#triumphantt art
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night-triumphantt · 5 months ago
Hello friends, if any of you want a commission of your character for 30$ please donate to @mohiy-gaza2’s campaign here and sent me proof and I will do it for you, some examples below:
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If you want more examples my art blog is @triumphantt-art just dm me what you would like and we can work it out
Thank you to those who donated!! If you’re seeing this now and still want to be a part of this pls don’t hesitate to donate: I also have my friend @mahmoud-sharif2 who you can donate to here. Or @ahmadresh2 here I probably have time for 1 more!
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oblivious-melodies · 8 months ago
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I won @night-triumphantt's ticket for the Gaza Fundraiser event and they put together this absolutely gorgeous portrait of Artemisia!! I thought I'd share it here for you all to enjoy ❤
This art came out of a fantastic fundraising effort involving myself and many other artists & IF writers - please do go and visit her blog, she's extraordinarily talented and I'm so pleased with the result. But also don't forget there are plenty of other people out there whose fundraisers you can still contribute to and make a huge difference - I'd encourage you to donate to gofundmes like these (verified) if you're able!!!!
P.S. I'm enjoying my break and working on some different projects atm, but shortly work on volume 2 will get going....!! If you're feeling impatient in the meantime, why not take this innocuous little personality quiz I made...?
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sovhina · 1 year ago
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Tagged in a wip Wednesday by @night-triumphantt thank you sm 🥺🥺🥺 so here’s my forever in progress future bard durge character sheet I’m working on lol her name is Nymira and she’s koo koo for a very pale vampire man
Imma tag @everlong1997 @brambeag @exotic-inquiry annnnnd @sunshinemage no pressure of course <333 and a belated happy holidays to everyone on this blog I prommy I’m drawing it would just be a miracle if I finished something SHSH my end of the year art post is gonna be OOF rough SGSHGS at least I drew ig lol
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lilas · 2 years ago
wip wednesday
got tagged by @coldshrugs beloved, and I almost have too many wips because the art block is real but I’m trying to chip through with the loml
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me gently shaking zero like what does your face even look like, how do mouths work, eye—
tagging @khiita @night-triumphantt @veeples @frankenbition if y’all wanna share 💕
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sysba · 2 years ago
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they're my fave barbies<;3 @night-triumphantt hi :3 your pretty art is being used for silly reasons dfjsfjklsd
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choicesarehard · 4 years ago
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Art Commission: Shane Parker by @night-triumphantt for @platinumweekend
“About that kiss today at the music video shoot...”
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veeples-archive · 3 years ago
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Share Something Sunday!
Hi it’s been a long time 🧍I got tagged by @lilas @night-triumphantt @sosolenoo! Thank you three for the tag!
On top is masc Nat Sewell, because masc women are ✨ chef’s kiss ✨
Bottom is my demon commander Lucien (he/him) from The Exile and some concept art for Damasia (they/them), my in progress W.ayfarer!
Tagging: @khiita and @impossible-rat-babies and @froggguts !
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rhizanaexile · 2 years ago
I realize both my first posts were of Night Triumphantt art but I have no regrets because they brought me here, they did this to me and they know it. Fuck you but also I love you and you know it. 
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solarisrenbeth · 4 years ago
thought it was finally time to make an intro post, so hi! i’m caitlyn 👋
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houserosario ➔ detective-sweetheart ➔ solarisrenbeth
i’m 30, use she/her pronouns + have a big, big love for interactive fiction.
IFs i’m following
(not a comprehensive list of what i've played or like, but these are the games i post about most often / have their own tags 🤓)
a tale of crowns* | advenio | attollo | blood moon | body count | evenfall (upcoming) | event horizon* | faith of gods | fernweh saga | golden | lost birds | OFNA | project hadea | red sugar society | speaker | swan song | the exile* | the moonless | the nameless* | the northern passage* | the passenger | you live and fern | wayfarer*| when twilight strikes *not caught up to latest update
my writing
a new lens ➔ (jordy x mason)
when (the dam breaks) ➔ (jordy x mason)
WIP: when (the dam breaks) pt. 2 ➔ (jordy x mason)
my art commissions
rooftop sanctuary (jordy x mason) ➔ @isabeladraws
netflix and chill (jamie x marco) ➔ @blightning
even the tree ships us (mia x ed) ➔ @mollieartsie
portrait (jordy anderson) ➔ @radiant-pie
a familiar meet cute (ofna) ➔ @remnantofahero
a new lens (jordy x mason) ➔ @losingface
reflections (elara x sol) ➔ @crxwes
portrait (emrys caro) ➔ @khiita
portrait (octavia glass) ➔ @possumgeist
body count: the movie (jackson // ellis // griff) ➔ @roccobearart
sketch (jordy anderson) ➔ @beezhive
portraits (faith of gods cast) ➔ @wolfssketches
character sheet (elara vethier) ➔ @rickety-goose
portrait (jordy anderson) ➔ @night-triumphantt
lovely friend gifts
OC-tober (jordy anderson) ➔ @rickety-goose
holiday portraits (elara vethier) ➔ @khiita
moodboard (jordy anderson) ➔ @queerbrujas
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night-triumphantt · 1 year ago
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I,,,, have @infamous-if brain rot so I threw another blorbo in there
Edit: here have some close ups bc tumblr destroyed the quality tf
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honourlight · 4 years ago
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thank you so much for the tag @homeformyheart !! here is one of my detectives varsha and mason looking at each other dotingly
don’t know if i’ll ever finish and post this piece... but please enjoy some rough line art of these babies!
tagging @lxdy-starfury @anotherbeingsworld and @night-triumphantt for some wip wednesday posts👀
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m0n0chr0mantic · 4 years ago
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@night-triumphantt you let me embroider your art and I loved doing it :) I couldn’t do ALL of it tho- would’ve run out of floss. (I actually did run out of floss when I was filling in the chair-Oop)
I wanted to do embroider something other than flowers or letters, and what better project to hyperfocus on than Felix Hauville himself?
Now I’m going to not so subtlety tag @seraphinitegames
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sysba · 2 years ago
cal x edith - first kiss
[cal belongs to @night-triumphantt ] wc: 1.2k a/n: this week had valentine's day and ockissweek and well, i'm equally bad at both but i drabbled caledith first kiss for my and judie's eyes lol there's 2 parts before this because they literally take like a year just to confess i hate them sm anyway enjoy void i'm not gonna proof read shit
“Christ, I’m beat.”
Edith winces when her back hits the counter. The shop looks nothing better than it did a few hours ago; knocked-over boxes of music records everywhere, papers and books all over the floor, and the clock marking 11PM as she sighs.
From his less-than-comfortable seat on that same floor, close as he can be without letting his knee touch hers, Cal smiles at her. 
“I can finish this up. Maybe you can get some sleep upstairs?” 
‘Should’, ‘could’, ‘maybe’... Cal somehow mastered the art of caring for Edith without ever telling her what to do. It works, most of the time. 
But this time he’s not even done talking and she’s already objecting, so he rushes to add, “I don’t mind! Really. It’s been a busy day, and you haven’t stopped for a moment.”
Neither has he, but it doesn’t seem to matter much. Edith shakes her head almost too fondly, a little scoff of amusement leaving her lips before she takes a swig of her drink (an abominable mix of tequila and Kahlúa with far too much of the latter to be called appealing).
She seems to consider something for a moment, eyes narrowing just barely as she nibbles on the inside of her cheek. 
“Maybe we should just leave it. Close the shop for a day or something.” She says it nonchalantly but frowns once she notices the odd look on Cal’s face, who’s staring at her with a mix of concern and confusion and a secret third thing. “What?”
“Nothing,” he replies a bit too quickly, a deer in the headlights stumbling on his words, “I, uh… You never take a day off, it took me off guard.”
He’s mumbling, but his low voice reaches her anyways because she clicks her tongue at him in mock offence– Cal doesn’t even notice, too distracted by the playful smile that follows.
“Yeah, well,” Edith nods towards the mess surrounding them with something like resignation. “All things considered, we might deserve a break.”
Cal huffs a small laugh at that, but neither of them shows any sign of wanting to get up. It takes him a moment before he goes back to his task, patiently sorting through a bunch of vinyl. 
Edith makes no move to stop him, apparently too engrossed in her drink. He thinks her cheeks are a bit darker, but whether it’s the alcohol or a trick of the dim lights he’s not quite sure.
There’s a comfortable silence lulling them, the first they’ve had in a while; they haven’t really been able to share a space like this lately, not without a pervading sense of awkwardness making either of them run away at the first occasion.
In fact, they’ve barely ever been alone for more than a couple minutes for the past few months. Not ever since–
Hoping Edith won’t notice, Cal subtly shakes his head to try and banish the memory of their last real conversation. It doesn’t work, it never has. 
‘You love me.’ Her accusation rings loud in his mind even months later, still vicious, still true. 
He can still taste that same bitter desperation he felt as she walked away that time. The metallic taste of it sits on his tongue, and he can’t seem to swallow it down, so much so that he almost begs her to stay once again.
He looks at Edith once more. Her eyes are closed now, head tilted back to rest against the counter, offering the full sharp curve of her neck to him; it’s odd, seeing her so vulnerable. Like a nerve exposed, a jugular eagerly pressed to a blade. There’s something almost sacrificial about it, and it’s gratifying.  
Cal can see every detail of her even in this dimness, from the waves of her hair meeting her broad shoulders to the long shadows of her lashes on her cheeks (and what he can’t see he can make from memory, like the faint freckles on the tip of her nose and the ever-present cracks on her lips).
Her chest rises and falls quietly, rhythmically. The sight is so peaceful that when she speaks it takes him a moment to register she’s awake. 
The corners of her lips curl a bit.
“I wanted to say it back,” she mutters again, and this time he catches it. Her eyes are open now, but she doesn’t look at him. Not yet. 
“That day, after you…” she lets the sentence hang in the air, gesturing vaguely. 
After he almost said it. Not that she needs to explain that, of course. It’s wonderfully, cruelly poetic how she brings it up now, in the very same room.
“I thought about saying it, but then I got– scared, I guess.” 
She grimaces as she says it, teeth clenching around the ‘scared’ as if admitting it is physically painful. Cal swallows hard.
“Scared of what?” He whispers because somehow, somehow he knows anything louder would be a mistake.
The single word is a knife to his lungs, it knocks the air out of him and has him bleed the unspoken. She smiles again, sickeningly sweet, all glossy eyes and heated cheeks. 
“You scare me the most, y’know.”
He’s sorry. It hurts.
“I’m sorry, I–”
“I’m scared whenever I see you. ‘Cause I look at you and I’m just, ‘Shit, I’d do anything for you!’ And I’m pretty fucking sure I actually would, which is… Terrifying.” Her words come out in an almost sleepy chuckle, slurred and rushed and self-loathing. “Scares me whenever you leave, too, because then I’m always waiting for you to come back. ‘S a bit pathetic, really.” 
She’s finally looking at him. Was her gaze always this warm?
“I know what it means, now. You looking at me like that.”
I’ve been looking at you like this the whole time.
Even when she didn’t look back.
Cal’s heartbeat is so loud he can barely think, barely breathe. But he asks anyway. 
He doesn’t understand what’s happening until her lips are ghosting over his (when did she lean in?) and he thinks he’s stopped breathing altogether. She tastes like sugar and coffee and a little bit like blood, and she kisses him as if she’s done so hundreds of times before.
Practised, familiar, with her thumb stroking his cheek and his hand clinging to her t-shirt. How she always cares for him out of habit, and how he chases her without even realising it– they kiss in that same way, like they’re saying both hello and goodbye.
Edith’s palms feel searing against his jaw, but she’s smiling, and Cal thinks he’d burn painlessly if they actually were.
“You love me.” 
It’s not an accusation anymore. 
I love you, does that scare you, too? I love you I love you I love you–
“I love you,” she says it before he can, and he looks so bewildered that she laughs. “That okay with you? You’ve gone real quiet on me.”
“You, ah… I–” He tries once, twice, and then a few times more till he can knit the three words together. “You love me?”
She hums, looking serene and maybe a bit drowsy.
“Quite so.”
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choicesarehard · 4 years ago
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Art Commission: Raleigh Carrera by @night-triumphantt for @platinumweekend
“It's like every song I've ever written was about you, and I just didn't know it yet.”
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theopenheartawards · 5 years ago
PSA (14/09/2020)
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With that, its voting is closed!! Any votes now onwards won’t be accepted.
The moderators are going to dive right into this and we will release the final winners list by 18th September, 2020. We hope that the awards are out by 22nd of September,2020.
We will be reaching out to the winners and informing them more details about the prizes but we would request y'all to keep it on the low 🤫
We just wanted to highlight that the primary aim of this event was to celebrate the the content creators of the fandom who brought us such stellar fanfiction, art and aesthetics during the hard times of COVID and the two hiatuses of the book. This event was also an attempt to expose the relatively newer blogs so we hope we met those targets.
We just have one request- If you don’t win, don’t let it bring you down.
Don’t sit and sink deeper into the vast sea of self doubt. 
Don’t sit and compare your work with others. Your talent and style is unique and that is why you were nominated. Comparing your stuff with others is comparing apples and oranges. It’s not worth it and it’s just a waste of time.
At the end of the day there are so many people who love your work and let that be your motivation to continue writing, to continue pursuing your art and to continue making lovely aesthetics.
Have a great day/ night and once again, thank you so much for participating :D
Signal boosts are appreciated :)
Fanfic: @mrschoicesobsessed​ @starrystarrytrouble​ @takemyopenheart​ @wannabejasmine​ @alwaysmychoices​ @drethanramslay​​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @heauxplesslydevoted​ @writinghereandthere​ @the-pale-goddess​​ @usuallyamazinglyaverage​​ @aylamwrites​​ @caseyvalentineramsey​​ @eramsey28​​ @kaavyaethanramsey​​ @lucy-268​​ @openheartthot​​ @utterlyinevitable​​ @storyofmychoices​​ @ohramsey​​ @oofchoices​​ @openheart12​​ @parkerattano​​ @justanotherrookie​​ @perriewinklenerdie​​ @takeharryandgo​​ @agent-breakdance​​ @missmiimiie​ @tsrookie​​ @loveellamae​​ @blazerina​​ @trappedinfandoms​​ @rookie-ramsey​​ @anotherbeingsworld​​ @bitchloveskcbaseball​​ @appiomofchoice​​ @fantasyoverreality98​​ @kelseaaa​​ @montjoy​​ @bobbymckenzie​​ @raleiighcarrera​​ @eleanorbloom​​ @brycelahelalover​​ @zigtheeortega​​ @tyrilblue​​ @ajstarfury​​ @altairadtaz​​ ​ @oliveiraveiro​​ @thundergom​​
fanartists: @bratzlahela​​ @ethansdique​​ @hashiedraws​​ @misadrawss​​ @keepcreative​​ @toyhenoctus​​ @nukeyyy​​ @boatboytom​​ @harringtonishot​​ @solarbridge​​ @yaushie​​ @night-triumphantt​​ @choicesraccoon​​ @lemonnaide​​ @cpt-indigo​​ @theo-oface​​ @bittertarinetea​​ @europeanguy​​ @meindraws​​
Content creators: @ezekielbhandarivalleros​​ @itsgoingnuts​​ @mvalentine​​ @senatorraines​​ @olivershens​​ @elfilibusterismo​​
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softforf · 4 years ago
It's me or are there no posts about Felix? it's always on N/A/M..
I think it’s been pretty much confirmed that F is the least popular romance route. So, sadly, there’s less content made about them ��😭😞
There were a lot of cool posts just a couple weeks ago on their birthday, though! And I’ll tag blogs for you below who have posted a good amount of F content
@koolikooliohwahha memes for days
@night-triumphantt amazing art
@twc-thoughts-you-didnt-ask-for posts about everyone, but there is an F burst sometimes
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