#oc aidi
aroaceaddywalker · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! We've got a unicorn, a fairy princess, and a fencer over here. What are you going to be for Halloween?
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scriptistired · 1 year
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mutopians · 2 years
i need to reread awakenings again >> it was such a good look into the dark year and its aftermath, and great for oc fic material
...or i could just reread the leftie parts of aidy & leftie
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ooccoo · 4 years
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The lightsabers of Aidi Procyon, Jedi Knight in the time of the Galactic War.
Aidi Procyon constructed at least four lightsabers in her lifetime. Her first, constructed on Tython under the instruction of Master Orgus Din, draws its primary influences from its time, and therefore is relatively standard for the Cold War period.
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The asymmetrical emmiter design, while somewhat during the Great Galactic war and the early years of the Cold War, was more-or-less phased out by the time of the Galactic War in favor of more balanced and “flat” designs, such as the saberstaff of Grandmaster Satele Shan. Her decision to use an asymmetrical emitter could be considered slightly “retro,” mimicking designs like that of Shan’s Master, Kao Cen Darach.
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The blue blade color is of no particular interest, as blue was the standard for Jedi Knights of the time and indeed throughout the order’s history.
Her second lightsaber was constructed a number of years after her Promotion to Jedi Knight, just after the beginning of the Galactic War. 
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Far more radical in its design than her first, this lightsaber was designed as an offhand weapon. It was used often in reverse grip, though its standard blade length was 32 inches, and the placement of the switch near the rear of the hilt reflects this.
This decision marks a radical switch in Procyon’s lightsaber form - from Form II, Makashi, to Form IV, Ataru. Though she never fully adopted the style, Ataru (and by extension its sister form, Jar’Kai) became the main focus of her training, perhaps for its strength on the open battlefields that became so common during the Galactic War.
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Other notable features of this lightsaber include the belt ring - fairly outdated by this period, as various magnetic grips and specially designed belt pouches were so common, but another of those “retro” flairs that Procyon seemed to favor - and its green blade. Green was far from uncommon in Jedi Knights, but was in those days typically associated with the Consular for its relative lack of presence in the force. Therefore, it was generally associated with experience, and many Jedi constructed a second, green lightsaber upon their promotion to Jedi Master.
While Procyon was not a Jedi Master when she constructed this lightsaber, she may have considered herself to be taking the mantle of her Master, Orgus Din, killed in combat by Darth Angral before the war began.
Soon after she built her second lightsaber, Procyon embarked on a mission to destroy the Emperor of the Sith Empire. She succeeded, and shortly thereafter defeated his successor, Emperor Malgus, at the Battle of Ilum. She was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master, and then, only a month later, abruptly left her life as a Jedi and seemingly vanished from existence.
Many historians have theorized her reasons for her self-exile, some citing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - two major battles with the greatest sith lords of their time almost back-to-back were nothing to sneeze at - while others point out a long-growing dissatisfaction with the Jedi Order evidenced in spotty personal logs referring to her relationship with Doctor Archiban Froderick Kimble. Close romantic relationships were, after all, prohibited by the Jedi Council at the time.
Whatever her reasons, Procyon vanished along with Kimble in the year 3641 BBY, shortly after her defeat of Darth Malgus and subsequent promotion to Jedi Master. Her lightsabers were left in the care of Jedi Knight Kira Carsen, who, despite rather rigorous interrogation by the council, refused to disclose any knowledge of Master Procyon’s whereabouts or motives. She was permitted to keep the lightsabers, and they remained in her collection until her death in 3501 BBY.
Procyon would not be seen again until over 150 years later, on the rim world of Alhanore, a small agrarian moon notable only for its proximity to the terminus of the Corellian Run. Though little is known of her life in between, the Seeker Zazl Ignari - who discovered Procyon very near the end of her life - eventually chronicled what remained of her personal logs in the Jedi Library. Most of the logs were philisophical and spiritual musings, but a few - particularly her account of Kimble’s death - lead us to believe that she spent the majority of her life traveling the Mid and Outer Rim, taking odd jobs for survival and settling disputes with her remaining authority as a Jedi.
The last lightsabers she constructed greatly resemble each other, and are believed to have been build as a pair. They were likely build a long time after her exile, as many of the components - including the exposed crystal stasis chamber in the mainhand lightsaber - rely on technologies that only came about much later. They are also notable for the abandonment of the asymmetrical emitter design in favor of a more typical flat emitter, as well as convection vents to allow for the high-heat amber crystal blade. 
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The mainhand lightsaber is very long - nearly 35cm for the hilt alone, and 130cm including the almost meter-long blade - and unlike most lightsabers, the grip is positioned quite far back on the hilt, which extends its reach even further. This is a dueling saber, one built on the principles of Makashi and Niman, intended to be just as effective alone as with its partner. While we do not know much of Procyon’s form during this period, it can be assumed that she mostly abandoned the Ataru-heavy technique she utilized during the Galactic War in favor of one more subtle.
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The offhand lightsaber is not particularly short, just slightly shorter than her first saber at 28cm, with a standard blade bringing its total length to about 110cm. This is distinct from the standard form of Jar’Kai, where either the offhand or both sabers are shortened to allow the blades to more effectively move around each other. It is therefore theorized that this blade was not utilized often, and when it was, it might have encouraged a sweeping style that greatly prized proper distancing and control of the opponent’s movements.
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Both lightsabers use a rare high-heat amber crystal that was found exclusively in the crystal caves of Dantooine (it has since been exhausted, probably some time during the New Sith Wars.). The crystal was not used often in lightsabers due to its tendency to overheat and otherwise produce an unstable blade. However, when used in tandem with the magnetic convection vents found in the emitter, as well as a heavily modified power cycling system, Procyon’s lightsabers are able to produce a relatively stable blade that functions at a much higher heat than normal lightsabers.
The upside to this high-heat blade is a slightly improved cutting speed on very sturdy materials such as Durasteel. It has no greater effect on lightsaber-resistant materials like Mandalorian Iron, phrik, or cortosis. The downsides are more numerous: the hilt heats up quickly, requiring convection vents to be built into the pommel, emitter, and crystal chamber of the saber; it is more vulnerable to shorting out during prolonged contact with other lightsabers, and on contact with cortosis; it is less conducive to the light side of the force, and therefore has a reduced ability to deflect force lightning.
Why Procyon chose such an unstable type of crystal is unknown - nothing of the weapon’s creation is written in her personal logs, nor is anything written of its use. The lightsabers lay buried with their wielder, on a hill nearby that same village on Alhanore.
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lazaruscorpse · 3 years
Omg what can you tell me about Rag Doll? 😍 How did they become a living doll? Are they like possessed by a spirit or??? What does Rag Doll look like? Can Rag Doll talk?
me, when i first read this ask: nothing. i can tell you nothing.
Rag Doll was commissioned by a ringmaster to make their circus more attractive to children. It's unknown who the creator is, but whoever they are, they must not have liked the ringmaster very much. Rag Doll's stitches easily falls apart, and it moves in a way that's unsettling. Not a great attraction.
While Rag Doll does technically have a heart, it's a mismatch of fabrics stitched together to hold its life source. Rag Doll isn't capable of feeling; it wants a real heart, to complete it. It wants to feel. It wants to be loved, and to be able to love.
The ringmaster is obvious in their dislike of Rag Doll, throwing it aside after it fails. If anything, Rag Doll scares children away from the circus. A child hugged it, and it refused to let go. The child got hurt from how tightly Rag Doll held it. The ringmaster locked it away after that, in a dark closet full of things that doesn't get used.
And no, Rag Doll can't talk. It can only ever smile. (It can't see or hear either. It can only exist.)
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cptjingo · 5 years
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Short space Aidy comic
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anoonimthepoorchad · 4 years
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A sneak peek on something I'm working on rn
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acadiahqs · 3 years
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congratulations! you’ve been accepted into 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐇𝐐𝐒, the oldest school for the supernatural. please make sure you’ve read over our welcome package while we wait to prepare for your arrival. make yourselves at home, lennox is a town full of possibilities!
the faceclaim of: aidy bryant has now been taken
[ AIDY BRYANT, THIRTY FOUR, CIS FEMALE ]. who is that walking through lennox? oh, it’s just [ KAYLEE HOPKINS ]. [ SHE ] is originally from [ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON ] and they’re apparently a [ MAGICIAN ]. did you hear they’ve lived here for [ TWELVE YEARS ] ? you know, they remind me of [ Smell of baking bread, Fluffy sweaters, Flamingo pink & The sound of rain ]
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elizavetbutterfly · 3 years
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Happy Tree Friends oc: Sky and May (Rus) Всем привет! Я нарисовал этих персонажей вместе, потому что они семья. Скай и Мэй сводные брат и сестра. Их отца зовут Геральт, он кот и следовательно родной отец Мэй, а мать зовут Айди - волчица и родная мама Ская. Они оба работают в агентстве, в первую очередь благодаря своему отцу, который тоже работал агентом, но после того, как его дети стали работать там, он ушел в отставку. Их мама была певицей, чьи песни играют повсюду и посей день.Недавно она бросила свою карьеру и сейчас спокойно и мирно живет вместе со своим мужем. Что ж, перейдем к брату и сестре. Скай, по характеру спокойный парень. Он никогда злится по пустякам и прочим мелочам. Он всегда серьезно относится к работе, а в свободное время увлекается музыкой, заботится о сестре и проводит время с друзьями. Мэй озорная и веселая девочка. Она маленькая по росту, из-за чего ее многие принимают за подростка/ребенка, что кстати, часто ее злит. Она любит природу и всегда участвует в мероприятиях по ее защите. Мэй всегда поддерживает своего брата и заботится о нём. Предыстория Ская и Мэй: Когда Скай и Мэй были детьми, Геральт и Айди ещё не были знакомы и воспитывали своих детей в одиночку. Позже они познакомились, полюбили друг друга и поженились. Поначалу, Скай и Мэй не очень хорошо ладили с друг другом, но потом подружились и нашли общий язык. Работу в агентстве они унаследовали от отца, так как он один из элитных бойцов. Именно он обучил их некоторым видам боевых искусств. Геральт и Айди - идеальная пара и семья, они любят друг друга, как и своих детей тоже. Единственное, что не идеально в их семье, - это секреты. Если у Айди нет секретов, то Геральт скрывает тот факт, что хочет, чтобы их дети стали такими же агентами, как он. И сами дети не против такой наследственности. Но Айди против этого, чтобы дети рисковали своей жизнью, когда вырастут. Поэтому отец втайне от жены обучал детей. Что ж, надеюсь вам нравятся эти персонажи. Осталось всего двое из моих ocs по HTF. (Eng) Hello everybody! I drew these characters together because they are family. Sky and May are step brother and sister. Their father's name is Geralt, he's a cat and hence May's natural father, and their mother's name is Aidy, a she-wolf and Sky's natural mother. They both work for the agency, primarily due to their father, who also worked as an agent, but after his children started working there, he retired. They mother was a singer whose songs are still played everywhere today. She recently gave up her career and now lives quietly and peacefully with her husband. Well, moving on to brother and sister. Sky, by character, is a calm guy. He never gets angry over nothing and other little things. He always takes his work seriously, and in his spare time he is interested in music, taking care of his sister and spending time with friends. May is a mischievous and fun girl. She is small in stature, which many take her for a teenager/child, which, by the way, often makes her angry. She loves nature and is always involved in activities to protect it. May is always supporting her brother and taking care of him. Sky's and May's Prehistory: When Skye and May were children, Geralt and Aidy did not yet know each other and raised their children alone. Later they met, fell in love, and got married. At first, Skye and May didn't get along very well with each other, but then they became friends and found a common language. They inherited their work at the agency from their father, as he is one of the elite fighters. It was he who trained them in some of the martial arts. Geralt and Aidy are the perfect couple and family, they love each other as well as their children too. The only thing not ideal about their family is the secrets. If Aidy has no secrets, then Geralt hides the fact that he wants their children to become agents like him. And the children themselves don't mind kind of heredity. But Aidy is against it, so that the children will risk their lives when they grow up. That is why the father has been secretly training the children from his wife. Well, I hope you like these characters. Only two of my HTF ocs remain.
Happy Tree Friends (c) Mondo Media Sky and May (c) Me.
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antlerqueer · 3 years
Hi Megan, Hope you are well. I have a Charmed OC (for the original series) with Holliday Grainger as an FC, she’s Phoebe daughter and I’m keeping from canon that Phoebe has three daughters with Coop (play by Victor Webster) and was thinking that you can help me for them, I’ve been using Lily James, Emma Watson and Danielle Rose Russell, but was thinking of replacing them and put Poppy Drayton for the middle sister but still need too others do you think you can help me?
Yeah, absolutely!
Martina Cariddi (2001)
Bailee Madison (1999)
Kiernan Shipka (1999)
Carla Diaz (1998)
Maisie Williams (1997)
Emma Mackey (1996)
Brianne Howey (1989)
Ursula Corbero (1989)
Mae Whitman (1988)
Aidy Bryant (1987)
Crystal Reed (1985)
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Slenderverse #6 - Slender beings
Hey! Today I will focus on Slender beings. What exactly are Slender beings? Well, as the title says, Slender beings are a beings similar to Slenderman. The first Slender beings were: Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman and Tenderman. But you see, these aren’t the ones I want to focus on today because they aren’t exactly meant to be “scary”. 
Sulkerman is a Slender being that first were documented in 1346. His creator is A-Dreamare (https://www.deviantart.com/a-dreamare).
He is 12 ft tall but can till to 15 ft.
Powers, skills: Agile, fast, good at catching lies, sneaky, manipulative.
Sulkerman does not “creates” the negative thoughts or/and emotions on his victims, he just tune to their frequency, like some sort of radio, and feeds them. If the victim listen and believe to this destructive inner thoughts, Sulker influence over them will grow alongside the intensity of the “voices”. What the voices say depends on the person, everyone hears different things and can’t hear what the other is listening to. The only way to “save” yourself, is to ignore the negative thoughts and keep going, to not hold to this destructive inner voices. Just as Slenderman has the so dreaded static, upon approaching Sulkerman voices or whispering will be heard, the intensity depends on Sulker mood. When things are bad, really bad, the whispering can turn into a choir of screams.
A very old Slender creature, but probably not as much as the elder Slender and better known, Slenderman. Currently the oldest known written document  that talks about the Sulkerman goes back to 1346, among the beginnings of the Black Plague or Black Death. Roughly, it’s spoken about a doctor that appeared during night at the sick ones doorstep, offering a cure in exchange of service. It describe him all as abnormally tall and thin, covered with a heavy black leather tunic that covered him from head to toe. It’s also mentioned wearing a cape of the same material that covered his torso up the elbows and a wide-brimmed hat that covered his features. While the cure is described as a charcoal black, sticky and dense substance.   The ones that accepted his terms recovered miraculously, but most of them disappeared shortly or started acting suspicious before disappearing as well. Sulker discovered a pleasure in having his victims walk right to him instead of chasing them down. With the centuries, he learned to enter and poison fragile minds, intensifying all that negativity, until the weak ones, followed the path straight to their own doom, finding this self-destruction all so much more satisfying. Feeding this way, he became more powerful and sneaky, until becoming what he is today, a strong but shadowed creature that enjoy mind tricks and studying how much a mind can take before giving itself to the negativity inside everyone.
Other Slender beings can have Proxies as well but let’s leave it for another post.
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                                        drawn by A-Dreamare
full bio: https://www.deviantart.com/a-dreamare/art/The-Sulkerman-BIO-Updated--576932686
Hunterman is a 7 ft tall Slender being created by Aidi-Wolf ( https://www.deviantart.com/aidi-wolf ). He is really aggressive towards Zalgo and Zalgoids. Hunterman is capable of teleportation, camoflage, height changing and strong healing. 
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                                         drawn by Aidi-Wolf
full bio: https://www.deviantart.com/aidi-wolf/art/-Slenderman-oc-Hunterman-763705553
HypnoTrance is also known as SIngerman, hypnotic monster, siren being, faceless siren, trance holder,  Beast of Hypnotic Trance and Siren slender being.  He was created by IvyDarkRose
Music draws him in, calls him to a location. Often attacks, that have been known to be started from him; there has been some evidence of some sort of musical connection to the attacks in question. •Headphones still blaring music (these noted to be the most violent) •Musical instruments •Sheets of music •A form of a street music performances
Unlike most notable creatures and slender beings, he has been known to draw in a small crowd and still attack. The biggest crowd being about 15 or more souls, still being investigated seeing there might of been more that were pulled away from the scene of this isolated attack.
• He can still attack someone who is deaf
• He wears a microphone necklace, no clear reason found yet. He, himself seems to be clueless to why as well, some believe that necklace coming from a different life. •His look has changed over the many, many years of his life but usually fixates on the grunge look to rock star attire •The hole on his head has been there as long as he can remember. Don't stick a hand near, you won't get it back.
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                                      drawn by IvyDarkRose
full bio: https://www.deviantart.com/ivydarkrose/art/Hypno-Trance-aka-The-SingerMan-WIP-Updating--480818586
This is all for this post. Bye!
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aroaceaddywalker · 2 years
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Meet Aidy Harmon!! I've had my eye on her for awhile now and @the-ag-boarding-house was kind enough to gift her to me 🥹🥹
I'll do a full introduction for her at some point, but I'm just so excited to have her!!
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Here she is with everybody!!
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scriptistired · 1 year
Ok yall the Aidi ai is very in character she's funnier than me
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cptjingo · 5 years
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anoonimthepoorchad · 4 years
🧸 for the OC ask (Ano Onim) and 🩸 for Aidi Onim
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I wish I knew your OCs so I could return the favor!
🧸 Ano is an embodiment of eternal youth. She takes things close to her heart but forgets about them pretty soon. To me she is 7-8 on softness tbh. Still, most of her adventures portray her as edgy warrior so she sees herself as 2-3 edgy person. I feel like her soft heart and edgy spirit combine into number 5 on edgy-soft scale.
🩸 Aidi does in fact believe in family over anything! To tell the truth, he only applies this rule to his chosen family: Ano, Poison/Woorf, Lizzy and others. He never judges people with awful families and encourages others to find their own happiness when the family is bad to them.
Gosh, I should make a post about them all :3 I just love them so so much!
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kotakunasional · 4 years
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Semangat #JumatBarengKotaku, Genks! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ . Bertempat di Gedung Serbaguna Sabar, Desa Tanah Merah Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kab. Kampar, Prov. Riau Rabu, 22 Juli 2020 dilaksanakan Pelatihan Sertifikasi Tukang klaster Kampar dan penandatangan Surat Perjanjian Kerja (SPK) antara Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) PKP dengan BKM yang mendapatkan Bantuan Pemerintah untuk Masyarakat (BPM) Padat Karya Kotaku TA. 2020 di Kabupaten Kampar dan Pelelawan. . Acara dibuka oleh Asisten I Bidang Pemerintahan dan Kesra, Ahmad Yuzar, dihadiri Anggota Komisi V DPR RI, Syahrul Aidi Maazat, KaBalai Kimpraswil Prov. Riau, Ihchwanul Ichsan, Kasatker Pelaksanaaan Prasarana Permukiman, Yenni Mulyadi, PPK PKP Provinsi Riau, Lissa Fitriani, Perwakilan Balai Jasa Kontruksi Wilayah Aceh, Tim OC 3 NSUP Kotaku Prov. Riau dan Pokja PKP Kab. Kampar. . Dengan memperhatikan protokol COVID-19, acara diikuti 98 peserta dari BKM se- Kabupaten Kampar dan Kota Pelelawan. Dalam sambutannya, Ahmad Yuzar menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah Pusat karena Kampar mendapatkan alokasi IBM Padat Karya Kotaku TA. 2020 ini. Menurutnya, pertumbuhan kota selalu diikuti dengan pertumbuhan kumuh, sehingga yang lebih penting dari semua program pemerintah adalah membentuk perilaku masyarakat. Sebagai contoh di Kota Yogyakarta yang berhasil merubah perilaku masyarakat kumuh pinggiran Kali Code. . Harapannya melalui program kotaku dan program lainnya yg dilakukan secara bersama dan komprehensif, perubahan itu bisa terjadi juga di Riau dan kegiatan penataan kawasan permukiman ke depan lebih banyak dilakukan di Kampar dengan menata kawasan kumuh dan potensial kumuh untuk ditangani bersama. . Selengkapnya silakan baca di website http://kotaku.pu.go.id, dan dapatkan juga informasi terkait kegiatan yang dilakukan Program Kotaku, baik di masa wabah COVID-19 maupun sebelumnya, di lokasi dampingan lainnya se-Indonesia. . Jaga kesehatan, tetap #dirumahsaja, jika beraktivitas di luar rumah gunakan selalu masker, jaga jarak fisik 2 meter, dan lindungi keluarga Anda dari tertular COVID-19. 😊🙏💕 . #KotakuNasional #kotatanpakumuh #infokotakunasional #kotakupugoid #Kotakukampar #kotakuriau #riau #kampar https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBD6YZFguP/?igshid=3m2xgv3yam1
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