#oc: sabrina stern
fixations-101 · 1 year
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Back on their bullshit
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
What Would Your OC Sing At Karaoke Night? Tag + (WIP) Music Whenever | Sabrina's | A continuation of @g0dspeeed's tag 🤍
If your OC was at a karaoke night, what would be their go-to song? Would they even partake? Bonus points for a little story.
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I'm a bit late to the Music Monday tag, but alas this song so screams Jacob x Mercedes to me.
Now this is a part two to Sabrina's snippet, where Mercedes is feeling a bit down at the absence of a certain ginger as the night progresses. Would she choose something more provocative had he been at the table with the rest of the group, just to get a rise out of him... absolutely. But this song just feels like something she'd pick in the context of the snippet. 🤍
I smell sex and candy here Who's that lounging in my chair? And who's that casting devious stares in my direction? Mama this surely is a dream Yeah, yeah, this surely is a dream
Mercedes wrapped up her song, ignoring the hollering from around the bar, instead focusing on the table where John and Sabrina were close to giving everyone in the Spread Eagle a show. Their happiness was another pesky reminder Jacob had declined time and time again to go out with her and pretty much refused to hang out with the people who had become important to her over the last couple of months. "A girl of many talents, Mer.", Calahan whistled when she sat back down across from him. She forced a smile as she ran her index finger over the edge of her glass mindlessly, contemplating heading home first for once with her mood souring by the minute. "You okay?", Sabrina asked from John's lap, who finally seemed relaxed after spending a full hour looking like he was about to sneak out the second they shifted their eyes away from him. "Yeah.", Mercedes mumbled and got back up, "I'm gonna catch some fresh air." The second she pushed the bar's door open and another song started, she heard Hartley call out after her, "Wait up." They sat in silence, taking in the cool air outside as Hartley took a drag after drag from his cigarette before he eventually spoke up, "You know, he's gonna come around." "Who?", she retorted absently. "Jacob, the bastard who has you all mopey. Who else?" "It's nothing like that." "You can talk to us, Mer. No need to act fake happy." She sighed, "Fine. I wish he'd swallow his pride and come. But he wouldn't ever. I'm trying… to accept it." Calahan raised an eyebrow and finished his cigarette, "John did." "They ain't the same, Cal." "They're brothers.", was all he muttered before heading inside.
Hours passed in a blur where she tried her hardest to have fun, ignoring Jacob's absence until the party crowd began to thin out and John and Sabrina announced they're leaving, she turned down their offer for a ride to the ranch, choosing to stay a little longer. The two said their goodbyes, leaving the table empty with Calahan popping out for a smoke again just then and Leslie conversing with fellow Resistance members at the bar. Mercedes pushed back her chair with a frown, aiming for the ladies' room with even strides, a part of her regretting the idea to stay. Get yourself together. He's missing out. The second she was past the doorway leading to the toilets, a hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her sideways into a secluded corner. "Hands off, asshole.", she said in a stern tone, fully prepared to deal with some drunken patron, instead blue eyes stared at her in amusement. "Having fun?", Jacob chirped, quirking up a smile her way. "You're here.", she retorted, feeling disbelief at his appearance. "Where else would I be?" "You said-" He interrupted her swiftly as his hands gripped her waist and brought her closer into his body, "I heard you sing. Was the song for me?" "Maybe. What did you think?", she tried to keep the giddiness in her voice at bay, but his presence and the fact he had been there a while made it almost impossible. "Loved it, sweetheart." "Yeah?" Jacob's lips brushed over hers as he whispered, "Let me drive you home and show you how much." She gripped onto his shirt, already wishing they were all alone, "Home?" "The ranch. You're staying there, aren't you? Or should I say, we are, now?" Mercedes nodded, "I need to say goodbye to Cal and Leslie." He dipped down for a brief kiss, thumb running over her cheek when he replied, "Go on then. I will be waiting." Progress. She knew it was indeed that, that the fact he had showed up at a bar in a different region held a promise, Calahan's words came back to her as she left him to lurk in the shadows.
Tagging @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @euryalex @detectivelokis @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @madparadoxum @trench-rot @josephslittledeputy @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @neonneurons @shegetsburned @clicheantagonist @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @wrathfulrook @voidika @harmonyowl @schoute @jacobsneed @detectivelokis @strangefable @strafethesesinners and anyone that would like to do the tag(s) <3
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2000sfm · 9 months
Hi hello! I love this. Could you see Elle Fanning somewhere?
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hi  sweets  !  i  think  elle  could  be  great  as  sabrina  in  sabrina  the  teenage  witch,  cady  in  mean  girls,  kat  in  10  things  i  hate  about  you,  rory  in  gilmore  girls,  anna  in  freaky  friday,  jenny  humphrey  or  serena  van  der  woodsen  in  gossip  girl,  phoebe  in  friends,  peyton  sawyer  in  oth,  anna  stern  or  taylor  townsend  from  the  oc,  marissa  cooper  in  the  oc  &  lexi  branson  in  tvd  so  hopefully  one  of  these  fits  your  liking  !
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Marvel Descendants OCs
Acknowledgment: When Marvel Descendants was first written in 2015, one year after I joined Tumblr, at the time I wasn’t aware of how bad certain things were and while I am aware this is a bad excuse for what I’m about to acknowledge, it’s all I have really for what I wrote into Marvel Descendants at 14-15 as back then, I was into DC’s Kingdom Come and when I saw them ship Nightstar and Ibn al Xu'ffasch (pre-Damien Wayne), I didn’t see anything wrong with it and as a result, used the adopted family excuse for shipping Locket Lokidottir and Theo Thorson. Now that I am older and know more over the years, I wish I had known back then, but I wasn’t deep into Tumblr until December 2014 and even then, it took me until a while back to realize Marvel Descendants was wrong for that, but by that point, book 5 confirming the ship two married in the future, was out and while its too late to fix canon, I try to fix it in AUs and ship the two with other characters.  Any other issues within Marvel Descendants, I am trying to fix and hope to avoid in the future as I continue writing. 
Description of Marvel Descendants: Marvel Descendants is a marvel version of Disney Descendants that follows The Isle of the Lost, Descendants 1 and Wicked Wold in first two books and mini-spin off and goes on its own plot in book 3, with it now being tied @disneyfan50​ ‘s series, Descendant of Loki, starting from the team up/crossover, Daughters of The Trickster, with the series continuing on right now with planned future installments and AUs. 
Timeline so far: 
Book 1: The Area of The Lost. Summary:  Twenty years ago, all villains from Loki to Doctor doom were sent to the lost part of asgard with a shield around it to keep them there and them from ever escaping. The villains and their children now live in total isolation, forgotten by the world. But now there is a price for grabs, Loki's sceptre, could be their chance of escape, but they have to prove their more then willing to do anything evil to get hold of it. In their quest, they also learn, that being good can also help and isn't so bad at all sometimes. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6739788/The-Isle-of-the-lost-Marvel-Version/1
Book 2: Descendants: Marvel Version. Summary: Thor's daughter is about to be crowned goddess of lightning when she suddenly requests for the children of the villains to be given a chance at redemption. When their parents give them a task to get hold of the Tessaract so they can take over the world, the children of Loki, doctor doom, Sabertooth, the leader and the Mandarin and the granddaughter of red skull, have their own choice to make, be good or be evil like their parents. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6677501/Descendants-Marvel-Version/1
Book 3: Marvel Descendants: The Art of Mischief.  Summary:  Its been a week after tori's crowning of her title and the attack of doctor doom and the villains kids have been living a normal half term, well, as normal as they could get anyway, but now school is on again, but also, a old enemy is rising in the darkness of asgard, and he is out for revenge on asgard and earth. Sometimes, heroes are born at different points and sometimes, its not a good move to judge someone based on their look or their background.... Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6814801/Marvel-Descendants-The-Art-Of-Mischief
Mini-Spin Off: Marvel Descendants: Wicked World. Summary:  The marvel descendants are back, and good is the new bad in this case, with drama and pranks and mischief and of course, the children of the heroes and villains, this is wicked world. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6924709/Marvel-Descendants-Wicked-World/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ : The Daughters of The Trickster.  Summary:  When a portal opens unexpectedly in Locket's room, another girl falls out. Her name is Lilith Lokidottir, the daughter of another Loki from and alternate universe. The tides of evil are rising, and at their helm is none other than the Queen of Darkness herself. Can Locket and Lily stop this menace together? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6859006/The-Daughters-of-the-Trickster/1
Book 4: Marvel Descendants: The Trickster’s Curse.  Summary:  Life is starting to go back to normal for Locket lokidottir, daughter of loki, the battle against mariana over, but that doesn't mean that there is not a effect in all of this. There is a curse on the school coming out, and it may be lockets and theos fault, when Loki though falls to it next, locket, theo, tamora and a new ally, lucy selvig, have to find the cure and put a end to this curse before it continues, but who set it? who left it? why is it affecting locket and her father the most? and why does darkness and poison come with it? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6984816/Marvel-Descendants-The-Tricksters-Curse/1/
Book 5: Marvel Descendants: Sins of The Past. Summary:  Its the year 2032- and things have changed. The X-Men have failed in their one mission: to get human acceptence. Now mutants, metra-humans, off world people and even humans who were assoicated with mutants or could have mutant kids, are either in prison, on the run or killed. Jackie Haller leads a group against this and they have a plan- go back in time to save the future. In 2016, the past is about to commit the one act that makes this happen without knowing it..... The resistance in the future are on a ticking time bomb to stop this event with the pasts help.... ....Or its game over. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8099153/Marvel-Descendents-Sins-Of-The-Past/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ : Untitled. Summary: TBA.
Agent of Asgard: Volume 1:  Summary: Well now i have done it- i never thought that in my life, that i would work for heroes- But here i am, Locket Lokidottir, working as a agent for Queen Jane of Asgard, but now, now im in the deep end, i got a crazy version of myself after me, im meeting weird people and theres some plot going on- Why cant i just go back to being normal yet? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8471877/Agent-Of-Asgard-Volume-1/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ and Entity High: Untitled.  Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 2: Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 3: Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 4: Summary: TBA. 
Spin Off: Siege Perilous: Summary: Being a dragon should mean you should always be able to soar through the air, no matter what- the skies your limit. But what happens when someone tries to clip your wings? Jayla Del'Tazar thought her troubles ended with Mariana Malora- she was wrong. As soon, Jayla finds herself in her own battle against a man named Draeko, a pureblood dragon determined to take her out for her relations, in any way possible. Travelling to Wakanda with Princess Kiara and Jayla's girlfriend, Peregrine Wilson, Jayla soon finds that when pushed to the edge of possible surrender and near death, that sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire...and in this case, that fire is discovering hidden abilities she never knew she had until then, and things only change from there on. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/11017793/Siege-Perilous/1
Agent of Asgard: Volume 5:  Summary: TBA. 
Untitled Sequel to Siege Perilous: Summary: TBA.
Book 6: Untitled.  Summary: TBA.
Untitled third book to Siege Perilous: Summary: TBA.
Book Set in the Future: Marvel Descendants: Up From the Depths: Summary: Its the year 2032, and the Area of the Lost has existed for more then 20 years as the grandchildren of the villains and heroes now exist and the previous generation have grown up. But soon enough, after a crack appears in a dome and a poisoning of the villains grandchildren at SHIELD Academy happens, its a adventure that soon leads to a truth about the Area and its residents...and how unlike the heroes....not everyone has a good path in life....and may need help more then ever at this point. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/9912322/Marvel-Descendants-Up-from-the-Depths/1
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Locket Lokidottir
- daughter of Loki-
India Eisley. 
Richard Creed
- son of Sabertooth-
Jason Scott Dolley. 
Victoria Von Doom
- daughter of Doctor Doom-
Raffey Cassidy. 
Alex Sterns
- son of The Leader-
Ferdia Shaw. 
- son of The Mandarin-
Ryan Potter. 
Schmidt- granddaughter of Red Skull-
Sadie Sink.
Torunn ‘Tori’ Thordottir
- daughter of Thor-
Chloe Grace Mortez.
Theo Thorson
- son of Thor-
Landon Liboiron. 
Lila Creed
- daughter of Sabertooth-
Mia Talerico. 
Johnny and Jessica (formerly Olivia)
- twins of Juggernaut-
Lizzie Octavious
- daughter of Doctor Octopus-
Frigga Thordottir
- daughter of Thor-
Abby Ryder Foster.
Ravan Darkholme
- son of Mystique-
Andrew and Ally Amoradottir
- twins of Amora-
Nathan Osborn
- son of Norman Osborn-
Thorn Sifson
- son of Sif-
Spencer Boldman. 
Amanda Amoradottir
- daughter of Amora-
Sabrina Carpenter.
Devlin Kilgrave
- son of Kilgrave-
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*Maria Stark- daughter of Iron Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *James Fury- son of Nick Fury- Faceclaim: Tyrel Jackson.  *Poppy Coulson- daughter of Phil Coulson- Faceclaim: TBA. *Snow Banner- daughter of the Hulk- Faceclaim: TBA. *Luke Walters- son of She Hulk- Faceclaim: TBA. *Riley Jones- daughter of A-Bomb- Faceclaim: TBA. *Mark Hill- son of Maria Hill- Faceclaim: Bradley Steven Perry.  *Margaret ‘Peggy’ Rogers- daughter of Captain America- Faceclaim: TBA. *Andrew Wilson- son of the Falcon- Faceclaim: TBA. *Harry Pym- son of Wasp and Giant Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *Nick and Jade Barton- twins of Hawkeye and Black Widow- Faceclaim(s): TBA. *Lauren Howlett- daughter of Wolverine and Storm- Faceclaim: TBA. *Joy Summers- daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey- Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy. *Gwen Parker- daughter of Spiderman and MJ- Faceclaim: TBA. *Jessica Storm- daughter of the Human Torch- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Lynn Richards- daughter of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman- Faceclaim: TBA. *Atli Volstaggdottir- daughter of Volstagg- Faceclaim: TBA. *Heleo Fandralson- son of Fandral- Faceclaim: Ross Lynch.  *Vio Fandraldottir- daughter of Fandral- Faceclaim: TBA. *Ty Hogunson- son of Hogun- Faceclaim: TBA. *Andrea ‘Andy’ Barnes- daughter of Winter Soldier- Faceclaim: TBA. *Gordon Maximoff- son of Scarlet Witch- Faceclaim: TBA. *Millicent Maximoff- daughter of Quicksilver- Faceclaim: TBA. *Techna- daughter of Vision- Faceclaim: TBA. *Tee Strange- daughter of Doctor Strange- Faceclaim: TBA. *Kiara (formerly Ann)- daughter of Black Panther- Faceclaim: China Anne McClain. *Mick Gold- son of Mockingbird- Faceclaim: TBA. *Charles Danvers- son of Captain Marvel- Faceclaim: TBA. *Brooke Murdock- daughter of Daredevil- Faceclaim: TBA. *Willow Rhodes- daughter of War Machine- Faceclaim: TBA. *Destineva Heimdalldottir- daughter of Heimdall- Faceclaim: TBA. *Jake Amaquin- son of Crystal- Faceclaim: TBA. 
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*Danielle Rand- daughter of Iron Fist- Faceclaim: TBA. *Toby Masters- daughter of Taskmaster- Faceclaim: TBA. *Kasey Parker- daughter of Spiderman and MJ- Faceclaim: TBA. *Maxine- daughter of Electro- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Alastair Quill- son of Star Lord and Gamora- Faceclaim: Bradley Steven Parry.
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*Lucy Selvig- daughter of Eric Selvig- Faceclaim: Saxon Sharbino.  *Aidan ‘Acrylic’ Lokison- son of Loki- Faceclaim: Eka Darville.  *James Selvig- son of Eric- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Leela Theodottir- future daughter of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Grace Kaufman. *Leonardo ‘Leo’ Theoson- future son of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Logan Williams.  *Luna Theodottir- future daughter of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Lauren Boles. *Daniel Creed- future son of Richard and Joy- Faceclaim: Carter Hastlings.  *Roxanne ‘Roxie’ Thorndottir- future daughter of Thorn and Tori- Faceclaim: Caitlin Carmichael.  *Vanessa Wilson- future daughter of Andrew and Victoria- Faceclaim: Kyla Drew. *Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Xavier- granddaughter of Charles Xavier- Faceclaim: TBA. *Elsbeth Wagner- daughter of Nightcrawler- Faceclaim: TBA. *Zelina Lebeau- daughter of Rouge and Gambit- Faceclaim: TBA. *Octave Lebeau- son of Rouge and Gambit- Faceclaim: TBA. *Cerise Wilson- daughter of Deadpool- Faceclaim: TBA. *Feliks Rasputin- son of Shadowcat and Colossus- Faceclaim: TBA. *Max Summers- son of Havoc and Polaris- Faceclaim: TBA. *Derek Worthington- son of Angel and Psylocke- Faceclaim: TBA. *Paige McCoy- daughter of Beast- Faceclaim: TBA. *Alix Drake- daughter of Ice Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *Screech Cassidy- daughter of Banshee- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Jayla Antoine- adopted daughter of Colin- Faceclaim: Skai Jackson.
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*Ella- granddaughter of Elsa (in Auradon)- Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee.. *Jamie Sterns- daughter of Alex and Snow- Faceclaim: Eve Moon. *Nike Stark- son of Maria and Lucas- Faceclaim: TBA.  *Dove Wilson- daughter of Andrew and Victoria- Faceclaim: Millie Davis.  *Tracy Octavious- daughter of Lizzie- Faceclaim: Bailee Madison.  *Misty Darkholme- daughter of Ravan- Faceclaim: Morgan Lily. *Alan Allyson- son of Ally- Faceclaim: Ty Simpkins. *Ava Allydottir- daughter of Ally- Faceclaim: Maggie Elizabeth Jones. *Renee and Brandon Creed- twins of Richard and Joy- Faceclaim(s): Kennedi Clements and Jacob Trembley.  *Kol Amandason- adopted son of Amanda- Faceclaim: Oakes Fegley.  *Usagi Del’Tazar- twin daughter of Jayla and Peregrine- Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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shotsbyshae · 5 years
A Lexi Wilson Story. A much needed girl's night out goes according to plan for Charlie and Lexi until a pretty face catches the eye of the red-head, a new friend calls Lexi out on her bullshit, and an unexpected phone call changes her life.
A/N: Trying to slowly post all the Lexi fics I have in my collection.
Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them. – Nikita Gill
Word Count: 4074
OC Cast: Lexi Wilson - Chloe Bennet; Evan Clark - Chris Evans 
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The dark-haired girl is asleep on the infirmary bed while Rowena carefully places a stone amulet around her neck. She gently touches the girl’s shoulder comfortingly before she exits the room, worry evident on her face. The witch stops in the doorway of the kitchen as two sets of eyes look at her expectantly.
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” the red-head begins, “the magic inside her…”
Rowena shakes her head as she tries to figure out her next words.
“What?” Dean questions.
“It’s more than just natural magic,” Rowena finally says.
Dean shares a look with his brother and Sam glances back to the red-head, “What’s that even mean?”
“I don’t have the answers you’re looking for,” Rowena responds with a shrug of her shoulders, “I’ve given her a binding amulet, it’s equivalent to the handcuffs you were using, until she can learn to control it…I’ll be happy to help guide her in any way that I can, but it’s up to her.”
“Are you saying she’s more powerful than you?” Dean questions her with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m not answering that question,” Rowena remarks, pointing a stern finger at the brother, “but I’ll stay until she wakes up. Where’d the pretty one go?”
Both brothers give the red-headed woman looks of disapproval as Sam states, “He had to go, something about his friend killing him over the mess he left at her house. He said he’d check in later.”
“Pretty one,” Dean remarks, “really?”
Rowena gives him a smirk and a shrug of her shoulders before she turns to go check on Lexi.
 A few weeks later
 “At least it looks nice,” Charlie says as she points at the blue pendant resting at the base of Lexi’s neck, “and it works?”
“No magic,” the girl responds wiggling her fingers at this alternate version of her friend, “until I can master it on my own.”
The red-head smiles as she pulls open the door to the bar, “After you Sabrina.”
Lexi rolls her eyes at the comment, the loud music and smell of alcohol hitting her like a wall as soon as Charlie had opened the door. She smiles at the atmosphere and grabs Charlie’s hand as the two of them make their way to the bar. It was the red-head’s idea for a girl’s night and Lexi couldn’t agree more.  Drinks, dancing, and blowing off steam after a very stressful last few weeks was exactly what she needed, just a night of not thinking about life, consequences, and fate.
There’s probably anywhere from fifty to sixty people crammed inside bar, some seated along the wall or at the bar, some are dancing, while some gather around the pool tables which occupy the far end of the room.
Charlie looks at Lexi with a devious smile, “What kind of night are we having? Whiskey…rum…tequila?”
The dark-haired girl ponders for a moment, then the corners of lips curl up mischievously as she and Charlie both say simultaneously, “Tequila.”
 After several mini dance parties, a few stronger than usual margaritas (thanks Joe), and an impromptu sing-along session of “Just a Girl” in the women’s restroom, Lexi is now watching Charlie hustle a twenty-something frat boy in a game of pool, while the girl she’s been flirting with stands close by watching with admiration. Lexi’s vaguely listening to the frat guy’s friend who is standing beside her, obviously trying to flirt, but she’s too busy watching Charlie expertly run the table.
“Of all the bars in Kansas,” Lexi hears a voice say and she closes her eyes, Oh shit.
She tilts her head slowly to look up at the person who’s leaning against the metal column beside her and sees Evan smirking back at her. It had been a couple weeks since she’d seen him last.
“Well,” she raises a curious eyebrow, “this is my bar, so what are you doing here?”
“Your bar?” he looks confused, as frat boy dejectedly turns away from the situation.
“I work here,” she responds, then holds up her drink, “not tonight though.”
“I see,” Evan responds and nods his head, “well, this wasn’t my choice.”
“Ooohhhh,” Lexi turns trying to look past him as she says quietly, “you’re on a date.”
“More like I agreed to meet someone here,” he replies quickly, looking over his shoulder, “and I shouldn’t have.”
“Like ex-girlfriend?” she questions.
Evan takes a deep breath, then looks at her with a little bit of shame apparent on his face, “More like a girl I used to hang out with...on occasion that I forgot was very, very, clingy.”
“Booty call,” Lexi states trying not to laugh.
“The term is booty call,” she continues, then pats his chest reassuringly, “rookie move, texting a clinger. Have fun with that.”
Lexi turns back to continue watching Charlie’s game of pool and she takes a long sip from her drink. She watches her friend for a moment before she realizes Evan is still standing there and she glances back up at him.
“Do me a favor?” he questions, his expression begging for her help, “Please.”
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Lexi makes her way to the bar where Evan is standing next to a blonde-haired woman who stands just a few inches taller than herself. The dark-haired girl walks with determination up to the other woman and gently places a reassuring hand on the middle of her back and greets her with a warm smile.
“Hi,” Lexi says politely to the blonde, then she turns a stern face toward Evan, “Someone’s being naughty.”
There’s a momentary flash of panic in Evan’s eyes at the tone of voice Lexi’s using with him, where’s she going with this?
“What?” the blonde woman questions.
“Oh,” Lexi glances back at her, she doesn’t even recognize the tone of voice she’s using, “sweetie. You don’t know?”
The woman looks utterly confused at the situation and Lexi leans close to her in order to say quietly, “See, the thing is, Evan’s found that he really likes to answer to someone, if you catch my kink?”
“Shit,” Evan says under his breath as he drops his eyes to the bar in front of him.
She looks at Lexi smiling but still not understanding her, “I don’t.”
I wasn’t planning on giving a lecture on the subject, Lexi thinks to herself.
“Well,” Lexi begins, glancing back to Evan momentarily, completely satisfied with the level of uncomfortableness on his face, “have you ever heard of a dominatrix?”
“Oh,” the girl’s eyes light up, “like Elena was to Christian in the books?”
“Exactly!” Lexi smiles seductively to her, then gives her a wink, “So, you are kind of a pawn in this little game he likes to play, and when I find out he’s with another woman, I can punish him to the fullest extent of my abilities, isn’t that right babe?”
Evan looks over to Lexi, “Yes mistress.”
Lexi snaps her fingers authoritatively at him, “Did I say you could look at me?”
Evan jerks his eyes back down to the bar, “No mistress.”
“That’s messed up,” the blonde looks a little upset, but then she smirks, “but hot.”
She grins appreciatively to Lexi as she grabs her coat and leaves the bar. The dark-haired hunter turns her mischievous smirk over to Evan who gives her a sidelong glance, “I deserved that.”
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“Bet your ass you did,” she replies, then nods her head back toward the pool tables in the back, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a girl’s night to get back to.”
“Understood,” Evan states, “Thanks again for the save.”
“No problem,” she gives a wave of her hand as makes her way through the bar.
Charlie walks over to her inquisitively as she gets closer, “Where’d you go?”
“Saw someone I knew,” Lexi replies with a grin, “went over to say hi.”
The red-head wiggles her eyebrows playfully, “Like flirty hi? Because if the hot J. Law look alike keeps her game up, I’m sorry, but I’m not going home with you.”
Lexi laughs out loud at the comment and she replies, “You do you boo. No judgement here, she is hot.”
“Right,” Charlie’s smirk is priceless as she continues, “So, I need you to get your flirt on, that way I don’t feel too bad when I ditch you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Lexi replies with a smile, then looks past Charlie to the small table she and Charlie had their drinks on, “where’s my drink?”
“Oh,” the red-head responds, “yea, she drank it by mistake.”
“Do you even know her name?” Lexi questions with a grin.
“Jen?” Charlie shrugs her shoulders, “No, I’m pretty sure it’s Molly…or Maggie.”
Lexi shakes her head, “I’m going for another drink then, would you like one?”
“No,” her friend holds her hand up, “I’m riding the good buzz right now.”
The dark-haired girl nods her understanding before she turns and heads back towards the bar. Evan is still sitting on the bar stool where she’d left him moments ago, except now he has a beer in his hand. He smirks when he sees her walking back towards him, “Couldn’t stay away?”
“No,” she narrows her eyes at him for a brief moment, before she stretches up on her tip toes to lean across the bar top, “Joe, I need a refill when you get a chance please.”
The bartender gives her a wink, letting her know he heard her order over the music and constant chatter of the other customers at the bar. Lexi turns her back to the bar and leans against it slightly as she waits on her drink.
“Girl’s night huh?” Evan questions.
“It was,” Lexi says, “but my friend seems to have found someone to take home, so…”
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“Ahhh,” he replies, “she’s dumping you.”
“Yea, I don’t blame her though.”
She hears Joe place a glass on the bar behind her and she turns around to grab it. She takes a sip, letting the sweet and sour taste wrinkle her face, as Charlie’s voice rings out from behind her, “Hey Lex, we’re going to take off.”
That was quick.
Lexi turns around and sees Charlie standing there with Molly/Maggie and she smiles, giving her friend a quick hug, “Okay, be careful. Text me when you get wherever you’re going.”
“Charlie,” Molly/Maggie says in sad tone, obviously a little tipsy “we don’t have to leave your friend by herself.”
The brunette pushes Lexi’s hair behind her ear in a flirty fashion as Lexi giggles uncomfortably, “No…no, I’m good.”
Charlie looks amused at her friend’s unease at the situation, so she adds, “Are you sure? Three’s better than two.”
Evan nearly chokes on his beer as Lexi shoots Charlie a death glare, but Molly/Maggie moves closer and her lips are on Lexi’s before the dark-haired girl can register what’s happening. Evan doesn’t feel bad for watching this moment transpire, because Joe is glancing over too, as well as everyone else within five feet of them.
When the brunette pulls away from Lexi, she smiles seductively at her, “Sure you don’t wanna come with us?”
“I will,” a stranger from the bar mutters.
“Look,” Evan leans in on the conversation, looking at the brunette with a smirk “I thought she and I were having a moment, how the hell am I supposed to compete with you?”
The woman looks genuinely upset, “Oh no! I’m sorry. A moment? Aww, that’s adorable, Charlie look how handsome he is.”
“Yea,” Charlie’s trying to contain her laughter, “Lexi’s in good hands, let’s go.”
Lexi gives a nod of her head to the woman and she can still see the amusement on Charlie’s face as she turns to walk with the brunette out of the bar.
“Wow!” Evan says as Lexi turns back to the bar still in disbelief.
“Right,” she replies as she moves her hand to her mouth and pulls something out, “this isn’t my gum.”
She sticks the souvenir on a napkin and takes a long sip from her drink as Evan closes his eyes tightly, a smile permanently plastered to his face at the moment, “So, so many comments.”
“Keep them to yourself,” she remarks.
He nods, then takes a sip of his beer as he watches the girl tap the side of her glass absent mindedly with her index finger.
“What’s the game plan now?” he questions her.
Lexi snaps out her thoughts and glances over at him, “I think I’m going to hang out for a while, you?”
He cocks an eyebrow, “Is that an invitation?”
Lexi narrows her eyes at him playfully, “No handsome, it’s not. I know what your game plan was tonight with blondie…and I’m not your consolation prize.”
Evan scoffs in offense, “Get over yourself Wilson.”
“Excuse you?” her smirk falls.
“I’m not stupid,” he turns on the stool to face her, a small grin on his face, “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
Lexi stares at him for a moment, then glances down at her glass as he continues, “Hell, I’m pretty sure if it came down to it, and it had been left up to me and I wasn’t able to bring you back, he would have killed me. So, I get it, you’re complicated.”
“More now, than before,” she says quietly, still staring at the ice in her glass.
He waits a moment before saying, “I’m listening.”
Lexi hesitates, but she’s not been able to talk with Jody or Donna about the events of that day and Charlie’s great, but she’s still not her Charlie. What the hell? “When Laura ordered me to kill Sam that day…I saw the hatred in Dean’s eyes, the hatred for me. I wanted to unbind my powers to have the advantage over Laura and look where that got me? I killed Logan, I almost killed Sam, I caused more damage than anything, and now…now I can’t even freakin’ control it. They look at me like I’m sick or…worse, like I’m broken now.”
She chews on her bottom lip for a moment, swallowing the lump in her throat before she continues, “I’m not broken, I know what broken feels like, I’m stronger now than I’ve ever been before, and I think that scares them. I was supposed to go to a family game night a couple nights ago. Mary called to invite me, but I couldn’t make myself go.”
“Lexi, they care about you,” he says reassuringly, “that’s obvious.”
“I know,” she replies quietly, “but I’m not the same person I was, and that’s obvious too.”
Evan waits a beat before he questions her, “How’s the training coming along?”
“Good,” she replies quickly, “it’s good.”
He stares at her curiously for a moment, seeing her sudden uneasiness. Lexi looks over at him and sighs as she drops her head back down, “Okay, I haven’t been training. Rowena’s tried, but I keep putting it off.”
“Seriously?” Evan questions her, then pulls his wallet out of his pocket. He digs some cash out and lays it on the bar beside his empty bottle, “Fine, come on.”
“What?” she questions in confusion.
“Come on,” he repeats himself, “I’m driving.”
Lexi thinks about protesting as he offers her his arm, but instead she loops her arm through his and remarks, “Fine, but I’m only going because I’m hungry and we’re stopping for food at some point.”
“Deal,” he laughs as they make their way out of the bar.
“What are we doing here?” Lexi sounds annoyed as she looks at the dark empty field scattered with round haybales in front of her.
Evan lowers the tailgate of his truck and hops up to sit on it as he says nonchalantly, “Training.”
“WHAT?!” She spins around to face him.
“You heard me,” he smirks.
“No,” she replies, “I’m not.”
“I’m sorry,” Evan responds as he folds his arms across his chest, “Earlier you were saying how you think your friends might be scared of you, but what I’m thinking is…you’re scared of yourself.”
Lexi puts her hands on her hips defiantly, “That’s not it…I’m not...”
“Then take the amulet off,” Evan responds, “You have a choice Lexi, you can either fear it or learn to control it.”
“I could hurt you,” she replies quickly.
He holds up his hands, wiggling his fingers, “I can protect myself, take the amulet off or I’ll do it for you.”
Lexi’s heart starts to race, but she takes a deep breath as she reaches up to unclasp the necklace from around her neck, then carefully lays it on the tailgate beside Evan.
“Now what,” she questions.
“Focus,” he says, leaning to put his elbows on his knees, “focus your energy on one of those bales.”
Lexi turns to look back into the field and she clenches her hands into fists tightly, feeling the strange power rushing through her veins. She raises her right hand up outstretched towards one of the hay bales as she focuses her mind, imaging the haybale exploding into a million stray pieces of cut grass, then she watches in delight as her vision begins a realization.
“I did it,” she says proudly, turning to look at Evan who’s smiling as well.
“I know,” he replies, “You were given these powers for a reason Lexi. You own them, they don’t own you. You shouldn’t have to keep trying to fight them or bind them, you have to own them. Now, try again.”
She nods her understanding and turns back around, centering herself and focusing on the next haybale for a moment before it explodes as well. Then carefully she moves her hand from haybale to haybale exploding the seven remaining visible bales in the field.
Lexi turns around proudly as Evan slides off the tailgate, “Well done grasshopper.”
Her cellphone begins to ring from the back pocket of her jeans and Lexi pulls it out, realizing it’s not quite as late as she thought it was and sees the name on the screen Sam W.
“Hello,” she answers, placing the phone to her ear.
“Lex,” Sam says softly, “I should have called you sooner.”
Her heart immediately drops from the tone in his voice, “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Mom…she’s uh…” his voice breaks, “gone.”
The tears welling up in her eyes burn, so she closes them as she drops her head, “Where are you?”
“I’m on my way,” she replies before ending the call. She slips the phone back in her pocket as she picks the amulet up and reaches up to slip it back around her neck, her gaze meeting Evan’s.
“What’s wrong?” He questions, concern apparent on his face.
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“Their mom,” Lexi begins, trying to keep her tears at bay, “she died, I need to go. Can you take me?”
“Of course,” he responds before lifting the tailgate shut.
“I’ll wait here,” Evan says as he parks the truck outside of the bunker.
The dark-haired girl nods her head in understanding as she opens the door, “Thank you.”
He nods then watches her close the door and descend the steps leading into the bunker.
Lexi makes her way through the door and down the staircase, her eyes red from the tears she’s let silently fall on the drive over. Mary Winchester wasn’t her mother, but she was one of the first women to treat her like a daughter. It feels as if someone has ripped her heart out of her chest and the pain only intensifies when her gaze falls on Sam, who’s walking across the war room to greet her, and she sees the pain and grief on his face.
He pulls her into a hug, and they cling to each other for longer than normal, silent tears falling from both of them. Dean makes his way to the doorway from the kitchen and stops upon seeing them. When they release each other, they notice the older brother watching and Lexi gives him a small sad smile as she walks over to hug him as well. He wraps his arms around her for a moment before pulling away and Lexi can tell immediately tell he’s not reached the level of acceptance that his brother has.
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“Come on,” he says to her, “I’ll get you a beer.”
He turns and heads toward the kitchen and Lexi glances back at Sam with concern.
 Lexi takes a sip of her beer as she processes her thoughts after Sam explains to her what happened with Jack and Mary.
“Where’s he now?” she questions.
“We don’t know,” Sam replies.
“We’ll find him,” Dean says sternly.
“And then what?” Lexi questions, glancing at him with concern.
“We do what we have to?” Dean responds.
“I bet,” Lexi scoffs with a shake of her head.
“I’m sorry?” Dean cocks an eyebrow at her.  
“He’s still family Dean,” she responds angrily, “we don’t know what happened, maybe it wasn’t his fault, maybe it was an accident.”
“Killing someone’s an accident?” the older brother’s tone is harsh.
“Dean,” Sam tries to diffuse the situation as Lexi glances down at the bottle in front of her for a moment before she turns an icy gaze back to the man standing by the bar.
“So, you’re saying I killed Logan on purpose?”
Dean’s whole posture softens as he sees the comparison she’s making, “That’s not what I meant Lexi. You know that. Jack is different, he’s dangerous.”
“So am I,” she replies coldly.
“Lex,” the younger brother says, a pleading tone in his voice. Tensions are high enough without the two of them fighting right now.
“Sorry Sam,” Lexi looks at him for a moment, sadness in her eyes, “I should go.”
“Don’t,” he shakes his head.
“I’m sorry,” she responds, knowing she can’t sit here and argue with her friend. They all deserve time to mourn, they don’t need to be arguing right now. She pats Sam’s hand gently as she stands up, “I’ll call you later.”
Lexi turns to leave, her gaze stopping on Dean for a moment. He’s not angry with her, he’s angry with the situation and his face softens as he gives her a soft nod in understanding. She returns it and makes her way out of the room.
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 Lexi opens the truck door and Evan doesn’t comment on the fresh stream of tears on her cheeks as she climbs in and fastens her seatbelt.
“Take me home,” she says quietly without looking over at him, “please.”
He doesn’t respond only turns the key in the ignition and puts the truck in drive as she stares at the passenger window fighting back the surge of emotions.
 A few days later
The knock from Lexi’s door surprises her and she pauses the TV before she stands up to make her way over to answer it. She looks through the peep hole and quickly opens the door to allow her friend inside. His eyes are red and slightly puffy, a clear sign he’s been crying, but she doesn’t say anything. Lexi closes the door as he walks over to sit in one of her chairs in the living room, he leans forward elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. She knows this isn’t about the argument from the other night, this is him finally accepting what’s happened. The dark-haired girl moves to stand beside him and runs a comforting hand from the top his head to the base of his neck.
The man looks up at her for a moment as he places his hand on her waist, guiding her to stand in front of him. She’s seen a multitude of emotions in her friend’s green eyes over the years: anger, bliss, fear, sadness, disgust, need, and desire. This one she knows, and she lays her arms across the tops of his shoulders as he rests his head against her abdomen and envelopes her hips in his arms. Her heart breaks as she feels the tears seeping through the fabric of her t-shirt, leaving a cool damp spot on her skin. She moves her hand to the back of his head and runs her fingers through his hair. She would stand here and hold him for as long as he needed, because they were each other’s person, complicated as it may be.
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
Ok. So.
Back in the early days of my pokemon oc making ( back when it was just Alexis, Eva and Danica....yes those three where the ogs) I had two characters names June and Hope. June and Hop was inspired by Mewtwo and Joy respectively. ( June= Mewtwo, Joy= Mew). Joy was also based off Nurse Joy, given the name, and I think he was gonna be the son of one? I don't remember.
So June, the first one I made, came from a rom hack that I played called Dark Violet( which is really good btw). The name June was one of the given options for names, and I felt lazy so I went with it. The backstory I gave June, despite it all, is that Team Rocket, for whatever reason, thought " Hey. Having a pokemon with the DNA of new is all fine and dandy, but having a human would be pretty rad too. Let's do that " and so they did and it went to shit. Cause y'know. Mewtwo. Then someone finds her and takes her to pallet town and that's were here journey starts. She's 10 by this point. And she's not here to replace Red or Leaf/ Blue/ Green here either! They still exist. It's just that she's there. Also she has a vast amount of psychic powers that can be dangerous. But that's for later. As of personality, she's a mellow, almost lazy version of Mewtwo. Like she just vibes half the time by herself or with her pokemon. Though she is still distrustful of other humans( because of Team Rocket) but there a few that she accepts ( Red, Blue/ Leaf, Green, and Joy, especially Joy). In terms of looks, when she's older, she just where's a simple strap dress with a sweater and sandals . Her hair is purplish brown, with purple eyes. That glow when using psychic powers cause why not. Very Mewtwo- e. Except very lazy. Though still pretty stern. She has a RBF and a monotone voice. Man. I can't believe I remembered all of that.
Looking back, June was pretty edgy, lol.
Joy is much more simpler. He's the son of one of the many Nurse Joys, born with psychic powers much like Sabrina. Though he's more of an empath. He meets new at one point and decides to go on a journey as well. Along the way he meets the others and June, and despite her former hostility, Joy and June soon grow inseparable. Joy is generally the more emotional one, where June is more logic based. He's also a healer, like his mom. And yes, his full name is Joy Joy, which Green gladly calls him JoJo.( Is that a Jojo reference?!)
I don't know if I'm gonna make them canon in my universe, but I just had them in my mind recently, after all that time ago. Just thought I'd share :)
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beauxbatonist-blog · 5 years
1-11 for the oc asks thing, if that's not too much?
Okay, I'm super happy your asking!!!! Okay so this is for Juliet and then I'll do Briar!!
Okay so Juliet's full name is Juliet Sabrina Capulet Lupin since she likes to use both of her surnames but in school she's referred as Capulet only? So it kind off stuck. Sabrina because it's her mother's name and Lupin because it's her mother's surname :) Her parents chose Juliet because when they met, Sabrina was reading Romeo and Juliet when Owen saw her so the name Juliet stuck and James is called James because of James Potter.
Juliet doesn't have any titles except miss but she heir to her half of the Capulet-Lupin riches if her parents were to die and always she'll be in charge of Teddy a lot.
She had a great childhood since she was in France for most of it and that's how she met Fleur and Venus and Angel? But also she knew the Weasley from before hand just didn't remember and that's why she starred so much at Fred since he looked so familiar. Also she spent a lot with her brother and Oliver Wood so she learnt how to fly every quickly and easily but never played Quidditch.
So her relation with her parents are really good. Owen Capulet is super funny and playful with her and like always protects her so when she got expelled from Beauxbatons, he said to hell with that school and argued with Madame Maxine. Then Sabrina Lupin is super caring, so thats where she gets her caring nature from. Also when she gets the letters saying that she pranks the twins, she tries to be stern but fails miserably since she used to prank too when she was in school.
Okay so we all know that she has James and that they really get along, like during the poa, he literally runs to her after the attack of the fat lady and when she has nightmares he's the one who always gets called to her dorm which I think is super sweet :)
Okay so we all know that she doesn't really like school but she doesn't hate it, like she really wants to get good grades in her owls but like she doesn't like studying so it's a bit hypocritical of her? She doesn't finish but I'm not going to explain why because it'll ruin the story. Her favouirte subject was DADA since her uncle taught it and she just loved learning spells too, while her least favourite was Potions since she isn't good at chemistry and will literally blow anything up.
So she has a lot of French friends but she doesn't see them too often except Fleur since they spent summer together every year since Angel's and Venus' families all go somewhere together.
So she doesn't have like a school pet and always uses James' to make it easier for her but she loves animals. Any type she'll love them.
Animals usually like her but like Scrabbers never did cause she knew the truth and he didn't like that.
Okay so I think I mentioned this before but Juliet is a sucker for kids, like she's super good with them and like can get along with any kid. I think she'll be a lot like her mother, very caring and sweet as a mother but like trying to be stern too? But somehow it never works for her?
Let's face it, Juliet will eat anything, especially if it's sweet because she has a sweet tooth.
Okay so now Briar!!
Briar is called Briar since her parents loved the name and like she looked like Sleeping Beauty too so she was named Briar Aurora Rose and like the surname was just luck.
Okay so she's a prefect, heiress to the Rose fortune, and a semi deatheater? But like she didn't want to be, like Draco she was kind off forced to.
Mostly, her childhood consisted of balls and meetings and important stuff since her parents were deatheaters and very loyal to him so thats how she met Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Stella.
Her parents were always quite cold to her, like they didn't interact much unless they needed her for something important.
Briar doesn't have any siblings unfortunately but always thought of Stella and Draco as her siblings, as if they were triplets which I find super sweet and I really wanted to add it to the story.
Briar is kind off studious, since she needs to keep her grades up and she's always the same as Hermione which annoys Draco a bit but he just asks her to help him get better and it's very sweet!
Briar was mostly friends with sons and daughters of deatheaters and they all stuck together and like, since they're all in Slytherin, they all protect each other and care about each other a lot, like a huge family.
Briar isn't really into animals but like she gets along with loads of birds like in sleeping beauty and like, she owns a cat and an owl for school which are named Felix and Anastasia.
Animals like birds are usually really attracted to her so animals really like her too.
Briar like Juliet loves children, that's why she always wanted a younger sibling. She wants to have children of her own too and give them a better childhood than she had. She would be kind off a unsure mother, like she wouldn't know how to act and always be asking Stella or Viktor for help.
Again, Briar doesn't really have a diet, she just loves spicy stuff and sweet chilli is like her best friend. :)
Thank you for asking!!!!
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fixations-101 · 5 months
the most feared pirate in the spiral:
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
What Would Your OC Sing At Karaoke Night? Tag | Tagged by @g0dspeeed <3
If your OC was at a karaoke night, what would be their go-to song? Would they even partake? Bonus points for a little story.
Okay, for ages I so had this idea how Sabrina would go full Kate Carver (Walker: Independence, gif under the cut) and do a little impression of John as a joke. @g0dspeeed's WIP Monday post and mention of Cappie's karaoke song so became a sign it's time to talk about this. Snippet below. I will probably do a separate post for Calahan and Mercedes one day. :D
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All can be cured with a payment Yea, trust in the blind Faith in the hands of the faithless And beautiful lies You are one step away from annihilation! Ooh, do ya feel the heat? From below Send a sign to me, the next one’ll pay me in gold I don’t know how to lose I know that you think that I’m some kind of savior But I’m the broker of sin Just a coin for your wrongs, and I’ll cleanse ya Oh, what did you do? Yes your riches can purchase atonement Oh, what did you do? There’s a price to be paid and you owe it!
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"Go out with me just once. Please.", Sabrina had asked with such hopeful expression John had found himself unable to say no to her idea to drag him out to the Spread Eagle. This is exactly where he had ended up few hours later: in front of the entrance to the bar, music and chatter spilling into the night air. "You have to give them a chance.", she said with conviction, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Deputy-", he mumbled, knowing full well things weren't about to go as smooth as she expected them to. "I mean it, John.", her voice became stern as she took hold of his hand and pushed the door open, dragging him inside. The second they stepped over the threshold, it was like the whole atmosphere of the bar shifted. The chatter died down significally and all eyes zeroed in on the two of them, yet Sabrina seemed oblivious to everyone's wary stares as she ran towards Hartley and enveloped him into a hug. Calahan kept his arms around her for longer than John could tolerate and had the audacity to wink at his narrowed gaze. "I will be damned, Gray. He actually came.", Hartley exclaimed as he finally let go of Sabrina and nodded in his direction in a greeting. A start. A hand hit the Deputy's back, "You owe me 50, Cal." "Les, don't tell me you bet on it.", there was a hint of warning in Sabrina's tone, but her eyes softening in Leslie's direction told a different story. "I bet for him and it was Calahan's idea. Blame him, Rina.", he shrugged as he sat back down in his seat. "Sit.", Sabrina whispered to John, then turned to her friends, "Everyone, play nice."
Calahan snorted at the same time Leslie shook his head. "Brin, nice isn't exactly my forte these days, but I'd try.", Mercedes finally spoke up, sending a smirk his way as John removed his jacket and sank into the chair next to hers, "Hello, brother… in-law. Guess some things never change, eh?" He was still getting used to her personality after she had shed her Mercy act. On the small stage, Sharky Boshaw was taking his turn at Karaoke night, clearly set on a mission to burst everyone's eardrums with Hurk Jr. as his back-up singer. "Wooohoo.", Harley cheered, raising his lighter in the air like he was at a concert not at shameless public torture. Not the kind I'd enjoy, too. "How uncomfortable are you on the scale of 1 to 10, brother?", Mercedes muttered before letting a laugh, "It's cute you're here, I'd give you that. Jacob would never. I tried." "I'm just peachy." "Liar.", she patted his shoulder, "A drink would help." "No." "Mer." "He's fine, Brin. I'm not going to eat him." An hour that felt like eternity to him passed where locals tried their hardest to do an impression of an America's Got Talent reject. "I'm up next, yo.", Hartley announced as he headed for the stage and blew a kiss towards Mary May who was manning the bar as usual, "This one is for a certain special someone. Not you, John." Laughter sounded all around them as the music started and he slipped into the song while Sabrina rested her head against John's shoulder and grabbed his hand, "We can go if it's too much…" "We're staying, Deputy.", his eyes found hers and a side of him wished they were back at the ranch, but he meant what he had said. "Okay. I'm off to the ladies room. Be right back.", she said and left after dropping a quick peck on his lips. By the time Hartley wrapped up his performance and came back to the table, she still hadn't returned, her absence making him worry. "Oh, this is going to be fuuuuuun.", Mercedes sing-songed and she leaned forward, the secretive expression on her face giving John a pause. Hartley nodded with a knowing smile and took a sip from his beer. John was about to get up and look for Sabrina when the lights in the bar went off for a beat as another song started. The second they came back on, he was staring at her on stage, wearing none other than his jacket as she bit her lip and looked in his direction. When did you even grab it, Deputy? People cheered when her melodic voice took over the room, her presence mesmerizing everyone, including him. In that moment, sitting through a whole hour of terrible singing and uncomfortable stares seemed all worth it. It took him a while to realize why she had chosen the song, by the time she got to the second verse and bridge, he had no doubt it was about him.
♫ I know that you think that I’m some kind of savior But I’m the broker of sin Just a coin for your wrongs, and I’ll cleanse ya Oh, what did you do? Yes your riches can purchase atonement Oh, what did you do?♫
She was wearing his jacket. Singing about sin. Successfully breaking the ice and acknowledging the elephant in the room so people can move on. "Now, that one is about you, chief.", Calahan uttered out and whistled as Sabrina's song came to an end. Clapping followed her as she returned to the table and plopped down into John's lap. "How angry did that make you?", she asked, kissing his cheek while her hands wrapped around his neck. "It didn't. It was a sight to behold." "Yeah?" "You look good in my jacket, what can I say?", his lips hovered over to hers, not quite touching. "Jesus, get a room.", Hartley fake-coughed, "You truly are a goner, Seed. I expected you to storm out, all broody. Not pass the test." "I'm drinking to that.", Mercedes raised her hand in a toast, "To unlikely company that ain't so bad after a few drinks." Seconds passed, where John expected nobody to join in, then Calahan clicked his bottle against her glass, prompting Leslie to do the same before Sabrina followed suit, too. "I'm next, people.", Mercedes declared as she strutted over to the stage, no doubt catching many eyes on her way. Good thing Jacob didn't come. John was certain the night would have ended differently, possibly in a fight instead of with Sabrina sitting in his lap, surrounded by friends for hours until the two of them emerged back out, ready to head home. "Drive safe.", Calahan called out before taking a drag of his cigarette and adding, "See you next Friday, Seed. You still owe me, so don't think of ditching us." "See… told you he's coming around.", Sabrina said, unable to hold back her smile, "Thank you for tonight." "Anything for you.", John retorted as she snuggled closer to him and he put an arm around her in attempts to keep her warm on their way to her father's Bronco.
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Tagging @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @euryalex @detectivelokis @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @madparadoxum @trench-rott @josephslittledeputy @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @neonneurons @jinfromyarikawa @shegetsburned @clicheantagonist @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @wrathfulrook @voidika @harmonyowl @strangefable @schoute @jacobsneed @strafethesesinners and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
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fixations-101 · 1 month
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The main Sabrina fit my beloved (ft her flag). She gets this outfit before she goes to the meeting in the tavern that Avery sends us to (which is two days after the tutorial bc i have things she needs to do in that time, narratively, so she rocks the tutorial fit for a while) bc she wants to look the part to "impress the big pirates". Maybe her hat is a tad big but it makes her happy so her crew let her run with it. She keeps this til Cool Ranch
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fixations-101 · 5 months
You're absolutely right about fowl breaking out of jail and targeting the pirate that'd be cool!
I’m shaking the relationship between Ratbeard and the Pirate (well mostly my pirate bc he’s Sabrina’s bestie) in my teeth and I’m soooo normal about the desire to have them mean the world to each other
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fixations-101 · 1 month
31 and 39 for pirate asks!
39, "Do you stitch" I genuinely do not know what that is. i probably should Im sure some npc across pirate and wiz has told me but
31: "Show us your house" yes please! Im also doing my ship setup bc i have put more time into that
So the house is pretty incomplete. I restarted recently bc I lost some narrative and order-of-side-things notes i keep for the hypothetical fic I'll write one day AND I didn't go too ham on the house bc i want to wait until i have access to more shops (especially in Mooshu where my pirate is from) but heres what i do have on the actual house:
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dont ask why it says to upgrade. i def am a member. i hopped into the house from my checkpoint in Monquista so? I dunno. But this is what ive put outside so far, this cute camping area and this like sparring/training bit
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I've also done this study library thing. I think I had some piece of it like the extra carpet or the shelf on hand for the ship and it didnt get used so i built this cute lil place around it
And speaking of the ship, here's the main room in the captains quarters bc of course i put out for it
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The side rooms have the bunks and storage space but this is like the crews living room. I'll end up with more cups on the tables n stuff but yeah this is the main hangout when away from home
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This is like a mini version of the office area. Im sure someone on the crew needs a steady desk to write or draw at, im sure someone is messing with a map during the voyage
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This is where Sabrina (my pirate) sleeps. she is 14 and thinks hammocks r cool. When the gang was in the raft that was just the one room she wanted to sleep by the window and it stuck. Sometimes she crashes on an empty bunk if she's like upset or its storming outside, but in general its pretty rare that shes alone overnight in here SOMEONE has fallen asleep on the couch most nights (sometimes on purpose so she isnt isolated, she's a social kid). it also has a little spot for her pet with a pillow and a food bowl.
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And their little kitchen! I'll replicate this in the actual house at some point but I just don't need to rn. It's self explanatory you can see whats there and why its needed
I spent a solid game session or two ONLY on decorating stuff and i like it. im sure things will be moved around once i access more shopping but im fond of the ship layout rn
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fixations-101 · 4 months
Adhesive bandage and red apple for sabrina
give it up for SABRINA CONTENT
Disabilities?: I think I accidentally gave her ADHD. Woe my afflictions be upon mine creations. She's meant to be a bright eyed and excitable kid but I think I'm writing her like. TOO into magic learning? Go fixation girl, go! (shes the pirate not the wizard for those unfamiliar but she's got Scratch to teach her!)
2. "where was your oc born?" Lowkey the answer is probably "at sea" (at sky, whatever) unless KI drops Pirate Jenny lore. "do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?" Sabrina grew up in Mooshu, in a village I made for my fic out in Subata. If it ever comes up that Milo tells her "oh yeah you were born on the ship" or sm she'd be very happy methinks
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fixations-101 · 4 months
the sky. whatever-
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fixations-101 · 2 years
Bonnie Anne: “I hate cooking…but I LOVE stirring the pot!”
Ratbeard: “it’s not entitlement if I deserve it”
The Pirate: “I just got out of prison!”
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fixations-101 · 3 years
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The Michelle/Sabrina dynamic if they ever met
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