nekroligion · 2 months
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Lukas likes to take pictures, for memory's sake. The boys are his begrudging experiments. They will appreciate it better when the time comes!
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You guys finally get to see what these people Look like ! These are actually redraws from the end of last year - excluding Lukas , he is an original drawing .
I made him first and I was like , well . He's too good to post next to the old drawings . I need to remake the others .
Anyways . Enjoy , Viewers !
bonus :
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 months
I am going to make a very self centered post right now, not related to Ghost! Excuse the autocaps, I'm typing this on my phone.
If you like my headcanons and writing, please take the time to check out my other blog, @nekroligion ! I have been much more motivated to write and create on there. They are original characters I've put a lot of care into over the past 7 months, inspired by Ghost and black metal. I will be posting silly stuff and serious stuff, mostly oneshots about my characters themselves.
It's stupid, but I know I have more of a following on here than anywhere else - particularly one who is already into metal and fictional bands. I'd really appreciate your support. Thank you.
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nekroligion · 3 months
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if you are INTRIGUED by MYSTICISM and MORBID EROTICISM , or you have the urge to CALL upon the DARKNESS in Your Soul ... NEKROLIGION may be suited to your Interests .
Based in Sweden, NEKROLIGION is a vile, repugnant, and all around PERVERTED metal band ... they conduct ritualistic SACRIFICES , prance around in GRAVEYARDS , and WAIL for their almighty creator - SATHANAS .
Unfortunately for us ... NEKROLIGION does not Exist .
Set in 1995 , this blog will tell you the assorted stories of MARIUS ULLAND , JOEN LINDQVIST , ADRIK ANTONOV , and LUKAS HART . Who are they ? What do they Live for ? What do they Die for ?
You will find out .
If you enjoy the likes of BLACK , DEATH , or THRASH metal , SEMI-REGULATED HOMOSEXUALITY , tales of ROMANCE and ANGST , as well as SCHTICKS that will probably get OLD , you may want to follow NEKROLIGION for future updates .
More information will be available Soon . Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open , Followers .
Sincerely Yours ,
alternatively , if you are on mobile:
( P S : this post may be edited in the coming days . )
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nekroligion · 3 months
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i’m sorry, but i’m just thinking of the right words to say / i know they don’t sound the way i planned them to be
Born to Josefine and Ivar Lindqvist, Joen is a Swedish man, aged 20. He has soft black hair, a straight, wide nose, full lips, septum, lip, and tongue piercings, and the eyes of a newborn calf - brown and sweet.
Somehow, he’s the ‘well-adjusted’ one of the group.
Joen has always had a special affliction for music. His mother and father indulged it excessively, he thinks… not to mention the fact that his sister was in a band when he was in middle school.
But people at school were never as weird as him when it came to music. Not till he met Marius.
Enter: the concept of Nekroligion. Since coming up with the idea at age 15, Joen is frankly surprised that they have come so far. It seemed like just an idea for the longest time.
Yet, now they’re touring. And now it seems like a much bigger thing than Joen thinks he can handle.
blackbird singing in the dead of night / take these sunken eyes and learn to see / all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to be free
Born November 3rd, 1974. He’s a Scorpio (and actually knows what it means).
Is autistic. His special interest is music, but metal specifically.
Loves to draw. He had his own metal zine in high school, and drew many things for it.
Reads a lot, particularly horror and sci-fi novels. Best if they’re combined.
Actually has a really good relationship with his parents. Although, they act more like his friends than parents…
Has an older sister named Oleana (aged 26). She sings in a band. They don’t talk much, but they get along well.
Gay, but has insane internalized homophobia. It’s odd, because his parents are definitely not… conventional when it comes to their sexualities, to say the least!
Doesn’t really enjoy touring, but he does it.
Does not know how to process compliments. Will freeze up.
Read more about his past here.
Look at his Pinterest board here.
Listen to his playlist here.
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nekroligion · 3 months
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don't wanna live a life that is comprehensive / cause seeing clear would be a bad idea
Born to Cathelijn and Martin Hart, Lukas is a half-Dutch, half-American man, aged 21. He has short, choppy brown hair, a prominent, downturned nose, dappled with moles and freckles, a heart that hurts with honesty, and hazel eyes that seem to sparkle gold in the sunlight.
And yes, he is in a black metal band.
Did he think he would be here? No, not particularly. He was always relatively 'normal' - he was popular in school, he was well off, he was number one on the swim team... and now he's ruining his parent's expectations by playing for a band that worships Satan. Semi-unironically.
He remembers he was approached in a bar by an extremely tall man with long blonde hair who wouldn't stop smiling, and was excessively friendly with him, and a little part of Lukas was worried he was going to be killed that day.
But no, they got to talking about music, and eventually the guy brought him home to his friends, and talked them into 'letting him join the band'.
He still feels like he might be murdered sometimes, to be fair.
you gotta help / to make me somebody / you gotta help / to open my eyes
Born September 12th, 1974. He’s a Virgo.
Has a younger sister named Emma (aged 16).
Secretly a big fan of theatre.
Did a lot of sports. Swimming was the most consistent.
Doesn't like his dad, either!
Got piano lessons when he was a kid. Actually enjoyed them.
Petrified of needles. Will faint and or vomit upon seeing them.
Very direct. People assume he's kind of a dick because of it, which is why he got so popular, but he's just Dutch.
'Straight' as a pole.
Look at his Pinterest board here.
Listen to his playlist here.
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nekroligion · 3 months
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life’s hard when you’re soft / you’ve got our love
Born to Avdotya Antonova, Adrik is a Russian man, aged 21. He has wavy blonde hair, a sloped, upturned nose, the laugh of a hyena, battle scars from getting into excessive amounts of fights, and eyes so blue you could probably drown in them in you tried hard enough.
He is the epitome of black metal… on the surface.
Before Nekroligion, Adrik was the singer in another black metal band- one that he doesn’t really think about much these days. He misses singing sometimes, but his passion has always truly been the drums.
He enjoys performing, either way. He enjoys the thrill. He enjoys the people. He enjoys getting laid, getting wasted. He enjoys his best friends. He’s happy.
Right? Yeah. What reason would he have to be unhappy?
she told me / ‘why are we sitting here wasting time, we could be underneath the sheets’ / she told me / ‘keep your life story to yourself, let me show you how it’s supposed to be’
Born April 6th, 1974. He’s an Aries (and it shows).
Has emetophobia, despite the fact that he’s frequently hungover.
Has undiagnosed ADHD.
Gets compared to Dead a lot. He’s come to terms with it.
Didn’t know his dad. Doesn’t want to.
Only child. Him and his mom rule the world, in his eyes.
While not religious, he is very spiritual. Considers himself a non-theistic Satanist.
Openly bisexual. Commonly sleeps with both men and women.
Technically has a girlfriend, Layla.
Read more about his past here.
Look at his Pinterest board here.
Listen to his playlist here.
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nekroligion · 3 months
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i wanna move / i oughta feel / i need to drift into a world so unreal
Born to Kristian and Sonja Ulland, Marius is a Norwegian man, aged 22. He has dirty blonde hair he cuts himself, a crooked, arched nose, jacked up teeth, scars all across his arms, and eyes that have been described as ‘dead’ over the years.
He is not a perfect man, and he has never claimed to be.
Marius came up with the idea for Nekroligion in high school, shortly after moving to Sweden and meeting Joen Lindqvist. The two were both obsessed with all things metal, and vowed to create the best band in the world after graduation.
The two of them met Adrik Antonov on one of their weekly scope-outs. Marius knew he had to have him in his band after seeing him perform so passionately. So he stole him.
He’s pretty sure it was the best decision he had ever made.
Now, Nekroligion is on tour, with a pretty decent kvlt following. Little does Marius know, the worst is yet to come.
he’s got charisma, but when he’s all alone / he curls in a ball and wishes he was / home again, home again, home again
Born January 26th, 1973. He’s an Aquarius (although he doesn’t care what it means).
Has hypersomnia. He’s slept through whole days.
Struggles with bouts of depression and suicidal ideation. Has gone to the hospital for excessive self harm multiple times. He’s used to it.
Craves validation.
His nipples are pierced! He was dared to. His parents were not very happy when they found out.
Has two younger siblings: his sister, Janne (aged 17), and his brother, Aksel (aged 7). He hasn’t seen them in a while.
Grew up Catholic.
Hates his father.
Is bisexual. Will not admit this to himself.
Read more about his past here.
Look at his Pinterest board here.
Listen to his playlist here.
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nekroligion · 28 days
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Adrik Antonov ain't nothing but a nasty dog ...
(something silly.. i need to actually post here sorry to my 12 tumblr followers)
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nekroligion · 1 month
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when the day is done / down to earth then sinks the sun / along with everything that was lost and won
Hours before Nekroligion's show, Marius is practicing. He plays to remember. He'll remember until his fingers bleed.
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nekroligion · 2 months
Big day today for GAY people !
Very important Quiz . Please take it and tell me your results . Thank you .
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nekroligion · 2 months
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Stark lights shine on Joen's face. They're hot, bright, and he can barely see into the crowd in front of him. Part of him is thankful for that fact, because he's sure he'd freeze up otherwise.
He is not a performer. He has never been a performer. God, never did he think he would actually be in a band. Maybe behind the scenes, putting all the music together, or working for a label. But no, no. Instead, he is on stage. Knees shaking, hands sweaty, throat dry. Trying with all his might to focus on the bass in his arms.
Marius speaks indistinctly into the microphone. His voice is a low growl, putting on a stupid, gruesome act for the crowd. They eat it up. Lukas plays a random lick on his guitar, something atmospheric, his neck craned as he looks up at the ceiling. Joen wonders if he's nervous too. If any of them are.
He wants them to be. He wants them to feel that same sickness in their guts, just so he's not alone. But the rational voice in his head is telling him that's a stupid desire. If they're all nervous, they'll crash and burn. It'd be better for them to be confident; confident enough to overtake his nerves.
The Swede feels a pair of eyes lingering on the back of his neck, and he dares to look behind him. He's met with an encouraging expression from Adrik - although it looks somewhat goofy under the corpse paint he's got slathered on his face haphazardly. Despite his intimidating height, the drums manage to engulf him, and he has to stretch his arm out to give Joen a visible thumbs up and a grin.
Joen swallows, feeling his Adam's apple bob anxiously as he shoots a less than enthusiastic thumbs up back.
And then, the backing track starts to play. It's something Lukas came up with on the keyboard. Marius announces the name of the song before taking a step back from the microphone, directing his attention to the guitar he's got strapped around his body. Joen stiffens, his body feeling like an awkward sack of potatoes while he prepares to play.
He's not bad at playing. He knows this, damnit. He lets out an inaudible irritated huff and tosses his long, black locks out of his face before his fingers start to work the bass- perhaps a little out of time compared to his fellow guitarists.
He knows the riffs by heart. His memory is fantastic. But when he thinks about the fact that he's playing for people, the execution just gets sloppy. It's stupid. This is stupid!
At some point, though, his thoughts get chased away by the music. The constant, aching riffs pummeled away by Lukas. The sharp melody rung out by Marius' guitar, paired with his raw vocals. The rhythmic and emotive snap of Adrik on drums, something that Joen can't help but stomp his foot to.
And he remembers why he's doing what he's doing. He loves it. He loves to play. He loves to listen. Nobody fucking cares, anyways. Why should he?
He gnaws at his bottom lip as a particularly difficult section of the bassline comes up, his gaze locked down at the neck of his guitar. His brow is furrowed and his nose scrunched in concentration, and when he finally gets through it, he lets out a groan of satisfaction. Relief, even. He's thankful no one could hear it but him.
By the end of the night, Joen is stripped down to his undershirt - a black tank top, something that shows off his muscles an uncomfortable amount. Sweat is running down his face from the exertion, ruining the carefully placed lines of his paint. He's sore. He's a mess. He wants to go home and read a book and go to bed.
But there's a distinct stutter in his heart, now. Even when he's striding outside, past the crowd that's gathered around the other band members, he feels it.
Maybe he really is meant for this life.
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If you ENJOYED this ; read more about JOEN here ...
... yours truly, NEKROLIGION
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