#oc: alexia
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MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU. I'm One with the Force, and the Force is with Me
Taking to the skies to fly into battle with resistance fighters, wielding a lightsaber to avenge a friend that been harmed, or breaking an oath to protect those who can't protect themselves; May fourth is a day to honor the light side characters who can and cannot utilize the Force. Highlight their journey(s), their role(s) in the grand scheme of things, the impact(s) they've created on themselves and everyone around them, etc.
The good guys in Star Wars (Poppy’s Version)
Coretta June ‘The Jedi’
Raised in the Jedi Temple, Coretta June became an instrument of war: used by the republic to cut down the Sepratist armies. Through the war she stayed true to herself: a kind woman, with a soft spot for Anakin Skywalker. Cory would later become known as ‘The Mother of Rebellion’, a woman who gave life to the next generation of rebels.
Lydia Amidala ‘The Diplomat’
The daughter of two of the best Jedi, and the sister to Luke and Leia Skywalker. Lydia was raised by Padmè Amidala to be a force to be reckoned with: a woman who stood up for the right things, and valued family above all else.
Kayla June: The Sister
Kayla grew up during the clone wars, watching the older sister she never met on holotapes defending the republic - General Coretta June. When the Empire rises, Kayla joins a nearby rebellion group and meets Obi-Wan Kenobi who tells her about her sister, and how the young girl travelling with him is her niece.
Anna Tano ‘The Padawan’
Anna was abandoned as a child, found by Ahsoka Tano, who took her in and trained her: naming her after her former master. Anna became a neutral force user, harnessing both light and dark to take down the new Sith Order.
Cora Skywalker ‘The Legacy’
The daughter of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, Cora was an exemplar Jedi, a perfect daughter and the light of the resistance after her cousin disappears.
Alexia ‘The Thief’
A common girl who finds herself in the reaistence. Despite her criminal activities, she chooses to fight fie the New Republic.
taglist: @bravelittleflower @ginger-grimm @dancingsunflowers-ocs @foxesandmagic
@shrinkthisviolet @witchofinterest @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl
#oswdc24#oc: coretta june#oc: lydia amidala#oc: anna tano#oc: cora skywalker#oc: alexia#ocappreciation#allaboutocs#ocapp#may the fourth be with you#star wars ocs#my edits#fyeahstarwarsocs#oc: kayla june
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Matias Recalt x leitora
Fluff Y smutizinho - dedada curtinha e sexo de três linhas😍😍. Num geral isso aqui é só um relacionamento extremamente confortável com um Matias x CBJR. Amo responsabilidade afetiva; leitora tem cabelo cacheado [se vc n tiver tá tudo certo]; breve menção de mainha issues.
N.A - isso aqui foi crueldade pura comigo mesma kkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Leiam ouvindo Dias de luta, dias de glória do CBJR. Oi @lunitt tudo bem? Lembra que eu falei que oq era teu tava guardado? Não tá mais😍😍
Dias de luta, dias de glória.
Matias!ficante que apesar de não ter um título oficial com você agia como se vocês fossem um casal de idosos que foram casados a vida inteira. Sempre feliz quando estava contigo por você era o motivo da felicidade dele.
Matias!ficante que não entendia porque você brigava tanto com sua mãe. Um dia, em um momento delicado seu, ele te pegou chorando no quarto, cansada dos gritos rudes de sua mãe. Entrou pela janela e sentou do seu lado, te abraçou e ficou em silêncio porque sabia que mesmo que ele falasse, nenhuma palavra sairia de você. Se manteve daquele jeito até que você quisesse falar. — "'Tô cansada, Mati. Quero ir embora daqui. Nada que eu faço é bom o suficiente. Nada." — Te abraçou com mais força enquanto deixava um carinho no seu braço. — "Tudo que você faz é extraordinário. Vou te tirar daqui, a gente vai ter uma casinha só nossa. Eu prometo." — Disse e pelo resto da noite deixou que você derramasse todas as lágrimas necessárias, se dependesse dele aquela seria a última vez que você choraria.
Matias!ficante que um dia apareceu na frente da sua casa às cinco da manhã e te arrastou p'ra praia, montando um pequeno piquenique p'ra vocês comerem enquanto assistiam o sol mostrar seus primeiros raios. Mas ele te olhava mais do que olhava para o sol, já que a visão da sua pele brilhante e os cabelos esvoaçantes era tudo que ele realmente queria ver quando foi te chamar.
Matias!ficante que te levou para uma loja de anéis por pura curiosidade e te pediu para provar um daqueles anéis. — "Prova, sei lá, no dedo de colocar anel." — Coçou a nuca, disfarçando mal. — "Só p'ra ver né? Não que eu esteja planejando algo." — Riu sem graça. A moça em uniforme preto ria enquanto olhava para vocês dois, admirando o jeito nada sútil de Matias e sorrindo para você dizendo em um sussurro "acho que ele 'tá querendo te pedir algo." Te fazendo rir enquanto provava os anéis de diferentes tamanhos até achar o seu. — "Mati, me espera aqui. Vou fazer xixi." — acenou com a cabeça, observando você se afastar e então correu para o balcão. — "Moça, qual o tamanho do dedo dela? O do anel. Só por curiosidade."
Matias!ficante que te pediu em namoro duas semanas depois. Te levou para a barraquinha de cachorro quente mais badalada da cidade e, enquanto você ainda estava com a boca cheia e suja de molho, se ajoelhou na sua frente. — "Será que esse pitelzinho aqui na minha frente aceita namorar comigo? Só se 'cê quiser." — você engoliu a comida e abriu um sorriso enorme, o melhor que você tinha segundo Matias. — "Porra, teu sorriso vale mais que qualquer diamante do mundo, gatinha." — Você acenava desesperadamente com a cabeça enquanto esticava a mão, observando atentamente ele colocando o anel em seu dedo anelar. — "'Tá sujo aqui oh." — Levou o polegar até o canto da sua boca e limpou o molho vermelho, fazendo vocês dois rirem antes de darem um beijo meigo carregado do amor puro de vocês.
Matias!namorado que disse que tinha um surpresa para você, algo grande que ele estava planejando a alguns meses. Te levou de bicicleta até a pequena casinha azul e te deixou confusa. — "É nossa. Quer dizer, não literalmente. Não consegui comprar ela mas adiantei três meses de aluguel. Se você vier comigo aí nós vamo' adiante, morena." — Quando viu lágrimas de formando nos seus olhos ele imediatamente segurou seu rosto, te fez olhar para o céu e pediu para você segurar as lágrimas. — "Não não, sem choro. Vou pegar o carro do meu tio e a gente vai trazer nossas coisas p'ra cá e começar a ajeitar tudo, tá show?" — Você acenava com a cabeça, um lindo sorriso nos lábios enquanto ele olhava para o seu rosto sorrindo.
Matias!namorado que naquele primeiro dia na casinha nova te amou a noite inteira. Beijou cada cantinho do seu corpo, se apaixonando mais um vez por cada pedacinho da pele quente. Se empurrou para dentro de você devagar, mantendo um ritmo calmo enquanto admirava o sorriso em seu rosto. Olhava pensando na paz que teria sabendo que acordaria todos os dias ao seu lado, que todos os dias estaria vendo você.
Matias!namorado que numa sexta feira no final da tarde, depois de um dia cansativo de trabalho para vocês dois, ia te buscar no trabalho de bicicleta para que vocês pudessem ir no mercado juntos. Compraram as coisas necessárias para um hambúrguer e voltaram para o mundinho colorido de vocês. Matias grelhava a carne enquanto você cortava as saladas e abria os pães, o cigarro de palavra pendurado nos lábios dele e as histórias toscas dele te fizeram rir a noite inteira. Sentaram no sofá e colocaram em algum programa ruim, comendo enquanto ouviam e riam das piadas horríveis que os rapazes na TV faziam.
Matias!namorado que se desesperou em um mês que as coisas se apertaram um pouco e acabou faltando uma parte do aluguel. Você passou a noite acalmando ele, dizendo pacientemente que essas coisas aconteciam e vocês iam resolver. Segurava o rosto dele e sorria, limpando as lágrimas que insistiam em sair dos olhos dele. — "Vou ligar pro Seu Tevez, relaxa, coração." — Você disse enquanto pegava o celular e caminhava até a entrada da casa, ligando para o senhor de idade que havia alugado a casa para vocês. Viu a calma de Matias voltando quando você começou a rir no telefone, agradecendo profundamente o senhor antes de se despedir e desligar o telefone. — "Ele disse que 'tá tudo bem, coração. Entendeu completamente a situação e disse que nós não precisávamos nos preocupar com a parte que falta. Não precisa ficar nervoso, essas coisas são normais, Mati. Lembra do Chorão? Dias de luta, dias de glória." — Matias respirou fundo antes de abrir um sorriso e te abraçar com força. — "Procurei a vida inteira por alguém como você, puta que pariu! Eu te amo muito." — Você riu alto, devolvendo o "Eu te amo.".
Matias!namorado que não passava uma única noite sem dizer "Te quiero." Antes de dormir. Empinava a bundinha para você esperando que você o abraçasse, sussurrava baixo um "te quiero" e dormia como um bebê de barriga cheia e fralda limpa. Agarrava seu braço e só soltava quando o despertador acordava vocês dois.
Matias!namorado que não te deixava tomar banho sozinha. — "Matias nem vem, quero lavar o cabelo em paz." — Te olhou e ignorou completamente suas palavras, entrando no chuveiro e abraçando sua cintura enquanto deixava beijos no seu pescoço. — "Depois a gente lava nossos cachinhos." — Os beijos dele continuavam quentes pela sua pele molhada, a mão direita descendo por sua barriga e logo encontrando lugar entre suas pernas. Tocava suavemente os lábios úmidos antes de escorregar um dedo para dentro de você, te fazendo gemer e deitar a cabeça sobre o ombro dele. — "Mati..." — Ele apenas dizia um "shh" baixo enquanto movia o dedo lentamente para dentro e para fora de você.
Matias!namorado que não podia te ver de costas para ele. Acordou um dia e te viu na cozinha vestindo uma camiseta dele e uma calcinha? Tapa acompanhado de um aperto firme na bunda. Tava aspirando a casa e se abaixou para pegar algo no chão? Tapa seguido de um aperto. Tava colocando o lençol na cama e se inclinou um pouco? Tapa mais aperto. Segundo ele era vingança, e você não podia sequer contestar já que a bundinha dele também não podia dar mole se você estivesse por perto.
Matias!namorado que pelo menos uma vez por semana te levava para ver o nascer do sol na praia, mas ver o nascer do sol s�� você via, Matias ficava te olhando. Para ele, não tinha nada no mundo que ele trocaria por te olhar em qualquer momento. Apesar das lutas, já eram gloriosos todos os dias só por terem um ao outro lado a lado.
#alexia is typing😍🌟💥#la sociedad de la nieve#lsdln cast#brasil#the society of the snow#matias recalt x oc#matias recalt fluff#matias recalt fanfic#matias recalt smut#matias recalt x reader#matias recalt x you#matias recalt#Matias recalque#charlie brown jr#cbjr#fanfiction#oneshot#a sociedade da neve#enzo vogrincic#enzo vogrincic fanfic#alexia's man#lacharapita
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The Tie that Binds
Word count: 799 (idk if that’s bad)
Warnings: none
Wednesday, September 4th, 8:30 am
Ana’s POV
I woke to the blaring noise of my alarm - I needed to get up for school. Even though I changed it to another tone so it’s not the basic one, it isn’t better. I open my eyes and see a small streak of sunlight peeking through the curtains. Five more minutes, I tell myself. I lay in bed, stretched, grabbed my water bottle, and scrolled through my social media to wake myself up.
Once the clock read 8:35, I had to get up. I rolled out of bed, went over to my curtains, and opened them to let the light in. There’s something about natural light that is so peaceful to me. I wish I could take my classes outside, but they are in lecture halls inside, with barely any windows, unfortunately. However, I can do my homework in the courtyard! That is something to look forward to. Luckily, class ends for me at 2 pm today. I am only taking three this semester, so I can have time to be with my horse instead of being drowned by homework all the time.
After I made my bed, I walked over to my desk chair, where I put my clothes for the day. It’s an off-white baby T-shirt, black jeans with small rips, and white high-tops. I quickly put my outfit on and got started on my morning routine. Sitting down on my desk chair, I put on my LED mirror (I use my desk as both a workspace and a vanity) and started my skincare. Once done, I brushed my hair and put it back into a loose braid. Rummaging through my makeup drawer, I eventually find which products I want to use and put a small amount on. I don’t put on a lot of makeup in general, but I put an even smaller amount on if I know I’m going to the barn after my classes end. After grabbing my jewelry and school bag, I leave my room and head downstairs for breakfast.
“Buenos dias, hija!” my mami said to me when I walked into the kitchen. “Hola mami!” I replied as I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and headed to the fridge. I wanted to make a strawberry banana smoothie before I left for school. I grabbed all the things I needed to make it and headed over to the corner of the kitchen counter where the blender was. After putting all the ingredients in there, I clicked the smoothie button and watched all the fruit flow together. While waiting for it to be done, I reached into my back pocket and put on my horseshoe necklace.
“You know your papi wanted to give that to you on your 16th birthday, right? He was so happy when you fell in love with horses, he wanted you to have something to wear to remind you of them.” mami said as she walked to stand next to me. He wanted to give it to me but never had a chance to. “Of course I know, mami, how could I forget? It was such a special moment for me. It actually reminds me more of him than it does horses.” I reply with a sad smile. “Oh, he loved you so much, hija. I hope you know that.” she replied with a sigh. “Yes, mami, I know.” I say with a sigh as I turn off the blender and open the lid.
“What’s wrong Ana? I can see it in your face.” My mami says as she opens the cabinet to hand me a glass. “I don’t know. Sometimes it’s hard for me to talk about my love for Papi, when Alexia loved him so much.” I say as I pour the smoothie in my glass. “Hija, we all loved him so much. Just because Papi introduced Ale to futbol, doesn’t mean you or Alba’s love for him is any less.” Mami replies as she kisses my cheek. I smile and sit down at the kitchen island and drink my smoothie as I scroll through social media. Of course I see the videos of the Barcelona girls training and prepping for the match against Deportivo this Saturday. It’s an away match, so I don’t think I will go. I’m not sure that I will come to any of her matches in the near future. Our sisterly bond hasn’t been the greatest as of late, she’s been very cold towards me, and I don’t know why. However, Alba and I are good as can be.
Once I finished my smoothie, I went to the sink to wash the glass. I gathered my things together and kissed my mami goodbye. I walked down the porch steps, got in my car, and drove to another day of university.
This is my first fic out on here! Thank you so much for reading; if you did, let me know what you think! Also, big thanks to my bestie @foxy-2 for encouraging me to post this fic!
#woso community#fypツ#woso#woso appreciation#fc barcelona femeni#alexia putellas fanfic#alexia putellas fanfiction#alexia putellas x oc#woso fanfics#fyppage#woso writers#tumblr fyp#barcelona femeni#futfem
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𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛
(𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐼 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠)
#scp 049#scp#scp foundation#plague doctor#scp fanart#scp fandom#artists on tumblr#digital art#art#love#scp secret laboratory#scp containment breach#scp community#scp2024#scp 049 x alexia#scp oc#oc x canon#doctor#pestilence#the cure#lovers
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Alexia-sama can’t communicate very well in words. Whenever she wanna say something, she does a guitar riff.
Get her in full colors on my Throne: https://throne.com/robustaart/wishlist
#dnd#dnd5e#digitalart#illustrator#characterdesign#fantasyart#ttrpg#fanart#orignal character#oc#alexia-sama can’t communicate#robusta art#elf#bard#punk rock#guitar#shredding#gothic lolita
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My lackaocs!
+ their relatives
I didn't design bios for the relatives because I did not have the time and energy for that so it's just written
If you'd like to know a lot more about my lackaocs I made an infodump post here
Edit: Since Tony got married and changed a bit here's his old look for comparison
#lune's art#lackadaisy#lackadaisy oc#lackadaisy ocs#ocs#Gale Wolfgang#Matilda Wolfgang#Marie Brooke#Dorothy Brooke#Antonio Davis#Riley Sullivan#Gale#Matilda#Marie#Dot#Tony#Riley#Also funfact; I had Gale and Matilda since 2018 and had Riley since 2020 and Matilda's name used to be Alexia#Tony Marie and Dot are all new 2023#Edit: added small wrinkles to Tony's face (I wish the edit could affect reblogs too but oh well-)#Edit 2: I DRASTICALLY changed the way Riley looks so I edited the post to add his new design#Edit 3: Tony got married! Therefore he has been updated. I will be changing his oc tag from Antonio Brooke to Antonio Davis too
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Chapter 8
Summary: you and Frankie walked from the station to home and just wanted to wash off the blood of you and go to bed. The next day Frankie comes by to apologize to you about the way he was acting the other night and you have a sit-down with Ray-Ray to come up a plan to get rid of Lenny, you met Rob and he takes you and Frankie to has lavished house and spend the night once the night comes you, Frankie, and Jerome drive out the desert to meet Ray-Ray
Warnings :afab-reader, n-word usage, cursing, crying, minor character death, description of blood (2 scenes) lying- ass lexi, unprotected p-in-v, creampie, oral(fem rec.), massive daddy kink(i’m a whore), squirting, ass-eating, choking, spanking
Word count :5.3k mdni+ Happy reading
This takes place in episode 9 and 10
You're walking down the inside of the street and Frankie's eyes are peeled open looking everywhere and a car slowly passes by you both, Frankie steps in front of you shielding your body as the car keeps driving, he takes a deep breath and touches your hand “I hope Leon is okay baby?” you look up at him, tears swelling up in your eyes and then you break down. You couldn’t stop crying, feeling your breath going too fast for you “Breathe baby, you need to breathe, Lee is going to be okay.” your gasp. “Seeing Leon in all of that blood, I couldn’t stop thinking about you if that ever happened to you.” he leans into you, putting his soft lips on you “That’s never going to happen, you know these little niggas know not to fuck with me.” your breathing starts slowing down finally breathing through your nose “We should probably go home I know your momma is waiting for you.” you kiss Frankie once more and start walking down your street.
Entering your house and seeing your momma sitting on the couch in her moomoo, she runs towards you and wraps your arms around you “O my god baby I was so worried about you Marla called me at work and I heard you were at the station because of Leon.” you put your head down, feeling your tears coming back and really start sobbing and you couldn’t stop, just tears streaming down your face “I think I should go take a shower.” “Do you want me to help you?” shaking your head no “It’s okay momma I think I just need to get clean and go to sleep goodnight momma.” “Goodnight baby.” you kiss your momma on the cheek and walk toward to your bathroom, turning on the faucet so the water can get hot and you took off your clothes off and grabbing your shower cap to put it on then stepping into the tub, feeling your bones aching under the pressure and looking down to see blood coming off you and draining into the sink. Not wanting to think about it again and grabbing your washcloth to get it wet and grab your soap and washing it together, washing you whole body including you feet and once you rinse down you turned off the faucet, drying yourself off and wrapping it around you, doing your skincare routine and brushing your teeth, you step out into your room. Closing the door behind you, changing into your pj’s and wrapping your hair and getting under the covers feeling your body relaxing under the sheets and opening your eyes to your closet.
You hear your momma leaving the house without saying goodbye to you and going to work, you continue to rest your eyes feeling yourself fall back to sleep and then a knock erupts on your window standing up to see who is knocking on your window this early in the morning, pulling you blinds a part to see Frankie smiling at you, he was wearing a light brown shirt with khakis pants and black adidas, his shirt is making his chocolate skin pop even more, you open the window “Nigga why is you knockin’ on my window this early.” He smiles even more “Good morning to you too baby.” he grips the bannister to steps into your room, stepping back to give him room “I was gonna go to the mall today to get Lee some new sneaks. And I want to apologize to you about the way I was actin’ last night it wasn’t right.” Nodding your head “I forgive you baby I know what you’re doing is a lot to handle, but you can’t be actin’ like that anymore.” “You right baby,thank you aight get dress we need to leave. I don't want any the shoes be gone because of you.” rolling your eyes “Whatever nigga.” you kiss his lips and Frankie walks into the closet to grab his backpack he’s just holding on to the straps and sits on the bed and you change into a blue crop top stopping at your hips and booty shorts and white shoes and you take off bonnet, grabbing your pick to push your curls up and out. “Aye let’s go back to my place so I can drop off my bag.” “Alright baby let’s go.”
Making to Lee’s house in the projects Frankie walks in first, seeing Lee’s siblings doing katare in the family room he busts in doing fake moves with the kids and fake losing with the little boy “Alright alright you win hmmm y’all want to get some candy.” the kids jump excitedly and scream, Frankie hands them a twenty dollar bill “Aye bring me some lemonheads.” Lee is laying on the couch with a bandage on his leg with boxers and a muscle shirt “You a lemonhead.” coming from the little boy “Sup Frank sup Lexi.” Frankie walks closer to Lee to show him a fresh pair of sneaks “Hazard pay.” Lee looks at him “What about my shirt?” Frankie looks confuse “I’m just fuckin’ with you.” you all giggle “Nigga you stupid.” you both sit the the smaller couch looking at this old Bruce Lee movie “How you feeling Lee.” he looks at you “I’m gonna need another hit of them happy pills soon. Then I ain’t gonna hear shit what yo nigga gotta say mmhmm so when we mackin’ our move?” Frankie takes a breath “Mhmm workin’ on it man.” Lee smacks his lips “I could still step to a motherfucka right now.” you giggle “Nigga you can’t even step.” they both laugh at your joke “Them niggas always riding together.”Lee sits up “Not when they rolled up on me, just Lenny .” “Nahh that can’t be right.” “Nigga don’t tell me. I was there.” “He’s right. When I went outside I only saw Lenny leaving in his car.” Seeing the gears turning in Frankie's head coming up with a plan “Man you gonna be able to do this shit without me?” “I can’t lie man having you on the bench ain’t ideal.” “Well look it ain’t about pay back alright? It’s about rep you gotta let these niggas know right here right now we offical ‘cause you don’t motherfuckas gonna be comin’ at us alright?” Nodding his head know he’s to come up with a plan to get rid of Lenny.
Large warehouse that the music bumping there was two guards standing out in front “We just need to talk to claudia.” the two guards give you both a pat down and one of them nods his head and let’s you in the building walking into section to see people dancing and doing drugs in the corner there was young women with tiny clothes on looking at the man to give them some money, walking up the steps to see a light-skin women with long locs out in a bun, she was wearing a long green and blue swirl dress with flip flops “Thank you Wayne and hmm what do we have hear who’s this Franklin?” the women walks up to you to object you “This is Lexi she’s my girlfriend.” the woman looks surprised “Girlfriend? If I knew you this was your girlfriend I would gotten her first my name’s Claudia.” he steps closer to you “Claudia I need you to set up a sit down with Ray-Ray.” she puffs “A sit down nigga you’ve been watch to many movies and if I do want do get in return?” he looks perpexled “What do you want?” she smirks “Mhmmm what do you think?” and turns to you, slowly backing away from her “What if you get Louie?” trying to make a deal without you in it “Mhmmm okay but I want her to come here tonight.” nodding his head “Deal I’ll let her know.” he puts his hand up to shake and she agrees.
You both were waiting for Ray-Ray to come in this old burger shack right down the street from you, sitting in a booth “What if he doesn’t show up.” “Ohh he’ll be here I know Claudia talked to him.” he arm extended on the armrest and he did, coming in and seeing you both and takes a seat in front of you “So Claudia laid it all out?” “Yeah she laid it all out, what you think was going to happen? beat down my homie, fuck up his place.” Frankie smirks and points at his scar above his brow “You see that I was beat down first and we weren’t the ones who did to him.” Ray-Ray scoffs “Yeah, well we took care of them HTB arcade niggas.” “You know matter of fact our next neighbor is a cop, said he saw two guys scopin’ out my place and he’s tracking them down right now.” Ray-Ray laughs not believing “That’s how it’s goin’ down? you snitch motherfucka?” and cop walks in to order his food Ray-Ray becomes uncomfortable “If you’re lookin’ for some type of truce, you’re in the wrong place.” ‘No, no, no, no no truce.” Ray-Ray looking confused “Then what the fuck is we doin’ here?” Frankie leans in “We gonna talk business. Because that’s what it’s about right? Money?” you all still continue talking about Lenny and thirty minutes after Ray-Ray left the burger shack, you and Frankie were looking at Ray-Ray's car driving off to the streets.
Frankie stops in front of the payphone and digs in his pockets to grab some quarters and puts them in the slot, picks up the phone and dial a number “Sup Rob what’chu doin?....huh..well I was calling you to see if we can crash at your place.” hearing another voice coming through the phone “Ohh well I was going to have my girl come over if that’s cool, oh shit really aight I’ll see you in ten minutes.” he hangs up the phone and turns to you “His parents are outta town this weekend, so we’ll kinda of have a place to our self.”
A blue pickup truck stops in front of you and the window rolls down and seeing a white boy with shaggy brown hair “Sup Frankie.” Frankie walks to the car “Sup man, come on baby.” you enter first and the white boy sticks out his hand wanting to shake yours “Heyy I’m Rob, nice to meet you.” and you shake his hand “Hiii I’m Lexi-” “Now baby why won’t you tell him your real name.” you roll your eyes “My real name is Alexia.” “That's a very pretty name Lexi.” Frankie closes the door in the backseat with you and Rob starts driving off to his house.
Rob pulls up to a gated community and enters in the pincode, passing through gates you duck your head to look at the beautiful mansions with palm trees and large front lawns “Woow, look at the one Frankie.” pointing your finger at a large all white house and a dark green double doors he ducks his head next to yours “Yeah it is baby, coming home to you in a house like that with little minis me and you together.” Rob pulls up to his long driveway with large bushes leading up to the house he parks in front of his house, the lights were still on. Frankie steps out first and holds the door for you, stepping out as well to seeing little peeks coming from you, Rob walks towards the house and unlocks it and goes first and you look all around you from the large chandelier hanging above you, to the sexual art hanging on the wall and a large a tiger rug running across the family room “Rob is this house is amazing, what do your parents do for a living?” Rob chuckles at you “My parents work in adult entertainment, like they do porn.” whipping your head so fast with your eyes bulging out Frankie is touching his neck and rubbing it slowly “I’m guessing Frankie hasn’t told you about that side hmh?” “No he didn’t. Not that I’m not judging at all, I'm just surprised.” “Your good Lexi here let me show y’all your room.” Rob walks up the stairs, you both follow and enter to a large hallway with multiple doors and entering a bedroom and turning on the lights to see with a large king sized bed with dark sheets and white pillows, plants roaming in the corners of the room and a full length mirror in the corner facing the bed “There’s a bathroom in here and fresh towels and clothes too.” Frankie daps up on Rob “Thanks man I appreciate it.” Rob pulls him in and pats his back “Anytime brother, my room is across the hallway, y’all have good night.” and that Rob had left.
You both step out of the shower and drying your body on the shelf was a bottle of lotion, starting with your arms, to your chest, to your legs and feet Frankie grabs the bottle and squirt some in his hand and rub it together, he starts at your shoulders, rubbing it in your skin and to your mid-back and finally to your ass “That feel good baby.” his fingers digging on your ass, you nodded “Fuck baby yess.” his hands move up to your waist “Bend over for me baby I wanna see you what I do to you in front of this mirror huh.” you look up to see Frankie staring at you, he grabs your thigh to lay in on the counter he squats down to be eye level with your pussy and feeling your lips being spread open “Mhmm your pussy is soo perfect you drippin’ for me already.” His lips latch onto you his tongue spreading you everywhere, gripping the counter and your eyes back “Frankie fuck oh shit baby.” feeling your leg falling asleep and slowly putting it down, a large hand grips the back of your thigh “Don’t you fuckin’ dare, put that fuckin’ leg back up.” groans coming out your mouth “Frankieee.” you look back at him seeing him on his knees, he gives you an assuring smile “You be aight, let me just make you feel good.” and goes right back to your pussy and holding your thigh up, laying back down on the cool countertop hearing Frankie sucking at your clit, pecking at your lips he drags his tongue up to your crack, his hands grabbing at your globes to spread them apart, you jolt up when you felt hot spit touching your rim passing down to your pussy, Frankie collects the spit and push in your pussy, fingers working you in and out over and over and over, Frankie returns to your ass eating you like it’s your pussy your moans erupting out of your mouth “Ohh baby fuck daddy, I feel so good.” “You feel so good babygirl, why do you feel so good babygirl?” you groan “YOU it’s be-cause of yo-uu.” “Then show me how good daddy makes you feel good.” his tongue working down to your pussy and flicking your clit back and forth “Oh fuck.” your thighs were shaking screaming out your groans “Fuckfuckfuck baby ughh.” “That’s it, baby nut on my face.” feeling yourself cumming and wetting all over his face, his pulls out his fingers and still kissing your pussy “I could eat you all day.” he stands up and puts his hips to your ass and grabs your chin to look at him and puts his fingers in your mouth. Frankie dick sliding in between your cheeks, pulling his fingers away from you to your hips and pulling your back, he leans forward to pull you up to look at yourself “Look at me when I slide it in baby huh, can you do that for daddy?” nodding, wanting to feel him inside of you.
The stretch always felt different for you feeling Frankie sliding inside of you, you both moan when Frankie hips touch your ass and sliding out and back in “Fuck baby I got you this wet huh.” you rest your head on his shoulder, kissing his neck “Yes daddy fuck you’re fucking me soo ughh fuckkk dad-dyy.” his hand slides up to touch your breast kneading so rough, grunts coming from him “You so fuckin’ tight, suckin’ me in babygirl.” he smacks your ass “Mmhm you like this shit don’t you huh you gettin’ wetter by the second mm-mmhm.” he moves his hand up to your neck, his large fingers gripping the sides of you, you start to lose yourself with your breath being cut off and your eyes rolling in the back of your head and biting your lip, feeling the wetness running down “Open your eyes for daddy, babygirl.” opening them to see Frankie smirking at you,a tear rolling down your face “Why you cryin’ babygirl?” you moan in his mouth and grabbing his neck to pull in for a kiss, it was nasty feeling his tongue sliding in your mouth his lips overpowering you like he was taking your soul “Dad-dy I’mm-m gonna cumm.” he kisses you while stroking your cheek “You need to look at yourself first babygirl, you need to see how good you mackin’ daddy feel right now.” your eyes drift down to look at yourself, you look a mess. You start to close your eyes and Frankie leans down to your ear “You open your eyes. right. fuckin’. now.” his strokes hitting with every word, screams coming out of you and eyes move to Frankie seeing him in all his glory, like looking at a king he nods his head and smiles at you “What’s the matter baby? Are you about to nut babygirl? You wanna nut on big daddy’s dick, don’tchu you wanna get me wet huh.” you feel your pussy gush to the words of Frankie “Oh fuck daddy.” he smacks your ass “You like this nasty shit, I know you, you about to nut aint’chu.” Your leg has completely fallen asleep, but you didn’t give two shits about that right now your stomach tightens feeling yourself to cum “Yesss I-I doo dad-dyyy.” “Then do it then babygirl nut on this dick right now I know, babygirl I know.” and you do and you look at your man the whole time, Frankie was biting his supple bottom lip, his sexy brown eyes and his scrumptious chocolate skin then pumps a few strokes in you then explodes inside of you “Oh-hh fucc-kk bab-ygirl, I can’t get enough of you fuck.” he leans in close to grab your cheeks and gives you long wet kiss. “I’m sleepyyy daddyyy.” he nods his head “Okay babygirl, let’s get you to bed.” slowly pulling out of you and cum oozing out of you “I can’t feel my legs I feel like a noodle.” Frankie lifts you up in his arms, picking you up like a feather. “Then I did my job then huh.” He walks over to the bed and move the sheets back then lays you gently on the bed and kisses on the head “Good night babygirl, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” you smile and crank your neck “And if you do, get your shoes and you wack them until there black and blue.” he giggles “I didn't know there was a part two to that.” Frankie climbs in the bed with you, pulling you into his strong arms “Good night baby.” “Good babygirl.”
You get dropped off with Frankie, Rob parks his blue and black pickup truck in front of Jerome's place and you grab the door handle “Thank you Rob for dropping us off.” you open the door and taking a step on the sidewalk “Yeah thanks man, for letting us crash at your place.” he pats Rob on the shoulder “Anytime brother and give Leon my best.” Frankie steps out the truck and closes the door “Oh don’t forget, up there to the left it’s the freeway, don’t get lost again.” Rob pulls off to drive up to the freeway, you both walk inside to see Jerome counting a table full of money “Ayee Good morning nephew and good morning Lexi.” you both say good morning Jerome and Louie walks in with her with her teacup and takes a seat “Still going good huh?” Frankie askes Jerome “Better than good nephew, and I don’t know why you sleeping at that white boy house like we ain’t got a perfectly good couch.” Louie smirks at his statement “I think you answered your own question.” You tried to hold in your laugh as Frankie chuckles and your both take you your seats “Look we need to re-up on this powder.” Jerome still counting the money “No problem.” “You got any idea where we gon’ cook up this next batch.” Frankie eyes shift to look at the kitchen, Jerome takes a double take “I know you ain’t just look at my kitchen like you plan to use it, we gonna rent a place some place we can store it and cook the product.” and Louie gets a few hundred dollars “Louie I’ma put you on that.” Louie put the money in her bra “Boy we need to talk turkey.” “I feel the product’s price is right.” Jerome lips pull in a grin “I ain’t talkin’ bout the product. Now when you first came to me you said wanted to split this down the middle fifty-fifty.” Frankie scoffs at Jerome “Then what do you do huh? You turn me away, I ain’t given’ half away now.” Jerome laughs “Now I’m earnin’ if not them knuckleheads that y’all be runnin’ around with.” Jerome points at the both of you “And I can set your narrow ass straight.”
Frankie did not breaking his concentration “It’s my connect, my product, my process. I've already got Lexi, Lee, and Kev to take care.” he grabs a stack of cash and start counting “I’ve can give y’all ten percent.” Jerome haggles for forty percent “Twenty percent and that’s even pushin’ it.” Frankie smiles at his unc, Jerome chuckles “Twenty-five percent then we straight.” “Deal.” Frankie shakes hands Jerome “Ayee that’s my family right there! Move that. I’ma take a shit y’all keep countin’ that.” Jerome stands to walk to the bathroom Frankie turns to Louie “Ray-Ray thinkin’ on it, should know soon.” Louie sits up “Either way you gon’ take care of me right.” he nods his head “I gotchu you.” Louie looks deeper at Frankie “What about you? You alright? You juggling a lot of shit, you doin’ okay.” he lays his head on his hands and gives Louie a quick “Mhm.” and stares of into the distance.
You goes home and sees her momma’s car parked outside on the side driveway, you walk inside of the house to see your momma watching an old black exploitation movie “Where have you been Alexia? I’ve been waiting for you to come home last night! I thought you were hurt or killed somewhere.” you put your head down “I’m sorry momma I went to the hospital to go see Lee and I just got lost at the time and then I just stayed at Shon-Shon for the night.” she stands up to hug you pulling you in her arms “Well next time you wanna do something like that, you call me, don’t keep me in the dark I even bought you a pager for you, so don’t try not to lose this one this time.” “Thank you momma and Shon-Shon wants me to sleepover over at her house again and I’ll page you if something happens I promise.” Looking down at black pager with a sparkly pink case and a clip bend it, you kiss your momma on the cheek and thanked her walking to your room to pack a bag and changed into a white shirt and washed out jeans then before you left you saying goodbye and walked to Jerome’s house.
Pulling up to Avi’s place it had a tall gold gate that covered the front of the mansion it opens, Jerome pulls in to park in the corner of the driveway you, Frankie, Jerome, and Kev step out of the car, Frankie grabs his backpack “Okay y’all be cool, aight this motherfucka is crazy.” there was four men with all slicked back hair and large guns and you all spread your arms to get your pat down once your cleared you walked inside of the house everyone had ak-47’s and glocks on their hips. Avi wearing a versace tan shirt with khakis and gold shoes walks up to Frankie to give him a hug and shakes Jerome and Kev's hands then kisses your hand “Come, let’s go sit by the pool.” proceeding to the pool, there a large fountain in the corner and even a massive pool and a big slide on the side of the pool, you and Frankie take a seat with Avi, Frankie opens his backpack to hand Avi twelve stacks of money. Avi starts counting the money and since they were smaller bills he had to start over and over and over. It was so comical to you seeing Avi getting frustrated with money, Jerome is looking at everything “What’s up with these crates?” Avi looks up “What crates?” Jerome points down “These crates?” and Avi realized he lost his count “Motherfucker! YUDA!” and hands the gunman the money “Did you know Franklin saved Yuda’s life.” “No.” you and Jerome both say “It’s true..yeah he’s a good boy, so everytime he comes here. I offer him a drink, some snort, some pink he always says no.” You turn your head to see Kev putting his hand in the water, you take your pointer finger to say ‘come here’ to Kev, he walks up to the table “Shiit I’m good with any of those.” picking up the champagne bottle “Well I didn’t offer to you did I?” Avi turns to Frankie “The fuck you bring them here for?” “Told you. Business is ramping up. Means we’re gonna buy more, pay upfront that also means I might not be here to be making these runs.” Avi shakes his head “Noo it’s you I like, I trust, you put on the vest.”
The gunman says something in hebrew and Avi agrees the gunman walks away “Y’know Avi since you know we buyin in bulk, how do we do bit better on that price.” you and Frankie sit up “What?” coming from Avi, Jerome takes a seat next to Avi “I know you started the boy at twelve and how about how you shave a little off that price.” Avi’s realizing “Oh ohh maybe or maybe I’ll shave your eyebrows off your face and tell you to eat a donkey’s dick.” Frankie sticks out his hand “Come on Avi.” Avi grabs Frankie “And from now on it’s going to be thirteen a key.” the gunman comes back with two keys in his hands and sets them on the table Avi gives Frankie the two keys, he puts them in his backpack and closes the bag “Now get the fuck out.” Walking down the driveway “I told y’all to be cool.” Frankie walking in front with his hands in his pockets “Hey man it ain’t our fault the dude is crazy.” Kev says “Hey man he’s more than crazy, motherfucka racist.” Frankie stops and turns “It doesn’t matter unless y’all know where I can get pure product then Avi’s our guy.” Jerome taps Frankie shoulder “Look he has to be getting it somewhere and it’s much less than twelve a key and we get someone to scope out his place, get right to the source.” Frankie turns to walk to the car “Can’t just sit out and scope out his place, we’ll be arrested in five minutes.” “You right we can’t, but you know someone who can.” Rob can easily scope out Avi’s place.
Louie unlocks the door to an empty house with wood floors and a lamp in the corner with archway to the kitchen “Hey man this place is dope, I mean a few couches, some lava lamps and a big screen tv, hey we could have a waterbed in this motherfucka too.” Kev claps his hands “This ain’t no bachelor pad, it’s a good damn cook house, just calm yo ass down.” you put your hand on Kev’s shoulder and smile at him “Maybe we could a couple couches Kev.” Frankie walks in the kitchen, turning on the stove “We need to get the gas on, right away the stove is the whole point.” “Can get it done as early as tomorrow.” Frankie pager goes off and looks at it “Ray-Ray.” You, Frankie and Jerome walk to the car.
Jerome parks his car next to a oil well and leaving his lights on and few minutes later Ray-Ray pulls up and step out the car “I didn’t know y’all were bringing somebody.” Frankie steps forward “Just my uncle, hold up your end, you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about.” “Just be clear, I’m not the bitch here, whatever the fuck y’all did to Lenny really fucked him up, would’ve got us all killed.” Frankie nods his head “We know , you’re doin’ the right thing….get him out.” Jerome walks up to Ray-Ray “I’ma help you.” As Jerome walked away, you see the nervousness coming off Frankie. He puts his hands on the car and you pull him in for a quick kiss “You can do this baby.” Frankie told you what him and Lee talked about taking care his family his kinfolk and most importantly you. “Get yo ass up..Get up.” Jerome and Ray-Ray carry Lenny to sit him down in between the cars so he can see you and Frankie, Jerome holds Lenny in a chokehold “Motherfuckin’ Judas’s.” Ray-Ray looks at Frankie “All right we good?” Frankie walks closer to Ray-Ray “Afraid we ain’t, need to know word of this shit never gon leave this spot.” Frankie opens a switchblade “Nah man fuck that-man you told me to bring him here.” “Either you do it so I know you’ll keep your mouth shut or you’ll both be dead.” Frankie throws the blade to Ray-Ray “That wasn’t the deal.” you spoke “Well it’s the deal now.” Lenny is pleading with Ray-Ray “Come on Ray-Ray.” Frankie smiles “Hey man I understand this ain’t an easy ask..I know.” Frankie tosses a stack of cash to Ray-Ray “Plenty more where where that came from, we can use men who know how to handle theyself. Future could be bright.” Ray-Ray picks up the blade and walks towards Lenny “Hey man don’t you do this shit man, come on man.” Ray-Ray grips the blade tighter “I told you to let this shit go.” “Man you ain’t never gonna forget this shit, you won’t and you know it nigga.” Jerome opens up Lenny’s neck, Ray-Ray is still not moving, Frankie pulls his gun and pointed at the back of Ray-Ray head “Come on Ray-Ray.” Lenny is begging for his life “Look at me Ray-Ray, please look at me.” Frankie screams “Do it mothfucka!” Ray-Ray yells “Alright! Alright!” Ray-Ray walks up to Lenny and slices his throat, Jerome steps back to not get blood on his clothes. Lenny’s blood is running down his shirt and spilling on the dirt he’s became silence then the light leaving his eyes and becoming a lifeless soul.
“For Leon motherfucka.” Frankie whispers, he puts his gun under his belt “You ever wanna make some ends, you know where to find me.” and walks back to the car and opens the car for you to get in, once you got in, you share a quick look with Jerome and you both just look at Frankie, seeing in that state that he was so angry and relieve to be getting Lee’s lick back then Jerome drives off to leave Ray-Ray to dig for Lenny’s body.
Another one thank you 🤣🤣 THE BITCH IS DEAD (FINALLY) thank you to everyone still reading this it really means a lot to me (side note irl: this has been a hard chapter for me to finish because me and partner are broken up and I had no desire to write, but the breakup was very mutual between us and after having closure with our relationship is much better now and she is my friend now☺️) but back on this story Lexi needs to stop lying’ to her momma 🫣 you know she ain’t gonna sis especially for that dick, it’s too bomb 😜 especially at Rob’s when he was fucking her from the back giving Lexi that dumb dick and making her to look at him, bitch you cannot tell me otherwise that you would not be dickmatize 🗣️🙋🏿♀️ speaking on that sis, that daddy kink Frankie new nickname is Snowdady, you can’t change my mind. Thank you again for taking the time to read this. See you on chapter 9💋
Love Nazzy 💕
#creaming#franklin saint#franklin saint smut#actually screaming#franklin saint fanfic#franklin saint x reader#snowfall fanfic#snowfall fx#snowfall smut#alexia johnson x franklin saint#damson idris smut#damson idris#franklin saint girlies unite!!!#franklin saint x black reader#franklin saint smut#x black oc#x black fem reader#x black!reader#x black reader#snowfall fluff#snowdaddy#snowfall#snowfall fan fiction#sexy chocolate nigga
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— you grow up my spine, like the serpent who's awakening my mind circles of the night, come and take my hand, and fold yours into mine
#more Mer-coded content? Indeed. <3#Could go on forever about the symbolism of these and connection to her story#oc: mercedes “mercy” sibley#alexia evellyn#wip: in hope of tomorrow#character inspiration#far cry 5 oc#fc5 ocs#project at eden's gate#character reference#mygifs#myedits#dailyfemale#dailywomen#dailywomensource#flawlessbeautyqueens#femaledaily#femalegifsource#dailywomansource#dailymusicians#dailymusicqueens
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👁️👁️ of my ocs from memory
#kuroha ai#doodle#original#OC#eyes#literally I'm just trying to remember how their eyes were#Alexia's just perpetually shocked/wide eyed glare#I love Norna's the most I think it's so shiny and pwetty#Richard's simplicity and roughness is also iconic in his own way#good luck figuring out who's who
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Vamptember 2024: Now Completed: Terror of the village women
Terror of the village women on ao3.
#meeraedits#vamptember#lestat de lioncourt#the vampire lestat#tale of the body thief#lestat x oc#oc: audrey#vampire chronicles#the vampire chronicles#bisexual#queer#lgbtq+#my edit#my writing#jamie campbell bower#Alexia Giordano#bella heathcote#alicia vikander#jessica brown findlay#eva green#fan casting#fan cast#mine#18th century#gothic horror#historical fiction#lestat x louis#just bi vampire shenanigans
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OC PRIDE MONTH CHALLENGE 2023. week one: identities. day six - june 6th. POLY.
Alexia is in a polyamorous relationship with Finn and Poe Dameron!
Make something for an oc who is in a polyamorous relationship and/or identifies as poly in anyway!
taglist: @witchofinterest @veetlegeuse @arrthurpendragon @sentineljedi @stanshollaand @foxesandmagic @edshopper @eddiemunscns @carmens-garden @dancingsunflowers-ocs @raith-way @ginevrastilinski @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @cecexwrites @bravelittleflower
Send an ask/message if you wish to be added or removed!
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Enzo Vogrincic! Mecânico x Reader
Smut - sexo sem proteção [mana, não.], sexo em público [ou quase], degradação, Enzo bem canalha gostoso, reader bem Texas vibessss, Enzo meio pervertido [😰😰]
N.A - RAPAAAAAZZZZZZZ🙂↔️🙂↔️🙂↔️. Esses dias tava lendo umas coisas e reencontrei ISSO e fiquei completamente biruteteia das ideias😟😟. Fiquei dias pensando sobre e então caneteu pq se não eu ia endoidar de vez. Beijocas a todas as lobas e divas, principalmente a nossa aposentada @geniousbh da qual sentimos muita saudades😖😖.
Uruguai, 1974.
— O despertador tocava furiosamente do seu lado mesmo que você não tivesse pregado os olhos em nenhum momento dessa madrugada graças ao seu vizinho. Controlou a si mesma para que não arremessa-se o relógio barulhento pela janela e apertou o botão vermelho na parte superior do objeto com força, fazendo o barulho sessar rapidamente enquanto você se sentava na cama. Os raios de sol entravam amplamente pela janela já que as cortinas não estavam lá e, com uma olhada ladina, você pode ver a janela do quarto do seu vizinho sem noção. Levantou da cama nas vestes de verão que usava, o shortinho florido era tão curto que quase metade da sua bunda ficava de fora e a blusinha de conjunto não deixava muito para a imaginação. Quando caminhou até a janela na intenção de abri-la para aliviar o calor do quarto abafado, tomou um susto ao ver a figura de Vogrincic parada na janela do quarto em que dormia, bebendo uma xícara de café e te olhando de cima a baixo sem nenhuma vergonha, deixando até um sorriso pervertido se estampar nos lábios. Você o olhou incrédula, além de não te deixar dormir durante a noite ele ainda tinha a cara de pau de te paquerar? Claro que sim, era Enzo Vogrincic ali, o mecânico da cidade, canalha, mulherengo e gostoso até demais. Você se virou e seguiu caminho para a sua cozinha antes de começar a gritar com ele pela janela, logo pegando duas fatias de pão e deixando na torradeira enquanto mexia um ovo em uma frigideira, mas antes que pudesse terminar ouviu a campainha tocando repetidas vezes. Desligou a chama do fogão enquanto bufava e caminhava com passos grossos até a porta e logo a abria, mas quase fechou quando viu a figura do mecânico parada ali fora.
— "Te incomodei ontem, amor?" — Ele era tão sarcástico que sua vontade bater a porta na cara dele só ficou maior.
— "Capaz, Enzo." — Queria evitar estresse acima de tudo, afinal, já bastava a noite mal dormida. Disse as palavras curtas brevemente e fechou a porta - ao menos teria fechado se um pé calçando um sapato social não tivesse trancado o caminho. — "O que 'cê quer hein?" — Ele te olhou enquanto sorria.
— "Você." — Ele disse sem rodeios, fazendo você revirar os olhos. — "Veste essas roupas pra atender a porta sempre? Acho que vou aparecer mais vezes aqui." — Suas bochechas ganharam um tom de cerejas quando você percebeu a roupa que vestia. — "Relaxa, amor, já me voy. Passa lá na oficina, faz tempo que não troca o óleo de tu coche." —Ele disse antes de piscar um olho e se afastar da sua porta, deixando que você a fechasse e se escorasse contra ela, tentando não cavar um enorme buraco e entrar lá dentro.
— Tomou o café pensativa, ele estava certo, tinha alguns meses que não levava o carro na oficina então, se tivesse um tempo livre, levaria hoje. Passou a manhã em função de arrumar a bagunça da casa que aguardava a uma semana para ser arrumada. A tarde, antes de tomar um longo banho, assistiu algum filme e pintou as unhas. O banho gelado e caprichado te deu forças para levar o carro na oficina antes da noite cair. Calçava a bota texana marrom enquanto se olhava no espelho. A mini saia preta de cintura baixa mais curta que o comum, a regatinha branca que deixava o fim da barriga de fora, a grande quantidade de pulseiras e anéis dourados além do maior toque: o quão cheirosa você estava. Pegou a chave do carro e saiu em direção a oficina de Vogrincic, que graças ao senhor estava vazia.
— "Parece que alguém me ouviu, não é morena?" — Ele disse quando viu você entrando com o carro, mas ficou em silêncio quando você saiu do carro, o olhar perdendo muito tempo nas pernas bronzeadas.
— "Claro." — Você se encostou no carro enquanto olhava para ele. — "Vai demorar? Vou sair mais tarde." — Você entregou as chaves na mão dele quando ele parou na sua frente, a regata e calça marrom deixando-o ainda mais bonito do que o comum.
— "Tem um encontro, nena?" — Você riu sem graça, as bochechas coradas entregaram uma resposta clara para Enzo. — "El policía tonto? Eu vi você se engraçando pra cima dele, mi amor." — Ele estava muito perto de você. Muito perto. Você respirou fundo e levou as mãos para a janela aberta do carro, se inclinando mais para trás enquanto Enzo ainda olhava para você. As mãos dele tocaram suas bochechas quentes enquanto o rosto dele se aproximava do seu ouvido. — "Tenho certeza que ele não faz muito com una mujer, especialmente uma como usted." — A conotação sexual nas palavras dele te deixaram nervosa enquanto ele sorria e se afastava, parando em frente ao seu carro e abrindo o capô. A visão dele mexendo em seu carro estava aumentando sua temperatura corporal tão rápido que você não podia acompanhar o calor que sentia, abanando as mãos na frente do rosto e sentindo a gotícula de suor que escorria entre seus seios lentamente. O calor ficou tão insuportável que você precisou de afastar do uruguaio, caminhando de forma leve até o carro dele e se escorando no capô do Impala 67 vermelho bordo. As pernas cruzadas, as mãos espalmadas na lataria enquanto você encarava a forma como os braços dele pareciam maiores desde hoje de manhã. Estava tão perdida em Vogrincic que se assustou quando o rapaz fechou o capô do carro e se virou para você enquanto limpava as mãos no paninho pendurado no bolso traseiro da calça jeans marrom escura.
— "Quanto eu te devo?" — Você continuou no mesmo lugar enquanto ele se aproximava de você sem pronunciar nenhuma palavra afiada. Sua respiração ficou pesada quando ele afastou suas pernas com as mãos quentes e se encaixou entre ela, e novamente, aproximou o rosto do seu ouvido.
— "Uma foda e o encontro de hoy à noite vai ser comigo ao invés daquele sonso." — Os pelinhos descoloridos de seu braço se arrepiaram com as palavras dele. O rosto de Enzo ficou de frente para o seu, os olhos de vocês não podiam olhar para mais nada ao redor. — "Te prometo que faço muito mais do que ele, morena. Apesar de el no hacer muc-" — Antes mesmo de ele terminar as palavras e exibir aquele sorriso canalha nos lábios, você juntou sua boca na dele, sentindo o gosto dos cigarros que ele sempre estava fumando. As mãos dele se apressaram para te colocar devidamente sentada sobre o carro e deixaram apertos grossos sobre suas coxas, uma das mãos subiu para segurar seu pescoço, deixando uma pressão gostosa na região. Enzo inclinou o tronco para frente, fazendo seu corpo ficar praticamente deitado sobre o metal frio enquanto ele separava os lábios dos seus e começava a descer os beijos pelo seu pescoço, deixando mordidas e até algumas marcas que mais tarde te dariam trabalho para esconder. Enzo mantinha os olhos fechados, apreciando apenas a forma como você se contorcia abaixo dele e ficando inebriado com o cheiro doce que seu corpo emanava. As mãos foram para seus seios, deixando apertos firmes e sentindo os mamilos enrijecidos atrás do tecido branco, ocasionalmente beliscando-os e te fazendo gemer baixo. Os lábios dele desciam cada vez mais e as mãos acompanhavam, dessa vez enquanto ele deixava beijos na parte de sua barriga onde a regatinha não cobria, as mãos puxavam suas botas para fora de seus pés e logo subiam para puxar a mini mini saia que você vestia pelas suas pernas enquanto os olhar canalha nunca saiam de seu rosto, te fazendo levar uma das mãos até as madeixas escuras e deixar um puxão firme, fazendo um gemido escapar daquela boquinha bonita. — "O que foi, morena?" — O sorriso dele fez você bufar enquanto soltava os fios de cabelo presos entre seus dedos. Enzo riu baixo mas logo voltou sua atenção para a calcinha branca encharcada em sua frente, os dedos curiosos arrastando o tecido para o lado e então tocando os lábios molhados em baixa velocidade.
— "Enzo- porra." — Você gemeu quando sentiu o dedo indicador escorregando para dentro do buraquinho quente. — "Faz isso mais tarde, agora só me fode, por favor." — Sua voz era calma e carregada de manha, quase implorando para ele. O olhar que você deu a ele o derreteu completamente, ele ergueu o corpo até que os rostos de vocês estivessem próximos, suas mãozinhas perversas correram para puxar os botões da calça que ele vestia, já sentindo a ereção firme que estava dolorosamente presa dentro do tecido marrom escuro. O dedo indicador do uruguaio continuava dentro de você, o que explicou sua dificuldade para se concentrar em abrir a calça de Enzo, fazendo-o te encarar com aquela maldita cara de puto.
— "Precisa de ajuda, morena?" — E então você finalmente tinha o pau grosso em sua mão direita, massageando suavemente toda a glande e deixando Enzo disperso na sensação da palma da sua mão tocando nele daquela forma. — "Que mãozinha gostosa, nena." — Ele disse brevemente antes de colocar os lábios nos seus novamente, um beijo quente que serviu de distração para que ele escorregasse o dedo para fora de você e então começasse a forçar a cabecinha arroxeada que vazava naquele buraquinho apertado. Você abriu os olhos em surpresa e gemeu alto contra a boca de Enzo quando sentiu a pontinha do pau dele te esticando e então ele estava lentamente se empurrando para dentro de você com certa dificuldade. — "mi amor, que buraquinho apertado do caralho, pensei que não fosse conseguir entrar." — O gemido que saiu dos seus lábios quando Enzo estava por inteiro dentro de você fez ele querer gozar, com certeza o som mais bonito que ele já tinha ouvido na vida. Suas mãos agarraram a barrinha da regata que ele usava e puxaram ela para cima, logo ela estava jogada em algum canto da oficina e você tinha aquela visão celestial na sua frente. O peito bronzeado estava quase colado no seu enquanto ele metia dentro de você com vontade, como se esperasse por aquilo a anos. Seu braço direito rodeava o pescoço úmido de Enzo enquanto o outro buscava apoio no capô, tentando manter equilíbrio para que não perdesse as forças ali mesmo. Suas pernas se enrolaram ao redor da cintura dele, sentiu como a posição fez ele ir ainda mais fundo em você.
A cabeça deitada para trás mostrando seu pescoço coberto das marcas roxas e vermelhas que ele havia deixado ali mais cedo e o colo do peito que mantinha uma pequena correntinha dourada com seu nome. — "Um dia vai ser o meu nome aqui, morena. Todos vão saber que eres mia." — A forma como as palavras saíram da boca dele te fez gemer ainda mais alto, imaginando com total clareza o nome dele pendurado no colo do seu peito em letras douradas. Enzo escorregava para dentro de você e cada vez que você sentia a cabecinha tocando seu fundo suas paredes se apertavam ao redor do pau do uruguaio, ele por sua vez fechava os olhos com força e gemia. Seus olhos repetidamente olhavam para o portão da oficina, estava entre aberto e você podia ver o céu escuro lá fora. A parte racional do seu cérebro rezava para que ninguém entrasse por lá, não porque não queria ser pega mas porque não queria parar. Enzo te fodia tão bem que você sentiu que se alguém chegasse e interrompesse vocês, jogaria alguma ferramenta na direção da pessoa. — "O que é que você olha tanto, nena? Ahh, 'tá com medo de alguém chegar aqui hm?" — Ele perguntou baixo, com o rosto próximo do seu ouvido, a respiração tensa de Enzo deixando o buraquinho que estava sendo maltratado por ele ainda mais apertado. — "Se você continuar apertando essa buceta eu não vou demorar pra te encher de porra." — O sorriso no seu rosto foi involuntário depois de ouvir as palavras dele. — "É claro... é isso que a perrita quer, não? Quer que eu te encha de porra até essa bucetinha chorar." — O palavreado sujo te fez choramingar enquanto empurrava o quadril na direção do uruguaio. Seus olhos foram para baixo e você pode ver a forma como aquele buraquinho engolia o pau de Enzo tão bem, levando cada centímetro dele até que a pelve coberta por uma camada de pelos tocasse sua virilha. Vendo você, Enzo olhou para onde seu olhar estava, gemendo alto com a melhor visão que ele poderia ter naquela noite, pelo menos era o que ele achava. — "Porra de buceta gulosa hm? Queria isso tanto quanto yo, não é amor? Eu sempre te vi pela janela...-" — Ele fechou os olhos quando engoliu um gemido com força, o quadril tomando um ritmo diferente quando você agarrou o pescoço dele com mais força.
— "Sempre pensei em você. Todas as noites pensando em você me enchendo de porra... não para- caralho." — Suas palavras eram baixas e cansadas, fazendo Enzo sorrir e te segurar com ainda mais firmeza.
— "Não pararia nem se mi vida estivesse em risco. Não vai se livrar de mim com tanta facilidade, princesa. Essa buceta vai me sentir por muito tempo ainda." — As palavras dele faziam suas bochechas corarem, a vergonha tomando conta de seu corpo quando percebeu que havia contado a ele o segredinho sujo que guardava no fundo da sua alma. O rosto dele se torceu quando sentiu o próprio pau latejar dentro de você, o interior se revirando em necessidade e o cérebro estando coberto em uma neblina, o suor escorrendo na nuca deixando o cabelo escuro úmido. Você olhava a cena com o lábio inferior entre os dentes, sentindo a temperatura subir ainda mais com a visão pornográfica que tinha entre suas pernas. Enzo não estava diferente, os olhos não saiam do meio das suas coxas, a visão do pau grosso invadindo o buraquinho apertado com certa dificuldade deixando ele desnorteado. Os braços dele te agarraram com força quando ele sentiu você tremer suavemente, gemendo alto quando atravessou um vale intenso e derreteu completamente enquanto sentia a porra de Enzo te enchendo, ouvindo o gemido rouco que escapou dos lábios dele que foi acompanhado de um sorriso canalha quando olhou para seu estado. As madeixas de cabelo bagunçadas, o corpo suado, os biquinhos ainda estavam duros por debaixo do tecido branco, além da porra que vazava de você e formava uma espécie de anel branco ao redor do pau dele, tudo isso sobre o vermelho bordo da lataria do carro dele era uma visão marcante para Enzo. Ele com certeza anotaria mentalmente para te foder mais vezes no carro dele. — "Agora, nena, eu vou te levar pra sair e você vai sentir minha porra em você pelo resto da noite até eu te encher de novo." — O beijo carinhoso que ele deixou na sua bochecha fez você soltar um riso tímido.
— "Não não, vai me levar em casa primeiro, preciso pelo menos arrumar o cabelo."- Vocês dois riram alto enquanto Enzo se retirava de você com um choramingo, se afastando para poder ajeitar a calça, pegar a regata no chão e vestir novamente a peça marrom.
#la sociedad de la nieve#lsdln cast#alexia is typing😍🌟💥#brasil#the society of the snow#enzo vogrincic#enzo vogrincic fanfic#enzo vogrincic smut#enzo vogrincic puto canalha#enzo vogrincic x oc#enzo vogrincic x you#enzo vogrincic fluff#enzo vogrincic x reader#Enzo Vogrincic au
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❄ and 🔥 for alexia and adonis!
alexia has been stealing coats for the winter since 2019
oc outfit ask game !!
#she firmly believes if she looks cute enough she won't get cold#asks#oc outfit asks#literalite#alexia*#adonis*#ts4#g*
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I genuinely cannot stop drawing this man why is he so fineee
#scp 049#scp#scp fandom#scp fanart#scp foundation#art#digital art#plague doctor#scp art#artists on tumblr#scp containment breach#pestilence#scp2024#scp 049 x alexia#the cure#scp oc#049#scp secret laboratory#plague mask#doctor#scp community#scp shitposting#cure
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OC Alessia Mors
Physical traits
She has been told to be the picture-perfect copy of her deceased mother. Wild curly hair reaching the middle of her back, dark, almost black, brown eyes. She has quite long fingers, and some freckles on the back of her hands. Her facial features are described as sharp, and her eyes look naturally menacing. She smells like the jasmine and moonflowers growing in Hewn City's mountains. She really enjoys walking through the cave gardens and appreciates the growing plants and flowers. She doesn't own any plants, and even though she admires their beauty, she couldn't keep one alive for more than 24 hours even if she tried to.
Personality and interests
She enjoys making candles and drying flowers and leaves to preserve each of them in a book. She's a control freak and reads a lot to be informed about every Court and influent people's strengths and weaknesses. She affirms having no weaknesses. She always stands up for the weakest. She's totally a cat person.
Family and relatives
Father: Thanatos Mors
Mother: Unknown witch
Uncle: Keir
Cousin: Morrigan
Distant cousin: Rhysand
Hewn city castle
How I imagine her looking like
A/N: I think there's only one Thanatos apparition in the whole ACOTAR series. It's in ACOWAR in fact, page 299 if you want to re-read that part. There's a mention of Thanatos quite... problematic daughter. So here she is, I got her out of my mind and have loooots of things planned ahead for her. 💕
#oc#eris vanserra#eris x oc#eris vanserra x oc#acotar fanfiction#my oc#Alessia Mors#Alessia x Eris#Eris x Alexia#A Court of Sins and Nightmares
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I don't know how well I can sprite this into an actual fighting game character... I still have much to learn and need to know how to do it the fairway. Help with tips with light and shade is much appreciated!
#mugen#fighting games#original character#zan zanryu#drawing#pixel art#sprite art#coloring#edit#need help#oc: renmia alexia#renmia alexia#elf girl
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