elegyofthemoon · 2 years ago
What's an ice cream flavor you've never tried before but would like to?
Well okay it's gelato but same diff. ANYWAYS I saw that there was a lotus flavor gelato??? I wanted to get it but I went with gingerbread instead bc I thought that was also really interesting 😭😭 BUT SOMEDAY I WILL GET THAT LOTUS FLAVOR GELATO !!!
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catboyidia · 1 year ago
assigning candy to asgzc + plus what i think their faves would be
angeal: i want to say kitkat, i cant quite explain why but its the first candy that came to mind… maybe i’m subconsciously thinking about the kitkat slogan, which makes me think of him because damn… poor guy really needs a break… + i’m somewhere between headcanoning him as someone who unexpectedly absolutely loves candy or someone thats not actually all too fond of candy/sweets in general, but he absolutely feels like a granny candy kind of guy! like he always had THOSE strawberry hard candies on him at all times, which makes me think his favorite would be some kind of hard candy, or some kind of cheap chocolate like a hersheys bar or something, that he doesn’t like for the flavor, but because it was the primary candy he got as a kid whenever he could afford it
sephiroth: hes literally a sour patch kid… he looks so intimidating and mean but (pre insanity at least) he’s actually just an awkward sweetheart! post insanity though is like toxic waste or something (like the sour candy, thats an actual candy i swear) because it just hurts a lot and to most people is not enjoyable at all + i dont think he eats much candy, nor did he eat much of it growing up, i think he mostly only ate what he was given by others, like hard candies, because people are more likely to carry those around as opposed to like a chocolate bar or something, and i feel like it’s probably stuck with him, so by process of elimination, they would be his favorite but he isnt really opposed to any candy, he just doesn’t really eat it in general and he probably prefers other sweets, like baked things
genesis: hes fireball/any of those cinnamon “spicy” candies… they’re red… and genesis seems to really like committing acts of arson with fira materia… and they fit perfectly dont ask its hard to explain! also skittles, which i feel is self explanatory… + he likes lollipops, not because he truly loves them, but because he loves purposefully sucking on them in a provocative manner when angeal and sephiroth are around to get any kind of reaction out of them! his actual favorite would probably be like… turtles or ferrero rochers or something of that really expensive, fancy chocolate nature (do not correct me on the fancy or unfancyness of those chocolates! i’m poor, they’re fancy to me!)
zack: … pixie sticks… all the way… just a fucking tube full of sugar… + he doesn’t have a favorite because he likes literally all of it, put any candy in front of him and it will be gone in a second and he will love whatever it was that you put in front of him! the only exception is that he hates chocolate, and i think i have that in my head because of the whole puppy zack thing, but regardless he loves all other kinds of candy, and he absolutely bounces off the walls for the rest of the day, after eating every candy he can get his hands on
cloud: he feels like gummy bears, especially the mini ones… cute, small and squishy… and pretty basic like they aren’t like remarkable, just kinda there but generally liked and appreciated without any strong haters, and i don’t think i can think of a single person, in canon, that ever actually hated cloud (dont quote me on that, i could be wrong) + his favorite would probably be some kind of obscure small town local candy, which only like a few people have ever had or heard of, and he thinks no other candy can match or live up to it… otherwise, he probably likes most chocolate/candy bars in general, and hes not really picky about it, but hes also not primarily fond of most other candies that aren’t chocolate
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chillmayo · 3 years ago
mwahaha. Cym as ice cream flavors, tree types, candies, and time.
[omg i was going thru my drafts and i found this like im so sorry elliott ily i cant believe i forgot to post this if u send me other cyms ill promise not to fuck it up like this omg]
that is a lot of cyms elliot- but i will do it coz i love you <3
@adams-left-hand as pistachio (idfk y bro but thats what came to mind)
elliot ur bubblegum so cute
@ronans-sepiaphotograph as vanilla coz u basic :D
@andrews-left-nipple ur chocolate mwah
@darlingbudsofrae UR COOKIES AND CREAM MY LOVE
@indubitably-eternally-confused your blue raspberry
I'm sorry elliot but idk any tree types-
@adams-left-hand you're maltesers one of my fav candy? chocolate? idk. also idk the spelling of maltesers so if i got that wrong ignore it
@lynx-the-treemoss elliot u are m&ms coz i love m&ms with all my heart
@ronans-sepiaphotograph REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS i love that shit sm omfg
@darlingbudsofrae Ferrero Rochers coz whenever we bought ferrero rochers at my house, it was always this big thing and i always felt lucky as hell to eat such goodness and thats how i feel abt u darling
@indubitably-eternally-confused ur jelly beans my love so colorful and fun
and I also do not know what u mean by time so i hope these r okay
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bi-demon-ium · 3 years ago
a long and not completely comprehensive list below the cut of what makes me happy, in no particular order:
What makes you happy?
video games I like (mostly stuff that's fun, has a good narrative, and is real pretty to look at, but those aren't hard and fast rules as long as there's something i love in it--too many to name)
writing (when i'm in the groove, anyway--and not just straightforward literature, also things like interactive fiction/games, videos, or essays)
certain tv shows (and sometimes movies/books/podcasts--too many of all of these to list, but I do have a weakness for episodic stuff, like mystery shows/MOTW shows/etc. in particular, as well as things fantasy or fantasy adjacent, especially fantasy grounded in the real world)
certain fictional characters in general
infodumping to someone who's actually interested or like, excitedly vibing back and forth about a mutual interest
you know like if you're lying in someone's arms and they just trace shapes on your back or drag their fingernails up and down? listen i haven't had that shit since i was like ten but the best fucking feeling in the world okay
my friends on discord
ao3 comments
also dogs but mostly cats bc less energy sorry dogs i love you too
lots of animals really but i don't get to interact with any other animals that regularly so
baking and cooking certain things (potion potion POTION POTION)
certain foods (burgers, hand-cut fries, puppy chow, pasta, strawberry flavored things, to name a few)
ah, soda. listen the carbonation is just so good
big fluffy blanket. weighted blanket sometimes.
stuffed animals. i have an ancient stuffed bear and id die for that bear. i think genuinely if something happened to him i'd have a fucking meltdown. ive literally had that thing since like, a day or two after i was born, okay.
SINGING!!!!!!!!! especially songs from musicals bc the drama of it all is so [chefs kiss]
being in on a joke, like just, inside jokes
nerf guns
also fake swords, especially foam ones i can whack someone with
the mothman
those variety packs of ferrero rocher that include the three types (like normal chocolate, a darker one, and coconut white chocolate)
rainbow packs of nerds
terry's chocolate oranges
"kid's champagne" (sparkling welch's juice we put in champagne flutes as if we were adults as kids)
boos from mario. i dont know why they're just shaped like friends
sweater vests
actually just generally clothing that makes me feel Gender
the swish of a long skirt or dress
stained glass
my stupid skyward sword joycons
magnifying glasses with nice fancy handles. they're just neat
libraries, especially big ones
secret passages and finding them. the feeling of discovering a secret passage, even one you were meant to find? incomparable.
the smell of old books
perfectly timed thunderstorms (aka loud and when im trying to sleep and do not have to go outside)
hugs, i think? hugs, hypothetically
riddles, terrible or otherwise
pride flags and pride colors
being called the right pronouns/name
nicknames; freely given
getting a package
opening a package
pomegranate chapstick
performing onstage (ESPECIALLY A MUSICAL!!!)
humans being like. good. you know
making people laugh
making people cry but like specifically in a good creative way not in a mean way
except that time i played a villain scary enough to make a child cry. sorry, child. that did make me happy. it was flattering. the child was fine it's fine it's fine
rainbow colored things
sleeping in
the stars
the moon
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jellyluchi · 3 years ago
I had gelato yesterday after a long time (it was cinnamon flavored and so fucking good, there was also other interesting flavors like fuckin' Ferrero Rocher and I wanna go back and taste all of them at some point) and I remembered I used to go get gelato very regularly when I was a kid and I thought it was regular ice cream and not like a special type from Italy or anything.
So it made me thinking of Focaccia being 15 and going to Italy for the first time with her family and getting to taste gelato which quickly becomes one of her favorite desserts. But because she doesn't live there, there isn't much chance to have authentic gelato like she once tasted. She used to have gelato back in her country but it's not the same. Years later when she goes back to Italy but barely has any time to get some and pretty much forgets how much she wanted to taste gelato again. And then Pros, out of the blue, after a botched mission decides to get her some Gelato to cheer her up and she remembers how much she loves it. I think she has an association of gelato to childhood so she thinks only child-like people as herself likes to have gelato. But when she sees Prosciutto get a coffee flavored (in a cup because he's not about to let it drip onto his suit!) scoop it makes her so happy and giddy.
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wntrfell · 5 years ago
Based on Nick Kroll and John Mulaney’s special on Netflix. NSFW themes present. Feel free to change wording/pronouns as you see fit!
❝ If you want to do a slice, we’ll get a slice. ❞
❝ I don’t care. I’m gonna get high before. ❞
❝ I’m the type of man you would catch at a party going through the coats.❞
❝ I was also once compared to a police sketch of this Central Park flasher.❞
❝ I am like, Raven-Symoné level upset that you did not get that job. ❞
❝ You know, I once had [name] pretend to be my own wife, in order to throw off the homicide detective’s timeline. ❞
❝ That guy is sick as a dick. ❞
❝ My father was my brother and that’s why we can’t go to lunch today. ❞
❝ Do you want to know why? Do you want to know why, [name]? Because I could not afford Adobe Photoshop! ❞  
❝ My baby. My chair baby. He killed you. ❞
❝ Is that the fucking end of the play? ❞
❝ Oh, waiter, I’ll have one more root beer, please. Man… ❞
❝ I’m just gonna flick the tip. ❞  
❝ OK. That made it a billion times worse right there. ❞
❝ Not in life or in the play ever, ever put your nail in between my nail. In my fingie meat. For real, don’t ever do that ever again, for real. ❞
❝ Treat a four like a six, and she’ll be grateful. ❞
❝ [name] can hardly get hard, so he must use a tongue depressor as a splint on his schvantz. ❞
❝ [name] is hung like a hotel painting, in that it’s crooked and has seen awful things. ❞
❝ We don’t have any money, and we’re gonna lose our apartment. ❞
❝ Watch out, raccoons, they’ll steal your food, but next thing you know, they’ll steal your heart. ❞
❝ You think if you OD’d tomorrow anyone would give a shit? ❞
❝ Every single person… in their own way… is ugly. ❞   
❝ When I realized card tricks were actually a trick, – I said, there must be no God. ❞
❝ I have to say that this actually, too much tuna for me. ❞
❝ There’s too much tuna on my tunatini, but his Martuna needs more tuna.❞
❝ Can’t believe we’re living on a park bench. ❞
❝ We could be living in the subway tunnel if you hadn’t blown it with the mole people. ❞
❝ I’ve met someone. She’s gorgeous. Simply glamorous. Her name is Lisa. She’s a raccoon. ❞
❝ We’re both eating the same piece of pizza from either side, kind of like Lady and the Tramp. ❞
❝ Disney is just a man in California, trying to freeze himself so he can outlive the Jews. ❞
❝ You’re like genuinely a poor man’s Steve Martin. ❞
❝ Remember when I directed that version of Bye Bye Birdie sponsored by Grindr called Bye Bi-Curious. ❞
❝ You know, she is becoming a Yoko between us. ❞
❝ It’s just, I’ve never had money before and I want some. ❞
❝ I’m on the floor. My blood sugar is crashing. Could you go get me a Ferrero Rocher chocolate? Or a Lindt Lindor truffle? My favorite flavor is blue. ❞
❝ Will you go to Long Island City, Queens, ’cause I won’t. ❞
❝ Look at that mop-looking motherfucker. ❞
❝ Did you just take a shit in your show corduroys? ❞
❝ I’m a Peter Pan. I don’t know when I’m gonna grow up or when I’m gonna go to the bathroom. ❞
❝ But you’re an immature idiot. ❞
❝ I lied to my best friend and I loved every second of it! ❞
❝ Is that what you wanted to hear, huh? You wanted to hear how fucked up I am inside?❞
❝ You go too big. You go too big. You’ve always gone too big. You would have embarrassed yourself. ❞
❝ Oh, you don’t need me at all, do you? Well, tell me, how does a toaster work? ❞
❝ Nobody else says it, but Shakespeare is a fucking hack, all right? ❞
❝ There’s no one out there for me. The world just passes me by. Like I have a clipboard for gay rights. ❞
❝ Oh, waiter, I’ll have… Well, I’ll have two more root beers, please. ❞
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malunedyne · 7 years ago
Espero que ya hayas resuelto lo del antojo de ayer porque te toca responder el ask list dulce 🎂🍰🍫🍭🍯🍮🍩🍧🍦🍡🍨
tarde pero seguro, fam
chocolate: when was your first kiss? when i was 17
french vanilla: how old are you? 23 at the current moment
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? JAPAN!!!! England, might as well say India
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? japanese, it would be amazing for a weeb like be
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands? uhh *sweats loudly*
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? it depends on what we’re talking about ???????
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? the drums, though i’d like to learn to play both piano and violin (and have a never ending interest for bass)
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? Persona 5 OST, I listen to it everyday ever since January, certainly obsessed with this one
(maaaaaan, i love Lyn’s voice so much wtf)
butter pecan: favorite songs for life? Guardians of the Galaxy vol 1 n 2 OSTs. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? the wild-card Aquarius
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? beach, there’s not even comparison lol (except for mexican beaches….. i hate them, people are just noisy and dirty, disgusting)
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? can’t believe i have to scroll through my sherlockian past's mess to find it, here it is http://malunedyne.tumblr.com/post/88104749810
bubblegum: books or movies? i enjoy both very much but c’mon, i can’t choose. they give you different experiences
pistachio: manga or anime? aaaaaa fuck. dude. oh gods. it depends. about BL, i go after manga because of the lewd stuff, i must admit that. but most of times, i always go for the anime first and then the manga if i really went nuts with the animation.
salted caramel: favorite movies? ghibli movies, bro; 2001: a space odyssey; megamind
birthday cake: favorite books? THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY SAGA, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Shakespeare’s sonnets and Twelfth Night
moose tracks: favorites for manga? Doukyuusei’s saga (I haven’t read Blanc yet but dfkjsdkjsd), Mob Psycho 100 (webcomic, but it’ll count it as manga)
orange sherbet: favorites for anime? Mob Psycho 100, Nichijou, Hetalia, Cardcaptor Sakura
peanut butter: favorite academic subject? gender, social issues, art, jungian archetypes
black raspberry: do you have any pets? currently, a blond cat
mango: when and why did you start your blog? ohh shit, somewhere in March, 2012 (thought i had already stalked periodically a couple of blogs bc i was too depressed)
mocha: ideal weather conditions? warm but not hot, also cloudy while warm (warm rain is my favorite thing in the world)
black cherry: four words that describe you? random, tired, eccentric, imaginative
neapolitan: things that stress you out? procrastination, people’s stupidity and indifference, impotency, life in general,
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? i like a wide range from classic rock to ethnic indian music so idk, but i hardly ever listen to music in spanish tho
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? ferrero rocher chocolate are unbeatable about things found in the common market
toffee: a card game that you’re good at? cards against humanity, hehehe
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? barely, but yeah (i must improve this aspect though)
dark chocolate: turn ons? long hairs, knowledge, kindness, interest in art or video games
fudge: turn offs? being a huge piece of shit
peach: how do you relax? i lay down and listen to music or random noise generators
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? pretty much all of Latin-American’ greatest books
superman: do you like sweaters? hell YEAH
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? i like the taste of both
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? what a name for the ask tho
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? oh i have, now i feel sad because that was in my college days that are now long gone…..
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? fucking actually notifying me when a blog reblogs or posts something!!!
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? setheverman and usbdongle are p funny; a bunch of writing advice blogs and color palettes are amongst my favourites
almond: favorite mean girls quote? why the fuck is everyone always talking about this movie??? I’ve survived 23 years of my life without watching it and plan on continuing doing so unless it’s actually inevitable lmao
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? no color. gonna paint them silver and dark blue soon
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? yep. 0/10 would never recommend.
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? always a crush, never something actually serious though
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps? now and then (only when i’m too tired or having headaches or so) though i try to avoid them
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? telling a friend some real deep psyche weaknesses of mine !oof
brownie batter: do you like sushi? YUUUUSSS -but i like ramen better hehehe-
key lime: where do you want to be right now? in my bed, -not worrying about having to go to work tomorrow !oof-
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? nope, but i wear anti-reflective glasses
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
cookie, baileys (man, that shit is so good!!! ), chocolate, vanilla
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scarletpan-moved · 8 years ago
All the ice cream asks? ❤️
Ice Cream Ask MemeCompleted
Tumblr media
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
Middle School, 7th grade I think. 
french vanilla: how old are you?
20 (Nothing special about 20, its the null year) 
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
Michigan (the middle of bum fuck nowhere) Canada (!!!!!) California probably? Or Tokyo? PAX East? 
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
Japanese. Or any language, but that one would be really cool
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
Hmm... ELF is actually good, and cheap. I also like NARS, and Too Faced
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
Indoors, typically. Too many bugs and UV rays and heat outside. 
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
I wish dude, I have zero talent
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
Unapologetic Bitch - Madonna I’m Not A Vampire - Falling In Reverse Diablo - Simon Curtis Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran Stutter - My Darkest Days
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
Vanilla Twilight - Owl City Psycho - MuseBubblegum Bitch - Mariba and the DiamondsYou Call Me A Bitch - Halestorm Emperor's New Clothes - P!ATD
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
The pool if I’m looking to swim, I love the beach though
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
Of all time? An ask meme I made a while back on another blog. Over here? One of my Assa/ssinat//ion Cl//assro//om edits.
bubblegum: books or movies?
Books are usually better written than movies. 
pistachio: manga or anime?
Anime just because I love to see the manga come to life, hear the voices.
salted caramel: favorite movies?
The Princess Bride, Tangled, and Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. Sharknado will always have a fond spot in my heart, too. 
birthday cake: favorite books?
Artemis Fowl (series), Ink Heart (series), and Harry Potter (series)
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
Missions of Love, Frui/ts Ba//sket, My Girlfriend is a Geek, and The Demon Ororon
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
Frui//ts B//aske/t, Assass//inati//on C//lassr//oom, Kuro/shi//tsuji, No G//ame N/o Lif//e, and Oura//n High Sch//ool, Host C//lub
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
Only counting actual academics here, English. Adding in ‘the arts’, then art or photography.
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
Yes, two kitties ♥
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
November 2012, because I was bored honestly. I ran out of apps to refresh. 
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
Cool, cloudy, maybe drizzling but no thunder. 
black cherry: four words that describe you?
Sleepy, empathetic, hesitant, passionate 
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
Drama, hate, discourse, and other people’s anger
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
I listen to most musics, but I guess pop punk and/or pop country. 
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
I don’t have favorite brands honestly?? I love Ferrero Rocher and I’m pretty sure that’s a brand?? And Lindt???
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
Go fish. Fuck anything but go fish. No one would ever play cards with me so I suuuuuuck
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
lol? When I have time, but I rarely have time. 
dark chocolate: turn ons?
Ohhh dark chocolate you beast. Biting, possessive behavior, being restrained, light choking, having marks left behind, praise, and being dominated / ordered around. 
fudge: turn offs?
Lack of communication, and bad smells. 
peach: how do you relax?
I lay in bed and listen to music, drowning out the world and letting myself float off into whatever between dimension my brain goes to. 
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
Hm... I don’t know what’s popular right now, but I haven’t read Six Of Crows and I know a few people who like it?
superman: do you like sweaters?
YES sweaters are my jam dude, they’re so comfy and soft and make me feel safe.
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
Both, but more coffee than tea, I need the caffeine. 
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
Guitar. Or piano. I want talent, dude.
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Oh yeah, typically on skype calls with Rayne, or when hanging out with Kota and her mama, but for sure. 
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
A tagging system that didn’t put everything that mentioned a word in the tags??? How about we fix what we got. 
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
On this blog, @little-mx-rayne, markired, @jiminy-krispies, @kotafrost, and enecoo
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
“There are two kinds of evil people in this world. Those who do evil stuff and those who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.”
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
Nail-colored... My hands shake too much to paint them myself.
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
I’m assuming you mean when it comes to having a crush and stuff? Yes, back in middle / early high school. It was... awkward. Any other time its happened because I was like ehhhh hi I like you and they were like !!!!
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
Oh hell yeah. And usually confessed. Some worked out (obviously), some not so much, but that’s life, yo.
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
I live for naps.
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
One time at church camp I was looking for my friends in the cafeteria and backed into another person’s tray and their drink spilled down my shirt and soaked my jeans, in front of everyone.
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
Certain types, I’m picky, but yes.
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
In bed, but in bed in with @little-mx-rayne an @lukeriolc
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
Yep, and I’m blind without them. 
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
Cookies and cream, hands down. I’m a sucker for vanilla too. 
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5hfanfiction · 8 years ago
Malibu Love: Chapter 47
(three more chapters until the epilogue)
Lauren lets out a tired sigh.
“What do you want now?” she calls back
“Where’s mommy?”
The green eyed girl looks up from her book into her best friend’s eyes.
“You’re annoying Mani.”
“So I’ve heard. Where’s Mila?” Normani questions again
“She went to her parents’ house. Sofi said she got a mail.”
“Lauren, why didn’t she change her address yet? I mean, she’s paying the rent, well part of it.”
Lauren shrugs. “Something about this being your and mine place.”
Normani bits her lip nervously and sits on the couch next to Lauren. “What if it becomes your place?”
“What do you mean?” The green eyed girl furrows her brows.
“Aaron asked me to move in with him, like for New Year’s Eve we were talking and he asked me–”
“What did you say?”
“That I need some time to think about it. It’s been a week and although he didn’t pressure me into giving him an answer I know he wants to know.”
“Well, do you want to?” Lauren questions
“I kind of do, I really like him Lo. I know we haven’t been together but,” Normani lets out a sigh “I think I’m falling for him, hard.”
“Then go for it nugget.” Lauren offers her a smile “He obviously makes you happy Mani and this is by far your longest relationship. I’ve known him for years now and he’s been nothing but a gentleman to everyone, especially the girls he dated.”
“Did he date a lot of girls?”
“Not really, he’s a few years older than me though. I remember that he had his high school sweetheart but she moved away right after graduation an they broke up. After that I think he dated Ally’s cousin and that’s the only thing I know. He was a popular guy at school, but a nice guy.”
Normani smiled at the thought of her boyfriend as she listened to Lauren talking. 
“Okay, I’ll meet him tonight and tell him I decided.”
The door bell rang in and Lauren looked at clock. “It’s not Camz.”
“It could be Dinah.” Normani mumbled and got up to open the door
A few moments later she walked into the living room and threw a package right next to Lauren.
“What’s this?”
“A package for Miss Jauregui. Obviously.” Normani scoffed
“Yeah but–”
“Girl, just open it.”
Lauren shrugged and opened the cardboard to find a note and a what she assumed to be a book wrapped in a wrapping paper. with hearts on it.
“Who is it from?”
“I don’t know Mani, let me read.”
“Oooh, read it out loud.”
So, Lauren did.
She cleared her throat and unfolded the note.
“Dear Lauren,
I hope that you’re the person I met during summer. The beautiful young lady with emerald eyes full of love for the petite brown eyed girl next to you. Love can be a tricky thing but I hope it’s treating you right. Wherever you are in your life right now, I hope she’s next to you, holding you down on the ground and reminding you why life’s worth living, although I am pretty sure that with her by your side, you don’t need any other reason for happiness. The moment I saw you, you reminded me what real love is and brought a glimpse of hope that not everything nowadays is based on lust. The way you looked into each other left me breathless. I wanna thank you, both of you for being a part of my book, a part of my journey. May the love always be with you and guide you through tough times. Keep onto her and don’t let go.
It was lovely meeting you,
Yours truly, Evangeline Nicholas.”
“Who’s Evangeline Nicholas?” Normani questions
A smile crept onto Lauren’s face. “I think I know who she is.”
“Well, I don’t.”
Lauren chuckled and unwrapped the paper to reveal a book by none other than Evangeline Nicholas. 
“Close your eyes and listen to my heart.” Lauren read the title
She opened the first book to find an authors note to readers, Evangeline saying she hopes people will enjoy her book and fall in love with it as much as she fell in love with people who are in it. The Cuban girl skimmed through the pages of couples being in love, a short text and two pictures for every couple. And then, at the page 67, she found a picture of herself and her girlfriend.
“Is that you and Camila?” Normani leaned over to take a closer look at the picture
“Yes it is.” Lauren beamed
“What does it say?”
“It was a hot summer day and my friend and I decided to visit Spanish Village Art Center, which is where I met this lovely girls. The love in their eyes was so obvious and it warmed my heart to see them being so in love. The love so strong as the one they feel for each other is so rare and I wish to all of you that you find someone who will love you as much as they love each other.” Lauren reads the text that’s written under the first picture
“That’s so cute. What’s the quote on the other page?”
“My heart beats for her, Camila says about Lauren."  Lauren reads out loud 
"How the fuck does she know about your sickeningly cute quote?" 
"It’s what Camila told her when the woman told us to take care of each other.”
“When did that even happen, where is the village? I am so lost Lo." 
"Do you remember when Camila and I went on a date back in California? Two days date. We went to this amazing place and fell in love with it. Camila asked some woman to take a picture of us, although we already had so many.” Lauren lets out a soft laugh “She asked if she can take a picture of us for her photography book. I guess this is it.”
“You look so cute.”
“We do, don’t we?” Camila’s voice asks and both girls turn around to see her
“Hey love.” Lauren smiles at the brown eyed girl
“I’m guessing you got the book too?”
“I did. And a note.”
“Mhm, me too." 
Camila takes off her shoes and walks into the living room, immediately taking a seat on the couch and cuddling up to her pregnant girlfriend.
"You look beautiful.” The Cuban- Mexican girl says and pecks Lauren’s cheek lovingly 
“I got a note.” Lauren ignores Camila’s comment and her own blushing cheeks
“So did I. Such a lovely woman.”
“Talking about lovely people, I’m moving in with Aaron.” Normani announced to Camila
“Wait, what?”
“Look, you and Lauren, you need your own place. Soon it’s gonna be the four of you and you need a room for the twins anyway.”
“We’ll miss you.” Camila says and moves over to cuddle up to Normani
Considering they lived together, they actually became a very good friends and both of them were thankful that, and so was the certain green eyed girl. It wasn’t a secret that her high school friends started disliking Camila at one point or another, Lucy being the only exception, and Lauren was glad that this time around, her girlfriend and her best friend got along very well. To the point where Lauren actually felt left out at times.
Within a week Normani managed to move out completely and although Lauren and Camila were thankful for a bit more of privacy, it felt weird without Normani, as if something is missing.
When Thursday rolled around, Camila couldn’t wait to go back to sleep. She honestly hated Thursdays. She had classed from nine in the morning until almost four in the afternoon, and then she’d go straight to work and work from five until midnight. And of fucking course her professor decided to give her tons of homework for tomorrow which made her stay up until three in the morning. 
It felt like she just closed her eyes when she felt something– someone shaking her.
“What the–?” She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes
“We’re out of ice cream.” Lauren announces
“I want ice cream Camz.”
“Lo, please go back to sleep. What time even is it?”
“Just a bit after six. I want ice cream Camz.” The green eyed girl repeated herself
“Of fucking course you do.” Camila mumbled and got up
She slipped on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie and hopped into her shoes.
“Anything else my princess?”
“Okay,” Camila let out a sigh “flavor?”
“Hm, banana split. Oh, and cheesecake brownie.”
Ten minutes into Camila’s drive she heard her phone buzzing.
From Lauren: chocolate peanut buttery swirl.
A minute later followed by another text.
From Lauren: or the coffee one.
Camila rolls her eyes as she exits the car and walks into the grocery store. As of 2013 they counted that a population of Miami is approximately 418 000 people. Out of them all, Camila has a luck of running into none other than Mark James Collins. The one and only.
At first he doesn’t notice her and she’s just about to take a beeline towards the check out when her phone buzzes one more time.
Of course Lauren also wants Pringles with Sour Cream and Onion. Of course she does.
So, with a basket full of ice cream, potato chips, gummy bears, Skittles, M&M’s , Smarties and a box of Ferrero Rocher, because fuck knows what will Lauren’s next text say.
“Funny running into you.” A voice from behind says and Camila closes her eyes for a moment
She didn’t really talk with Mark since the incident at Normani’s gym and she didn’t feel like talking to him now either.
“Mark.” She replied, her tone cold and bitter
He looked into her basket and took a notice of all the candies.
“Got dumped again?” Mark smirked
“Oh no, my girlfriend is having pregnancy cravings so she sent me to buy her some stuff. Oh well, I have to go, the sooner I get back, the bigger chances I have of being there for her sexual cravings too. She has a lot of those nowadays.”
And with that, Camila turned around on her heels and made her way towards the exit.
As soon as she entered the car her phone ranged again and without even looking at he screen she picked up the call.
“Hey, it’s Dinah.”
“Oh god, what did she do now?” Camila asked as she fumbled with her keys
“No, it’s me, Dinah.”
“Ohh,” Camila nodded her head “what did you do now?”
“What the fuck Mila? Why do you-”
“Dinah it’s almost fucking seven in the morning, you obviously called with a reason.”
“Yeah, okay so, can you pick me up? I went out on a date with this girl and we ended up at her place but it turns out she has a boyfriend and I ain’t a homewrecker like you, that’s a joke in case you didn’t realize.”
“Lauren sent me to the store–”
“Lauren’s asleep. I texted her a few times before calling you, but she didn’t pick up.”
Camila rubbed her temples and let out a loud groan.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Again?”
“Wait, where are you?”
“At Walmart. Lauren had cravings and sent me to the store to buy some Ben & Jerry’s for her. So, she fell asleep.”
“Probably. Will you pick me up?”
“Just text me the fucking address, I’m on my way.”
A few moments later her phone buzzes, signaling she got a text from Dinah.
It takes her twenty minutes to pick up Dinah and another twenty to drop her off and then half an hour more until she gets to the apartment she shares with Lauren.
Lauren’s fast asleep in their bed and Camila lets out a sigh before walking into the kitchen to put the ice cream in the freezer.
It’s fifteen minutes until eight which means she has forty-five more minutes until her alarm goes off, so she does the only logical thing to do. She cuddles up close to her girlfriend and closed her eyes.
Camila isn’t the only person Lauren wakes up at night. Mostly she is, but the next time it’s not.
It was just a little bit after three hours on Monday morning when Nick’s phone goes off.
At first the man barely had any intentions of picking it up because what the fuck, who normal calls you in the middle of the night. However, after a moment he realized to whom the phone ring belongs to and for a moment his heart skipped beating.
“Lauren? Is everything okay?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“Is something wrong?”
“Not really. I’ve been thinking…”
“We need to decides on their names.”
Nick closed his eyes in frustration, he had an important meeting in the morning and she woke him up to talk about names for their kids?
“I’m listening…”
“I don’t know yet. Do you have any special wish?”
“I kind of do.” Nick bit his lower lip anxiously
“Which one?”
“Do you remember my childhood best friend? I told you about him?”
“The one…” Lauren trailed off
“Yeah, the one who died because of me.”
“He didn’t die because of you. He died because a drunk driver didn’t stop at the red light Nick. It’s not your fault.”
“But he tried to save me, and it costed him his own life.”
“And it’s still not your fault.”
“Got any middle name that fits it?”
“Rafael.” Lauren said in her Cuban accent
“Alexander Rafael.” Nick smiled into the phone
“Do you think it’d be cheesy if we give them the same name?”
“Alexandra Rafaela?”
“Not the whole name idiot. Only the first name. Not Alexandra though. Alexandria.”
“Like the city in Egypt?”
“Any specific reason?” Nick asked although he had a bit of an idea that it had something to do with that show Lauren loved to watch and a certain green eyed Australian girl
“Nope. Not really.” Lauren replied and Nick decided to just go with it 
“Okay, middle name?”
“Alexandria Isabella, okay that sounds nice.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
“I like how you kind of kept your Latina origins in their names.”
“Gotta represent my hommies.”
“Oh my god, don’t ever say that around our children.”
Lauren smiled at his words because although they broke up, he still cared about her and she knew she’s gonna be a great dad.
“Excuse me but Alexander Rafael and Alexandria Isabella Collins will be lucky if they end up being cool like me and not as lame as you.”
“Wait, hold up. Are they gonna have my last name?”
“Well obviously. You are their father.”
“I just thought you’d give them Jauregui.”
“As if, and one day I get married and change my last name and they keep this one? And like they have one last name, their mom has another one and dad the third one?”
“Good point.”
“Hey Nick?”
“Yes Lo?”
“I’m sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep.”
“It’s okay Lauren, call whenever. Its always nice to see how you’re doing.”
“Good night Nick.”
“Good night Lauren. Night babies. I love you guys.” Nick said before hanging up, not realizing Lauren is a crying mess by now
Two days later Nick gets a phone call from Lauren, again.
“What is it now?”
“That’s a rude way to greet someone.”
Nick lets out a laugh. “I’m sorry Lo, how are you?”
“Tired. Heavy. Bored.”
“Mhm, where’s Camila?”
“At work.”
“With Aaron.”
“What about your siblings?”
“They are all busy.” Lauren huffs “Everyone is too busy to spend time with me.”
“Laur, people can’t always be available. You know that.”
“But I’m bored.”
“Read a book.”
“I’ve read every book Camila and I own Nick. All of them. ”
“Then watch a movie, there’s plenty of them on Netflix.”
“I don’t want to watch a movie, I wanna talk to someone.”
“Lauren please–”
“It’s your fault I’m bored.”
“What? How?”
“If you just used the damn condom, I wouldn’t be knocked up-”
“Oh my gosh.” Nick lets out a groan before laughing “Are you serious?”
“Hey, what about Ally?”
“What about her?”
“Is she at work? You can visit her at work–”
“Oh yes, I could do that, thanks Nick, bye.”
Nick laughs to herself as he puts the phone away. Lauren truly is something else. Kudos to Camila for dealing with pregnant Lauren.
It’s just a few hours later when Lauren comes back from visiting Ally at work(and eating so many cupcakes) that she finds two pairs of Converse near the door.
“Camz?!” She calls out
“She’s in the guest room.” Sofi replies as she walks out of the kitchen
“That’s my ice-cream.” Lauren points out
“It’s okay. So, what are you two doing?”
“We did something. Well, she did. I was just there.”
“Oh god, what did she do?”
Sofi lets out a loud laugh. 
“You’ll see.”
Lauren nods and takes off her own shoes before waling into the guest room. Nothing’s much different.
“What are you doing in the guest room?”
“Well, um… I did something today.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“And well… Remember what we talked about on Lucy’s party?”
“I wasn’t the one who was drunk, so I do, yes.”
“And you said we can’t have kittens because Mani is allergic and Mani moved out and Sofi and I were driving by the shelter today and-”
“You got a us a cat?”
“It’s a kitten Lauren.” Camila corrects her
“A kitten, okay, where is it?”
Camila lifts up the cover to show the tiny kitten that’s situated on her lap.
“I called him Cottonball.” Camila adds shyly
“What am I gonna do with you?” Lauren chuckles as she walks over to give Camila a peck on the lips before taking Cottonball into her hands
“He’s so tiny.”
“Mhm. Are you mad?”
“Because you got us a kitten?”
“Well, not mad, but next time talk to me about things like that before you do it.”
“I did!” Camila tries to protest
“When you’re sober I mean.”
Camila huffs and follows Lauren out of the guest room and into the living room.
“But you like him.”
“I do. He’s such a cutie.”
“Unlike Camila.” Sofi mumbles
“Rude.” Camila crosses her arms across her chest
“Deal with it.” Sofi sticks out her tongue
“So, how’s the situation at home?”
“Same old. Dad’s still trying to bring Jackson home, although he knows neither Camila nor I want him near us. Mom’s still not doing a thing about it.”
“You know you’re welcome to stay here whenever it gets too much, right?” Camila offers
“Yeah, can I actually stay tonight? There’s no school tomorrow and–”
“Of course. We can gang up on Camila.”
“Wow, lovely.” Camila huffs
“Talking bout lovely, get your lovely ass up and make us some dinner babe.”
Camila looks at Lauren and raises her eyebrow.
“Excuse me?”
“Please?” Lauren looks at her with her best puppy eyes
“Fine, fine. What do you want?”
“Whipped.” Sofi whispers and Lauren laughs
“You have no idea.” Camila replies before kissing Lauren and walking into the kitchen
“How about pasta?” Lauren yells 
“Oh look, a normal idea that doesn’t include ice-cream or pickles.”
“You’ll be pregnant too one day my love, we’ll see how you’ll react.”
“I will torture you so hard Jauregui.”
“Looking forward to it.” Lauren smiled
“I’m glad you two are back together.” Sofi says after a few moments of silence
Lauren looks up from Cottonball and smiles at the younger Cabello.
“Me too bug, me too.”
17 notes · View notes
asmolbirb · 8 years ago
i like you answer all the ice cream asks please and thank you
bless you anon
also omg omg omg thank you for liking me!! ilu~!
under a cut, it’s gonna get long
to people who just got a notif that u were tagged in this post…. one of the questions was “favorite blogs?” and i mentioned you in that category. no need to read this whole mess trying to figure out why you were tagged ^_^
french vanilla: how old are you? 
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
korea, japan, england
i know this is vague af lol but my travel dreams are also vague af at this point
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
i’m not really a big fan of cosmetics?
does nail polish count? because if so, sinful colors
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
yeah i play piano
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
bts - spring day
bts - not today
seventeen - highlight
bigbang - fxxk it
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
bts - intro: never mind
bts - let me know
bts - tomorrow
exo - promise
exo - peter pan
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
sand is the worst
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post?
i think it’s still that stupid lotr post? it peaked at about 140k 
bubblegum: books or movies?
pistachio: manga or anime?
salted caramel: favorite movies?
a single man
birthday cake: favorite books?
the host
battle royale
the princess bride
the giver
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
death note
liar game
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
death note
sword art online
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
fiction writing 
followed, surprisingly, by organic chemistry
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
like 5 years ago
my original blog (not this one) was gonna be a place where i logged my thoughts (like a diary) somewhere my parents wouldn’t see
then a friend asked to follow me and i didn’t want her seeing my online diary so i made the blog that i have now
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
like mid 60s 
light breeze
sun but with clouds
no pollen in the breeze
black cherry: four words that describe you?
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
change and uncertainty
time crunches
unexpected high stakes events
the possibility of rejection
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
i’m a big fan of lyrical rap
i also really really love songs with heavy thumping bass lines. like, the type you blast in your car with the bass turned high so you can feel it thrumming through your body.
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
ferrero rocher
toffee: a card game that you’re good at?
ers/egyptian rat screw/slapjack/sandwich
whatever you call it
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
dark chocolate: turn ons?
guys in button ups/tight shirts with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows
firm hugs (from guys)
rubbing/scratching my back
some nsfw stuff
fudge: turn offs?
man buns
a lot of kinds of facial hair, tbh
facial hair is hard to do well
peach: how do you relax?
headphones: in
phone: silenced
dick: out
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet?
eleanor and park by rainbow rowell
superman: do you like sweaters?
eh ://
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
coffee sometimes
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
all the time, i’m glad to say
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
telling you when someone changes their url, and what someone’s old urls used to be (or at least their most recent url)
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
D: i wanted to say @elementary-mydearlaufeyson but they seem to have either deactivated or changed urls and idk what their new url is because?? we never talked even though we were mutuals but i admired them a lot and….anyway i’m sad now but they were really great
a few bts and seventeen blogs that are??? really great???????
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
get in loser we’re going shopping
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
currently no color buT they were pink until this morning
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
LMAO all the fucking time
depression naps are my favorite pastime
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
in high school, i wanted to be friends with a really cool kid, didn’t know how to talk to him, eventually told him i was going to ? stalk him on facebook??? to find out more about him?????? yIKES @ HIGH SCHOOL ME WHO EVEN WERE YOU
he thought i was fucking insane
and i don’t blame him tbh
i’m sorry friend 
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
hell yeah
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
in my bf’s arms
but i don’t have a bf
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
(fuck contacts)
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
rocky road
0 notes