#of that horrid british man but
senvurii · 1 month
Ctommy / Almost ended - a song about a girl stuck in a loop- stuck chasing her own ending forever
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ctommy part2 - Midnight Phobia
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ctommy honourable mention (im a freak) / peachy key
ctubbo / over - about a young girl determined to find her dead friend in the stars
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ctechno / adipocere - a girl wandering through the metaphorical cold for dead relationships
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(note: i always imagined techno to living millennium, and this song to crimeboys. this is for accuracy.)
cphil / imawanokiwa - about a mother attempting to ignore the grief of losing her child
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cniki / Till your tear goes - a remembrance to let go and love the day
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cslime / living millenium - a painting-like girl observing humans for thousands of years
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cdream / mercy killing - a girl whos punishing another for lying
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cquackity / goodbye jackpot - a nihilistic outview on life told through casino metaphors
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cpuffy / Dandelion - someone desperately trying and failing to protect what she holds dear
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csam / angel care - a girl apologizing and grieving for a loved ones death
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kylos-starlight · 15 days
Its a baileys in my coffee kind of morning.
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spxnglr · 1 year
Good mornooning my beloveds, this morning I dressed myself up in summer clothes bc the house felt like a sauna and then walked right out into the pouring rain. How has your day been?
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lesbojournals · 6 months
being an american muggle dating poly!marauders would look like...
-lets pretend this exists in modern times pls <3
-just constant cultural differences. ALL OF THE TIME.
-the boys were traveling to the us and stopped in the cafe you work in, and it basically took off from there
-you immediately fell for the accents
-remus got a tea from the cafe, you had made it, and it tasted so HORRID that he made sirius and james try as well
-they were disappointed but the disappointment soon disappeared as james realized your phone number was written on the side of the cup
-they text you and set up a first date, let you know they're sort of a "package deal"
-for the first date you show them around your city, confused as to why they were so in awe that you had your driver's license
-the first date went so well that they extended their stay in the us to get to know you better
-it's not until wayyy later that you become Official-this is when you find out about wizardry and it just leaves you like :o
-"so what british people get to be wizards and i'm just stuck here"
-"no, that's not how it works dove."
-you blush REALLY hard at the different nicknames the boys have for you compared to the american counterpart: love, dove, etc.
-sirius makes fun of you constantly saying "dude, man, bro"
-"dude you bought me flowers!! no way!!"
-"do you have to call me dude"
-james approves of the american dude-bro persona you occasionally put on for shits and gigs
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
🚬🦇 Some Vampire!Price AU Lore🦇🚬
Bonus Mummy!Gaz at the end 👁️👄👁️
Wrote this from morning until night before I sleep. I've got too much brainrot to just let it stay in my head. It has around 4k words so enjoy!
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John Cristopher Price was born a human in 1286 in England. Coming from a lord status, He was an honorable knight through and through, loved dearly by his subordinates and of course by the king himself, Edward I.
Price died in the battlefield against the Scots when an arrow pierced through his heart. A former vampire saw his fortitude throughout his life, and made him drink her blood, and he rose as a human no more, but a blood-hungry vampire.
No amount of weapons could kill him -- pierced, stabbed, crushed, he always comes back. His thirst for blood couldn't seem to be controlled. He could see the blood flowing through every human he saw until one night, he unconsciously controlled his wife's blood, stopping her heart, and drinking her dry.
Ever since then, the people saw him as a monster, a demonic being that would end humanity. They demanded his head and even tried to burn him alive, yet the sharpest swords by the finest blacksmiths couldn't cut his neck, and no hellfire could burn him.
Not being able to live past his mistake of murdering his own wife, Price eventually escaped and lived in solitary, roaming around the British isle.
He lived through generations, learning how to live like a human. He pushed through the churn in his stomach as he tried to eat animals and vegetables, drinking water and tea even though his tastebuds only knew bitterness. Eventually, Price earned total control of his body, finding the sweetness inside the bitterness, and regulating his own stomach acid so the food he consumes stays down.
He came back to society during the 1500s when England was under the rule of Elizabeth I. He became a farmer, earning connections and new friends, all the while trying to find his place in the middle of humanity.
Price couldn't seem to stay away from the battlefield though, as when he defended his lord's land from armed mercenaries who sought for his lord's demise, one of the Queen's people saw his potential to be one of her loyal knights in her conflict with Mary of Scots. He went overseas to Spain, France, and even Russia for her, personally knowing Elizabeth until her death.
As one of Elizabeth I's subordinates, He became a knight for the rest of the House of Stuart monarchs. After that though, his age became a suspicion among the knights, so he pretended to die in one of the battles and went back to live in solitude.
For hundreds of years he lived in a cycle. Showing up out of nowhere in the city, become a soldier, sneakily drinking the blood of his enemies when his friends’ eyes were averted, and when the people around him started to notice his unaging face or when they saw him not dying from swords, he’d flee the city for one or two generations, and then coming back again to become a soldier.
Centuries passed. Newer and deadlier weapons were invented. Of course he tried the weapons on himself, but none of them managed to send him to the afterlife.
The cycles kept going, but just as he thought he had conquered this vampire body of his, something dreadful happened.
During the height of World War I, he was one of the soldiers who were deployed to No Man’s Land. After spending weeks and even a month inside the trenches, his thirst for human blood became unbearable and started to take control of his consciousness. Despite trying to fight the urge, all he saw when he walked by his fellow soldiers and superiors was each and every pump of their bloods moving inside the veins.
One night, his thirst grew out of his control, and he attacked one of his own fellow soldiers in his sleep – his own best friend. His friend screamed as he sunk his fangs into his neck, unable to fight Price’s monstrous strength. The other soldiers inside the trench heard the terrifying scream and saw Price in his most horrid state – bright red eyes filled with nothing but insanity, fangs deep inside a fellow soldier’s neck with blood running down his chin.
As his friend’s body fell to the ground, his consciousness returned and he saw what he had done. The allied soldiers started to rain down bullets upon him, fearing that the devil himself had come up to earth, yet none of them managed to pierce him. No kind of bullet was able to go pass through his skin, and no matter how much he shouted, more explanations would only make them more terrified.
And so, in the middle of the chaos, Price used his power to control the flow of blood of every single soldier with a gun in their hands, rendering them immobile against their will. He couldn’t say anything at that point. No amount of apology would bring his friend back, and no amount of explanation would stop them from fearing him. In his sorrow, Price climbed the trenches, welcoming all the incoming bullets from the enemies with open arms, hoping to end this curse of his. Of course, it could not kill him, an eternal vampire.
With nowhere to go, Price stormed the Axis’ side of the trenches on his own, attacking the enemies, drinking the blood of anyone he could sink his teeth to. The more blood he consumed, the more powerful his control over the blood of the people around him. At that point, his body was the fullest he’s ever been with human blood.
In his most powerful state, Price stopped the heart of every enemy in his sight, instantly killing them. As fear and chaos wreaked around the enemies’ trench, the Allied’s forces started their march, only to find Price nowhere to be seen.
After that tragedy, Price lived in solitude for years, hiding in the woods and mountains, swearing to himself that he’d never consume human blood ever again, even if it belongs to his enemies. He lived in the moutains, away from civilizations, hunting for animals to live.
That is, until in 1940, Price met Sir David Stirling, a British Army officer from Scotland who had been searching for the legendary “Devil of The Trenches”. Price was initially extremely apprehensive of his intentions considering how he literally trailed a mountain to search for a legendary being – a dangerous one at that. However, when Stirling told him that he’s aware of his powers and that he's in need of special people for his mission in North Africa, Price finally relented and joined him to his first operation after the World War I tragedy.
Price fought in World War II with David and other soldiers under the name Special Air Service, "L" detachment. He became one of the key figures of winning countless battles in the North African Campaign without people noticing his powers, thanks to David’s clever ways of hiding his power and authorities as a military officer, even freeing David and the others when they were captured and became a prisoner of war. Price’s existence quickly turned into a legend, and as time went on, his powers and abilities became a highly classified information in an already secretive corps, securing his identity and even his livelihood.
Price joined the major battles that the SAS had involved themselves in, even becoming an instructor among the British Army, sharing his vast knowledge of warfares that he’s earned from experience. He currently lives in his own house in London, living among humans as a regular person, owning a calico cat named Greg.
After his mission in Urzikstan, Price expressed his proposition to Laswell about creating a task force consisting of people with special powers and abilities, who could easily and efficiently finish the missions with little to no complications, all from the depth of shadows.
You've read this far, holy shit. Have a bonus story!
BONUS : Mummy!Gaz ⚰️🧢
Throughout his career, Price had found more and more people with special powers and abilities, like the big brooding man who could travel along the darkness and disappear like a smoke, a young Scotsman who had an animalistic trait and happened to be an exhibitionist, and… A bloodless person,
Who happened to be far, far older than him.
Price found his grave, or rather, his sarcophagus in Egypt back when he fought in World War II during the North African campaign.
Price, together with David Stirling and the first members of the SAS were intercepting the Axis troops' railways and supply dumps, when he'd found an evidently colourful sarcophagus inside one of the carriages.
See, this was not a weird or odd finding, because they've received some news about the unearthing of many sarcophaguses from the Ancient Egypt throughout many parts of Africa, even the ones belonging to ancient kings and queens. With that said, this finding was not much of a surprise for Price and his teammates, it's just that they had never expected to find one themselves.
This sarcophagus, though, didn't look like it belonged to a king or a member of a noble family. Despite the eccentric colours and engravings, it's not as large and humongous like those belonging to a monarch, so the members of SAS just dismissed it as just another coffin of a civilian.
Contrary to the others, Price felt like the sarcophagus was calling to him. The feeling was similar to when he died the first time and tasted the blood of the former vampire. He was about to lift the lid and see what's inside, before he felt David's hand stopping him as another battle was about to commence.
Still, after the series of war was over and he'd settled as a human, Price visited Egypt in 1996, adamant to get some clarity about the weird feeling he got when he was near that one specific sarcophagus. He went to the research facility where the objects found were examined and preserved.
Price then went ahead and asked one of the scientists about the object, and found out that the man inside was never an Egyptian man at all, rather a young man from an Ancient African kingdom, likely the Kerma Kingdom, who traveled to Ancient Egypt as an artist. The scientist surprised Price even more when he said that the man inside likely died around 1500 BC, which was 2700 years before Price himself died.
And he thought he was old.
As they approached the sarcophagus, the scientist left Price alone with the ancient object, as he thought this visitor wouldn't be able to lift the cover which was around 500 pounds or 226 kilograms.
Obviously, it was a small feat for Price.
The vampire lifted the lid and carefully placed the massive object on the floor, and for the first time, he saw the face of the dead man.
Even though he'd long died, Price could tell of the youth in his face. The face of an artist who'd traveled a long way to neighboring kingdoms in search of beauty and inspiration, seeking to sharpen his skills and broaden his knowledge more. Alas, he died a young man.
As he thought, Price felt the calling yet again, now louder from the absence of the lid. He first contemplated about touching such an ancient, possibly fragile object, thinking that it could contain some dark magic or any supernatural powers that were beyond his already vast understanding of the world. But whatever happened to him happened, he guessed. He's virtually uninjurable, and if he somehow died, then he died. End of story.
Finally, Price made up his mind, going ahead and touched the young man's cheek.
Yellow light started to surround the mummy's body, and gradually, the embalmed parts started to change– no, regenerate, forming a bronze coloured skin. His cheeks started to become fuller and fuller each second, the bony features of his arms and legs grew larger, forming a figure of a living human.
Price felt like he was about to faint. He couldn't even remember fainting in his lifetime, but he began to understand something. This mummy - this young man - was coming alive by taking Price's own life force.
Just when Price was about to fall, he released the young man's cheek and stumbled a few steps back. He witnessed as more bright golden light surrounded his body, and how a hand that was just a rigid limb before, began to move, albeit stutteringly, and gripped the edge of his own sarcophagus.
The young man slowly sat up, twisting his neck around like he just arrived on earth, before finding Price standing a few distance away. His eyes were golden, but the parts where it's supposed to be white were coloured solid black.
The young man emerged from his own coffin, very slowly putting his legs on the cold floor. He unsurprisingly fell to the ground like a stiff baby finding ways to manage with his body, before he stood up again, looking straight at Price through half bandaged eyes.
The undead started to walk very slowly towards the vampire, stuttering his movements as one of his hand lifted like he was reaching for him. Price stood up straight and activated his blood controlling power, attempting to stop this moving corpse in its track.
The vampire thought that he'd lost his ability to control blood. He thought because he hadn't consumed any human blood in decades, his power had weakened and even disappeared for good, but that was not the case.
Price couldn't see a single drop of blood inside the young man's veins. Nor his brain, nor his lungs, liver, and intestines. His torso was empty, save for his heart that was still inside his chest, yet the organ was not beating.
After 700 years of his life, Price had found an animate object that he totally cannot control.
The wonders of the world hadn't stop surprising him, huh.
Price, starting to feel fear after so long, could only stand still and let the young man approach him.
As his face got closer and closer, Price noticed that his face was not filled with terror or any negative intentions. It was filled with… happiness?
The young man was smiling.
His hands slowly cupped Price's cheek, and just then, Price began to feel his energy depleting rapidly. He's trying to take Price's life force again!
Reflexively, the vampire swatted the mummy's hands away (which was hard and heavy as a rock).
"What the hell are you doing?!" Price shouted to the young man. The mummy was taken aback by his statements, seeming like he got confused by Price's actions. Not only that, he proceeded to look down, observing his own body and limbs, which were still wrapped with bandages in some parts.
Suddenly, the young man looked at Price and rigidly hugged Price. The vampire was startled at first, thinking that he's about to take his life force again, but nothing happened. Just a simple, warm hug.
Something Price hadn't felt for centuries.
Just then, the sound of the door opening startled the both of them. It was the scientist that had come back to check on Price, and the utter shock on the scientist's face was priceless. The sarcophagus lid was open, and the mummy that was supposed to be dead was hugging the visitor with a grin on his face.
The scientist screamed in confusion and terror in Arabic, before Price slowed the man's heartbeat, prompting him to drop down to the floor in an instant in a sleeping state. The vampire cursed under his breath upon the situation that has fallen before him, and released himself from the mummy’s hug. He then ran towards the sarcophagus and put the lid back, and then he proceeded by carrying the sleeping scientist to some unknown room where he didn’t detect any other blood pulses - the storage room. After a few minutes, Price came back to the room where the mummy was, only to see that the mummy was nowhere to be found.
Price ran out of the room in search of the young man, stopping for a moment to detect the sound of any blood pulses of the mummy, but he exclaimed because he just realized again that that young man doesn’t have any pulse at all for him to detect. So Price began to run around the corner, finally finding the young man was looking up at the other sarcophaguses on display inside the facility, seeming like he’s enamored by the intricate engravings and colours.
Price gritted his teeth in frustration and approached the bandaged man, before fireman-carrying the mummy onto his shoulders. He then ran towards the exit of the facility with the newly reanimated young man, opening his rented car and sat him down to the passenger seat, before he himself sat on the driver’s seat.
Price huffed in relief, trying to make sense of what the actual fuck just happened to him. There’s a living mummy beside him, inside this fucking rental car.
“You, listen to me.” Price began, prompting the young man to look at him.
“You were dead for 2700 fucking years. Until today, you were still dead, but it looked like I was giving you my own life force so you can walk the world of the living again. So that means you’re alive because of me, you got that?!”
The young man only tilted his head in confusion. Of fucking course. He probably only spoke the ancient African and Egyptian language. He facepalmed.
“Okay, I know what if feels like to live again after dying. It’s confusing, but shite, not for 3 and a half millenias!” He shouted before taking a deep breath. “What do I call you? What’s your name?” The 710 year old asked the 3500 year old, his finger pointing at his chest.
That last word seemed to be familiar to the mummy, so he began to mutter some vowels out of his mouth. It looked like producing voice was still extremely hard for him.
“What? Ka? Speak clearly.”
Ke? Kerma? That’s the name of the kingdom he was supposedly originated from.
After a few minutes of the same vowel coming out of the mummy’s mouth, Price began, “Ka. Ka. Kal.”
“Kyle. How about that?” The young man’s black and gold eyes widen. Price swore he saw a glimmering light from his eyes like he just heard his actual name, or at least one of the vowels of his actual ancient name.
“Yeah, you like that, Kyle?” The mummy nodded slowly. “Good. I’m about to give you one hell of a ride."
"Welcome to the living world, Kyle.”
Woohoo!! This became too long and even became a lore for Mummy!Gaz as well! Thank you so much for reading and hope you love it! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Leave a comment down below 👀
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im-jesus · 12 days
My children. Someone amongst you has insulted the love of my life (Andrew Garfield). I need your strength, your power, your numbers in this horrid moment. I beg of thee, destroy the girl who wreaks havoc upon my soul.
In the name of Jesus Christ! I beseech thee! Defend the British man who is literally old enough to be my father!
@jesus-christ-offical @judas-officially @angelicwhore114 @jesus-holding-your-fave @god-offical @captain-talla idk anyone else I’m shit at remembering names
@zipperrants you’re fucked, my guy
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
Setting all other discourse about fiction and reality aside, I really love and appreciate how book-readers have decided that SOME little fake guys are actually extremely Real(tm). Like, even in the same BOOK, there will be fictional characters where the reader agrees that the author made a series of conscious and unconscious choices about this character, and there will in the same book be a little guy who absolutely DID exist and DID sentiently do these things.
Okay you need some examples. Most of you will understand Sam Vimes/Terry Pratchett. Everyone understands intellectually that Pratchett was a writer moving his little puppets around (except that Vimes is real, actually.) Pratchett could write Vimes doing ANYTHING and readers would believe it. When you see footlong discourse about Vimes it’s always presented as if he’s a Man who Chose To Do those Things, never a well-worn literary mechanism. People respect him: Sam vimes arrested a dragon - No he didn’t!! Man’s not real! Pratchett could’ve made him do anything! By some apotheosis Sam Vimes is a real little guy.
The character who is the most real is Stephen Maturin, who is much more Real but too obscure to start with. Stephen is the most character ever. He is Irish-Catalan active in 7 different anarchist separatist movements and also serves the British empire also. He is a horrible little scientist doctor surgeon spy, he is VERY dirty, addicted to 3 drugs, plays the cello, has broken every bone, and is smelly also. He has a sloth. He is the predecessor of all “put them in a jar with a twig” blorbos, but unlike YOUR degraded blorbos, he is real, actually. Look at how I write about him. He is our son Stephen who speaks every language. At no point do we accredit Patrick O’B for coming up with any of this hard work, let alone do we accuse him of making Stephen unbelievable or inaccurate. He is a real horrid little man.
With the possible exception of Paddington Bear, who is very polite, most Meta-Real entities are consistently horrid little men. This quality (plus the fact that ACD looms SO VISIBLY and distractingly over his shoulder) may be why Sherlock Holmes is beloved but unreal. He is horrid and detailed, but not little?
As you can see, I am trying to characterise the qualities of these entities, and whether there is a spectrum of reality. Jesus, for example, feels somewhat real, with cloudy edges possibly due to translation artefacts. Gilgamesh might be, ditto. Ishmael is NOT. Lizzie Bennett is a funny one (also a rare real female) because she is not at all real, but you could 100% encounter her ghost. Do you see what I mean here.
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What is Elvis like as a father in law? I pretty much see him treating Donna and any of the other women who join the family similar to how he talked to fans at times. Everyone is darlin ', sweetheart, honey hahaha. Wanting to take everyone under his wing and spoil em. Especially Donna because she basically saves two of his kids.
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This man -you’ve nailed it.
He loves people. We’ve established this. He adores his kids. Now, people who love his kids? Oh that’s just a beautiful upper tier of love from him. He loves them, he squirrels them away in rooms just one on one to grill them about their interest in a off-putting but lovingly intense way. He inducts them into the family with all the pomp and circumstance of a born performer while also taking care to give them private and subtle assurances of his welcome.
Of course there was Ella‘s fella Johnny, and the time Elvis put his dumb blonde head through the penthouse drywall. But that was no aspersion against Johnny’s good character, his valiant service to the nation as a soldier in ‘Nam or any real man-to-man dislike. It was entirely to do with a red blooded man marrying his 18-year-old baby. Elvis had sworn as a young father he’d kill anyone who came for Ella: Johnny can be glad he only has a permanent goose-egg back there from the incident. A few months of good intentions and proof that Ella is happy with her choice and all can be forgiven. Besides, Elaine seems charmed by Johnny and Elvis hates being anything but on the same page as Tink. 
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Now Jack’s lady, she is a whole Lotta woman, so much Woman that some idiots might call her masculine, but that’s just her broad shoulders and brusque attitude leading you astray. Live and let live, Elvis believes, and he can sympathize with Jack. He knows a thing or two about the positive affects of your lady not letting you get away with shit. Or conversely only allowing you to in her company or under her supervision. It only takes Elvis a few months to get a read on Vic and stop trying to spoil her with jewels or perfume, instead he buys her cigars in the vain hope that she’ll stop swiping his. 
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And then of course there is Danny and his precious Bee, raised most of her summers at Graceland and practically a Presley child until Shiloh had to play matchmaker and Danny had to make it weird and marry her. Oh well, at least they’re compatible and Elvis already approves.
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And there’s Rosalee and her Sam Harrison, who Elvis likes well enough as he’s the son of an army buddy, even if the fool boy married someone else in the interim
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and Daisy’s bloke ain’t half bad for being British, being known as Rosalee‘s kind professor, he’s got brownie points in the Presley family before Daisy attached herself to him, he’s a calming influence on that wild child and the rest of them, someone for Elvis to smoke with and talk about spiritual things.
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And then there’s Donna. Now, Elvis does not have favorites, alright? He really doesn’t, Donna’s not his favorite. Don Don can’t be, as she is not a favorite, she is a fairy, a precious angel sent from above to patch up his babies and bring joy to their household. Whenever sweet Don Don is not being clutched by Jesse or gossiping with Jack or posing for Marie, her tiny self is tucked under Elvis’ armpit while he shows her his latest hyper fixation. She’s written many a caption for a polaroid after he complained of his bad handwriting and morosely wished upon a star within her earshot for some young helper to come along and aid him. Donna didn’t expect Elvis Presley to be so endearingly human -but he is, and it almost makes her forgive that horrid nickname.
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…and then take into account the grand-babies that come from these…
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Okay, so this has been rattling around inside my head since I saw Sophmore Year
"As Above, So below"
The Gods of Fantasy High are Reflections of their Followers.
Mac and Donna are Followers of Sol.
Kristen was a Saint of Helio; Specifically chosen by him.
Mac and Donna are demonstrably Horrid Parents.
Kristen is a Messy, Chaotic person, and kind of a Gym Bro (Negative), specifically a Teenager caught between the belief that her God was wholly and Completely good and Kind, and the Adult realizations that the world is a mess and compromises are Common; Faults are to be accepted.
In Sophmore year, When Kristen is dead and speaking to Sol, Helio, and Galacea, Helio is still the same as he was in Freshman Year.
He's Messy, and Chaotic - and a Fuckboy.
Kristen, His chosen said in the first episode "If Helio Were here, he would pop out of a Corn Husk and Pop corn all over for everyone to eat" in reference to her parents bigotry.
Think about that.
And again in Sophmore Year, he sounds desperate. He's begging Kristen to come back, to join him again. Not in the Demanding way Sol talks to Kristen, like a Parent to a Obstinate Child.
No, Helio is on his knees Begging and PLeading for Kristen to forgive him.
Like a person begging their god for salvation.
Kristen asks Helio when she's dead why there's pain and suffering.
He doesn't answer. He doesn't have an answer.
Now again "AS ABOVE" to "So Below"
They are reflections of each other, but the "Above" come before the "Below"
Helio might've chosen Kristen because he was in a similar spot to what she was gonna be in.
Saint Kristen Chili's Applebees left her god Helio, and Found Cassandra.
Cassandra, Spawned from the remnants of The Unnamed Goddess of Mystery.
Helio's Aunt is The Unnamed Goddess of Mystery.
How fitting would it be for Helio to follow Kristen to his 'Aunt?'
I mean, Kristen hurt her brother by abandoning them with her parents.
Who's to say that the same didn't happen with Helio?
Gods reflect Followers, Followers reflect Gods, Applebees parent reflect Sol, Kristen Reflects Helio and Vice Versa.
Helio cold be in a similar situation that Kristen was in and needed someone that would accompany him in misery, but now the one he chose to accompany him (Kristen) may be his salvation.
IDK Man It's midnight and I've been awake for far too long. I could be misremembering something.
Also; Side note that's related Corn, as we might think of it today, brilliant, yellow, juicy veggie it is - That's not how it is naturally.
Wild corn is dark and hard and good for making flour and the like out of - it's difficult to eat straight off the cob. We bent and changed and Modified it to suit our desires.
Historically, Helio's followers migrated to Solace from Highcourt with a trail of violence leading behind them.
When the europeans (spanish, British, French) showed up to "The New World" They enacted great violence, took the natural resources and bent it to what they desired.
Something something Colonizers Bending the wild and natural to their will by culling the unprofitable and 'bad' crop is like a parent 'disciplining' the 'bad' out of their children
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insatiabledogs · 8 days
Pathetic Desperation
Top! Dom! Teen! Rival! Michael Afton x Sub! Bottom! Male! Reader 2.7k words and 15k characters Trigger warnings: cursing, the scoop reference, so much horny writing, spanking, crying, degradation kink, praise kink, biting kink, and hair pulling. This isnt rlly good guys this was my forst fic dont say anything abt it cause i most likely already know (thx anyways ig?)
The worst. The absolute. Worst. Safe to say this is horrid, but hey, as long as you do your best and he stays you of your way, you'll likely get a good grade. Plus, it's not like you're getting your guts scooped out. You'll most likely get to make a snide comment to Michael too, especially when he gets told off for not doing as much as you did. But nothing has even happened yet, so you can't say anything yet. Your feet drags against the pavement, heavy footsteps making a loud "thud" as you walk through the unfamiliar suburban neighborhood. Looks nice, probably a bunch of rich ass people living here too. Music blasts into your ears from your walkmans, the same loud rock Mike listens too, and the only thing you two will admit having in common.
Checking the address on the hurriedly written note, you walked up his front porch, your music barely enough to block out the sound of an older British man arguing with his son.
The screaming match gets louder, as if they didn't hear your fist knocking against the wood of their front door, forgetting the fact there's a doorbell. The moment your finger pushes down on the door bell, the ring sounds throughout their house, the screaming coming to an abrupt stop. The door doesn't open, and right as you're about to ring again the door swings open and you're met with the sight of a boy with fair skin, a brown- almost auburn mullet, and blue eyes. His toned frame looms over you greeting you with a scowl you've seen way too many times. Michael's sour expression fades as his annoying shit eating grin forms on his lips.
Crossing his arms, he leans on the doorway, preparing to make a comment before a voice cuts through the tension."Watch it, Michael. I'm leaving, don't mess with anything while I'm gone, got it?" the voice of the older british man sounds harsh and tired, that is, until he remembers you're here. The charming yet unnerving smile you see on television forms on his face. "Well hello, Michael informed me we'd be having.... company. Sadly, I will be out on business and Clara took Evan and Elizabeth out on a playdate. Don't wreck the house while I'm out, ok?" he jokes, making you feel more creeped out and awkward. "Enjoy, your sleepover kids!" He says, keeping that eerie smile up until he leaves. The moment he does, you're left staring at Michael, that grin of his returning to his face. "You coming in or what, dickhead?"
Your footsteps echoed as you climbed their stairs and went through their halls. His crude remarks and insults fall on deaf ears as you go from glaring at him to staring at his stupidly soft looking hair, his stupidly pretty blue eyes, thinking about how you wanna grab his shirt and draw him in, see the shock on his face when you slip your tongue between his lips and grab his-
You trip on a step, bringing you back to earth as Michael's annoying laugh fills your ears. Picking yourself up and rubbing your head, you snark back. "Can you shut up for five fucking seconds?" His stupid grin widens, clutching his sides as he remarks, "God, how stupid can you be? Come over and make me dipshit."
Without thinking, you get up, grabbing his collar and preparing to punch him in the face. But you can't. You're there staring, right back to square one, in his eyes. Your face flushes, pushing him off.
"Nah. You're not worth it." You say, voice full of feigned nonchalance. This only makes him laugh harder, his taunts of your "cowardice" falling on deaf ears as the two of you approach his room.
Upon entering, it's nothing you wouldn't expect. Dirty clothes on the floor, mess here, there, probably everywhere, an unmade bed, posters on the walls, and crude magazines peeking from under his bed. The moment you settle down into a not-so-dirty spot, the two of you get down to business, working on it as much as you can and trying to answer all his questions without rambling passionately about how much you love science and your current project. In the end, you do get sidetracked, your passionate rambling, fast speech, and big hand gestures keeping Michael's eyes on you and that big happy grin on your face making his cheeks flush.
It's gotten dark once you've noticed how long it's been, the smell of the night air drifting in through his open window. The two of you finish up your project before ordering yourselves some pizza, finding each other's company less shitty than usual as you continue to ramble about- well, anything. The night carries on, and during one rather passionate conversation about Queen, he hears the distinct ring of his family's landline phone in the living room. As he leaves to answer it, you're left lying on his bed, munching on pizza as you're stuck thinking about him.
Staring into space, you ignoring the murmur of Michael on the phone (something along the lines of "yes yes, I didn't uproot the house or some shit, chill out old man."), letting it fade into the baclground. Your eyes settle on one of his shirts thrown lazily on his bed next to you. It’s gray and sleeveless, the one you always see him wearing.A thought- a really stupid one- pops in your head. What if it smells like him? Could help you fuel your insane daydreams about him. Your slice of pizza, already forgotten as you stare intently, debating wether or not to do it. It’d be weird, intrusive- hell, what if he came in?
Temptation wins, your shaky outstretched hand closing around the fabric, bringing it to your nose and filling it with a scent you can only recognize as his. That, and, well, cigarettes. Shivers crawl up your spine as your eyes close, a deep exhale causes you to inhale just as deep, desperate for that same feeling to engulf you. The thoughts filling your head were sweet, if it were food it'd taste like dark chocolate. Bittersweet. Everytime you breathed in the scent, you imagined it was him, not just his scent washing over you, and fueling the fire of your desperate daydreams. A warm embrace, the smell of earth hitting your nose mixed with his scent and cigarettes. Gentle rays of sunlight fall on a cheeky smile, lips planting soft sweet kisses all over your face as you lie on a picnic blanket covering the earth and flowers around yo-
"Woah, what the fuck?" Your eyes open, your head snapping to find Michael standing in the doorway as his voice brings you out of your reverie. The shock etched on his face melts away, a familiar smug smile forming on his face as yours turns red.
His feet make a thump as he strides over, ignoring as you try to stutter out some explanation or an excuse, coming a bit... close. His eyes burn holes into yours, his hands brushing softly against your cheek, making you flinch. His breath smells like nicotine and Bazooka Joe. "Damn baby, if you were down bad, you could've just said so." More blood rushes to your face, stuttering as you reply. "I- w-w-wh-wha- what? No, I-"
His slender digits tighten around the back of your neck, drawing you closer as his other hand slides to your waist. Nose brushing against his, he murmers, "Just shut up, will you?" Then it hits you. Another really stupid idea, but you know it'll get him going. Bringing your arms around his neck, you muster up the courage to grin at him.
"Make me"
That was the last straw. His hand gripsyour waist, pulling you in as his lips meet yours in a rough kiss. It felt strange. His lips felt new on yours. Unfamiliar. But not unwelcomed. You relax into him, kissing back with all your pent up passion and desire, letting it all spill into the kiss you're sharing now. Michael laughs at your eagerness, returning your ferocity tenfold making you go weak. The sudden feeling of his teeth nibbling on your lower lip contrasts to the sweetness of his kiss as he pushes his tongue past your lips, making you nearly lose it completely. You attempt to regain control of the situation, your tongues in a desperate fight for dominance, one where you lose, breaking the winning streak you've had your whole rivalry.
His hand slides from your waist to under your shirt, pushing you onto his bed as the two of you scramble to get your clothes off as if your lives depended on it. Michael's lips leave yours just to get that stupid band shirtoff, a whine leaving your lips as they feel the lack of his warmth accentuated by the cold night air seeping from his open window.
His eyes bore into yours as he throws his shirt on the floor with the rest, smirking as he says teasingly, "That's another one you can smell while I'm not looking." He laughs at your embarrassment crawling over you and in between your legs. "Calm down, I was just jokin' ya big baby... Unless," his palm brushes your inner thigh, whispering as his finger hooks on the band of your boxers before sliding them off, "you're into that. If you are, well, I can certainly do something about that... if you want."
The way you flinch tells him everything he needs to know.
"That's what I thought, pretty boy." He trails kisses along your body as praises spill from his lips, loving the way you whimper and moan. Your eyes snap open, his warm breath and piercing gaze on your hard on. The hands keeping your thighs open slide to your boner, one stroking your hardened member teasingly as the other rests on your leg, keeping you from moving... too much. You watch with widened eyes as he sticks out his tongue, dragging it along your length with that infuriating stupid grin. At this point, you're not even paying attention to how loud you're being, nor to the incomprehensible words falling from your mouth.
"That's it, good boy. Keep it up," he says as his tongue trails downwards. "Michael, w-wait- sh-shit- what the fuck are yo-" you grip the sheets, your moans- nearly screams- echoing throughout the room when he tea bags you. "Too much for you, pretty boy?"his taunting tone rings in your ears, the build up becoming overwhelming.
Right as you're about to cum, he stops everything he's doing with a sly grin. "You really thought I'd let you finish?" he scoffs, "That's cute. No," he crawls over you, pinning you under him as he whispers almost threateningly, "I want you to beg. I want to see you cry and moan like the pathetic, pain-loving, slut you are just to get a taste of my cock."
Your mouth opens to leak words of protest only to be cut off by the sharp searing pain of hair being pulled from your scalp.
"Suck it up and admit you want me, bitch." Michael drawls out harshly, a contrast to his charm prior to this. A ragged breathe leaves your lips, looking Michael in the eyes. This is the only time he can make you beg and you know he's enjoying it. And honestly? You are too. You know, deep down, you do want this. Why else would you stare at him in the locker rooms, trying not to get caught whenever he pulls his shirt over his head? You bite your lip, throwing away any shame you had, too desperate and turned on to care anymore.
"Please fuck this desperate, pathetic, slut useless."
His lips curl into that stupid shit eating grin, grabbing a small bottle of lube from his pocket as he comments rather mockingly, "See? That wasn't so hard."
Sitting up, he pats his lap, motioning for you to sit on it. You crawl over, your raging boner grinding against his clothed cock. You're tempted to try and remove his boxers, but before you can entertain any other thoughts, you feel the sharp sting of pain on your ass as the sound of impact reverbs in your ears. "Watch it. If you disobey me one more goddamn time I'll make you regret it. Count."
His fingers slide in and out of your ass, surprised to find it's a bit loose. His hand strikes your ass in time to his fingers thrusting in and out of you, the squelching sounds mixing with your pathetic moans, making it sound like music to his ears. Before you can cum, he stops his ministrations, making sure to leave you more and more desperate.
"Your ass is loose. You really couldn't keep your hands off yourself? Or are you that much of a whore, huh?" He mutters, hastily removing his boxers before he rolls on a condom. "I'll make sure you won't even remember their name by the time I'm done with you," he says with a jealous undertone to his voice. Without letting you dwell on it, he grabs your hips, pushing you down on his cock and bringing your attention back to him and the way his cock sends waves of pleasure through you every time it hits your prostate.
Your nails dig into his back, pathetic cries and whimpers sounding throughout the room as tears blur your vision and he makes sure you don't even think about how loud you're screaming, only caring about the way he praises you and how he's leaving hickeys and bite marks without thinking about how you'll cover them up. Just as you think it can't get any better, Michael grabs your cock, jerking you off in time to his thrusts. He's grinning like a madman and you know he knows what he's doing. The cheeky bastard is overstimulating you on purpose.
"That's it baby, good boy-" his grunt sends shivers down your spine the moment it hits your ears. "Fuck, you're so goddamn hot. Keep it up for me baby- shit, just like that. You gonna cum? Already?" He rolls his eyes, scoffing as he says "Fine. Cum for me, you pathetic slut."
Without telling you, he picks up the pace, making you cum with his name on your tongue, back arching as cum shoots onto the both of you from your throbbing dick. His grip on your waist nearly bruises as he thrusts his cock in and out of you faster and faster. You wish you'd done it raw as he moans in your ear, orgasming soon after you.
His body collapses onto yours, and all that's left is the afterglow. The sweat covering your bodies, the sound of your breathing, and the thumping beat in your chest. Your hand snakes it's way into his hair, gently massaging his scalp and playing with his hair. Planting a soft kiss on his forehead, you turn onto your side, taking him into your arms as his wrap around you likewise. The two of you stare at each other, letting yourself get lost in each other's eyes and relax into the other's embrace. Exhaustion washes over you, leaving no room for any thoughts as you drift off to sweet sleep.
Light streams in from Michael's window, the sounds of you and the world waking up... and the sound of Clara, his mother, climbing the stairs to his room to wake him up. You wake Michael up, stumbling out of bed as you hurriedly try to clean up and get some clothes on, trying to make sure it isn't obvious you two fucked. His mother knocks, opening the door with a sweet smile. "Good morning boys! Hope you two didn't get into too much trouble while we were away," she jokes, a kind smile on her face. "I hope you at least finished your project, am I correct?"
You smile right back at her, adjusting the collar of the sweater you hastily pulled on. "Haha, no ma'am! And yes, we did finish. I made sure Michael didn't do anything out of line. What can I say? I'm a charmer." Clara laughs, leaving the room as she tells the two of you to hurry up cause breakfast is ready.
The moment you're sure she leaves, Michael sarcastically comments "Charmer, huh? I suppose I can confirm that," leaving you as red as always.
(Bro kms. Wtf.)
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witchlingcirce · 3 months
Okay so I’m real bored and I just want to give out some book recommendations by MWAH !!!!!!!
Howls moving castle
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Synopsis: Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl-and herself-than first meets the eye.
Okay so now obviously everyone knows Howl’s moving castle from the movie (10/10 movie please watch). But honestly the book is so different!! I really feel like the book shines in a different way that the movies does. If you’ve seen the movie than the book is like if the movie versions of these characters do crack. This book was so light and easy, and if your able to get your hands on the audiobook I legit can’t recommend it enough. Howl is such a fun a character, and Sophie is just so silly. This book just remains so consistent and honestly I feel like the writing style almost makes these characters feel alive!!
The ocean at the end of the lane
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Synopsis: A middle-aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long gone, he is drawn to the farm at the end of the road, where, when he was seven, he encountered a most remarkable girl, Lettie Hempstock, and her mother and grandmother. He hasn't thought of Lettie in decades, and yet as he sits by the pond (a pond that she'd claimed was an ocean) behind the ramshackle old farmhouse, the unremembered past comes flooding back. And it is a past too strange, too frightening, too dangerous to have happened to anyone, let alone a small boy.
This book genuinely is not what I was expecting it to be but nonetheless was so exceptional. If you’re not familiar with Gaimens work, just know that’s a line. He wrote the novels for Good Omens and Coraline, which are both very famous movie/TV shows! The best way I can describe Gaimens work is literally that it’s so British. This book for me was consistently unexpected, in my mind I was like “this is going to happen!” And it didn’t! Not in like a plot-twisty way, in a “I was nottt expecting that”. This book takes an interesting approach on the concept of lost childhood memories. I think it’s a concept you don’t usually see but I feel like the way Gaimen handled it just made it so interesting. I truly felt for the narrator throughout this novel, this poor boy!
This is Amiko, do you copy?
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Synopsis: Other people don't seem to understand Amiko. Whether eating curry rice with her hands at school or peeking through the sliding doors at her mother's calligraphy class, her curious, exuberant nature mostly meets with confusion. When her mother falls into a depression and her brother begins spending all his time with a motorcycle gang, Amiko is left increasingly alone to navigate a world where she doesn't quite fit.
AH!! This book was honestly so interesting to read and I highly recommend to anyone who is fond of Fujimoto's 'Goodbye Eri' and 'Look back'. The writing in this book was honestly top TIER. I think writing this book's perspective from a neurodivergent girl's POV in a society that doesn't really accept that is so interesting. Throw it into the context of her dysfunctional family who after a major event kind of fall part and no one is there to help her in some many different aspects of life is really interesting. I think this and the ocean at the end of the lane are the shortest here on this list but I really do recommend. Out of all the books I’ve recommended I will say this is the most depressing, but something about this book is soooo I don’t know how to put it. It’s definitely one of those books that will leave you thinking awhile after you’ve read it. I can stress enough how much of this book is worth to read!! It’s so tragic.
The space between here and now
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Synopsis: Perfect for fans of They Both Die at the End and You've Reached Sam, this gripping, atmospheric YA novel follows a teen with a mysterious condition that transports her to the past when she smells certain scents linked to specific memories. Seventeen-year-old Aimee Roh has Sensory Time Warp Syndrome, a rare condition that causes her to time travel to a moment in her life when she smells something linked to that memory. Her dad is convinced she'll simply grow out of it if she tries hard enough, but Aimee's fear of vanishing at random has kept her from living a normal life. When Aimee disappears for nine hours into a memory of her estranged mom--a moment Aimee has never remembered before--she becomes distraught. Not only was this her longest disappearance yet, but the memory doesn't match up with the story of how her mom left--at least, not the version she's always heard from her dad. Desperate for answers, Aimee travels to Korea, where she unravels the mystery of her memories, the truth about her mother, and the reason she keeps returning to certain moments in her life. Along the way, she realizes she'll need to reconcile her past in order to save her present.
The concept of this book is really interesting and is executed in a really fun and new way. I feel like in a lot of 'time travel' books it gets too complicated or it just ends up lacking any sense and at some point stops making sense. This book didn't have that problem; having her 'time travel' be her going back to her memories was such a cool concept, and she executed it so well. I really enjoyed her descriptions of what it feels like to travel, and I'm glad she went into depth with it instead of leaving it up to the imagination. This book also did really well in showing that our main character was a teenager. Something about the way she wrote really made us feel like we were in a teenage girl's head-not in a choppy or bad way where it made you roll your eyes, but in a way that made you able to relate to the character. I also really liked how likable our main character was; it added to the reading experience! Also, I really liked how the main mystery of the plot was resolved; it was really interesting, and honestly, it wasn't expected! And to add onto what I said before, the time travel powers almost feel like they could be the powers of a life is strange protagonist if that makes any sense to anyone.
Immortal longings
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Synopsis: Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin will flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches. Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty...and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa's forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she gets her opportunity at last to kill him. Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he's deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he's one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning. Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa's adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin's ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton's partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she's playing for-her lover or her kingdom.
I remember I read this for the book club I was in last year and I am forever grateful. I was a little hesitant going into this book because I genuinely did not really like either these violent delight books. However this book is actually so good. If you’re in a reading slump I highly recommend this novel to get you out. This plot follows genuinely a really interesting concept, and I liked the way body hopping was kind of represented. I also do feel like it’s an interesting play on this kind of hunger games concept. However I will warn you the body hopping powers are confusing but just go along with it. The actual world of this is inspired by an old city in China (which name I have forgotten) but if you compare to what that city looked like and to what’s described in the book Chloe gets it down to a T. The plot twists of these books are genuinely just so much fun. There’s so many little hints scattered around it makes you want you get a bulletin board and put the little lines up. Not to mention the ENDINGG, I was gagged. The sequel is this novel is also coming out later this year as well!
Uhm anyways guys I love reading so much my Spotify told me to stop listening to audiobooks and get a life 😭😭😭 who wants to be my goodreads friend
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lucifersresources · 10 months
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stupid shit said in discord servers part three meme.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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how dare you be a cop.
i had a dream you worked for nasa but like... nasa were also cops, and you tried to arrest me for publishing pictures of the earth on twitter.
i have never been to jail.
i'm a nun, i've never been in horny jail in my life.
respectfully, you are gay 24/7
babe i'm horny, not sad.
[unintelligible mort screaming]
why am i even attracted to him?
your animagus form would be king julian.
shit i'm not a bot
i still have the immune system of a rat.
ethically, i can go to the library, right?
i can cry and rest at the same time, it's called multitasking.
i don't know where this comes from I'M A HAPPY PERSON.
i'm blowing you a kiss, if you don't catch it and put it in your pocket, i'm gonna end it all.
they're both switches, so there's multiple holes to choose from.
do you ever say something and wonder how exactly you got to this point in life?
mousekeep, mouselight, mouseboss.
ur funny and that's on me.
you made me do this, any injury is on you.
i can buy friends.
i can't bully you today, i have you pencilled in for tomorrow.
he's gay and mean.
ah yes, i'm a moron.
i am made a horrid joke... wait, you're british, you won't be scandalised.
i love lamps.
jfk is a werewolf for real this time.
i'm not putting him in the closet, he worked so hard to come out of that!
i'd like to thank the academy, my dad, and my trauma for the humour it gave me.
all he needs is a bong and he's happy.
god i wasn't even flirting i don't even like you like that man, no homo!
you're gonna die a bottom, how embarrassing.
now WHY is my banana nut muffin so goddamn bald.
i'm bisexual which means i'm attracted to men and i don't like men.
i'm bisexual which means i'm attracted to you as a result of your work and the fact i have no experience in this field.
i'm bisexual which means i'm attracted to me.
in the most affectionate way possible, i am not convinced you are of this earth.
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gazs-blue-hat · 1 year
Ive seen a few concept fics off of this and I’ll write a fic based off of this later but
141 would LOVE to watch the Great British Bake-off. They so would. Every week they make bets and cheer when their chosen champion gets star baker. Johnny would pout something horrid if his person lost.
Kyle talks a big game but he’s terrible at waiting for things to be done. (He’s a master at cooking though)
Simon won’t step near an oven, he knows what he makes will be edible but if it’s not a box mix, he’s not for it.
Price also doesn’t bake much. The only thing this man bakes is probably cookies or something.
But when it actually comes down to it, Johnny takes the cake. He’s so good at measuring exact exact EXACT amounts of things. (Demolitions is all measuring lol)
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pathbend-blog · 2 months
Episode 1: "The Last Diva Dance"
Does not Star
For My 🫂 🥼
That was almost the Finalé of the "Fishhook From My I"
I started with that Fraudster Vance Men's Group Psychologist in Oakland
Trying to save my Parent's Marriage became that One. Duh is also th last yuck and then it just does away, like the Stomach Flue you don't remember having had every summer again.
They really want them CoCo Caxxed before this Rape, was the other Intel th Enemy gave me.
The place you make your Avatar in The Military, is almost where you go to watch you and the patient or class.
I just Finished using that to write our Good Story.
Before Portland 2020
BBC Radio 1
Washington Post
Chuck Palahniuk
If Anthony is House
But Who he Paid House to Jungian Cosplay Mitsky
Teaches him he isn't mean at all, being used by Cutty to laundry Money
I am Mean House, Here, Meaner than The Blade of a Scalpel you haven't held either really for years
Hobo Johnson
I Already Have My Maker's Mark Harry Potter Scarf
Dr. House.
I don't have your Bull Paid Yet.
Universal Medicine Dependent On The Mood of a Physician
BBC Radio 1
Washington Post
Royal Marines
University of Oxford
United States Space Force
There isn't a Trick To It House
My Fallanges and Some Good Will Hunting! Yay an op for an Eemjee 🍏 💜
St James Infirmary is a Chunnel from the PFC and your note yet to write for ever and for.
Money. House. Do you even like being called that or just her pretty blues?
💙 To Motor Strips and Opium Psychosis Then House.
Auntie Emmy calls
John Mulaney
Anyway, "Dr. House Was Fine"
Back to my wargames that's the Hour
I hope it was worth a decent Rollings Steins ticket at least. The Drugs I Suggested, Email Me Back If You think it's a good strategy. The Book and Film list isn't an insult to British intelligence.
Oh My Wargames? Well this one is me meanly writing about The Clone Matrix Saga, which Consider Canon
Again to the Detriment of the Enemy's not getting The Matrix as a basic concept yet.
Eventually I say As Real Neo Possessing this Coppertop being made to think it's even Original Clone Neo, who doesn't say that, thinks it's reductive and Mean. "The Waiting Free" or "The Sleeping" gives it a non Anti-Buddhist flair
Sorry I'll get to the IT.
Eventually like in that Agent Smith as his Daddy IRL he learned, the Actor, And Morpheus Rescue Scene
That's The MAPS one that is occurring further Litigation for mean people and my ExWife.
They All Eventually become the Squally lines on the Left
Despite like their Bursting into Flames Things covered by the literal Girl Form Hereditary, Parks and Rec and Hey don't eat my Cornuts B Word.
That's a lot of Money and Drugs onto even the most unfit basic Bagel
,,,, House.
Which can Hold Every Quark on Earth
BBC Radio 1
It's a Lawnmower Man Omegaz it is nice thanks, ⌚?
Hobo Johnson
Washington Post
Royal Marines
*∆6 ❄️
It's The End Then House ⌛
Two Weeks then 4 maybe
Phoebe Bridgers
Anyway, you can't ever really get past horrid about to be 18 and have all that Family Trust that matters for a very brief period of any Human Life, but especially The Enemy's
And Also of All Of History Watched by all
Cosplaying a Woman Or NonBinary is fine, Being a Man in their world. Because those aren't People Either they have ever known
Me that is just The Discraced Doctors Girlfriend for a moment
You can't be a Liar in that Job at all
They are out of Money and can't get you tonight House, Just.
It's in your HIPAA contract I didn't sign for MensRightGuy IRL or us that Therapist and because of my lack of Plausible deniability in that Situation
None was expected.
In Silicon, Way Way Past the 4th Wall because get out of my whole building here and go home and rest?
Humble Bundle
BBC Radio 6 Music
Phoebe Bridgers
Hobo Johnson
BBC Radio 6 Music
Donald J. Trump
The Truth Today or More Charges?
💙 Same as I asked every day.
Donald Glover
That's like when KXT got cut off
Yo'll should Hear it Arowaves Live
2 to one is easy
Just Fall in Love and Listening to The Birds and Don't Infect the Bee's Hives with Special Fungus
Washington Post
BBC Radio 1
Most Basically for the Aspirant to Medical School or College or don't want to school is fine, a trade of some kind, how will you eat?
Your Leader feeding you won't some day child.
They have Magic tricks that harm you that Taylor means when she sings "Crisis"
Their Prisons and Psychiatric Facilities are the Product, not the People working in them.
They can only shove food in mouths and be violent as they knew as children
And accrue Liability like Telehealth
That someone, a Good Law Person, is going to help them Collect
Globally but my Concern by Law is in Two American States
Your Answer in this Debate Then
Stranger to Me as a Living Man
Kamala Harris
Washington Post
Fox News
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
Charles is as pathetic as I thought he was
Hello Celta I hope you are recovered from the hot days. It can be so hard living in the heat with no respite.
I suppose the latest move from Charles doesn’t help keep a cool head. I for one am fuming at this man and without sounding like a witch giving out a curse… I hope he gets what’s coming for throwing everyone under the bus.
The truth will come out and when it does it will be the end of his reign. I know this won’t be popular but as a person growing up with the RF in the UK and seeing all the dramas, I hoped Charles might change. He hasn’t my benefit of the doubt was pointless as he only serves his own interests. I see where Harry gets his habits from. I really hope he gets booed at the Coronation, that his horrid much loved darling boy turns up and ruins the day for him. I also hope that he loses everything he felt precious. This is not to be mean I think just like his son reliving the same errors, it is Charles’ karmic lesson to keep making these errors until his hubris is gone and he learns. So for his good I say karma, bring it on.
I think this is a very bad move because he acts like the population who paid for the spectacle wedding and were branded racists, don’t see what he is doing. We do and we do not forget. As a Londoner I for one will be there booing.The thing he does not understand is that many of us are Williams and Catherines being ruined by Harrys and Meghans we are invested in taking them down and we won’t back off now.
I for one never wanted him on the throne and hope any ‘dirty cash in suitcases’, or 'blow jobs from Meghan’ come to light! If so I see why HMQ clung to her throne so vehemently.
Hi Nonny,
I understand perfectly. This was the last straw with me for Charles as well. I am going to give it a week or two and see if anything comes up to explain this, but after that it is boos all the way from me.
I had hoped Charles would change as well, as people sometimes do when they have what they have wanted all their life, but like you I now think he will never change and that he has learnt nothing from the past.
The disrespect to the British public in this is beyond belief. 
I am enjoying some cooler weather right now and we seem to have gone beyond the super hot days, so fingers crossed that was the last of them for the summer. I don’t mind warm to hot days but the very hot ones are exhausting, like you said.
If this decision was for selfish reasons then it will come back and bite Charles on the butt, and much quicker than he expects, I feel.
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my forever fixations (changes will be added.)
sitcoms (b99, modern family, bbt, himym, the office, friends, HOUSE MD)
benedict cucumberpatch and martin freeman (sherlock bbc, lord of the rings, the hobbit etc.)
ghosts&vampires&blood&sadists&gore&darkacademia&haunted places (frankenstein, jekyll and hyde)
english schoolgirls in the not creepy way (wild child, enid blyton boarding school books)
harry potter
neil gaiman (coraline)
true crime
granada holmes
star trek and star wars in no particular order
taylor swift and old washed up rock bands
pheobe effing bridgers
gracie abrams
kill her, freak out - samia
therese dreaming and maya hawke
raft of medusa
nerf guns
spy kids
peppa pig and ben and holly and gaston and nanny plum
emma chamberlain's fashion choices
the grisly origins of fairy tales
101 dalmations' original cruella deville.
horrid henry, captain underpants and phineas and ferb
evermore and folklore
lore by aaron manke
crime podcasts
the history of mad hatters
interesting things to research about
indian royalty history
Elizabeth Báthory (the blood countess)
agatha christie and miss marple
puzzle solving but i'm terrible at it (i’m awesome, i’m trying to be humble)
a deepening disgust at mortal fascination with each other.
Lockwood and Co.
The sisters grimm
Land of stories
middle grade horror and fantasy books
my instagram threads account
tumblr shitposts
tumblr in general
pjo (ex induced)
scarlet and ivy
young adult dark fantasy without romance (check point 46)
my goodreads account
ada lovelace
franz kafka, virginia woolf.
my spotify playlists (ethel cain i love u)
joan of arc
rosalind franklin
ted ed videos
witch hunts in scotland and salem.
zoroastrian burials
sherlock and watson
my pinterest
amrita shergill
old disney shows
cricket and india's victory in WC in '83
jhansi ki rani
my childhood tv shows
my yt history
video essays
shane and ryan (watcher or buzzfeed unsolved)
chronically online
jude bellingham
Carlos sainz
a dreaded feeling of separation.
Elsa Schiaparelli
the kelly
aux en provence
my artemis fowl phase
harry potter
ryan reynolds and john krasinski
adam sandler movies and similar genres of shitty comedy
cobra kai and the karate kid
spiderman variants
bucky and the falcon
charlize theron
vintage watches
conde nast traveller
benedict cucumberpatch
kristy thompson from the bsc
anne with an e
mr brightside
the sixties, thirties and twentys
maggie smith (downtown abbey and loewe campaigns)
jane birkin
youtube fan edits
stranger things
the irregulars and haunting of hill house
gossip girl (fallacies and legacies)
meryl streep (mammia mia and the devil wears prada)
julie andrews (the sound of music, the princess diaries)
vintage movies
youtube short films and billy joel
the prisoner of azkaban
fred and george weasley and kili and fili
gandalf > dumbledore
margaret - ldr and jack antanoff
alicia and janet (the enid blyton cinematic universe)
sharon tate
my halloween blog 'gore'
arch digest house tours
new york because i'm just a girl
Star Trek
the matrix
kill bill, fight club, dr. evil, ocean’s 11
The KJO cinematic universe
Nepo babies
Tim Burton
The Addams Family
Mathematics x 2
Conspiracy theories
Ethical research
female serial killers
elizabeth bathory
my spotify playlists
billy joel - piano man
youtube edits
peppa pig & ben and holly
horrid henry
lost childhood animated tv shows
enid blyton boarding school books
british sitcoms (outnumbered)
house md
characters most like me list on charactour/ openpyschometrics.
the 2 IT zoya akhtar movies
special certain bollywood
teams in red - man united, Ferrari and RCB.
Formula 1, Tennis, Football & Cricket
Batman&Alfred (Christopher Nolan version duh!)
Dark Knight’s aesthetic
old marvel and DC movies
Superhero Comics
Richard Feynman
Haunted castles
Halloween and Halloween costumes (the only right answer is switching between batman and darth Vader or my Pinterest board)
LEGO (lotr, Harry Potter, marvel and DC lego)
Batman, iron man, and dr strange
ford v ferrari
shang chi
fight club and kill bill
Zack and Cody and phineas and ferb captain underpants
Karate kid and kung fu panda
karen from outnumbered
philomena cunk
Mercedes, Sebastian Vettel being a nerd and super awesome with pit overtakes, Brocedes + 2019 rookies and Maxiel
2012 grid
2023 george russel t pose
twitch quartet
Good food and masterchef australia
black swan
Cool nepo babies (case in point romy mars (director of the tiktok vodka pasta video & Gracie frikking abrams ily)
F2 and f3
Horror movies
SHITTY COMEDYYY movie genre I.e. the hangover, grown ups, etc.
How to train your dragon (i had a dragon dinosaur phase so this is justified)
Lego ninjago
michelle mouton
derry girls
being an absolute effing genius
saltburn aesthetic
Horror movies
Old marvel but deadpool revival
Breakfast at tiffany’s
Old movies (arsenic and old lace, wizard of oz)
Preminger and old Barbie movies
Old Disney movies (101 dalmations)
Merida and brave and Elsa and frozen
the one dance scene from the sleeping beauty
Movies with julie andrews and audrey hepburn and meryl streep
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