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rwpohl · 8 months ago
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doomdoomofdoom · 2 months ago
Ich finde weiterhin witzig, dass das SBGG regelt, wie die Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags sich auf die Frauenquote auswirkt, aber nicht, ob trans* Menschen ein Recht haben öffentliche Einrichtungen zu besuchen.
Mit "witzig" meine ich "unglaublich deprimierend"
Zu sagen, dass Männer das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz nutzen würden, um Frauen zu belästigen, ignoriert komplett, dass Männer das halt schon die ganze Zeit tun und dazu nicht ihren Geschlechtseintrag ändern müssen.
Komischerweise sagt niemand, dass Frauen das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz ausnutzen, um mehr Geld zu verdienen oder Posten in DAX Vorständen zu bekommen.
Vielleicht weil die Leute eigentlich doch verstehen, dass es bei all diesen Dingen nicht um den Geschlechtseintrag geht, sondern um eine strukturelle Idee von Geschlecht in Form von Körper und Verhalten und davon, wer was kann und darf.
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ayu-stuff · 3 months ago
"Ich liebe dich, Mama" (part 1)
A few years ago, traveling with your husband meant enjoying mojitos at the beach, having nice dinners while wearing your sexiest outfits and, of course, endless nights of loud hotel fucking. You'd traveled a lot, you two. Both in your 30s, both childless and having high-wage jobs, it was easy to discover the world. Both of you traveling from Maldives to Greece, from the Bahamas to Italy. That all changed, though, when he met Clara, the German intern at his office... Now your new Mommy. As bratty as any 21-year-old would be, she's made your whole last year a nightmare. A PEGI-3 nightmare, though: infantilizing diaper changes combined with mushy feedings and early bedtimes wearing thick fabric onesies. A dream come true. Or, at least, her dream come true.
And now she'd managed to make him pay for a week in Berlin for the three of you. Just like a little family! They'd been granted some holidays, and you, of course, had given up work on his command months ago. It was difficult losing your 150k salary in exchange for a lifelong sentence to diapers, but you wanted to make Daddy happy so much. And Clara was more than happy to take up the same position you gave up.
Last night, they'd made you drink a whole coffee cup before bed so that your risen anxiety levels forced you to remain awake. This was so you would hear the whole pounding your ex-husband gave her through the night. Now you're still awake, dying from the insomnia and sitting in a stupid baby travel crib the hotel staff had set up on Daddy's demand.
Yesterday, the German receptionist, who was probably in her late teens, nearly died from laughing her ass off when you three checked in. It was clear the childish crib was for the overgrown toddler who was strapped to the stroller, Clara's youngest cousin had just outgrown before the trip. The bulging diapers peeking out from your colorful leggings and your bright pink paci helped her understand the situation. She even gifted you a lollipop! How nice of her.
"Was für ein süßes Baby du bist! Ich bin mir sicher, dass Mama und Papa hier die bestmögliche Lösung für dich gefunden haben, indem sie uns um die schönste Wiege der Welt für ihr kleines Baby gebeten haben. So wirst du später die Erwachsenen nicht stören! [What a cute baby you are! I'm sure that Mommy and Daddy have found the best solution for you by asking us for the prettiest crib on Earth for their little baby. That way, you won't be bothering the grown-ups later!]" She'd told you, giggling while slightly squatting down to talk to you. It was clear to her and everyone else that you hadn't understood a thing. You wanted to cry.
"Awww. Du verstehst micht nicht, oder? [Awww. You can't understand me, right?]", she went on. "Nein, die kann kein Deutsch. Genauso wie jedes Neugeborenes, HAHAHA! [No, she doesn't speak German. Just like every newborn, HAHAHA!]", Clara helped you out. Or at least, you thought she was helping you out... "Die ist wirklich mega süß. Und hast du den Geruch gemerkt? Sie scheint, ein Boom-Boom gemacht zu haben... [She is really super cute. And have you noticed the smell? It seems she made a boom-boom...]", Mommy told her. You blushed so badly when you recognized the word Boom-boom. They were talking about your diapers! "Echt? Macht sie wirklich das? WOW. Wie alt ist sie aber? [No way! Does she really do that?. WOW. But how old is she?]". "Jawohl. Ein komplett geschissenes Baby. Unglaublich peinlich HAHAHA [Of course. A completely shitty baby. Incredibly pathetic HAHAHA]. And tell her, sweetie. She wants to know your age! The real one." Both girls couldn't stop cackling when you said 34. Daddy, who hadn't understood but this, smiled at the realization that they were bullying you in a foreign language, adding playfully that you're still learning to talk like a big girl.
Is any language not foreign for a stupid baby, though?
And that was just the beginning. The baby crib was, indeed, incredibly pathetic. Unglaublich peinlich. They forced you in straightaway for what they knew was the best discipline they could inflict on you: a poopy nap. God, you hated poopy naps. They made you feel just like a fucking newborn. Genauso wie jedes Neugeborenes... And so they left you rot in your mess while they had a romantic Berlin dinner. They told you they'd be so proud of their little baby if you humped your mess while in the crib, but you are a grown-up woman, for God's sake. You had never done that and would never do that!
They were back a few hours later. It was late already, and you were so fucking hungry... You had only been fed some mushed peas in the airport's nursing area, under the ruthless scrutiny of some teen moms who also needed to microwave their infants' bibs. "Unglaublich. Die sieht wie meine Mutter aus, muss aber gefüttert werden wie mein kleiner Jonas hier. [Incredible. This woman could be my mother, but she needs to be fed like my little Jonas here]", you heard one say to herself while taking a toddler to the bathroom. To which your Mommy chimed in, holding your bib: "Tja, ich weiß, es ist ein bisschen weird, guck mal aber ihr Lätzchen! Ist sie nicht die allerhübschte Prinzessin? Ich glaub' schon! Wie alt ist dein Kleiner? Er kann stolz darauf sein, schon potty-trained zu sein, nicht wie Missy hier [Yes, I know, it's somewhat weird... but look at her bib! Is she not the prettiest princess ever? I think so! And how old is your little one? He can be proud to be already potty-trained, not like Missy here...]". Clara was showing her the waistband of your pampers. You couldn't take it anymore. "HAHAHA sorry was??? Die trägt Windeln noch??? Das muss mega peinlich sein. Jonas hier ist 2 Jahre alt und weiß, dass nur Baby Wildeln trägen müssen! [HAHAHA sorry what??? She's still wearing diapers? That has to be utterly pathetic. Jonas here is 2 years old and knows that only babies wear diapers]". They were talking about that fucking tot. It was certain they were comparing both little babies with each other... Fuck off. And just when you tried to reply, she stuffed your mouth with your always so convenient pacifier. Their chat was going to take time, apparently. And it did. The mother shared tips with your mommy on all the ways she took care of her two year old... after all, you just weren't there yet.
Anyway, last night you were hungry as hell when they opened the room door. Both of them clearly love drunk, a little tipsy, and you saw a pack of condoms in his left hand. He was probably squeezing her butt cheek with the left one, but that you couldn't see from the silly crib. And you didn't dare to get up, which was perhaps the perfect proof you belonged there. You could see that she was holding a McDonald's bag along with a big cup of coffee, though.
And here comes your Daddy. "Well, sweetie, how was your afternoon? God, it stinks in here. We'll change you right away, don't worry. But tell us: don't you have a gift for us? We were talking about how delightful it would be to find a nice, big cummy in your poopy diapers. Will we find one? Were you a good girl while we were out? I'm sure you were". Your Mommy was radiant, snickering to your reaction. "W-what, Dada? I-I.... I didn't wantchu! I-I just... fowgot! I'm sowwy!!", you stuttered through your pacifier.
"Well, that's a shame. Guess we'll throw away this Big Mac, then. No grown-up food for stupid toddlers. We'll stick to changing you. Then it's bath time for you and back in your crib. This coffee will make your tummy all rumbly so you'll learn your lesson. Daddies are to be listened to."
You shouted. Kicked. Screamed. The travel crib creaked and Daddy had to lift you up in a rush. After a well deserved spanking and your change -you could feel the utterly humiliating diaper rash all over your butt cheeks-, you behaved like an angel during bath time. After, you didn't even complain when they made you guzzle a full baby bottle of black coffee for dinner. Perfect for your weak stomach.
Back in your childish crib, wearing only your diapers, you were so humbled you didn't even react to Daddy's remarks about your "baby fat". He used to go crazy for your big, juicy udders, whereas now he just sees them as two unenticing balls of fat. "In German, we call that 'Babyspeck', love. That's what she has hanging up there. She's just a big, chubby baby!!! Why would she need sexy tits, like mine?
But now it's beddy byes for you, sweetie. Das Baby braucht Schlaf, sonst wird sie mürrisch... [The baby needs sleep, or she'll get cranky...] Awww. Do you want to learn some German? You were soo cute today, all lost in the big world... Repeat after me. No, don't take out your paci, it'll be cuter this way.
"Ischiebesish, Mamma". You thought at this point you couldn't blush anymore.
"Again. I am Mama, you know? It means 'I love you, Mommy'. And don't you love Mama?? Ich liebe dich, Mama!"
"Ich wiebe wich, Mama!"
"Awwwww", cooed both Mommy and Daddy. "Now try to get some sleep, kiddo. You'll need it".
The morning after...
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"Good morning, sweetie. Awww. Still blushing?? Your Daddy really makes me moan, you know... Well, as if you hadn't heard us from down there...".
To be continued...
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the-rainbow-of-doom · 2 years ago
Ah yes, ein klassischer Goethe (derogatory)
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strictpunishedhubby · 3 days ago
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Einige hier die meinen Blog kennen und aufmerksam lesen, fragen sich warum ich meine Frau so sehr liebe, die mich ständig herumkommandiert, mich versohlt, mich in beschämende Wäsche steckt, mir Stuben- und Hausarrest auferlegt, mich wie einen kleinen, ungezogenen Rotzjungen führt, lenkt und bestraft.
Schon als Kind war ich nicht leicht zu erziehen. Ich war unordentlich, frech, ungehorsam und aufsässig. Nicht nur meiner Mama gegenüber, sondern auch gegenüber anderen Respektpersonen war ich vorlaut und stur. Oft wurde ich von meiner Mama wegen meinem deplatzierten, eigensinnigen Verhalten bestraft, meist mehrmals die Woche. Ich erwartete nicht nur strenge Bestrafungen für jedes unangepasstes Verhalten, mehr noch ich wollte dafür bestraft werden, damit ich mir beigebracht wird mich meinen inneren Drang aufsässig und frech zu sein zu beherrschen und von anderen akzeptiert und geliebt zu werden. Noch immer bin ich, wie schon als Kind, unreif und ungezogen. Ich erwarte und will um mich endlich zu verbessen von meiner Frau streng diszipliniert werden. Glücklicherweise habe ich eine Frau mit einer sehr dominanten Persönlichkeit geheiratet. Schon immer fühlte ich mich zu Frauen hingezogen, die dominant und autoritär auftreten. Als ich meine Frau kennenlernte, sie mich schon von Anfang an bevormundet und wie einen kleinen Rotzjungen behandelte, habe ich mich sofort in sie so verliebt, dass ich sie wegen ihrem gebieterischen, energischen Umgang mit mir heiraten wollte. Und ich habe mich nicht getäuscht, sie geht in ihrer Rolle als strenge Ehefrau förmlich auf. Die Konsequenz und Härte wie sie mich erzieht kommt meiner masochistischen Veranlagung voll entgegen. Ich habe naturgemäß regelmäßig Angst vor den gehörigen Prügelstrafen auf meinen nackten Po, sehe aber ein, meine Frau handelt richtig und die Züchtigungen sind immer angemessen, denn ich weiß auch aus Erfahrung, gesundheitliche Schäden entstehen nie daraus. Die Schmerzen gehören spätestens zwei Tage später der Vergangenheit an. Allerdings kommt es manchmal vor, ich werde mehrmals am Tag oder was auch nicht so selten vorkommt mehrere Tage hintereinander von ihr versohlt. Sie weiß aber zu genau was mein Po und ich vertragen kann, wenn sie mich auch oft an mein Limit bestraft. Die Züchtigungen habe ich mir ja durch mein ungezogenes Verhalten selber zuzuschreiben. Wenn sie dabei mit mir einem Tonfall spricht, als ob ein kleiner, ungezogener Bengel jetzt seine verdiente Tracht Prügel bezieht, sie mir demütigende Fragen stellt, die ich in einsichtsvoll und devot zu beantworten habe, erinnert mich das an die Zeiten, als ich von meiner Mamma, die ich auch so sehr geliebt habe, wegen schlechtem Benehmen befragt wurde, bevor sie mich verhaute.       
Ich habe das große Glück eine konsequente, strenge Frau geheiratet zu haben, die mich nicht verlassen oder aufgegeben hat, sondern die unermüdlich mein schlechtes Benehmen rigoros ohne Wenn und Aber ahndet. Sie setzt die Erziehung meiner geliebten Mama fort, denn ich bin wohl noch zu oft faul, frech und ungezogen. 
Und dann kommen auch noch Stunden, wenn ich artig, folgsam und fleißig war, mir meine Frau den Intimverkehr mit ihr erlaubt - die schönsten Stunden.
So betrachtet und behandelt sie mich als ihren ungezogenen Sohn, ihre freche Tochter und manchmal als ihren geliebten Ehemann, alles in einer Person. Gibt es eine schönere und intensivere Zweierbeziehung?  
Some people here who know my blog and read it carefully wonder why I love my wife so much, who constantly bosses me around, spanks me, puts me in shameful underwear, puts me under house arrest and confines me to the ground,leads, controls and punishes me like a naughty little brat.
Even as a child, I was not easy to raise. I was untidy, cheeky, disobedient and rebellious. I was cheeky and stubborn, not only towards my mommy, but also towards other people I respected. I was often punished by my mommy for my inappropriate, stubborn behavior, usually several times a week. Not only did I expect severe punishments for any inappropriate behavior, I also wanted to be punished so that I could learn to control my inner urge to be rebellious and cheeky and thus be accepted and loved by others. I am still, as I was as a child, immature and naughty. I expect and want to be strictly disciplined by my wife in order to finally improve. Fortunately, I married a woman with a very dominant personality. I have always been attracted to women who appear dominant and authoritative. When I met my wife and she patronized me from the very beginning and treated me like a little brat, I immediately fell in love with her so much that I wanted to marry her because of her commanding, energetic way of dealing with me. And I was not mistaken, she absolutely thrives in her role as a strict wife. The consistency and harshness with which she educates me suits my masochistic tendencies perfectly. Naturally, I am regularly afraid of the severe beatings on my bare bottom, but I realize that my wife is doing the right thing and that the punishments are always appropriate, because I also know from experience that they never cause any damage to my health. However, sometimes she spanks me several times a day or, not infrequently, several days in a row. But she knows exactly what my bottom and I can handle, even if she often punishes me to the limit. I have to blame myself for the beatings because of my naughty behavior. When she speaks to me in a tone as if a naughty little urchin was about to receive his well-deserved beating, and asks me humiliating questions that I have to answer in an insightful and submissive manner, it reminds me of the times when my mamma, whom I also loved so much, would question me about bad behavior before she spanked me.
I am very fortunate to have married a consistent, strict wife who has not left me or given up on me, but who tirelessly punishes my bad behavior rigorously and without reservation. She continues to educate my beloved mommy, because I am still too often lazy, cheeky and naughty.
And then there are the hours when I have been well-behaved, obedient and diligent, my wife allows me to have sexual intercourse with her. And then there are the hours when I have been well-behaved, obedient and diligent and my wife allows me to have sexual intercourse with her - the most beautiful hours. 
So she sees and treats me as her naughty son, her cheeky daughter and sometimes as her beloved husband, all in one person. Is there a more beautiful and intense relationship between two people?
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mommyvicky001blog · 1 year ago
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If you are an adult baby or diaper lover, this is an easy and obvious choice to make and many, many ABDLs have chosen to go 24/7 diapered and essentially eliminate potty-training. Or at least the effects of potty training. Many ABDLs seek the holy grail of wetting and even soiling like a baby with zero control. It validates their feelings, identity and experience. Rejecting toilet training has either already taken place or you are seeking a reason not to go 24/7.
Wenn Sie ein erwachsener Baby- oder Windelliebhaber sind, ist dies eine einfache und offensichtliche Wahl, und viele, viele ABDLs haben sich dafür entschieden, rund um die Uhr Windeln zu gehen und im Wesentlichen das Töpfchentraining zu eliminieren. Oder zumindest die Auswirkungen des Töpfchentrainings. Viele ABDLs suchen den heiligen Gral der Benetzung und sogar Verschmutzung wie ein Baby ohne Kontrolle. Es bestätigt ihre Gefühle, Identität und Erfahrung. Die Ablehnung des Toilettentrainings hat entweder bereits stattgefunden oder Sie suchen nach einem Grund, nicht rund um die Uhr zu gehen.
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prettywhorez · 5 months ago
Comfort hours
Featuring your favoritt man
Walking up the seven flights of stairs to get to your apartment is usually pretty easy but today it felt impossible. You woke up 30 minutes late, had no time for breakfast and missed the train you usually take meaning you had to wait 20 minutes ekstra for the next one. But you can't be even more late so you decided to lightly jogg towards your office in hope of not making your terrible boss even more mad than he already is...
When you got to the office after about 30 minutes, you walk in and sit down to start working but your boss comes up to you and starts complaining about how you were late, like you didn't know.
He starts shouting at you about not answering his messages or calls this morning and that's when you realized that you forgot your phone at home, probably by your nightstand.
The day goes by pretty fast but you had some work to catch up on so you needed to stay behind while the others got to go home. After finishing up and getting ready to leave you think about going across the street to the deli and get som dinner, but luck was not on your side today and you forgot your wallet at home as well.
"I can't wait for this day to be over" you think to yourself as you finish the flights of stairs and stand in front of your appartement door, fishing your keys out from your pocket and unlocking the door.
You step in and expect darkness but instead the apartment is bright and filled with light. You take your shoes and coat off before stepping into the hallway and finding your way to the kitchen which smells awfully good for some reason. When you turn into the kitchen you see your loving boyfriend in the middle with an apron on as he's in the middle of making lasagna from scratch. You can also see the garlic bread that's currently warming up in the Owen and making its oder fill the apartment and god you love that smell, you could almost cry from it.
You walk closer to your boyfriend who hasn't noticed your presence yet, and put your arms around his waist while putting your face between his shoulder blades and letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
Your boyfriend immediately turns around and wraps his strong arms around you, making you feel safe and sound.
"bad day?" he says calmly as he strokes your back and waist in a soothing manner as he feels you being tense and exhausted. All you do is nod against his chest, you fear that if you try to speak about it you might cry for real this time. He continues to hold you gently as he continues to speak "would you like to take a bath before dinner is ready? maybe have a cup of tea as well?". You practically moan at the sound of a bath and he takes that as a "yes that sounds good" before he slowly lets go of you, but not completely. His hands move up to cup your face and he strokes your cheeks while saying he will start the tub while you make some tea.
He leaves the kitchen and heads for the bathroom, while you turn to the kettle and fill it with water for two cups thinking he might like one as well. You can hear the water filling up the tub as the kettle finally starts to simmer, the smell of your favorite bath salts and soaps fill your nostrils as you make your way towards the bathroom. Leaning against the doorway you find your boyfriend sitting next to the tub with his hand in the water to make sure the temperature is right, the water is filled with soap and bubbles and you can't wait to get in it.
He turns around and smiles at you before getting up and turning off the water and walking over to you. He stopps right before you and reaches out to grab your waist with one hand while the other holds your cheek, he looks at you fondly before he leans in to meet your lips in a kiss. A kiss you desperately needed after a day like this so you lean into it and you feel yourself relaxing more and more. Its not a messy kiss, its actually quite quick but you know you'll get more later.
"Get in the tub and i´ll bring you your tea, would you like ginger or lemon?" and you almost melt at the affection hes giving you.
"lemon please" you say while smiling at him. He nods and heads out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen again. You turn around and marvel at the gorgeous bubbles in front of you while you start undressing, not bothering with closing the door.
Getting in the tub and leaning back, feeling the water reach up to your chest feels heavenly. It´s just the right temperature for you.
You can nearly close your eyes before you hear your boyfriend enter the room with two cups of tea, he putts them on the edge of the tub before sitting down next to you on the floor. He hands you your tea before taking his own cup which smells like ginger.
"the lasagna is done in about 20 minutes but if you need more time in here we can wait a bit more" you don't need more time but it´s sweet that he asks, he knows you've had a bad day since your not in a talkative mood like usual.
"thank you, for the tub and dinner I'm sure it tastes great" you say almost as a whisper. "we will se soon enough if its good or not, and don't thank me this is what boyfriends do you know" he says so casually like you haven't been dating for nearly 6 months now.
You sit there in silence for the next 10 minutes, just enjoying each others company. He knows you'll tell him about it when you're ready so there's no reason to push. "can I wash your hair?" he asks, breaking the silence between you two. you respond with a small nod before you sit upright so he can get better access to your hair. He grabs a hold of the shower head before turning it on a weak stream but its comfortable.
Having someone play with your hair feels nice but having someone wash it and shampoo it feels even better. His big hands are very gentle but firm and it feels really good. You could fall asleep like this if you weren't so hungry. After washing your hair and applying all your hair care products he puts on your little towel that holds your hair comfortable and doesn't wight you down.
He asks you to stand up and offers his hand to help you. You take it and stand up before he hands you the shower head, you take it and wash yourself to get the bubbles of you before you step out of the tub. When you step out your boyfriend immediately wraps a big towel around you and makes you sit on the bathtubs end as he goes to your bedroom to get you some clothes.
He returns quickly and sets them down on the sink before going to take the lasagna out. You dry yourself in the meantime and get dressed before you wander into the kitchen, feeling much better than before. The lasagna and garlic bread smells amazing and it looks good too. Your boyfriend is setting the table with plates and cutleries before carrying the food out and sets it in the middle of your plates.
He sits down and starts cutting up the bread and pasta before he looks at you. "come and sit down love" and you completely forget that you were still in the kitchen just staring at him. Blush creeps up on your cheeks as you walk towards him and take your place next to him while he puts some food on your plate.
You look up to the tv and native that he's put on your favorite comfort show that you've rewatched far too many times but still love. You both silently watch the show while eating and it´s a comfortable silence between you. No pressure to talk or impress each other, just enjoying the time together.
After you're both done eating the delicious food he made you both lay down on the couch to cuddle. He lets you lay on top of him while he strokes your hair and back to show you affection. You're practically purring now, feeling content and happy. You notice your eyes getting more and more heavy and you feel yourself slipping in and out of consciousness.
The last thing you hear before falling asleep is the soft voice of your boyfriend whispering in your ear "I'm always here for you no matter what and you can always count on me to show up after a bad day, goodnight love, sleep tight"
thank you for reading
sorry for any spelling mistakes :)
love Whorez.
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blu3haw4 · 18 days ago
Clarke and Lexa are way too competitive and hold a snowball fight that gets out of hand
It's tradicion really.
As a gruop of friends assembled for been the children of a group of self-made millionaires friends, it's been a tradition since before they were even born to spend Christmas all together.
With not grandparents to speak of, they were each other's only family and best friends. They didn't always attend the same school, with supportive parents with the money to put their kids in whichever school worked best for their abilities and preferences they stopped sharing classes from a very young age.
Maintaining the friendship was easy though, as busy as all of their parents were, their own will to see each other made it easy for the second generation to hang out often.
So here they were, all six only children, old enough to beginning planning for a third generation, having a snow fight out back their holiday 'cabin' -one more mansion, even bigger than their houses- as tradition demands.
Luna has built a fortress around herself, planning killer moves on anyone who dares attack her. Wells is trying his best to sneak around anyone's back and running back to base as soon as he gets caught. Roan is trying to tear down walls with each snow ball thrown, opting for sheer force. While Raven seems to be calculating the physics needed to not use much strength at all.
Clarke and Lexa, as usual, seem secured in their little bubble. Consciously or not, they built their walls away from the rest and too close to each other, close to trees they keep using to duck behind as they aim only at each other.
The competitiveness that their parents, Jake and Gustus, never had with each other wasn't pass down to them. Since they were little girl, sharing a classes only from first to second grade, everything was a competition. An amicable one always, never to hurt each other and always in the name of fun.
Third to eight grade was spent finding extracurriculars in which their school would face, just to face each other. High-school was the definitive constant competition, they both of them joined the soccer and basketball team all to be able to compete against each other all year long.
When their teammates aimed for a win to impress their parents, to secure scholarship or for their team, Clarke and Lexa aim for one more win against each other.
College chill them out and made them so much worse at the same time. Though both their hobbies aimed at creative spaces, Art for Clarke and Writing for Lexa, their dream jobs were both center in law, landing them both on the same school, and thus, the same sport teams.
Now here they were, a year out of grad school, and going for their fifth year official dating -too many years of hooking up on and off before that to count- enjoying just one of the many oportunities they alway found to compete.
"You're over Griffin! Two more hits to the head and you're out"
"Bold of you to assume you've got that good of an aim!"
Snowballs were thrown back and forth, laugher filled the air as some missed and some landed anywhere but each others heads.
"Uhh that's landing!" Clarke hears Raven shout across the yard and she looks up just in time to jump out of the way of a falling from the sky snow ball.
"We're all playing the game, Griffin!"
"Well it didn't fucking land!"
"Oh fuck off!"
"In comming!" Is Lexa the one who shouts this time.
And Clarke only has time to turn but not to duck it as the snowball comes straight to her face.
"Ughsh-" she stutters out as snow hits her so strong she's knocked back to the ground.
Laugher from Roan and Raven reach her ears as she lays on the ground, only a triumphant 'Ha!' from Lexa though.
Clarke breaths half in from the ground before jumping up to lean on her side as she feels blood rush through her nose, she manages to avoid staining her clothes but the red looks so dramatic in the withe snow.
"Hey" Lexa is beside her in a second, one hand over her shoulder, the oder already working over her nose to check for anything broken "How much does it hurt?"
"Mmm, not much really. Don't think anything's broken"
"Let me be the judge of that. Come one lets get you inside"
"Fine. If this is you surrendering"
"I knocked you over with a head shot, how is that my surrendering?" Lexa frowns at her as she helps her stand and they start walking inside, their friends continuing the war on their own.
"You walked into enemy territory... to HELP the enemy, if that's not surrendering i don't know what is"
"You... are so ridiculous. Im not surrendering, if anything you're the one out of the fight" Lexa rolls her eyes and directs Clarke to lean over the sink.
"This is a pause. Unless you surrender, then it's my win"
"I'm- not surrendering" Lexa can't help but snort a laugh as she redirects Clarke's head back over the sink since she had turned to look at her.
They make a quick job of cleaning Clarke up and stuffing a paper towel into her nose to prevent more bleeding, then Lexa moves Clarke to sit at the kitchen counter as she gets her a glass of water.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to shoot you that hard" stealing a quick kiss, Lexa hands Clarke the glass.
Clarke only smiles and allows Lexa's arm so round her hips.
"Here's the deal-
"Nono, listen. I'll give you last night, if you say i won today"
"Last night? We could argue that I did in fact win"
"Ooor, I could say you're right and you give me today" at Lexa's blank stare, Clarke continues "Five orgasm to three... honestly i deserves both wins"
"No. I get-
"Last night and you give me today. I don't get to brag about last night, let me have this one"
"I should be the one bragging... about both"
"Or i could make you feel really bad abut making me litterally bleed"
"You're evil"
"That's grad school for you, baby"
Lexa rolls her eyes one more time, looks away and considers as Clarke leans in to snuggle her face into her shoulder and neck.
"Fine" she sighs righ after Clarke -very purposely- kisses her neck. "I won last night, no arguments. And i... succumbed to the rules, surrendering to help my harmed enemy today. Giving you the win"
"Great!" Clarke grins wide, lifting her face and cupping Lexa's with her hands.
She looks goofy with a roll of paper sticking out of her nose, Lexa smiles lovingly at her still, before she's been dragged forward for a kiss.
"I want my prize"
"Mmm, what would you like" Lexa ask huskily, deepening the kiss.
"Im still deciding" Clarke sighs as she pulls her closer with her legs behind her back as well.
"You girls prepping lunch?" Gustus calls from the hallways jokingly.
They break apart and Clarke grunts a greeting at her girlfriend's father.
"What happened to your nose?!"
"Your daughter-
"Surrendered the fight to help her"
"And very gracefully gave me the win" Clarke finishes, shifting her face into a grin.
"You okay?"
"Im good, thanks"
"Okay then, you're both good to help with lunch" Gustus shifts his worried face into a grin so wide it almost looks fake.
They pair grunt a complaint but pull away from each other nonetheless.
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desi2go · 1 year ago
All in
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Pairing: Jisung x reader
Warning: none -- college au!
summary: You are an introverted girl who just concentrates on her studies in college when she meets Jisung. Jisung was immediately mesmerized by you and wants to ask you out.
You always were a lone wolf. Not that you hated it, you just don't like being around many people. It made you uncomfortable because you were afraid they don't like you and talk behind your back.
Since you were a little child, you were shy and struggled with finding friends. But it wasn't that you felt lonely. You had a few friends, not many, just two or three. They literally adopted you as an introverted person and over the time you grew comfortable around these people.
But even though you appreciated their company, you loved being alone. This way you could think about everything without being distracted by something and just do your own things.
In college, you mostly were on your own because you just had a few classes with your friends. It didn't upset you or made you sad. You appreciated the time with them even more. But there was this boy, Jisung that seem to follow you everywhere. You soon realised that you had nearly every class with him and he often smiled at you whenever he saw you.
Most classmates ignored you but this boy seemed eager to become friends with you. In the morning he waves at you, smiling brightly while unpacking his things.
You often just nod and smiled a little. It made you a little bit uncomfortable that he was so friendly, not knowing why.
Usually you spend your afternoons in the library, just like today after your classes. You loved the quietness there. You unpacked your things on a small wooden table near a window. It was your favourite place in the library. From there you could easily observe the world outside with all the strangers walking by.
You listened to you music through your headphones, deep into your lecture that you needed for your presentation at the end of the week. At first you didn't realise that the brown haired boy made his way to your table and sat down on the other side. As you grabbed your pen from your pencil case, you shortly looked up just to see Jisung staring at you with a sweet smile.
Because of the scare, you dropped your pen to the floor. So, you quickly lift it from the floor.
"Hi Y/n!" He said, resting his arms on the table and placing his head in his hands. "Uhm, Hey."
"What are you doing? Your presentation? I finished mine yesterday. Hopefully I get a good mark for it" He told you. You just nodded and turned your attention to your work.
You felt uncomfortable as he kept looking at you. You would spend a thousand dollars for his thoughts. He placed two cups on the desk. "I thought you would like to have something to drink right now, so I brought you one" He gave the cup to you as you took it from him with a thank you. You took a sip and were surprised. It was an iced americano, your favourite. "How do you know I like iced americano?"
"Well, you drink it nearly every morning and overheard your oder it in the café near the library."
"Thank you very much" you whispered but as his smile grew wider, you knew he had heard you.
Since that day, Jisung accompanied you nearly every single time you were in the library. Usually he would come after some time with some snacks that he sneaked into or a drink. And after some time you grew more comfortable with him around. You often listened to him telling you about his day and funny stories from his childhood. Even though you wouldn't admit it but you grew fond of his company. But one question was still in your head every time he talked to you. Why? Why did he spend his time with you when he could be with his friends? He was really outgoing and found friends pretty easy. So, why you?
As he accompanied you today, you took all your confidence and finally asked him. " Jisung, why do you spend so much time with me?" He was surprised by the straight question but answered quick. "Because I like you. You're friendly and a great listener"
You nodded with a smile. You didn't expect such an answer. "By the way, Y/n. I would like to take you out to the new café later, if you want?" Slowly a small blush turned his cheeks into a soft pink. You swallowed and glanced at your hands for a few seconds. "I would love to go with you" you said with a thin voice. Jisung gave you the biggest smile he had.
"Actually, I thought about it as a date." He slowly admitted and shocked you with it. He wanted to go with you on a date? He? You played with your hands, unsure what to say. Maybe you just didn't understand it correctly. Or maybe it's a joke to him. You read so many books, where the boy dated a girl for a challenge. Your mind swirled.
"I-uhm. I don't think... I-I gotta go" You mumbled and quickly shoved everything into your backpack before running away, leaving a confused Jisung behind.
After that you were stiff around him. You didn't know how to act around him anymore. Your best friend kept telling you that you should give him, love, a chance and not jump into conclusions immediately. The next few days you kept avoiding the sweet boy.
When you went into the library you sat on the table far away from your favourite seat because you feared that Jisung would confront you about it. So, you hid into a corner and hoped he wouldn't notice you.
Unfortunately, he found you and quickly strolled in your direction before you could storm out.
You sighed. You hated confrontations. "Y/n. Here are you. I looked for you everywhere." He said. You just nodded and played with your fingers. "Look. I'm sorry, if I scared you with it but I really would go out with you." "Why?" You asked quietly.
"Because like you. And not just in a platonic way. Since you showed up in class for the first time, I was mesmerized by you." Jisung explained with a bright blush on his cheeks. "And I'm not giving up, because you are worth fighting as I realised when I actually got to know you. I'm going all in"
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gralto · 1 year ago
Interviewer: „Und ich glaube auch, dass euer Drummer richtig stolz darauf ist, wie er so rüberkommt, oder?“
Interviewer: „Na, er trägt auf jedem Foto ne ziemlich schwere Frau …“ Gelächter „… so leicht, als wäre sie ne Feder …“ mehr Gelächter „… und hat wahnsinnig viele Muskeln, oder?“
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Paul: „Ja, Schneider ist ein ganz Starker. Muss er ja, weil er Schlagzeug spielt. Wir können ja so gemütlich auf der Bühne rumstehen und der muss jedes Mal ganz doll raufschlagen als ob es das letzte Mal ist.“
Interviewer: “And I also believe that your drummer is really proud of how he comes across, right?”
Interviewer: ”Well, in every photo he carries a fairly heavy woman … “ laughter “… as easy as if she was a feather …” more Laughter “… and has an incredible amount of muscles, right?”
Paul: “Yes, Schneider is very strong. He has to because he plays drums. We can stand around on stage and chill and he always has to hit the drums so hard as if it is the last time.”
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bibastibootz · 11 months ago
Hello! First of all, I love your blog so much, you give off such warm, positive vibes :)
I wanted to ask if you would explain your head canons regarding Basti and Thorsten's sexualities a bit more? I've seen you refer to them as gay/bi respectively quite often and I would love to hear your reasonings and explanations behind that. (Not at all because I disagree, I'm just obsessed with the two of them and I think you'll have some very interesting takes on the topc!)
If you don't want to just ignore me :)
Hi! and thank you for this lovely ask, it put a really big smile on my face!! you're so kind! 😌 and OOHHHH do I have headcanons about Thorsten’s and Sebastian’s sexuality, I hope you’re ready!! 🔥 (I prefer making lists rather than writing articles, so I hope this still reads well enough)
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schwuler Thorsten <3 It would be so easy to say that Thorsten is straight because he had a wife and a daughter back in Hamburg, but people who claim that aren't watching the show right. Here's why I think that a reading of him as a gay man is so so so so valid:
Susanne and Lilli: There are many ways to fit his late wife and daughter into this headcanon, so take your pick: He genuinely didn't know he was gay and started a family. He was in denial and started a family anyway. He was well aware of his homosexuality and maybe this was a mutual arrangement between him and Susanne. It was purely superficial.
(lack of) interest in women: Once Thorsten is in Stuttgart, he literally never shows any interest in any woman whatsoever (much to the dismay of his neighbour) and I do not remember him flirting with any woman ever. Also when asked about women, he literally answers, "Keine Ahnung, ich bin da kein Spezialist." A fortuneteller read his hand once and said: "Sie sind ein lebenslang Suchender. Besonders Frauen sind Ihnen ein ewiges Rätsel." and Thorsten replies, "Jetzt wird es vielleicht doch etwas zu persönlich." Hm. . . So Thorsten is sb who still hasn't found himself? And women are a mystery to him? Hm, gay. Also: Another relationship with a woman, much less so marriage, is so far off his radar that he proposed to Sebastian to start a "Alters WG".
often presumed gay: It is almost a running gag that people assume Thorsten is gay (except that the possibility of a gay Thorsten should not be the punchline). Julian Siebert in "Grabenkämpfe" assumes that Thorsten is gay. His boss while undercover in "Freigang" assumes that he's gay: "Bist du schwul oder warum sind hier keine Weiber?" Thorsten replies, "Schwul.", which the boss plays off as a joke.
casual, yet serious about queerness and other queer people: This is particularly striking in comparison to Sebastian because Thorsten seems so #woke about everything. He understands subtle and not so subtle nods and hints from other queer people but does not make a fuss about them and immediately recognizes queerness (as opposed to Sebastian): Once again "Grabenkämpfe," where Thorsten never jokes about Julian Siebert's obvious interest in him. Also in "Hart an der Grenze" Basti treats them playing a gay couple as a fun joke while Thorsten is very much not amused - and there is just sth in the way he treats the topic so seriously that makes it seem as if it real to him. In "Anne und der Tod" they interrogate clients and stand in front of an old man who has pictures of him and another man on his shelf and wall, and while Sebastian very innocently asks whether that's his brother or son, Thorsten's behavior suggests that he caught on instantly that the old man is in fact gay and that those are photos of him and his late partner.
actively against homophobia: When an old man makes a homophobic remark at him and Sebastian, he immediately grabs Sebastians hand to make that man uncomfortable and as a big fuck you and a way of saying, "Yeah people are queer, get over it, old man!!"
never denying, never clarifying: As much as men flirt with him or people assume he's gay, Thorsten never denies it and never clarifies that he is, in fact, heterosexual. Never! Best example is (once again) "Grabenkämpfe" when his neighbour spots Thorsten at a gay bar with another man and says that at least now she knows why he didn't have time for her - and Thorsten does not get defensive and screams sth like, "I'm not gay, I'm here for a case!", he just lets it slide. And remember when the Freigang boss derogatorily asked Thorsten whether he's gay but then later it seems that Thorsten had sex with a woman, to which the boss replies "Na egal, bin ja froh, dass du nicht schwul bist."? Thorsten once again does not outright say, "Genau, bin ich nicht." but instead replies, "Ich weiß." and looks sad and angry at this blatant portrayal of homophobia.
love confession: In "Die Nacht der Kommissare" Thorsten confesses his love to Sebastian while on drugs with a loud and clear "Sebastian? Ich liebe dich." He continues to confess his love to other men in that episode, but this "Ich liebe dich" feels very different, very sincere and from the heart. I like to read this scene as both a platonic and a romantic love confession.
There is probably so much more, but this is just from the top of my head. Moving on!
bi Basti <3 Sebastian is bi because it Just. Makes. Sense.!!!!!
the rise and fall of the Bootz family: I need to start with Julia and the kids because Sebastian is introduced as a happy, young family man who has basically achieved everything, both in his private life and career. His life as a husband and father is basically too perfect when we meet him, and of course it does crumble more and more into pieces with every new episode. We soon see tension in his and Julia's marriage, ultimately leading to their divorce and Sebastian's never-talked-about problem with alcohol and his separation anxiety. I encourage everyone to watch all the eps until "Spiel auf Zeit" as if Sebastian is falling out of love with Julia and in love with Thorsten (. . .is it possible to love two people at once? Good question, Sebastian).
Felix Klare supremacy: Even Felix Klare himself thought that Tatort was lacking diversity in terms of presentation of women and gay people back in 2013 and he advocated for becoming the first gay Tatort duo. Aber Richy wollte nicht. Tja.
bi in another universe: In "Tödliche Tarnung" we learn that Sebastian and Julia were once close to breaking up and Basti wonders how different his life could have been: "Julia, hast du dir schon mal überlegt, wie unser Leben verlaufen wäre, wenn, naja, wenn wir uns damals getrennt hätten?" Cue "Scherbenhaufen": When he is about to go undercover, he has to come up with a backstory for his character. And what does he do? Completely remove a wife and kids out of the picture and then says, "Ehrlich gesagt, ich hab sie dann mit meinem besten Freund betrogen." Kinda bi to make up a scenario in which he gets to be with Thorsten instead of Julia, if you ask me. And he looks so happy about it, too.
weird about queerness: Sebastian has always been weird about political correctness, and to me this reads as a defense mechanism, as a way to distance himself from queerness and treat it as sth "not concerning me". And yes, I do headcanon Basti as having serious internalized homophobia, why do you ask? I have yet to form proper thoughts about Basti's uncharacteristic compassion towards the gay man who has just lost his lover in "Vergebung", it feels so personally affected. What we can nevertheless witness, though, is some personal growth in that Sebastian is more comfortable with and knowledgable about queerness.
heteronormative worldview / hetcomp: Sebastian literally doesn't know that bisexuality exists. When he hears of married men (yes, there have been three such storylines. . . THREE!!!!) who had a secret lover on the side, he always assumes they were gay and never once considers bisexuality. Looping back to the Bootz marriage&divorce as well as the countless "secretly gay married men" trope, Basti is literally describing his life in "Vergebung" without acknowledging the parallels.
flirting with Thorsten: Of course, any straight man can flirt with his friends, but the way Sebastian does it is so "haha just joking!!! . . . unless 👀"-coded. First the pretend gay couple at the adoption agency, then another pretend gay couple in the waiting room, then the queer undercover persona plot twist. And look how flustered he gets when he gets flirted with.
honorable mentions: bi lighting, bi sitting, bi bi bi music.
Again, there is most definitely more and everyone is free to add on to my thoughts! 😌✌️
bonus: Are Thorsten and Sebastian in love? 👀 Yes, and as of February 2024 there are 32 episodes to prove it. Thank you for reading! 🫶
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ringsy-flamingsy · 2 months ago
Wenn Lars sich seine (verdiente und wohl für seine Gesundheit dringend nötige) Auszeit nimmt, dann wünsche ich mir, dass die Kürbisköppe gemeinsam weggehen. Ob sie mit Rucksack durch die Weltgeschichte tingeln oder ein Luxushotel nach dem anderen bereisen oder Ringo zum Arbeiten temporär ins Ausland geht und sich seinen Mann ins Handgepäck packt, ist mir völlig egal. Von mir aus darf es zuvor auch gern spannend bis dramatisch werden, wie damals, als Ringo literarisch vor seinen Gefühlen - und vor Easy - abhauen wollte und schon mit einem Fuß im Zug stand, als Easy ihn nur nach einem Spurt quer über den Bahnsteig einholen und aufhalten konnte. Nur, dass sie dieses Mal dann halt zusammen in den Zug einsteigen würden.
Aber nichts würde ich weniger sehen wollen als einen Ringo, der sich monatelang allein durch halbgare Storylines schleppt, in denen er eh nur marginal vorkommt. Wobei, doch - eine vorhergehende Fremdgehstory, die in einer Trennung und Easys Weggang auf unbestimmte Zeit endet. Die bräuchte ich noch weniger.
In diesem Sinne: Prayer circle für Gnade seitens der Autoren. Ihre phasenweise nur halbherzig überspielte Abneigung gegenüber dem Fandom haben sie mittlerweile ja hoffentlich abgelegt.
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miimo96 · 6 months ago
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 116
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Well it looks like once again nobody reminded Me that a New chapter was out, First Things 1st I absolutely ADORE this Cover Card and judging from it, it looks like we may be focusing on yashiro again but considering how last Chapter's was misleading, I'm willing to bet otherwise and that we may be actually picking up from where we left off with baby Tsukasa and if This is really him, or just the Entity wearing his face; Other than that the Colors for this Cover are really Beautiful and I really love the font style they choose for this 1, even tho I still perfer the other one we got last chapter, man Summer's edition Really is looking like to be the Best ^^
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Ah already with the creepynes I see, alrighty then I mean I guess Aside from this Gorgeous piece of artwork, I gotta have this thing Stare at me now huh, didnt expect Nightmare fuel to be on my To do list today, and in the beginning of chapter no less, Ok Wow aidairo Thanks looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight ^^; Also is it jsut me or is it that everytime we get a Chapter for these 3, Something ALWAYS goes wrong, and ends Tragically in some way, because If that's the case then I'm really scared now, because i don't want anything Bad to happen, *sigh* I just hope aidairo goes easy on us and does nothing Too Major 🤞
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Alright Ngl Kou came in clutch just now, 1st off mitsuba Why the hell would you even try listening to that thing, I mean you Literally just Saw that it isn't human, due the gapping HOLE it had in its face, plus didn't kou literally just explained to you that most Supernaturals are Dangerous, so why would the hell you even bother🤦‍♂️ Also is it me or is anyone elese getting odd vibes of Nanika from HXH from this Thing, because the fact that you literally have to obey his commands in oder to receive something in return is heavily reminding me of Nanikas powers from Hunter x Hunter
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So If you weren't convicted before that this isn't Tsukasa but is just a lifeless husk, then you're sure as heck are Now because the fact that thing literally talked like how it did in the Red house arc, all but confirmed it for me, because evertime I see that style of text bubbles in the series, I Know for a fact that it's from that THING in someway, Also the fact that kou Literally just punched a child with No hesitation is hilarious to me🤣🤣🤣
Question: what is wrong with aidairo? Like I really feel like they wake up in the morning and go "*sigh*...... So How we gonna torment our readers today? ^^" Also it may just be me overthinking but the way he touched Kou's hand kinda reminded me of what happened with Aoi and her hand after being in the far shore, which makes me even more curious about this Entity...
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Oh Well Nvm i guess, it looks like I was absolutely right about it being similar to Aoi's situation Lol, also I really Love how kou is completely nonchalant about this whole situation and is just unphased by his hand completely turning, i mean the way he just assesses everything and describes the situation really just shows how much experience he has in this timeline, I gotta say I love it ^^
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Wait so that's what happened to the girls who summoned him? I just thought he made them disappear or turned them into sacrifices for the Entity, you're telling me He did That to them!? Oh nah this thing is Sick
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It's just Hilarious to know that no matter what timeline they're in, Mitsuba will always hate Kou's earing 🤣🤣
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Till this day Kou Still continues to prove to me why he is the Best character, like the dude was literally willing to be a Decoy in order for mitsuba to escape, While he lures away Tsukasa, like this probably the 2nd time I've said this but I Really love his character, especially when he does stuff like this, also I find it really strange that Tsukasa called out Hanako's name, even tho this isn't Tsukasa, but just a lifeless husk, So I'm really interested to know what direction they're talking with this, Because if this IS Tsukasa, then would that mean he still has some control, and isn't just a Puppet like before? hmmmmm 🤔(pending thoughts)
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I really find it interesting that we get some information regarding yorishiro's, because up until this point, we've only just been given the understanding that they represent the item that the spirits cherish, and that by creating or destroying 1, you're able to lose control over the boundary that you inhabit, So seeing the actual process behind what goes into making or Qualifies as 1, is just Really interesting to me
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Oh, well that's terrifying
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Man I feel so bad for Mitsuba , like he's literally the only character that has probably gone through the most shit In this series and it's SO painful to me because C'mon cut the dude a break already, like it's already Bad enough that in the original timeline he was already dead, then he was turned into a doppelganger of himself, then he was dealing with his own issues regarding his identity crisis, and then he wanted his best friend/ boyfriend to kill him, So in the new timeline I was hoping that maybe he could finally get cut some slack, and maybe just maybe Not go through some shit, but alas, I guess not, Sry mitsuba, but maybe 1 day you'll have your chance to Shine tho😅😅
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Awesome mitsuba finally get a Dub for once, even more Awesome the Students were able turn back to normal, should be a win right? So then why do I get the feeling something bad happened? Because that was Wayy too easy 😥
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Omg please Don't tell me something Bad happened to Kou, Omg aidairo please Don't I'm begiging you, Kou is literally the Best character Please Don't this, No no no no 😰😰😰😰
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NOOOO!!! 😭😭😭😭 Aidairo Why must you do this to Me!!! Damn it 1st JJK now this WHY!! actually Wait a minute, so if it can just move 1 body to a New one, then what does mean for Tsukasa, did he really just go back to normal, or is he just a lifeless husk lying in the hallway right now
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1st off this looks Straight up Terrifying, Second of all PLEASE STOP THIS Aidairo I'm begiging you PLEASE, it looks like mitsuba is going to have to resort to Killing him if this continues, So begging you Lord please somebody Stop Him, I don't wanna see this character Die Please!!! Anybody
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YES!!! I mean As much as I Hate this character I'm So happy that he's here right Now, THANK YOU GOD!!
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This just made him go up a scale as 1 of my favorite characters Now thank you lord for sending us Teru because idk if was gonna be able to continue reading after this, That scene was Just Wow, I was literally scared for a second there, Omg Please Stop playing with my emotions Aidairo sensei please, I don't think I can take much more of this
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Ok So it looks like I was Right about this being Not the same Tsukasa, because like i said before judging from the way he was talking, it really reminded me of the way it was in the red house, Especially from the way it was talking, Also could you please Stop beating on Kou for 1 second mitsuba, like i get that you love him and all and that were probably worried about having to Kill him, but for crying out loud the guy just got Shot by lightning for christ sake, so you could at least go easy on him, Second of all wait you're telling me that this Thing isn't even Dead after that and was just only weakened, Jesus how many more Chapters Do I gotta suffer with that Thing Before that THING is FINALLY Dead, Also i guess that pretty much Answers what I've been saying this entire time, That No matter what Timeline you make or whatever Strings you pull, it's pretty much inevitable that Tsukasa or eventually somebody will be the host for that thing, and judging from the way this chapter ended, it Looks like we might be in for something BIG Next chapter, especially now with that Thing on the Loose, idk whats about to happen, but I can guarantee you that I will be here to cover it, man this is really starting to feel like the final arc, and gotta say If it is I'm Not ready, but if this Truly is the end, then It's been sure 1 hell of a ride
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christiannbg · 6 months ago
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Bin ich niedlich oder nicht?
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wildlifegermany · 7 months ago
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Die Rosenprimel oder Sumpf-Primel ist eine der bezauberndsten Primeln. Die Blüte ist rosa, rosenrot oder tiefrot und der Blütenstiel is schon entwickelt ehe die Blätter erscheinen.  Die Kultur is einfach, wenn ihr die nötige Feuchtigkeit gegeben wird.  The rose primrose or marsh primrose is one of the most enchanting primroses. The flower is pink, rose-red or deep red and the flower stalk is already developed before the leaves appear. Cultivation is easy if the necessary moisture is provided.
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dommingjeffsatur · 1 year ago
What if you showed us your three swords
okay so. i'm gonna do this in oder from the lowest quality to the highest quality sword i have. they're all tai chi swords. the first two both cost somewhere between 30 and 50 euros, the last one about 250.
the first one. it's retractable, and a little banged up. it is easy to transport but the balance is all off.
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the second one. the sheath and the hilt are a bit cheaply made, definitly plastic. but the balance is much better. if you want to buy a sword and are on a budget, i'd reccomend this one.
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and the third one. this one is a little heavy. there are swords of the same quality that are less heavy, maybe i should have gotten one of those. but it's not toooo heavy. and it's so beautiful. the hilt and sheath are real wood and the ornaments are beautiful. and it is perfectly balanced
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thank you for giving me a reason to talk about swords anon
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