#obviously i'm going the second route here
dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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Honestly though, this (what Ashe is pointing out) is exactly why I don't think GW could possibly end well. There's no "talking it over" after all the bloodshed (especially bloodshed started by them, and especially bloodshed started by them that didn't have to happen).
The way the narration leaves it "open" too at the end of GW just comes across as "it failed". It feels like... a kind of pointless story?
And I know some people might think that since Dimitri personally isn't as deeply affected by losing Matthias and so might be willing, that's still no good if his people and closest allies aren't. Rodrigue and Sylvain wouldn't be so forgiving, and I do think Dimitri would follow suit because that's his father (Rodrigue)'s closest friend and one of his own closest friends' father.
Add that to the fact that they have Sreng to deal with still (and I imagine sooner or Sylvain would figure out that Leicester had a hand in provoking Sreng to attack Faerghus) on top of losing Matthias and I imagine all the stress and aggravation wouldn't bode well for Leicester as far as Claude's thinking of things working out goes.
I just really can't see where GW goes afterward that would be "good" or works in Claude's favor at all. Maybe that was the intention and it was meant to be a route with a completely tragic ending, but apparently there are players who think it would end well and whatnot and I just can't see that happening (both from Faerghus' end and from Adrestia's end, the latter of which Claude discussed within GW itself).
If their intention was for a totally tragic ending, like yeah, I can see that... but as always the writing muddies the waters to make it sound good while something bad is happening. It keeps trying to have a positive spin on bad things as if they're just afraid to commit to a fully bad ending.
#DCB Three Hopes Run#also to be specific the reason I just call Rodrigue his father outright is bc he refers to him as a “second father” in Houses#but I'm not gonna literally write “his second father” every time I mention it and honestly “adoptive father” doesn't work for me either#bc him being an adoptive sort of parent doesn't make the fact that he /is/ a parent to him any less valid#like a parent is a parent and I don't feel the need to point that out and the feeling is mutual between them#if Rodrigue is literally calling him ''my boy'' it's a pretty cut and dry parent/child relationship#obviously I'm using Houses context in this case but it's still accurate in Hopes#and I just can't see losing Matthias going over smoothly at all and things getting better with time#I mean Matthias is such a major player in Faerghus and so important that I just can't see them being like#well it was only /one/ important bigwig who died. like no it was one important bigwig saving a whole lot of lives#who is also very intelligent and has a deep say in politics. that's ofc not counting#as Ashe says here in AM in reference to Adrestia that they've killed so much on both sides bc of the war#that he can't imagine just sitting and talking now. just because we as players only saw one named character die#and just because that character wasn't a playable character nor a returning character we already knew and loved#doesn't mean hundreds if not thousands more didn't die in Leicester's invasion#like Ashe says here I just don't see how both sides could sit and talk after all that#esp since Sylvain would prob be involved and uh... Sylvain is... a very emotional and angry person#and extremely vengeful (and they rly leaned into that side of him in Hopes in all routes)#I canNOT imagine talks with him involved not getting heated and aggressive#and he'd /have/ to be there bc he's the Margrave now in GW. if they want to have important talks like that#they need all their major players which like even if Felix say wasn't there#Rodrigue has basically equal authority as Felix bc Rodrigue has the respect of experience and has proven himself#so they could be swapped out for talks and Felix being the ''official'' Duke wouldn't affect talks in the least#if Rodrigue was/had to be present instead. with Sylvain you've either got no other options#or you've got Miklan who I can't imagine would want to even get involved with all of that#both bc of his mixed feelings on Matthias but also bc he's been out of the political atmosphere for so long#so yeah I uh... can't... see talks ever going well unless Claude legitimately makes amends somehow#or Houses Claude gets in there smacks him around and fixes some shit before heading back to his own verse lol
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georgia-stanway · 9 months
Signed up for German evening classes probably given myself far too much work and not 100% sure I've picked the right level but being entrusted with the family recipe book when my nan passes feels like a lot of responsibility so I should probably at least try to not have to completely rely on google translate to use it, particularly as the only one who I think could know German is my uncle who lived in Munich for a bit.
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moonsaver · 2 months
Okay, honestly, I'm still reeling from the entire penacony quest, but here's my take on Sunday so far;
He's manipulative, obviously.
But like.. the type that's kind of hesitant from time to time because he's still sincere to a degree. At least, when it comes to his loved ones.
So, I guess that hesitance decreases a lot if you're just some nobody. Even then, Sunday does want the better for everyone, too. It just means that others may bear the brunt of it for the most part before being able to get ahold of it.
Also, at the very least, even if some people suffer, at the end Sunday believes they will reach where they want to, after. In that case, however, Sunday suffers far more than them, without actually ever reaching his own destination or idea of paradise.
However, this view is a bit distorted. Sunday believes to be "sacrificing" himself, shouldering loneliness and burdens in order to uphold everyone else's "paradise". But to the others, he's simply a tyrant overruling everyone's will with his own idea of Order.
Sunday deeply cares. He cares too much. That's kind of the problem.
A bit of self-destructing tendencies when pushed too far, I guess.
Lets ignore logic established by the quest for a second (because i literally am still reeling from it)
Imagine Sunday first discovers this possibility. He's terrified of it, but at the same time, he truly thinks this is humanity's salvage – for everyone who has deeply suffered. He thinks of you.
You who have had your fair share of pain, who confides in him late at night in the quiet of your privacy, hushed voices like silenced by a thick blanket through the wall.
You deserve to live a sweeter life. He thinks. No. You deserve more. He knows.
The first person he ever wants to step into this paradise – you.
Now, although Sunday was defeated in the end, we all know that unfortunately, our ragtag team had to wake up again because defeating him first was a dream. This means at some point, Sunday did succeed.
And after everyone wakes, you don't. You continue sleeping soundly. So does Sunday.
The rest of the world can return to their miserable, bitter lives outside of this dream; but Sunday will be damned if he's letting you go. Perhaps.. it's not a selfless wish, anymore. Perhaps at this point, Sunday desperately, selfishly, grips onto you with the latches of a sweet, deep dream. One where he was fatally destined to never reach, only to control from the waking world. Now that everyone else has woken, he wants to return to the dream. He wants to return to you, who he has so lovingly entrenched deep into it.
Also, Robin. Im in SO much pain... PLEASW..
Do you guys think.. even if Robin was vehemently resistant against Sunday's ideas..
Even though Sunday knew she wouldn't stand for it..
Do you guys think.. he wanted her to also join him at the end and enjoy the "Paradise" he created aswell?
Do you think he would have wanted Robin to stop worrying about everything, to take rest, to finally come home, and sing to her heart's content inside the dream? The dream where they set the bird free? The dream where Sunday still has a sweet tooth? The dream where she never has to wear elaborate neck-pieces? The dream where neither of them was hurt? Where neither of them left each other?
Oh...ogh. . My heart.
Sunday would be such a scary lover, too.
I mean even normally, I don't think a relationship with him would be that healthy
Particularly because it seems so healthy
If reader was in a relationship with normal sunday, I mean.. it's gonna at least appear healthy and normal, even to them. It's probably just Sunday having to constantly burden himself with all the dirty strings he has to pull, the quiet rush of water when he washes his hands before caressing the side of your face, the tight, closed smile he would give if you ever asked him what was wrong.. he can't let you know.
I think he'll take a yandere route in an established relationship if you do happen to find out what's been going on behind the scenes. He'll have to calm you down, and you promise you won't peep about it. The build up is almost invisible, because things seem to go back to the way they were. Before Sunday starts acting a bit.. restless. That would be when his yan! Tendencies would start kicking in, for a variety of reasons.
I feel like y'know, out of all the hsr cast, he's one of the characters who is genuinely very close to becoming a yandere canonically. Control freak? Check. Twisted ideals? Check. Unchecked power? Check. Hypnotization/manipulation? Check.
Also, the slight difference of his color pallete as opposed to Robin's.
His is much more washes out than Robin's. It's more "duller" but also more professional, and the gold of his halo is more colder than the warmer tone of Robin's halo. They both still have white/grey as a major color in their palletes, but Sunday's is accompanied by deep navy blues, or washed out blues. Robin's is very vibrant and purple. The only blue segment of her pallete is her hair, and it's remarkably more vibrant than Sunday's.
Also.. Sunday's whole ideas on "weak" and "strong"
Of course, it wasn't all correct, but that doesn't mean they didn't hold some semblance of sense.
Regardless, this playing with yan! Tendencies..... HOOOOO boy
So many thoughts. Sunday manipulating his partner is quite possibly the most common theme in them.
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acis-arts · 2 months
Hello everyoneee, I got super busy recently, but I was still able to do some art and writing in the meantime! Here's all my Cult Leader Designs as well as mentions of the AUs I have!!
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Some of these will probably change over time, if I feel like it. I just wanna info dump on my AUs and I also think it's good to post how they currently look instead of waiting for too long.
Down below is the info dump on my AUs:
(Before you start reading: "Kali" is the name of my Lamb)
Lost Crowns AU (/Forgotten Lands of the Old Faith):
This AU was called "Forgotten Lands of the Old Faith" at first, but I refer to it as "Lost Crowns AU" mostly because that name fits too and is shorter.
This is my main AU! In it, the entire story of the game is pretty much unchanged, this AU focuses more on what happens after the events in the game. I haven't finished the game yet and I'm assuming after getting all Bishops, the game is pretty much done. (update because I wrote these notes some days ago: I got Shamura in my cult today so I finished the main story at last)
"A few days after freeing all the Bishops, Kali wakes up and something is missing. The Red Crown is gone, all Crowns are gone. They run to find Narinder and the Bishops, but none of them are behind it. Together, all 6 of them try to confront the Mystic Seller next, but upon arriving at the gate they were always situated in, they find nothing."
The Mystic Seller left the Lands of the Old Faith for good and took everything supernatural with them. I haven't thought about a solid reason for that yet, because my main idea behind this is that Kali and the others are now forced to live without all their supernatural powers. They can't perform Rituals, they can't resurrect, they can't summon weapons and none of the Follower necklaces work anymore. The only thing that was left is the immortality of Kali, Narinder and the Bishops. They won't age but the risk of dying permanently is there.
I have no idea if I want to keep this idea or if I want to scrap this, but I also thought about Kali finding a gateway into the lands of the Gods and together with Narinder, they try to find the Mystic Seller to get answers. The reason Narinder comes along is because he's more familiar with that place and Kali would need someone like that. The second reason obviously being that I want to pair them up and have them develop their relationship over this adventure (with a proposal at the end of it perhaps). Third reason: it's fun to have the Bishops take care of the Cult without Kali and Narinder around.
I have so much more stuff for this AU, but this is already so much text. Let's hope I get to post more in the future!
Swap AU:
This is pretty self explanatory and the majority of what I posted on here so far. As a short summary: Narinder is now the Last Cat remaining, becoming the Vessel of Kali as The One Who Waits
No Mercy AU:
This is based on the second save file I have in COTL, on which I'm trying to do an "evil route". In this AU, Kali isn't kind and optimistic, instead becoming a callous, cruel cult leader after receiving the Red Crown. Up until that moment, they were at the bottom of the food chain and upon receiving the power of a God, they were finally the one in control for the first time in their life. They decided to never let go of the Crown and their Powers.
Orange Crown AU:
This AU is pretty much just my close circle and me inserted into Cult of the Lamb. So far my partner and me are inserted as NariLamb and my brother is the Mystic Seller because he looks like them. This one is probably uninteresting to most of you, as you don't know any of us. I won't be posting that much about this and keep it private mostly, but maybe some of you are still interested in the art, so let's see.
As always, Thank you so much for reading up until this point!! I hope you all had a good week!
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workingbynyx · 5 months
heey, saw that you were open for requests so I would like to ask for a romcom jason todd x reader where the reader is flirty and has a crush on Red Hood, but has no idea that he is Jason Todd (their regular at the cafe they own) so he gets kinda flustered everytime he sees the reader when he is going to get coffee
(hope you can understand this, english is not my first language)
Beautiful Stranger — Jason Todd x GN!Reader
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↷ summary — after a faithful encounter with red hood one night ago, you quickly developed a crush on the masked vigilante. but, would you believe if the cute regular at your coffee shop was him? ˎˊ˗
↷ pairing — jason todd x gn!reader ˎˊ˗
↷ genre — romance, comedy, a bunch of fluff ˎˊ˗
↷ warning/s — none! other than a few curse words, use of y/n and possible grammar errors ˎˊ˗
↷ a/n — hi anon! dw i LOVEEEE that request sm, i hope you have fun reading this as much as i had writing it ^^ i might've switched it up a bit in the process so i'm so sorry for that 😭 i also figured i'd use the wayne family adventures version of jason for this one since it kinda fits the whole theme of this fic hihi and he turned into such a simp in this so it might be ooc at some point help, enjoy reading! ˎˊ˗
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"what the hell are you doing here walkin' around late at night?" the masked man said in between short breaths after taking down a robber that's been following you since you closed down the café for tonight. you were lucky enough to have 'the' red hood on patrol and save you from a potential robbery. the thought of him guiding, if not stalking, you and jumping on the thug as soon as he's about to make a move somehow made your heart skip at the act of service...if its even counted with them now laying on the ground unconscious.
what you didn't know is this man was jason, the regular you'd have come in around 9 to 10 am to have his morning coffee and sit around the shop until lunch. you always observed the guy to be somewhat mysterious but endearing at the same time, he'd always ask for the same coffee and pastry combo over and over again, not bothering to change his order. he became quite an easy customer to remember at some point, other than the fact that he had white streaked hair which made him attractive and memorable to you. in fact, everytime he came in all you had to do was ask "the usual?" and jason'll nod along then go back to his corner, mouthing a silent 'thank you' when you deliver his treat and maybe even strike up a conversation if he's in the mood.
but right now, jason is simply the infamous masked red vigilante who just kicked some ass for your own sake.
"my apartment is this way, how was i supposed to know robbers lurked around here" you replied in return, tucking in one of your hands inside the pocket of your coat as you froze in front of him. jason began approaching you and stopped when you came face to face, the height difference between the two of you forced you to tilt your head upwards— the all-white lens of his helmet staring down at you. "watch the news, its not safe out here. take the route to your right next time, and bring at least a pepper spray with you" if only his mask didn't have a built in voice changer you would've known seconds ago it's him.
you were stunned for a moment as he listed down things that'd probably go straight out your other ear. "y'know, for someone i just met you're oddly protective over me" you finally spoke, a hint of mischief underlying your tone. that's when you begun wondering who is it under that costume. is he cute? is he what you're imagining him to be like?
jason, on the other hand, blinked a couple times out of confusion if it weren't for his get up covering his entire features. "what?" he said. "nothing, it's just...i didn't think a vigilante would care so much for a civilian like me" you answered, an innocent smile creeping up your lips like an idiot in love. "its my job. obviously i should look out for the people of Gotham, shouldn't i?" he crossed his arms across his chest, covering the red insignia of his bulletproof suit.
"obviously, i guess i didn't have the special treatment like i thought" you practically said with a slight pout forming when you look up to him, going silent for a moment. "do you really tell all the people you save to bring pepper spray or just me? i wanna know if i got the special advisory from you at least" you added as a tease, earning a slight frustrated groan from jason afterwards. "i don't have time for this—" "well I do" you bravely chimed in without missing a beat. "i got all night even"
the sigh jason had let out was almost comical, he took a step backward when it's really just him starting to get flustered by his barista seemingly flirting with his other identity, who would've thought you'd find him attractive? not jason that's for sure. "get home safe, take the route i told you if you wanna keep your wallet stocked" then he noticed the small cut on your cheekbone, it must've been from the pocket knife the thug had.
he briefly pointed at it, "you got something" you lifted your fingers to search for it only to be met with a slight sting when you did, a small amount of blood staining your index finger. you hissed at the feeling, squinting your eye when it lingered for a bit. "calm down, its not that serious" jason said. "some alcohol and bandaid should do the trick" and you took his advice, you certainly wouldn't allow yourself to show up at work with a random cut to your face.
"y'know why don't you help and patch me up at this point? i could use some assistance" and you still had the nerve to decide and toy around with him for a bit...to see how far the both of you are willing to go. to be fair, you just wanted to know who was it under that mask— this could potentially lead to it if you're lucky. "what are you, 8?" jason replied. "no but i'm surely a 10" you winked playfully, the corner of your lip turning into a smirk as you watched his body language intently.
"jesus christ.." jason muttered under his breath, starting to walk away from this situation he's stuck in. "aw c'mon! that was a smooth line admit it! oh okay— well, thank you red..man! i'll see you soon...i think" you yelled from the same position you're in, seeing his tall frame go farther in the distance. jason didn't say nothing in return, but he kept a secret smile under his mask as he disappeared from sight.
its been a couple weeks since your last encounter with red hood, you took most of his suggestions that night and started going the safer route when you had to be on the closing shift. since then, you've been at the lower risk of getting robbed again thanks to him and his unforgettable presence. but it's not only you who hasn't stopped thinking about that night, jason was still trying to relive the moment of his barista basically flirting with him. he figured you would've known it's him within seconds...guess not.
it didn't bother him, it's the thought of your reaction to him being behind the helmet is what. jason wouldn't blame you though, imagine how shocking it would be to find out your regular is a vigilante at night. it's like betrayal but in a different form. he usually doesn't care about revealing his identity to the people he knows, but when it came to you it's different. he's conscious for the first time, he was overthinking things and coming up with plans how to avoid it from happening in many ways possible so he stopped visiting the shop for a while. it's becoming weird, you two weren't even close to begin with— so why was he stressing so much about it?
while jason spent most of his nights in Gotham thinking about you, you started noticing his frequent visits slowly turned little to nothing at all. you found yourself always anticipating the sound of the bell when the doors open to each customer only to be met with disappointment when he didn't come through. and today seems to be the same, you kept glancing over the glass doors hoping you'd see a tall, slightly scary and muscular man enter...until he finally did.
you feel your heart skip a beat seeing him after a while, the same feeling you got a couple nights ago but you didn't mind. you quickly went over the cashier, mentally ready to take his order with a smile. "hey! welcome back, i didn't see you in here for a while" you greeted when he stopped right at the counter. jason wore a red hoodie and a brown leather jacket layering over it, he must've liked wearing that a lot. "oh...uh yeah," he brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck, trying to come up with something. "i got caught up in work. i didn't have the time to stop buy for coffee" that's a lie. "but i'm here now" is he really?
"oh, you must've been really busy then?" you added, listening to his reason. "definitely yeah," lies once again. jason sucked in a breath, looking away to get a glimpse of the menu like he really is getting anything else other than an americano and cookies. "got anything new f'me?" he asked which took you by surprise. "you're not getting the usual anymore?" you said. "eh well, it gets old after a while" he says.
"that's fair, well we got new cake flavors if you wanna try them out. what would you like?" you then tap a few things into the register to input his order to which he asks for a latte and dark chocolate cake. you tell him his total and he pays for it, giving him his change and receipt. jason mouths a thank you and quickly goes to sit on one of the chairs by the window where you can still see him right in the corner of your eye, you catch him glancing at your direction while you made his coffee which is strange since he never did that.
jason on the other hand seems to be more fidgety, he figured he'd tell you the truth today after you get off of work but it's easier said than done as he's starting to think it was a bad idea. his frequent visits gave him the advantage to eventually learn about your schedule and today happens to be an early leave. he mentally hyped himself up, hunched over the chair with his elbows resting on both his thighs while he waited.
a few minutes passed by and you eventually finished making everything, putting the small plate and fork on a plate along with his drink as you brought it over to his table. you slightly crouched down to carefully place the plate in front of him followed by the drink and fork, jason waited til you were done and looked up to you. he notices the cut still there on the side of your cheek, seemingly in the healing process now. he cleared his throat and nudged his head toward you. "you alright? you got a slit right there" he started.
"hm? oh this. it's uh, it's nothing. i almost got mugged a few nights ago and had to hold up a pretty decent fight" you explained, clutching the tray near to your chest. "oh? well, did you win at least?" jason laid back into the chair, still looking up towards you to see if you'll mention about the 'hero' that saved you. "i guess in some way yeah, someone showed up and kicked some ass within seconds" you said, a smile slowly forming at the thought of red hood creeping your mind once again. "it's a shame i didn't get his name though, he seems like a nice guy"
"...who did you think it was?" jason started, a lump in his throat started forming the more the conversation went on. he waited for an answer, desperate to know what you think and what could be the reason why you did all that during that night. "i have no clue, but he had a red helmet and a pretty sick suit! i'm not a fan of vigilante but that dude's doing it for me. i wanted to ask him out but he looks out of it, he might've been tired so i don't blame him" a slight blush creeped into jason's cheek when he felt it heat up at what you said, he found it amusing that you were practically talking about him while having no idea at the same time.
"that's..that's great" he nodded along, clearing his throat once more as he focused on the food in front of him then back to you. "i uh, i also wanted to ask" your ears perked up at this, pursing your lips into a thin smile. "what time are you...getting off?" he finally says even if he already knew the answer. you were taken back by this, your brows raising at the sudden question. "oh uhm, probably in an hour or so. i have an early leave today so it might be even less than that" you started. "why'd you ask?"
"i..." his voice trailed off, he doesn't seem to get the words out without it sounding like he's asking you out— well, technically he is. "nothing, just curious that's all" he gave a stiff smile as he reached for his fork. "oh okay well, i'll be at the counter if you need me" you said with a smile as you walked away before one of your managers yell at you again for making unneccessary small talk.
jason waited until you went back before releasing a disappointed sigh at himself, he sets down the fork and covered his face with both of his hands— feeling embarrassed at how stupid he sounds asking the question and completely fumbling it over. 'you just had to fuck it up, did you?' he thought to himself. he's never gonna get this over with.
a few minutes passed by and you see jason finishing up his snack, the small plate of cake now left with smudges of frosting and small bits of crumbs and the cup of coffee almost emptied out. you were relieved that he liked the new menu item after months of eating the same thing, it might be the start of something new for him you think. although his question from earlier never left your mind, you tried searching for answers and it all came down to him possibly asking you out.
but why would he? he's way out of your league and he probably knows it, why would he lower his standards to a café worker when he could have anyone out there to go on dates with. was he messing with you or is he trying to give signals? it could explain why he always visited your café and not the famous ones in the city but still, you didn't wanna assume. maybe he's just trying to be friends.
you didn't even realize that jason was already standing on the other side of the counter while you were lost in your thoughts doing the dishes, you heard him call out to you which snapped you out of it. you turn to look behind and see him there with a sheepish smile. you quickly closed the faucet and wiped your hands off as you went up to him, "hey! what's up?"
"nothing, i just wanted to say i'm gonna get going. i still have a few things to catch up on back home" "oh that's fine! goodluck with whatever you're up to then" you cheered him on aa he slightly chuckled, the sound of hearing his laughter for the first time did something to you and you didn't know what it was that made it so attractive. "thanks, i'll see you around" jason finally says with a thin smile.
you waved goodbye and went back to what you're doing as you're trying to shake off the lingering feeling that you just felt, "and y/n" you heard him call out to you again. "make good use of the spray, that's a special advisory" jason said proudly, making his way out of the shop before you could even process what he said
"thank you! I'll ma— wait..." then it finally registered. "WHAT?!"
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wanderingsoul6261 · 28 days
I'm Here Now
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Credit for gif goes to mauraeyk
James Beaufort x Reader
synopsis: follows the plot of a few requests, mostly pregnancy, angst, etc. In this one, Reader finds out she is pregnant. She tells James and he gets cold feet. Events in this fix are probably unlikely, but Y/N had been understanding, considering who his parents were. And then they meet several years later.
warnings: none, I don't think? If I'm wrong, please let me know and I can change it. My brain isn't working right now.
expect two more within the next 24 to 48 hours.
The plastic stick stared hauntingly at her. This was it. The next nine months of her life and everything that came after, already laid for her. Ultimately, she had a different route, but she couldn’t do it. She would never do it. 
Her parents stood in the doorway of the bathroom. Silence filled the air and Y/N felt like she could suffocate in it. She picked at her fingernails, her eyes on the floor, looking everywhere but at her parents. It was already known how disappointed they were in her. How they had expected and hoped that she would get through the first few of her life after Maxton Hall before anything like this happened. She knew that they hoped that she would get through college and make a life for herself. 
But here it was, all thrown back in their faces. And it wasn’t just her parents. Y/N expected something completely different, and this was definitely not it. 
“Does he know?” Her mother finally spoke, breaking the silence. Y/N casted her eyes briefly in her parents direction. Her father leaned against the door frame, a hand on the bottom half of his face, and her mother stood a few steps closer, her eyes focusing solely on the pregnancy test. 
Y/N was silent for several seconds. 
“No.” She averted her eyes back to the ground in front of her. “He doesn’t” 
“Do you plan on telling him?” Her eyes snapped her father this time, who now stared back directly at her. 
“Yea. I just don’t know how. It’s not exactly an easy subject to talk about. Especially at your ages.” 
“It’s definitely the right thing to do.” He agreed. Her father let out a heavy sigh. “But… you might not like the response and actions that he might have.” Her mother nodded.
“This will be just as hard for him as it is for you at this moment.” 
“And you’re sure you want to keep the child?” She had been asked this question twice already minutes before. Y/N turned her gaze back to the ground, swallowing thickly as thoughts ran through her mind. 
“Because if not, we can pull some strings, and-” 
“Stop.” Y/N cut her father off, and he went silent. He had almost surprisingly looked dejected, and it was likely genuine. Y/N should have known. Her parents weren’t like other parents of rich kids. They meant well and actually cared for her well being. She knew that no matter what she decided to do, they would have her back no matter what. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “But yea, I’d like to keep the child.” 
“What?” James was pale, and if Y/N hadn’t known any better, she would have thought him to be sick. She swallowed thickly, picking at her fingernails, a nervous habit of hers. He had seen and slapped her hands, telling her to stop it. Then he took a step back. 
She stared at him. James had obviously not liked the news, shock and fear written all over his face. Y/N had been scared that this was going to happen. In fact, she had almost expected it. But she had been surprised when he still showed enough care to stop her from picking at her fingers until they bled. 
Maybe there was a potential for hope. 
“I’m pregnant.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. 
“Mine?” She nodded. 
“Yours.” James mumbled under his breath. Y/N watched as he paced back and forth in front of the pool. Y/N watched him, growing slightly more stressed with each stride he took. Her eyes followed his feet, repeating her mannerisms from the other night. She refused to look in his face. She had let so many people down by allowing this to happen, and in the end, she still wasn’t sure what she would lose or keep. “Can you stop pacing please?” Y/N asked quietly. “You’re stressing me out.” 
“Stressing you out-” James paused, finally stopping to stare at Y/N. She had shrunk into herself and despite his attempt at stopping her from picking at her fingers, she still continued to do so. His breath got caught in his throat. What was he to do? His parents, especially his father, would not allow this. He would see it as a scandal and do everything in his power to separate Y/N from him and keep it that way. 
James had to do something first. 
He stopped his pacing, and sat on the opposite end of the bench that she sat on. James hunched forward, running his hand down his face as he ran through different possibilities in his mind. 
“You don’t want this right now, do you?” Y/N asked. His head whipped up and towards her. She was staring at him, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. James opened his mouth, trying to think of something to say, willing himself to say anything, but nothing came. He closed his mouth, but kept eye contact with her. Y/N searched his eyes for anything, anything that might tell her what exactly it was that he wanted. 
“I don’t know.” He finally said. 
Even if it wasn’t a definitive answer, those three words still punched a hole in Y/N’s stomach. She swallowed thickly, turning her head away from him and looked towards the pool. Her eyes flickered over the waving surface, suddenly interested in the way that the sun showed on the ripples created by the slight breeze, watching as the sun rays bounced off the bottom floor. 
“I mean. You have to understand, Y/N.” James went silent again for a few seconds. “This is a tough thing at our ages. And your parents might be more accommodating, but mine-” 
“Are you basing your decision off of what you want, or what they would want?” Y/N turned back to him. He didn’t even have to answer it. She knew the answer before he answered it himself. 
“Y/N, you know how my parents-” 
“And that’s enough to potentially think about walking away from me and your unborn child?” She asked. James went silent and averted his gaze. His eyes peered down at his shoes, taking note of the scuff and dirt marks that he had never really noticed until now. They were dirt and scuff marks that his father wouldn’t stand for. 
His father. 
He turned back to Y/N, who now had tears streaming down her face. A sigh escaped her lips and James was almost expecting more to come from her mouth. He had already felt bad enough that he was leaning more towards the thoughts of his father, but the more he thought about it, he was almost protecting her. If his father ever found out, he didn’t know what would happen. 
“I won’t be mad.” She finally spoke, and James was beyond surprised. He had indeed expected more from her. Not this. He didn’t expect her to be as understanding in this moment that she currently was being. A child was supposed to have their father in their lives. And this one wouldn’t. 
James was silent for several moments. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“No. I’m sorry.” Looking in her face, James knew she was being genuine. “I should have done more.” 
“No stop.” He said. “We both had a part to play in this.” 
And with that, both went silent. They remained on opposite ends of the bench, until enough time had passed and James had decided it was time to leave. He itched to hold her one last time, knowing that once he walked out of the front door, things were going to change. However, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
But she did. 
As he walked by her, she grabbed his hand, staring up at him. He stared down at her, but couldn’t offer her a smile, not that she had one to give back.
“Can I find you in a few years?” He asked. ‘When I don’t have to answer to my father?,’ he almost wanted to say, but he stayed silent. 
“Maybe.” Her heart broke some more. 
And then he was gone. 
After finding out that she was pregnant, Y/N had opted to continue her classwork remotely, only making visits to Maxton Hall in the first few months of her pregnancy. After she started showing, she had stopped, not wanting to raise questions or a potential scandal amongst the students there. 
When the children were born, Y/N knew that things would be okay. 
Twins. She had twins, and the only thing that she could think of were the Beauforts. A boy and a girl. The baby girl definitely had the looks of James more than the baby boy did. Y/N figured that she might be the troublemaker of the two in the coming years. The baby boy was quiet and good, the opposite of his sister, which was ironic, considering it was the other way around for both Lydia and James. 
Raising the twins though had actually been easier than she expected, especially with the help of her parents. Certain moments had been a bit tougher, like when Y/N had to take them in for vaccinations and doctor appointments. Listening to them cry their little hearts out because of being poked had broken her own heart. Many moments, she had wished that James was around to witness his kids grow up into the young children they were growing up to be. 
Even as they grew up, even if James wasn’t there, she still acted as if he was. Y/N told the kids stories about their father and what he was like. After all this time, she still loved him.She loved him enough that she wished that he had been around to witness their first steps, to experience their first words, etc. In general, Y/N had just wished that he was there. 
Especially now, walking through the park. The twins were a little over the age of four. They stomped around Y/N, giggling and laughing. They brought a smile to her face, making her happy when she thought that things were turning for the worst. She now knew that things weren’t going to turn out as bad as she had expected the day she found out she was pregnant. 
She came back to earth after hearing one of her kids let out a surprised shout. Y/N looked around, seeing her son on the ground, seemingly unhurt and okay. D/N had hurried over in an attempt to help him up, but the man S/N had ran into had helped him up first. 
“Sorry kiddo. Didn’t see you.” The man looked up and around, seeing Y/N. 
Her world stopped at that very moment, for the man that stood before her, she never expected to see again. 
“Y/N” The two a few feet apart and S/N and D/N were now next to their mother. James had already put two and two together, his eyes now focused on his kids. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing was spoken. His eyes moved to look at Y/N, who only smiled softly at him. It almost seemed sad. 
“What are you doing here?” He finally asked. 
“On a walk with the kids. Wanted to give mom and dad some peace and quiet.” Y/N explained. “What about you?” she asked. 
“I was just at a business meeting. I decided to cut through the park to get to my car.” His eyes were focused back on the kids, who stared up at him with large eyes. They hid partially behind Y/N. He could definitely see himself in both of them. 
“What are their names?” 
“D/N and S/N” Their names rolled off James tongue easily. Y/N followed his gaze to the kids, before shooing them away. “How about you two go play on the slide? I’m right here, I’ll be watching you.” The two ran off towards the slide without any hesitation, their giggles could be heard as they raced. 
“How are they?” he asked, watching their movement. Y/N watched James, taking in his appearance. He really hadn’t changed much. James still looked like himself. 
“They are good kids. Healthy. Take after us, that’s for sure.” She laughed a little, took a step closer to James as they now both watched the kids. 
“Do they know about me?” 
“Yea.” Y/N spoke softly. “I tell them stories about you. From school, what you’re like, just a bunch of things about you.” She said, “They’ve been coming up with their own questions lately.” James turned his attention to her. His eyes trailed over her form, taking her in, before looking back at the kids. 
“Like what?” He hesitated in looking back at her, before finally turning his head back towards her, but their eyes didn’t meet. She watched her children, a sad look in her eyes. Like she wanted to give them so much more than they already had in that moment. “Y/N.” She turned to him. 
“Would you be mad or upset with me now, if I asked if I could be in their lives?” he asked. Her smile looked a little less sad. 
“Never. You have every right to be in their lives. I can tell you right now that they want you in their lives. I can guarantee it.” Y/N turned to face him. “We can do whatever works. We can set up visitation times. Or you can take them whenever you want. We can work something out.” James nodded along, listening to her and the suggestions. He was silent for several seconds, and he knew that she was waiting for something from him. 
“Could we, maybe. Perhaps…could we try things over again?” Her smile seemed even brighter. 
“I think so.” She said softly. “I understood why you didn’t want anything at first. Yea, it took some time to adjust and get used to. I missed you terribly, but I want to work on things, especially between us. And that’s not only for us, but for them.” The two turned their attention back to the kids, who were running around, their high pitched giggles filling the air as they laughed. 
By the end of the night, after being invited for dinner with Y/N, her kids, and her parents, James had started to wedge himself back into their lives. His son and daughter were latched to him, never really letting him out of their sight. They told him everything that they could, as James stared at them, love apparent in his eyes and he listened to what they had to say. 
This was it. This is what he wanted. After everything that he already had, this was it. 
And as he looked up and his eyes found Y/N’s, already staring at him with the kids, and he had seen the smile she had adorned her face, he knew already that he was willing to give up anything to keep this. 
And she would let him. 
@sillyfreakfanparty @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @benbarnesprettygurl
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Making Humanoids Less Human
I did make a small post on this, but now I've got the art for a much bigger and more detailed post! so here we go.
I had several anonymous asks that all came in quick succession weeks ago. Every single one of them was basically just a variation on "how would you take (typically humanoid) fantasy being, and make them look less human?"
This blog does not exist for me to just give people original designs for free, my goal is to show off my own personal thoughts about fantasy design and help people figure out how to adjust their own designs to fit their vision better. That means when people ask me questions about how to do something, I want to give them things to think about so they can come to their own conclusion. I don't mind making original designs to illustrate concepts, but a whole flood of "show me how to make this specific thing look different" all at once like that was too much. I'm not answering them all individually, it's just not what I want to do.
But what I can do is show my own thoughts and ideas about how to take any fantasy design and push it further away from "human", and you all can look at my ideas and figure out your own way to do things!
So here are the main 4 methods I've come up with to make humanoids look less human.
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(image description: a simplified drawing of a humanoid face surrounded by four altered versions of the same face. clockwise starting from the top left, they are:
Speculative, drawn as a cat person. Additive, drawn with horns, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and a second pair of eyes. Subtractive, drawn with blank eyes, no nose, and no eyebrows. Exaggerative, drawn with a long face and huge eyes, as well as a wide mouth, narrow nose, and big ears.
end description)
I am personally a fan of the speculative route, which means exploring an alternate root of evolution to create a new design. Through this method, I've created monkey elves, frog goblins, and pig orcs.
the additive option is the most common, I think. adding new feature or doubled features to a humanoid form is a very intuitive way to change the design and make it look less human. you see this in most fantasy and scifi designs, like star trek aliens and the dnd player races.
subtractive and evaggerative are the most common options for people that like the uncanny valley. it's really easy to make uncomfortable designs by removing or exaggerating recognizable features, and they're often used together. Slenderman, for example, removes all facial features and skin color but also exaggerates the limbs and body.
Combining the four methods will give you a really interesting design as well! So for practice I decided to explore an alternate design for Tieflings, the part-demon player race in dnd.
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(image description: four examples of differnt tiefling designs using the previously described methods. the additive example is just offical dnd art of a tiefling woman with purple skin, horns, and a long tail.
the subtractive sketch looks very alien, with a bald head, empty eyes, and no other facial featuers aside from a small mouth. it has three fingers per hand and two toe per foot.
the exaggerative sketch shows a hunched humanoid figure with huge eyes and big ears. the neck, limbs, and digits are all long with claws at the ends of the fingers and toes, and the limbs are also quite muscular.
the speculative sketch shows a bipedal figure with features similar to a giraffe, including a long neck, ossicones, and hooves.
end description)
now, because tielflings have such a distinct look to them, obviously my new sketches don't really look like tieflings, do they? the only one that comes close is the giraffe. relying only on one type of alteration to the human form has left the designs rather empty and lacking in the more iconic traits of the original concept. so i tried a sketch that combined my ideas! it came out looking like a completely different creature lol, like it could be a kobold or something, still not really a tiefling.
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(image description: a sketch of a creature with a giraffe-like head, long tongue, and sharp teeth. it appears to be roaring at something and stands in a half-crouch. it has long limbs with hoof feet and clawed hands, as well as a long tufted tail curled behind it. end description.)
didn't work out. too far into the animal side of the speculative evolution, I think. so I tried again and got a design I liked much better!
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(image description: a digital painting of a tiefling leaping back and casting a glowing orange spell. she is wearing a tunic with a corset and detached sleeves, as well as several pieces of jewelry. Her skin is purple with dark patches like a giraffe's spots, and she has a giraffe's ossicones as well as hoof-like hands and two-toed hoof feet. Her tail is long with a tuft at the end. She has glowing eyes and a flat nose, and there is a single sharp tooth visible poking out of the side of her mouth. end description.)
Brought the face back into slightly more human proportions and that helped a lot. Sometimes designs just take a few tries! that's normal.
and hopefully this is helpful to all of you! there are so many ways to alter humanoid designs to come up with something original and unique to you!
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bbina · 3 months
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"took you guys long enough" sungchan comments, standing up from the hood of his car. he was waiting for a while at the convenience store you three always go to.
you let out a huff as you get out of the car. "tell that to this jackass over here who decided to take the longer route" you throw your thumb back at eunseok who was ranting about he didn't expect to run into a traffic jam caused by a car accident
shortly after arriving you three buy your usual stuff inside the convenience store before settling at the parking lot, just talking about sungchan's current dilemma
"she just suddenly broke it off with me today while on a date like?" sungchan starts, pausing to chew his ramen. you stare at him with wide eyes. so it is true, that he and yujin are now over. for good
"all i did was say hi to wonbin and y/n since we were in the same restaurant" sungchan continues, eyebrows beginning to furrow as he recalls what happened
eunseok lets out a chucke and pokes the side of your head, "so it's your fault why they broke up" he jokes
you felt yourself heat up. instantly, you smacked your older brother in the chest. eunseok makes an "oof" sound before choking on his food. sungchan panics and gives him his drink
"what the fuck, y/n?! take a joke!" eunseok manages to choke out
"you didn't cause the breakup, y/n" sungchan hurriedly says, afraid that you'd avoid him longer if you had the assumption that it was on you (when it kinda lowkey was because of you)
sungchan burps before continuing
"as i was saying, she always had a problem with y/n and i'm not really sure why? like obviously she's my best friend but she kept making weird assumptions between y/n and i"
your heart drops. did sungchan's girlfriend figure you out all along?
"why can't she understand that y/n is just a friend" eunseok scoffs, in disbelief that his girlfriend was that insecure of you, his sister
sungchan throws his hands up in the air to show his frustrations
"exactly! no matter how hard i reassure her that it's just platonic she just puts words into my mouth.." sungchan huffs. he suddenly turns to you with sad eyes
"i'm really sorry for what i said that night y/n. i didn't mean for it to sound like that. i just couldn't believe that you're with wonbin and you didn't tell me"
you held in your breath as you take in his apology. right, you were with wonbin. for a second there you forgot about your situation
"i can never stay mad at you forever, jinsu" you say with a small smile, leaning in for a hug. sungchan doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you. finally you have your best friend back
"hey! what about me!" eunseok complains as he engulfs you and sungchan into his embrace. you let out giggles as eunseok easily had you both in his arms. how you missed this, how you missed hanging out with the closest people around you.
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between the lines ★ for my eyes only
⤷ from what started as a simple arrangement to hide your feelings for a certain someone by getting into in a fake relationship soon turns into a tangled mess. in which some things are hard to tell when you can’t read between the lines
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★ notes .ᐟ double update like i said <3 anyway more drama 🤩
★ taglist .ᐟ @callanton @annswwa @renjuneoo @pinkraindropsfell @lecheugo @ilovejungwonandhaechan @ahnneyong @haechansbbg @snowyseungs @sseastar-main @odxrilove @leeknowarchives @onlywonb @wonychu @leehanascent @jaeyunsb @au-ghosttype @revehosh @keilovr @kyusqult @dreamyyyz @ether-yeol @yangasm @qwonbani @starwonb1n @ffixtionista @daegale @scrumptiousloser @seunghancore @marksluvs @wonbinfiles @ohmykwonsoonyoung @reenfluffmarshmallow @bunni @artstaeh @yizhoutv @sie17136 @koeuh @07yujin @poollabug
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zephyrins · 3 months
romanceable Raphael route
disclaimer: it's just my thoughts on what we can add to the current plot without ruining or completely rewriting it. I know that fanfics exist for this purpose but let me and Raphael enjoyers have some fun, I'm not asking the developers to actually add this so calm down haters
the first act is perfect. Raphael's introduction is 10\10 and I don't want to change a thing. BUT if you want to romance him you should play along with his little performance, humor him, and don't be rude!!
in the second act, he can appear after the defeat of Ketheric and congratulate us because we deserve to be praised by our favorite devil! if we roll persuasion (or something else idk) successfully he can tell us more about Orin and Gortash or the brain
the tastiest part starts in the third act, we have a lot of room for fantasy. but there are criteria we must meet:
sign his contract, obviously
no additional tadpoles in our brain
no to the Emperor
do not romance anyone (he would be disappointed, how can you like someone else when he is around?)
you can gift Raphael the Annals of Karsus and if his approval is high enough you can ask for something in exchange (maybe help with Karlach's heart or Wyll's dad?) ((but Gale will leave your company))
if you are a bard you can sing him a song (just because you can)
he would be very pleased if you would destroy Gortash's plans and return his stolen items. you will hear a monologue about how foolish the ambitions of mortals are and how Enver was doomed from the very beginning. maybe Raphael even give you something as your prize
you can ask him how to get rid of Mizora, but if his approval is very high he'll appear in your camp anyway and get rid of her by himself (because he's the only devil who can be around his mouse!!)
you can visit the House of Hope but DO NOT touch anything or you can say bye-bye to your romance. If you do everything correctly and have exceptional approval, you'll have a unique dialogue with Haarlep: they'll recognize you as their master's new favorite pet Raphael can't shut up about, but Haarlep is not allowed to have fun with you without Raphael
Korilla will give you a permanent pass to the House from Raphael and tell you he will be waiting for you later (I think here your imagination can go wild about what can happen on that rendezvous)
the ending
our promised dinner!! he will offer you to become his warlock but you can refuse: Raphael won't be mad, he will only laugh giving you more time to play with your freedom
well, thank you for visiting my delusional ted talk, see you later
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apostleofgreed · 3 months
My friend's thoughts on read Gideon the Ninth (she's doing audio book)... Spoilers obviously
Oh my God I'm less than an hour in and I'm sick of the word ass
The gals have just arrived at wherever it is they've gone to
Like it's taken 7 chapters to get the information of "I tried to run away, did not succeed, that Slag I hate who killed her parents wants me to be her guard dog, were off lets go"
I can't believe this bitch just said "yo"
Gideon is full cockney
"He had upsetting biceps" mood
I need you to know he's incredibly Welsh (regarding Magnus)
Yeah Magnus is my fave tbh I'm like just make the book about him
Oh what the fuck (Magnus died)
Are you joking me this is a travesty it's rude (Still Magnus)
I think I like Harrow because she's just unapologetically a bitch and Im here for that
70% of this book is everyone arguing
If they were that committed to killing like 200 other kids why not just... Stab her???
I'm like Gideon you just had a bath for the first time are you sure you wanna try the pool babygirl
Cause she sounds like she's old Gideon stop being a gentraphile (about Dulcinea)
I've been listening to this whole thing like weird flex that you fancy her but ok
(At this point she told me I'd need to give her the plot for the next two books as she wasn't invested enough to get them)
Nah I got like 2 hours left. More people have died and the CEO of the universe is en route
To be fair I'd be fuming if I was the emperor and I'd paid for all of my world rules to go on an all expenses paid trip to my second home and they all start dying for real and ruining the house
V glad Naberius Tern is dead
Oh lawd everyone really do be dying
"I want to die! Why was I born so attractive?" Is such a big mood
She has bought and finished Harrow. I'll collate her thoughts soon.
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 23 days
So, I've seen several questions about this, so I'm gonna try to do my best to share my explanation of the:
Port Townsend is a city, located at the Quimper Peninsula, in the Jefferson County, Washington, USA.
There's several ways to get there, and one of them is by ferry, in the following map, you can see the geographical location, and the ferry route (Coupeville – Port Townsend).
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Now, let's go back to the start!
Here, the questions are not about the route, but the money. For a lot of people, the logical and immediate answer is that Crystal used her powers to get into an airplane, but I think is plausible that she didn't use them exactly to avoid paying, and if she did, she felt very guilty about it (I'm gonna explain this later).
What is certain is that she used her powers to avoid security and registration at the airport (all the airports), because there was no way a minor was leaving the country, or jumping from one jurisdiction to another without documentation, a passport or an ID.
About the route, there's a lot of options here, but if I believe Crystal didn't use her powers to avoid paying for the tickets, is simply because there were better options than taking three flights, and if she was going to stole the tickets anyway, why no choosing a direct flight? Or at least, a faster one?
I mean that could have saved her a lot of trouble, because going from one airport to another with Charles and Edwin quarreling around her is not exactly the definition of a holiday vacation.
I'm sure she would have chosen any flight that could take her to Washington the fastest, the thing is that she didn't.
She got into a flight with two connections, and secured herself a headache too, so I guess she used the money she had on her, or most logically, her money + the money from the agency (let's give the boys some credit, at the end of the day, they're good at their job, and they care about getting paid).
Now, the route could have been something like this (based on a real flight itinerary):
London, GB -> Frankfurt International, DE
Frankfurt International, DE -> Calgary Intl Airport, CA
Calgary Intl Airport, CA -> Seattle Tacoma Airport, US
[I'm using ISO 3166 country codes, instead of the airports abbreviations]
Which translates into:
First flight: 1 hour and 30 minutes (+1h 30min)
First layover: 2 hours (+2h)
Second flight: 10 hours (+10h)
Second layover: 5 hours (+5h)
Third flight: 2 hours (+2h)
All of these sums up 20 hours and 30 minutes of dealing with Bert and Ernie, without a possible escape.
But the point is, that there are faster routes; a direct flight, or even a flight with only one connection, has a duration of 14 hours or less and is only €100 more than the journey of nightmares I just described, so why did she pick the longer flight if she wasn't going to pay anyway? quality time with the boys? weren't they supposed to be in a hurry?
Obviously, is possible that the flight they took was the first available, or even that they took a flight to a different state, and then travelled within the US, but in either case, I'm sure they didn't pick the fastest route available and the only reason for that is the price of the plane tickets.
Additionally to that, Crystal didn't have much money left to pay for rent when they arrived, and she was the most worried about getting money out of the cases all the season.
There's no direct way to get from the airport to Port Townsend, they need to get to the ferry terminal in Coupeville first.
Don't worry, is not that hard to get from Seattle to Coupeville, is a two-hour bus ride and the buses leave relatively often, and you can take one from the airport.
So, here we are, back at the beginning. Welcome to Port Townsend, you will surely be enchanted by its beautiful Victorian architecture and the witch kidnapping little girls.
Isn't it the coolest small town ever?
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Clearly, I just did this for fun, but if it is helpful for some of you, that's great!
Doing this also made me think about some headcanons, and I'm gonna be analysing them for the next three business days.
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iamthat-iam · 4 months
Outer Space (another ND Story) 🌌🌠💫
Since Taylor was a child, she always wanted to go to outer space. Every time she played, she would always imagine that she was an astronaut who would fly her spaceship into the cosmos and visit other planets.
She always had an inkling that there was life outside of Earth. She used to make all kinds of alien friends, and she made sure to tell her parents about them all.
As she grew up, unfortunately she lost the spark she once had as a child. Life seemed to put her in bad situation after bad situation, and all she wanted was an escape. Her family had a history of addiction, so Taylor tried to find every resource possible so she wouldn't end up down that route.
She was introduced to a "guru," whom she went to for guidance and advice. She told him her entire life story, including the portion of her childhood where she was fascinated with outer space.
"Honestly, going to space would make me happier than anything," she admits. "It used to make me so happy as a child. Now I'm depressed because life is constantly beating me up. I just want to escape."
"Escape from what? What is here now that you need to escape from?" The guru inquired.
"My problems, my depression, just about everything.." Taylor sighed.
"Where do your problems go when you are not thinking about them? Who is depressed?" The guru questioned further.
These two questions perplexed Taylor a bit. Is there a secret answer?
"Umm.. I'm not sure how to answer the first question. The second question is obviously me... Who else would i be referring to?"
"I'll give you a hint," the guru smiled. "When I asked you 'what is here now that you need to escape from', I was pointing to this present, unfolding moment. Right now, in this room we are sitting in, your problems don't exist. Same thing with your depression. You are aware of feelings that you've labeled 'depression', but are YOU actually depressed?"
This actually made Taylor think. He does have a point. When Taylor is focused on other things throughout the day, and not her problems, they don't seem to exist in that moment. Something clicked about her depression as well. This whole time she was assigning a negative meaning to feelings that actually have no meaning at all?
"So what you're saying is, I've just accepted a narrative about myself that's not really true outside of me accepting it as true?" Taylor asked.
The guru clapped and gave Taylor a wide grin. "You are absolutely correct! Now let's go deeper. You said you always dreamed of going to outer space as a child. When you described this experience, you spoke as if it didn't really happen, or it was fictional. Tell me what is more 'realistic' about our conversation versus the 'daydreams' you had as a child."
Another mind-boggling question from this guru. Taylor hesitated a moment before she gave her answer. "Well I'm experiencing this conversation with the 5 senses, doesn't that make it more real?"
The guru shook his head. "Have you ever noticed during your dreams at night, the 5 senses work the exact same way as when you're awake? The 5 senses can't possibly be the culprit that makes one experience "more real" than another. Have you noticed that there is a common denominator between all experiences, whether it's the waking state, sleep, daydreaming, or visualizing? What is always present during all of this?"
This gave Taylor an a-ha moment. "I'm always present during all of these experiences! So does that mean one experience is not more real than the other, because I'm always aware during it all?"
"Absolutely," the guru stated matter-of-factly. "This means that your experiences in outer space where you made alien friends are just as 'real' as this conversation we're having now."
This was enough to bring Taylor to tears. She couldn't believe she created a barrier between herself and her "desires" as if she was seperate from them. The friends she made and all the wonderous experiences in outer space were real events that actually happened. But she took her suffering to be real, and has been torturing herself for years for no reason!
"I... Don't know what to say except thank you.." Taylor uttered through tears. "You've given me life-changing advice today. How can I repay you?"
The guru gently held Taylor's hands. "You don't owe me a thing. I am just you pointing you back to yourself. Now enjoy your dream. I'm sure your alien friends miss you."
And so Taylor visited her alien friends once more, making up for lost time. She is finally enjoying the freedom she longed for her whole life.
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g-xix · 25 days
☁️💢Gone, Gone / iloveyou | ChrisMD
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Highschool AU ChrisMD x Reader! fluff & angst Summary: Sharing the sadness that comes with your best friend, first love, absolute world, leaving you <3 (tw: mildly cringe if u dont deep it) Wordcount: 1.8k
The familiar blonde tumbled onto the grassy spot besides you, joining you in lying flat on the tall hill, letting the lush green grass tickle the back of his neck - breathing in the crisp Spring-nearly-Summer air that dried the fixture-sweat off of the back of his neck, orange-y sunset panorama painting his pale skin a gorgeous tan that he'd undeniably develop as the summer rolled in.
His chest heaved, up and away from the earth, his lungs filling with swathes of delicious air - still warm from the sunny day - and yet refreshing and grounding with it's cooler, nightly undertones.
He could help but let his head lazily roll to the side, eyes brushing over your features - the way your lips slightly parted, hands folded over your stomach peacefully - eyes glittering in the golden sunset hues.
"How'd your game go?" As if the silent melody of the peaceful evening wasn't enough, your mellifluous voice was metaphoric music to Chris' ears.
"Great," He breathed, lying back and enjoying the peace. "Scored a last minute, won the game."
"What a hero you are." You smiled, your sarcasm earning a playful bump. "Good for you, keep it up and Mourinho will be on your doorstep in no time."
That earned a snort from Chris, making your little heart bloom at moments like these.
As end-of-year exam stresses faded away and days stretched out as Summer approached, days filled with laze and autonomy clouded your vision, and provoked urges of doing absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing with your favourite person, though.
Your hand was lifted slightly, before it was blanketed underneath Chris' warm palm, his digits threading through yours and painting a smile on your lips as your own fingers held his - the thumb that oh so gently ran over the velvety back of your hand bringing delicate butterflies stirring in your stomach.
It made your heart ache knowing your childhood best friend, love interest, eye-candy boy was leaving next Summer though.
To great London. To pursue that YouTube career, his footballing goals - heck, he could even follow the biology route in University if he really wanted. He'd made it so clear he was rearing to go, nothing was holding his excitement back, and it made all energy in your body sink when you were reminded he'd be leaving. But you couldn't tell that to him - hold him back. No, you'd silently let him know that you were already mourning his loss even whilst he was still here - but you'd never verbally made any statements. You weren't gonna hold your starboy back.
"We're gonna spend this Summer together, right?" You let your gaze turn to meet Chris' soothing blue eyes, the mere sight of them already applying soft kisses over the pain you felt filling your chest.
"What, like last Summer - and the Summer before that - and the one before that?" He questioned mockingly. "Yeah, obviously."
You scoffed at his humour, letting your head turn away again, not feeling quite as soothed by his words and instead feeling that angst within your chest multiply, dragging the feather light carelessness that Summer should've brought, transforming it into a heavy sinking feeling.
"C'mon, I'm just playing around - sorry, love," He squeezed your hand, picking up on your melancholic mentality and displaying his guilt within the apologetic tone. "...You know, I always say I can't wait to go to London - and I really am - but every so often I get some... second thought..."
That made your head roll back around, tucking your hair behind your face and cushioning your cheekbone by slipping a hand between your face and the rough, stubble-y grass that licked your skin.
"What do you mean, I was sold that you were counting down the days before you were off."
"Well, I mean, don't get my wrong I am, but..." Chris sucked in a deep breath, breaking eye contact as he confided. "I'm just scared and, well, it's kind of pathetic really..."
You watched him trail off, shutting his own eyes as he himself shut himself off, isolating those thoughts he'd hate to let out and let manifest. You couldn't bare seeing that confident, boisterous loud-mouth shut up though. Especially not from self-consciousness. 
"No, go on," Your hands had separated slightly, but yours crawled back into his, connecting him back to yourself and squeezing his hand as a gesture of presence. "Better to share it than to let it bottle up..."
"...It's... It's just..." Chris let out a deep sigh. It reminded you of the age of you two. That you weren't young teens, able to just mess around and be weird because you were still going to change and had your whole teenhood ahead of you. No, you were grown - able to make decisions for yourself now. And Chris already looked worn down from that autonomy, tired of those choices that could no longer be decided with the help of a omniscient-seeming parent. "I think the only reason I don't really want to go is because... I can't bare to leave you."
That brought a heart pang different to the pain you'd felt all those times you mourned the date Chris would leave to live in London. 
Empathy flooded your body, this sort of soothing - and yet sinking - sensation that you'd been so blind basking in your own self-pity, that you'd completely forgotten how Chris would be feeling. He was just like you - still developing that late-teen-going-adult freedom and learning to cope with that - learning to cope with the fact that he still felt like a child but had to pretend to fulfil a role of being mature and grown.
No, the heart of him wept just as much as yours at the prospect of growing up and leaving his childhood home, his childhood Isle, and his childhood best friend - which unbeknown to you - was the hardest part for him.
"Oh, Chris..." You felt succumbed by the overwhelming urges, and acted on them - turning to wrap your arm over his body, fingers clutching at the football shirt's jersey material which bunched together on the other side of his body, letting your head fall onto his chest - your inhalation allowing you to drink in that same scent he'd sworn by ever since year eight. 
Some peppermint, maybe lavender, some sort of wood-y smell... You felt your body fill with some sort of melancholic peace as your head filled with Chris' smell - his own arm wrapping around your side, sliding down your back until it comfortably sat around the lower area, against your exposed skin.
"Chris, you know..." It broke your heart, being between that rock and hard place - of course you didn't want to tell him to go. You'd never be ready to let him go, and have it your way he'd be by your side forever. But couldn't let yourself be the reason Chris never prospered and kept himself tied to this island where opportunities just didn't come knocking like they could in London. "Go, Chris. I'm not going to hold you back regardless of how much I..."
You didn't feel the lump growing in your throat until it was there, build up of confession and raw emotion that blocked your throat and clogged your words. You couldn't finish your sentence because of it though. Because you weren't going to let Chris hear you choke over your words when you wanted to let him shine, without holding him back yourself.
"You what?" Chris questioned, and you would almost hear a pleading tone within his voice, just wanting to hear what he knew you were going to say. 
Your eyes had been closed. In trembling nerves, you'd blocked all vision from the world around you. Slowly, now, you opened your eyes to look up at Chris - noticing that he was already looking down at you bittersweetly - his skin paler, milky and almost pallid looking as the healthy golden sunset had departed to introduce it's wan moon sister.
Your eyes followed the source, looking up to the sky and finding the crescent in the sky - a sliver of it's full greatness and yet still the brightest in the inky abyss above. The stars were beautiful - little burning pinpricks of gleaming white which illuminated the void with their distant galaxies. 
"Love you." You finished your sentence. Eyes finding the heart-throbbing constellation of Andromeda and Perseus in the sky as the words tumbled from your mouth.
"Please," Chris' voice was quiet as ever, barely audible and thickened with emotion as he heard those sacred words from your mouth for the first ever time. "Look at me and tell me..."
He was like a child. Inconsolable and needy, scared and alone - seeking you for solace. And who were you to deny it from him?
Your eyes turned from the stars in the sky, looking down and capturing the stars beheld in Chris' pupils, watery eyes reflecting every beautiful pinprick within the sky above.
"I love you"
Your lips trembled as you said it, but Chris' hand met your cheek so tenderly, fingers tracing over your jaw whilst his thumb pad caressed your cheek - you could almost feel all that weight and pressure built up in your head evaporating into his hand - your cheek lying and confiding against his hand, letting those fingers guide your face closer to his - sitting himself up by leaning back on his forearm - separating that gap between you and letting your lips find his.
It was affirming - having his lips silencing yours - promising everything would be alright without even saying a word. That most careful, tender, delicate kiss as though anything harder would shatter the either of you, his lips slowly eclipsing yours and melting into your touch. 
"Iloveyou, Iloveyou, Jesus fucking Christ- I can't stop saying it- I love you-"
Chris' breaths were shaky, speech broken with hands tremoring as they pushed your hair behind your shoulder, lips barely parted from yours and still kissing yours with each broken word. 
Maybe it was because he felt that cold, droplet slide down your cheek - his cheek only millimetres away as it was. Maybe that's what triggered him. Because he couldn't help himself in that moment - whispering those three words rolling through his mind like a mantra as he pressed his lips to yours frenziedly, kissing you like there wasn't a second he could miss without having his lips against yours.
And you poignantly kissed back - feeling a tear trailing down his own cheek, wet lashes brushing your own cheeks as he wrapped his arms around your waist, in some feeble, desperate way of protecting his forever, and praying he'd never truly have to say goodbye.
Little bit angsty! Little bit deep! Kinda the feels considering ik skl's ending really soon n sm people are leaving, including all the ppl I care about and even those who ik I dislike, but i'm still gna b kinda sad to see them for the last time </3
Alsoooo did smth a lil different by creating a remix of those 2 songs for reading - how do we feel about that? Is that sth you'd perchance wanna see more often? Pls lmk in comments or in my inbox, love u lots!!
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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non-stop-imagines · 9 months
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Red Lipstick Smudged
From this request 💖🤭
Pairing: Esteban Ocon x Black Fem!Reader
Summary: In which you and Esteban just...couldn't wait.
Word Count: ~3.0k words
Warning: Porn with a plot??? (Let's just pretend that's true, car sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it and all that jazz), online translator French, ruining clothing, Very mild orgasm denial but it's still there; Minors DNI!!! 18+
A/N: Whew! I don't know why or how but, uh, yeah. Here this is. This request was a surprising one even though the actual request was simple, I was surprised to see it when it first came in. And what better song to use? 🤣 Now this is mainly based off that second part of Partition (y'all know 😏), but it gave me great smut writing practice so I ain't complaining if y'all aren't. Also, shoutout to 🌶️ anon, you are always just so sweet and kind and supportive and I think like you said, me going and doing something else brought new inspiration for that Carlos fic so, 💋 for you. And thank you to all my anons, with and without symbols, for showing me kindness and being patient with me and checking in on me. Whenever I get those messages it immediately calms my worries because I'm so glad that I have been able to create an environment where we feel comfortable checking on each other. 💖🩷 ANYWAY, happy reading! Hope you guys enjoy! Love you all!! 💖💛💖💛
Translations: Putain, ne me taquine pas.=Fuck, don't tease me; continue, chérie=keep going, darling; Ne pleurnichez pas.=Don't whine; Les yeux sur la putain de route.=Eyes on the fucking road; Regarde, pêches.=Look, peaches.
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   "You look amazing, as always." These words come after your boyfriend gets out of the backseat of the car waiting for you two, politely waving away the driver so he can be the one to open the door for you. After getting in you dab on a bit more lipstick while you and the driver waited for Esteban to get in.
   "Merci, mon amour." You give light greeting kisses to the sides of your boyfriends face and then a very light peck to his lips in an effort not to transfer any of your red lipstick.
   "What was that!?" He sounded mock offended at the briefness of the kiss, obviously desiring something bit more than just a peck from his girlfriend.
   "What? I didn't use the smudge proof one. It's a pain trying to get it off and the color of this one is brighter. I just don't want to get it on your lips." Your thumb swipes at his lips in order to remove the little bit of color that did transfer from the kiss you gave him a moment ago, a gesture to which he instinctively accepts.
   "You know I don't care about getting your lipstick on me." He couldn't take his eyes off of you when you took out a compact to check your lipstick. He loved red on you, and you knew it. That's why you wore the dress and the lipstick. You wanted to drive him absolutely insane at the event you two were on your way to. Wanted to see how long it would take for him to crumble and take you to the nearest secluded place to fuck you senseless.
   "You don't mind lipstick getting on certain places." You click the compact mirror closed and give Esteban a cheeky side eye as you put it back in your pearly silver clutch.
   "What do you mean by that?" He leaned his elbow on the back of the limo seat, his hand pushing back your soft hair that fell out of its place. He then realized you got your hair done, silk press and mildly curled to create soft waves.
   "Do I have to remind you of the times you asked me to put this on before sucking your dick?" The look you gave him was a grave contrast to the words you just said, innocent and adoring.
   "Ah. Can you blame me though? Your pretty red lips wrapped around my cock, leaving smudges, it's a lovely sight." He was trying to play it cool as your hand slowly crawled up his thigh, but he could feel his pants getting tighter, more uncomfortable.
   "Well, the venue is another 45 minutes. I could give you a little show…" Your hands found their way to the hem of his pants, slowly undoing his belt.
   "But the driver…" You were already crawling down between Esteban's thighs and pushing down his pants to expose his underwear more by the time he voiced his concern.
   "Just tell him to roll up the partition." You continue your task of releasing his hard dick from the confines of his underwear, leaving him to instruct the driver in French.
   You couldn't lie. You loved his dick. It was long, which, even though Esteban was tall and skinny so it should be expected, surprised you every time you saw it. It curves toward his belly button slightly, and the mauve tip was already leaking in anticipation. You look up at him through your eyelashes, maintaining eye contact as you kiss the head of his cock and let just the tip into your mouth, popping it back out a moment later.
   "Putain, ne me taquine pas." You flash a pretty smile up at him, knowing you already complete control over him. He would always revert to speaking French when filled with high emotion, or in this case, anticipating the feeling of your warm mouth around his hard cock. You decide to be nice and not tease him any longer, opening your mouth wide to take as much of him as you could at that moment in your mouth, reminding yourself to relax your jaw, hollow out your cheeks and breathe through your nose. You pull back after going just barely halfway down his dick, licking your way up it with a flat tongue to distribute spit and possibly make it easier to get him further into your mouth.
   Esteban's view of you was unmatched. Your eyes would move between maintaining eye contact with him and an intense focus on his dick. Your full red lips were the perfect transition as he watched his dick disappear and reappear from your mouth, and sure enough there were faint red streaks of lipstick along portions of his cock. Your dress had hiked up due to your kneeling position being unfavorable for the fabric of the dress, so the bottom half of your ass was visible. Your hair was desperately out of place, the previous streamline look now slightly puffier, some portions obviously misplaced. Esteban tries to reach to fix it, but you signal for him to wait.
   "I'm sweating so it fucked anyway. Leave it." You suck him back into your mouth, regaining the head bobbing pace you had moments before, and using a hand to get whatever wasn't fitting. Your tongue enjoyed the warmth and texture of his dick, and the pleasure you could see clouding his brain made you hornier by the second. You continued to try hard to get as much as you could of him in your mouth, gagging when the tip reaches the back of your throat, and trying to focus on your breathing to distract you from the sensation. But this didn't stop the excess spit from dripping down your chin and tears from producing, and in your pleasure and concentration, it completely slipped your mind that you opted for regular mascara instead of lashes that night, that was until your boyfriend wiped below your eye and showed you the running mascara.
   "You're wearing mascara. What about the lashes you usually wear?" The sentence came out prolonged and shaky since him promoting conversation didn't stop you from sucking on him.
   "I got a stye the last time, remember? So I decided to give them a break." You had taken him out of your mouth to answer but kept stroking him with your hands, using the lathered spit to make the action easier. Every bit of makeup on your face was smudged, but your innocent eyes looking up at him as you spoke so matter-of-factly brought him unbearably close to a climax he didn't know he was at.
   "Oh. Oh-continue, chérie." You smile again, giggling at the response that you were getting from him, then going back to bobbing your head, mentally competing with yourself, seeing if you could get past your gag reflex to take him deeper. You were taken off guard when you felt the buck of Esteban's hip, succeeding in pressing more of his dick into your mouth, the abrupt action producing more tears from your eyes and for more lathered spit to bubble from your mouth. He fucks your face a couple more times, but when you couldn't take it anymore you remove your mouth and resort to your hands to give your jaw a rest. You were beautiful and messy, satisfied with the work you had done and your facial expressions showed it, and just this sight drove Esteban over the edge. He gave no warning for the spurts of cum that came shooting from his cock, landing on various places of your face and chest, with some of it ending up on your dress.
   "Damn it! You got cum on my dress. I could figure out the hair situation but this…is there anything we can use to clean it up?" You sat back on your heels and examined the splotch, wondering how and if you were able to get it off before getting to the charity event both Alpine drivers were invited to attend. Esteban had his mind on other things though, pushing more of his pants down while you weren't paying attention.
   "To be honest, Pêches, the last thing on my mind is this fucking event. Come here." He takes one of your hands that was tending to your dress and attempts to guide you up to his lap. You were hesitant at first, for what reason you had no idea because after seeing Esteban's lap, slender toned thighs and semi-hard dick dripping reminiscence of cum onto the bottom of his button up, you were quick to straddle his waist, you widened thighs finishing the job of bunching the bottom of your dress at your waist. You almost immediately start rolling your his into his, you covered pussy gliding over him, the wetness it produced soaking through and getting on his dick. 
   The scene of hips gyrating into each other was a drastic contrast to the scene of your two faces observing each other. You scanned down his face, sweat beading around his brows, cheeks flushed and tinged red, and his lips, which you take a moment longer to study, were redder and you could see faint teeth marks in the bottom one. Esteban was still enamored by the messy look of your makeup, accented by a small streak of cum on your left cheek that he goes to wipe away. Your eyes conveyed an extreme amount of love and lust, nonverbally telling him exactly how much you loved him and how horny he made you, and boy, was the feeling mutual.
   Esteban leaned in for a kiss, tilting his head up slightly since you kneeling on the seat made you tower over him slightly. You place your hands on the sides of his face to finish bringing him in for the kiss, purposefully making it sloppy to ensure the red on your lips fully transferred to his. His hands made their obvious way to your ass, gripping each cheek with long slender fingers, riding along as you continued to grind on him.
   "Where are we? Are we close to the venue?" You move from kissing his lips to down his neck, leaving lipstick stains wherever they went. Esteban briefly looks out the windows, then utters something to the driver that he has to repeat since the first time it was obstructed by the rolled up partition. "What did you say?" You were still rolling your hips, finding the sensation almost comforting now, and your lips were swollen from the incessant kissing.
   "I told him to drive past and take us back home. I'll text Pierre later. He owes me for the last time, anyway. Bailed on me, probably for a similar reason." His right hand slid from your butt to your pelvis, and in one smooth motion pulled your underwear to the side and ran two long slender fingers through your folds, having to do little work himself as you continued to move your hips, now focused on the sensation that the presence of his fingers gave. He stops you though, moving his hands to your hips to stop your motions. "Lift up." You do as told, fully up on your knees, sternum at his nose, waiting for his next action. You let a shocked gasp fall from your lips when you feel two long, slender fingers ease into you slowly, sliding in effortlessly from how impossibly wet you were. He pulls them out fully and lifts them to his line of sight, and you watch as he separates the two appendages to show strings of arousal connecting them. "I make you this wet? Either that or you just really enjoy sucking dick." He licks the juices from his fingers and then slides them back into you, fucking into you slowly, waiting for your answer.
   "Both. But only if it's your dick." You wanted to taste yourself on his lips, so you littered them with kisses. Kissing him like he was your only source of oxygen, just so you could taste yourself from his lips. You only stop when a calloused thumb is pressed onto you clit.
   "Good answer." He keeps his fingers going, the "come hither" motion being made reaching spots that you could only dream of reaching with your own. Esteban could feel, and hear, that you were getting wetter by the second, the squelching noises being accompanied by the sticky slickness of your overflowing juices with each thrust of his fingers. The back of the limo had a pleasantly lewd scent of sex that swirled so wonderfully with the combined notes of woodsy vanilla from your perfume and his cologne. He was getting irritatingly hard again and this time the only feeling that could even remotely help is that of your soft warm walls wrapped around him.
   "I fucking love your fingers, Daddy." You moan, moving your hips meeting the thrusts of his fingers and trying to increase the pressure on your clit yourself. But Esteban had other plans, and as you guys ventured closer to the venue, he removed his fingers and hastily grabbed his dick, rubbed the tip along your slit and stuck just that in before placing his hands on your hips to push you down onto it himself.
   "Sounds like you like my dick more, pêches." This was in response to the guttural "Oh my gosh" you let out after having no choice but to bottom out on his dick.
   "You're so fucking deep, I don't-" You move one of your hands from your boyfriend's shoulder to the rear window if the limo, not having to do any work yourself as Esteban guides you down onto his cock and then thrusts you back up with his hips. You were already overwhelmed with how he felt inside of you, stretching you, dragging in and out, hitting your cervix with each thrust that it took you a moment to register the riiippp from the fabric of your dress and the feeling of the damp air on your now exposed boobs. "What the fuck?"
   "Ne pleurnichez pas. I'll buy you a new one." He was hypnotized by the sight of your bouncing tits in his face, your moans a background sound that immerses him further. That is until an abrupt stop of the limo causes him to unintentionally thrust deeper into you, making you scream and let out expletives as Esteban examines the situation. He quickly identified the problem: the partition was only rolled up halfway at that point, so from what he could guess, the driver was so distracted from watching your ass bounce on his cock that he almost hit the person in front of him. "Les yeux sur la putain de route." He instructed quick and angrily before motioning for him to roll up the partition again. "Are you okay?"
   For Esteban, there were very few, if any, views of you that didn't turn him on immensely, and the one he had at the moment was no different. Your breasts in his face, your exhausted, pleasure filled face tilted downward, hair falling forward with your tilted head, just trying to catch your breath and recover from the unexpected feeling you just experienced. "Mhmm. Just a shock."
   "Okay." He continues again slower, using the faces you were making as a gauge for when he could go back to the pace he was at. Somehow everything was timed perfectly, because by the time he reached his previous pace, or what seemed to be faster because now you were starting to chase your own orgasm, the limo had reached the outskirts of the event, still a good amount of people waiting to get a glimpse of whatever celebrity they are able to. "Regarde, pêches. Completely oblivious to you being fucked out of your mind in the back of this limo. Want to give them a show, huh? Want to show them how much of a needy little cock-hungry girl you are?" His threats were empty, knowing that the driver was going to take the next side street to take you guys back home, but he wanted to hear you beg.
   "Nooo…I wanna go home." You could only think about how good Esteban's dick made you feel, and how much better it would be in the comforts of your own home. More room available. Less inhibition. Free to get off however you pleased.
   "Don't worry, Daddy will get you home." You nod at him, but continue to nod as your brain shuts out everything except the feeling of Esteban's cock reaching the deepest parts of your pussy and your own fingers strategically rubbing your clit. You just wanted to cum. Well, more like needed to cum, as you've been so unbearably horny since you saw Esteban dressed in his tux before you two even left the house. "But…" He uses one large hand to stop your little fingers from working your clit while he reversed his hips to fully retract himself from you, hard wer dick, covered in your juices, bobbing close to his stomach. "You have to wait to cum. Until we get home. Then I'll make you cum as many times as you want." He guides you off of his lap, pulls his own pants and underwear back up, and then removes his jacket to give to you, which you take after attempting to cover your chest with the ripped fabric of your silky red dress.
   "You're an asshole, you know that." You mope in your seat as the driver continues back to your place, the surroundings becoming familiar again as you watch out the window.
   "Say what you want, you'll pay when we get home." He reaches for your hand and gives it a brief kiss, his aura sweet, but his threatening promise still looking over you. You continue to avoid eye contact, but he knew that it was all a facade. You just enjoyed acting like a little brat when you guys fuck because you knew it irritated him in a way that made him want to fuck you harder just to shut you up. So, it was even less of a surprise when your other hand reached around to aid in ripping his button up open, buttons flying everywhere.
   "I just had to make it fair. I couldn't be the only one with ripped clothing." You turned to look out the window again, your boyfriend's previous promise echoing in your head. As you neared home you made little annoying complaints here and there, because one thing about Esteban is that he always kept his promises.
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chiiyuuvv · 3 months
xikers as descendants tropes!
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descendants!xikers x fem!reader 1.3k words requested!
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
Mal and Ben’s dynamic has been pretty cute over the first two movies. The constant “I can’t do it” , “Yes you can, I'm right here with you.” personally warms my heart to see the level of assurance and comfort that takes place between the two characters.
If Minjae fitted into Mal’s character, he would definitely need a bit (a lot) of reassurance, and that's okay! He could be stressed out about producing or school, and your kind words would make the time go by a little faster. One thing I noticed is that Mal is trying to live up to her parents' expectations, so I could see the same with Minjae and his parents. Maybe they wanted him to go the typical doctor route, but he knows deep down that he loves producing. Being there with him and helping along the way, showing, telling him that he is his own person and that he should find his own light will definitely make him shed a tear. Of joy, of course.
If Hunter fitted into Ben's character, I can definitely see all the sweet gestures and words he would give you. Sure, you may have argued the previous day, but Hunter would do everything in his power to break the ice, and talk to you about it – resolve the situation. The amount of pet names he would give you would make your head spin because he truly wants you to know how special you are and how much you mean to him. He definitely is your prince charming.
Evie and Doug over the first two movies have been super cute, but not that much action should I say? Compared to Mal and Ben, their storyline hasn't been as clear. One minute they're sharing glances, then the next minute they're talking as friends/classmates? I think Disney could have done a better job at connecting everything (this is based off of the first two movies btw) but, this is obviously love at first sight, and he fell first, yet she fell harder 🤭
If Junmin fitted into Doug's character, I could definitely see him play the more nerdy role. Junmin knows a few things and despite the stereotypes given to Evie (or to you), he'd be more than willing to help you out.. study together.. indirectly asking for your number/a date. This is so junmin. He would be a little shy at first because of his newfound feelings, but once you get closer and he gets to know you more, he'd be a little flirty, touchy, smiley.. are you picking up what I'm putting down?
If Hyunwoo fitted into Evie's character, I feel like hyunwoo would have this desire to kind of fit in, but through Doug (or you again), he would learn to be more of himself. I don't really know what I'm saying for this one, but hyunwoo would feel more like himself whenever he's with you. He'd be a little oblivious to your liking towards him, but once you start talking more and befriend each other, he'd kind of get slapped with that feeling, and fall even harder than before. 
Again, Disney didn't really do a good job connecting everything when it comes to Jay and Lonnie. There were some things that didn't make as much sense.. but I'm still going to write about them 🫡 In the second movie, Lonnie says wordlessly that girls can do the same things as boys, and in the few scenes, they showcase how astonish yet proud Jay is to see her go. In the end, Jay gives away his captain role so Lonnie could still play with them, without breaking the rules.
If sumin fitted into Jay's character, which I can definitely see btw, he’d almost be like a frat boy; insanely good looks and he’s good at sports too?? The girls are drooling over him. And sumin acknowledges that, yet he doesn't decide to hook up with a random girl (he prob did but this is a kids movie for god's sake) because he shows respect to them. He’d, again, be shocked to see a girl that’s so courageous like you, and that would give his heart a little ping. Who knows, he might even invite you to the school dance ;)
If Junghoon fitted into Lonnie’s character, I think he would fall for someone who allows him to be himself (?) Like since Lonnie issn’t the traditional girl and Jay didn’t try to do anything to interfere with that, you know? He thinks to himself, “wow.. I’m able to be my complete self around her,” and he’d definitely showcase that in your presence. And if you return the energy? He’s jumping off the walls on the inside, but giving a small smile to hide his happiness. 
I remember watching Descendants 2 when I was little and grinning whenever Jane and Carlos came on the screen. Their love life is honestly what I daydream about, and I’m not jealous obviously. Carlos spends his time on the movie pining for Jane, but is too nervous to tell her about it. He does confess to Jane, but it’s through this ramble confession that makes my heart flutter :((
If jinsik fitted into Jane’s character, he’d be a little (very) oblivious to your feelings. Like you want to go out for coffee because you like being around him? He’d think it's some kind of compliment or maybe because you want to get some homework done or something. So he does accidentally put you into the friend zone which you desperately want to escape, but he probably  won’t realize his feelings unless you confess to him and basically put him on the spot. Because this feeling is so sudden, he would want to start everything slow, just so he can adjust to it all. 
If yechan fitted into Carlos’s character, which I can definitely see btw pt. 2, he would use his more silly and whimsical side to get your attention, and to get some laughter bubbling out of you. When he starts to get all fuzzy while hearing your laughter, he knows he’s fallen deep, and things start to get a little awkward. Maybe that’s why you accidentally friend zone him? But just know that he’s been practicing his confession on his friends (they all hate it), and he feels prepared.. He just needs to find the right moment ;) pt. 2
For the third time, Disney doesn’t do a good job at explaining Uma and Harry’s ship, so this is all based on something I found on the internet. Uma and Harry’s dynamic is more like teasing your best friend, but knowing that they will always have your back and vice versa. They also have more perks, like giving away something that means a lot to them to the other. (*cough cough* Harry giving uma his hook) They are very silly around each other but know when to get serious!
If seeun fitted into Harry’s character, he’d definitely be your personal trickster, only giving you sly smiles whenever he gets caught. You also have lots of childhood memories that you both adore, sometimes spending your shared time giggling under your pillow fort together. Not only that, but seeun is also your personal bodyguard. You don’t like how someone looks at you? He’d do everything in his power to separate the both of you, and if the person gets mad, he is there to take any hits. He is very loyal to his bestie. Heck, he’d even take your side when he knows that you’re in the wrong.
If yujun fitted into Uma’s character, he would be a little more assertive through your teachings, and loyal as a dog to you. You were most likely childhood besties, so you’d always have a special place in his heart. If you were to give him something that meant a lot to you, he’d honestly get a little teary eyed, because it shows that he means a lot to you too :(( You are definitely his comfort place, and he’d do everything in his power to protect the one he loves.
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︴bonus! i loved this idea saur much! You know, despite disney making cringe movies, they actually have very good morals built into them. Like girls can do the same as boy, and you don't always have to follow your parents strict expections; it made me smile to that. Also, funny story, I was taking notes while watching the films and then I come back the next day to find the notes gone?! Turns out it was saved to a different file which is weird.. anyways please request for more fun headcanons!
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rocksibblingsau · 2 months
Country Brickory is very interesting because you can either go the tragic "Hickory lied/betrayed Branch and broke his already very damaged heart (probably a 'catching feelings wasn't part of the plan' liar reveal situation)" exes route or the sillier "law enforcement and criminal who definitely f*ck each other when their 9/5 shift is over" goofier route
In the second option, Delta and Dickory just watch in tired amusement as they both try AND fail to hide their """secret""" relationship (they placed bets on who is going to realize that they genuinely love each other first [its obviously going to be Hickory, but Delta still has some faith in Branch])
The tragic route is interesting because I think as Hickory learned about his past, he'd quickly want to come clean. I think without the threat of World Tour, Dickory would agree. We don't know much about Dickory's morals but his main motivation in world tour was saving their music and he seemed on good terms with the other tribes during Just Sing, so we can assume he's a decent enough guy.
The sillier route is funny. "I'm going to look around this corner and there better not be a bounty hunter here because I'm still on duty and if I see him I will arrest him and he'll miss our date."
Delta and Dickory would bet on the other.
Dickory: My brother is stupid, I bet on your rugrat Delta: Branch is emotionally stunted, I put twenty on your hot mess of a brother
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