#oc mello
kaydreamsart · 1 year
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Mello!! 💙🔷
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mellosdrawings · 4 months
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Princess-hair Jamil is definitely one of the prettiest boys at school. I'm always happy when they give him new hairstyles on cards.
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(Yes, that's Yuu. I try not to draw them too much but sometimes I just gotta)
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zimthandmade · 20 days
I imagine that the average classroom convo at Wammy's (at least when they were all like. 9-12 years old) is a lot similar to the "Johnny has 19 bottles of dish soap" vine.
Teacher: Mello has 19 bottles of dish soap, and he gives Near-
Helix: Wait, why does Mello have so many bottles of soap?
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Love this. Every bit of it.
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the-fab-fox · 2 months
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Guess who woke up to the fanart for my banner yesterday morning?
That's right, this guy.
Okay so context. Two certain Vice Housewarden drag their adorable fox boyfriend to some shelves further back in the library (there's no dragging, Finn would follow these two anywhere by this point).
One is sweet and affectionate. The other... well, some might say affectionate in a different way but most would just call him horny. XD but Finn.exe has definitely stopped working.
Any attempts to reboot at this time have been unsuccessful.
And I mean, really, can you blame him? He's got the best of both worlds atm.
@mellosdrawings you have outdone yourself on this. This is absolutely what I envisioned. I only hope your return fic is everything you want and more as well or I'll feel bad lol. (But considering how much you reread the first two in the series, I really shouldn't worry too much. XD)
And I know I've still got those questions about Finn in my drafts. I have not forgotten about them, I promise. I just got really busy and want to actually write his bio out before I start answering. That said, if y'all wanna send questions into my ask box feel free and I'll get them set up in my drafts for when I answer (which I plan to be this weekend).
With that, Finn say good bye and have a good night. (Since it's night for us!)
Finn, tail wagging as he beams: Good bye and have a great night!
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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Mello except I get to make him like marginally more emo
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sparrowsong-7 · 1 month
Because I love a good trend...
Without taking new pics, post one of your OCs as a:
Romanceable NPC
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Quest Giver NPC
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Final Boss
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gwenandy · 2 months
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More of m3 trio outfit/aesthetic swap :3
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deathnotenerds · 2 months
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pennyblossom-meta · 19 days
The curious case of Anna Green on AO3
Initially a drabble meant to be written in one or two days, this has grown into a full fledged side fic from L's POV.
Dedicated to @lunalit-river and @scar8o. Thank you for always being so supportive 💜
Chapters (1/3)
Summary: L frowns, biting down on his thumb as he scans the opening lines of Near’s email, “There are barely any records on the ‘Anna Green’ who enrolled this year at To-Ho university. For all intents and purposes, she might as well be a ghost.”
“Ryuzaki, here are the files you asked for.”
“Thank you, Watari.”
The lights are off at this time of night, save for the dim glow cast by the wide monitor resting on a table adjacent to the wall. A humming lingers. It’s faint, incessant, — comfortable, L muses as he wolfs down the last third of a chocolate cake slice — much like static filling the air. Familiar. Drowned by the intermittent snores of the two detectives staying overnight, not quite a crescendo in the strictest sense; even as it grows in energy while the hours tick by. He’s noticed the symphony — though the term cacophony might be more accurate — tends to devolve into a nasal staccato with every 3 or 4 longer exhales, sometimes echoing in obnoxious discordance that makes him more and more certain he’s being pestered by the undiagnosed sequels of mild sleep apnea.
Chewing loudly, he glances at the digital clock on the bottom right corner of the screen; it’s close to a quarter to 5 in the morning. So late it’s almost early.
From the corner of his eye, he sees that Watari stayed behind to tidy up the room. Tilting his head to the left to get a better angle, he examines the slow, deliberate movements with scepticism; they’re as fluid as they’re contrived, as if practised to stall for as long as possible. He draws conclusions from the little things happening in the background; how the delicate china barely clinks against the small coffee spoons when stacked; sugary amanattõ wrappers gathered into a neat pile, set aside; the soft, careful sweeping near the walls so as to avoid rousing the two men from their sleep.
There’s words to be had; his gut tells him there’s a very much non-trivial chance that this will be a precursor to something.
A rustling of papers invites him to glimpse at Watari’s reflection on polished surfaces. It’s closer to 63%, now. Very well.
He skims through the first 10 pages for an overview, his gaze tarrying for a few seconds too long on the picture of a young woman before he turns his attention to the screen. Behind him, the soft brushing of Watari’s coordinated sweeps pauses for a moment and he knows, it’s as evident as rain in April, he stands corrected that this is where the knots will begin to unravel. 
L frowns, biting down on his thumb as he scans the opening lines of Near’s email, “There are barely any records on the ‘Anna Green’ who enrolled this year at To-Ho university. For all intents and purposes, she might as well be a ghost."
He chugs half the tea sitting in his cup, focusing on the scalding hot sensation in the back of his throat as he reads on, picking out bits and pieces.
“...no record that Anna Green was ever present for the entrance exams, though, allegedly, she has scores for them. Below average at best, mediocre to the point that, under normal circumstances, no one with this poor of a performance would be considered for admission. What’s even more intriguing are the reasons why To-Ho agreed to bend the rules for the one student, allowing this woman to bypass university policy and, not only sit for highly competitive and specific exams abroad, but also take up classes from different courses…”
Strange, indeed. Definitely something to look further into. L taps his index finger on the mouse, nail lightly grazing over the ridges on the wheel. He looks up, deep in thought. All this information does beg the question: who exactly allowed this to go overlooked? The university board? A rogue member of staff?
Someone with enough influence to bend the rules?
“...doesn’t exist as a citizen of any country…no travel records in any airline or shipping company coming into or out of Japan…"
Unlawful entrance under a false identity, most definitely. Or as part of a smuggling network. 
"...the only data available is on the university enrollment process…impossible to find anything on the father; the mother’s records (kept maiden name, no mention of a husband or children) show a birthplace at a small town in Italy, 1955, right at the border with Switzerland, and nothing more of consequence...all records left blank from the age of 11 until her death in 1987…no significant medical records either, save for a short comment about the passing itself, as per the following transcription: ‘incidente, avvenuto il 18 gennaio nel Leicestershire, nel Regno Unito’, — filed by the grandfather, dead from prolonged illness by 1988 though ‘grief’ has been listed as a catalyst…”
A freak accident in Leicestershire, on January 18, 1987? What a coincidence that nothing more of substance could be retrieved from these records, save for vague and elusive information. He wonders if this secrecy is related to the father somehow, — he licks his lips to taste the faint remnants of black tea that linger on chapped skin and skims over the university records for the name, narrowed eyes resting again on the young woman's picture — this Atticus Cornelius Green. If that's even his real name.
He looks at the birthdates, realising that she would've been 6, going on 7, at the time of the supposed accident. Only one year younger than himself. It will be her 24th birthday soon, in little more than a month.
Scrolling down the email, he reads on.
"...tuition payments funnelled through Goodfellow's Bank, which appears to be a highly selective, privately owned financial institution based in Britain. Virtually unknown, with only 3 physical offices, total, in Europe and the United States, with no presence in Asia…registered under the apparently long-lived Gringotts Foundation, since the mid 1800’s. On the surface there's nothing questionable about Goodfellow's, though further scrutiny reveals said Foundation is also a major (and the only) shareholder, led by a series of individuals throughout the decades who do not exist beyond the trust…”
Sucking on his spoon thoughtfully, L tastes the dried grains of caffeine that cling to the bowl, agglomerating towards the tip. There’s a small chance that this is witness protection at work, but if so then it’s freakishly elaborate. Dead end after dead end and a myriad of red herrings meant to confuse anyone who investigates, while making it seem perfectly reasonable. Outstandingly legal. One would have to read between those creatively woven lines. 
But then there’s the shadow bank. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts like a duck, then it is a duck — or so the saying goes. Official police forces wouldn’t be able to resort to these underhanded tactics without a tangible need; and there would be an inquiry or requisition beforehand. Someone would have to budge. Things like these always leave a trail. Though the British Secret Services could potentiate such a scenario and there would be nothing to pursue, if they so wished. 
But to what end? For a trip abroad? It didn’t make sense. There’s abuse of the law and then there’s playing around it, dangling the threads like a puppet master.
“...there’s no system to hack and therefore no personal data to retrieve. Any bank transfers seem to be made in person, at the London office. Though To-Ho lists two different addresses for foreign students; Anna Green’s file shows one in the UK and the other in Japan. The former is registered as the sole property of one Awarnach Greengrass near Windsor, dating to the late 1600’s, and has never been updated since. Otherwise, the several acres for this plot of land are not even accounted for in modern records — or pay taxes.
The latter address points to a building just a 5 minute walk outside of To-Ho. Records for the building show that it’s registered as having only 7 floors. However, the primary plans kept at the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure display a total of 8 — approved and built. The addendum was placed without rebuttal this past month of March, 4 years after the structure had been built and all apartments sold without exception. The previous proprietor of the 8th floor died mid-February and left no family to inherit, though his name was stricken from the more recent record updates…”
This isn’t like the hunt for Morello, with knotted threads and underworld connections; not when he discovered the swindles, the under the table deals with art galleries and high class politicians, in a spectacle of dazzling lights and charming conversations. Definitely nothing like Merri Kenwood’s indiscretions as the thrill-seeking second daughter of a wealthy family.
No, whatever he’s stumbled upon is much more insidious and has tendrils across the decades. 
Narrowing his eyes, L quickly reads Near’s conclusion: “...the majority of these records are fabricated with the intent to appear official, when in reality they’re nothing but a smokescreen…”
He wonders if it’s a coincidence that he’s tripped over the proverbial basket of kittens, only to find a nest of snakes. And with the murders case ongoing, does this invalidate the theory that Misa Amane might be the Second Kira? No, they’ve gathered more than enough evidence for Amane in the past few weeks, but whether this is another loose thread…
He feels rather than sees Watari approach.
“Any DNA match with the bloodied gauze?” he murmurs, confident on what the answer will be.
“None at all.”
“I see. Thank you.”
There’s only a very slim chance that this is related to the Kira case, but the coincidences are too many to believe that this is entirely unrelated. Or if it is, then there’s something else happening here. I’ve met Anna Green and I’m sure she doesn’t fit the profile for the First Kira — as for the Second, there’s nothing connecting her to Light Yagami or Misa Amane…am I overthinking this?
Wiggling his toes, L starts to draw his hand towards the box of chocolates on the table. He hears a light shuffle. “There’s also the matter of M,” Watari all but whispers, voice urgent and grim.
Ah, there is it.
He swallows a bonbon. “What about him?” 
Hesitant, Watari glances over his shoulder towards the detectives sprawled on the sofas. Once he’s adequately sure that they’re still fast asleep, he continues, “It seems that M hacked into N’s server and somehow managed to decrypt your correspondence, along with all available research data on the case…”
His lips twitch ever so slightly. Behind him, Watari can’t see his amusement. 
A scattered trail of crumbs — quite possibly with Near’s veiled consent. Sounds like a move to gleefully fuel Mello’s one-sided competition — or perhaps…
An allowance?
“Predictable, if unwise,” he licks the corner of his mouth, lapping at the bits of chocolate left behind. Hazelnut — and caramel. Slightly salty, but edible. 
“— travelled to London on his own to investigate the premises of this Goodfellow’s Bank, but only found a closed shop with no visible schedule. Nearby residents confirmed they had never seen it open.”
“That would be the primary office in Charing cross Road (1), yes?”
“Then it’s a red herring, as expected.” 
“Unfortunately that’s not all,” if possible, Watari lowers his voice even further, making L cock his head to the side as he strains to listen to this secret. “Days later, M stole a car and drove by himself straight to Windsor through the motorway, where he decided to prowl the farmlands until almost running out of gas. According to M’s report, he seems to have stumbled upon the property registered under the Green family — although his findings point to a derelict mansion in the middle of the forest, not a livable estate.”
Watari sifts through the stack of papers, picking the last set in the pile with the upper left corner folded into a neat triangle. N emailed, while M chose to fax , he whispers. L pinches the top of the file, his eyes moving quickly from left to right, up and down, until he’s made a mental map of the contents.
“ ‘...ruins surrounded by crumbling gates and overgrown English ivy that claimed the entire structure a long time ago…’ — I see, so it couldn’t be it at all. Yet another red herring,” he drawls, looking up at the ceiling. Shadows dance, long-limbed and distant, illusive. “Though this does give more credence to the witness protection theory, I’m still not sure…”
Is this indeed a case of false identity? Theft and blackmail? What’s going on?
He reads the last page and frowns. “M didn’t examine the property?” 
A rhetorical question, to which Watari merely shakes his head. ‘...lost interest in a useless cat and mouse chase, not worth looking for clues here. Forgot to bring a lantern.(2)’ L puts down the file, placing it on top of the stack, thinking it’s a strange conclusion for Mello to reach, especially when he's so desperate to prove himself above Near. It pays for the overconfident to be thorough. And he knows that well enough, despite his impetuousness.
Lodging a fingernail between his two front teeth, L ponders over Mello’s words once more. The attitude itself is out of the ordinary.
Watari busies himself cleaning the crumbs under his armchair, in silence. Then, he tidies the stack, now out of order. Waiting for a follow up, no doubt; but these things can’t be rushed. L pours through photos of the landscape, scrutinising every inch of the images; any resulting from this adventure are blurry and pigmented, as if altered post-processing. An unfortunate accident, explained when the camera malfunctions shortly after Mello is — as he states in brash words, the offence visible even through writing — suddenly picked up by a police car on the motorway. The agents sputtered, perplexed that a 14 year old boy drove a stolen car. Roger had to pay a hefty fine to keep Mello out of juvenile prison. He also gets out of a damning record for underage driving, thanks to the many contacts at Wammy’s.
Lame-ass, he calls it.
As expected, Mello seems unhappy with this particular turnout. His intelligence combined with bubbling insecurities and a natural inclination towards the extreme, Mello has the makings of a fairly competent criminal.
L narrows his eyes, “Say, do we have the results on the ‘coin collection’?”
A rustle of fabric. Watari promptly pours him more tea, the robust aroma wafting upwards, “The bu is an authentic coin from the Edo Period, nowadays often on display at museums or secured by ancient history collectors. One single piece would be up for sale starting at 1.5 thousand, subject to the seller’s reputation.”
“There were at least 12 on the floor that night, some perhaps more obscure than currency from Edo if my eyes didn’t deceive me,” he taps his lips with one pale finger, looking thoughtful. “What about the other one?”
“The second coin is made of solid gold, though the minting — remarkable as it is — doesn’t match any known branch. The coinage alone is entirely unknown, even if it bears Gringott's Foundation inscriptions."
Could they really be collectibles, after all?
He nods. “Thank you for your diligence, Watari. As always,” he adds after a heartbeat, quietly slurping the remnants of his black tea, “Please file these away as soon as you’re able.”
L eyes the now neatly arranged stack. For the last time, he allows himself to stare at the picture on the first page before turning his attention back to the screen.
“Of course.”
Silent as a shadow, Watari leaves.
I have a lot of thinking to do. But she doesn’t fit the profile…and I’m certain Amane is the Second Kira, at this point. No, this is something else entirely.
Alone again save for the sleeping detectives, L finds that his fingers clench over his knees of their own accord, muscles taunt and knuckles blanching bone white as he looks out the window at the waking sun. 
Another day, another mystery.
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oxianamello · 5 months
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A few meme pics I've not posted on here yet
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s-3lliot · 6 months
Part 1 of the long Death Note Analysis
Okay no because I’m sorry but what the fuck. You’re telling me that of the SIXTY-FOUR cameras that were placed in Light’s room, NONE of them thought to place one RIGHT WHERE HE SITS at his goddamn DESK??? Like HELLO???? Bro is writing names left right and center and not a SINGLE one of the 64 goddamn cameras can catch his WRITING?? Man no wonder he doesn’t respect his dad or the ICPO, they’re fuckin’ STUPID. 
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cryptidcha0s · 1 month
Art dump or some random art I made before I started posting here under cut
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Everything's about a few months to a year old
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mellosdrawings · 1 month
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I'm glad us French people are finally getting accurate representation in foreign medias!
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zimthandmade · 4 months
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I thought about M2s reunion with their families after the Kira case a lot. And I think Mello is going through a lot when visiting Chris (Matt's dad) - not knowing how to continue anything really, not knowing if Matt wants to stay with him, if he's leaving him to stay with his dad now, knowing his own family probably doesn't even care half as much as Chris does for Matt, dealing with intense PTSD, dealing with basically surrendering to Near, even missing the mafia structures and everything feels so wrong.
Appreciation from a dad, even if it's not his own, helps a little.
(I was going for a funny approach first, wanting to have Mello have flashbacks to all kinds of silly situations that nearly got him and Matt nearly killed OR him having flashbacks to Matt taking care of Mello, like pulling him out from the explosion, taking care of his wounds, stopping him from bashing someones head in etc etc. But making it heartfelt felt more right somehow)
----- My other socials Commission Info Let's drink some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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artificial-ascension · 9 months
Reading through the wolrds surely most accurate source, Death Note fan wiki, I have accumulated a list of Wammys kid letters that are confirmed in some source to have an individual associated:
A- First successor of L, dead by suicide, mentioned in Death Note: Another Note
B- Beyond Birthday, number two of the first known successors behind A and a main character of Death Note: Another Note
D- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film
E- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film
F- Appears in the opening of L: Change The World film on a massion for L, dies via helicopter attack*
G- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film
H- Sends L an email informing him of F's death in L: Change The World
I- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film
J- Appears in the game L: The Prologue To Death Note, the game is unavailable in English so little is know of them, presumably a Wammys kid based on name, a separate J appears in the second episode of Death Note: A New Generation, she is not out right stated to be a Wammys kid, but she is assumed to be
K- Antagonist of L: Change The World book and film
L- If you do not know who L is why are you here, also Linda is a child who appears briefly in the manga and is responsible for the drawings of Near and Mello (I belive that is only presumed but I may be wrong, I can not remember where it was said)
M- Mello, second successor of generation four and a main antagonist of Death Note's main series and Matt, unranked member of generation four appearing as Mello's comrade in both anime amd manga
N- Near, successor of L and number one of generation four, appears in half the places L dose
P- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film
Q- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film
R- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film, their letter is greyed out, presumably indicating they are dead**
T- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film, their letter is greyed out, presumably indicating they are dead
V- Shown on L's mailing list in L: Change The World film, their letter is greyed out, presumably indicating they are dead
X- Alluded to in Death Note: Another Note as helping in a detective war with L
Y- Alluded to in Death Note: Another Note as helping in a detective war with L
Z- Alluded to in Death Note: Another Note as helping in a detective war with L
Unused letters- C, O, S, T, U, W***, possibly J as both instances of the usage are for individuals only presumed to be successors
Letters with known duplicates- L and M, J(?)
1. L: Change The World introduced a shit ton of Wammys lore for apparently shits and giggles.
2. Alot less dead Wammys kids than I expected. (Only 9/24, that's only over a third. Maybe 10/24 if you count Watari.)
3. I can understand not finding a U or V, but how the hell were there no genius orphans with S or C names??
4. It is impossible for a Death Note title to not have a : in it.
I got this information from the fan wiki and my brain. If it is wrong I'd like to know. I'd also love to hear of any more orphans the fan wiki or I missed.
*I can verify that that happened. I remember it vividly. Only known Wammys kid to die from a helicopter.
**A greyed name implies death as B's name was also greyed out. However, this also implies L could readily email B whenever he wanted, which is extremely funny.
***W is often totoed as Watari's letter. However, I am not considering him a Wammys kid but this may mean some of the letters shown do not indicate successors but rather other Wammys higher ups.
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sparrowsong-7 · 3 months
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Dawntrail's gonna be hard on the poor girl...
Won't be much better for Krile either...
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