#oc: milly chase
xoteajays · 1 year
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milly chase + just friends
not friends. no, we're somewhere in between 'cause you're awful and i miss you and i killed you in my dream last night.
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syaolaurant · 2 months
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Stumbled upon a very funny conversation today so I needed to draw them hahahaa....
The ROR is absolutely chaotic right now and I'd love to draw mini comics featuring all my favorite MCs who already participated in the sleepover event.
Milena Chase and Mousey @sparxyv
Chris Mongrel @diana-bluewolf
Clora Clemons @choccy-milky
Millie Claire @the-ozzie (Millie hasn't joined yet but I'd love to draw her next to Clora :"D)
And here's a sneak peak of upcoming MCs ~~~
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enteringdullsville · 8 months
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‘24 was alright, but it’s definitely the Action to ‘23’s Island; stuck having to continue a tough act to follow.
I know I’m skipping Pahkitew Island (and to a lesser extent World Tour) to get to this, but I have a lot of ideas for what I want (but don’t at all expect) for a third season.
First the elephants in the room, the newbies. Assuming season three is full length, 18 contestants is seems like a good cast size. Nick, labeled “The Know-It-All”, is like an unholy cross between Sierra and Dave: He’s seen every episode of this show fifteen times…and he’s already regretting attending. He’s actually an online critic who made the vital mistake of pissing off Chris in front of millions of his (Nick’s) viewers, prompting Chris to personally reach out to invite him onto the show. The fact Nick’s an in-universe character means he’s a lot more fair to the contestants than most fans and critics would be, but he’s still incredibly caustic to everyone with a pulse (and also Scary Girl). Felicity, labeled “The Gamer Junky” combines Sam’s interests and Lindsay’s demeanor…which I guess is just Kitty. More or less the pain magnet for the first half of the season (Damien takes over partway through), Felicity’s a moderately famous streamer with a rapier wit and is almost as athletic and coordinated as Tyler. She’s more straightforwardly a fan of the show, that’s why Chris picked her, but given that her team is a ticking time bomb, she’s gonna hafta work fast.
The teams consist of the Hiding Snakes (Nick, Damien, Julia, MK, Wayne, Raj, Priya, Millie, and Caleb) and the Feral Kittens (Felicity, Nichelle, Bowie, Emma, Zee, Chase, Ripper, Axel, and Lauren).
Episode 1. The cast is dragged kicking and screaming back to wherever the season takes place. Wawanakwa again? The abandoned movie lot? Boney Island? Who knows, but they don’t have to worry about it, since the challenge is solely for the new duo to pick their teams by collecting golden statuettes of the cast. Maybe it is an Action Sequel.
Episode 2. Nick and Felicity both have their work cut out for them. In one corner is Nick, who has to put up with Julia/MK vs Priya and also everyone on his team not named Wayne. On the other corner is Felicity, who has the misfortune of being caught up in a popularity contest: now that Ripper and Axel are dating, Chase feels he and Zee have been left in the dust (Zee has no clue what’s happening), leaving Chase and Axel to bicker endlessly throughout the challenge. Meanwhile, Emma’s finally taking her opportunity to patch things up with Bowie, who himself is more preoccupied with Scary Girl, who’s taking her loss last season about as well as Courtney did in Island. The absurdity of Ripper being forced to play the voice of reason is not lost on him, but it doesn’t save him from elimination by Felicity, Nichelle, Emma, and Bowie to make the arguing stop. I didn’t want to eliminate him so soon, but he made it halfway through two seasons, so it had to be done.
Episode 3. So it turns out sending the one guy keeping Axel in check and Chase from accidentally killing everything packing was not Felicity’s best idea. Feli and Niche bond over poor game decisions (and the fact the latter’s career is starting to pick back up helps too), while Emma and Bowie are now on speaking terms again. Speaking of which, Emma tries to sic Lauren on Chase (he’s voted her off twice now), giving a recap of all the reckless and insane stuff he’s done. Gotta get rid of your distractions while you can. Unfortunately for Ms. People Person, Lauren was nicknamed “Reckless and Insane Girl” before signing up and the two surprisingly hit it off. MEANWHILE BACK AT THE LAB Nick picks up where Bowie left off and commandeers Julia and MK’s cheating skills for the team, much to Priya’s chagrin. Caleb grows worried about Priya’s mental state, but Millie, determined not to screw herself over again, goes with everything she says without question. In the end, Zee goes home, still hopelessly confused about why everyone’s fighting, but at least avoiding any major social gaffes. It’s a good thing he and Ripper merged twice, otherwise I’d really feel like scum.
Episode 4. This one’s a breather, but we don’t have to tell them that. Nick for the first time is divided over his role as a contestant and as a critic. As a contestant, he knows it’s best to keep Julia, Priya, Wayne, and Caleb as close to him as possible (and pats himself on the back for acing the team picking challenge), but as a critic he doesn’t particularly want to keep them around, especially Julia and Priya who pulled a Gweathuncanoey and have stuck around for two seasons in their entirety. He also kinda wants MK and Julia to become an item. On the flip side, since Emma introduced Chase to his demented new bestie, he’s gotten even more crazy himself and spends the entire challenge locked in a dare contest with Nichelle. Emma and Bowie watch on in amusement to take the latter’s mind off of being separated from Raj, while Axel reminisces about simpler times when she was an early boot. Caleb and Millie continue their power quartet with Damien (who has taken it upon himself to start lugging a first aid kit every he goes) and Priya, whose fuse grows shorter than Eva’s.
Episode 5. Caleb should probably know better than to make deals behind Priya’s back by this point, but it’s her own fault for sharing the Bow’s taste in men. Since the final four of the previous season (and also Damien) are all on the same team, Lauren makes her first strategistical move now that she knows the group’s biggest fears. MK proves to be a tougher nut to crack, however, building on the two’s interactions in the 24 finale. Axel and Chase have entered “Cold War” territory and are both trying to gather allies. Emma and Bowie are a given (although the latter can’t promise anything), and Chase has Scary, but Felicity and Nichelle are anyone’s game. Not that it really matters though, since that deal I mentioned was for The Boys (TM) to vote Caleb out, since he doesn’t want to hold Priya back anymore. Priya is crushed, Julia is laughing hysterically, and Damien’s salty that nobody voted him off when he was literally asking for it. I didn’t want to give him the Gwen/Ezekiel treatment where he’s the lowest member of two teams, especially since it means he’s 16th again, but here we are. Curse my impartiality!
Episode 6. Knowing Priya’s going to stick around as long as she has allies, Julia and MK start gunning for Millie, hoping she slips up eventually. Nick, however, secretly chooses to plot against the duo, even though MK is his favorite character from this season, because honestly, who would you pick as an ally? Meanwhile, the Kitty Kold War’s come to a boiling point with Nichelle and Felicity’s votes up for grabs. Bowie’s been on Team Axel, but after suffering a migraine all day decides to join the two wildcards. In the end however, Wayne genuinely asks Axel and Chase why they’re even arguing to begin with. Realizing that Ripper’s already gone by this point, they decide to cooperate this one time…a decision that sends poor Wayne right to the losers’ circle. I wanted to see how long I could keep the Hockey Bros around before I had to eliminate the one who lasted longer last season. At least he still has his sick awesome two buses.
Episode 7. Did somebody say “reward challenge”? With the teams even for the first time since the second episode, the two have to wrangle up old contestants scattered across the lot (I decided this will be the Action reboot), and appropriately it’s the three most frustrating contestants to track down: Shawn for the Kittens (much to zombie slayer Axel’s delight), Dawn for the Snakes (much to tiny Tsundere MK’s horror), and for a bonus, Ezekiel (who Chris has “procrastinated a bit” on retrieving). This one’s more or less an excuse for character growth, so that’s why I’m describing the challenge in a little more detail. Anywho, Dawn, Shawn, and the one whose name doesn’t rhyme are all caught, the Kittens winning. And MK’s secrets are totally safe and not revealed to the public at all. In other news, Dawn and Shawn both want off the lot immediately after finding out Scary Girl’s still on it.
Episode 8. (Sotto Voce) I’m gonna have to eliminate a girl sooner or later. Anywho, the Cold War arc has finally cooled down since even Axel can’t stay mad forever and Chase is too narcissistic to hold a grudge. With the merge coming up, Felicity requests Nichelle train her since her leadership skills can only get her so far at this point. Priya and Millie are taking the opportunity to relax since Julia and MK are still awkward about the secret crush I totally lied about earlier. Maybe they’ll get together, maybe they won’t…but Nick ensures they totally do, if only because he refuses to let his OTP sink…at least not before he takes the opportunity to eliminate MK, who’s both a bigger social threat and less of a physical aid at the moment. I think she’s made it far enough for me not to have to explain her elimination in detail.
Episode 9. With Julia out of allies, she’s gotta either guarantee her team wins, bribe Chris into throwing in another immunity idol, or make one of her teammates look less desirable than her. In unrelated news, Raj is still missing Wayne after I cruelly tore the two apart. Axel’s now in on Nichelle and Felicity’s alliance, meaning Emma and Bowie have to get in their good books before Scary Girl (she’s still plenty mad at him) does what Fang does best. Try as the noble Priyanka and Millicent may, Julia manages to play up Raj’s misery to get Nick and Damien (in a moment of weakness) to vote him off. For whom Raj himself voted, I didn’t think too hard about, but the Snakes are sucking for a team with four different finalists on it. Oh, and Bowie is pissed. TOTAL DRAMA BOMB!
Episode 10. In the final pre merge episode, not much occurs. That dang moon from All-Stars is making Lauren act strange, even by her own standards, and not in a productive way. Bowie throws caution into the wind and goes all out in trying to make sure Julia goes home (don’t have to tell them twice), making Emma realize how tiring it is to have to play damage control to someone else’s revenge schemes. Nichelle takes charge, refusing to get eliminated before the merge again, while Chase gets everything on film. By this point, Millie’s competent enough to single-handedly win this for her team, and also by this point, Scary’s freaked enough people to get voted out. Of course, this isn’t the last we’ll see of her…because she ran off before Chef could apprehend her.
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We now interrupt this program to bring you this picture of Team Victory I drew for a follow up to my iconic TDWT/Jellystone animatic. I wasn’t feeling like making a whole video, but I kept the boarded first shot anyway.
Episode 11. Chris has dissolved the teams for one purpose: catch Scary Girl before she tries to reenact the events of Scarlett Fever. To make a long freaking story short, they apprehend her…and Chris decides to go the Dakota route and give her a promotion…to tertiary third host…meaning she has the means to cause even more mayhem. And no, Chase, that doesn’t mean you get to submit challenge ideas.
Episode 12. It’s Scary’s first day on the new job, but Chris insists she “sTaRt SmAlL”. The girls’ alliance approaches Nick, partially to build their numbers but also because Felicity feels it’s only fair she at least tries to build a friendship with the other rookie player. He agrees, but only if he can bring Damien (his best friend on the island and his second favorite character). Bowie and Emma take their chance to get rid of two birds with one stone, since Priya and Julia now have nothing stopping them from maiming each other. And maim, maim, maim they do, since (as you could probably guess by how I highlighted their names), they both get sent packing! Did I deliberately hold off on voting them out solely so they’d reach the merge a third time? Yes. Did I do this because having them be proper enemies instead of rivals like in 23 was entertaining? Yes. Did I also do this to piss off the people complaining they (read: mostly Priya) had too much screen time? YES! Do I love making this fan base cry? You tell me.
Episode 13. Against his alliance’s better judgment, Nick tries to edge Bowie back into active villainy, realizing too late he’s prioritized competent gameplay over plot by getting rid of the main conflict. Unbeknownst to him, Millie has her sights on him, correctly viewing his alleged alliance as suspicious, not to mention him turning against MK a few episodes back. Damien suffers from a terrible disease called “having Scary Girl in your general vicinity”, and to add figurative insult to literal injury has to deal with Chase trying to befriend him at her request. Luckily for everyone, it’s a reward challenge for the final eight.
Episode 14. Nick may have awakened a monster. Trying to stir up drama again, he decides it’s a great idea to set Lauren on Emma, claiming A: that it’s the best way to get his attention, and B: that only she gets to cause him harm. Feeling genuine emotions of protection for the first time in her life, she does all she can to make Emma suffer (even though the latter genuinely doesn’t care what Chase does at this point and is willing to be polite if he doesn’t pull anything). Millie and Bowie put aside their differences to stake out Nick, but of course Bowie has other plans. The girls’ alliance continues to serve and oh would you look at that, Emma’s gone because she’s canonically rich anyway and Scary’s not gonna let up while she’s still on the island. I could’ve made her elimination not Chase related. But I didn’t. Emma deserves better, but this is Total Drama, where we don’t even remotely give a crap.
Episode 15. Bowie’s out of allies and Scary’s still after him, so now he really needs to keep Millie close, and what better way is there than to break up an alliance? Nick’s more than a little suspicious about Millie’s sudden investment about everything he does, prompting Bowie to claim she’s in love with him and can’t communicate it. Nick is doubtful, but the idea behind planted in his mind causes him to catch feelings. Damien, being Nick’s confidant and feeling guilty about how he indirectly screwed Priya and Caleb (and also Zee) last season concerning their romance arc, tries to steer him away from her. Axel and Scary bond a little when they trick out the Sling of Shame, and by that I of course mean they accidentally break it in half. Chris already sold the Drone of Despair, so let’s call this one a draw.
Episode 16. Bowie, now fully back in the groove of things, tries to drive a wedge between Nick and the rest of his alliance, while Nick has some delicious angst over what he should do about his budding feelings, knowing full well that Bowie’s lying to him but failing to realize Millie wants him gone. Felicity pops up for the first time in a while, which in Island would mean she’s going home next (let’s imagine she won immunity last episode) but here means the girls’ alliance goes through its first rough patch when Axel, who’s long since taken over as leader, tests Felicity’s resolve. Unfortunately for Axel, Millie, Bowie, Damien, and Nick view her signature brand of tough love out of context and drop her like Ripper’s parents dropped him.
Episode 17. Ten episodes left and a lucky number seven contestants remain. Chris tells the kids (or are they 18 by now?) upfront that today’s a reward challenge, the prize being a FaceTime with the eliminated contestants. Millie, still wanting answers, and Bowie, wanting to see Raj again, immediately dissolve their alliance. Everyone tries (except Chase, who had a phone the entire time and got to keep it three seasons in a row by not being as obvious as Julia was), but Millie comes out on top, ultimately learning about Nick’s alliance…and his crush. She has the decency to let Raj and Wayne say hi to Bowie. Chase learns something, too…
Episode 18. Nick decides Bowie’s more trouble than he’s worth, but rather than just telling everyone to vote him off (which he predictably finds overused), he decides to play a game of “show, but don’t tell”. So using that as the episode title. He immediately decides to play this on hard mode with the two remaining contestants who have the least amount of beef with him: the fangirl Felicity and the airheaded Chase. Surprisingly, this actually works and Bowie gets sent home, Nick realizing he doesn’t have to rely on others to make drama for him. Millie sees what he’s doing but is confused about his slightly convoluted methods, not helped by Nick’s complete and utter failure to explain himself, by this point completely smitten. Damien notices that Nick’s popularity is fading and decides to lie low for a bit rather than betray him or risk being associated with him.
Episode 19. Reward challenge time? With only Millie, Felicity, Nichelle, Chase, Damien, and himself left, Nick seriously considers playing the main villain. Chase is the odd man out, lacking any sort of alliance and still having sort of a target on his back, but he doesn’t seem too concerned. Millie struggles to approach Nick without breaking his heart, since while he isn’t really her ally, he hasn’t really done much to wrong her. After all, he’s a better partner than opponent.
Episode 20. Every villain has their nemesis, and Nick was not expecting it to be Chase of all people, but Chase outs him before Millie can. Damien sticks by Nick (in silence of course, because he’s still friends with Nichelle and to a lesser extent Felicity), but Millie’s conflicted. Nonetheless, Nichelle and Felicity start gunning for him, breaking up the alliance, and they would’ve gotten away with it too, if Chris didn’t remember sudden death challenges exist. Millie has the misfortune of finishing last and is sent home, but not before she decides to just ask him out, figuring she doesn’t have anything to lose at this point.
Episode 21. Notice a pattern? It’s another reward challenge! Scary Girl’s been in a rut lately, and the challenges have grown dull, so Chris has brought in many of TD’s most terrifying beasts, mutants included back on to spice things up a bit. Even the Dakotazoid returns, half the size she was before but now sporting wings for some reason. I guess mutations evolve. Chase chooses now to start caring about other people, but because it’s Chase it’s doomed to backfire horribly, given that it gives Lauren a wonderfully wicked idea…
Episode 22. …that involves locking people in closets. Specifically Chris and Chef. Scary Girl’s the host today and she’s back and more terrifying than ever. Nick, Nichelle, Felicity, and Chase put aside their differences (not that Felicity ever had issues with any of them) when the challenge becomes “Stop Lauren”. Aaaand now I realize Scarlett Fever was probably recycled from the scrapped episode where Dakota hosted the show after locking Chris and Chef in a closet herself. Anywho, Chase is fired on the spot for starting this whole mess…right before Scary kisses him, resigns, hops on the sling with him, declaring him her “boyfriend for eternity”. Chase has only half a second to process what the freshwater frick just happened before getting flung away.
Episode 23. Can you tell I’m getting tired? Only four remain, split between two alliances who used to be part of a greater one. Nick assures the others it’s nothing personal before things can start. Things happen, hijinks ensue, interns are mauled, but it’s ultimately Nichelle who crosses the finish line last. Better 4th than 12th or 14th. On that note, now we all know Felicity’s gonna be a finalist.
Episode 24. Nick and Damien part ways somewhat amicably, Nick knowing it was bound to happen eventually.
Episode 25. One final breather episode: this one’s just a big pre finale party! Really, the only thing the contestants need to worry about are Chase diving into the cake, Wayne and Raj freezing the pool, and Julia and MK doing their darnedest to bring the mood down.
Episode 26. A simple, no frills finale…is what I’d say if Chris hadn’t brought back every finalist the show has had (including Ezekiel, ostensibly because he got the TDWT prize money, but mostly to squeeze some mayhem in before Zeke’s first therapy meeting), in particular Priya, Bowie, Millie, Wayne, Julia, and Caleb. Damien vs Felicity vs Nick, battle of the nerds! Three go in…one comes out.
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mutuals may interact, do not reblog
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deathzy · 1 year
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Ist the day so…
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Yeah didn’t do much since I gotten stress from something but I did something ^^
Reblogs are appreciated!!
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cetaitlaverite · 3 months
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
masterlist is here <3
34. Two Swans in A Pond
Upon his return to RAF Thorpe Abbotts, Rosie was first greeted by shock and then by jubilation. The news spread like wildfire, because one moment he was being driven peacefully through the gate and being greeted by whoever was around and the next he was being chased by what seemed like everyone on base.
“There he is! He made it!”
“Welcome back, Major!”
“Major Rosenthal made it!”
The cheers were filled with wonder, with surprised joy that he was here and alive. Rosie’s eyebrows furrowed as he smiled and returned the greetings, wondering whether any of his crew had made it back yet, wondering why none of them had managed to get word back that they’d bailed. Then again, he guessed even if they had the other guys wouldn’t know whether he got out or not; he’d been the last one out.
Rosie smiled as the jeep slowed to a stop. Already, as he was still climbing out, he was shaking hands and receiving pats on the back, greeting people warmly while trying his best to keep his sprained arm out of the way, but his attention was only half on the men welcoming him back. The other half was searching for Freddie.
She wasn’t here. Maybe she was working. But surely someone would have told her that he was back. Surely, someone would have thought to let her know as soon as the news started to spread.
“Rosie!” exclaimed Croz as he pushed through the crowd.
“Croz!” Rosie called back. He readily accepted a hug and a friendly pat on the back, and all of Croz’s exclamations of how happy he was to see Rosie alive and well, before he finally had to cut across him. “Croz, you seen Fred? Where is she?”
Croz faltered. His face fell. He wrestled with words for a moment, his mouth opening and closing as he repeatedly started to say something and then stopped. He lifted a hand to his forehead, pushing back a stray lock of hair, but he was saved from having to explain when two female voices, louder than all the rest, cut across him.
It was Millie and Jem, sprinting across the airfield to get to Rosie, shouting his name in a strange mixture of joy and desperation.
“Hey,” Rosie greeted them both as they slowed to a stop at his side.
“You’re alive,” Millie said, clearly out of breath.
“I am,” Rosie confirmed, his smile strained. Had they really all thought he was dead? Hadn’t anyone looked for parachutes?
“You’re alive,” Jem repeated, giving him a gentle but fierce shove. Her words emerged as an accusation, almost.
“Where’s Fred?” Rosie all but demanded. They were all acting strange and as much as he was pleased to see them there was someone he wanted to see more.
“She’s gone home, Rosie,” Millie said harshly. “She had to go home.”
“What do you mean?” His mind was racing. His heart was thumping loudly in his ears.
“We thought you were dead,” Millie snapped. “We were sure of it. None of the other forts saw your ‘chute, they just saw you flying the plane straight while everyone else bailed out and then the plane exploding. So Freddie, she - she thought you were dead because that’s what everyone thought. And she couldn’t handle it. They sent her home.”
Rosie's hands started to tap anxiously, one against his thigh and the other against his shoulder in his sling. “What do you mean, ‘she couldn’t handle it’?” he asked. “Is she okay? Is she coming back?”
Jem’s eyes were hard. “She was throwing up blood, Rosie,” she said coldly, voice void of emotion. “For days. She wouldn’t eat anything. She’d barely drink water. And she stopped speaking. No English, no German, no nothing. We all thought you were dead.”
Millie sighed. “She just… collapsed.” She shrugged, and there was a lifeless quality to both her movement and her voice, like all of this had taken something from her, too. “So they sent her home. Formally on emergency R&R, but secretly no one was expecting her to come back.”
All four of them stood silently in the midst of all this chaos in the wake of that admission. The men still cheering Rosie on, still vying for his attention, must have sensed the change in the air, for they started to hang back, to quiet down, to give them space.
It was Jem who managed to rally into action first. Turning to Rosie, she ordered, “Go to Bennett and ask for leave. He’ll give it to you if you tell him it’s to go and see Fred - he’s the one who approved her R&R so he knows all about it. Croz, go pack some of his stuff up, get money for the train ticket. Rosie, do you know how to get to Oxford?”
“Yes,” Rosie said at once.
“Good. Millie, find a driver to take him to the train station.”
“Okay,” Millie agreed. “What will you do?”
As they all dispersed to go their separate ways, Jem grinned as she called over her shoulder, “What I do best! I’m going to steal food from the mess hall.”
Rosie was on a train to Oxford within the hour. The train to take him into London had arrived just as he’d been going through the gates - he’d made it by the width of a hair. The train from London to Oxford was much the same. One of the railway workers took pity on him, seeing him running to make it with one arm in a sling and the other weighed down by a standard issue military duffle bag, cuts and gashes still healing on his face, and held the door for him. He was still in the dirty, sweaty, ripped up flight suit he’d been wearing when he’d gone down. He must stink, he thought, as he joined a carriage of a married couple and their teenage daughter and sat as close to the door as he could manage. He’d managed to shower once on the trip back to England but there had been no other clothes for him to change into.
As soon as he saw Fred, he resolved, he would take a shower. He prayed Croz had packed him some decent clothes.
In spite of Rosie’s beaten up appearance, the woman in the train carriage smiled at him as he sat down. “On leave?” she asked politely as he pushed his bag under the seat opposite him.
“Kind of,” Rosie answered with a sheepish half-smile. “My plane went down over Germany and my girlfriend thinks I’m dead. I’m going to tell her I’m not.”
The woman’s jaw fell open. “Oh,” she said. She didn’t speak again.
Rosie sat and ate the food Jem had packed for him quietly.
He got a cab from Oxford station to Freddie’s house, and since he didn’t actually know the address he had to direct the driver based on his memories of the few times Freddie’s father had driven them all back and forth. After a few wrong turns and some trial and error, eventually Rosie recognised her street, and then they were pulling up in front of her house.
Rosie tried to tip the driver well for his services but he wouldn’t even accept money for the fare. Rosie’s thanks came pouring out of him as the man hauled his bag out of the trunk and carried it to the doorstep for him.
“Good man,” the driver said as he patted Rosie firmly on the shoulder. “Go get your girl, son.”
Rosie nodded. “I will, sir, thank you.”
The man grinned and then he was back in his car and driving away. And then, before he knew what he’d done, Rosie had knocked on the front door and retreated a step to wait for it to open.
It was Freddie’s father who answered the door. At this time of day it made sense that he wouldn’t be at work. And all he did was stare at Rosie dumbly as he held the door open, uncomprehending of the face that stared back at him.
“Hi,” Rosie said, unsure of what else to say. “I, uh -” he began, and was cut off as Felix enveloped him in a sudden, fierce hug. He was careful of the wounded arm but still held on tight, shaking his head as he muttered about how sure he and Alma had been that Rosie was dead.
“Alma,” Felix called into the house as he took a step back and allowed Rosie to step past him. “Alma, darling!”
Alma came into the living room from the kitchen, a hairbrush in her hand, at the same time as Felix and Rosie entered it from the hall. And she stopped still in her tracks instantly, a hand covering her mouth, the other dropping the hairbrush to the floor with a clatter, as she stared at him.
“Hi, Alma,” Rosie greeted softly. “Is Fred here?”
“Oh my goodness,” Alma breathed. She crossed the room in a few quick steps to wrap him up in a hug of her own. “Oh my goodness. We all thought - Wils, especially, she thought, she thinks, that -”
“I know,” Rosie told her as she released him from the hug. “I’m sorry. I was taken in by the Russians. I had no way of getting in touch and none of the other guys saw my parachute and - is Fred here?” He cut his explanations off. There was one real reason he was here and he didn’t see her, wouldn’t rest until he’d seen her.
“Yes,” Alma said. She shook her head. “Yes, she’s out in the garden, but - Rosie!” she called him back as he made to head past her. When he turned back she drew in a deep breath. “Rosie, she’s not well. She’s been… she’s just been really poorly. I hope that seeing you will make it better but she’s had a really nasty shock and I don’t know if it’ll be that easy.”
Rosie nodded. His heart was clenched tight as a fist ready to make contact with a brick wall. “I understand.”
“Be gentle with her,” Alma added. “I know you always are but I mean really gentle. She’s delicate right now. She’s not been herself.”
Again, Rosie nodded. He could hardly bear to stand here a moment longer when Freddie was so close. He’d been fighting to get back to her for two and a half weeks and there was only a room and a couple of doors between them. He’d figure the rest out after. Now, he just needed to see her.
Alma gave Rosie a wary smile and Felix patted his shoulder. That was all the cue Rosie needed to make for the kitchen and the door which led outside, his bag long forgotten on the floor behind him.
The day was cold - even for February. He’d missed Freddie’s birthday, he realised with a start. It was three days ago. His heart started to ache with every beat. He’d had all these plans for how he was going to make it special and instead he’d spent the day being transferred from army unit to army unit on the way back to England.
Freddie was sitting with her back to him at the bottom of the garden. She had a blanket draped around her shoulders which Rosie assumed one of her parents had laid over her upon finding her out here. Her hair was braided down her back.
Earnie and Bruno were at her sides, lying quietly in the grass on either side of her. Meatball, Rosie had learned in passing, was back at Thorpe Abbotts under the care of Millie and Jem.
It was Bruno who noticed him first. He lifted his head, nose to the air, and sniffed before turning his head and locking eyes with Rosie. But there was a reluctance in him to greet Rosie. The German Shepherd looked between Freddie and Rosie repeatedly, weighing his options, before finally laying his head in Freddie’s lap.
Freddie lifted a hand to lay on top of Bruno’s head but didn’t otherwise react, even when her blanket slipped off of her shoulder as a result of her movement. She was wearing Rosie’s A-2 jacket beneath the blanket.
Motionless, Freddie continued sitting there cross-legged, staring at the flowers in their beds in front of her. Red tulips. She loved tulips.
Lifting his sling over his head and tossing it to the grass beside him, Rosie came forward tentatively and crouched just behind where Bruno was laying. “Fred,” he said quietly. He wasn’t sure how to go about this without startling her.
He could only just see her face, her stare blank and fixed on the tulips.
“Fred, honey,” Rosie said again, a little louder.
She screwed her eyes tight shut and shook her head once, one jerky movement and then stillness. Her eyes remained closed but softer, now.
Cautiously, Rosie rested his hand on her back.
She flinched away from it.
“Fred, sweetheart,” Rosie told her softly, “it’s me.”
Again, she shook her head. Her entire face contorted with the strength of her frown. Her bottom lip wobbled. Earnie jumped up and started to lick at her cheek but she picked him up and sat him down in her lap to make him stop.
“Fred -”
She covered both of her ears, shaking her head over and over again. Rosie’s eyes caught on a glint of metal in the sun.
Her fake wedding ring. She was wearing the fake wedding ring he’d given to her when they spent the night in a hotel while they were on leave in London.
All at once, the magnitude of the situation hit Rosie head on, the crash of a wave at a beach which filled his mouth and eyes and nose with salt water before he’d even realised he was standing in the ocean.
Bruno started barking.
“Stop,” Freddie started mumbling, ducking her head forward. “Stop, stop, stop.” Her hands clenched tighter around her ears.
Rosie’s heart was aching as it thrummed in his chest. “Fred, my baby,” he cooed, moving to crouch in front of her instead of at her side. “Freddie, my love.” He reached out to stroke the back of her hair, willing her to look up at him. He could tell now that she thought she was imagining his voice. All he needed her to do was open her eyes.
She lifted her own hand to touch the back of her head where he was holding her and froze when she touched his fingers. Slowly, as though she was having to force them, Freddie’s eyes wrenched themselves open.
He was there, clear as day before her. A little rugged and worse for wear, with cuts on his face and messy hair, but there. But he couldn’t be there. He’d died almost three weeks ago. His plane had caught fire and he’d flown it straight and steady to let his crew bail out safely, had flown it as long as possible so they could parachute into Russian lines instead of German ones. Seven parachutes, a short pause, and then an explosion. That was what all the witnesses had said. She had cornered all of them, demanded each of them give her a detailed description of what had happened. She had made sure to leave no room for error because she’d needed to be sure before she gave up on him.
“Not real,” Freddie snapped at herself, shutting her eyes firmly tight once more. She needed to stop doing this. First it was the phantom music in the living room, the jazz records he used to like to play in the officers’ club. And every time she went downstairs to check she found the living room empty aside from the sleeping dogs. Because why wouldn’t it be empty in the middle of the night? Then it was Rosie’s voice itself. Whispers in her ear, first at night and then all day long, murmurings of love and a future together in New York, a garden filled with flowers and a house with a piano. Then ghost touches, the gentle grazing of fingers that weren’t there across her cheek or through her hair.
And now this. Hallucinations. There was something broken in her. She’d known it the first morning she’d woken up into a world without Rosie in it. It was only getting worse.
“I’m here, Fred,” Rosie assured her, taking a gentle hold of her wrists to pry her hands away from her ears. “My beautiful girl, it’s me. I’m here. It’s me, Fred, I promise.”
Freddie let him take her hands but she was still shaking her head, still squeezing her eyes closed. “No, no, no, no, no. Not again. Not again.”
The only thing which was going to make her believe him, Rosie realised very suddenly, was an explanation. So he launched into one, speaking loudly and clearly but keeping his hands gentle as they cradled hers to his chest. “I got out, Fred. Seconds before the plane exploded. The others must not have seen my ‘chute ‘cause the fort was so close to the ground but I got out, honey. I landed behind Russian lines and they got me home to you.”
Her entire body was shaking when she next wrenched open her eyes, but she had started to hold onto his hands, too. The warmth which usually filled the brown of her eyes when she looked at him had gone wary, suspicious, shining bright in the afternoon sunlight as they filled with tears.
“Don’t let me believe it if it’s not true,” she whispered pleadingly, two tears slipping down her cheeks, one from each eye. “Rosie.” She choked on his name as she spoke it. “Don’t let me believe it if you’re not really here. Please. Don’t do that to me.”
“I’m here, Fred,” Rosie said gently. “I promise, sweetheart. I went back to Thorpe Abbotts but you weren’t there, but Mils and Jem said you got sent home. I got permission from Bennett to go on emergency leave and took a train straight here. Do you -” He was getting choked up himself, now, from seeing her anguish, seeing how adamantly she didn’t believe him. While he’d been drinking vodka from the bottle with the Red Army she’d been fighting hallucinations, wearing the fake wedding ring he’d given her and cocooning herself in his jacket. He hadn’t been able to get word back, no, but he’d somehow assumed someone back at base would know, would tell her, would make sure she knew he was alright.
Rosie cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the ache of tears. “Do you wanna go see your parents? I spoke to them before I came out here. They can show you I’m real.” But then, suddenly, as though he could understand the route the conversation had taken, Earnie jumped into Rosie’s lap and started to paw at his chest until Rosie picked him up. 
The light of recognition, of understanding, filled Freddie’s eyes as she watched Earnie start to lick Rosie’s neck.
“Rosie?” she asked. Her voice emerged as little more than a squeak. She reached out a hand and passed it gently, tentatively, through his hair, wrenching it back as soon as she was finished and cradling it to her chest.
Rosie nodded, smiling encouragingly at her. “I’m here, Fred. It’s me, I promise.”
She shook her head, her chest heaving with deep, shaky breaths. “I don’t understand.” Again she reached to touch him, cupping his cheek this time and swiping her thumb over the skin beneath his eye.
“I bailed at the last minute,” Rosie explained again, softer this time, more certain that she was listening. “And the Russians picked me up. And I’m here on leave because Mils and Jem said you got sent home and all I wanted was you.”
“You’re real?” Freddie asked him quietly, moving her hand to his chest, placing it right over his heart. He watched, enamoured, as her eyes met his upon feeling its beating. 
He smiled, placing Earnie back on the floor and then laying one of his hands on top of hers, holding them both there. “I’m real, sweetheart, I promise.”
She started crying then. Big, relentless tears came spilling down her cheeks as her face crumpled and her shoulders shook. Rosie sat back in the grass and scooped her up into his lap, tucking her head beneath his chin in that place he knew she felt safe. When her blanket slipped off her shoulders he laid it gently back on, tucking it around her to keep her warm, and began to rock her slowly back and forth. He rubbed a hand up and down her back, pressing kiss after kiss into the top of her head.
“I thought -” she started choking. “I thought -”
“I know,” Rosie assured her. “I’m sorry. But I did everything I could to come back to you.”
“You’re here,” she sobbed.
“I’m here,” he confirmed. “Not going anywhere, Fred, I’m staying right here with you.”
“Do you promise you’re real?”
“I promise.”
The sob she let out in response was loud and gut-wrenching. “Rosie, I love you so bad,” she said, clutching at him everywhere she could get her hands on.
“I love you, Fred,” Rosie answered her, holding on tight and kissing her hair over and over again. “I love you so bad. So bad.”
“Don’t ever leave me again.”
“I won’t, sweetheart, I promise. That was the longest we’re ever gonna be apart.”
“I don’t ever want to be parted from you again.”
“You won’t be, honey,” Rosie soothed her. “I’m staying glued to your side for the rest of our lives.”
“Promise,” Freddie demanded.
He smiled into the top of her head. “I promise.”
She carried on sobbing for a while. A few tears slipped out of Rosie’s eyes, too. And, eventually, the dogs went inside, the air getting colder as afternoon pushed into evening. But still they stayed where they were, clutching at each other, whispering sweet nothings through the growing darkness.
After a long while, Alma appeared in the doorway to the house, one hand covering her heart and her head tilted to the side as she met Rosie’s eyes across the space between them.
Rosie smiled and nodded, a silent confirmation passing between them, before Alma stepped out into the yard and approached the patch of grass Rosie and Freddie were sitting tangled together on.
“Wils,” Alma started softly as she kneeled before the two of them, “do you think you might be ready to come inside, sweetness? It’s getting cold out here.”
Freddie clutched at Rosie tighter, buried her face deeper into his neck.
Rosie pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere, honey,” he reassured her quietly. “When you’re ready to go inside I’m coming with you.”
“Don’t let go of me,” Freddie implored quietly, her voice muffled into the skin of his neck.
“I won’t, Fred,” Rosie promised her. “You want me to carry you inside?”
She nodded and so, with help from Alma to steady him, Rosie used all the strength he had left in his body after weeks of travelling across war torn Europe to push himself to his feet, adjusting Freddie in his arms once he was standing to make sure she was secure and comfortable.
Alma retrieved his sling from the grass as she led them inside. And she squeezed Rosie’s shoulder as he entered the kitchen, closing the back door behind them.
That night, for the first time ever, Felix and Alma let Freddie and Rosie sleep in the same bed. After everything, the suffering and the pain, the wailing and the vomiting and the heaving, gasping tears, it seemed cruel to force them apart. So Freddie and Rosie got ready for bed and climbed into Freddie’s bed together, snuggling in close, two swans in a pond making sure they wouldn’t be separated during the night.
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meowczafhaye · 7 months
Incident of the hour of joy - poppy playtime OC/AU
TW: blood warning!!
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during the hour of joy, all the employees were attacked and killed by all hostile toys including the others, missy mitten/Maya Michelle attacks the scientists and begans to run away, Millie Long Legs/Millie Jones joins with mommy long legs and began to kill all the employees, Mrs Angel star/alice tries to save her daughter abby from the scientists and runs away, Mr. bright began to chase and kill every victims in the school along with Miss delight and her sisters, Lola Lulla-lamb(wolf)/Zoey Kennedale began to hunt and kill the employees with their mask on while they and lola entering the red smoke
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Dandy’s World OC: Milly “Mousy” Mouse 🐭🎀🌸
Name: Milly Mouse
Nickname: Mousy
Gender: Female
Species: Fancy Mouse
Mousy was a meek and introverted fancy mouse whose new girl just moved in for a fresh start and due to needing a better psychiatrist than her previous home, though it didn’t work out of her mental health. 
She was diagnosed with autism and depressed, even though it is hard for her to make friends or meet someone.
Mousy was spent being alone, like reading a book, drawing, taking care of her houseplant, and talking to her plush cheese, Mr. Cheesy.
She's working at the bookstore to earn money, as needed as food and some supplies also had the weekend off.
One day, Mousy met someone named Dandy who came into the bookstore.
Health: ♥️♥️♥️
Movement Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Skill check: ⭐⭐⭐
Extraction Speed: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stamina: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stealth: ⭐⭐⭐
Mousy’s Abilities
Hard Holder Bag: Mousy always carries her holder bag with a book, journal, and sketchbook inside. When the Twisteds chased her or were about to attack them while other Toons tried filling up the machine. She used her holder bag to hit the Twisteds which confused them for about twenty-five seconds before being recovered.
Cooldown after use Hard Holder Bag: Seventeen seconds
Mouse Screech: Mousy makes her screaming loud, which makes the Twisteds stop chasing and feel dizzy for thirty-five seconds before being recovered.
Cooldown after use Mouse Screech: Twenty-five seconds
Her Trinket: Mr. Cheesy, her plush cheese.
Mousy’s Quote
“Sorry…” (after hitting the Twisteds)
“Sorry…was it too loud to you all?” (after using the Mouse Screech)
“Okay, I think that should do…for now.”
“Alright then, time to get going.”
“I shouldn’t stay home…but I have no choice then.”
“Umm…excuse me?”
“Have you all seen Mr. Cheesy?”
“Mr. Cheesy, my plush cheese.”
“Can you guys please tell where he was? I can’t remember where I left him.”
“I can’t live without my plush cheese, Mr. Cheesy!”
“Sorry. I say too loud, didn’t I?”
“Maybe, I should bring along him with me…”
So, I just heard the game on Roblox called Dandy's World, and no, I didn't play it. I was watching a gameplay video on YouTube, and also you drew your OC of Dandy's World. I drew my female mouse character and sorry about her eyes.
What do you think of my Dandy's World OC, Milly 'Mousy' Mouse?
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 6 months
EAH OCs Finally!
After my fancast (so so proud of it!), finally here to introduce my Ever After High ocs! Gonna tag @manyfandomocs my boy bc it's totally his fault. 🥺💚
Albert "Albie" White - future White King; while the White Queen and his sister Chessie escaped Wonderland, he was left behind and trapped in his world Goes to Wonderland High; Chase Redford ship FC: Archie Renaux
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Raya Genie - the future Genie In The Lamp; a Rebel because they don't want to live most of their life trapped in a lamp Her roommate is Meeshell Mermaid; TBD ship FC: Nora Dari
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Mayura Peacock - future Peacock Princess; absolutely Royal baby; has so many different names in different languages so simply goes by Peacock lol Her roommate is Farrah Goodfairy; TBD ship FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Fauve Pan - future Peter Pan; refused to pick a side until Poppy came out with the "Roybel" thing and she simply loved it lol Her roommate and ship is Wisteria Darling (and they were roommates lmao) FC: Madelyn Cline
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Wisteria Darling - future Wendy Darling; former Royal, becomes a Rebel because she wants to have her happy ending with her love and not grow up and marrying someone else like her mother Her roommate and ship is Fauve Pan (and they were roommates!) FC: Bailee Madison
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Eileen Hook - future Captain Hook; Royal bc she can't wait to have her own ship, crew and generally being a pirate (well, she would prefer not give up her hand, but is ready to do it if she needs to) Her roommate is Melody Piper; Cerise Hood ship FC: Melissa Barrera
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Clarion Nutcracker - future Nutcracker; Rebel just out of spite bc she actually likes her future, but wants to be a nightmare for Milton that bitch; absolutely not named after Clara idk what you're talking about Her roommate is Duchess Swan; TBD ship FC: Sadie Soverall
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Janice Grimm - future Milton Grimm aka keeper of the stories; acts like she stands for her father's rules, actually wants just to burn down the Storybook Of Legends bc she doesn't want to curse and lock up her baby brother for years and years duh (also, she wants her friends to be free to choose their own stories and not be their parents); Her roommate is Darling Charming; TBD ship FC: Kaylee Bryant
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Wallace Grimm - future Giles Grimm; he's sure to be adopted so he doesn't actually worry too much about his destiny since he thinks he can break the rules by being not related by blood; also, everyone else at first think he doesn't have a destiny bc they don't know about Giles existence; follows mostly Royal subjects so... technically a royal? But after Poppy he's way more a Roybel His roommate is Sparrow Hood; Hunter & Ashlynn ship FC: Hunter Doohan
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Damita Danish - future Princess On The Pea; Royal baby; mainly lives on vibes; only thing that I know for sure that she has so many troubles with sleeping and she hates that Her roommate is Rosabella Beauty; TBD ship FC: Millie Bobby Brown (might get recasted ngl)
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Devon Gale - future Dorothy Gale; 100% Royal since he can't wait to visit Oz (but he understands why some of his friends want to have a different destiny) His roommate is Alistair Wonderland; TBD ship FC: Joshua Bassett
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dktrbatz · 4 months
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Hi guys I still feel like death and yesterday I got 4 hours of sleep and today I woke up and had to chase my dog around in a parking lot because she got out of the house and then had to run her home after I chugged down some coffee anyways here’s my new oc she’s a freak and her name is milly
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
Harry Potter OC Masterlist ( A-K )
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Name: Adhara Black
Story: Blackbird
Series: Lament
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Alyvia Alyn Lind & Emily Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Theodore Nott
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Name: Adrasteia Avery
Story: Love Thorns
Series: Garden Song
House: tbd
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch & Amy Adams
Love Interest: Gideon Prewett
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Name: Adriana Flores
Story: Is There Somewhere?
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim:  Ester Exposito
Love Interest: James Potter
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Name: Alora Scamander
Story: Chasing Hurricans
Series: Chasing Storms
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Milly Alcock & Saorise Ronan
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Name: Amalthea Black
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Avi Lake & Natalia Dyer
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Name: Anastasia Campbell
Story: A Whole New World
House: Ilvermorny
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Sofia Carson
Love Interest: George Weasley
With a war brewing on the horizon, everyone was desperate for a bit of hope.  And Kingsley Shacklebolt had the answer. And he had the pitch.It’s our only hope of stopping Potter from spreading more lies, he told Cornelius Fudge.  It’s our only hope of getting Potter away from Umbridge, he told Dumbledore.  It’s our only hope of protecting these children, he told the Order.  It’s our only hope of uniting our countries, he told Headmistress Averill.  It’s the only hope for saving your daughter, he told President Campbell.But, what is it?  It’s the first contact between the British and American magical worlds since Newt Scamander and Gellert Grindelwald fought on American soil.  It’s an exchange program, of sorts.  It’s sending a select group of students from Hogwarts to Ilvermorny for a year, introducing them to their American counterparts.Kingsley knew that it was the only chance to win the war, but even he didn’t anticipate just how much a few Americans could change things in a single year.
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Name: Annette Diggory
Story: Hounds Of Love
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Willow Shields & Kristine Froseth
Love Interest: George Weasley
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Name: Aquila Black
Story: Do You Believe In Magic?
House: N/A
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Victoria Pedretti
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Name: Ara Black
Story: Blood Calls To Blood
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Mackenzie Foy & Kaya Scodelario
Love Interest: Harry Potter
When Ara Black was a year old, her father was arrested and thrown into Azkaban without a trial, and she was adopted by her Aunt Andromeda.  For the next twelve years, Ara was perfectly fine with being Ara Tonks; with being normal; with being unnoticed.  But when her father breaks out of Azkaban, on her thirteenth birthday no less, she knows that it’s only a matter of time before all her secrets are revealed.
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Name: Bobbie Fortescue
Story: Reverie
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: McKenna Grace & Ginny Gardner
Love Interest: Ernie MacMillan
Being a child of the first Wizarding War was far from easy.  Like so many, Bobbie’s parents had been killed during the war, and she’d been raised by her grandfather.  A fiercely protective man, having lost both his son and daughter — Bobbie’s Aunt Alice — to death eaters, Bobbie’s little world had been mostly limited to the ice cream parlour and their apartment above it.  Small, safe, lonely. But there were bright spots in her life too.  There was her cousin, Neville, whom she was allowed to visit once a week.  There was Madam Villanelle from Flourish and Blotts, who would always let Bobbie sit and read safely within her grandfather’s view from the parlour.   There was Ernie MacMillan, the sweet boy who always stopped by to say hi when he was in the Alley — to whom Bobbie always snuck a free ice cream.  And there was Hogwarts.  The dream of a future, of a world beyond the small section of Diagon Alley that could easily be seen from her grandfather’s shop.  The dream of friends, of excitement, knowledge, adventure. But when Bobbie gets to Hogwarts, it’s nothing like she expected.  Sorted into Hufflepuff and separated from Neville, she finds herself floundering.  The world outside of the parlour is bigger, louder, more dangerous than Bobbie had ever dreamed, and the only person who seems to notice how badly she’s handling it is none other than Ernie MacMillan himself.
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Name: Carina Goldberg
Story: Do You Believe In Magic
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Raffey Cassidy & Danielle Campbell
Love Interest: Harry Potter
Carina Goldberg knew magic was real. She’d known it was real sinceher first brush with accidental magic, when she was only five years old.  Her mum had sat her down to tell her all about the Wizarding World—that she, herself, was a squib, a magic-less child from a magical family, who never expected to have a magical daughter herself.  So, she knew of magic.  But when her owl comes from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, she finds that there’s still a lot that she doesn’t know.  She knew nothing about her own family’s dark history, or that her best friend, Harry, was famous in the Wizarding World, and she definitely didn’t know about the evil lurking in the shadows, threatening to destroy the world once more.
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Name: Cassia Potter
Story: The Captain Of My Fate
Series: Invictus
House: Gryffindor
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Dimitri Aleksander Volkov
Read it on AO3 HERE | FFnet HERE | Wattpad HERE
December 1981, two months after Voldemort’s defeat, Severus Snape introduced his daughter to the world.  Cassia Lily Snape, his daughter with Lily Evans who’d been kept a secret to protect her from both Voldemort and Lily’s husband, now a year old and living at Hogwarts with her father.Despite her father’s emotional absence, Cassia had never lacked in love, building a family of her own within the castle she called home.  The older she got, the more questions she had about her life and her mother, but she had long since accepted that they would remain unanswered.  But when she turned eleven and finally, finally, becomes a student herself, it’s not Cassia Lily Snape who’s called to be sorted.  It’s Cassia Alice Potter, a girl said to have disappeared ten years earlier.
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Name: Catherine Flamel
Story: Clair De Lune
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Gryffindor or Beauxbatons
Era: Flamel Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Sébastien Gautier
The only child of Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, Catherine was just as much of a magical prodigy as her parents.  She had graduated at the top of her class at Beauxbatons, then proceeded to dedicate her passions alchemy and spellcraft to helping her people survive the ever increasing persecution that they were facing all across the continent.  But as time goes on and the struggle gets closer to home, she can’t help but wonder: had she been doing the right thing, or had she only been contributing to the endless death and destruction?
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Name: Celia Longbottom
Story: Wildflower
Series: Garden Song
House: tbd
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Ella Purnell
Love Interest: Fabian Prewett
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Name: Clio Lupin
Story: Blood Moon
House: Hufflepuff
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sophie Nélisse & Grace Van Dien
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Name: Corvina Karkaroff
Story: So It Goes
House: Durmstrang
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Stella Maeve
Love Interest: Viktor Krum
Corvina Karkaroff knew the life that was planned out for her.  She knew that her father had arranged her betrothal years earlier, and that within a month of her graduation she would be married.  Her future husband was fond of the dark arts and viewed marriage as a necessity for heirs, wives as nothing more than property – in short, he failed to pass the only request that Corvina might have had.  Still, with barely nine months left of her free life, she was determined to make the most of the time she had.  It was fortunate, really, that this would be the year of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the year that she could disappear to England and leave her future far behind.  One year.  One glorious year of international relations, thrilling competition, and clandestine meetings with Viktor, before she would have to return home and face reality.  But a lot can happen in one year, and by the time the ship docks back at Durmstrang, who knows what life may have in store.
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Name: Danica Lestrange
Story: Serpentine
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Brenna D'Amico & Margaret Qualley
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Name: Dawn Connolly
Story: Stairway To Heaven
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Sabrina Carpenter & Lily James
Love Interest: Sirius Black
When the wizarding world first went to war against Voldemort, seventeen year old Dawn Connolly was right there in the middle of it all. The muggleborn was still in her final year at Hogwarts, but she found herself stepping up within the Order of the Phoenix, alongside the infamous Marauders and her long time best friend and idol, Lily Potter. But one fateful Halloween, only months after finishing school tragedy shook Dawn’s world. Within hours, her closest confidant had died, as had two of her best friends, the third arrested and sent to jail, and the fourth locking himself away from the world. So Dawn packed up her life and returned to the muggle world. She kept her head down until most of her former colleagues had assumed her dead or forgotten about her entirely, working odd jobs in the town of Little Whinging, where she knew Lily’s sister lived. She waitressed, she sang, she wrote, she babysat Harry Potter. It wasn’t perfect, and she continued to grieve for her loved ones, but it was more than she could have hoped for; it was good. And then Sirius Black turns up on her doorstep.
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Name: Deianira Carrow
Story: Melodrama
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Slytherin
Era: Riddle Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle was, in a word, enchanting.  Deianira Carrow was two classes below him, but from her very first day of school, she had never been able to take her eyes off of him.  And somehow, in her third year and his fifth, he set his eyes on her as well.  From that day onwards, Deianira was always by his side.  She was in his innermost circle, his closest confidante, his right hand.  She was his.  And as the years pass by, as her graduation approaches, as schoolboy visions become a reality, Deianira knows one thing for certain.  She will always be his; even if it kills her.
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Name: Dimitri Aleksander Volkov
Story: The Captain Of My Fate
Series: Invictus
House: Durmstrang; Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Aidan Gallagher & Thomas Doherty
Love Interest: Cassia Potter
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Name: Dulcinea Ollivander
Story: Moonlight Sonata
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Marauder's Era
Face Claim: Abby Ross & Hannah Murray
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Dulcinea Ollivander had always believed that Hogwarts would be the best years of her life.  Raised on stories of lifelong friends and adventures that she would remember forever, she couldn’t wait to board the train and experience all of the wonder for herself.  And for the first few years, it had been true.  She’d found a home and a family within Ravenclaw tower, a passion for almost all of her classes, an unexpected love of quidditch, and even a crush in the form of Remus Lupin – it was everything she could have dreamed of and more.  But as Voldemort’s war lands on their doorstep, adventure and wonder must come to an end, and everyone has to decide just how far they’re willing to go to survive.
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Name: Elvira Lestrange
Story: Alchemical
Series: Family Jewels
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Emerald Evans
Story: Lightning Strikes
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim:  Sophia Lillis & Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Theodore Nott
Emerald Evans would have once called herself perfectly normal, thank you very much.  Raised by her Aunt Mary in Little Whinging, happy if a little bit lonely, her life was entirely average.  Or so she thought, until a scrawny boy named Harry, with a funny scar and the same eyes as hers, walked into her classroom on the first day of primary school, and everything changed.  More and more often she was noticing things that were decidedly not normal — Aunt Mary holding something that had been across the room only moments before, ending up on a roof with no memory of moving, snakes that sounded more like whispers than hissing.  Little things and no so little things all piling up into one overwhelming, unsolvable puzzle, building and building right up to her eleventh birthday, when an owl flew into her window holding an envelope, of all things.
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Name: Eurydice Crouch
Story: If I Die Young
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders Era
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: James Potter & Lily Evans
As the only daughter of House Crouch, Eurydice entered Hogwarts knowing that her only job was to secure herself a proper, respectable, political marriage.  It was all that she had been trained for, and she had already prepared a list of suitable suitors to acquaint herself with.  However that list didn’t account for her being sorted into Slytherin – she was supposed to be a Ravenclaw, thank you – and surrounded by families too dark to bolster her father’s political career.  It also didn’t account for a fledging friendship with either James Potter or Lily Evans, let alone for her growing feelings towards not one, but both of them.  And it most certainly didn’t account for Lord Voldemort’s growing obsession with her.
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Name: Gemini Black
Story: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
House: Slytherin
Era: Marauders’ Era
Face Claim: Bailee Madison & Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Remus Lupin
Six years of inter-house rivalry could never come close to destroying the Black twins’ bond.  Even though most people only saw them as the Gryffindor rebel and the Slytherin princess, Sirius and Gemini were still as close as the day they were born.  After all, they were very much the same.  The only real differences were that Sirius had best friends and that his rebellion was much louder than hers - and that was no accident: the more obvious Sirius was in his opinions, the less anyone noticed Gemini’s.  But, as close as they were, they still had secrets.  Gemini still didn’t know the truth about Remus Lupin and his furry little problem, and Sirius… Sirius still didn’t know that she’d been in love with Remus since they were eleven.  Until one fateful full moon when Gemini goes to the Shrieking Shack to talk Sirius out of pranking Snape, and suddenly, for the first time in sixteen years, something might come between them.
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Name: Gwendolyn Pendragon
Story: Faultlines
Series: What Died Didn’t Stay Dead
House: Ravenclaw
Era: Fantastic Beasts
Face Claim: Emily Carey & Lily Collins
Love Interest: Newt Scamander
Moving to America hadn’t been an easy decision, no matter what Gwendolyn Pendragon’s friends might claim.  Leaving behind her loved ones was hard enough, but abandoning the war effort was even worse.  But with Grinlewald fixated on her family name, the best way for her to protect anyone was to be far away.  It was a good plan, for a time.  But when she runs into her dearest friend for the first time in a decade, she has to face the truth.  Her time is running short, and her past is close on her heels.
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Name: Holly Evans
Story: Toil And Trouble
House: TBD
Era: Marauders’ Era
Face Claim: Sadie Stanley & Sophie Turner & Karen Gillan
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Name: Iliana Prewett
Story: Rose Thorns
Series: Garden Song
House: Slytherin
Era: Golden Era
Face Claim: Ellie Bamber
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Name: Jessica Stevens
Story: Love and War
House: Gryffindor
Face Claim: Olivia Holt & Emily Vancamp
Era: Marauder's Era / Golden Era
Love Interest: Sirius Black
Everyone talked about the Marauders, close as brothers and all that, but no one ever talked about their female counterparts, close as sisters.  Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Mary Macdonald, and Jessica Stevens.  Best friends since the day they started at Hogwarts, it would always be the six of them.  But, as much as Lily hated James Potter, Jess loved Sirius Black.  And he loved her too.  But with their best friends hating each other, it seemed unlikely that they would ever have a chance to act on those feelings.  Even if they could have, they were a bit busy with a war, blood feuds, secret organizations, and trying to pass their OWLs.  Oh, and let’s not forget, a sickness that seemed to only be affecting muggle-borns like Jess and Lily.
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xoteajays · 2 years
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my ocs + outfit study
flora dean (stranger things)  /  haru yamane (alice in borderland)  /  cosima clayborne (dceu)  /  jasmine lin (the umbrella academy)  /  milly chase (buffy the vampire slayer)
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: The Big Chase
Outside of the Quill Society HQ's meeting room in Many More Heroes, an alarm started blaring, confusing many Quill Society members who heard it.
OMT!Tails (through their communicators): All stations, drop what you're doing and stop that Sonic!
Quill Society Sonics: pointing fingers at each other in confusion
OMT!Tails: Darn it, sorry. I meant LM, the one with the red eyes of evil! He's headed for Sector 4!
The person who entered Sector 4 first was Chaos Adventure Sonic, which is the first to catch the attention of those spending time there.
CA!Sonic: Er, is something on my quills or something? What's the whole stare contest for?
OMT!Tails (from down that hallway): CA, he's right behind you!
SS!Amy (from down the same hallway): Turn around!
CA!Sonic: Huh? (turns around) I don't see anything...
OMT!Tails: Maybe feel behind you?
When he DID turn around, LM!Sonic was revealed, trying to hide behind him, and with his cover blown, the present Quill Society members quickly identified their target.
SunFIRE: That's our guy!
ZX Spectrum and Game.com Sonics: *indecipherable beeping*
LM!Sonic: O-Oh! Hehe...
CA!Sonic managed to feel LM!Sonic behind him.
CA!Sonic (quite casually, like in RodentRap/Sonic Legacy): Oh, there you are!
LM!Sonic: Aw, crud...
(Mini trivia: Alongside that story's version of Sonic, Chaos Adventure's counterparts of Amy and Cream are in the Quill Society as well, the former mainly to ensure Sonic doesn't get into more trouble than it's worth.)
Cue the big chase, with many members working to get after LM!Sonic and apprehend him however they could, whilst OMT!Tails and SS!Amy headed toward the space elevator. And on one area, LM!Sonic was attacked by a mini version of Sonic's Werehog state who gave him numerous rough scratches before knocking him downwards.
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During the chase, OMT!Tails and SS!Amy had to keep Turbo off their trail.
OMT!Tails: Can this day get any crazier?!
As if on cue, Metallix flew up, targeting the duo.
OMT!Tails: Well, guess it can. Keep moving!
They slipped past and caught sight of the sector where the Transport Hub was; their ticket out of here. But for now, that had to wait.
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LM!Sonic was on his way after them, but was halted in his tracks by a Sonic 1 version of Nack the Weasel.
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S1 Nack: Alright! Yer askin' for it!
He drew out his cork gun.
S1 Nack: We'll settle it man-to-man! On three! One-!
But LM!Sonic just blasted him out of the way.
Nitro caught up with April riding on his back.
Nitro: Hey, LM!
LM!Sonic: You again?!
Nitro (holding up his DSi): You mind quickly taking a picture? It's April's first grand-scale chase!
LM just rolled his eyes and zipped off, narrowly avoiding Fleetway Amy's crossbow and Tekno's laser gun.
Nitro: Ah, well.
He simply threw the DSi in the air, letting April leap up and take the picture between them before they kept going. Back with OMT!Tails and SS!Amy, OVA!Knux was letting them ride his horse across the area.
OVA!Knuckles: You need to reach that elevator? Got you covered, kids!
They trotted through the prison area, with a few of the prisoners rooting for the pair (yes, even Scourge, who hates the idea of someone dictating what people can and can't do)... then they started booing Turbo and Metallix as they made pursuit. On the way there, they got off the horse once in the clear as Millie the Fox (CartoonsAnimate22's OC) showed up.
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Millie: Are you the Tails from that dimension where you helped kill a shapeshifting beast?
OMT!Tails: Uh, yeah!
Millie: Heh, I knew it! I'm a huge fan of your heroics, Tails!
OMT!Tails: Hehe, thanks!
She turned her attention to the pursuers.
Millie: Hey, you two! Do either of you think us heroes using comedy so much makes us look like we have some screws loose?
Turbo: Uh... what?
Millie: Get it? Screws?
She leapt up and tail-whacked Metallix's head off, causing him to careen down to lower ground.
SS!Amy: Heh, nice one! You hang here while we take care of the rest.
Millie: You got it, Amy!
The two heroes continued on their way. Back at the bigger chase, OVA!Sonic leapt forward to attack.
OVA!Sonic: You might know everything we're going to do, but that's not gonna help you, since WE know everything YOU'RE going to do!
However, his slow animation made him outright miss.
OVA!Sonic: Oh, dang it! I really gotta get my speed improved, don't I?
Even after dodging his "meme" counterpart, LM!Sonic still had his work cut out for him, barely avoiding various attacks, such as Sunky and Tlels being launched at him (courtesy of Nicky, who also contributed), RAW better utilising his electric shoes and glider, and Blitz!Tails and Milly swiping at him with his claws and her scythe respectively. Soon enough, LM!Sonic was cornered by many Quill Society AND Blur Gang members on all sides.
Mini Sonic: Nowhere to run now!
LM just resorted to leaping out the window.
Mini Sonic: O-Oh! Heh, my bad, everyone. There was somewhere to run.
Creamy: I blame the one with the anvil.
Mr. Needlemouse (defensive): What? We were tryin' to catch him, don't look at me!
[Mr. NM has a body count :) - MCS]
Outside, OMT!Tails and SS!Amy were freefalling as LM!Sonic continued his pursuit. Fiona caught sight of them, quickly taking Carol's motorbike from her.
Fiona: Sorry, Carol!
Carol (just waking up before noticing): Wha...? Hey! Come back with my bike!
She made pursuit as LM!Sonic started flying after OMT!Tails and SS!Amy.
LM!Sonic: Stop running!
OMT!Tails: Then stop chasing us everywhere!
LM!Sonic: You're so frustrating!
Fiona pulled up on a balcony with the bike as OMT!Mina watched.
Fiona: I know he's your friend, but it's the only way LM isn't going to get angrier.
OMT!Mina: But my gut says-!
Fiona: Then use your head, kid!
CR!Sonic heard this with CR!Sonia and CR!Manik, coming up with a plan whilst slipping away. Fiona attempted to knock them both down with the bike, though OMT!Mina caught them both with webs.
OMT!Mina: Gotcha!
OMT!Tails: M-Mina? You came back for me?
OMT!Mina: I can't just leave you in danger.
OMT!Tails: It's okay, Mina. Me and Amy will handle it together. Just trust us.
They severed the webbing, only to be pinned to a wall by Turbo.
Turbo: I got you cornered now, kids, so don't even- OW!
They both knocked themselves free as they went into the underbelly of Gust Planet, which hadn't been explored in years. The two didn't know where they were to go, but they didn't need to; two enerbeams got them up to the safety of a higher sector.
CR!Sonic: Tails!
OMT!Tails: No no no no! Let us go!
CR!Sonic: It's too crazy to run for too long!
SS!Amy: And running is the least crazy thing we're putting up with right now!
They started looking for a way out.
CR!Sonic: Look... I feel really bad for earlier, buddy.
OMT!Tails: Good.
CR!Sonic: But there's only so many ways we can screw stuff over. If you aren't careful, you won't be able to win!
OMT!Tails ignored him, still looking around as CR!Sonia and CR!Manik got in front of him.
CR!Sonia: Hey, um... I know this isn't the best time, but... do you want to hold one of us?
OMT!Tails: I, er, sorry, I can't-.
CR!Manik: 10 seconds at most and then talk with Dad, alright? It'll really change our mood.
OMT!Tails: Sorry, but I-!
CR!Sonia: It's very rejuvenating!
OMT!Tails: I feel very rejuvenated right now!
CR!Sonic: And you'll be more so when in the presence of one of my amazing kids!
OMT!Tails: You don't GET to have a heartfelt conversation with me right now, Sonic-!
CR!Sonia held OMT!Tails gently, to his surprise.
CR!Sonic: You're the reason I had them, okay?!
The two heroes stopped for a moment.
CR!Sonic: I thought that if I did a good job raising them, there was a chance they were gonna turn out like you. And that got me excited, because you're a wonderful kid and I really like being around you!
OMT!Tails sighed, feeling worried.
OMT!Tails: I really wanted to be around you guys even more through this place, but the side of it LM manipulated you into isn't a positive one.
CR!Sonic: Look, bad things are always gonna happen to us at some stage, no matter what. It's what makes us who we are. But lots of good things happen as well.
He put a hand on his surrogate little brother's shoulder.
CR!Sonic: Like you happened. And they happened.
OMT!Tails: Hey... I don't...
E-21 (over the comm): Sonic, we got your location! Sit tight, and they'll be on their way!
CR!Sonic (panicked): Elise, abort that protocol! You DON'T have my location!
LM!Sonic (through the same comm): I'm coming over now! Do NOT let those rats escape!
CR!Sonic: T-Tails, I didn't know... Please, let's talk about this.
OMT!Tails: Hey, it's alright. We just did. Just keep them distracted for at least a little bit, alright?
The two kids got ready to do so as OMT!Tails and SS!Amy departed.
CR!Sonic: Well, good talk.
As OMT!Tails and SS!Amy careened into the city streets, CR!Sonic and OMT!Mina were running close by.
OMT!Mina: Where are they going?
CR!Sonic: I just hope Tails has this planned out.
Fiona rode alongside them on the bike.
Fiona: If it hasn't been stated before, by the way, you're a terrible teacher!
She leapt up into the air with the bike, but OMT!Tails managed to swipe the bike from under her and fling it into the air for Carol to catch, causing Fiona to crash onto a train roof.
Carol: I'm taking that back!
CR!Sonic: Well, he did just beat you, so I'm not a terrible mentor.
LM!Sonic showed up, annoyed, as OMT!Tails and SS!Amy reached the elevator dock and got it ready for liftoff.
LM!Sonic: You're both equally terrible. Does THAT settle it?!
LM!Sonic grabbed onto the space elevator as it began its ascent, with CR!Sonic, OMT!Mina, Antho, Nitro and Mobiverse Tails right behind them.
LM!Sonic: Stop pretending you know what you're doing!
OMT!Tails: Oh, I have a plan! You just don't know it yet!
He and SS!Amy clung onto the elevator roof for dear life as LM!Sonic clawed his way after them.
Terminal Velocity Intercom: Departing for Gust Planet's moon!
OMT!Tails: What are those, claws?! Dude, are you sure you even class as a hero?!
LM!Sonic: Are you? Who do you think you are, really?!
OMT!Tails took a deep breath.
OMT!Tails: My name is Miles "Tails" Prower...
He leapt down and dealt a powerful drop kick to LM!Sonic, knocking him further down the track.
OMT!Tails: I inherited my best friend's mantle because he wanted me to.
LM!Sonic tried to grab OMT!Tails with his enerbeam, though was met with a cannon fastball right at the face.
OMT!Tails: I'm pretty sure you know the rest, jerk!
LM!Sonic continued clawing after the two.
LM!Sonic: You never got it! You and Antho are anomalies!
OMT!Tails: Not if you let me save the multiverse!
OMT!Tails kicked LM in the jaw.
LM!Sonic: Everywhere you two go, you’re anomalies. You’re both the original anomalies!
OMT!Tails glitched slightly in response, his original female, one-tailed self present for a split-second.
LM!Sonic: The energy that gave you your powers wasn’t from your dimensions. It was never supposed to get into you!
A couple of carriages below, CR!Sonic and OMT!Mina watched in horror.
CR!Sonic: LM, don't hurt him!
LM!Sonic: There’s a world out there without an heroic Sonic because the energy got to you instead! You were not supposed to be the heroes!
OMT!Tails: No, you're lying, you heartless bully! I AM a hero!
LM!Sonic: You and Anthony are nothing but mistakes!
He pushed OMT!Tails into the roof, glaring furiously.
LM!Sonic: If he hadn’t been stupid enough to intervene, his Sonic would’ve lived. Instead, he died trying to save him. He would’ve stopped the super-collider before it went off. Crimtake wouldn’t exist! And you... Had you actually BEEN more competent in stopping that Malware Threat, your Sonic would still be alive today! But NO! He had to die trying to save your pathetic hide! You wouldn’t have lost so many! You wouldn’t have had to take his place! And none of this would’ve happened! And all this time, I’ve been one of the only ones holding this joint together.
OMT!Tails: Get the hell OFF of me!
LM!Sonic: You don’t belong in this universe. You never did.
Antho: Okay, creep! This is going WAY too far!
OMT!Tails: Who are you to think you can decide that, "Sonic"?! I am NOT a defenceless kid anymore!
LM!Sonic: That’s EXACTLY what you are, Miles Prower! You’re nothing but a kid. Who has no. Idea. WHAT THE HELL. HE’S DOING!!!
OMT!Tails and SS!Amy smirked, knowing they had this in the bags.
SS!Amy: Yeah, well, we DID lure you a million feet away from your little penthouse.
LM!Sonic: What?
He realised how high he was above surface level, looking back at the two as Mobiverse Tails scaled the elevator, ready to give LM what for.
OMT!Tails: And I'm about to do this!
He charged up an energy bolt from LM!Sonic's shoes, causing HIM to glitch and realise he practically screwed himself over.
OMT!Tails: You are trying to tell me what my story’s ‘meant’ to be… No. I’m doing my own thing! Sorry, Lost Memory Sonic, but I'm saving the day, whether you want me to or not!
He released ALL that energy right back at LM!Sonic, catapulting him within reach of a furious Mobiverse Tails.
MV!Tails: Now you're getting it, freak!
He pummelled LM!Sonic into the elevator and punched him a LOT, leaving OMT!Tails and SS!Amy open to get right to their final goal.
OMT!Tails: We'll be back, guys. See you around.
They leapt downwards, using a Chaos Emerald to fast-warp to the Transport Hub.
CR!Sonic: Heh, I taught him how to do that. Even if he won't use a Super form, I must be a pretty good teacher for him to pull that off.
He and OMT!Mina let go back to the surface as LM!Sonic bursted out, racing back down at top speed in a blind fury. In the Transport Hub, Nicole and GCD!Amy were just trying out different hairstyles.
Nicole: Hmm, nope... Nah... Well, that's kinda cute.
OMT!Tails and SS!Amy warped in.
GCD!Amy: Oh! Tails!
Nicole: We heard you were coming over.
OMT!Tails: No time to explain! Activate the machine and get us warped over to whatever dimension Crimtake is currently at!
GCD!Amy: You got it! Quick, climb in the pods!
They did so.
Nicole: Okay, let's see... Ah, got it! Dimension ZONE-ANTI-1994!
OMT!Tails: Wait, isn't that where I had to escape my evil counterpart before? Ah, well. It'll do.
LM!Sonic was bashing on the entrance door.
LM!Sonic: Open the door, both of you! It'll only take a second if you hand Miles over to me!
GCD!Amy: Don't even try!
After three of his knocks as a warning that he's coming in, GCD!Amy rushed to the console...
GCD!Amy: Three knocks is all you're getting!
...and activated the defence mechanism to fry him with electricity. Once this happened, he busted into the room, clawing at the chamber OMT!Tails was inside in his blind fury. Other Quill Society members rushed in to stop him and pull him away.
Amy Rouge: Cut it out!
OMT!Tails nodded to his fellow Quill Society and Blur Gang friends, ready to go.
Mr. Needlemouse: 100 rings for me if the kid doesn't make it back!
Mini Sonic: Yeah, you're on!
LM!Sonic: NO!!!
LM!Sonic was far too late, the two heroes being warped away.
LM!Sonic: All he had to do was listen. Why didn't he listen?!
OMT!Mina: Maybe YOU weren't thinking the right way.
LM!Sonic glared at her.
LM!Sonic: YOU let them get away!
OMT!Mina: Me?!
LM!Sonic: You didn't catch either of them!
Other Minas in range got in front of her, keeping LM!Sonic out of her reach.
EV!Mina: Okay, just back down!
OMT!Mina: Sonic, you want to back me up?
CR!Sonic nodded.
CR!Sonic: Well, LM, as the father of a son and daughter and nephew of an uncle-.
LM!Sonic: Actually, please stop talking, CR.
CR!Sonic: Er, duly noted!
OMT!Mina: Tails is my friend-!
LM!Sonic: Yeah, and that's the problem.
OMT!Mina: Do you really know for certain what happens if Tails defies your presumed destiny?
LM!Sonic: Do you want to find out?! Urgh, I knew you were a liability. You two, send her back to her original dimension!
OMT!Mina: WHAT?!
Nicole: She's not going there again! She's suffered enough there as it is!
LM!Sonic: I was not asking!
Nitro fired a blast at LM!Sonic to shut him up.
Nitro: Enough of this! You're not even worthy of being here! If anyone, it's YOU who needs to pack it and go home!
LM!Sonic growled, grabbing Nitro by his shirt.
LM!Sonic: If you're so smug about that, how about I lock YOU out of multidimensional travel for good, anomaly?!
Nitro: ...What did you just call me, you prick?
LM!Sonic: You know what you are, Smith. You tried tampering with fate just to get your sorry excuse of a father back, and you could've made the entire multiverse unstable from your crime! Not to mention that your memories should NOT have been maintained after that reset.
Nitro quickly strangled LM in return.
Nitro: Don't you DARE talk foul about my father, you monster!
LM!Sonic: Or what?! You're gonna use some "special power" to hurt me?!
Nitro: Well, I don't need to.
Some vines wrapped around LM's ankles and wrists, pulling him back into the wall where EV!Sonic knocked him out, holding a green Chaos Emerald in his hand.
EV!Sonic: What absolute shame.
He turned back to the many members in the room.
EV!Sonic: You did well today, everyone. You can continue about your business now, but I do ask for a few of you to stay behind to supervise me in sending LM back to his dimension.
OMT!Mina: Of course. I'll stick around.
Nitro: As will I.
Many of the other members departed to return to their tasks.
Trip: Will Amy be okay?
Superstars Tails: Don't worry. I know how great a fighter she is, and she'll prove her worth.
OMT!Cream arrived through one of the chambers.
OMT!Cream: Is Tails here?
EV!Sonic: You just missed him, Cream. He and that other Amy just departed to another dimension to get after your would-be killer. But considering you got here anyway, you brought them a further fighting chance.
OMT!Cream: I'm happy to hear it. Erm, who is this Mr. Sonic next to you?
EV!Sonic: An absolute prick who tried orchestrating your death. Best to let us deal with him. (to Fleetway Amy) In the meantime, Amy, maybe you could give her a little tour of the place?
Fleetway Amy: Will do, Sonic!
She and Tekno shared a fist bump.
Tekno: Great work out there today, girl!
Fleetway Amy: Anything to help my friends! Well, come along, then. We've got plenty to show you.
OMT!Cream: I'm coming, Miss Amy!
They headed off together.
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pxnsneverland · 1 year
Don’t Be Cruel | austin!elvis x oc (part 3)
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plot summary: Angel Casteel is a small town girl who lucked into working as a makeup artist at a film studio. Unfortunately, her confidence in herself wavers as she is assigned to work with Elvis on his latest motion picture. Overcome by his star power at first, she slowly starts to realize there is a man behind the fame, a man she understands. But as they grow closer, the world grows more turbulent, especially Elvis's world. Will this Angel be able to save Elvis from himself and the people around him? Or will getting mixed up in his word prove to be her downfall as well?
Part 1 | Part 2
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 1697
warnings/notes: N/A
Chapter 3
              Weeks of filming on Elvis' movie had passed, and I had become his regular companion. In between shoots and redoing his makeup, we would converse. He insisted on having me on set with him rather than in the makeup trailer. He introduced me to his 'Memphis Mafia' comprising of friends and cousins. I met Elvis's father, Vernon, who appeared pleased that Elvis was happy with me around. Colonel Parker, Elvis' manager, met me and seemed unimpressed with my presence. When I was around him and Elvis, he always had a peculiar look in his eyes. It was a gaze that said, "You don't belong here." I didn't like Colonel Parker and wanted to avoid talking to him at all costs. Elvis and I ate lunch together, despite the fact that the other women in the studio were giving me strange stares. On days when we weren't filming, Elvis would bring me to his trailer and play me songs I'd never heard before, like rock and roll and rhythm and blues. There were so many musicians I didn't recognize, negro artists who might have offended my mother and father, but the music impacted my spirit in ways I didn't realize music could. I understood why Elvis appreciated these recordings so much because they stated things that other people would find difficult to express.
              Today was one of those days when filming was paused. The day prior, Elvis had invited me to his trailer. I was finishing up my makeup and styling my hair into an updo with the ends falling just over my neck to keep me cool in the LA heat. My phone rang before I could leave, so I dashed out of the bathroom to answer it.
              “Hello?” I inquired into the receiver.
              “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so glad you picked up.” The twang of my mother's high pitched southern accent immediately set me on edge. “You neva call. I figured you must be so busy out there in the big city that you done forgotten about your little family.”
              Even though she couldn't see me, I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t forget about you guys, Mama. I’m workin’ at a movie studio now. It’s more hours.”
              “Well, whateva. You could still call more. Your Daddy has been worried sick about you. Plus, I haven’t told you about Ethan Rathbone gettin’ caught with Millie Landry in the locka room at the high school hoedown. The town is just up in smoke about it.”
              “Tell Daddy I said hi.” I resisted her attempts to lure me into local gossip, which would have had me on the phone for hours.
              “You could tell him yourself if you were here. Lord knows how much that man depended on you. But I guess you just had to chase your little California dream.”
Her attempts at guilt were making me feel bad about something I didn't feel bad about. “Look, Mama, I really gotta go. I’m gonna be late for work.”
“What movie are you workin’ on now that you can’t talk to your mama?”
My finger twisted around the phone cord. “The new Elvis Presley movie.”
For far too long, there was silence on the other end of the phone. “Elvis Presley? Now why in the hell would they have a young girl workin’ on an Elvis Presley movie? You know I heard about him in all the magazines. He’s a womanizer, you know? Takes advantage of those fans of his just to get his rocks off then leaves ‘em cold. He betta not have done anythin’ to you.”
“I’m not that young and he’s not like that, Mama. He’s actually very nice and sweet and funny—”
“Got his hooks in already I see. The man sure does work fast. Don’t let him get to you, baby. You don’t want your good name sullied by the likes of him. Should be illegal what he’s doin’.”
This discussion was going nowhere, and I was already running late. “Yeah, well, um, sorry Mama but I’m gonna be late for the bus. I really gotta go now. Love you, bye.” Before she could say anything further, I hung up the phone. I sighed deeply. She hadn't changed at all since I'd left Alabama. She still had the ability to drain all the vitality from my body just by speaking. I had to tell myself that she was sincere, but she had a nasty way of expressing it. It didn't make a difference. She wasn't here, and I wasn't stuck with her and her opinions anymore. Now that I could just hang up the phone if I didn't want to hear it, I felt more at ease. I composed myself and walked out the door, not exactly lying to my mother about being late for the bus.
Elvis and I were standing outside of his trailer. I was sitting on a lawn chair, laughing at Elvis as he acted out a scene from his film. He posed. “So, I’ll do it like this. How’s that look?”
“It looks like you’re way too happy to see your enemy,” I commented, referring to his wide smile.
“Well, I ain’t gonna look happy when the camera is rollin’.” He returned to his regular standing position before gliding over to me and bowing his head down, so it was directly in front of mine. “I just can’t help bein’ happy when you’re around.”
I laughed, a flush rising across my cheeks. I'd grown accustomed to Elvis's daring flirtation, but that didn't mean I didn't like it and wished he'd do it more often. The more I got to know Elvis, the more I fell in love with him. But being with a backwoods girl like me? What would the press have to say? What would the fans think? I didn't want to be the reason why Elvis' career suffered any more setbacks. He was already battling to keep the ship afloat. Vernon had previously discussed selling the property and horses back in Memphis. “Shut your mouth, Elvis Presley. If you keep treatin’ me special, I might to think I am.”
“You are special, Angel Casteel, especially to me. And I’ll keep tryin’ to convince you of that.”
Before I could respond, a hand came down on Elvis' back, forcing him to stand up straight. It was Billy, another member of his Memphis Mafia. “Will you two get a room already? All this lovey dovey nonsense is sickening.”
I returned to reality, where Elvis's buddies, Vernon and the Colonel, were gathered with Elvis and me on the artificial grass outside the trailer. Billy's heckling made Elvis laugh. “You need to find yourself a lady, Billy. Then maybe you’d understand my pain.” Before returning my gaze, he placed his palm over his heart. “Don’t know how many more rejections I can take.”
Standing to my feet, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. “Who’s rejectin’ you?”
Elvis drew closer to me once again. “Then kiss me.”
“No,” I said with a poorly veiled grin.
“So you are rejectin’ me?”
I began to walk past him. “No, I’m not.”
He gripped my waist and shoved his front to my back, making me chuckle. “Come, darlin’ Angel. I’m on my knees beggin’.”
“Elvis let me go!” But it was pointless, and all I could do was giggle despite the thrill that raced down my spine as I felt his breath on my neck.
Jerry's voice from inside the trailer interrupted our conversation. “EP, come in here. You gotta see this.” His voice sounded shaky.
Elvis released me and walked in the door. I followed him because I was intrigued about what was making Jerry so agitated. Elvis sat on the couch while Jerry cranked up the volume on the television. The news was on, and Cronkite, the news anchor, had a somber expression. “Officers also reportedly chased and fired on a radio-equipped car containing two white men,” he said over the speakers, “Dr. King was standing on the balcony of his second-floor hotel room tonight when, according to a companion, a shot was fired from across the street.”
I sat down gently next to Elvis, speechless. Many people found Dr. King to be an inspiration. A motivating factor in the civil rights movement. I'd seen him on television giving a speech in Washington, D.C. To have him gunned down like a dog? I couldn't even articulate how disgusted I was.
Elvis' eyes were getting red and filled with tears as he stared at the television. “Dr. King. He always spoke the truth.” I grasped Elvis' hand in mine. He grasped it hard before bringing me down and placing my head on his shoulder. I only allowed myself to be stunned for a few second before calming down and realized he needed the comfort and closeness. As we continued to watch the news, he ran his palm up and down my arm.
“They rushed the 39-year-old Negro leader to a hospital,” Cronkite continued, “where he died to a bullet wound to the neck.”
Jerry made a shaky motion with his head. “Unbelievable. To shoot someone just because you don’t like what they say.”
“People have been shot for less,” I commented.
Elvis sniffled, and his grasp on me tightened. He remained looking at the TV, his eyes gleaming and unblinking. “When I was young and still lived in a negro neighborhood, I used to hear the most wonderful music comin’ from the church tent. The soul and heart of a community flowed out through gospel music that could be heard for blocks. Dr. King fought for that heart and soul, for a world he could see that was better than the one we have.”
I raised my head. “What are you thinkin’, Elvis?” As silent as they were, I could hear the wheels in his skull spinning. Elvis' rebellious spirit had evidently not been dampened by age or a Hollywood career.
“We need to do somethin’,” Elvis said as he met my eyes. “Say somethin’.” He returned his gaze to the television. “What happened to Dr. King, what’s happenin’ in the world…it ain’t nothin’ to stay quiet about.”
Stay tuned for part 4!! Click HERE to view!
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artsybug0 · 1 year
I have two WH ocs and I was gonna post Millie first time meeting them but lmao probably not even gonna draw it bc I'm always tired and busy (´ω`)
But anyways one of my ocs is very shy so I was wondering how would Millie try to talk to shy people?
(My oc would would talk in a very low voice then run away if someone tried to)
Ooooo!!! I wanna see it when you do!
Millie is very aware that people can be shy or anti-social. She’s extremely respectful of people’s boundaries and won’t cross any drawn lines.
If she were to meet someone shy she would greet them like how she greets everyone! Extremely friendly and is acting like her usual sweetheart self!
If they run away she will frown but not chase them. She would give them as much space as they need.
She’ll still happily greet them with a friendly smile! But never try to push them to do anything they don’t want to!
She can be overwhelming to all kinds of people because of how excited she is to meet new people.
She’s one of the most patient neighbors so she will happily wait for them to come to her when their ready.
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gwendefender4life · 10 months
"no man should be that flexible."
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guidelines !?
no smut! obvious enough, but the characters in the shows are minors! and as a minor myself, it is incredibly uncomfortable for me to write smut. the most i will write for is making out, and even then it will be very brief and undescriptive.
be respectful! simple and common sense, but some people don't have that. especially when it comes to the characters i like/hate. if you don't like my content or my opinions, LEAVE!
be patient! i have my own life outside of the screen and i have other priorities. if you have an issue with how much time i'm taking to finish a request, ask elsewhere!
don't request for the characters i hate! they will be included in my dni list as "____ stans". if you request for them, i will delete your ask!
don't request for characters that i do not include in my "character list" section! like i said before, if you request for them i will delete your ask!
no dark content! this means yandere, pedophilia, incest, step-incest, etc. even if you support this content, dni!
i write for basically anything else! you can request self-insert x character, oc x character, character x character, platonic relationships, familial relationships, etc. as long as they follow the guidelines/dni list!
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character list !?
gen 1 - alejandro, bridgette, dj, duncan, eva, geoff, gwen, harold, izzy, justin, katie, leshawna, lindsay, noah, owen, sadie, trent, tyler
gen 2 - anne maria, dakota, dawn, jo, lightning, mike, zoey
gen 3 - ella, jasmine, rodney, scarlett, shawn
gen 4 - axel, caleb, damien, julia, millie, mk, nichelle, priya, scary girl/lauren
rr - emma, jacques, josee, kitty
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"your parents must love this show, gets you out of the house!"
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dni list !?
blaineley, chris, cody, courtney, heather, sierra, gwourtney, courtney x scott, & chase x emma (td 2023) stans
anne maria, axel, b, brick, cameron, crimson, dakota, damien, dawn, dj, duncan, ella, emma (rr), ennui, eva, gwen, izzy, jacques, jasmine, jen, jo, josee, julia, justin, katie, kitty, leshawna, lightning, lindsay, macarthur, mike, noah, owen, rodney, sadie, sam, sanders, scarlett, tom, trent, zee, zoey, gwuncan, leharold, gwent, & nemma antis
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"you know what? I'M GETTING A SANDWICH!"
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