Kitty meow czafhaye
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meowczafhaye · 6 days ago
Mrs Angel Star ref sheet (redesign) - poppy playtime OC/AU
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here the new design of experiment 1304, Mrs Angel Star (aka Alice Lauren)
Alice's new look is she 10.5 taller than the wuggies and a hybrid wuggy which she has four arms that she can carry any object and even the toys, plus she also had a pouch which resembles a kangaroo's pouch and she carries the rest of the toys including her human daughter, abby (or Abigail which was her full name), and also the color of her mouth and blood is cyan blue
Mrs Angel Star was the caretaker of safe haven, along with the toys and her allies kissy missy, doey the doughman, missy mittens and Rosalyn (female player), however she wasn't sure if she can trust poppy to help stop the prototype, but one of her allies was dogday, who was diseased and controlled as a puppet by the ruined critters in the playhouse, when she became defensive, she protects the toys and attacks any enemies who tries to get in to safe haven
Old design from 2022
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meowczafhaye · 7 days ago
What’s Your Name Kids?
(Silverice & Czafhaye, First Met?)
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meowczafhaye · 14 days ago
Doey the doughman - poppy playtime chapter 4
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I drew doey the doughman from chapter 4 of poppy playtime
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meowczafhaye · 14 days ago
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How Ichi Meet CatDraws & Crew?
Ichi is Alone WithOut Uno are Betrayed,
And He Saw The Box on Table But Something is Moving in The Box on Blanket, Then Ichi Pull The Blanket and Surprise, it’s Smol Children, it’s Called FurToons, But He See The Note From Human LAB is Said
“Dear Ichi, We Gift For You, Meet Your Little Crew And You To Be Dad Ichi, You Not Alone, WithOut Uno And Name Them First, From Human LAB”
Seen Ichi Take care of Them,
Himself, To Be Good Father
(CatDraws & Crew is My OCs)
(Ichi is @meowczafhaye ​⁠​⁠‬OCs)
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meowczafhaye · 29 days ago
❤️💙New kittens💙❤️
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meet the new kittens, the twins, but I haven't named those two
The first one kinda looks like kitty czafhaye and the second one looks like jeff
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meowczafhaye · 29 days ago
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(Just Accident Story)
Next Story: “Talon Meet FireBerry “
When At Night, FireBerry Has Scar by SilverIce, She Walk Saw The River of Water and Look at Water of Mirrors, FireBerry Think Memories of Bad Feeling of SilverIce Cry,
And Then, Male Wings Cat is Talon He Saw another Wings Tiger, He Look at Her She Cry and He Walk Slower of Meeting, He Ask Her About Happened is a Accident by SilverIce
Talon Is Shocked, He Say “Are You, SilverIce Sister!? “ and FireBerry say “Yes… “
But Talon Ask FireBerry Join The Clan, FireBerry Not Sure about SilverIce Anger? Then Wings Cat Saw Talon And New Member,
And SilverIce Came is Like “What going on? “ Then She See Her Sister FireBerry, Silver Know What She Doing Here, Talon Say At FireBerry Is Staying our Clan,
FireBerry Try say Sorry about Happened, But SilverIce Turn around & Anger, Talon Say “Uhm, Let Go To Sleep you & I? “ and Anyone Go To Sleep, if FireBerry Has Apologize To SilverIce Tomorrow,
(I’m Draw Lazy of Fur Marks :,V)
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meowczafhaye · 1 month ago
Hey guys, it's been 8 days since I was offline and I know you guys missed me a lot,but don't worry, I'm back online now, but the reason why I was offline is because I was doing some household chores at home
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meowczafhaye · 1 month ago
Hey guys, unfortunately I'm gonna be offline for today, sorry guys
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meowczafhaye · 1 month ago
New encounter (missing friend ep 5)
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First slide: fake collab with @silvershi1fluffyo
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Seeing catdraws transformation of the corruption, Dr. uno points at them and tell her to kill them, czafhaye and the others tries to stop catdraws and trying to comfort her to stop her control from one's corruption and avoiding them from getting infected, czafhaye tries to stop Dr. Uno, but she was attacked and bitten at her arm by catdraws, the others tried to stop but was caught and infected by them, she know that they'll will be next to become infected, Dr. Uno laughed that he will get his victory and attempt to finish her and take her moonstone, until they were both pushed back by someone who came here and shield czafhaye and the others, protecting them from Dr. Uno
???: don't you dare harm those innocent, uno
He heard a familiar sound by someone he knew
???: are you alright, dear *her ask to czafhaye*
Czafhaye: yeah, but I'm getting infected, including my friends and my siblings *she replied*
???: not to worry, dear, let me fix that
Czafhaye give her arm to someone and he heal her arm, curing her to stop the corrupt infection, he continues to heal and cure others with his little friends (who were revived) helped him, czafhaye was all healed and cured from Dr. uno's corruption and she and the others were ready to finish Dr. Uno
Dr. Uno: Ichi?! *he said when saw his former friend*
Ichi: that right, uno, I'm back, you really think that you will win and take over with your corruption, you used to be my friend, but you betrayed me because of your jealousy
Dr. Uno: I can do whatever I can do to corruption anything, and they will obey my commands
Ichi: I won't let you take over everything with your corruption, uno, this ends now
Czafhaye and the others joins ichi and were ready to finish Dr. Uno
Czafhaye: were here for you ichi, let's finish that TV monster
The fight against the corruption began
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The new oc is here, Ichi the computer man and he's the God of protection, he can heal, cure and protect the innocents and fight against the corruption, and also, I was going to make his transformation form
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
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I’m Draw The Series:
☀️🐅🪽DarkSun Clan & Crystal Clan 💎🐈🪽
DarkSun of Winged Tiger☀️🐅
& Crystal Clan of Winged Cat/Feline💎🐈
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
Happy 2nd Banbanniversary!
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
Bonus part of luisa and czafhaye swap species
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Also, no one did it, and it turns out, it was the crystal that luisa found, this crystal can switch specie to anyone
And also, my apologies for that
Luisa and czafhaye swap species - furry OC
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seems like someone swapped their species, but who did it?
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
Luisa and czafhaye swap species - furry OC
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seems like someone swapped their species, but who did it?
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
Lovers in the ocean - furry fandom x pressure OC
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
A white tigress
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In Crystal clan, the young teenage cats are ready for their training with their mentors, the cats have train very hard, catching preys and fight with their clan mates while others collecting Crystal shard to make any accessories and collecting herbs for medical use
After training, czafhaye and SilverIce talks about their future of becoming a warrior, until suddenly, they hear a sound, shuffling behind the bush, the two called the mentors that someone entered their territory, the cats guards the two and tells to someone who is trespassing their territory, but the trespasser was actually a winged white tigress with blue strips and markings, and she also had 3 cubs, but her cubs are actually liger cubs, SilverIce was surprise to see another winged tiger similar like hers
the white tigress introduced herself as sapphire, and her cubs, Ellie, Aurora and Tyler, but her mate, Jonathan (who is a winged lion) had suddenly died during the battle, silverice and czafhaye also introduce themselve to her, she was here to find a safe place for her and her cubs and kiro welcomes them to their clan, sapphire thanked to the winged cats that she have a new home for her and her children, SilverIce felt so happy to met another winged tigress and her cubs
Sapphire, Ellie, Aurora and Tyler are the new oc's, also sapphire kinda looks like avi
And the winged tiger design was made by @silvershi1fluffyo
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
A better life
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(Also this is a long story for this)
During the night in Crystal clan, the winged cats went to their dens along with their kits that it time for bed, while others will guard their defense to check if there's a intruder, as the winged cat where asleep, SilverIce has woken up every late from her nightmare and she sneakily went outside trying to leave the clan, she couldn't handle because of her negative thoughts and knowing that it was her fault about her mothers death she has began to cry as her tear fell on her cheak, until flame has appeared in front of her
Flame: "your life came with anger & fear of your soul" she said
But the czafhaye and her mother came to her feelings worried that she's leaving the clan
Czafhaye: silver, Are you okay?
Czafhaye's mom: is everything alright, dear?
They said very worried that SilverIce is going to leave
Czafhaye: Silver, are you... leaving?
SilverIce: y-yes...
Czafhaye: but why would you want to leave
SilverIce: it's because..., they didn't want me here because of the way I look, they didn't want to be friends with me because they think i'm a monster, they always keep making fun of me because I'm not like them, and I... I....., I just really miss my mom, but fireberry think it's my fault because of mom's death, what if she was right, what if I'm-
Czafhaye came and hug SilverIce before she said a word
Czafhaye: SilverIce please, stop blaming yourself, your are more special to anyone
*sigh*, listen SilverIce, I know you wanted to leave this place, but just because your one of the winged tigers, doesn't mean that your a monster
And I understand how much you miss your mom, but she's here for you
SilverIce: "really" she replied
Czafhaye: yes, as the other cats once said, if a love one has died and lives in the afterlife, will guide you in your heart
And it wasn't your fault that you lost your mother, so don't get those bad thoughts get you
SilverIce: yeah
Czafhaye: we can be brave, strong, and powerful warriors together when we grow up, and your mom will be so proud of you, no matter what
Kiro (the clan leader): she's correct, your are a part of this clan, you may be the only winged tiger cub I've met, but you deserve to have a new life in our clan, and your mother will be so proud of you
SilverIce: thank you, kiro, but what about talon and his friends, they would try to bully me again
Czafhaye's mom: don't worry, dear, miss Layla told me that talon and his friends were grounded for a week because of talon's bad behavior
Kiro (the clan leader): come on now, children it's time to go back to your den
As they went back to their dens, SilverIce knew that her mother will be proud of her
SilverIce: don't worry mom, I promise I be brave and strong warrior when I grew up, and prove that big meanies wrong, you'll be so proud
SilverIce went back to sleep with czafhaye and her mom, but then, the spirit came, it was SilverIce's mother, she was so happy to see her daughter
TianaBlaze (spirit form): yes my dear child, I will be so proud of you, be safe okay
Before she leaves, she gives her daughter good dreams so she won't have bad nightmares anymore
Days after days, kits have grew up to teens, and their ready for training, SilverIce can't wait to start for training, but she won't be alone when czafhaye is here with her
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meowczafhaye · 2 months ago
Deep sea bunny - Roblox pressure
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Here's the cute little Deep sea bunny from roblox pressure
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