#nut shop
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sluggoonthestreet · 5 months ago
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Autumn is here and Glen has to sell all his acorns before the bottom falls out of the nut market.
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justwalkiingthedog · 11 months ago
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kpceramics · 9 months ago
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For when you need to drink like a Minoan
All three will be available in the upcoming shop update
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dappermouth · 1 year ago
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We're so back!! Tapestries are available once again, now at my print shop. Same quality and sizes as I had at Society6, only this time I'll be fairly paid! Gratitude to all the folk who continue to support artists <3
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cosmicvaca · 4 months ago
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As a Kakyoin fan and artist, I'm doing my part in giving him a part 4 design 🫡 (OG ask) Throwing my headcanons at you and hitting you square in the face
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Ramble under the cut
Noriaki is a successful gallery artist living with his "roommate" on Florida's Gulf Coast (I think the Tampa Bay area, specifically Bradenton, FL). They have a small bungalow near the water, Perfect for them, their office/studios, Jotaro's fish tanks, and Jolyne when she comes from her mother's during the holidays or for summer break. Jotaro is definitely a boat guy they have theirs parked on the side of the house and take it for a spin over at least once a month (or once a week when Jolyne is with them over the summer)
He still does missions for the SWF with Jotaro, but his day job is his art. He works in an abstract/contemporary style and his pieces are large and textural. Jotaro doesn't really get it but still supports his partner, Jolyne loves them though.
Also, he and Jotaro have matching wedding rings: platinum bands with emerald Inserts.
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shu-box-puns · 1 year ago
Ok, but when Spidy was a baby, and he and Tsu'Tey were starting to bond, he would sometimes just start screaming in the middle of the night with no prompt at all and none of the people at Hells Gates would be able to soothe him until they went and called Tsu'Tey to "Get his pretty blue ass down here" who, unsurprisingly, would be the only one who could put Spider back to sleep. Long story short, Tsu would find himself more often then not sleeping at the Hells Gates next to Spiders make shift crib than at Hometree. *Cue a lot of fluffy scenes*
Man didn't choose the Dad life, the Dad life chose him :D
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your-unfriendlyghost · 2 months ago
“Casper, I worry that you might like your car a little too much, buddy.”
-my friend earlier, in response to me eating lunch by where I’d normally park my car if she wasn’t in the shop (yk to mourn her, since she’s so far from home…)
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daincrediblegg · 19 days ago
Guys you have to start going to brick and mortar stores again instead of buying every little damn thing online. I am so serious
#saying this bc look I don’t like joann’s fabrics as much as the next person#but looking at the chap 11 closures is truly hellish. we only have 3 of these stores in our state and they’re closing two of them#and I can’t help but think about how few options those communities will have to get anything afordable once they’re gone#and I’ve looked it up multiple times for my own purposes: there are so few fabric stores elsewhere in the state. like these go down#and online shopping will be the only option. and especially with something like fabric that can be a huge problem!#sometimes the websites can be reliable enough to tell you thread count and weave and weight but there are soooo many websites that do not#so you could easily get stuck with some fucked fabric and then what!#not to mention on top of shipping shit can get super fucking expensive real quick#and sure joanns is faaaaar from perfect but jesus at least I can go there and scope out the fabric properly#I’m lucky my own local joanns is staying open but holy fuck it’s so bad!!!#like does nobody else see that buying everything online is draining places of local resources and furthering our enslavement to capitalism?#or is it just fucking me????#god DAMN#also this should go without saying that you absolutely should shop local places first too#but like also I get it bc even one of my local places sells their linen for like 40 bucks a yard which is nuts so just. please as long as#you’re not feeding the devil called amazon for god’s sake
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littlcdarlin · 2 months ago
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need joel to call me from the grocery store cause he didn’t find something on the shopping list I gave him
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palettepainter · 2 years ago
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dear-ao3 · 1 year ago
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our end of days food bc hurricanes
*note: we plan on getting more if we need it but this is for just in case and we are broke and this is literally all we can afford rn*
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risingsoleil · 5 months ago
LinZin Coffee Shop AU snippet? Could be very cute. Please and thank you. 🤍☕️🧋 I’m enjoying the writing kick you are on.
Hi girlie! this is mooonths late lol forgive me
Tenzin is a 3rd year university student and he works part-time at a coffee shop. Midterms is coming up and he notices the most beautiful girl has been visiting often. She always comes alone, so maybe she's single? From her credit card info, her name is Lin.
Tenzin is smitten with her even if he hasn't had a real conversation with her.
Since first seeing her, Tenzin has memorized her schedule. He feels it's creepy and keeps this info to himself. Today is Tuesday and she came in around 2pm. Lin always orders the same thing---iced toffee nut latte. Sometimes, she adds a yogurt or snack with her purchase. Then she goes to her usual corner by the window and starts working.
Today the sunlight is subtle, but so refreshing. It's hitting at the perfect angle to give her an angelic aura. Tenzin can't stop looking at her, in between getting drinks ready and taking orders. Lin may not notice while she works, but his manager certainly does.
"Go tell her hi," a voice whispers in his ear.
Tenzin's heart almost stops beating and tears out of his chest at the voice. "Shit! Sokka, don't scare me like that!" he hisses back, fixing the collar of his shirt.
"You've been planning your whole life together before you even had a real conversation with her. Now stop being a loser, go charm her, and get her number. Or Instagram."
"I can't just do that! It'll be weird!"
"Do i have to do everything around here?" Sokka grumbles. He pulls Tenzin close. "Listen, go ask if she wants to have the blinds closed since it's in her face."
"Oh..." tenzin nods in interest. "Good idea. Then what?"
"Have a conversation with her! Ask her what she's studying or something. Or if she goes to the same university. Do i have to tell you everything?"
"It would help."
"Damn it, Tenzin. You really need a girlfriend. How is it you're so smart, but can't talk to girls?"
"I don't know, it's a curse."
Sokka smacks him lightly on the shoulder. "We'll talk about that later. Go on."
A shove forces him away from the counter and the panic already rises to Tenzin's face. Sokka motions at the window and glares for extra measure. Realizing that he had no way out of this (unless he literally runs away), Tenzin awkwardly walks over to Lin's table. His hip almost knocks over another customer's table and he apologizes profusely.
Sokka facepalms.
Tenzin swallows the lump in his throat as he enters the territory of this heavenly goddess. Lin has her AirPods in and is typing at lightning speed on her laptop. He waves a bit to get her attention and she acknowledges his presence.
Taking one pod out, she asks, 'What can I do for you?"
"Oh, uh, nothing. I was just wondering if you, uh, the sunlight."
Lin tilts her head. "The sunlight?"
"I mean, if you want me to pull the blinds down. Since the sunlight is in your face and blinding you. I mean, not literally. But ..yeah."
"Oh." She glances out the window and then the blinds. "Halfway is fine. It's getting a bit hard to see my screen."
"Of course!" Tenzin pulls the blinds, the shade creeping over Lin's face. The sunlight illuminated her skin and only glowed from her neck down. "If you need anything else, just let me know."
He can feel his palms sweating profusely and he keeps his hands close to his body. "So...um, do you also go to Republic City University?"
Rather than get rejected, Lin nods. "Yeah. Do you?"
A small smile rises on his face. "Yeah. I"m in my third year. What about you?"
"Second year." She takes a sip of her toffee nut latte. "What's your major?"
"I'm double majoring in Psychology and Literature."
Lin hums, licking her lips to absorb the foam. "Wow, that sounds cool."
"Eh, a lot of reading. But I enjoy it." He scratches the back of his neck. "And you?"
"international business and international law."
"Oh, wow yours is much more intense than mine."
Lin chuckles and nods her head. She leans back and crosses her arms. "Yeah, that's why I'm thinking of just dropping business and doing law."
"Either way, that just sounds so cool. But I'm sure you're really busy with studying and midterms coming up."
A nod. "Yep. So that's why you'll be seeing me everyday."
"I don't mind." The calm smile on his face disappeared and he quickly, added, "It's nice to always sees regulars, even if you're only around for midterms. Having a drink while studying hits hard. "
"Oh even after midterms, you'll see me. You guys have the best toffee nut latte."
"Mhm. It's not too sweet and not too milky. I don't know, I just love it. So I'll be around to donate my money to your workplace." She meets his eyes. "Do you have a lot of midterms?"
A heavy sigh. "Yeah, I have 5. I've been studying in between work and classes."
"Do you study here?"
"Maybe we can study together."
His eyes lit up. "Really? You'd be okay with that?"
"Yeah. I don't mind. Plus, it makes sense for you to study here when you can. And it's easier to study with another person."
"Definitely. Sometimes talking it out with someone helps you grasp a concept better."
"Exactly," she agrees.
"Well, I get off at 1pm tomorrow if you wanna study for midterms?"
"That works for me."
"And feel free to bring your friends, too," he added, hoping that it wouldn't make her feel pressured that this was a date.
Lin smirks. "My money isn't enough for you? You're gonna make us all broke."
"I could give it to you guys free one time."
"No, no, I'm just joking. You don't have to."
Tenzin shakes his head. "It's fine. Really. It's just one time."
"Don't worry about us. We'll pay properly. Just keep making good toffee nut lattes."
"Ah..alright." Tenzin bites his lip and feels his awkward side returning with the upcoming silence. He clears his throat and shoots a glance toward Sokka. "Well, um I gotta go back to work. But let me know if you need anything else. Or if you want another latte."
Tenzin turns around to walk away.
"I didn't get your name. I'm Lin."
"Nice to meet you, Lin. I'm Tenzin."
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shokuto · 1 year ago
I’m realizing you can’t look at comic sales figures to gauge what’s actually hot because it doesn’t count what the readers are buying it’s counting how much the stores bought from the publishers to sell. That’s how said publishers get paid for their comics. It’s more like a horoscope
The business model is so fucking stupid lmao
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beloveliness · 3 months ago
post-orgasm emotions are crazy. i want to grocery shop
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doodlesdreaming · 1 year ago
Illustration request for @yore-donatsu
Thank you so much for the ☕️!
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realmikedirnt · 2 months ago
w's for the day:
.... by which i mean i got the radiator assembly off of the mini on my own. got a couple other things off as well, and i've been keeping everything labelled and recording how things go together. recording and labelling is probably making it all take half again as long, but fuck me if it wont be good to have later.
my cousin helped me find + assemble the engine hoist and stand, which are both fuck off heavy as hell and were tucked in the back corner of one of the garage bays bc of course. it's so strange that he's 15 now.
my syllabus for enviro chem got posted !
annnd finally we found a fill for all of my raid days that i'll miss yippee
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