#oc: Xenia
keleravna · 3 months
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this pride month i offer toxic gay elves based on this pic 🏳️‍🌈💗
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saoriplease · 8 months
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finally semi finish xenia's skin and fixing her face, i do believe she has reached her final form.
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angynomadsimp · 10 months
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fenjammin · 1 month
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i forgot i had some adopts i got forever ago and so i spruced them up and finally drew them some refs :] meet Melanthios (he/him) and Xenia (they/them)! they are adopted siblings
bonus height difference under cut
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megidonitram · 7 months
Everyone's Running From Something (ch.3)
A Baldur's Gate 3 University Professor AU
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Rating: M
Quick Summary: Astarion and Gale are two University English professors precariously mentoring a troubled 19-year-old and falling in love.
💖Main Pairing : BloodWeave,(Astarion/Gale) 💕Side Pairings: Shadowheart/Nocturne, Karlach/Dammon, Wyll/The Dark Urge, Tav/Tav 💔Past Pairings: Gale/Mystra, Astarion/Sebastian, Astarion/Tav
<=Previous Chapter | Master List | Ao3 | Next Chapter =>
**Please see Master List Entry for Full Content Warnings**
⏰Chapter Warning⏰ None
Astarion took a lap around the building to cool off before returning to his office- The last thing he needed was Gale asking him how he was doing after that little shit-show. Korrilla had also given him something of a runaround after he left Raphael’s office. She accidentally printed his requested forms on legal-size paper (because she forgot that she didn’t restock the printer before break) and then wasn’t sure if being in the wrong formatting would invalidate the paperwork, so Astarion had to wait for her to go get a fresh package of printer paper from the supply closet in the basement, which made him feel like a dick because she had to climb four flights of stairs to do that.
The problem with Korrilla was that Astarion never knew if she was in on Raphael’s torment or if she was just making a series of human mistakes because he made her nervous- though neither answer made the interaction any less annoying.
When Astarion got back to his office, Gale was still there. He was flipping through a heavily marked-up handbook on technical writing for business communications, staring at the pages as if he were either heavily engrossed by the reading -unlikely- or trying to light the damn thing on fire. It only made sense once he stepped into the room and saw Xenia posted up in the corner on her phone.
“Ah, Miss Bellona. Exactly who I was hoping to run into.” Astarion said, snapping the tension in the room like a loose thread. Gale nearly jumped out of his skin. “You look terrible.”
Xenia looked up at him with narrowed eyes, chewing one of her nails on her good hand. “I’ve had a rough few months.” She replied in that flat, desperately-trying-not-to-care tone that made her so fun to tease.
“I’ve heard. What do you need help with?” He slapped down his stack of paperwork on his desk and sat at his computer. Astarion saw Gale watching him wide-eyed, and he wondered how much Gale had pried while he was gone.
“I wanted to get the assignment sheets for my missing work from Survey of Gothic Literature,” Xenia said. Gale casually turned in his chair and pretended to rearrange the books on his shelf, giving them the courtesy of at least pretending to check-out of their conversation. “I thought I should get started on finishing that before the rest of my classes start…”
“Of course, you dropped off around Project… 4, was it? I think I kept a folder with your missing assignments somewhere.” With a few keystrokes, Astarion’s computer lurched back to life, fan buzzing as the machine recalibrated after being shut off for a month straight.
“I think the last thing I turned in was the 2nd character study…” Xenia replied. “…or maybe I just finished it- do you recall reading a paper from me about Miss Jessel?”
“I don’t, but I’ve read nearly a thousand bad-to-mediocre composition papers since then, so it’s likely I just forgot.” Astarion clicked through the expired Canvas shell to skim the grade book and determine which assignments he needed to pull.
“Oh, so my writing's mediocre?”
“I’m sorry, your 1200-word sophomore-level essay demonstrated a pure mastery of your craft. How foolish of me to forget when the beauty of your words brought me to tears.”  Astarion scoffed. He found the file folder he was looking for and printed it off. “Gale, I know you’re terribly busy, but could you grab those papers from the 2nd floor breakroom?”
“Absolutely!” Gale was on his feet and heading for before the request had fully left Astarion’s mouth. He gave Xenia a friendly smile. “Back in a flash!”
“Take your time.” The comment came out a lot more passive-aggressive than Astarion meant it. He watched Gale leave the room and listened for the stairwell door to open and close. Astarion turned back to Xenia. “What did you say to him?”
Xenia shrugged. “He asked about my dad, and I told him that I stabbed him to death.”
“Did you happen to… elaborate on that?”
“No, he didn’t ask.”
Astarion sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You know, if you want people to stop treating you like a freak, you’ll have to stop acting like one.”
Xenia crossed her good arm in front of herself and pouted. “It’s not like someone wouldn’t have told him anyways.”
“Probably, but even a complete stranger would make you seem at least a little saner,” Astarion replied.
Xenia went quiet for a moment, her lips twisting into a disgruntled snarl. Her eyes drifted to the water-stained ceiling tiles. Astarion sort of understood her twisted logic. There were a lot of people on campus who treated her like a ticking time bomb, regardless of whether they knew her exact circumstances or not. If people would be convinced that she was a monster regardless, perhaps it was better if she was the one doing the convincing- at least then she was in control. It hurts less to meet someone's rotten expectations than to try your hardest and fail to prove them wrong.
“I suppose you want to know what happened last semester?” she muttered.
“Tell me or don’t.” Astarion shrugged. “I could not care less.”
Xenia rolled her eyes. “You’re such a dick.”
“What I am is a mandatory reporter, so think carefully about what you want to tell me- unless you like filling out copious amounts of paperwork,” Astarion said. “Do you need the reading materials? I could just lend you my anthology since you’re the only one left in the class.”
“I’ve still got my book from last year…” Xenia replied, mind still very clearly elsewhere. “…Do you have siblings?”
Astarion paused. “Yes. 6 of them. Why?”
“How do you refer to them… like in your mind? Do you call them your siblings?”
“I don’t think of the much anymore, honestly. But I suppose when I do, I think of them as their first names.” Astarion sighed. “Is there something you actually wanted to talk to me about?”
“I’m having trouble figuring out how to think of my sister,” Xenia admitted. “I guess she was never really my sister, and she was never really to blame, but…”
“You’re allowed to be angry at her,” Astarion replied. “I think you should be, frankly.”
Xenia mulled over his words for a moment, and Astarion could see her run her tongue along the inside of her cheek, absent-mindedly tracing the contours of her scar. She opened her mouth to say something, but the door in the stairwell creaked open, and she clamed up, wary of being overheard.
Gale felt horribly selfish for wanting to bolt out of the office as badly as he did. He wanted Xenia to feel comfortable and safe around him -the poor thing seemed like she’d been through enough- but he’d locked up. It wasn’t difficult for Gale to surmise that she probably didn’t commit patricide for the fun of it- those kinds of actions are usually born out of extreme desperation. However, whenever he thought about trying to relate to her or lift the mood, the impulse was killed by some strange insistence that he was being too personal, too forthcoming, too intimate.
He envied the ease with which Astarion had struck up a rapport with her- it seemed that despite his posturing, Astarion did, in fact, have a few soft spots. Gale told himself that it was because Astarion had leagues more experience in these departments than he did, but still, he worried. This was the first time he’d been on a college campus purely as a professional, and it felt a lot more daunting than he’d ever imagined.
It took Gale a hot minute of wandering around on the wrong floor to figure out Astarion meant “second floor” in the standard British English sense of the phrase, and the break room was actually located on the third floor. He collected the small stack of orphaned papers from the tray next to the copier and returned to Astarion’s -his- office.
Xenia was still there, Idle chatting about the books she’d read while in involuntary hold. “Do you teach V.C. Andrews? She’d gothic lit, isn’t she?”
“I’m not much of an Americanist,” Astarion replied. “If I’m forced to teach Southern Gothic authors, I tend to gravitate towards Falkner.”
“Not Poe?”
Astarion gave her a derisive look, but Gale handed the stack of papers before he could respond. He flipped through to ensure everything was in order and handed them over to Xenia. “You’ve got two more plot summaries, a thematic analysis, and a comparative essay for the final. Work on them at your leisure.”  
Xenia took the papers and tossed them in the tattered messenger bag she’d brought without a second glance. “Thanks!” She said. “Is there anything else I need?”
Astarion put a hand on the paperwork he’d brought in with him, thumbing over the corner before he shot a scrutinizing look over at Gale. “Yes… but we’ll talk about it later.” He said.
“Alight, see you around then.” Xenia shrugged and slung her bag over her good shoulder but didn’t quite get it, and the strap slid down her arm, catching hard in the crook of her elbow. She let out a frustrated groan.
“Here, allow me.” Gale stepped forward and looped the strap comfortably over her shoulder.
Xenia cocked her head and gave Gale a thoughtful look, her dark eyes piercing right through him. “Thank you…” she muttered before she turned and hurried out of the office.
“She seems…” Gale trailed off. He wasn’t sure what Xenia seemed like; he’d never met a murderer before- at least not to his knowledge.
“Shorter than you’d thought she’d be?” Astarion asked flippantly, reclining in his chair. That was fair; Gale had a hard time imagining how someone as little and frail as Xenia could overpower a full-grown man, boxcutter or no.
“Did she really-”
“Self-defense,” Astarion answered several questions ahead. “I don’t suggest asking her anything else about it. She didn’t have a particularly pleasant home life.”
“I’d imagine not,” Gale replied, sitting back down at his desk. He tried his credentials again- still nothing. “-do you know how long it should take for me to be put in the university’s system?”
“Surely you should be in by now…” Astarion replied. He moved to look over Gale’s shoulder. He was so close Gale could feel his breath tickling the back of his neck- he had to suppress a shiver.
Astarion said something, pointing at the computer screen. He had such striking eyes, such a warm brown that they were almost red.
Gale completely missed what. “Sorry?”
“Try logging in without the server address,” Astarion repeated a slight edge in his voice. “Everything after the ‘at’ symbol.”
“Right.” Gale deleted the back half of his username and tried again. The computer loaded and loaded and loaded.
“That’s typically a good sign. Computers on campus take forever to log you on the first time.” Astarion said. He picked up the picture of Yenna and examined it dispassionately. “Cute kid, is she yours?”
“Ah, no… that’s my niece.” Gale felt suddenly and incredibly self-conscious. “I’ve always wanted my own, but it wasn’t in the cards, I’m afraid.”
The admission shocked him slightly, but he supposed it was true. Mystra had never wanted kids, and Gale wanted to keep her pleased, so he went along with that. But Gale had always loved kids. He’d been so excited when Yenna was born that he could hardly put her down. Still, when people asked him and Mystra if they were planning on having kids, he’d just nod dutifully while she explained that he was too focused on his career to think about kids.
“Shame,” Astarion said, setting the picture frame back down.
Gale’s computer screen went black, and then an empty Windows desktop appeared. Success!
“Just in time to log out for the all-hands meeting!” Astarion exclaimed looking at his watch.
“Naturally…” Gale sighed.
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Cinderella and her daughter, Xenia (my OC)! 💞
She has her mother's hair and father's eyes <3
So I just wanted an excuse to try out the newest Azalea's Dolls game! It's still a WIP, but I like what it has so far! I'm looking forward to when the full game releases.
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people worth living for 🌿
The warmest hearts of Scala ad Caelum, the first members of Master Ephemer’s family (ficverse).
(left -> center -> right)
Fidel Askr - A dedicated carpenter and founder of the town’s Restoration Committee. He’s stubborn and willful, with a heart of gold. {he/him}
Aeon Ophiuchus - Ephemer’s eldest, a free, joyous spirit. She matures into a stalwart leader, taking on the mantle of running Scala’s Keyblade Academy. {she/her}
Xenia Athan-Askr - A dainty and soft-spoken medical practitioner. She places emphasis on hard work and compassion. {she/her}
Clio Ophiuchus - The bullheaded second child who takes it upon herself to keep her big sister and little brother in line. She works hard to preserve her family’s legacy for as long as she’s alive. {she/her}
Hestia Lena - A skilled artisan who holds much wisdom and generosity in her soul. She owns her own pottery studio and is a very close family friend of the Ophiuchus—Athan-Askrs. {she/her}
Mori Ophiuchus - The youngest of Ephemer’s children and his only son. A kind and empathetic child who sees the world in a positive light and seeks to defend it. {he/him}
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antianimus · 14 days
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deusn-determined · 2 months
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Xenia, my OC
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blujaydoodles · 9 months
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A very long awaited meeting. Melliwyk's parents have been having a weird time of it lately; I think her mom's earned the right to yell at her a little bit
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keleravna · 2 years
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meme-ish pics redraw strikes again, this time we're shopping for ash yams in balmora :)
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angynomadsimp · 11 months
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Date night with the girlfriend
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mona-hug-warrior · 9 months
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Day 82 - Birthday gift for @deusn-determined with hangout by the sunset!
Alyx [left oc] (c) me || Xenia [right oc] (c) @deusn-determined
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megidonitram · 4 months
Everyone's Running From Something
(ch. 6)
A Baldur's Gate 3 University Professor AU
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Rating: M
Quick Summary: Astarion and Gale are two University English professors precariously mentoring a troubled 19-year-old and falling in love.
💖Main Pairing : BloodWeave,(Astarion/Gale) 💕Side Pairings: Shadowheart/Nocturne, Karlach/Dammon, Wyll/The Dark Urge, Tav/Tav 💔Past Pairings: Gale/Mystra, Astarion/Sebastian, Astarion/Tav
<=Previous Chapter | Master List | Ao3 | Next Chapter =>
**Please see Master List Entry for Full Content Warnings**
⏰Chapter Warning⏰
Gale stepped into the administration office on the second floor to find a severe woman with slicked-back auburn hair typing away furiously at her computer. Her attention immediately snapped to Gale when the door swung shut.
“May I help you?” She sounded pleasant enough, but Gale couldn’t shake the feeling that he was annoying her.
“Yes, I, uh, I’ve locked myself out of my office, I was told to come find…” Gale looked back down at his phone for the name “Mizora?”
The woman smiled like she had scented blood and rested her chin on her hand. “Speaking.”
“Oh, excellent. Can you help me then?”
“Hmm, I don’t know…” she slammed one of her desk drawers open and pulled out a ledger. “Name and office number?”
“Um… Gale Dekarios, office B126.”
Mizora gave him a dubious look as she flipped rather leisurely through the yellowed pages of her ledger. “Hmm… That name doesn’t sound familiar. What subject do you teach exactly?”
Mizora nodded, skimming down a line of office numbers with her finger. “…B1 is the English office block, but I can’t say I recognize you.”
“Well, I just started this semester…”
"Likely story." Mizora looked up from her sheet with narrowed eyes. “I’ll need your faculty ID card.”
“I’m, uh, afraid that’s with my office keys…” Gale admitted sheepishly. He held up his briefcase. “I’ve still got a few syllabi with my name on them, that should prove-“
“As an employee of Balduran University, you are required to keep employee identification on you at all times.” She snapped. “I have to assume all other forms of ID are fabrications.”
“I clearly didn’t mean to leave it in my office.” Gale let out an exasperated sigh. “What if you came with me, and I showed you my ID once you left me in my office?”
Mizora put a hand over her chest as Gale had just said something absolutely precious. “Dr. Dekarios… If that is your real name-“
“It is.”
“We’ll see.” Mizora flicked her wrist dismissively. “But if you are who you say you are, then surely you understand the particular faculty member you're sharing a space with is… shall we say, rather prone to turbulent romantic entanglements.” Her eyes shined with strange glee. “Surely you understand that I can’t just let a stranger into his office- That could be incredibly improper.”
Gale flushed an indignant shade of red. His heart jittered with some strange emotion. He didn’t much appreciate hearing these kinds of things about Astarion behind his back- it felt indecent. “I don’t know what you’re trying to accuse me of exactly, but I assure you we are just coworkers.”
“Not that it’s stopped him before… but you’re right, I suspect you’re not much of his type.” Mizora looked him up and down with appraising eyes that made Gale feel wholly undressed. “… You seem a bit old.”
A strange pit formed in Gale’s stomach, something like shame. “I don’t see how any of this is appropriate or relevant to the matter at hand.” He huffed. “Can’t you just-”
The office door swung open, and a young man with neatly laid braids cautiously stepped into the room, a manilla folder in one hand and a coffee cup carrier in the other. Mizora’s demeanor somehow got even more foul at the sight of him- a feat Gale wouldn't think her capable of if he didn't see it happen.
The young man glanced over at Gale. “Am I interrupting?”
“Oh, no-”
“Well, you’ve already barged in, Wyll. You might as well get it over with.” Mizora snapped.
He held out the manila folder, and Gale spied a sticky note stuck to the top of it that said, ‘Distribute to ALL liberal arts department chairs.’ “Dr. Silverwarden just wanted me to drop off the schedule for the athletics study hall-”
Mizora curled her nose like Wyll had offered her a dead squirrel. “Oh, is that harlot making students do her busy work for her now? Had a baby, and now she’s too good to walk to another building?”
“I was just- I offered-” Wyll opened his mouth to stammer out an answer, but Gale stepped in between the two of them before he could chicken out.
“That’s hardly an appropriate tone to take with a student.”
Mizora’s eyes flashed incandescent, and she fixed Gale with a look that probably should have turned him into a pile of ash. “Oh, are you going to tell me how to do my job now ‘Dr. Dekarios’? After you locked your keys in your office like an utter moron.” She snatched the folder out of Wyll’s hand and tossed it on a surface behind her. “Why don’t you leave before I call security and tell them that a strange man is trying to get into a department chair’s office?”
Gale threw his hands in the air like he was being held at gunpoint. “Alright, alright, I’ll leave.” He exited the office with Wyll hot on his heels.
He scrubbed his hands over his face, daunted by the prospect that he would have to track down Astarion somehow when Wyll tapped him on the shoulder. Gale startled like a trapped hare.
“I’m sorry, but are you trying to get into a locked room?” Wyll asked a trimmer of something tentative and excited in his voice. “Because I can help with that!”
Gale raised an eyebrow. He probably shouldn’t be asking a student to break the school code for him, but it wasn’t like he had any other options. “Alright, do you have a spare key?”
Wyll smiled precociously. “Something like that.”
Ominous. But Gale led him back down to his office nonetheless.
“So, you’re the new English professor?” Wyll asked. He handed his tray of coffee to Gale as they reached the office door so he could rummage around for something in his backpack. “If I’d known I was going to run into you, I would have gotten you a coffee too!”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I can’t, with good conscience, ask a student to pay for my coffee.”
“I don’t pay for it!” Wyll assured him as he pulled a small nail file and a mangled bobby pin out of a side pocket. “I worked at the campus coffee house a couple of semesters ago, and the manager never deactivated my free drink code.”
Wyll wiggled the bobby pin into the lock, and Gale looked around frantically as he realized what was happening.
“Wyll, are you sure about this?” Gale muttered as a random student waiting in the hall glanced at them curiously.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Dr. Ancunín's the one who taught me how to do this!” Wyll stabbed the nail file into the lock and turned. There was a loud pop as the lock disengaged. “If you ask, he’ll probably teach you too. He says all the locks on campus were bought in bulk, so they all have a similar flaw that makes them easy to pick.”
“Why does Dr. Ancunín know how to pick locks?”
“He wouldn’t say.” He dropped his lock-pick tools back in their side pocket and pushed himself off his knees, brushing his pants off. “But it keeps me from having to ask Mizora when I need to get into a classroom.”
“She’s charming, isn’t she?” Gale handed the coffees back to Wyll. “Does she talk to everyone like that?”
A bitter laugh escaped Wyll’s lips. “No, I’m just her favorite, I guess.” He checked his watch and started a little bit. “Oh, I’m going to be late!” He slung his backpack over his shoulder and half-jogged back down the hallway. He paused before he stepped into the stairwell. “It was nice to meet you, Dr. Dekarios!”
G: What the fuck is her problem?
Astarion had to stifle a bark of laughter in front of the students trickling in. Xenia had slipped in at some point, settling in her usual spot: The back corner of the classroom, far from the notice of her peers or teachers. She was trying to skirt around Astarion’s notice too.
A: Did you get back in the office, at least? G: No thanks to Mizora.
Wyll stepped into the room with a sheepish smile and handed him a lukewarm to-go cup of coffee. “Sorry, I’m late.” He whispered.
Astarion took a long sip of his coffee. It was a blonde roast with a splash of milk -he wouldn’t usually bother with the milk, but the teenage baristas tended to burn their shots. “I suppose I can forgive you this once.”
Wyll laughed, but he was already scanning the classroom for someone else. Xenia looked up from the notebook she was pretending to scribble in and gave Wyll a little wave, a tentative smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.
Ah, so that was it.
Wyll sidled past the students in the front row to hand Xenia the second cup in his Coffee tray. They beamed at each other the way only school kids could as they talked about something mundane, like the weather or the walk-up from the dorms. Xenia toyed with the end of her braid while Wyll leaned closer and closer over the desk.
He would be good for her.
Better than the crowd Astarion had thrown himself into the instant he got out from under his dearest father’s thumb, at any rate.
Astarion conspicuously cleared his throat and motioned for Wyll to take his spot at the front of the classroom. “This is 1204 Sophomore Survey of Modern British Literature.” He fixed Xenia with a hard stare that she desperately tried to ignore. “If that is not the class you are expecting to be in, I highly suggest you make a swift exit now.”
A different student dozing off in the back of the class startled and ran out of the room.
There was always one every semester.
Astarion went through the same monolog he did at the beginning of every class. The rhythm and cadence were as familiar as a hymn. He grew up in London and graduated from Cambridge. His office hours were posted on the syllabus, but please try to schedule appointments beforehand. This course required a textbook, but most of the readings could be found online for free.
He turned the floor over to Wyll for about five minutes so he could explain what a supplemental instructor was, then closed out by letting a few students speak on what British literature they were familiar with, and as usual, most of them grumbled about how they had to read Shakespeare in high school and how much they hated it because they couldn’t understand the language. One girl threw up her hands in despair when he informed her that she would have to read Romeo and Juliet for a second time, but she was placated when he promised her there wouldn’t be any Chaucer (He wondered what sadist of a world lit teacher she had in high school that made 16-year-olds read middle English). One boy had a Welsh grandmother who loved T.S. Eliot and read him Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats when he visited in the summer. Astarion refrained from informing him that T.S. Eliot was actually an American.
But for the most part, the class had very little love for British authors—which wasn’t much of a surprise for a mixed major intro-level course—and nearly everyone was here because they had a humanities credit to fill. Really, the only one who wasn’t was probably Xenia… who was here because Wyll was here.
Astarion closed the class by assigning a short reading on the importance of literature studies that he already knew no one would read and dismissed the class. Xenia went for her usual speedy exit from the room, but Astarion headed her off at the pass.
“Just a moment Ms. Bellona, I need a quick word.”
She froze like a statue, and the football player behind her nearly tripped over her.
“I really don’t think I have the time,” she said smoothly. She was learning that she didn’t have to yield to her professors the way she did her high school teachers, but she didn't quite have the courage to openly disobey him yet. Ah, sophomores were his favorite.
“I won’t take up too much of your time.”
Xenia’s shoulders slumped, and she skulked over to his lectern, grumbling something under her breath.
“Oh, don’t be so sour.” Astarion scoffed. “You’re not in trouble.”
“Then why do you make it sound like I am?”
“That’s just his accent,” Wyll explained as he organized his stack of availability surveys to stick in his bag. “It makes everything sound more severe.”
Astarion rolled his eyes. “I will see you tomorrow, Mr. Ravengard.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Wyll made his way out of the room and paused at the door. “By the way, Lydia wanted me to let you know the study hall schedule is posted.” He said before disappearing into the hallway.
“Since when is he on a first-name basis with Dr. Silverwarden?” Astarion mused.
Xenia shrugged. “He calls Professor Cliffgate by her first name, too.”
“Yes, well, they’re technically colleagues now- It’s no matter.” He switched gears. “Xenia, dearest, why are you in another Sophomore literature class? You technically haven’t completed the first one.”
She went steely. “I’ve been thinking about picking up an English minor. My advisor said that it would go well with my current degree plan.”
“The advising office might be fighting over a singular brain cell, but I’m almost certain they would have told you to take a technical writing minor for a psychology degree.”
“What if I took up a literature minor because I like literature?”
“Then I’d tell you you shouldn’t waste your time.”
“Isn’t that a little hypocritical of you?”
“No, because I was already independently wealthy outside of my education choices. You should focus on a field where you can get a job.”
“Aren’t professors supposed to encourage students to follow their passions?”
“If you’re trying to follow your passions, my dear, there are easier ways to spend time with Wyll.”
Xenia turned red from her neck to the tips of her ears. “I- I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She huffed, zipping up her jacket as if Astarion could literally see into her heart. “We’re just friends- He’s helping me get back on the fencing team in the fall, that’s all!”
Astarion raised his coffee cup to his lips, swallowing back the dregs at the bottom. “Does he buy coffee for all his friends, then?”
Something vexed and nervous swam in Xenia’s dark eyes, and she hurriedly tossed her cup into a nearby trashcan. “He bought you coffee too, by that logic-”
Astarion held up a hand to silence her. “Don’t even imply that.” He scolded. “Wyll brings me coffee because I’m technically his boss, and he likes going above and beyond. I suspect he brings you coffee because he likes to see you happy.”
“I think you’re just reaching.” Her voice wavered in a way that made Astarion feel a little guilty for pushing.
“Maybe, but I’ve watched a lot of students catch crushes in my tenure.”
Her jaw tensed, and her gaze drifted out the window for a brief moment. “Is this all you wanted to talk about?”
“You’re already in a precarious situation regarding your student finances. I just thought I should say something.” Astarion shrugged. “I’m not trying to upset you.”
“Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of myself.” Xenia’s voice was flat and irritated. She slipped her finger under the pad of her messenger bag’s strap and adjusted it into a more comfortable position on her shoulder. “I guess I’ll email you if I have any questions about my work.”
“Alright, have a good afternoon.” Astarion let her leave, then let out a deep sigh.
Idiot kid.
He went to gather his lecture notes when Gale called. He thought about letting it go to voicemail -whatever it was could probably wait the 5 minutes it would take to get back to their office- but something about the situation nagged him a little bit.
He picked up.
“Do you miss the sound of my voice this much?”
“I- uh, what?” Gale sounded panicked on the other end.
“Is something wrong?”
“The faculty lounge is flooding.”
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Happy New Year from Arietta and Xenia!! 🎉
A new year means new characters, so hopefully, I can share more about them with you all! I’ve only got a minuscule number of followers right now, and I’m betting that a majority of you came from my main blog. But y’know, think of yourselves as special because you get access to more information about certain characters that I don’t share about on my main blog: my fandom-related ones, of course (some of which may or may not be self-inserts *cough* *hack* *wheeze)!
This year, I was able to introduce to you my Disney FCs, Arietta (my “Beauty and the Beast” FC) and Xenia (my “Cinderella” FC)! I may or may not create more Disney characters, who knows. But here they are, dressed in fancy party dresses and celebrating the new year!
I realize now that Xenia kind of looks like a recolored Ariel from “The Little Mermaid” lmao but this game doesn’t have much in terms of color palettes
I used this game to make the characters (it very recently got updated to include more dress options) and edited everything together with Pixlr!
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I just wanted to mess around with some paper backgrounds I downloaded but I’ve also been (re-)listening to this song lately. It’s one I’ve loved for a long time and then it sorta smacked me in the face once I realized how fitting it is for Charis
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