blkkizzat · 5 months
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✟ the liturgy: (summary) Even the most pious of men succumb to temptation and Father Kento is no exception... especially when it comes to you. (Priest!Nanami POV) ✟ the confession: (tw) dark themes, sacrilege, adultery, blasphemy, jealously, exhibitionism, blackmail/manipulation, heavy biblical references, cunnalingus, fingering, riding dick, shoe fucking, blow jobs, panty sniffing, olfactophilia, dacryphilia, lightly suggested altarboy!yuji (aged-up) x reader, oil tycoon!gojo x reader, suggested mentions of reader x other jjk men, corruption, masturbation and angst as you are literally tormenting this poor priest (lol). ✟ the sins: (wc) 4.1k ✟ the opening rites:(a/n) i grew up catholic (got confirmed too) and went to catholic school but haven't stepped inside a church in literal years. i was honestly surprised how many bible references came so easily from pure memory while writing this.
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Sanctified conviction radiates off Father Kento as he approaches the inordinately adorned wood carved pulpit with authority to address his congregation. 
Despite the uncomfortable Summer heat there is no lack of attendance, a sea of familiar faces packed into the small town chapel. The buzzing song of cicadas and soft oscillation of the large fan circulating humid air through the church are the only sounds heard as the masses eagerly await his homily.
You were among them of course. 
Sitting front and center– a small saccharine smile graced your lips while your doe-like eyes, captivated and attentive, were made even bigger as they raised to the podium to meet his own.
Bible open, Father Kento takes a full breath pause before he finally speaks, his gaze is benevolent yet his voice is firm as it projects over the congregation. 
“Dear Brothers and Sisters– Let us reflect on the gospel of First Corinthians Chapter 10 Verse 13…and The Lord says– ‘There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man—”
Oh but you– you were anything but common– and irregardless of any higher standing his status as a clergy member bestowed upon him he was still a man of flesh and blood.
No matter the effort exerted, Father Kento had been unable to keep his eyes from yours during the service. The magnetism of unknown and certainly unholy forces drew him to you time and again without fail.
No beauty in town rivaled yours, not with an angelic countenance that complemented your delicate features so gracefully in your every action. 
Yours was a form of divine femininity rivaling that of Venus herself. 
If that wasn’t beguiling enough, your honeyed voice and syrupy words had the ability to sway even the most feral of temperaments. Leaving those who heard it at your mercy like a gentle but deadly siren.
“—but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able—”
Is God faithful? 
Ironic how you had Father Kento questioning the very foundations of his own faith while simultaneously indoctrinating God’s dogma to his faithful parishioners.  
If you were a test he had failed. 
Many times.
Even the first man, Adam, had fallen to Eve’s allures and not even the warrior strength of Samson was able to overcome Delilah’s seductions. 
Who was he to prevail where the biblical idols had fallen?
What actual grace could God give man against the sensual temptation that he had carved from man’s own rib? 
Father Kento had felt forsaken of God’s grace ever since you had approached him after mass to quietly request the rites of confession. He should have refused when you kindly solicited him to perform them in the cooler confines of the secluded rectory over the oven-like heat of a chapel confessional box in summer. 
Led astray so effortlessly by your genial charms as you looked to him like a lamb lost and addressed him so meekly as “Father Kento”. He would have just as easily given you access to heaven then if it were in his power.
Yet it was you who had so graciously led him to the gates of Zion— which so conveniently happened to reside in the velvety depths between your thighs. 
Consequently, the only sins that were confessed in the rectory that day were the moist squelches of your peach-ripened pussy gushing around his cock and coalescing with the frenzied sounds of hot flesh slapping together in unison. 
A child of Lilth incarnate to be sure but you looked so pure and celestial, even in ecstasy.
Hair matted to the sides of your face drenched in sweat while your nimble hands clutched onto his clerical collar. Your eyes filled with such loving devotion and you rode him earnestly as if it was your life’s penance. 
Father Kento in turn gives you his absolution by taking you from behind. The swell of your plump rear rippling against his hips and shared fluids splashing onto his hard abdomen feverishly drive him closer to God than he’d ever been.
Yes, he is weak. 
But Father Kento held the conviction that not even The Vicar of Christ, the Pope himself would be able to resist the vice grip of your silken cunt as if its true purpose was never to bear life but to wring out the very essence of the soul of man. 
He’d fallen prey to a day-walking succubus on hallowed holy grounds. 
No– Father Kento was certain if this church had ever truly been blessed as a house of God you would have caught aflame the moment you graced its threshold. 
“—but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye are able to bear it’.”
Father Kento concluded the passage. Nonetheless, neither it nor any other doctrine had provided him the solace of escape and nor biblical strength did he receive to endure against his temptations.
There was no resisting you. 
There was no escaping you. 
For anyone you cast your sights on.
This is exemplified by the obvious effect you have on the young alter boy Yuji. 
Barely old enough to be called a man, the youth's entire body flinches whenever you spare a sweet glance in his direction. 
Has Yuji’s innocence already been stolen? 
Father Kento must quell the inkling of jealousy at the thought lest he stumble over his words and shame himself further.
He was a man in every sense of the word and a man of the cloth, he would not compete for your adulterous affections with his own altar boy.
Even so, Father Kento’s lip does curl in disapproval at the deep flush of guilt on Yuji’s cheeks. Yuji clumsily trips over his own feet, nearly permitting the blessed vessels for the rites of eucharist to fall to the ground.
Harlot! Have you really allowed someone other than himself to bathe in the sins of Jezebel?
Maintaining composure through his sermon, Father Kento reminds himself that an inexperienced youth is no threat. 
However it is more than likely Yuji– who normally is so oblivious in nature– had likewise become aware of the wicked exhibition of sacrilege occurring beneath the prayer cloth in your lap at the very hands of your own husband– Satoru Gojo.
“So you may ask where does that leave us as followers of Christ? Temptations lure us into doing, saying or thinking something that does not reflect who we really are as sons and daughters of God.”
Neither you nor your husband were Christ’s children so none of these ideologies applied to either of you.
Nefarious philistines the both of you– godless and immoral.
Although Father Kento was for certain your husband, Oil Tycoon, Satoru Gojo– was the only one whose deeds could put yours to shame. 
The white haired devil had descended upon the quiet small town like a thief in the night to greedily capture the first few drops of black gold that surged from the earth before it could even fall to the ground. Quickly buying up land and resources, in less than a fortnight Gojo essentially had control over the entire town– its priest included.
But as he became more wealthy, so did the town and its people. Satoru Gojo built up the town around him to match his own gluttony for opulence, taking the town and its people away from simple old time comforts and into the more complex modern age. 
Therefore the man was seen as a saintly savior, rather than the lecherous leech he truly was.
To Father Kento’s credit, if he deserved any at all– he had initially held strong in his faith. 
He was not a man tempted by the power that would come from a promotion to bishop if a larger church was built. Nor was he tempted by monetary gain. The treasures he had always held most valuable were only those to be found in God’s kingdom.
Familiar with the tricks masked by flamboyant arrays of grandior, Father Kento’s folly had been his own headstrong vainglory in being a man above the lures of temptation. Thus he failed in recognizing you as the seductive snake in sheep's clothing the cunning tycoon Gojo had sent to be his undoing.
And you had never once failed to unravel him.
Even now Father Kento struggles to keep himself together as you inconspicuously lean against your husband, your head resting gently on his shoulder while the dainty fan you are holding obscures the lower half of your face. 
What appears as an innocuous attempt to halt the perspiration rolling from your nape into your heaving bosom is merely a front to hide the sinful ‘o’ your cherry lips form.
Your chest softly heaves although your labored breaths aren’t from the humid heat shrouding the church– but the increasing warmth dampening in your loins. All which had been provoked by your husband slipping two fingers through the buttons of your thin sundress and into your pussy, lightly teasing its gooey folds. Gojo’s movements are mostly concealed by the cloth but Father Kento can make out the skillful circular motions stroking your spongy bud and causing the sporadic twitch in your knees. 
You had writhed similarly under him. You were always far too sensitive.
Fat tears would never fail to pour from your bright eyes when he would latch his mouth onto your sex. You would be his last supper if ever given the choice. If heaven had a flavor it would surely be akin to the taste of your pink candied cunt and he knew of no sweeter treat on earth.
Twas no wonder then how Father Kento easily loses all sense of self when flicking his tongue into your gaping slit. Swirling the appendage within your gummy walls he gluttonously slurps down the steady stream of your flowing nectar. 
Your mewls and cries for him are far lovelier than even the song of cherubim. Father Kento has committed them to memory and as such he knows when they reach a certain octave– your pitch so high it's practically soundless– you're nearing your nirvana.
Arriving at your peak you would thread your hands through his blonde locks and thrust your hips forward as if his mouth were salvation itself. Your manicured nails would dig into his scalp to rock his head deeper into your plump pussy. The actions would beckon his tongue to finally give you its mercy by dragging it flat up your folds to suckle and nip at your swollen clit.
You never called on God then. 
Nor your husband. 
Only Father Kento.
Coincidentally, Father Kento’s gaze locks with Gojo’s for a brief moment and Gojo’s pale lips curl into smirk. 
A fleeting look is shared before contact is broke but the message is clear: 
Satoru Gojo own’s everything in this town. 
Gojo owns your cunt. 
Your cunt owns Father Kento.
Therefore by proxy Gojo owns him.
The revelation has Father Kento showing the white of his knuckles from the intensity of his grip on the pulpit podium as you simultaneously release a silent scream brazenly cumming on your husband’s dexterous fingers in the middle of mass. 
“The time now is propitious for us all to make a journey of conversion, led by sincere faith to allow ourselves to be confronted with the Gospel. Let us confirm this commitment by sharing in The Body and The Blood of Christ.”
Proceeding with communion the altar boy Yuji stands next to Father Kento holding the tray where the blessed chalice of wine and platter of thin wafers reside as the congregation dutifully exits their rows to receive the eucharist. 
As it is the more modern way to receive communion the majority of the congregation choses to place their non-dominant palm up over the other to respectfully receive the host. Yet traditionally, the priest placed the blessed wafer directly on the tongue of the one receiving. This practice was typically only seen by the elderly, the most exceedingly pious and of course— you.
When it is your turn to approach you beam brightly as you and all your beauty seem to float before him.
“The Body of Christ.”
Father Kento raises the host before you.
You obediently replied. 
Like expected your eyes fluttered to close as your pillowy lips parted in order to accept the host directly in your mouth. 
God help him, this was the most sacred part of mass but the way your deviant tongue lulls out hot and thick with your saliva pooled on the edge and threatening to spill onto your lips has Father Kento shifting at his post.
You look just as compliant and yearning to receive as when you had been on your knees before him taking his cock in your mouth whole.
Father Kento delicately placed the host in your mouth in a similar fashion as to when he would tap the tip of his bulbous leaking cockhead onto your tongue. 
So willing to please you kiss his angry red mushroom tip to appease his cock, swirling your tongue over the tiny hole before puckering it between your lips to greedily suck any drops of pre that dribbled forth as you pumped his base.
You were a tease. 
That much was evident both then and now as you extended the tip of your tongue to caress the tip of his finger. A tiny kitten lick, but nevertheless a tingle ran through his cock in remembrance.  
“The Blood of Christ.”
Father Kento presents the wine symbolizing the blood before you. 
Again you closed your eyes and allowed Father Kento to press the chalice against your parted lips. 
The very picture of amenability, you actually enjoyed when he went rougher on you as a result of your teasing. Father Kento would gather your hair into a tight grip as he not-so-gently rammed his cock past your tonsils and down your throat. 
It was unnatural and ungodly for a person to lack any semblance of a gag reflex such as you. 
In response you pressed your fingers into his thighs– not as a means of resistance, but to control your own lust as you began shamelessly humping your mound against his leg. You were always desperate to feel any small sensation against your cunt while he ravaged your mouth.
Of course, Father Kento would oblige you and in turn he is rewarded with the heavy moans that would vibrate around his cock as his oxford loafer pushed up into your soaked core. Your white lace lingerie did little to contain your juices and as such Father Kento made use of the fluids leaking from your pussy as polish to shine his shoe.
Having sipped the wine from the chalice you peer up at Father Kento as if seeking his approval. 
He gives you a small nod. 
Similar to the one he bestows upon you after his seed has filled your stomach and you lick your lips as if it was his essence and not The Blood of Christ that lingered on them.
In the beginning, he had prayed long and hard to forget those sinful images of you that would intrude unwelcomed into his mind. 
Yet you always had ways of sucking him back in. 
Such as leaving your soiled panties stuffed between his headboard. Father Kento thought he was going mad when even after changing the sheets thrice was he still plagued with your smell.
He should have burned the offensive garment as soon as it was discovered and yet he treated it with reverence as if it were a holy object of salvation. Truly an euphoric experience, on days he couldn’t have you he’d bury his nose into the fabric murmuring blasphemy as he worshiped the very scent of you while jerking his cock.
When Father Kento finally ceased trying to resist you he then had the fleeting thought he could save you. Bring you to God and away from your villainous husband. 
But you were no Mary Magdalene, there was no returning you to the flock.
You will not leave your husband who provides you wealth and security. Father Kento is not so enamored he holds illusions that extend beyond his reality. There is nothing Father Kento owns and nothing he can offer you but himself. 
The singular consolation of the tragic circumstances is that Father Kento is sure you prefer his touch. The touch of a seemingly pious man who only has desires for you.
Unlike your scoundrel of a husband who Father Kento was sure had not remained faithful to your marriage bed. Not the way most of the female townsfolk threw themselves at Satoru Gojo. If he had no qualms using you to achieve his means he certainly had none for himself. 
You were simply a pawn to be played, as was Father Kento.
“Before we depart I leave you with these words: Let every day be a new day to renew the promises of our Baptism: We renounce Satan and all his works and seductions — for sh– *ahem* HE – is the seducer. Now go forth, Brothers and Sisters and remain true in the light of God.”
The closing rites over, Father Kento has never been more relieved nor eager for the conclusion of a mass. Watching the congregation mingle in the entrance, he gives his farewell blessings to the parishioners.
A few still remained however you were nowhere to be seen. 
This was not odd, the Gojos were a busy couple, likely excusing themselves immediately to attend to more important affairs.
Or so he hoped.
“There you are, Father! Riveting service, as always.”
With a devious grin and a firm drawn-out handshake Gojo greets Father Kento. Turning to face the devil himself, Father Kento greets Satoru in turn with a strained smile and an even firmer grip. 
Yet still he is unable to show you any of the wrath you justly deserve and Father Kento’s smile is more genuine when he faces you.  
You regard Father Kento coyly as your husband’s arm tightens around your waist. Your face is flushed and it’s evident you are still weakened from the orgasm your husband gave you earlier in front of the entire congregation. 
That knowledge though is only held by the three of you, God and perhaps the altar boy Yuji.
Father Kento had never known you to be silent when cumming so the exertion of the effort you expended likely weighed heavy on you as displayed by how you are clinging to Gojo to keep from swaying on your feet. 
“Thank you. I am but a humble messenger of The Lord’s wor–.”
“– Wait. Hold that thought!”
Father Kento’s eyebrow twitches as Gojo's attention is momentarily called elsewhere. 
Every Sunday, a growing number of parishioners would seek Satoru Gojo’s greeting and recognition after service over that of their priest Father Kento. 
True to character Gojo makes an obnoxious show of charisma which leaves the last group of parishioners fawning and singing his praises as they exit.
“Forgive me, Father. Where were we? Ah– Of course! Yes, you are quite excellent in your delivery of God’s word, a true testament to your faith!”
His flattery is so obviously false in its sincerity that Father Kento is not surprised when Gojo’s sordid smirk returns. 
“But you are not only a messenger for The Lord… isn’t that right, Father Kento?” 
Father Kento warily clutches onto the large cross dangling from the rosary around his neck as Gojo continues.
“I’ll need you to spread mine as well. Haven’t you heard? I have plans to run for Mayor.”
The diabolical fiend truly knew no limits in his quest for control over the town. 
“I’ll need you to come over to dinner tonight to consult with the rest of my top supporters.”
Father Kento steeled himself.. 
There was nothing he could do to stop Satoru Gojo from being mayor but his infatuation with you aside, he could not walk straight into the lion's den to collude with heathens. 
It would be the final nail in his coffin, Gojo would indeed own his soul.
“Oh! Y/N is prepping a feast too… aren’t you, angel?” 
Gojo’s grip on your waist trails lower to palm the fat of your ass and you clutch on to him tighter as you nod eagerly in agreement, biting your lip as his large hands knead into your cheeks through your wispy dress. 
Your body is ever responsive to Gojo’s touch just like he trained you to be.
“I must refuse. I have duties here to attend, I couldn’t poss–”
“P-Please F-Father…”
And just like that your delicate voice cuts through his iron defenses like it were warm butter.
“…K-Kento, p-please come!”
Your request fumbles out of your lips as a cry as Gojo’s devilish fingers dip past your ass to prod at your cunt.
“You heard her Father. She wants you to come. Break bread with us, you will be among friends. Friends who know how to share, yeah? I’ll even share a piece of her cream pie for dessert.” 
That had been the final straw. Gojo had gone too far this time.
You seeking him out was one matter but he would not allow Satoru Gojo of all people to dangle you in front of him like a master would dangle a treat to a dog.
“Begone, you foul heretic. I will not tolerate your mockery of me, this church nor God any longer.”
Commanding in his tone, Father Kento extends the cross of the rosary forward to Gojo as if he were casting a malevolent curse back down to hell. 
Father Kento doesn’t have the courage to look at you though, he can’t. Not if he wants to take a triumphant stand against Satoru Gojo.
And so Father Kento closes his eyes and silently prays. 
Immediately bored at such a devout display, Gojo sighs rolling his eyes.
“Alright, alright, Father. I get it. Whatever you say, jeez. It’s not like I need your support to become mayor– just thought it would be nice is all. ”
Father Kento remains silent as he listens to both of your footsteps exit the church but not before Gojo stops at the doors, his cheerful voice taking on a dangerous edge.
“Heh, you know, not everyone in this town is as pious as you Father. Sheriff Fushiguro has never been one to turn down a stack of bills but I’m sure tonight he would enjoy sharing in Y/N’s creampie if you don’t.”
Father Kento’s eyes open to flash red with fury.
Having received a satisfactory enough reaction from the priest, Gojo grins wildly as your own eyes widen in shock at your husband’s words. 
Has Gojo only ever used you to manipulate him alone? 
The thought remains as Father Kento doesn’t miss the pleading gaze directed at him from over your shoulder as you are led out of the church.
Goddammit– He couldn’t let you fall into the brutish clutches of Toji Fushiguro. 
Toji may have been the sheriff but he was well-known for his oafish demeanor and greasy womanizing ways. 
NO! He mustn’t think of you any longer. 
Father Kento needs to clear his mind of you for good with prayer.
Prayer and solitude.
Deep prayer and extensive solitude was what he needed if he ever hoped to rise again to gain God’s favor. He needed to call upon The Lord’s strength one last time to remain at the parish tonight and defy Gojo’s will.
Father Kento couldn’t let the pleasures of flesh continue to manipulate the very fibers of his being in such a way. 
The rosary still in his grasp Father Kento raises his hands close in prayer as a final call for God’s mercy… and then it hits him– wafting off his fingers, overwhelming his senses and igniting every nerve in his being. 
The scent of your cunt. 
The lingering perfume of your sinful drippings spilled on your husband’s hand during mass had been transferred to his own when Gojo shook his hand and held it so firmly.
The bastard. 
The rush hits him hard and he feels dizzy as his ears begin to ring. Vertigo overtakes Father Kento as he holds the offending hand out as if he had been poisoned. 
Leaning back against a wall to gather himself, Father Kento realizes once the manic pounding coursing through his veins begins throbbing in his loins that he’s fated for damnation.
This is the moment he’d always dreaded although ironic with the simple acceptance of it he feels no despair. 
Father Kento’s conviction is finally clear as he is left with a singular truth that rang through his entire soul:
Whatever solace he would know, whatever peace he would have in this life, he would only find with his cock buried in the sweet embrace of your cunt. 
©blkkizzat 2024. do not steal works or gfx, do not translate.
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✟ the closing rites: (a/n) hell is hot and it's surely my destination after writing this. i tried to leave it a little ambiguous to whether y/n is actually in-love with nanami or just a sex-crazed slut eager to use him at the request of her husband. i don't have a pt.2 planned just fyi as this is meant to be a oneshot. although i do need to write more nanami so i will take requests for him! but fair warning i am very slow i apologize.
also shout out to the amazing art i used for the gfx ✟ art by mishwell
✟ REBLOG to be unburdened of your sins by Father Nanami but likes and comments are also appreciated!
upcoming: the nursery (yakuza!toji), please teach me! (ceo!gojo), request: teasing choso (college au), request: sukuna x blkreader, [none in any order as im at the mercy of my adhd lol]
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sunrisesfromthewest · 3 months
First Encounter
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|Summary: Your first encounter with Armando; based off of that one scene from bad boys ride or die. | Warnings: Getting shot at/slight suggestive language/Curse words/Slight Movie Spoilers | Trope: One sided interest or Enemies to Lovers| Notes: Hopefully you guys enjoy it's my first-time writing a x reader. | (Y/N/N=Your Nickname)
Here's all the parts I have so far: 1 2 3 4 5 6
After seeing the news about your dad, Uncle Mike, and some guy, you decided to leave work early. Confused on why there all the sudden wanted fugitives,you quickly drive over to Dorns place knowing that he’ll have answers.
Parking your car, you grab your purse and make your way towards his lake house. Since you hang out with him and Kelly 24/7 outside of work, you just walk in without knocking.    Which was a mistake on your end because not even a second later you’re being shot at, and you could hear a few people yell in shock.  Dropping to the floor you curse and yell "It's me stop fucking shooting it’s me Y/N!”  Looking up you see Kelly pointing the gun at the place you were just standing at with a shock expression.  “Girl what the hell you got going on” you said, scared to stand up.  Lowering her gun she said “OMG, Y/N, I’m so so—” Before she could finish you hear “Oh lord, you shooting at my baby!", recognizing the voice you look around to spot your father Marcus, running towards you with a worried look.
As he’s checking over you, you hear him sigh with relief after seeing you were fine. " Dad? what the fuck is going on!", standing up you dust off your nurse uniform, with a confused expression. 
Looking around the room you noticed shocked expressions from Dorn and Kelly who had put her gun down. Spotting Uncle Mike and the man that was with him on the news your eyes squint even more, Tryna put two to two together.    “Y/N/N, aren’t you supposed to be at work, "Marcus says confused on why his daughter was there.  Still shaking up from being shot at you say, “I was at work but when I was making my rounds with my patients, I seen you guys on the news ......but shit! I should be asking the questions! why are you, Uncle Mike and this dude, wanted fugitives …. matter of fact," turning towards the man, "Who are you?”.    Seeing the man smirk he says," Someone you can get well acquainted with.”  Just as you’re about to say something smart, your dad cuts in dramatically "Aye hell nah man! No hitting on my daughter, Mike get your son!” 
Shocked you run your eyes over the Latino man which you can now see have some of Mike's features, “Uncle Mike since when you have a son, and why the hell is he dressed up like a redneck.”  Running your eyes frantically over their forms you back up while pointing your hands at them and say, “matter of fact why are you all dress up like that.”  Feeling your dad pull you aside to calm you down, he explains everything that happened these past few days.    After getting the run down on what was going on, you rub at your eyes with a stressed sigh." So that’s Armando," you said shaking your head "I would’ve pulled my gun out as well if I’ve seen him, dad didn’t he almost kill you and Uncle Mike!", you said feeling frustrated about the situation.  “Y/n,I know this is awkward, but he has evidence to prove that Captain Conrad is innocent.”  Sighing again “Okay, fine but if he tries some shit just know Imma make him taste the rainbow.”  Hearing laughter you look back to see the Latino leaning against the kitchen counter looking at you with a smirk on his face.  Seeing your father look at you with a don’t do it expression made you huff and ignore Armando’s laughter.    Before you could move to grab your purse off the floor your dad stops you again and whispered, "How long Kelly and Dorn been messing around, "letting out a short laugh you say, “For a minute now”  Seeing your father smirk, and send a look to Mike, you knew they were up to no good but chose to ignore it.
Walking to the door to grab your purse and its spilled contents you feel eyes on you, gazing up you see Armando watching you with an unreadable expression. Rolling your eyes you pick up the rest of your stuff, but as you reach for your lip gloss, a hand grabs it.    Looking up your face to face with the Latino himself, annoyed you extend your hand out, while raising an eyebrow.  Watching his amused expression, you sigh and roll your eyes. 
“Boy if you don’t give me my stuff,Imma punch you in the throat." Hearing him chuckle made you more agitated, but you kept your cool. As he holds out the gloss to you with a smirk you huff and reach out to snatch it, only for him to pull it back in a teasing manner.
Looking at him as if he’s grown two heads, you’re about to cuss him out when he says”Demasiado bonita para una boca como esa”.  Furrowing your eyebrows you say “What?”    Armando’s smirk widens as he says, “I said to pretty for a mouth like that.”  Scoffing you snatch your lip gloss out his hands, putting it in your purse as you stand up and say, “First of all, my mouth is only like this because you almost killed my dad not too long ago, and secondly I can say whatever the fuck I want cause last I checked imma grown women.”  Watching his eyes glance down at your body, you hear a low whistle, "You sure are, but if you ever wanna fix that mouth of yours, "he pauses allowing his pretty brown eyes to trail back up to yours,”aquí estaré mami” (I’ll be here mommy) 
Shocked slightly at his boldness, you say “Boy if you don’t get out of m---,” but before you could finish, he was called over by Mike. At first Armando ignores him and continues to admire you until your dad says, “Boy get your ass over here," which made you break eye contact with him and look away.  
Glancing back up you couldn't help but admire his physique as well but as he reaches the others by the computer set up. He glances back to see you staring which resulted in him sending you a wink. Rolling your eyes you turn away with a smirk," You your daddy son for sure," you say to yourself with a smile.
Notes: Let me know if you guys want a part 2 :) and pls go see the movie it's so good
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the-fiction-witch · 1 month
Our Secret
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Gwayne Hightower Couple - Gwayne X Reader (Uncle x Niece) Reader - Y/n Targaryen (Daughter of Alicent and Viserys) Rating - 18+ nudity/ stripping/ incest / c tasting / licking / finger fucking / fingering / Word Count - 1863
oh, btw, would you consider writing some smut for Ser Gwayne Hightower, or isn't a character that you fancy enough for that? your writing is so good!
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Y/n had waited in the courtyard as soon as word reached her of his arrival in the city, she watched as his men made their way in, horses galloping across the stone. She softly smiled when she met eyes with her uncle Gwayne Hightower as he climbed from his horse and fixed his hair. She adjusted her long green gown holding it in hand as she made her way over and bowed as she reached him "My lord,"
Gwayne chuckled, watching Y/n come over to him, waving his hand in dismissal at her bow. “No need to be so formal, my little bird."
"Forgive me, so much has changed these last few months. I find myself meery bowing to everyone just for simplicity's sake," she answered her tone shy and sheepish,
"I'm afraid if you continue that habit I'll have to give you a few extra lessons on how not to be so proper. Your face may get stuck in a permanent state of bowing."
"Perhaps," she blushed, "Shall I show you to your chambers uncle? I can have them bring you supper? Or would you rather attend to a visit with the queen regent?"
"I can imagine that Alicent will busy at this moment with all her duties. I shall see her after supper, a good meal after a long ride always has a way of making things more bearable."
Y/n nodded and turned to lead the way inside the keep, she led him through the corridors before finally to his chambers. Gwayne nodded as he stepped into his temporary chambers, following Y/n inside. He sat on the bed, taking off his riding boots and stretching out with a soft groan, the bed beneath him being far more comfortable than the leather of his seat that he just spent gods knows how long riding on.
"Last I had heard my mother was taken to prayer, she does so at this hour daily accompanied by none other than her sworn sword."
Gwayne raised a brow at the mention of Alicent's sworn sword, "Ser Criston, I presume. They are practically tied at the hip, that's for sure..."
"she insists, for her protection in these tender days,"
Gwayne leaned back on his bed, arms behind his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if she has more than just protection on her mind whenever she is with her sworn shield."
Gwayne lifted a brow, smirking at her. He rolled over onto his side, leaning on his elbow as he looked at her. One could imagine it was similar to the look a cat might give a mouse, a little bit of mischief sparkling in his eyes. "Does my little niece have something going on in that head of hers? Some juicy gossip to tell her old uncle perhaps?"
“No, No… she is simply very busy, I hardly much see her these days.”
Gwayne sat up on his bed, patting the blanket next to him with a sympathetic smile on his face. "She's the queen regent now, she's going to be busy, especially in these times. But she's your mother, don't be afraid to knock on her door and demand her company."
"I so often find her in the company of my siblings..." Y/n said as she came sitting beside him smoothing her dress as she sat, "It is sinful of me? to be envious?"
Gwayne wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. He squeezed tightly, letting his smile grow once more. "Of course, it isn't. I may be a knight, but I'm not so virtuous to deny that I have sinful thoughts now and then. It would be natural for you to want your mother's alone attention after she's spent years focusing it on your other siblings." Gwayne paused for a moment, squeezing her one more time before continuing to speak, eyes studying her face carefully. “Though, my little bird… I must ask. Do these envious thoughts extend past your mother when it comes to those siblings of yours?”
"How so?"
"Well, sometimes one can’t help but compare themselves to their siblings. Do you? Perhaps even envy them for anything that they may have and you do not?"
"No uncle, I am content. Merely lonely I expect,"
Gwayne hummed, watching her carefully, expression thoughtful for a moment. He nodded in understanding of her words before smiling once more, “Well, you won’t be lonely now that I’m here.”
"I suppose not, may I ask of your travels? and of my little brother Daeron?"
Gwayne let his smile grow at the mention of Daeron, the boy was a favorite of his, after all. He sat up a little straighter, "He’s growing up quickly. Very sharp with a blade already, I don’t have a doubt in my mind that he will surpass me in skill one day. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he manages to get even taller than me as well, gods know that the boy will shoot up like a weed." Gwayne chuckled, rubbing his chin as he continued in thought. He turned to look down at Y/n, taking in her own appearance before speaking once more, voice amused. "He definitely got the good look, too, I’d say. Much better than what I myself was cursed with. And he certainly got that Targaryen look to him, you can’t deny that. He's going to be quite the catch to any young lady that catches his eye..."
“Sometimes… I wish…”
Gwayne’s smile faded once he heard the tone in her voice, a frown starting to form on his face. He furrowed his brows, studying her expression closely. "Wish what, little bird?"
"sometimes I wish mother had sent me away, instead of daeron. or as well as. There are days I ponder over what joys I may have if I was at Oldtown with you,"
A look of surprise flashed across Gwayne’s face. He let out a quiet sigh as he pulled Y/n close, wrapping both arms around her and resting his chin gently on top of her head. They were silent for a moment before he spoke, voice quiet but still with a hint of concern. “I didn’t know you felt like that, little bird… Have you ever asked her why she sent Daeron and not you?”
"No, but I can assume,"
“And would you care to share your assumption?”
"Aegon is king. Heleana his queen. Mother would never send Aemond away she worries to much for him. So she sends away Daeron her little boy she has hopes and ambitions for."
Gwayne hummed, considering the validity of her words. He couldn’t help himself from reaching out and ruffling her hair again, “And there’s no hope and ambition for you, my little bird? Your mother has placed no expectations for you?”
"My mother plans to sell me off, to whatever lord bids highest when the war begins." Y/n answered, “Whichever lord offers the most men,”
Gwayne’s eyes widened slightly as she spoke. He paused for a moment, processing the words that she just spoke., his eyes hardening as anger began to bubble inside him. “Surely it can’t be that bad. Has Alicent actually spoken of that in front of you?”
"she says as her unmarried daughter... it is my duty,"
Gwayne didn’t say anything at first, clenching his jaw as he ground his teeth in anger. After a few moments passed, he spoke up again, voice somewhat quiet but with a clear hint of anger. “Alicent shouldn’t send you to some lord to be sold to, like she’s sending a piece of furniture. You are a Hightower, little bird. One of us. She has no right to treat you like some kind of cattle that she can barter and trade as she pleases.” Gwayne took a breath before continuing to speak, forcing himself to calm down some. He reached over and grabbed Y/n’s chin, gently tilting her head up so he could look into her eyes. His voice was softer now, but there was still a slight trace of anger in his tone. “She has no right… I won’t let anyone treat you like that. I won’t let Alicent sell you off to any lord that bids high. I’ll fight tooth and nail to make sure Alicent doesn’t do that to you, little bird.”
"Thank you, uncle," she briefly smiled, the first real smile he had seen since his arrival
Seeing her smile seemed to calm Gwayne a bit more, his shoulders relaxing and his jaw unclenching as a small smile formed on his face as well. He let go of her chin, gently ruffling her hair once more. “There we go, much better than that pitiful frown I saw earlier. No more talk about Alicent intending to sell you off to some lord. I won’t have it.”
After a while of the sweet embrace Y/n spoke once more, “Uncle?”
Another hum left Gwayne’s mouth, looking down at her with an eyebrow raised. “Yes, little bird?”
“You… have been gone so long,”
Gwayne let his smile grow after her words, nodding his head. “You’re right… I can’t believe it’s been this long. My, hasn’t it been almost four years now?”
"Do you think... I am too old now for 'secrets'?" she whispered
“Too old for secrets? Never.” he smiled,, “Why do you ask that, little bird?”
"One of... our little secrets?" she hinted
Gwayne’s lip twitched upward in a mixture of amusement and curiosity. His smile turned a little wicked, “One of… our little secrets?”
she nodded blushing a little
“Never my little bird,” He cooed, “Would you perhaps like to-”
“Yes please,” she softly giggled and checked the door to make sure no one was around to see them before she closed the gap and pressed her lips to his as they had so many times throughout her life
He let a soft laugh escape his mouth when her lips made contact with his, one of his hands finding purchase on the back of her head and he leaned into the kiss.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds, Gwayne wrapping one of his arms around her and pulling her a bit closer to him as the kiss continued for a bit before he pulled away just enough that their lips were still millimetres apart, but there was just enough there that he could look into her eyes. “… we can’t have anyone finding out about this, now can we, my little bird?”
she shook her head "No..."
A soft chuckle left his mouth as he studied her face once again, that smirk never leaving his face as he spoke. “No, we cannot have anyone finding out. It is a secret that we have to keep. You got that, little bird? This is just between us, okay?”
"If I promise... do I get more?"
The smirk on Gwayne’s face deepened, his eyes flashing with amusement as he chuckled softly and nodded his head. “If you promise, then I’ll give you more.”
"I promise," she nodded excitedly
A soft chuckle left his mouth at her excitement, a brief moment of silence passing before he spoke once more. “Good girl…” He smirked one of his hands gently tilting her chin up some before he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips once more, the kiss grew deeper and more intense until he pushed her down on his bed, "You remember little bird? Our secret?"
She nodded giggling softly in excitement, 
He scoffed a chuckle and bit his bottom lip, He grasped the hem of her gown and swiftly pushed it up around her waist, revealing her underdress and stockings, "So sweet and proper," he cooed as he pushed the underdress up to her thighs to the top of her stockings, grabbing under her thighs and forcing them up until her knees where completely up, "Always have been, haven't you. You're really growing into the title... of princess," he smirked, running his nose over the tender skin at the top of her stockings, 
"You think so?" 
"I know so," he smirked, "But... you'll always be my little bird," he growled, his eyes meeting hers before he pealed her stocking down her leg and tossed it onto the floor, the other soon followed and he peppered kisses from her ankle all the way to her thighs, "You know y/n, I have been travelling for so long, I think I need a good meal." He growled, before she even had a chance to respond he forced her to dress and underdress up to her waist, 
She softly and playfully squealed as he exposed her already trembling cunt, 
"Shhh." He reminds her as he sits up with a predatory smile as he looks down at her, laid on his bed her hair cascading around her, her dress up around her waist and her legs up and apart offering herself to him so willingly, "Wouldn't you agree? that your old uncle needs something delicious?" He growled as his hand moved to rub across her tender lips, gliding his fingers over her wetness, he rubbed her clit with a sly clockwise circle before sliding his fingers down to push his index and middle finger inside her,
"Ah!" She gasped her hips bucking upwards, her feet attempting to squirm against the sheets as hie fingers so delicately fucked her, as Gwayne loomed over her with a sly sadistic smile, she tried to be quiet but the moans fell from her lips like a waterfall, 
Gwanye pulled his hand back and licked his fingers clean, "Ummm just as delicious as I remember," He growled, pinning her hips down to the bed and grabbing her thighs holding them apart as he moved closer and blew across her arching clit, "Now... I am so very hungry from my ride, that little taste has only made me feel worse." He smirked, "So you know what that means?"
"you... you must..." She trembled with excitement, 
"Humm I must feast little bird," He purred before burning his head between her legs...
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aemondapologistfrfr · 2 months
His Princess - pt2
Pt 2 of His Princess
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fancast!bloody ben x targ!fem!reader
Summary: Rhaenyra asks y/n to take her host to Harrenhal to speak to Daemon. Y/n rises to the challenge of Daemon and the River Lords watch on in shock and silence.
Warnings: 18+ swearing, political plotting, prob wine somewhere in a cup, bathing, thigh riding, face riding, p in v
Authors Note: soft moments w silverwing and ben, i believe this man would beg you teach him some high valyrian just so he could talk to silverwing and write it down and keep it in his pocket, idc if it’s unrealistic to pet a dragons belly it’s real to me!!, daemon needs to LEAVE harrenhal and step tf up like enough already
Word Count: 4.7k
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Over the past week I’ve been in contact with Jace about the status of our growing host in the Riverlands. Rhaenyra has finally returned home and expresses her gratitude for the swords that I’ve raised for her. She takes over the correspondence from Jace as we begin to discuss who is on our side and best ways to bring the other Lords to our cause.
She confides to me concerning her worry about Daemon. She has asked that I meet Ser Alfred Broome in Harrenhal and see if Daemon can be brought to reason. She hopes that he will start to relax and hopefully return to Dragonstone upon seeing their host. We have been on the move ever since her request while slowly adding swords along the way.
“We should reach Harrenhal on the morrow.” Ben ducks into the tent as I lounge on the makeshift bed.
“Thank the Gods. I need a fucking bath.” I slide over so he can join me.
“You still look absolutely divine to me.” as he pulls me into him.
“Oh I’m sure,” I roll my eyes. “The dirt and grime are very comely.” I sigh looking at my nails.
“At Harrenhal I’ll make sure you get the largest and hottest bath available. Even if it means displacing its current Lord.” he promises.
“I’ll hold you to that.” I hum. “I have no idea what state Daemon is in.” I sigh, wiping my face.
“He should be happy you’ve raised a host.” Ben murmurs as he finger brushes through my hair.
“We can only hope.” I moan as his fingers scratch along my scalp as I turn so he can continue his movements.
“Let’s hope they have feed to spare for Silverwing. She’s been eyeing our host for some time now.” he chuckles as he begins to loosely braid my hair.
“Mm, speaking of, I should take her out to hunt.” I sigh stretching out as he completes the plait.
“Will you let me come with you this time?” his eyes light up as he pleads.
“You’ll have to ask her yourself.” I chuckle as I begin to rise and stretch out.
I slowly put my riding armor back on as Ben quickly pulls his own armor on stumbling after me out of the tent. The host around us is now up to 5,000 swords and it’s easy to get lost in the chaos that surrounds us daily. We see the outline of Silverwing in the trees as we approach.
“Wait,” Ben pulls me to a stop. “It’s Hello my beast Silverwing?” a laugh bubbles out of my mouth as his face turns red.
“Y/n, my Princess, please.” he begs trying to hide his embarrassment.
“If you say that she will never allow you to ride with me.” I try to settle my giggles. “Hello, my beautiful Silverwing.” I look to him and nod for him to repeat.
“Hello, my beautiful Silverwing?” his Riverland accent makes the sentence sound funny but he’s got the words down at least.
“Well let’s go see if I get to keep enjoying you or if her meal has delivered itself to her.” I pull him by his arm with a smile on my face. I nod at him to go greet my sleeping dragon as I stand nearby.
“Hello,” his voice slightly stumbles as she begins to stir. “Hello, my beautiful Silverwing.” I hear the confidence in his voice as Silverwing begins to rise.
She looks over to me and then looks down at Ben and huffs. His hair is blown askew by her deep breath as she lowers her head to his height. He puts his hands up as I continue to give her a stern look. She gives a soft chirp before she pushes him with her snout.
“I didn’t learn any other words. Y/n says my accent is funny.” he speaks softly to Silverwing as he settles his hands on the side of her jaw.
She softly blinks at him and then looks to me as if I was so mean for stating the obvious to him. Ben slowly relaxes as he continues to offer her pats. She watches him intently as he begins to walk the length of her. She thuds back to the ground and rolls onto her side for him to pat her belly.
“Oh you big baby.” I chuckle lovingly as I approach them both. We continue to offer her pats and words of adoration until she grumbles and begins to turn back over. “He wants to come with us to hunt.” her eyes lock with mine and narrow. She closes her eyes and dips her wing down for us to climb up.
“Let’s see how this goes.” I breathe out as I gesture for him to start climbing.
“What do I grab on to?” he turns to me suddenly nervous.
“Whatever you can. I’ll be right behind you.” I nod reassuringly as he grabs on to her leg. Silverwing chuffs as we slowly climb on and settle into the saddle. I clip us in and his arms wrap around my waist tightly.
“It’s not too late to get down.” I turn my head and offer to him softly.
“No, it’ll be fun.” he nods as he tries to strengthen his resolve but his words come out a little breathy.
“Fly, Silverwing.” she rises to her full height and I feel Ben’s hands lock tightly together around me.
She launches us into the sky and I feel Ben press his head into my back. I chuckle wildly as she circles our host and gives them an eerie song. We coast along the breeze until we reach the river and she slowly begins to dip down. Ben slowly releases his hands and begins to look down at the land below us.
“What a fucking rush.” he chuckles with me as Silverwing dips into the river to collect fish.
She continues to collect more fish and spits them out on the nearby shore. Once she has a large pile she lands and scorches the fish in a burning pyre. She quickly chomps down on her meal as we stay firmly seated basking in her power.
“Should we get-“
Silverwing shoots us back into the clouds as Ben gasps, handing flying around my waist once more. I raise my hands from the reins and allow my fingertips to caress the clouds as we fly back to camp. With enough encouragement, Ben releases his hands from my waist and allows his fingers to dance in the clouds with us.
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We begin marching out just before dawn. The men grumble but are looking forward to making it to Harrenhal finally. Silverwing is becoming restless the closer we get to the Crownlands as she can feel the tension pulsing through us.
We mainly ride the breeze only going in front of the host when we’re about an hour out from the castle. As I approach, Caraxes high pitched song pierces my ears. Silverwing gives out a greeting as we circle back to our host. Caraxes seems to have stayed at the castle much to my relief that Daemon isn’t feeling particularly reckless today.
I land outside the gates and await the host to break through the trees. Once Ben is at my side we begin to approach the gates as they grind open. Daemon swaggers out and looks to me with his hand on his sword pommel.
“Y/n.” he looks at me and the men behind me as if he’s unimpressed.
“Daemon.” I sigh and roll my eyes.
“I’ve claimed Harrenhal.” I squint my eyes at his words.
“And I’ve raised a host.” I shake my head at him confused.
“For who?” he tilts his head to me.
“What is wrong with you? What do you mean? For Rhaenyra.” I approach him studying him.
“It seems as if his knees are bent to you the way he hovers behind you.” he raises his chin to Ben who has indeed followed close behind me on approach.
“Get over yourself. Are we welcome or no. You wanted an army and I’ve brought you one.” my voice starts to rise as I tire of his antics and want the bath I was promised.
“Did she send you?” Daemons eyes squint.
“You’re going fucking mad, Daemon. We are staying. I’m taking the largest bathtub.” I roll my eyes, shaking my head with a chuckle. “His knees are bent to me and he’s mine. He’s not to be touched by anyone.” Daemon smirks at my words as he gestures with his arm for us to enter.
“Welcome,” Lord Simon says as the gates groan the rest of the way open. “Welcome to Harrenhal.
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I almost sob looking at the massive bath made before me. I make quick work of my clothes and armor as servants whisk them away to clean them before leaving me alone. The second the seaming water engulfs me all of my muscles sigh in relief. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and I groan.
“What?” I grit out through my teeth.
“It’s me.” Ben peeks his head around the door.
“Then get in here and shut the door. I’m in the fucking bath, Ben.” I hiss at him and feel instantly bad as I know I shouldn’t take my frustrations out on him. “I’m sorry,” I sigh out. “What’s wrong?” I sink lower into the pool.
“You didn’t invite me and I felt left out.” his voice teasing. I grab his hand and begin to pull him in with me. He bats my hand away chucking as he takes his clothes off before slipping in the water next to me.
“Better?” I ask resting my head on his shoulder.
“Much.” he hums content. “What happened with Daemon earlier?” he asks softly before grabbing the soap next to us so we can begin our deep clean.
“He’s going insane. I have no idea what’s wrong with him.” I shake my head not knowing how I’m supposed to deal with this. Hopefully Ser Alfred will arrive soon and offer his support.
“What did he say?” he asks as helps me wash my hair once he’s finished his.
“He knows you’re loyal to me. I don’t think he trusts Rhaenyra. His words seemed off and paranoid. I’ll send a raven to Rhaenyra in the morning.” I know my tone is slightly clipped, I’m just done discussing pressing matters. I want to enjoy my bath while a handsome man dotes on me.
“Maybe it’s this old, haunted castle. They say it’ll turn the most sane man mad.” Ben thinks to himself as he rinses out my hair. I’m thankful we’re finally clean but I can’t handle this conversation any longer.
“Ben, I need you to be quiet and make me feel good or leave. I do not wish to discuss strategy or ghosts.” he chuckles as I turn and he takes in my scrunched brow.
“I’m sorry, my Princess. Is the war boring you?” he chuckles pulling me to straddle his thigh.
I sigh as he pulls me forward causing the most delicious friction. He continues sliding me across his thigh and my eyes shut. My hips begin to move on their own accord seeking the pleasure I’ve been needing all week. Whimpers fall from my mouth as Ben looks at me with a smirk.
“So you don’t want to discuss-“
“I will cut your fucking tongue out.” I reply breathlessly as his hands grind me down on to his thigh roughly.
“Then how will I be able to lick your-“
I crash my lips to his in hopes he’ll remain silent. He chuckles against my lips as his fingers dig into my sides. He begins to move my hips quicker as the water begins to splash around us. I begin to moan into his mouth as pleasure begins to explode through my body. His lips capture mine once more as he slowly continues to grind me against him to prolong my pleasure.
“Beautiful,” Ben whispers and my eyes snap open. “Fuck, please let me have said it right.” panic laces his words.
“You did,” my lips attach to his as my heart stumbles.
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I sit around the council table with the River Lords who look from me to Daemon. Ser Alfred has arrived this morning and hasn’t been able to form a coherent conversation with Daemon. My eyes stay planted on him as his head lulls as he grips his cup. When his eyes seem to uncloud he stares at Lord Simon’s child, Alys, I’m told.
“Pull yourself together.” I grit out to Daemon who is currently making a fool of himself.
“When did this meeting start?” his words borderline slurred as he looks to Alys who comes to his side.
I shake my head in confusion as she whispers into his ear. I look to Ben to make sure I’m not the only one seeing this and all of the Lords faces mirror mine. They turn me expectantly and I’m at a loss for what to do.
“That’s enough, Alys. Thank you.” I rise out of my chair dismissing her.
“Isn’t it strange we’re almost kin?” she whispers as she brushes past me. I turn quickly but she’s already out of the hall and I take my place again in my seat.
“Are you drunk?” I hiss to Daemon who has an amusing look on his face.
“Welcome River Lords,” Daemon rises, ignoring my question. “I’m thankful you’ve all deigned to join me in Harrenhal. I know how alluring it is to follow a Targaryen Princess.” he looks to me with a smirk.
“While you’ve been doing Gods know what, I’ve been rallying for Rhaenyra. Did she send you here to simply cut wood?” my anger very evident in my voice.
“I’ve secured the largest castle.” he looks down to me.
“Yes, the crumbling, empty castle. What a win Daemon. While you’ve been indulging yourself on wine and bastards we’ve all been doing our part to help Rhaenyra claim the throne.” I shake my head at a loss. I know we shouldn’t be speaking like this in front of the Lords but I can’t help it.
“I will not be belittled by you.” Daemon spits his words at me.
“You’ve done it yourself. Everyone at this table can see you’re going mad.” I look to him as he goes to look out the window.
Ser Alfred looks at me in warning not to push him too far. The other Lords are doing well to hide their terror as I verbally challenge Daemon in this hall. I’m hoping with the right kind of push and verbal berating he will get his head out of his ass and start to fight for Rhaenyra once more.
“Is that true?” he turns to the table of men with narrowed eyes. “Who thinks I’m going mad?” he approaches and leans his hands on the table assessing everyone.
“Go home, Daemon.” I rise from my chair to switch his focus to me and not our Lords. Ben’s hands slip to mine to try and have me sit back down but I can’t stand down from this fight, my mother needs me. “Rhaenyra needs you at her side.” I look to him with pleading eyes.
“Mm, is that what she told you?” he stalks over to me.
“If you bothered to read any of the ravens from either of us, you know it would be true. Must you always be reminded that you are The Daemon Targaryen? The Rogue Prince? You are a force to be reckoned with. Leave this crumbling castle to me and the Lords and return to Dragonstone. Clear your mind. Stand at her side so we may show a united front.” I can see my words process through his mind as he looks at me curiously.
“You want this castle for yourself.” he concludes much to my anger and frustration.
“Leave us.” I turn to the Lords who look at me slack jawed. They begin to shuffle out of the hall as Ben lingers behind. “Ben,” I warn with narrowed eyes.
“You think you can handle my daughter?” Daemon chuckles lowly as he looks to Ben. He hasn’t called me his daughter in years which is how I know something sinister is going on inside these walls. I walk to Ben and push him outside the door before I seal them.
“It’s saved you before.” Ben’s words are hushed as he places the bone knife into my palm. “Please don’t make me regret leaving this hall.” he looks down to me with pleading eyes as I shut the door separating us.
“Sit.” I nod my head to the table and slip the knife into an empty sheath at my thigh before I claim a seat across from him.
“Do you plan to kill me in this hall?” he chuckles as he takes a seat.
“I plan to make you see reason.” I study his movements which seem completely different from how this meeting started.
“Then by all means,” he raises his eyebrows gesturing with his hand for me to continue.
“You and Rhaenyra had a fight so now you sequester yourself into this ruin of a castle? To what end? Tell me your long term goal, Daemon. If I wouldn’t have arrived with a host you would still be splitting wood open, along with that bastard girls legs.” I look to him as he seems to find this amusing.
“To sit atop the Iron Throne. That is my only goal.” he hums.
“To place Rhaenyra on the throne?” I correct.
“She’s welcome to join me.” he nods his head as his thoughts seem to drift.
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I don’t know if this was his plan all along or if these halls are truly haunted. We sit in silence and study each other waiting to see who will make the next move. I come up with a plan to get him outside of the castle in hopes he can clear his head and finally see his actions for what they are.
“When was the last time you’ve ridden Caraxes?” I change the subject hoping to bring him back to the present.
“It was only…” he trails off.
“Come, let’s go for ride.” I rise and look to him in question.
Surprisingly he follows me out of the hall. Ben is waiting on the other side of the door and he walks by my side. I instruct him to send a raven to Rhaenyra and say that I’m sending Daemon home and hopefully he should arrive tonight, I will escort him if needed. I also have him tell the servants to pack a small bag for Daemon for his travels home.
“Please return to me.” Ben kisses the side of my head and nods at my instructions.
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After a long flight our two dragons land in the abandoned countryside. I press my luck and dismount and turn to see that Daemon is doing the same. We meet between our two dragons as they sing a bone chilling song.
“I will go home.” he nods to me with a scrunched brow.
“You will?” I raise my eyebrow in surprise.
“Do not let that heinous woman inside your head. Don’t accept her tea.” he shakes his head as a shutter travels through him.
“Understood. Please send me a raven when you get to Dragonstone.” I reply curtly still not caring for him much at the moment.
“You’ve already sent her word of my return?” he asks over his shoulder as he begins to mount Caraxes.
“I have,” I nod my head up to him. “If you cause her trouble, I will come for you and show you why this growing host has bent its knees.” the threat is laced through my voice like a promise.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else, daughter.” he says before him and his blood worm launch into the skies.
I mount Silverwing and sigh in relief that somehow everything worked out. I hug Sliverwings neck and offer her words of love and praise before she brings us up to the clouds.
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Ben rushes to me once I dismount Silverwing and assesses me head to toe. Once he’s satisfied I’m in one piece he turns to Silverwing and walks around her and makes sure she’s taken no damage as well. He offers her soft pats before he returns to me.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispers before running back through the gates.
I lay down at Silverwings feet and curl into her. She wraps her head around me protectively as she sprawls on the ground. We hear motion from beyond the gates and we both raise our heads curiously. Ben walks through the gates trailing a couple cattle behind him.
“Thank you for keeping my Princess safe, my beautiful Silverwing.” he hums as he approaches her. I rise and come to his side as she begins to chirp him a song.
He leaves the cattle with her and he guides me back through the gates and into the castle. The Lords look at me expectantly as I call a short meeting in the council chambers. I tell them of Daemons hopeful return to Dragonstone and give Ser Alfred leave to follow after him and return to my mother. The Lords look to me in awe that I was able to rein Daemon in and send him back to Dragonstone. I end the meeting with promises of a more in depth discussion on the morrow.
“Let’s go to bed,” Ben hums softly as he offers me his hand.
We quickly make it back to our chambers and he seals the doors behind us. He cups my face and pulls me into a passionate kiss. He pulls apart resting his forehead on mine as we pant as I look up to him with low lids.
“I’m perfectly fine, you didn’t have to worry so much.” I breathlessly chuckle.
“I was worried for the King Consort, the look in your eyes in the council chamber was downright murderous.” he chuckles lowly before placing a quick kiss on my lips before he starts to remove my armor.
“Good he was being daft. Someone had to stand to him.” I roll my shoulders once he removes the plates there.
“Sometimes you fucking terrify me.” he whispers though his voice is full of devotion as he removes my last pieces.
“Mm, I’m honored.” I hum as I begin to remove my layers of clothing.
“Allow me, my Princess.” he whispers as he lifts my shirt above my head.
He slowly peels the rest of my clothes off. He removes his clothes with haste while pulling me over to the bed. He falls onto his back pulling me with on top of him. He kisses me softly and pulls back with a smirk.
“I think you should sit on my face.” he says lowly.
“What do you mean?” I shake my head chuckling.
“Put this,” his fingers reach down and slide through my wetness. “on my mouth.” his eyes are dark as they look to me.
I shiver as his fingers continue to ghost over my core. He begins to slowly pull me up his body until I finally rise and kneel on the bed to look down at him. He pats the side of my thigh trying to coax me to straddle his face. I let out a shaky breath and kneel above his face and look down at his eyes under me.
“Thank you, my Princess.” he says placing a soft kiss on each of my thighs.
His hands grab my waist and pull me flush against his mouth. His tongue begins to attack my clit and my head falls back. His name falls off my lips as he continues to swirl against my clit. I grind against his face and immediately stop. He grunts at my stillness and begins to move my hips himself as moans seep out of my mouth.
“Ben,” his name is the only thing I’m capable of saying.
This spurs him on and his tongue moves even more ferociously. My hips begin jerking on their own accord and he moans against me. The vibrations send me over the edge as I come against his face as he keeps lapping at me.
“Ben,” I whimper as he still holds me against his face.
His torturous tongue continues to circle my sensitive bud sending shock waves through my body. I’m a babbling mess above him as he starts to grind my hips against him again. A sob tears through me as I come against him once more. He lifts me off and I collapse face down on the bed next to him as he chuckles.
“You did so good for me.” he hums as I feel the bed dip behind me. “Aren’t you thankful you didn’t cut my tongue out.” his hands raise my hips until I’m resting on my knees. I turn my head and scowl at him until he starts swirling his tip around my wetness.
“Ben, please,” I whine breathlessly as he leans back.
“Hm?” his tone taunting. I try to push my hips back to find him once more but his hands on my hips keep me firmly in place.
“If you don’t fuck me surely I can find someone else who-“
He slams into me and a moan tears through me. He sets a brutal pace that has my face sliding against the sheets. All I can do is arch my back more as his hips repeatedly snap into mine. His trusts become slow and deep as his hands fall to the sides of my waist as he hovers above me.
“Who do you think can replace me?” he grunts in my ear while grinding his hips into mine.
“No one,” my words barely coherent as my hips chase the pleasure he’s offering.
“That’s what I thought.” he says arrogantly as he pulls me upright with him.
One of his hands stays at my waist to help steady me as he begins to hammer up into me. The other travels around my front teasing and pinching my nipples until it finds its way to my throat. His long fingers wrap around me while his hand from my waist sneaks down to my sensitive bud.
“I- Ben,” I whine as I come, clenching around him.
“Fuck Princess,” his hips slightly falter but he regains his composure quickly.
He pushes me forward back onto the bed while staying inside of me. His pace is crazed as his fingers dig deeply into my hips. I’m pushing back into him chasing all of the pleasure he wants to give me. My hands are fisted into the sheets while all I can do is whimper and breathe his name.
“One more time for me.” he growls while bringing his torturous hand between my thighs once more.
When his fingers reach my clit I see stars. I feel like pleasure is being torn from me in waves as I bury my head in the pillow. His hips shutter and warmth spreads throughout me before he slowly pulls out. He collapses on the bed next to me as we’re both panting and trying to catch our breath.
“I know I’m safe in Harrenhal because the only thing that could make me go mad is you.” he says breathily smoothing my hair.
“Back to your ghost stories already?” I huff as I turn to him and see him smiling down at me.
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ps: i literally will write more of this if ppl want 🫣
Part 3
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we’ll be alright
“fine line” by harry styles
benny cross x fem!reader / 1.2k words
idea: you get hurt, but benny is an absolute wreck
tw: assault, fighting, gore, angst, crying, happy ending
notes: ya’ll when i tell you my thumbs, hands, and arms are burning cause i’ve been COOKING!! i was craving some angst (i love to suffer) so way not make this beautiful man suffer!! that final seen on the door steps had me weeping so i needed to write something similar to that SO HERE IT IS :))) (p.s i kinda need some kathy ideas)
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the baby blue ice pack created a weird sensation against your left eye and the side of your face. numb was what it was, but you couldn’t really think straight at that point.
sitting on the edge of the bed with kathy beside you, rubbing her hand up and down your back, it almost lulled you to sleep. but the medicine you took and the exhaustion you felt might have also played a part in your sleepiness.
that fight was never meant to happen. those young kids should’ve never been let into the bar. johnny kicked himself for not literally kicking them out the moment they walked in. the kid with the buzzed head should’ve never gotten so close to benny with you behind him, and benny should’ve known you were behind him and not with your girlfriends before he dodged his swing, so you’d never be served that harsh punch to your sweet face.
in the split moment the whole bar went quiet, your faint slow breaths filled the air. you were in shock, touching your face to see blood on your hand. that kid stacked his punching rings on that night. when you looked up from your hands to the kid in front of you, your eyes watered and threatened to spill, that’s when chaos broke loose. but thank god you can’t remember any of that right now. you cried so hard on kathy’s shoulder the entire ride home, thanks to danny for driving you back in his car, that you think you can’t cry anymore.
you jerked awake due to the loud knocking at your apartment door, kathy settling you down first before standing up “i’m gonna go grab that sweetheart and i’ll be right back. stay right here for me babe” she left your bedroom calmly, hearing her boot cladded footsteps taking a left turn and and marching down the hallway
you heard muffled voices through the walls, then moments later you heard a second pair of footsteps stomping down to your door. or was it 3 pairs?
“got some energy left in you babe? you got some company” you looked up at kathy, but you couldn't see the people with her. so you took the ice pack off your face, a vivid mix of purples, red, and blues plastering the left half of your face, and looked up. benny had finally come home and johnny was stopping by!
“who is it kat- oh my gosh! you guys are alive!” it’s like a flip switched in your brain as you got up from the bed and stumbled a bit to get to them. “lord i can’t imagine what it was like in there! are you guys alri-” that’s when benny grabbed onto you and pulled you into his chest. tight. “hi honey! i’m so happy you’re here! did everything clear up? are you okay?” you asked sweetly. you were quite lethargic in your state, so you couldn’t pick up on how thick the air was due to how worried everyone was about you. not until you listened to benny’s breath stutter and tiny whimpers leaving his mouth.
he’s crying.
you tried to pull away from him to look up at him, but he wouldn’t let you go. he wasn’t gonna let you go, not after tonight’s events. you didn’t know what to do, why was he crying? you could only hold him, rubbing your right hand in circles on his back. sooner or later, your left arm extended and reached out abruptly. kathy was confused at first, but was quickly diminished when realizing that this was your way of saying hello to johnny. johnny softly held your hand, afraid that you were aching all over, as he was caressing your hand with his thumb. “hello to you too sweetheart” he said in his deep voice.
you don’t know what was said as you were squashed into benny’s chest, but kathy and johnny left the room quietly, johnny muttering to benny that they were going for a “chat and smoke” and they’d be outside in the living room.
after the door closed, benny pulled back from you. you could finally see his face, but your heart sank down to your stomach so fast. benny’s face was rosy and puffy, while his eyes and cheeks were wet from crying. you brought your hand up to his right cheek, a small cut touching the bottom of your thumb. “..oh honey” you said sadly. you expected him to say that he was okay, or telling you he was going out with johnny, or god forbid say that he was gonna leave. what you didn’t expect was your words to unleash the floodgates of benny’s emotions.
benny started to cry hard, his breaths becoming frantic as tears continued to fall down his face. his hands were shaking, bruises and cuts all over his body, clothes torn, and blood all over. god you hope it wasn’t his own.
benny moved his hands to hold both sides of your neck, worried he would hurt you even more by touching your face. then he started to speak, but his voice watery and shaky, like a little boy “m’so..so s-orry baby, m’so sorry, m.. so sorry,” his stutters and hiccups were hysterical, you’re worried he’ll pass out from not breathing enough. “m’coward. a fucking coward. i should’ve known you were behind m-me… i failed to keep you sa-afe, you got hurt because of me.. and m’so sorry.. pl-ease don’t leave me.. please don’t-” those were the words that woke you up. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. leave him? and you refused to hear more of it.
you walked backwards to sit on the bed, benny hands slid to hold your lower back before sliding even lower to hold the thick of your thighs. to ground himself. you held his face to make him look at you. to see you.
“honey.. none of this was your fault” his sniffles and gasps were making it harder for you to speak. “i don’t blame you or anyone else for what happened, but especially not you. i’m alright” your right hand moved up to his frazzled hair, brushing the strands of hair away from his face. you prayed it would help him calm down. “and m’gonna be alright, look,” you grabbed his tattered hands from your hips and placed one on your heart, and the other on your swollen cheek. you can see his shoulders fall slowly as he focuses on your heartbeat. “my heart is still pulsing, my chest is still rising and falling, and my soul is still beaming” you scooched closer to him, your left leg placed on top of his right.
“look at me honey,” your syrupy voice rang in his ears as he looked into your eyes again. his eyelashes were dewy from how much he cried that you almost lost all the words in your mouth, but you told him one more thing. “i will never leave you. no matter how crazy our lives get, or how crazy things change, i will never run. i will never let you go. this isn’t where we end” benny inhales and exhales deeply before responding to your words of reassurance, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “i’ll never leave you b-aby..i’m never gonna go, never. i promise baby i-i promise” “c’mere” with that you brought your boy over to you, his head fitting into the crook of your neck.
you let him cry, but also let yourself get teary eyed. “you and me sweet boy. s’gonna be okay” you were stroking the hair on the back of his head as his arms held you closer than ever. you in your pink pajamas and him in his colors. that is what’s meant to be. and always will be.
“we’ll be alright”
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sevikasupremacy · 4 months
I know you probably get this ask a lot so I’m sorry but can we get more Sevika that jealous?
No need to say sorry babe I love writing about jealous Sevika 😚
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Jealous Sevika
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➼ Oh lord have mercy—
➼ Whoever lays their crusty ass fingers on you just asking to be killed.
➼ Who in their right mind would even try to flirt with you?
➼ Sevika’s presence is terrifying enough—
➼ Imagine what’s it like when she’s jealous.
➼ Oh this woman is OVERPROTECTIVE.
➼ And she hates it when anyone comes up to you with the intention of flirting.
➼ The two of you would just be chilling at The Last Drop (It became part of your daily routine at this point).
➼ And of course, you would be sitting on Sevika’s lap while she played cards.
➼ At one point you left to go grab a drink at the bar.
➼ That’s when a bold young man decided to shoot his shot.
➼ He’ll try to offer you a drink, which you immediately refuse.
➼ But it seems he liked that you were hard to get.
➼ So man didn’t stop there—
➼ He decided it was a good idea to snake his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
➼ You, on the other hand, were already pleading for help as you stared at Sevika
➼ And oh god—
➼ The woman’s eyes are screaming MURDER.
➼ And before you know it—
➼ The poor man’s body was already sprawled on the floor, choking on his own blood.
➼ This wasn’t the first dead body that you had seen let me tell you that
➼ Before you could even utter a word, Sevika has already dragged you out of The Last Drop
➼ Time to take her frustrations out ;)
➼ The moment you guys reach the apartment, Sevika kicked the door open (She was already carrying you bridal-style).
➼ Doesn’t hesitate to throw you onto the bed before hovering over you, her fingers eagerly unbuttoning your shirt.
➼ She will leave marks all over your neck, chest, stomach, inner thighs— LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.
➼ “Can’t believe I had to get my fucking claws dirty again. At least that’ll warn others not to lay a finger on you.”
➼ She will eat you out like it’s her last meal on earth—
➼ Definitely fucks you until you see stars.
➼ Oh she’s not finished yet—
➼ Make sure to have enough stamina for the rest of the night.
➼ Cos she’ll have you in every single position she could think of.
➼ Ride her finger, sit on her face, let her finger fuck you from behind— It’s not even a request. It’s an order.
➼ “What did you say, Sweetheart? Too much? Well too bad. Be a good girl and take it.”
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bug-bites · 5 months
batfam beach episode?? real not clickbait no glue no borax??
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cw: nothing! pure vacation beach fluff (p≧w≦q) also barely proofread,,,
pairing: gn!reader x batfam (NOT ALL AT ONCE.)
characters: dick grayson, jason babygirl todd, cassandra cain, tim drake, damian wayne (all intended to be interpreted as either romantic or platonic unless its damian. ik in some comic runs he's like an adult but hes like permanently 12 in my head and i dont fw that :/)
a/n: im back with a new dc obsession tee hee (soz to everyone who wanted more abt the cod guys or spiderverse im comicsmaxxing and redhoodpilled) will probably make a part 2 w/ bruce, babs, steph, and duke eventually :3c
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Dick Grayson haha dick
oh he loves the beach so much
the sand beneath his feet make him feel nostalgic from when he would practice tumbling with his parents in the circus ring i think there's sand in circus rings right? I dunno someone fact check me on that one
the victim of being buried in the sand, always asks for a mermaid tail but ends up with something like massive sand tits (courtesy of either tim or jason), he laughs it off anyways
somehow gets the worst tan lines. He wore a swim shirt one time and never again because the tan lines looked SO BAD which is a total shame because he tans gorgeously
will beg to do play shoulder wars i have no clue if this is the right name, again fact check me for this thing where you get a piggyback ride from someone and you try to knock someone whos also getting a piggyback ride over in the water
you’re on his shoulders since bro is strong asf and you square up against tim and damian
obviously you lose because hello that's damian wayne we are talking about but at least its fun!!
cass and jason are forever the undefeated champions of shoulder wars though, that goes without saying
Cassandra Cain
shes always seen beach episodes in animes that damian practically dragged her into watching so when she gets to actually go to a beach she is so excited peak sibling bonding is dragging your siblings into your interests
loves building sandcastles and writing things in the sand, watching it get washed away, and then do it all over again
hold her hand and jump over waves together on the shore and she will be the giggliest and happiest human being alive on planet earth
but out of all the beach activities she loves beach volleyball
shes actually scarily good at beach volleyball for someone who has never played volleyball before
dick thought it would be fun to teach her and have a friendly match between him and bruce vs you and cass
yeah bruce and dick were COOKED. huffing and puffing like they have a vendetta against the three little pigs at the end of it while cass is like “this is so fun, lets go again!”
ends the day with a little sunset stroll along the shore i need her so bad you do not understand please bbyg ill treat u soooo well
Jason Todd
beaches are fun on paper for him, in person not so much
PERSONAL HC INCOMING! He gets migraines after the lazarus pit so he can only have so much fun before needing to lie face down with his head covered with a beach towel to make everything less overwhelming or he wears sunglasses the entire time
he brings a book to read at the beach and stays in the shade the entire time yes he is that bitch
usually at home in the comfort of his little library he likes to read things that have an impact on him or just stuff that makes him want to analyze deeper. think books like frankenstein, lord of the flies, all quiet on the western front, just generally heavier stuff
but his vacation books? totally different. usually something super light, maybe a shitty romance book that you find in walmart which are clearly just results of book packaging, or a some booktok recommendation he got for shits and giggles because it just was so laughably bad, maybe even a childhood feel-good book like percy jackson or the little prince (mostly just books he would not grieve over if sand permanently got in between the pages)
he tried reading a colleen hoover book once and honest to God wanted to toss it into the ocean HE WOULD HATE HER BOOKS AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
but out of everything he likes watching you enjoy yourself, his book wasnt that important anyways. show him that funky sand dollar you found or that really cool piece of seaglass, he’s probably gonna bring it home with him. a little keepsake along with the millions of grains of sand that never seem to go away
Tim Drake
Burns so easily
At first its kinda cute, like hes asking you to help him get that spot on his back he just cant seem to reach and its just a little sweet moment between you two as you rub the sunscreen into his sore muscles
But then it happens again. And again. And again to the point when he goes up to you, you automatically reach for the tube of SPF 100+ 
I just know his vitamin d deficiency goes crazy
Leaves the beach looking like a lobster, sunburnt, a crazy bump on his head from getting hit with a volleyball, and some god awful sunglasses tan lines
Overall, beach activities are not really his thing bros job is NAWT beach
Enjoys the boardwalk a lot more than the beach itself, likes the touristy stuff but still goes to the beach because dick loves it and he loves his older brother :(
Damian Wayne
i feel like he wouldn’t care too much for typical beach stuff. like at every beach that has sand and decently clean water you can do most beach activities
one thing that is never 100% consistent at all beaches is what lives on the beaches. this boy will spend hours staring into tidepools 
bruce was lowk concerned because his son did not gaf about normal beach activities that kids do but eventually he reached a point where he was like "i mean at least hes having fun and being safe"
i feel like talia would always show him books of sea creatures when he was little but he never ended up being able to see them in their natural habitat someone take this boy to an aquarium now
tells you fun facts about each creature you come across
will scold you if you take a shell from the beach, definitely says some shit like “how would you feel if someone ran into your house and just took your bed?”  based though, leave shells at the beach yall! taking them is like bad for the ecosystem
brings his notebook around and has little sketches of the sea creatures
even though typical beach activities arent his favourite, he doesnt hate it. he likes that he can catch a break from all the vigilante stuff and spend time with his family as a family and not just as a team
loves scuba diving. idk it just somehow makes sense and i think he would look really stupid in a wet suit
also i feel like he would never mention it but in his mind hes fully thinking "this is just like a beach episode" but he would rather die than say it out loud FUCKING NERDDD
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'Fake' Feelings
Zuko x Reader
Summary- In a pinch, you have to pretend to be in a relationship with Zuko. Little do you know it was never pretend for Zuko.
A/N- HAPPY BIRTHDAY @thethreeeyed-raven!!!!! This isn't my typical fandom as y'all know. I wrote this as a birthday gift to my best best best online friend. SHE'S AWESOME. Go check her fics out <3<3! CONTAINS A SINGLE BAD WORD >:)
Word Count- 2,468
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"Mai, I already told you. I can't be with you!" Zuko was getting frustrated. While he did love Mai at one point, that was a long time ago. Zuko was now the Fire Lord, their relationship seemed like ages ago.
"And why not Zuko? We've been through this a hundred times. You always come running back, you're so pathetic. May as well cut the middle part and we can act like nothing happened." She stepped closer, pressing herself on his arm. "Like we always do..."
Zuko had finally realized how Mai controlled him. When he was weaker he was naive, now he knew what he wanted. Someone who never put him down, someone who never called him 'Pathetic.'
He immediately thought of you. How you were so strong, but never put others down to feel powerful. How you always spoke your mind, but only out of the kindness you hid deep down.
Your walls were built up so high, but he knew who you were. He knew how beautiful you were.
"I can't be with you because I'm dating someone else." The words left his mouth faster than he could think.
This stopped Mai in her tracks. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah, you're not the only one I am allowed to go out with. We've been broken up for awhile now." Zuko was no longer on the defense, but the attack.
"You do know that I am the only one who could love you. Who could love a traitor, a banished prince. Who else, huh?" Her arms were crossed, a smirk on her face. She knew she outwitted him.
Releasing his bit lip, Zuko exclaims your name.
Her face dropped. She knew exactly who you were. She was furious.
"We'll see about that..." With that, she left the room.
You were on your way to visit Zuko, one of your closest friends, for a 'friend reunion' Sokka had planned. You were of course excited to see him after so long. Though, the ride on Appa was miserable. About a hundred "are we there yet"s and "I'm hungry"s from Sokka.
The five of you- Sokka, Toph, Katara, and Aang made it safely to The Fire Nation shortly.
Upon landing, a man in red robes greeted everyone.
"The Fire Lord sends his deepest regards, as he could not see to you himself. You are instructed to follow me to your rooms." He had a stoic expression, but you guessed he greeted people all the time.
Oh well, Zuko must be very busy as a Fire Lord. You were sad, but couldn't blame him.
What you didn't know was that Zuko was pacing his room, definitely not busy. In reality, he cleared his schedule as much as possible for the week you were all visiting.
How was he going to tell you? He was deeply embarrassed, not to mention Mai might try and pull something with you. He knew not to underestimate her.
The thought of her trying to hurt you was enough to rack up the nerve to confess. He just needed a moment alone with you.
A grand dinner was prepared for the Avatars arrival, the rest of you reaped the rewards of being his friends.
"This is SOO good!" Sokka exclaimed, "Zuko sure has a way with food....." He slammed a fist on the table, before quickly lifting more food to his mouth,
"Sokka, you know he has chefs who make the food, right? Please tell me you know that..." You deadpanned, looking at him.
"Uh... Yeah! Yeah, definitely...." He looked down, that was until a new voice appeared.
"Sokka, did you really think I cooked all this?" Zuko walked to the seat at the head of the table. You noticed you were sat to his right.
It was a Fire Nation tradition that the Lady of the house would sit to the right of the Lord... You brushed the thought off quickly, writing it all off as a coincidence.
"W-well I don't know! You've been working ALL DAY!" Sokka squawked.
The dinner went on smoothly, well as smoothly a dinner can go with this group. You could feel the servants and servers rolling their eyes at all the unprofessional comments, jokes, and laughter.
You didn't care, you were just happy Zuko was able to be himself.
Hours later, when everyone was worn out and had their stomachs filled, they started to head to bed.
You were one of the last to leave, having been helping tidy up as much as you could.
You thanked and farewelled the servers, trying your best to remember where your room was.
The Palace was much bigger than you remembered. The halls upon halls blurred together. You were soon lost.
Every direction you turned looked the same, you started to breathe heavy.
You could already see it, 'cause of death, starvation in the Fire Nation Palace.' Or maybe dehydration would take you quicker?
A man passed by, you were saved! Though, the closer you got the bigger his scowl grew.
"Excuse me, I think I'm lost. Can you help me?" You were nervous asking, it was so 'common' for someone to get lost in a palace. You were sure your cheeks were red.
His face was dark, his eyes covered by his demeanor. For some reason he seemed annoyed at you.
A hand rested on your shoulder from behind. It started you, putting you into a 'fight mode.'
Turning around swiftly calmed your nerves as quickly as they came. It was Zuko.
"Can I help you?" Zuko was talking to the strange man, who was no longer so 'big and bad.'
"No Fire Lord Zuko, my apologies." He barred his head in a bow and left.
You had a small smile on your lips, "Thanks, he was starting to scare me." While you were positive you could have taken the man, you were tired and didn't really feel like fighting.
"Of course, I can show you to your room." He held his arm out, you took it.
The gesture was friendly, you told yourself. Nothing more.
You must have been lost for awhile, as it took a few minutes to get to your room. The small talk exchanged was nice, but something told you Zuko was hiding something.
At your door, he stopped. "Zuko, do you want to come in? You seem restless."
"Actually, I do have something to tell you..." The tone of his voice scared you.
"Oh, then please sit." He joined you on the edge of your end. The door shut behind you two.
You pushed a strand of hair back, nervously sitting. "What's wrong?"
"I'm not really sure how to tell you this... I really am ashamed to have to ask you for a really big favor..." You had seen him on edge a lot, he was quite the stressor. Nothing like this, though.
"Zuko, anything. What do you need me to do?" You questioned.
He looked down at his hands, "You can tell me. I'm in no position to judge you, you know that."
"I uh," He rubbed the back of his neck, "I told Mai that we were dating so she would stop trying to get with me." He spit out so fast you almost missed what he said.
Well that's not what you thought he would say...
"That's not the worst part." He lowered his face to his hands, "The ball in four days, well I told her you were going with me... She's got Ty Lee lining up suitors for her. Trying to make me mad. Also she uh, she's probably told everyone now..."
"Oh." You were at a loss for words.
"I... I don't know... I'm sorry. This is stupid, at the ball I'll tell everyone what happened. I am so, so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen! It just slipped out an-"
"What if you don't have to tell everyone?"
You hadn't looked at him since he started talking. Honestly, a night with Zuko at a ball? It sounded like a dream. Zuko was handsome, kind, generous, and you'd had a crush on him for months. You knew he wouldn't ever really date you... So you might as well seize the opportunity, right? What could go wrong!
The two of you decided it would be wise to not tell anyone else it was fake, as Sokka, Toph, and Aang had big mouths. They'd slip up sooner or later. As for Katara, she wouldn't have kept that big of a secret from Aang.
So, for the next few days you and Zuko spent every second together. At first, it was coming up with plans for the ball. It turned into getting more physically comfortable with each other. That eventually escalated to spilling each other's deepest secrets, ya know... just in case...
Even in four days, you found yourself going from a crush to madly in love. You found out his quirks, what made him tick, his hidden likes and dislikes. Not a second was spent apart.
The afternoon before the ball you were stressed. It had been easy up until the ball. You just had to be yourself around Zuko, now you had to pretend in front of hundreds...
Katara helped you pick out a beautiful red and black dress. To match Zuko's of course.
A big scene was planned out between the two of you, Zuko would introduce you to everyone in an announcement and you'd walk don't the grand starts arm in arm with him.
It was fun to imagine and talk about, but now the 'what ifs' were running wild.
You somehow made your way to Zuko's room, knocking hesitantly. He begrudgingly opened, but became excited when he saw you.
"Zuko, I'm terrified." He quickly guided you into his room.
"What happened?"
"What if I fall? What if no one likes me? It's a lot of steps it-" He cut you off.
"Hey, it's okay... We can throw everything out the window. Just saw the words."
You swallowed thick. "No, no just... Just promise you'll be there? For me?"
Your name was a whisper on his lips, "Ill always be here for you... Just imagines its only us up there... Just normal day."
You nodded, more relaxed knowing he'd be by your side through I tall. It also gave you a wicked feeling of comfort to know he was still willing to do whatever you preferred. He would have ended the lie immediately if you asked, but you wanted to be there for him as well. To make sure Mai would leave him alone.
The Palace was bustling with people, waiters, food, activities, and entertainment. It all came to an abrupt stop when Lord Zuko appeared.
It was comical, trumpets blared and all head turned.
"Fire Lord Zuko, accompanied by-" Your name seemed unreal on his lips. To be announced with a Fire Lord? You felt you didn't deserve it.
You slowly walked into view of everyone, whispers erupting. To be 'accompanied by' was essentially dating for Lords and Ladys.
All eyes were on you as you took Zuko's arm, walking down the steps. You felt light, your grip tightening on Zukos.
"Almost there, I'm right here." His words were all the comfort you needed.
Music resumed and the party goers continued their fun.
That was expect for one person. Mai. She marched up to you, her questioning eyes on guard. Watching her march over sparked a fury in you, the fire started and didn't stop until you spoke.
"Hello Mai. How can I help you? Is your father well, since he lost his job as Governor and all..." You passively aggressively asked, a mock frown on your face.
"What would you know about Governor dad's and all? You grew up poor." Damn, she got you there.
"I guess the difference in poor and rich is personality. Cause you don't have one..." You shrugged your shoulders at her, biting back a laugh.
"At least Zuko loved me for who I am, not who I was pretending to be." She remarked, not really knowing why Zuko loved her or you.
"Damn Mai, you must know a lot about pretending. Seeing as you're a two faced bitch. Should I go and tell Ty Lee you called her an 'easy bed'." A gasp left her lips in shock, how did you know she said that? Well, you wouldn't tell her, but a gossiping Fire Sage spilled the beans.
Zuko, who had been temporarily called away to exchange pleasantries with a Navy Captain, had returned.
"Mai, I see you've met my girlfriend." He said, snaking a hand around your waist. Chills were sent up your spine.
She gave a scoff, "It'll never last. You're only in it because he's the Fire Lord." She pointed to you, then him, "And you, you just seemed to pick up the next girl you saw laying around. Talk about a downgrade. When you get tired of her, i'll be waiting." She walked away.
"What is her problem!" You exclaimed, face hot with anger.
"Jealousy, I think." He said.
You turned to face him completely. "What for, she doesn't even seem to like you anymore?"
"Maybe cause you're prettier than her?" He said, not realizing his own words.
Your cheeks were now flushed for a different reason. You swiped your lips with your tongue before speaking, "Thank you..."
Hours of dancing, partying, and eating went by. Everyone bought the act easily, you and Zuko were naturals at dating. The fun died down, and many were starting to go back home.
Zuko walked you back to your room, hand in hand.
"Thank you. I really cannot thank you enough, just ask. Whatever you want is yours." Zuko said, still grasping your hands at your bedroom door.
"I don't need anything. This was really fun actually, I know you were just pretending... but i've had the best time the past five days."
"Pretend?" His face screwed up, like he was in denial.
You blinked a few times, own lip curling. "Well, I mean... You made it pretty clear this was all just an act. I-I am not hurt." You were, but wouldn't let him know.
"Words cannot express how genuine these days have been... Oh gosh, I haven't felt this free since I was a child." He pressed on, serious.
"Y-you mean, none of this has been fake to you?"
"Well, I know you signed up for 'fake'." He looked over you, face uncertain.
With a step forward you spoke, "This hasn't been fake for me either..."
"Really?" He pressed his chest to your slightly, hand wavering around your waist. "Because I don't think I could live if you're lying right now."
"Will this answer your questions?" You leaned up, closing the gap and kissing him.
A/N-Thank you for reading, I haven't fully watched ATLA In a little bit sorry if Zuko is OOC!! When it's not midnight and I'm not super tired, I will edit any mistakes!
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i-smoke-chapstick · 6 months
‘THE VALLEY, [hard kinks! hcs]
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⋆ Characters ↬ Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz, Edward Nygma, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch
⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; hard and unusual kinks hcs with the gotham villain men
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!villains x female reader. PURE PORN like this is absolutely filthy and descriptive. Some of these are probably too creative and WAY out of character, but oh well. I need to practice my smut writing skills and what better way to do it then with some short scenarios of our boys ? HARD KINKS (all of them are too kinky for there own good) sadomasochistic sex warning for victor and jerome,,, and (sort of?) non-consensual hypnosis warning for jervis, somnophilia and bondage warning for ed. controlling and degrading behavior.
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♫ “Obey, like I’m your master babe.” The Valley by Miguel
He has a habit of leaving in the mornings. He’s a gangster, a crime lord. He loves his job…you think. But it’s hard. Especially seeing him go. Which is why when the two of you fuck, he makes it worth your while.
Yes, he’s shy. He despises indecency. He doesn’t fuck, he makes love. At least, that’s what he likes to think, so you let him.
But you know better. Oswald can’t control anything about himself. The man is impulsive and spoiled. And when he wants you to feel something, you feel it. For better or for worse.
Which is why when he’s awfully pent up and sexually frustrated, you reap the benefits of the king of gotham’s cock pistoning into you. He needs to feel wanted. He needs the two of you to feel loved. He thinks the two of you are sweetly and slowly fucking in his mind. But in reality?
His thick length is hammering into you, selfishly ignoring your pleas. No, he gets drunk on them. Even if he doesn’t want to admit how obscene he’s being.
You’ll feel his sticky tip align with your pussy. He means to enter you slowly, but before you know it, he’s letting himself go. Every inch of his cock is filling you up, taking you in. His eyes are rolling back as he feels you clench around him, and he tries to push all the more unsavory thoughts out of his head.
Thoughts of you tied up. Worshipping him. Unable to resist him. Thoughts of you riding his thighs, while he gives the order to shoot someone dead. The idea of you bending to him, being a good servant. Kissing his shoes, groveling and kneeling. Degrading you.
His fingers sink into the fat of your thighs and ass, clawing at any part of you he can grasp.
His mother taught him better, he reprimands himself. But how can he stay composed and loving when you look at him like he’s the only man in the world?
Oh, he wants to make you feel good, loved, and have this be an act of intimacy. It’s what he was raised to believe sex was for. But he also wants you on your knees, choking on his length, collared like a dog.
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♫ “I wanna fuck like we're filming in the valley.” The Valley by Miguel
Victor is always upfront with what he wants. And he’s been around the block one too many times. He’s fucked around quite a bit. He’s a ladies man, what can he say?
Which is why vanilla sex is entirely boring to him. Well, maybe not entirely. Not with you.
But theres something so special about mixing physical pain, his sole desire, with you, his other sole desire. It’s his lifes work, meeting the love of his life. What’s not to like?
Which is why he blunty suggests the idea. And boy is he glad he did.
A phone camera is pushed into your face while he records everything. The sloppy noises of your pretty pink mouth slipping and sliding around his cock.
It’s not just any homemade porno either, no. It’s a borderline snuff film.
He films himself slotting his cock into your swollen lips, one hand recording, another hand on a pistol pressed firmly against your head while you choke on his cock. The gun isn’t loaded of course, at least, you don’t think it is.
If the gun is loaded, you’re sure he’s playing a dangerous game with himself. Testing his own capabilities. He’s the best of the best, and his fingers are placed firmly on the trigger. If he loses control or focus for even a moment, you could never see the light of day again. Each time he cums is like a self-made test for himself, an ego trip. He’s excercising the greatest control not to accidentally pull the trigger and pop your top.
You’re spitting wildly, tears and saliva and cum mixing on your face. You’ve been sucking him off for what feels like hours, playing this game, and it’s still not enough. No, the man could live his whole life with your face inbetween his thighs. You have no clue what round you’re on.
“There you go…sweetness. Uh-huh…take it.” He’ll press the gun further into your temple, talking down to you slowly. It’s awfully demeaning.
He never shuts the fuck up during sex. This is no exception. His dry humor persists in every word, even as his gun comes into contact with your fucked out wet face, or a blade slices through your sweet soft thighs.
He’s doing close-up shots of every cut he makes on your skin. He marks the both of you, respectively. He keeps the videos in his pocket for later. Y’know, just in case you aren’t there, and he needs something to jack off to. He’s a manwhore, and he can admit it.
He’ll ask to show the videos to Wendell. Just so he knows Victor wasn’t lying about his girl being a total catch.
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♫ “I wanna taste your sweat, force my fingers in your mouth.” The Valley by Miguel
Oh, Eddy. Ever the show man. Oddly enough, I think he has the dirtiest mind and the highest sex drive out of everyone on this list. In the words of CMS, "He loves donuts and getting laid." You're no exception babe.
Similarly, he isn't the kinkiest when he's at the GCPD. The poor baby is so vanilla; so eager to please. If you want a man to put your needs above his own? Look no further. Eddy is your guy. But similar to Ozzy, the man grapples with control. How can he resist when your small sleeping body looks so innocent? So willing?
You wake up to him pumping his dick deep into your hole, groping your breasts and ass, hips plowing harshly into your stretched cunt. He wants to apologize, for waking you. He feels bad of taking advantage of you. But it's your fault. The man is a little bit of a creep and has gone his whole life without pussy. What did you expect?
That being said...when he undergoes his transformation of sorts? It's like he has something to prove, to you and himself. Riddler baby is tired of hiding in the shadows, no, it's show time. If you thought the somnophilia was kinky, you've seen nothing yet.
Season 3-4 Ed is desperate to dominate you. Claim you in every way. Prove to himself that you're not going anywhere. It's a deep seated need to exert control, with a touch of dramatic flair.
Which is why, from time to time, especially on special occasions, you'll wake up from being drugged, ball-gagged in a warehouse, tied to a chair, moaning around a vibrator overstimulated against your cunny. He'll watch the whole show, pleased with his handiwork.
Might even turn it into a game. How many riddles can you answer? Maybe if you get one right, he'll let you cum. And if you don't get one right, prepare to be in for a long, long night.
Ed's pushing his thick long fingers into your tight little pussy, watching your cream spread along his fingertips. He'll force his fingers in your mouth, making you taste yourself. Making you taste what he's doing to you.
He's giggling while he does so, smile wide while you gag around him. Oh, this will be fun.
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♫ “lips, tits, clit, sit.” The Valley by Miguel
Would it be too brave to go on record to say the mans a virgin? I'm sorry, but he didn't get any pussy in that carnival.
Which is why he's incredibly sex starved. The man is feral. Hungry. He fucks you like a dog in heat half the time. You're his own personal pocket pussy, who will love him no matter what.
So when he tells you to do something, you better do it.
For instance, when he tells you to sit on his face, he means sit. No hovering. No, he wants the entirety of your weight in his mouth so he can tongue fuck you into oblivion.
He's wildly gripping at you, laughing like a mad man as he keeps you in place firmly. He's digging into your cunt with his tongue like a man whose getting his first lick of pussy. He's slapping your ass, letting you ride his face like a cowgirl.
He'll slap your sopping cunt. He'll spit in your mouth, on your face, on your pussy. He loves everything feral and sloppy. And for his own good, the man can't shut up. He loves some good dirty talk.
"Hah! There you go, doll. You want it raw? You do, don'tcha? Naughty, naughty girl." Excuse his breeding kink. "Should just pump you right up with my cum. Get you all messy. Cream-pie you riiiiiiight here," He cackles, hand hovering over you're lower stomach.
He likes seeing your face contort in pleasure and pain when your thighs scratch the staples on his face.
Oh, he's a biter. Your thighs might be bleeding by the time he's done, biting hard enough to break skin. You'll yelp in pain and it will spur him on, like you're his own personal show to watch.
God, please hit him back. Slap him. Push him around. He adores it- the two of you fucking like wild animals, clawing and at each others throats, all the while his girthy length his pounding into your sweet tight hole.
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♫ “Tell me that you love it darling." The Valley by Miguel
Jervis has a very deep seated need to have you close to him. To have you bonded with him. He's obsessive, clingy, stalkerish. And he loves a good old fashioned Victorian flirtation. But god, he gets tired of waiting.
He's a gentlemen through and through. But even gentlemen have needs. And when he sees you in that light blue dress he bought you, pussy peaking out through the short skirt? Or how you lick your lips when the tea he makes you dribbles down?
He'll have to take what he wants eventually.
He knows you'll say yes. Even though the two of you have never talked about sex. No, you're his Alice. His willing little girl. Why would you ever say no to him? And he's right. He could ask, and you would probably say yes.
But, just for a precaution...Can't have you running off like the white rabbit, can he?
It will be late night after the two of you have tea. And he'll pull out his pocket watch. And before you know it, you'll be pinned on top a table, dress pooling between your legs, pulling on his hair against your will.
It's a sight he will never sick of. His sticky ropes of cum dripping, tainting the dress he'd bought you. It trickles down from your spine. You'll be too fucked out to walk the next day, and you won't even remember why.
He takes you, ignoring your pleas and whines of overstimulation. He'll continue to stuff his cock inside you until he feels pity for you.
Hypnotizing you while he's balls-deep inside of you, messily thrusting as he tries to concentrate. "You love this. Tell me you love me. Tell me you love this." His words scramble as he comes undone himself, letting your mind wash over and speak the words against your will.
If somehow you piece two and two together, the cum stains on your dress- and the feeling of being stretched out the next morning...assure him he doesn't have to hypnotize you.
Or let him keep it up. It's more fun for him this way.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: Tangerine and Lemon learn more about the young woman they'd been hired to save and things become complicated. pt. 2 to Delicate
Genre: hurt and comfort
Warnings: protective!Tangerine, canon like violence, swearing, blood, guns, wounds, mentions of domestic violence/violence towards women, plot heavy
~ thank you @oh-starstarstar for giving me the inspiration to write this! It took a VERY different turn then what i originally intended but it's an interesting ride—hopefully! ~
Y/n. Tangerine mouths your name as he stares into the bathroom mirror, his toothbrush hanging from his lips. Y/n. The name suits you and warmth spreads inside his stomach as he spits into the sink and his mind is filled with memories of how sweetly you'd looked at him.
"Oi," Lemon's hurried voice snaps him out of whatever was happening and Tangerine turns to him, leaning his hip against the counter. "Some weird fucker is on the phone," Lemon shows his brother his phone, an unknown number displayed clearly on the screen. "Says we have something of his."
Tangerine bristles and his jaw clenches involuntarily. He holds out his hand for Lemon to hand him the phone and when he does he puts it on speaker and holds it close to his ear, letting Lemon lean in and hear the conversation. 
"You have something of mine," a hoarse voice cuts the silence. The man behind the phone sounds older, like his voice has had time to become damaged from years of smoking, and he has a thick Irish accent.
"And what might that be?" Tangerine retorts, sending Lemon an unsure look but he keeps his tone steady.
"You have my wife."
Tangerine feels like all blood has been drained from his body and he's so close to losing it. His grip tightens on the phone as his eyes narrow.
"Fuckin' pardon me? Your wife?" he asks slowly, processing the words himself. Surely this man can't mean you.  
The man chuckles darkly. "Aye. You stole her. Took my girl. Wasted my fucking time. I want to know why?" 
Lemon looks at Tangerine, his eyes round with panic as he automatically crosses his arms. 
"I have no fuckin' clue what you're on about," Tangerine explains calmly, his voice strained. He grips the end of the counter with one hand, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. He doesn't want to tell this rando he has you at home with him and Lemon. He doesn't trust this fucker.
The man laughs darkly. "Defiance isn't smart, boy," the man says vaguely, his tone the same as before; hard and rough. "I don't like smug fuckers who take my things. I want my wife returned to me."
Tangerine pauses as he waits for the word 'safely' or any indication that this man who claims to be your husband cares for you. None come and his frown deepens. "We don't have anyone with us," he lies easily. "Now, why don't ya fuckin' leave me–"
Another cruel laugh sounds from the phone. "You and your brother are really startin' to piss me off," the man pauses and then asks, "I shouldn't have to introduce myself, should I?"
Lemon and Tangerine's expression hardens when they hear a gunshot and then a muffled scream that's followed by a heavy, dramatic, sigh. "See, I really did like that bloke—good guy, loyal, had a family and shit—" Tangerine's jaw clenches as he realizes how truly fucked this man is. "Now, I don't like you—you don't really wanna find out what I'd do to you, do you?" he threatens. 
"Cut the bullshit," Tangerine snaps, "Who the fuck are ya?"
"Moore, Keiran Moore," the man introduces himself after a moment. Tangerine's skin pales slightly and he's almost too distracted by Lemon's curse-whispering and insistent punches into the air, to fully register what that means. You? Married to Keiran Moore? One of the more dangerous Irish crime lords in central London?
Tangerine has so many questions swarming around him but Kieran's voice interrupts his thoughts. "Tomorrow. 9am. I'll have my men send you the location. Cross me again and I'll make a fruit salad out of you both, you understand me?" he chuckles at his own shitty joke and then the line ends.
Lemon snatches the phone from Tangerine's hand.
"Irish mob?! Really?" he hisses. "I told ya we should'av brought her to the cops! She's fuckin' trouble and it's biting us back in the arse!" 
Tangerine narrows his eyes at his brother and drags a hand in his curls. "You believe him?"
"You don't?!" Lemon counters, sounding exasperated as he hits Tangerine on the back of the head. "Stop thinkin' with yer fuckin' dick and be smart. She's married. To some dangerous fucker!!" he scolds and Tangerine feels like this is karma for all the years he's been the one to scold Lemon for stupid shit. 
Still, he isn't convinced. 
"I didn't see a ring on her finger, Lemon."
"Ya, because the arseholes that kidnapped Kieran Moore's wife probably took her wedding ring, you wanker!!" Lemon throws his hand up in defeat and exhaustion, "I'm not havin' this conversation with you right now. Why don' ya ask her yourself, hm?" 
Tangerine looks down the hallway. "She's probably sleepin' by now," he starts, knowing damn well he needs to talk to you. He needs to understand more because he's so damn confused.
Lemon sends him an annoyed look that he understands immediately and he swallows. Lemon isn't in any clear state of mind to question you without freaking you out—plus Tangerine's specialty is nonchalance. He can handle this easily. 
His walk to the guest bedroom seems longer than usual as he plays every scenario in his head, his hand clenching and unclenching. He knocks on the door, hearing your small voice answer. It's late and he instantly feels like an arse when he opens the door and sees your figure sitting up in bed, reaching over and turning on the lamp on the nightstand as the curtains are drawn shut. You turn and stare at him.
"Hi, darlin'," he whispers calmly, approaching you. You send him a nod of permission before he sits next to you on your bed. You shift and Tangerine can clearly see that your eyes are red and tired from your lack of sleep and from crying. His heart breaks and he swallows down the irritating lump forming in his throat. 
"I have some questions, Y/n, and I'm gonna need ya to be honest with me, you think ya can do that?" he begins, his hand itching to touch your leg and reassure any nerves that may be arising but he holds himself back. He waits for a nod andthen he continues. "Do ya know some bloke named Keiran Moore?"
As soon as the question leaves his lips, he sees the change in your expression. You sink into yourself, hand clutching the sheets as your breathing becomes harsher again.
Tangerine's worry increases and he holds out his hands for you to show you he still doesn't mean you any harm. He understands this is a lot to take in. "Woah, hey, it's okay. Ya know him, don' ya?" 
You nod meekly and alarm bells ring in Tangerine's head.
Her husband my arse—he thinks. 
"I need ya to tell me everything now. I can't help ya if you aren't completely honest with me. I know it's scary but Lemon and I truly mean you no harm. Ya can trust us," Tangerine explains as relief washes over you when he sees you relax and focus on calming your breathing.
"O-okay," you say after a moment, your voice so soft and delicate that Tangerine feels all kinds of emotions stir inside him. He looks at you, his gaze reassuring so you can continue. He needs to know everything and he wants to know it from you. 
"My father, his name is—'' you tell Tangerine your father's name in a whisper and his eyes narrow. Everyone in his line of business knows that name, only he never knew someone so ruthless and supposedly cruel had a daughter. 
"He promised me to Mr. Moore—some business arrangement I'm not sure— and I'm supposed to marry him. It's all a blur. I just– I didn't tell you and your brother because I didn't want you to return me to Mr. Moore. He's a brute and he's mean a-and—I- I tried to run once and he beat me—and once we're married he'll want me to do things. Things I don't want to do with him," you finish your rambles, your voice low.
The words sink in and Tangerine's jaw clenches. He knows what you mean and the thought makes his stomach twist with disgust. He inhales, holding in his fury for your sake since he doesn't want to scare you any more than you already are. 
"What do ya mean ya ran? You were living with him when you were kidnapped?"
You frown now, staring at Tangerine with a sincerely confused expression. "Kidnapped? I wasn't kidnapped. I told you, Daddy sold me to him."
It's Tangerine's turn to frown. 
"What?" he pauses, "So, your fiancé isn't the one who paid us to save you from your kidnappers?"
"Paid you? Kidnappers?"
"That doesn't matter now, darlin', but you're telling me technically we are the ones who kidnapped you from your fiancé?!" 
You chew on your lip, thinking for a moment. "I suppose?" 
Tangerine pinches the bridge of his nose and then he looks up at you, his eyes raking over you. You look terrified and confused and he's also fucking confused. Still, he reaches forward and smoothes his hand down your cheek, hesitating but ultimately smiling as you, consciously or not, lean into the warmth of his hand. 
"Don't ya worry, luv, we'll keep ya away from him and your father. I promise you," he strokes his thumb across your skin in a gentle manner. Tangerine feels like he's been turned inside out. He's never been gentle with anyone—not even with Lemon and he loves Lemon. 
Once you've calmed down and he'd gotten all the information he needed, he shuts the door behind him and walks back into the living room. Lemon looks up at his brother, still looking freaked out by the entire situation. "She's not married," Tangerine huffs and sits next to his brother, rubbing his temples as his eyes shut. "It's fuckin' complicated–"
"So, what are we gonna do now? Ya still wanna keep 'er?"
Tangerine opens his eyes and rolls them as he drums his fingers on his knee for a moment.
"Yeah. I still wanna keep 'er," he looks at Lemon, scoffing at the way he'd said that, and then a dangerous glint in his eye appears, one that Lemon knows all too well, "and the plan is simple, Lem. We're gonna kill those bellends."
* * *
Tangerine's plan is anything but simple, especially because it involves you. Lemon told him this was fucked up and a mistake but he didn't care. His plan was the only way to kill that bastard. 
You were dressed in your clothes from that night with only Tangerine's suit jacket draped over your shoulders as you shiver. The air is still damp and cool from the morning fog.
Tangerine was on edge as he nervously tapped his shoe against the graveled ground, checking his phone occasionally. Kieran Moore had been thirty minutes late to his rendez-vous andTangerine had only hoped he wasn't smart enough to only send him men—because otherwise, his plan is really truly fucked—
"This is so fucked!" Lemon suddenly shouts, blood splatter covering his face as he shoots at the group of men that had finally arrived, sweat trailing down from his hairline. "You fuckin' owe me, you wanker!" he screams at his brother, annoyed by the situation as he turns his head to see Tangerine take on three of Moore's men. It isn't exactly easy, but he's taken on worse than them. 
"Shit! Lem! Where's the bastard?!" Tangerine counters angrily, slamming the bud of his gun into a man's throat. He spins around, seeing bodies and smelling smoke but Kieran is nowhere to be seen anymore. Tangerine's blood runs cold when he sees that you're also missing from behind his car.
Where he'd made you promise you would hide when shit went down!
How could he have lost you?!
Lemon senses his brother's distress and grunts, looking towards the beaten-down and abandoned apartment complex. "He must have taken 'er in there since we blew up his cars. Couldn't have gone far on foot with a screaming bird in his arms— oh you motherfuckers, did he fuckin' send a cavalry?!" Lemon shoots another one of Moore's men. 
Screaming? Had you screamed and he didn't hear you?
Tangerine manages to break into a run, his eyes round and wild as he steadies his breathing so he can focus on finding you. When he enters the apartment building, he rounds the stairs and leaps up them. From a distance and because of an echo, he hears a shrill scream and he picks up his pace, spitting out blood from his mouth from a few hits he'd taken. 
"Shut up, ya stupid bitch!" Keiran's voice booms as he all but drags you up the stairs. The older man has a cigarette hung between his lips, cockily smirking as his hands gripping your arm as you kick and scream.
"Your fuckin' new boyfriends didn't think this through huh? Too busy with my men to realize I gotcha now?! You cheating whore— I'll have to beat some manners into ya again, huh? Huh?!" he snarls and smacks you across the cheek, causing another cry to tear from your throat.
Tangerine can see that your lip is bleeding. You look hurt and betrayed. He feels sick. Without thinking, he raises his gun and with a shaky exhale but a steady hand he pulls the trigger, hitting Kieran Moore through the head and killing him instantly. The man falls down the stairs, causing you to gasp. Your eyes follow him as he falls to Tangerine's feet at the bottom of the stairs. 
Tangerine wastes no time scrambling to where you are, guilt eating at him as he drops to his knees and without thinking, pulls you into his arms. His hold on you is hard and he's afraid he'll crush you so he loosens his hold.
However, you lean up, resting on your knees, as you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him closer. You're shaking in his arms and his heart breaks when he hears you sniffle into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry," he mutters, stroking a hand in your hair. "I shouldn't 'ave brought you here. I shouldn't 'ave taken my eyes off him or ya for even a moment! I should'ave known this was too dangerous for ya. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot."
You hold him tighter, your mind racing and his words reach your ears but you don't comprehend them. "Is he dead? Tell me he's dead, Tangerine. Promise me he's gone," you say, pulling him close as if you want to mold your body against his.
"He's dead. He can't hurt ya anymore," he whispers, kissing your forehead as he holds you. He presses another quick kiss to your hairline and then stands, pulling you up with him. "Now, I want ya to stay right here. I need to help Lem finish off those fuckers and then I'll come for ya. Promise. Stay here and be quiet. This shouldn't take long."
And he's right, it didn't take long because soon you're back at their car, sitting on the hood as Tangerine looks at the handprint on your cheek.
Lemon is hunched over against the car, muttering curses as he bandages his hand. You clench your hand between your knees nervously, your eyes focusing on Tangerine's eyes as his thumb brushes away some of your hair and not the countless dead bodies all around the outside of the apartment complex. 
Lemon grunts, standing up straighter. His gaze suddenly lands on you and when it does, his eyes soften. As pissed as he was with the entire situation, he is happy you're safe. He sends you a weak smile. He walks over and pats your knee reassuringly. "'M glad you're okay, Percy," he teases, the nickname making you smile.
"We should go," Lemon tells his brother, rolling up his sleeves as he looks around. "Don't want some good for nothin' pricks callin' the coppers on us." Tangerine nods and helps you down the hood, still holding a hand on your waist. The hand on your waist tightens when three cars suddenly pull up next to theirs, the tires screeching on the pavement. 
Without hesitation, Tangerine pushes you behind him and keeps an arm around you. "It's okay," he whispers gruffly, "I won't let them hurt you."
You frown, pushing on his arm and you take a step forward as men exit the cars, including one you know very well andyour heart sinks. "Daddy?" you whisper, your eyes widened and you pause, shrinking back behind Tangerine when you remember how much pain your father was responsible for.
Your dad walks out, raising his arms in surrender to show Tangerine and Lemon that he's not a threat to them. A bunch of his men, men you know, start to clean up the bloody mess. Lemon and Tangerine look confused and on guard when another man comes out with a silver case. 
"Steady, gentlemen," your dad says calmly as he looks you over and then tilts his head as an indicator for the man with the case to come forward and open it, revealing a bunch of money. "Your reward, hm? I promised you some money, didn't I?"
Lemon's mouth hangs open and Tangerine stares at the case, his arm still around you as he keeps you shielded behind him. "Pardon me?!" he spits and looks at the money, "what's that for?"
You stare at your father, catching on quicker to his games than the Twins. "You paid them to rescue me," you say, raising your arm and clutching Tangerine's sleeve. It doesn't make sense to you. Your father was the one who'd given you up to Kieran Moore so he could save his business. Why did he hire Lemon and Tangerine to save you then?
"I did," your dad says and he sighs, explaining himself. "You think I wanted you in the hands of that bastard? Kieran Moore has been a thorn in my side for decades. I didn't have a choice in the matter, he was blackmailing me and the entire organization. Our organization. The family organization! So, I did let him take you for a while and I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. But, Y/n/n, I couldn't let him keep you and I knew if anyone could keep you safe without raising suspicions, it was them." He gestures to Tangerine and Lemon. "And they did. Now, they have their money and you can come home now, pumpkin."  
You stare at your father's extended arms and your hand tightens around Tangerine's sleeve. You shake your head, eyes narrowed. "No. I want to stay with them," you say. After all, you're an adult who can make her own decisions. 
Tangerine's heart leaps when he hears you say that and he has to force down a smug smile. You want to stay with him and Lemon. Lemon looks less smug as he crosses his arms and looks around at your father's men cleaning up the mess they'd made of Kieran Moore's men. 
"Sweetness, these gentlemen want their money and if you don't come home with me, I can't pay them. Wouldn't be fair now would it?" Your father sounds stern and also confused by the turn of events. 
"We don' need your money," Tangerine admits quickly, keeping you close to him. "You didn't even show up to claim 'er!"
Your father pinches his nose and squeezes his eyes shut. "It was complicated. I couldn't pick her up then but I wasn't worried. I knew you wouldn't harm her. Listen, I can't just allow you to take my daughter—" 
Lemon interrupts him, "We just dealt with your lil' rivalry problem, huh, mate. Call it even?" he turns to look at you and how hard you're gripping Tangerine's sleeve. Lemon wasn't initially on board with this whole keeping-you-with-them-plan but when his gaze travels to his brother's expression, he chuckles and turns back to your father.
"Ya really think he'd hurt your daughter? Ya had no problem with someone who ya knew was gonna harm her taking 'er but this is too much?" 
"I want to stay," you repeat, your tone much firmer this time. "I'm not leaving with you."
Your father seems stumped for a moment but his shoulder sags and he glances around at his men. Lemon has a point, his problem has been mostly solved now or at least solved enough that he can easily take over from here.
He looks at you and inevitably the way you're still clinging to Tangerine and how he's standing next to you, his stance protective. Your father sighs. It wouldn't do anyone any good if he tried to force you to come home with him now.
So he doesn't and you find yourself back at the Twin's house, sitting on the sink in their bathroom, letting Tangerine press a cotton ball full of some homemade disinfectant to your split lip.
You look up at him. It feels wrong being the one he's caring for when he's very clearly more injured than you are.
"You should take a shower, darlin'," he whispers, bending down and throwing away the blood-stained cotton ball into the trash. He straightens up and rests his hand against your cheek as he runs his thumb around the bruise on your cheek, his thumb barely applying any pressure.
"Can I help clean you up?" you ask. You're starting to become more comfortable around him and it makes his heart flutter.  
Tangerine smiles and chuckles. "Nah. I'm okay. Promise. You should relax in a warm shower. You've been through a lot."
"So have you," you say and press your thumb next to a particularly gruesome-looking wound on his forehead. 
He flinches but gently lowers your wrist and holds your hand in his. "I'm used to this. Ya don't need to worry for me, luv." Tangerine looks at you with such care, that you can't help but mirror his expression. You lean up, bringing your hands up to his cheeks, and without a chance to question your actions, you lightly kiss his lips.
You pull away almost instantly, cringing at the sharp pain in your newly wounded lip from the pressure. Tangerine can taste the saltiness from your lips onto his but that's the least of his worries as his eyes widen and he holds your hips steady on the sink, looking you over as he's speechless from your kiss. "Ow," you mutter and touch your lip, "too soon," you joke with a small smile.
"What was that for?" Tangerine asks breathlessly, his focus still on the fact that you'd kissed him. Actually kissed him. 
You smile. "Just a small thank you. For saving me and for letting me stay with you and your brother—keeping me safe and all." You press your palm on his chest, looking up at him. "There's more where those came from after you let me clean you up," you tease in a tone Tangerine hadn't heard from you previously. You sound lighter, not at all afraid or nervous. He really likes this side of you. his lips curl into a smirk as he reaches over the sink and hands you a fresh cotton ball, his hand curling on top of yours as you clutch it. 
"Careful with me, darlin'," he returns the tease and presses a feather-light kiss to your forehead.
You laugh—that sound he loves so so much and he hopes with everything he has that he can hear that sound until the day he dies. 
He's never ever leaving your side again. 
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 11 months
Howling Hearts
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Summary: Countess Romanoff and her lover, Lady Maximoff, find themselves inexplicably drawn to the Countesses oldest, most trusted and loyal guards. One night after a particularly rambunctious banquet, they finally decide to act on these forbidden urges and claim the two wolves as their own.
Warnings: talk of blood/feeding on blood, graphic violence, slight Omegaverse concepts for the werewolves, Reader has a penis, sexual content (fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, breeding)
Authors note: first time writing Bucky in anything, so please go easy on me if he seems out of character at any point 💖
Authors note 2.0: sorry this is later than intended, still hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 10011 (im sorry its so long lmao) 2023 Halloween Specials Marvel Masterlist
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   It was a cool evening, and a soft rain pattered against the castle's stained glass windows, providing a tranquil atmosphere to the room. Several times now you've become a bit lost in that feeling and have let your eyes linger a bit too long on Countess Romanoff as she sits in her exquisite chair by the fireplace. 
   Admiring her wasn’t new, in fact you were sure that after so many centuries you could paint the curve of her lips blindfolded and you were certain that your mate James could too. But lusting after the vampire that you were in service of wasn’t exactly acceptable behavior. If any other werewolf heard of such a thing it wouldn't go over well. Falling for the species that imprisoned yours to use like glorified watch dogs…they’d shun you at the very least.
  “Lady Romanoff, Starks fledgling is here to see you.” one of her guards announces, breaking the peaceful silence
   A brunette boy stands there beside the guard with wide eyes and he quickly offers the Countess a polite bow. She chuckles at his clear nervous energy and beckons him forward. Somehow the young vampires wobbly legs carry him further into the room
   “So young one” the Countess begins, giving the visitor her full attention “What brings you here on this lovely evening?”
    And lovely it had been indeed. With her lover out for the day it left her able to just focus on the presence of her two oldest and most trusted guards, her wolves. Something Wanda would indulge in as well, but normally they’d be too wrapped up in each other to daydream long. At least while in the same room as you, in their bedchambers it was a different story. But alas, the arrival of this fledgling had chased her decidedly naughty thoughts from her head.
   “Lord Stark wanted you to be informed that he and Lady Potts shall be in attendance of your upcoming banquet” he tells her, looking like he might pass out from anxiety at any second
   “Thank you and I’m glad to hear that. Do give them my best when you return home”
   He quickly nods and understanding that to be a dismissal he turns on his heels and heads back out the door you're standing by. He passes you with such a speed that you have half a mind to tell him to let the horse ride in the carriage as he takes the reins, but you hold your tongue. A good thing too, because no sooner did he disappear from view did Lady Maximoff arrive.
   She smiles as she passes by and heads straight for her lover, kissing the woman's cheek before taking a seat on her lap. You're used to such behavior by now, but at the start it had surprised you, as the Countess was not one to allow such affections from her nightly escapades. Then again, Wanda had always been different. She wasn’t some fledgling picked up for fun, nor was she a human chosen to be a plaything before a meal. No, she was every part an elder vampire, just as your master was, and they were quite old friends before the relationship ever began. 
   “Hello moya lyubov'(my love), is your brother well?”
   The brunette smiles, “He is, and still annoying. Who did I pass in the hallway?”
   “Starks fledgling, here to tell me that my invite was accepted” she explains
   “Oh good. It's not a proper banquet without Tony”
   The redhead chuckles, “How very true. We’ll have to have the kitchen staff keep extra glassware on hand, just in case he causes a debacle like last time.” 
   The two continue talking, making plans for the upcoming party as well as catching up on what the other had been up to in the few hours that they had been apart. You and James tried your best to stay focused and not watch the way the Countesses hands roamed across her lover's waistline and mid back as they converse but that proved to be a very difficult task.
   Eventually one of their servants enters the room with two goblets, indicating it was time for the two women to feed. Now, they could eat food like you and James did, but it did nothing for them. It didn't fill them or give them sustenance so it was something that they really only did when they felt like it or were craving something particular. Otherwise, it was all blood. The fresher, the better.
   "Here you are, my Lady" the servant greets, handing both women their cups
   “Thank you Sylvia” the Countess says before taking a deep gulp 
   The servant quickly excuses herself, heading back to whatever duties she was attending to before she needed to bring the two women their meal, and part of you wishes you could follow her. Not because you wished to be apart from anyone you were currently in the company of, but due to the feeling that stirs in your gut, and to your embarrassment, sometimes your pants, when you witnessed the women consume blood.
   You couldn’t help it, there was just something about being able to watch them feed. The way their fangs grew before they sunk them into their victim, their eyes turning nearly black as they drained the person's essence to fulfill their need was incredibly enchanting. And the way the red liquid dripped from the corners of their mouth, or how they licked their lips afterwards had your heart racing. Which is exactly how you feel now as a drop of blood trickles down from the corner of the Countesses mouth, down past her jawline and down her neck.
   Wanda notices this droplet as soon as Natasha moves her cup and she wastes no time in leaning over, letting her tongue lap up the treat before she attaches her lips to that same spot. She begins to suck a mark into the pale skin there, eliciting a throaty chuckle from the older vampire
   “Behave. You are not the only one currently present”
   Wanda's eyes travel over to James as she continues to mark up Natasha, before they eventually move to look at you as well. You sincerely hope she hadn’t noticed the way you shifted your stance in order to adjust the growing bulge at the front of your pants. The last thing you wanted was for either woman to begin to feel uncomfortable around you, or find you some kind of pervert. 
   “Dorogoy(darling), I said behave” the older woman repeats, gently tugging Wanda's hair to remove her from her neck and get her attention once more
   “But I like getting to mark you. I like the reaction it elicits” 
   Natasha smiles, “I like it too. But if that's something you want, then our room is a much more suitable place for us”
   Wanda wordlessly removes herself from her girlfriend's lap and waits for the redhead to stand before they both begin to make her way towards the doorway where you and James stand by. Wanda shyly smiles at you both and turns to the left, indicating that the bedchamber was exactly where they were headed
   “If anyone needs me” the Countess states, looking at James, “I’m not to be disturbed until I’m out of my room. Unless it's of utmost urgency”
   “Of course, my Lady” he responds, and she quickly follows after the brunette. After he's sure she's out of hearing range he looks to you with a brow raised, “Really?”
  “Oh, shut up.”
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  Down the hall, Wanda finds herself pinned to the mattress as Natasha slowly undresses her, “So wet already. You get turned on marking me up in front of them?”
   “Yes” she whimpers, remembering how she felt like she was putting on a show for you both earlier
   “Mmm, you weren’t the only one” Nat replies against her lovers ear, making the younger vampire shudder, “They liked it too”
   Wanda's eyes shut as she tilts her head back, the feeling of hands roaming across her now bare body fogging her mind. Still she manages a reply, “Yeah?”
   “Oh, yes. Couldn't you see the hunger in their eyes? Or the bulge in Y/ns pants?"
  Another whimper leaves the brunette as Natasha gropes her breasts, "Yes, I saw"
   "And you liked it, didn't you? Causing that reaction in them."
   "I loved it…" she admits, looking into Nats eyes, "I want them, Tasha"
   "I know, my love. I do too, but you know we can't." She sighs, "Even if they feel the same, you know we can't. Our laws forbid it."
   Wanda sighs, a sadness now etched upon her features, "But I don't care about keeping the bloodline pure, and neither do you. So why can't we indulge in our heart's desires?"
   "Because we could be found out, which would endanger James and Y/n" 
   "But- "
   "Shhh darling" Nat interrupts, kissing her girlfriend's plush lips, "Just focus here right now. Can you do that for me?" The younger vampire nods and Natasha smirks at how eager she already seems, “Good girl”
      The mixture of praise and her girlfriend's touch causes Wanda to moan, and Natasha finds herself eager to hear more. She pulls more sounds from the brunette by pinching her nipples and sucking marks along her collarbone, letting her fangs brush against the sensitive skin there.
   Occupied by her lover's mouth, Wanda had failed to notice the removal of one of Natashas hands from her chest, until she felt a thumb press against her clit. Her hips jump slightly and another, more throaty moan leaves her as Nat slides a finger through her wet folds
   Wanda whimpers, her walls clenching around nothing, “I need you inside me, please”
   “I’ve got you” Nat coos, slowly inserting one of her fingers into her girlfriends tight hole
    “Please, more” she begs, and taking note of how wet she already is, Natasha slides a second finger inside, stretching her open as her thumb circles her clit, “Oh god, fuck me Tasha, please”
    Nat smirks and quickly begins to thrust her fingers, and she leans down to capture her lips in a kiss. She easily dominates the action, sliding her tongue into the awaiting girl's mouth while avoiding her fangs. Wanda's walls tighten around the older woman's fingers, causing her to smile and break away from the kiss
   “That feel good, my love?”
   “So…good” she pants, trying hard to catch the breath Nat keeps stealing from her, but its of no use when the redhead quickens her pace, “Ooh fuck!”
   “Which one are you picturing taking you right now?” Nat asks, smirk still plastered on her face. Wanda only wimpers, her fists tightening against the silk sheets as her head leans back, “It's ok darling, you can tell me. I wanna know”
   “James!” she practically shouts, feeling herself nearing her orgasm
   “Leaving poor Y/n out, hm?” Nat teases
   “No” she gasps, trying hard to focus on her fantasy, “She's…ooh!”
   Nat soothes her by kissing her chest softly, “She's what? Tell me”
   “She's making me suck her cock”
   Nat hums, fully agreeing with the mental picture her lover is painting, “I bet she tastes so good. Don’t you think?”
   “Yes!” she moans, her back arching off the bed
   “And James would absolutely fill your pretty pussy up, is that what you want?” she questions, nipping at the younger girls jawline
    The brunette's walls clamp down around Nat's fingers, “Yes! Oh god Tasha, please can I cum?”
   “Go ahead dorogoy(darling), cum”
    Wanda's legs shake as a loud moan leaves her, and her juices drip down her girlfriends hand to the sheets below. Natasha continues to slowly fuck her through her orgasm, prolonging her high until all she can do is whimper and grab at the older woman.
   “Good girl” she praises, gently pulling her fingers free before licking them clean, “Mmm, I’ll never tire of how you taste”
   “Can I taste you now? Please?”
   Nat smiles and quickly rids herself of her own clothes before she settles herself against the mattress, and if that wasn’t a clear enough ‘yes’ she spreads her thighs wide to reveal her pussy
   “So pretty” Wanda mumbles, leaning in to pepper her girlfriend's thighs with marks of their own
   The closer she gets to the redheads core, the more intense the older womans breathing becomes, until finally it's too much for her to take, “Come on darling, I thought you wanted to taste”
   Wanda quickly lets her tongue dart out, lapping up some of her girlfriends essence that had leaked out. The older woman lets out a small moan, which only urges Wanda on. She licks again, this time letting her tongue go even deeper inside as her nose bumps against Nats clit
   “Oh god, just like that”
   Priding herself on doing as she told, Wanda keeps going, exploring every part of the beautiful redhead before her with her talented mouth. The moans she's able to get her girlfriend to make only make her want to cause her more pleasure, and Natasha quickly finds herself reaching her own release
   “Fuck…” she mumbles, struggling to voice her own fantasy, “I wonder if Y/n can eat pussy as good as you”
   Wanda nips at the woman, meaning it as more of a ‘no ones as good as me’, but all it manages to do is leave her girlfriend grinding against her face
   “I’m so close Wans, please”
   Hearing her lovers please Wanda moves to suck on her clit and is rewarded with a gush of juices and a scream of her name. She carefully moves up the bed, straddling her lover's body before kissing her. The two stay locked together, passionately making out for what seems like hours as they continue to pleasure each other. Effectively ending the night as they did most, with whispered declarations of love and shared fantasies of their favorite werewolves.
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   They're awoken the next morning by a loud pounding on their wooden door, "My Lady, pardon me waking you, but I imagine your guests will be arriving within the next few hours. I wouldn't want you to oversleep"
   A soft smile spreads across the redhead's face, "Thank you, Y/n. We'll be out shortly. Do tell Sylvia not to fret"
   "Yes, my Lady"
   Once Wandas sure you're out of earshot, she turns to her lover, "I do wish that maybe just once, they'd have to come in here to wake us. I'd love to just pull them into the bed with us"
   Nat chuckles, "Naughty girl"
   "Not like that. Not this time at least." Wanda corrects, "Right now, I just want to cuddle. I want to feel their arms wrapped around us as we all share the bed"
   "It does sound wonderful…" the Countess sighs
   "But it's just a dream, isn't it?"
   Natasha gives her a tight lipped smile, "I'm afraid so, dorogoy(darling). Now come, we need to get dressed for the banquet"
   After trying on multiple dresses each, they both finally settle on their choices and proceed to get ready. Wanda is dressed in a maroon dress, with her hair done up in a low bun. A few red gemstones decorate her hair to tie into her gown while a delicate necklace adorns her neckline. It was a gift from Nat earlier in their relationship, a golden chain with a dangling centerpiece consisting of golden knots and rubies. Natasha is in a black dress, her hair done up in exquisite braids with small charms and gemstones decorating it. Around her neck she wears a golden necklace with multiple chains dangling from it, each adorned with a few rubies. At the very center hangs a larger pendant that dips quite low, sitting snugly in her cleavage. 
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   By the time they arrive in the grand hall, the area has been completely set up by the Countesses staff. The large gathering table for the heads of houses sits up front, while a few others are spread around the vast area. Each is decorated with an ornate cloth and set with plates and goblets for meal time. A few large candles sit at the center of each table with wines on either side for their guests to freely drink from.
   “My Lady” you greet, entering the room with a large tray of hors d'oeuvres
   “Y/n” she greets, swiping two samples from your tray. She hands one to Wanda before biting into it, “Mmm, the kitchen staff have done an excellent job”
   “They’ll be happy to hear that” you reply before making your way around the room to distribute the food to each table, “The main course should be ready about an hour after everyone's arrival, and James is tending to the humans chosen for tonight. But he’ll be joining us soon”
   “Perfect, thank you”
   With your task done, you can finally focus on them, which allows you to fully take in their appearance. And the words came out of your mouth before you even realized you were saying them, “Wow. The two of you look incredible”
   Both women smile, which helps to calm your nerves of overstepping a boundary. And if you didn’t know better, you’d swear a hint of pink was now visible on their cheeks, but vampires didn’t blush, right? And if they did, it certainly wouldn’t be due to a compliment from a lowly werewolf
   “Thank you, Y/n” Wanda says, pulling you from your thoughts, “You look great tonight too” 
  “You really think so?” you ask, glancing down at your outfit
  The Countess had gotten you and James formal attire a while back for situations like this, because every other house just had its wolves show up in a regular outfit, which she admits she did as well. Until she overheard a group of wolves talking about how ostracized they felt at events and gatherings, and she wanted you both to feel included. But she and Wanda had yet to actually see you wear them.
  “Absolutely, you look quite dashing” Natasha quickly condoms
   You smiles shyly, “Thank you, my Lady, and you as well, Lady Maximoff”
   Before either woman can continue the conversation, James arrives carrying an ornate dagger in its sheath, “My Lady, the humans are all properly secure and are all still in perfect condition for this evening.”
  “Thank you James” she replies, “Go ahead and set that by my seat”
  “Of course”
   As he moves to do as he's told, both women appreciate the way he looks in his new uniform as well. You can’t help but notice them doing this, and you find yourself wondering if they had been looking at you with that same amount of interest. The idea that they could have has your mind swimming with thoughts on what that could mean.
   “James, you look good in your suit too” Wanda finally offers up
   He smiles, “Thank you Lady Maximoff, I tried to clean up nicely for this evening”
   “And you did a wonderful job. You both did” the Countess assures, watching fondly as the two of continue to carry out your duties
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   A few hours later and the banquet is in full swing. Many of the Countesses' friends and acquaintances are in attendance, bringing along a handful of their own guards or a couple of their werewolves to ensure the safety of themselves both during travel and here in the Countesses castle. The grand hall was quite full due to this, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t put you a bit on edge.
   You knew your Countess didn’t necessarily trust everyone she invited, but had to do it to keep the peace among the elder vampires and their houses. Meaning that someone here could easily be at odds with her, and with a handful of guards at their disposal they could cause a disturbance and multiple injuries if they chose to do so. Not to mention how easily someone with ill intentions could slip in and remain hidden in a crowd this large. 
   “You alright?” James asks, coming to stand beside you, his hand caresses your shoulder gently to hopefully ease some tension away from you
  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just….I don’t know, something seems off. Like there's an unnecessary heaviness in the air” you explain, eyeing the room suspiciously 
   He nods, “Yeah, I feel it too. Might just be our nerves, or it might be something, so lets stay on our toes just to be sure”
   You agree and the two of you do your best to not stray far from the main table for the next hour, wanting to ensure the safety of both your Countess and her girlfriend. If one of you had to do something or got called to have a conversation, the other made sure to not stray. And thankfully, so far, everything has been going well.
    “You know, if Lord Pyms fledgling isn’t careful with how he holds the elders daughter while dancing with her, we might have to step in to make sure Scott doesn’t lose his hands.”
   You glance over and notice Scotts hand dangerously low on Hopes back and catch the glare the older man is sending the two as they remain oblivious, “Oh, I would hate to be on the receiving end of a look like that. He's absolutely going to get a reprimand the entire way home tonight”
   “Guarantee it.” another voice replies, causing both of you to look in its direction. 
    “Carol, glad you're here”. It's nice to see you. you happily greet, having not seen the blonde werewolf in some time
    “You too, Y/n” she says with a smile, turning to look at your partner, “And you as well James.”
   “Hi Carol. Maria here too?” 
   She nods, “Of course she is, Count Fury wouldn’t go anywhere without both of us. Ah, there she is now”
   “Hey guys” the raven haired werewolf greets, and her mate happily kisses her cheek, “How are the two of you?”
   “We’re well” James replies, linking his fingers with yours, “How about the two of you?”
   “We’re good too” Carol replies, pausing to look at you, “Have the two of you been allowed to find an Omega yet?”
   You swallow and glance at James, unsure of what to say. Because packs worked a certain way, and that's essentially what a group of guards under a vampire's service was, a very small pack. Alphas were in charge, generally more offensive in actions, and were the ones responsible for breeding. And Omegas, who were still an equal threat despite generally being more defensive, and the ones that would carry any children. And due to you being in the service of vampires, you’d have to get their permission before finding mates and expanding your pack. Which, as Alphas, you and James had a big say in.
   And it's not like your Countess had forbid you from looking for an Omega, but it's not like you had asked either. Whether that was due to the two of you being content without more of a pack, or due to the two of you being infatuated with the two vampires was another matter. One that you couldn’t admit to.
   “Uh, well, we haven’t really brought it up to anyone yet” James admits, causing the two to share a look that you have a bad feeling about
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    Back up at the main table the Countess sighs as Lord Rogers continues to drone on about something that not only happened thousands of years ago, but that he retold at every gathering. Wanda gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, and she turns to find the brunette rolling her eyes. She chuckles lightly at the action, until Count Fury sits down beside her
   “Countess Romanoff, such a lovely banquet so far. Though, personally I would have gone for whiskey instead of wine”
   She smiles, “Count Fury, I’m glad you could join us this time. I can have a servant get you some whiskey if you’d like”
   “I’d appreciate that”
   She quickly signals for Sylvia, who is just as quick to appear, “Please bring out one of our finest whiskies and a glass for the Count here”
   She nods and does as told. He takes his time pouring a glass sampling it. Once satisfied with it he fills the glass entirely before refocusing on conversation, “Seems my Omega wolves have taken a liking to your Alpha ones”
   Her eyes immediately snap up, trying to find you and James in the crowd, and once she does she hates what she sees. Carol is standing mere inches from you with her hand resting along your bicep while Maria stands inches away from James, brushing a long stand of loose hair back behind his ear. 
   Her jaw clenches as she watches neither of you do anything about their close proximity, and has half a mind to let Wanda go over there and sort things out. But she can’t afford to have a scene caused due her her affections for the two of you
   “The bitches will be in their heat soon, if you're looking to let your wolves have a bit of fun, I’m sure we could strike a deal”
  Her stomach sinks at the very clear implication, and based on how quickly she sees Wanda turn her head from the two of you back to her, she knows her girlfriend felt the same dread
   “I can assure you that they both come from good backgrounds genetically. And they've never laid with any Alphas before, your wolves would be the first, and presumably last.”
   “No thank you”
   He raised a brow, apparently surprised,“Are you certain? They seem like a good match.”
   “She said no” Wanda interjects, practically ready to go shove the mans wolves away from you and James
   Nat raises her hand to signal her girlfriend to contain herself, “The offer is very generous, but I must decline. I’m afraid that my wolves have yet to show interest in such a thing”
   “A little push surely wouldn’t hurt matters, but if you are sure in your decision then there's nothing I can do about it”
   “No, there isn’t” she affirms, signaling for her servants to bring out the humans. Her anger needed to be taken out on something, and this would also allow her to temper her hunger
   A row of chained nude men and women are led into the room and brought before the main table, prompting the Countess to stand and grab the ornate dagger. She makes her way to the first person and smirks, “This won’t be quick”
   Before he can even register it, the dagger is brought across his neck and he slumps backward as blood begins to pour from the wound, prompting the remaining humans to let out noises of shock and disdain. You and your mate can only stare in awe at her brutal efficiency. 
   “Who would like a taste?” she offers, beginning to take goblets shoved her way to fill
   You and James watch on as your Countess helps fill chalices for those that approach her, but suddenly a sharp movement to your left catches your attention. You turn to find a group of four men attempting to approach her, but something is off with them. They seem determined, focused. That's when you spot their gear, strategically hidden within their cloaks. Miniature crossbows and blades. 
   “James, we need to move. Now!” Your stern tone immediately has his attention and he turns in time to catch you shifting into your werewolf form. 
   You cause a bit of a commotion as you turn, pushing others down or shoving them away as your size increases and black fur begins to cover your body. People quickly make room for you, effectively halting the men you would soon be after in their tracks, as they are cut off or bumped into. 
   Seeing you transform, Wanda is on her feet at once, “Y/n?”
   Nats eyes move to you then, and her brows furrowed in confusion as she sees you in your werewolf form standing there on your hindlegs, towering over everyone. She only becomes more concerned when your lip curls back in a snarl and a deep growl emanates from your chest.
   “Hey! Control your mutt!” someone, who is quite obviously a vampire shouts, and a good amount of others begin to murmur in agreement 
  But it’s then James sees them too, as they all turn to lock eyes with you, “Go, I’m right behind you.”
   You lunge through the crowd, causing a surprised gasp of indignation to leave the vampires, who somehow still haven’t managed to sniff out the humans in their midst. But the roar-like sound that leaves you as your ears pin back quickly has them fleeing the area of whatever you have perceived as a threat. You land a few feet in front of the small group, and the room is quickly being cleared of all other guests and guards aside from those at the main table, effectively plugging up the rooms entryways and stopping more of the Countesses guards from rushing in
   “We ain't here for you!” the one shouts, “Move outta the way and I’ll reward you with your freedom!”
    Your growl at them and bare your teeth, obviously not swayed by such a thing, afterall Natasha was good to you. She fed you, clothed you, even let you have a room, and you'd never known what it was like to be on a chain or to be whipped. No, you had it good here, the best as far as werewolf standards could go. Plus, you were kinda hopelessly in love with her and her girlfriend, so to you and James, this was freedom.
   You stalk forward a few paces, and they all finally reveal their weapons, aiming them at you. Both Natasha and Wanda can feel their own lips curling back in snarls, showing off their fangs. Neither can tell though if it's due to the anger at the brazen attack or their protectiveness for you however.
   “We just want Romanoffs head” another one of them declares, chuckling, “It’s gonna look real nice on a pick in the center of town”
   It would seem that James wasn’t a fan of that idea either, because in only a few seconds he's shifted into his werewolf form as well and circles around to the groups one side. They seem a bit shocked by his telltale white fur, no doubt connecting it to the legends that run rampant of when he was younger and kill crazy under the service of another vampire named Vasily Karpov.
   “Certainly you recognize the white wolf as being the one your kind calls the Winter soldier” Natasha states, venom clear in her tone, “And as you can see, he is not alone. Surrender and I might spare these citizens their lives”
   A third man shakes his head, “We don’t make deals. We’re leaving here with your head”
   “You won’t be leaving at all” 
   Her comment is as good as a command, and you surge forward with a roar. The recognizable sound of a crossbow firing can be heard only seconds before your teeth are tearing into the soft flesh of the man's neck, and the metallic smell of blood fills the air. 
   Upon seeing this, two of the men attempt to scramble away, but James moves after them. He jumps on the first one, sinking his claws into his back as he bites down on the man's shoulder. He yells out a strangled cry for help before his neck is snapped by a large paw. The other man looks on in sheer horror as he frees his blade, it shakes in his hold but he's determined to not die without landing a blow
  “Come on then, come get some!”
   He lets out a growl that sounds rather like an amused chuckle before striking, tearing open the man's leg with his razor sharp claws. The man yells as he collapses, and he wildly swings his knife, catching your mate with the blade. It slides across his fur covered forearm leaving a small gash and terrible burning sensation in its wake. He quickly swats the blade from the man's grasp, breaking his wrist in the process before getting right up in his face. 
   He stares him down as he slowly bleeds out, having had his artery severed by claws not too long ago, but his attention quickly switches to you when the smell of your blood hits his nostrils…
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   The man that had stayed near you instead of running had watched on in disgust as you ripped away a part of his friend's windpipe before dropping his body. And he knew as soon as your eyes locked onto him that he was next. He decides to be brave as you walk forward, and he fires another bolt into you. Unlike the earlier one that lodged itself in your shoulder, this one hits your abdomen, causing an involuntary whine to leave you as blood drips down to the stone floor. But you don’t allow this to slow you down, and you rush him before he has a chance to reload. He screams as your claws tear into him, ripping open his abdomen and spilling his guts. 
  But before you can finish him off, the pain sets in, and it's quite clear even in your animalistic state that the tips of the bolts had been silver. You recoil from him, letting out another whine as your paw wraps around the arrow in your shoulder, and you yank it out with all your might. 
   The pain nearly has you on all fours at this point, and James quickly rushes to you. His head rests in the crook of your neck as his tongue laps at your shoulder injury. You whine again, almost collapsing as the silver rushes through your bloodstream and Wanda finds she can’t hold back anymore
   She rushes over and carefully runs her hand through the black fur of your uninjured shoulder. Your head turns to her, and she swears she sees your eyes light up as you take in her presence. She watches as you sway, clearly weakened by this attack and she helps you lean into her. Though smaller in size, vampires are amazingly strong and she has no issues helping keep you upright. As she does so, the last of the crowd clears from the doorways, and the Countesses vampire guards make their way into the room. 
   “It's about time!” she shouts, trying to keep her worry for you under wraps, “Get the elders out of here and safely to their carriages, and put these humans back in the dungeons”
   “But, my Lady- ”
   “Go! My wolves took care of the threat and now the elders would like to be in their own castles, see that they at least get safely out of mine!”
   The nod, “Of course. At once”
   As soon as the room is empty, she rushes to join Wanda at your side, “How bad is it?”
   “She can hardly stand Tasha, I think it was silver” she admits, pulling away from your now human form
  The Countess frowns, knowing you must be really weak to allow that to happen just now. In all the years of knowing you, she's never seen you become human again in front of them, likely due to your nakedness. She rubs the fur of James shoulder to gain his attention, and he looks over at her
   “Can you carry her to our room?”
   Though confused, he nods and scoops you up into his arms. It agitates his own injury slightly, and he winces, but he powers through it easily.
    “Set her on the bed” Wanda tells him, and he does as he's told. Only he refuses to move away from you
   Natasha reaches up to rub his muzzle, “I know you're scared right now, but please James, I need you to step back so I can help her”
   His eyes move from her, to you and he takes a few hesitant steps to the side, giving her enough room to maneuver around you. There's still a bolt lodged in your abdomen that is likely causing an extreme amount of pain as well as letting silver remain inside you, but she can’t remove it. Not until she deals with your shoulder wound that's bleeding profusely
  “Just hang on, Y/n” she whispers, grabbing the cloth Wanda hands her. She presses it into the wound, causing you to whimper, “I know, I’m sorry.”
   Wanda hands her a blade then, and James watches in awe as the Countess slices open her own wrist, letting her own blood pour out. He knows she intends to offer it to you, as a vampire's blood has healing properties. But he also knows that this is completely unheard of. He's never known a vampire to allow a wolf in their bed like this, and he certainly knows that none have ever let themselves be fed off of by a wolf. He knew Natasha was a kind vampire to werewolves, much kinder than most, but still he can’t help but think that something different is going on here.
  “Y/n, I need you to drink, okay? Please.”
   You weakly take the wrist she has offered you, attaching your lips to her soft flesh and begin to let the coppery flavor of her blood wash over your tongue. 
   To your surprise, you immediately start to feel its effects as the pain in your shoulder numbs. And you're fairly certain you can feel the wound trying to close itself, something your healing factor normally wouldn't help with when silver was involved. She moves the cloth away with her free hand, and sure enough it's only a small injury now.
   "Okay, I'm going to pull this one out now" she says, gesturing to the bolt in your belly, "It's going to hurt"
  You nod and she pulls, causing you to grimace around her wrist. And honestly if she wasn't so worried about you, she would have been going insane over the feeling of your lips and teeth on her skin
  "That's it, keep drinking" she tells you, turning to look at her girlfriend, "Wanda, James is hurt too, let him drink from you"
  The brunette picks up the knife and holds it to her wrist before looking up at the looming white werewolf, "You can shift back if you'd like, unless you're more comfortable like that"
   His head tilts to the side like some confused dog as he thinks on it, before deciding to shift back. Wanda watches in amazement as he turns back into the man she's familiar with
   "There we go" she says with a smile, but before she can cut herself his hand in hers stops her
   "You don't have to. I appreciate it, and I appreciate you, my Lady, helping Y/n. But my injury isn't in a vital area. You don't need to"
   "James, Natasha helped Y/n because she cares. Deeply. As do I. And we feel the same about you. I don't care if it's not fatal or that it will eventually heal. I can help you not to hurt now, so I'm going to " she explains, effectively causing both his heart and yours to race
   Wanda slices herself as soon as he lets go and gives him her wrist, "Now drink"
   As he does as he's told, Nat removes her wrist from your mouth as she looks you over. She tries not to let her eyes wander, only intending to make sure your injuries are closed, but when she sees your v line and happy trail she can't help but glance further down. She bites the inside of her lip to hold back a groan, because even soft you're bigger than she's ever had the pleasure of taking. But your voice pulls her eyes and attention away
   "Thank you. You didn't have to save me"
   "Of course I did" her eyes soften as she looks at you, and you swear you're dreaming when her hand cups the side of your face, "I couldn't let you die. Besides, you saved me tonight too"
   You can't help but be confused, "But that's my duty to you as your guard. You…you don't have that duty"
   "I don't. But Wanda's right, I care about you and about James far more than a Countess should. And I have felt this way for a very long time. As has Wanda" she explains, leaning closer, “And I think, the two of you feel the same way”
   “We do” you admit, your heart fluttering as you get lost in her intense gaze
   She smiles, “Good, then you won’t mind me doing this”
   She leans in and captures your lips with her own, and you move your hand to cup the back of her head to ensure she stays there. Her lips are so plush, and they fit perfectly against your own. It’s better than you ever imagined, and when her tongue prods your lip for entrance, you eagerly allow it. You then wrap your arms around her waist to pull her even closer, causing her to let out a soft moan. The scene practically has James’s jaw hanging open
   “Why let them have all the fun?” Wanda says, bringing him out of his daze and offering him her hand now that he's done drinking from her
   He swiftly takes it and she leads him to the other side of the bed. Before she can say or do anything however, his hands grasp her hips and pull her against him. She lets out a small sound of surprise before he leans in, pressing his lips against hers in an awaited kiss. Without realizing it, he leans her backwards, letting her come to rest on the mattress below.
   When all four of you finally pull away from each other, James helps Wanda out of her dress and jewels while you do the same with the redhead above you. With all four of you finally able to see each other fully, you each silently study the other. Each of you intends to take in every freckle and scar, committing them to memory before giving in and worshiping each other. 
   Natasha makes the first move, smirking at you seductively before effortlessly flipping your positions. With you now on top of her she guides your hands to her body, “Make me feel good, baby”
   Your hands begin to caress her sides, slowly making their way up to her chest while your mouth kisses along her jawline. When your hands finally cup her breasts, your mouth has moved to her collarbone, where you leave a few of your own marks beside some of Wanda's older ones. The Countess shudders in anticipation as her core throbs, spilling her essence to the bedsheets below. 
   Beside you, James does similarly. His hands squeeze the brunette's tits while his mouth trails the valley between them, leaving kisses in his wake. Wanda squirms beneath him, a flushed mess as she feels her arousal drip between her thighs. She's honestly surprised by her girlfriend's patience, as hers has run out.
   “James” she calls out, her voice a bit raspier than usual. His eyes glance up at her but his mouth never leaves her chest, "I need you lower"
   He eagerly obliges and slides himself further down pressing gentle kisses against her bare stomach before settling before her mound. His eyes darken as he sees how wet she already is, and his tongue darts out to taste her.
  “Ooh” she moans as his tongue gently parts her folds and enters her awaiting hole. He swirls the muscle around before pulling back to suck on her clit, causing her to clench around nothing, “Feels so good, baby”
   He hums at the praise, causing her to roll her hips against him as she seeks out more pleasure. He obliges by pushing his tongue back inside her, letting her walls squeeze him as his nose brushes against her bundle of nerves.
   Hearing her girlfriend moan beside her has Natasha eager for the same treatment. But she needs not wait long, as you're already busy marking up her plush thighs.
   “Y/n…” she sighs as you test her patience, so you finally give into both of your desires
   You practically dive in, attaching your lips to her clint instantly, earning yourself a loud moan from the woman. She quickly brings one her hands to tangle in your hair to hold you close as the other hand twists up the sheets
   “Fuck….just like that” she encourages, scratching lightly at your scalp, “Good girl”
   Her juices drip down your chin as you slip your tongue inside her, causing more sounds of pleasure to come from her. They mix with Wandas as you both work on getting them to come undone.
   It’s not long before both vampires are writhing, their muscles tightening as they begin to reach the peak of their bliss. You and James increase the pace of your mouth's movements as you both hold down their thighs to avoid being crushed.
   “Fuck!” Wanda shouts as she treats your mate to a gush of her cum, which he happily swallows
   The sounds of her girlfriend coupled with your motions is enough to have Nat falling over the edge as well, “Oh god!”
   Her grip on your hair tightens as you continue your movements for a bit, until she slumps back against the bed. Though neither of you want to, you both pull away, not wanting to overstimulate either woman. They both look at you and JAmes through hooded eyes, clearly still blissed out as smiles grace their features
   You and your mate share a similar smile as you glance at each other, clearly forming an unspoken plan with each other. This plan is put in motion quickly as the two of you trade places on the bed, allowing you to each slide between the legs of the other woman you’ve yet to please, and taste.
   You effortlessly wrap your arms around Wanda's thighs and pull her close to you, making her moan deeply as your lips make contact with her still sensitive pussy. Natasha makes a similar sound as James’ tongue slides inside her. You both work at the same pace as before, making both women shudder as their second orgasms quickly approach. Wanda's hand instinctively reaches out to grab her girlfriend's hand, and they both shout out your names as they cum again. You both help work them through it before pulling away to let them calm down.
   It takes them a moment to regain their composure, but once they do, Natasha is sure to praise you both, “They did so good for us, didn't they detka(baby)?”
   “They sure did. Took such good care of us” Wanda agrees, reaching down to affectionately stroke your cheek
  Natasha hums in agreement, “I think it's time to take care of them, don’t you agree?”
  “Oh yes” 
   You and James watch them with anticipation as they stand from the bed, gesturing at where they once were laying. You quickly understand the implication and both move up the mattress to take their places. They both eye you hungrily as they realize you're both hard, and both leaking precum.
   Natasha moves to straddle James, reaching down to grab his cock. She gently wraps her fingers around it, causing him to moan as she jerks him off. His head leans back against the pillows as she presses his tip against her entrance, and she then moans as he slips inside. She slowly sinks down, bracing herself with her hands on his chest as he bottoms out inside her
   “Fuck…” he whimpers as his hands move to her hips, “You feel so good”
   She smiles down at him, “Mmm, so do you. Filling me so well.”
   As she begins to rock her hips, Wanda makes her way to you, straddling your lap with a confident smirk. She strokes your cock as she lines herself up with you, and you both moan in unison as she begins to sink down on you. Your hands cup her breasts in effort to add to her pleasure as hers rest against your abdomen, and she whimpers as stills against your hips
   “So big” she mutters, not used to anything other than Natashas fingers inside her
   With your ego boosted you smile up at her with a cocky grin, “You think we’re big now, you should see us in our other form”
   The thought alone has them both clenching around you, causing both you and James to moan as their movements increase in speed. An your mate glances over at you with a knowing look
   “I think they like the sound of that” you tease, only to be shut up by the brunettes lips on your own
   “Damn right we do” Natasha admits, still eagerly riding James’ cock, “After Wans and I make you two see stars, we want you wolf forms to claim us. You don’t need Omegas now that you have us.”
   James grunts at her words and tightens his on her hips, she's almost sure it’ll bruise and that excites her, “Does that sound good, handsome? Does the idea of knocking us up excite you?”
   “Yes…” he breathes out as his cock twitches inside her, “We’ve never wanted Omegas, only the two of you”
   Wanda pulls away from you, looking into your eyes as she continues her hips movements, “Yeah?”
   “Yeah” you assure, wrapping an arm around her waist, “All we ever thought about was you two”
   At your confession, Natasha leans over and connects her lips to James’ while the brunette on top of you cups your face. Even without words, it's clear the sentiment is the same for the two of them. Besides each other, all they thought of was the two of you. And that paired with they way they both still ride you, neither of you will last much longer.
   “Fuck…Wanda, I’m gonna cum” you grit out, trying to hold yourself back until you know she's close as well
   She moans at your words and her walls tighten around you, “Go on baby, cum in me”
    With her permission you unload inside of her, sending her over the edge directly after you. You hold her close as you thrust your hips upward, helping her ride through her orgasm.
   Beside you, Natasha pants, quickly approaching her own climax, “Thats it, being such a good boy for me. Keep going, I’m so close”
   He nods in understanding, “Me too. God…I’m gonna fill you up” 
   Natasha moans loudly, cumming all over his cock at his words, but his hands continue to guide her in her movements until he spills inside her. She practically collapses against him once he's finished, and he runs a soothing hand through her hair.
   A few minutes pass before the four of you have caught your breath, but once you have, you look over at the redhead resting against your mate, “Did you mean what you said? About our wolf forms?”
   She reaches out to caress her girlfriends back, who still lays on your chest, before answering, “Yes. We want you both in every way we can have you. Right, dorogoy(darling)?”
   “Right” she answers, kissing your chest, “Please Y/n?”
   James looks over at you, “Come on, love. If they want to be ours, who are we to deny them that?”
   You nod, “You're right”
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   The two of you carefully move the two girls off of you as you stand, and once they’re situated you both make your way to the foot of the bed. James gently grabs your waist and pulls you against him before leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss. You eagerly lean into it and wrap your arms around his neck to keep him close for a moment
   After the two of you break apart you walk away from the bed a bit to ensure there's enough space before shifting forms. The two vampires watch in awe as you both transform, and their jaws nearly drop as they take in the size of your still erect cocks.
   You both walk over to the bed, eyeing them as if they were prey. Which, in a way, they were. Just not the kind to be attacked or eaten, but the kind to be claimed. You lick your maw as you climb above the Countess, and she reaches out to stroke the fur covering your chest.
   “Come on, baby. Use me.”
   As soon as the words leave her mouth you reach out your large paws to flip her over, showing off her ass to you. She gets the idea and moves to be on all fours below you, and you eagerly bend over her. She can feel your throbbing member resting just against her folds and grinds back into you, showing how eager she is for you.
   Seeing the position you have her girlfriend in, Wanda quickly moves to get in the same one, hoping to entice James to come to her faster. Her plan works and he moves to hover over her. He gently licks the back of her shoulder as he lines himself up with her and he pushes his tip against her pussy.
    She moans loudly and pulls at the sheets as he pushes himself further inside her, stretching her open even further than she had been on your human cock earlier. He stills for a moment to let her adjust to the new size, only continuing to move once her breathing evened out. Now fully inside her, he lets out a possessive growl and drops a bit more of his body weight on top of her as he waits for you and Natasha to catch up.
   Seeing how your mate has already mounted Wanda, you move your hips back slightly before moving them forward again and you slowly begin to slide into the woman beneath you. She moans and reaches out to grab ahold of one of your giant paws to help ground herself as you inch forward until you're all the way inside her and you thank her by softly licking her neck
   “Please” Wanda whimpers, moving to look at James the best she can in her current position, “Please fuck me”
   With a grunt he begins to move, slamming his hips into hers without little care for how rough his movements may be. His sole focus now is on his pleasure, and filling the brunette with his seed. His powerful thrusts have Wanda a mess beneath him, and all she can do is make sounds of pleasure as his cock pulses inside of her.
   Below you, Natasha wiggles her hips in an attempt to entice you, “Come on Y/n, please”
   You thrust your hips forward with a growl and move your paw to be on top of the hand that was once holding onto you as you start to pound into her. Noises similar to Wandas leave her as your movements never falter and she nearly screams in pleasure when you brush up against her cervix
   “Oh god….oh god” Wanda mumbles, feeling her own arousal drip down her thighs as she approaches her third orgasm of the evening, “Don’t stop”
   He grunts as he increases his pace, proving to her that he had no intention of doing such a thing. He can feel her walls tighten around him, which only spurs him on. He lowers his head next to hers, letting her hear him pant against her ear which proves to be enough to tip her over the edge
   “James!” she shouts, and he nuzzles against her as she shakes but continues to fuck her, not planning on stopping until his knot is buried inside her. 
   Your hips slam into Natashas with a similar roughness, causing the redhead to whimper. She tries her best to force her hips back to meet your thrusts, intent on chasing her next orgasm that's oh so close. And all it takes to send her over is your other paw moving to grab at her chest
   “Oh fuck! Y/n!” she yells as her walls squeeze you in a way nothing ever has before. But you don’t let up either, only thinking about locking your knot into place so you can fill her properly.
    The two of you continue to rut into them with such force that has their arms nearly giving out, but neither cares too much as you both have their eyes rolling to the back of their heads and drool dripping down their chins. Neither has ever felt pleasure this intensely before, and they honestly aren't sure they ever want it to stop. But just as that thought crosses their minds they can feel themselves approaching their climax once again, and they are eager to be filled with potent werewolf cum.
    “Please, please, please” Wanda begs, grasping the sheets so hard its a wonder they don’t tear, “Please knot me, please”
    James grunts, a bit surprised at first that she knows enough about werewolf anatomy and breeding to know of a knot, but when he remembers their admittance of wanting this for a long time he gets the idea that they may have looked into it just to understand the two of you better. And that thought has his knot instantly growing. It slams into Wanda's pussy a few times, and feeling how big it is she nearly changes her mind, but with a final hard shove from him, it slips inside her
   “Ooh god!” she moans as his hot cum practically pours inside her, sending her into her yet another orgasm
   As Nat watches Wanda practically collapse from exhaustion and pleasure  her excitement of being knotted by you nearly doubles and she does her best to turn her head to face you
   “Please baby, I want your knot.” she whimpers, “I need it”
   Her admittance has your knot growing, and she can’t help but moan as it slams against her. Then, without warning it slips inside fully and locks into place, and she swears she cums so hard she sees white as your seed seemingly endlessly pumps into her. She also practically collapses, so you and James both ease them into a prone position as you both gently lay on top of them, and without meaning to they both begin to drift off.
   By the time they come back around, you and JAmes are human again, and are spooning them from behind. Large smiles envelope their faces as they realize that you both not only stayed but you had also cleaned them up a bit
   “Ah, you're awake” James says from behind Wanda. She hums in acknowledgement but its NAtasha that speaks
   “Hopefully not for long. Just wanted to check on the two of you”
   “We’re fine, love” you assure, pressing a kiss to her still bare shoulder, “And we aren’t going anywhere”
   “Besides, how much safer could the two of you be now that your guards sleep in the same bed as you” James teases, causing all of you to chuckle
   “Promise you’ll be here?” Wanda mumbles, clearly only moments away from returning to slumber
   James squeezes her a bit tighter as you answer, “We promise”
   She give you a sleepy smile, “I love you all”
   “Love you too detka(baby)” Nat replies before James and you answer in unison
   “We love you too”
   Nat smiles as her girlfriend closes her eyes, “I also love you both”
   “And we love you too” you answer
   “Indeed we do” James says, nearly drifting off to sleep himself
   “Sleep now” Nat tells him, turning to look at you, “You as well.”
   “Mkay” you admit with a yawn, pulling her even closer
   And as the Countess feels the love and warmth of her three lovers around her, she knows that any risks that come with such a relationship, potential hybrid children and all, will be absolutely worth it if it means she gets to have this for the rest of time
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 months
Precious Truths: Part 5
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!Reader
Summary: After your father finds out you’ve been writing under a male pseudonym, he threatens to marry you off to an atrocious man unless you find yourself a husband within a month’s time.
A/N: I will not be taking tags for this series!
Series Masterlist
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Benedict's eyes scan the words across the page. After your confession, he proceeded to buy one of Talbot's your poetry books.
'Tis in your eyes I seek comfort.
Your arms I find solace.
In your lips I find love.
'Tis in you that I find the whole world
Standing before in great beauty
But at an arm's length is where I stay.
The second eldest Bridgerton is in awe. Your words carry such deep meaning, a sense of longing. Is this how you feel? Had someone captured your heart and he was none the wiser?
So many questions have risen since he's learned of your secret identity. Your poetry carries a deep sense of love, desire, passion. He never expected such feelings to come from you. This is a completely different side of you he is now seeing.
In the past, when you shared your poetry with him, they had a light, romantic touch. A sense of naivety and fairy tale outlook on love and life. But as Talbot, it was different.
"Helloooo?" Eloise waves her hand in front of Benedict, breaking his concentration.
He slaps her hand away, "What?"
Eloise snorts, "I have never seen you so deep in a book before, brother."
"A few ladies mentioned Arthur Talbot's work and I figured I see what the fuss was all about."
His sister rolls her eyes, "Women fawning over men waxing romantic poetics. Typical."
"I cannot wait for the day you fall in love, sister, and make an absolute fool of yourself." Benedict stands from his place at the table in the drawing room. He steps out to see Anthony and Kate escorting you to the door. His eyes brighten, "Y/N, I wasn't aware you were here."
You nod to him, "Apologies, Mister Bridgerton. I was simply here to discuss...business with Lord Bridgerton," you gesture to Anthony.
Benedict frowns, "Why such formality with us? We've been friends for years."
"Aunt Eliza advises me that I should be formal with you. She said that there may be men who envy the idea that I am close with you. So it is best we remain more...formal."
Benedict's shoulders sag, "Very well. We mustn't deter any...future prospects."
You nod, "Thank you for understanding," you face Anthony again and curtsey, "My Lord, thank you again for the list." You then face Kate, "I shall see you later, my Lady."
"Of course. I look forward to spending more time with you."
You proceed to take your leave, Benedict's eyes following you as you exit the Bridgertons' home.
"Excuse me," Benedict murmurs, heading straight to the study and pouring himself a drink.
Anthony clears his throat as he enters the room, "Will you be okay, brother? Truly."
"I have to be. There are much better men out there that will be able to provide the life and freedom she deserves. I need to accept that." Anthony, approaches his brother and gives him a reassuring pat on his shoulders, "I commend you for doing this. It won't be easy, but with time, I'm sure you'll be alright."
"Tell me about yourself, Miss L/N," Lord Belmont says as he turns you about the ballroom among the other couples.
You have to admit that the man is handsome, "Well I love poetry and to read. I am a fair player of the pianoforte as well as the harp. I know Latin and Greek. I adore animals."
Lord Belmont hums, "How do you fare in the outdoors?"
"I enjoy my time riding and walking amongst nature."
The lord scrunches up his face and distaste, "Oh no. If you are to be my wife, you shall be inside at all times being lady of the house."
You look at him in disbelief, "Am I not allowed to step outside at all, my Lord?"
"Of course, but only when we need to attend balls or important festivities."
Thankfully, the dance ends and you quickly and politely excuse yourself. You head straight to the refreshment table. You grab a lemonade and gulp half the glass down.
"Are you well? You practically ran from Lord Belmont," Kate asks as she approaches you at the drinks table.
You hum, "While Lord Belmont is a handsome man, I do not think he would allow the...freedom, that I desire."
Kate nods in understanding, "I see. Well, onto the next then?" She hooks her arm around yours and guides you to the the corner of the room where Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, and a man you haven't seen before stands with them.
"Apologies, I bumped into Miss L/N at the refreshment table. She needed a break from dancing."
Daphne's eyes light up, "Wonderful! Miss L/N, this is the Duke's friend, Lord Montclair, a marquess" she gestures to the dark skinned man dressed in a navy blue velvet suit.
You curtsy, "Good evening, Lord Montclair."
He nods to you, "A pleasure, Miss L/N," he gives you a kind smile.
"Montclair, you have French heritage?"
His smile grows wider, "I do. My father is French. Have you been?"
You nod, "My family and I would travel there for the summer," your smile weakens, "Unfortunately, I have not visited for years now."
"I understand. It has been some time since I have visited as well."
You and the Marquess continue to look each other with kind eyes. Benedict hides his clenched fists behind his back. Kate watches her brother-in-law with careful eyes.
Daphne is beaming as she speaks, "Lord Montclair, Miss Y/N is well-versed in poetry."
You shy from his gaze, "Yes, um, my mother would read poetry all the time. I fell in love with it. I love how much emotion one can convey through few lines."
"She writes poetry, as well," Benedict speaks and you look at him in surprise, "The way her words can make you feel so much in small amounts of verses...it's a beautiful feeling."
You give him a grateful smile and turn back to Lord Montclair, "Mister Bridgerton flatters me, but I am a novice when it comes to poetry writing."
"I do hope I get to read some of your writing in the future, Miss L/N."
You giggle, feeling your cheeks heat up as Lord Montclair gives his attention to you, "Perhaps sooner than expected, my Lord."
Lord Montclair steps closer to you, "I know you are taking a moment from dancing, but perhaps you have space on your dance card for me?"
"Of course, my Lord," you offer him your dance card and watch as he scribbles his name in the next space, which happens to be for the next dance coming up.
"Oh, it seems our dance is here," he holds out his hand, waiting for you with a smile.
You place your gloved hand in his and follow him as he escorts you to the floor. You glance back at the Bridgertons, who all watch you with eager, careful eyes.
As they all watch you waltz with the Marquess, Benedict asks his sister, "Do you vouch for the Marcquess?"
She nods, "Yes. He is very kind. He enjoys reading and archery-"
"Brother, Y/N excels in archery, correct?"
Benedict clenches his jaw, "She does." His eyes never waver from you as you smile while dancing with the marquess.
"Looks like there may be some things they have in common," Kate says, eyeing her brother-in-law.
"How wonderful for them," Benedict murmurs as he walks away from his siblings.
Meanwhile, you and the marquess move along the ballroom floor with the other participants.
"The duchess tells me that you are looking for a husband this season," Lord Montclair says with curiosity in his tone.
You sigh, "Yes, and I shall admit that the search hasn't been very fruitful." Montclair snorts and you immediately apologize, "Excuse my forwardness, my Lord-"
He shakes his head, "No no. Please, continue. I can admire a woman who freely speaks her mind."
You nod, "I just look for a man who can give me certain freedoms. A husband that will allow me to pursue passions of mine, not expect me to sit there to be seen and not heard."
The marquess hums, "It just so happens that I am in the search for a wife."
You arch a brow at him, "Oh?"
"Yes. To be transparent, I have been grieving for the past two years at the loss of my wife. I loved her dearly, but I miss the companionship."
"I am sorry for your loss, my Lord. I also understand the yearning for companionship."
"Thank you. No one could ever replace, Maria, but I would like someone to be at my side as I continue on with life."
"Tell me about her," you kindly request.
You watch as a smile grows on the man's face. He goes on to share stories about Maria and you share things about yourself. You see the sadness in him but the willingness to put himself out there again. It's admirable.
You spend a large portion of your night conversing with Lord Montclair. The man was intelligent, charming, funny, and kind. He was the perfect man you see yourself marrying and yet...your eyes still wander towards Benedict. He spoke with some lords, danced with a few women. You knew you initiated the distance between you and Benedict, but that didn't mean it doesn't hurt you.
That man has held your heart for several years and it seems he will never reciprocate the feelings you have for him. So it's best to start the process of moving on, hopefully, with Lord Montclair.
And Lord Montclair did not disappoint when he called upon you the next morning.
He sat across from you in the sitting room, Aunt Eliza nearby going over some paperwork.
You look down at the bouquet of flowers, your favorite, the very ones you mentioned last night during your dance with Lord Montclair.
"Have you read any new poems today?" You shake your head and Montclair pulls out a book you are very familiar with, "Have you read Arthur Talbot's work? He's fairly new yet quite popular already."
You bite your lip to prevent you from bursting into a fit of giggles, "I adore his work. He has an impressive way of words."
He opens the book to a dog-eared page. He clears his throat and begins to recite,
To love you is to bathe in your light
To sway to your laughter,
With its melody and rhythm
To swell with pride when your eyes gaze on mine.
For that, I am whole
And you are forever my muse.
You felt a little...odd. Considering that not only is Lord Montclair reciting a poem that you wrote, but it's also about a man you are trying to get over. Not what you expected when you received your first caller.
"I believe that was one of Talbot's earlier works, yes?"
Montclair nods, "Yes, but I still believe the feeling of what he was trying to convey is very much still there, don't you agree?"
"Very much so, my Lord."
After some lengthy discussion about Talbot's work, you two move to the piano so you can teach him how to play.
"I never did have much of an ear for music. My mother was quite disappointed in me when I was unable to play any instrument she placed in my hands."
You chuckle, "We shall start with something easy." You show him how to place his fingers on the keys, giggling as you move each finger to the right location.
You continue to laugh with each other as you teach him the simplest of songs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
As you laugh when he gets the wrong note, a footman enters the room, "Miss L/N, you have another caller."
Daphne enters the room and you immediately stand, "Your Grace!"
The duchess' smile grows at the sight of you and Lord Montclair, "I do hope I haven't upset you with my intrusion, but it is nearing lunch and Lord Montclair hadn't return. But I see why now." she gives you a teasing look.
"I apologize for keeping Lord Montclair for so long, your Grace."
"Nonsense, Y/N. I was just checking that our dear marquess is alright."
Lord Montclair chuckles as he, too, stands from the piano bench, "As you can see, I am quite alright, but I suppose I have overstayed my welcome."
You shake your head, "Of course not, my Lord. It was a pleasure seeing you. I hope to see you again soon."
He faces you, "I hope to see you as well," he gently grabs your gloved hand and places a kiss atop it.
He then bows to your aunt, "Miss Y/N, good day."
"You as well, my Lord," your aunt responds with a wave.
You curtsy to Daphne, and she and the marquess both leave your home.
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eldritchwh0rror · 26 days
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pairing: True Form Sukuna x Reader
content / warnings: 18+, MDNI, !afab reader, !true form Sukuna, !submissive reader, !dominant Sukuna, general monster fuckery, size difference / size kink, degradation (Sukuna is meaaaan), (forced) intoxication, elements of non-con, asphyxiation, breath play, choking, hair pulling, spit / spitting, blood / blood play, thigh riding, throat fucking, cunnilingus, analingus, PiV, PiA, double penetration, rough sex, breeding kink, unprotected sex
synopsis: News that the King of Curses was seeking a new concubine had spread throughout the kingdom and even you couldn’t resist the temptation of finding out if the rumours were true.
word count: 6.1k
a/n: So... this is my first time writing in a long while and I'm pretty happy with how this came out - it is remarkably depraved. I hope you have just as much fun reading this as I did writing it! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
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You had sought a private audience with the King of Curses, and a private audience you were granted. Whilst you were thankful for the opportunity, you could never have anticipated the position you now found yourself in. If anyone were to enter the grand chamber, they would be faced with an outrageously sinful scene, one enough to make even the devil blush - had it not been the devil himself orchestrating things, of course. 
Ryomen Sukuna relaxed atop his throne, his broad upper arms crossed above his head with the lower set reaching down to anchor your trembling form in place. He had you straddling one of his thighs, your own thighs spread achingly wide to accommodate him, with your core flush against him. His grip was like a vice on your hips, jagged nails threatening to pierce the delicate skin barely covered by what tatters remained of your robe. Your far inferior size and strength made it pointless to even entertain the idea of trying to wiggle out of his grasp, so there you stayed.
Sukuna rocked your hips against him at an almost maddening pace, d r a g g i n g your cunt relentlessly against his leg over and over and over and…
“P-Please.” The word passed your lips as nothing more than a breathy whimper, but the desperation it carried seemed to echo throughout the throne room. 
“What was that, brat?” The Disgraced One chuckled harshly, a low rumble rising from his chest. “You will speak clearly when addressing me.”
“I, hnghh, wan’-” 
Sukuna’s large hands had left their resting place behind his head, coming down to strike your ass - hard. The sound of the impact reverberates throughout the chamber, harmonising with your pained cry to form a sickening crescendo. The pain itself was instant, manifesting as a raw heat which tore through you to ignite each nerve in its path and set your body ablaze. Despite your almost palpable fear, your body had betrayed you. You were wet - soaking wet, in fact - your juices dripping from your cunt, rolling down Sukuna’s leg and pooling on the cold throne below. It was embarrassing, really.
“I said, speak clearly!” You feel his hot breath on your cheek as he practically growls the words in your ear. The sensation from the impact begins to subside as Sukuna kneads your cheeks, spreading them apart to expose you so obscenely. “Oh! Oh, I see.” Now aware of the mess you had created, he smirks. “Does this little brat want more from their King, hm?”
Despite his question, Sukuna didn't need a verbal response from you. Tellingly, your eyes trailed down his torso to focus on the throbbing bulge scarcely concealed by his robe.
“Please, m-my Lord, I need-”
“You don't need anything, mortal,” he hisses through gritted teeth. One hand snakes its way up your back to settle at the base of your skull, long fingers tangling in your hair, whilst the others move to continue the brutal grind of your hips. Sukuna manipulates your head backwards with a rough tug of your hair, fully exposing your neck to him. “As your Lord, if I tell you that you no longer need to breathe - that you no longer need to live - I would expect you to believe as such and act in accordance.”  Hovering over your jugular as he speaks, he punctuates his sentence by clamping down, the tips of his sharp canines penetrating the flesh with an excruciating sting. A deep groan escapes his throat as your scream rings in his ears. Humming against your skin, he drags his forked tongue languidly over the wound, his saliva mingling with the blood and slowly trickling down your neck.
You raise a shaky hand from its place on Sukuna’s chest up to your neck protectively, pushing his head away to assess the injury with your fingertips. “M-my Lord, y-you… bit me?” 
“It was necessary.” He nods to himself. “My saliva has properties similar to your human opium, you see. You will soon find yourself in a more… relaxed… state.” Sukuna flashes you a wry grin, his teeth stained with your blood. 
Panicked, your hands return to Sukuna’s chest to push yourself away from the curse.
“Now, now, y/n! Let’s just give it a moment to take, shall we? After all, you were the one who wanted to copulate with me, correct?” He shrugs. “I’m doing you a kindness.”
Your protests grow weaker as the seconds pass, firm shoves turning to dismal attempts at freedom. Sukuna’s cruel laugh echoes in your ears as your body fails you. 
Disoriented and dazed, you wake from your drug-induced sleep to find yourself in an unfamiliar environment. As your eyes adjust to the dim candlelight of the bedchamber, you examine your surroundings. Laid atop a grandiose four-poster bed, lavish satin sheets were draped over your body and plush feather pillows supported your head. A rich and heady incense was burning somewhere, distributing thick plumes of its smoke into the air. It was the epitome of luxury and far from the servant’s quarters you were accustomed to. Was this Sukuna’s--? No, surely not! 
“Ah, you’re finally awake.” 
The voice startles you, tearing you from your thoughts, and your eyes dart around the room to find its source. Sukuna occupied a place in the far corner of the chamber, sprawling his large form across an armchair upholstered with fabric the same rouge as the sheets hugging your body. His features were illuminated so wickedly by the candlelight, shadows exaggerating the sharp contours of his face and exposed torso. He was such a beautiful monster. The sight alone was almost enough to make you forget all of the heinous crimes your Master had committed over the centuries - almost. 
“You were out for much longer than I anticipated you would be, y/n. I nearly readied Uraume to have you disposed of.” Sukuna shrugs his broad shoulders nonchalantly, running a hand through his hair to slick back a few stray stands. “It seems my essence is particularly potent for you. I’ve not known anyone to have such a dramatic reaction - unconsciousness is certainly a first. You humans really are so amusing!” He laughs dryly, rising from the chair slowly to stalk across the room towards the bed - towards you - a hunter closing the distance between his prey.
“What was the point?” You scoff, clutching the sheets against your chest in an attempt to shield yourself from his predatory four-eyed stare. “As you said, I wanted this. You didn’t have to drug me to get me in your bed. I would have gone willingly, my Lord.” you admit, lowering your head to hide your shame. 
“Hah! Such a bratty mouth on this one!” He reaches down to your face, his thumb and forefinger gripping your chin firmly, craning your neck so that your eyes meet his gaze. Another pair of hands grab at your forearms, throwing them down to your sides and moving swiftly to cup your now-exposed breasts. “As I said, if we are to copulate, then it is necessary. Your puny mortal body could not withstand me, no matter how much you claim to want it, without the effects of the solution.” As he continues to explain, he pinches your nipples and toys with the supple flesh of your breasts, earning the occasional yelp from you. “My saliva contains my essence, you see, and soon you won’t be able to resist it. It exerts properties similar to opiates, including muscle relaxation and euphoria. It was not intended to render you unconscious, only prepare you for what is to come.” 
Your cheeks flush as Sukuna words register with you. “Oh.”
“Oh, indeed!” He grins. “Now… Say ‘ah’!” 
The curse’s thumb moves with haste from your chin to your mouth, sparing a moment to trace the outline of your lips before forcefully parting them. He hooks your lower jaw, applying pressure to prise open your mouth for him. A sneer spreads wide across his face and his crimson eyes burn into yours as he spits once, twice, onto your unsuspecting tongue. He spits once more for good measure, this time deliberately missing to paint your lips and chin with his saliva. In the same instant, before you have a chance to protest, he withdraws his thumb and clamps your jaw shut with the brisk upward motion of his open palm. Leaving your breasts, a second hand reaches to pinch your nostrils closed and a third moves to cover your mouth. 
“Now, be a good pet and swallow for me, won’t you? Either that or die, I don’t care.” As he speaks, his free fourth hand caresses your cheek in a way which causes you to shudder in reaction. The touch was a complete juxtaposition to the words he hissed and the powerful position his other hands had taken - it was nothing more than a gentle graze sweeping down the left side of your face.  
You swallow hard, blinking away the tears forming as you struggle for your breath. Though you were expecting relief, Sukuna does not relinquish his grasp when you obey. Instead, he tightens it and uses the hold to manoeuvre you both further onto the bed. As he looms above you, your nails claw at his hands in a desperate attempt to remove them and take your breath back. Only once he had you positioned as he wished, pinned between his body and the headboard, did he allow your lungs the luxury of oxygen. You sputter as he withdraws and your breath returns to you in ragged huffs, your lungs burning at the sudden influx of air. 
Not wasting any further time, Sukuna swipes a clawed finger across your collarbone, causing a steady stream of blood to flow down your chest and drip off of your nipples to stain the sheets below. Sukuna laps up the blood greedily, already addicted to your sweet metallic taste, depositing more of the toxin into your bloodstream in the hopes of its effects taking hold quicker. 
Since the first exposure, your body seemed to have adjusted to Sukuna’s poison and you were already forming somewhat of a tolerance to it. With your body no longer wanting to shut down as a response, you feel more alive than ever. A strong euphoria courses through your veins as the substance electrifies every cell it infiltrates. 
With your pupils blown wide, you gaze up at the Disgraced One. Your yearning eyes study the handsome features of his face, pausing to focus on the strong arch of his lips. The drug had taken its effect and it was clear that you wanted - needed - more, a pout forming as you silently pleaded with the King of Curses. You tilt your head to rest against the headboard and Sukuna chases you back, his lips colliding with yours in a painfully lustful kiss. He snakes his forked tongue past your lips, angling your chin upwards with a bruising grip so that he can access more of your mouth. His tongue duels with yours, alternating between languid, sloppy licks and rough prods which are rewarded with your breathy moans into his open mouth. Maintaining the kiss, his upper arms move to pin your hands above your head whilst the lower set pulls you further down the bed, spreading your legs apart to better accommodate his size before resting either side of you to support his weight. 
So entranced by the kiss, at first you don’t realise when his second mouth, located just above his navel, awakens. Its tongue slithers out to pepper your stomach with wet licks and kisses, the pace matching that of the lip-lock above. You jolt at the unfamiliar sensation. Despite being caught off guard by Sukuna’s unique anatomy, you can’t help the whimper which falls from your mouth as you melt further into the demon, arching your back to raise your core up to him. Your hips instinctively begin circling as your lust deepens, thighs squeezing together to generate some of the friction you craved undeniably. 
“Feeling needy, are we?” His voice is low and husky against your lips. “Too bad.” He retreats from you abruptly, leaning back on his knees to observe as you begin to come undone, finally succumbing to him. 
“P-please, Sukuna,” you moan, honorifics forgotten as desire clouds your mind.
“Hah! That’s bold! My name does not belong on your tongue, brat.” He pauses, raising a hand to his jaw, the corner of his mouth curling upward into an lascivious smirk. “Though, I can think of at least two things which do.”
With that, he pushes himself off from the bed and stands to loosen the belt of his robe. The silk garment drops to the floor to reveal two handsome cocks standing erect and throbbing with need. One was situated an inch or so above the other and each boasted at least 10 inches. Both shafts were decorated with Sukuna’s signature tattooed bands. Their girth was unmatched and unlike anything you’d ever previously encountered. Fear was the first emotion evoked, followed closely by pure admiration, and your pussy clenches reflexively at the thought of its impending abuse. Your jaw slackens and your eyes widen to fully comprehend the image of Sukuna basking in the candleglow before you, his muscles rippling with each slight movement made. He was magnificent. 
Holding your gaze with his, he trails a hand down his torso, continuing lower to wrap his hand around and squeeze the base of his uppermost dick. He drags his white-knuckled grasp slowly along the shaft, precum leaking and falling from the tip to coat the cock below. After a few steady pumps of his fist, he brushes his thumb over the weeping tip to gather as much of the slick as possible, using it as lubricant to stroke each of his cocks in turn. His head lulls backwards as he begins to lose himself to the rising pleasure, his teeth tugging at his bottom lip to trap the groan emerging from his throat. 
Regaining control, his head snaps forwards, his eyes burning into yours.
“Now do you understand?” 
It was more of a warning than a question and all you could do was nod your head in response, bewitched by the show he was putting on for you.
Snapping you out of your trance, Sukuna raises two fingers and gestures to you in a come hither motion. “Crawl for me.” 
You move quickly to obey the command, crawling across the bed to the edge where you settle on your knees in front of your King. Though sat fully upright, you found yourself having to stretch further to be level with Sukuna’s hips. From your position below him, you glance upwards as you present him your tongue, eyes laden with lust and cheeks flushed. He recognises the offering, slowly dragging the tip of his lower cock across your flattened tongue and allowing the upper to rest against your face. One of Sukuna’s hands cradles the base of your skull and another guides his cock further into your mouth, whilst your own hands brace against his hips. You wrap your lips around his tip, applying a firm pressure as you begin to suck. Sukuna lets out a low hiss as you swirl your tongue around his tip, allowing yourself to taste the precum gathering there. With interlocking fingers, you clasp your hands around his cock, needing both to fully encircle his girth. You glide your palms along his shaft as an extension of your mouth with the excess saliva drooling from your lips acting as a lubricant. It was messy and it was hot.
Your hands and mouth work tirelessly to pleasure Sukuna but despite your best efforts, the King of Curses was getting impatient. He swats your hands away from his dick and shoves himself further into your mouth, pressing until his tip is met with resistance at the back of your throat. He makes small, quick circles with his hips, repeatedly prodding the back of your throat with his cock. You gag at each of his movements, coughing and sputtering in response to the invasion in an attempt to expel it. The lewd sounds spilling out of you only act to spur him on and Sukuna begins to buck wildly, pushing past the fluttering rings of muscle to fuck your throat relentlessly, each of his thrusts accompanied by a deep grunt. 
You are spared a moment to collect yourself as he withdraws from your throat, though your relief is short-lived. As the first cock leaves your mouth, Sukuna’s second cock immediately takes its place - ramming into your throat and almost bottoming out in one harsh thrust. Allowing no time for you to adjust, he continues to fuck your face, switching between each of his dicks at a frenzied tempo as he chases his high.
Tears which had collected finally spilled, rolling down your cheeks as you choke around him, your throat unable to tolerate the abuse. In an attempt to lessen the havoc being unleashed, you clench your jaw, forcing him to slow his movements.
In response to the act of defiance, Sukunas fingers twist in your hair, pulling your head away and ripping his cock from its position in your throat. With the same grip, he lifts you from your knees to bring your face up to his, your body dangling above the bed. “You ungrateful bitch!” He strikes your cheek with the back of his hand to emphasise the insult, his lower lip drooping to form a mocking pout. “I grace your mouth with my cocks and this is what I get, hm? Such a disappointment!”
Between ragged breaths, you plead with him - “Ss-sorry... I c-can’t-” 
“What’s that, brat? Oh, you can’t take any more?!” A sneer contorts Sukuna’s face and he tosses you onto the bed below as if you were nothing more than a discarded toy. “But we were only just getting started!”
You scramble to regain your composure, shifting into a position to easily flee the bedchamber. “I am sorry, my Lord. Please spare me.” You bow your head deeply in reverence, in the hopes that it won’t be separated from your shoulders. “I don’t intend to occupy any more of your time, my Lord. Please, dismiss me and I shall return to my usual duties.”
“Dismiss you? Hah!” Sukuna chortles and reaches a hand up to soothe his furrowed brow, pondering his next words. “Your duties can wait. At present, I have a much better use for you. You see, with the sorcerers of the modern age closing in, I must act quickly.”
“I’m sorry, Master, but I don’t follow.” 
“As a means to preserve my bloodline and my image, you will provide me with an heir.”
“W-what?” Your jaw drops in awe at his statement, the intoxicant previously clouding your judgement beginning to fade from your system.
“Do not make me repeat myself, mortal.” He warns, his expression hardening. 
“You-- I can’t! It’s not possible!” You panic, shaking your head violently in protest of his crude instruction as logic returns to you. “Why - why me?”
“Shhh, y/n.” Recognising your ebbing compliance, Sukuna coos manipulatively and caresses the side of your face in an attempt to calm you. Guiding you to lay back on the bed, he cages you underneath him. “This will work. We are compatible.” A dark mischief flashes in his eyes and he chuckles to himself - “Think of it as a promotion!” 
Pressing his mouth firmly to yours, he shoves his tongue past your resistant lips. Despite your initial repulsion to the kiss, your logical mind retreats once again as the endorphins rush in and force you back into a more pliable mindset. 
Sukuna’s lips leave yours to plant a bruising trail of kisses down your neck. He pauses when he reaches your collarbone, sucking along the wound he had made earlier. “Your scent, your taste - it’s intoxicating, y/n. The very moment you presented yourself to me, I knew I had to have you. I knew that I had to make you mine.” The King’s words are snarled against the crook of your neck in a deep baritone, raising goosebumps and causing you to tremble in exchange. Moving further down your body, the kisses transition into painful bites with bloodied indentations of the curse’s teeth left in your skin to serve as a reminder of his route. Forcing your legs open, he leans his head against your thigh to admire the view of your pussy, swollen and glistening with need.
“I am going to devour you, my dear.” 
Peppering kisses and nibbling along the inside of your thighs, Sukuna leans in closer for a taste of you. He drags his forked tongue along your cunt, licking a long stripe from the bottom to the top. Your lips form a lustful little “oh” as a breathy moan leaves you in response to his actions. He repeats this motion - this time parting your folds with his tongue, darting between them to tease your clit with a quick swipe. The stimulation causes your hips to jolt away from him involuntarily which displeases the King. To keep you from further escaping his mouth, Sukuna moves two arms to press your body down into the mattress and hold you firmly in place. Preventing you from closing your legs and depriving him of his nourishment, he pushes your knees apart with his elbows, keeping them there to pin your legs uncomfortably wide as he continues his meal. He proceeds to alternate between lapping up the entire length of your pussy and slipping between your labia to prod at your already sensitive clit. Sensing your pleasure building quickly, the tips of his tongue now move independently to each torment the bundle of nerves and drive you closer towards the edge. Moving a hand to work alongside his mouth, Sukuna presses a digit against your entrance, working it in small circles and spitting on your hole before sliding it inside you. After allowing you a moment to adjust - albeit barely - to the new sensation, Sukuna plunges another finger into you, curling his fingers upwards to repeatedly stroke your G-spot as his mouth continues to ravage your clit. 
“Ohh, f-fuck!” You find yourself driven into a carnal frenzy, bucking and grinding your hips in time with the curse’s movements to obtain your release. 
“That’s it, brat. Fuck yourself on my fingers.” 
With that, his lips return to your cunt to resume their brutal feast and the mounting tension finally snaps. You cry out your Lord’s name as you cum, your fingers wound tightly in his hair as you ride the waves of pleasure. You continue to grind yourself against his tongue and fingers until the orgasm dissipates. 
“Mmm. Just as I thought - you are delicious.” Sukuna lifts his head from between your legs, tongue lolling out to clean up the remnants of your arousal dripping from his chin. “Want a taste?” 
After you nod your reply down to him, Sukuna stretches a hand up to your mouth from his position below to trace your lips with his sodden fingers. Maintaining eye contact with the demon between your legs, you part your lips to accept his digits willingly, tongue lapping at his calloused pads to savour yourself.
“You’re being so compliant, look at you,” he praises as you eagerly suck his fingers clean. “I think you might just be ready for me.” 
Departing from your cunt with a chaste kiss, Sukuna scales your body to mount you. His four hands roam your flesh with a ravenous need, nails leaving a trail of bloodied crescents in their wake. His lower arms scoop underneath you to cradle your waist as he lifts your lower half from the mattress. The disparity between the positions of your upper and lower body causes your torso to contort painfully - not that he cared, of course. As long as Sukuna had full access to your sweetest spots and could fully drain his seed into you, nothing else mattered. 
Hunched over you, with two of his hands planted against the headboard, the King of Curses manipulates you into a tight mating press, practically folding you in half underneath him. His free hands had captured your wrists, planting them firmly either side of your head to both ensnare you further beneath him and to support his weight. 
You were completely at his mercy - and the great Ryomen Sukuna was not known for being merciful.
“I am going to enjoy this.”
With your hips aligned with his and his forehead coming down to press against yours, you sense something hot and wet unfurling between your legs. You let out a whimper, quivering in anticipation as Sukuna’s abdominal tongue rises and falls at your core, panting with need against your pussy. Slowly, so agonisingly slowly, the tongue licks the length of your cunt with the pressure increasing as it travels towards your clit. Moving without thought, your mind dripping with desire, you buck your hips in an attempt to press yourself harder against Sukuna’s tongue and claim your pleasure. Working itself between your folds as you grind feverishly against it, it slathers you with more of Sukuna’s sedative and works to prepare you for the oncoming intercourse. It clears away the remaining evidence of your previous orgasm in short, desperate licks. Each brush of the tongue against your sensitive bud earns an array of profanities and moans from you in equal measure.
Sukuna’s eyes burrow into yours as the tongue travels downwards, past your quivering pussy, to delve between your asscheeks and make its first contact with your anus. Much to Sukuna’s amusement, you jolt at the unexpected sensation and move to try and protect your dignity. 
“My dear,” he drawls as he pins your knees back into place. A wicked smile graces his face, perversity flickering in his crimson gaze as he stares down at you. “Did you already forget that I promised I would devour you, brat? I think we are long past the point of modesty, hmm? I never did care much for it anyway.” 
As he speaks, the tongue saturates your hole with more of Sukuna’s potency. Your body slowly moulds into his as you begin to relax and the endorphins take control. The pressure against your entrance increases and Sukuna’s tongue pushes inside with a lewd squelch, moving past any remaining resistance with ease thanks to the saliva’s relaxant effects. It was unlike anything you had felt previously and, although you were ashamed to admit it, it excited you. A pleasured moan drops from your lips which is met with a satisfied grunt from Sukuna as he continues to explore you. His second tongue moves in quick thrusts to fuck your hole and Sukuna kisses you hard - passionately, even. He kisses you with such an urgency it causes you to gasp into his open mouth. With coordination long forgotten as his lust deepens, his teeth clash against yours and your tongues tangle with each other in a sloppy dance. It doesn’t take long before you are faltering to his hungry mouths and falling apart once again. His arms tighten around your waist, steadying you as he guides you through your climax. Your empty cunt flutters as your orgasm surges through you, clenching at nothing as your sweet juices leak out to coat Sukuna’s abdomen.
Shifting his grip on your wrists to encircle both of them with one hand, he reaches down with the other to line his lower cock up with your entrance. Using the bliss from your ongoing climax to distract from the pain bound to accompany his size, Sukuna wastes no time in pushing his bulbous tip past the first ring of resistance and into your cunt. As he enters you, his upper cock nestles itself between your pussylips, laying there to throb against your clit. 
“Fffuuuck,” he rasps through gritted teeth, shuddering at the intensity as he penetrates you for the first time.
“Please, hnngh, it’s t-too much,” you whine. Though only Sukuna’s tip had entered you thus far, it felt as if you were being split apart. Pain and pleasure mingle confusedly together as the curse continues to navigate deeper inside you with no regard for your protests.
“Quiet,” he snarls. His tone turns to one of mocking: “I’m not even halfway in yet and it’s already too much for you to handle, slut? Hah, how pathetic!”
With the pressure and stretch increasing to an almost intolerable level, you thrash about underneath your King in an effort to lessen the ache, only worsening things for yourself in the process. 
“Quit moving, brat!” A hand wraps itself around your throat as a silent warning, a firm pressure being applied to your windpipe. He cocks his head to one side menacingly as he sneers down at you. “Or do you want me to give you something to really complain about, hm?”
You halt your movements in obedience, submitting to him. 
“There’s a good slut!”
Sukuna thrusts into you with sharp, shallow movements of his hips, each thrust more confident than the last, to bury his first cock inside of you. At this angle, as he slides himself into you, the dick pressed between your folds twitches against and prods at your sensitive bud. The pleasure generated is enough for you to persevere through the agony and please your King. Sinking deeper, Sukuna’s eyes widen with fascination as he watches the tattooed bands adorning his shaft disappear as your pussy bows and adjusts to swallow his length. Sukuna continues to press until his pelvis is flush against yours and his heavy balls are pressed against the fat of your ass. 
“Ooh f-fuuck, S-Sukuna-” It’s all you can manage as his tip plants a bruising kiss on your cervix, the sting causing your breath to hitch in your throat. 
Sukuna chuckles at the remark as he reels his hips back, dragging his thick cock along your tight walls until it is almost fully unsheathed from you. Although you were grateful that the stretch was somewhat alleviated, you found yourself immediately pining for the sensation of being full with your King once more. As if in agreement, your pussy flutters around him to try and drag him back further inside you. 
“P-please, ‘Kuna… Please fu--”
Sukuna slams back into you before you can even finish your request, pushing past the convulsing rings of muscle to fully seat himself inside. Bottoming out, his toned pelvis crashes against your own as he impales you on the full length of his cock. He takes a moment to admire your beauty as you writhe underneath him.
“You’re such a mess, my dear. If only you could see yourself as I see you now.” 
With that, he sets his brutal pace. He fucks you into the mattress relentlessly, his hand still clasped around your throat whilst holding his weight over you to maintain the cruel mating press. The chamber air grows heady, filled with the lewd sounds of sweat-soaked skin slapping, Sukuna’s guttural grunting and your unabashed yelps of pleasure. 
The curse’s merciless pace eventually begins to wane, his momentum faltering and his thrusts growing sloppier as he approaches the cusp of his climax. Realising and refusing to be bested after a meagre few minutes, he takes a moment to regain his composure. Sukuna withdraws from you in order to force down his orgasm and you are spared from the back-breaking position. You shift into a comfier position, leaning back on your elbows to see Sukuna leant back on his knees. Two of his hands were planted on his thighs, one crossed over his broad chest and the other moved to swipe away the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. 
“My, my, y/n. You really are perfect for me, aren’t you?” Sweeping back the strands of hair which had fallen over his eyes, he continues. “The way your tight cunt clenches around me is just… heavenly.” 
Flipping you over onto your front, his arms snake around your waist to lift you up and place you back down on your hands and knees. With his grip still present on your waist, he pulls your body closer to his so that his cocks are pressed against your slit from behind, twitching wildly with need. Rutting his hips like a beast in heat, he positions his lower cock to delve between your pussylips and the upper to move between your asscheeks to rub against each of your holes. He continues this until nothing but whimpers and almost incomprehensible begging for more leave you. Only then, when he deems you needy enough - undeniably cock-drunk, does he re-enter you. 
He stuffs his dick back inside your cunt and resumes the same maddening thrusts as before, as if he had never stopped. Sukuna's second cock drags itself along your ass, nestled between your cheeks, as he relentlessly drives into you from behind. Precum leaks from the upper cock’s tip in a steady stream to coat your rim, dripping lower to provide more lubrication for Sukuna’s assault on your pussy.
"N-no," you shake your head in protest, looking back over your shoulder, as you feel pressure against your hole. Sukuna’s second cock now sat poised at your entrance, threatening to plunge in. "You can't!"
His thrusts stop momentarily and he hunches over you, his chest pressing into your back. His voice was low and dangerous in your ear.  "I can and I will, y/n. You are merely a plaything for me, a vessel for my heir, and I will use you as I please. Do not challenge me again." 
Following his words, his hips ram into you violently, his second cock forcing its way into your tight hole to join the other already inside you, separated only by a thin wall. A strangled moan, tainted with both pleasure and pain, is ripped from your throat at the abrupt invasion. Your eyes roll backwards into your skull and your mouth hangs open in a fucked out little "oh" as your body begins to adjust. You were so full - full of your King - and the stretch was so sinful it was almost divine. This was true devotion to Sukuna and he recognised this with appropriate praise. 
"Look at you, taking both of my cocks so damn well! Quite frankly, I don't know whether I should be proud or disgusted." He chortles as he pounds against the fat of your ass, over and over, watching your flesh bounce from the force of each impact. 
His two cocks worked together to bring you your third orgasm of the evening. It was utterly indescribable, pleasure crashing over you in unrelenting waves. No-one, not even yourself, had managed to make you cum this hard, but the way Sukuna was fucking you had you seeing stars. The climax wreaked through you, your core quivering and contracting around the demon’s cock to bring him closer to his own release.
“F-fuuuck, brat. I’m gonna--” His hips falter and he struggles to hold onto what’s left of his sanity as your cunt practically milks him for all he’s worth. “You’re gonna take every last - hngh - fucking drop of my seed, yes?” 
You nod your reply up to him. 
“Use your words, y/n. Beg me for it. Tell me how much you want it.”
“Please! Please breed me, my King!” With your pupils dilated and eyes half-lidded, your gaze meets his as you plead. “Give me your heir!” 
With one final thrust and accompanying grunt, the King of Curse floods you with his seed. Both of his cocks spasm inside you as thick ropes of the cum plaster your womb and trickle down your fertile walls, forming a vulgar puddle where his hips were mashed into yours. 
Guiding you to lay down on your front, Sukuna collapses on top of you in exhaustion. His chest heaves against your back with his ragged breaths whilst he remains seated inside you. Confused as to why he had not yet relinquished his grip on you, you begin to struggle underneath his weight.
“Shh, shhhh, y/n.”  He coos in your ear, sweeping your hair out of the way to bury his face against the crook of your neck. “We have to make sure it takes.” 
You whimper weakly, nodding to show your understanding.
Whilst pondering his next words, a raucous chuckle leaves him which echoes through the chamber. “You’d better take this as an opportunity to rest up, brat. The night is young and I am not done with you yet.”
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can you write feyd rautha + jealous sex + something devious to do with a knife,
of course! hope you enjoy.
MINORS DNI- smut ahead you will be blocked <3
Possesion, Feyd Rautha. 18+ Content.
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Warnings; knife riding, possessive behaviour, handjob, feyd calling u good girl 🤭
You hadn't known how you had gotten here, one minute you were enjoying a civilized conversation with Rabban about spice production, the next you were yelping as your husband whirled around the corner so suddenly and beat his brother to the ground; curtly picking you up and thrusting you to your shared room. His anger knew no bounds as he demanded you to ride the hilt of his beloved knife, was it such a crime to talk to your new in-laws? Apparently so as Feyd-Rautha had you moaning like a wanton whore on his metallic dagger.
“Oh, Feyd,” you moan out, eyes fluttering shut as your pearl moves against the hilt, a whine leaving you as you move your hips, trying to position it at your entrance despite yourself, “Please, my lord.” You whimper, growing desperate to be filled, even with this part of him.
Feyd shushes you and abandons your breast to grasp at your hip again, pressing soft kisses to your neck as takes heed of your pleas and helps you lower yourself down. His cock stirs within the leather of his trousers, already straining against the fabric as he watches your cunt swallow the hilt of his knife.
“That’s it,” he coaxes, guiding your hips with one hand as the other snakes up to your throat, smirking as he feels your moan vibrate against his palm, “There’s my girl.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you lower yourself down fully, sheathing the dagger within you. The smooth leather of the hilt feels amazing against your walls, as its curves and bumps hit all the right spots with incredible precision.
You cannot help the whimper that tumbles from your lips at Feyd’s words, your walls clench at the leather shaft as you begin to move, impaling yourself on the stem again and again as your husbands blown eyes watch you with awe, his own chest heaving as he notices the way your slick shines against the metallic cover, his mouth open as he panted.
“I’m the only one who will be able to see you this way, writhing and whimpering; for me and only me.” His voice was gruff as he lay claim to you, his possessive behavior only turning you on further.
Your fingers travel and dug into the sheets, clutching the fabrics. Your fingers crawl towards the man before you, finding your husbands bulging length.
Feyd groans against your lips as you grasp his length through his trousers, rubbing over the bulge before desperately pulling at the laces of his breeches. He helps you, taking pity on your shaking hands, and groans lowly into your mouth when your hand wraps around his length, quickly stroking him.
One of the etchings on the handle brushed deliciously over the sensitive spot within you each time you buck against the dagger and you melt against his chest as you swirl your hips, grinding yourself on it.
Feyd is all but animalistic as he groans and growls and licks into your mouth desperately before pulling away from you with a sigh, only to press hot kisses to the column of your throat; one hand fell to the blade, tapping it in a rhythm; as the other leaves your neck to tap over your aching pearl.
“Feyd!” You moan loudly, stroking over his thick, pulsing cock with one hand, keeping time with your hips as you sink over and over onto the handle of his dagger.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” you pant, the fire in your belly threatening to consume you as your husbands fingers firmly circle your bud, “Feyd-“
“Let me have it,” he grunts, determined not to finish until he sees you breaking apart in his arms, “Give it to me, all to me, wife.” He coaxes, doubling his efforts on your sensitive pearl.
You feel your walls clench around the metal; the rhythm of the blade rubbing against your sweetest of spots pushes you over the edge as you whimper so sweetly, your fist still wrapped around feyds cock.
"That's it.... good girl." He smirked at your state; you panted as you looked up at him once more, eager to get the job done as you started moving your hand once more.
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How do you think Lucifer would go about being intimate with a plus size reader who is very insecure and self conscious about their body?
Because listen, I've always been very open about being a plus size gal. And sometimes it's hard to picture myself in the stuff I write because of it. But I still do it because I enjoy it and I'm not going to let my fears and doubts keep me from creating!
And I'm just gonna come right out and say it now
When you cuddle, you almost completely envelop him. He feels so safe and secure in your arms. And oh my goodness, he adores how soft you are! Everything from your chest to your stomach to your thighs, he will use all of those spots as his personal favorite pillows to lay his head.
And of course your weight is no issue for him! He has God-like strength, you might as well weigh as much as a feather! He's practically BEGGING you to ride his face and bounce on his cock. He loves kneading at your breasts and the folds on your stomach because there is just so much of you to touch, he can't get enough of it! And oh man, don't get me started on how much he loves delving between your thick thighs. He now knows what TRUE Heaven is like! He grips your legs tight when he thrusts his tongue in and out of you, sucking on your clit and absolutely drunk on the way way you taste!
And like I said, him watching you bounce on his cock is mesmerizing. He can't get enough of the way your body moves when you shift your hips, it's almost hypnotizing. And when he's on top, he wishes he could have more hands so he could touch and grab every inch of you while he fucks you good and deep.
It did take you a while to get to this point though. You confided in him that when you were alive, you felt insecure about the way you looked. And even in death, you still were. But good Lord, Lucifer couldn't believe that "a beautiful creature like you would ever think of yourself as unattractive." And that "anyone who said otherwise deserves far worse than a place in Hell." He is your number one supporter and cheerleader. He's going to tell you how lovely you look every single day, multiple times a day until you believe it yourself. And then he'll keep on telling you because he absolutely adores you and your body!
@myhornybrainonlyknowsthis enjoy the food bestie <3
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wallflowerimagines · 1 year
Howdy dowdy, Partner. It's me, ya boi, Skinny Penis.
How would the Lords react to a selectively mute S/O? Especially their reaction to them talking to them for the first time.
I have this mental image of Heisenberg's S/O saying something really casually (while they're relaxing or something), and he just whips around to look at them and he just shouts "hoLY FUCK!"
Saw the first line of this ask and then it was followed by a cute prompt????---
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Warnings: swearing, my typical brand of silly
Alcina Dimitrescu
She's so used to your quiet demeanor it's to the point where she COMPLETELY forgot that your silence is a choice.
Alcina quite honestly never expected you to speak to her, and she was mentally planning for the rest of your relationship to be this way -- all of the servants are learning to sign, just in case, and she has pens and paper in every room if you prefer to write as your form of communication.
When you do finally speak up, she's frozen. What.
Oh. You can. You...can speak?
It's one of the times you've ever seen Alcina baffled, because honestly? She has no idea what to do.
However, you can bet she IMMEDIATELY analyses the situation in order to make sure she can get you to keep talking to her. Whatever made this happen needs to be repeated as much as possible -- Now that she knows you can be made comfortable enough to speak, she needs to hear you speak again.
(It might not have been your intention, but you hit her right in the superiority complex. Her partner spoke to HER. JUST her. Exclusively. Alcina is going to be riding this high for decades)
The Lady Dimitrescu is a big believer in positive reinforcement with her loved ones, so you better believe that every time you speak she is extra affectionate, because she does like to hear your voice!💞
Essentially, you have prompted constant affection DO NOT RESIST---
Donna Beneviento
I mentioned this in my other Donna x Mute reader post, but Donna is able to relate to a mute s/o a lot.
She's pretty nonverbal herself, so often you two have moments of quiet peace, where the two of you are doing your own thing together in the same room, taking breaks only to hold hands, cuddle, and kiss each other sweetly.
Truly dreamy💕💕💕
The first time you speak to her though, she's sewing a new outfit for one of her dolls, while you're reading in the setee beside her.
You peak over her shoulder, clear your throat and say: "You're really talented, Donna".
She drops a stitch.
Her face is burning underneath her veil. The first thing you say to her is a complement??? About a skill she is actually proud of??? That's already enough to get her heart stuttering, but you said her name.
It feels like such a small thing, but it sends Donna into a tizzy. Your lips formed the syllables of her name, and she can't get over it. You said a compliment and her name in the same sentence.
She's swooning. Smitten. Overcome.
Expect some flustered giggling and a compliment in return.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has no chill whatsoever.
He literally drops everything and scuttles across the room to stand in front of you, flitting his hands around you in excitement, not quite touching you but close.
He's! So! Excited!
He didn't process what you even said-- you SPOKE TO HIM!!!! Fireworks are going off in his brain, Kool and the Gang are celebrating the good times, life is beautiful and love is in the air....
Moreau is delighted by this development. You feel safe enough around him a monster to vocalize your thoughts. You trust him. He already knew you did, but this is confirmation he didn't even know he wanted. Moreau almost starts crying he's so relieved.
Meanwhile you're repeatedly trying to warn him about the disaster occurring on the stove.
"... Salvatore, honey, the pancakes are burning."
Honey???? HONEY??? Are you TRYING to kill him????
Salvatore staggers on his feet, unintentionally the most dramatic you've ever seen him.
Sighing, you hide a smile behind your palm and give him a little smooch on the cheek before you go rescue your breakfast.
Moreau flatlines. Better give him some mouth to mouth 💗.
Karl Heisenberg
Absolutely shocked the first time you speak.
He's working on a soldat, fully used to the silence as he solders body parts together to make a deadly monster worthy of murdering Mother Miranda.
"You missed a spot--"
Very softly, you speak up again. "At the shoulder. It's not... It's not fully connected."
Heisenberg whips around to just...stare??? At you for a bit?? His face is totally expressionless, but make no mistake his brain is reeling.
What is he supposed to do here? You feel comfortable enough to talk with him--this is a big deal, right? Is he supposed to comfort you? Praise you?
Still, it's not in Heisenberg's nature to make a big deal of things, and he doesn't want to spook you.
Eventually he nods, grunts in acknowledgement, and gets back to work.
Still, your words ring in his ears. Your voice fits you so well? He never really thought about what you sounded like before, but honestly now it's all he can think about.
Much later, when you almost forget about the whole thing, he'll offhandedly say he's proud of you for finally speaking up for yourself.
It's kinda condescending? But you know Heisenberg pretty well, and the fact he refuses to meet your eyes let's you know he's just being his normal, socially stunted self.
Thank him for the "compliment" and you'll get a pleased grin back, as well as a teasing hair ruffle. He's...happy you're comfortable with him.
It just makes your relationship feel even more right. ❤️
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