#of myths and legends | verse
tooxldtorememxer · 1 year
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@acromanlion wrote: [ UNBUTTON ] : due to heat or stress or other reasons, sender unbuttons the top of their shirt to reveal their neckline.
It was hot. And Atlas regrets his choice of formal wear. His hair is pinned up in a messy bun. Revealing a tantalizing neck to his mate, as well as unbuttoning his shirt. Showing a peak of his collarbones, and the tempting curve of his back as he bends to rummage through a drawer.
"I cannot wait for the sun to go down."
Atlas panted. He gives a triumphant little purr when he finally finds his desk fan. And the groan he lets out after turning it on is absolutely obscene.
Was he teasing his mate? Maybe. Clothes felt stuffy and he had the urge to shift. Being naked seemed like an even better idea with this godforsaken weather. If only his Jaime wasn't so busy. They could be naked together. But instead Atlas resigns himself to leaning on his desk to let the fan blow on whatever exposed skin he has. He's so glad he chose a skirt, his legs at least weren't being tortured by these damn work clothes.
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As it turned out, Jaime was much more accumulated to the high spikes and lowes of temperature than his mate. Though it was clear he was uncomfortable, even his own top buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up, he wasn’t dying from the heat. A glass of ice and cool water helped too, when the ice wasn’t all melted, of course.
Jaime glanced at Atlas as he moved around and rolled his eyes to himself, he pretended not to notice but there was a small twitch at the corner of his lips on the opposite side. “It will be nice, yes,” he agreed, a bit flippant and perhaps nonchalant but it was, of course, all an act. If he let himself be distracted by the minx he would never get anything done and he’d already let himself be distracted enough times to be behind on the work. Father, and most likely Cersei, would have his head if he didn’t preform.
But this game was far too fun to play. And who could be angry with him when his mate looked like that? “But something’s telling me you’re not planning on watching the sunset tonight?” his eyebrow quirked a bit as he turned his head slightly to be able to let his eyes roam over him in a heated but knowing fashion. “What should I do with you?” he chuckled and looked at him fondly.
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chaos-and-sparkles · 1 year
In Which I Ramble About Pavitr's Character Design and the Indian Cultural Stuff Related to It
DISCLAIMER: I'm an Indian, and these are all my thoughts and analyses, but I'm also just one person and by no means am I speaking for everyone. I am not all knowing, and I am not immune to being wrong sometimes. These points are all my own thoughts and stuff that I know through my lived cultural experiences and some history and book knowledge, but I've not particularly researched any of these. I'm just out here giving my take from what I know. This is mostly just going to be me rambling, okay? Okay. Let's go!
Anyway okay so I just wanna go from the top down:
No. 1:
First of all his hair
His fucking hair
This is one aspect that i k n o w I'm overthinking and probably wasn't as significantly thought out in the design but it just Spoke to me and by all accounts I'm not the only one
But I'm so glad we have him with his thick gorgeous fricking hair, especially them being like curly/wavy and slightly long instead of straight and cropped or whatever
Like. Indians usually have very thick and luscious hair, not everyone ofc but generally it's a thing, and it's considered a point of pride to have long dark thick hair.
And the thing is for the longest time the beauty standard in India was to have very straight and shiny hair, all the actresses and heroes were doing it, even though that's literally not the realistic case for a lot lot LOT of Indians. There's a pretty big variety of hair texture in India; some of it is regionally concentrated too, eg. in South India you get a lot of frizzy, tightly coiled hair that's rough textured, whereas curly hair is usually silkier and looser curled as you go Northwards,, Bengalis tend to have very wavy thick hair,, etc. By no means a rule or anything, it's just a thing that there's a lot of curl variety and a lot of it was for the longest time considered ugly and unkempt (there are some classist/regionalist elements to this stereotype also unsurprisingly) still is by some people,,, bc the standard was Shiny Straight Hair. It's a standard that's slowly shifting. It's currently leaning more on the wavy and voluminous side. But it's def a thing still.
All that to say, it makes me so so happy to see Pav with his curly-ish lush hair that he wears with such pride and style,, that are a symbol of his own pride and self care too!!!
Also the line about "coconut oil, prayers and good genetics" - I LOVE THAT REFERENCE AHAHABSSK, using coconut oil for the hair is a very common thing here, it's so so good for the hair and the scalp alike and it's relaxing to massage it in too.
I've seen people try to write Pavitr in fics as "quickly brushing some coconut oil through his hair" as part of his morning routine and. Um. That's not how it's done askaskjas, I don't mean to be rude to the writers at all, everyone does the best with what they know and no one knows everything, but also practically speaking that would be greasy and awful.
There are multiple ways to apply coconut oil, ofc. Coconut oil is often massaged into the scalp and rubbed into the hair like an hour before washing, sometimes with lemon juice mixed in, and then washed off when bathing. Some people, especially those with drier and finer hair, apply it as a regular after-hair-wash thing, too, but even so it needs to be rubbed in.
A really beloved thing we have is coconut oil champis, too! This is basically when you sit down cross legged in front of youe mother/grandmother, and she massages the coconut oil into your scalp and hair in a way that literally cures all tension and headaches and leaves your head reeling and is so so good for hair and stress and everything. It's a family bonding thing more than just a hair routine. It's not always done by the mom/grandmother ofc, it's just how most of us first experience it, and they have a technique that none of us can ever quite replicate to the same effect later. As we grow up, we often do it for ourselves and for others. It's a weekly or monthly or even just occasional thing depending on who you ask. But yeah that reference was great I love it dearly!
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Also about the hair length
So in the current modern "civilized" standard (Indian schools and society in general tend to do a lot of shit trying to assimilate us into western culture and stamp out our own,, for example all my life I've been in schools where speaking Hindi and Telugu and stuff in class or in the hallways was Wrong and Forbidden and We Must Speak Only In English Bc We Are Educated And Cultured. This is so fucking hypocritical bc they would also have Hindi and Telugu classes and then criticize us for not getting it right or whatever), boys are meant to have short hair. Teachers literally single boys out in class for leaving their hair longer, not the exact length they set as the limit. This was my entire school experience; thankfully it doesn't seem to be the case in college, but that may just be bc I'm in an artsy college. In the workplace it's less stringent but it's still a thing.
HOWEVER, historically and culturally, long hair was considered good and even Important for both men and women. There's huge regional variations in this ofc; Maratha peshwas and higher classes and stuff for example wore a "pilaka" (idk what else it's called), which is the head shaven clean except a tuft in the middle that's sometimes braided. Brahmins still do it too.
But my point being, long hair was considered good for the most part, at most it would be worn in a bun for fighting and working,,, braids are a pretty big deal too. Having to cut your hair short=a symbol of dishonour and/or exile, or reserved for menial workers and so called "low classes".
(This is not stuff you even get explicitly told btw. This is stuff I've mostly inferred and studied from history and mythology and stuff , so there's no guarantee I'm 100% right)
Also, in Sikkhism (I'm not Sikh myself so correct me if I'm wrong, this is just what I know) having long hair is super fucking important for men. The hair is wrapped up in the turban, and the turban is a symbol of honour and pride and literally considered life. The long hair is considered sacred.
Removing the turban is basically a symbol of literally losing your honour pride and sense of self,, not just in Sikkhism, just generally at this point. Cutting your hair? Insult on injury.
Pavitr doesn't have particularly long hair ofc
But having grown up with such rigidly enforced things abt boys having very short cropped hair, it makes me so happy to see an Indian character who defies that.
Also!! Quick tangent about braids and their significance,, they're considered very beautiful and another symbol of pride, intricate buns and what not too! Just wanna drop this to give you an idea of what i mean:
In the Hindu myth of the Mahabharata, Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas (she's a very interesting and important and beloved character, regionally also considered a goddess, she was a princess born of fire married to five princes and the vengeance for her honour literally fuelled the war for righteousness etc etc) vows never to braid her hair again until she has washed it in the blood of Dushasana, a man who forcefully tried to disrobe her in court (it's a whole myth of its own). At the apex of the war, Bheem, her husband, brings her his blood. She washes her hair in it and then for the first time in thirteen years, she braids it.
Braids are not as significant now but it was basically a Pretty Big Deal and I just wanted to talk abt it.
In Hinduism too the gods are portrayed with long hair, it's a Thing.
No. 2:
Okay so moving more downwards,, I have a bunch of Thoughts abt Pavs mask design!
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Okay so obv we have the spiderweb-pattern that's a given.
But. The interesting parts are these:
The bindi-like design on his forehead.
Bc my point is
Sure that looks like a bindi. And that's beautiful in itself but I HAVE ANOTHER TAKE
Bindis are traditionally worn by women as a symbol of beauty, prosperity, and again, pride. But while nice, that's not quite a symbolism that fits imo
You know what else is ver similar where my mind immediately goes? A tilak.
The shape is kind of off for a tilak actually, a tilak is more of a U or a V with a dot or a flame-like stroke in the middle. So in that case it looks more like a bindi
But i really like thinking that it's inspired by a tilak too, bc
While a bindi is a decorative mark stuck or painted on a woman's forehead as a symbol of beauty and prosperity
A tilak is basically a mark that's finger-painted on the forehead of , usually a man but there's a softer smaller version for women too and ofc there are women warriors who got tilaks, for auspicious and blessing reasons. So in a Puja or ceremony, a tilak is put as a blessing and an auspicious thing, also meant to impart strength. The head of the household usually gets the most striking or biggest one.
Pandits usually wear tilaks for blessing purposes too, although their design is different and more elaborate than the ones given to others
Gods and goddesses had their own tilaks, some of them very distinctive like Shiva's
The part that applies to Pav is the warrior tilak
Basically before a king or warrior went to battle, it was customary to do a small sending off ritual and for the wife or mother to put the tilak for them and say "Vijay bhava" (may you be victorious)
It's still done for big undertakings and challenges like exams and new jobs and stuff.
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It's basically for strength, bravery and victory
The main difference in a bindi and tilak is the intent:
Bindi is for beauty
Tilak is for valour
Which. For a HERO. Just. Chef's kiss.
2. the markings around his eyes!!
I'm sure this has been said before, but it's very very reminiscent of kathakali makeup.
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Regionally there's a lot of eye makeup stuff also btw. There are some absolutely beautiful tribal designs and regional designs with a lot of colours but I cant remember specifics rn
Also!! The very distinctive black lines around Pav's eyes?? I love them sm bc they feel so so based in kohl and kajal. Another huge beauty and often pride related thing.
There's even a whole thing where a mother or older sister will often rub a bit of her kohl off on her fingertip and press it behind their loved one's ear so that "buri nazar na lage" (no one's bad gaze catches you). It's called a kaala teeka
The idea being that you're so beautiful and/or cute and bright and lovable and nothing should jinx that and nothing bad should happen to you. It's very rare now and I've never experienced it myself but it's so so precious <33
3. the white markings on his cheeks!
I've seen that explanation of how it's reminiscent of Ganesha, the elephant headed god who is kind of a symbol of new beginnings, intelligence, prosperity, and a ton of stuff I don't even know how to explain honestly, but he's very cool and beloved and has a lot of Good Vibes™ and i love him basically.
I personally am reminded more of kathakali makeup again!! But that explanation is very cool too and i like it!! I don't know if I agree bc i think it m i g h t be a blasphemy to have that imagery on your face, afaik no one here does it for any reasons and we have literal festivals and pujas dedicated to Ganesha
But then again I am a human with limited knowledge and i don't know everything
I personally think the tusk like designs are very cool. However, I also think it would be a bit of a No No for religious reasons. I also think it reminds me more of classical dance face makeup and stuff.
I also think if they meant to make it a Ganesha reference, then he should only have a tusk on one side, bc there's a huge deal about Ganesha being "ekdanta" (transl: one toothed) bc he has a well known myth of breaking off one of his tusks to write a mythologically and culturally significant epic.
There are also a lot of actual cultural face painting things in India that are way cooler than the Ganesha thing in my opinion. So while that theory is cool, I don't personally agree with it. I could be wrong, again, idk what the design intent was exactly.
No. 3:
Next thing: this is a very very small thing and i only have a sentence on it, but i really appreciate Pav's neckline in his suit.
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The neckline here? That's the kind of cut that's most typical of kurtas. Especially more ceremonial, kingly, wedding sherwani, or generally festive attire; a regular kurti might have a v-neck or something, but this curved collar? Very Indian and classy in a way I can't fully explain.
No. 4:
This next thing I'm going to go completely ballistic about, everyone hold on to your seats!!!
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Idc if I'm delusional, i DARE you to look at that blue design and tell me it doesn't look like a peacock feather
There is no human way for me to be normal about this i need a minute
Okay for context:
Krishna is a very important and beloved god in Hinduism. I cannot overstate the love I have for him, even being mostly non religious myself.
There is SO MUCH about him he is such a big deal and thanks to him being made a character in popular Indian cartoons and so many animated and live action movies being made about him, he is literally woven in the fabric of our collective consciousness and love for our culture
He's a mischevious and fun and chaotic and lowkey antiestablishment kid deity. He contains the literal universe. He has a deep abiding love for his people and his family and loved ones and the world he serves. He is a dancer, flute player, sweetheart, lover of life. He has a thousand wives, yet one Radha who he never married but is his literal immortalized soulmate. He guides heroes to duty. He is full of wisdom but also silly hijinks. He is so so beloved.
The peacock feather is his symbol! You could see the peacock feather anywhere and it's immediately OH KRISHNA! He wears a peacock feather, famously. In all his iterations, from childhood to adulthood. Peacock feather is his emblem.
Krishna is depicted through the peacock feather. It's become a very common motif in arts like mehendi and various textile arts to have peacock feather and peacock patterns; I'm sure that existed before Krishna too in several cultural circles but he is definitely a huge part of it since. There is a chikankari motif that is very recognisable that's reminiscent of peacock feather but I'm mostly unsourced on that, going off my own interpretation
But there's a definite link between peacock feather=Krishna=inextricable part of culture and art.
At least in North India. He's less of a big deal the further south you go. Still very widespread and overall loved tho.
So anyway seeing that peacock feather type motif on Pav?? Mixed with his Spiderman identity??? Is so amazing to me.
Krishna coded Pavitr real ✨
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(Also yeah people have already pointed out that Pav's hand designs are based on mehendi so I don't need to go into that askjasjkas)
No. 5:
Also. Huge fan of his arm cuffs. It's just another Indian warrior thing; often in ye olde times and in mythology, the cuff would be a lot simpler, often just a thread with an amulet to grant you protection. But it steadily became fancier, and now it can be decorative or a valour thing or both
Very often just decorative now actually. Often seen in weddings and ceremonies too
No. 6:
Okay about his bangles now:
I absolutely LOVE THEM I love them so much I am so obsessed with them actually!!
So. First of all
I remember there being a confusion in like earlier fics especially on whether they were bracelets or damrus or bangles or what
And i have Thoughts
So first of all
They are not damrus/damarus.
Damarus are a musical instrument made of wood and with two beaded ropes to beat on the small drum-like ends. They're also symbols of lord Shiva who uses a damaru.
They are very different from what Pav wears and i remember my fucking whiplash when earlier fics called his bangles damarus. I think i choked on my maggi.
I don't mean to be rude to the writers ofc, they were doing the best with what they knew. But it's just very jarring to me to hear that
I think an explanation I heard was that Pav's web shooter design was inspired by damarus? Which yeah I get that and I actually wanna talk about it bc I very much see it. But they are very much NOT damarus themselves
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First of all i personally have never seen nor heard of the kind of bangles Pav wears which appear to have a strip of cloth in the middle? While being gold cuffs on both ends? Which is new and interesting actually and opens up aspects abt his character that i find really interesting
Bc first of all: that implies he made them himself from stuff he already had inspired by things he saw. It seems, at least to me, like he used bangles/kadas he had to make the shooters he uses, which are designed the way they are for easier slinging and his cool tricks with them which would be harder if they were solid gold, and also the shape when he does the cool yoyo-y trick and hits The Spot with it and everything is very damaru shape. Which is also pretty cool if it's meant as a reference to Shiva and his damaru (he's a very fierce god with the damaru) or a reference to the street performers who use it nowadays.
Either way - and also additionally the fact that PAV LITERALLY DOUBLED HIS BANGLES AS WEB SHOOTERS WHICH IS SO CREATIVE AND SMART - and developed his own whole signature skillset with it?? And made his own bangle/shooters as I said before????
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My boy is PEAK jugaadu
He is the embodiment of jugaad
Never has anything been so true to the Indian spirit than jugaad
Okay so for context, the jugaad that I keep talking about:
It basically means makeshifting and/or inventing stuff you need from the limited stuff you have. That's a very simple way of explaining it. Just imagine that, but up the silliness level x100.
For example, a guy jugaaded a showerhead by poking holes in a sprite bottle and putting a hose in it and routing it to the tap.
Jugaad can be both very smart, and very funny and silly
And it usually involves combining useless stuff/trash/just stuff you had lying around to make smth that you didn't wanna waste money buying, and often ends up having more functions than the stuff it was meant to replace. This but it's also very crackheaded. Like idk how to explain. It's basically makeshifting, but it's just developed into such an Indian Spirit Thing™ that we have a word for it
So i love that Pavitr's bangles do all of that. He is a true Indian boy to his core!
No. 7:
Okay I have thoughts on his dhoti too!
I know why they used blue for his dhoti, what with the spiderman colours, the need to complement his bright red with smth softer, and everything. I get it and i love it so so much. What I'm about to say next is not a complaint against this at all, it's very good design imo
Everytime I look at him in his fucking blue dhoti
I just remember all the times my grandmother has apprehended me and made me go and change for trying to wear blue or black at a Puja
Bc they're apparently unholy colours ;_;
Basically yellow, saffron, red are the appropriate holy colours. Now that i think about it, I've never seen a god or mythological king depicted in a blue dhoti or generally blue clothing either - farthest they go from the three i described is pink or green
I never really thought about it until my Nani pointed it out. I'm still not sure if anyone except her even knew or cared about it.
But that is the memory that bonks me on the head every time i Perceive the blue dhoti
Bro upgraded from funeral colour (white, which is his dhoti in the comics and absolutely infuriates me on a visceral level) to unholy colour askaskjjska it's so funny to me
Purple was still a luxurious colour, but generally warmer and/or lighter colours are The Done Thing. It's an old notion and the cultural connotations are now very diluted by Western influence and also none of us Caring about a lot of it anymore (not necessarily a good or bad thing particularly)
Indigo also has. Loaded connotations.
Because Britain did a Colonialism and a lot of Indians suffered for it. It's a whole history lesson.
I would rather not get into the whole details but basically Indigo (the plant from which the dye was made) was a valuable commodity and Britishers essentially forced farmers to grow only that, ignoring their need to grow food or sustenance or care for the land in general, especially in the Bihar-UP regions. There were eventually a lot of revolts where many people, esp farmers, died.
Basically a double whammy of starvation and death as a direct result of colonialism. It was a major part, historically, that sparked rage for the freedom movement
If you wanna learn more abt it you can search up Champaran farmer revolts!
Also about the drape of Pav's dhoti:
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I've seen a couple of memes and reels abt how Pav, in an emergency, suiting up for Spiderman duty, would be taking an hour to drape the dhoti and stuff
And those are hilarious and i love them
But also
That's literally not even a proper dhoti -
So the thing pav wears is basically more of dhoti-pants with a cummerbund.
So okay I need to explain this better hold on
A dhoti is basically a sheet of fabric that is draped around the waist and down. The elaborateness of the cloth can vary vastly from intricately patterned silk and brocade, to plain white cotton with a thin gold border optional
The drape of the dhoti varies even more depending on region, occasion, occupation, and status. You can have everything from the casual simple towel like drape and tuck that some men wear to relax on a daily basis, to an intricate thing with many folds and pleats and tucks and the middle part that hangs (I forget the name for that) that would actually legitimately take hours and is often adorned with jewellery . To a thing that's flexible to move in and also looks very pretty and is genderneutral some dance forms call for.
Basically. The drape varies vastly. And it's all one cloth, maybe a second one for a separate cummerbund sometimes, I'm not that well versed abt dhotis tbh.
But the thing Pav wears?? It doesn't seem to me to be folded the way I've ever seen any dhoti
The way it's folded and shaped is not how those style of dhotis work. There would be a lot more pleats and folds, for one. But it's not shaped the way to match the less-folded dhotis either.
Now, I'm no dhoti expert, but that leads me to believe that's not a full on dhoti. What it's more likely to be is dhoti-pants
Dhoti pants are this fusion thing. It's in the name. I haven't seen it much but I know/think/am pretty sure its a thing, bc most Indian guys now don't know how to drape a dhoti either and it's a good solution. Worn like a pant, looks like a dhoti. Simple. A cummerbund for the middle drape, and you're set!
Also side note: the fold with the distinct two legs and the middle drape that Pav has? Is the most commonly depicted warrior and king drape,, at least in North and Middle India, I'm not as well versed about the South but I think it's the case there too. The gods are depicted in that drape too
I have fewer comments on his leg design, I like that it's reminiscent of mehendi even on his feet bc yeah that's also done on the feet, although rarer now and also a bridal thing
No. 7:
He has gold cuffs on his ankles that I really like!
Okay so here's the interesting thing:
I could be wrong, but
But that kind of thick ankle cuff is not actually an Indian thing?? At least not in the warrior hero context that a lot of his design seems based on. At least not of that shape and width.
What we do have though are very simple metal ankle cuffs put on (I think) one ankle of young kids for protection,, again a tradition I'm not very familiar with, it's more localised
The other thing we have that's more interesting tho:
We have payals and ghungroos!!! Which opens up so many exciting prospects to me because those are both dancer things
Like. The payals are ornamental. They are beauty things as well. All women would wear them, their elaborateness and style depending on status, money, and region ofc
They double as dance and performance things too ofc
But ghungroos are specifically dance things
Very very sacred and honoured to the dancers, too. Quite personal
(These are all little bells on the ghungroos btw!! Hundreds of them. They ring out when the dancers dance)
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This is what Pav's ankle cuffs most remind me of. It's not the same thing ofc, and idk if the designers were even thinking of this.
But it would be really cool if he was inspired by ghungroos to have cuffs of similar thickness and placement on his legs. Perhaps even familiar to him hmmm?
This is me theorizing HARD to support my headcanon, but combined with Pav's classical dance-n-martial-arts-y moves, i present to you: Pav learning classical dance when he was younger (a thing that a lot of Indian kids do and only a few seriously continue for their lives) is real.
I rest my case
Like yeah it's known at this point that Pav's moves are based a lot off the martial art of kalaripayattu. Which is SO AMAZING AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! But I also think this would be a cool influence alongside that, bc it really feels visible too.
No. 8:
The fact that Pavitr is barefoot is so so important and dear to me!!!
In Indian culture, you're supposed to take your shoes off as a mark of respect, before entering the ranabhoomi (literal transl: battleground, but not in an actual war with swords and shit ofc)
Being barefoot for pujas and in temples and on sacred ground in general is very important
As is being barefoot when you're walking onto a kabaddi or wrestling ground,, basically any fight that's supposed to be important and/or with honour. It's a respect thing for the opponent and for the earth you fight on.
There are a lot of contexts where being barefoot is important or a given
There's the prayer ground bc it's sacred and holy and you can't be dragging your dirty ass shoes there it's super disrespectful. You gotta enter with clean feet specifically, dirty feet are considered disrespectful too. that's also why there wil often be feet washing areas outside of temples here
Then there's the ranabhoomi that I just said, which is more of respect for your opponent and the earth. Respect to the earth especially is very important in the combat forms and sports I know of at least
Then there's the basic respect and tbh the hygiene thing too, of always taking off your footwear before entering another persons house. That one is more flexible, sometimes you can take it off inside, but the done thing is to take them off outside generally. Especially if you're a guest who's not particularly close. You'd be considered really rude if you didn't take them off at all. But again that still varies by person,, the older generations are way stricter abt it
Then the bride thing,,, it's actually a whole small ritual. The bride and groom will enter the groom's house for the first time,, which is considered the bride's new home bc misogynistic tradition so yeah. But basically it's supposed to be an auspicious beginning to a new home and life. (Btw being barefoot during the wedding ceremony is also generally required)
Usually, at least in North Indian tradition, a small vessel of rice is kept at the threshold that the bride must tip over with her foot when entering. It's for prosperity. Then she steps directly into a plate of a red liquid I forget the word for, but it's basically a sindoor paste type of thing. Her first steps into the house must be taken leaving those red footprints behind. That's for auspicious beginning
So Pavitr being barefoot is so so cool from a cultural and a character building standpoint
He takes his job seriously, he does it with respect and honour!!! He seems so chill and happy go lucky, but he's deliberate and respectful abt it!! And he's super connected to his culture too, bc you could just Not and no one would care, but it's so important that he does!!
So yeah!
That has been my full ramble askjasjkas. If you made it this far, have a cookie! Thank you and I hope this was interesting <33
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
I think Mrs. Flood may be an Osirian. Specifically, Isis / Alozza
If they focus on the Osirian/Egyptian Mythology side of Sutekh, it would make sense: Isis is a goddess that has been associated with a million things. Importantly for this, she is connected to the sky, to rain, and to fate. She was also the sister-wife of Osiris, who himself is associated with cycles of nature. Including, the annual flooding of the Nile.
From there, the name 'Mrs. Flood' tracks! She is both the flood of rain and the wife of its endless cycle. She's also a widow, so of course she would have a married title yet no spouse.
It would make sense to include her specifically, as she is important to the Osiris Myth that Sutekh's history is based on. In it she collects pieces of Osiris that Sutekh/Set scatters after murdering him. After finding them, she resurrects Osiris for long enough to have Horus (or an aspect of him at least). Horus then 'defeats' Set. Which parallels the story in Pyramids of Mars.
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Being an Osirian would explain her creepily ominous warning to Cherry. As while she would not be with Sutekh, she would still be a higher being with alien priorities. Her being on earth would also somewhat fit with the dweu. Where Isis waited on earth for Sutekh's awakening. Though not 1-1.
It could also connect back to Ruby, as Isis' has strong connections to motherhood. If Ruby was say, secretly an Osirian, there are options. Especially considering her name's reference to both the Sun and the colour red, like girl is nearly a verbal description of the Eye of Ra. She could be the daughter of Isis herself, maybe a younger aspect of Horus (God of Light but also a god of the Sunday), hidden away as a human. Though that would be a very literal take. Honestly, when it comes to Ruby I'm not sold on anything specific.
Lastly, If they go this direction, I'm guessing the "vital object on a distant planet with no name" that rtd teased, will be related to the Osirians. Since they've already used the Eye of Horus, perhaps the Eye of Ra? It is has been depicted in relation to Isis. It's also often personified as a Goddess so, maybe Ruby herself? A living trap/weapon, idk). Whatever it is though, Mrs. Flood would be instrumental in defeating Sutekh. We'll see.
(Also: disclaimer and apology in advance to both people who actually know about the religions I'm mentioning, and to EU/Faction Paradox fans. For anything I may have got wrong 🙏)
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aylen-san · 2 months
The sky is blue, shining high above,
A single star twinkles, its light so great.
Winds whisper tales, ancient stories told,
Where the Silmarils shine like stars in the sky.
On the horizon, mountains in morning fire,
And stars shine as in a dream.
Where songs are glorious, flowing like water,
The light of the silmarils pierces the night.
In the world beneath the moon, in shadows and mists,
The past lives on, like flashes in a meteor shower.
Waters ripple in rivers, a ring gleams at the bottom.
Ancient Gondolin sleeps in the deep.
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oakthcrn · 26 days
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❝ Follow me, my lady. ❞ Lark spoke with a quiet tone, but her tone seemed distressed.
❝ We must leave, it is dangerous here. ❞
@2wanlake liked for a starter.
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sylviareviar · 19 days
Ten-year-old Sinnoh Sylvia is wild. She was the ultimate Autism Creechur. Cute and sweet and staring into your soul (or the sun, like a Xatu). She was quiet unless she was talking to Pokemon, and even then she was still soft-spoken. If she wanted to understand a Pokemon, even if it was in someone else's care, she would talk directly to the Pokemon, expecting a response, instead of asking the owner what was going on.
If a Pokemon (//cough cough Pip cough cough//) was refusing to eat, instead of asking the scientists why he was refusing to eat, she would kneel down, pick up a pellet of Pokemon food, and eat it to see if it was disgusting or not. Because her first goal is understanding them. Everyone else around her gapes.
Like could you imagine an autistic animal lover who doesn't talk often, and you take them to meet your dog, who's feeling a little under the weather and won't eat, and the animal lover just kneels down and eats one of the kibbles. Who does that? It's understandable if it's a child, but Sylvia's 10. She's old enough to know not to do that, especially because everyone in her town knows her, and they know she's been raised surrounded by Pokemon and Pokemon food for a long time. Not once has anyone-- not even her siblings-- ever seen her kneel down to eat a kibble of not-human food.
Then they'd ask why and she'd be like "well you guys were talking and it'd be rude to interrupt. I just wanted to know why piplup wasn't eating" and everyone would tell her "just use your words" but like. She didn't want to. Or even if she knew she probably should use her words, they just kinda didn't feel like coming out, so she found a workaround. But no one liked her compromise, apparently. Pricks. Not like they were the ones suffering the consequences of her decisions, what business was it of theirs?
Anyway, thanks for listening to my intrusive thoughts of why Sylvia would eat Pokemon food at the beginning of her journey. Pip, who eventually began to understand her, was very taken aback by this first impression of her. So much so that he attacked her in retaliation for a) touching his food and b) attempting to understand him, how dare she. How insensitive. How arrogant of her. How dare.
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variantia · 4 months
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The night is dark, and the pavement beneath Elsa’s feet is slick with ice of her own making. At the presence of another person, she tries to step back, but balance is swiftly lost ; she plummets, only to readjust herself as quickly as possible. While practice has made ADEQUATE the skill of walking on ice, panic clouds her mind enough that such skill is forgotten.
Her breath comes out in clouds of vapor, rapid, heavy. Notably, she doesn’t look to be scared of the other person.
Rather, her hands are clutched tightly against her chest in loose fists. Frost coats her palm and fingertips, and her eyes reflect a fear whose source is FROM WITHIN. White locks are a wild frame around her face, sticking to her pale skin as if frozen there by her tears.
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“ … Please. ” Her voice is soft, strained, cracking like the thin sheet of ice on the ground. “ Please, don’t come any closer. I … I don’t want to HURT YOU. ”
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unitleada · 2 months
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 Barely off the plane from Geneva, and she'd already been informed there was a crisis. She stared at the screen in front of her now, reading glasses perched on her nose to give herself a better look, still struggling to make heads or tails of it. Her head turned, just a fraction in Vikram's direction, brow furrowing slightly. ❝ Bring me up to speed Colonel. What am I looking at? ❞ 
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rcjoice · 8 months
might be snowed in tomorrow on my day off so I'm def gonna get some serious stuff out tonight and tomorrow. gonna write up more abt ashtons hypnos verse & maybe make a few more !! what's some verses yall wanna see ??
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tooxldtorememxer · 1 year
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@acromanlion wrote: “ you in a suit? i’d pay to see that...and then I could take it off and ravish you... ”
Atlas had a look of want. He was actually considering it, and a lot of other things. Like wrecking his Jaime at work. Or...
His brows furrowed in thought.
"I do not think we would make it out of the dressing room...."
He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off Jaime. Hell, he'd be all over him. Beasts didn't take well to patience. And Atlas, although he walked as a man, is still very much a Beast.
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Jaime looked thoroughly amused and maybe even a bit proud. If the imagination of him in a suit was giving these kinds of results then he would have a fit when he showed him the suit he had picked for tomorrow night’s gala later. He had chosen it with utmost care and the most flattering colour and cut he could pay for. Jaime wasn’t the best with patience either, but he was able to contain himself when he expected great results. It would be more fun that way.
But for now, he just shrugged and gave a soft sigh as he leaned back in his office chair, swaying it slowly back and forth with his legs. “Too bad blood has a tendency to stain so easily or I would have worn one every day just for you,” he smirked and twirled the pen in his hand between his fingers. His job for the Pride did sometimes require him to wear a suit, but any other day he opted for comfort over formality. 
And something easy to wash.
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aluckiicoin · 6 months
👀 [for Jing Yuan!]
Send 👀 to find out how much my muse would like to _____ yours
Get to know:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Befriend:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! (he doesn't know friends though, it's all the idea of benefits)| ALWAYS! Date:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me? (the influence might be attractive enough but I'm having severe doubts) | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Make love with:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Hook up with:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Protect:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Help:NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS !Stop: NEVER! (not going to get in the way) | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Kill:NEVER! (he's not risking trying that) | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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pontevoix · 9 months
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dear: @achroanimus : hello,  my  name  is  :  takizawa  (  t  -  owl)  takitakiOWL  this  is  the  rebooted  version  of  himself  :  OWL.
OWL  has  ceased  to  prioritize  patience  in  himself.  he  wears  it  in  limited  stock,  &  he  no  longer  has  the  patience  or  want  to  prioritize  patient  philosophy  good  bad  evil  yes-yes-yes.
without  patience,  there  is  something  obnoxious  about  neutral  parties,  independent  parties.  they  seem  too  synonymous  with  arrogant  self-interest  or  to  the  vapidly  righteous.
psssst.  OWL  plays  with  the  space  --  throws  a  chopped  clicking  sound  into  the  air.  he  runs  his  tongue  of  over  over  his  teeth;  his  canines  cut.
aogiri  tree  hates  for  him  to  be  present  at  meetings.  they  hate  even  more  for  him  to  drift  away.  power  is  power,  &  takizawa  has  power.  they  want  his  power.  they  gave  it  to  him.  they  hate  him  for  it.  it's  really  funny,  honestly.  recently,  OWL  has  been  feeling  performative.  he  starts  to  laugh.  OWL  attends  the  meetings  because  he  can,  because  aogiri  isn’t  sure  how  to  handle  him  outside  of  the  obvious.
sometimes,  OWL  makes  himself  outlandish  by  dropping  his  feet  on  top  of  the  meeting  table.  he  drums  his  fingers  on  his  thigh  &  brings  them  up  into  a  wave  to  greet  the  one  they’ve  called  kitsune  (  the  one  they  call  a  neutral  party,  an  independent  party,  a  maybe  fickle  party  ).
the  meeting  has  yet  to  start.  there  is  at  least  fifteen  minutes  before  the  meeting  starts.
one  -  eyed  ghoul  :  meet  the  artificial  creation.
which  one  is  better?
'  be  prepared  for  one  amazing  cup  of  coffee.  suck  ups  love  to  suck  up.  hope  it's  worth  your  time.  '
he  cracks  his  knuckle.
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lykosog · 1 year
Supernatural/werewolf verse added! Also made some necessary changes to the carrd.
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princguard-a · 2 years
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“ Jaskier...how long do I have to be dressed like some fanciful poodle?” Lark asked as she bundled up her  elaborate skirts and frowned. She couldn’t fight in this.  
“ This is cumbersome.” she complained with a huff. 
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morgansmornings · 4 days
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