#oct. 26
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They've had many lives and many ages: cats I've met in my time travels.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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How else would you fix the antenna? A bridgeman with U.S. Steel climbs atop the Empire State Building, October 26, 1950. He was one of 22 structural iron workers who erected a permanent five-station television tower on top of the skyscraper.
Photo: Associated Press via the NY Daily News
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gungieblog · 2 years
Shootout at the O.K. CorralOn October 26, 1881, the Earp brothers face off against the Clanton-McLaury gang in a legendary shootout at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona.
After silver was discovered nearby in 1877, Tombstone quickly grew into one of the richest mining towns in the Southwest. Wyatt Earp, a former Kansas police officer working as a bank security guard, and his brothers, Morgan and Virgil, the town marshal, represented “law and order” in Tombstone, though they also had reputations as being power-hungry and ruthless. The Clantons and McLaurys were cowboys who lived on a ranch outside of town and sidelined as cattle rustlers, thieves and murderers. In October 1881, the struggle between these two groups for control of Tombstone and Cochise County ended in a blaze of gunfire at the OK Corral.
On the morning of October 25, Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury came into Tombstone for supplies. Over the next 24 hours, the two men had several violent run-ins with the Earps and their friend Doc Holliday. Around 1:30 p.m. on October 26, Ike’s brother Billy rode into town to join them, along with Frank McLaury and Billy Claiborne. The first person they met in the local saloon was Holliday, who was delighted to inform them that their brothers had both been pistol-whipped by the Earps. Frank and Billy immediately left the saloon, vowing revenge.
Around 3 p.m., the Earps and Holliday spotted the five members of the Clanton-McLaury gang in a vacant lot behind the OK Corral, at the end of Fremont Street. The famous gunfight that ensued lasted all of 30 seconds, and around 30 shots were fired. Though it’s still debated who fired the first shot, most reports say that the shootout began when Virgil Earp pulled out his revolver and shot Billy Clanton point-blank in the chest, while Doc Holliday fired a shotgun blast at Tom McLaury’s chest. Though Wyatt Earp wounded Frank McLaury with a shot in the stomach, Frank managed to get off a few shots before collapsing, as did Billy Clanton. When the dust cleared, Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers were dead, and Virgil and Morgan Earp and Doc Holliday were wounded. Ike Clanton and Claiborne had run for the hills.
Sheriff John Behan of Cochise County, who witnessed the shootout, charged the Earps and Holliday with murder. A month later, however, a Tombstone judge found the men not guilty, ruling that they were “fully justified in committing these homicides.” The famous shootout has been immortalized in many movies, including Frontier Marshal (1939), Shootout at the O.K. Corral (1946), Gunfight at the OK Corral (1957), Tombstone (1993) and Wyatt Earp (1994).
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draculuve · 11 months
KCM becoming TFO 🤝 the 😃😦 gif twitter loves
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incognitopolls · 9 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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its-time-to-be-silly · 11 months
Somehow I don't think Dracula, Fogmaster General has been delayed because of fog
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blinkandyoumissit · 11 days
26 OCT 2023 | Ernie Ball • Rapid-fire Questions with Pete Wentz
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naranjapetrificada · 1 year
The first thing I should ever have said about Izzy and the last thing I intend to say until at least October 26th.
[Although I am not Her strongest soldier, so who knows if I will stick the landing.]
So to start with, I was a "late" arrival to the show. I knew it existed of course, but I only occasionally saw things that reminded me it existed. The first time I saw a mention of "grumpy/sunshine" it was with a picture of Ed and Stede, so I guess on some level I knew there was shipping going on, but that was literally all I knew. I didn't even know it involved Blackbeard lol.
Which is all to say that I first approached and watched season 1 removed from basically anything anyone had to say about it. I think what actually got me to watch it wasn't anything anyone had to say either, it was from youtube recommendations? Like I think I had watched a couple Taika interviews or something and ofmd stuff started showing up? So after catching a few clips and intentionally spoiling the kiss for myself (life is too short to be queerbaited) I watched it in April/May 2023, and was Changed by it the way so many other people were. It grabbed me so hard I started looking for fics, and when fic grabbed me even harder I became a regular tumblr user for the first time ever in June 2023.
What I didn't do, before the second half of 2023, was care particularly much about Izzy Hands.
I remember describing him as psychologically fascinating to the first IRL friend I talked to about the show, and joking that he just needed a good dom. As much as his decision to call in the navy was a threat to Stede's and Ed's lives, I saw his actions as part of a thing needed for the story, and while I knew he was one of the season's villains there wasn't really any heat behind that assessment.
For me he was there to set things in motion, and to serve the narrative in certain ways, to be a foil, more storytelling tool than man. That doesn't mean I didn't think Con did an excellent job adding layers to him, he absolutely made Izzy take up space and feel more present and textured than he otherwise might have. But when I began to zoom out and consider things on meta level, Izzy existed to do a certain thing or occupy a certain place in relation to the narrative and other characters more than anything else. And that was fine.
Then I started reading meta here, and found myself surrounded by passionate conversations about Izzy from many directions occurring with an intensity that I couldn't wrap my brain around. I saw people tying themselves into knots to justify and excuse the behavior of a textual antagonist, and I was baffled and because I still saw Izzy for what his role in the narrative was, it literally made no sense to see his behavior explained away. In the framework I brought to the fandom when I first arrived, trying to explain away Izzy's behavior would be like looking at a forest fire and trying to explain away processes like combustion and oxidation. Or if you'll allow me to borrow another extended, nature-based metaphor from a fic in an entirely different fandom:
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Again, because from where my head was at, it didn't make sense to look at Izzy's morality as a zero sum game because in this metaphor, he was functionally just a brackish body of water. I'm not saying the morality is brackish, I'm saying the morality was literally not the point because like an estuary, an antagonist "must exist" because antagonists exist for specific reasons directly related to storytelling goals.
So there was no real heat behind my feelings about him or his actions, beyond the natural emotional reactions we have to characters and their behaviors before we zoom out. I was of course upset with his treatment of Lucius, which was targeted compared to other members of the crew. I was annoyed with the way he talked to and about Ed. I laughed when his plans had the equal and opposite results of what he intended, which you could argue happened with every single plan he made for the entirety of season 1. And yes, especially as a Black person living in the US, I felt the fear and betrayal that comes from seeing someone call the cops (which given the show and its writers, it does not feel like a stretch to describe calling the navy that). I wondered if there was any coming back from a choice like that, which is a big overriding question for the series as a whole.
I'm not here to debate any of the points in the previous paragraph. I know how I feel and you feel how you feel and there's already been so much said about the morality of it all by people who have explained themselves well, so let them convince you or not. Instead I've been trying to talk about the two sides of my experience before and after getting into the fandom with Izzy.
Before: Izzy Hands, Narratively Useful Antagonist Portrayed Compellingly And Effectively by Con O'Neill.
After: Izzy Hands, Unfortunate Avatar Of The Sadly Common Tendency For Certain Fans To Hyperfocus On A White Antagonist Or Secondary Character When There Already Exists A Protagonist They're A Foil Of (And Also It Looks Bad TO Do That When The Protagonist Is Someone With A Marginalized Identity).
I'm not here to argue the merits of those assessments either, because that's not the point. The point is the vast gulf between them and how the latter does such an incredible disservice to the Izzy we were given and that so many people claim to love. The latter comes from a place where morality is the focus, which I'm sorry y'all, feels like it originates with people who refuse to countenance Izzy's role in the story as well as his characterization.
Viewers who were willing to see Izzy as an antagonist, who don't view the word "antagonist" as a value judgement in and of itself, who don't think that finding an antagonist charismatic or compelling means anything about their own morality, those people can look at the show we were given and take it for what it was made to be. I'm not saying that it's only the Izzy stans (not enjoyers, not jar people) who start fights or that people who understand that Izzy is an antagonist don't also have deep morality related feelings about him and his actions in the first season. What I am saying is that sanding off Izzy's rough edges and trying to make him into something he isn't poisons even the possibility of having a discussion about him because people enter the conversation with two completely different understandings of reality. If you cannot accept the job that season 1 Izzy was given to do to move the story along, well you might as well have watched a completely different show for how much that fanon Izzy has anything to do with the canon one.
This show deserves better than that. The writers deserve better than that. Con O'Neill deserves better than that. Israel Basilica Hands deserves better than that. We all do.
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chilldust · 11 months
Dreamflower Original Story MASTER POST
This post is a collection of facts and information about my original story universe, "Dreamflower", and the main storyline soon to be published on AO3, titled "May I Love You".
The post will be divided into sections under the cut, first section includes the basic synopsis and facts about the main characters and the environment. After each published chapter, any new characters introduced will get their own little section and a possible visual sketch of their character.
Dreamflower universe is very loosely based on my FNAF Animutant AU, but many things are made and flexed out to be so much different that this is a completely original story at this point, despite the main characters sharing some similarities with Sun and Moon from FNAF-
Synopsis of the story:
Humans have always been afraid of things they aren't familiar with. When a new type of subspecies of humans started to appear after the late 60's they were terrified. Theories of alien invasion or the devil's advocates taking over the earth slowly, members of this new species, Animutants, were denied regular human rights, and often forced to live outside major cities, or sometimes even killed as a form of funded euthanasia.  Solros Ellis is a young adult who, despite being a human, has never had an easy life. Growing up in extreme poverty, bullied until he dropped out of school, abused by his alcoholic father, Solros has only wished for freedom. One morning, Solros wakes up to a new reality: he has turned into an Animutant overnight!  Learning what could possibly happen to him if he stays in the city, Solros runs away from his old life and meets Luan Costello, a guy of his age who was born as an Animutant, denied basic human rights and lived his whole life feeling like a burden to those around him. With Luan's help and kindness, Solros is getting adjusted to his new life as an Animutant and healing those wounds his old life left on him.  Will the difficulties of being considered something less than a human bring Solros just another set of unfortunate events, or was his mutation written in the stars so he could meet with Luan?
The story takes place in a made-up country called Plutonia.
Plutonia is an island country. It has its own indepedence, but works as a constitutional monarchy under the English Crown, just like Canada. 
On the world it's located underneath Newfoundland island, close to the North-East coast of the US.
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Both Solros and Luan were born in Duskfort City. Solros lived there until his transformation. Luan's family lives up to the North in a small town called Bluebell. 
You can read more facts about the country from here.
Main Characters:
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More info about Solros:
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More info about Luan:
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Side characters (Luan's family and Solros' parents):
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Other characters will go under the respective chapters they first appear in!
Chapter 1:
Luan Costello is an 18-year-old young man, who will soon graduate from high school, just waiting for his life to start. Except he has never gone to a normal school, has no real friends and is haunted by the fact he feels like a burden to his loving family. There's nothing wrong in his life, other than the fact he was born as an Animutant and denied a lot of basic rights in human society. Yet, he feels like something is still missing. An opportunity, maybe love; something that would make his life have a proper meaning. But he rarely leaves his house, doesn't spend time with people of his age, reads books and writes poems all day long. Is he really expecting his destiny just to walk up to his house and knock on his door? Well, guess what...
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little-pup-pip · 11 months
Hello Kitty!!
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sunskate · 3 months
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Seasons at Skate Canada International 2013
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shimomcdragon · 11 months
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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Hallie Flanagan, the national director of the Federal Theater Project, and Fred Niblo, a former vaudevillian and Hollywood director, arrive for the opening of It Can't Happen Here, October 26, 1936. The play, about a fascist dictator who becomes president of the United States, was adapted from the novel by Sinclair Lewis.
Photo: RB for the Associated Press
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Meeting Shuichi through your job. You're a specialist on snipers: detaining them, profiling them, understanding their strategies and - most importantly - protecting them. You know how snipers work, how they do their jobs, their behaviours, their weaknesses.
No wonder you easily recognised this mysterious, highly proficient sniper as your bf/ex who had disappeared one night without a trace.
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lsd-l · 11 months
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incognitopolls · 9 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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