#obesity cure doctor
flagellant · 2 years
lmao the obesity article from huffpo you reblogged is so insanely incorrect
First off, the whole "Your body is just doing what it's supposed to do, you're fat because you're MEANT to be fat!" while also saying "about 40 years ago, Americans started getting much larger" hmm... Why only Americans? Why only 40 years ago?
That seems odd, that Americans, specifically, would suddenly change to being naturally fat. Even today America has a much higher rate of obesity than other places like Japan. How is that? Wonder what would be discovered if we looked at when things like beet sugar, corn syrup, etc. started to be commonly added to foods 🤔
And then the "diets don't work!" spiel, along with emotionally charged reports of people starving themselves until they passed out.
What diets specifically doesn't work? Were the people getting enough calories? Did they stop the diet, and then the weight came back? Did they start with small, gradual changes or completely overhaul their entire meal plan right away?
They say "95% to 98% of research shows diets fail" what research? What studies? What was the sample size? What were people eating? Were they given any help to maintain their diet or encourage any other healthy habits, or were they just given a list of foods to eat and sent on their way?
It sounds like ALL the diets they talk about in the article are shitty. People starving themselves, people doing useless fad diets, etc. and presenting it as if weight loss is IMPOSSIBLE. Which is crazy, considering all the people I've seen who lose weight, maintain the loss, and feel insanely better than they did when they were obese.
Maybe it's not that "diets" don't work, but that the diet industry doesn't work? After all, what would happen if they encouraged people to change their relationship with food completely, starting with small, gradual changes, and work on fixing their gut microbiome and cutting out unnecessary things from their diet like processed sugars, corn syrup, etc? Then people would lose weight. Then they wouldn't need expensive diet plans anymore.
And then the industry has no more customers. Just like if Apple makes phones that actually work and aren't pieces of trash, then they wouldn't be making money from people buying new iPhones every other year. Same with the clothing industry, and the pharmaceutical industry, and every other industry.
For someone who always talks about people researching things and checking out the sources on information before automatically believing it ya'll don't seem very good at it lmao
I'd like to start off with saying that I definitely agree with you in that the way the diet industry is structured exists to predate upon invented insecurities, just like nearly any cosmetics aimed at body alteration to some degree (makeup included). We also agree that it is fundamentally built to ensure failure and ongoing failure as a norm, in the same way that we're never going to get a proper cure for cancer when the cancer industry is so insanely prevalent and profitable.
That said, I understand your...frustration, let's call it, sure, about the fact that no, I did not do any further digging into this and took it at its word. You have my apologies for that.
However. I'd like to use this as a tool for transparency and assuming best intent. Your tone and treatment of me in this is rather hostile and I don't see the purpose that it serves. If I'm someone who claims to find accuracy in reporting important, then yes, accuracy needs to be had. And it was as simple as just Googling "95% diets fail". First result is an article from the NYT debunking it and explaining why it's a myth and bad statistics.
But that same article gets me to the heart of why I'm writing things out this way: you brought it up yourself, in fact, though in deciding to get petty you probably missed the subtext. For over forty years now these numbers have been used and spread around to the point where countless literal professional doctors don't have any idea that it's false. After all, we live in a society where diet industries have for pretty much ever been able to operate with nearly no regulation, fat people aren't actually given a shit about from medical professionals and are just told to get GPS, etc...you could even say this is a systemic issue which started long before I and likely you (and most reading this) were born.
Nobody learns these things on accident. You're absolutely right that if I looked it up and researched the claims I could easily have found out their validity to be nonexistent. But why would I? This isn't new research. This isn't anything that goes against anything I was ever taught. It's just a fact of life, just the way things are. People thought the universe was geocentric.
So with that said, I have to admit that while I've done my best to not vent my irritation at you or anyone else, it is deeply frustating, sure, we'll call it, to have you walk up to me and act in this way. It would be one thing if this wasn't a case of unlearning systemic bias and normativity. That'd be on me, absolutely.
But instead of thinking things through like an emotionally mature individual and going "Hm, this dude who says it finds research/accuracy important posted some stuff which was wrong, which I'm aware has a history going back multiple decades and is still going strong. Maybe the reason they didn't do any followup research was because they've lived their entire life hearing this same statistic over and over again and therefore thought that their systemic biases were accurate and saw nothing wrong because they couldn't,"
you decided to be a cunt for no fucking reason and you knew it because you had to go on Anonymous to hide any possible consequences coming your way for your actions. So thanks for informing me about this, I'm genuinely grateful and we, again, completely fucking agree ideologically, but/so fuck you for thinking that acting like a fucking 10th grader with a gotcha was a better use of anyone's time than just typing out "Hey that diet thing you reblogged is actually completely false if you look it up" to which I would have gone "Oh shit you're right, here's some followup research I did about this thing and how it's a systemic bias that needs to be unlearned".
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variablejabberwocky · 1 month
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medical fatphobia and shit under cut
so it looks like grandma has been "borderline" diabetic for 20 years
which should not be something that can happen
there is no cure for diabetes (yet). either you ARE or you AREN'T. the "borderline" stage is more accurately supposed to be "early" diabetes. and the reason they treat it different is because it can be less consistent and can be held back (temporarily!) by diet/exercise
thats only supposed to work for a MAXIMUM of five years. for most people it only works for a year or two. it should be impossible for it to work for 20 goddamn years
which makes me think something fucky is going on
and considering that bmi is used as a medical diagnostic tool at all much less that they changed where each category began and ended (and in the WRONG FUCKING DIRECTION if it was EVER about health (people in the "obese" category have better long-term health outcomes than those in the "healthy/normal" category)) im worried that at some point they ALSO shifted the cutoff point for diagnosing people as diabetic
the ONLY reason i listened at all to them saying i was borderline now was because they waited until they had AT LEAST done some labwork on me before even mentioning it. as opposed to prior doctors that tried to "diagnose" me as diabetic because i was Fat In Public
so now i've got to do more research to see if they've shifted the cutoffs, and, if not, if there's another health condition that can cause those specific labwork numbers to say that that ISN'T diabetes. because i have to do the legwork to rule out other shit before i can trust them trying to treat me for this shit
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chubbychiquita · 1 year
Any thoughts on the Ozempic weight loss discourse? Seems like it might be a "cure" for obesity, although obviously there have been previous Miracle Drugs that amounted to nothing. If anything, it might make being a feedist even more deviant if the US obesity rate actually meaningfully declines from this
cw: disordered eating, medical fatphobia
my doctor offered to put me on ozempic for my pcos but the packet of potential side effects was insane, especially for ppl who already struggle with weight related illnesses 😰 it makes me so sad that ppl are using diabetes medication to synthetically reduce their appetites, several of the women in my family took fen phen in the nineties and one nearly died 😥 depending on the long term efficacy, safety, and accessibility, i wouldn't be surprised if it made being visibly overweight more frowned upon though :/
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justsomeantifas · 2 years
I don’t know there’s something so … acrid yet comical that folks everywhere want to whine and complain and … honestly be totally violent about obesity in the us being a horrible disease that we need to cure yada yada.
And then. In the same hand. want to blame people taking a drug that legitimately helps them lose weight … for said drugs manufactured scarcity which has been making it difficult for diabetics to have the same drug.
At a certain point which is it?
Is obesity a disease that needs treatment? Or not. lmao. They really want BOTH to be true so they can blame obesity for everything.
When called out on this … laughably they resort to crying about the luxury skinny wealthy of tiktok taking all the country’s meds lmaooo as if there were enough to do such a thing.
As if the vast vast majority aren’t getting a prescription from their doctor that insurance has to approve to then cover.
They’ll blame everyone but the industry, honestly!
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follow-up-news · 1 year
The Food and Drug Administrationfor the first time cleared a test to gauge a mother’s risk of severe preeclampsia, a leading cause of pregnancy-related illness and death in the U.S.  
Thermo Fisher Scientific said Thursday that the blood test it already sells in Europe could be available in the U.S. soon. Its introduction could transform prenatal care in the U.S., doctors and maternal-health advocates said.
Preeclampsia occurs when something goes awry with a woman’s placenta during pregnancy, causing a chain reaction that can culminate in organ damage or death. Disorders related to high blood pressure including preeclampsia are increasingly common. The rate of first-time hypertensive disorders in pregnancy nearly doubled from 2007 to 2019. Rising rates of obesity and hypertension before pregnancy are likely drivers, doctors and researchers said.
Thermo Fisher’s test is meant for mothers who have high blood pressure or mild preeclampsia and have been admitted to a hospital for observation. Managing preeclampsia at this stage is difficult because doctors don’t know if the mother will be able to carry the baby to term without advancing to a severe phase of the condition. The only cure for severe preeclampsia is immediate delivery of the baby, doctors said.
“The fear right now is we don’t know how quickly the patient is going to progress,” said Dr. Thomas McElrath, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology at Harvard Medical School.
Pregnant mothers who have preeclampsia are often admitted to a hospital for the remainder of their pregnancy until 37 weeks, when doctors deliver the baby, he said. The preeclampsia test could help some of those women who aren’t at the highest risk return home before delivery, McElrath said. The test will help doctors make better care decisions, prevent unnecessary disruptions to patients’ lives and free up hospital beds, doctors said.
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mariacallous · 2 years
A revolution in weight loss is apparently underway. It started in 2021, when the FDA approved the diabetes drug semaglutide for weight loss. The weekly injectable—sold under the brand name Wegovy—can help users lose 5 to 10 percent of their body weight, leading commentators to describe the drug as both a “medical breakthrough” and a “silver bullet” for obesity. Elon Musk says he’s taking it, Kim Kardashian is rumored to be using it, and everyone from Hollywood to the Hamptons reportedly wants a prescription. 
Soon, there will be a new weight loss medication on the block—and it’s even more potent than its peers. Last fall, the FDA fast-tracked the review process for using tirzepatide as a weight loss drug after a clinical trial showed that people with BMIs labeled “overweight” or “obese” lost a staggering 22.5 percent of their body weight on the highest dose. If all goes according to plan, that will make Mounjaro the latest in a fast-growing biomedical sector—spanning everything from bariatric surgery to deep brain stimulation for binge-eating—that aims to combat, if not cure, the problem of “excess” weight. 
For pharmaceutical companies, the race to market is financially motivated: Wegovy and Mounjaro cost more than $1,000 a month. Weight loss drugs are rarely covered by insurance, but people who can afford them have proven they’re willing to pay. And the market seems effectively limitless: Despite an ongoing “war on obesity,” more than 1.9 billion adults globally are considered overweight or obese, and the number of prospective users is growing every year. Now doctors—desperate to treat what is widely seen as an “obesity epidemic”—are coming on board. In January, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended such medications for kids as young as 12. 
The victorious narratives gilding drugs like Mounjaro are already being positioned as a direct challenge to fat activism. For decades, the movement has pushed for social and economic opportunity for people of all sizes through civil rights, fat pride and liberation, and biomedical evidence itself. Thanks to prominent voices like Audrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes, many people now know that “lifestyle changes” like calorie restriction and exercise fail to produce sustained weight loss for 97 percent of people and that many dieters end up gaining back more weight than they lost. But what happens to the strength of these arguments when a weight loss drug seems to work?
Like other purported weight loss solutions, Mounjaro promises “to fix weight stigma by making you thinner, instead of removing the stigma,” says Susanne Johnson, a fat activist and family nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania. In so doing, these drugs and surgeries further exacerbate anti-fat discrimination. Instead of criticizing people in larger bodies for their perceived lack of willpower—that old “calories in, calories out” adage—people can now blame those in bigger bodies for something more akin to a techno-pessimist, or even anti-science, stance: “Just take the miracle cure!” 
The history of the weight loss industry is more akin to prospecting for gold or investing in crypto than transplanting organs and developing antibiotics; less a story of scientific progress than an endless cycle of wild speculation, where boom inevitably gives way to bust. Fen-Phen was a miracle until it was linked to heart valve damage. Intermittent fasting was going to fix what caloric restriction couldn’t until researchers showed the two produce exactly the same results. And then there’s the complicated case of bariatric surgery.
From their inception in the 1950s, operations like gastric bypass (which reroutes food away from the stomach, inducing malabsorption) and gastric sleeve (which involves partially amputating the stomach so it holds less food and produces fewer hunger hormones) have been sold as a potential panacea, says Lisa Du Breuil, a clinical social worker at Massachusetts General Hospital. While fewer than 1 percent of people who qualify actually undergo bariatric surgery, those who do can lose up to 70 percent of their “excess” weight (or the weight above a BMI of 24.9). 
But Du Breuil, who specializes in eating disorders and substance abuse disorders, has seen some of the worst of bariatric’s side effects. People can develop dumping syndrome—wherein sugar-rich meals leave the stomach too quickly, causing sweating, dizziness, rapid heart rate, and vomiting. Gastric bypass in particular raises the risk of postoperative alcohol abuse. Rates of suicide and self-harming behaviors also rise in the years after bariatric surgery. And even when people follow strict post-operative diets, malnutrition, tooth loss, gout, and new or resurging eating disorders are possible. “It can be really challenging to get a full picture,” Du Breuil says. She learns about new side effects all the time.
Semaglutide and tirzepatide—both part of a larger family of GLP-1 receptor agonists—were developed for diabetes management at lower doses. When pharmaceutical companies noticed their trial participants were also losing weight, they realized “if we can turn the volume up to 11, we can really enhance this side effect,” says Johnson, the nurse. “That means you’re also turning up the other side effects.” 
The primary complaints from users of Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro sound like the kind of thing you can fix with a bottle (or three) of Pepto Bismol: nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, and what one patient called “power vomiting.” But these might be less like classic “side effects” of a drug than a mechanism of weight loss itself, as The Guardian recently reported. By making the feeling of eating (and, in some cases, even hydrating) actively disgusting to the user, the drug curbs their consumption—similar to the experience of bariatric patients, who can only fit a few ounces of food in their stomachs at a time. 
The list of complications doesn’t end there. For example, both GLP-1 receptor agonists may increase the risk of thyroid cancer—one of the many BMI-linked diseases that supposedly makes weight loss absolutely imperative for people in larger bodies. And there’s good reason to believe that other side effects will reveal themselves in years to come, as the number of long-term users grows. 
The biggest surprise for many prospective patients is that long-term weight loss isn’t guaranteed—a reflection, perhaps, of the faulty assumption that people are obese because they overeat. Current estimates suggest that the average bariatric surgery patient regains 30 percent of the weight they lost in the 10 years after surgery. One in four regain all of their weight in that time. And 20 percent of people don’t respond to surgery in the first place. 
The same is true for GLP-1 receptor agonists: If you stop injecting, the weight returns. 
In case it wasn’t clear by now, biomedical weight loss interventions often mimic the deadly logic of anorexia, bulimia, or other forms of disordered eating, says Erin Harrop, a clinical social worker and researcher. Harrop would know. At the height of their own eating disorder, Harrop wished they could fill their stomach with air instead of food, or cut their stomach out, or wire their jaw shut. Later, they learned these things exist—in the form of gastric balloons, gastric sleeves, and even a magnetic jaw trap. 
It’s no surprise, then, that some people who undergo bariatric surgery experience a resurgence of a preexisting eating disorder, or develop a new one. Frequent vomiting, never knowing what foods will upset your stomach, and feeling pressure to maintain a post-surgical weight—“you can create an eating disorder that way,” Du Briel says.
But semaglutide and tirzepatide promise to fulfill an even stranger fantasy: eliminating appetite itself. While a drug like Mounjaro works on numerous fronts—including preventing the body from storing fat and “browning” existing adipose tissue—it’s the feeling of being untethered from desire that seems to fascinate patients and physicians alike. People for whom the drug works often say, “I forget to eat,” says Fatima Cody Stanford, an obesity medicine specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Weight Center. 
If doctors really believe that obesity is the greater of any two evils, then this approach makes sense. When it comes to bariatric surgery, for example, a review of the medical literature suggests it is, on balance, associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality—or death of any cause*—*compared to patients with high BMIs who don’t go under the knife (though such studies are profoundly limited, as they often do not control for social factors, like income or education). Many hope that semaglutide and tirzepatide will one day prove just as vitalizing.
But eating disorders kill too. In many contexts, sustained hunger is considered a travesty. And desire—for food, or anything else—is a great way to know you’re alive. “It’s wild to me that we see no appetite as a positive thing,” says Shira Rosenbluth, an eating disorder therapist who works with people of all sizes. Anna Toonk agrees: “I realized that there are worse things than being fat,” she told The Cut last fall. “The worst thing you can be is wanting to barf all the time.” 
Ultimately, the proliferation of drugs like Mounjaro means medicine is not only in the business of dictating “normal” weights (a thing it still hasn’t quite figured out), but “normal” appetites. What was once an intuitive process, in which your body tells you what it needs, became a dictate under diet culture: You tell your body what it can have. Now medicine promises a radical reset: With the right drug, your body will hunger for nothing at all.
Weight loss technology can’t be stopped entirely—nor should it be. Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. But informed consent is built on information, and we may not have enough. Mounjaro was fast-tracked by the FDA based on studies designed to observe weight loss over just 72 weeks, a small fraction of the time real patients will be on the drug. At the very least, patients should be informed that in the first years after a drug hits the market, they are participants in an ongoing experiment. 
As biomedicine’s war on obesity continues, people must work harder to combat anti-fat bias—not on a technicality, but as part of the expansive vision of justice fat activists began articulating more than 50 years ago. For semaglutide, tirzepatide, bariatric surgery, and their ilk are neither miracles nor cures. There have always been fat people, and there always will be, whether they’re “non-responders” to treatment, refuseniks, or languishing on the waitlist. Notably, even those who experience dramatic weight loss after surgery or on injectables may still be overweight or obese, depending where they started. 
Perhaps most importantly, the American weight loss discourse must move away from a reflexive scientism, which has enabled biomedicine to subject the entirety of human experience to its single-minded scrutiny. Weight, like almost every aspect of embodiment, is not an exclusively biological phenomenon or a clear-cut medical “problem” to solve. It is shaped by countless factors, like power distribution in society, personal psychology, and that most frightening of forces: the desire for more.
If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline is available at (800) 931-2237.
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thefuturewewant · 1 year
Everyone deserves the right to be physically and mentally healthy. It's why the UN have made good health and well-being for all a global priority. Health is defined in a variety of ways. When we get a check-up with a doctor things like our weight, our behaviour and genetics are important. We measure the health of communities and nations by talking about things like life expectancy, number of doctors and nurses, mortality rates, and the cost of medicine. But what does a healthy country look like? If you want to beyond the age of 80, you should think of moving to Italy. One of the largest countries in Europe, it's officially the healthiest country in the world. Why is that? Italians live on a healthy Mediterranean diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, dairy products, olive oil and red wine. They eat pizza too, but everything in moderation. Italians have access to free healthcare, clean water, education and the number of doctors working there is high but it's not the same everywhere. Unhealthy habits can have a negative effect on our health and well being. When we eat unhealthy foods, drink too much alcohol, and smoke cigarettes, we can become sick with non-communicalbe conditions like obesity and heart disease. But our health and well being is also subject to change from external forces. Unhealthy infrastructure like poor sanitation and lack of clean running water can lead to the spread of communicable diseases like malaria, diarrhea, and flu- some of the leading causes of death in developing countries. And under-resourced, mismanaged healthcare systems can worsen the spread of non-communicalbe diseases because they don't have the doctors or nurses to treat patients or the money to pay for medicine. And in countries where healthcare is not free, lots of people cannot afford the care they need. But it's not all bad news. In fact the signs are good ! Between the years of 2000 and 2015, global life expectancy increased by five years. That's because governments are partnering with health organisations everywhere to invest in better infrastructure, trained doctors and nurses, and eradicate diseases like polio. In countries like Uganda, professional midwives are giving more women access to safe delivery during pregnancy, and in research hospitals all around the world scientists are working on new vaccines and cures. Our health is connected to the health to everyone on the planet as illnesses know no borders; but neither do cures. If we pay attention to our own health and well-being then we can make the world a happier, healthier, more prosperous place.
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findingmypeace · 1 year
It’s almost 4am. I haven’t been able to sleep for multiple reasons. Mostly, because I’m just so angry about the past two doctor’s appointments.
I am feeling quite irrational right now while also feeling very angry. By that I mean, the ed is screaming at me: I obviously need to get serious about losing weight and stop procrastinating. No more small snack here and there throughout the day. Instead, it’s nothing. I need to lose as much as I can, as fast as I can. According to my very own doctor I am apparently way too fat and as result I am unhealthy and therefore need to lose as much weight as I can. So I will. And if she can get insurance approval I will have a year’s supply of Wegovy (the prescription weight loss medication-a once a week shot). I guess my weight is so unhealthy that it’s important I get the aid of a medication to help me lose weight as fast as possible. (I’m literally not even obese. Close, but not yet). But, hey, the eating disorder is all for anything that can aid in weight loss. If I can get back down to a more comfortable weight I can’t even explain how great that would feel.
So those are the louder ed thoughts that are happening as a result of my interactions with my doctors. However, the logical part of me knows that an actual MD basically handed me a tool that will contribute to a disorder that is killing me. And in her words she is ‘helping me to achieve my goal’. On the appointment summary note she posted on the patient portal app she wrote about how I know I both need and want to lose weight but I don’t know how because of my ‘extreme behaviors and lack of coping skills’. Oh really. Well, I guess I’ll show you. I very much know how to lose weight. Just give me a few months. Fuck you! This is the battle in my head. I go from irrational to rational and back instantly. And there is a small part of that rational part of my brain that has started to come to terms with how bad things really are right now, including with the amount of behaviors, and, even though I understand the connection between my physical symptoms and the ed, if I truly want those symptoms to go away I need to reduce and eventually stop all ed behaviors. I like to pretend there’s other things that can treat my symptoms and make them go away. But I’m realizing there’s no magic cure. It just doesn’t work that way. So part of the back and forth battle in my head involves the lifting of denial/finally allowing myself to connect the dots on the seriousness of things and at the same time wanting to lose as much weight as possible, as fast as I can because apparently I need to. My own doctor says I’m too heavy and, according to her, being at this weight is really dangerous and puts me at risk for so many other diseases. (Her notes literary talk about that). So, yeah, part of me wants to give her a big fuck you and report her practice to every place possible and the other part of me wants to see if she’ll continue to refill my Lasix prescription (in addition to the wegovy) since that helped me lose quite a bit of water weight in just a week. They’re not open on Saturday but maybe I could call and ask on Monday. Or not. Ed brain vs recovery brain.
Now that I got a little bit of my anger out I am going to try to get some sleep. It is almost 5am so if I don’t fall asleep soon I think I’ll just get up for the day. I don’t have the patience for this right now.
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konain · 1 year
Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain: Soothe Inflammation
Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation of the joints, leading to pain and stiffness, which can significantly affect a person's quality of life. While there are many conventional treatments for arthritis, natural remedies are becoming increasingly popular due to their effectiveness and lack of side effects. In this article, we will explore some natural home remedies for arthritis pain that can help soothe inflammation and alleviate symptoms.
What is Arthritis?
Arthritis is a term used to describe a group of conditions that cause inflammation of the joints. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which occurs when the cartilage that cushions the joints wears down over time, leading to pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is another type of arthritis that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, causing inflammation and pain. Other types of arthritis include psoriatic arthritis, gout, and lupus.
Causes of Arthritis
The exact cause of arthritis is not yet known, but several factors can increase the risk of developing the condition. Some of these factors include:
Gender (women are more likely to develop arthritis than men)
Joint injuries
Autoimmune disorders
Certain occupations that involve repetitive motions or heavy lifting
Symptoms of Arthritis
The symptoms of arthritis can vary depending on the type of arthritis a person has. However, some common symptoms of arthritis include:
Joint pain
Decreased range of motion
Weight loss
Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain
While there is no cure for arthritis, natural remedies can help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Here are some natural home remedies for arthritis pain:
1. Exercise
Exercise is essential for maintaining joint flexibility and strength. Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling can help improve mobility and reduce pain. Exercise also helps with weight management, which can reduce stress on the joints.
2. Hot and Cold Therapy
Hot and cold therapy can help reduce joint pain and inflammation. Applying a hot compress to the affected joint can help relax muscles and increase blood flow. Conversely, applying a cold compress can help numb the area and reduce swelling.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine that has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding turmeric to your diet can help reduce joint pain and stiffness. You can also take turmeric supplements, but it is important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.
4. Ginger
Ginger is another spice that has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding ginger to your diet can help reduce joint pain and stiffness. You can also make ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger in hot water.
5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that have anti-inflammatory properties. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, can help reduce joint pain and stiffness. You can also take omega-3 supplements, but it is important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.
6. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is a natural remedy that can help reduce joint pain and inflammation. Adding Epsom salt to a warm bath can help relax muscles and reduce pain.
7. Massage
Massage can help reduce joint pain and stiffness by improving circulation and relaxing muscles. You can use a massage therapist or do self-massage at home using a foam roller or massage ball.
8. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese
9. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce joint pain and swelling. You can apply Aloe Vera gel directly to the affected area or drink Aloe Vera juice to reduce inflammation.
10. Capsaicin
Capsaicin is a compound found in chili peppers that has pain-relieving properties. Applying capsaicin cream to the affected joint can help reduce pain and inflammation.
11. Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that can help reduce muscle and joint pain. Eating magnesium-rich foods such as leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains can help reduce inflammation and alleviate arthritis symptoms.
12. Essential Oils
Essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Massaging the affected area with essential oils can help reduce joint pain and stiffness.
13. Yoga
Yoga is an excellent form of exercise that can help improve joint flexibility and reduce pain. Practicing yoga regularly can also help reduce stress, which can exacerbate arthritis symptoms.
14. Weight Management
Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for managing arthritis symptoms. Excess weight puts additional stress on the joints, which can worsen pain and inflammation.
15. Rest and Relaxation
Getting enough rest and relaxation is essential for managing arthritis symptoms. Make sure to get enough sleep and take breaks throughout the day to rest your joints.
Arthritis is a chronic condition that can significantly affect a person's quality of life. While there is no cure for arthritis, natural home remedies can help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Incorporating these remedies into your daily routine can help you manage arthritis pain and improve your overall quality of life.
What foods should I avoid if I have arthritis?
It is best to avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and foods high in saturated fats. Instead, focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
Can exercise make arthritis worse?
Low-impact exercise is generally safe and beneficial for people with arthritis. However, high-impact exercises such as running or jumping can worsen joint pain and should be avoided.
Are natural remedies safe for arthritis?
Natural remedies are generally safe but it is important to talk to your doctor before trying any new remedies, especially if you are taking medication or have an underlying health condition.
Can stress worsen arthritis symptoms?
Yes, stress can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. It is important to manage stress through techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Can arthritis be cured?
There is currently no cure for arthritis, but there are many treatments and natural remedies that can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
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idk what my doctor exactly was trying to tell me today but i am pretty sure he implied that now i no longer have obesity, my chronic illness will become background noise. it doesn't work that way, i wanted to say. but i could only nod (this is so tiring). i am not suddenly cured of my disabilities nor i'll ever will be. no matter how healthy my weight is at the moment, i will still be in chronic pain. weight loss doesn't fix everything, certaintly not chronic illness.
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Hyperthyroidism & seeing my doctor yesterday
So I have hyperthyroidism which basically means my thyroid is over active. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are manageable with medication which I am on but those symptoms for me include
Being very jittery- the need to be doing something all the time
Higher levels of anxiety
Difficulty gaining weight and if I were not on medication rapid weight loss despite my intake
I over heat easily and have a pretty low tolerance to the heat
irregular heart beat (heart murmur)
Hair loss
insomnia but feeling tired all the time
digestive issues meaning food tends to go right through me
Its not a fun time but I manage and like I said a lot of the symptoms are at least alleviated with the medication I take for it and it's a manageable condition. I also have to note that my case is a bit out of the ordinary because I don't have a high heart rate and heart palpitations that most with hyperthyroidism experience. Because of damage done to my heart from years anorexia and Orthorexia and then also heart conditions I was more than likely born with but weren't discovered until 2022 I actually have a slowed heart rate.
Yesterday I went to see my doctor (I see an endocrinologist for my hyperthyroidism) and He brought up something to me that is called radioactive iodine treatment. This treatment is used to treat some forms of thyroid cancer but also doctors call it a cure for hyperthyroidism. Here is my problem with this: radioactive iodine treatment does actually "cure" hyperthyroidism in the sense that you won't any longer have an over active thyroid but you just trade one extreme for the other- one thyroid condition for another. The treatment slows the functioning of your thyroid so much that you end up with hypothyroidism which includes its own set of symptoms like:
cold all the time
High cholesterol
Unexplained weight gain which in turn statistically and medically speaking those who have hypothyroidism brought on by radioactive iodine treatment eventually struggle with obesity and that brings about its own health problems
dry skin
Brittle nails
Still with the hair loss
Slow heart rate which no thanks I don't need my heart rate slowed more than it is
Also with radioactive iodine treatment I could end up
Needing hormone replacement the rest of my life
At least partially losing my sense of taste & smell
And for at least a week after the treatment I would need to keep my self isolated from any contact with any other living being because it would expose them to radiation. Not only could coming in contact with me expose them but coming in contact with any clothes ive worn, sheets, pillows, blankets I have used, & any thing I have used to eat or drink with or out of.
I just don't see that a treatment like this that replaces one set of issues with an even longer set of issues should be called something like a cure. Not a lot of pros to doing this radioactive iodine treatment at least not in my opinion. This treatment is a hell no for me. Maybe I am being cynical and pessimistic but just looking at the list of issues I have now with hyperthyroidism as opposed to the list I'd have after the radioactive iodine treatment I am just shaking my head in disbelief and aggravation because...this is not a cure or a solution.
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It took me thirty years to figure out a very important truth: you can't walk off cancer, "skip dessert" your way out of Alzheimer's, portion yourself into curing multiple sclerosis...and you can't diet and exercise away morbid obesity.
If you are a *little* overweight: sure! Change up your food choices and burn more calories. Consult with your doctor. Have ALL the fun.
If you're morbidly obese: do not let yourself be gaslit into this diet and exercise shit. You didn't get this way by yourself, even though everyone will tell you that and your own brain will question it. But it's true--chances are something isn't right, and if your doctor won't listen, find another one. I'm not saying that it's completely dumb (it's part of the equation) but it's not the ONLY solution.
The studies on obesity have changed in the last thirty years. New genes have been identified. New eating disorders. The specialization of bariatrics has changed, and now there are both new surgeries and non-surgical options.
People will call obesity an epidemic and refuse to acknowledge it's a disease in the same breath. They'd prefer to look down on people and deem them lazy or weak for being obese.
You're not lazy, and you're not weak. If you're anything like me, you've just been horribly mishandled by the medical community and its outdated, judgemental, insidious preconceptions.
I'm not letting that story define me any longer. I'm fat because of a lot of things, but mostly I think it was in the cards. I have ADHD, anxiety, and binge eating disorder. My emotions are tied to eating, my dopamine thrives on food, and when I'm bored my mind goes to eating. It's deeply ingrained, and it's been a lot of work to undo that. I'm still working on it.
Because it's a disease.
And I take medication for it.
So if you come around and try to squawk diet and exercise at me, expect to get sat on, because us fatties just can't help ourselves and we just need to sit sometimes.
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drsunildubeyclinic · 13 days
Sexual Dysfunction Cure: Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey
About Sexual Dysfunction in men and women:
Today more than 23% people in India are suffering from this sexual disease. As we understand, sexual intimacy or experience is a priceless natural gift where a person spends his unique time in this act. All the activities of this sexual pleasure keep him energetic almost all the time. Actually, this is the demand of the body where nature controls this system.
“Sexual dysfunction is a condition in which a person (male or female) has difficulty or inability to experience pleasure, satisfaction, or intimacy during sexual activity, affecting physical, emotional, and relational well-being.”
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World famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey who is best sexologist in Patna says that generally three major factors always matter for health such as physical, mental and lifestyle. Disturbance in any factor causes sexual or health disorder. Right now, we are discussing about sexual disorders in men and women, so we will focus on this point. He is India's leading senior sexologist doctor who is a specialist in Ayurveda and sexology medical science. He has done his research on various sexual disorders of men and women which was based on his daily practice, treatment, patient's behaviour, studies and experience. After his five years of research for the treatment of sexual diseases, he has successfully discovered the most effective and panacea Ayurvedic or herbal medicines for them. Let us know about all the sexual diseases of men and women which have the right treatment and medicine available at Dubey Clinic where he practices and provides his treatment to all the sexual patients.
Male Sexual Dysfunction:
Erectile dysfunction (ED): Difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection for sexual activities.
Premature ejaculation (PE): Premature ejaculation during intercourse which causes dissatisfaction
Delayed ejaculation (DE): Difficulty in achieving orgasm and ejaculating too late
Decreased libido (DL): Decreased sexual desire for sexual activities or behaviour
Hypogonadism: Low levels of testosterone which is responsible for a lot of sexual problems
Other Male Sexual Problems: Dhat Syndrome, Night Discharge, STIs, and so on.
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Female Sexual Dysfunction:
Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD): Difficulty getting aroused for sexual activity
Female orgasmic disorder (FOD): Difficulty achieving orgasm during sexual activity
Dyspareunia: Painful intercourse at the time of male penetration
Vaginismus: Involuntary vaginal muscle contractions during intercourse
Low libido: Low level of sexual desire, behaviour and thoughts for sexual activity
Other Female Sexual Problems: Vaginal Dryness, Leucorrhoea, STDs, and so on.
Causes of sexual dysfunction in men or women:
Dr Sunil Dubey, best sexologist in Bihar, says that physical, mental and lifestyle factors affect sexual or general health the most. In the case of sexual dysfunction, these three factors affect a person's sexual health, including his married life. Let us know in detail about all the causes of sexual dysfunction in a person.
Physical Factors: Hormonal imbalance, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, sleep disorders and high cholesterol are physical factors and these affect the sexual health of a person.
Psychological Factors: Anxiety, depression, stress, relationship problems, trauma and past sexual experiences are psychological factors and these affect sexual health mentally.
Lifestyle Factors: Habit is second nature and we become what we think. Smoking, drinking, inactivity and poor communication are lifestyle factors that affect sexual and overall health.
Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction in men or women:
Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection
Painful intercourse or ejaculation
Decreased libido or sexual desire
Difficulty achieving orgasm
Premature or delayed ejaculation
Inability to relax during intimacy
Complications due to sexual dysfunction:
Dr. Sunil Dubey says, when a person suffers from any kind of sexual dysfunction, there are many complications in his sexual or daily life. Those complications are given below-
Stress in relationship
Emotional distress
Low self-esteem
Reduced quality of life
Prevention of Sexual Disease:
If you want to prevent this sexual disease in your life, then you should follow some important tips. In fact, these tips will help you prevent your sexual problem at any stage.
Communicate openly with the partner
Prioritize healthy lifestyle habits
Get regular medical checkups
Stress management techniques
Safe sexual practices
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Diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction:
Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction is based on medical history, physical examination, psychological evaluation and some laboratory tests like hormone levels, blood sugar and necessary tests.
Ayurvedic Treatment: Herbs, Natural Chemicals, Effective Bhasma, Natural Oil, and Home Remedies
Therapies: Cognitive-behaviour therapy, sexual counselling and therapy
Lifestyle Changes: Exercises, Yoga, Meditation, and Stress Management
Communication and Relationship Counselling
Alternative Treatments: Herbal Supplements and Acupuncture
Ayurveda and Sexology Clinic- Dubey Clinic
There are limited number of senior sexologist doctors and Ayurveda and sexology clinics or hospitals in India. Dubey Clinic is a leading Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic located in Langar Toli, Chauraha and Patna-04. Most of the sexual patients from different cities of India contact this clinic through online, on-call and in-clinic to get their treatment and medicine.
If you are experiencing any kind of sexual dysfunction and it persists in your daily life then you must consult Dubey Clinic. Make a phone appointment with Dubey Clinic and visit the clinic on time to get your complete sexual treatment and medicine under Ayurveda. Taking the right timely decision with the right sexual health doctor will enrich your sexual health and cure all your sexual problems forever.
Dubey Clinic
A certified Ayurveda and Sexology clinic in India
Helpline No: +91 98350-92586
Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna-04
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health-homeopathy · 15 days
5 Health Benefits of Starting PCOS Treatment in Homeopathy
There are more than 5 health benefits of starting PCOS treatment in homeopathy. However, let us first see the first 5 major reasons for anyone to consult a good homeopathic practitioner for PCOD treatment and cure.
What happens in PCOS
PCOS is also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. It commonly affects girls of menstruating age, most commonly between 18 to 42 years. Multiple cysts form in your ovary which inhibit proper functioning of your reproductive system and affects your regular periods. There is a major imbalance in hormones like FSH, LH, AMH and prolactin.
Symptoms of PCOS
If you have polycystic ovaries you are bound to have a few to several symptoms. Some of the effects of PCOD on your body are as follows: -
Missed periods
Irregular periods
Excessive flow of blood
Bleeding between the periods
Scanty flow
Obesity or inability to reduce weight
Insulin resistance
Massive hair fall
Recurring acne
Infertility or inability to conceive naturally
What happens if you do not start PCOS treatment
Being a chronic, long lasting disease, the symptoms of PCOD either persist or keep recurring. It can have detrimental effect on female health if not treated holistically.
Hair loss and acne can affect your self esteem and confidence. Obesity and insulin resistance raise red flags to future possibilities of having diabetes. High cholesterol and increased lipids can come up at an early age. Hence early holistic treatment free from side effects must be started by any female having PCOS.
What is the best treatment for PCOS
PCOS is a syndrome affecting several aspects of your health. Stress and life style can be major contributing factors towards causing this female health problem. Hence no single system of medicine can be labeled as the best treatment for PCOS.
Gynecologists treat PCOD by prescribing hormones. However, taking hormones for a prolonged period can have severe side effects and seriously impair your health.
Exercise and a holistic diet is recommended by almost all doctors, be it a homeopath, a gynecologist or a yoga practitioner. However, there is a sizeable number of patients who do not respond to exercise and diet.
Such patients choose alternative medicines like homeopathy and yoga to treat PCOD.
Benefits of starting PCOS treatment in homeopathy
A major benefit of starting homeopathy treatment for PCOS is
No side effects of customized homeopathic medicines taken after consulting a homeopathy doctor for PCOS treatment
Homeopathic medicines are given in ultra-dilutions. They do not contain hormones or chemicals that harm your body.
Health problems like PCOD are chronic in nature and need treatment for a longer period. Hence one needs to ensure safety of the medicines taken. It is here that homeopathic treatment scores over other forms of medicines.
Holistic approach of homeopathy doctor for PCOS treatment
Stress can cause or worsen polycystic ovarian syndrome. Emotions and mental health can impact your periods and reproductive function.
A good homeopathy doctor gives much importance to the emotional melodramas affecting your health. Homeopathy doctors in Mumbai like Dr. Chintan Mehta give due importance to these emotional factors while selecting a suitable homeopathic treatment for PCOD. This helps you get a customized homeopathic treatment for PCOS and other health issues.
Customized homeopathic treatment is a safe, gentle and holistic treatment for PCOS
Few other benefits of homeopathy treatment for PCOS
A very cost effective treatment to conceive naturally
Can help you get regular periods without side effects
Homeopathy medicines can be taken with other therapies used to cure PCOD
Homeopathy doctors use ultra-dilutions of homeopathic medicines prepared in a reliable way.
Homeopathic practitioners have given good results in PCOS.
Book your appointment with one of the best homeopathy doctor in Mumbai, India, for PCOS.
Consult Dr. Chintan Mehta to experience the holistic touch of homeopathy.
lternative medicine system like homeopathy have a major role in managing PCOS holistically.
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homeoclinic82 · 24 days
Can Homeopathic Treatments Offer Relief for Fatty Liver Sufferers?
Fatty liver disease (FLD) or hepatic steatosis is a disease categorized by the excessive accumulation of fat in the liver where it can cause inflammation, fibrosis and other sequels. While modern medicine goes on investigating for cure, people who suffer from this condition seek solace in homeopathy among other practices. However, homeopathy, as an effective non-conventional medicine has solutions back home for people with the problem of fatty liver? In this blog, one will explore whether homeopathy is effective when used a complementary therapy to deal with fatty liver disease.
Understanding Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver is commonly classified into two types: Fatty liver is commonly classified into two types:
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): This form occurs in those who rarely or never indulge in taking alcohol products or even those that take it occasionally. It’s often expected with pathologies like obesity, diabetes type II, hyperlipidemia and lipodystrophy, inclining towards a sedentary lifestyle.
Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD): Although there are several treatments for the AFLD, it can turn into more advanced stages such as alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis if produced by the overindulgence of alcohol.
The Role of Homeopathy in Managing Fatty Liver
I would like to remind that homeopathy is a comprehensive system of medicine which uses highly diluted substances to activate body’s self-singing reactions. Hence it seeks to embrace a more holistic approach to healing whereby the patient is diagnosed as a complex organism and not just the disease. Homeopathy isn’t probably going to cure fatty liver disease by physically removing it but it may assist in reducing fat in the liver through enhancing the liver’s ability to perform its duties while at the same time targeting the causes of fat deposition.
Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Fatty Liver
Holistic Approach: Continuing with an introduction on homeopathy-the system not only gives attention to the patient’s physical status but also to his/her mental and/or emotional status. This could be of help when it comes to handling the fatty liver since it tries to treat not only the liver function but also the factors that came with it such as digestion, metabolism, and stress.
Minimal Side Effects: Due to the claimed potency being within the drops or pellets, homeopathic remedies are thought to be relatively safe and without side effects due to which they are quite popular among people who prefer natural treatment over the conventional pharmaceutical ones.
Addressing Root Causes: Specifically, homeopathy addresses the factors that lead to the formation of fatty liver including unhealthy nutrition, lack of exercise or possible metabolic disorders. Thus, the mentioned factors may be helpful for using homeopathic therapy for avoiding further development of the disease.
Complementary to Conventional Treatments: Fatty liver disease and homeopathy: how homeopathy can complement conventional medical approaches. Such a combined approach may help improve global results due to the treatment of the liver and reduction of symptoms while making lifestyle modifications that include diet and exercise to address the origin of the issue.
Limitations and Precautions
In as much as homeopathy provides a customized and physiological approach to treatment of fatty liver, its shortcomings must be noted clearly. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease particularly at the stages of steatohepatitis or cirrhosis needs treatment through consultation with the doctor and adopting healthier lifestyle changes. Homeopathy may not be enough to try and reverse the scenario or state in question on its own.
Any person considering HPT for their current ailment should first talk to his/her healthcare provider as a first step to facilitate the use of homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy should not be used as a substitute for conventional medicine but it should be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.
Our holistic approach to treat fatty liver disease thus ensures that the patient’s body receives a gentler treatment while the liver is supported to work effectively. In fact, such homeopathic treatments are rather helpful and can alleviate the symptoms as well as support the work of the liver if administered with other types of treatments. If the person is interested in the natural and holistic system of medicine then they should consider taking homeopathy treatments because it can supplement the conventional methods of treatment with other changes such as dietary changes and exercises.
All in all, the overall effectiveness of homeopathic treatment for fatty liver depends on the individual approach of an experienced homeopath and patient’s willingness to make the necessary changes in his or her lifestyle for the sake of the liver.
Visit our website- www.drkhuranahomeo.com
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