#oc zinia
ethelledraw · 2 months
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curious-shadow-cat · 6 years
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My new OC Draxon! In his human form! He’s a dragon that can turn human. He used to hate humans, fairies, wizards, cows, chickens and witches.
Until he met a fairy named Zinia. 
And now....he REALLY hates everyone.
I’m just kidding, he’s a good dragon.
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maidenofporcelain · 3 years
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remade my spiderverse oc! ;7;
her info under the cut!
🌸 Name: Sakura Saionji
🌸Based off of the pink goldenrod crab spider.
🌸 A magical girl themed spidergirl, in her universe she’s known as “Magical Defender Spidergal” but mainly goes by “Spidergal”
🌸Like every magical girl she has her magical animal companion, which is a strange spider named “Zinnia” who granted Sakura with the ability to transform into her magical fighting spider form.
🌸Due to the nature of Sakura's spider like powers, she is even able to communicate with other spiders in order to learn information.
🌸 She does in fact go through a magical girl transformation in all it’s pink and glittery fashion.
🌸 Her design with her pigtails sticking out of the suit was inspired by a design for a lady deadpool that I remember seeing once where her pony tail stuck out.
🌸 She usually carries around those apple sauce squeezy things when she goes out on nightly patrols (her favorite flavor is apple cinnamon).
🌸Sakura is actually afraid of spiders, so when she first met Zinia she tried to squash him with a book and other such items. But after working together and forming a bond with her otherworldly friend, she has since grown past her fear.
🌸I imagine that in her universe, most of the villains come from some other world whose intents are taking over earth (though I’m sure some other villains will be earth based as well). In a very 'villain' of the week type fashion.
🕷️Sakura first met Zinia when she was stargazing one night, and upon looking at the night sky with her telescope, she believed she was seeing a shooting star. However she soon realized that the star was getting closer to her before completely hitting her face, and subsequently knocking her out.
When she woke up an hour or so later nothing had changed, except she did notice a strange orb on the ground, and after poking at it, “it” had awoken with it’s little legs coming out and revealing itself to be Zinnia, a magical creature (who resembles a spider) from another world who came to Earth in order to find someone whom he could make a contract with and who could subsequently become a defender of Earth against villains from his world who planned on invading.
Sakura was, of course, extremely hesitant and had first outright denied his request to form a contract with him. But that same night a villain from Zinnia’s world known as the “Emerald Gremlin” (green goblin) has made it to earth and begins his attack in Lucy’s town. Seeing the destruction she’s given no other choice then to form a contract with Zinnia and transforms into “Magical Defender Spidergal” in order to defeat the Emerald Gremlin.
🕷️ She does live with her Aunt May (names 'Mayu' in this world) and when the story begins her Uncle Ben (named 'Benzou') is presumed dead after being missing for several years before the story begins. The only thing that Sakura knows is that he was traveling and never came home.
🕷️ It turns out that Uncle Ben was in fact also a magical spider fighter whose past partner/contract maker was in fact Zinnia, and he had been fighting against other villains from Zinnia’s world and had decided to take the fight right to Zinnia’s world. Explaining why he went away on a trip, however Ben ultimately failed and the villains took over Zinnia’s world, leading Zinnia to flee to Earth under the order and last wish of Ben who sent him there to find someone to protect Earth in his place.
🕷️ Zinnia finds out later that Sakura is the granddaughter to Ben and in someway believes that maybe it was fate that he became her partner, recognizing some of the odd quirks and similar mannerisms that she shares to her uncle.
🕷️ Once Sakura discovers that her uncle was also a magical spider defender, she wonders if he too had to transform into such a frilly outfit. Zinnia laughs at this remark but does confirm that his outfit was “Masculinely frilly and donned in the colors of purple and blue”
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angelsaxis · 3 years
Tell us ab ur ocs pls
oh dear. anon. i have so many
THE YOUNG COURT: Arvin, Chima, Tibe, Euna, Drei, Anoreeve, Seok-lin
THE BEST OF US: Richard, Valentine, Zinia (and their kids)
SEVEN PEARLS: Venit, Tea, Dezij, Calla, Pope, Basya, and uhhh two im forgetting akshdfakl
THE MOUNTAIN KINGS: Ginger, Maggie, Joon-ho, Ben, and Ada
Videogame: several gods and a human MC who becomes a god
star wars rewrite: Jharuni, Chip, Saint, Ivory, Maaz
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bunnybrush · 7 years
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Needs more pink.. #bunnybrush #illustration #doodle #copicmarker #OC #bunnygirl #Zinia #pink
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citrineleaf · 4 years
OC memes because fight me:
Mutant Hunter A: Alright, here’s your rights: you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used and-
Tip: *books it*
Mutant Hunter B: ...
Mutant Hunter A: ...
Mutant Hunter B: Does she?
Mutant Hunter A: I- NO! GO GET HER!
Maverick: Good morning everyone!
Maverick: God has allowed me to live another day!
Maverick: So I’m about to make it everyone’s problem.
Maverick, laughing: you’re- oh my god the big scary mutant girl is afraid of water! This is hila-
Tip: *shoves him off the dock, into said water*
Zinia, holding Tip above the water: See? It isn’t that bad.
Tip, holding on for dear life: I swear to god if you drop me-
Tip, after Zinia saved her life: Nice! Now You’re stuck with me!
Zinia: oh, cool, so what does- wait, what?
Tip: Oh, I’m your problem now! They wanted me dead, your gonna find out why. Don’t like it? Then kill me.
Mint: she don bite! :3
Tip, trying to stab Maverick: YES I F**KING DO!
Zinia: Look, we aren’t mad, we just need to know why you have a fake ID.
Mint: *incoherent mumbling*
Forest: Speak up, Mint.
Mint: You need to be at least eighteen to hold the puppies in Crater View...
(They give him his ID back and make him promise to get the others some, dogs must be pet!)
Daisy: Uhh... mom? I think I might be... a lesbian?
Zinia: ...
Zinia: Hold on, I support you a %100 percent, just give a moment.
Zinia, after leaving the room: Do I need to buy her a Pride flag? Would she like a pin more? Oh! Maybe a pendant-
Maverick: So, Daisy’s a lesbian?
Daisy: sounds about right
Maverick: And Tip’s bi?
Tip: Bicurious, but yeah.
Maverick: ugh, is there anyone here who JUST LIKES GUYS?
Forest, raising his hand: That would be me.
Mint: And me!
Maverick: *incoherent sputtering*
Maverick: I hate everything you stand for.
Tip, without looking up: Then kneel.
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yoahii · 5 years
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Meet my new girls! (Latera Ally, her tiny friends Ziggy and Zinia, Dr. Crazy and her friends Zane and Spece and finally Kation.) I cant really do them digital so if u wanna draw them u can! #ocs #suckatartbutimworkingonit https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JepVghFaC/?igshid=nsfnzwcuvo2g
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kurogabae · 7 years
An Incomplete List of OCs
From as far back in my childhood as I can remember with minimal touch ups (major touch ups to come most likely since I kinda wanna try to start doing original stuff more). Enjoy the trip. These are not in order of creation, just in order of which groups I remember first. feel free to ask about any of them.
Dragon girls and friends OCs from pre- and through middle school (working title: Here be Dragons)
Aella - wind/air dragon. very sweet and kind and edging on dangerously naive. accidentally brutally honest. trusts firsts and strongly, but once trust is lost it’s near impossibly to regain. pacifist. enjoys spicy foods. iconic for dressing in fluff and frills. thicc. do not make fun of the plushes. just don’t.
Cyra - water/ice/weather dragon. gay. like really gay. probably bleeds plaid. easy going but comes off as cold/bored/uncaring. cares a lot. very superstitious. not so much scared of ghosts as she is very wary and respectful of their ability to win. 
Zinia - earth/plant/nature dragon. bookish. would rather read than kiss you. can speak to animals. kinda wishes she couldn’t. can and will thrown down at a moment’s notice. never starts fights but always finishes them. expressive. high strung. caffeinated. naps in bushes. 
Fia - sun/fire/lightning dragon. sporty shorty. #nofilter. doesn’t think before she speaks. fear is a four letter word. stress cooks. might have a slight weapon fetish you have no proof. would totally date a demon. 
Tokala - fox demon/mountain guardian spirit. was a fox that died and was given powers through the thirst for vengeance of those hurt by humans taking advantage of the mountainside. known as a myth by the people who live near the mountains. not a myth. has a large body count but stopped killing humans when they stopped ruining the mountain. playful but quick to anger. lonely. 
Chay - fairy. trickster. more trouble than they’re worth. full of information that’s not easy to get. full neutral. obsessed with humans and human objects. easily bored. even more easily insulted. strong. smol. 
Jane - human. very very nosy. dying. has no sense of caution of self preservation. comes from a good family. avoids them. shoulders 110% of everything. determined. hardworking. self destructive when upset. always smiling.
Demon Hunter Remix -- characters i’ve removed from an old high school RP
Naomi - child of a clan of demon hunters. survivor of the massacre of her family alongside her grandmother. angry. vengeful. sees the world in black and white. gifted hunter. terribly awkward human. would like to be friends but can’t quite manage. looking to bring down the government demon hunting faction that took out her family.
Rose - mystery child. government experiment. meant to be a weapon combining human soldiers and demonic powers. marked a failure and sent to her death, saved by Naomi. on the run. aiding Naomi in her goals for lack of her own. might have strange powers due to experiments.
Raguel - angel of justice. not an angel. summoned by Rose and Naomi during their escape from the testing facility. not actually summoned by them so much as released from the sealing spell they were trapped in. owes Naomi and Rose and agrees to help. cannot remain on the human plain for long. 
Grandmother - Naomi’s grandmother. second survivor of the massacre. conditions Naomi for revenge. ruthless. powerful magic. frail body. wise and dangerous. all about that anarchy. hates demons more than Naomi. basically racist old lady. but with magic and demons instead of lynch mobs and black people. 
Sofia - enchantress. works with paper and ink. anti-government. pro-demon. at odds with Naomi. loves life. familiar with the night life. #yolo. knows everyone who’s anyone. generally liked. not powerful but crafty. twin sister to Das.
Das - keeper. stores knowledge via magic. neutral to government and demons. pro-Sofia. easy going. prefers a hermit-like lifestyle when not collecting information. knows everything about everyone. even the nobodies. seems constantly disconnected. is actually constantly connected, just elsewhere. twin brother to Sofia.
The Mortal God
Jada - the mortal goddess. 
Isa - the half breed.
Amari - the pure of heart.
Hugo - the historian.
Sonya - Jada’s mother.
Chimera - creators of the Empty.
Empty - suffering and mobile human corpses. 
OCs without proper homes
Maria - Digimon self insert OC. i was 10. she was in love with Ken. in hindsight she was also super in love with Hikari. i made up a Digimon for her that i don’t remember. baby’s first OC tbh
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mantis--hymn · 4 years
my ocs (+a friend’s oc or 2) in the tma verse
uhhh im pretty sure nobody here knows anything about my ocs (not unless you’ve been religiously paying attention to my tags for the past 5 (?) years) but idc i just need to ramble a bit
zone: the archivist, was already marked by the eye when he was like 15?
kai (friend’s oc): archival assistant
zone and kai are husbands in their canon so ofc they’re gonna be yearning for each other in this au 
reese: archival assistant (dead lol)
jade: archival assistant (dead lol)
matthieu: honestly??? i dont think jonah would even fucking need to body hop into matthieu for this one, matthieu has always been a bastard in canon and tortures zone in the future so ofc he’s gotta be in close proximity with zone and kai -_-
zinia: archival assistant
melanie: hunt avatar
isi: slaughter 100% no question about it, also archival assistant
even tho isi and zone are platonic soulmates in their canon in this au isi would definitely HATE zone so lol f
jeraldo: avatar of the web (semi-unwillingly), marked by the end
niccolo: at first i thought about having him with the slaughter but i realized he has many themes with hunger and wild dogs so hunt (gave into it VERY willingly and likes doing it)
aranea: web avatar
aodh-cian: avatar of the end
cheyenne: hunt (vamp babe)
evander: hunt (vamp babe), best friends with cheyenne
everett: hunt
iris: spiral
mania: avatar of the stranger
karolina: stranger
lucien: affiliated with the stranger
kauri: avatar of the slaughter. bastard. affiliated with matthieu
paprika: avatar of the desolation
pidge: avatar of the spiral
rebecca: ???, at least marked by the end
salem: eye
kaz: marked by the web and dark, affiliated with the eye due to salem
winnie: avatar of the corruption
mr rat (friend’s oc): this fucker LITERALLY ripped the skin off of one of zone’s arms in their canon so of course he’s gonna be an avatar of the slaughter, also close friends with cheyenne and evander
also kai and zone have 3 kids in their canon and i dont think they’d end up existing at all in this au but whatever
vincent: corruption (bees and moss babey!)
ariel: desolation
serenity: end
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angelsaxis · 3 years
comfort story and comfort OCs are The Best of Us and the Valentine/Zinia/Richard try-parenting thing they have going on. i love them so much. Richard is so chaotic.
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