#nyongtory match
bigbangpics · 7 years
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♢ © izatory  if you use, reblog/like if you save or like ♡
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soloxmatch · 7 years
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nyongtory 🐲
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iconsoverstreett · 7 years
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nyongtory matching icons
credits to @yeoisic
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bigb5ngaregods · 3 years
ship: nyongtory
prompt: lyrical
character count (excluding spaces): 4522
trigger warnings: none
genre: romance
[ wrote. ] by seunoyuu
( nyongtory oneshots at 3AM )
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
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"Romeo, save me. I've been feeling so alone." Jiyong softly sang as he washed the dishes. The pink haired male hummed quietly as Seungri sat on the counter with his phone. Usually songs would be playing on the speakers, but Seungri kept quiet as he's been scolded for playing songs too loud.
Jiyong wiped his hands as he turned around, "Seungri-ah, do you still remember how to play the piano? I need some random chords to be made." he suddenly asked, going into the bedroom as he looked around, inside the closets and all the other rooms. "did you sell your keyboard?" he asked, Seungri being caught off guard. The younger stood, following him, "I do still remember, and yeah, I sold my keyboard." he said, Jiyong sighing softly.
„You picked me up and led the way.”
Jiyong scratched his head and pulled his phone out, "open your garageband or whatever app." he said, placing the phone on landscape and placing them down beside each other on the piano's screen. He adjusted the screens to match like a real life piano. Jiyong pointed at the phones before stepping away. He turned on screen recording on his own phone and asked Seungri to try and play a random melody that he randomly thought of the top of his head.
Seungri was puzzled, the other was just washing the dishes and then the topic switched like lightning. He softly sighed, Jiyong was naturally this spontaneous, especially when comfortable. The white haired lad paused, staring at the two phones as Jiyong had his back facing him. He randomly tapped three chords together and placed his hands back down, waiting for Jiyong to say something.
„Made me smile on the darkest of days.”
The other didn't say anything, but his head was nodding back and forth without a single word coming out of the other. "Hyung." Seungri called him out, Jiyong not responding as his eyes were closed. The elder was caught up in his own world, staying quiet for a couple of minutes.
"Jiyongie." Seungri raised his voice a little with his informal call, Jiyong turning off with his eyebrows raised. "Hm?" he asked.
Seungri blinked at him with a dull face, "the piano?" he reminded the other, politely pointing at it, stopping Jiyong's screen recorder and deleting the long long video.
His eyes got distracted to see photos of himself, "Hyung, are you taking pictures of me sleeping?" he asked with a startled tone.
„I'm glad I was able to find someone like you.”
Jiyong ranted a little, "Sorry, I was thinking of a new song– WAIT, DON'T DELETE THEM!" he yelled as he realised what Seungri had caught.
The younger stood up from his chair, holding Jiyong's phone and going through the photos. For once, the tables seemed to have turned. Usually others would have photos of Seungri, him bugging people to delete them. He moved away from the table, starting to walk off as Jiyong hurried to his side. He tried to snatch the phone from the younger, who scrolled through the gallery.
Seungri was selecting photos of himself that he didn't like, Jiyong trying to seize the phone back, "SEUNGRI, PLEASE DON'T DELETE THEM!" Jiyong begged, continuing to bug the other. Seungri didn't reply, rather avoided Jiyong's grabby hands and continued to use the phone.
„Thank you for every moment that we spent together.”
Jiyong struggled as the two moved around the house, Seungri trying to push off Jiyong multiple times. He'd often attempt to get inside a room and lock the door, but Jiyong had other plans and ruined Seungri's goal.
After a good ten minutes of the two running around, playfully threatening each other just to gain control of the cell phone, they finally stopped. Seungri handed Jiyong's phone back, sitting down with his own. The elder rushed to check his gallery and pouted at the one who rested. "Agh! Seungri, I was gonna have hyung make a collage of you! Maybe even get a poster or something... Why'd you do that?!" he yelled with frustration, grumpy and crossing his arms.
„We were both young at first glance.”
Seungri grinned with a quiet snicker from him. He stood up and slowly headed to the other, quite tired. He hugged him tightly, letting go after a few seconds. "Because why take photos of only me looking like that, when we should be having photos of the both of us in it?" he tried to convince the elder, Jiyong looking at him then to the side.
His pout softened, slowly turning into a smile. Jiyong hugged him, "Damn you, Lee Seunghyun." he said, squeezing the younger for a brief second.
Seungri smiled, giggling as he saw Jiyong break. He held the elder's hands and led him somewhere, walking backwards. "Damn me, indeed, baby. Now, if you do this one task, you can work on getting more photos of us and me from the hyungs, or maybe work on the song you were thinking of." he said, placing Jiyong's hands on the sink that was half filled with unfinished dishes that Jiyong had left alone earlier.
"I made dinner, it's only fair." Seungri smiled, handing Jiyong gloves and a dirty plate. "Better finish quickly, hyung." the younger said, walking off and gently slapping Jiyong's behind before sitting back down.
„It's our love story, my dearest Lee Seunghyun.” he sang, the crowd roaring. Jiyong stood in the middle of the stage, alone with a single spotlight. Not a single backup dancer in sight as the song reached its climax, yet all Jiyong did was stare into the camera. He stared with a soft gaze, smiling a little as he knew that Seungri watched. "사랑해 이승현. (I love you, Lee Seunghyun.)" he said into the microphone, throwing up a finger heart.
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kpop-coupleicons · 7 years
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*.:。✿*゚ ‘゚・ couple/matching icons ; nyongtory.
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lady-une · 6 years
Wow. Sorry this has taken so long to get out to you guys. It’s just been super hard to get into the right mind frame with working two jobs and taking care of the kids. Plus some people kind of guessed the route I was going and weren’t too happy. Which made me stop and wonder if I should change this. I want to make everyone happy but at the same time I want to take this the way I dreamed of. This was all inspired by a drama that was on DramaFever that I was watching. “Devilish charm/joy” was the name of it. Man it had me hooked and I instantly thought nyongtory and so that’s how BSD was born. If anyone knows where I can watch this please let me know. I’m still rather upset dramafever closed down but there’s nothing I can do about it. That long list of dramas to watch is gone forever lol. But anyways back to BSD 😂. This chapter is a bit longer then what I normally do. I thought of splitting it up but thought it would flow weird. So yeah. I hope you all enjoy and as always please love, comment, and share. Help me grow with feedback and help me reach some more nyongtory fans who might not know about me!
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He thought their love was eternal, that nothing would be able to break them apart. He put his trust and faith in the man he loved with all his heart. The one man he thought would never hurt him, did it in the most horrific way possible. How will he move on, having to see the man who broke his heart day in and day out. Having to see him smile and look at another the way he once did him. If had known this was his destiny all along, he would never had started on this path to begin with.
Word count: 4466
Theme: Angst
Rating: Mature, SMUT, Drinking
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Seungri
Master List
Chapter 1
Sitting in the cold private family room Jiyong had never felt as defenseless as he did in that exact moment. Even when he was a young child being moved around from casting call to casting call. Having to blindly follow his parents’ wishes when he only ever wanted to be a normal boy, to be able to go out and play with his friends where the only worry he had was having too much homework. Even when he was first trying to debut, the years with the first company and his unknown future. Then again when he was just starting with Yang Hyun-suk and the debut of Bigbang. None of those times could match the feelings that were coursing through his veins. Fear. The most prevalent emotion was driving him mad. What had happened to Seungri, how did he get that way. Would he be ok? Was it too late? Will he ever get the chance to make the epic mess he had made up to him.
Before Jiyong could fully lose his mind the door to the family room opened and in came the rest of the members along with Mino.
“Jiyong what the hell happened.” Seunghyun asked as he rushed over to where Jiyong was sitting.
Jiyong looked up from his spot and the look on his face scared the elder. Never had he seen Jiyong look so broken and vulnerable.  Even during his motte tour when the two lovers were having a spat he didn’t look anything like he does now. Seunghyun sat in the chair next to Jiyong on the couch and took his hand in his.
“Everything will be ok Jiyong. That boy will be up before you know it.”
“Hyung, I don’t know, there was so much blood. I got to the hotel and we got in there and he was in the bathroom. There was so much blood and it was coming from his head.” Jiyong barely got the end of his sentence out with how hard he was holding back the cry that was wanting to rip from throat.
“You bastard!”
Jiyong looked up to see Mino making his way quickly to where he sat but was stopped by Youngbae.
“Hyung this is all his fault!” Mino spat still struggling to get to Jiyong.
“No it is not.”
Jiyong stood from his spot his head hung low. “No he is right.” He said low, his voice cracking at the end.
“It might be somewhat your fault but not really. You had already broken up with her, she should have known better.” Youngbae said as he let go of Mino and walked over taking Jiyong in his arms.
Jiyong cried in his best friends’ arms, loud sobs finally broke free as his tears fell from his eyes like small rivers. Youngbae held his friend rubbing his back as he felt his body shake and his shirt become damp with tears.
“She knew what she was doing.” Jiyong sobbed. “She didn't want to break up. She did this on purpose.” Jiyong screamed as he clutched onto Youngbae’s shirt.
A knock at the door sounded before it opened, and a couple of doctors walked in.
“Kwon Jiyong?” The doctor called out.
Jiyong stepped back from Youngbae and wiped his face. “Yes, that is me.”
“You are listed as the first contact for Lee Seunghyun.”
“How is he?” Jiyong asked as he walked towards the doctor.
“He is still unconscious, he lost a bit of blood but is fine. We got the bleeding under control and he has some stitches.”
“Can we see him?” Jiyong asked.
The doctor nodded his head as he opened the door and lead the boys to Seungri’s room. Jiyong thought he was going to be able to handle things but the sight in front of him brought him to his knees needing Youngbae to hold him up. Seungri laid there on the bed not moving. Breathing machines were hooked up to him, his head was bandaged, and machines were beeping loudly around him. Youngbae brought Jiyong to the chair at the side of the bed and helped him into. Jiyong shakily reached for Seungri’s hand holding it in his. Tears fell from his eyes again as he laid his head down and felt his soft skin being drenched with his tears.
The first day all the members including Mino staid in the room. Each taking turns to sleep and eat...except for Jiyong. The members did their best to try and get Jiyong to leave and eat or get some sleep but Jiyong refused to leave Seungri’s side. Jiyong barely registered that Youngbae had mentioned that Yang Hyun-suk and Seungri’s parents were flying in and should be there.
“Hyung you need to sleep, you won't be any good for the maknae when he wakes up if you are not taking care of yourself.” Daesung said as he knelt down next to Jiyong.
“He was never any good for him.” Mino said from behind Jiyong.
Jiyong growled deeply and jumped from his chair turning around to push Mino against the wall. “I have made the worst decision of my life leaving that man and I will spend the rest of my life making up for it.”
The room was quiet with the exception of Seungri’s machines beeping, the only comfort that Jiyong got in the current situation. As long as those machines kept beeping then he knew that Seungri was still there. Jiyong laid with his head on the bed looking up at the sleeping panda. He looked peaceful, Jiyong couldn't remember the last time he just looked at Seungri. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took with the assistance of the breathing machine. He didn't understand exactly why he needed it if he was perfectly fine. Dark circles that were always there were deeper and darker than usual. His once plump face was gaunt no doubt from the weight loss. He complexion that was once glowing was pale, he looked sick and Jiyong wasn't sure if it was due to the blood loss or the stress. Squeezing his eyes shut Jiyong fought back the tears. He had done this. He was the one to put Seungri in this bed and had him looking this way. He deserved to be burning in the pits of hell for eternity for making him this way.
Jiyong was so lost in his self-hatred that he didn't even hear the door to Seungri’s room opening or know that someone other than the members were in the room until he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. Lifting his head up he blinked the tears away and waited for his vision to clear, when he did, he saw Seungri’s mother standing next to him. Jiyong quickly stood from his chair and offered it to Seungri’s mother.
“What happened to my baby boy?” She asked as she held onto Seungri’s hand with one of hers and caressed his face with her other one.
“He fell and hit his head.”
“Where was he that he was able to fall? My boy is not a clumsy fool.”
“He was in a hotel that none of us knew about and he had been drinking. I am sorry, it’s my fault he is like this. I was a fool and I just want to make things better.”
“Jiyong my boy loved you with all his heart, you promised me that you would take care of him and that he would be safe. How did my baby end up like this?”
“I will make things better I promise.”
“You better, but first my baby boy needs to wake up.”
Jiyong nodded his head, she was right after all. Jiyong had promised to love and care for Seungri. That he would keep him safe and show him only beautiful things in the world. Yet he broke that promise. Moving back Jiyong gave Seungri’s parents room to be near their son. Standing against the wall Jiyong listened to Seungri’s mothers soft voice.
“Seunghyun, its Eomma. Can you hear me? Sweet heart please wake up. We miss you my sweet sweet boy. You can't stay sleeping, your eomma needs you.” Seungri’s mother said with a soft crack in her voice at the end.
Jiyong covered his mouth as he too started crying, a lump was forming in his throat. He had hurt her precious son and there was nothing he could do about it.
Yang Hyun-suk  who had also appeared with the Lee’s cleared his throat catching Jiyong’s attention. He motioned with his head to the door before walking out. Jiyong went around the room and gently shook the other members who were sleeping. The men sleepily stood and followed Jiyong out of the room and to a empty room down the hall. Yang Hyun-suk was sitting in an empty chair with his arms crossed, he looked tired and worn out. For the first time he actually looked his age. Once all the boys were in the room he cleared his throat before he began speaking.
“I just wanted you all to know that we already went to the media before someone else could. We didn't need this to be blown up more than what it will already be. Seungri has always been known to party, and I am sure had we not gotten this out first someone would have spun a web of lies. We explained that Seungri was getting out of the shower and slipped hitting his head. Unfortunately, we are too close to the concerts so there is nothing we can do but continue on without him. We don't want to disappoint the fans, they have been waiting for this for far too long.”
Yang Hyun-suk stayed silent giving the boys time to take in everything he said. He looked around the room and took in the members appearances. He could tell that everything that went on not only took a toll on Seungri and Jiyong but them as well. Youngbae, a new dad had dark circles under his eyes. The stress of parenthood was enough for him but add on this and Hyun-suk knew he was probably not getting any sleep. Seunghyun and Daesung stood in the corner, Daesung leaning on Seunghyun for support with a worried look on his face. He had his lip between his teeth and was chewing on it. Seunghyun was playing with the hem of Daesung’s shirt, a nervous gesture he had picked up since the scandal when he was enlisted. Hyun-suk wasn't too happy when he learned of their feelings, but he was tired of trying to fight his employees on their relationships. He just had to have hope that those two would not go down the same path as Seungri and Jiyong. Jiyong on the other hand was sitting on the bed, he looked the worst. All the weight he had put on was slowly slipping off him. He always had a hard time keeping weight on him, the moment he would become stress the weight would just slip off him like water through open fingers.
“I am sure the fans will be compassionate during this time but it is up to you all to make sure that they also enjoy the performance. I know this will be hard, especially for you Jiyong to have your attention on the show while your mind is here with Seungri. But I need you to hold it together and to do what needs to be done.”
“I know.” Jiyong replied, his voice void of any strength.
“Good. Seungri’s parents will be staying here for the time being until he wakes up. I would suggest you all return to the hotel and get some rest.”
Standing from his chair Hyun-suk moved to the door opening it for the members to walk out of the door. In the hall were the managers waiting for them. They all walked slowly by Seungri’s room with Jiyong pausing. Jiyong moved near the door and placed his hand on the window looking in. Seungri’s mother was weeping at her son’s bedside with his father holding her in his arms. Holding his breath Jiyong attempted to keep his emotions in check before he looked to the sleeping forming.
“Come back to me my love. Please don’t leave me.” Jiyong thought as he closed his eyes trying to hold back his tears.
“Jiyong…” Youngbae said as he placed his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder.
Moving his head Jiyong opened his eyes, tears already brimming the edge of his lids. He nodded his head before stealing one more glance at Seungri’s sleeping form before turning and following the rest of the members out of the hospital.
Over the next couple of weeks between performances and practices Jiyong would always find his way to the hospital. Most of the time he spent talking to Seungri, reminding him of all their happier memories. Or he would talk about the performances they had, the interviews they did. He never missed a chance to tell him how everyone was asking about him and missing him.
“Bigbang is not the same without our maknae. I’m not the same without you. I was a fool. An idiot. You can curse me and hate me for as long as you want but I need you to just wake up first. I love you Lee Seunghyun.”
It was a cold night when Jiyong walked into the hospital. Rubbing his hands together he tried to warm himself up as he took the elevator to the VIP floor. That brisk walk from the car into the hospital was short but the air was colder. When the elevator dinged for the floor Jiyong stepped off and took his jacket off smiling at the nurses who have come to know him on another level with how often he was there. Opening the door Jiyong was met with Hyun-suk talking quietly with Seungri’s parents. Jiyong bowed and greeted everyone before going to Seungri and brushing his growing hair out of his eyes before kissing his forehead gently and letting him know he is there.
“What’s going on? Has there been any news?” Jiyong asked as he took his spot in the chair next to the bed opposite of where Seungri’s mom sat.
“I was just talking with the Lees about moving Seungri back home. Everyone is leaving here and we had hoped that he would have woken up in time to leave with you all but he hasn’t. So we are going to transfer him home and have another specialist come in and take a look at him.”
“That’s good. I will travel with him.”
“No his family will travel with him. You have other responsibilities with the group. You go back home tomorrow and Seungri will be transferred in the next couple of days.”
“But they can manage without me. I want to transfer with Seungri.”
“Jiyong I know you want to but you can’t. Just do as I say.”
Jiyong knew the tone in Hyun-suk’s voice in that last statement left no room for him to ask again. It was a final statement. Jiyong would go back to Seoul the same way he came to Japan...without Seungri.
The night before the members of Bigbang were to depart Jiyong was exactly where he wanted to be, curled up in bed next to Seungri holding his hand.
“I don't want to leave you here. I don't want you to be alone. God I have been such an idiot. Please won't you just wake up? The thought of you flying back like this breaks my heart. Your mother has been here and we     all just need you to wake up. Please Ri won't you come back to me baby?”
Jiyong clutched onto Seungri and cried into his chest letting his tears soak through the blue and white checkered hospital shirt. Jiyong stayed in that position until he fell asleep clutched to the man he loved and missed so much.
The snow falling from the sky was sparkled in the light of the street lamp. Seungri looked up watching it fall and feeling the cold wetness hit his face. It was so peaceful, it reminded him of a snow globe he thought briefly.
“Maknae let’s go, it’s cold out here and he won't be happy if we are late!” Daesung called out bringing Seungri back to his surroundings.
Seungri smiled and jogged up to Daesung who was standing in the doorway to the apartment building. It was the holiday break from the tour and the members were getting together to celebrate. After a busy first half of the tour they had earned this break. Walking into the apartment Seungri felt a rush of peacefulness flow over him. The apartment smelt of pine, no doubt the smell coming from the freshly cut tree that was in the corner of the living room. The other members were sitting around the living room chatting away and watching Youngbae’s child roll around on the floor. Kicking off his shoes Seungri walked over to the couch and sat next to Jiyong. Laying his head on his shoulder Seungri hummed and closed his eyes. It had been so long since the group was able to relax and enjoy the life they had as a family.
After dinner the group came back to the living room and exchanged gifts. Toys for the baby, clothes and books were passed around. Seungri laughed as he watched the baby nah on a plush dragon she had received. A gasp from the corner of the room caught everyone's attention. Turning his head he saw Seunghyun get down on his knee offering a box to Daesung. Daesung had his hands covering his mouth with tears forming in his eyes.
“You have been the one constant anchor in my life. Through all the hardships I have gone through it was always you who kept me together. We have shared so many firsts together and there is no one else I would want to share this first with. I know we won't be able to do anything permanent right now but in the future I promise I will give you the wedding you deserve. Will you do me the honor of being my forever partner in this life and the next?”
“Of course!”
Everyone erupted in cheers and clapping as Seunghyun stood and Daesung lept into his arms. Jiyong pulled Seungri close as he dipped his head down to whisper “I love you.” in his ear. Pulling away Seungri cupped Jiyong’s face before whisper against his lips “I love you” and then gently kissed him. It wasn't a long kiss but the for the brief moment they were attached he could feel all the love they shared. Pulling away Jiyong smiled with tears in his eyes.
“I want to come out after this tour. I want to start a family with you. I don't care if they run us out of the country, I just need you in my life. Can we start a family? I want to give you the wedding you never got.”
“I want nothing more then to have it all with you.”
Later that night as the two laid in bed Seungri closed his eyes and tried his best to fall asleep but he could hear his name being called. Opening his eyes he strained his ears to listen for any clues as to where the sound was coming from.
Seungri shot up in bed.
“Seungri please.”
Looking around Seungri felt a cold chill come over his body.
“Please Seungri.”
“Jiyong?” Seungri whispered.
Jiyong who was laying next to Seungri stirred in his sleep.
“Come back to me.”
“Jiyong.” Seungri called out again, tears were pricking in his eyes.
“What's wrong baby?” Jiyong said as he sat up in bed.
“Someone is calling me, it sounded like you.”
“It was nothing, just a bad dream. I am here, how could I call you. Don't worry about it my love. Just come back to bed.”
Seungri allowed Jiyong to pull him back to laying in the bed and held him in his arms. Closing his eyes Seungri did his best to ignore the sound of his name being called out in the darkness.
A month later Jiyong found himself walking into the hospital in Seoul. Tired he had on sunglasses to cover the deep dark circles that were forming under his eyes. The stop in the Philippines was hard, fans were still questioning about Seungri and he had nothing he could say. Nothing had changed, he was still there but sleeping. Jiyong smiled and waved at the nurses that were on the floor that held Seungri. Jiyong was so happy that all of the staff were professional and didn't swarm him or ask for autographs. That was the last thing Jiyong needed when he came here to be with Seungri. Walking into Seungri’s room Jiyong shed his jacket and took off his face mask and glasses. Walking over to Seungri’s sleeping form Jiyong bent down and laid a kiss on Seungri’s forehead.
“Good evening my love. Sorry it took me so long to come see you but our flight was delayed.”
Pulling the chair close to Seungri’s bed Jiyong sat down and held Seungri’s warm hand in his as he recalled the concert and told him how all the fans were sending gifts for him and asking to see if he was any better. Jiyong told him how the concert still was not the same without him.
“Please Ri, come back to me baby. You don't even have to worry about another woman in my life nor that demon spawn that I was stupid enough to be with. She was taken care of. Dami, Hannah and even our sister in law took care of her. I had to pay her hospital fees but she won't be a problem for us ever again.”
Before Jiyong could continue a doctor walked in to check in on Seungri for the night.
“How is he?” Jiyong asked.
“He is the same, still healthy with no complications. He just needs to wake up.”
Jiyong just nodded his head as the doctor walked out of the room. The weight of his actions still weighed down on him. Jiyong sat there for a few moments before getting up and going to the door to turn the light off. Walking back to Seungri he kicked his shoes off and climbed into bed wrapping his body around Seungri’s.
“Please Seungri. Please won't you come back to me. I am sorry, you have no idea how sorry I am. I don't know how many more times I need to say it but I will say sorry every single day if you just come back to me.”
Clutching onto Seungri’s hospital shirt he cried.
“God please won't you give him back to me? If you need to take someone just take me! Seungri deserves the world, he doesn't deserve this. I do! Take me please! Just let him wake up! I promise to always make him smile and to keep the negative energy away from him. I will do everything for him. I will live my life to make him happy! I just need him back!”
Just as the night before they left Japan, Jiyong laid in bed crying and begging Seungri to come back until he himself fell asleep due to mental exhaustion.
The warm water from the bath and Jiyong’s soft caressing on his skin had Seungri closing his eyes and be lulled into a gentle sleepness. That was until he heard crying. Like before Seungri opened his eyes and strained his ears. The crying seemed familiar, he had heard it before.
The gentle whisper was so quiet that he wasn't sure if he heard it.
Seungri sat up and away from Jiyong before turning to him. “What’s wrong?” Seungri asked.
“Nothing, why do you ask?”
“You were crying and calling my name.”
“No I wasn't, you were sleeping baby.”
“No I heard you. You were calling my name.”
“No I wasn't, just ignore it.”
“No, I heard your voice! I have heard it enough to recognize it anywhere.”
“I am right here next to you and I am not crying. Why would I deny that?”
“Something isn’t right.”
Getting up out of the tub Seungri clung on to the counter as his head began to pound. The sound of Jiyong crying was getting louder but as he looked through his squinted eyes he saw Jiyong in the tub not making a sound.
“Jiyong what’s going on?”
“Why can’t you just let things be? You’re not even here right now. Physically you’re not but mentally you are. Your brain doesn’t want to be awake. The pain you will face out there is too much. Just stay here with me where you won’t ever feel pain again! You are safe and loved here. We can have everything!”
“What? If that’s true then I have to wake up! My family...they must be so worried! I need to wake up. They need me!”
“I need you!”
“No you don’t! You’re not even real! There are real people out there that need me!”
“Fine. Go. Go back to them but leave your pain here. Go back to your family but forget everything that has caused you pain.”
Jiyong stood from the tub and walked over to Seungri and cupped his face and whispered “let me take your pain” before he kissed his lips gently.
The feeling of something softly stroking his hair had awoken Jiyong. He closed his eyes and snuggled closer into Seungri body and hummed in content when he felt what should have been a sleeping form shake with a soft chuckle. Shooting up in the bed Jiyong found a smiling Seungri looking at him.
“Seungri you’re awake!”
“Hyung what am I doing here?”
“You got hurt. God seungri I am so sorry. Will you forgive me?”
“Forgive you? I don’t understand, did you do something wrong? Whatever it is I know you didn’t mean it so I forgive you.”
Jiyong looked at the gentle man in front of him unsure as to how he would have easily been forgiven for the amount of pain he caused.
“Seungri what is the last thing you remember?”
Seungri sat there and thought hard but nothing was coming to mind. He knew he was on tour with the group but there were fuzzy parts he couldn’t remember.
“Hyung...I think there is something wrong. I can’t remember.”
Jiyong slowly got off the bed and backed up to the door. “Wait here Ri, let me get a doctor.” Turning to the door Jiyong escaped the room, things were definitely wrong.
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realmckitten · 6 years
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Anon, I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for, but it was the first thing I thought of when I read nyongtory Christmas. I hope you enjoy it.
A Nyongtory Christmas
On the first day of Christmas nyongtory gave to me...
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A ship that sails itself.
On the second day of Christmas nyongtory gave to me....
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two true soulmates. and a ship that sails itself.
On the third day of Christmas nyongtory gave to me...
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I need to kiss you. two true soulmates and a ship that sails itself.
On the fourth day of Christmas nyongtory gave to me...
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just can't stop staring. I need to kiss you, two true soulmates and a ship that sails itself.
On the fifth day of Christmas nyongtory gave to me...
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matching couple rings! just can't stop staring, I need to kiss you, two true soulmates and a ship that sails itself.
Merry Nyongtory Christmas!! 🐼❤🐉
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bigbangicons · 7 years
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♡ list of bigbang shows, documentaries and stuff (portuguese sub)  ♡
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seoulofakwonjiyong · 7 years
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Nyongtory Birthday Mood Board
The party was in full swing. JiYong watched as Seungri was surrounded by guests, smiling when Seungri greeted them. The room was decorated impeccably, red and black littered the room in the form of balloons, streamers and matching tableware. Guests mingled around the room, their chatter filling the air. JiYong was greeted by a few guests as he made his way over to his boyfriend, thanking each of them for coming. TOP was doing his traditional, “Happy Birthday Bro!” while Seungri laughed the whole time as he approached the table. JiYong kissed Seungri’s temple with a smile, “Happy Birthday jagiya.”
Special Birthday Mood Board for our dear maknae, Lee Seunghyun. HAPPY BRITHDAY SEUNGRI!! 17.12.12
Requested by @kwvndrgvn | REQUESTS ARE OPEN | Masterlist
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chaka0210-blog · 7 years
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Don't cry GD, Richard Lee is in town! 🐼🐾 ~Only after editing the photo, I noticed that their clothes is matching too...lol 😁 #bigbang #GD #gdragon #jiyong #kwonjiyong #xxxibgdrgn #kwonleader #seungriseyo #seungri #leeseunghyun #leeseungri #nyongtory #nyongtorylove #nyongtori #bigbangfunny #nyongtoryisreal #seungribigbang #gdragonbigbang #bigbangvips #Bigbangfanart #gdfanart #gdragonart #bigbangmeme #kpopfunnymemes #kpopmeme #motte #myfanart
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ygsneglectedchild · 8 years
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Mino and Daesung - The bad luck couple wearing the same blazer Nyongtori and TOPBae duo wearing the same clothes.. Wineo hyungs - Turtleneck duo KSY - victim of the "Let's match shirths and don't tell ____ prank" Mino and GD - matching faces
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bigbangpics · 7 years
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♢ © izatory  if you use, reblog/like if you save or like ♡
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tabi-ears · 8 years
isnt it eerie how the members personalities match their zodiac signs?? astrology is real...
I'M SAYIN!!!!!!Top is the epitome of a Scorpio, and if anyone doesn't agree they can fight me!GD as a Leo? Prideful? Charismatic? Passionate? On point.Taeyang & Daesung? Tauruses? Kind? Stubborn? Loving? Caring?Seungri as a Sag? Energetic? Good sense of humor? Loves traveling??Also how nyongtory is compatible bc sag and leo ~And then todae & tobae is compatible bc taurus and scorpio!!!ITS ALL REAL
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lady-une · 6 years
BSD Ch 6
I am on a role with my posts today lol. So here is the next chapter of the story. Just trigger warning for sexual content. If gay sex scenes are not your cup of tea please dont read this. Then again, why would you be reading a nyongtory fanfic anyways? So yeah. I really hope you guys enjoy this update. As always please like, leave me some feedback, and share. Help me reach a fellow nyongtorian who is needing their little Gri fix for the night!
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He thought their love was eternal, that nothing would be able to break them apart. He put his trust and faith in the man he loved with all his heart. The one man he thought would never hurt him, did it in the most horrific way possible. How will he move on, having to see the man who broke his heart day in and day out. Having to see him smile and look at another the way he once did him. If had known this was his destiny all along, he would never had started on this path to begin with.
Word count: 3051
Theme: Angst
Rating: Mature, SMUT, Drinking
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Seungri
Master List
Chapter 1
The feeling of being held tightly with his legs unable to move was what caused Seungri to stir from his slumber. Slowly blinking his eyes and waiting for his brain to catch up to his awareness he felt something stir behind him. Someone was grabbing him around the waist holding him in a death grip, legs were intertwined with his holding him from moving away. By now Seungri’s brain was fully awake and the realization dawned on him of who was behind him. Slowly as to not wake the sleeping Jiyong Seungri twisted his body so he was face to face with the man. Jiyong had loosened his grip when he felt Seungri moving but as soon as Seungri was back in place he hitched his leg up over his hip and pulled him close. The new position had Seungri’s heart racing, he was inches away from Jiyong’s face. Being so close he could smell Jiyong’s shampoo and his body wash. The slow even breaths escaping Jiyong’s lips washed over his face.
Seungri tried his best to go back to sleep, he knew this wasn’t right. Being in this position or having Jiyong in his bed period was crossing a line. Jiyong was no longer his but damn it if he couldn’t feel himself becoming aroused. It had been too long since he was intimate, it didn’t help that Jiyong was the man that still filled his heart. Pulling his bottom lip in he chewed on it thinking things over in his head. Throwing all sense of rationalization out the window he went for it, when would be the next time he had a chance like this anyways. Slowly Seungri moved his head closer to Jiyong’s until he felt his lips ever so softly brush against Jiyong’s. With his lips finally touching the man who he loved he waited. Closing his eyes he took the chance to put this feeling permanently into his memory. The way Jiyong’s soft lips felt against his. The way they were warm and moist. He never wanted to forget this moment for as long as he could live.
Jiyong became aware of everything the minute he felt Seungri’s lips on his, but he stayed still and fanned sleep. Jiyong tried to fight against the growing want for Seungri but he too was no match for it. Opening his eyes he took in Seungri who had his eyes shut and a look of euphoria on his face. Closing his eyes Jiyong gave into his needs. Pulling Seungri even closer he began to move his lips against the maknae’s.
Seungri was shocked by the change and went to pull away but was held in his place when he felt Jiyong’s hand on his face. Closing his eyes he went with the flow letting Jiyong take control of the situation. The kiss started out slow and passionate but quickly turned heated. Both the men were clawing at each other’s skin, Seungri’s tongue was sucked into Jiyong’s mouth where the elder viciously kissed him no doubt causing his lips to bruise. When Seungri came up for air Jiyong moved his attention to the maknae’s neck and began sucking and nipping on it. Moans were falling from Seungri’s lips as he felt Jiyong rock into his body revealing that he too was being affected by the situation.
Jiyong with his free hand pushed Seungri onto his back before coming to hover over him moving his sensual kisses and nips from his neck down his chest and towards his pants. Seungri breathlessly moaned and called out for Jiyong to not stop. Jiyong was far too gone lost to the lust that had taken over his brain. Jiyong’s long fingers made quick work of the pants that were the only barrier to him and Seungri. When they were pulled down far enough Seungri’s hard member sprung free bouncing off and revealing the moist tip that was leaking. Jiyong licked his lips before looking up at Seungri needing his permission, Seungri could only nod. With a smile on his lips Jiyong shot his mouth down taking in all of Seungri in one swift move.
Arching his back off the bed Seungri did his best to hold back from fucking Jiyong’s mouth. Grabbing the sheets of the bed he held on as Jiyong relentlessly bobbed up and down in a quick motion before one of his hands came to Seungri’s sack and pulled on it.
“Fuck!” Seungri shouted out as he felt the beginning of his orgasm making its way up from his toes.
Jiyong moaned over Seungri’s dick as he pulled out his own member giving it a few hard strokes. The moaning over Seungri’s dick and the fact that he hadn’t had a release in weeks had him racing towards his release.
“I’m going to cum Ji!” He shouted, his hands moving to Jiyong’s hair to pull on it.
Jiyong stopped his own stroking and pulled again on Seungri’s sack and gave him a long hard suck. That was all it took for Seungri to open his mouth shouting explicit words in ecstasy. Jiyong took ever lost shot of hot cum streams into his mouth. When he felt Seungri was done he sat up and looked down at the dazed and sated maknae. Opening his mouth, he stuck two fingers in to grab some of the cum before he swallowed the rest. Moving his fingers down to Seungri’s rear he spread the cum around before placing himself at the entrance.
Seungri still riding the high from his orgasm felt Jiyong slowly push his way in. He was tight, it had been over a year since he had been entered in that way. Jiyong clamped his eyes shut to concentrate on not just shoving himself in and destroying Seungri.
Once fully inside Jiyong let out a gasp and soft “fuck”. He waited for Seungri to give him a signal to move, it took a minute for him to adjust but Seungri lifted his hips to show Jiyong he could move. The thrusts were soft and slow, Jiyong had missed this. The feeling of his heart being back home was too much and he felt his eyes begin to water. Closing them he picked up the pace both men letting out gasps and moans. The pressure was building up in Jiyong’s balls and he knew it was only a matter of time, Seungri was too tight for him to last.
“Let it go Ji, let it lose. Fuck me!” Seungri said in between moans.
Jiyong didn’t need to be told twice. Grabbing both of Seungri’s legs Jiyong lifted them up and began hammering into Seungri, the sound of their skin slapping against each other filled the room mixing in with their loud primal moans. With his eyes closed Jiyong clenched down on his teeth and grunted out as he released himself deep within Seungri.
Opening his eyes he allowed Seungri to lower his legs before he pulled out and fell back onto the bed. Both men laid there spent and unable to move or speak. Words needed to be said, but neither could form a coherent sentence. When they were able to move the two men pulled each other close and fell right back to sleep.
The sound of Seungri’s alarm blaring had awoken the maknae. Turning to his side his hand reached out for Jiyong but only found the cold bed sheet. Sitting up he looked around before calling out Jiyong’s name. Waiting for a moment when he heard no reply he stood form his bed. Pain resonated from his rear and he winced and stood still waiting for the pain to subside. Moving slowly he made his way to the bathroom thinking Jiyong must be showering. Opening the door he didn’t find Jiyong in there nor did he find him anywhere in the apartment as he looked around. All the happiness he was feeling earlier vanished from his heart, the sadness that was there the day before returned.
Arriving at the venue Seungri was ushered into the back room where the rest of his band mates were beginning to get ready. Seunghyun in his excited Tabi voice shouted the entrance of the youngest member. Seungri smiled and walked over to his chair. Daesung who watched Seungri enter the room from his reflection in the mirror, noticed the way his eyes were lifeless and he didn’t have the excitement he usually did when they were starting a tour. Daesung kept his mouth shut but continued to watch Seungri.
Daesung wasn’t the only one watching him, Seunghyun and Youngbae were also watching the maknae move about getting ready. It wasn’t until Seungri went to take his clothes off to change when one of them spoke up.
Watching Seungri take his shirt off Seunghyun who was laughing at something on his phone went dead silent. A slow anger began to build inside as he took in all the marks that were scattered around the maknae’s chest. Someone had gotten to the maknae last night and it wasn’t the sweet Mino since he was busy. Standing from his seat and surprising the lady apply his makeup he rushed off into the other room that housed Jiyong.
“You fucking piece of shit!” Seunghyun shouted as he grabbed onto Jiyong’s hair pulling him as he attempted to back up from the furious looking elder. “I told you not to touch him! I told you to leave him be! All you were supposed to do was check on him! That didn’t mean to have your way with him and fuck with his mind even more!”
Seunghyun’s loud yelling had everyone’s eyes on him and just as he was pulling his arm back to lay a blow to Jiyong he was stopped by Seungri. The maknae had a hold of his arm and was pulling it behind his back.
“Hyung please stop.” Seungri pleaded. “We don’t need this right now, you can’t hit him and leave him battered right before we are to start the tour!”
“The bastard deserves it!” Seunghyun spat out as he tried to wiggle his arm loose from the maknae.
“Even if he did it’s my responsibility to handle it if I want to. Hyung I love you for always being there for me and protecting me, but I need to handle this on my own. We don’t need this drama within the group. Besides me and Jiyong talked everything through and we are at an understanding. We got our closure last night and you don’t need to worry about us. Right Ji?”
Seungri looked over Seunghyun’s shoulder and pleaded with Jiyong to go with his lie. Jiyong looked up as best he could from his position and nodded his head.
“The maknae is right, we handled our business and sorted things out.” Jiyong tried to make his voice less shaky and confident but wasn’t sure if it was coming off that way.
Seunghyun took a moment to think things through before releasing Jiyong. “If you ever think about crossing the line again with the maknae I won’t let anyone stop me again!” Seunghyun said in a low growl before turning and walking out the door to finish getting ready.
Jiyong told everyone to leave his room except for Seungri. Once everyone was out Jiyong sat down in his chair with his head in his hands. His heart was racing from the fear that was coursing through his body. He had never expected the eldest member to be so violent. When he finally had his breathing and heart under control he looked up at Seungri who stood there playing with his bracelet.
“Why did you do that?” Jiyong asked in a low tone.
“Because we don’t need discourse in the group. We need to be a united front and if me lying will get us there then so be it.”
“Thank you Seungri.”
“I didn’t do it for you, I did it for the fans. If we weren’t about to start this tour I would have gladly sat back and watched Seunghyun pummel you into the ground.”
Jiyong’s eyes widened at the remark, he wasn’t expecting that kind of response.
“I want you to understand something. Last night was everything I had been missing and wanting since you broke my heart. You have no idea the kind of pain I have been going through. I know what we did was wrong and should never had happened and part of me regrets it right now. I just hope you know that it won’t ever happen again. I don’t ever want you to touch me again. I don’t ever want you in my apartment again. I will continue to be the happy maknae of Bigbang when I need to be, I will play my part of the nyogntory fan service. But outside of that I want nothing to do with you Kwon Jiyong.”
Jiyong would be lying if it didn’t feel like he was just stabbed in the gut. The tone in Seungri’s voice was so calm but it was filled with so much malice that Jiyong worried that if he stepped out of line if it would be Seungri delivering the blows and not Seunghyun.
“Seungri I am sorry about last night.” Jiyong began but was cut off.
“I was the one who started it and I should have never done that.”
“We were both at fault then.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I know where I stand with you. I just need you to keep yourself in line and not overstep boundaries. You have a girlfriend, you want to get married and to have a family. I respect your wishes even if it hurts me. Just respect my wishes, don’t step over the line when it comes to my personal life. You have no say in who I spend time with, who I take to bed, and who I choose to spend my life with. You lost that right.”
Another jab to the gut, Jiyong was starting to feel queasy.
“No Jiyong. I don’t want to hear anything. Just do as I say, and we will be fine.”
Seungri didn’t give Jiyong the chance to answer before walking out of the room and right to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet he finally let all his emotions loose. He had to be strong in there. He had to put on the front so that Jiyong would know he wasn’t messing around. When in reality he wanted Jiyong to come back to him. He wanted more nights like the night before. But it was only a fantasy he was dreaming. What happened the night before would never happen again, and it broke his heart.
The performance that night was high on energy. The fans were explosive with their cheers and screams of joy. The sets they performed were colorful and fast paced. Every member was having so much fun being back together. Daesung was acting seductive as he usually would, Seunghyun was ever the playful Bingu, Youngbae was the one to bounce back and forth between the group. Seungri was the silly maknae everyone knew and loved trying to avoid the advances of the flirtatious Jiyong. Every time the fans called the nyogntory skits fan service they had no idea just how much the couple had enjoyed touching and actually kissing on stage. Yet now it was a different story. Seungri’s heart broke every time Jiyong got close and their faces would be inches apart. Trying to keep his smile on his face was a challenge when all he wanted to do was cry. By the end of the night after they had left the stage for the final time the group was laughing and jumping all over each other. Seunghyun even was being playful with Jiyong, the fight they had before was no longer in their memory. Seungri keeping to his promise to keep up with the lie also played along. Either his acting was improving, or everyone was just jaded with their first concert in years, no one seemed to notice how much he was dying on the inside.
Arriving back home Seungri went right for the bottle of wine in his fridge. Not bothering with a glass he took it into his bedroom and laid in bed gulping the red sweet yet bitter liquid down. He didn’t want to feel anymore that night, he just wanted to slip into a dreamless sleep. The liquor did its job and before he was finished with the bottle he had fallen asleep letting the bottle fall to the floor spilling its contents out.
The next morning Seungri woke up with his mouth feeling like it was full of cotton balls. Walking out of his room he kicked the empty bottle across the floor. Not bothering to pick it up he went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face before getting a glass of water. His head ached, and he dreaded another day of performances. At what point would enough be enough. How much more pain would he have to endure before this charade either got easier or ended.
Arriving at the venue everyone was still riding the high from the night before. Putting on the mask of a happy maknae he walked around to all the members greeting them. The performance tonight would be similar to the one before. Seungri gulped down his water before he took Jiyong to the side.
“I want less nyongtory stuff today.”
“The fans eat that up, it makes them go crazy! We can’t just cut that out.”
“I didn’t say cut it out, but I want less of it.”
“Weren’t you the one who said this was all for the fans?”
“I did, and it was also me who said you needed to respect boundaries and yesterday you went too far.”
“Don’t worry about things maknae, just enjoy it.”
It was Jiyong’s turn to leave before Seungri had a chance to object. Throwing the now empty water bottle in the trash Seungri took a moment to calm himself down before he returned to finish getting ready. Tonight was going to be another long night and he was going to need to make a stop off at the liquor store.
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lady-une · 6 years
Here it is, the next chapter to my nyongtory fic. I’m actually really tired but I was determined to get this out to you guys. The first chapter got so much love and I just want to thank every single one of you that read it, shared it, and left me some feedback! It really makes my day every single time I get some feedback on my work. So without further ado he is the next chapter, and like always please leave me a like, some feedback, and share if you could. Help me reach someone who might not know about my little slice of Tumblr heaven.
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He thought their love was eternal, that nothing would be able to break them apart. He put his trust and faith in the man he loved with all his heart. The one man he thought would never hurt him, did it in the most horrific way possible. How will he move on, having to see the man who broke his heart day in and day out. Having to see him smile and look at another the way he once did him. If had known this was his destiny all along, he would never had started on this path to begin with.
Word count: 4331
Theme: Angst
Rating: Mature, SMUT, Drinking
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Seungri
Master List
Chapter 1
Seunghyun arrived quickly leaving Daesung to wonder how many driving laws the man had broken to get there. Daesung was sitting at the kitchen table with a bag of broken glass at his feet, another bag full of Jiyong’s items, and the pictures laid out on the table. Seunghyun walked to the table pulling the opposite chair from Daesung out.
“What happened?”
“The place was a mess, I had thought that someone had broken in and trashed the place, god I wish that had been it. There was a trail of blood leading to the guest room and that’s where I found him. Hyung he had glass sticking out of his feet. What are we going to do?”
“Is he ok?”
“As far as I could tell the only wounds he had were on his feet and I already fixed it. But what are we going to do about him? We can’t let him go on like this, if he was feeling this way why didn’t he come to us?”
“I don’t know Dae, we will just have to wait to ask him that. But I have a feeling even if we do ask him he won’t tell us anything. You know Seungri doesn’t like to cause a problem, he is always trying to be the cheerful glue that holds us all together.”
“Well we can be the glue this time, I don’t want him to be hurting.”
“There is nothing we can do ourselves to take away the pain he is feeling right now. All we can do is be there for him. I can’t even imagine the pain he is going through right now. I could kill Jiyong for putting him through this.”
“Yes, well we can’t do that now can we.”
“No we cant.”
The two sat there in the silent apartment lost in their thoughts on how to help their maknae heal and overcome this pain. The two were no stranger to heart ache but never on the level that Seungri was dealing with. The two knew this was going to be an uphill battle but they were not going to give up on him, they wanted nothing but the best for Seungri.
Seungri rolled over on to his back and stared up at the ceiling. How long has it been since he was able to sleep in until his body was ready to be awake? The pressure behind his eyes and the pounding in his head made him want to go back to sleep. Reminders of what his reality was now. The growling of his stomach was also a reminder that he hadn’t eaten anything in who knows how long. Looking to the table he searched for his phone but didn’t see it. Throwing the blanket off his body he moved to sit up placing his feet onto the floor. A shot of pain registered causing him to wince, looking down at his feet he noticed they were bandaged? Who did that? He thought to himself, quickly the idea that maybe Jiyong had come back had him jumping up from the bed and running out of the room and to the living room. On the couch instead of Jiyong he had found a sleeping Seunghyun sitting up with a sleeping Daesung resting his head in the elder’s lap. Tears pricked at his eyes as his hopes died in his heart, of course he wouldn’t be here. Turning to go back to the bedroom he stopped and yelped out in pain waking the two sleeping men.
“Seungri?” A sleepy Seunghyun called out.
“Ah sorry to wake you guys, what are you even doing here?” Seungri put his hand behind his head rubbing his neck.
“We were worried about you, you didn’t show up at the studio.” Daesung said sitting up on the couch.
“Yeah sorry about that I was really tired.”
“It’s ok, we get that. We were all super tired when we got out. How are you doing?” Daesung said trying to give a warm smile to the down looking Seungri.
“I’m fine.”
“Seungri, you know that you can always come to us for anything. You don’t need to go through this alone.” Seunghyun motioned between himself and Daesung making sure that Seungri got the point.
“I know hyung, I really appreciate it but I’m fine really.”
Daesung looked at Seungri, the man looked like he was ready to burst into tears. Looking towards Seunghyun he bit his lip, he didn’t know how to broach the topic of what he found last night. The elder grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze letting him know he would handle it.
“Seungri, your apartment was kind of a mess last night. Plus you injured your feet, I wouldn’t really call that as being fine.”
“Hyung I know, I was kind of childish last night. Don’t worry though, I got it all out of my system and I will be fine. I won’t cause any problems.”
“Seungri, don’t hold stuff in its not healthy. If you want to scream or curse him to the ends of the earth then do it.”
“Hyung, I won’t do that. I am a grown man, I can’t be acting like a kid anymore.”
Seungri looked up at Seunghyun and gave him a smile, but the smile didn’t match his eyes. Standing from the couch Seunghyun reached Seungri in two large strides taking the broken man in his arms. That was all it took for Seungri to lose his composure. Grasping onto the back of Seunghyun shirt with his fists he let the damn of emotions break. He sobbed into his elder’s chest, heavy large cries filled the once silent living room. Daesung sat there watching the two embrace with his own tears flowing from his eyes. He had only ever seen Seungri cry twice since he had known him and that was when they had first started.
“Why did he do it? Was I not good enough for him? I would have done anything for him. Why doesn’t he love me the way I love him?” Seungri cried out between his sobs.
“I don’t know, but what I do know is that you are too good for him. Jiyong is a fool to throw your love away. He is the one who is not good enough for you! You deserve the world and more, you deserve someone who will love you unconditionally and will fight for your love. You don’t need a coward who will run when things aren’t going his way. I know there is nothing I can do to take this pain away, all I can do is be here for you. Some day and it might not be any time soon this pain will lessen and you will find love again.”
“I don’t think I ever want to love again.”
“You say that now but some day you will. Don’t rush yourself, work through these emotions and one day you will want to. Just know that we are always here for you.”
Seunghyun rubbed Seungri’s back trying to calm the man down as he continued to sob into his chest. Daesung stood from where he was on the couch and moved to the embracing men and hugged Seungri from behind. He needed to make sure that Seungri knew that what Seunghyun had said was true, him and Seunghyun would always be there for Seungri no matter what.
Seungri was sitting on his bed while Daesung sat on the floor changing the bandages on his feet. Seungri felt stupid for not having realized that he was injuring himself the night prior, but the only thing he could register was that blinding anger he felt. Just as Daesung was applying the last bandage to his wound Seunghyun walked in with a tray holding three glasses and some fruit. Setting the tray on the bed he handed a glass to both Seungri and Daesung before taking his own and leaning up against the dresser for support.
“So what would you like to do today?” Seunghyun asked as he sipped on his coffee.
“I don’t know, I am sure I should probably get back to work. Besides there is probably lots of stuff to do for the comeback right?”
“Yeah, I mean we have lots of tracks down but we are missing an important vocalist in them. But I am sure if we ask we can delay it another day so you can have time to rest.”
“No I should get back to work, I don’t want to be the reason our comeback is anymore delayed then it is right now.”
Daesung looked up at Seungri as he drank his coffee, the trademark dark circles were prominent under his puffy red eyes. He wished that he could take away all this pain for him, he wished he could hide him away from the world until he was ready, but in true Seungri form he has to face things head on to make sure he wasn’t a burden to the band. The three of them finished their coffees and ate their fruit before the two elders headed out to change their clothes and meet at the Studio. On their way out Seunghyun made sure to grab the bag of clothes that belonged to Jiyong while Daesung grabbed the bag of glass and the pictures off the table.
On his way home Seunghyun made sure to make a little detour before heading home. Pulling up to Jiyong’s apartment he grabbed the bag and headed up. Jiyong answered the door with a tired look on his face before moving aside to let his elder in.
“What brings you here, why are you in the same clothes as yesterday?” Jiyong asked before letting out a long yawn. Jiyong didn’t even notice the bag of clothes Seunghyun was holding until he threw it at Jiyong.
“These belong to you!” He growled out.
“What?” Jiyong asked as the bag fell to the floor.
“Listen to me good Kwon because I am only going to say this once. If you do anything to hurt Seungri, anything more than what you have already done I will kill you with my own two hands. If you step one perfectly pedicured toe out of line I will make sure that you won’t make it to your next birthday. If you so much as breath or look at Seungri wrong I will snap you.”
“What are you even going on about?”
“You fucking broke that man! I have never seen him that way before, the clothes in the bag are from his apartment. The only time you are even permitted to talk to him is about work. Don’t flaunt that little homewrecker in front of him either until he has healed from the pain you have caused. I don’t care if I have to go to jail I will end you!”
Seunghyun didn’t even give Jiyong a chance to respond to his threats before he turned and walked out the door. Jiyong could only look at the bag of clothes on the floor that had spilled out and back to the door. Jiyong just shook his head, if Seunghyun wanted to act like the panda’s protector then so be it. Pushing the bag to the side with his foot he went back to getting ready for the day. He had a full day instore with music and a dinner date with his girlfriend.
Seungri arrived at the studio and found Jiyong huddled over the computer with Youngbae next to him. Daesung was sitting on the couch reading something on his phone, scanning the room he noticed the eldest had yet to show up. Daesung looked up from his phone and smiled.
“Seungri!” He called out catching the attention of the two other men in the room.
Youngbae turned around and smiled before moving to hug the panda. “Welcome back bro!” Youngbae playfully said as he patted Seungri on the back making Seungri chuckle a bit.
“It’s good to be back.” Seungri responded as he returned the hug.
Youngbae moved back and took in the panda, he filled out while he was away, the man was more muscular now but his body still looked the same. The other thing he noticed was the sad expression that Seungri held in his eyes, but he chose not to mention it.
Seungri chanced a glance in Jiyong’s direction, the man had turned in his chair to look at him. He held no expression on his face, he just looked at him like he would a stranger. That hurt Seungri the most, were they strangers now? Is that what they had come too? Not wanting to make things awkward in the room he decided he would speak first.
“Hello Jiyong.”
“Seungri.” The man he had loved responded, his voice was void of any emotion. “We have lots of work to do to get this album out so we should get back to work.” He added before turning around and going back to work.
The atmosphere in the room was tense, things use to be playful when they worked on their music but that wasn’t the case anymore. Seunghyun had arrived a bit late causing Jiyong to snap in annoyance before Seunghyun glared at him. Jiyong had played everything they had recorded so far before emailing Seungri his lyrics for the songs. The custom ringtone rang out in the room, the lyrics for “Crayon” sounded loudly before Seungri grabbed his phone to silence it. He looked down at his phone with sadness, he was going to need to change things in his phone.
The rest of the day was spent going over music and getting Seungri in the recording booth to try out his part of the song they were working on. Things were going smoothly and he was able to keep his emotions in check as long as he didn’t pay attention to Jiyong. The other three members did their best to keep the two apart and to keep them from interacting. Daesung was extremely worried about how Seungri was going to react being so close to Jiyong. He also didn’t miss the death glares that Seunghyun was sending Jiyong every time Jiyong would open his mouth. It was obvious that Seunghyun had some words with Jiyong because the tension between the two was thick. The hour was getting late and everyone was starting to yawn. It had been so long since the five of them had been together this late into the night. He was starting to wonder who was going to fall first. Seungri looked emotionally drained, Seunghyun looked tired and stiff, Youngbae kept glancing at his phone, and Jiyong was too busy with his mind on music. It was the sound of Youngbae’s phone going off that caught his attention.
“My love.” Youngbae yawned into the phone before listening to whatever his wife was saying. “Alright I will be there soon.” He added before hanging up his phone and turning towards the group. “I’m heading out first, the little man is causing trouble for his mamma so I need to go relieve her.”
The group waived at him as he grabbed his bag and walked out the door. Seunghyun leaned his head back on the couch he was sitting in before letting out a big yawn and stretching as best as he could. The next phone that went off was Jiyong’s, the custom ringtone was well known to the members except Seungri.
“Jagi, I know I know I’m late. I will be there in a bit.” Jiyong was silent and then added, “I know and I am sorry. Alright alright, I love you too.” Jiyong stood from his chair and grabbed his bag before waiving to the men and left the studio.
Daesung and Seunghyun looked at Seungri who was fiddling with his phone. Seunghyun was ready to get up and go make good on his threat but held back knowing he was needed here more. The two waited in silence before Seungri finally spoke up.
“So I guess it is really over. He loves her. I am going to head out then I guess. I will see you guys tomorrow.”
Seungri stood from his chair and made his way to the door but stopped when Daesung called out, “Seungri if you want how about you come stay with me or hyung. Or how about we have a sleepover at hyung’s apartment. We haven’t had one of those in ages!”
“I will be ok I promise, I won’t do anything foolish anymore I promise.” Seungri turned and smiled hoping to reassure his hyungs that he was telling the truth.
Daesung nodded his head and watched Seungri walk out of the room. Seunghyun got up and went over to Daesung and sat next to him. Grabbing his hand he gave him a squeeze. “Don’t worry Dae, he has to work this out on his own. We can’t keep him from working through this.”
“I know hyung but I don’t want him to be alone.”
“We can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to, we also can’t invade his privacy. Let’s head out it’s getting late.”
“Ok hyung.”
“You know we can still have the sleepover at my house.”
Seunghyun smiled and Daesung rolled his eyes before laughing, Seunghyun ever the flirt was always trying to make Daesung and the rest of the guys smile. It wasn’t his fault that Daesung always fell victim to his charm.
Seungri walked into his apartment and didn’t bother turning the light on. Instead he went into the guestroom and stripped off his clothes before climbing under the covers. Grabbing the pillow next to him he brought it close to him and buried his face into it letting it drown out his sobs. Things were truly over for the two, the man he loved no longer had him in his heart.
The next morning Seungri arrived at the studio and was summoned to Yang Hyun-suk’s office. Walking into the office he sat down and waited to hear what his summons was about. Yang Hyun-suk got up from behind his desk and sat across from Seungri.
“How are you feeling?”
“Good, excited to be back to work.”
“That’s good. I wanted to double check to make sure things were ok within the band.”
“Things are good, the guys were very welcoming of me coming back and we got right to work.”
“Good good. Just know if you need anything you can come to me.”
“I know, was there anything else.”
“No unless you can think of something.”
Seungri shook his head and was dismissed. Walking through the hallways Seungri ran into members of the other groups who all bowed and welcomed him back to work. Jennie came up to him giving him a tight hug before telling him if he ever wanted to come hang out with the girls he was more then welcomed to. Mino also stopped him in the hallway to tell him if he ever wanted to go out to give him a call and he will show him some new clubs that had opened up. Seungri kept the offer in the back of his mind, he knew now was not the time to be partying but once things were on the way it would be fun to be able to go out.
Once in the studio all five members got right to work. The music was flowing and things seemed to be better today than they were the other day. Everyone was laughing and cracking jokes, Seunghyun was even smiling and not glaring so much at Jiyong. At lunch time Jiyong stood up and said he was going to grab food for everyone and began taking everyone’s requests but skipped Seungri before heading towards the door.
“Hyung you forgot to take my request.”
“Why should I?”
“Oh, I’m sorry I will go get my own.” Seungri quietly said before standing.
“Why would you? Do you not like kimchi stew from across the street anymore.”
“No I do.”
“Ok then, I will be right back.”
Seungri sat back down, he didn’t know how to feel or act in this situation. He was so confused, on one hand he was happy to know that Jiyong still remembered his favorite dish but on the other hand he was just being a good leader so of course he would remember. Jiyong came back with his arms weighed down by food before Seungri jumped up to grab them and started laying everything out on the table. The group sat around eating their lunches and sharing stories. Seungri got to hear for the first time how Youngbae was handling being a new father to his son. It made him smile, he was happy for him that he was living the most of his life. Not too long ago Seungri was thinking he would be able to do that when he got out of the army but that just wasn’t in the stars for him anymore. Holding back the emotions that were racing to the forefront he shoved another spoonful of stew and rice into his mouth. He chewed and tried to swallow before he started to choke on the large portion. The other four members eyes were on him instantly, Jiyong who was sitting to the right of Seungri had moved a smidge before sitting back down. Seunghyun who was on the other side noticed and glared at Jiyong before grabbing a bottle of water and opening it for Seungri.
“Chew your food properly Seungri, we don’t need you dying on us.” Seunghyun scolded him as he patted him on the back.
Seungri swallowed the water from the water bottle before taking some deep breaths. His face had turned a bright shade of red due to his embarrassment from choking on his food and because of the choking.
“Sorry hyung, and thanks.”
The rest of the lunch time was spent without any more choking incidents. After lunch the group got back to work and had half of the songs completed with lyrics by the end of the night. Seungri’s voice was strained, all the crying he had been doing the past few days were not making things easy on him. Jiyong had stopped him a few times to yell at him about his vocal pitch before making him start over. Seungri felt like he was right at the beginning again, he wasn’t preforming on the level that the almighty G-dragon had expected him too. Jiyong had finally called it a night after snapping yet again on Seungri for his voice sounding strained. Seunghyun had wanted to pounce on Jiyong, of course his voice was strained form everything he had been going through but Youngbae just shook his head telling the elder to let things be. Jiyong and Seungri needed to find their place in the group again.
Everyone was walking out to the parking lot tired after a long day in the studio. Jiyong and Youngbae were walking in front of the other three talking when a honking car came pulling up beside them. Out of the driver side came a young woman, she was short in stature, long auburn hair and a very feminine looking face. She wore designer black pants and had a light pink sweater on, her face was perfectly painted on and diamonds hung from her ears. Seungri watched as she walked over to the two men and hugged Youngbae before moving to Jiyong to kiss him. Seungri felt his heart fall right to his feet, this was the woman who had replaced him in Jiyong’s heart. She was the one who was going to give him everything that Seungri couldn’t. Seunghyun clenched his fist at the sight in front of him, how could this be happening right now! Daesung looked at Seungri and saw the color was draining from his face, he needed to get him out of there soon. Grabbing onto Seungri’s hand Daesung began to lead him away from the romantic scene.
“Oh it’s Seungri!”
The woman’s sickly-sweet voice called out, the sound of her voice probably was sweet and angelic to any man but to Seungri she sounded like a banshee. She pulled away from Jiyong and began making her way towards Seungri before she stopped right in front of him. She bowed before raising her hand to greet him.
“Hello, my name is Soo-min.”
Seungri knew he needed to greet her, he couldn’t be rude with everyone watching him. Raising his hand he shook hers and hoped the smile he was trying to convey looked friendly.
“It’s so nice to meet you, I have heard so many great things about you.”
“Nice to meet you too.”
“I would love it if we could all get together for dinner sometime. I would love to get to know you more.”
“I don’t know, we are really busy.”
“Well once things slow down.”
“Ah sure.”
The woman turned towards Jiyong before smiling and walking back to him. Seungri watched as she intertwined her fingers with Jiyong’s and leaned her head on his shoulder. Seungri had had enough and quickly made his way to his car before tearing out of the parking lot like a mad man.
When he arrived, he grabbed the bottle only bottle of liquor he had in the house, a bottle of wine he was saving for a special occasion. How ironic was it that he had wanted to drink this with Jiyong when he got out but now he was drinking it alone because of Jiyong. With the bottle empty he threw it in the sink making it smash into little pieces. The sadness had settled into his body and in his drunken state he couldn’t fight it off. Walking into the guest room he fell onto the bed grabbing the same pillow from the night before he sobbed into it yet again.
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lady-une · 6 years
Wow....so yeah this chapter is setting some shit up for later on. Kind of building up the emotional level before I come in with my wrecking ball to destroy shit. I hope you all enjoy this and as I usualy say, please love, leave me some feedback, and share. Help me reach some nyongtory fans who might not know about me!
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He thought their love was eternal, that nothing would be able to break them apart. He put his trust and faith in the man he loved with all his heart. The one man he thought would never hurt him, did it in the most horrific way possible. How will he move on, having to see the man who broke his heart day in and day out. Having to see him smile and look at another the way he once did him. If had known this was his destiny all along, he would never had started on this path to begin with.
Word count: 3387
Theme: Angst
Rating: Mature, SMUT, Drinking
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Seungri
Master List
Chapter 1
A couple of months had gone by since Jiyong had his emotional breakdown in his closet. He never once mentioned his war of emotions to anyone, he kept that bit of turmoil to himself. The comeback had been released and the album was taking the charts by storm. Jiyong and the rest of the group were ecstatic to see the fans rejoicing over the new music. All of the social media accounts were being flooded with happy and encouraging words from their fans. YG had announced the start to their tour shortly after their last radio show and the tickets sold out within seconds. The dates for their international tour were still being discussed but their Asian leg of the tour were going to be none stop performances. Daesung and Seungri were especially looking forward to their stops in Japan, as neither of the two had been there since they came out of enlistment.
Over the past couple of months Mino and Seungri were still attached at the hip whenever possible, much to the dislike of Jiyong. The two were popping up all over social media with fans capturing them on camera on their many dinner dates and mini stay-cations they had. Seungri didn’t talk much about what the two would do together when he was with the group, he knew Jiyong didn’t care for Mino and Seungri didn’t want to cause any problems within the group. Jiyong as much as he didn’t want to be, was upset over the fact that the rest of his band mates had accepted Mino into their lives. Photos had surfaced with Mino eating dinner with the band, comments under the picture had questioned the lack of Jiyong and wondered what was going. Seunghyun had even posted a picture from his apartment of Seungri and Mino sitting at his table drinking wine with Daesung sitting across from them. Jiyong knew that he had no right to feel the way he was, but it was starting to dawn on him just how far the maknae was moving away from him.
Preparing for the tour was not as easy as it used to be, by the end of the night the members were all left breathless and laying on the floor of the practice room. Like many other nights that’s where they were currently. Daesung and Seunghyun were left laughing on the floor after Seunghyun had messed up a move almost tripping Daesung. Youngbae was sitting on the chair guzzling water like he would never see it again. Jiyong had his hands on the mirror bracing himself as he gasped for breath. Sweat was falling down his forehead getting caught in his eyelashes, his shirt no doubt was soaked and would need a change before he went out into the cold night. Jiyong grabbed the bottom of his shirt lifting it up to wipe his face, when his vision was cleared he looked into the mirror to take in the others. A smile played at Jiyong’s face as he took in their carefree attitude. When his eyes finally landed on Seungri he couldn’t find it in himself to look away. Seungri laid out on the floor with his arms open, his eyes were closed, and his mouth hung open in a small smile as he listened to his elders’ banter. His chest rose and fell in rapid succession as he tried to catch his breath. Jiyong only finally took his eyes away from the maknae when he heard the door open, glaring at the door he wasn’t surprised to find Mino walking in. The heads of the other members all popped up and welcomed the younger man.
“You guys looked really good, I can’t wait to see the live performance!”
“Thanks, we still have some things to work out but it’s going well so far.” Youngbae said as he stood up to clap Mino on the back.
“We are done for the day, I imagine you came to snatch up the maknae?” Seunghyun questioned as he stood helping Daesung up off the ground as well.
“I was hoping I would be able to, but only if you are all done for the day.”
“Go right ahead, we are done.” Daesung said as he slowly walked over to the water bottle sitting on an empty chair.
“Seungri if you have no other plans?” Mino motioned to the door with his hand.
Seungri nodded his head from the floor and began to get up but fell back down to the floor clutching his calf. A sharp pain followed by a strong knot was forming in the maknae’s calf. Jiyong pushed off the mirror and was starting to walk over to Seungri to massage out the calf, the maknae was clearly not getting enough liquids or stretching out properly. Jiyong recalled the many nights he spent massaging his lover’s calf after a long night of practicing. But before Jiyong could even reach the maknae Mino was already there on knees with Seungri’s leg in his lap asking him where it hurt the most. Seungri through his gritted teeth told him where and Jiyong watched as Mino’s fingers moved around making the knot less tight, Seungri’s face slowly began to relax as the pain subsided. Mino helped Seungri to his feet before putting his arm around his waist helping him out the door.
Jiyong balled his fists before walking over to his bag on the floor and pulled out a new shirt. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt he roughly pulled the wet clothing off before shrugging on a dry one. Youngbae always the observant member walked over to his best friend as he was shoving the dirty clothing back into the bag.
“The maknae is forgetting his water.” Youngbae quietly said to the angry Jiyong.
“He is also forgetting to stretch properly.”
“Tomorrow maybe you should remind him, it wouldn’t be good for him to injury himself.”
“I’m sure his new “friend” will be more than happy to help him out when he does injury himself.”
“Don’t be an ass Jiyong, just remind him.”
“Do it yourself, he isn’t my problem anymore.”
“I didn’t know he was a problem.” Youngbae shook his head at his best friend before turning around and walking out the door.
Walking into the dance practice the next morning Seungri tried not to put pressure on his leg that was still sore from the massive cramp he had the day before. Mino had massaged his leg enough to make the cramp relax but that night it came back and Mino just didn’t know how to make it relax. Jiyong stood off in the corner of the room and watched the maknae walk in with a smile on his face but the smile didn’t match the pain in his eyes. It also didn’t go unnoticed how he favored a leg. Jiyong bent down grabbing the big water bottle full of ice cold water and walked over to where the maknae was sitting down now trying to stretch out his legs.
“You’re not drinking enough water.”
“Yeah, I guess I need to up my intake more.”
“It came back again last night didn’t it?”
Seungri nodded his head as he took the water bottle that Jiyong was handing him.
“You need to take better care of yourself. Didn’t that boy help your leg relax at all?”
“Mino doesn’t really have the magic touch I guess.”
Jiyong felt a bit of pride well up inside him, he has the magic touch and Mino doesn’t. Jiyong bent down onto his knees to the side of Seungri before grabbing the sore leg and putting it in his lap.
“Hyung, you don’t need to do that.”
“Be quiet, you are sore and if I don’t take care of this it will cause problems for the rest of us later on. Just drink that water.”
Seungri kept quiet as he allowed his ex lover to massage his sore calf. Closing his eyes he leaned back on his elbows enjoying the way Jiyong’s fingers worked over the muscle helping it relax. He had missed this, Jiyong truly did have a magic touch when it came to massages, more than once he would end up putting Seungri right to sleep when he would rub his back at night. Seungri struggled to keep in the moans that wanted to escape his lips as Jiyong hit the sorer parts of the muscle.
Out of the corner of his eye Jiyong watched Seungri with his head lolled back and his eyes closed. He hadn’t seen this look in such a long time, Seungri in this moment boarded on erotic if it wasn’t for the setting they were in. Memories flashed through Jiyong’s mind of Seungri in this exact position but instead of Jiyong massaging his leg it was Jiyong’s head in Seungri’s lap bobbing up and down on the maknae’s throbbing member. Jiyong shut his eyes and held back his own moan as he felt his own member stirring in his pants at the memory of the two.
The sound of a throat clearing behind Jiyong had both the men shooting their eyes open, both embarrassed over the fact they had lost themselves to their emotions. Looking behind himself Jiyong noticed Seunghyun drinking some water with his eyebrow up, the eldest member was not dumb and knew what was going on. Seungri looked down as he hoped his blush wasn’t too bright. Jiyong on the other hand glared at Seunghyun before pushing Seungri’s leg off his lap and standing up.
“Thanks hyung, it feels a lot better.”
“Just make sure you are drinking lots of water, if we have to I’m sure we can get a physical therapist in here for you.”
Seungri hated the way that Jiyong had said it, he knew he was just being nice but the tone in his voice came off as if Seungri was just an inconvenience to him. Where was the man who was just rubbing his leg not more than two seconds ago? Seunghyun held his hand out for Seungri to grab, the maknae with sadness in his eyes and heart grabbed on to the elders out stretched hand and stood. Seunghyun hated the look in Seungri’s eyes, but he knew if he had let them continue the pain would have been more unbearable then it was now for Seungri.
Over the next month leading up to the first date of the concert the members spent their days in and out of dance practice, meeting with the people in charge of the wardrobe to get fitted and doing small interviews and promotions. The men were exhausted but at the same time more excited than they were for their first concert. This was their first concert for their second half of their careers. This was their time to show their fans and the people of the kpop world that they still had what it took to stay on top. To show that they can keep up if not surpass the younger groups.
The night before the start of a tour was a night where Seungri would normally spend it in the arms of Jiyong listening to all the feedback the leader had for the maknae. Things he needs to watch out for, places he needs to work harder on, and things to expect. It was also a night where the leader didn’t just lecture but was also there to comfort and ease away any fear the maknae would have. Yet this wasn’t the case anymore. Seungri sat in his empty apartment alone. Sitting on the couch Seungri clutched onto a pillow tightly in his lap, the lights in the apartment were all off, the only light was coming from the outside world. Filtered through the sheer curtain in the living room it danced across the picture frames that were on the opposite wall. There was no music or sounds outside of the light buzzing sound coming from coffee maker. Seunghyun had offered to come sit with the maknae but Seungri declined, he was a grown man after all. In reality the fear was slowly starting to eat away at him. The fear of messing up in front of thousands of fans. The fear of not only making a fool of himself but making a fool of his hyungs who had been working so hard for this comeback. The small dinner he had eaten earlier that night was slowly churning until Seungri ended up making a mad dash to the bathroom to empty it into the toilet.
Sitting in the quiet recording room Jiyong played around with some random beats. Unable to turn his mind off and go home for the night he sat there messing around with random things. As the leader of the group the weight of whether or not the tour would go well hung over his head. Jiyong ignored the calls from his girlfriend wanting to know if he needed anything. He needed something, more specifically someone but he no longer could have him. It wasn’t just him putting Seungri’s fears at ease when they would lay together the night before a tour. It was Seungri’s presence and comfort he gave Jiyong that helped the leader stay calm. Jiyong couldn’t get that from him anymore and he felt lost now that it was gone, how was he going to cope with the stress? Jiyong had no doubt that Seungri was fine, probably now in the arms of his new lover after all. At least one of them is getting the comfort needed. Jiyong’s phone began buzzing for the hundredth time that night and Jiyong was ready to throw the damn thing against the wall. Picking it up he noticed that it was Seunghyun calling him, which surprised him as he expected the eldest to be busy with Daesung or at some art show. Clicking the answer button he could hear some soft classical music playing in the background.
“Hello?” Jiyong answered.
“Jiyong have you heard from the maknae?”
“No, I’m sure he is fine no doubt probably with that boy.”
“Yeah see the thing is Mino just called me and was wondering if Seungri was with us. I tried calling him but I wasn’t able to get him. I would run over to check on him but me and Daesung are at an art show and we can’t get away. Youngbae is busy with his family as well so he can’t escape. Mino got called away last minute so he can’t check on him either. Do you think you could swing by and just check in on him?”
“Seungri is a grown man, he can handle things on his own you know.”
“Just go check on him damn it!”
Jiyong didn’t get a chance to protest before the eldest ended the call. Grabbing his belongings Jiyong headed to his car, this was the last thing he wanted to do. The drive to Seungri’s apartment didn’t take long and before he knew it he was parking his car and getting out. How many times had he made this drive? How many times did he stand in this elevator as it slowly pulled him up to the man who had held his heart. How many times did he excitedly bounce around needing to see Seungri to share some exciting news? Jiyong pushed those depressing thoughts down as far as he could, now would not be a good time to lose his cool. Stepping off the elevator he went to the door and wondered if Seungri had changed the lock code, entering in the date of their anniversary the door unlocked and allowed Jiyong access.
Stepping into the dark apartment Jiyong waited to hear any sounds but heard nothing. Flicking on a light Jiyong walked in and went to the living room to see it empty. Turning to head down the hallway he stopped when he noticed the wall that had many gaps, gaps where pictures of the couple use to be. Jiyong knew there were pictures missing because it was him who had picked out the picture frames and helped Seungri put them up. Moving out the living room he made his way to the master bedroom and opened the door. Turning the light on he breathed in the stale air and noticed that the room had dust collecting on the dresser and the bed looked as if it hadn’t been touched in months. Jiyong was starting to get worried, walking out the room he went to guest room. Throwing the door open and turning the light on he found the room empty but knew that this was where Seungri had been sleeping. The bed was unmade, dirty clothes were thrown about near a hamper and the humidifier was going. Why was he sleeping in here? Jiyong thought to himself. Pushing the thought to the side he turned around and left the room.
“Seungri?” He called out and waited for a response. When he heard nothing he called out again, “Lee Seunghyun you answer me right now!” Again he waited for a response and heard movement in the bathroom.
Rushing to the bathroom he opened the door to find Seungri sitting in the shower fully clothed with the water raining down on him. Shocked Jiyong rushed to the turn the water off before grabbing the towel on the rack and throwing it over the shivering man.
“What the hell are you doing? Do you want to get sick?”
“Hyung?” Seungri asked as he slowly opened his eyes.
“Who else would it be!”
Jiyong helped the soaking wet maknae to his feet before walking him to the guest room. Once inside Jiyong left the man standing near the bed before going to the dresser and pulling out some dry clothes. Seungri stood there shivering as he watched the last man he expected to ever show up move around the room. Jiyong came back with clothes in hand and began pulling the soaking wet shirt up over the maknae’s head. Seungri tried to protest but Jiyong swatted his hands away. Again Seungri tried to stop Jiyong when he began pulling down his pants but Jiyong just glared up at him as he pushed his hands away. Seungri stood in front of his ex lover and tried to cover himself, he didn’t know how to feel being so exposed in front of the man he still very much loved. He would have normally felt excited but now only felt heart ache, it wasn’t right for him to be this way. Jiyong grabbed a fresh towel that was laying on the dresser and began drying off Seungri before helping him put on his sleep pants. It had been so long since Jiyong was in this position to help such a vulnerable Seungri, he felt anger that Seungri was in this state. Had he been here this would never had happened.
Moving towards the bed Jiyong began making it before pushing the maknae down and covering the shivering man up. Seungri thought that he was leaving when he watched Jiyong turn around and the light going off. He didn’t expect the sounds of Jiyong’s feet to come closer or for the dip in the bed as Jiyong climbed in and under the covers. Jiyong knew what he was doing was dangerous and that it would do more harm than good but right now with the stress of the tour and finding Seungri in the state he did he needed this just as much as Seungri did. Moving closer he pushed his arm under the pillow that held the maknae’s head and pulled him close so that his head would be near his chest. Turning to his side Seungri felt his heart beat rapidly as he found his usual position on the side of Jiyong, his heart skipped a beat when he felt Jiyong move his other arm around to hold him close and began rubbing his hand up and down Seungri’s cold body.
“Hyung?” Seungri hesitantly questioned.
“Don’t say anything, just try and get some sleep. It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow.”
Seungri closed his eyes, he wanted to enjoy the moment as much as possible, for tomorrow he knew they were both going to pay for their mistakes tonight.
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