#oc marilyn
The original fic was kind of split into three parts.
Spoilers ahead if you haven't read Here Lie the Sinners.
Part 1 being the whole Heaven killing Hell thing from the show - ending with Angel, Adam and Sir Pentious "dying".
Part 2 being all about Roo, everyone having kids lol, and Alastor discovering the truth about his parentage and power.
Part 3's antagonist being Marilyn - she's my OC, basically God's antithesis, so she's Lucifer's aunt. If God is the "Light", Marilyn is the Darkness. Roo is one of her puppets and she wants the power of a nephalem (aka Alastor) to restart the universe in her image.
This is the song that comes into mind when I think of Marilyn
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mavxion · 5 months
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she just got out the shower
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sonhogentil · 1 year
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what'd she mean by that 🤔 missed the vtmb vampire lesbians so
pandora (girl with beanie) belongs to @napelf
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
(Requests Open) - What I write: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Reader with mental disabilities, Age gap, Minor reader (I'll only go as young as 16 though)
Melissa Schemmenti
Worth It - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6* Part 7* Part 8* Part 9* Part 10*
Don't Let Me Go
The 3 3 3 Method
Little Droplets of Relief
Her Poco Sole (little sunshine)
Let Me Help You*
Caught On Camera Part 2
Grocery Store Rendezvous
Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself
Want You Back* - Alternate Ending*
Map Of Your Scars*
Green Isn't Your Colour- Part 1 Part 2
Safe Word*
The Game of Love
Mine -Part 1* Part 2 Part 3 Part 4* Part 5* Part 6* Part 7*
Spring Is When Love Blooms
The Stolen Parking Spot
Blood As Green As Her Eyes - Part 1* Part 2*
Teaching You*
It Starts With Zero*
Fine Line*
Make Up and Make Out*
The Vendor, The Teacher and The Roses - Part 1 Part 2 Alt End*
Her Good Girl*
Puppy Crazy
Don't Call Me That - Part 2*
Clueless Teasing*
Allow Me*
Il Suo Angelo (Her Angel)*
Red And Green*
I Feel A Rainbow In You - Prompt
Mia Anima Gemella (My Soulmate)*
Playing Favourite*
Calling 911 Part 2*
Wanna Kiss The Teacher*
Southern Girl
Guilty Or Not Guilty
Luck Be Her Lady*
Flirty Drunk
Drunk With Jealousy*
Once Upon A Time
Tutta Mia (All Mine)*
Music Of Her Heart
Making You Hers*
Spring Is When Love Blooms
Her Good Girl*
Please Wake Up
All Over Again
Follow Directions*
Face The Consequences*
In Writting*
Assistance Needed
Marilyn Thornhill
Cool Your Fire Part 2 Part 3
Misty Quigley (Adult)
Coming Soon
Moiraine Sedai
Coming Soon
Agatha Harkness
Coming soon
Who I Write For (Fem! Reader)
Abbott Elementary: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader (romantic)
The Parent Trap: Chessy x Reader (romantic)
Wednesday: Marilyn Thornhill x Reader (romantic)
Yellowjackets: Adult Misty Quigley x Reader (romantic)
The Wheel Of Time: Moiraine Sedai x Reader (romantic)
Wandavision/ Agatha All Along: Agatha Harkness x reader (romantic)
Fics in the Works
Melissa Schemmenti
- Worth It Part 12
- Mine Part 8
- I Feel a Rainbow in you Part 2
- bad girl (prompt)
- worried Mel (prompt)
- night owl (prompt)
-Mi casa su casa (prompt)
- secret marriage (prompt)
- pyramid and sundress (prompt)
- tattoo reveal (prompt)
- thigh humping (prompt)
- breeding kink (prompt)
- menopause (prompt)
- autistic reader (prompt)
- cute sub Mel
-Androgynous reader (prompt)
- secret crush (prompt)
-party (prompt)
-secret piercings (prompt)
- Face The Consequences Part 2
- mommy kink (prompt)
- mamma bear (prompt)
- enemies to lovers (prompt)
- slow burn (prompt)
Marilyn Thornhill
- Cool Your Fire Part 4
- telekinesis reader (early in the works)
Misty Quigley
- smut one shot
Moiraine Sedai
- A One Shot (early in the works)
Agatha Harkness
- A One Shot (early in the works)
- panic attack (prompt)
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deletedaccd · 3 months
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scarygirlsteakhouse · 6 months
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she was so cutie patootie (very old lynn drawings)
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evilwizardval · 30 days
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even more donovan i used to draw him a lot
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roseandgold137 · 10 months
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*shows you my super oc (Lora, Superstar) and skitters away*
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Sitting on your favorite teachers lap.
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bowerspowers · 2 months
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local sunshine girl !
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~Lost and found~ (Larissa Weems x student!reader)
The reader is 19 in this fic!!! The show makes it clear they have students well above the age of consent.
Sorry for the longer than expected wait! Mocks are a bitch and a half! The reader is a snarky little shit in this chapter btw- The chapters will be getting slightly longer as I get more comfortable with the story but please let me know if you would prefer shorter chapters.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (1.2k words)
Thank you for all your kind words about the last chapter <3 I hope you continue to enjoy my shitty angst!!!
Lastly thank you once again to @thefangedman for the editing to make the story make any semblance of sense. You should check out their Tiffany Valentine fic! It's amazing!!!
Static takes over my senses. I slowly come round from my near death experience at the hands of my own Headmistress - ‘my duty is to protect all the students within these walls’ my ass. The glaring lights start to bother my shut eyes, begging me to open them and rejoin the living world. I'll give it 5 more minutes. I haven't had a nap like this in years.
Just as I'm getting comfortable, I hear the tapping of heels on a wooden floor, pacing back and forth. From what I can piece together, Weems accidentally impeded my ability to breathe; I passed out and she has dragged me to her office because she's too embarrassed to tell the nursing staff what happened. Hmm... I should have some fun with her. Fake amnesia seems like it'll do the trick. I mentally smirk, thinking over the horrified reaction I'll get to see on her face.
I flutter open my eyes to play into the act of just having awoken. I stare at the ceiling, hearing her rush towards me. "Mx/Mr/Miss L/N, how are you feeling? It appears you... umm, passed out in the corridor."
I turn to face her, sitting up on the leather sofa I'm lying on. I rub my forehead, slightly obscuring my eye as a confused expression crosses my features.
"...I'm sorry but who is Mx/Mr/Miss L/N, and who are you?" Her face, like I thought, is priceless - she even backs away slightly.
Her voice quivers as she talks, an unfamiliar tone in the usually confident woman.
"S-shit...no no no. This can't be happening, I d-didn't. God, what am I going to do-" with this, she grips my face in her hand, the other removing my own from my forehead, grasping it gently as our eyes meeting in perfect alignment. The only difference is her eyes are glazed over with tears that will fall any second, "I am so sorry, Y/N..."
God, this was meant to be fun, but it's just depressing.
I swear, she has an ability to suck all the joy out of anything I do. I roll my eyes at her, but in reality a small part of me feels regret. Regret over my actions, regret over leaving her in this state, but alas, I repress this thought and lean into the anger. I rip my hand out of hers and shove her away from me.
"You're so annoying! I can't even prank you after you nearly murder me without you sucking the joy out of it. Also- thanks for being too scared to take me to see the nursing staff, or even an actual fucking doctor incase God forbid you got into trouble. I could have gotten actual brain damage-"
I am interrupted mid-rant when she embraces me, her face buried in my neck, now fully sobbing. Fuck. Why do I always have to be such a blunt asshole? I need Noah to translate my words into nice ‘feeling protecting’ ones, he's good at all the dumb emotional stuff. Normally I am at least okay at faking, and I can get by, but everything just feels so foggy. No matter how hard I try, I can't concentrate on finding the right words.
I feel awkward as her hot tears sear into my skin like a mark of shame. I bring my hand to her head, undoing her usual pristine hairstyle. I run my hand over her scalp and the nape of her neck, gently scratching her skin. She calms down slowly, relaxing more into me more. My hand slows with her tears, until both cease and we remain there, unmoving for what feels like eternity. Neither one of us knows how to proceed, not wanting to ruin our brief moment of peace and unspoken understanding of what the other needs.
It has to end eventually however, and I am the one to do so, saying words I never thought I'd utter to this woman in my life. Before I can gather what to say three simple words cross my mind, "...I am sorry."
No. I will never apologise to this woman.
Instead I simply remove all venom from my being. I render myself completely vulnerable to her, a spider without its fangs, completely defenceless. "I don't think before I speak. As you know I'm not exactly great at the whole communication thing. So understand, I did not mean to hurt you. I just struggle when taking others emotions into account and instead I chose to be selfish by lashing out at you, it was immature of me."
The air felt thick as I tried to regain my lost stoicism. I feel shame and pity for both of us. I pry her away from my body as I stand, desperately needing to leave, but my legs buckle beneath my weight as everything goes blurry - fuck. I must have hit my head harder than I thought.
Before my body can meet the welcoming ground, I am snatched by a set of strong arms. She turns me to face her once more, before gently setting me on the settee. She turns away from me walking towards her desk as she speaks, her voice still not quite back to it's typical happy/mildly aggressive cadence.
"I had the nurses come to see you here, because I know you don't like the nursing wing of the academy. They said you'd have a mild concussion from hitting your head, and told me to observe you, which is why I didn't put you in your dorm. I know you think of me as being too proud to admit when I am wrong, but I want you to know I will never put my pride before the health of you, or anyone else in this academy."
God, what is wrong with Weems, I think I broke her. She's being too emotional - in the sad way, normally she's just angry. I swear, she speaks exclusively in passive aggressive niceness. I lift my head to properly meet her eyes.
She has taken her seat pride of place behind her desk, having almost the same power behind it as when a queen takes her throne. I begin to verbalise my thoughts.
"Are you on your period? Or are you too old for that... when does menopause start? Oh wait, could it be perimenopause? Oh god, are you pregnant? Can you still even get pregnant?" I become horrified as the last thought even crossed my mind, that poor child.
I notice Weem's equally horrified expression contorting her features, "Mx/Mr/Miss L/N just how old do you think I am exactly? I also don't appreciate the invasive line of questioning, but for your information, no, I am not pregnant."
I shutter slightly feeling her peircing gaze wait for me to answer her. "I want to say, 54...?" Oh God, she looks like she's about to slap me. "54! I beg your pardon, Mx/Mr/Miss L/N, I am 44, and I do not appreciate you aging me a decade! I should give you an extra detention for this alone."
I look at her, wondering if she has been seriously affected by my words, merely her vanity showing as per usual, or if this is her failed attempt trying to be more humorous while scolding me. I run my hand through my hair and let it fall over my eyes.
"I don't give a shit how old you are! You still cried like a baby either way, get over yourself, you're not 2. So what? You nearly murdered someone, we've all been there. You aren't special, so don't expect sympathy from me!"
Weems stands once and strides towards me. I am not interested in her lectures about manners and etiquette, so I leave quickly through the nearest set of doors and out into the corridor, taking a sharp right into the closest room to me.
Grabbing the chair beside me, I barricade the door, allowing myself to slide down it and contemplate all that's happened thus far, while also figuring out an excuse. I look around the room, only now realising I've locked myself within Weems' bedroom.
@the-bagel24, @suckerforcate
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yuarose · 9 months
Y/n, Pamela & Tsuji ✨
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mavxion · 4 months
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idea ive had in my head for a few years now feels so good to finally get it out
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valleyofyours · 3 months
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james dean clone high oc ?!
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morgana-larkin · 4 months
Ok I know I haven’t written much in the past 2 weeks but I swear they’re coming and I got a list! I’ve been working a lot but I’ll try and get some of them out when I can. And to prove I got a list, I’m posting it.
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nogpawkit · 3 months
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The Ten Centuries Opening, Grinning Fellows, and Land of Carelessness are pretty neat 👍👍
posts 1-7 are sketches i did at the end of school, and as for the eighth being at the beginning of june and the ninth being a few days old (im starting to make some au lore 😈)
(btw blue guy in post 8 is named Florence Shaden(oc); he's an ice sculptor and Lumre's husband.) (And the OTHER blue guy that's in post 9 is Weslan Obscurette(oc); he was the prince of the Rose Kingdom and now the king of the Shadow Realm/Kingdom (and he's also the husband of the Shadow Queen, duh-))
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