#oc lady purgatory
sirwow · 1 year
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putt-putt on a galactic scale
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mccall-muffin · 7 months
The Lady and the Major - Part 3/3 // John "Bucky" Egan x OC
Summary: Bucky is gone. For Liz, a world fell apart. But being the daughter of a duke, there still are responsibilities.
Warnings: Language, loss, slight depression, family duties, family fight. FLUUUUFF
A/N: And now this little story comes to an end. It was fun :) Hope you enjoyed it!
Here is my Masterlist
Tags: @liebgotts-lovergirl, @softly-writes, @mads-weasley, @brassknucklespeirs, @softguarnere, @shesgonna
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London, Early 1944
The vibrant correspondence between Liz and Bucky, once a source of joy and anticipation for Liz, has fallen into a distressing silence since October 1943. Each letter she sent without receiving a reply added another layer to her growing concern and heartache. Liz's letters, once filled with playful banter and teasing affection, have grown more earnest, culminating in a confession of her deepening feelings for Bucky—a letter that, like its predecessors, remains unanswered.
The once lively spark in Liz's eyes has dimmed, noted by all who know her but most acutely by Mrs. Baxter, who has served the Cavendish family for years and has come to hold a particular fondness for Liz. It's a quiet afternoon when Mrs. Baxter finds Liz in the garden, her laughter at something in a book not quite reaching her eyes, a shadow of her usual vibrancy.
"Miss Elizabeth," Mrs. Baxter begins, her voice laced with concern, "you've been ever so down lately. It's not like you to let the world weigh on your shoulders. Is it that young American soldier? You've not mentioned him in quite some time."
Liz, caught off guard, closes her book, a sigh escaping her lips. "Yes, it's Bucky. I've not heard from him since October. I fear the worst, Mrs. Baxter. But part of me wonders... what if he's simply moved on? Or found someone else? Or worse..." Her voice is a mix of sadness and fear, the possibility of Bucky being gone forever a thought she can barely entertain.
Mrs. Baxter, wise in the ways of the heart and the harsh realities of war, shakes her head. "Miss Elizabeth, the way that boy wrote to you, I can't imagine him simply forgetting about you or finding another. It doesn't sit right. Why don't you write to his superior? Just to ask, to know for certain."
The suggestion stirs a turmoil within Liz. The thought of reaching out to Colonel Harding, of whom Bucky told her, is daunting, not only for fear of seeming desperate but also for the terrifying possibility that her worst fears might be confirmed—that Bucky is indeed lost to her, either through death or by a change of heart.
"But what if I find out he's..." Liz can't finish the sentence, the fear of Bucky's potential death choking her words.
"Miss Elizabeth," Mrs. Baxter says, taking Liz's hand in her own, "not knowing is a torment all its own. It's clear you care for him deeply and living in this limbo isn't fair to you. Writing to that Colonel might bring you the clarity you need to move forward, one way or another."
Liz contemplates Mrs. Baxter's words, the wisdom in them undeniable yet terrifying to act upon. The possibility of learning that Bucky is indeed gone is a reality she's not sure she's ready to face. Yet, the perpetual state of not knowing, of holding onto a thread of hope mixed with fear, is its own kind of purgatory.
After a moment of silent contemplation, Liz nods, a decision made. "You're right, Mrs. Baxter. I'll write to his Colonel. It's better to know than to spend my days wondering 'what if.'"
Mrs. Baxter squeezes Liz's hand reassuringly, offering a smile that's both encouraging and sympathetic. "Whatever the response, Miss Elizabeth, you won't face it alone. We're all here for you, always."
With a newfound resolve, albeit one shadowed by apprehension, Liz sets out to pen a letter to Colonel Harding, seeking the truth about Bucky's fate. It's a step fraught with the risk of heartbreak but also the only path toward peace, whether it leads to closure or rekindles a flicker of hope.
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Dear Colonel Harding,
I hope this letter finds you well amidst the challenging circumstances that I know the brave men under your command face daily. I am writing to you with a heavy heart and a hopeful spirit, seeking information about Major John Egan, who I believe is (or was) under your esteemed leadership.
It has been several months since I last heard from Major Egan, and his silence is uncharacteristic and deeply concerning. We had been in regular correspondence until October of last year, after which all communication ceased abruptly. Understanding the nature of his duty and the risks involved, I am painfully aware of the potential reasons for his silence.
However, the not knowing has become a burden too heavy to bear, and so I find myself reaching out to you, Colonel, in hopes that you might be able to provide any information regarding Major Egan's status. It is my deepest hope that he is safe and well, but if that is not the case, I am prepared to face whatever truth there might be.
Major Egan spoke very highly of you and his fellow soldiers, and it is clear he holds great respect for the sacrifices and efforts of the 100th Bombardment Group. It is in this spirit of respect and concern that I reach out to you now.
Any information you can provide would be immensely appreciated, not only by me but by all who care for Major Egan.
I thank you in advance for your time and assistance in this matter and for your service to our countries. Please extend my gratitude and best wishes to the courageous men under your command.
Yours sincerely, Lady Elizabeth Cavendish of Wellington
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Dear Lady Elizabeth Cavendish,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you regarding Major John Egan. First, let me express my deepest gratitude for your kind words, the respect you've shown towards our unit, and the sacrifices made by our servicemen. It is the support and thoughtfulness of individuals like yourself that bolster our spirits in these trying times.
Regarding Major Egan, I regret to inform you that his plane was shot down during a mission over Münster, Germany, on October 10th. The circumstances were such that we have been unable to ascertain his whereabouts following the incident, and as of this moment, Major Egan is classified as Missing in Action (MIA).
This news is undoubtedly difficult to receive, and it is shared with the greatest sympathy and respect for your connection to Major Egan. Please know that our efforts to learn more about his status continue unabated, and any new information will be communicated to you as soon as possible.
Major Egan is remembered among his peers for his bravery, leadership, and the indelible mark he left on all who had the privilege of knowing him. In these challenging times, we hold onto hope and the belief in the resilience of the human spirit.
Should there be any way we can be of further assistance to you during this period, please do not hesitate to reach out.
With deepest sympathies, Colonel Neil B. Harding 100th Bombardment Group United States Army Air Forces
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July 1945, Hyde Park, London
The park, with its sprawling greens and tranquil ambiance, serves as a refuge for her thoughts, a place where memories of Bucky feel both painfully close and achingly distant. As she walks beside Mrs. Baxter, her mind is only half-attuned to the conversation about her impending nuptials to Lord Henry Ashcroft, a man of good standing and disposition but whom Liz regards with a sense of resigned acceptance rather than love.
Lord Henry Ashcroft, chosen by her father, was a man of considerable charm and intellect, a diplomat who had spent much of the war negotiating on behalf of Britain. While Liz could appreciate his qualities and the comfort of their companionship, her heart remained untouched, locked away with the memories of a love lost too soon.
As Mrs. Baxter prattles on, Liz's attention is stolen away by a voice, a familiar timbre that cuts through the noise of the park and straight to her soul. "Planning your grand escape, Liz? Or just hiding out from all those wedding planners your father's set on you?"
The voice, unmistakably Bucky's, sends a shockwave through her. She turns, disbelieving, to see him leaning casually against a tree, that all-too-familiar smirk playing on his lips, his arms crossed as if he's been waiting for her all this time. For a moment, Liz is frozen, her heart caught between joy and disbelief.
"Bucky?" she breathes out, her voice a whisper lost in the wind. The world around her seems to come to a standstill, the chatter of the park fading into nothingness as she takes in the sight of him. He's thinner, the signs of his ordeal evident in his eyes, but it's unmistakably him.
Bucky pushes off from the tree, taking a few steps toward her with a grin. "In the flesh," he confirms, his eyes lighting up with the warmth she remembered so well. "I must say, I've had quite the adventure. But I always knew I had to find my way back to you, Liz."
Tears well in Liz's eyes as the reality of the moment washes over her. The pain of the past two years, the resignation to a life without him, suddenly lifts, replaced by a surge of hope and love so strong it leaves her breathless.
"But how? I thought you were—" Liz starts, unable to finish, the question hanging in the air, laden with the weight of untold stories of survival and loss.
"A POW," Bucky finishes for her, his voice softening. "It was... rough. But I never stopped thinking about you, Liz. Not for a single day. It's what kept me going, knowing I had to come back to see you again."
The revelation leaves Liz reeling, the pieces of her carefully constructed resolve crumbling under the weight of her emotions. Here, before her, stands the man she believed she had lost forever, a living testament to the resilience of hope and love.
Mrs. Baxter, sensing the magnitude of the moment, discreetly withdraws with the dogs, leaving Liz and Bucky alone in their bubble of reclaimed time.
Liz steps forward, the distance between them closing with each tentative step until she's close enough to touch, to confirm that he's real and not a figment of her longing imagination. Without a word, she reaches out, her hand trembling as it meets his cheek, the contact sparking a connection that time and circumstance had failed to sever.
"Bucky, I..." Liz starts, the flood of emotions rendering her speechless.
"Shh," Bucky soothes, wrapping her in his arms, his presence a balm to the scars left by war and separation. "We have time, Liz. All the time, we thought we'd lost. We'll figure this out together."
In the embrace of the man she never stopped loving, Liz allows herself to believe in the possibility of a future she had mourned as lost. Hyde Park, once a sanctuary for her solitary reflections, now bears witness to the resurgence of a love that survived against all odds, promising a new chapter for Liz and Bucky, one where 'what if' transforms into 'what is.'
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In the opulent salon of Wellington House, the tension is palpable. The Duke of Wellington, a man of formidable presence and traditional values, paces the room, his anger reaching a fever pitch. The assembled group—Liz, her fiancé Henry Ashcroft, her brother Edward, her mother, and Bucky—watches in a mix of apprehension and disbelief.
"My daughter, marrying an American? A soldier with no title, no lands, no... no nothing!" the Duke bellows, his voice echoing off the walls, laden with centuries of history and tradition. "This is not a matter of mere preference, Elizabeth! It's about duty, about the legacy of the Cavendish name. An arrangement has been made with the Ashcrofts, a union that will benefit both our families."
Liz stands her ground, her resolve steeled by the love she has for Bucky, a love that has endured the trials of war and separation. "Father, I respect our traditions, but I cannot—I will not—marry a man I do not love. Henry is a fine gentleman, but my heart belongs to Bucky. I must marry out of love, not obligation."
Her plea falls on deaf ears. The Duke, red-faced and seething, turns his ire towards Bucky. "And you!" he accuses, pointing a finger at the soldier who has unwittingly become the center of the controversy. "Do you think you can just waltz in here and claim my daughter's hand? What do you have to offer her? You are a commoner, an outsider!"
Bucky, despite the hostility, remains calm, his respect for Liz and her family evident even in the face of the Duke's wrath. "Your Grace, with all due respect, I understand your concerns. I may not have titles or lands to my name, but I love your daughter and swear to devote my life to making her happy. Isn't her happiness worth considering?"
The Duke's response is a derisive snort. "Happiness? You speak of happiness in a world where lineage and alliances dictate our very existence. You are not suitable for Elizabeth. This... this farce ends now!"
Liz's mother and brother exchange troubled glances, the family torn asunder by the clash of duty and desire. Henry, for his part, remains silent, his own feelings a mixture of resignation and relief, having sensed Liz's lack of affection towards him.
The room falls silent as the Duke delivers his ultimatum. "Elizabeth, you will marry Henry Ashcroft as planned, or you will face the consequences. You will not defy the wishes of your family or the expectations of our society. This is not just about you; it's about the Cavendish legacy."
The weight of her father's words hangs heavy in the air, a gulf widening between tradition and the yearning of the heart. Liz, caught in the throes of an impossible choice, looks to Bucky, her eyes filled with a mixture of love, defiance, and the dawning realization of the sacrifices they must both be willing to make for a chance at a life together.
As she can't take it anymore, Liz flees the salon and her father and is quickly followed by her mother.
In the quiet aftermath of Liz's hurried departure, the salon becomes a stage for silent contemplation and uneasy alliances. As Henry speaks privately with the Duke, Edward shares a moment of understanding with Bucky, and the pieces of a complex puzzle begin to shift. The choices made in the hours and days to come will redefine the futures of all involved, setting them on paths none could have anticipated.
Edward, acknowledging Bucky's resolve with a nod, breaks the silence. "You've got guts, I'll give you that. Facing down the old man is no small feat," he comments, a hint of respect threading through his words.
Bucky, his determination unwavering, responds with a sincerity that speaks volumes of his experience and the depth of his feelings for Liz. "I've seen too much, lost too much, to not fight for what truly matters. Liz... she's changed everything for me. This time in captivity, it made me realize life's too short for regrets. I need to spend mine with her, no matter what."
Edward sighs, a look of understanding crossing his features. "I get it, I really do. But you must understand our world... it's governed by rules, by expectations that have bound families like ours for centuries. It's a tangled web."
Meanwhile, in Liz's room, the atmosphere is thick with desperation and the weight of impending decisions. Her mother, the Duchess, attempts to provide comfort, but Liz's turmoil runs too deep for simple reassurances. "I can't do it, Mother. I can't marry Henry knowing that Bucky is alive and the one I love. It would be a lie, a life built on pretense. I'm not like you; I can't hide my feelings or live a lie."
The Duchess, faced with her daughter's anguish, feels a pang of sorrow for the constraints their world imposes. She knows the Duke's stubbornness all too well, his unwavering commitment to duty and legacy. Yet, in her heart, she understands Liz's longing for genuine happiness. With a heavy heart, she reveals the only solution she sees.
"There is one way, Elizabeth. You must elope with Mr. Egan. It's the only path to true happiness if you're sure he's the one. Your father... he may never forgive you, but this is your life, and you must choose how to live it. But you have to know, if you decide on this, there is no coming back."
The suggestion of elopement, radical and fraught with the risk of scandal and estrangement, hangs in the air like a lifeline amidst stormy seas. It's a testament to the lengths to which love compels individuals to go, challenging the very foundations upon which their lives are built.
For Liz, the idea is both terrifying and liberating. The prospect of defying her family, of stepping outside the protective yet confining boundaries of her world, is daunting. Yet, the chance to build a life with Bucky, to embrace the love they share, is a beacon of hope in the darkness of her predicament.
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As the vast expanse of the Atlantic stretches out before them, the cold ocean breeze tangles through Elizabeth's hair, a stark contrast to the warmth of Bucky's arms around her. His kiss on her cheek is a gentle reminder of the new reality they've stepped into together—a world away from the grandeur of Wellington House, a future uncertain but theirs to shape.
Bucky's voice, filled with affection, breaks the silence. "You sure you're okay with this, Lizzie? Leaving everything you've known... for me?"
Turning to face him, Liz's eyes meet his, shining with a resolve that belies any lingering doubts. "Bucky, I've never been more sure of anything in my life. With you, I have everything I need. You are my home now."
Bucky's smile in response is one of relief and love, his hand coming up to caress her cheek. "Liz, you've given up so much. I promise you, I'll spend every day making sure you never regret this decision."
Their conversation, intimate against the backdrop of the vast ocean, is a testament to the strength of their bond, a love that has transcended societal norms and the expectations of their respective worlds.
Flashback: In Liz's room, the Duchess's hands are steady as she helps pack the bags, her face a mask of resolve. "Remember, you're stronger than you think, Elizabeth. You're making a brave choice, for love. That's something I've always admired in you." As Bucky is led into Liz's room through the servants' corridors, his eyes quickly find Liz, his expression a mixture of surprise and admiration. "Lizzie, are you sure? This means leaving everything behind—your family, your title..." Liz steps close, her hands finding his. "I've never been more certain of anything, Bucky. As long as I'm with you, I'm where I belong." Her mother's voice, soft yet urgent, interrupts their moment. "You must hurry, my dears. And be careful." Handing Liz some money, she adds, "This should help you get started." She puts her arm on Bucky's. "Take care of my daughter." Bucky nods. "I will. Always." The goodbye is swift, a final embrace shared with her mother before Liz and Bucky slip out into the night, embarking on their journey towards a new life.
As Liz reaffirms her commitment, Bucky's eyes soften, the weight of her sacrifice not lost on him. "Lizzie, you're my world. I'll make sure you have all the happiness you deserve."
Their kiss, passionate and full of promise, seals their vow to each other. As they stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the future unfurls before them—not as a path laid out by lineage or duty, but as a journey they'll navigate together, bound by love and the shared courage to defy expectations for the chance at true happiness.
"We're in this together, every step of the way. I love you, now and forever," Bucky whispers, his words carrying the weight of an oath, a pledge of a lifetime together, against all odds.
And Liz, gazing into the horizon, her heart full, knows that no matter what challenges they may face, their love will be their guiding light. "I love you too, Bucky. Here's to our new beginning."
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demvalhaken · 2 months
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I decided to make Satan more brown and not your stereotypical kinda guy. Also, I need a Lucifer design because right now we have purple/pink goober
I’ve been kinda hit with the sickness of artblock again because of how many things I need to design but don’t want to
I imagine Satan and Lucifer being rivals, but that’s just me
I don’t why but I kinda tried to make Lucifer look like the sky of Pride, which is purple at night and blue at day. Completely unrelated but at night there’s three bright glowing stars and at day, four stars. This is from the Purgatory of The Divine Comedy. They represent the cardinal and spiritual virtues! I think that’s really cool, because if I ever do make a purgatory, the stars will be shining from there into Pride and maybe Treachery. In the actual story, Dante goes from Treachery and into Purgatory, but Purgatory is one step closer to Heaven and Pride is the highest ring of Hell. So just picture that in your head if you can.
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Hehe, Bael’s mother. Her name is so hard to pronounce, it’s great on paper though. Curse you Alrofes. I’m not even gonna reveal wtf she is because that’s for future Dem to decide.
Not much to say about her other than she’s protected by Satan because if anyone knew what she was, she would be killed on sight. You can make assumptions on what she is because she’s literally a freak of nature (With love)
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I didn’t colour her eyes like Alrofes’s because it just didn’t look right. Also she now has finger glove markings because I thought it was really cool and it started as a little headcannon on what her hands could look like. I ate with her design btw! I don’t know what past Dem was on, but she cooked a 3 Michelin star meal and got a 20/10 by Gordon Ramsay himself. Okay, I’m joking. She’s such a silly goober who has 0 social skills, she was homeschooled. Why is King Bael of the Ars Goetia a woman, I don’t fucking know!!! It’s been like this for absolutely no reason!!! I need to learn how to stop making ocs that are woman and draw an actual man for once, damn
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My dinner, the tape is holding back the entire universe
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Okay bye I need to stfu before I start geeking and tweaking
Eat this up and stay a menace to society, I have like one week and six days before I go back to school and I need to see some actual people in my life.
Look out ladies, here comes Dem!!!
Edit: Guess who’s getting her school shit done, we bouta be back in Hell fr
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willtheweaver · 3 months
OC questionnaire tag
Thanks for the tag @rivenantiqnerd
My questions are:
1. What is your worst childhood memory?
2. Are there any foods that have a special significance to you, and if so, why?
3. Who is your least favorite person?
Time to hear again from the community leaders in A Feather in the Forest ( Beware: the first one contains some childhood trauma)
1. What is your worst childhood memory?
Opal: When I heard news that the farm was attacked. I had just arrived at Fernstan, and to hear that one of the Roost Lords had sent a raiding party into our territory… I thought I lost everything. Thank Al-Gia most of my family had escaped.
Lord Halley: Do you really want to know? I’ll tell you then. There was an outbreak going around. Almost everyone got really sick. Lost relatives to it. I didn’t die, but for two weeks I felt absolutely the worst. Didn’t help that it was the middle of a particularly brutal winter.
2. Are there any foods that hold a special significance to you, and if so, why?
Opal: There is one dish that I remember fondly. It was a simple soup made with venison, rabbit, and some sort of white bean curd. I never figured out what kind of beans were used to make it…
Lord Halley: The food that holds the most significance to me was the dish I was served when I became Roost Lord. Trout crusted with nuts and lightly drizzled with honey. It was always a favorite of mine since I was young.
3.who is your least favorite person?
Opal: It doesn’t have to be someone I personally know? Ok. The one I like the least will be that Lord Halley. That war monger has no respect for the borders.
Lord Halley: My least favorite? I have a few names. To the south Lady Grey keeps harassing and raiding. North is Lady Atalanta… latest in the line of usurpers that forced my family from Eagleheart. They just don’t know when to quit. Neither one of them will be satisfied until I am dead.
Tagging @pluppsauthor @sleepy-night-child @autism-purgatory @late-to-the-fandom @sableglass
@fractured-shield @theeccentricraven @elizaellwrites @mk-writes-stuff @drchenquill and open tag
Your questions are:
1. What law do you think is stupid or serves no purpose?
2. How competitive are you?
3. The person you are closest to asks to break them out of prison. Would you help them or rat them out?
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mk-writes-stuff · 5 months
OC Interaction Tag
Pick one of your OCs, describe them, then talk about how they’d interact with the OC of the person who tagged you
Thanks @illarian-rambling for the tag and for starting this! It looks super fun :)
Katie’s OC: Daedryn is a lady knight with one eye and red hair. She's the divine Chosen of Loqang, god of rivers and loyalty. Due to this, she is fiercely loyal to whatever person or organization she has promised herself to, to the point of following orders for orders sake. Outside of battle, where she is a force to be reckoned with, she's very sweet, a little awkward, and loves to talk about her god, who she sees as her best friend.
My OC: I’m going to go with Cassie for this one, because I think she and Daedryn would have an interesting dynamic. Cassie is a tall, buff bodyguard with long, messy blonde hair, a metal right arm, and an eye patch she uses to hide her heterochromatic eyes. She’s a talented and resourceful fighter who also has a magical machine empathy. She acts like she doesn’t care about anyone but is fiercely protective of the downtrodden, especially clones. She has a good heart, but she’s brash, flippant, and rude most of the time, and has a bad habit of making dirty jokes even (especially) when they’re not necessary or appreciated.
How they’d interact: I think they’d get along super well as long as they were on a battlefield (fighting together). Cassie appreciates anyone who can hold their own and have her back in a fight. I feel like their camaraderie would dissipate pretty fast, though - I think Cassie’s rough nature and irreverence would get on Daedryn’s nerves, and if Daedryn tried to get on her case about it, Cassie would get pissed real fast. Overall, I think they could be coworkers, especially if they were fighting to protect those who needed help, but if they tried to be friends, Cassie would probably end up punching Daedryn sooner or later.
This one was a lot of fun! I hope it makes the rounds because I’d love to give it another go :)
@rkmoon @autism-purgatory @modernwritercraft @touloserlautrec @willtheweaver would y’all like to give this one a go?
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thebrokenkrown · 8 months
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Gothotika, Mistress of Death!
As I finish up on a few projects, I'm uploading some of my older art before I post new stuff. This one is a piece I worked on from Aug - Nov on and off in 2020 on an OC that I really came up with just to have a fun Lady Death/ Purgatori like character. I wanted to make a character who clearly had a flare for the dramatic, yet horrific, but most of this was a test to see what I could do with the tools at my disposal in Clip Studio Paint.
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manynarrators · 5 months
You should tell me about your Hazbin oc. Smiles.
@coronaryqueer | Please understand this is A Can Of Worms, and all can be poked and prodded @singthesongsofsin
Hellaina: She’s my scary snake lady! She’s Vox’s PA (though in truth more akin to a COO). Technically he owns her soul, but she thinks she got the much better deal out of it. She died in the early 1980s of a heart attack induced, in large part, but the whole… 1980s work culture. She is, all things considered, quite happy down in Hell! (She also despises Valentino).
Dia: Hellaina’s wife, and regular in cannibal town. She runs a butcher shop, because her actual skills in pathology aren’t… super useful here. In life she sold organs on the black market, and is a special sort beloved freak. Definitely some vibes of pastel whimsi-goth in that girl.
Jayden: Velvette’s PA. He was created to fulfill a joke originally. Vox has a snake PA, and one of my writing partners hc that Val also had a snake PA, co clearly Vel needed one too. He’s very young, like, died in the last five years and was an influencer in life (and still is in hell) sort of young.
Adelard: OLD. He was in the seminary until he had a bit of a crisis of faith, left to become a healer during the early 1300s, and then a plague doctor when that all broke out. He killed a lot of his patients because it was kinder for that than to die slowly of the plague. In Hell he’s the closest thing to a librarian, and definitely a bit of an eccentric! He collects a lot of the newly fallen.
Belphegor: lord of Sloth, narcoleptic, and an idealist. Probably going to quit at some point to create purgatory, or just… somewhere for the vast majority of the dead to go who weren’t great people but don’t deserve Hell either.
Astaroth: Bel’s best friend, another fallen Angel. Tara spends most of her time on Earth, acting as the classic deal demon. She has a fwb deal with Mephistopheles (yes the one from Faust), and also as Bel’s inter-ring liaison a lot of the time.
Metatron: the Voice of God! (And heretical on my part). He was the first thing ever created, before the universe itself was, and he, God, and Asherah were the primordial polycule… at least until she went to sleep. God did too, some 1400 years ago, so Metatron has been keeping Heaven and Earth from realizing God is MIA by acting in his stead.
As for the wtnv OCs!!!
The new one is Nezha. They’re a glassblower from DB, they’re tiers of punk, they created and then destroyed the stained glass of the Smiling God in DB’s Joyous Congregation. (I have more hc about that, but shhh, the fic will be released in a few days). Their Double was Theseus’s best friend until her death— weird magical inter-city coven they were all a part of.
Speaking of Theseus! He’s the NV weatherman. He’s quite chill, all things considered. He was part of the magical intercity coven (where he met Ted the Weatherman (mentioned! And therefore canon!) from DB. He’s known about the weird effect of the towns for aaaages, but as no one ever asks the weatherman anything, he’s never volunteered any information. After the coven fell apart, he went to uni for meteorology. In an as yet unfinished fic, he becomes Maddy’s (Kevin’s sister) best friend.
Mikhail and Matvei: a set of doubles who hate one anotber. They both went to school outside the Desert. But whereas Mikhail is a relatively good person, he studies time, Matvei is EVIL. Matvei was a StrexCorp enforcer, Matvei is now working on the Sandstorm project. Matvei carved out one of his own eyes in a show of devotion to the Smiling God, and is a hardcore loyalist even without drugs.
Speaking of! Helios is the Smiling God! …sort of. Helios created DB and then just sort of… forgot about it. He came back to find Strex and is now masquerading a priest to figure out how to fix it. He’s also the Greek pantheon Helios, same dude. In the same unfinished fic, he’s Jocelin’s (Kevin’s nibling) biological father.
Maddy and Jocelin! Kevin’s sister and no king respectively. They would be Abby and Janice’s doubles. Maddy wanted to be a botanist, as after their mother took off, ended up raising Kevin. They’re still quite close in large part because of Jo, and because there is no double of Steve. Jocelin, as a child, has a sun allergy Strex ‘fixed’. They’re like… 13 right now, but getting into acting! After Strex was defeated, they were some of the first to move to NV.
How many more do I have??? I think I’ll leave it here for now! (I need to be better at actually messaging you, I promise I’ll try!)
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lirondellee · 2 years
I guess it’s time to tell a bit more about my OCs and the universe my stories take place in. All of this info (and more) is already on my Twitter (for now only in Ukrainian, sorry) but now I’ll also post it here, on Tumblr in ua and eng
I’ll start with the New Age Inc itself
So… in short, there is the mortal dimension, that is our generic normal Earth and other normal totally not supernatural planets, and there is the Veiled World (the subtle world), where all kinds of creatures from various mythologies and legends live, as well as half bloods (children of Immortals x mortals or Immortals x Immortals of another species) and souls of the dead (who also become inhuman creatures with time, they’re called neo-immortals: neo-demons and neo-angels).
All this mad house is ruled by the so-called Immortals — basically the local elite, that is, angels, demons and gods from various mythologies, who one wonderful day concluded the "Non-interference Treaty". The mortal dimension was fenced off by the Veil, which cannot be crossed by either mortals or Immortals (later the latter will ofc find a way to do it tho) they made peace and no one from the Veiled World can now directly influence people and openly show themselves to them (why they had to do it in the first place is a long story, there was a whole series of absolutely crazy events, but ooof, that’s spoiler zone).
The universe still needs to be controlled somehow. And that is why they built Mythopolis. That’s a huge metropolis that unites all the dimensions of the immortals (Heaven, Hell, Asgard, Vyriy, Olympus, and many others, and these are all separate states with their own government, infrastructure, economy, legislation, etc etc etc), except for Purgatory, because thaaat, my dears, is a whole separate topic (and it kinda looks like a huge suburban weirdcore-ish landscape with the vibe of Will Wood songs). And then all these guys cooperated and built the Citadel, a skyscraper, each floor of which is a portal to one of these dimensions, and created New Age Incorporated. It controls destinies, where each department (domain) is responsible for something from people's lives (like really anything, from the weather and natural phenomena to feelings and some material things), and one of these beings is responsible for each such thing and has respective abilities.
That’s just the suuuuper basic lore info but I’ll get into more detail later, I guess :>
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Отже, якщо вже розповідати про свій всесвіт, почну з самої Корпорації Нью Ейдж.
Якщо зовсім стисло, то є вимір смертних, тобто наша рідна звичайна нормальна Земля та інші звичайні нормальні планети, а є Потайкрай (Світ за Завісою, тонкий світ), де живуть всякі істоти з різних міфологій і легенд, а також напівкровки (діти Безсмертних і смертних, або Безсмертних різних видів) і душі померлих (які також з часом стають нелюдськими істотами — нео-безсмертними: нео-ангелами або нео-демонами).
Заправляють всією цією дуркою так звані Безсмертні — місцева еліта, тобто ангели, демони та боги з різних міфологій, які в один пречудовий день уклали між собою «Договір про невтручання», тобто по-перше, вони укладають мир і більше не мають права між собою сратися, по-друге, ніхто з Потайкраю тепер не може напряму впливати на людей та відкрито показуватися їм, а по-третє, вимір смертних відгороджується так званою Завісою, яку не можна перетинати ані смертним, ані Безсмертним, хоча пізніше останні таки знайдуть спосіб це робити (для чого це все — довга історія, там ціла низка всратих подій, але то вже спойлери).
Та всесвіт же ж все одно якось треба контролювати. І тому був побудований Міфрополіс — місто-метрополія, яка об’єднує всі виміри безсмертних (Рай, Пекло, Асґард, Вирій, Олімп, та інші, і це все окремі держави зі своїм урядом, інфраструктурою, економікою, адміністративним поділом, законодавством і т.д, т.п, ТАК, Я ЗАМОРОЧИЛАСЯ, ДУЖЕ ЗАМОРОЧИЛАСЯ), окрім Чистилища, бо то окрема тема (і все це чудо природи виглядає як величезне вірдкорне передмістя з вайбом пісень Вілла Вуда). А потім вся ця різнобарвна тусня скооперувалася і побудувала Цитадель — височенний хмарочос, кожен поверх якого — портал до одного з цих вимірів, і утворилася Корпорація Нью Ейдж. Вона контролює долі, там кожен відділ (по-місцевому, домен) відповідає за щось із життя людей (реально будь-що, від погоди й природних явищ, до почуттів і якихось матеріальних речей), і хтось із цих істот відповідає за кожне таке явище і має відповідні здібності.
Це тільки супер базова інфа, пізніше розповім детальніше :>
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glowwormsmith · 2 years
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I posted 788 times in 2022
That's 29 more posts than 2021!
37 posts created (5%)
751 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 249 of my posts in 2022
#my ocs - 15 posts
#tag game - 14 posts
#iris of eden's gate - 12 posts
#oc tag game - 12 posts
#fc5 ocs - 9 posts
#fc5 - 7 posts
#asoiaf - 7 posts
#dbd - 7 posts
#deputy layla rook - 6 posts
#dead by daylight - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i try not to block/unfollow just b/c someone has a different opinion but if they get annoying about their hate then i have to say sayonara
My Top Posts in 2022:
When I’m the sole survivor playing a Level 7 Feng with two perks and the Nemesis I was messing with the whole game gives me the hatch:
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8 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Tagged by @chazz-anova and @thefathersbride to do this picrew for ocs. Thanks for the tags~💞 It...wasn’t easy, but this one is fun for the monster lovers.
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Iris-Far Cry 5
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Sayuri Kishido Shimori-My Hero Academia
Tagging @teamhawkeye @weathur @deputyash @dolphinitley @swannscroft​@lady-purgatory @nightwingshero and anyone who sees this and wants to tag in! 
10 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
So maybe this is just me, as I don’t see anybody else talking about it since everyone wants to talk about perk updates, but every time I think about the update to prestiging and getting perks that way, getting rid of teachable perks, etc. I get mad. Like, I liked leveling up a character to 41, getting their three teachable perks, and then only leveling up the ones I want to Lv. 50. I never wanted to prestige anyways, and I feel them doing this to bulk up presitiging is going to make it harder for me and others to unlocks perks across the Bloodweb. Am I wrong, can someone explain to me how this is a good thing?
10 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
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Deputy Layla Rook | Tess Rook-Shepherd/Seed | Sayuri Shimori Kishido | Kotone Bard
I was tagged by @thefathersbride and @nightwingshero, thank you for the tags!💞 The picrew is located here!
Tagging @teamhawkeye @meatcrimes @chazz-anova @thomrainer @dolphinitley @swannscroft @casino-lights​ 
12 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tagged by @chazz-anova @deputyash​  and @thefathersbride to make ocs with this picrew, thanks for the tags!💗💗I like how it’s a tiefling creator, yet I have Sayuri looking human for once lol; also Kotone is supposed to have purple highlights in her hair, but the maker wasn’t cooperating:/
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Kotone “Songbird” Bard | Sayuri “Black Lily” Kishido | Iris of Eden’s Gate
Tagging @nightwingshero @teamhawkeye @unlikelynick @meatcrimes​ and who else sees this and wants to do it, no rush or pressure~
14 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Aria Fae, The Most Peaceful Girl in town
Scorpio: the secret nature
Catchphrase: "God I wish I was in a forest..."
Favourite ride: The ferris wheel
Intro: Aria was born in the countryside. It was a bit of a shock,to say the least,when she found out she'll move to the town. She grew up with both of her parents. All she ever wanted(and still wants) is peace and everybody to get along.
Song title: What the world actually needs
Song theme: The world needing peace,people being too greedy and self-absorbed to care about anything
Playlist: ~coming soon I swear~
Dialogue lines:
"Cat furries...Excuse me but what the hell,Ricky?"
"In the name of Lady Gaga,Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande,amen."
"Hold on,Noel has a whore oc. Are we NOT going to talk about that? By the way,beautiful performance,Noel!"
"AH!- JESUS! Wait no I am an atheist-"
"Mister sir or whatever,why are we here? Is this like the purgatory?"
"Why is there a rat with a guitar?-"
"Horniest thing ever Ricky. And I read fairy porn."
"Mischa! That was so cute! The rapping part was quite random but really cute!"
"I'd rather di- Wait no I am already dead...I'd rather be a Christian-"
"Constance,please,for the love of whoever you belive in,let me touch you hair!"
"What do you mean by my style is too extra? It's called fashion!"
Character thoughts:
Ocean: Can I kill her? Asking for a friend.
Noel: Gossiping. That's all I have to say.
Mischa: He comes to mine to play with my pets when he is angry. Besties.
Ricky: We can be nerd buddies. I mean it.
Jane: Poor girl,she is actually really nice!
Choirsona thoughts:
Cassie: My sister. My soul. My darling. My everything.
Arabella: Doesn't notice me but I really wish she would!
{Media with her,her faceclaim,her style and her aesthetic}
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yotsubaclover · 1 year
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some ocs as i listen to an audiobook i have to analyze xd lore under the cut
claire - so she has a Full Name: Clarimond Eadaion Diefenbach. but she is just claire to everyone :) she has long given up her full name. a german girl from [redacted], she’s now basically an employee of death and keeps tabs on people to make sure their deaths and subsequent trips to purgatory etc. go smoothly. claire is good friends with lady death but gets no special treatment, she’s just as overworked as the next guy LOL. there’s an angel she always crosses paths with when on duty named patch, and some time traveling guy (?) named julian (julianne?) de tonnerre (may or may not actually be french) who has evaded his death around a hundred times (claire stopped counting but she is still trying to catch him). their trio is basically life=patch, death=claire, chaos=julian
cynthia - she is from my. um. political card kingdoms thing. the context there is each suit of cards has a kingdom, and they don’t really get along, so to remedy that they send a diplomat (their ace!) each to... build better relationships...? that’s the idea, but if anything, publicizing the diplomatic summits are what bring the kingdoms together, because those guys are so silly and entertaining! anyway, cyn is the ace of clubs, she’s quite clumsy and kind of doesn’t know what she’s doing, but she’s hardworking and the sweetest of the bunch :D she also likes to bake so she is extra sweet
ann - very important: she has a girlfriend. that’s her whole character i think i wanted to draw gfs one day so i drew her and tine. she’s a mildly alternative girl who looks aloof but is just as needy as tine (and tine’s whole thing is she’s a bit of a spoiled girl!). she can also come across as mysterious or like a cool, princely type, but she’s actually dense and doesn’t have any braincells unless it’s necessary. easygoing! she finds the greatest happiness in the simplicity of a quiet daily life
man there’s a lot more i could say, especially about the cardverse... claire may be the og babygirl but my 2nd favorite oc ever, jin, is the ace of spades :”) 
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paganminiskirt · 3 years
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🔮 - major arcana + Nora Kingston | requested by @lady-purgatory | art source
One of the most misunderstood cards in a Tarot deck, Death is not a card about physical death. The Death card speaks of cycles -- endings, yes, but beginnings too -- and is a reminder that all things must pass. Hanging on to relationships, feelings, fears, or situations from the past will hinder you from allowing new, better things to enter your life. Take comfort in knowing that in every ending lies a chance for a new beginning.
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shellibisshe · 3 years
📷 + Elle pls 🥺
from her face claim section
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mk-writes-stuff · 5 months
OC Interview
Rules: answer the questions as your OC
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag! I’m going to start off with Belladonna, the protagonist of Seven Stations
Are you named after anyone?
“No, royal families try not to reuse names nowadays. It makes the clone numbers harder. But we do have thematic names. My family line is named after poisons.”
When was the last time you cried?
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” (It was two days ago when her dad told her she wasn’t going to be the heir.)
Do you have kids?
“I’m twenty-two and got engaged three days ago. Of course not.”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“No. Sarcasm is impolite.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“Typically their station affiliation and how they’re dressed. Either that or if I recognize them as someone important.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Dark brown, like my mother.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“I don’t watch much television, but happy endings when I do.”
Any special talents?
“I have light magic.” (This is a lie.)
Where were you born?
“In the hospital here on Seventh Station. Where else?”
Do you have any pets?
“I don’t think so. I’m not entirely sure what those are.”
What sports do you play?
“I don’t do sports. They aren’t suitable for a refined lady.”
How tall are you?
“Im 5’8.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“People never believe me when I say this, but I loved my etiquette lessons. They were enjoyable!”
What is your dream job?
“Being the head of Seventh Station one day.”
@illarian-rambling @elsie-writes @autism-purgatory want to play? Blanks under the cut:
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favourite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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snake-in-the-garden · 3 years
Can I pls have 5, 10, 16 for Ramona and Sharky ☺️💕
5. How would they describe each other?
To Sharky, Ramona is a woman a guy like him doesn't deserve. Someone who he's actually afraid of screwing up with and losing. She's not girl he can just fingerbang at some weird place somewhere in Hope County and then dip. Ramona makes him want to be a better person.
To Ramona, Sharky is someone who makes her not afraid to bring out her "fun" side. He's a certain kind of warmth that makes Ramona comfortable with herself and take more risks like she always wanted too growing up.
10. What are their love languages?
Ramona's love language is quality time and Sharky's is physical touch(hand holding, hugs, ect.)
16. What do other characters think about this relationship?
The other characters adore but also fear for this mismatched couple. Adore because they're good for each other. Fear because one small slip up could be devastating for either one of them and it'd be depressing to watch as they fall back on to their bad habits.
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jollybone · 4 years
Sharky and Josh are just 🥺💖
How does Josh and Sharky say “I love you” for the first time? 🥺
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Awe I’m so happy you like them!!! :’)
They were both actually pretty shy about telling the other that they were in love! But Sharky was the one who said it first! Josh spends most of his free time at Sharky’s house, since he has no other place to go and one night, when the two were just hanging out on the roof with a couple of beers after a long and exhausting day, Sharky gathered all of his courage to tell the Deputy how he really felt. He was nervous and a bit scared since he didn’t know if Joshua felt the same way or if in his eyes they were just best friends. Also Sharky was 10 years older than Josh. So Sharky swallowed and turned to Josh. “hey uh- ... Dep?”, he mumbled. Joshua turned to him with a soft smile on his lips. “Yeah?” Sharky stared at Josh’s face for a moment, forgetting everything he just wanted to say. His heart was racing. Sharky then looked at the bottle of beer in his hands to collect his thoughts. “I... uh-” When he looked back up again Josh was still smiling softly at him, waiting patiently for Sharky to continue. “I-I think...” Sharky stopped. He swallowed again. “I love you.” The Deputy looked at Sharky in surprise. Oh no. Sharky was afraid that Josh was...I don’t know, weirded out or something. Say something! Please... Sharky begged in his thoughts. Then suddenly the soft smile was back on Josh’s lips and Sharky thought he might even be able to see him tear up. “Sharky...” Dep gently took Sharky’s hand, who almost pulled it away in surprise. “...I love you too.” Sharky could almost feel his heart explode. “Really?” Josh laughed. “Yeah, really!” They both laughed and stayed on the roof for another few hours, holding hands and gazing at the stars.
I’m so sorry I got a bit too into it :’D and I’m sorry it took me so long to reply! Thank you for asking tho!
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