cheimay15th · 2 years ago
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Nutella Gelato
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daily-deliciousness · 1 year ago
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Classic chocolate hazelnut semifreddo
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years ago
What's an ice cream flavor you've never tried before but would like to?
Well okay it's gelato but same diff. ANYWAYS I saw that there was a lotus flavor gelato??? I wanted to get it but I went with gingerbread instead bc I thought that was also really interesting 😭😭 BUT SOMEDAY I WILL GET THAT LOTUS FLAVOR GELATO !!!
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panspy · 2 years ago
wish the comic book store within walking distance of my campus didnt close because i need the second riddler year 1 comic
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personal-reporter · 7 months ago
Le ricette più bizzarre da provare nel 2024: un viaggio culinario fuori dal comune
Siete stanchi delle solite ricette e cercate qualcosa di nuovo e stravagante da provare? Il 2024 è l’anno perfetto per sperimentare in cucina con sapori e abbinamenti insoliti. Continue reading Le ricette più bizzarre da provare nel 2024: un viaggio culinario fuori dal comune
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wikipotorio · 1 year ago
Banana Gelato with Nutella
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sethbryan · 1 year ago
Nutella and Frangelico Gelato
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flarethecat · 1 year ago
Banana Gelato with Nutella
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ishiplove · 1 year ago
Nutella Gelato
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gastronominho · 2 years ago
Provamos a casquinha recheada de Nutella do BK
É isso mesmo galera! Fomos correndo atrás da novidade do Burger King! Eles lançaram duas opções com Nutella, que são o BK mix (no potinho) e a Casquinha recheada. Nós pegamos a casquinha para provar, com sabor (massa) de baunilha. O Sorvete estava muito bom, até melhor do que as últimas vezes que provamos, não sabemos dizer se algo mudou em relação a isso, ou foi só impressão nossa. A…
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not-dere · 2 years ago
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ajortga · 6 months ago
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: nothing feels more than home to jenna than you.
word count: 800+ (drabble)
a/n: wanted to get this out there as a thank you, we reached 400 followers! words actually cannot describe how grateful i am that people appreciate the stories i write. i really hope they can make your day<3.
hey alexa, play home by edith whiskers.
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You yearn to feel the sense of hope and comfort.
Not the home that shields Jenna as she sleeps, a roof over her head.
But at the same time, it is that.
Not the home that she wakes up in everyday when she wakes up for breakfast, the aroma of her mom’s cooking fills the air,
The TV turned on, her older and younger siblings playing in the living room. 
Not the home that holds her, her yorkie terrier and her family.
Or the home that shakes as Aliyah and her jump on the bed with Cash.
No, not that.
As much as she loved her family, nothing could compare to you, no one.
Jenna could remember her words as she strummed her guitar, a gentle hum filling her room.
“Alabama Arkansas, I do love my ma and pa, not the way that I do love you.’
The only home she’ll be the first to run to when she has news.
“We laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night”
As Jenna strums to her whistling, she remembers running across the sandy coast with the palette of the sunset around you. Shades of orange, yellow, pink, and baby blue hues. Holding hands with you as you two laugh and run with each other barefoot during the summer. The sweetest memory she’s ever experienced. A moment that she never felt could be better. If she could go back to one memory before she died, she’d choose that one. With you, cupping your cheeks as you two kiss as dawn was welcomed, during her favorite season of the year.
Giggling as you both collapse on the sunlit meadow on a warm summer night, bodies wrapped around each other.
“Nothing is sweeter than with you.”
Oh you were everything to her, her best friend, girlfriend, soulmate, universe.
When Jenna’s boyfriend broke up with her, she sobbed on her pillow, she never told you when you came over that she pretended that it was you.
She didn’t know why it might’ve helped, it’s warmth reminding her of you, it made her hug it tighter.
“La-la-la-la-la take me home”
That day Jenna’s heart was shattered, you were the one to bring it back together, her sobbing in your warm arms as you comforted her, your hands scratching her scalp in the perfect way.
You told her she could stay over, she sobbed in your arms, fell asleep as soon as her body reached your arms, melting in your presence.
The next day you made her her favorite heart shaped nutella pancakes that she always asked for when she sleeps over at your house, she knew that whenever you made her it, it was always sweeter when you made it. 
She closes her eyes and remembers it, all too vividly. A smile comes across Jenna's face as she changes the chords, her fingers strumming again.
"Girl I never loved one like you."
Even if someone were to take every single step of your recipe and memorize the grains of salt and sugar you used, it was never the same, she knows your baking by heart. 
Drives in your jeep as you two interlock hands. Travels all over the world, shares of gelato ice cream and sweet moments. 
Deep gazes into eyes as a blanket wraps around the both of you. A soft kiss planted on your forehead as you fall asleep on her chest with the campfire crackling in front of you. 
She remembered when she first realized she loved you.
To have you first in her mind when she wanted to spend time with someone. Craving your cookies, your time spent together, those soft lips she always looked at as you talked.
To have someone listen to her strumming the guitar, to have them admire her voice and closed off side. Her little Y/N on her shoulder. To be so in love that she wrote this song for you.
You loved her.
Her freckles you counted as you’re curled up by her side, her soft hands. Her.
Your first encounter, meeting her on set and immediately feeling you two click.
Your first date together, when she accidentally spilled a coffee on your white shirt and you busted out laughing.
Your first kiss.
When she asked you to be your girlfriend, officially. You wanted to be with her forever. 
Jenna was the first person in your life to calm your storm down. You were the person who struggled falling asleep, it didn’t happen easily, but in her arms, it did. You were always gone as soon as she pressed your nose into her neck.
You were each others homes, you wanted to stay with her, to always be assured by her.
As the song comes to a close, she looks up at the polaroid picture of you two. The orange hue from the salt lamp the only source of light. Polaroids hung of you and her all across her string of fairy lights. Her walls were filled with her girlfriend. And as her fingers pluck the strings, Jenna smiles faintly. The song nears the end as she sings the last of the lyrics.
"Oh, home, let me come home Home is wherever I'm with you"
i love this song sm it's crazy.
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odioilvento · 2 months ago
Ho voglia di frittelle. Sai quelle di carnevale, con dentro la marmellata. O quelle del luna park, con tre chili di glicemia sopra.
Ma non è normale sta cosa con il caldo che fa. Dovrei avere voglia di gelato. Forse mi si sta fondendo il cervello.
Sarà che ho stirato con 34 gradi, con il vapore che ti fa fare i suffumigi e con il carico a briscola dell'allergia che ti fa fermare settantacinque volte a soffiare il naso.
Ma tornerà la nebbia, la rugiada, gli ombrelli, le maniche lunghe, i capelli sciolti, il riscaldamento in auto. Torneranno i tramonti rosa con le nuvolette e i lenzuoli sopra le gambe. Torneranno le tisane che riesci a bere calde, il cotechino con la polenta, la Nutella non sciolta, gli ananas buoni. E torneranno le frittelle!
Tornerà la gioventù. No, quella no, soprattutto il mese prossimo. Mi sa che devo continuare a restare giovane dentro.
E torneranno i capelli rossi. No, anche quelli non tornano finché non vado a prenotare il parrucchiere.
Va be', qualcosa tornerà a settembre, in fondo mancano solo due giorni.
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happypedrohours · 4 months ago
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Choose 1, or 2 or 3 (or all of them) from the following lists and send them to fellow Happy Pedro Hours partakers to get to know them better and to have a good laugh!! (We kindly remind you of the Tumblr etiquette back in the day which is that if you receive an ask, it's customary to send one back to the person so they get to answer one (or two or three) themselves)
Don't forget to tag all your replies #happypedrohours !!
June 22nd updates: added questions to Would you rather and Get to know me lists, new Either Or list at the bottom of the post
Would you rather list
Have mint ice cream or chocolate gelato
Have blackberry sherbet or lemon popsicle
Drink Coca Cola or Pepsi
Eat a pizza with mushroom or pineapple on it
Spend one day in a spaceship or one day on an icebreaker
Visit Mars or Saturn?
Live in a little cottage surrounded by frog pond or fields of horses?
Road trip through the US or Australia?
Spend a day wearing no make up or wearing too small shoes?
Learn how to make sushi or noodles?
Eat a hamburger dipped in chocolate or fries dipped in fluff?
Hike an active volcano or a rainforest during a storm?
Cuddle a bear cub or a litter of baby squirrels?
Go on the Orient Express or trek to Victoria Falls?
Sleep under the stars by a swamp or in a hammock hanging from a cliff?
Have universal respect or unlimited power?
Swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?
Spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?
*updated list*
Always have to tell the truth or always have to lie?
Run your tongue down a NYC sidewalk or press your tongue into a stranger's nostril?
Be in the real-life version of "The Walking Dead" or "American Horror Story"?
Have the hiccups for the rest of your life or always feel like you're about to sneeze but can't?
Use sandpaper as toilet paper or hot sauce as eye drops?
Be sticky for the rest of your life or be itchy for the rest of your life?
Pedro Boys edition
Would would win in a hand-to-hand fight? Dave York or Din Djarin?
Who's the better parents? Din Djarin or Mrs Flores?
Who would win the race? Frankie Morales or Din Djarin (Razor Crest edition, no space jump allowed)
Who would win in a fight? Oberyn Martell or Marcus Moreno?
Who the better cuddler during wintertime? Javi G or Marcus P?
Who's the grumpiest when they show up at their surprise birthday party? Joel or Javi P?
Who has more fashion sense? Javi G or Oberyn Martell?
Who has the best aim with a gun? Joel or Dave York?
Who has the scariest intimidating scowl? Javi P or Joel?
Who is better at reading bedtime stories? Din or Marcus Moreno?
Who’s the best movie night buddy? Dieter or Javi G?
Who’s the best at barbecuing? Frankie or Joel?
Who would win in a eating contest? Marcus P or Max Philips?
Get to know you list
If you could go back to any time period, where would you like to go and why?
What's your favorite color and the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of it?
If you could be transported in any fictional universe, where would you go?
What's a song that reminds you of your favorite season?
Do you read books and if yes, what's your favorite genre?
Do you cook and what's your favorite dish to make?
What's the one place in the world you have always dreamed of visiting?
What is the first concert you attended to?
What did you want to be when you were small?
What’s your favorite swear word (in any language) and why?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
What was/is your favorite subject in school?
If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What’s a weird smell that you really enjoy?
Do you have a favorite kind of flower?
Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Do you collect anything?
*updated list*
What color is your toothbrush?
What's your favorite summer activity?
What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
What's the sexiest animal?
What is the worst job you could have?
If you could paint anything, what would you paint?
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Who's your favorite superhero and why?
*New category*
Either or
Museum or carnival?
Horror movie or romcom?
Tea or coffee?
Friends or How I Met Your Mother?
Cat or dog?
Left side or right side of the bed?
Bath or shower?
Paintings or sculptures?
Summertime or wintertime?
Hugs or kisses?
Apple juice or orange juice?
Unicorn or mermaid?
Apple or Android?
Netflix or Disney+?
Instagram or TikTok?
Cereal or toast?
Burger or tacos?
Dinosaurs or dragons?
Greek mythology or Egyption mythology?
New York City or Los Angeles?
Crossword puzzles or jigsaw puzzle?
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femmefighter · 6 months ago
FIFI I still don't understand how Sokabine is still a rarepair, like....why, it's so good??? Do we need to have an event or something? I need to write something too🥺🥺🥺. I've been slacking on Sokabine 😭.
Oh my lovely. What a mysterfying question you ask!
I can only say I struggle to answer it, as I, being a Sokabine addict, fail to fully understand why other people don't appreciate such a delicious ship.
The only way I can attempt to understand is by likening Sokabine to Nutella ice cream. Just as how lots of people like shipping, lots of people like ice cream. And there are so many flavours of ice cream! Nutella ice cream is that decedent blend of chocolate and nutty hazelnut (I'll let you decide on who is the chocolate and who is the nuts). Being ice cream, it's a perfect summer treat, however it has a heaviness of flavour that makes it soul-warming enough to eat it even in the winter months.
But some people don't want to try Nutella ice cream. Maybe trying Nutella ice cream gets in the way of them enjoying their personal OTP flavours of boysenberry and lemon gelato, or their peppermint and strawberry combo? Those flavours may be the only comfort they get in this chaotic world, and they don't want to risk not having their comfort food to try something new. Valid! Maybe they see Nutella ice cream as guilty treat. Maybe they've been taught to be ashamed of Nutella ice cream for some reason, and so they only eat it when no one else is looking? Valid! Or maybe they've only ever known vanilla ice cream, and are too scared to try something different, or a pressured by comp-vanilla-het society to not dare deviate? Valid! Maybe they've only bought ice cream from a stall that doesn't offer Nutella ice cream, and thus didn't realise such a flavour exists? You guessed it. Also valid!
So yeah, so many reasons that I can't answer for because that's not my experience. I will eat my coffee ice cream, my peanut butter brownie ice cream, my strawberry ice cream, my roasted almond ice cream, my mango ice cream. But my Nutella ice cream will always be my number one go-to.
We don't have a Sokabine blog, or a Sokabine server. I've found a little safe space on a Bo-Katan server which is my happy place where I can get comfy with other Sokabine lovers (all 12 of us). Maybe I could start a blog? I don't think I have the emotional space or time/energy to run a server, even though the numbers would be so few right now. A Sokabine event would be amazing, but without a Sokabine blog or server to back/promote it, it might not get much traction. I've found a lot of my work was merely tolerated during past Ahsoka Series-related events because the ship does seem to get under some people's skin. That's okay, I don't need an event to write my stuff for, and I'm finding my safe people slowly.
An answer I can offer you, however, is reasons to like Sokabine as a ship. Why the Sokabine ship deserves to be upgraded from tugboat to cruiseliner. But I might save that for another post, as it's dissertation-worthy, and I'll add graphics for some weight to my brain rot. The simplest answer for that though I'll let you see for yourself in the utter beauty of these two characters below (and extra kudos for Ahsoka blatantly checking out Sabine's arse here). In the meantime...
Thanks for the ask!
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Gif by the lovely @reeveskryze 😘
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idettaglihere · 3 months ago
chi mi porta una vaschetta di gelato alla nutella e allo yogurt??? grazie
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