#oc character personality quiz
alyssalenko · 9 months
OC Character Personality Quiz
rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
tagged by @minilev thank you, my dear!
Alyss Shepard
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Donna Paulsen (Suits) Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Princess Leia (Star Wars) Juliet O'Hara (Psych) Beverly Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Odessa Cousland
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Gloria Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family) Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) Alexis Rose (Schitt's Creek) Satine (Moulin Rouge) Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Phryne Tav
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Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Penny (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings) Jane Bennet (Pride and Predjudice) Clark Kent (Superman)
tagging @pathfinderlittleduck @obvidalous @pikapeppa @slothssassin @bardofheartdive @kittynomsdeplume @illusivesoul @briarfox13 @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth @thefrostyshepard @dieselfusion @thefathersbride @wickedwitchofthewilds @commander-krios @hazelestelle @starsandskies @spacebunshep and anyone who wants to do this! ♥
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ceinobite · 2 years
hii i made another uquiz. take it here and find out what character archetype i diagnose you with.
i worked on it exclusively at 1am-5am time windows, please take it so i didn't lose sleep for no reason ♡ (and here is the 1st quiz i made icymi)
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noxinara · 1 month
alright, after 100 years, i finally finished my OC uquiz. ♥
it's mostly just a personality quiz but it has a description of each and every one of my ocs that will be in my choice game.
taglist: @rou-luxe (because you asked so nicely to do it, i hope i don't disappoint) , @awakening-girl (because i think you'd enjoy it ♥) , and anyone that wants to take the dive in! I'm excited to see what everyone gets.
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taswritesstuff · 2 months
i decided i wanted to make a uquiz but didn't know what on so you can now find out which of my ocs in the southwest crew you're most similar to
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thehellishtrinity · 2 years
Hello friend you should take this uquiz to be kin assigned an oc and see what type of villain you are!! Let me know what you get!
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a-singular-voice · 20 days
hi sorry i had no energy for a real intro post but i did have energy for this LOL it's heavily poetic but will punch you in the gut! i hope! it like BLEW UP overnight and i'm so afraid no one will know these are ocs because i've published nothing about them officially BUT YKNOW. YKNOW. IT'S FINE.
reblog with what you get!!! i'd love to see!
please enjoy
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it’s late where I am but my mind would not rest until I created this so here
OC personality quiz. Go forth and do not pay any mind to what I might have typed at 10:30 at night.
Also please reblog with results cause I’d love to see what people get!!
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cryptvokeeper · 2 months
So as it turns out making uQuizzes IS a valid strategy for getting creative juices flowing
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capnkerfufflez · 8 months
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I contain multitudes, so i made a uquiz for some of my quintessential sonas for fun
i dont really expect people to take it, but man i love an excuse to draw some of my boys i don't give much love to brief descriptions and the result descriptions under the cut
here's the link outside of just embed btw : https://uquiz.com/hkfS0R
in image order and i marked the number and color of the background above we have :
1 [red] E : non-fandom sona I use to vent mostly - "Conceptual Chaos Junkyard" / "CC Junkyard" so he's mostly negative traits of myself turned up to 11. He's the overly emotional and sentimental and over-reactive side of the duo between him and G.
"[[ oh baby girl, I'm so sorry for you, get some help ]] Everything you've ever done blows back up into your face, you don't know what you're doing wrong?! Or well, you've figured out a few things wrong with you, but you can't figure out how to fix those things about yourself…"
2 [red/orange] Knox S. Consumer : kinda a minecraft sona? - "What's Minecraft is Yourcraft" / "Yourcraft" He's in general a minesona, at least when I first made him. In Yourcraft he is the sona/character version of an oc that's a minecraft youtuber/streamer and who is very distinctly not me, so Knox falls into an odd character category where's he's both my sona and an oc's sona. He's an old grouchy wizard type, but breaks character often to help friends
"[[ you may think im stretching on this one, but i assure there's more obscure ]] You know so much yet so little. The type of guy that can recite so many video game lore details and fun facts across all subjects, but will fail to realize that they really did mean it calling it "cream cheese," it is actually a cheese. You are very smart though, with your intelligence only rivaled by your stubbornness."
3 [red/pink] Dong : pokemon not a big surprise, but he's a pokesona of sorts. He's a Mareep that's specifically paired with my friend's Wooloo "Ding," he's somewhere between a pokemon in the anime and pokemon mystery dungeon in terms of personification, he's very bitey.
[[ haha dong ]] Lil gremlin guy. You're the typa bitch to fucking taunt people bigger than you and when they get pissy you go 'oh im just a lil guy a lil birthday boy.' All talk no bite. well, maybe a lil bite, like consensually or deserved.. BUT the point is you take no responsibly of the misdeeds you may or may not do !
4 [orange] Bibbly : double life / life series Bibbly is the character I made soulmate's with my friend cause we were watching other people make sona's and pairs with their friends too. Bibbly is based off of a drawing I did based on a more literal interpretation of one of my minecraft skins (specifically my 453 skin), "Bibbly" coming from "Biblically accurate." Personality wise he varies a lot cause in conception and most practice he is an utter coward, very reliant on my friend's character, though in other interpretations I make him a lot more jaded and no-bull shit but also those are usually what is supposed to be later in his development and/or away from my friend's character
[[ telephone game of sonas ]] You are a recursion of self analyzation. You try to map out your intricacies only to have your theories on yourself become rules. And once you've realized its a set habit of thinking. You know trouble and you avoid it the best you can.
5 [muddy yellow] Clart : minecraft sona ? - "What's Minecraft is Yourcraft" / "Yourcraft" Similar case as Knox, where Clart is my sona and the sona of one of my oc's who isn't me, but for Clart he and the oc, they align closer with who I am so it's not quite as weird a case. Clart is very easy going and cares a lot, he isn't particularly notably in Yourcraft as he's not really someone who develops more a character that help's the other characters develop
[[ straight up gooping ]] You just want a break, things to be nice and easy and do menial tasks and be with your friends. You give all you can, not because you feel you need to, you just want to and you can. You know pain and cruelty, you choose to be kind.
6 [yellow] [453>- / 453 / The cooler Casey : a general sona He's a more stylized, exaggerated version of myself and usually a lot more malicious for the fun of it. In his "lore" he is a shapeshifting sand.. thing, it depends on the specific backstory I'm going with. He is generally very energetic and bitey and evil for the sake of it cause man villains are fun when they are having fun and he is having a blast
[[ creature !! ]] You are the coolest sexiest mother fucker out here! or you sure pretend to think so. A whole fucking jaw breaker flipping between god-complex and inferiority-complex, who knows what's at it's core (probably inferiority). You love to be an edge case, probably the type of guy to make a fan character concept that's over done but do it with a twist. No fear of ocs coming off like a mary sues just cause YOU know how cool and really clever they are really even if they give a bad first impression.
7 [lime/green] Casey : general sona / how i draw myself This is just me, like, just how I draw myself, it's as general and genuine as I can manage which my not really be all that accurate maybe but oh well
[[ oh fuck u are just like me frfr ! or like at least closest approximation ]] You are only human. You love your friends more than the world and you try to be worth all you're given. You have some self esteem and self image issues, but maybe if you shove your ocs full of enough of your issues you'll solve some.
8 [green?] Caddle : general sona / fursona / the one i use for sexual stuff Caddle is a cow-adject shapeshifter. He is the sona I use the most when it's anything sexual, usually paired with my partner's fursona, but he's supposed to have other buddies too that I never really draw. I've got complicated feeling on sexual stuff and myself in relation to it, so he gets those feelings dumped into his character too. But aside from that he is a fun character especially to draw cause inconsistency is baked in and I love him dearly, he is very lazily chill with a big heart, he's also a rodeo clown even though i dont draw a full on clown get up for him much
[[ honka honka we got certified clown ova here ]] You are silly, a goofball even, one may even argue a jokester. You may present all goofs, gafs and dick jokes, -and by all means you do genuinely loving goofing gaffing and dicking- but you are a person with complicated wants and thoughts and feelings. Wants and thoughts and feelings you hold close to yourself, you do not know how to voice, so more often than not, you don't.
9 [bluish green] Gilon Kurt : lesser sona Gilon is a sona that I made just on a whim off of a twist on my name with "fluffle" being a the name for a group of rabbits, he's "Capn Kerfluffle." And then I made him a rival to my main fursona in their story and he gained a personality outside of me as they so often do
[[ rage rage murder rage !!!! ]] You have worked so hard for what you have and yet it is never enough. There is always something else to achieve more to earn, people clawing for what you have. You can have no peace nor solace, relax? chilling? never heard of her!! There are experiences to be had!! People to meet!! Friends to continuing loving!!! And you'll fight for it all, fight until you die!!
10 [cyan] Yeode : minecraft sona [real] Yeode my beloved, she is my darling rock-based robot made to search villagers that learns to live for herself kinda. A lot of her kindness and softness and story comes from backstory for just me playing minecraft ig who is a lot less kind in practice.
[[ yippee !!! ^.^ ]] You are a people pleaser to your core! You are born and molded by your attachments and use to others. Even in their absence you still live on for them in part.
11 [saturated blue] G : non-fandom sona I use to vent mostly - "Conceptual Chaos Junkyard" / "CC Junkyard" similar situation to E of mostly negative traits, but the other side of it for the most part. she is full of anger and malice at being stuck with little control over her situation and takes it out on E
[[ oh sweetheart, no ]] You think yourself a "bad bitch" a "girl boss" even. Emotions are not your strong suit. You have a hard time managing your own feelings, let alone dealing with other people's. You may not always be right, but you work hard to try to be.
12 [less saturated dark blue] D. Base : minecraft sona, specifically in magic mods / heavily modded minecraft he came about from when i was testing a modded server with my friends there was something that would crash my game if i entered specific chunks, and in those 'dead' chunks was my silk worms so i made dBase as a character for the friend server and he is supposed to be that glitched silkworm i got in testing, uuh end then that server slowly broke too, so i like to think it was somehow also his fault; while i did get to play on the server i got really into a few magic mods, mainly mana and artifice so he is not only gitchy but a magic man
[[ grub ]] You think of yourself highly, not perfect, but damn good. You've worked your ass off for the skills you've obtained and are happy to show off when they are even slightly relevant. Your "fuck it we ball" attitude somehow works out for you most of the time, though some collateral damage to others.
13 [light blue] Clerk James : fursona / used to be mascot character to note if you see other art of him there is a stark difference between the silly goofy Clerk that's my sona and the asshole angsty backstory version of him before he got so very concussed; current Clerk is very sweet and very dumb, he's the "capn" of a pirate themed ferry though also goes on some genuine treasure seeking adventures pg pirate style
[[ consider it the post-drownings one, don't worry ]] A mix of poor memory, self-doubt, and self-hatred that results in a potent blend of guilt for things you aren't really sure you deserve to hate yourself over, being it maybe not or fault or maybe never really happened. Aside from that you're upbeat and a bit stupid in a silly lil guy way. You're just a lil guy!
14 [purple] Cassio Inerta : homestuck / trollsona - "retroll" he is baby, very sweet and well meaning but oh so very problem avoidant and low empathy mostly from being sheltered; in retroll he is canonically in-universe a self insert of myself watching the plot go down and has a made up boyfriend given to him who loves Cassio by virtue that is what the boyfriend was made for, but kinda just puts up with Cassio, a projection of how i felt and feared in some previous relationships
[[ explicitly cannon self insert huh ]] You are a suckerrr for romance. You want and want and want so badly and you feel and in every instance you are given a taste it feels unreal. it feels unearned. It feels disingenuous. But you need it so bad. You don't know shit about anything, so terrified to fail you're terrified to try. But little by little you keep trying.
15 [magenta] Carcumber : a sona based off of my friend's previously-main sona's species so my friend's main sona and mascot character was a "lavamander" though the species had other character with other elements such as ice and sound waves and species had name trope of two favorite foods combined; Carcumber's name was Carrot + Cucumber but my friend changed main sonas and has since renamed most to just a single food name hence the opening statement for the quiz, i dont remember if he had an element associated, if he did i think it was "cart" or "car" or "money" or something stupid like that, and his is a used car salesman, similar energy and pathetic-ness of spamton
[[ oh man do i gotta change his name now that's that not the naming scheme? ]] You are passionate about everything you do! Cause if you aren't you don't do them! You exaggerate yourself to the point the mask becometh you.
god ya that's a lot of em and i have more sona's than just that, but most fall similar to others or i dont use enough to care
if you read it all thanks so much i love u :D
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colored-comas · 8 months
Silly NRFTI Quizzes !
AKA, Which of our OCs are you?
Which main character are you?
Which background character are you?
Which NRFTI ship are you?
Reblog with your results :) !!
Tagging: @siren--squid and @sammy--moh lol
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galacticus-underscore · 11 months
i made a uquiz to kin assign people my fucked up ocs ! have fun :3
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Intro to the Character Class System
Welcome to the Character Classification System! This is a personality system used to categorize patterns of behavior within characters across all forms of media. This system is broken down into six colors, which each character will possess three of. These colors are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Indigo.
The Character Classification system proposes the belief that the differences in the values that a character prioritizes leads to diverging perspectives and subsequent behavioral patterns. In other words, the things we care about are determined by the people we are and the way we interact with others. These being: Nature, Experience, Direction, Structure, Sentiment, and Connection. Everyone wants all six, but it is the priority of importance in the eyes of the character that determines their class.
There are twenty classes in total. These are:
The Vagabond
The Warrior
The Sage
The Artist
The Tactician
The Warden
The Inventor
The Captain
The Dancer
The Merchant
The Athlete
The Judge
The Bard
The Knight
The Courier
The Jester
The Maestro
The Scholar
The Priest
The Lover
When presented with a situation, the character will most likely respond in accordance with their relevant colors. This response varies between the colors present of each individual classification, but presents itself as a natural baseline that a character will tend to rely on.
Now the real question: how is this helpful? Beyond identifying patterns of behavior in pre-existing characters, this system can be used as a template for new storytellers to create balanced and internally consistent characters from. 
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nekroligion · 2 months
Big day today for GAY people !
Very important Quiz . Please take it and tell me your results . Thank you .
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i have remade my oc quiz and i spent way too much energy on the questions so have fun!!
@thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @someguyiguess @joshkiszkashusband @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @blueskiesandstarrynights @genuine-possum
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lunieloon · 1 year
Hey so if you could all uhhh take this quiz to see what OC of mine you are I would really appreciate it pls i wanna see if they're relatable. ^-^
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moths-in-the-coat · 4 months
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