#obsessed and rattling the bars of my enclosure
serendippertyy · 1 year
beelzy super mega ultra fan reporting for duty 🙋🙋🙋
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transmoriarty · 4 months
sherlock posting in 2024 but thinkin abt how diabolical it is w jim saying “u can have me arrested. u can torture me. u can do anything u like to me. but nothing’s going to prevent them from pulling the trigger” literally to the brother of the Government Agent who just recently tortured him for weeks
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night-triumphantt · 2 years
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In case you were wondering what Kiara is up to these days, she is busy being in love w her childhood best friend (@cashweasel’s) Yazan
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tanjir0se · 4 months
Why oh why did bnha have to suddenly get good right when all the spoilers and leaks are coming out sisters when I say I’m in hysterics—
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bybdolan · 27 days
god i need to be in the theon/sansa tag on AO3 NOW!!!
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queerpdsys · 3 months
everytime i see posts talking abt people who “want to be stalked” i take a deep breath, remind myself they’re not talking about people in my specific situation, and scroll. this does not help me cope and i spent the next half hour spiraling. hope this helps ! <3
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A linguistic analysis of tumblr hyperbole in the tags
This post expands my previous analysis of hyperbolic reactions to cluster tags by themes. There were too many themes, some of them overlapping, to create a cohesive graph. Instead, I present several overarching themes from a data set of 50 tags observed and documented in various corners of tumblr.
1. Feeling Normal™️
Tags within this cluster profess Normal feelings (read: extreme excitement, enthusiasm, obsession, derangement, etc.).
#mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #absolutely not rending my clothing #feeling very normal and not feral at all #i will simply never recover #gif sets sent to personally destroy me #i can't cope #the eyes #i'm a puddle #i am INCONSOLABLE #i am DISTRAUGHT #IM NOT OKKAAAAAAYYYYYY #FEELING TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NORMAL
2. Feralness
The following data points conjure animalistic behavior. There’s a non-zero amount of biting and chewing involved.
#chomping biting barking #biting my arms off #rattling my cage #[incoherent biting noises] #chewing glass #chewing through wood #*shaking the bars of my enclosure* HELLO!!!!!!!! #climbing the walls #biting gnawing chewing #im gonna rip off my front door and eat it
3. Noisy Emotional Outbursts
These tags encompass crying, screaming, yelling, and other loud reactions.
# shaking sobbing crying #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #*no thoughts only wailing* #i am SOBBING #IM CRYING LIKE A BITCH #*just fucking yelling* #S C R E A M #screeching into a pillow #brb sobbing for 5-7 business years
4. Throwing
All of these tags except the last one involve being thrown instead of throwing things. I, personally, am entertained by the range of places/situations people are throwing themselves into.
#i am going to THROW MYSELF into the SEA #hurl me into the sea #hurl me into the sun #trebuchet me into the sun #hurl me straight at europa #vent me out of an airlock #slam me against a wall #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #throwing myself into traffic you know? #just defenestrate me already #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass #i'm going to start tossing furniture
5. Bodily Harm
There’s a good deal of overlap with the previous theme. Nearly all of the tags involving throwing would result in varying degrees of bodily harm. Here are the tags outside of the Throwing subgroup.  
#im going to throw upppppp #tearing my hair out #banging my head against the wall #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #biting my arms off #microwaving myself #crumple me up and microwave me
6. Absurdism
My personal favorite cluster. The imagery conjured and resulting comedic hyperbole is just [chef’s kiss].
#im gonna rip off my front door and eat it #crumple me up and microwave me #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass
7. Keysmashes
These tags center less around meaning and more around style, so they form the last group. A handful of these could fall under Noisy Emotional Outbursts because they represent reaction noises. In my linguistic judgment, keysmashing increases the hyperbole – consider augh versus aughfhghghghhh – the latter reads as prolonged and more intense emotionally.
#aghdjakgsjadhjaka * #hrhrhrhgnnnghhhhh #aughfhghghghhh #mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #waughfhghghh #oughhhhghghhh
*one digression in a friend discord server was how people interpret keysmashes in their minds. Some hear the first couple letters and then some sputtering, others hear static. It’s a common joke that you need a minor in linguistics to understand conversations in this friend group. Such is the nature of things when the chaos linguist energy is strong.
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chonkymoth · 11 months
*through gritted teeth* i love having blorbos and ships for hyperfixations *clawing at my floorboards* i love focusing so wholeheartedly on a character that I cannot consume them enough *rattling the bars of my enclosure* i love having ships that i'm obsessive over that are ultimately just queerbait and/or shipbait *sliding down the wall, sobbing* i love needing to write fanfiction and create art for characters just to never let it see the light of day, if i even finish it *shaking like a chihuahua* i just love loving media. i love it soooo much
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teddynivvy · 3 months
i’m literally obsessed with your work, the way you write for ted literally has me frothing at the mouth and gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
i’m heare bc i wanted to share a thought abt ted that’s been rattling around brain for a while.
idk what it is about him but sth makes me think that he has a thing for people who are pretty and cocky about it.
i’m thinking like,, meeting his eyes from across the room (one of u was staring idk who) and instead of ur eyes shyly darting away you hold his gaze and inquisitively cock ur head to the side with a lil smirk
or him trying soso hard to explain sth but you’re holding some real intense eye contact just bc it’s cute when he trips over his words and his ears go a lil pink
idk i think it’s Neat and was wondering what ur thoughts were on the subject.
im new here, if you don’t have a 🥮 anon could i take the spot? ty!
*marge simpson voice* i just think they're neat
you and ted who are at the same party with different people, both with drinks in your hands engrossed in your conversations as music plays over the speakers
ted notices you first - in an outfit that perfectly hugs your body, hair perfectly styled, lips stained pink from your drink
he can't take his eyes off of you as you let out a laugh and throw your head back, opening your eyes to meet his
he wants to look away, but when you don't, he holds eye contact too
you smirk at him and let your eyes travel down his body, so obviously that he notices you checking him out with no shyness
his mouth goes dry as he notices how bold you're being, your drink coming up to your lips once more before turning back to your friends and blushing
his friends notice he's distracted and when they notice he's looking at you, they all immediately are like "ohhh"
and ted's like "sorry, what were you guys talking about?"
"ted's in love" "ted literally everyone's into (y/n) you have no chance"
so ted just rolls his eyes and continues sneaking glances at you when he can
when he notices you excuse yourself to the patio, he does too, hoping to get a moment alone with you
and when you're sitting outside looking at the stars, you feel ted's presence as he sits next to you
"hi," is all you need to say, before ted is turned towards you and sparking a conversation
you get to know each other over your drinks and chat about people you know and what you do, but you can tell ted is getting flustered because he keeps tripping over his words and awkwardly trying to explain what he means
so you just listen, eyes flickering to his as he talks and talks, which you find super endearing
and finally when he takes a breath and apologizes for talking so much, you just reach over and take his hand, leaning into him and kissing his cheek before taking out your phone and opening a new contact
you hand it to him, and he immediately blushes as he puts his number in and takes an awkward sip of his drink as you stand up
"i'll text you."
"y-yeah. please do."
and you walk away before stealing one more glance and going inside, saying goodbye to the host and going back out to your car
where you immediately open ted's contact and send him a message
"nice talking to you tonight, we should go out sometime."
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nina-ya · 5 months
lawlu brat enablers!! luffy lets you do whatever, especially bratty stuff yknow hes all for your freedom and free will, besides, you cant rlly rile him up anyways, he takes it in pride when you try anyways, he likes it
but law on the other hand, is still an enabler, but for different reasons, he will begrudgingly huff and sigh, letting you drag him around and indulging you, but only so that at the end of it he has a reason to punish you, its nothing like luffy, lu loves to see you happy, your (+his) pleasure being one of his best reasons, even in bed
but law is different, having a reason to edge, punish or even spank you, oh thats the real treat for him
eg talking back and arguing, running your mouth; with luffy its all fun and games, he likes having back and forths with you, it'll just end up in a heavy make out sesh, you on his lap, the dry humping and such
but with law, it gives him reason to shut your mouth, make you sorry, beg even (on your knees preferably)
now, an actual scenario where you end up getting gravely injured; law fixes you up but luffy is quick to ask if your okay, kiss you as much as he can, he was worried but trusted you enough
not like law, he is rlly protective, obsessive even and is therefore angry, irritate at you
so you end up like this, in this position, on all fours as law rails you, hands gripping at your hips possessively, blunt nails digging into the flesh of your hips. you're hovering over luffy who is laying beneath you, eager to kiss you, theres a trail of saliva conecting your mouths and luffy is panting, reaching his head up to connect your lips once again
something that lawlu do have in common is that they are rentless and take everything they can get <3
(i am SO SORRY that this is so long, something overtook me, also feel free to elaborate on this cuz i luv your writings and thoughts!!)
hhggnnnnn ohhh fuck nonnie i am rattling the bars of my enclosure i am so unwell you have no idea i kinda went overboard myself and kinda blabbered on so i am begging you to keep spilling those thoughts to me CW: penetrative sex, rough sex, not bet read i just wrote this in one sitting without editing or looking back lets goooo
Luffy absolutely enjoys the back and forth between you two, and its all fun and games until he is just looking at you with a dopey grin, loving the look on your face when you get so frustrated and annoyed until he grabs you, pulling you against him as he kisses you deeply. And before you know it, you're straddling him, griding against him as his hands are squeezing your hips tight enough to leave marks, heavily panting and moaning into each others mouths as you chase your highs
and its just so opposite with Law; like you said he would huff and sigh and groan but he knows deep down that he is just waiting for the moment to get you two alone so he can put you in his place. I am just picturing a moment where you are running your mouth, taunting and challenging him with every sentence that spills from your lips. His eyes are fixed on you with that intense stare, and you just know youre in for it later. He would wait until you're alone before he would pounce. His grip on you is brutal as he makes you get on your knees, shutting you up in the best way he knows-- with his cock shoved down your throat and tears streaming down your face as you choke and gasp for air
and when you get injured, those differences in reactions that you mentioned are absolutely present. Luffy is all about making sure you are okay and showering you with reassurances and kisses and affection. He trusts you without a doubt he knows you are a capable person, but that doesn't stop him from worrying for you
Law is just furious. Not at you, but at the situation, at the danger you put yourself in. That anger is a form of protectiveness in itself. He's quick to patch you up, but once thats done, Immediately on all fours for you. Your knees are digging into whatever surface below you as he positions himself behind you. There's no gentleness, just those hands on your hips with a bruising force as he lines himself up with your entrance.
And when he thrusts into you, he's relentless, each stroke powerful and a demand that you remember who is in control here. The way he fills you, stretches you, leaving you gasping, each thrust pulling whines and moans from your lips. And luffy is right under you to capture those moans with his own lips, his mouth moving against yours hungrily, swallowing your sounds of pleasure.
Law's pace is merciless; you can feel the sting of his nails digging into your skin, adding to the mix of sensations youre experiencing. "You need to be more careful" he would growl, his voice a combination of anger and lust. "I can't have you getting hurt. Understand?"
And you can only nod, too lost in your own intense pleasure-pain filled haze to form coherent words. Luffy just loves seeing you like this; he wouldn't know where to place his hands so they would always be roaming and squeezing different parts of you, but his lips always find their way to yours. He just cant get enough of you.
"so pretty like this," Luffy would murmur against your lips, his hands finding their way to your chest, squeezing the flesh and pinching your nipples between his fingers, making you jolt.
Laws thrusts would grow harder, each thrust bullying that one spot in you that has your brain melting. "tell me you understand" he would demand, urging you to answer vocally.
and thats when you would gasp, choking out some variation of "I understand" with a trembling voice that made it clear that you mind was not on his words but at the feelings coursing through your body.
Law would grunt in acknowledgement, his grip tightening as he increases his pace, the sound of flesh meeting flesh bouncing off the walls of the room. The stimulation from both of the men pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
The pressure would build inside of you until a bearable peak, your body trembling as you near your release. "Please," you would whimper, your plea directed more at Law than anyone.
And he would deny your request, growling out a "Go ahead, youve earned it" as his thrusts becoming slightly more erratic as he nears his own climax.
Finally, Law's thrusts would stutter, his hips slamming into you harshly, burying himself deep into you as he spilled inside of you. The feeling triggers your own orgasm, and you clench violently around him, trembling and gasping as you milk his cock. Luffy is right there to capture your cries with his mouth, kissing you deeply as you ride out your orgasm, his own arousal evident by the way his hips unconsciously ground against yours, desperate for more contact.
And when it's over, you collapse against Luffy, your body absolutely spent and satisfied. Law's hands, once rough against you, now gently stroke your back as he heaves, catching his own breath before collapsing against you. The three of you would lie there in a tangled sweaty mess, the air thick with the smell of sex
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fallenclan · 6 months
i just scrolled through all my asks and found stuff i wanted to elaborate on. so without further ado,
Moosefall - i think we all know he was gonna be the first one. god he's just so. i think about him ALLLL the time dude. he js keeps losing all his loved ones and it's ripping me to shreds. i think about him mentoring honeypaw and teaching her about loss a lot. perchance
Honeypaw - this is my daughter, perchance. i love her. she's just such a silly to me. it's the way she can legit see ghosts and by extension knows something is very Wrong with ravenstar. im rattling the bars of my enclosure
Ravenstar - actually he's a new one. i used to not gaf about him and now he's actually such a Character to me. he's so obsessed with keeping his loved ones safe but he's also using it as a cover for being in control at all times and wanting power??? also i find it really funny how many pairings i have in my head for him. and i also think it's pretty neat that he's the youngest fallenclan leader and also the first leader directly descended from loners. perchance!?!?1
Poppyfeather - actually her haunting ravenstar from beyond the grave is so fucking funny. all the other leaders have a starclan guide who love them to bits but she literally just wants to see him Die and that's funny to me
Skyfrost - you are NOT safe dawg😭!!!!!!! get out of there!!!! RUN!!!!!
Flamefall - this is my son too btw. he's got his own litter corner in my brain. the "dude who thinks what he's doing is right but is in for a Rude Awakening" trope always kills me. flamefall please lead an uprising perchance i really want you to be relevant
-🍭 (issue one. i am Not done yet but im trying not to make this impossible to scroll past. might space em out a bit)
YESSS.... ur so right about Poppyfeather too, she is in the afterlife wearing a tshirt that reads "#1 Ravenstar hater". she hopes that he dies so bad
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loudlyunladylike · 9 months
I literally do not have the time or energy to get big time obsessed with a piece of media but I crave it just oh so bad, rattling the bars of my enclosure, pls pls someone give me something to be obsessed with pls
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foursaints · 1 year
i literally just answered your ask but like my mind is REELING rn. im just thinking about barty and evan waiting for lily after class and everyones like ?????? and they’re carrying her books, saving a seat for her in the great hall, they go find her in the library, they just CARRY her everywhere and she’s hanging off of both of them all the time (she’s literally a princess), and barty and evan make her laugh louder and uglier and snortier than ever before and they’re just *heart eyes*, like she’s just letting go completely and barty and evan catch her every time because they’re obsessed with her, she’s obsessed with them, and eventully they’re just one tangled mess consisting of three people AAAAAA
RATTLING THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE god this ask made me think of these three and “my boys” “our girl” IM SO UNWELL. they do make her laugh uglier than anyone….. barty and evan thought they were immune to the Lily Evans Effect™️ until they saw the side of her that nobody else sees… the part of her that’s messy and angry and unsure of herself that she always tries to hide 😭 YOU SAID THEIR PRINCESS AND YOURE SO RIGHT.. they’re dragging her home from a party and thinking “how did we never notice each other before?” GAAH
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bombuni · 6 months
Oh my GOD I just read the puppy!yeo and puppy!yunho drabble and??? Speechless??? Was NOT expecting you to feed us such a good fic tqsm bom 😭😭
obsessed with how pathetic puppy yuyu is even when he has his slightly more "dom" moments like it shouldn't make sense but it DOES?? *chefs kiss*
And yeosang..... yeosang..... I'm.... I'm clawing at the drapes and rattling the bars of my enclosure cuz oh my GOD I live for condescending slightly mean yeo 😭 he does things to my brain I'm genuinely insane about him 🫠
Waahh tysm bby!!! <3 You so get it with mean Yeosang, like it just feels right in my bones. And Yunho’s too much of a puppy to be actually mean but he tries. Tbh I saw this clip and I said wow ……this is so. Puppy yeo and yuyu like the way Yunho gets all shy and Yeosang doesn’t. It makes me crazy good bye world….
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leafiebeanie · 11 months
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i am not immune to this man
he is just so fuckinf pretty, i can't—i want to gather him up in my arms and squish the heck out of him
boy deserves all the tender love and care in the world (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
also i'm very obsessed with this fic
i won't even bother to hide my obsession, no. i am unhinged for this fic and there's nothing i can do
here's the link to the amazing fic series that has me in a chokehold: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3736783
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i can't even play the game properly bc this fic stays in my head 24/7 rent free
and the author's characterization is GOD TIER
the angst and slow burn feelings but also super fukcing raw and emotional passionate intimacy is such a good flavour
also the last chapter?!?!?!?!!!!!?!!!!!!!!
sweet hells, i don't know what to do with all these feels and anxiety
this game and this fic had all of my attention since it released
sorry i haven't been alive/active much 😂😂
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greenbirdtrash · 1 month
Mutuals be feedin' my current obsession in the exact same way zookeepers feed aggressive animals at the zoo. just throwing food(crumbs of content) in through a tiny caged door(my DMs) while the animal(me) runs around screeching, howling, hooting and rattling the bars of its enclosure. It be like that.
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