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szonikuscsavarhuzo · 5 months ago
Ez milyen gyártmányú tűzoltóautó?
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Tisztára mint egy MRAP
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naspadliya · 10 months ago
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gregor ballin in hell's kitchen or something
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guy60660 · 4 months ago
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The Saint | NYHS
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crying-on-the-six · 7 months ago
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compacflt · 2 years ago
more on ice's cancer?
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drownmeinbeauty · 6 months ago
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Once, at a dinner party I attended in Brooklyn, a guest talked about seeing baseball games at Ebbetts Field as a boy and then stopped and started crying. For those of us who remember now-gone places in the city, like the lobby bar at the Royalton Hotel, the sales floor at Alexander's, or the dining room at Florent, they remain powerfully present. An exhibit at the New York Historical Society called Lost New York catalogues some of the more prominent.
So much of the city's physical development is driven by finance that cyclical turnover, demolition and construction seem inevitable. Real estate practice is ruthless and even good architecture -- even undeniably great architecture -- gets caught beneath the wheels. The McKim Meade and White post office on Eighth Avenue was gutted to to create Moynihan Train Hall. The original Penn Station, the masterwork of McKim Meade and White, was razed in 1963 for today's Madison Square Garden. And that building was intended to replace a stadium in midtown that replaced McKim Meade and White's original Madison Square Garden, which was razed in 1926 for an office tower. It's a sad and costly logic.
European downtowns are dotted with centuries-old buildings that inventive designers have adapted again and again, over centuries, to accommodate inadequate insulation, plumbing, mechanics, and circulation systems. In New York City the Landmarks Preservation Committee fetishizes prewar (WWII that is) buildings, making it illegal to remove granite paving from the sidewalk and build penthouses visible from the street in certain districts. But in general Americans remains ambivalent about history. We tore down many of Frank Lloyd Wright's works, we're tearing down many of Paul Rudolph's works, and we'll tear down many of Frank Gehry's works, without compunction, as the land they sit on becomes increasingly dear.
Lost New York hints at other, deeper losses as land changes hands for political reasons. To create Central Park in 1837 the city claimed the residential blocks along Central Park West in the 80's that comprised Seneca Village, a thriving middle-class African American community. Leaders imagined a parcel of nature where the well-to-do could could to ride carriages and horses, and the working class could take walks. They thought nothing about the those who lived there and owned the land outright.
During the Depression those left without homes built small houses for themselves inside, forming a Hoovertown in view of the grand apartments along Fifth Avenue and Central Park West. They were removed forcefully by city authorities, who objected to the optics.
One thinks back to the primal trespass, when German trader Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan for the Dutch East India Company for 60 guilders from the Lenape, people who had no notion of land ownership. The city's contours are reshaped continually, strategically, by those in power, until others claim power over them.
Hooverville, Central Park, New York City, 1933. Photographer unknown.
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robokisser3000 · 1 year ago
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heres some art of my s/i’s btw
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joubliemapromesse · 2 years ago
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Averse est le projet solo de Charles Virot, ancien membre de Clara Clara. La basse saturée d'effets slalome entre la boîte à rythme et les nappes de synthé dans un style noisy pop. Le dernier album d'Averse "Clou" est paru il y a quelques mois.
Duo né en 2020, avec des anciens membres de Shock!, Black Malo ou encore Ciao Amico, Pronostic Vital joue un mélange de trap autotunée, de synthpunk et de techno dans l’atmosphère des soirées rennaises désargentées. Un deuxième EP vient de sortir sur Prix Libre Records.
"Entre révolte et apéro à base de bière tiède, la musique de Pronostic Vital est sombre, dansante et apocalyptique." (KFUEL)
/ RRAOUHHH ! Rraouhhh ! est un groupe bruxellois né à l'été 2014. C'est un duo Dance Music avec des synthés analogiques, des vieux claviers électro-acoustiques. Beats et delays psychédéliques, sons lourds, sensations de guitares grincheuses, avec quelques lignes de basse groovy jouées en direct. Le dernier disque « Cardio » de New Record est sorti en janvier 2022 (split Lp avec le groupe LR666)FESTIVAL
Fatigue Suspecte invoque les sorcières, les cannibales, les vampires et aussi les gens normaux dans un maelström chaud et gluant. Conçu sur un canapé quelque part entre le Golgotha et Inzinzac-Lochrist, le projet évolue entre sonates noisy, madrigaux industriels lofi et pastourelles hardcore psychédéliques.
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dumptruckofanass · 5 months ago
"sister thurrocks, did i give you... permission to sound the alarm? :)"
dear god. woah. okay. that totally didn't awaken anything in me. nyh uh.
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haveyouheardthisband · 1 year ago
working on a concept
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basically i take the answers in ascending percentage, so in this case for the crane wives it would be No, Haven't heard of, Yes, or, in shorthand, NHY. ive been going through bands and adding them to a spreadsheet like this
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im not sure what to make of it except for that HNY is the uber popular bands and NYH is the most common because of course it is. but i dont really know where NHY and YNH fit in to this. also so far there is no YHN or HYN but i expect them to be more common for like popular music that isnt really listened to on tumblr, like i think Skid row is one of those. its a little confusing to conceptualize but ya
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hwotnfun · 2 months ago
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desde que vi nylah shin nos arredores de merion bay, soube que estava na presença de uma abençoada pelos espíritos da floresta! aos 23 anos, talvez seja sua lealdade que a torna tão radiante, mas é sua impulsividade que a mantém única… além, é claro, de seu gosto peculiar: fiquei sabendo que ela ama pedras preciosas, coisas mórbidas e obscuras, clima chuvoso e odeia verão, ser controlada e toque físico, não é especial? espero vê-la mais por aí, mesmo que esteja ocupada sendo uma excelente dona de uma loja de produtos esotéricos no centro comercial.
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nome completo: nylah shin / shin naeun (신나은). apelidos: nyh, nana (apenas os pais a chamam assim). orientação sexual: bissexual. alinhamento moral: caótico e neutro (espírito livre). data de nascimento: 08/10/2001. altura: 1,72 m. etnia: sul-coreana. gênero: mulher cis. pronomes: ela/dela. estado civil: solteira. vestimenta: roupas pretas em um estilo dark/goth. ocupação: lojista, dona da mystique. animais de estimação: um gato preto (beetlejuice). prompt: abigail (stardew valley).
aesthetic: pernas balançando inquietas, dedos batucando em qualquer superfície, joelhos ralados, lápis mastigados, cheiro de ervas, cemitérios, incensos.
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os shin imigraram para os estados unidos movidos pelo desejo do patriarca de explorar novos continentes, viajaram de um canto para o outro até que a mãe de nylah ficasse grávida da garota, o que fez eles se alojarem em uma pequena cidade no interior do país. escolheram apple cove pela simplicidade, sua família gostava de fugir do tumulto da cidade grande e ali parecia o lugar perfeito. os planos era de ficarem ali apenas durante os primeiros anos de vida de nylah, mas se apaixonaram pela natureza que os rodeavam e não saíram mais. hoje em dia os pais da pequena trabalham como feirantes de peixes e outros mariscos, ganhando a vida dessa forma e preferindo levar um ritmo mais tranquilo e autossustentável.
nylah tem uma personalidade que muitos poderiam definir como "estranha". é uma garota reclusa, prefere ficar de longe observando todo mundo ao invés de se entrosar e puxar conversar. tem dificuldade para fazer amigos e não liga pra isso, prefere manter aqueles poucos que a entendem e compartilham de gostos com ela por perto. costuma ser muito impulsiva e teimosa, parte disso por sempre estar sendo controlada por seus pais quando se trata de como ela deveria agir e o que deveria vestir, portanto acabou ficando mais cabeça dura e inconsequente. apesar de sua aparência de poucos amigos, nylah não é grosseira, pode ser que ela tenha respostas que soem mais insensíveis em alguns momentos, mas isso se dá apenas pela sua falta de tato ao interagir com os outros. é uma garota que sabe ser simpática quando se sente confortável para tal.
o que mais chama atenção em nylah são seus gostos e seu estilo. é vista constantemente indo até o cemitério da cidade, se sentando por lá para ler livros ou escutar música. suas roupas sempre são escuras e com muitos acessórios, passando aquela imagem de gótica que ela gosta muito. tem um fascínio por coisas mórbidas e ocultismo, é normal ver a garota lendo livros sobre taxidermia, paganismo, o sobrenatural, lendas locais e contos de terror e horror. tudo isso faz parte de quem ela é e não tem vergonha e nem sente vontade de esconder. sua inclinação para esse tipo de assunto deixa sua família preocupada, achando que a garota está indo por "um mal caminho" e "se envolvendo com o demônio" o que gera muitas brigas em casa. além disso, é comum que outros moradores criem rumores sobre a coreana, sejam eles bons ou ruins.
sua paixão por essas áreas também foi o que a moveu a abrir sua loja no centro comercial e começar seu próprio negócio. nylah é dona da mystique, uma loja de produtos esotéricos que vende ervas, incensos, amuletos de proteção, pedras e cristais e por aí vai. não sentiu vontade de sair da cidade para seguir com nenhuma graduação ou tentar uma vida diferente longe de sua família, em partes por ainda tentar resolver as coisas com seus pais e também por apple cove ser tudo que ela conhece. as vezes se sente confusa sobre o que fazer e sobre o que quer de seu futuro, só que com todos seus problemas atuais isso é algo que ela deixou para depois.
nylah aprendeu a tocar vários instrumentos influenciada por seus amigos, hoje em dia ama muito bateria e baixo, sendo os instrumentos que resolveu comprar para si quando começou a ganhar seu próprio dinheiro, sempre tirando um som quando consegue uma chance de ficar sozinha em casa.
o cabelo da garota já enfrentou mais guerras do que um soldado, a coreana vive descolorindo e pintando de novo e de novo de várias cores diferentes, apenas deixando no seu preto natural quando ela sente que sua raiz já está chorando demais, mas isso é uma raridade e nunca dura muito. atualmente ela está com os fios pintados de vermelho.
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yosuwo · 1 year ago
Unrequited Love?
Part 1/?
Part 2
Summary: I'm not really good at summarys but basically, reader has a crush on wanda but wanda ignores reader idk😭
Notes: this is my first time writing a fanfic, please tell me if I made any mistakes. Also English isn't my first language so it might have some grammar mistakes
High school AU
“Hey, Wanda!” I greet my classmate as she walks past me with a sigh, once again not bothering to acknowledge me. This has been going on for some time now: whenever she sees me, Wanda rolls her eyes in my direction and continues walking, treating me as if I’m unworthy of even being acknowledged.
I just want to be friends with Wanda, but there’s something about me that’s rubbing her the wrong way. Maybe she thinks I’m trying to compete with her as the most popular girl at the school.
That's what my friends said.
"Give it up, Y/N.” Yelena sighs, "You're just making a fool out of yourself at this point."
"True," Kate agrees, chuckling, "She probably thinks you're trying to steal her spotlight as the most popular girl here at NYH."
"I can't!" I groan at my friends, as they peer at me, confused by my attachment to Wanda.
"What do you like about her anyway?" Kate asks. Her tone is half playful, half teasing, but there's also a sense of genuine concern about my well-being.
"I.... I don't know," I mumble, embarrassed to admit the truth. Something about Wanda pulls me toward her like a magnet. I can't explain it, but I feel like I'm in her orbit, drawn to her without reason or restraint.
As the bell rings signalling the end of lunch, my friends and I disperse, heading off to our respective classes.
I hurry off to class, thinking about what my friends had said to me. What is it about Wanda that draws me to her so much? Or are they right that I'm only making a fool of myself by obsessing over a girl who clearly isn't interested in me?
I sigh and shake my head, hoping I'll be able to focus on my work in class. But it seems like Wanda is always on my mind, no matter what I do.
"L/N?" Professor Fury calls, snapping me out of my reverie.
"Huh?" I blink, confused.
"I asked you a question," he continues, "are you going to answer or are you too busy daydreaming?"
I flush red in embarrassment as my classmates snicker around me.
I stood there, embarrassed and unable to answer Professor Fury's question.
"Anyone like to help L/N here?" he asked the class, to no response.
It seemed like an eternity of silence.
Then, to my surprise, Wanda stood up to help me. Her emerald green eyes met mine briefly before she looked away, answering Professor Fury's question correctly.
I sat back down when she finished, my face burning with embarrassment. Was I embarrassed that I had failed to answer the question? Or was I just flustered that Wanda had looked at me?
Class finally ended, and people quickly left the room. I gathered my things quickly and saw Wanda leaving, so I hurried over to catch up with her.
"Wanda!" I called out, hurrying up beside her as she walked out the door. "Hey," I panted, relieved to finally be near her.
She sighed, visibly annoyed as she squeezed her eyes shut. Turning to face me, she opened her eyes and spoke: "What?"
"Why did you do that?" I ask, ignoring her annoyance. "why did you help me?"
"Help you with what?" she asks, annoyed.
Is she being oblivious right now?
"Help me with the question." I rolled my eyes
Wanda looked away, trying to find an answer.
After a moment of silence,
She looked back at me and I swear I saw her blush.
"I-" Wanda finally let out, but is interrupted by my friend Yelena shouting "Y/N!"
I turn to my friend, "Hey." Yelena greets me, "Sorry but I can't walk with you home later, me and Kate are gonna have a 'friendly' date." Yelena explains, leaving little room for doubt as to what she means
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Bros before bitches, I guess," I roll my eyes and hit her arm playfully laughing together.
As Yelena leaves, I turn back to Wanda only to find her gone.
"Thanks, i suppose" i roll my eyes throwing my head back in annoyance.
Guys idk if I should continue this so please let me know hrhrhrh😭😭
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muscariii · 10 months ago
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Some oc stuff for today. I wanted to draw this character and I also made a sort of icon for her I guess? I just wanted to try something different. Also featuring her first project in my sketchbook.
This is one of the characters from my oc story. I've been working on her design for a while and I think she looks pretty cool the way she is right now.
Basically this is a god-like being that has the title of "Projektantka" ( or The Designer in English ). Her name is Nyja ( read nyh-ya I guess? basically read it in Polish ) but there's only a few people in the world that actually know that. She's a menace. I love her very much, she's really silly :3
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gwibberish · 2 months ago
closed starter w. @hwotnfun. ♡ ˎˊ˗ — trouble letting go —
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jayson tinha dificuldades em deixar partir, era apegado a coisas importantes e pessoas preciosas e ver sua mãe ir para a coreia do sul sendo que ela sempre o motivou a seguir seu sonho e carreira com a música foi algo que o afetou demais. talvez por isso estivesse tão perturbado em ter perdido a palheta furada que usava em seu cordão, presente de sua mãe. ❛ nyh! ❜ o rapaz gritou desesperado ao entrar na mystique. ❛ o meu cordão arrebentou. ❜ ele dizia com um rosto que em muito se assimilava a uma criança mimada tamanha era a importância daquele item para si e imaginava que a ruiva acima de qualquer outra pessoa entenderia isso. ❛ eu não faço ideia de quando isso aconteceu, eu andei por aí o dia todo, eu não sei cadê... você viu por aqui? eu vim aqui mais cedo né? está aqui? ❜ ele falava um pouco frenético enquanto olhava por todos os quatro cantos da loja mesmo com a improbabilidade de ter caído no local enquanto conversava com sua amiga mais cedo.
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tepehkwi · 1 year ago
hey, i was wondering if you'd be willing to talk a bit about how you knew you were twospirit? i think i am but i have doubts about claiming the term for myself. did an elder claim you as 2S?
so my tribe has a twospirit concept that is so unacknowledged in literature about our history, even our own, that i only know of one source that mentions it, and in basically every other text it's just the umbrella term "berdashe" which is just the antiquated colonizer term for any native with a "weird" "gender" expression that you'll probably find in most textbooks that even bother to cover the topic. 😑
if you want some context, this is how colonizers described us, i-coo-coo-a, or twospirit meshkwahkihaki, and it should be noted that i-coo-coo-a is not listed anywhere in our own comprehensive language dictionaries to this day:
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Later, in the 1830s, non-Native artist George Catlin traveled through western North America, where he witnessed and painted a “Dance to the Berdash.” In his travelogue, Catlin called the central figure “a man dressed in women’s clothes” although the Native term, i-coo-coo-a, loosely translates to “man-woman.” In Catlin’s opinion, the “berdash” performed “the most servile and degrading duties,” although he conceded that the i-coo-coo-a was considered sacred by the Sauk and Fox (Meskwaki) communities. “This is one of the most unaccountable and disgusting customs, that I have ever met in the Indian country,” Catlin fulminated, “where I should wish that it might be extinguished before it be more fully recorded.” Later, anthropologist Mary Owen estimated that the dance—and the traditional role fulfilled by the i-coo-coo-a—did indeed vanish around 1900. [source: from an nyhs blog/article on indigenous genders]
something you should know about my people is that we do not live on a reservation, we have our own sovereign nation within iowa. yes, it's a microscopic fraction of what our actual indigenous lands were, but we experience a level of privilege that rez natives don't. and this is just my own opinion but a lot of other meskwaki/meshkwahkihaki in tama are on the conservative side with both politics and religion, and i think that our comparative or relative lack of a struggle faced by the majority of other natives in this country has created an environment where we're unfortunately no more left-leaning and no less conservative than the rest of rural iowa. so, no, an elder didn't claim me as twospirit... excuse the slight hyperbole but i would be hard-pressed to find more than a couple of elders in my community that aren't literal republicans, let alone inclusive of our own culture's gender diversity.
like i'll be honest with you, i transitioned away from home and i don't really talk about my whole "gender journey" here, since i'm not as active on tumblr as much as i am on my private twitter, but it's been kind of depressing studying in other states and meeting ndns from other tribes who completely understand my identity only to come back home and find out that my uncle's voting for trump again. 😐 we're also in a caucus state and given how the last caucus went, it's just kinda disappointing to think about the fact that we’re essentially making decisions for other natives when a lot of us are literally so willfully out of touch with other tribes.
lol i know you didn't ask for my whole ass political commentary so, sorry for that... 😭
but idk i think it's important context, because twospirit is something that came from the pan-indigenous movement era (well sort of) and it's the closest thing i have as a widely-understood term to describe myself. but thanks for asking, i hope this clarifies some things or answers your question in some way. i don't think we necessarily need to consult with elders about it. many of us straightup can't. by all means, if you think it would be a good thing to seek out elder input about claiming twospirit, go ahead, but in my experience some of us just are. i relate to the insecurity completely... 😔
just know that elder input/approval isn't the end-all-be-all.
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petalofjasmine · 1 year ago
tell & trade
we're only humans. we are all susceptible to fragility and defeat. We're bound to share the pieces of tragedy we carry with those who bring light and hope into our lives; and we do it over a cup of coffee, in the car, while walking to school, over brunch, at the park with a stranger, during lunch break at the office, through a phone call, at the graveyard. it's as if it's human instinct to offer people a look into our cracks for the mere factor of that sense of belonging, the subconscious desire to connect, to understand. the admission of what weakens us is ironically what strengthens such bond; and it's the strongest one there is out there dare i say. we trade tragedies in search of a common ground, and fill in those cracks with warmth and acceptance. little do we know how truly connected we all are, until life presents that to you. it's a beautiful thing to witness, and it's a good enough reason to stay here a little longer.
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