#oc: sugar shadows
rat-beanie · 6 months
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maria-ruta · 6 months
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💅✨FANTASTIC СОММISSIОN of tired but still slaying Veronica that I bоught from wonderful Svitor (link to their telegram channel)
unfortunattely they don't have access to tumblr nowdays, so please go follow their telegram channel ^^^
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I draw this new version of my art but in a Cookie Run style so that it would be lore like.
Casablanca Lily Cookie wouldn't able to forget Vanilla Twirl Cookie's story of the tale of monsters from Beast-Yeast; she would sometimes have nightmares about it. She heard rumors about the last ancient hero located has been disclosed so far; thus she headed there despite Vanilla Twirl Cookie's warnings and a discovery of the Five Beasts that is related from the unforgettable story sealed in the continent of Beast-Yeast.
Song Here
Original Version Here
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caramelcandycookietwt · 6 months
What he's talking about..? 👀
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j0vialmoon · 2 months
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Made possession designs!
Can’t wait for the MyCookie to be revealed as one of Dark Enchantress’s experiments and then get possessed by one of the Beasts (most likely Shadow Milk.)
Also: Beast Sugarbalm!
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xaytheloser · 5 months
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Bengin Butter if the five beasts manage to escape again, probably
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h0rr0rb0r0s · 8 months
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the jester x magician propaganda
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Hi, hi it’s me again… your writing was very good, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Now you must be responsible for the consequences…. Which is listening to me ramble. 
Anyways, first off small doodle!
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This is what I imagine bound arcane egg looks like, and something I didn't explain, my b. Is when arcane egg gets taken to be the “heart” of the hungry ones, it’s basically an in between plane of existence. It’s between the normal world and where the hungry ones reside.
Secondly this is one of two times arcane egg goes to this inbetween, and that second time is more triumphant and it’s where her light of defiance reignites!
Anyways no more exposition, time to talk about some new stuff mainly the aftermath after arcane eggs desperate pleas for death!
Note I do imagine her pleas at that moment go from sad and desperate to manic and desperate, since at this point of the story it’s a nice contrast to how well and collected they’ve appeared so far.
But yeah when they wake up… boi it’s so sad. When they awake their very comatose and quite, very similar to how they were when they came back to life after their death by the hungry ones. I imagine that shadow milk and golden butter are waiting her them to wake up, which arcane egg can’t fathom why but, what ever. 
If you haven’t noticed arcane eggs response to their own emotions and emotional problems is to ignore, belittle, or don’t think about it. Which is in sharp contrast on who they USED to be, which was open and tbh the therapist / listener friend. But also they were honest about their feelings, so arcane egg after that display of pure raw emotion acting so… empty greatly upsets her friends.
They’ll try to get an answer but they’ll just get a chill and numb cookie in response, I do imagine they get her to talk at some point after pleading and asking persistently for a while. And it would most likely begin with arcane egg breaking down sobbing and they’ll also shake like a leaf.
Than afterwards if the two ask questions and prod for specifics, she start answering and probably tell the, how she got to this point / her history thus far. She’ll tell them that they’ve died before, that their now both alive but technically an undead thing,… that they thought about taking their own life during the dark flour war.
They wont tell about their complicated feelings about the two of them yet, no not yet. But she will spill how she feels about themselves which is again bad!
How would the two react, o honest don’t know I’ll need to think about it more. Do you have any ideas? You did a good job last time so. Anyways thanks for listening have a good day :D.
(Also tell me if you want me to post ideas to you here or on your side blog!)
Took me awhile to get back to this post-
Anyways, had to do some searching (thanks for the notes.) Ended up being four pages long-
Honestly for some reason this gives me ‘nowhere king’ vibes.
Now, Warnings; implied masscure, war crimes, sucidial thoughts, dissacation.
She blinks awake- her body is heavy and it's hard to move. She feels a hand carding through her hair, for a moment she struggles to move her head, but she does. She mentally feels the want for her shoulders to tense up- but they don’t. Yet Mystic Flour doesn’t stop carding her hands through her hair. For a minute they could almost swear her eyes opened, but she didn't say a word. Carefully moving their head around, she blinks yet again.
The room wasn’t overly big by any means, but it was a decent size. Arcane could spot Silent salt staring out the window, Burning spice was oddly calm as he rubbed his axe. Shifting her focus to the other half- she found Eternal sugar half sitting on a chair, half resting her head in her arms on the bed. Its then she spotted by a table that looked like it was dragged over that Shadow Milk was writing something onto the desk- he looked oddly frustrated. It was… It was an old memory. He’d often be over desks like that when he hit a wall with whatever he was researching or when he was lacking the creativity on his newest project. 
For a moment she puzzled over where Golden Butter was, until the door opened. The very person who they thought about walked in with a bag over to Shadow Milk, They closed their eyes as they felt Golden Butters gaze on them. The other sighs, “...Shadow… how is progress?” Shadow Milk seems to growl, “It's honestly worse than I thought! Those Damn witches that sealed us are the reason those fucking thing even exist! And that means they are the main issue on why Arcane is like this!” They can hear a fist slam onto the table, its silent for a moment, before Silent salts' rarely heard voice comes through, “....The witches did this? To her?” They don’t know what Shadow does but they hear the screeching of the chair and his words, “YES! They did! They fucked up Arcane so badly that I’m not even completely sure there is a way to undo it!” 
Mystic Flours hand pauses, she hears the other speaks, “.... Shadow Milk….are you… are you sure?” They don’t exactly hear much other then shuffling for the next few moments before an audible sigh, “..I can’t be completely sure at least now.” His tone turns resigned, slightly saddened with a hint of frustration, “If only I had my labs, the tower and…” Her heart drops, she knows just who he was going to say.
Fortune Cookie, his closest pupil. 
Fortune Cookie had a bright future ahead of them. At Least until Shadow Milk destroyed his own tower. It was of very little doubt that Fortune cookie was a casualty in that event. Fortune Cookie, she thinks, had a brain even Shadow Milk sometimes struggled with. ‘Boundless creativity filled with sky high genius’ Shadow Milk once put it as. Fortune Cookie who he likely killed. 
This hadn’t been the first time he’d regretted it.
She allows her eyes to open, everyone is still in the room just different. Eternal sugar, for once, is awake, and is blankly staring at them, Silent Salt has moved away from his window position, Burning spice had set his axe down and was gripping onto his hair with a fierce look on his face. She couldn’t see Mystic Flour from this view, but she could see Shadow Milk back as Golden Butter looked over him.
He was half hunched over and he was shaking. 
Part of them wanted to reassure him it would all work out, but wasn’t that hopeless? 
There wasn’t a cure and one person who had the most research on the hungry ones is dead, anything she did note was likely destroyed. It was hopeless. 
It threw everyone off the moment they spoke, “It's been a hopeless situation from the start. It would do you all better to just kill me now.” The air in the room became strained just at her words. Shadow Milk straightens up, brushes off Golden Butters Hand and immediately turns around and walks over very calmly. He pushes his hands on the side of the bed and looks directly at her, “We won’t, we’ll find a cure. There isn’t another option.” 
She blinks at him, “..You just said it yourself...you don’t know if there is a way to undo it… There isn’t a cure coming.” She shakes her head, “It would be the best choice- the hungry ones would be gone.” Shadow Milk shakes- not in a silent fear or overwhelming sorrow, but in a very poorly suppressed rage. “It doesn’t matter what I just said, I will find a cure.” 
Arcane egg stares at him as she speaks, “....Fortune cookie was the only one who had-” He slams his hands on the bed as he shouts, “I’ll bring back the fucking dead if I have to! I’ll face whatever goddamn consequences that come my way!” He sags, “I’ll face Fortune cookie if it means I can help you.” He looks resigned, “I’ll search every single book the witches saved, I’ll tear down kingdom after kingdom and build them back up, If I need to I’ll start a new a tower just to figure out a fucking cure, I’ll let that stupid half-a-cookie replacement of mine keep my damn soul Jam!” The rage slowly wears off, replaced by desperation, “Please- just don’t- never ask me- never ask any of us- I don’t think.” Tears well and fall off his face like the sword of damocles falling, “I don’t think we could take it.”
Something in them hurts, so very deeply hurts in a twisted sense that its like having a vine shoved right into your heart before twisting and growing. Something grabs their left hand, looking over Silent Salt, it seemed he was the one who grabbed it. Burning spice had dragged a chair over and was sitting with the backside facing her as he sat facing her. Eternal Sugar has shifted from her place and is now sitting at the edge of the bed as Shadow Milk and Golden Butter stick to her right. She can spot Mystic Flours dress off the side- likely sitting by the pillows on their left side. 
They had all moved to gather closer than previously. The next words flowed out her to easily as she looked at them. She- she doesn’t know what to think.
(She lost count after thousands of years, after watching hundreds of cookies crumble from age. Yet things linger in her memories.)
(Afterall the hungry ones have been with her for almost the same amount-- and it hurts holding them- it hurts in a sense that she can’t quite let go.)
(Everyone left in one way or another and she was left behind, Fortune died, her friends left her behind- and even when she grew close to people they disappeared. She doesn’t have anything- her friends are here now, yes. But they left so long ago- they told her not to come looking for them and-)
(- and they fell.)
Everything- Just feels so overwhelming. This isn’t the first time- something just- they feel so wrong today. They woken up for days with the group here for a number of days- some of them are normally out.
(Burning spice came back once with strawberry jam covering him, Mystic flour and Eternal Sugar just stared him down until he left. They don’t remember much of the few days after that- their head was just buzzing. She noticed the more… careful and hesitant natures when they wake up. All weapons, she noted, were always kept out of sight most times. No one ever came in the room without knocking unless they were ‘cleaned’ as Mystic Flour put it.)
Part of them just- there wasn’t an exact way to put it into words. 
(“We have been silent for so long, haven’t we?”)
(“How long must you remain to let your defiance be stamped out?”)
(“Listen to me- to yourself. Defy this fate- fight against it, do not let yourself fall.”)
(“Please- just fight off for a little more. To defy in this moment, allow yourself to be helped.”)
Its quite- a mere echo in her head- but something. Something in her breaks. 
Tears, she notes almost mutely, she’s crying. 
Someone- she's guessing Mystic Flour sits her up as Shadow Milk crawls his way onto the bed by her sides. Golden Butter sticks to the side but sits on the bed as the rest stay close. She lets it spill out.
She talks about the isolation that happened after Golden Butters sleep, she speaks of the horrors of the experiments of the witches and the hungry ones who were sealed inside her- the war she fought to save cookies who either died or forgot about her actions, she brings up letters she sent- only to learn they never received a single one of hers. She whispers of the dark flour war, the endless death, the chaos that reigned and even traced over scars left from those dark years. Of the violence that she faced in the line of cruelty of Dark Enchantress Cookie. 
The room is silent for the longest period, and then she admits the most damning thing.
She admits her death- and coming back different.
The silence is different, its stiff, its twisted and she can see something is off. Shadow Milk is the one who prodes her further with his face towards the ground. She tells the rest what they wanted to hear, she admits everything slowly hesitantly, as tears fall down, as she cries, screams, and breaks down. There are several times someone in the group leaves for a few minutes before coming back in- but Shadow Milk stays the entire time, just staying by her side. 
Somehow, she ends up asleep as the rest of the group lingers within the world. 
Shadow Milk is frowning as he takes Mystic Flours combing through Arcane Eggs hair, Golden Butter stays by his side as the rest of the group lingers around. Golden slowly speaks, “..I should’ve focused on her- I was so- I was so caught up in my own misery that I…” Golden Butter looks down. Shadow Milk sighs, laying a head on her shoulder. Its silent before he speaks, “We’ve been dealt a shitty hand- just-” He looks frustrated before looking at Arcane egg and his face softens in sad way, “...We just been playthings for the witches- they’ve- They’ve been treating us like that for so long.. I just-” Burning Spice speaks up, “They will pay.”
His words are followed by nods as Shadow Milk echos his friends words, “They will pay.” He pets Arcanes Hair, “But not now. For now, we tend to our wounds and we focus on finding a cure.” Its an unsaid agreemnt by the others.
Right now, tending in their own in the focus.
Vengeance upon The witches, Dark Enchantress cookie and any other cookie else can wait until they’ve recovered.
Then, all cards were off.
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followerex · 7 months
Sugar's Sorrow
TW: Torture, asphyxiation
Sometimes, Eternal Sugar wondered if she and her friends ever really were heroes once. If the whole idea of them once being admired by the Cookies of Earthbread was just something she dreamed up in one of her long slumbers.
But that was all she did. Wonder. In the end, it didn’t matter.
She slumbered in the skies above her former home, her former paradise. Why continue to fight for happiness in the real world when it was all possible within the land of dreams?
It was these thoughts and more that slithered through her mind as she yawned…then paused. A whistling sound echoed through the air.
And just like that, a chain wrapped around her neck. She only got a chance to blink before something on the other end yanked. Eternal Sugar Cookie was sent spiraling to the ground, barely slowing her fall before she slammed into the earth.
As she coughed lightly and the dust cleared, she heard a familiar voice…and saw a familiar - yet different - face.
“Hello, dreaming fiend.”
She frowned, though only slightly. “Sterling Syrup Cookie.”
“It’s Blinding Syrup Cookie now. The Witches you betrayed rebaked me into something greater than ever before.”
“I see…” Eternal Sugar Cookie was somewhat concerned about this - she remembered Syrup always being loyal to the Witches, but this felt…different, somehow.
“And now it is time for your judgment.” And that was the only warning she had before the chain tightened, and she couldn’t breathe. It…it would be fine. She just needed to loosen it a little-
And then, Blinding Syrup Cookie pulled. And Eternal Sugar hit the ground once again, coughing and wheezing from the sudden force on her windpipe.
She heard the sound of something thunking into the ground behind her, before a second chain wrapped around her throat, tightening just as much as the last one. And another. And another.
I…I can’t breathe, I can’t-
The chains dug deeper into her dough, as they pulled her in every direction - if one loosened, the others would tighten further.
No, please, I don’t-
“Know this, beast. This is all your fault.”
Someone, anyone, help me!
“For you have sinned against the Witches.”
I’m scared, I just-
“And this is only the beginning of your punishment.”
And then…the chains crumbled into nothing. Some from her powers, perhaps…but others, from…something else. Eternal Sugar dropped to her knees, trembling as she gulped down air and eventually threw up, a sickly pink liquid that smelled far too sweet spilling across the ground. Who…? She looked up, eyes blurry…but she still recognized who it was. Who the two before her were.
“That’s enough, Syrup.”
Shadow Milk Cookie and Silent Salt Cookie.
And Shadow Milk did not look happy at all. Which was terrifying.
“Well well well…I thought you took pleasure in the suffering of Cookies, traitor of deceit?”
“What you just did…was anything but funny, Blinding Syrup Cookie.” Shadow Milk snarled, before looking back at her.
“Get out of here.” Shadow Milk Cookie said, voice stern yet warm. And Eternal Sugar did. (And part of her thought “Perhaps we were heroes once after all.”)
She wasn’t weak. Far from it. But she…
She was scared.
She didn’t want to fight Blinding Syrup. She still felt the chains around her throat.
And so, she ran. And behind her, she heard the sounds of battle. The dark screeches of Deceit, the blade swings of Silence…and the clanging chains of Fanaticism.
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I made a Eternal Sugar x Shadow Milk fanchild!
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(Oc lore dump + text if you can't read my ugly handwriting)
"𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒'𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑟𝑦, 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑝 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒.. 𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦."
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kaitlindunn14 · 6 months
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Announcing the arrival of her divine majesty Baker Cookie, Ruler of the “Cookie Kingdom”.
From watching over her cookies from above to living among them, may her highness protect her cookies by ruling with grace, humility, kindness and love.
Baker Cookie rules her kingdom with a fair and just hand. However DO NOT mistaken her kindness for weakness. For while being known for her patience, she is also known for her immeasurable strength in magic and can often be seen using it to shield the kingdom from Dark Enchantress Cookie and her Cookies of Darkness.
Gender: (Female)
Age: (How rude to ask a lady such a thing.😏)
Hair: (Hair matches the color of Soul Jam, later on it will go through one final transformation. [But I’m waiting for all The Great Beasts to be unleashed before drawing that.])
Eyes: (Bright Olive Green)
Magic: (Pale Cyan/ Mint Green)
Special info: (On her first day in the kingdom, Baker Cookie created a massive barrier-like shield around the entire kingdom. It’s made so that if TCoD members enter the kingdom, they either forget where it is or they’re cursed to never be able to tell its location to anyone, whom intend to bring it harm once they leave.)
(Baker Cookie can produce powerful shields and barriers, but if needed she can cause quite the amount of damage. Often preferring to use her magic for defense and healing over using it for offense and destruction.)
(While her shields and barriers are powerful, Baker Cookie’s ability to heal others is very limited due to inexperience and is currently receiving lessons from Pure Vanilla Cookie.)
(Being as the other four beasts have not been released, I just decided to do my rendition of what they may look like.)This is based on an ask I made on yanderecookierunkingdom. I DO NOT own CRK nor these scenarios, please check yanderecookierunkingdom’s account their stories and scenarios are amazing!
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I was listening to one of Alan Walker's songs though and it gives me an idea for Casalily.
Casablanca Lily Cookie had been heard about the lore and rumors about Beast-Yeast and knew that there's creatures might been in the darkness; without hesitation, she ran away from the Vanilla Kingdom to discover those secrets and especially about between her mother and Dark Enchantress Cookie in the continent of Beast-Yeast despite those warnings from Vanilla Twirl Cookie but not alone at all, she is been accompanied with GingerBrave's Party.
Song here:
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caramelcandycookietwt · 6 months
i wish to give everyone a hug. all of the chaotic family. bc idk what to ask-
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"Aww..of course! OF COURSE! Everything for my dear audience~!"
"Yayy! New friend..!"
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Everyone appreciated the hug. :]
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j0vialmoon · 2 months
Behold the Beasts in disguise:
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They’re about to manipulate the Mycookie
Also here’s my cookie: Sugarblam
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xaytheloser · 5 months
The Sinner's and the Saint
The beast's relations with Bengin Butter Cookie (oc x canon lore, aka, doomed polyamory /silly)
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Knowledge, Volition, Happiness, Change, Solidarity... and Benevolence, these virtues where imbued into the six ancient cookies, as the witches trusted them with the sacred virtues, in hopes of the dessert world would maintain a constant state of peace and prosperity... Benign Butter Cookie Remembers the good old days.. the times she laughed and watched Shadow Milk Cookie perform his iconic shows, as he takes pride in making her crack a smile even if she had an awful day. she remembers Mystic Flour Cookie, who showed just as much compassion as she did when aiding the common cookies of Earthbread, she was a passionate ancient through and through.. she remembers Eternal Sugar Cookie, and how she and her used to laugh and play in their free time, sitting calmly on her cloud, looking upon the glittering horizon.. she remember Burning Spice Cookie, as she took great joy watching him train to get stronger day by day, clapping and cheering for his growth as a virtue... and Silent Salt... while they spoke few words, their compassion for the cookies of Earthbread was clear, as they would show great care of the cookies of Earthbread, no matter the circumstance...
Oh, how power corrupts..
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Shadow Milk, who now cackled in sinister glee as he used the innocent cookies of Earthbread as mere toys for his sick entertainment.. as he played gruesome shows to his comrades.. and Benign Butter Cookie.. whose face now showed horror instead of joy like she once had...
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Mystic Flour could now care less for such insignificant speck of dough that weren't her comrades, as they now viewed herself as a godly figure, she was granted powers for far greater use than protecting the useless cookies of Earthbread.
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Eternal Sugar Cookie, who was now to tired to put effort into anything but commute with her fellow ancients, and even then, she barely lifts her head up from her pillowy cloud.. as she smites anyone who disturbs her alone time..
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Burning Spice to great joy in the suffering of the weak little cookies he terrorized... he viewed them as new targets to get stronger, just mere punching bags to play with..
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and Silent Salt.. they saw no point in saving cookies anymore.. only cutting them down, crumbling them without hesitation as if they were no more than insignificant grains of flour... Bengin Butter Cookie could not stand watching her once beloved comrades fall under their own strength..
And so she helped her godly creators seal them away..
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Shadow Milk pried at the bars at his cage, reaching out for Benign Butter as he yelled for her to save him... took look at him! there no actual way she would do this to him! ...right..?
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Mystic Flour was surely shocked when her forked cage fell onto her.. thought she did not show surprise.. she knew that Benign Butter was still blinded by her faith in the gods that she might have had no choice but to trap her comrades if they so wished... Silent Salt could not bare to lift their sword at Benign Butter.. her expression looked.. so sad... and full of regret.. that they just couldn't do it..
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Eternal Sugar was waken up by the sound of chains ratting against her newly established cage, as Benign Butter was on the other side of her cage.. her head lowered down as she ignored Eternal Sugar's pleas to let her out..
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Burning Spice was full of rage... not at Benign Butter, oh no... at the witches... how DARE they make his sweet Benign Butter trap him like this! he saw her broken, crying face, theres no way she's doing this on her own volition! he swears to make the witches pay...
Benign Butter now resides in Beast Yeast... guarding the SIlver Tree along with Elder Faerie Cookie, preparing for the day she may have to put the beasts back into the seal if they ever do get out..
she will keep Earthbread safe at all costs... for the sake of Earthbread.. and her baby..
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