how it feels knowing that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in its hand and will not let you fall
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Eepy baby
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sterling silver and vitreous enamel ring
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anti pornography feminist protests
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Galileo Galilei, February 15, 1564 / 2019
(image: Galileo Galilei, Sidereus nuncius, facsimile of the 1610 edition)
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Women heavily into the kink community piss me off so much, like, WHAT DO YOU MEAN “you want your husband to eventually collar you because you’re submissive to him and you think the act of collaring is greater than marriage itself”. LIKE??? I’m sorry that men have traumatized you so much that you have now become compliant in serving their needs, and in turn convinced yourself that you enjoy it. It’s genuinely sad to see how women allow themselves to be treated for the sake of “healing” and “taking back their power by choosing the situations in which they’re degraded”.
~From a conversation I recently had with someone
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Why is pro-watermelon 🍉 gang keep saying this is the first time they are seeing a live genocide and still nobody cares?? No this isn’t your first time!
Women around the world have been slaughtered, murdered, raped, and facing all other kinds of oppression since the dawn of time. There is already a world’s oldest and biggest genocide that is still happening today. And that is femicide.
But nobody seems to care about that because according to them there’s a "gender war" going on. I wonder if these watermelon people would be protesting and boycotting the same way if it was only the Palestinian women suffering in this genocide.
None of these people ever fought with this much vehemence for women in iran, for afghan women, for sudanese women, women in Congo, and all other women who are suffering around the world.
In fact, they’re busy glamorising terrorists like Hezbollah and Khamenieh (however the fuck you spell it) and mourning the deaths of the likes of iran’s terrorist leader who died in helicopter crash just because these bearded devils chanted "free-palestine" two, three times.
More than seventy per cent of the people who have been killed in this genocide are women and children. But the only time i see the pro-Palestine m@les talking about it is when they wanna blame it all on feminists. "WhErE aRe tHe fEmInIsTs?" "WhErE aRe tHe liBerAlS?"
Just shut the fuck up and tell me where are all the anti-feminist men and women who love to say m@n should be the leaders?? Where are all the muslim and christian conservative bigots who keep saying shit like women should obey men and men should lead?? These are your leaders now!
Muslim women commenting "BoYcOTT" under every female influencer’s post promoting an israeli brand while at the same time cooking and cleaning like slaves for their husbands so these men could become the next big leaders oppressing women using their power.
If you wanna boycott anything, then boycott these men. Stop coddling them and stop doing anything for them. Instead, use all that energy in making yourself a powerful leader.
But no, FemInIsts aRe sO eVil aNd wRonG fOr tElliNg wOmEn tO sToP coNfOrMinG tO gEndEr rOLes. FeMinIsTs hAve rUiNed EvEryThInG fOr wOmEn. ThEy aRe sOciEty bReAkeRs!
It’s not the feminists fault that there’s a genocide going on, it’s the men’s. Men are the ones who vote for these male politicians. Men are the ones who worship these male leaders. Men are the ones who ruin everything for women. The enemy is exposed yet your rage is directed in the wrong direction.
There’s not one male world leader who is not destroying the planet with his evilness. But all i see is comparisons being made about which one of them is more evil; the islamic ones or the zionist ones or the white ones??
Listen! Idgaf about your free palestine land or the entire boycott list of brands. I don’t even care about your brave palestinian m@les dying either. Y’all cry about pregnant palestinian women having a hard time and feminists doing nothing for them, but who the fuck is impregnating them????
Women of Palestine should be freed from both israel and Palestinian men. That’s just what i care about. And women of Israel should be freed from these men too. No, they don’t deserve to be raped or killed just because they support Israel. It’s not even palestine vs Israel, it’s men vs women; where men are the oppressors on both sides and women are the victims on both sides. Every war has always been a genocide against women.
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gather on around here!!!
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i just got a call from my sis. She said morality police riding on motorcycles attacked her on the street and forced her into a van and kept her at a police station for hours and let her go just now. Her voice was quivering and she was shaken. Told me to be careful today on the streets. Said to wear something on my head so they won’t attack me as well. I am furious at how easily this fuckedup religion and this fuckedup regime reduce us into a quivering mess. Mere objects that they can so easily control and subdue. How we go from someone with a job and a life and family to a criminal they can attack and abuse and imprison. This is the true face of Islam. Not the pretty, cutesy one they show you in the west and you all fall for it. But this brutal, barbaric treatment of women who refuse to comply. It’s in the very text of quran. Please stop covering up the ugliness of organized religions and our daily suffering just to be ‘cool’ and liberal and polite. It’s always better to be informed and ‘smart’.
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