#oc: queen alina
A prince slowly paces back and forth, inside the castle. Outside, the coronation area was being set up.
He wore a black suit, with a purple dress shirt underneath. Black dress pants and shoes finished off his look, complimenting his dark blue fur. He wasn't exactly a Russian Blue cat like his predecessor, but it didn't matter. He just had to be careful about how he walked in the light, he didn't want any yellow or orange appearing.
He adjustes his outfit before turning his head, seeing his 'father's' former attendant approaching. She had been more than happy to come back now that the 'son' was here.
"Your Highness, everything is nearly complete," she says, her tail flicking gently. "We haven't gotten word back from the other royals, though."
He puts on a sad yet understanding smile. "I don't blame them. After all my father has done, they are no doubt going to be suspicious of me." He sighs softly. "We must simply let them come to their own conclusions."
She nods, a warm smile on her face. Their new king would be far better than the old one.
"I still find it hard to imagine he managed to find someone to have a child with.."
Prince Damien hums softly as he approaches the royals of Haromnia. His eyes flick over all of them and the others they brought. They all seem surprised, yet pleased.
"Well, would ya look at that." Queen Alina places a paw on her hip, her formal dress suspiciously close to that of a pirate's. "The lad is real!"
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Damien." Queen Melody smiles. "Apologies for none of us being here sooner.."
"Ah, it's fine." Damien shakes his head, holding up a paw. "Considering all my father has done, it's not exactly hard to believe that you all wouldn't really trust the letter."
King Magnus chuckles. "Well, we see you now. Hopefully, you'll do big things, Damien."
The soon-to-be king smiles. "I hope so too."
As the group began to talk and discuss, Damien spun the story he'd spun so many times before. His father had him with a commoner, his mother. Yet she grew sick and pleaded with Umbra to take Damien, and the king reluctantly agreed. However, Umbra was ashamed of having a child out of wedlock and hid Damien, and the prince preferred to stay hidden because of his father's behavior and actions. Only the court knew of his existence, but even then he was limited in his interactions with them.
"I remember always listening to Tonio's music.." Damien smiles wistfully. "I hope that maybe he'll return and I can apologize for what my father had done.."
"What had he done?"
"It's.. not my place to say." He didn't want to admit that he didn't know. It was the one thing he couldn't figure out as he integrated himself into this world.
As they continue to talk, getting to know one another, a black cat walks past. He wears nothing blue, a black tunic, brown pants, and brown shoes, but all the monarchs and the Songbird present have their ears flick toward him. Damien has to force his ear to flick.
Unus. He thinks, watching the Muse head over to find a seat.
This would be interesting.
As he nods and parts ways, heading over to the stage to make sure the final preparations, when a ginger tabby clad in black steps in front of him.
"Pardon me, your highness."
Damien narrows his eyes before his ears perk upwards, and he puts on an elated face. "Tonio! I never expected you to come back!"
Tonio chuckles, though his tail is up, as if on alert. He supposes it makes sense. "Well, with Umbra finally out of commission, I believed a homecoming was due, no?"
The prince smiles somberly. "I feel a bit down knowing that only now you've felt safe to return." As he walks away, he turns his head a bit. "Hopefully I'll do well enough for you to feel safe to visit."
As the prince walks off, Tonio merely narrows his eyes a bit.
It went off without a hitch. Damien was crowned king of Devos, and he was pretty sure that he went deaf from all the cheering. All the monarchs and those they brought were more than happy to congratulate him, all clearly happy to have a competent ruler now.
Just how much did they hate Umbra? Damien thinks, flicking an ear as he shakes King Bolero's paw.
As he pulls away with a smile, he stiffens as something speaks in his mind.
I have high hopes for you, Prince Damien.
A black cat walks past, and Alina grins. "Ah, that's probably Unus. He loves to be all cryptic like that."
King Damien chuckles. "I figured."
His tail flicks. Unus seems to be important. He shouldn't forget that.
As more come to congratulate him, his eyes catch the light, and turn to a dark yellow rather than a crystal blue.
Everything was perfect. Now for the first step of his plan.. figuring out where the dead was kept here. Then maybe, finally, he could get rid of that accursed ClearAll his sister seemed to care about so much.
Life would be better off without death anyway.
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Children of the dragon
Warnings: Incest
Pairing: Aegon ii Targaryen × Targ oc
“I’ve simply come as a messenger. Aegon will bend the knee to his rightful queen.”
“A trick!” Daemons hisses while pointing the tip of his sword, dark sister, to your throat. “My brother was slain, and now your usurper cunt of a king has sent you here in some ploy. Why else would you come?”
The moment Dallax landed on the beach at Dragonstone, you were surrounded by knights. In truth, you thought it was a miracle your dragon didn’t live up to this reputation as a man eater and bathe all of those who threatened you in fire before devouring them. It was most likely the presence of Meleys that kept your own dragon in check. The knights escorted you and your two daughters, who clung to you tightly inside the castle, to be brought to your furious uncle.
“To show where our loyalties lie.” Still holding Alina’s hand, you push her behind you protectively while Alyssa buries her face into your side, scared. Daemon watches these actions carefully. He slowly lowers his weapon, his eyes fixated on your young girls. You clear your throat, relieved that he had no intentions of hurting them. “We put our support behind the rightful heir to the throne, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.”
“I assume you have your own reasons for abandoning the greens.” He eyes you suspiciously, obviously not believing you came for genuine reasons. He looks you up and down once more and asks, “Where is Prince Aeron?”
A pain aches in your chest at the mention of your son, remembering how you sobbed uncontrollably in the dragon pit as Aegon straps your daughters in. It was only with his persuasion that you agreed to leave without him, knowing that you had no other choice. Before you could answer, Princess Rhaenys appeared with a hint of smugness on her face. “Yes, the young prince did look rather ill when I saw him during your brother's coronation.”
With your heart hammering on your chest, your eyes well with tears. “Aeron was there?”
The older woman nods and says, “I must admit I was surprised. When Meleys burst through the dragonpit, interrupting the wrongful coronation of your brother, your husband only sought to protect himself, while Aegon snatched your son from his grandmother's arms and screamed at Ser Criston to take him somewhere safe. The young prince is very lucky to have an uncle who is so protective of him.”
Daemon raises his brows at the comment. You both knew what she was alluding to. The fear you felt before was quickly turning to anger, and Dallax sensed it as well. Letting out a loud screech before breathing fire into the air, causing Daemon to raise his sword once more.
“You had the opportunity to kill half our knights when you landed, weakening our army. Why didn’t you take it?” Daemon snaps.
“I’ve already told you, I’m here to put mine and Aegon’s support behind the rightful queen.” You hold his glare. “I’d like to speak to my sister; I will explain everything to her directly.”
“My wife is unviable at the moment.”
“I’ll wait.”
Rhaenys gives the prince a knowing look, then continues for him. “The stress of your father's death and the crown being stolen from her has sent Rhaenyra into labor.”
Oh. You didn’t know what to say. Rhaenyra's baby wouldn’t possibly be able to survive being born so early. Your silence seems to offend the prince more. He storms towards a number of his knights and hisses at them before disappearing into the castle's archway. The knights, in turn, snatch your daughters from you, causing you to kick and scream, trying your best to fight them off. “Daemon! Daemon! Please, no, not my babies! Please don’t!”
Alyssa and Alina’s cries fill your ears until you’re pulled far enough in the opposite direction that you no longer hear them.
Pacing back and forth inside a small room with no window, you hold the sleeves of your dress to your face, breathing heavily while trying to compose yourself. Princess Rhaenys told you through the door that no harm would come to your daughters, but her words did little to calm any fears you had for their safety.
You had been branded a traitor, which terrified you. Your sister could have you beheaded or burned alive, meaning she’d take the life of your unborn baby. Although you didn’t believe Rhaenyra to be a kinslayer, the grief of losing a child could drive her to madness.
There would be no turning back for you if you were in her position.
Suddenly feeling breathless, you sit down on the small bed. Your baby was kicking up a storm, causing sharp pains in your bladder. Taking a deep breath, you try to focus on happy memories.
You were enjoying a variety of different fruits for breakfast in the garden when Aeron tugged on the bottom of your gown, gaining your attention. “Uncle promised to teach me how to hold a sword properly,” your son informed you. “Then he’s going to take me riding on Sunfyre!”
“Did he now?” You ask, beaming at Aegon, who just shrugs, clearly amused by Aeron’s excitement.
It warmed your heart to see how much effort Aegon made with your children, and it eased the guilt you felt about having an affair. Aemond believed Aeron was his son and never once offered to take him riding on Vhagar. At this point, you’d probably refuse if he did want to take him. You smile brightly as the wet nurse appears, holding both of your daughters in her arms. You stand immediately to help take the weight off by taking Alina into your arms.
“Hi, sleepy girl,” you coo gently, kissing the top of her head. “Did they feed well?”
The wet nurse nods and says, “They both took plenty of milk, princess.”
She seems slightly taken aback when Aegon approaches her with his arms outstretched, indicating he wants to take the baby from her arms. She hands him Alyssa, whose small face has scrunched up in anger from being woken by the movements.
“Thank you. See to it that the cook gives you a good, clear wine to drink along with a hot meal.”
The wet nurse agrees, then excuses herself, addressing yourself, your brother, and your mother, whose facial expression had been sour the entire time. Since the rumors of the relationship between you and your brother began to resurface, she has been watching you like a hawk. Of course she knew the truth; your mother was no fool and probably knew it would happen before it did. That was why she tried to keep you and Aegon apart.
Your mother lets out a huff, saying, “I’ll hold her so you can finish eating.”
“We won’t be going anywhere unless you finish all your breakfast; dragon riders can’t fly on an empty stomach; otherwise, it makes them sick,” Aegon says in a more authoritative tone.
Aeron starts to finish his breakfast, and your mother smiles at Alina softly before shaking her head. Despite your mother's judgements, you enjoyed moments like this, watching your mother stares lovingly at her granddaughter while Aegon fusses over his daughter and son.
Fresh tears roll down your cheeks as you think of your family, silently praying you'll get to see them again.
It was nightfall before Prince Daemon arrived to talk to you, bringing food and water with him. He sits them down on a small table next to the bed before scoffing, “You’ll be happy to know your children are fine.”
Thank the gods. Your eyes well up with relief. You desperately wanted to ask to see them, but you knew he would refuse. You hold the cup of water in your hand but hesitate to drink it when you notice your uncle watching you so intensely.
He rolls his eyes and says, “If I wanted to kill you, I'd just do it. I wouldn’t go through the effort of poisoning you; I’d just slit your throat or feed you to Caraxes.”
“Good to know,” you say before gulping a mouthful down. “How is Rhaenyra?”
His face falls, silently answering the question you were too afraid to ask. The baby hadn’t survived.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s your usurper cunt of a king and venomous mother's fault that we lost our daughter. I intend to make them burn for what they have done.”
Before you can choke down your words, you snap in your lover’s defense, “You know nothing of what transpired since my father's death. Aegon has no desire to sit on the throne, but he couldn’t refuse-” Daemon lets out a chuckle before pretending to inspect his nails, obviously uninterested in what you have to say, which only fuels the fire building inside you. Enraged, you stormed towards him, only stopping when he was close enough to feel your breath on his face. “My children would have been slaughtered like pigs if he had not followed our mother's orders.”
Daemon’s glare causes you to take a step back; his fingers grip tightly to the hilt of his sword, dark sister. His jaw clenches. “What?”
“My mother got to Aeron before I did; she was planning on locking me up as well; she knew Aegon would leave with me. We had always said that when the time came, we would fly to Dragonstone and bend the knee to Rhaenyra. We’ve always known what our mothers and grandsire’s intentions were but tried to deny them, refusing to accept the fates we have chosen for ourselves.”
The demon’s hand falls to his side. “If we accept you into our home, how do we know you won’t switch sides? Scurry back off to the keep and tell the greens everything you’ve learned.”
The simple question makes you feel as if the air has been knocked from your lungs. You sit back down as your hand rubs at your bump, feeling the baby's feet kick as you do. “My own mother took my firstborn, Aeron, my only son, as a hostage to keep my brother from leaving.” Your eyes sting as tears spill down your face. “Aeron, Alina, and Alyssa have all been fathered by Aegon. She knows this, and she knows what will happen when Aemond finds out. Aegon sitting on the throne was the only way she wouldn’t say anything.”
“So the plan was to come here with the hopes we’d help you? A dangerous gamble to take.”
“Yes, so I’m begging for your help, uncle, yours and Rhaenyras.” It irritates you to see a slight smugness on your uncle's face. He was hurting greatly on the inside, but it wasn’t an excuse to take pleasure in how desperate you were. “When it comes to it, both Dallax and Sunfyre will fight for the blacks.”
His eyes twitched with curiosity. “Why would we need to fight if Aegon bends the knee?”
“Do you seriously think my mother, grandsire, and all those lords who don’t want a woman on the throne will just accept Aegon bending the knee to Rhaenyra? They want a male heir on the throne.”
He looks down at the ground, confused for a moment, before his eyes suddenly shoot back up with a look of realization on his face. “They will want Aemond to wear a crown.”
When your tears stop, you let out a dark chuckle. “On my wedding night, my mother said to me, ‘You poor clueless girl. Aemond would continue to fight for his family with you by his side, but Aegon? He would give it all up if he thought that’s what you wanted.’ She always knew this was a possibility, but still she pushed for my brother to be a usurper.”
“How long does the pretender intend to wear my wife’s crown?”
You ignore his insult and answer his question, “Soon as my son’s fever is down and Aegon is able to get him alone. He will send me a raven beforehand to let me know if he’s coming directly here or elsewhere first.”
“Why wouldn’t he come right here and bend the knee?”
“The moment they leave the keep, Aemond will likely figure it out. He is unpredictable. Aemond might chase after him, and Sunfyre is no match against a war-hardened dragon.”
Without saying anything else, Daemon turns to leave, keeping the door open. “I suppose you’ll want to see your girls, unless you’d rather stay here.”
Rolling your eyes, you get to your feet.
Before you leave the room, Daemon stops you with his arm and says, “You best hope Aegon writes to you soon.”
The next day, Aegon sent you a raven from an unknown location; he had fled during the night on the back of Sunfyre.
Ser Criston was tasked with spying on him, and he was pretty sure he saw him entering the dragon pit carrying Aeron, but the knight knew better than to go among the dragons if he wanted to live. No doubt he immediately reported this to your mother, who would have informed Aemond, but what version she gave him was anyone’s guess.
All of this meant that the blacks would need to act fast; if a vengeful Aemond sat on the throne, it would be an all-out war.
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raparopa · 1 year
Omgg could you write about nikolai lanstov and how he has known reader his whole life and they are together but not oficially and then alina comes and yk what happens and reader thought that they could handle it because it's a political marriage but then they end things and then nikolai one night can't take it anymore and so he goes to her room and begs her, quite literally on his knees to get back together, and maybe end it with some smut or fluff however you feel like doing but I just need him begging 😭
a/n: Crap! I really liked the idea of your request, so I thought about it and decided to make some changes. First, I thought about it and decided that I would most likely make a mini-series (big story) of several parts. Secondly, I realized that it is easier for me to fulfill your request with an !Original Character! not marked "reader" or "Y/N" And thirdly, of course, I had to change some details of the canon in order to somehow structurally introduce the hero into the story. Hope you enjoy what I do! let me know if you like it?(!)
warnings: Language, Squaller!OC (idk)
pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x OC!Dasha Romanov
summary: There is clearly an understatement between Nikolai and his childhood friend. But who knew that things could get even worse when the sun shines on the horizon?
gold and silver
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I knew Nikolai, without exaggeration, all my conscious life. We met when we were just children, when I was brought to serve in the palace (sensible squaller are needed everywhere, especially when the queen wants the sun on a cloudy day). He was the most restless boy I have ever seen in my whole life: he caused trouble for his whole family, nannies and tutors, but he was a fun guy, with an adventurous spirit and a good heart. Therefore, the fact that we found a common language did not take long. We would run away from classes together, I would show him tricks with the wind and clouds, and he would teach me how to shoot and even show me a couple of tricks so that I could protect myself with more than just my abilities.
And then the service began. His and mine. Nikolai and Dominic signed up for the First Army, while I was accepted into the Second Army, where my hard and fun life began. At first, Nikolai and I kept in touch, tried to keep in touch, but time passed, everything changed, we grew up and over the course of our destinies we changed a lot. Our communication slowly faded away. Of course, I heard rumors about what happened to the prince, and I'm sure he also heard rumors about me. I have long lost the habit of having Lantsov around, but still my heart ached every time I heard the news about him.
But in one moment everything changed. More time passed when Nikolai himself found me. True, now he was no longer Nikolai, but asked everyone to call himself Sturmhond. He was a privateer, with his own ship and crew, and kindly invited me to join the crew of the "Hummingbird".
How long did I think? Yes. It would be strange to immediately agree to such an adventurous proposal from someone whom I had not seen for several years. But Saints!
No matter how many years, centuries, centuries have passed; no matter what happens to me, I will always continue to adore Nikolai.
He still managed to convince me to join his crew. And I climbed the "Hummingbird", starting a new page in my life, but again next to Nikolai.
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immortal-archives · 5 months
In your AU have you included lore of the Divine Warriors? If so, could we get some info on it? I love hearing about the different interpretations. From the Guards' Tales it seems like Kul'zack and Menphia were a thing? Could we get details?
Of course! Here are a few snippets of lore!
Irene and Enki were siblings, with Irene being ten years older. They were from the Gal’ruk region, and were both witches descended from one of the original ten, Vaiya (this basically meant they could speak to Wyverns and use magic). Menphia was the daughter of another one of the original ten witches, Gaia. This also makes her the sister of all the Wyverns we meet in the original series!
Shad was the original king of Ru’aun. He was enamored with Irene from the moment he met her. They had one child together, Alina.
The Divine Warriors consisted of King Shad, Irene who had not yet actually married into the role of queen, her brother Enki who followed her everywhere, three of Shad’s guards, and one retainer. Esmund, Menphia, and Kul’zak were those guards. The retainer is an oc, Philomena. She makes up the last of the Divine Warriors.
Menphia and Kul’zak were actually not together. Something that’s very critical to the AU is that the Divine Relics corrupted absolutely. That’s why the Wyverns were hesitant to trust Irene with the knowledge of how to create them. The only thing that could help them resist this corruption was a relic known as a Heart. Kul’zak was one of the first to discard his heart to gain more power. His relic twisted him into a possessive man who felt like he deserved to own Menphia. That’s why he created her that sword— it was a display of his power over her. Kul’zak is unfortunately still alive in the modern era as he’s the infamous king of Tu’la.
Though, he certainly wasn’t corrupted the worst. Enki and Irene bore the brunt of the corruption, becoming the Demon Warlock and Shadow Lord respectively. Shad also got corrupted into the Demon King, but he was killed relatively quickly. Philomena, my OC warrior, is corrupted into the Ice Queen. She’s killed around 300 years prior to Aphmau’s time by Vylad’s paternal grandfather.
Menphia and Esmund were the only Divine Warriors who weren’t corrupted by their relics. Esmund passed his relic down to his son, and infused his Heart into Ru’aun itself (which is why loyal guards cannot be affected by corruption). Menphia noticed that she was close to being corrupted (and she hated her life controlled by Kul’zak) so she discarded her relic and her heart and absconded.
During the AU, Aphmau meets every single one of the Divine Warriors: besides Philomena, Esmund, and Shad. This is because those three are all dead by this point in the story.
These are just some of the extensive lore I’ve written. Stay tuned for more to be revealed!
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sodaabaa · 1 month
his shadow chapter one; nikolai
nikolai lantsov x OC inessa, the darkling's daughter and a childhood friend of ravka's golden prince, joins nikolai and alina in their plan to fight against the darkling.
tw: just some angst
disclaimer: some parts of this chapter are taken from the book in order to stay within the timeline of the actual grishaverse. i do not take credit for leigh bardugo’s work.
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“I can give you the chance to change Ravka,” said Nikolai. He was starting to become irritated at the sun summoner’s defiance. He’d known Alina for weeks now and yet it seemed as though she was immune to his charm and his charm was what he relied on. Nikolai assumed it had something to do with a certain otkazat’sya. 
“I can give you the chance to bring your people hope,” He tried appealing to her loyalty to the grisha.
“Oh is that all?” Alina said sarcastically. “And just how am I supposed to do that?” 
Nikolai inhaled. This was going to get him killed. 
“By helping me unite the first and second armies. By becoming my queen.” 
Before Nikolai could even let out the breath he’d been holding, Mal stormed towards him, grabbing the lapels of his jacket and shoving him into the wall. Despite his initial instinct to fight back, Nikolai did not. He understood the love Mal had for Alina and what he’d just suggested would make their relationship difficult to manage. 
“Easy now, mustn’t get blood on the uniform, let me explain -”
“Try explaining with my fist in your mouth” Mal snarled.
Nikolai twisted and in a flash he’d slipped from Mal’s grip. A knife was in his hand, pulled from the strap in his sleeve.
“Step back Oretsev. I’m keeping my temper for her sake, but I’d just as soon gut you like a carp.” 
“Try it,” Mal spat.
Sudden movement pulled his attention to the shadowed entrance of the tent. Where Inessa was standing.
Inessa. Shit. 
Nikolai had sent for Inessa, a fact which he had completely forgotten in the midst of the chaos that was Mal and Alina’s unspoken love story. How long had she been standing there? What did she hear? 
He couldn’t linger too long, there were more pressing issues to deal with.
“Ah, Inessa. Good.” Nikolai clapped his hands, turning to Mal and Alina. 
“I would like to formally introduce the two of you to Inessa Mor-”
“We’ve met already. Briefly. On the Volkvolny.” She cut in, giving him a sharp look.
“Yes, but I think a proper introduction would be quite nice.” Nikolai glanced at her, raising his eyebrows. He shot her a glare back.
His eyes trailed to Inessa’s shoulders, they trembled as she inhaled. She lifted her arms and with the motion, shadows started creeping around them, surrounding them in a cloud of dark smoke.
Mal and Alina staggered back in shock, gasping at the sight before them. Nikolai couldn’t help feeling a seed of pride swell in his chest, his Nes was quite a sight. 
“She- How can she? Is she-” Alina stuttered, eyes wide.
“Related to the Darkling?” Inessa finished for her. “I’m his daughter.”
Nikolai watched the two of them battle with what this meant, unsure about the dark haired girl before them.
Nikolai’s gaze turned to Nes, watching the way she held her chin high, admiring her unwavering pride. 
Mal marched over, grabbing Nikolai by his coat and shoving him. Irritated by the interruption, Nikolai made a mental note to pay him back for that.
“How could you let that thing in here? She could be working for him!” Mal yelled.
Thing. Monster. Heretic. Demon. Nikolai knew Nes was used to the comments, she’d shrug it off and keep that stubborn chin of hers held high. But that didn’t mean he was okay with it. 
Nikolai pushed Mal off him, red hot anger burning through him.
“She is on our side. Inessa is nothing like her father, you needn’t worry, Oretsev.” He spat, his voice rising.
“How do you know?” Alina whispered. She looked up warily at Inessa. 
Nikolai’s gaze softened, looking at Inessa, “Because I know her. Better than anyone else.” 
Nes looked away. A pang of hurt resonated in his chest.
“I won’t hurt you, or anyone for that matter,” She said reassuringly to Alina. “I might make an exception for His Royal Highness though.” 
Banter, humor, insults. I can work with that.
“The promise of pain never scared me away, Nes.” Nikolai teased back. To his dismay, Inessa didn’t reply.
Mal sighed, “I think I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” He looked to Alina who nodded, “me too.” 
Despite Alina and Mal’s absence, the grand tent never felt stuffier. Nikolai found it hard to breathe, being this close in proximity to Inessa. Being alone with Nes for the first time in what felt like forever.
“And then there were two.” Nikolai finally broke the silence.
“I’m gonna head out as well, I’m still working on the map.” She replied, her voice impassive. 
Please don’t go. Not yet.
As she turned to leave, Nikolai called out. “Nes, wait.”
Inessa stopped but she didn’t turn, keeping herself turned away from Nikolai.
“Talk to me.” 
Saints Nikolai, way to sound pathetic.
“I have nothing to say to you.” 
“Then yell at me. Scold me. Hurt me. Hit me. Anything but this- this silence.” He pleaded. 
Nikolai stopped talking before he could lose his composure. His heart was racing, it felt like it would burst right through his sternum and onto the floor. In the silence of the room, he prayed Nes couldn’t hear the drumming of his heart. After an eternity, she finally broke the suffocating quiet.
“You have your fiance to do that for you, Moi Tsarevich.” And with that, her hand slipped from Nikolai’s grasp and she walked back into the shadows.
Nikolai cursed, running a hand through his hair. He walked to his desk, grabbing a glass filled with scotch and he threw it at a tent post. The glass shattered, leaving shards all over the ground. Every day Inessa’s hatred towards Nikolai grew, he could feel it. And who could blame her? Nikolai abandoned her. It’s a miracle she’s even working with him. He slumped to the floor, holding his head in his hands. Carrying the weight of an entire nation, a divided one at that, was taking a toll on him. To make matters worse, he didn’t even have anyone to share his grievances with. Nikolai was completely and utterly alone. 
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i’ve ran out of link space on my original masterlist, so i’ve had to start another one! if you want to find any of my previous work, it’s on my first masterlist, which you can find here!
writing for kaz, jesper, nina, inej, zoya, alina, genya, and nikolai (requests open)
rest and relaxation - you take care of inej after a long day.
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
enchanted - it’s a long story of how you were enchanted to meet nikolai, but in a way you didn’t expect. it involves a certain privateer.
holding onto a mirrorball - a fic inspired by a shadow summoner and taylor swift’s songs the archer and mirrorball.
writing for rhaenyra, aemond, alicent, and aegon (requests open)
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
snow angels - only a stark could warm a hardened queen’s heart
writing for carmy, sydney, and richie (requests open)
crash and burn
writing for benedict, anthony, and daphne (requests open)
home - best friends to lovers, except your best friend is daphne, who has been plotting for a new sister
writing for sirius, james, remus, and regulus, harry, hermione, theo, mattheo, and enzo (requests open)
paper rings - you hate accidents, except when you went from friends to this. and you like shiny things, but you’d marry sirius with paper rings.
cardigan - inspired by the lyric “you drew stars around my scars, but now i’m bleeding” except with a twist, because you both deserve a happy ending.
ivy - inspired by taylor swift’s song ivy.
right where you left me - sirius comes home to you after escaping from azkaban
timeless - domesticity and a diner on the corner
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to you dressing up as them for halloween
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to you dressing up as them for halloween
how the slytherin boys react to spending a rainy morning with you
slytherin boys as dads
how the slytherin boys react to you dressing up as them for halloween
writing for rick grimes, daryl dixon, maggie rhee, glenn rhee, lydia, and alden (requests open)
prologue - the road to atlanta
writing for art, patrick, and tashi (requests open)
i feel so high school (every time i look at you) - after his divorce, 30 something art meets 20 something reader at an event in stanford
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none
A/N- After an excruciating month, I'm finally updating this fic as I'm finally done with finals😼 lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n @marauders-wife @evelyndane
Ch-47 ~The Plan~
 “Strike them down! They’re trying to kill our Saint! They’re trying to kill us all!” the Apparat shouted at his Priestguards. 
“A man so obsessed with holy fire should pay more attention to the smoke.” Alina grinned at the priest
 The light slammed through the girl and burst over the room in a blinding cascade that illuminated the expression of utter shock on the Apparat’s face. 
The Priestguards threw up their hands, eyes squeezed shut against the glare. The Apparat recovered quickly. “Save her! Save her from the traitors!” he bellowed. 
 Some of the guards looked confused, some frightened, but two jumped forward to do his bidding, sabers raised to attack  Anaya and the Squallers. 
A guard slashed his saber towards Anaya, but she hastily formed a blade, crashing her weapon with his as she spun around. She thrashed her blade towards him with much force, sending him backwards as she kicked him in the ribs.
Mal had gotten hold of a sword, and his blade flashed as he cut through one guard, then the other. Two more advanced, but Tolya and Tamar were there to stop them.
 David ran to Genya’s side. Nadia and Zoya flipped another guard in the air. The Priestguards on the periphery raised their rifles to open fire. 
But before they could take further action, Alina’s cut hurled in a fiery arc.
 It crashed through a long table and tore into the earth before the Priestguards, opening a dark, yawning trench in the kitchen floor. 
Terror splayed across the Apparat’s face. The guards fell to their knees, and a moment later, the priest followed. Some wept, chanting prayers. Beyond the kitchen doors, Anaya could hear fists pounding, voices wailing, “Sankta! Sankta!” 
Alina dropped her hands, letting the light recede. She drew a little light and kept it burning in a warm halo around her.
She walked forward and stood before one of the kneeling guards. He was younger than the others, his beard just coming in and his gaze was fastened on the ground as he mumbled prayers.
Alina touched her hand to his shoulder, and his eyes slid shut, tears rolling down his cheeks. 
“Forgive me, forgive me.” he spoke
 “Look at me,” she said gently.
 He forced himself to look up. 
Alina cupped his face in her hand
“What’s your name?” she asked
 “Vladim… Vladim Ozwal.” the boy responded, his voice trembling
“It’s good to doubt Saints, Vladim. And men.” 
He gave a shaky nod as another tear spilled over. 
“My soldiers bear my mark,” Alina spoke, referring to the tattoos borne by the Soldat Sol. “Until this day you have put yourself apart from them, buried yourself in books and prayer instead of hearing the people. Will you wear my mark now?”
“Yes,” he said, fervently. 
“Will you swear loyalty to me and only me?” 
“Gladly! Sol Koroleva!” he cried. Sun Queen.
“Open your shirt,” she commanded. 
Anaya was utterly confused as to what the girl was about to do. But the boy didn’t hesitate. 
His fingers fumbled with his buttons and he pulled the fabric apart, baring the skin of his chest.
Alina pressed her palm to the smooth skin over his heart and let the power pulse. Vladim flinched when it connected, scorching his flesh, but did not show any signs of paint. When she pulled her hand back, her palm print remained, the brand throbbed red on his chest. 
“It is done.” she spoke
 Vladim looked down at his chest, and his face broke into a beatific grin. 
“Thank you, Sol Koroleva.” 
“Rise” she commanded. 
He stood, beaming down at her, tears still running from his eyes. 
The Apparat moved as if to stand. 
“Stay where you are,” Alina snapped
 “Sankta Alina, I only wanted for you to be safe, for you to be whole and well again,” he spoke shakily. 
“Then consider your prayers answered. Priest, you will offer sanctuary to all those who seek it, not just those who worship the Sun Saint.” 
He shook his head. “The security of the White Cathedral-” 
“If not here, then elsewhere. Figure it out.” she cut him off
 He took a breath. “Of course.”
 “And there will be no more child soldiers.”
 “If the faithful wish to fight-”
 “You are on your knees, we are not negotiating.”
His lips thinned, but after a moment, he dipped his chin in assent. 
“You are all witness to these decrees.” Alina spoke, looking around. She then turned to one of the guards. “Give me your gun.” 
He handed it over without a second’s pause. She passed the weapon to Genya, then demanded a saber for David, though he wouldn’t be much good with it. Zoya, Nadia and Anaya stood ready to summon, and Mal and the twins were already well armed.
 “Up,” Alina said to the Apparat. “Let us have peace. We have seen miracles this day.” 
He rose, and as she embraced him. She then whispered something in his ear that made him shudder and nod begrudgingly.
 “See to your dead,” Alina said to one of the Priestguards. “We’ll bear them with us. Do they, do they have family?”
 “We are their family,” Vladim spoke.
 She addressed the others. “Gather the faithful from all over the White Cathedral and bring them to the main cavern. I will speak to them in one hour’s time. Vladim, once we’re out of the Kettle, free the other Grisha and get them to my quarters.” 
He touched the brand at his chest in a kind of salute. “Sankta Alina.”
 Alina glanced at Mal’s bruised face. “Genya, clean him up. Nadia-”
 “I’ve got it,” Tamar said, already dabbing the blood on Nadia’s lip with a towel she’d dunked into a cookpot full of hot water. 
“Sorry about that,” she said to her. 
Nadia smiled. “Had to make it look good. Besides, I’ll get you back.” 
“We’ll see,” Tamar replied with an amused grin.
Alina then looked over the other Grisha in their bedraggled kefta. 
“Tolya, Tamar, Mal, you’ll walk beside me with the Apparat.” She lowered her voice. “Try to look confident and, regal.” 
“I have a question-” Zoya began.
 “I have about a hundred, but they’ll have to wait. I don’t want the crowd out there turning into a mob.” She responded.
Zoya glanced at Anaya before deciding to follow her
“I want everyone else interspersed with the Priestguards. This is a show of alliance.” Alina spoke
They arranged themselves in front of the doors. 
The Apparat and Alina took the lead, the Priestguards and Grisha arrayed behind them, the corpses of the fallen borne aloft by their brothers.
 “Vladim, open the doors.” she commanded
The doors flew upon. Alina threw out her hands and let light blast into the passageway. A cry went up from the people lining the tunnel. Those who weren’t already kneeling fell to their knees, and a chorus of prayer washed over them. “Speak,” Alina muttered to the Apparat. “And make it good.” 
“We have faced a great trial this day,” he declared hurriedly. “Our Saint has emerged from it stronger than before. Darkness came to this hallowed place-”
 “I saw it! Shadows climbed the walls-”cried one of the Priestguards. 
Even though they’d seen quite a lot of seemingly improbable things, Anaya too, had been quite curious as to where they’d come from.
 “But they were vanquished, as they will always be vanquished. By faith!”  continued the Apparat, 
“And by power.” Alina said, stepping forward. 
She let light sweep through the passage in a blinding cascade. 
The cries of “Sankta! Sankta!” continued as she led the Apparat and the Priestguards through the White Cathedral. 
She escorted the Apparat to his quarters herself with Mal and Tolya trailing them.
None of them looked too badly off. Nadia’s lip was swollen, and Maxim, a healer back from the Little Palace was tending to a cut over Stigg’s eye.
 It was the first time they'd been allowed to gather underground. 
“What the hell is going on?” Sergei asked as soon as Alina had dismissed Vladim. “One minute I’m in the infirmary with Maxim, the next I’m in a cell.” He paced back and forth. 
“Calm down, you’re not behind bars now.” Tamar spoke
 “I might as well be. We’re all trapped down here. And that bastard is just looking for a chance to get rid of us.”
 “If you want out of the caves, then this is your opportunity,” Alina said. “We’re leaving. Tonight.”
 “How?” Stigg asked
 As an answer, she let sunlight flare for a brief moment in her palm, as proof that her power had come back to her. 
The room erupted into whistles and cheers. 
“Yes, yes, the Sun Summoner can summon. And all it took was a few deaths and a minor explosion.” Zoya spoke in a disinterested tone
 “You blew something up?” said Harshaw plaintively. “Without me?”
 He was wedged up against the wall next to Stigg. 
Both inferni were utterly opposite in appearance. Stigg was short and stocky with nearly white blond hair. He had the solid, stubby appearance of a prayer candle. Harshaw was tall and rangy, his hair redder than Genya’s, nearly the color of blood.
 A scrawny orange tabby had somehow made her way down to the bowels of the White Cathedral and taken a liking to him. She followed him everywhere, slinking between his legs or clinging to his shoulder. 
“Where did those blasting powders come from?” Alina asked as she sat next to Nadia and Adrik on the edge of her bed.
 “I made them when I was supposed to be making salve,” David spoke. “Just like the Apparat said.” 
“Right under the noses of the Priestguards?” she asked
 “It’s not as if they know anything about the Small Science.” 
“Well, somebody must. You got caught.”
 “Not exactly,” said Mal. He’d stationed himself by the doorway with Tamar, each of them keeping an eye on the passage beyond.
 “David knew we were meeting in the Kettle, and he guessed about the master flue.” Genya said
 David frowned. “I don’t guess.” 
“But there was no way to get the powders out of the archives, not with the guards searching everything. So we had the Apparat deliver it.” Tamar grinned. 
“You meant to get caught?”  Alina stared at them in disbelief. 
 “Turns out the easiest way to schedule a meeting is to get arrested,” Zoya said
“Do you know how risky that was?” she said in exasperation
“Blame Oretsev,” Zoya replied with a sniff. “It was his idea of a brilliant plan.”
 “It did work,” Genya said.
 Mal lifted a shoulder. “Like Sergei said, the Apparat was waiting for an opportunity to take us out of action. I figured we’d give him one.” 
“We were just never sure when you’d be in the Kettle,” Anaya spoke. “When you left the archives today, David claimed he’d forgotten something in his quarters and came by the training rooms to give us the signal”
“We knew the Apparat would be more likely to trust Tolya and Tamar, so they roughed us up a little-” Nadia added
“A lot,” put in Mal. “Then they claimed to have discovered a devious plot involving a few wicked Grisha and one very gullible tracker.” he gave a mock salute. 
“I was afraid he’d insist on putting everyone in the cells, so we claimed you were in immediate danger and that we had to get to the Kettle right away.” Tamar said
“And then we just hoped the whole kitchen wouldn’t fall in on us.” Nadia spoke with a smile
 David’s frown deepened. “It was a controlled blast. The odds that the cave’s structure would hold were well above average.”
 “Ah. Above average,” said Genya. “Why didn’t you say so?” 
“I just did.”
 “What about those shadows on the wall? Who pulled that off?” Zoya asked
 “I did it, we rigged it as a distraction.” Mal responded
Anaya noticed how tense Alina had suddenly gotten, but chose not to point it out. Sergei paced back and forth, cracking his knuckles. “You should have told us about the plan. We deserved a warning.”
 “You could have at least let me blow something up,” added Harshaw. 
Zoya gave an elaborate shrug. “I’m so sorry you felt excluded. Never mind how closely we’ve been watched and that it was a miracle we weren’t found out. We definitely should have jeopardized the whole operation to spare your feelings.”
Alina cleared her throat. “In less than an hour, I’ll be leading services with the Apparat. We’ll leave directly after that, and I need to know who’s going with me.”
“Any chance you’re going to tell us where the third amplifier is?” Zoya asked. 
Anaya had known about the firebird, but not exactly where Alina had hoped to find it. 
“The less you know, the safer we’ll be.” Mal shook his head.
 “So you’re not even telling us where we’re going?” Sergei spoke sulkily. 
“Not quite. We’re going to attempt to make contact with Nikolai Lantsov.” Alina responded
Anaya wondered if he'd survived. Though she did believe that given the boy's enthusiasm, he'd even have managed to carve a ship out of a rock. 
 “I think we should try Ryevost,” Tamar said. 
“Go to the river cities? Why?” Alina asked 
“Sturmhond had smuggling lines throughout Ravka. It’s possible Nikolai is using them to get arms into the country. If the rumors are true and he’s based somewhere in the north, then there’s a good chance the drop point near Ryevost is active.” she responded
 “That’s a lot of maybe and not much more,” Harshaw spoke
 Mal nodded. “True. But it’s our best lead.” 
“And if it’s a dead end?” Sergei asked.
 “We split up, we find a safe house where you can lie low, and I take a team to find the firebird.” Mal said
 “You’re welcome to remain here,” Alina said to the rest of them. “I know the pilgrims aren’t friendly to Grisha, and after tonight, I’m not sure how sentiment will change. But if we’re captured aboveground-”
 “The Darkling doesn’t deal kindly with traitors,” finished Genya quietly. 
Everyone shifted uncomfortably. Anaya glanced at Genya’s somber expression.
“No. He doesn’t.” Alina responded
 “He’s had his shot at me, I’m going.” A bold look washed over Genya
Zoya smoothed the cuff of her coat. “We’d move faster without you.” 
“I’ll keep up,” she countered. 
“See that you do, we’ll be entering an area crawling with militias, not to mention the Darkling’s oprichniki. You’re recognizable,” Mal said to Genya. 
“So is Tolya, for that matter.” Tamar’s lips twitched.
 “Would you like to be the one to tell him he can’t come?” Mal asked. “Maybe we can disguise him as a really big tree.”
“I’m coming along". Anaya’s words made everyone’s attention turn to her.
“I’ve had quite some experience with keeping a low profile. Besides, I would go berserk if I remain here any longer” she shrugged
 “See you in an hour,” Adrik shot to his feet as he declared. 
“Well, I’m going then. Someone has to make sure that Nasrazeen doesn’t get lost somewhere in these dank caves” Zoya said with a rather smug expression.
“Oh really Nazyalensky? Just accept that the humidity here is murdering all that hair of yours” Anaya rolled her eyes
“You're not wrong” Zoya shrugged
 Harshaw rose and pushed off from the wall. “I’d prefer to stay, but Oncat says we go.” He hefted the tabby onto his shoulder with one hand.
 “Are you ever going to name that thing?” Zoya asked.
 “She has a name.”
 “Oncat is not a name. It’s just Kaelish for cat.” 
“Suits her, doesn’t it?”
Zoya rolled her eyes and flounced out the door, followed by Anaya, Harshaw and then Stigg, who gave a polite bow and said, “I’ll be ready.”
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bhaalbaaby · 7 months
OC Questionaire
I got tagged by @razrogue ♥♥ tagging: @tallymonster @fayeriess @trippybanana27 @bardic-constipation @astarioff @starryslove and whoever else wants to do thissss
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NAME: Penelope [Last Name Redacted] NICKNAME: 'Nelope, Penny, Pen, Penpen, Nelly (only for Queen Rhol) GENDER: Female (she/her) STAR SIGN: Faerûn's equivalent of Leo HEIGHT: 5ft ORIENTATION: Bisexual NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Mephistopheles Tiefling, but her dad is a Lolth Sworn Drow FAVORITE FRUIT: Lychee FAVORITE SEASON: Spring FAVORITE FLOWER: Black Oleander FAVORITE SCENT: Lavender, roses, sea mist, aloe, wood burning COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-7 hours pre-tadpole. On the road, 4-5 because she doesn't like sleeping on a bedroll lol DOGS OR CATS: Cats DREAM TRIP: Tashalar. She had a client who said they always visited and gave her some of the best wine she's ever tasted. She wants to do a wine-tasting tour there one day. NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Two, but she's okay with one if it's heavily weighted. RANDOM FACT: She can play the flute, harp, and lute and her singing voice claim is Alina Baraz
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totally-not-your-babe · 9 months
OC funfacts
Hel (Too Much Love Will Kill You - The Bad Batch):
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kaff addict
broke Crosshair's nose the first time he called her something offensive (as she should)
Wrecker let's her sleep with Lula when she has nightmares
sometimes hates to be half-zeltron because of the unwanted attention from men thanks to her pheromons
likes listening to Tech rambling about anything and everything
helps with Echo's prosthetics
Hel is not her full name
shooting competitions with Crosshair
constantly trying to sneak up on Hunter (constantly failling)
hated Krell with passion even before she met him
secretly always wanted to be a mum but was scared she wouldn't be good enough
wants a lightsaber
her favourite bed-mate is Tech because he doesn't move around too much in his sleep
plays with Hunter's hair when they are bunked together (and it actually helps him fall asleep faster)
was caught playing with the little clones on Kamino more than once
Tech teaching her Mando'a
eating competitions with Wrecker
can sing Vode'an (sings it to Omega as a lullaby)
builts her own blasters
Alina (Master of Puppets - Stranger Things):
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can talk but can't read or write in russian
loves and I mean she LOVES junkfood
always cold
her favourite band is Queen
can't understand a lot of things but still nodding along because she doesn't want people to think she is slow/stupid
Dmitri (accidentally) thought her how to curse in russian, Steve and Dustin (not so accidentally) thought her in English
confused about why people say it's wrong that Robin likes Vickie
likes tea warm but for some reason she only likes coffee cold
acts pissed but actually likes Hopper's "insulting" nicknames for her
when she is angry her british accent get's mixed with a russian one, making a diseasterous accent-cocktail
likes to spend time with Dustin and the others because it reminds her the time with her "siblings"
once unconsciously started to play with Steve's hair and he just let her
loves listenning/watching Erica giving an earful to people
wants to learn how to play guitar
talks with russian accent just to mess with people
ruffling Gareth's hair every chance she gets
mumbling in russian when she is nervous
LOVES reading
Dmitri built her a bookshelf and then another because she kept buying books (and Dmitri kept buying her sooo much too, but he denies it)
If you would like to do it with your OC's:
Tags: @techs-stitches ; @wenalena ; @staycalmandhugaclone ; @milknhonies ; @magnoliabutters
aaand anyone who would like to do it
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troveofcmuses · 9 months
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 Hello, welcome to Troveofcmuses!!!
My name is Feyre (she/her, 30+, pst). A selective independent multimuse that contains muses from A Song of Ice and Fire, House of the Dragon, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, Bridgerton, Grishaverse, TVD, The Originals, Sanditon, Twilight, Zodiac Academy, Into the Badlands, & Greek Mythology/Touch of Darkness. I also have two OCs from Harry Potter & ASOIAF/HOTD. Side note: I do not support JK Rowling!
Activity: Blog activity is low, but I am here working on stuff when I am able.
I am still working on my carrd (slow due to working on three). So in the meantime, my muses are listed below. If you have any questions, just reach out and ask--I would be happy to answer anything. For now, the only rules that need to be followed are: reblog from the source, no harassing for replies, and messages need to be on Discord. I will block people who break these rules...
places to find me: @brideofcdragons || @reclusiveduke
Sadly, I don't have a carrd yet, and most likely won't. This is a list of my muses, with some background.
ASOIAF: Jon Snow (book only; bisexual. fc: Timothee Chalamet) || Jorah Mormont ( book & show | Fc: Iain Glen; younger version Sam Heughan) || Missandei (books & show) || Robb Stark (show and book; bisexual) ||
HOTD: Rhaenyra Targaryen (book and show; bisexual) || Shiera Seastar (fc: Diane Kruger) ||
Bridgerton: Daphne Bridgerton (book & show) || Eloise Bridgerton (book & show; bisexual) || Kate Sharma/ Sheffield (book & show) || Lady Danbury (book & show) || Violet Bridgerton (book & show) || King George III (book & show) || Queen Charlotte (book & show) || Gareth St. Clair (book; fc: Henry Golding) ||
Grishaverse: Alina Starkov (book & show) || Inej Ghafa (book & show) ||Tolya Yul-Bataar (book & show) || (note: I have not read all of Shadow & Bone--I am on book 2. I also just started Six of Crows--a lot of background will be from the show and my own creation).
TVD: Stefan Salvatore (book & show) || Katherine Pierce (book & show; bisexual) || Bonnie Bennett (book & show)
The Originals: Elijah Mikaelson || Rebekah Mikaelson (bisexual) ||
Twilight: Alice Cullen (book & movie; bisexual) || Edward Cullen (book & movie; fc: Robert Pattinson or Douglas Booth depending on preference, regency era: Corey Mylchreest) || Bella Swan ( book & movie; fc: Abigail Cowen) ||Carlisle Cullen ( book & movie; fc: Matt Lanter) || Esme Cullen (book & movie; fc: Rachel Brosnahan) ||
ACOTAR: Nesta Archeron (fc: Imogen Poots) || Feyre Archeron (fc: Danielle Rose Russell) || Rhysand (fc: Toni Mahfud) || Cassian (fc Can Yaman) ||
Throne of Glass: Manon Blackbeak (fc: Nyane Lebajoa; bisexual) || Dorian Havilliard (Evans Nikopoulos) ||
Sanditon: Charlotte Heywood (book & show) || Alexander Colbourne (show) || Sidney Parker (book & show)
Greek Mythology/Touch of Darkness series: Persephone Rosi (fc: Holliday Grainger) || Hecate (fc: Olivia Cheng; bisexual) ||
The Witcher: Yennefer of Vengerberg (book, show, & videogame; bisexual) || Cirilla of Cintra/ Ciri (book, show, & videogame; bisexual) ||
Fourth Wing: Violet Sorrengail (fc: Kaya Scodelario) || Xaden Riorson (fc: Thomas Doherty) ||
Harry Potter/Hogwarts Legacy: Narcissa Black Malfoy (book & show; fc: Young Narcissa—Emilia Schule. Older Narcissa —Helen McCrory. ||
Original Characters: Leyton Mormont (asoiaf/got; fc: Leo Suter. Background: Son of Jorah Mormont & Lynesse Hightower; sellsword). ||
Message me if you want more details about certain muses.
Drafts: ✨asks: ✨
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alicent-criston · 1 year
Darkling & Katia (OC) || Moya Tsaritsa
200 after Luda and 200 years before Alina, there was Katia.
Katia is a young Tailor when Darkling saves her from being sold as a slave. Much like with Genya, in return he asks her to spy for him at the Court. He sends her ahead to finish his military campaign and when he comes back, the crown prince introduces Darkling his future wife - Katia. She played her own game while he was away and climbed all the way to the top, all the while keeping her word and acting as his spy. Darkling is both upset and pleased. Having a Grisha queen, he can puppet is excellent for his plans, but he also likes Katia and Konstantin Lantsov is a volatile and dangerous man. Still, it's too late. The wedding goes as planned, Konstantin is crowned king and Darkling and Katia start an affair. But day by day, Konstantin grows more and more suspicious and jealous of his wife. Katia still spies for Darkling but she has too many secrets, the noose is tightening and if anyone finds out she is Grisha, spy or adulterer, it’s over.  Eventually, it's too much and Katia wants out. She makes an attempt to escape but she is caught, and in fit of rage, Konstantin kills her. Aleksander is alone again.
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nightingale2004 · 10 days
Meet my Narnia oc
Alina: female
Age: 13-28 (the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe), 1300+ (Prince Caspian and Dawn Treader)
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Family: Professor Diggory Kirk (former guardian), The Pevensies (sibling figures), Aslan
Personality: caring, loyal, reliable, kind, compassionate, intelligent, patient, calm, level-headed, playful, strong-willed, generous, devoted, respectful, open-minded, selfless, honorable, determined, brave, stubborn
Epithet: The True
Title/status: Guardian and advisor to the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve (formerly), Queen of Narnia (now)
Species: Sorceress
Items/jewelry: silver locket w/ a heart engraved (glows when opened and/or at full power. Given by father christmas)
Weapons: dagger, sword w/ a lion head hilt, bow and arrow quiver (her initials are on the quiver/ also a gift from father christmas)
Love interest: Caspian X
Extra: Before Alina was born, it was prophesied to protect them and ensure their claim to the thrones of Cair Paravel and a powerful sorceress to best the white witch. After Alina was born, the cold winter winds of Narnia blew a warmth of hope telling everyone of Narnia that the guardian was born including Jadis the white witch, so she sent her army to find her and eliminate her and those that harbored her. Alina's parents were confronted by Aslan, who made them a promise to send Alina somewhere safe, but she would have to be separated from her family for her own safety. So they gave her to Aslan, who transported her to earth in the home of Professor Diggory Kirk, where he raised her with Macready. As she grew up, she went back to Narnia once where she met Mr. Tumnus once but after that one journey, she never went back again until she met the Pevensies.
After she met the Pevensies, she immediately loved them and felt a pull towards them to protect them and from then on she had never left their side, until they left Narnia to their home but Alina this time remained.
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bloodcrave · 2 months
What about Alina with mortal OCs. Maybe they bond over liking the same punk bands and meet at a concert or like the same poetry or something. Does Alina tell them about her secret identity? They could react like wow cool amazing, not how she expected. They could have studied Strzyga myths and know who she is. Or they could be motivated to learn more now. And they could have false ideas. Or they could react with fear and go please never speak with me again.
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alina ( believe it or not ) loves mortals/humans/non-demons! she also hates them! humans and co. are terrible creatures who can be monsters in their own right, but they also make music and poetry and movies and dances and art and create cool technology or stories, they love and help and have created a world she enjoys living in. and she's pretty much surrounded by them, and her entire goal right now is basically to just suffer their stupidity at times in order to keep her mom from deciding to just reign hell on the world.
as long as alina loves and engages with mortals, kasmira....... uh. sort of behaves. the demon queen still definitely causes complete chaos and destruction and madness and whatnot, buuuuut she's not planning on destroying parts of the entire earth in her need for maddening revenge against mortals.
the younger strzyga will still eat and kill and she has her own tendencies to cause chaos and death simply due to her nature, but overall she's trying to stay on the downlow and just partake in the music industry. doing what she enjoys and meeting tons of new folk.
so tl;dr give her all the mortals. whether they have common interests or not, she tends to get fascinated by them and... well. she's often quite strange to them in return. she will not tell them about her identity unless they are either not fully human themselves or it's been a long enough time that she trusts the outcome isn't going to lead to her either having to eat them to protect herself...
or if there's some extremely weird extenuating circumstances that force her to tell it. which in rp land is always possible.
after what happened with eden, she'd rather just keep it to herself and hide that part of her. which is against the goal she originally set out for when she was younger, but she's less idealistic now and so tries to approach her relationships with... semi realism ( if her still being a chaotic mess of nature still counts as realistic, even if she's hiding the whole demon thing... )
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smiletimeisrunningout · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
here on smiletimeisrunningout but also previous blogs:
Emma since before 2012. Though she kinda counts like more than one muse considering she has several main universes and then adaptations to other shows lol
on my multi savingthrcw but they are all either severely canon divergent or even alternate universe versions or ocs, with only a few exceptions:
Sarah Walker (Chuck) (closest to canon)
Jenny II (Doctor Who)
Stella (oc)
Terra from (ff6)
AU Jemma Simmons (Agents of SHIELD)
Kate Austen (Lost)
Ana Lucia Cortez (Lost)
the Book and Tvshow versions of Alina Starkov (Grishaverse) (may sorta be put on hiatus soon because I didn't write them as soon as I added them and I feel I'm forgetting how I meant to write them lol)
Ellie Bartowski (Chuck) (like Sarah she's close to canon but has canon divergent verses)
Alex McHugh (Chuck) (like Ellie)
Solona Amell (DAO) modded player's character
Neria Surana (DAO), player's character
Lily Tabris (DAO) same as Neria
Ellana Lavellan (DAI) player's character
Lex (BG3) player's character
Tauriel (The Hobbit)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Bad Wolfed version
Emma Swan but nearly closed (OUAT)
Clarke Griffin (The 100)
(But will not write for sure because I don't have a grasp of 'historical' English language and I could never write the correct dialogue for them, and I'm not going to butcher canon characters making them speak in an unjustified modern way)
Penelope Featherington (Bridgerton)
Young Queen Charlotte (from Bridgerton universe)
Mary Woodhull (Turn WS)
Yennefer (The Witcher)
(But I will not write because I don't think I can channel them properly)
Inej Ghafa (Shadow and Bone tvshow)
Parker (Leverage)
Claire Littleton (Lost)
Daisy Johnson (AoS)
(And I might write)
ocs I'm picturing in my head
Bucky Barnes (MCU) around 2012 when characterization didn't really matter and we were tremendously ooc but having fun
Ruby and Belle from OUAT, same as Bucky
Maria Hill/Robin Scherbatski as mentioned above
oc inspired by Lara Croft
other versions of canon Emma Swan (OUAT)
Snow White and her mother Eva (OUAT)
Elizabeth Swann (POTC)
canon Jemma Simmons and more canon divergent versions with their own (surprisingly long lived) blogs
Britta Perry (Community)
Lily Evans (HP)
more that I have forgotten
my oc Ada
tagged by: @honorhearted and @pagetreader tagging: @retrograderesemblance @writtenxbeginnings @annastrxng @hqlfbloods @trcstme @serpcntes @gccdstories @forthewinn and anyone who wants to jump in!
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afantasycourt · 1 year
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independent multi muse rp account featuring a variety of muses from acotar, bridgerton, the witcher, marvel, and more. written by kel, 21+, she/her, uk based.
open starter tag
currently reading: fourth wing
rules & mules are under read more
hyacinth bridgerton: florence hunt, danielle rose russell
sophie beckett: alexandra dowling
francesca bridgerton: ruby stokes, hannah dodd.
lucy abernathy: adelaide kane.
kate sharma: simone ashley.
daphne bridgerton: phoebe dynevor
edwina sharma: charithra chandran
penelope featherington: nicola coughlan
anthony bridgerton: johnathan bailey
benedict bridgerton: luke thompson
colin bridgerton: luke newton
violet ledger (bridgerton) - ruth gemmell, connie jenkins
lady danbury - arsema thomas
queen charlotte - india ria amarteifio
a court of thorns & roses.
nesta acheron - phoebe tonkin
elain archeron - lily james
feyre archeron - freya allan
rhysand - undecided
throne of glass.
yrene towers - zendaya
elide lochan - danielle campbell
aelin galathynius - skylar samuels
dorian havilliard - matthew daddario
rowan whitehorn - henry cavill
the witcher.
jaskier - joey batey
yennefer of vengerberg - anya chalotra
cirilla of cintra - freya allan
shadow & bone.
alina starkov - jessie li mei
stranger things.
chrissy cunningham - grace van dien
eddie munson - joseph quinn
nancy wheeler - natalia dyer
once upon a time.
emma swan - jennifer morrison
robyn mills - tiera skovbye
alice jones - rose reynolds
snow white - ginnifer goodwin
drizella/ivy tremaine - adelaide kane
the musketeers.
queen anne - alexandra dowling
constance - tamla kari
ninon de larroque - annabelle wallis
aramis - santiago cabrera
merlin/arthurian legends.
lancelot du lac - santiago cabrera
elaine of corbenic - undecided
lady morgana - katie mcgrath
guinevere - angel coulby
the chronicles of narnia.
lucy pevensie - georgie henley
susan pevensie - anna popplewell
wednesday addams - jenna ortega
enid sinclair - emma myers
downton abbey.
sybil crawley - jessica brown findlay
daisy mason - sophie mcshera
hayley marshall - phoebe tonkin ( originals )
hope mikaelson - danielle rose russell ( legacies )
rebecca mikaelson - claire holt ( originals )
freya mikaelson - riley voelkel ( originals )
amy pond - karen gillan ( doctor who )
yasmin khan - mandip gill ( doctor who )
morgan stark - katherine langford (marvel)
bucky barnes - sebastian stan (marvel).
peggy carter - hayley atwell (marvel)
rebecca barnes - tbd (marvel)
RULE ONE/OOC INFORMATION Hi, my name is Kel, I'm over 21+ and use the pronouns she/her. Time zone is GMT.For now, my blog will run on a queue as I'm busy with some real life stuff. But sometimes, I may come online for an hour or two, depending on my mood. Blog is selective, private and mutual only. Also OC, multi fandom and multi-muse friendly too.
 RULE TWO/THREADS AND REPLIES  Replies can take a while to reply to, but I am not ignoring anyone. Please message if I haven't replied within a month.The best way to begin threads are through sending ask memes. I will also post open starters and maybe the occasional starter call. Not really a plotting person either; prefer to go with the flow.
RULE THREE/TRIGGERS I don't really have any triggers. That being said I will tag other people's triggers the best I can, and if I don't feel free to send a message and let me know. Don't send anon hate either. We all make mistakes and can't remember everything. Regarding shipping, I'm open to anything really. That being said, don't force any ships on any of my characters. I'll just unfollow/block if it continues to happen.
RULE FOUR/ETIQUETTE I do not tolerate any forms of hate. Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and any other forms of hate are not tolerated on this blog and I don't want to see any of it on the dash. It's an immediate hard block if I see anything. Respect each other, it's not that hard.
RULE FIVE/SHIPPING. Regarding shipping, I'm open to anything really. That being said, don't force any ships on any of my characters. I'll just unfollow/block if it continues to happen. I mostly ship for chemistry, but don't mind discussing ships beforehand if anyone wants to try anything out.
RULE SIX/SMUT AND MATURE THEMES Smut will not be featured on this blog. All other mature themes will be tagged accordingly and I'm pretty much open to anything except rape, incest etc.
CREDIT All gifs, icons etc on this blog do not belong to me. Credit goes to their rightful owners.
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sodaabaa · 1 month
his shadow chapter one; inessa
nikolai lantsov x OC inessa, the darkling's daughter and a childhood friend of ravka's golden prince, joins nikolai and alina in their plan to fight against the darkling.
tw: just some angst
disclaimer: some parts of this chapter are taken from the book in order to stay within the timeline of the actual grishaverse. i do not take credit for leigh bardugo’s work.
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Inessa sat at a desk in the far corner of her tent away from the entrance, looking over a battle map of Ravka. 
Where could he be hiding? She thought to herself. 
Her father didn’t have many allies save for his nichevoya and a handful of grisha that sided with him after the mishap on the skiff with Alina. So where could he find refuge? Surely he wouldn’t travel outside of Ravka’s border? 
Shuffling near the entrance of her tent snapped Inessa out of her thoughts.
“His Highness is calling for you.” A soldier spoke. 
She nodded once at the soldier who left just as quietly as he came. 
“His Highness is calling for you, royal pain in the ass more like.” Inessa rolled her eyes. But despite her irritation at being interrupted for saints know what Nikolai had in store, she got up and made her way to his tent in the center of the battle camp. Of course, like everything else Nikolai tied his name to, the grand tent was covered in the blue and gold colors of Ravka.
 “Show off.” She muttered to herself. 
Inessa entered the large tent, moving the curtains at the front of the makeshift door out of the way. Nikolai, Alina, and Mal were already arguing over whatever. She stood near the entrance, not quite inside yet, safe in the shadows away from Nikolai’s eyes.
“I can give you the chance to change Ravka,” said Nikolai. “I can give you the chance to bring your people hope.” 
“Oh is that all?” Alina said sarcastically. “And just how am I supposed to do that?” 
“By helping me unite the first and second armies. By becoming my queen.” 
By becoming my queen. 
The words echoed, bouncing off the walls and rattling in her mind. Is this what he wanted her to see? Why he called her to his tent?
Nikolai’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. “Step back Oretsev. I’m keeping my temper for her sake, but I’d just as soon gut you like a carp.”
Inessa stepped out of the shadows, clearing her throat. Three pairs of eyes fell on her. Nikolai grinned, tucking the dagger in his hands away.
“Ah, Inessa. Good.” Nikolai clapped, turning to Alina and Mal. 
“I would like to formally introduce the two of you to Inessa Mor-”
“We’ve met already. Briefly. On the Volkvolny.” She cut in.
“Yes, but I think a proper introduction would be quite nice.” Nikolai glanced at her, raising his eyebrows.
Inessa sighed. Here goes nothing.
 She lifted her arms, filling the tent with swirling darkness. Alina and Mal both gasped, Mal drew his sword while Alina lifted her arms, preparing to attack. With a wave of her hand, Inessa dissipated the shadows.
“She- How can she? Is she-” Alina stuttered, eyes wide.
“Related to the Darkling?” Inessa finished for her. “I’m his daughter.”
Both Mal and Alina stood in shock, still on guard but shocked nonetheless. Mal was the first to break the crushing silence, walking over to Nikolai and grabbing his lapels.
“How could you let that thing in here? She could be working for him!” He yelled.
Thing. Monster. Heretic. Demon. She was used to it. Inessa had grown up isolated and hidden but those who did know about her abilities and lineage didn't fail to make her feel less than human. Still, there was a sharp pang in her chest at the comment. 
Nikolai shoved Mal off of him roughly, his eyes alight with blue flame. 
“She is on our side. Inessa is nothing like her father, you needn’t worry, Oretsev.” He spat.
“How do you know?” Alina whispered. She looked up warily at Inessa. 
Nikolai glanced at Inessa. “Because I know her. Better than anyone else,” he said without breaking his gaze.
Inessa looked away. Like looking into the sun, she couldn’t bear to look at Nikolai for too long or she’d burn.
“I won’t hurt you, or anyone for that matter,” She said softly to Alina. “I might make an exception for His Royal Highness though,” she nodded to Nikolai.
“The promise of pain never scared me away, Nes.” Nikolai teased.
Inessa’s hand twitched, but she didn’t respond to his jest. 
Mal sighed, “I think I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” He looked to Alina who nodded, “me too.” 
“And then there were two.” Nikolai said.
“I’m gonna head out as well, I’m still working on the map.” She replied.
As she turned to leave, Nikolai called out. “Nes, wait.”
Inessa stopped, her back turned to the prince. 
“Talk to me.”
“I have nothing to say to you.” She made to move again but this time Nikolai grabbed her hand before she could leave.
“Then yell at me. Scold me. Hurt me. Hit me. Anything but this- this silence.” He pleaded. 
Inessa inhaled, her chest rising. She closed her eyes, still turned away from him.
“You have your fiancee to do that for you, Moi Tsarevich.” And with that, she pulled her hand from Nikolai’s.
Once she stepped outside the tent, she gasped. She hadn’t realised she’d been holding her breath. Tears clouded her vision but before they could fall she brought her palms up to her eyes. She sniffled once, regained her composure and marched back to her tent.
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