#oct. 7 massacre
eretzyisrael · 5 months
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
just... something I've noticed. (cw: this is about i/p and leftist activism)
so many stories are like:
villain: "there's a problem in this world that needs to be fixed, an injustice in the systems that control our life, so I shall fix it with VIOLENCE AND MURDER AND MORE VIOLENCE!"
hero: "halt, you fiend! I, a Good American Citizen™, shall stop you. scease this treachery at once!"
*proceeds to beat them up and do nothing about the issue that caused this, Happy Ending uwu everything is solved*
the purpose of these stories were propaganda, obviously, to associate fighting for justice with violence and villainy, and heroism with restoring the status quo and never questioning it.
people called bullshit, but instead of going "the source of the issue wasn't the villain, it was the system they were in. you can't just get rid of them and go about your day, you have to remove the problem from its source as well", they went "the source of the issue isn't the villain, it was the system they were in. the villain was actually completely justified in their response because of the end goal! sure their actions are bad, but the system is worse!" while completely ignoring how in most of these stories, the villains were okay with actual mass murder.
and here we are, in a post Oct. 7th world, where people look a massacre of Jews, and say the exact same thing. justifying undescribable acts of violence by saying "well these noble savages Palestinians had endured 75 years of genocide (wrong) apartheid (wrong) and ethnic cleansing (also wrong)! their response is understandable! I don't condone their violence, but something had to be done." and you get people simping for actual extremist terrorist organisations, marching around while parroting calls for genocide, and repeating words to make them sound educated on a conflict they only know about from social media posts.
yes, the systems are unfair and cruel and social justice needs to be achieved. but you can't turn a blind eye or actively condone horrific acts that are done in the name of that cause. speaking against it won't make you the "movie protagonist™", you HAVE to speak up against it if you want to work towards a peaceful future.
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proudzionist · 5 months
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secular-jew · 1 month
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iloveisrael · 3 months
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Why would a battle fought 54 years ago provide key insight on what Hamas' strategy is today?
Asymmetric Warfare. It's a term that most people don't really understand. Before I did this, I was a United States Army Green Beret and I did a couple of combat tours in Iraq. And needless to say, asymmetric warfare was kind of our thing.
So, in practical terms, it is a type of war between belligerents whose relative military power, strategy or tactics differ significantly. And as a result of this, the weaker opponent will use unconventional tactics in order to maximize one's strengths against a stronger opponent's weaknesses or vulnerabilities.
For instance, an Insurgent force does not have the freedom of movement or firepower necessary to attack a forward operating base or a heavily armed column. So instead, they focus on softer logistical targets. They may choose to use a remotely activated roadside bomb instead of engaging in direct fire.
In many situations, the weaker adversary has fewer personnel and resources. And so, a significant part of their strategy is to preserve those limited resources and use the munitions that they have to the greatest possible advantage.
But here's the thing. To pull this off long term, you generally need a consistent means of supply combined with enough territory to hit, run and then hide. And Hamas doesn't have these things, at least not in sufficient supply to win against the IDF.
So, what's their strategy? What can Hamas leverage that will allow them to conduct offensive operations against a much stronger opponent and then avoid getting destroyed by the IDF's vastly superior military capability?
And the answer to that question as horrific, as it is, is civilian casualties, but probably not the ones you're thinking.
To understand this, let's discuss that example 54 years ago. The Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War virtually wiped out the Viet Kong. It was by every objective measure, a complete tactical failure. But strategically, it was invaluable. Because while achieving none of its military objectives, the Tet Offensive shattered Americans' perspective on the situation on the ground.
Opponents of the war were able to effectively use the offensive as a demonstration of the futility of American involvement. Hollywood, Academia and many in the mainstream media went to work convincing the American people that the war couldn't be won. Or perhaps just shouldn't even be fought. And in a representative government, when the electorate decides that a war is lost, it is, regardless of the situation on the ground.
Now, understand something. I'm not making an argument for the pros or cons of fighting the Vietnam War. I'm merely illustrating a point about modern Asymmetric Warfare. The lesson of the Tet Offensive is when fighting the West, you don't defeat their military. You win their electorate. And the way to do that is through the institutions which shape culture in the West, namely Hollywood, the Media and Academia.
If Hamas had decided to engage in a conventional military attack directed at only legitimate military targets, the IDF would have effectively destroyed their war fighting capability within days, and Hamas knows it. So, they engaged in asymmetric strategy.
Once we understand this, their actions on October 7th, as horrific as they are, begin to make more sense. Hamas didn't just target civilians because they were easy targets or because they despise Jews, although both of those things are true. The attack and the subsequent taking of hostages was actually designed to elicit a major response from the IDF.
But why? Well, maybe it's because to achieve their strategic objectives, Hamas needs civilian casualties. And more specifically they need Palestinian civilian casualties. And this is why.
The two entities in this conflict that lose the most from a greater peace agreement in the Middle East are Iran and the terrorist organizations they support. Upsetting this process requires much more than the random launching of rockets into Israel or strikes against legitimate military targets. The IDF is more than capable of handling such incursions, and the Israeli people have become all too accustomed to weathering such attacks without demanding an overwhelming military response. something more significant was required.
And October 7th created the kind of conditions that demanded a significant and sustained response. They needed something so obscene that Israel would have no choice but to hit back hard.
And this is where the second component of Hamas' strategy plays out. How to get Palestinian casualties. Any government actually worried about civilian casualties dedicates resources to evacuating their own civilians from hostile areas and attempts to separate the civilian population from legitimate military targets. So what conclusion should we come to when a governing body decides to do the exact opposite?
In this asymmetric environment, Hamas is not only incentivized to kill Israeli civilians, they're incentivized to maximize their own civilian casualties in the short run in order to elicit Western intervention on their behalf. As easy as it might be to explain Hamas's strategy away as nothing but mindless bloodlust, it is actually more sinister than that.
Hamas is responding to the incentive structures certain elements within the West have created. Hamas understand that the real Battlefield is not in Gaza but in the streets, University halls and newsrooms of the West. And so that is their target. And while a ceasefire seems like a humanitarian response to the tragic death of civilians, leaving Hamas intact as an operational and governing body will ultimately just reinforce that the perverse incentive structure remains the same.
And that while the West may claim to "not negotiate with terrorists," they always seem to force Israel to as soon as it becomes politically inconvenient for them.
So here's the hard reality. If you actually want to achieve anything resembling a lasting peace in this part of the world, you're never going to achieve it by creating conditions where terrorists are incentivized to hurt both the civilians of their enemies, and their own in order to achieve their political objectives.
This, of course, was completely obvious from the moment of the al-Ahli Hospital hoax, where Western outlets worked overtime to spread Hamas propaganda without regard for truth, all the way through to the present-day "protests" which are anything but organic or grass-roots.
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xixovart · 2 months
a genocide is something that none of us expected to witness. it is something no living soul deserves to experience, which is why we should take every chance we get to help a victim. whether it’s by donating, or even just reblogging or sharing a post if you’re unable to donate. something is better than nothing
mohamed almadhonne (@eazeldin ) is aperson in gaza who desperately needs your help. he has been through so much these past 300 days, and his life is in risk more and more with each passing second.
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mohamed and his family have been displaced over five times. their careers, homes, and lives have been destroyed throughout this genocide, and this family now relies on selling food to survive.
mohamed’s father is severely ill and partially paralyzed. this family requires your assistance to get out of gaza and return to safety.
nothing will ever be the same for these people again, but you can help them return to some form of normality just by sharing their gofundme.
lives are at stake and this genocide is urgent.
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chanaleah · 2 months
The one comment on the poll post about the definition of a pogrom confuses me??? Goysplaining seriously. Hamas IS the governing body of palestine? Meaning….it was supported… by the government…
firstly, you're totally correct with that, anon.
secondly, historically (think 1800s pale of settlement) many pogroms were not government supported, but were rather started by groups of people.
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refractorind · 5 months
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nomoresympathy-eh · 4 months
Gotta love how "Israel" has burnt and beheaded babies and it got caught on camera, and yet zios are still flying around repeating "Oct 7! Hostages! Oct 7! Hamas!"
If you want a guide on how to lose the world's sympathy in the path you took to maintain it, here's a masterclass example.
Oh, also there's a new video of an israeli soldier mocking the cries of palestinians. And a new video of them playing by bombing houses.
Aren't these soldiers just israeli settlers/"civilians" clad in armor? I thought you wanted the world to keep believing Oct 7 was an attack on "innocent civilians"...guess not. Ohhh, how your actions betray your words! Just like dear IOF and Biden!
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
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Killing for the sole purpose of killing:  Hamas mass-executes Nepalese and Thai nationals on 7/10.
On the 7th of October massacres, nationals from dozens of countries were killed, injured, and kidnapped by Hamas. Many of them were Thai and Nepalese nationals who were part of agricultural education programs in southern Israel, sent to learn Israeli methods to take back to their homelands. 
In this coming footage we will show how Hamas terrorists rounded up Nepalese and Thail nationals at Kibbutz Alumim, threw them into a killing room, and slaughtered them in an act of cold-blooded murder.
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proudzionist · 4 months
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Heartbreaking 💔 absolutely heartbreaking 💔
Please pray for the hostages 🙏🇮🇱🫂
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infiniteglitterfall · 7 months
Palestinians to platform, part 1
مؤمن الناطور / Moumen Al-Natour
رئيس الشباب الفلسطيني للتنمية / President of Palestinian Youth for Development
Moumen Al-Natour is amazing. Not only does he run a Palestinian youth organization that is doing great work in Gaza, but he's also one of the organizers of the 2019 anti-Hamas protests.
Even to criticize Hamas, in Gaza, means to be interrogated, and potentially jailed, tortured, and/or killed. To actively protest Hamas is many times more dangerous.
To have survived that work and continued doing it? I cannot imagine the emotional strength this dude has.
Here's what Center for Peace Communications (another great organization) has said about him:
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So many Palestinians, in or from Palestine, are out there talking about what everyday life in Gaza is like. About Hamas, about Israel, about what they want and what they need, about their struggles and their interests and their families.
My goal, in finding people for you to follow and platform, is to help more voices get out of Gaza after years of suppression, and to help more outsiders (like me) connect with them.
People care SO MUCH about Palestine. But frequently, all there is to share is outrage, semi-accurate news, and more outrage. Frequently, we're not calling for the same things they are. We call for a ceasefire; they demand Hamas return the hostages and surrender. We call for Israel to let aid in; they say Israel is letting the aid in, but it's being stolen, and call for air drops rather than trucks. We call for Israel to stop fighting; they say they hope Israel takes Hamas out first.
We aren't centering their voices and experiences. We aren't lending our reach and our strength to their demands.
I want to make that possible.
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Ala Mushtaha, the son of this imam, evidently said, “On Saturday December 30, our front door was busted down and twenty masked men barged in and took my father, a widely respected and deeply learned imam here in Gaza."
“One dragged him by his head and another grabbed him by his beard. My younger brother tried to intervene and reason with the kidnappers, but they beat him. I have a medical condition that makes it hard for me to breathe, so all I could do was watch as the horror unfolded.
“He wouldn’t preach what Hamas told him to. He refused to tell Gazans that violent resistance and obedience to Hamas, is the best way out of our current hell.”
ok this dude needs his own post honestly, he goes on to say so much intense stuff about their lives.
OMG his dad was actually released!
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This is what I'm talking about. This is effective activism. Imagine what all these people could do if they had the entire global pro-Palestinian movement behind them.
Al-Natour posts a fair amount of political commentary.
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The "we want to live" hashtag is a callback to the amazing "We Want To Live" protests he co-organized against Hamas, in Gaza in 2019, and again in the summer of 2023. Activist Hamida Howidzy (who will also be getting a separate post) wrote about them in Newsweek recently.
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Some things he posts in Arabic and then in English. Some of his posts are in Arabic only. In the thread above, he actually posted a couple more that were just in Arabic, presumably aimed at Arabic-language comments.
What I like about Twitter is that you can whack the "translate post" button and get a pretty decent translation most of the time.
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"I saw all the responses... What is wrong and forbidden in reuniting the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem through elections in which the people choose who will represent them??!?? Why are all the responses offensive...a collaborator, a traitor, and contain insults that indicate that whoever wrote them needs restructuring?! What prevents us, after ending the war, from returning our choice and choice to the Palestinian people?!+
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"Everyone wrote that I opened??!! how did you know???!! Stopping the war is the most important thing now... Whoever sees the condition of the people and feels all this is easy for him does not have humanity, and is not a human being... Whoever, after the destruction of more than 80% of Gaza and the North, and still writing in a way that wants the war to continue while he lives abroad, should reconsider. He accepted to live the same suffering!++"
Note: I copied the "I opened" bit and threw it into Google Translate separately, because that cannot be right. It still insisted that it meant "I opened".... but it gave me the transliterated words, "ani fatah."
Everyone wrote that he's Fatah -- the party that runs the West Bank, the one Hamas violently kicked out of Gaza in 2007-08.
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"The end of my speech... I know... whoever is not with you is a traitor and an agent... shameful... by God, by God, by God... there will be an account[ing] for all of this talk... so that you understand the word agent... and the account will be through a government of law... It is clear that there are many who benefit from the poverty and destruction of Gaza, and they must be held accountable according to the law.
"Have mercy on people with your tongues"
The comment on that one is noteworthy:
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"Yes, whoever is not with the resistance is indeed a traitor, and those who must be held accountable are the traitors, agents, hypocrites, liars, and racists who slander the resistance and who want to hold it accountable only because it fights the enemy of humanity and defends truth and the oppressed. If you want to apply the law, apply it to yourselves first."
It highlights how much of what we hear in the West is Hamas propaganda. That's a whole other post too. But Hamas claims to be "the resistance," to "defend truth and the oppressed," while arresting people who refuse to preach its propaganda. While jailing and torturing someone 20 times for organizing a protest.
Which are the exact tactics that make it so easy for their propaganda to reach us . And so hard for us to even know that there has been an entire protest movement against Hamas in Gaza, much less to support its activists.
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I'll just cut and paste the translations from his most recent thread, above. All emphasis is mine:
"When demonstrations took place in Israel demanding that Netanyahu stop the war and free the hostages, Al Jazeera and Hamas considered it a victory and an achievement, and that the Israeli government was under pressure. But what is striking is that these demonstrations were not suppressed. They were secured. The hostage issue and public pressure were dealt with professionally.
"The demonstrations that took place in Gaza demanding an end to the war and the return of the displaced...they were classified as suspicious [by Al Jazeera etc] ...even though the displaced Israeli lives in a 5-star hotel and has the privileges of the displaced, and when the Palestinian displaced in Gaza receives help, he needs a mediator, and if he wants a tent, he needs leadership intervention, and if he does not have the mediator And the intervention wants to scratch his pocket..+++
"Why did Israel allow demonstrations and look pressured, always trying to contain everything... while we have a displaced person lost, homeless, and no one is trying to contain him, and when he talks, they call him a fifth column???"
Last month, he posted about pregnancy in wartime. Note the cost of the tent later in this thread! Numerous Palestinians have posted about humanitarian aid getting stolen -- by Hamas, by NGOs, by others -- and sold on the black market. Food and tents especially get mentioned a lot. Everyone mentions the tents are being sold for more than (the equivalent of) $700, even though they were supposed to be free.
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I'll leave you with this one for now:
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You can read all the posts in this series in my "platform palestine" tag.
#platform gaza#free gaza#platform palestine#free palestine#free palestine from hamas#long post#wall of words#please note i specifically said platform gaza and not just platform palestinians#platform the west bank too#don't platform and center palestinians who have never been to palestine on issues that specifically affect people IN PALESTINE#like I'm 3/4 Italian and I'm not gonna tell you about what to do for people in Italy ok#I can give you perspective that you may not have otherwise#but there are multiple really awful orgs that claim to be palestinian-led and are in fact led by people in Canada or Brooklyn#it's extremely ironic that I've seen a lot of people accuse each other of like “sitting at your computer in your apartment in Brooklyn”#to mean being out of your lane and talking about stuff you don't understand in I/P discourse#when in fact the woman who runs within our lifetime is literally in and from brooklyn#that's the org that was caught on video doing a protest march that stopped to scream at cancer patients#about how their hospital was “complicit in genocide”#how was it complicit in genocide you might ask? well i guess memorial sloan kettering cancer center accepted a $400M donation#from “a zionist billionaire” which is a gross antisemitic trope thansks#the “zionist billionaire” hilariously turned out to be a billionaire Protestant#whose “zionism” was... that he's a Harvard grad and he told Harvard it should make a statement about the massacre#so obviously#by accepting a massive donation from some rich white guy who#UNRELATEDLY#thought Oct 7 was bad#the CANCER CENTER#is clearly COMPLICIT in GENOCIDE.#this makes zero sense and is bad activism#and the reason i consider it to be bad activism is specifically that it's not trying to achieve anything
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iloveisrael · 3 months
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Moran Stella Yanai 🎗️ hostage survivor
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serach-bat-asher · 9 days
i feel like a lot for me is clicking and i just can't with the AZ world anymore. the response to the p*ger thing has been balls to the walls insane
#im not speaking about people criticizing it in general#but rather the people claiming this was a massacre of civilians and that this is like one of the most evil things isr has ever done#bc like.#in a war characterized by civilian death this had actually an insanely low ratio of civilian to combatant death#and yes it's awful that a child died#but that is something that happens in war#and it's just becoming clear the my objection to the war in aza - the steep civilian death toll - is not most people's objection#bc we see a military action that killed i think what? 2 civilians?#and the response is that it's evil beyond belief and precedent#and. like.#that shows that your issue was never about civilians killed#it's that you disagree with the goal of destroying h*mas and don't see that as a just cause of war#bc ultimately a lot of these people are h*mas stans#like which we knew#but it goes beyond that. like#there are so many people who see all isr people as non-civilians#and all h*zbollah fighters as civilians#and it's just fucked beyond belief#i've known for months i can no longer organize in mainstream pro 🍉 spaces#but i'd thought the ✡️ ones were still better#and now im just. i don't want to go to AZ shuls anymore#an AZ yeshiva is having a retreat in nov and i don't even wanna go bc the roshei yeshiva have said some wack ass shit#im pulling myself out of these spaces#and that's been since before the p*ger thing#i haven't been back to an AZ shul i used to go to since october#bc i was there on oct 7#and there was a new member event and everyone was acting happy and normal#yes the rabbi said good and normal things before dancing but the fucking vibe. idk. i just can't#with the whole scene. the whole everything#im still with kl*ztronike for now but that's rough too. went to one in october and had to pull down a 'resist colonial power by any means
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These Nazi brownshirts really hate Jews.
Reminder: even the Islamic Fatwa Council has designated Hamas a terrorist organization.
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