrenaline goes down, you can keep your memories without taking the second candy. And those candies taste really, really good. I’ll try to get some for analyzing. Only level 2s have access to them.”
“How long until you take full control, you think?”
“Depends on how long the organization lasts before someone slips up, but if I can hurry, I can be in complete control by the time I enter U.A.”
“Can you go faster on that?”
“I can try, but I make no promises.” Atsuko smiled, giving Ena a boop on the nose. “You really think we can change the world?”
Ena giggled. “Silly. There’s no think about it. We will.”
“And you’re sure you still want me in on your little schemes?”
“Of course. Every team needs the best healer.”
Atsuko smiled. “Thanks.”
 Icons made with this icon maker and photoshop
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your-local-e-gorl · 2 years ago
Online Shopping
This is taken from a very self indulgent ff that I’m writing for a friend, taken after the relationship has been established for a while.
NSFW: Dacriphylia, age gap, bratty behavior, nothing too bad. Pure smut, breeding,mentions of smoking,read at your own risk. I wrote this while stoned a few months ago. YwThisIsProbsGonnaSuck
“Shouta, stop!” His hips stop slowly as he wears a shit eating smirk. “You’re not seriously considering what to wear, right?” I grip his thigh while trying to catch my breath. “I was, but someone is distracting me,” I snap. “I want to relax and pick out an outfit in peace!” Hips roll into mine again, friction pulling slowly through me. I gasp as he pulls me into his lap further, suddenly weak.
“That dress would look lovely on you. Maybe with a pair of heels?” I manage to view it and I instantly fall in love with the lace and the way it hangs from the model’s waist. “I actually do like it… maybe not in blue though.” His hand wraps around my thigh, grasping hard enough to bruise. Stubble brushes against my skin as he presses his nose to my neck. “See if they have it in black. That always looks good on you,” he instructs.
I scroll through the multiple hues, eyes blurring from his ministrations. Eventually, after flitting through blues and reds, I come across a jet black. “They do,” i sigh. His hips buck into mine effortlessly despite my added weight. “Add it to the cart. Now. “
The authority in his voice makes my body quiver. My hand reaches for the mouse yet he moves it out of reach. I look at him expectantly. Evil fuck. “Reach, baby. Go on.” I moan out as he presses against my sensitive walls. “Now shoes. You like pretty shoes. Right?” His tone shows how amused he is.
“Later. I t-think we should fin… finish first,” I chiose. “After all I have some nice ones-“ Fingers crawl up my leg and stop at my hip. “Did you forget that you’re being punished for your interruption? I said, pick out some shoes.” My chest palpitates as I write in his lap, his demanding words seeping into my thoughts.
“You’re being so-“ I gasp as he shifts a bit. “I’m being?” “Mean! If you’re gonna fuck me, then do it! I can’t take it,” I choke out. He stares at me blankly. “Aren’t you the one who wanted to see what I was doing?” I whimper with a nod. “I did. But now I want you to fuck me, Shouta. Please?”
Unexpectedly, he doesn’t cater to my request. Rather, he stops what he’s doing and pulls out his phone.
All I can do is stare in disbelief. There’s no way he’s going to leave me half satisfied. “Are you just trying to be a dick? Hurry up,” I urge.
“Not until you finish shopping. Continue.” I pout on top of his lap before clicking a random pair. “Done!” He glances over my desperate face before squeezing it. ��Those aren’t your style, baby. How about we make a deal? I give you what you’ve been begging for, but if you stop scrolling then this-“ he gestures to his cock halfway in me. “Stops. ” I nod rapidly, pleased at the agreement. “Yes sir!”
He starts slowly grinding into me as I scroll, determined to waste his money. He’s got plenty of it anyways. I groan at the way he hits my cervix, the pain mixing with unadulterated pleasure. My fingers guide the mouse to the cheaper side of the site. I proudly look up at him with the ugliest choice of shoes. They’re even uglier than the first choice of mine.
His grip on my hips tighten, pulling me against his pelvis. Pleasure shocks my body as he suddenly thrusts up. I push his arm to squirm and face him, confused on the fleeting force, but with just one arm he restrains me.
“Aizawa! Zawa’ please! Just one kiss, please,” I ask sweetly while I struggle against his thrusts. He ignores me, clicking on the assortment of higher priced shoes. I guess he was serious about one thing.
“Shouta? Please- I. Just one. Please?” I bat my eyelids as his thrusts slow. He guides my hips up and fixes the posture, determination reflecting back for the screen.
My lips attack his with a hunger like never before. “T-thank you,” I whine. He clicks on a pair of beautiful gold pumps with red bottoms. “Baby, look. You’re a fan of this brand. Should I get it?” I groan and whine in frustration yet again before pulling myself off of him. “I don’t care! I just want you to ruin me. Please, Shou? Please. I’ll take everything you give me. I’ll be your perfect, pretty baby,” I coo in a voice that’s as thick and sweet as honey.
He doesn’t even spare me a glance. “Sit back down or we’re through for the night. Last warning. Do you understand?” With trembling legs and teary eyes, I hurry to occupy his lap once more, his hands dragging me closer.
We both let out various, desperate noises, each moment tugging us further into a sea of lust. “You want it bad too. I know you do, Shouta. Just give in and fuck me. Why hold yourself back?” I coax breathily into his ear, tits bouncing as I ride him.
His hands cup my breasts before taking one into his lips. “You keep this up and I’ll be the only one cumming, tonight. But you’d probably enjoy that. Goddamn slut.”
I clench tightly at his biting insult before changing my tactic. I release my tears from the pent up frustration of his teasing. “If you don’t want to fuck me, then just say that!” I huff. Tears trickle down my lashes, seemingly pulling a look of regret from his face. “Or let me find it somewhere e-“
My words are quickly stolen from my lips by a deep, shuddering whine. My hands push against his thigh and chest. “T-too much! Shouta, it hurts,” I sob. He stares at me with a stern look despite my protests. He’s bottomed out and pulling me into him even further, as if it’s possible.
“What were you saying? About finding it somewhere else, that is.” I continue to push against him, unable to breathe from the overwhelming feeling of being full. He chuckles in my ear before pulling me upwards. I’m slammed down on him, successfully impaling me on his cock.
My mouth drops open in a cry as he bullies my cervix. “Stop, please,” I moan. “ ‘M sorry. I didn’t mean it- just wanted you to f-fuck me. Thou-ght isn’t was a good ‘dea.” But ‘s too much. ‘M too full.” My words are breathy as I attempt to accommodate his size.
“You’re getting what you wanted, right,” he pants into my chest. “Now shut up and take it.” The squelching noises reverberate in my ears along with a weak moan. All I can do is wrap my arms around his neck and as he said, take it.
His lips fall onto my neck, hot kisses trailing the skin around it while apologies fall from my lips. “Keep babbling, baby. Fuck, apologies sound so good coming from you.”
“I love you,” I sigh. “I really do.” His sweaty chest leaves my back as he rises from the bed. “I know you do, baby. Now, get some rest, okay?” I feel the mattress dip as he sits down and brushes my hair. “Shouta?” My lips are taken in his. “I love you too.”
A tingle runs up my spine and curls my toes, the warmth swimming through my heart. “You leavin’,” I murmur in question. My hand grasps his wrist in desperation. “Stay.”
Aizawa stands as he searches for what I’m assuming is the towel. “Just gonna go get something to drink. Here.” To my surprise he hands me a pre roll from the dresser. “Inside?” “Eri isn’t home and I know you’re gonna be sore for a while. Go ahead.”
I hug him tightly, sweaty hair sticking to him like little snakes. “I have to most considerate boyfriend.” With a chuckle and giving a flick to my forehead, he walks off.
By the time he’s back, laptop and two bottles of water in his giant hands, I’m already high as a goddamn kite. “What are you smiling about?” he grunts. “You’re pretty.”
I tilt my head up as he presses against me. “You must be trying to get another round out of me. Are you?” I can’t help but to laugh in pure delight. He’s just so wonderful!
“I just love you. Okay?” The cynical look on his face slowly melts away, replaced by the softest look I’ve ever had the pleasure of receiving. It’s so tender and relaxed.
“I love you too, princess. Enough to marry ya’, ya’ know?” I don’t get the chance to say anything as his lips close against mine. In one swift movement he’s buried in me to the hilt, both arms trapped in his grip. I’m so full that it hurts.
“Z-Zawa, pull out,” I plead. He groans and shudders into my neck, his much larger body threatening to crush me. “I just fucked you… you’re still this tight?” I gasp and claw at the sheets in attempt to break free. I want to touch him. I want to feel him.
“Stop fighting baby. Let me just get you ready and then I’ll let you go, ‘kay?” He knows just what to say to get me weak in the knees. I nod with a whine as he shifts. My legs instinctively close across his back, allowing us to be closer.
My head swims as he pounds into my contrastingly smaller frame. “Sora, look at me. You okay?” I try to focus my eyes on him as his hand grips my cheeks. “G-gonna pass out,” I slur. He blinks rapidly. “What’s wrong?” I whine reluctantly. “Don’t stop. Almost there, I need to cum.”
“Baby- you’re going to-“ “Please? Fuck me through it. You gotta.” He’s the only one I could allow myself to be vulnerable to, in this way. The only one I could express this desire to.
Thousands of tingles crawl throughout my body as my orgasm crashes into effect. His fascinated gaze and subtle groans as he spills inside of me manage to finally pull me under, the black taking over.
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