#obey me kou
otromerubk · 6 months
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I've been having Mammoneru brainrot and they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside <33 Also since i was so indecisive with the designs i end up creating twins! Meet Hideki and Himari 🤩
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koumine · 2 years
Ok. So. I heard you were talking about Pathetic Lucifer and I wanted to give my two cents on the matter.
My absolute favorite Pathetic Lucifer moment has to be when he cums immediately. Like, listen, Luci hasn't had sex since the fall of the Roman Empire and *barely* gets off on his own. So when the two of you finally bang? When he finally gets to relish in feeling hot and bothered instead of trying to get off as fast as possible before one of his brothers barge into his room? It's heavenly. But it also means that his body is Very Much not Used To It. So he immediately cums when you so much as wrap your hand around his dick.
When Lucifer comes down from his orgasm and realizes that he just came and you still have half of your clothes on, he gets extremely embarrassed. You can't even overstimulate him because his body is so not used to it that it kind of completely shuts down. Sorry no more horny for Lucifer he kinda just wants to lay down and take a nap.
Of course he gets better with this, but for a long, long time afterwards he's just completely modified by the inaction. A part of him probably believed that you were going to break up with him after it happened.
So yeah. That's my favorite Pathetic Lucifer moment.
"Luci hasn't had sex since the fall of the Roman Empire" OMFGGGGG 😂😂😂 absolutely incredible, I love it
Lucifer who comes super quickly omg
thank you for sharing this! (and sorry this ask got buried in my drafts for so long 😅)
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the-great-empress · 28 days
Goodbye, Demon Master. Hello, Sacrificial Bride.
Okey Me! X Diabolik Lovers
*Diavolo's Castle*
Lilith to Mc: Thank you for accepting Karlheinz's proposal in exchange for reviving me
Mc: *indifference* There was never a proposal.
Diavolo and Lucifer: *surprise* What?!
Asmodeus: Mc~! Honey! *hugs Mc* I didn't know you became a “bride” of those vampires and ancestors. Were you so lonely and needy because I paid attention to Lilith for her resurrection to go with “those”? Let's go to The Fall honey, let's revive our love~~~
Laito and Kou:… … … *just watch*
Shin, Yuma, Ayato, Kanato and Subaru: *frown*
Mc: *cold and indifferent* No thanks, let me go Lord Asmodeus.
Carla: You heard her. Let her go *he ordered*
Asmodeus: *ignoring the looks and Carla* Why so cold~? How I missed your warmth~ let me warm up with her like WE DID before
Mc: I don't want to. Go. Away.
Shin, Yuma, Ayato, Kanato and Subaru: SHE DOESN'T LIVE WITH YOU ANYMORE-!!
Mc: Laito and Kou don't like it when someone else talks to me like that.
Kou: *Pulls Asmodeus back by the hair away from Mc*
Laito: *hits Asmodeus in the face*
Demons: *surprised*
Mc: I warned you
*A fight starts between the three of them and the place turned into a 1vs2 WWE match for some reason*
Solomon: One hundred thousand Grims in favor of the vampires!!
Thirteen: I bet a thousand!
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The Sakamakis have never been as proud of Laito as they are now 🤣
Let's be realistic if Om! Mc was in the Diabolik Lovers world with pacts and everything, it would be obvious that Karlheinz would have her at all costs for his plan and implant Cordelia's heart in her.
MC would definitely get the harem route in Diabolik Lovers
I will most likely do a series on this
Moral: Only Laito and Kou can be like that with Mc
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xamassed · 4 months
⟬ @whimsiicalmuses / s.c ⟭
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"Saw you and Beel earlier." Said casually, but the truth was that he hadn't witnessed them with his own eyes. He had borrowed the sight of his beloved crow for an entirely different purpose, but had stumbled across his younger brother and Kouleia by accident. The sight of them sharing a quick kiss gave him the usual initial reaction, a shudder and a twisted expression of disgust, but the overwhelming need to protect his sibling came swooping in a second later.
Mammon wouldn't claim he knew her well, but he knew enough that he couldn't help but to feel a pinch of unease knowing she had Beelzebub wrapped around her finger.
"You're bein' good to him, right?"
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k0ushii · 1 year
lucifer im begging you to LET THE SOCK THING GO
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beanxiv · 1 year
The man in your pfp Idk his name
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i love him he is me
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cupidstwin333 · 2 years
hello!! can i req a romantic matchup for obey me and diabolik lovers? my pronouns are they/them, intp, and virgo and 18 yrs old!! i would prefer to be match with men ty!! ^^ i have long black hair, dark brown eyes almost black and slightly chubby appearance. my personality is: kind of shy and awkward when socializing with others but once i warm up to them/when im with my close friends, im vv bubbly and always laugh at small things, im vv blunt with my own words, i observe other people, i tend to overthink and kind of moody sometimes and insecure too, also listens to other ppl's problems kind of like a therapist lol, very defensive when someone hurt me and my loved ones, im very observant too when it comes to my surroundings and people's behavior. my likes & hobbies: matcha green tea, astronomy, dark academia, ocean, books, watching haunted abandoned videos, horror in general, writing and making stories. my dislikes: worm, loud people, crowded and loud places, cheaters & playboys, fake friends. that's all!! ty!! 🍂
After a long time of thinking 💭your match is...
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You were sitting on the sofa reading one of Stephen King's classic horror novels. Satan was sitting next to you and was reading just like you, Asmo was doing his nails, and Mammon was counting his money. There was a peaceful silence that you enjoyed. You weren't a big fan of socializing, and the demon brothers must've noticed since they stopped trying to have small talk with you. You thought back to your first day in Devildom. You weren't thrilled to be here and told Lord Diavolo how selfish and inconsiderate he was. Your words did not carry much weight for you since 1. it was true, he did it for his little side project, and 2. That was the way you spoke. You didn't bother to sugarcoat anything and you were very direct. You remembered how Lucifer tried to kill you on the spot, but Diavolo had to stop him. Your thoughts were interrupted by the doors being thrown open. It was Leviathan and he had a brand-new game. It wasn’t your typical online game, he started to explain. You had to enter this simulation and play it. It had different endings. You could only exit it if you had one of the good endings. However, if you had a bad ending, you'd be stuck there for quite a while. “So who is joining me?” He asked eagerly. You reverted to reading your book and so did Satan. He was ignored by the rest of his brothers as they continued their previous activities.
"Oh, come on guys if you get the right ending you get to make a permanent wish! You get to wish everything, whatever it is." You looked up and noticed how Mammon, Beel, and Asmo got intrigued by the sound of that. You observed Lucifer and saw that even he was interested. I mean a permanent wish, and it could be anything! "What is this game about?" you asked. Bored anyway, it wouldn't hurt to play it. You just didn't want to be the only one since that would mean you'd have to socialize and communicate, but now that you know about the wish. You were in! "It's about a group of friends that get stranded on a deserted island, or at least they think it's deserted. Later they find out a cult lives there that sacrifices outsiders and there's a lot of poltergeist activity." Leviathan responded to your question. His eyes lit up when they met yours. "So you're in?" he asks you and you nod in response.
How it started:
All of you sit around the table. Satan was the last one to join you because he had to grab some things. He arrived with a bag filled with survival tools. You follow the instructions written in the game and sit in a circle. After that, you hold each other's hands and say a short chant. You feel a cold breeze caress your cheeks. When you opened your eyes, you were in the middle of a forest and wearing different clothing. Your heart was beating faster. Was this what they call an adrenaline rush? It was something new but you loved it! Leviathan was holding a letter. "To-do list, for the free wish. First of all, don't be stupid! You really thought I would tell you, figure it out on your own." He read out loud. Wow, that was harsh, you thought to yourself. "Who am I paired up with?" you asked in an attempt to change the subject. "Me," Leviathan responded while raising his hand. "Lucifer and Beel, Satan and Asmo, Mammon and Belphie, and you and me. Those are the pairs." Leviathan said. You walked for a while until you heard people singing and smelled a fire. You saw what appeared to be a family sitting around a bonfire. The father was holding a loaded gun, and the mother was rocking a baby, but the longer you pondered, the less it made sense. The baby was covered in blood and the mother smiled while singing in unison with her husband. You also saw a girl and a boy between the ages of 7 and 14. Their mouths were sewn shut, and they wore matching outfits. And in the back was a house, or more accurately a shack. You knew that if they saw you you'd be dead and the game would start all over again for you and Leviathan. So you tried to enter it without them noticing. Before you could do anything Leviathan threw a rock deeper into the forest. This caught their attention, and the young boy and his father walked in the direction of the sound. Leviathan grabbed your wrist and ran towards the shack. Looking around, you saw that the mom was still rocking her baby while singing. And when you glanced at the little girl you made direct eye contact with her. Once you were inside, you looked around for things that could be useful. You took a first aid kit, a knife, and some food. You also found a book that resembled a Bible, and your gut told you to kill this guy. They referred to him as the almighty. You explained to Leviathan what you wanted to do and he told you it was a great idea. So you went looking for the cult leader but didn't realize that the father had found the two of you. The father was aiming his shot, and Leviathan noticed just in time, he knew that it would hit you. He jumped in front of you and took the bullet for you. Suddenly there was a bright flash and you noticed how Leviathan's wound was healing. Suddenly a voice spoke up "You have won the permanent wish because you sacrificed yourself in the name of love." You looked at Leviathan and saw how his cheeks turned into a light shade of pink. You also noticed how he avoided your gaze, your heart was beating faster again, but you didn't know why. He grabbed your hands and looked you in the eyes. "I wish for y/n's love." He answers the voice barely above a whisper. "You can't wish for something you already have.
General headcanons:
💘You two have movie nights where you watch horror movie and he buries his face in your chest when he gets scared.
💘He loves it when your bubbly around him he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
💘Loves to rant about his stressful days (when Lucifer forces him to socialize) and feels like your the only one that understands him.
💘Hates crowded places too, soort of your dates are indoors.
Other possible matches: Satan
And Azusa Mukami
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You’ve been living with the Mukami brothers for a week now. You didn’t like how you and Yui were being passed around like a blunt. But if you had to be honest it was way better here than with the Sakamaki brothers. You remembered how the six of them had no chill and would attempt to drink your blood at least three times a day. The Mukami brother on the other hand kept on talking about this Adam and Eve thing you didn’t quite understand. And they were mostly after Yui, because she doesn’t understand what fighting back means. You have told her countless times that she should at least try to yell at them or use some form of physical violence but this girl was too dense to actually do something. Your relationship with the Mukami brothers wasn’t that bad either. You and Ruki got along quite well actually. It was like a parent-child relationship, Ruki did all the cooking and commanding and you did all the listening and complying. You and Yuma on the other hand got into a lot of fights, at first he kind of intimidated you but you quickly realized that you weren’t going to tolerate any of his disrespect. You also didn’t like Kou he was always loud for no reason and he is such a playboy in school. He thinks he is better than everyone when in reality he’s just a cocky and overconfident loser. And for the last brother Azusa. He was a bit different from the rest. You could notice it in the way the brothers treat him as well. He was more quiet and faint-hearted. You were kind of crushing on him. He had this spooky and scary vibe around him you couldn’t explain but you weren’t completely a lost cause (unlike Yui). Besides your occasional arguments with Yuma you didn’t really do much besides reading books and admiring Azusa from afar…
How it started:
It was a schoolday but you were feeling lazy and didn’t want to fall victim to Kou his fangirls trampling over you in the hall so you told Ruki that you weren’t feeling well. Surprisingly he didn’t interrogate you and told you to stay at home and rest but before you could celebrate he made Azusa stay with you to keep an eye on you. You felt offended if anyone had to be kept under watch it was Azusa not you. You quickly started to notice Azusa’s extremely masochistic and sadistic side. This man needed supervision 24/7 or he might just off himself. You didn’t argue it too much though, because you had decided to just read some books and enjoy your well-deserved alone time in your room. But those plans were quickly disrupted by a knocking on your door and Azusa entering. “Y/n I need to show you something,” Azusa speaks in a soft whisper tone. You look up confused. “What do you want to show me?” You ask putting your book to the side. All of a sudden he grabs your hand and guides you to the library room. “Wow, you’re showing me these books?” You ask with a scoff. You’ve read almost all of the books already and you were pretty sure Azusa hasn’t touched a single one. But before you could head back to your room his hand reached to a distinct looking book. It was a thick dark green colored book. You wonder how you’ve never noticed it before until now. Azusa pulls the book and to your surprise the bookshelf opened and showed a hidden passageway. This was kind off scary but you liked it. “Follow me Y/n.” Azusa says once more taking a hold of your hand as he guides you into the hidden passage way. You notice stairs made out of cobblestone that spiral down into darkness it looked unsafe and you hesitate for a second but Azusa holds onto your hand tighter and gives you a nod in reassurance. You both walk down the stairs and you almost fall but Azusa tells you to hold on to him tightly. You could tell that you were deep underground by how long you were walking. A hallway enters your field of vision as you’ve finally made it to the bottom of the stairs. You and Azusa keep waking down the dark hallway and on your right side you noticed cells and on the left you noticed a torture chamber filled with different torture devices, you look at the room in awe. At the end of the hallway you see a thick red book decorated in gold laying on top of a big wooden stand. You both stop in front of it. “What is this book?” You ask observing it. Azusa opens the book with his right hand, his left hand still holding tightly onto yours. “This book explains everything about the Adam and Eve project and the reason why I need you.” Azusa explains flipping through the pages. “But I thought Yui was Eve?” You ask dumbfounded you felt your heartbeat racing at the thought of Azusa needing you. “No Y/n look.” He points at a certain paragraph in the book. “There can be multiple Adams that need different Eves. And I know you’re my Eve.” Azusa says looking into your eyes. “I love you Y/n. Do you love me too? Prove it to me.” He demands with longing eyes. “How do you want me to do that?” You ask in confusion and surprise. He takes you to the torture chamber and points at one of the devices. “If you love me use this on me.” He says with strong determination. “You don’t prove your love to someone by torturing them!” You say in disbelief. “How would you do it otherwise?” He asks with an even softer voice than usual. You let go of his hand and turn to face him. He tilts his head in confusion but before he could ask you anything you silence him with a kiss.
General headcanons:
💘Azusa loves it when you read to him or tell him a story, while he lays his head in your lap.
💘He reassures you whenever you feel insecure and tells you, you’re the most beautiful person he has ever met.
💘He loves it when you listen to him and when you reassure him.
💘He loves it when you teach him all the different love languages.
💘You try to watch horror movies with him but Ruki always stops you.
Other possible matches: Shu Sakamaki
I'd appreciate it if you'd reblog this, and I hope you enjoyed reading this <3
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linpunny · 1 year
Am I doing a revamp on Chiyo my oldest OC who I dump into whatever fandom I’m interested in at the moment instead of working on Draken’s birthday theme and fic or Sekido’s nasty dirty angry sex fic?
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mari-lair · 8 months
the recent chapter was decent, but when I realised akane wasn't the yoshiro after convincing myself he was for a month i had to close the tab stare at the ground and like. process for a few seconds. how i wish he had been... i did enjoy mirai trying to save his life though, and teru recognising that they hadn't been going to their full strength because maybe they didn't care about the yoshiro, because as you said, they had been presented at a higher level and we didn't see that in chapter 109
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I always had doubts about him being the Yorishiro, with Akane having 2 bodies and the supernatural one already being stabbed in the chest before, so even that reveal was more of a "oh, okay. Makes sense" feeling.
It's... kind of sad... my experience with this chapter. With this arc.
The only thing I like is Mirai saving Akane, and how rich with character quirks, values, and experiences, Akane's fight with Tsukasa is, it goes beyond just his judo skills (and Elise will talk about it when she has the time) But I'll be honest, I have no hope for this arc, no wish to think about it and theorize it or anything.
I am here for terukaneaoi and the way Aoi hasn't shown up even as a small panel since the clock was frozen is... very telling... Akane's 'betrayal' with Teru also saddens me, for the more I look at it, the more clear it becomes that it is a tool, not a conflict they planned as a means to clash ideals, learn more about each other, or strengthen/restructure bonds (like Aoikane in chap 69 or Kou and Teru in chap 87). When Aidairo does want to create character conflict, they are amazing at it! Which makes Akane and teru feel... that much weirder.
I never expected Teru to jump and try to help Akane, he is handcuffed and without his sword, but I did expect him to have some kind of thought about the situation while he watched Akane be beaten up in front of him.
We get no reaction panel about what he thought of the fight. At all. Akane isn't in immediate danger when we do see his thoughts but it still feels... Strange to frame chapter 108 in a way that highlights how much Akane's betrayal affects Teru on a personal level, to make chap 109's gag revolve around Teru being THAT angry with Akane and then... Make Teru not spare Akane a single thought.
Teru even takes into consideration Nene's lifespan, but absolutely nothing about Akane. No cursing him. No "oh he did almost die like I wished for, idk how to feel a bout that". No "it feels strange to not be able to do anything, just watch". No, "I guess he is a clock keeper not the boy i thought I knew". No "i'm glad he is not dead". Not even "he should have died", as cruel as it sounds, it would still make way more sense than just... Nothing.
He doesn't even refer to Akane by name.
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Teru is someone who has taken things personally since his very introduction, unused to change and prioritizing his relationships over his duties (not exorcising Hanako so Kou doesn't get mad at him. Putting the intire school at risk cause Tiara wanted him to clean up a mokke in chap 39. Letting Akane punch him in chap 71, etc-)
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He is pathetic and unexperienced when he takes things personally, he wants to be reliable and admired, he doesn't know how to handle not getting what he wants (especially with Akane, who always obeys). Even when he tries to be detached his pathetic nature still show up. It had been consistent.
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But the guy that locked himself in his bedroom and hid under the covers for a whole day after his fight with Kou seemingly got over Akane betraying him in what must have been 1 hour without talking about it ? I know Akane is not as important to Teru as his family but it's insane that he got over it without even thinking about it or being able to move in any way to let his frustrations out.
The worst part is that even when I suspend my disbelief and go along with the idea that Teru "isn't taking things personally anymore and is in professional mode cause the situation is dire!" it still makes no sense.
Akane's betrayal should have filled his head with questions about the situation, about what changed, but Teru never even tried to connect his vague talk with Akane with the clock keepers seemingly being nerfed.
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Why 'now?' feels like an important question. One that should stick, but Teru ignores it.
Which again. Goes agaisnt what is established of his opinion of Akane.
Why would he neglect the words of a colleague he considers wise? Of someone he is treating as fully part of the clock keepers now? Someone he always wanted to hear his opinions before even in his 'professional and smart' mode? Someone whose opinions we have been told he doesn't dismiss even when what Akane says clashes with his upbringing as an exorcist? I am just supposed to assume he is treating Akane as any other supernatural now? Is the betrayal an insta 'everything that has been established no longer applies' free card...?
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So yeah, sure... This is a big improvement from chapter 109 but it has the same core problem as chapter 109, at least to me: Aidairo has no interest in exploring Teru as a character in this arc. Aidairo wants the spotlight fully on the broadcasting club, and they will tweak his character whenever it's convenient to set the stage. Just like Nene had turned into a kid with minimal agency, Teru has become a presence that doesn't ask questions, unless said questions will move the plot.
Feelings will also be reduced to what moves the plot, we don't need to know how he feels about being in a position with no power, no sword, and minimal knowledge for the first time in this manga. There is so much they can explore completely disconnected from Akane, despite putting a spotlight on their relationship in chap 108, but there is nothing for Teru's character.
Even when Tsukasa points at Nene, whom he isn't angry at, he has no reaction. He does not care about this guy targeting the little baby girl after witnessing Akane be dragged on the floor.
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Of course he doesn't. This isn't about him, is a Hanako set up, Teru can't have even a panel of spotlight on him that is about his character, can't bring attention to his fall out with Akane, less the reader get any expectative from it, or take space in a manga that currently isn't about him.
Teru is a tool first, and a character second in this arc. Chapter 109 stuck him in a dumb gag box. Chapter 110 stuck him in a smart guy exposition box. His personality is picked apart when it is convenient not when it makes sense for a character that has been molded for 100 chapters.
I don't care about this plot. I care about my favorite characters, and how they would react to the circumstances the plot been put on. That's my priority. It isn't Aidairo's. Even if Teru does have a relevant role later, it's still clear that exploring his character isn't Aidairo's priority in this arc.
I told chapter 109 to make me care about the arc, and chapter 110 is way better but not enough to make me care. Which is very sad, I wish it did :(
...This was already a depressing enough answer as it is, I don't want to talk about it.
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
I just saw, in the third volume Sakura describes Tsukasa as selfish, even though we know he is the opposite. I think this really shows that he does what is necessary without caring about other people's opinions, but what do you think of that? A selfless boy who is described as selfish by some people
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(Image in Portuguese because I took it directly from the manga I have)
And to be honest, the other two traits really describe him, but selfish is the only one that seems out of place there
This reminds me of what people thought about Tsukasa when he made his first appearances.
Everyone judged him in their own way, and most of these people justified his murder because of the things he did. He was evil, a selfish monster, he did bad things for pleasure. Sometimes I find one or two people on the internet still saying this today.
Things changed when they started to discover more about Tsukasa, about his sacrifices, about his way of showing love.
So I wonder, how do the characters feel about Tsukasa? Kou and Nene only found out about his altruism when little Tsukasa revealed that he sacrificed himself for his brother. And yet, they believe that the Tsukasa yorishiro is not the same one in the house.
Sakura lives with Tsukasa, and I imagine it's difficult for her because he doesn't respect boundaries, he doesn't obey her, that must be quite irritating. She has to obey him no matter what it's about, so maybe that's why she calls him that.
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But, we have to consider that she knows about his past, since she told Nene that she could talk about them.
Sakura is not wrong, perhaps, there could be some other reason that we don't know yet.
She knows him more than we do.
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otromerubk · 6 months
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I just wanted to draw the growth of Kaneko and Mammon being a cool dad 🥺❤️
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koumine · 2 years
me: I am sleep deprived so I will take a quick catnap before I have to go and do stuff
my brain: instead of sleeping, write some horny words about how demon!Reader is stronger than Jason and he's high-key into that teehee
me: goddammit
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miimo96 · 2 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 116
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Well it looks like once again nobody reminded Me that a New chapter was out, First Things 1st I absolutely ADORE this Cover Card and judging from it, it looks like we may be focusing on yashiro again but considering how last Chapter's was misleading, I'm willing to bet otherwise and that we may be actually picking up from where we left off with baby Tsukasa and if This is really him, or just the Entity wearing his face; Other than that the Colors for this Cover are really Beautiful and I really love the font style they choose for this 1, even tho I still perfer the other one we got last chapter, man Summer's edition Really is looking like to be the Best ^^
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Ah already with the creepynes I see, alrighty then I mean I guess Aside from this Gorgeous piece of artwork, I gotta have this thing Stare at me now huh, didnt expect Nightmare fuel to be on my To do list today, and in the beginning of chapter no less, Ok Wow aidairo Thanks looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight ^^; Also is it jsut me or is it that everytime we get a Chapter for these 3, Something ALWAYS goes wrong, and ends Tragically in some way, because If that's the case then I'm really scared now, because i don't want anything Bad to happen, *sigh* I just hope aidairo goes easy on us and does nothing Too Major 🤞
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Alright Ngl Kou came in clutch just now, 1st off mitsuba Why the hell would you even try listening to that thing, I mean you Literally just Saw that it isn't human, due the gapping HOLE it had in its face, plus didn't kou literally just explained to you that most Supernaturals are Dangerous, so why would the hell you even bother🤦‍♂️ Also is it me or is anyone elese getting odd vibes of Nanika from HXH from this Thing, because the fact that you literally have to obey his commands in oder to receive something in return is heavily reminding me of Nanikas powers from Hunter x Hunter
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So If you weren't convicted before that this isn't Tsukasa but is just a lifeless husk, then you're sure as heck are Now because the fact that thing literally talked like how it did in the Red house arc, all but confirmed it for me, because evertime I see that style of text bubbles in the series, I Know for a fact that it's from that THING in someway, Also the fact that kou Literally just punched a child with No hesitation is hilarious to me🤣🤣🤣
Question: what is wrong with aidairo? Like I really feel like they wake up in the morning and go "*sigh*...... So How we gonna torment our readers today? ^^" Also it may just be me overthinking but the way he touched Kou's hand kinda reminded me of what happened with Aoi and her hand after being in the far shore, which makes me even more curious about this Entity...
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Oh Well Nvm i guess, it looks like I was absolutely right about it being similar to Aoi's situation Lol, also I really Love how kou is completely nonchalant about this whole situation and is just unphased by his hand completely turning, i mean the way he just assesses everything and describes the situation really just shows how much experience he has in this timeline, I gotta say I love it ^^
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Wait so that's what happened to the girls who summoned him? I just thought he made them disappear or turned them into sacrifices for the Entity, you're telling me He did That to them!? Oh nah this thing is Sick
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It's just Hilarious to know that no matter what timeline they're in, Mitsuba will always hate Kou's earing 🤣🤣
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Till this day Kou Still continues to prove to me why he is the Best character, like the dude was literally willing to be a Decoy in order for mitsuba to escape, While he lures away Tsukasa, like this probably the 2nd time I've said this but I Really love his character, especially when he does stuff like this, also I find it really strange that Tsukasa called out Hanako's name, even tho this isn't Tsukasa, but just a lifeless husk, So I'm really interested to know what direction they're talking with this, Because if this IS Tsukasa, then would that mean he still has some control, and isn't just a Puppet like before? hmmmmm 🤔(pending thoughts)
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I really find it interesting that we get some information regarding yorishiro's, because up until this point, we've only just been given the understanding that they represent the item that the spirits cherish, and that by creating or destroying 1, you're able to lose control over the boundary that you inhabit, So seeing the actual process behind what goes into making or Qualifies as 1, is just Really interesting to me
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Oh, well that's terrifying
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Man I feel so bad for Mitsuba , like he's literally the only character that has probably gone through the most shit In this series and it's SO painful to me because C'mon cut the dude a break already, like it's already Bad enough that in the original timeline he was already dead, then he was turned into a doppelganger of himself, then he was dealing with his own issues regarding his identity crisis, and then he wanted his best friend/ boyfriend to kill him, So in the new timeline I was hoping that maybe he could finally get cut some slack, and maybe just maybe Not go through some shit, but alas, I guess not, Sry mitsuba, but maybe 1 day you'll have your chance to Shine tho😅😅
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Awesome mitsuba finally get a Dub for once, even more Awesome the Students were able turn back to normal, should be a win right? So then why do I get the feeling something bad happened? Because that was Wayy too easy 😥
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Omg please Don't tell me something Bad happened to Kou, Omg aidairo please Don't I'm begiging you, Kou is literally the Best character Please Don't this, No no no no 😰😰😰😰
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NOOOO!!! 😭😭😭😭 Aidairo Why must you do this to Me!!! Damn it 1st JJK now this WHY!! actually Wait a minute, so if it can just move 1 body to a New one, then what does mean for Tsukasa, did he really just go back to normal, or is he just a lifeless husk lying in the hallway right now
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1st off this looks Straight up Terrifying, Second of all PLEASE STOP THIS Aidairo I'm begiging you PLEASE, it looks like mitsuba is going to have to resort to Killing him if this continues, So begging you Lord please somebody Stop Him, I don't wanna see this character Die Please!!! Anybody
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YES!!! I mean As much as I Hate this character I'm So happy that he's here right Now, THANK YOU GOD!!
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This just made him go up a scale as 1 of my favorite characters Now thank you lord for sending us Teru because idk if was gonna be able to continue reading after this, That scene was Just Wow, I was literally scared for a second there, Omg Please Stop playing with my emotions Aidairo sensei please, I don't think I can take much more of this
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Ok So it looks like I was Right about this being Not the same Tsukasa, because like i said before judging from the way he was talking, it really reminded me of the way it was in the red house, Especially from the way it was talking, Also could you please Stop beating on Kou for 1 second mitsuba, like i get that you love him and all and that were probably worried about having to Kill him, but for crying out loud the guy just got Shot by lightning for christ sake, so you could at least go easy on him, Second of all wait you're telling me that this Thing isn't even Dead after that and was just only weakened, Jesus how many more Chapters Do I gotta suffer with that Thing Before that THING is FINALLY Dead, Also i guess that pretty much Answers what I've been saying this entire time, That No matter what Timeline you make or whatever Strings you pull, it's pretty much inevitable that Tsukasa or eventually somebody will be the host for that thing, and judging from the way this chapter ended, it Looks like we might be in for something BIG Next chapter, especially now with that Thing on the Loose, idk whats about to happen, but I can guarantee you that I will be here to cover it, man this is really starting to feel like the final arc, and gotta say If it is I'm Not ready, but if this Truly is the end, then It's been sure 1 hell of a ride
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xamassed · 2 years
good food. ( inspired by @demonsofdevildom )
She had almost forgotten about it. After many hours spent slogging through mathematics, seductive speechcraft, illusions, potions and the handful of other classes she barely paid attention to, it was understandable that a small memory from early in the morning would fade into obscurity somewhere in the back of her already clouded mind.
Sadly, once lunchtime rolled in, the famished demon couldn’t ignore the small, plastic container sitting at the bottom of her bag. Spotting it wedged between her books, her dread swelled to uncomfortable proportions.
❝I forgot you were in there. . .❞
She pulled the container out and lifted it high, eyes peering through the clear portion. There, stuck to the bottom and sweating, was a large piece of charred meat. Deer, she recalled. The hunt from that weekend had been a fruitful one, and she had been glad for it. No jobs and no menial chores to breeze through meant no grimm, and no grimm meant no cafeteria lunches — at least for a little while. She didn’t mind. If she wanted to keep her senses keen and sharp, she needed to wander the wilds of the Devildom and hunt the way she had when she was nothing more than a simple bear. Only difference now was that her beastly form as faster, stronger and ten times more fun to be in.
No amount of hunting and the thrill of remembering could make what she had cooked up that morning taste any better, unfortunately.
❝Why am I so bad at cooking? It’s not that hard.❞ Anita peeled the lid off the container and was immediately hit with the tongue-drying scent of ash. Her nose wrinkled at the stench, but she knew that it was all she had to eat between classes. Either she gnashed and tore her way through the leathery piece of meat to satisfy her hunger, or she went without and risked becoming grumpy for the rest of the day.
The former option was best, she knew this. 
As she was about to yank a portion off with her teeth, however, she realized with a start that she wasn’t alone. Sitting across from her, perched on a similar-looking stone bench, was a vaguely familiar figure. Hair the shade of sand after the waves rolled past, eyes bright and blue despite sitting in a stony expression, and clothes so elegant and white they made her feel soiled just by glimpsing them. His name eluded her, but she recalled two important facts: he was new, and he was an angel.
Sitting with someone in the courtyard wasn’t an issue, and neither was it the first time. She could have gone on to eat her sad excuse for a lunch and ignored him, except he seemed strangely intent on watching her. It was unnerving, having a glare as steely as his trained on her.
❝You good, dude?❞
He didn’t answer, but his gaze remained firm. It made her uneasy, but that unease began to creep into irritation. Any longer, and it was sure to morph into unreasonable rage. ❝Seriously, what’s your deal?❞
❝What is that?❞ He finally spoke, tone flat as he pointed towards the container in her lap.
❝Oh.❞ She sucked in a calming breath, willed herself not to fly into a rage over something as silly as staring, and lifted the hunk of meat with her fork. ❝Venison. No, wait. It used to be venison.❞
❝Deer meat?❞
❝Mhmm. Dunno what I’d call it now ‘cause I messed up cooking it this morning.❞ She shrugged, as if that fact didn’t disappoint her. Somewhere, deep down, it did.
❝It looks fine to me.❞
Anita gaped, earthen eyes flicking between the angel and the meat that looked more like the sole of a shoe. ❝You’re kidding me.❞
❝I don’t kid.❞ He gathered up his own mess and made a solid beeline for her. With a spot open on the bench, he welcomed himself into her space. Old habits and preconceptions made her shudder at the proximity. He was a pure and enlightened being, and the thought of being near one always made her chest fill with small, disgusting bubbles — not because she disliked angels, but because she didn’t want to sully them.
❝What did you come over here for?❞ There was no room to inch away, so she settled for leaning in the opposite direction.
❝Can I try it?❞ He made the request so clearly and concisely that it prompted a bark of laughter from the onikuma.
❝No! Look at it, it’ll take your puny little jaw ten years to chew through this!❞
❝I doubt that.❞ He paused, observed the hunk of meat in silence, then tried again. ❝Please.❞
❝You’re serious?❞ Anita knew she was already on thin ice with her awful grades, fluctuating attendance and spotty behavioral record. The last thing she needed was a murder of an angel on her hands. ❝You might get sick.❞
❝Do you assume all angels have weak constitutions?❞ He arched one, thick brow and held his hand out. Anita felt her own stomach pinch, partially out of guilt and mostly out of apprehension. This felt like a horribly moronic idea, but he seemed certain that her awful cooking wouldn’t mean his demise.
❝Fine. Here.❞ She held the fork out, and he took it without hesitation. The next second, his blunt teeth sank into the tough meat with little resistance. He yanked, the portion tearing away effortlessly. Flecks of blackened skin and muscle fell away, staining his lower lip as he chewed, chewed, chewed.
He didn’t gag, he didn’t spit the bite out. He swallowed it, let out a considerate hum, then tore another chunk away.
Anita watched with her jaw slack, her horror slowly shifting to confusion, to concern.
❝How are you eating that?❞
❝It’s good. I like it.❞ An easily given answer for an easy question. ❝I don’t know why you were hesitating to eat it.❞
❝I burned it,❞ breathed the demon in awe, ❝and I’m pretty sure I added too many spices. Are you already sick? Did you get dropped on your head a lot, or what?❞
The angel blinked and slowly shook his head. ❝No, not that I remember.❞
Anita snorted and passed her now empty container over, giving him something to catch the loose pieces of meat in as he feasted. ❝Alright, whatever. I’m out a lunch, but I guess if someone liked it, that’s fine.❞
❝Was this all you had?❞ A flicker of guilt melted away the stoicism in his eyes.
❝Don’t worry about it. I have more at home.❞ She waved away the sudden wash of concern, but her reassurance did nothing to ease his guilt.
❝If I’d known——❞
❝Seriously, you’re fine. I know for a fact that it’s bad, but you said something nice about it, so it’s worth it. Relax.❞
The angel frowned deeply for a moment, thoughts taking him elsewhere before he let out a grunt and chowed down again. Around a smaller mouthful, he grumbled. ❝Come to Purgatory Hall after school. You can have dinner with us, as thanks for letting me eat this.❞
❝I don’t think I’m allowed there.❞ She wasn’t a stickler for the rules, obviously, but those bone-deep thoughts that made her assume she was dirty kept her from going anywhere near the dormitory where she knew the angels lived.
❝I’ll ask Simeon and Solomon. I’m sure they’ll agree that it’s only right I offer you something in return.❞ Another flicker of vibrant glee touched at the crystal blue of his eyes. ❝You can try Solomon’s cooking!❞
❝Yeah? Is he good?❞
❝He’s amazing. Simeon and Luke are good too, but there’s something about Solomon’s cooking that I can’t quite get enough of.❞ His excitement was contagious, even if it only lasted for a singular, fleeting moment. ❝You’ll come?❞
❝I feel like I’m gonna look like a total ass if I don’t, so — yeah. Sure.❞ Free food was free food, and she wasn’t all that inclined to reject the offer now that he insisted. ❝After school?❞
❝I might be a little late getting there myself, but I’ll let them know you’re coming. If they don’t get my messages, tell them Raphael sent you.❞ He licked his lips clean, closed the fork inside the container, then popped the lid back on. It was returned to Anita’s hand, her stomach growling at the reminder that she had now skipped lunch. ❝Thank you.❞
❝Raphael? Anita. Uh, yeah. No problem. Still think you’re a little weird, but at least it didn’t go to waste.❞ She wouldn’t mention then, or even years from now, that he had brightened her mood. Hunger pains would have driven her to grouchiness, but the shamelessness with which he ate her horrid cooking and his sincerity had made up for it.
Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t a bad idea to spend a little more time around angels.
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k0ushii · 1 year
imagine the pact quartet (aka mc, mammon, levi, beel) playing a horror game together
levi and mc are the ones invested in the game, mammon screams like every 5 minutes, and beel is just chilling in the side while snacking
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spunkypigeon · 11 months
Your analyzes are really helpful and so valuable to the community. It was from your latest analysis of Reiji that I got motivated to research the boys more thoroughly and became very knowledgeable about behavioral issues. But as I replayed each HDB and MB route, I suddenly realized something.
Each of the brothers is very different, but they all seem to share a lot in common when it comes to punishment and obedience. Despite being raised by such different types of mothers, many of the brothers use one common control tactic - a "reward" for obedience or punishment for disobedience. Of course, some of them can take the reward as such, while others have it quite twisted. And it seems that this practice really works on Yui, because this way they train her to obey without a second thought so that she can to avoid the pain, but I got the impression that they didn't see it that way. For most of the development of Yui's "relationship" with one of the boys, this goes to an extreme and eventually she starts to lose the line between pain and pleasure and things get complicated. But I wonder if they are doing this to make her a masochist? As far as I am informed, a man cannot suddenly become a masochist, but is born with such a tendency, and over time, so to speak, learns to awaken it. Does this mean that Yui is actually really a masochist, and it's not just words when brothers say so?
Of course I know your focus is mainly Reiji and I have no idea if you've played any of the other routes to you know. Also, Reiji isn't as mentally screwed up as Cordelia's sons and he acts very carefully and thinks his actions out more than his brothers. But since you also mentioned this reward and punishment tactic, I would be very happy if you could give me your opinion on the subject.
This is a very astute observation! You are right with each brother engaging in Operant Conditioning (or punishment and reward) even though they each have different mothers; I don't think this is coincidental. From what we see of their mothers, it can be implied that the behaviour is learned - we predominantly see this with Cordelia and her general behaviour, but we also see this with Beatrix and Shuu (I would mention Christa but I feel I lack a thorough understanding of her character). From each of the brothers, to the mothers and by extension even the Mukamis, they all seem to exhibit this form of behaviour; the only way for this to occur [beyond coincidence] is for there to be an interlinking variable. In this case, our good friend Karlheinz - CEO of Beans, Means, Heinz.
From what we learn from Ayato's and Laito's routes, it's implied that Cordelia met Karheinz when she was young - in other words, he preyed on her for her blood, and for her heritage. This can imply that Cordelia may have, in fact, been groomed (for Karl's plan) - since it can be implied that he too engages in the punishment and reward system. This is mainly theoretical, however, from Cordelia's extensive collection of fine jewellery - that, (if I'm right) come from Karlheinz (and can even be implied to be 'love bombing'). We know that Cordelia becomes self-destructive and abusive when she isn't with Karl, possibly implying that his time and gifts act as the "reward" - whereas him marrying Beatrix, Christa and generally discarding Cordeila acts as the "punishment". Cordelia possibly learned her behaviour from Karl and imprinted it onto her children - a sort of "cause and effect" if you will - whereas I've implied Beatrix to suffer from some form of generational trauma; though Karl may have also [possibly] used Operant Conditioning on Beatrix, and Christa, too.
And yes, you're right - some brothers are generous with the rewards and do something that actively makes Yui happy, such as Ayato, Azusa and Kou. However, brothers such as Laito, Kanato and Reiji present a more twisted version of 'reward' - such as Laito forcing himself on Yui [in basically every chapter let's be real] or Kanato wanting to turn Yui into a wax corpse - but that's heavily due to their response to their trauma.
You're also right about Yui being easily 'trained' via Operant Conditioning. However, I think this is a precaution - a means to demonstrate complete and utter control - and like I've mentioned with Reiji, he spares no time in enforcing that; meaning that he's likely done this hundreds of times before (and most likely so have the others). In other words, the Operant Conditioning may just be a standard routine among the brothers. I do like your interpretation that they're doing this so that Yui can avoid their punishments - it definitely puts them in a more sentimental light (and I appreciate that you've read it like this). For characters like Subaru, Shuu, Ayato (and even Kanato) I can definitely see this interpretation - as punishing Yui is more trouble than it's worth; they want her to behave and do exactly as they want.
However, for characters like Reiji and Laito, they particularly enjoy pushing Yui around, they enjoy making her slip up so they can punish her. I see this as more of a demonstration of power and control - as well as a boost to their ego. Reiji and Laito are two characters that lacked control and authority in their childhood - implying that their actions towards Yui are possibly a way to achieve that. For characters such as these, I don't belive that they want Yui to avoid pain in the beginning. Throughout the mid-way section and the end of their respective routes, they don't delight in Yui's pain - it's only in the beginning, and I think this is due to their trauma-response. In other words, the abused become the abuser - they delight in Yui's pain because she feels a physical manifestation of their mental/emotional pain. It's sadism at its most ironic.
So yes, I agree with you on that front - I don't think they see Yui's 'training' in a pet-like way - instead I believe it's a fail-safe. It's a way for each brother to be in complete control, while having the security that Yui can't escape, act out or leave them. At the end of the day, each brother values and desires affection and acceptance - using this form of control over Yui guarantees that. It's a twisted way for them to garner the emotional security they need.
However, I don't believe that any of the brothers use Operant Conditioning to actively or purposefully make Yui a masochist. From what I know, researched and from my own experiences, no one is born a sadist or a masochist. Instead, I believe it to be a learned response. Sadism and masochism are responses to pain - I don't believe people are intrinsically born to enjoy pain - it's called 'pain' for a reason. However, and this is drawn upon my own experiences, I believe that sadism and masochism arise from the exposure to suffering.
If you're exposed to constant and unyielding pain, there's only a small selection of responses to choose from. You can't run from it, you can't hide from it - fighting it only makes it worse - therefore, the only way to deal with the relenting pain is to accept it, tolerate it...enjoy it. I touch on this in my MB analysis regarding Azusa and Yui (and how Azusa is a "dark parallel" to Yui regarding this exact topic). Since the female brain doesn't full mature until mid-twenties, I can afford to take some liberties regarding Yui.
When you're exposed to heavy abuse and physical abuse as a child, your brain does funny things. Now, I'm only talking from my own experiences - so any other views on this are greatly appreciated. But like I said, when you're exposed to pain at a young age, your brain tries to rationalise it and find an effective response. If it's constant, unyielding and inescapable, you can either fight it - and in some cases, make it worse - or you can accept it. When you're a child, or a young adult, you're constantly told the message that you should enjoy life; that you have nothing to sad about or anything worth crying over. Notice how I used the word: enjoy. This is intentional because this is where the brain begins to warp. So, instead of crying about the pain, you instead learn to see the positives - that whoever's inflicting the pain is giving you 'special treatment' for example. This is what we see with Azusa and his attachment to Justin.
People inflict pain because they want to see you suffer; from how my brain responded to that, the only way to combat that is to enjoy it. Once the pain's over - or it's finally stopped for good - that sentiment doesn't go away; instead it finds something to latch onto. Think of your brain as one big circuit board, and the masochism as a cord. Once the pain stops for an extensive period, that cord becomes unplugged - and another cord is plugged in its place; the circuit board fills up. The masochism is still there, the cord hasn't disappeared; it's dangling, and it needs something to latch onto. Once you grow older, your brain develops more plugs, more sockets for different cords and branches that need to be filled in - one of those plugs is sexuality. Now obviously, sadism and masochism aren't intrinsically sexual, they are both sexual and non-sexual: the sexual being self-explanatory and the non-sexual being oriented around amusement - again, it's irony being displayed in its most painful form. But I digress, once sexuality opens itself up to the brain - like with Yui - the unplugged cord of masochism has a socket to wire itself into.
The point I'm getting at is that I believe masochism - and Yui's masochism - to be a trauma-response. It acts as a way for her to 'deal' with the pain - however, since her brain is underdeveloped, her mentality surrounding it warps and distorts. The line between pain and pleasure does become blurred. In other words, it can be implied that Yui's masochism (and Azusa's) are coping mechanisms that have become warped and distorted over time.
Note that Yui never starts the game(s) as a masochist. If anything, she hates the pain. Yet by the end of the game, she is a masochist. She's masochistic due to the severe mental stress she's under and the vile abuse she endures - and her brain can't revert back due to the extent of the distortion. Routes such as Reiji's and Laito's hinge on Yui's mentality unravelling; becoming fragile and mouldable - this is how the masochism is able to infiltrate, it's a coping mechanism (but instead of being able to abandon it, it's latched onto another part of her brain, her sexuality).
Furthermore, when the brothers refer to Yui as a masochist, it could be implied to be an exaggeration, a way to riddle Yui's mind with stress, denial and self-doubt. In other words, it could be implied that they're gaslighting her to sow doubt and make her more susceptible to their mental manipulation. Additionally, it could be implied that they're enforcing masochism onto Yui so that they can enact their own sadism onto her without any complications - to make her a 'willing victim' if you will. In essence, the brothers could call Yui a masochist in order to imprint their own views and needs onto her - sadism and masochism is the giving and receiving of pain. It can be implied that the brothers' sadistic tendencies act as an outlet for their trauma; they need a recipient to take the pain they're giving - that being Yui. However, the brothers' sadism and Yui's masochism doesn't match up.
The brothers begin their routes revelling in Yui's pain, yet they don't end their routes with the same sentiment. Yui, however, starts the routes trying to escape the pain, only to yield to it - and by the end of the route, revel in it. And I'm not just strictly talking about her own pain either. In Reiji's HDB manservant ending, we see Yui delight in the pain and subservience of others. She gains control over Reiji, in which she belittles and emasculates him, all while playing the role of 'Cordelia' - and in Kanato's HDB manservant ending, we see Yui brutally (and sadistically) murders the other brothers, revelling in the affection she believes she'll get because of it. In essence, sadism and masochism are learned responses or coping-mechanisms (gone wrong), but that's just my opinion.
You're also right, Reiji isn't as screwed up as the triplets, and he does think out his every move - painstakingly so. The only other brother I'd say who comes close is Laito,since they're both highly manipulative and predominately enforce Operant Conditioning - with Reiji’s focus being on control and Laito's being on sex. When Yui behaves, they each reward her in non-material ways - for Laito, it's sex or physical affection, and for Reiji, it's remedies when Yui's sick, her favourite meals etc. What they both 'reward' Yui with is their vulnerability. In other words, manipulative characters like Reiji, Laito, Ruki and Carla enforce Operative Conditioning to gain the comfort of control; only once that boundary is established do they 'mellow'. In other words, the need for punishment and reward is a basis wherein the brothers can build a relationship that they can thrive in.
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