#oc: jagger
wallbang-buzzkill · 2 years
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older jagger stuff, feat. an op design
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wyldblunt · 5 months
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i feel like with the way we talk about our co-commanders it comes off that glyndwr is always the squalling tantrum-throwing impossible-to-work-with workplace diva and in comparison alan is a beatific ever-smiling angel endlessly cleaning up everyone's messes. In The Name Of Duty. but i feel it's important to know that alan also absolutely 100% has Main Character Syndrome he is just much better at repressing it
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doxxed0367 · 1 year
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Ok Im kinda late to the bendy fusion train but i drew these like a month ago and just now decided to post them 😭 But this is my Grant/Sammy fusion, Gabe! And i even drew an ink!gabe to go with it :D
I dont have much lore on him rn but i will say that although hes sensible and a bit more pleasant to be around, he is perpetually stressed and a chronic workaholic, and should thusly be Grand Slammed into the nearest bed immediately XD
{Dont use/reupload w/o permission}
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king-trollex-fangirl · 3 months
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Jagger Leather (Nash's older brother)
Voice actor: Kevin Jonas
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pockettron3000 · 5 months
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here’s another Volcanafi doodle because i don’t know what to post at the moment!!
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
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An Oasis of Elegance...
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morguemaw · 1 year
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arhg furry oc jumpscare
he works in a coffee shop..
more on his TH [ logged in viewers only ] but his outfits r under the cut!
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salubriousbean · 5 months
*kicks down door*
HEY HI HELLO (If you couldn't tell I'm really excited about this I hope whoever's reading this is excited too)
Well long story short today's my birthday so I brought treats for the class and those treats are . . . a whole original clone division! With original Jedi characters too!
So I'm listing each character by Company (no I do not have a profile for every single member yet), then some of their traits, then a random quote rhat seems like something they would say. Also, sorry if it's formatted weird, I had to copy and paste this from the notes app of my phone and then re-format it
('m putting it under the cut because otherwise this post'll be annoying to scroll past)
Shabam! ⚡
The 495th Division!
• Their Division is nicknamed the Jarkiv Divison (Jarkiv means charisma or presence in Mando'a, plural is Jarkive). So sometimes non-495th will be like "Oh there goes a Jarkiv" or "Yeah some Jarkive stopped by last rotation" or something like that.
• Their color is periwinkle! And they have lots of twins!
• They can do normal clone battalion stuff but they also specialize in undercover/infiltration ops and ops that require a smaller size force. Basically just very specialized operations, they can do lots of stuff.
• They've received tweaked training, and are also slightly more genetically modified (just slightly) than regular CTs, but still carry the CT designation so as to not tip off the Seppies/enemies that something's up with this division.
• They usually use shadow holograms for their disguises when they're undercover. They've received more extensive training about different religions, cultures, languages, and species. And before each mission they study up on where they're going, what it's like, the culture, climate, language, customs, etc.
1 Jedi Knight, 1 Jedi Master, and 1 Padawan, 3 Companies.
1 Commander, 3 Captains, 6 ARCs, 90 other troopers. Per Company, that maths out to:
1 Captain
2 ARCs
30 troopers (3 squads of ten, the Captain leads one and the two ARCs lead the other two)
So basically, there's 100 troopers and 3 Jedi.
Also, the Commander usually just tags along with a random company when he goes on missions.
It was a matter of great debate in the Jedi Council whether or not to have so little clones per Jedi in this Division. Some wondered at the efficiency of it all, but the 495th has proven themselves extremely capable. They're all very close, and work very well together. However, any casualties affect them more so than a normal clone / Jedi battalion.
Commander Jagger, CT-2874
• The guy who keeps all the captains in line lol. Tired man, like the dad of the 495th, makes the best caf even though they all use the same caf machine, it's wild.
• Unfortunately does a lot of paperwork (somehow).
• Good peacemaker
• Dual wields blasters
"Troopers! Put aside your disagreements for later and focus on fighting the Seppies, not your brothers!"
Jedi Knight Star Nubo
Lightsaber color: pale green, lightsaber spear sorta thing, with small sabers on both ends. Kinda like those electrostaffs, but with lightsabers.
Species: human. Long brown hair, medium skin tone, has some freckles on her face, short queen.
• Very strong with the force, occasionally receives visions from the force, usually in the most inopportune, inconvenient moments ever
• Had her hair cut off by Grievous like 3/8ths through the war, it used to be in a very long, beautiful braid and then it gets cut to her shoulders and then trimmed to her chin because the lightsaber burned the ends
• Also she can practically fly with the force, the force is her weapon, she's very very very good at levitating and force pushes and stuff, even like subtle stuff.
• She is also skilled at playing some space flute kinda thing and was in several Temple Theatre productions.
• She's always there for you. dependable, but sometimes changes her plans on the spot/with little warning.
"Incoming from above!"
Captain Koden, CT-8355
• Star's Captain (kinda sorta maybe they fall in love). Noble sorta guy. His name is like Kote and Commander Cody's.
• Unless there's extra lives put at risk, he doesn't usually change his tactics mid-battle• Also dual wields
• Good at evaluating terrain and keeping people in line
• Knows Mando'a
• Very close to Jagger
"I've learned that sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. And sometimes that means jumping out of a gunship without a parachute because your plan went wrong."
Angel, CT-8260
• Almost no color to his armor at all
• Bro has no chill in fights whatsoever
• Menace on the battlefield (to the clankers of course)
• On breaks, 1/3 of the time he's super chill and 2/3 of the time he's just raging about something (or somebody)
• Has a pair of stylized wings tattooed on his back and painted on the back of his armor
Graham, CT-0397
• Likes crackers, even the ones in rations• Not picky about food
• Picky about like mud and such
• If you're not on a mission he will talk your ear off
"Agh, we're gonna have so much fun cleaning our armor when this is all done. Stupid mud. I miss the clean facilities on Kamino. Not the Kaminoans, just their cleanliness."
Ten, CT-4736
• Medic
• Doesn't have a single 1 or 0 in his CT number at all, nobody except himself and Jagger knows how he got his name
• The classic medic stereotype of wouldyouidiotsjuststopgettinghurtalready and stopdoingidioticstuffI'myourmedicnotyournanny but other than than he's chill, he's only annoyed with his vode (and even then it's kinda jokey), and he's never annoyed with his Jedi getting hurt
• Also really good at hacking (Ten got his name from binary)
• Wired different, kinda loopy sometimes
"Hammer! Do I have to manage your metal-chomping tendencies every second of every rotation? This is ridiculous! You're gonna ruin your teeth before you're thirteen!"
Hammer, CT-2699
• Heavy gunner
• Good at using a battering ram and breaking down doors
• His bad habit is chewing on metal absentmindedly, Ten always gets mad at him
• Plays pranks on Ten
• Very slowly comes to appreciate snipers
• When he's in disguise he likes pretending to be a feisty old grandfather who has back problems
"Let's hammer this home!"
Jelly, CT-2603
• Twins with Bell
• Armor is fully colored in, like there isn't a speck of white on this guy's armor it's all periwinkle
• Good at dancing
• Life of the party
• Talks a lot but mumbles when he speaks
• Calls Bell "Belly" all the time (Bell hates it)
• Also kinda loopy sometimes, friends with Ten (not his assistant though, Jelly doesn't like that stuff)
"Heyy, Belly!"
"Don't call me that."
"Aw come on vod, then it rhymes with Jelly! And we all know that that name's funner anyways."
Bell, CT-6023
• Twins with Jelly
• Likes everything to be on a strict schedule
• Good at ramping it up and also mostly calming it (which is sometimes Jelly) down
• Ten's coolest and best and only assistant, great at helping troopers take and remember to take whatever medications they may need
• Efficient cleaner
• Good first responder to any accident
"Okay, okay, let's take a deep breath. In . . . and out . . . in . . . by any chance have you seen Jelly anywhere?"
Burst, CT-5904
• Ordnance expert
• Likes explosions
• Besties with Hardcase and Wrecker
• Has an explosion painted on his helmet
• You can only wake him up with explosions or by shaking him aggressively or dropping him on the floor or something, he does not wake up to normal alarms
• Has a ✨prosthetic arm✨, his hand got blown off in an explosion so now he has a prosthetic from just below his elbow
"Hey guys, need a hand?"
Jedi Master Aada Zubin
Lightsaber color: fuschia. Normal lightsaber.
Species: uhhhh idk but she's orange and she doesn't have any hair. Also a short queen.
• Serene, patient, well-rounded in her skills.
• Wears cool dark robes but she's not a sith, absolutely not.
• Can hack into a computer like nobody's business.
• Thinks ration sticks are actually good.
• Good at Jedi mind tricks
• Besties with Jocasta Nu
• Wears the most oddly patterned/colored head scarves
"You will grant me access to the mainframe."
Captain Alaar, CT-1946
• Aada's Captain. a little more traditional and Mandalorian-like than the others.
• Speaks fluent Mando'a and Huttese, as well as Basic (obviously)
• Shav'ram is another word for Silent. (DISCLAIMER: from what I could find, shav'ram is not a preexisting Mando'a word with a preexisting definition. So I made up my own.)
• Good at making things up on the spot, whether that be on the battlefield or when he's undercover.
• Dual wields Mandalorian pistols, has thigh holsters instead of the kama holsters (but he still wears a kama)
"Fight for the glory! Fight for your kin! Go show those Seppies what they came for!"
Nerin, CT-6782
• Twins with Davin
• Got a strange sense of humor
• Once he discovered googly eyes he put them on everything, and I mean everything he could get his hands on: mouse droids, mess hall trays, Alaar's helmet, Davin's kama, etc.
• Good at flips and somersaults and parkour
• Preferred disguise is some type of alien
"Yes, I know, but have you seen the caf machine yet?"
Decant, CT-0322
• Named Decant because his CT number matches the date he and his batch were decanted
• He got the rizz, as they say
• Often has dreams about moons for some reason
• He has a way with words and is good at convincing people, like on missions where he needs to convince someone to lend them something or something like that
"Why, thank you. I think I owe you a favor." *winks*
Spot, CT-4034
• Twins with Snap
• Sniper
• Good at sniping
• And spotting
• Literally just has polka dots all over his armor
• Likes techno music and usually listens to it on breaks (he's a good DJ)
"Oy, watch out!"
Snap, CT-6056
• Twins with Spot
• Heavy gunner
• Buff and angry
• Has stripes all over his armor, it looks like plaid
• Will fight anyone at any given moment
• Likes kittens
Coleman, CT-9367
• Dyed his hair red
• Likes outdoor missions
• Good at starting fires
• Could survive alone outdoors for a very long time
• Starting to grow a beard (it's not working out very well for him)
• Very light sleeper
• If you have chocolate cake he is there within a second of smelling it
"Is that cake? Can I have some?"
Padawan Neea Tayni, apprenticed to Master Aada Zubin
Lightsaber color: main blade purple, little offshoot blade yellow, double-bladed.
Species: twi'lek, dark blue. Usually wears some kind of handkerchief bandana thing on her head. Taller than her Master and Sola.
• She can force heal so that's cool.
• Makes the most hilarious dad jokes (she gets it from her master).
• Unlike her master, she thinks ration sticks are the spawn of the devil.
• She's also friends with Ahsoka. Does the dramatic robe drop.
• Very good at sneaking and pickpocketing
"Haha! Take that, you bantha cud!"
Captain Lik, CT-0827
• Neea's Captain. He's here to have fun. Heavy gunner.
• Likes burritos and similar food items
• Good at taking out lots of droids very fast
• Always carries extra droid poppers but usually gives them to others
• Usually places bets on stuff and usually loses, but he's sportsmanlike whether he wins or loses
• Scar on his neck where he almost died
"Press forward! Those droids won't take us today!"
Davin, CT-6783
• Twins with Nerin
• ARC, Gust Company
• No-nonsense sort of guy
• Hates it when people don't get to the point straight away
• Doesn't like politics
• Likes getting the job done as fast as possible and then going to take a nap
• Has a flower painted on his thigh plate
"Just-- stop talking."
Ambrose, CT-3157
• Makes really bad puns (he gets it from Neea)
• Really likes honey and sweet stuff, massive sweet tooth
• Would call significant other honey if he had an s.o.
• The second best cook of the 495th (he learned from Commander Jagger, the best cook)
"STOP STEALING MY HONEY! I'm just trying to make cookies!"
Simon, CT-1889
• Twins with Agatho
• Likes tea, not caf like the rest of his vode (he's the only one who likes tea)
• Resident food connoisseur (can't spell connoisseur)
• British accent
"You can't even cook the tea right!"
Agatho, CT-1890
• Twins with Simon
• Got his name from "agathokakological", meaning "comprised of both good and evil".
• Good at spelling, large vocabulary
• Has lots of geometric lines on his armor
• Also has a British accent
• Good witness because he remembers everything
• And because of that he holds grudges for a long time
• One of the calmer troopers of the 495th
"Simon was the one who broke the caf machine. Don't blame me."
"Agatho! What the kriff?"
"I'm just telling Jagger what happened!"
James, CT-5628
• Likes instrumental music
• Mustache
• Also a calmer dude UNLESS you take his stuff (don't take his stuff)
• Always lays on the floor
• Has cool diagonal geometric design things on his armor
• Good at mapping stuff and drawing out building plans
"Don't touch me until 1600. Unless there's food, or cream for my caf."
So anyways, there they are! I'll probably make a better masterpost for them in the future lol
And hopefully I'll start writing stuff with them now, and draw them but that might take a while
Also if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them that would mean a lot to me but no pressure
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boxdotden · 1 year
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avidrops · 9 months
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less of a redesign I just wanted to draw them again
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wallbang-buzzkill · 1 year
Jagger 10, 23, 28 🖕
10. Describe the character in one sentence.
u already know 😭. he has hella swagger but no moves
23. Future headcanon.
One day he'll be old and goofy and he'll have married Alex methinks. They both like the idea of retiring to the country, but both know they'll feel restless, so maybe not too far from the city.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did.
Jagger signed up for the military right when Conor told him his parents were urging him to go. He didn't wanna be apart from his friend (nor did he know what he wanted in life anyways) and even though Conor worried it wasn't a good career choice for either it ended up being perfect for both.
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icecreamartist · 1 year
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✨ Redrew my wasp oc Jagger, I'm very happy with his new design and think he looks amazing ✨
Jagger ~@artisticdreamer
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ladylike-foxes · 1 year
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Have a sketchdump to start your Thursday! Feat. My trailer trash elf, Evander, the pretty security guard from my regular grocery, and some sketch studies of In the Countryside by Ludovic Alleaume, The Lecture Painting by Vittorio Reggianini, and Kathleen by David Jagger.
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Have you ever finished designing a character and thought, “I love how they look but MAN DID I draw them TERRIBLY”? Well yee that’s how I feel about this guy XD I was a bit rushed to get him done on time so the artwork's pretty sloppy. I'll probably draw him again when I have more time!
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Unlike the other gijinkas I've drawn so far, Jagger's not based on a design I've drawn before- he's a completely new character! He actually comes from the distant past and came to the present after Oolong got sent to his time period and needed help getting back. For the most part, he likes and is very fascinated by the modern world, but it can be a bit overwhelming for him at times. Personality wise, Jagger's very smug and haughty, loving to show off and fight! He's also a tad bit vain and spends a lot of time taking care of his headcrest, polishing his scales, ect. He and Cardemom get along extremely well, as they've bonded over their shared interest of breaking things and causing chaos! :D
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marikmizuki · 2 years
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boxdotden · 1 year
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I am not immune to spidersonas.
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