#oc: lykaon
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aura-morgenstern · 5 months ago
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halloween season's ending. Felt like I have to post these.
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muffy-official · 7 months ago
Okay so I think I mentioned him before, but there's the expop idea I've had in mind for quite a long time, somewhere around prime time maybe
The guy I described as a big grunt who's slightly taller than them, but have him be a wolfman acting like a blood hound who's part of a additional experiment where Murkoff rewires him to such a extreme extent that he fixates on a person he's told to protect. Becoming possessive and obsessive to the point he almost mauled both Coyle and Franco for getting too close to Gabriella and for the physical harm they tried to inflict on him as attempts to "leash" him. Even pulling the chain around his neck, being shot at or zapped. He generally didn't let expop or primes she trusts close to her either. Won't let her speak up often, even had a taste of her blood(unfortunately he isn't the only one who did) that dripped to the floor from a nosebleed just to find a trail if she's been too quiet for longer periods of time. He intimidates her quite a lot not only in height and physique, but also in behaviour. Fellow big grunts she knows are not very fond of him just for how possessive he is. Which is why he ended up as a occasional variatior due to being dangerous to anyone who only dares to wrong his target.
Doctors telling him reagents took her to motivate him to work in trials when she isn't present in them. They're generally telling him all the horrible things they may do to her.. they even say that when he's locked up to keep him aggressive and motivated at all times.
See his and Gabbys dynamic kinda like Little Sisters and Big Daddies(Rosies/Bouncers) from Bioshock.
But Lykaon in general is a mix between big daddies, re8 lycans and rule of roses stray dog
Gabby feels awful sending him out to attack by pointing towards a direction, telling him to go fetch
Her screaming or blowing into a dog whistle will also alert him if he picks the frequency up and will attack no matter who you are
I still have no solid design though, only random doodles and no voice claim to get a idea how he sounds. Thought very deep to the point you'd feel the growly voice vibrating, maybe even feeling it through the floor in close proximity when howling loudly
He also used to be a huntsman of greek heritage, a immigrant who lived alone and far away from the city or any human life in the forests of Montana. People would freeze in fear seeing his overall height and the vibes he gave off before Sinyala in general. His real name used to be Yiannis Papadopoulos, but he can't remember it anymore at this point, he can't remember who he used to be in general as if that's been erased or locked away by Murkoffs sick experiments. Roughly in his mid to late 30s during Lathe II
I have no set design, never had and all I got is random doodles while brainstorming(which I probably showed before)
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I suck at designing anything lately for quite some time now and I kinda neglected this idea for too long
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zoebelladona · 6 months ago
fics by crowstyping (that's me!) 🌿
arkadia is gone: broken trio lycanthrope au. in which it is lykaon instead of kronos.
kyparissos, run! kyparissos, cry: novelisation of thalia's death
pointed north: au about my ocs, campers luke's age post-battle of manhattan. pov my son of apollo oc with mommy issues and psychosexual problems.
HIS DARK MATERIALS (follow @dximonions)
apple heart: narnia/hdm crossover. lyra belacqua x lucy pevensie one-shots collection.
bauble: a tony costa x lyra belacqua flash fic.
it's a long way out to reach the sea (but i'm sure i'll find you waiting there for me): au where lyra is not captured at the end of the subtle knife. lyra and will play in the ocean of another world.
paradise dropped: high school/small town au. panjava. will has a crush on lyra belacqua, they sit in the park and drink wine, talking about prophecies.
symbol no.14: bird: pre-the secret commonwealth fix-it where lyra and pantalaimon talk things out instead of letting it fester.
this peppermint winter: written post-s1 finale. christmas special about lyra trying to make the holidays feel special despite everything she went through.
novaturient: post-the amber spyglass lyra realises that while she might love will she wasn't in love with him.
within walls: human experiments but with dæmons
the influence stars have: the lion king except it's humans who can shapeshift into animals
anatomy of an edelweiss flower: the secret of nimh except it's humans who can shapeshift into animals
《 possibly upcoming 》
power outage [ pjo / one-shot ]: throne room scene in tlo except thalia is there
lightning in a bottle [ pjo / multichap ]: au where luke does not join kronos. when thalia's tree is poisoned luke offers himself as volunteer to go on the quest for the golden fleece in an attempt to save her.
lichtenberg figures [ pjo / multichap ]: au where thalia comes back her actual age.
fixed star [ deltarune / one-shot? ]: following the events of the snowgrave route, instead of opening a new dark world kris goes to noelle and explains the situation. they think they might have a chance to find dess if they work together.
smile to charge, hug to cast [ pjo / multichap? ]: my will solace and lou ellen are besties manifesto. backstory stuff and how they fared during the events of pjo
supernova [ deltarune / one-shot ]: december holiday is missing. two kids try to find her.
bury me in the lake i swam when i was a child [ merlin / two-shot? ]: freya is not dead. she and merlin got married, he visits when he can. he brings her flowers.
amphibious [ merlin / one-shot ]: merlin can think of no one better to look after aithusa than the lady of the lake.
thaw & foredawn [ barbie / multichap ]: i rewrite magic of the pegasus but i let annika say fuck
dark age [ loz / one-shot ]: totk being the "beginning" of the timeline makes me angry so i'm novelising a theory i saw refuting that
how terrifying to be aglow [ loz / multichap ]: totk + ss remix where i do my own take of the imprisoning war from skyward sword using tears of the kingdom worldbuilding. aka, hylia and the original hero are zonai
we'll be dead in the water [ thg / multichap ]: welcome to the 73rd hunger games! fanfic quality version of the ongoing rp between myself and @on-the-river-lethe. for more check out @laberinthos
waking up the giants [ tlg / multichap ]: my version of the backstory of the dead civilisation in the last guardian
wearing our remains [ trc / multichap ]: my adam/blue/noah manifesto + au where i remix trc to Not include gansey and ronan. die mad about it
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gabriella-garland · 3 months ago
ooc oc ramble
We will delve into sexism, objectification and misogyny she faces in this one, you have been warned
since pleasure the prosecutor she might've become a little more insecure about herself since even when she grew up she's heard things that had this detereorate over time, but not as severe, she could ignore and push that away
But being in a environment where one man won't let her talk(Lykaon) when he doesn't want to, another verbally throws shit at her just for being a woman working a in his eyes "manly" job, saying things nasty things guised as "advice"(Coyle) and the last seeing her more as something to oogle at(Barbi) as she's not that harmed like the grunts(as she's not from mount massive+only a few months or so here as expop) while calling her delicate, fragile like a porcelain doll, but also exclaiming how it's a shame something is missing to fill the chest area alongside other things or dressing differently while pointing at the cutout resembling her. That would just make feeling insecure, hurt and uncomfortable rise further, feeling especially hurt as this was someone she used to be friends with, even if that was short lived as kids due to her dad returning home with her early. Thinking maybe he's right and she's not complete like other women around her, trying so hard to not let that thought consume her whole, but at the same time she's had to fend off one or two creeps as a reagent who were preying on her just for the way she looks or having to hear catcalls calling her doll and other things from men specifically. Even when the Seargant uses it as it's what he does to most depending on the situation, she feels more uncomfortable and unsafe than insecure. She also doesn't get along will all grunts she doesn't know as there's more than the two or four she recognises, just how she didn't get along with every reagent before the punishing team switch, pet names, hurtful words guised as compliments etc
Seeing Whitehorns portrait that has been long removed in the PD also had her think about mentally preparing just in case she ever has to see this man in the flesh, him making her think of grandpa without hair and a slightly fuller face has her at slight unease.
The young woman also always wanted to play with makeup, but all she has the courage for is lipstick so her face won't look strange whenever skinner induced nosebleeds make things look messy, but even that sometimes gets unwanted attention even though she worked hard to get that lipstick for herself to fulfill a dream she's had since she was 16(gramps didn't allow any makeup, not even a balm which that she hid in her pockets and bags alongside things she rarely got to wear all the time)and not anyone else. There may have been a sense of slight fulfilment when the bride, Ms. Newman decked her in makeup until she found out what it all was for, feeling betrayed by another woman for playing with her trust despite being somewhat uncomfortable around her too.
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shivasdarknight · 2 years ago
I'd like to know about canon mounts and minions for your FFXIV OCs! If you haven't answered that already
THE MOUNTS AND MINION STUFF IS FUN and it's pretty obvious as to who has the most convoluted answer. and that's all down below - I'll cover as many as I can remember :O
Surkie's first "minion" was the coeurl kit, but it's the black coeurl kit with the normal one's story. She rescued both the coeurl kit and the wolf puppy during that one 15 quest in Aleport, but she couldn't take care of the both of them and only took the kit with her - who she named Henri! She genuinely thought this was a boy, she was wrong, that is her baby girl. Henri has traveled with her since the start and has grown up into that dark knight tank mount coeurl, and she follows Surkie around through most of her adventures. Obviously there's stuff she can't join in on so she ends up as a sort of semi-permanent fixture of the Rising Stones, but she also winds up living at the Borel Manor and is a terror upon Aymeric's cat. She's very gentle with Surkie's allies (and yes, her kids too), and is just this big lovebug despite being a huge fucking coeurl. Her first mount was Prompto, her chocobo. He's a big percheron (as in the massive feral ishgardian breed that can carry 2 people) with natural black feathers, and a really nasty attitude. He's about as stubborn as Surkie is and she's gotten into a fair number of verbal arguments with this bird, it's funny. He doesn't see as much travel as he used to due to transporting issues, but he's very well loved regardless. He's very calm around Henri (especially since he's known her since she was a cub + he could very easily do damage back if she tried anything) and they have a routine where Henri plays dead on his back to sneak her through cities. Surkie canonically has Fenrir, as she found him after the events of Azys Lla still alive and recovering from even more wounds than the ones that should have killed him when they went through Snowcloak. Even in spite of what he did to Seraphin, Surkie can't bring herself to put him down since he's one of the last remnants of Ysayle (in her eyes at this point) and heals him up and they end up fairly close. Hoarhounds can act like familiars with people they grow close to, and this bond often extends to people that the owner was close to - so he's quick to warm up to Surkie, and he winds up a much better "mount" than Prompto since Hoarhounds weird and can just find you wherever; even across the Rift. He's a trans-affirming misandrist, but he puts up with Surkie's male partners and her sons. He's very affectionate with her and Ysayle, he's grown fond of Allie, and is a big murder puppy.
Surkie has other hoarhounds which include a puppy (has grown beyond the size of the minion now) named Hati that she rescued, and Hrodvitnir from the Zadnor skirmishes who is another rescue. He's smaller and skinnier than Fenrir and also doesn't have that issue with men, so Estinien's able to help with this one without being constantly glared and growled at (at least he's not Gaius, tho, because Fenrir nearly killed him upon seeing him). She also has a LYKAON PUPPY that she smuggled out of Elpis per Hermes' request. He saw how well she handled Fenrir (even in spite of him nearly mauling Emet-Selch) and asked her for a favor. While all the adults had been put down, he didn't tell the other researchers about the den of pups. She can't take all of them, but she does take one and that's Skoll. She keeps her tucked into her armor until they can leave (she was so fkn tiny) and she's very good with the hoarhounds thankfully. Yes, there's a theme here with the names. Surkie picked Hati and Skoll because of stuff she read up on the Old Gods when Ysayle introduced her to their existence. She also has a Hellhound (that varies in size) named Sétanta, who she summons whenever she so feels like. I'm thinking about making the faepup canon to her too, but she has the Hellpup which is also a big Hellhound. Turns out, this was a voidsent that used to be under the Morrigna but responded better to Surkie. I need to decide on which one, but she does have a canon motorcycle she got from Cid back in post ARR, and she's fucking obsessed with it. I just don't know if I wanna go with what I actually use (the SDS Fenrir), or the Garlond one from the Island Sanctuary. There's also a mod I have that turns the SDS Fenrir into an Omega themed bike, and that's a strong consideration... Recently canonized the Hydaelyn lynx as something that was a gift from Venat, as that's a familiar based on her own powers. Sassy fucker, but Surkie keeps her close. If we wanna get technical, the Starbird counts here, too; except that's not the Starbird that is Actually Meteion and chills with Surkie a lot because that's....kind of her aunt in a really weird way? It's complicated, but Surkie's not complaining because she'd rather Meteion do that than....y'know. Endwalker's plot. Last thing that I'll mention is that she does have a canon mammet, but that's not her fault. During post HVW, Altan sat down and worked on a Wind-Up Iceheart mammet for Surkie and gave it to her. She figured that since Eorzeans use them as ways to immortalize loved ones and remember notable people, she thought it'd be a good thing to do for her since she was really struggling with the fact she wasn't allowed space to grieve while Katsuro (wrt Haurchefant) was. Katsuro - naturally - had less than welcomed opinions about if she should have something like that because "not good coping" but she kept it with her regardless. This does, however, make Ysayle's return in 5.3 kind of fucking funny because now there's a fkn toy version of her that Surkie just has. And yes, Altan threatened to make one for her other partners when she learned of them, and she nearly got her ass beat (they do not exist, but the threat is there).
Katsuro is the one who adopted the wolf pup after Surkie left that one behind, and that boy's name is Kerberos - which was the name of a familiar that Charon had. He has other dogs and some kamuy that I still need to figure out the names of, but he's just got so many fucking dogs and Kerberos is just. Not the wolf/direwolf model we see in game, but just this big fucking more realistic wolf that won't leave him alone he's such a needy brat. Kamuy could count as a canon mount, but I don't really think about that with him very often.
Gwendoline collects those creepy voidsent dolls that were made by that one goldsmith. She knows they're haunted, she knows the Wood Wailers wanted them destroyed, but she doesn't care and has managed to get all of them. Why. Why does she bring them along, the group finds them weird. Someone get her to stop. SHE EVEN HAS CALCA AND BRINA. For mounts, Gwendoline does have a Chocobo but I need to design them...whoops. But she did rescue that Unicorn from the cnj30 quest, and her name is Hemlock. However, the unicorn came paired with a Voidsent that wouldn't leave the unicorn's side. So two for one deal since Hemlock likes Gwen, thus she also has the Nightmare, Rosemary. They're both girls. They seem to like each other. The lesbian has lesbian horses.
Seraphin has Camilla, who he raised since she hatched. Camilla is a true griffin that he found when she was an egg, given to him by Hamujj Gah when he accidentally stumbled upon a recovery effort by the Amalj'aa after some of their drake eggs and their own eggs were stolen by an Ul'dahn black market type. Hamujj Gah found the griffin egg amongst the others and knew he was from Little Ala Mhigo, so he gave the egg as a sort of way of peace gesture that even the adults would get to deter any potential retaliation from perceiving this child as in danger, and this wound up fostering positive sentiments towards the Amalj'aa in Seraphin. Camilla was raised in Little Ala Mhigo alongside him, and his parents did what they could to get him barding for her so he could have her as a regular steed, and she basically goes wherever with him (except across the rift).
Lillith has a griffin that I need to work on because there's an obvious tie in there with his mom, but he does have a big destrier chocobo by the name of Agni. Agni is named for his fiery plumage, and is just as energetic as his owner. He's also got that Hayate puppy that needs to be named, and honest to god I'm leaning towards Dogmeat because hey do i need to remind people that he was originally a Lone Wanderer agaiiinnn or is it still obvious. Dogmeat isn't the name he picked, his dad picked it as a sort of morbid joke based on the conditions Sulivaughn found him in.
Altan mooches off of her siblings minions and mounts, but she has a lot of stuff that she tinkers with. Most notably, she made herself a Cruise Chaser that she uses in combat and as a mount. She likely also made the Rubellite Weapon minion because she thought it'd be interesting to recreate it and Allie wound up stealing it for herself (Altan...cant complain too much). She also may have helped Allie build the big Landerwaffe.
Zirnghota has Spriggan familiars that double as minions and mounts! They chill out as earrings for her, and brings them out as she needs them.
Glyndwr rescued an Alkonost that's very attached to him. He wanted to release it because ethics, but he's now stuck because it's very dependent on him now (gee i wonder why he has a bird thing).
I need to decide on if the others have anything, but for the most part these are the big notable ones. I've cycled through stuff for Surkie like the fox kit, the grani, kamuy of the nine tails, ehll tou, etc. but they got cycled out for varying reasons (eg the Grani, who WAS MY MAIN MOUNT THROUGH HVW BEFORE FUCKING ENW CAME OUT AND RUINED THAT. that lore used to be a voidsent that got attached to her, but now i can't use it without people going "emet mount". so thats Fucking Fun.). Either way, Fenrir is baby and she loves him.
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the-colours-of-darkness · 6 months ago
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Made a new book cover, I'm learning more and more about the importance of black holes as a symbol for my ocs...
The Colours of Darkness is a young adult version of Beauty and the Beast, if the beauty could command shadows and the beast was socially awkward.
Rhea is very used to the otherness as a young woman with shadow magic and a gothic sense of fashion. She tires out easily in the sunshine the more her powers develop and struggles to find any compassion from myths of Melbourne unless they are inherently nefarious beings.
Lycius is stuck in the family cycle of generational trauma represented through the use of the Curse of Lykaon—an ancient Greek king cursed by Zeus to be become a beast when he insults the King of Gods by serving human flesh. While werewolves have evolved since the ancient times and strengthened their own communities, the curse has suddenly erupted in Lycius’ famly line. A family that had no idea they had a werewolf gene to begin with.
I have been deeply entrenched in the tropes and scopes of the genres of romance, fantasy, and the paranormal for my entire life. Subsequently, when I write within these genres, I subvert the expectations so there may be gentle beasts and fierce, sometimes terrifying maidens.
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zoneeoftruthh · 3 years ago
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hi ive been obsessed with @northern-passage lately
(Hunter is Ajax, he/they)
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warmfuzzyanimal · 3 years ago
Do you accept drawing requests ? ...
only occasionally! and really only characters from fandoms i'm interested in
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prime-pulse · 4 years ago
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clothes shopping episode scenes !! (plus 2 random doodles) i am in love w clementine . 
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leirsulien-archive · 4 years ago
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northern-passage · 4 years ago
personally deciding my oc's names is the bane of my existence lol how did you come up with everyone's name? did any of them go through a name change?
oh anon i hate coming up with names LOL. the default names in tnp are all ocs of mine. and there’s a reason there’s no default names for the surname lmaooo, and the horse names? pet names of various friends. captain is literally my dogs name
lea is based off an oc of mine, which is funny to say now because they are complete opposites at this point, but their name is leon. and i’m a kingdom hearts fan, i like axel, who’s real name is lea. however i had only ever read it and not heard it said so i thought it was pronounced differently lmaoo but that’s where lea’s name came from, pronounced “lay-uh”
noel is just a name i had fixated on at the time and liked, not that deep, however i did agonize over their last name. it originally was youngblood, then hawkblood. but i wanted it to mean something and relate to the culture of the world, and i got a lot of my inspo from greek mythology, so i decided to look at greek names and then it was sidaris. and finally i picked lykaon. do with that knowledge what u will hehe
merry... i genuinely dont know where that came from. mainly inspired by merry from lord of the rings, however merry herself is based off an oc named soskha. why did i change her name? idk i like making things difficult. her last name changed a few times, i think first it was sage? then there was another one before harlowe but i don’t remember it now
clementine started as a place holder name that stuck. literally just picked it off the top of my head lol but i became attached and i couldnt rename them
i spend a lot of time on fantasy name generator and also pulling inspiration from media i enjoy, like jorah flint, derived from captain flint of black sails. jonah is another character who's name i wanted to mean something as well, and then i agonized over it being so close to jorah’s name. lmao. but i’m not changing it damn it....
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eaglebearor · 5 years ago
some viable muse options if you decide to ( or have already ) play odyssey
lykaon the doctor
the pythia
and theyre all pretty much OCs so really you could just...make OCs and slap them in ancient greece as a daughter of artemis or something i mean 
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jacensolodjo · 6 years ago
since i can’t make gifs right now with my issues w/ my internet, feel free to hit me up if you any prompts or head canon questions for:
the Alpha ARCs (mainly 17 and my OC squad but I can try Maze and the rest and also ship stuff for sher bear), Solo Twins, my Shepards (shane, brent, andrei), femshack, femshawson, femshepley, or any other shane ship you remember (since femslash feb is right around the corner and I miss shanebutt), wolverine/storm, wolverine/iron man, Capt Phasma, alexios/lykaon, alexios/brasidas, baze/chirrut. 
Nothing explicit for ship stuff. 
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ao3feed-assassinscreed · 6 years ago
A Lesson Well Learned
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JajaQk
by Tarma_Hartley
Ajax, one of the adopted children of Lykaon and Alexios, learns a valuable lesson as do his parents when he is kidnapped by a bandit hellbent on revenge against his misthios father.
Words: 4593, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alexios (Assassin's Creed), Lykaon (Assassin's Creed), Timon (OC), Penelope (Timon's wife/OC), Achilles (Bandit chief/OC), Medea (Bandit/OC), Ajax (Alexios and Lykaon's adopted son/OC), Hippolyta (Alexio and Lykaon's adopted daughter/OC), Elektra (Alexios and Lykaon's adopted daughter/OC), Hektor (Alexios and Lykaon's adopted son/OC), Hyperion (wolf dog and family pet/OC), Philip (Farmer/OC), Nestor (Bandit/OC), Priam (Bandit/OC), Jason (Bandit/OC), Hekate (Bandit/OC), Leander (Bandit/OC), Ares (Bandit/OC), Helen (Bandit/OC), Nemesis (Greek Goddess of Vengeance), Asklepios (Greek God of medicine. Lykaon's personal Patron God), Agave (Lykaon's sister), Praxithea (Lykaon's Grandmother), Desmothenes and Artemis (Parents of three missing children/OC), Missing children (OC)
Relationships: Alexios/Lykaon (Assassin's Creed)
Additional Tags: Family, Love, Suspense, Family Drama, children in peril, Violence, killing of bandits, Blood and Violence, One True Pairing, Parent-Child Relationship, Adopted Children, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Child Abandonment, child abandoned by his birth parents, Ancient History, Ancient Greece, Alternate Universe - Ancient Greece, Aftermath of Violence, Family Bonding, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Violence against Children, Kidnapping, Kids in fic, salty language, some salty language, Using real History but fictitiously
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JajaQk
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