#oc: nomad steve
hiiii can you do whiskey w/ steve rogers that involves spanking/light bdsm? reader wants to try something new in the bedroom and steve's a little more hesitant at first but he gets into it
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warnings - smut. cursing.
you know I had to use another nomad gif... it's the long hair with the beard... it gets me going man. I kind of went a little rogue with this request, but it just happened. apologies.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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He's dreamed of women like you.
Strong, independent, resilient.
Women that take what they want, when they want it - regardless of the repercussions.
But he never could have anticipated your intuition. Your instincts.
You can read him like a book. Plain and simple. And no one can do that.
Steve prides himself on being stoic. Brave. The face of freedom. But it's like you look at him with x ray vision.
"Don't you ever get tired of it?" you ask one night.
Steve's sat on the edge of the bed, watching you get undressed. It's been a long night, full of fake smiles and ballgowns and polite handshakes. Weariness has settled in his bones.
"Tired of what?"
"The Golden Boy thing."
He scoffs.
"It's not a 'thing'."
You scoff.
"Come on, Steven. Don't forget I can see right through you."
"Oh yeah? Then what do you see, honey?"
You stalk over to him, settling down in his lap. Your favourite place.
"I can see the darkness, you know."
His brow quirks. Curiosity.
"Sometimes, I watch the America's Sweetheart facade slip ever so slightly. And I see what's underneath."
"And what would that be?"
A kiss to his jaw. Below his ear. A nip at his throat.
"You're a caged animal."
His grip on your hips tightens. Bingo.
"There's something in here, Steve," you point to his chest. "Something dark. Something raw. Something feral."
His breath hitches. His lungs constrict.
"I wanna see it," you whisper. "Whatever's underneath. I wanna see it."
He chuckles, low and menacing.
"Oh, honey. I don't think you know what you've just done."
You're on all fours in the blink of an eye. Strong fingers twist into the waistband of your underwear and pull, the sound of ripping lace making you gasp.
A smack to your ass makes you jolt, but not with fear. Anticipation. You want to see how far he'll go before he stops himself. You want to see his restraint snap.
"If you need me to stop," he whispers into your ear, "tell me. Or use the word Brooklyn."
He spanks you again before flipping you over with inhuman strength. He undoes his tie and runs the silk material through his fingers. You can see the cogs turning. He just needs a little push.
You raise your wrists and place them against the headboard, giving him a look that says I dare you.
Steve ties you up, standing back to admire his handiwork. He could get used to this view.
He reminds himself that you asked for this.
And he's never been one to deny you anything.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 1 year
Northern Lights - Steve Rogers x OC
warnings: nomad steve rogers, between ca:tws and civil war, strangers to lovers, sweet fluff
word count: 7.4k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1356276267-northern-lights-eloise
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They were exhausted and disoriented by the time the Quinjet landed in Iceland. Three weeks of hunting rogue Hydra agents, searching for Bucky. Steve and Sam had come up with a hell of a lot of nothing. It was a lot of sleepless nights, research, interrogations, and breaking into places they shouldn’t be. This was one of the last locations on the list, an underground safe house that Bucky was said to have frequented as the Winter Soldier. Sam told Steve not to hold out hope; that Bucky was a ghost. He could be anywhere.
All Steve wanted was to wrap his arms around his best friend and help him. He was alone, terrified, and dangerous. To everyone else, the Winter Soldier was a threat. To Steve, he was just Bucky.
They stumbled down the ramp, with Steve holding Sam up and carrying their bags. It was late, around 1:00 am, and the poor guy was so exhausted he nearly tumbled down the ramp the second they began to descend. 
The trek to the safe house was short and Steve was given the code to get inside. Sam had to be dragged through the door and Steve helped him to the only bed in the place, laying him down. Sam grunted and chuckled.
“You could have put me on the couch.”
“Nah,” Steve murmured. “We can swap tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Rogers.”
“No problem. Get some shut-eye. We’ll get a later start tomorrow.”
Sam nodded and rolled over, falling asleep the second his body sunk into the mattress. Steve shut the door and went to sit down on the sofa, his go bag at his feet. He tried to stretch out on the couch and close his eyes, willing himself to sleep. No matter how deep the exhaustion lived in his bones, he couldn’t shut his mind off. Bucky could be anywhere. He could be hurt, he could hurt someone.
He could hurt himself.
Steve tried to push the thoughts away, but they returned with a vengeance– this time, as memories. The two of them sitting in bars, laughing until they were sick, or stumbling home drunk out of their minds. Bucky would sleep on Steve’s floor. 
Tears rolled down his temples and he let out a sigh. 
“Fuck this,” he grunted, propping himself up.
He reached for his bag and dug through it until he found his old sketchbook and a few pencils. Natasha told him he should spend some time looking at the Northern Lights. He wanted to draw them. It would take his mind off of all of this shit.
With a grunt, Steve stood up, sketchbook in hand, and headed outside to find a good spot to sketch.
He looked up as soon as he stepped outside and the air left his lungs in a rush with the gasp he let out. They’d seen a glimpse as they’d flown in, Steve more concerned with landing and getting them both so some semblance of comfort for the night. 
But seeing them now, green and bright and dancing in the sky above him — Steve is itching to both sketch and never stop looking up. 
With a contented sigh, the first he’d probably let out in a while, Steve ran a hand through his beard and trudged onward.
The snow under his feet slowed down his footsteps and he didn't resist, willing his body and his mind to calm down and take in his surroundings. Knowing somewhere deep down that there was no point in exhausting his body any further. 
The almost-silent crunch of his steps stopped as he spotted a lone figure sitting down on a camping chair, bundled up and looking at the dancing lights in wonder. A woman.
At first, Steve’s flight mode tried to kick in. There wasn't supposed to be anyone else out here, it was one of the main reasons Sam and him had chosen this spot in Iceland. If they'd caught up to Bucky, the two of them needed a safe place to bring him that was away from everything. And everyone. 
All the worry melted from within him when his blue eyes caught the features of her face. She wasn't looking for him or in his direction at all. Her eyes were plastered on the dancing sky above them, taking in every movement as a soft content smile tugged at her lips.
He watched her for a moment longer, seeing someone else take in the natural wonder almost a wonder in itself. 
When they were younger, Steve was always a stop and smell the flowers kind of kid when he wasn’t rolling up his sleeves and getting into trouble. Bucky would tug at his wrist, impatient but Steve liked to think that as they got older, his best friend saw the beauty in it too. He wondered if that stuck around in the mess of it all. 
Shaking himself from his thoughts, he claimed a spot a good few feet away and joined the woman in the quiet. Sketchbook open to a fresh page, he squinted up at the sky and put pencil to paper.
A few lines in, his eyes drifted lower, lingering on the woman wrapped in her own world, gazing up at the changing hues above them.
Her face drew him in, reminding his heart that it could still feel something other than sadness over what the world had come to as it started beating a little faster. His hand slowly started moving over the paper again as his eyes flitted between her, the sky above, and his sketch.
The sound of his pencil moving across the texture of his sketchbook had become a soothing sound mixed in with the cold Iceland wind, Steve found himself in a moment of peace. Something he hadn't experienced in what felt like years. Dark grey lines smudged together, capturing the bliss on the woman's features as she watched the colours dance together. 
As the green of the Aurora Borealis danced across her features, Steve caught a glint of excitement in her dark eyes, as if she was feeling the same calm as he was. He scratched his pencil in the direction that her dark hair blew in the wind, connecting it to one of the movement lines in the sky. 
There was something about this woman under the colourful sky that brought a small glimmer of hope to Steve's chest that everything was going to be okay.
As he sketched, he captured the way her blanket had fallen from her shoulder, the knitted fabric with patchwork and personal looking. The woman shifted in her chair as if only just noticing the extra chill across that shoulder. She peered around in search of the fallen fabric and just as she tugged it back over her body, she locked eyes with Steve. 
Steve who had been staring at her for far longer than acceptable. Steve who was very obviously drawing her with his pencil poised to paper, grip so tight now he almost snapped it. 
Steve gulped, and awkwardly curled his lips into something that resembled a smile, waving like he’d just spotted her from the end of a supermarket aisle and not in the middle of nowhere in Iceland. 
“Uh… hello?”
He could tell she was taken aback by his presence, he probably looked menacing with his beard and hair grown out like they were. He tried to appear more friendly, dropping his sketchbook and pencil and standing up slowly. 
The woman's expression was nervous, her eyes trying to identify the stranger a few feet in front of her in the middle of nowhere. 
Her voice was raspy from the bite of the cold air but it was the sweetest sound he'd heard in a while. A long while.
Steve cleared his throat and shot the woman a soft smile, "Sorry for staring, I just uh - wasn't expecting to have to share my spot with someone" 
"Your spot, huh?" The small glimmer of a smirk tugged at her lips, "if I remember correctly, there so no one around when I first got here, so wouldn't that make this my spot?" She countered. 
Frost from his hot breath mixed into the cold air as he breathed out a laugh and nodded, bringing his hands up in defense, "Alright, if you want to get technical about it"
"Being technical is kind of my job," she joked, tilting her head to the side as her dark eyes watched him carefully. 
The way the green hue of the sky caught her features made his heart beat pound against his chest. He knew she was pretty but the closer he got, Steve could see the spattering of soft freckles over her nose that melted into the frost-bitten redness of her cheeks. 
He shook his head once and smiled, realizing that he was once against staring at the woman before him, "Well I'll um, go back to my side of the vast landscape and leave you to it then..."
“Don’t disappear on my account,” she chuckled softly, and Steve could have sworn her eyes tracked over him appreciatively. “I think there’s enough snowy tundra for the both of us.” 
“You looked, uh… peaceful. I don’t want to disturb that, well any more than I have already.” 
Steve glanced around like there was anything but snow and darkness to preoccupy himself with. 
“I’ve been out here alone for a while, enjoying the show with company could be nice.” 
She gestured to the spot beside her and Steve had to steel himself a little. Natasha always tried to set him up with people but it had been a while since he’d done this bit himself. 
“Oh, um. Yeah, okay then. I’m Steve, by the way.” 
“Eloise,” she replied, holding her hand out.
"Pretty," Steve gave her a nod, shaking her hand, his fingertips brushing her palm as he pulled back. 
"Warrior," she blew out a cloud of warm hair from her lips as she shoved her hand back beneath her jacket, "my name, it means warrior. It's strong." 
"I didn't mean anything-" he inhaled turning his eyes back to the sky. "Strong can be pretty." He mumbled.
Eloise laughed from beside him and Steve found himself staring at her instead of the sky yet again, the sound of her laughter was warm and brighter than any star in the sky. He couldn't help but smile at her, letting all the tension release from his shoulders and chest for the first time since they started their search for Buck.
“I guess you’re right,” she mused, gesturing to the astral theatrics above them. “They’re pretty but strong too.”
“How so?” He asked, completely enraptured by the way her gaze darted across the sky, trying to take in every detail.
“They’re caused by radioactive solar winds exciting electrons and protons in the Earth’s magnetosphere. When they precipitate into our upper atmosphere they emit light. Green’s the most common but sometimes…look, there!” She gasped, grabbing his bicep and pointing. “Sometimes we get blue and even red!”
She turned to him with a satisfied smile but it quickly turned into a flush at his curious expression.
“Wow,” Steve breathed, glancing up again. “Sounds like you know your stuff.”
“Space is kinda my thing.” 
“Yep,” Eloise beamed proudly beside him, “career, not hobby before you ask.” 
Impressed, Steve glanced at her and felt his eyes soften. Intelligent, strong… kinda felt like the universe had something to do with this moment. 
“You an artist?” She asked then, nodding to his sketch pad. He’d hastily closed it before joining her. 
“Kinda… hobby, not career,” he chuckled.
"And career?" She asked. 
"Solider," he answered, up to that point he had just assumed she knew who he was but it seemed like she was oblivious to his station. 
"A soldier that does art in Iceland?" She leaned a little closer. 
"Perk of the job," he patted his sketch pad against his thigh, "seeing more of the world wasn't in the recruitment brochure but it should have been."
“A bit of a strange place to find yourself posted to though, Soldier, considering Iceland hasn’t had a standing army since 1869,” Eloise teased, although he could hear the curiosity in her voice.
“Still an active member of NATO,” Steve replied, his eyebrow raised and she held up her hands with a chuckle.
“I’m not digging, I promise. I’m just inquisitive.”
He felt his mouth quirk up in a smile seeing her smile, the soft sound of her laugh echoing softly in his ear.
"It's alright," he assured her. Steve wanted her to keep talking to him and felt the pull on the thread slowly connecting him to Eloise. 
"Why is a US soldier so far away from his home? In Iceland no less?" 
She inquired softly, hesitation and curiosity tangling in her tone.
Steve let out a soft sigh as he looked up at the shimmering, flowing lights above them. "I'm looking for someone. An old friend." He glanced over at Eloise and noticed her still curious face. "It's... been a while since I've seen him. I just want to find him." 
Eloise's face fell a little, eyes sad. 
“Does he know you’re looking for him?” 
Steve sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face.
“Maybe… probably. It’s complicated,” he replied, “I’m not going to stop looking though.” 
Above them, the Northern Lights shone brighter for a moment, a flash of pink amongst the green. Steve chuckled softly, looking up as he whispered to himself, “Yeah, I know, Buck.”
“Tell me if I’m crossing a line here, but, do you think he even wants to be found?” Eloise asked, and Steve’s breath hitched. That’s a question he’d ignored since day one. He’d pluck it from the dirt of his mind like weeds in his little garden of hope.
"You could be right," Steve gave a pathetic smile. "Ever since we were kids there's been a string that tied us together. Invisible but strong," he tried to explain, "when one of us fell off the path or strayed too far from home, the other would tug the sting and we'd find each other and everyone keeps talking like Buck cut that string, but what if someone cut it for him and he's lost without a way home?" 
Eloise stared at him, water brimming her big, bright eyes and he watched as she swallowed whatever words she had thought up to comfort him. "Sorry that was-" 
"Complicated?" She offered. "You sound guilty." 
Steve felt guilty, he couldn't deny that, "I just wanna know he's safe."
“Of course you do,” Eloise said softly, laying her hand gently against his forearm.
He could feel the warmth of her hand even through the thick woollen fingerless mittens she wore and she looked at him with compassion he hadn’t seen since…he couldn’t bring himself to finish the thought. She sighed and moved away, leaning over the other side of her chair as she rustled around in the backpack she must have brought with her.
“Here,” she said, holding out a blanket, “you can sit on this if you want.”
Looking at the thick blanket in her hands, Steve only then realized he'd been sitting on the cold snow. The thickness of his tactical pants only allowed him to feel the slightest bit of cold against his skin.
"Thank you, Eloise." He gratefully accepted the offered blanket. 
He wasn't prepared for the feeling of electrical sparks making their way through his hand as their fingers touched briefly. It was hard to keep from reaching out to engulf her hand in his completely. 
Their eyes met and he could've sworn his heart skipped a few beats when he saw her gaze focused on him and heard her soft inhale of breath when their skin connected for that brief moment.
Steve stood from the thick snow and laid out the blanket before sitting back down again. He looked up at the sky and let out a deep breath, watching the cloud of steam that surrounded his face. 
“How long have you been doing this?” He asked, not wanting to be surrounded by quiet.
"Staring at the sky? Oh about half an hour," She joked, smirking over at Steve, tugging her blanket between her fingers, "Astronomy though, officially it's been 8 years but I've been obsessed with the stars for as long as I can remember," Her smile softened as she took in a deep breath of cool air. "My grandfather was the one who got me into it... I remember his office had this ugly orange shag carpet, but every single wall was covered with pictures of the stars and constellations and diagrams... He and I would spend hours in there just talking about the universe and everything beyond," 
Steve watched her carefully and listened as she spoke, taking in everything she said. It was fascinating to him when people had a deep-rooted love for what they did. Sometimes he wished that he'd had the opportunity to have a story like hers, but when he thought about it, there wasn't much of his that he wanted to change.
Except for one event. That continued to haunt him. And would haunt him until he knew his friend was safe. 
"Wow, that's - that's really cool," he returned her smile, glancing his eyes back up to the dancing sky, "your grandfather sounds like a smart man"
"Only as smart as the books he read and charts he mapped." She nodded, "he was stubborn about technology, never wanted help from computers. Like they might have a mind of their own."
Steve laughed, if only she knew. "Technology can be daunting when you've done something one way your entire life." 
"You sound like him," she looked over him and the northern lights reflected back at him in her iris'
"I'm an old soul," his smile faded.
“I can relate to that,” she hummed, not noticing his expression as she remained transfixed by the sky.
She gasped then, and he heard her heart rate pick up, speeding just as much as it had when their fingers brushed. Muttering to herself she scrabbled around on her chair, retrieved a notebook, and proceeded to scribble down what looked to Steve like some sort of secret alpha-numeric code.
When she’d finished she turned to him, a sheepish look on her face.
“Sorry, I, um, I needed to note that down. When the lights shift like that it means…” she thought for a moment and then continued as she took in the spark of encouragement in his eyes. “It means that the acceleration given to the precipitating particles has changed. I can add that to my database tomorrow.”
Steve just continued to look at her and Eloise found herself growing shy under his scrutiny.
“What?!” She protested, returning her gaze to the heavens once more. “Just because we know how something works doesn’t make it any less magical.”
He couldn't help it, his eyes followed the shape of her face as she looked up to the sky, her flushed cheeks glowing under the lights and captivating him.
"It really is magical.." Steve murmured distractedly.
"What?" She turned back to him and it was his turn to blush as she caught him once again staring at her. He hoped she didn't hear him and tried to shift her focus away from his flustered state. 
"I– Umm.. are you- are you here for work?" He stuttered. Real smooth.
He was fucking Captain America and he still couldn't hold a decent conversation for more than a few minutes with a beautiful lady, no matter how much dating advice he got from Sam and Nat.
"Vacation," she answered, "but I guess the sky follows me wherever I go," she gave him a gentle smile and shivered as a light wind brushed through her hair and kicked up the snow around them. 
"Are you cold?" He asked making to stand and give her blanket back. 
"No," she giggled at his urgency, "I'm surprised you're not, what are you a polar bear?" 
"I've been in colder places," he said, settling back against the blanket this time a little closer to her chair.
“That doesn’t sound like a good thing, and I don’t usually mind the cold,” she said, leaning on the arm of the chair, echoing his movements. 
“Are you here for long?” He asked, his voice quieter now because of their closeness.
“A few days,” she said, her fingers tracing patterns on the rough canvas of the chair arm. “I’ve got a place in Akureyri, not too far from the Observatory where I work, but I like to come further north when I can. You get a better view,” she grinned, “but I don’t usually get good company.”
He tried to offer a smile at her words but it quickly fell off his face because Steve knew he couldn't keep her company for long. 
His life didn't allow for human connections. Even if he wasn't on the run and looking for his lifelong friend, the constant fighting and instability wouldn't let him be happy with someone because there would always be another fight. 
"I don't know how good of a company I am," he told her. Trying to keep his tone light and quiet to not disturb their atmosphere.
The grin on Eloise's face only grew wider, a hint of cheekiness twinkling in her eyes.
"Well, what's greater than a man who's passionate about something in his life, is a gentleman and who also draws?" 
She asked, her eyes dropping briefly to the sketchbook in his lap and once again, Steve felt the heat creep up his neck. He dropped his gaze from hers.
"Can I see?" Came the soft spoken question.
"It's not done," Steve brushed the book with his thumb. "The subject moved." He laughed, his eyes staring at the book bashfully. 
"Silly to try to draw the lights," she said, "better to photograph them."
"I wasn't sketching the lights, I was sketching a beautiful stranger," he said in a fleeting moment of confidence he wasn't sure would last. He could banter with Sam for twelve hours a day but when he looked at her, all the air seemed to rush out of his lungs and the words seemed to go with it. 
"Well finish it," Eloise said catching Steve off guard, "you were sketching me? What pose was I in?" She shifted in her chair, putting her hand under her chin, with a funny look on her face. "like this?" she laughed and Steve felt his heart chasing the sound of it. 
"No," he huffed, "uh, may I?" he asked, leaning forward and as he did she relaxed under his touch as he slowly positioned her back to where he had found her. Shifting the blanket that had fallen over her shoulder, tempted to touch the soft skin of her neck that peered out beneath her scarf. Lastly, his finger brushed beneath her chin and titled her gaze to the sky, his thumb daring to brush against the corner of her mouth where a small smile had formed. "Perfect, don't move."
He stayed there for a moment, his touch lingering under her chin, the skin there the softest thing he could remember feeling. With a sigh he finally moved, reaching for his sketchbook as he twirled his pencil between deft fingers, and continued to draw. 
He felt a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as Eloise’s eyes kept sliding in his direction and he felt his confidence grow even more at the realization that he was a distraction from the skies she was so obviously devoted to.
"I'll try to be fast so you can move," he assured her. His pencil already moving quickly in fast, precise strokes over the paper as he took in as much of her beauty as he could. 
"Take your time," he heard her tell him quietly, "I don't mind being a muse." 
Steve's fingers gripped the pencil tighter at her words. His eyes caught her trying not to look his way while her teeth sank into her lower lip. Her breathing had picked up a little as well. 
It was taking everything in him to not throw away the sketchbook and pull her into a kiss. He wanted to sink his teeth into her lip. Wanted to touch the silky skin of her cheeks as he cradled her face.
It's been a long time since Steve was so captivated by someone and in such a short time. His mind was telling him to slow down and not give in while his heart wanted to know what it would feel like, yearning for that connection. 
Maybe it was just the stress of his life, maybe it was instant gratification. All he knew is that he wanted more of whatever was causing this heading feeling. 
When he finally finished he stared down at the sketch, admiring how even with a tight grip and a distracted mind, the lines of her face came out so soft and the white in her eyes seemed so white even against the beige parchment. The drawing of her was such a stark difference from the fuzzy, messy sketch of Bucky on the pace before it. The lines were heavy and muddled, confused. 
"Is it done?" She asked quietly, her fingers reaching out to the book. Steve let her take it this time, still so nervous about what she may think. The silence was deafening as she studied it, her fingers brushing over the paper, "this is incredible."
“I can’t…I can’t believe this is how you see me,” she whispered.
“Believe it, Eloise,” he insisted, resting his fingers against hers where she held the sketchbook.
Feeling an unfamiliar boldness, he let himself trail his touch over her hand and up her forearm.
Steve felt her soft skin prickle beneath his fingertips as Eloise drew a sharp breath in. He gazed into her eyes as she glanced at where their touch lingered. A smile danced on her lips. 
Despite the calluses, he felt the slight transfer of body heat between their bodies. His fingertips felt almost raw as if her touch had melted away 80 years of calluses to reveal a certain… softness. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt soft. 
Eloise gazed at him through her lashes. “I hope this isn’t too forward, but…” Her voice trailed off. 
It was Steve’s turn now- the breath hitched in his throat. His fingertips continued to linger on her forearm.
“May I keep this?”
“It’s not— it’s not my best work if I had better light or more time or—“
Eloise stopped his rambling with a hand to his cheek, soft over his beard as she dipped her head to meet his eye. 
“Steve, it’s not about the quality. It’s incredible, really, but I’d like to keep it so I’ll remember this. Me, you, the magic.”
“Magic?” Steve murmured as Eloise’s thumb fell to his bottom lip, brushing over the sensitive skin and leaving a tingle in its wake. 
“Do you feel it?” 
Steve nodded, his reply caught in his throat as something drew him closer. Lips warm with the shared breath, Steve nudged his nose against hers and caught the way her eyes fluttered closed, dewy with the cold and blurred in his vision.
“Steve?” Eloise whispered when neither of them moved. 
“Are you gonna kiss me?”
"I was thinking about it," Steve pressed their foreheads together. Every massive problem faded into nothing but a dull hum in the back of his mind as his hand brushed over his jaw and into his beard. Quietly asking him to come closer. 
"Well you better do it before we both freeze to death," she teased, her tone impatient. 
It had been a long time since Steve Rogers had kissed anyone but he was so nervous that he hesitated for a moment longer. A moment too long for Eloise, sick of waiting on him she pushed forward carefully, wrapping her soft lips against his mouth and kissed him quietly as the snow floated down around them. Steve let his hand wander, cupping her face and leaning more, needing more. She was so warm and soft, he had forgotten how soft another human being could be, how warm the touch of another person was. Everything had felt like cold steel as of late but kissing Eloise felt like floating on a warm breeze.
He felt Eloise pull back gently, the heat of her breath fanning across his flushed cheeks sending a wave of goosebumps up his spine, "Steve?" 
"Hmm?" He hummed, realizing his eyes were still closed and his forehead resting against her own. 
"Are you nervous?" She said gently, her fingers tangling into the long hair at the nape of his neck. The tips of them danced along his skin. 
His eyes popped open at her question, and a slight grimace washed over his face as he asked, "Was it that bad? I--shit, it's been a long time since--" 
Eloise smiled and shook her head, "Shhh," She cooed, raking her fingers through his hair again, "Relax, okay?" 
Steve watched her for a moment before he exhaled, taking the small amount of courage in him and leaning into her, gliding his mouth over hers and letting the way she tasted drown out his nerves.
He picked up on the comforting sweetness of hot chocolate, warming even in the way it lingered on Eloise’s lips from earlier on in the day. It settled something in his chest, a happy memory that seemed to be telling him this was okay. 
Experiencing something other than pain and exhaustion and downright despair at cold trail after cold trail in his search for Bucky was okay. 
And with it, Steve pushed forward. With his hands cradling Eloise’s jaw and his thumbs brushing at her rosy cheeks, he licked his tongue into her mouth. Getting more sweetness, more comfort as she met him equally in his fervor. 
Eloise whimpered a little into the kiss and Steve sighed at the warmth that simmered just below his skin. He didn’t want the magic to end. If it ended, where did he go from here?
The wind around them kicked up more snow only adding to the magic that Steve felt rushing through him. He could feel Eloise smile against his lips and it only made the tingly feelings louder beneath his fingertips. "This was unexpected," she whispered as she pulled back from him. 
Steve rested his forehead against hers, stealing another hasty kiss from the corner of her mouth before he spoke. "Your cheeks are so cold," he brushed his nose against her cheek and kissed the wind burnt skin.
He felt her fingers trace along the edge of his jawline as her thumb grazed his cheekbone. "Yours aren't." She whispered. 
"I tend to be a walking heater." Steve chuckled softly as she huddled into him. "You sure you're okay? Warm enough?" He asked as he carefully wrapped an arm around her. 
Eloise lifted her head and smiled, "With you? I'm perfect." 
Steve sucked in a breath and smiled back down at her before dipping his head and pressing his lips to her temple.
“You ever think sometimes you meet people for a reason?” Steve spoke into her hair a few moments later. 
“I do now,” Eloise replied, peering up at him. Her eyes were gentle, nose scrunched as she pressed her smile to the underside of his jaw. Steve hummed, soft and low, making up the tune in time with the lights above as they sat cuddled together. 
“I think someone out there knew what I needed.” 
"Maybe the string isn't cut," Eloise smiled, "maybe it's just tangled."
"It's definitely frozen," he cupped both sides of her face, attempting to warm up her cheeks. "Can I walk you back to your room?" He asked, just doing his best to be a gentleman. 
"I'd like that," she cooed as he took her hands in his and raised them from the ground. As she stood her blanket fell from around her and Steve scooped it from the ground before it fell in the snow, wrapping it tightly around her and stealing another needy kiss from her lips.
A silent argument followed as Steve insisted on carrying both the chair and Eloise’s backpack, slinging them both over one broad shoulder as his other arm pulled her close to his side, protecting her from the snow. Their walk seemed like no time at all, punctuated as it was by murmured conversation and sweet kisses that warmed them both and stoked the twin flames in their chests.
They arrived at a small wooden cabin, one amongst a cluster, that Eloise had rented for her short vacation and came to a halt at the steps that led up to the white wooden door.
“This is me,” she said softly, tilting her chin to look up at him with a soft smile.
It didn’t matter how cold it was- Steve could have melted then and there, gazing down into her brown eyes. He leaned the chair and backpack against the steps and gathered her into both arms.
“I have more blankets inside,” Eloise said quickly into his shoulder. His heart leapt into his throat. He adjusted his grip and she peered up at him. He wanted to count every freckle that smattered her cheeks. And there was a twinkle in her eye that made him weak in the knees. 
Steve chuckled softly. He nuzzled his nose into the top of her beanie, breathing in notes of vanilla and oak. He never wanted to let go.
“Is that an invitation?” 
“It’s whatever you want it to be,” she breathed, a smile still pulling at her lips. He was in trouble. 
He waited patiently as Eloise unlocked the door and they both bustled inside, shutting out the snow and cold as the door closed behind them and Steve propped Eloise’s things against the wall. 
The room was small, but the space was warm and surprisingly lived in a guest cabin. The bed was covered in blankets, an open laptop resting on the pillow and the desk was scattered with papers charting constellations and other graphs that looked a little more scientific.
“Cozy,” Steve hummed, wrapping his arms around her from behind. From there, they waddled together further into the room and Steve felt Eloise’s chest heave with laughter as they almost lost their footing, the endearing snort she let out making him grin into her cheek as he brushed his lips over her chilly skin and finally let her go. 
“Could have done with you here the past few nights, the chill really gets in the later it gets.” 
“Well, I’m here now,” Steve smiled, quiet and sleepy. 
Eloise fumbled with the zipper on her jacket, her fingers clearly frozen, "can I?" He asked, reaching between them when she nodded. He helped her from her jacket, peeling it down over her arms to reveal a warm navy blue sweater. 
"Oh," her fingers brushed the empty patch where the star of his uniform used to be. "I didn't..." she started and stopped. Steve watched her process the new information as the color came back to her pouty lips.  "I'd offer but I wouldn't know where to start," her eyes raked over the intense fabrication of Steve's suit and he laughed, angling his arm to a small zipper at his waist that loosened the vest of his tactile gear. "Do they sew you into that thing?"
"I mostly just sleep in it," Steve joked trying to ease the shock.
“Really?!” Eloise squeaked, half in disbelief.
“Mostly,” he repeated, “but there’s another zipper in the back.”
They stared heatedly at each other for a moment before he blurted out,
“I have a shirt underneath!”
Eloise laughed then, a beautifully amused tinkle of a sound, and raised her hand, twirling her finger around in a circular motion.  Steve complied, turning around to face away from her as she searched for the hidden zipper in his suit, finally finding it with a huff of satisfaction.
“Let’s get you more comfortable, Soldier,” she teased, easing the zipper open down the length of his spine. 
Steve had to bite back the groan brewing in his throat at her words but held still for her as she worked the zipper as it reached the base of his spine. Her fingertips trailed up his back carefully, so softly that if he wasn't anticipating her touch he wouldn't have felt it. 
Her hands trailed under the shoulder pads of his suit, carefully pushing it over his arms until hers couldn't reach any further and she stepped in front of him. Her eyes flickered up to his, and a coy grin spread over his face as she held out her hands for him. He lifted his arms and let her try and tug the sleeves. She huffed when they wouldn't move over his hands. 
"Here," he whispered, tugging them down for her. 
Eloise took a step back and smiled as he peeled his suit off and held it in his hands. "Better?" She asked tugging her sleeves over her hands and hugging herself. 
He set his suit down on the edge of a chair and nodded, "Much."
"We could watch something on my laptop," she offered, gesturing towards the bed with a nod. Steve saw her grip tighten on her own body and something in his stomach churned ever so slightly. 
"You need to warm up," he said softly. She smiled and confidence bloomed in his chest. He took a step towards her.
"And how do you propose I do that?"
In one swift motion, Steve gently grabbed her face and pressed their lips together. Her arms quickly wrapped around his broad shoulders, fingers woven deftly in the soft waves of his hair. 
He pulled away suddenly. Eloise's lips were parted slightly and her eyes fluttered open. 
"I think I'm warm now," she said breathlessly. Steve chuckled, and she stood on her tiptoes to pepper his face with small kisses. "Let's go get comfy."
Eloise threaded her fingers through his, her hands cold despite being wrapped in gloves and held in his. 
Warm heart, he thought as she pulled him to the bed. 
It was so incredibly soft as he settled onto it, the quilt cloud-like and the blankets an array of fluffy and woolly and everything Steve is still getting used to. 
“You okay?” Eloise asked him when he placed his palms on the sheets and gripped everything in his fingers. She stopped fluffing up the pillows behind them and placed her hands on Steve’s shoulders instead. 
“Bed’s soft,” he whispered, “just gotta— bear with me a sec, sweetheart.” 
“Take your time.” 
She tilted his lips towards her and kissed him tenderly, and Steve whined a little, barely audible as it passed between them.
Steve leaned into her, his grip on the pillowing mattress easing as he sunk into the safe leaving that she wrapped him in. 
"I haven't slept in a bed for a while," he confessed. 
A flicker of sadness crossed her eyes, "where do you sleep then?" 
"The floor, the couch," he swallowed tightly. She kissed him again, pushing down all the negative feelings that seemed to bubble up in his memories. "It feels silly, being so taken aback by simple comforts like a mattress.
She was silent for a moment as his words settled between them. Steve lulled his head to the side to look at her, Eloise's brows were furrowed and that familiar sadness was still etched in her features. He reached up with his free hand, running his thumb gently over the crease in her brow, her features softening at his touch. 
"Let's watch that movie," he whispered, trying to ease whatever pain he had passed to her, lifting his head and kissing her gently. 
The corners of her mouth upturned against his lips and he felt her nod before she reached for her laptop.
"Sounds perfect." He murmured into her hair. 
Eloise smiled, setting the laptop up where they could see it before she settled back into him again. Steve wasted no time wrapping his arms around her, selfishly wanting to get as much of her warmth and softness as she would allow. "Comfy?" He asked as she shifted in his arms again, her body wiggling against his own sparking something in his stomach he hadn't felt in decades. 
"I am," she sighed looking back up at him, "you?" 
His arms tightened around her for a moment before he relaxed again, "extremely." He grinned knowing how cheesy it sounded.
He grinned as he rested his chin against her shoulder, watching as the movie's opening began. His scent wrapped around him, vanilla and pine from the woods outside. 
Steve turned his head to breathe deeper, wanting to commit the smell deep into his memory.
"How often do you come up here, Eloise?" He asked finally after having his fill of her perfume. 
"Once a year, just to decompress and stare at the sky without obligations I guess," she gave a soft shrug. 
"What if..." he paused, feeling crazy for even suggesting such a thing to a stranger, "what if we meet here, this time next year, to stare at the sky without obligations?" 
Eloise stared at him for a long moment, the flashing screen of the movie and the dim cabin lights reflecting back at him in her eyes. "Without obligations?"
Her question sat with him for a moment, his lips parting slightly, "One obligation," he whispered as she took her bottom lip between her teeth waiting for him to continue, "to capture you under the lights again." 
"To draw me?" She countered and he nodded. 
"One of you watching the stars and lights dance in the sky is not enough." 
Eloise let out a soft sigh, "Only if you promise me something." 
Steve nodded. Even if his tie to Bucky felt tethered and tangled, he couldn't help but feel as if another was knotting itself around her presence. Tying him to her. "Anything." 
"You come back only if you've found who you're looking for." She whispered, "I'll wait every year. But whoever it is, is important to you. You find them, you come back and I'll sit as still as you need me to be." 
Tears burned at the back of his eyes as he listened to her, knowing that there was a chance he may never find Bucky. 
"Okay." He whispered.
He gave her the tiniest of smiles. “When I do find him, I’ll bring him with me. You would love him.” 
If I find him.
"Every year?" she said, brushing her hand through his beard. 
"Every year."  He kissed her again. Their lips tangled together sealing the promise with nothing more than an echo of soft moans and the feeling of each other locked together. 
Steve let Eloise get comfy against his side, wrapping his arm around her and keeping her as close as he possibly could, for as long as he could. Eventually, it was just the sound of his haunting thoughts and the gentle huffs of her snoring between them, echoing against the cabin walls. Steve wished for the sun to rise a little slower in the sky, to give him just a few extra moments of peace with her.
When the movie ended, he let the credits roll, just watching as the names scrolled over the screen until something random started playing. He glanced down at Eloise, her exhaustion keeping her in a deep sleep. He wanted to leave her with something, a selfish part of him wanted to keep the photo he drew earlier, but he wanted to leave her with something. It was a twist and pull in his heart that finally made him slide out from under her. His skills making it easy to move without waking her. 
Steve carefully moved to grab his sketch pad and pencils and sat back to where he could see her, and began to draw. Watching her carefully, his eyes flickering back and forth between the page and her until he was done and the sun began filtering in through the window.
Steve silently signed his name at the bottom of the drawing and left a note.
Till next year, I can’t wait to see you again.
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hollybee8917 · 2 years
Love, Lust and a Man on the Run
Characters: Steve Rogers, Kaela Pollock (OC)
Plot: Kaela goes to see Steve while he is on the run.
Warnings: SMUT!! MINORS DNI!!, Dom!Steve, Rough sex, oral (f receiving), swearing, dirty talk, p in v sex, unprotected sex, orgasm denial
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Kaela Pollock breathed in the cool London air as she took a sip of her tea. This was her first time in London, and she was here to see him.
She was of course waiting on her boyfriend of three years. He may have been on the run but he stayed in contact with her.
He had invited her to London to see him which had brought her to this cafe.
He was late.
Kaela looked at her watch again then sighed. Downing the rest of her tea, she stood up and made her way out of the cafe.
As she walked, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her close, placing a second hand over her mouth preventing her scream.
A low voice rumbled in her ear, “I’ve been waiting for you.”
She breathed out, “Steve…”
Steve walked her down the street and they turned. Left. Right. Right again. Then left. Finally they arrived at an apartment building.
Unlocking the door with a key card, Steve ushered Kaela inside and to the elevator. Once inside, he pressed a button. For the first time in a year and a half, Kaela took a good look at Steve.
His hair was longer and he had a full heard. His eyes were tired and worry lines stretched across his face. Steve glanced down at her, “I’m sorry I scared you.”
Kaela smiled gently, “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to. I’m not sure I like the beard.”
For the first time in over a year and half, Steve laughed, “Well, I think it makes me look distinguished.”
The elevator dinged and they stepped off with Steve leading the way to an apartment door. Kaela watched as he opened it and flipped on the lights to reveal an amazing loft apartment.
As soon as Steve closed the door, his lips were on Kaela’s in a passionate, lustful kiss. He shoved off the coat he was wearing and threw it toward the couch. Kaela moaned into the kiss which spurred Steve further.
He grabbed her, swooped her into his arms and bounded with her up the stairs. In the loft, a bed sat in the middle of the room with a wardrobe against the wall. Steve sat down on the bed and pulled Kaela to him, “God, I missed you.”
More kisses and Steve pulled his shirt over his head before attacking her lips again. His fingers deftly lifted Kaela’s shirt over her head and she slid further onto his lap, “Steve…”
He turned and laid her down on the bed, “I missed you so much. Let me take care of you.”
His fingers danced across her skin as he sucked on her neck. Kaela squirmed, “Steve… I need more.”
He slipped his hand up her neck as he slid his mouth down to her chest. With the remaining free hand, he wrapped it around her torso and unclamped her bra. Steve threw the bra somewhere in the room and took his girlfriend’s right breast into his mouth.
Kaela threw her head back. Steve removed his hand from her neck and slid it down her body and stopped at her jeans. He switched his attention to the left breast and sucked hard causing her to cry out, “S-Steve.”
Steve made his way downward, kissing a path from her breast to her stomach. Lifting his eyes to her face, Steve abruptly popped open her jeans and began pulling them down to her ankles. Kaela gasped slightly when Steve slid her underwear to the side and ran his finger up and down her puffed pussy. Then he curled his fingers into her weeping hole. This made Kaela moan, “Steve. Oh god.”
The squelching of her juices as Steve pumped his fingers in and out of Kaela’s pussy was the only sound filling the room. Tired of fighting the fabric of her underwear, he removed them and tossed them aside. Then Steve lowered his face and began to eat her out, all the while pumping his fingers in and out and in and out with his thumb rolling her exposed clit.
Kaela began to groan and twitch, “Steve. Steve. Oh god. I-I’m gonna cum.”
Without warning, Steve stood up, dropped his pants and boxers and pumped himself twice before shoving into Kaela. She cried out at the intrusion and Steve continued his ministrations with his finger and thumb on her clitoris. The young woman squirmed and whimpered with every thrust, “Steve. Steve. Oh god, I’m so close. I’m gonna cum.”
Steve leaned in close, “No. Not until I tell you can cum.”
Kaela whined, “But Steve. It’s so strong. I have to cum.”
Her boyfriend slowed his pace to the point where his cock dragged against her walls and he removed his fingers from her clit. Steve leaned down and kissed her as he pulled out then slammed in, then pulled out and slammed in again, “You will come when I tell you to. Understand?”
She smirked, “Understood, Captain.”
His eyes darkened, “No. Not Captain. I’m Nomad. Say it.”
He placed his hand gently on her throat, “Good girl. Now, I’m going to turn you over and I am going to fuck you until you are screaming only Nomad. Not Steve. Not Captain. Nomad.”
Steve flipped Kaela onto her stomach and pulled her ass up to his stomach. He pushed his dick in deeper and kept a slow pace, “God, you are so tight. I could fuck this pussy all day. I missed this pussy.”
He kissed her shoulder blade before he pushed her down onto the mattress, “Who does this pussy belong to?”
Steve shoved in hard causing Kaela to whimper. He pulled his dick languidly out then shoved in again, “Who does this pussy belong to? I won’t ask again.”
Kaela cried out, “You.”
“And who am I?”
“N-Nomad.” She cried out when he slammed into her.
Over and over, he pushed himself into his girlfriend, enjoying the feeling of her pussy tightening around his cock, drawing him ever closer to his orgasm. Her moans drove him faster and faster. Steve picked up his pace, slamming harder into his girlfriend.
In a swift move, Steve flipped Kaela onto her side and pulled her leg up to his shoulder, allowing for a deeper thrust to the point his dick was visible in her stomach.
“Nomad!” Kaela shouted as he shoved deeper into her.
This brought a smile to Steve’s face, “Good girl.”
He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Cum for your Nomad.”
Then he fingered her clit again, rubbing it hard and making her tighten and jerk. He felt her release building then washing over his cock like a tidal wave. He fucked her through it and enjoyed the feeling of her walls tightening around him like a glove. His pace picked up once more, “Oh baby, I am going to cum myself. You are too fucking tight, squeezing my dick like that. You naughty girl. God, you feel too good. I have been dreaming of this moment for months.”
Steve flipped Kaela back onto her stomach and slammed hard into her pussy as he raised her hips. His girlfriend’s pussy still throbbed and tightened around him, drawing him ever closer. “NOMAD,” Kaela cried out, “FUCK ME!! HARDER!! FASTER! PLEASE!”
He happily obliged and all that Kaela could feel was the sting of his skin hitting hers and the overwhelming need to orgasm a second time. Finally, she cried as the orgasm washed over her. She felt something else though. She felt Steve’s dick kissing her cervix then forcing it wide open and the long ropes of Steve’s release coating the walls of her uterus and shooting deep into her womb. Sweat from the man dripped onto the young woman’s back as she fell forward onto the pillow and he laid himself atop her.
The former Avenger kissed her shoulder, “I missed you so much. Thank you for coming to see me.”
Kaela rolled over and gazed up at him, “Thank you for inviting me.”
He leaned down and kissed her on the lips, “I miss you so much. I’m sorry we can’t be together right now but I promise that we will be together soon.”
All Kaela could do was stare up at him with a broad smile on her face. She bit her lip and let her eyes roam over his face. Reaching up, she stroked his chin, “I do like your beard.”
@joannaliceevans-fanficblog Enjoy!
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I will slowly be adding my previous stories over time. New stories will be up the same day as ao3.
What I currently have posted:
Time After Time: Modern!Eddie Munson x POC!Reader
Moonlight & Fang: Alpha!Jax Teller, Dean Winchester, Captain Syverson, Ari Levinson, Bucky Barnes x OC Omega!Selene/Red
You Were Finished Long Before We Had Even Seen The Start: Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Fuckboy!Steve Harrington (Drabble I) (Drabble II) (Drabble III)
LUNATIC: Avengers x POC!Reader "Nyx"
That First Night: POC!Reader x Nomad!Steve Rogers
Why Did Love Put A Gun In My Hand: Mafia!Avengers x POC Reader “Jinx”
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me...: Hunterverse AU, Sy, Walter, Curtis (Lumberjack & the 2 bears) x POC Reader "Havoc/TG" Ex Dean x Reader
Let Me Spell It Out For You: Jax Teller x Rockstar!Reader "Firefly" Ex Bf!Rockstar!Steve Rogers x Reader
Why You Calling Me Tonight: Ex!August Walker x POC!Reader Walter Marshall x POC!Reader (Challenge Accepted/Part 2)
Sandalwood, Leather, Mead & Honey: Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky. Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky x Steve.
Bittersweet: POC!Reader “Lux” x Walter Marshall (How Do You Love Me/Part 2) (Go Ahead And Lock Me Up Drabble)
Affinity Series: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Steve x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
Don't Care If It Sounds Cold. It Is, What It Is: Bucky x POC!Reader, Ex!Steve Rogers x POC!Reader
Badda Boom Universe: Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu"
I got all these issues. Will you be my prescription?: Bucky Barnes x POC!Reader
Sinners Prayer: Mafia!Stucky x POC Escort!Reader “Sin”
Strings Attached: Mechanic!Biker!Sy x POC!Reader
Eff Being Friends: Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”, ? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”, Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”, Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Off To Never Never Land: Eddie Munson x POC!Reader
From The Jump: Dean Winchester x POC!Reader "Wildflower"
Please Believe Me: August x POC!Reader, Andy Barber x POC!Reader
I've got to feel, how it feels, to be loved by you...: Alpha!Captain Syverson x Omega!POC!Reader "Sunny" (Do You Know What Today Is?)
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year
Week 32 Reblog Masterlist
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Welcome to Week 32 2023 or Week 188, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
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♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2023 here.
♥ You can check my August reblog masterlist 2023 here.
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 32 2023:
Christmas on the run part I (Nomad!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @holylulusworld 💙
Dare (Carol Peletier X Reader) by @gaypanicmode7766259💚    
The fuckboy committee chapter 9: Full sex (Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes) by @kinanabinks ❤️
Rejected chapter 1 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
Christmas on the run part II (Nomad!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @holylulusworld💙
Soulmate (Carol Danvers X Reader) by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms 💚
The fuckboy committee chapter 10: A new woman (Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes) by @kinanabinks ❤️
Rejected chapter 2 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries💚💙
The blues (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @stargazingfangirl18💚❤️
The moon (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @alwayssunnyinedensgate 💚💙
Hot boy summer (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @anika-ann💚
Rejected chapter 3 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
At your service part I (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @writing-for-marvel 💚💙❤️
My lipgloss is all over your lips (Taryn Helm X Mika Yasuda) by @popchoc 💚💙
Miguel’s Reaction to You Taking Him to Watch The Barbie Movie (Miguel O’Hara X Reader) by @sweet-as-an-angel💚
Rejected chapter 4 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries💚💙
Ransom’s first I love you (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @drabblewithfrannybarnes💚❤️
Home sweet home chapter 9: Perfect day! (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @talia-rumlow 💚💙❤️
At your service part II (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @writing-for-marvel 💚💙❤️
Rejected chapter 5 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
Escape (Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @golden-ariess ❤️ 🖤
Sharing a bed (Spiderverse characters X Reader) by @angelltheninth💚
Friend of a friend (Stucky X Reader) by @angelkhi❤️
Rejected chapter 6 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries💚💙
Wonderstruck chapter 5 (Wanda Maximoff X Reader) by @messedupfan 💚💙
A fair punishment (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @witchywithwhiskey❤️
Apotheosis (Miguel O’Hara X Reader) by @wint3r-h3art❤️
Rejected chapter 7 (Steve Rogers X OC) by @astheskycries 💚💙
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Steve Rogers x Wife! Reader, Fem!Reader x OCs
Steve Masterlist
Summary: Steve's commitment issues turn his world upside down.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: mention of divorce
A/N: I love nomad Steve <3
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I’m sorry I wasn’t here to drive you to school. You’ll do great on your assignment! Have a great day. I love you. Love dad
Love you bug, have a good day. Daddy will be home to play dolls as soon as he can. 
Something came up and I had to leave really early. I love you, Darling, I'll pick up the girls and take them out for ice cream. 
Those were the notes Steve left you and the girls today: another early morning and late night. Steve was always working but he never forgot the important things. He always made each note specific. You quickly put together your daughter's lunches, since you forgot to pack them the night before. You made sure to put their notes from their father and a note from you inside. 
Once you finished that you went to finish getting ready so you would all be on time. After putting on your outfit and doing your hair, it was getting close to the time you needed to leave. “Sarah and Stephanie Rogers! Let’s go!” You called out, grabbing your things. Your daughters rush downstairs, with their backpacks in hand, ready to go. Both of them looked around searching for their father. 
“Mom? Where’s daddy?” Stephanie asked. 
“He had to go to work early today, he left a note in both of your lunchboxes.” You replied, ushering your daughters out the door. 
Stephanie was a daddy’s girl. She was Steve’s mini-me. She was always trying to be just like her daddy. So his absences hurt her the most. 
“So, Daddy said he’s going to pick you both up after school and take you to get ice cream.” You said ushering them out of the house and locking the door behind you. You got them in the car and drove them to school. The girls sat in silence as you drove, you knew exactly why. You hated dropping them off without them seeing their father, but you knew you had to. 
After saying your goodbyes you headed to work. You had a typical desk job, as a Marketing Manager. You worked a simple 9 to 5, unlike your husband. Being at the company for over 10 years, you made your way up. 
You trudged into work and went straight to your office. You weren’t exactly a boss but you had been working there for years when they promoted you. You placed your bag down and put your lunch in your mini fridge before looking at your unread emails. Click. Click. 
It was normal for Steve to go in early for work, he’d wake you up that morning before leaving and tell you he had to go. He’d make the girls lunches and write them little notes to make them smile at lunch. He was a pretty great father for someone with an unexpected work schedule, but to you, it wasn’t enough. 
“Rough morning?” You heard a voice, which you turned around to see. It was your work friend, Suzie. Suzie has been working there a lot less than you have, she transferred from another job in Ohio. Suzie was a few years younger than you, with no boyfriend, no kids, just Suzie. 
“Steve went into work early today and of course the girls missed him, it was hard dropping them off.” 
“Well, they know he’s fighting to protect his family.” Suzie insisted, but you couldn’t help but think how unfair it is to your daughters. 
“Yeah. It’s just not fair to the girls, they deserve to be fought for,” you continued,” what’s new with you?”
“I came into work early, boss needed me. Been here since 7.” Suzie responded, glancing at her watch.
“Look at you being the boss's favorite.” You teased, making Suzie roll her eyes. “It's obvious you’re the favorite employee.”
“Please, that’s not true.” 
“Suit yourself,” you shrugged, “well I hope you can get out of here at your normal time.”
Suzie got up and made her way to the door, “Me too, I’ll see you at lunch (y/n).”
“Yeah.” You were about to log into your computer when your phone rang, picking it up immediately and you noticed it was Steve. “Hey babe, is everything okay?” You asked, holding the phone to your ear. 
“Yes, we’ve got it under control. Sorry I had to leave so early today, I hate to do this (y/n).” 
“You could always quit.” You implied, making Steve silent on the other line. 
“I know, I will. Darling, I have to go, I love you, and tell the girls I love them.” 
“I love you too, I’ll tell them.” You responded before the line clicked. You sat back sighing, you really meant it when you brought up quitting. You brought it up once you got married, then had Sarah, and then had Stephanie. He repeatedly told you he would quit, but every time, some threat would come and make him put the suit back on. But what you didn’t understand, was why was he doing all of this when he gave the shield to Sam. Why does he have a stronger commitment to the shield he gave up, then to the family we’ve created? 
You do the work that’s been assigned to you for the day and the next thing you know Suzie is knocking on your door reminding you about lunch. “Are we still on for lunch?”
“Yeah, yeah, come in, I've just been working trying to drown out my thoughts.” Suzie walked in with her lunch and sat in the chair in front of your desk. 
“What’s going on?” Suzie asked concern laced in her voice as she placed her lunch down on an empty part of your desk.
“Steve’s not coming home tonight.” You replied nonchalantly. “He always says ‘he hates to do this’ which means he’s not coming home again.” 
“You don’t seem too upset about that.” 
Practically everyone in the office knew you were married to Steve. It wasn’t something you could hide. Suzie didn’t treat you any differently when she found out you were married to him. She didn’t see a reason to, she could care less about your Avenger husband. 
“Well, it’s nothing new, I just hate it. I wish he’d just quit already.” You confessed, grabbing your lunch from your fridge. 
“Maybe he just wants to make sure the world is in safe hands.”
“That’s no excuse, he’s been saying he’ll retire for years and then something comes up every single time.” You say aggressively opening your food and stabbing it with a fork. 
Suzie didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know how to give advice on the situation. She just knew she wanted to be there for you. 
“I can’t keep living like this, I can’t keep letting the girls go through this, their dad saying he’ll do this and that. When he doesn’t show up for days.” 
“I understand, you want stability for your kids and Steve isn’t giving you that.” 
“He’s not, and I’ve been overlooking it for the past 12 years but I can’t keep doing this anymore.”
“So, (y/n), this begs the question. What are you gonna do?” 
“The girls and I cannot continue to be treated as second,’ you pause, taking in what you have to do, ‘I’m gonna file for divorce.” 
You and Suzie spent the rest of your lunch looking up divorce lawyers in the area, hoping one would take on your case. You sat with the idea for the rest of your day, then remembered you had to pick up the girls since Steve wasn’t coming home. You quickly gathered your things and left work to pick up the girls. Their faces dropped when they saw it was you and not Steve, you didn’t take it personally, you just saw two girls who missed their daddy. 
They got in the car and you began to explain to them that Steve wasn’t coming home tonight and you aren’t sure when he'll be back. 
“Have you talked to Daddy today?” Stephanie asked, putting on her seatbelt.
“I did, he said he loves you both,” you reply looking through the rearview mirror. “Do you still want to get ice cream?” Stephanie shook her head and Sarah said nothing. 
You hated seeing your babies so disappointed, you were tired of it constantly happening. You felt you couldn’t rely on Steve like you would in a marriage. It was just you on your own. 
It's been a couple of days since Steve left for work. You talked to the girls about relationships and marriages and their ups and downs. Just so they didn’t seem in the blue. You decided to come home from work because you weren’t feeling the greatest and to your surprise, Steve was home. 
“Hey, Babe, what are you doing home?” he smiles and wraps his arms around you, you too drained to hug him back. 
“I was wondering when I was going to see you again.” You reply, getting out of his grip and dropping your bag. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What do you mean? What do I mean? You were gone for days with minimal contact!” You yelled throwing your hands up exasperatedly. 
“ You know I have to do it for work-.” He defends, but you don’t want to hear it. 
“Yes I know, work work work, but what about your family? The vows you said to me when we were at the altar. What did you say to me when I had Sarah and when I had Stephanie? What about the family we made?” You exclaim, pointing your finger in Steve’s face. “You told me you weren’t going to be in this life forever, and Steve here I am 12 years later. We’re still here! I’m still playing the role of a happy wife and mother while you’re out not helping me raise these kids you helped create!” 
Steve inches closer to you with his arms out, hoping to calm you down, you back away not letting him touch you. 
 By now, you were so upset, tears were running down your face, you wiped your tears and looked into Steve’s eyes, “I do not deserve this. The girls do not deserve this. I deserve a husband who is fully present and the girls deserve a father who is fully present.” 
“I can be that man,” he says.
“No, you can’t. You’ve proven time and time again that you can’t.” 
“I’m filing for divorce.” 
His face dropped and he went pale after he heard those words. He scrambled to come up with sentences, with anything, just something to say so you wouldn’t leave him. 
“(y/n), please. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s too late for sorry. I gave you 12 years and you’ve constantly let me down. I won’t have it anymore. Get your things and find yourself somewhere to stay for the next few weeks.” 
“But (y/n), we can work this out, I love you.” 
“If you really loved me, you would’ve chosen me and our family over your job.” 
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Please do not steal, copy or translate my writings, or post them on other sites.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated :) 
Taglist: @supremethunda @amelia-song-pond @tinylumpiaa @leyannrae @teebarnes @teti-menchon0604 @mogaruke @supraveng @1-800-imagines @chris-j-evans
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missacidburn928 · 11 months
Hello Heathens!
Like some smut with your darkness? Or maybe just something fun and dirty with your favorite character?
I may just have what you're looking for.
Below the cut I have compiled all the fics I currently have published that have all the spooky and sexy vibes. (Even those that are part of a series or chaptered work)
Happy Reading Heathens!
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Moonlight and Fang
OC Selene (can be read as reader) x Jax Teller, Dean Winchester, Captain Sy, Ari Levinson and Bucky Barnes.
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Avengers x Reader "Nyx" Story. This Chapter is Natasha x Reader x Bucky. Bucky x Reader x Steve. With special guests August x Reader x Walter.
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Affinity Series: We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
ABO Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Steve
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Why Did Love Put A Gun In My Hand
Dark Mafia story that is incomplete. Avengers x Reader "Jinx"
Affinity Series: Hearts Are Wild Creatures, That's Why Our Ribs Are Cages...
ABO Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
This Is No Dream, This Is Really Happening...
Nomad!Steve x Reader
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onyourleftrogers · 1 year
muse: Ellie Rogers limit: 18+ only please, mutuals and non-mutuals   set: a coffee shop in New York City, Earth-616 open to: other Marvel/comics muses, multifandom crossovers, ocs, whatever! triggers: apocalypse, parent death, severe injury, grief
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Ellie Rogers should have been dead several times over. For all practical purposes, she was, a ghost passing through the multiverse without leaving much of a mark. She doubted there were many people in her home world who even remembered she'd existed. Her life on Earth-85826 had been largely joyless and a constant fight for survival under tyranny, but at least she'd had her dad. Her hero. Everyone's hero. That was the Captain America legacy, the one she still struggled to hold up. She wondered constantly if Steve would be proud of her now and quietly seethed against Zola and everyone like him that she would never get to ask.
She couldn't explain what happened when Ian's elevator exploded. She'd been barely conscious, and multiverse travel was well above her pay grade. She just knew he'd been gone, and she was somewhere else-- not her world, but not the one he'd been trying to get back to either. She understood that it was the symbiote that had saved her life, not even the inherited powers from the serum enough to protect her from that much damage. Its call hadn't been as strong cut off from Venom and the rest of the Vipers, and when she woke in a different ruined world, it seemed almost as disoriented as she was. It healed her, and she fought back against its hold over her mind, and it might have won eventually if the Next Avengers hadn't found her.
She'd lost a brother she'd barely had a chance to know when she lost Ian, but she found another in James, son of Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. Ultron had killed the Avengers before he'd ever had a chance to know them, and their children had grown up and fought back for their world. It was a shared camaraderie, and between them--James, Torunn, Pym, and Azari--they'd helped her remove all traces of the symbiote from her body. Ellie didn't care if it had saved her life or could again. She just wanted to see it dead. It took longer to work out how to repair the elevator, months and then years with a new resistance, a new family, but it was the Rogers in her that never really settled.
She wanted to find Ian. She wanted to at least let him know she'd survived. If the people they couldn't save weighed on his conscience as much as they weighed on hers, he deserved to know that much. It had been weeks on Earth-616, and it was still utterly strange to her. It was the first unbroken world she'd ever been in, and everything about it baffled her, from the noise and color to the things they took for granted-- food, media, shelter, everything so readily available that it was breathtaking.
She kept mostly to the shadows in New York City while she looked for some sign that Ian had made it back to this world. Unlike Nomad, Captain America was everywhere here. In theory, she understood the concept of a Steve Rogers in every universe. In practice, she wasn't sure she wanted to meet someone who looked and sounded like her dad but wasn't. That didn't stop her from turning every time she heard the name though, this time on a television in a diner. Even seeing him at a distance in some news or history clip was enough to make her breath catch, the pain sharp. She turned abruptly away, accidentally knocking into someone with a mumbled apology. She wasn't going to find anything sitting in a coffee shop. It was best to keep moving.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
Ok so thus guy Steve Powell was...absolutely terrified of ending up like his father meanwhile his daughter (cough cough Marcy wu from amphibia) was not doing the best mentally feeling like no matter what she does she'll never be happy so she tries to kill herself but she's convinced not to and realized that she doesn't need to kill herself she needs to kill the heart of Hollywood...which is a magic talking cat of acid that sounds like Tiffany haddish and is worshipped by Steve Powell who is a blood obsessed spider monster in the sewers so she destroyed it which destroys all the magic there and places everyone in a magic force field they can't escape...and it explodes killing millions
THE second time was in uncanny valley the lovely hone of John Doe and my oc Kennedy who recently broke up with his boyfriend's and he's really sad but he meets this girl name charm and they start dating but charm is an awful girlfriend and makes him feel shitty about himself and his best friend Maya who is in love with him (and also married) tries to reveal to him what a shitty person charm is and her plan works it is revealed and it turns out charm didn't even love him she wanted his blood for magic reasons and he just gave her some to have and charm is upset this was so much harder then it needs to be....so she floods the town killing 100s including my friends ocs cat
As for why sunny day jack is in Ireland we have to go back to the Hollywood explosion which left a few survivors those who did survive joined....i wanna say tribes? The inventors ruled by jinx from fucking arcane (whole much more lore im not getting into) the scavengers ran by my oc Mia the queens court owned by Lola from brawl stars and the nomads of no man's land lead by penny from dead men don't do radio plays and these two characters luz noceda from the owl house and huggy wuggy from poppy play time were apart of the nomads and best friends after an epic revolution against the queens court everyone escapes and lives slightly normal lives but huggy wuggy ends up being taken to the scp foundation because look at him and turns out sunny day jack was also kept there because look at him so luz noceda and living member's of her family decide to save huggy wuggy so they go in guns blazing accidentally letting everyone out including jack who kidnapped one of the Dr's like just pick him up "this one's mine now" and they made their great escape so everyone is like oh shit we need to hide where do we go and Jack was like "ooh let's go to Ireland" so they fled to Ireland and yeah....thats the lore
That's a lot you guys have been working on this for a long time.
Also, I love the whole "cause look at them" like no further explanation lmao
And wait did no one notice Jack just picking up a whole ass man??
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nomanslannd · 2 years
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..... incoming from another dimension. Reestablished Dec, 2022
#  NOMANSLANND : Private and selective Ian Rogers also known as Nomad from Earth-616, loved and curated by Laura. The mun of this account is over twenty-five and does not interact with those under the age of eighteen, and does not do nsfw with those under the age of twenty-one.
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..... enter the void
✘ Carrd - Rules and About for Nomad  ✘ Interest tracker - Fill out to show interest ✘ Headcanons - More on Ian   ✘ Memes - Stuff to get things going    ✘ Discord - Mutuals only, just ask ✘ Draft count: 0 (26/05/24) ✘ Asks: 0 (26/05/24)
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..... more information
✘ Unable to access carrd? See guidelines, character profile and verses below the cut
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✘ Guidelines
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the character of Ian Rogers, he belongs to MARVEL. However, I do own my original take on the characters and any head canons I have written. I also own all the graphics used, including the icons. They were made by me.
MATURITY: For the safety of all those involved this account is 18+ and also writes NSFW content with those over the age of 21. Please don’t take it personally but the mun of this account is 25+ and as such does not wish to write with minors. If you follow, and are under 18 you will be blocked; you’ve been warned.
BLOG: This account is private and selective and only roleplays with mutuals. However, more often than not if you follow me, I will follow you back – unless I cannot see anyway for our characters to interact. This blog is also OC friendly.
PLOTTING: You can always message me if you’d like to plot; however I do have an: interest tracker. I would appreciate it, if you have the time that you fill it out, because it’ll give me a better idea of what you know about my character, and how its best to contact you and interact.
FORMAT: I use XKIT rewritten trim reblog to keep my dash tidy. I don’t expect you to do the same, but I’d appreciate if there weren’t 4+ replies in one post because its overwhelming for me. However, if you don’t have any access to these sorts of tools, just let me know, it’s fine I understand we all have different accessibility levels. I use icons, however, I have no issue with gifs/icons or even iconless accounts.
ETIQUETTE: Please don’t leave me on read. I understand if you’re no longer feeling the conversation or plot; I just ask you come to me and let me know. I have no problem dropping a thread – I just hate waiting for a reply, and not knowing if it’ll ever come or not. You also don’t have to match my length. Let’s just agree to make the same amount of effort; if my replies are too long just let me know and I can match you. No stress.
MEMES: Like everything else, memes are mutuals only. However, if you’re a mutual you can send as many sentence starters, memes as you’d like there is literally no limit, please don’t feel shy.
FOLLOWING: I tend to follow an account for around 24-hours, or until I see activity, if the person hasn't followed by then I usually unfollow no hard feelings! I just don't follow people who don't follow back because at the end of the day this is a rp account.
GODMODDING: Godmodding is taking control of another player's character during rp. It's frowned upon and with good reason: you only control your character and no one else's.
REPLIES: I rarely reply instantly, just because I work part-time and I'm also studying. So everything goes into the queue. So it may take a few days for it to be posted. If I haven't responded in 3+ days feel free to message me, especially since tumblr can be glitchy I just might not have seen your reply or know I'm tagged in something.
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✘ Basic
Name. Ian Rogers (Zola) Alias. Nomad Age. mid-late 20s (main), younger on request Species. Human, mutate Origin. Dimension Z Parents. Arnim Zola (biological father), Mary Zola (biological mother), Steve Rogers (adopted father) and Sharon Carter (adopted mother) Identity. Secret Citizenship. Zolandia
✘ Indepth
Created in Dimension Z by Arnim Zola for an as of yet unknown purpose, Ian was rescued from his test tube by Captain America and was thought by his "father" to be dead. He and Cap were captured by the locals of the dimension, the Phrox, and were sent to be executed because they were thought to be servants of Zola. Ian was put on a chopping block, but Cap was able to break free of his shackles and managed to save Ian, being quickly struck down by the tribe's leader later. A member of the tribe took pity on them and begged their leader to let them live, saying that Cap didn't serve Zola because he had seen him fight his minions shortly before they captured them for trespassing. Their leader grudgingly agreed to let them live. Eleven years later, he and Cap were still trapped in Dimension Z. After a battle between Captain America and Ian against Zola's army, Captain America was blasted off a cliff by Zola's daughter, Jet Black, and Ian was taken to Zola. Ian refused to serve Zola, but was brainwashed to hate Cap and love the will of Zola. Ian fell into Zola's bio-mass tank, which contained the same material Zola used to make him. Since it was coded to regenerate, Ian was healed from Sharon's attack. After Cap and Jet Black left Dimension Z, he acquired Captain Zolandia's shield and began leading the Phrox against Zola's Mutates along with Sharon, who raised him like a mother. Legends of him grew and he became known as a Nomad: a man with no name, no face, and no home. During one of their raids at Zola's fortress, Sharon apparently died, but was actually captured. Nomad later resurfaced in search of his adopted father so that they could stop Zola and his invading army from conquering New York City. After a long struggle, Captain America succeeded in breaking Ian's terrible brainwash as well, making him finally realise that Cap was the good one and Zola only wanted to conquer. During this reunion, however, Ian was shot through the throat by the newly arrived Sharon Carter, who thought Ian was a threat to Cap. Many think Ian died; however he survived, and is ready to stop Hydra for good.
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✘ Verses
v: man out of dimension (main)
Based on Earth 616, follows mostly comic book canon with a few teaks
Most people in Ian's life think he died trying to take down Hydra, only a few know he survived. Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and a few higher ups at S.H.I.E.LD. Currently Ian's working cases, as well as fighting alongside Sam. He goes by the alias of Nomad. He has a reason for not wanting to tell his parents his alive and it has everything to do with Zola and the people who left behind.
v: stuck in another world (MCU)
Ian fell through the cracks, so Doctor Strange is not aware that he is from the multiverse
When Doctor Strange's spell goes awry, people from the multiverse are transported to the marvel cinematic universe Ian is one of them. Not knowing anything about the world; Ian is in search of Sam Wilson, the only person he believes he can trust.
v: stuck in no mans land
This verse is selective, and is used on occasion.
Ian is still stuck in Dimension Z, his father is gone and he's on the run from Zola just trying to survive while also running a resistance against the evil dictator. (in this verse Ian is 16-18-years-old.)
v; take on me (the last of us au)
This universe is completely separate from marvel and takes place in the last of us universe
Ian is a recently defected Fedra agent, turned Firefly. Ian joined Fedra to try and be of service after losing his parents and not knowing if he sister (who he hasn't seen in years) was alive. He had felt aimless and wanted a purpose in life. However it became increasingly clear that Fedra could not be trusted. That was when he defected to the Fireflies, because he realised it was the only way to take them down.
v; chasing cars (greys au)
This universe is completely separate from marvel and takes place in the greys anatomy universe.
Ian is a resident at Greys Solan Memorial hospital -- he's backstory is this: his father was a gang leader; who was abusive towards his mother. After falling pregnant she ran away; however ended up dying in child birth. Sharon, her mother's childhood friend, and her husband Steve ended up stepping forward and agreed to raise Ian as he didn't have any other living family and he couldn't be put back into his father's care.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
Okay, Maybe We're Not Just Friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KgFuXLf
by finnfinny
     Going into civilian life after winning their pardons provided opportunities to do things they could’ve done if not for the war: get jobs they’re passionate about, make some new friends, restart their dating lives, confess your love to your best friend since they were seven, be a general disappointment to every politician in the States, cool stuff. Even cooler is getting some time to explore that sexual compatibility with some certain friends and exes they’ve made here in new Brooklyn.
AKA, a steamy spinoff fic of my other fic that I had so much fun with and put effort and soul into writing despite it getting fewer interactions compared to all the low-effort quick and easy stuff I publish here, no shade. You don't need to read the OG fic to understand this one, but you can read it if you want: (link)
Words: 10750, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Marvel Superhero Fucking Fics
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Original Trans Character(s), Original Male Character(s) of Color, Original Characters
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Original Male Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Male Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Epilogue, Post-Canon, (my canon), Nomad Steve Rogers, Unpatriotic Stucky, (aka the real Steve & Bucky not the propaganda versions they unfortunately get merged with), Boxer Bucky Barnes, Trans Steve Rogers, Artist Steve Rogers, Engineer Bucky Barnes, Vers Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Bucky Barnes, Top Trans Man OC, Vers Bi Guy OC, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Group Sex, Foursome, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Exes, Friends With Benefits, Soulmates, Messy Gay Situationship but it has been mostly resolved now, (read the OG fic if you wanna see the mess)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KgFuXLf
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theshijlegacy · 5 years
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This is what happens when I haven’t created a new toon in a while and something like the Impulsive Adventurer set shows up on the Cartel Market.
Nomad Steve is on Star Forge and is a Scrapper Scoundrel - for all your (Space) Nazi punching needs.  Will definitely be a Do The Right Thing guy, probably a Lana romancer.
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chaotictasha · 2 years
Incorrect quotes #85
Y/n: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Steve: I wake up at 4:30 AM y/n.
Y/n: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
[a/n: if it is for Nomad Cap, i would wake up at 3.30 in the morning and stare at him until he's awake.... I know it seems creepy but he's fine af 😩]
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Autumnal (6) - Snippet (2)
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Summary: Two years after the people returned from the blip you find yourself searching for your purpose in life.
Ship: Nomad!Steve x fem!Reader
Characters: OC Steven jr., OC Natasha Y/N and Oreo the dog
Warnings: fluff, daddy Steve, pregnancy, general cuteness
Solitude masterlist
<< Part 5
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“Stevie, look at all the colorful leaves,” you squeal as your favorite season finally arrived. Well, you like all seasons but fall always held a special place in your heart. It’s almost magical to you that from one day to another, the leaves turn from green to orange, brown, and yellow. “Fall is here.” While your eyes follow a falling leaf, Steve tries to get your attention.
“Watch out,” Steve calls for you but it’s too late. Your dog jumps at you, making you stumble and fall into the pile of leaves behind you. “Doll are you okay?” he snorts as you helplessly wiggle on top of the pile. “Did you get hurt?”
“Stop laughing, Steve,” you grumble as he crouches down to easily lift you. “That was your plan all along, wasn’t it? You wanted to get your dirty hands on me, Sir.”
“Y/N, did you get hurt,” he hurriedly makes his way toward the house to bring you inside. “Talk to me, doll. Doesn’t anything hurt?”
“Steve, I’m fine. Maybe my butt got dirty…I mean my pants and the coat got dirty,” you giggle as Steve carefully places you onto the couch as if you are a precious Chinese vase. “The leaves saved my butt.”
“Baby doll, you are three months pregnant,” he huffs as you prefer watching your children play in front of the fireplace. They are giggling and laugh while playing with their favorite toys. “Steve jr., Natasha Y/N, come here.”
“DADDY!” your three years old twins get up to run toward their father. Each of them immediately hugs one of his long legs, while looking at you, a big grin coloring their features. “Can we have a cat too? Uncle Tony said he’s good a whole room full of kittens.”
You choke on air as your husband looks at you with wide eyes. His mouth falls open and he tries to find his voice. “I think you got this wrong, bud,” Steve stammers. He doesn’t want to explain to his children his friend was talking about a different kind of kitten.
“Steve, he can’t say stuff like that in front of our kids,” you tut. “Tony Stark is a bad influence. He’ll not get an invitation to the next barbecue if he won’t stop talking about…kittens.”
“He went a little overboard since Pepper left him…again,” your husband gives you a cracked smile. “I think they are close to fixing things. No more kittens.”
“Mommy, but I want a kitten,” your daughter lets go of her father’s leg to make her way toward you. “We can have one, right? Uncle Bucky got a nice cat too.”
“We already have a dog, baby girl,” Steve tries to convince his children to stop begging for another pet, “and we will have another baby soon.”
“I bet they want a cat too,” your son glances at your belly, furrowing his brows. He pinches the bridge of his nose to find a way to make you see, they need a cat. “Right, daddy?”
“Steven jr.,” you laugh as your husband struggles to not give in. Both of your children pout and whine, all the while looking up at him with big wet eyes. “No.”
“Please daddy…please…please,” Natasha Y/N begs. “Uncle Bucky said he’ll give us one of the kittens. Alpine got so many kittens and they all look like fluffy snowballs.”
“Steve,” you sigh deeply as your children tear up. It’s only a matter of time before they start to cry. All you can do is to distract them for a while. “How about we go for a little walk with the kids and Oreo?”
“I still can’t believe we named our dog Oreo,” Steve laughs as your dog sit next to him, looking up at your husband. “Don’t look at me that way. It wasn’t my idea to name you after a cookie.”
“Oreo is as sweet as my cookies,” your son grumbles. It was his idea to name your dalmatian Oreo and he won’t have anyone make fun of his dog’s name. “Can we name the kitten snowball or snowflake?”
“We haven’t decided on getting a kitten yet, bud. Let’s go for a walk and we will see…”
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“Look, mommy,” your daughter shows you all the colorful leaves she collected. “More for my collection. Can we make another crown with them?”
“We will craft something nice for you, baby girl,” you softly say. “You collected a lot of beautiful leaves.”
“Daddy said we can have a cat,” running toward you, Steve’s phone clutched to his chest Steven jr. giggles as you glare at Steve. He gave in once again. “Look, Uncle Bucky sent us more pictures of Alpine and her kittens.”
“Steve,” you take the phone out of your son’s hands, ready to say no to your kids for the first time but then, your eyes land on the pictures. “Aw, look at them. I like the fluffy one to the left.” You swoon and your children look up at you in awe. “Stevie, can we have two? I mean, I can’t decide.”
“Two?” Steve watches your kids get on the couch to crowd you and the phone in your hands. They sit next to you to look at the pictures Bucky sent to your husband. “Doll, we can’t have…”
“Please Stevie,” this time you whine. You lost your heart to the kittens and now, you want to adopt two. “We have so much space. Let’s give them a good home. You took me in too.”
“You’re my favorite stray kitten,” he stands behind you to glance at the pictures, sighing as he already knows. He got outnumbered once again. “Fine, let’s call Bucky. We will take two in…”
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Tags in reblog.
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SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 112
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Welcome to Week 112
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community. 💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
My Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you are reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​ & header by me
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Chrome & Leather - Chp 3 - (Steve x Reader, Billy x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie​​​​
Need You Now - (Dean x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie​
Got your back - (Dean x Reader) - @tarithenurse​​​​
Frank Adler Drabble - @fluffycutecevans​​​
Covet - (Bucky x Reader) - @labella420​
Scared Kitten (5) - @holylulusworld​​​
No - (Steve x Reader) - @wayward-blonde​
No One Touches My Girl - (Bucky x Reader) - @bucky-barnes-diaries​​​
Wet - (Ari x Reader) - @labella420​
HEY CAPTAIN - Chp 4 - (Steve x OC) - @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters​​​
Through the Mirrorverse (5) - @ironlady1993​
Falcon? - @writercole​​​
Wrapped Around Him - (Bucky x Reader) - @angrythingstarlight​​
Once Upon a Time - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Bait - (Clint x Reader) - @writercole​​
Happy ending - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan​​
Re-United (5) - @holylulusworld​​
The Keep Pile - (Ransom x Reader) - @drabblewithfrannybarnes​​
Exposed - (Ransom x Reader) - @drabblewithfrannybarnes​​
Two Bossed Part 9 - (Steve x Reader, Ransom x Reader) - @labella420
Rock 'n' Roll People, In A Disco World - @wiypt-writes​​
Wore Me Down - @writercole​​
Picture Me Givin’ a Damn - (Mr Freezy x Reader) - @the-iceni-bitch​​
Period Comfort - (Steve, Sam, Bucky) - @1000night
Take Me Away - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Spice It Up - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog​
Nomad Steve goes home to teach you not to touch what’s his - @christywantspizza​
Clingy Kitten (6) - @holylulusworld​
Is it Really Murder? - @hollybee8917​
Say the word and it’s yours - (Bucky x Reader) - @angrythingstarlight​
Miss Velvet - Chp 9 - (Bucky x Reader) - @missvelvetsstuff​
Heaven (won’t) Help You - Part 8 - (Bucky x Reader) - @musingsinmoonlight​
91 notes · View notes
sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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Here we go again bby's 💞 my first fic rec list of 2022! As always please make sure you check the warnings for each individual fic before reading. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ and the majority of these fics contain adult themes. 
Once again the talent of these people is awe inspiring and I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did! And remember to reblog and give them some love ✨
*indicates a series/multi part fic
Steve Rogers ✨
*After the rain by @sweetlyscared
King!Steve Rogers x Princess!Reader
Rough hands by @cockslut-padalecki
Steve Rogers x F!Avenger!Reader
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18
Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
*Where it stays by @tuiccim
Nomad Steve x Enhanced Reader
Eve's apple by @bonky-n-steeb
best friend’s dad! alpha! steve rogers x omega! reader
Bucky Barnes ✨
*Delicate edges by @wkemeup
Bucky x reader
A few too many by @soldatsass
Bucky x reader
Can't have you by @lavendercitizen
Sugar Daddy!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Listen to me, not just my words but @bloomingbucky
avenger!bestfriend!bucky x female avenger!reader
*Bride of soldat by @vampy-doll
Bucky Barnes x reader
False reality by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Bucky Barnes x reader
Dream come true by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Bucky Barnes x reader
You say it first by @jobean12-blog
Bucky x reader (Beefy!Bucky- enemies to lovers)
Crave by @bonky-n-steeb
dad’s bestfriend! bucky x reader
*Ronly friends by @metalbuckaroo
Roommate!Bucky x Camgirl!Reader
Notam by @gogolucky13
cult leader!Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Sore loser by @buckyhoney
bucky barnes x reader
Yes ma'am by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Bucky Barnes x Reader/OC unnamed
*Your filthy heart by @sweeterthanthis
Stepdad!Bucky x 18+F!Reader
*Soul tie by @jobean12-blog
Bucky x reader (Beefy!Hairtie!Bucky)
Pretty neighbor by @strwbrrybucky
dilf!neighbor!bucky x reader
Good evening by @sgt-seabass
Soft!Dark!Chubby!Bucky x Reader
*Appointments by @buckycuddlebuddy
tfatws!bucky barnes x reader
Nick Fowler ✨
Lie to me by @navybrat817
softdark!nick Fowler x female reader
Sam Wilson ✨
Surprise by @musingsinmoonlight
Sam Wilson x female reader
Darkside by @musingsinmoonlight
Mob boss!Sam Wilson x Female Reader
Lee Bodecker ✨
Heat of the moment by @gogolucky13
alpha!Lee Bodecker x omega!f!Reader
Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson & Thor ✨
Four men and a wedding by @musingsinmoonlight
Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Sam Wilson x Thor Odinson x female reader
Ransom Drysdale ✨
Holy water cannot save you now by @jamalflanagan
Antichrist!Ransom x black!reader
One more secret by @cockslut-padalecki
Stepdad!Ransom x Stepdaughter!Reader
Late night snack by @wakingbeauty
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Andy Barber & Ransom Drysdale & Ari Levinson
*Necessary arrangements by @stargazingfangirl18
Andy Barber x Fem!Reader; Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader; Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Ari Levinson ✨
Keep quiet by @christywantspizza
Neighbor!Ari Levinson x Reader
All I want for Christmas is you by @jamalflanagan
CEO!Ari Levinson x black!reader
Let's be us again by @chrissquares
Ari Levinson x Reader
Andy Barber ✨
On the naughty list by @the-iceni-bitch
neighbor!Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Steve Rogers & Andy Barber ✨
Geminus noctum by @sweetlyscared
Vampire!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader x Vampire!Andy Barber
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes ✨
*Under the mistletoe by @the-iceni-bitch
dilf!Steve Rogers x tattoo artist!fem Reader x Bucky Barnes
Mickey Henry ✨
Alive by @navybrat817
Mickey Henry x female reader
Andy Barber & Jake Jensen ✨
*The lesson by @river-soul
Alpha!Andy x Fem Omega!Reader x Beta!Jake
343 notes · View notes