#oc tinweriel
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arofili · 4 years ago
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the line of elros ♚ royalty of gondor ♚ headcanon disclaimer
          Meneldil was the only son and youngest child of Anárion, and the last man born in Númenor before its fall. He was raised in his father’s new-founded kingdom of Gondor. He ruled as his father’s steward in Minas Anor during the War of the Last Alliance, and when Anárion died he claimed inheritance to Gondor’s throne. After the war, Meneldil’s uncle Isildur declared himself High King of the Dúnedain, but granted Meneldil the leadership of Gondor after a year of managing the kingdom’s affairs himself. Meneldil was pleased upon the departure of Isildur and his sons, for though he loved his uncle and cousins, he was eager to take up the mantle of king. When Isildur was slain not a month later, Meneldil grieved, but did not send aid to the now-kingless kingdom of Arnor, instead focusing on solidifying his own rule by moving the seat of the king to Osgiliath, the city his father had died to defend.          Meneldil took the musician Nyellelírë to be his queen. She passed her love of song onto her son Cemendur, who as king sponsored many great plays and symphonies among the artists of Osgiliath, including some pieces from the time of Tar-Vanimeldë that survived the Atalantë. It is through the arts that he met his wife Tinweriel, a dancer originally from the coast.           Eärendil was the son of Cemendur and Tinweriel, named both for his mother’s love of the sea and his father’s famous ancestor. He was a renowned fencer who initiated a tradition of tournaments among his knights and often participated himself. He was bested only by Lady Aldalótë, a shieldmaiden of great renown, and in time their friendly rivalry led to their marriage. Their son was Anardil, who while not as great a swordsman as his parents was skilled in the bow.           Anardil’s wife Elquassë was a devoutly religious woman descending from a lord of Arnor. At her bidding, Anardil reached out to Gondor’s distant sister-kingdom and attempted to arrange a great feast of reuniting with Eldacar of Arnor, bringing the two realms together in kinship once more. However, Anardil and Eldacar were both men of quick tempers, and much to Elquassë’s dismay relations soon soured and the plans were discarded. Gondor and Arnor ceased communications entirely for nearly a century, and no future attempts at reconciliation bore much fruit until the coming of King Elessar.
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elesianne · 5 years ago
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Tinweriel learns to wield a sword as soon as her husband Maglor does. And she’s the kind of dramatic and feminine lady who decides to learn to do it also while wearing a full-length dress so she ends up actually being a bit better a fighter than her husband (who is renowned for his swordsmanship).
Made in Elvish Character Creator.
(Tuilindien, Netyarë)
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stardustmuguet · 7 years ago
Rules: Give your OC’s name, face (if you have a claim or picture), mbti type (if you know it), venture on yonder to https://www.archetypes.com for the quiz, tag some people, and let us know
Tagging: everyone who has an oc
So I decided to give it a go , sorry for poor English btw
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There is Tinweriel Ilwië Aravalíe with her portrait which I painted two months ago.
44% visionary
38% creative
18% intellectual
Just as I expected ~ 💫
( oh god no I just find out there’s another Tinweriel so I don’t want you to confuse them .
Let’s call her Ilwië; the Name given by her father, Mairon.
I liked that name and I’m so sad because it looks like I have to let it go 😭😩)
@aearluin thanks, it’s all because I saw your post about archetype ☺️
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nixiegenesis · 8 years ago
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Thank you to @elesianne​ for allowing me to paint your OC, Tinweriel <3
Inspired by her fic  Consonance. It's about Maglor and his future wife Tinweriel.
I used  this reference for the painting. I’m terrible at figuring out backgrounds, btw. 
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arofili · 4 years ago
Line of Elros Edit Series: Appendix C
Continued from Appendix B. This section will contain information on the Royalty of Gondor.
Appendix A: Royalty of Númenor Appendix B: House of Andúnië, Royalty of Arnor Appendix C: Royalty of Gondor (you are here!) Appendix D: Princes of Dol Amroth, Chieftains of the Dúnedain Appendix E: Stewards of Gondor
Anárion ft. Anárion, Elennúmen (OC), Ringelenë (OC), Almameldë (OC), Aspenindë (OC), Meneldil Anárion’s story is canon, though the details about his spouse and daughters are all headcanon. Anárion is said to have had four children, with Meneldil being the youngest, which is odd to me because Meneldil was the last man born in Númenor...but also he and his older siblings are all older than Isildur’s kids except for Elendur? Whatever. Maybe Anárion’s implied daughters were triplets or something. And Isildur’s dry spell of kids is kind of weird on its own.
Meneldil ft. Meneldil, Nyellelírë (OC), Cemendur of Gondor, Tinweriel (OC), Eärendil of Gondor, Aldalótë (OC), Anardil of Gondor, Elquassë (OC) We don’t actually know what Meneldil did during the War of the Last Alliance. Meneldil’s reaction to Isildur’s departure is canon, but has been embellished. We don’t know anything about Cemendur, Eärendil, or Anardil beyond their names; everything else about them is headcanon. “Atalantë” is another name for the event more commonly known as the Akallabêth. ETA 4/1/21: Fixed a minor timeline error.
Ostoher ft. Ostoher, Haldanárië (OC), Tarostar Rómendacil I, Ravandië (OC), Turambar of Gondor, Culindë (OC), Atanatar I, Rátavanië (OC) Ostoher did indeed remodel Minas Anor and turn it into his summer home, but his reasons why are a headcanon. Most of Rómendacil’s story is canon, though I made up the identity of his steward (you’ll see him again later in the series); for information on the Tradition of Isildur, see this article in the Encyclopedia of Arda. Turambar’s life is likewise mostly canon, though like his father’s story it’s been embellished here and there. Atanatar’s life is entirely headcanon.
Siriondil ft. King Siriondil, Ilvanya (OC), Tarannon Falastur, Zâinazimril Berúthiel, Círyan Everything about Siriondil is headcanon. Tarannon and Berúthiel’s story is canon at its roots, but has been spun to make Berúthiel much more sympathetic. Herumor is a real Black Númenórean from the end of the Second Age, but there’s no proof he was related to Berúthiel, nor that Berúthiel came specifically from Rhûn Harad; we only know that she was a Black Númenórean. Her Adûnaic name is my own creation, and her story has been greatly embellished. ETA 9/9/21: Changed Rhûn to Harad in order to better fit Herumor’s backstory.
Tarcíryan ft. Tarcíryan, Láminë (OC), Eärnil I, Tyelcatálië (OC), Círyandil, Netyariel (OC), Círyaher Hyarmendacil I, Ilwiel Rilyasicil (OC) Tarcíryan adding the Tar- to his birth name is headcanon, as is his position as Captain of the Hosts and the manner of his death. (I’ve also decided to add the accented í to all names that include the element cír, “ship,” as it appears in the name Círdan, just because I think it looks nice. The only one I missed was Tar-Círyatan, as I made that decision after his edit was posted.) Eärnil’s story is mostly canon, though the bit about his death being arranged by the lords of Umbar is headcanon. Umbar’s origins as a conquered city are strongly implied but not explicitly canon. Círyandil’s life is entirely canon. Círyaher’s story is mostly canon, though I gave some credit for his accomplishments to his wife, and a few details have been embellished. The bit about Celebrindor of Arnor is headcanon. And of course, all details about the OC wives are my own creation.
Atanatar II ft. Atanatar II Alcarin, Míriën (OC), Narmacil I, Calmacil We don’t know if Atanatar was an only child or not, I made that decision. Most of his story is canon, with a few embellishments. It’s not impossible that Narmacil was married, but he canonically had no children, so I decided to make him aroace. Narmacil’s worries about Minalcar overthrowing him are all headcanon, but the details of the war and alliance with Rhovanion are canon.
Calmacil ft. Calmacil, Aistárë (OC), Minalcar Rómendacil II, Calimehtar Calmacil’s story is mostly canon, though everything relating to his wife is headcanon.
Calimehtar ft. Calimehtar, Imbelossë (OC), Alquandilmë (OC), Serecco (OC), Castamir Everything here is headcanon, except that Calimehtar is canonically the ancestor of Castamir.
Rómendacil II ft. Minalcar Rómendacil II, Calamistë (OC), Valacar, Vidugavia, Vidumavi, Vinitharya Eldacar The basic details of this one are canon (Rómendacil’s regency, Valacar’s marriage, etc), but I’ve significantly messed with the timelines; canonically, Minalcar did not go himself to Rhovanion after his military victory, instead sending Valacar (who was already grown) alone, but I liked the idea of Valacar growing up in Rhovanion so I changed things to make that work. Also, fun fact: “Vinitharya” is not pronounced as Viniþarya, but rather as Vinit-harya.
Castamir ft. Castamir, Núriel (OC), Airesarno (OC), Ninquo (OC), Arnakhôr Angamaitë, Azgarzîr Sangahyando The influence of his mother upon Castamir is a headcanon, as is everything about his wife. It is canonical that Castamir had sons who survived the Kin-strife, though we don’t know their names. Ornendil was canonically executed when Osgiliath fell, but Castamir performing the execution himself is an embellishment. He was canonically “haughty and ungenerous” as a king; I made up the bit about him specifically continuing executions and exiles, but it doesn’t feel like much of a stretch. We don’t know much about Castamir’s sons or their fate, but I feel that my extrapolations are based in canon. Angamaitë and Sangahyando’s Adûnaic names are my own creation, but the details of their schemes are canonical. We know they are both descended from Castamir, though not the specific details of their relationship to each other; I chose to make them grandsons of different sons of Castamir. We don’t know what their eventual fates were, but considering they would have lived during the Great Plague, I thought that was a fittingly ironic way for them to die.
Eldacar ft. Vinitharya Eldacar, Russariel (OC), Ornendil, Aldamir This is mostly canon, with all the headcanoned details having been covered in previous notes.
Aldamir ft. Aldamir, Lintasímë (OC), Vinyarion Hyarmendacil II, Mittanyar (OC), Minardil Look, sometimes ladies get to die in pointless duels, okay? I did make that up, though the rest of Aldamir’s life is canonical. I made Vinyarion trans because c’mon, a name like “new son”? He chose that when he came out. Also his spouse is nonbinary because why not! Enbies can be Captains of the Ships, too!!
Minardil ft. Minardil, Huilindië (OC), Telemnar, Súriel (OC), Fernendil (OC), Mityaher (OC), Cucuandië (OC), Minastan, Nenyawilin (OC), Tarondor of Gondor The circumstances of Minardil’s death are canon (and were covered earlier as well), though again everything about his wife is made up. Húrin of Emyn Arnen was indeed Minardil’s steward, and the stewards were chosen from his House after this, but the details about his role in these two succession crises are all headcanon. All we know about Telemnar in canon is that he started building a fleet to fight Umbar, but that when the Great Plague came he and “all his children” died, leaving his nephew Tarondor to inherit. Thus everything about his wife and daughter is all made up.
Tarondor of Gondor ft. Tarondor of Gondor, Varnefindë (OC), Telumehtar Umbardacil, Elenmirwë (OC), Narmacil II, Arcíryas Tarondor’s deeds as king are canon, as is the age of Telumehtar at the time of his inheritance, though we know nothing about the fate of his wife. Telumehtar’s deeds are likewise canon, though we don’t know the specifics about how the last descendants of Castamir were slain, just that they died in this battle.
Narmacil II ft. Narmacil II, Alassindo (OC), King Calimehtar, Nessimë (OC), Ondoher, Lúnaduinë (OC) Everything about Alassindo is headcanon, but Narmacil did canonically die fighting the Wainriders. Except for the details about his wife and his time governing Minas Anor before his inheritance, Calimehtar’s story is canon. We know nothing about Calimehtar’s daughter except that he had one.
Ondoher ft. Ondoher, Lelyariel (OC), Artamir, Prince Faramir, Fíriel, Arvedui, Lúnaduinë (OC), Quildoloro (OC), Minohtar Everything about the rivalry between Ondoher and Eärnil is headcanon. The alliance with Arnor is canon, though the details of the marriage of Arvedui and Fíriel being arranged by their mothers is headcanon. All the details about the battles are canon.
Arcíryas ft. Arcíryas, Moicanítë (OC), Calimmacil, Lótëaloxë (OC), Prince Siriondil, Vánquassë (OC), Eärnil II, Telpinë (OC), Eärnur, Morimmacil (OC) Save for their relations to one another, everything about Arcíryas, Calimmacil, and Siriondil is headcanon. The rivalry between this house and the Line of Kings is headcanon, but everything else about Eärnil and Eärnur is canon. Eärnur is arguably gay-coded, so I gave him a boyfriend, but that is not explicitly canonical.
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elesianne · 5 years ago
Dress vibes for ladies of the house of Finwë behind the cut
Vol. II: third generation, including my OCs for wives of Maglor, Caranthir and Curufin
(Vol I here)
(long post)
Tinweriel (strong colours and all the drama!)
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Tuilindien (light and floaty Vanyarin style with Noldorin embellishments)
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Elenwë (another one who dresses unabashedly Vanyarin)
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Netyarë (simple but always with some touch of exquisite craftsmanship)
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Eldalótë (delicate, with accents of gold)
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Aredhel (’never arrayed but in silver and white’; shows her buff back)
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Galadriel (she’s a follower of grandma Indis’ fashion sense)
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+ bonus future member Amarië (mix of earthy and floaty)
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elesianne · 8 years ago
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The lovely Aurawolfgirl2000 made Netyarë, Tuilindien and Tinweriel on an avatar creator, based on my descriptions! They are the wives of Curufin, Caranthir and Maglor from my fics in the Fëanorian marriages series.
I’m so thrilled to see these characters in pictorial form, so I’m going to treasure these images and use them for inspiration for future stories. (As a happy coincidence, Tinweriel is wearing a star of Fëanor-like pendant which wasn’t in my description of her but fits in really well with some of the for-now-unwritten ideas I’ve got for her.)
Reposted with permission. Originals on DeviantArt: Netyarë, Tuilindien, Tinweriel. Check out Aurawolfgirl2000’s other dolls too, she’s done many of the women in the Silmarillion!
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elesianne · 4 years ago
The fictional characters you make me think of are actually your lovely OCs, Tinweriel, Tuilindien, and Netyarë. But you also make me think of Idril, too!
I’m glad that those characters spring to your mind! They are my darlings, I must admit. And Idril is one of my favourite canon characters. Thank you!
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elesianne · 5 years ago
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A Silmarillion fanfic, chapter six of seven – Carnistir/Tuilindien
Chapter length: ~1,100 words; Story rating: Teenage audiences
A/N: This chapter was meant to be longer but Tuilindien and Netyarë refused to co-operate with me for a scene of the two of them so I only managed a short chapter. It is haphazardly edited so let me know if you notice any major typos etc.
So the chapter includes my OC Netyarë, Curufinwë's wife from my fic Sparks fly out and sequels. You don't need to have read those to read this, though events from Sparks fly out are mentioned in this chapter.
Chapter VI //  Sisters-in-law
When Curufinwë falls headlong in love entirely without realising it, Carnistir laughs until he chokes when he realises it. Tuilindien has to pound on his back and tell him sternly not to say anything to Curufinwë or, the Valar forbid, Netyarë.
'They will untangle the mess they've woven in their own time', she tells Carnistir.
'First Curvo hated her, and now he thinks that they're friends –' and here Carnistir starts laughing again, and Tuilindien would reproach him for it but for the knowledge that Curufinwë did not make Carnistir's falling in love easy for him either, teasing him mercilessly.
Privately, Tuilindien thinks that being in love with a smart woman who can hold her own will do Curufinwë a world of good.
A year later, Carnistir tells Tuilindien, 'Tyelko joked about making a bet on when Curufinwë gets his head sorted and asks her to marry him.'
They are taking an after-dinner walk in their little orchard, and Tuilindien circles another yavannamírë tree, noting its condition and need for spring pruning. 'Hmm', she says diplomatically.
'I didn't take him up on it yet', Carnistir continues. 'I wanted to take time to think about what I would bet on.'
'They will be engaged by the end of the year, surely', Tuilindien replies absentmindedly as she counts dead branches on another tree. It does not seem to be doing very well. She will have to speak with the gardener.
'Do you really think so?' Carnistir throws his arm around her shoulders, making her take a break from her fruit-tree inspection. 'By the extent of their obliviousness, I would have thought at least one whole year more likely.'
Tuilindien sighs. She may as well explain her observations of Curufinwë and Netyarë to Carnistir so that she can get back to observing her trees.
'Netyarë is not as oblivious as she once was', she says. 'When Curufinwë isn't looking at her, she looks at him sometimes with a pensive gaze that belongs to would-be lovers wondering about the future. If he does not come to a realisation soon, she will help him along, I think. She is not patient enough to wait forever, even if she thinks she is.'
It is Carnistir's turn to say 'Hmm'. Then he kisses her, briskly, radiating pride for some reason, and says, 'I will bet on an engagement before the end of the year, then.'
'It may well happen in the summer', Tuilindien adds after a moment's consideration. 'Or perhaps at the harvest festival. It is, after all, a festival when many attachments are made.'
That makes him smile and join his lips to hers again, and they both smile into the kiss. They became betrothed at a harvest festival.
'I think it best to be careful with my bets, so I will bet on this year. Tyelko has very little faith in Curvo: he thinks it will take a long time', Carnistir says when they have finished kissing and began wandering from tree to tree again, hand in hand.
'That is strange of him, since he is Curufinwë's closest confidante', Tuilindien notes.
'How could Curvo have confided in him about Netyarë when he's still lying to himself? No, you know better, and I will win the bet as usual, and Tyelko will be left seething at having lost. He is so competitive.'
'The only competitive one in the family, I'm sure', Tuilindien says as dryly as she knows how to be. 'But I am not entirely sure whether I approve of making bets on a family member's happiness', she muses.
'It is a family tradition so it must be acceptable', Carnistir says with one of his rare grins, and really, he is making it very difficult to keep inspecting trees.
Tuilindien is happy for Curufinwë and Netyarë when they announce their betrothal at a family dinner. They both shine with an inner light and fire that makes Tuilindien happy, too. She hides most her smiles, though, because she thinks Curufinwë's joy is made a little brittle by his insecurity at not realising his love before, and by several of his brothers teasing him.
So Tuilindien eats quietly, conversing a little with Makalaurë at her side every now and then, and she thinks of how Curufinwë was on that first journey into the wilds together with him and Carnistir, and on the ones after.
When Carnistir put his arms around her and kissed her hair as they all sat around the campfire at night, Tyelko would grimace or make a joke, and Maitimo would give a fond little half-smile, and Curufinwë –
Curufinwë would jeer and say something sarcastic about there appearing to be a private field of gravitation that makes it impossible for Carnistir to keep his hands off of Tuilindien; but when he thought no one would see, he would look pensive, and sometimes even yearning.
Tuilindien is happy for him: that her prickliest brother-in-law has found the thing that he had not realised he was missing.
When Tuilindien and Carnistir and Tinweriel and Makalaurë are saying their farewells that night after dinner, Tinweriel remarks to Netyarë with a smile, 'I truly am glad of your engagement. Finally we have a decent number of female voices for the family choir'.
'We don't have a family choir', says Tyelkormo, uncharacteristically grumpy.
Curufinwë laughs, his arm around Netyarë's shoulders. 'Tyelko only likes singing to animals, including those he's killed.'
'Don't speak of things you understand nothing about', Tyelko says, but with less rancour than he would have to anyone else.
Netyarë looks uneasy. Tuilindien sighs internally and explains, wondering why she has to be the one to do it, 'Tyelkormo is devoted to Oromë.'
'Oh', says Netyarë. 'Of course, I should have known it had something to do with that.'
Before Tuilindien and Carnistir leave, Tuilindien embraces Netyarë and says, 'I have three sisters on Taniquetil and now I shall have two in Tirion. Will you come for tea at our house some day when you are not too busy?'
'Of course. Thank you for inviting me.' Netyarë smiles at Tuilindien, and really, it is no wonder that Curufinwë became taken with her even against his will.
Tuilindien smiles back. 'I look forward to getting to know you better.'
And she does, and she intends to make Netyarë feel as welcomed into the family as Tinweriel did with her when Tuilindien married Carnistir. Tinweriel did it in her own way – which is to say not as warmly as Nerdanel nor with as many kind smiles as Makalaurë – but Tuilindien appreciated it greatly all the same.
In a family like the house of Finwë with so many strong-willed, loud men with fierce loyalty to one another, it is important for the women to have their own bonds.
A/N: The next chapter that appears to be the last for now* and concerns the potential arrival of a new family member, too. I will post it next week, on Thursday if I can manage it.
*I might add chapters to this fic later if I come up with one-shot ideas for the early years of Carnistir and Tuilindien's marriage, so subscribe to this fic on AO3 or on Fanfiction.net (or the whole Fëanorian marriages series on AO3!) to get an email notification if I do.
I love and adore comments (whether here as replies or tags, or on AO3).
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