#nude woman airport
thegreatstoryteller · 2 years
The Great Shift: Reunion
The Great Shift is a well known event that had swapped over 90% of the world’s population! However, after the initial fallout and chaos, a few years later people began to acclimate to their lives. Though there were still moments where people were confronted with just how much they’ve changed.
“Ok Ned Nuno. No one is gonna remember you as Ned the know it all. It’s been years. People are mature and have their own lives.” Ned said to himself in the mirror. 
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The young man looked back at his model like reflection. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it was him. Only a few years ago he was looking at his own bespectacled face with his receding hairline. Sure he’s what some would call cute and charming. He always had a knack for intelligent conversation. After college he embraced his intelligence even more and had the luxury to travel as he got older... but he couldn’t deny that his former body wasn’t turning any heads romantically. They’d haver to notice the 5 foot tall waifish man for that to happen. 
But now... that was no longer the case. All those years ago he was traveling at an airport when the Great Shift happened. One moment he was departing his plane, the next he was in a boarding area waiting to be seated!
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Needless to say it was a shock. He’d gone from a smaller and dark skinned to a clearly white and very in shape young man! He later found that this guy was named Connor Duval and was  just 21 years old at the time! Still in college too. And... well those first few days he certainly had a lot to learn about his new form. 
However he couldn’t reminisce any further. He needed to get ready for his school’s 10 year reunion. He wasn’t the same timid nerd that people would pick on. He was braver! He’d seen the world! And wasn’t afraid!
- One ride to the school later -
“Ok. I’m afraid! Jackie! Are you here yet? I know this is the 2nd message I left for you on your phone, but I don’t want to be the only one here I know! You were always my best friend and I’m sorry I’m so nervous and-” Ned was pacing nervously outside of the building he once learned at, waiting to go in with his friend.
“Easy there poindexter. Your bestie is back.” A deep voice says spooking  Ned as he jumps.
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“J-Jackie?” Ned asks nervously seeing the towering muscular figure beside him.
“In the flesh. I though I told you that I shifted into that big Ukrainian construction worker? I mean all the better for it right? None of your old bullies ever messed with you when you butch lesbian bestie was at your side.” Jackie said with a flex.
“I know. I know. You were always so open and brave with yourself It’s honestly inspiring. I’m sorry i was so shocked. I’m just nervous and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I hope your girlfriend is taking it ok.” Ned offers sympathetically.
“Yeah she loves it. She swapped into this bi goddess of a woman and works out with me a lot. Good thing too! I’m still only attracted to women and I have the best one sucking me off every night!” Jackie bragged. Previously her normal crude humor always let out a laugh from Ned, but now Ned trembled a bit as Jackie sounded just like those macho straight guys that bullied him.
“Aren’t you a little under dressed without um... a shirt?” Ned asks.
“Ha! Well you know. I thought about going nude. But I did pack a polo so i can be decent. Aren’t you over dressed Ned?”
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“What!? I  couldn’t decide what to wear! I just chose one of my body’s outfits that still fits...” Ned blushes in his nice suit. Sure he was a 6 foot tall model with abs, but his indecision in outfits was ever present.
“Neverminded that anymore. Let’s get in there! You’re a tenured professor for Pete’s sake. And I’m a well known LGBT author. We got a lot to talk about.”
Jackie pulled Ned in with his surprising strength and they began to hear the music and mingling. Inside they were given name tags and soon saw the crowds of people that none of them recognized! One of the perks of the shift was that no one was ever mad when they didn’t recognize one another. In this case though Jackie and Ned’s eyes zeroed in on a few key people.
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Stacy Skarsgaard was always known as the head cheerleader and total B. Her platinum blond hair and perky breasts getting her through life and landing her a cushy secretary job somewhere in the city, from what Jackie had heard. Now once again, as she was so many other times, she was blasted drunk and taking her top off. Only this time it revealed a powerful dark skinned chest with curly black hairs. Her perfectly shaved face saying, “And like. I”m already on my 4th husband and he totally worships me. Takes care of the kids and still tops me like a champ. Like. I totally see why gay guys do it all the time. I can’t stop. Any more martinis?”
Jackie snorts. “Where was that open mindedness when she tried to get student council to take down the LGBT Support Club? Freaking hypocrite. Their eyes then drifted to three men chest bumping and laughing.
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“Are those guys Chad, Thad, and Grad?” Ned asks surprised. “Weren’t they... like the biggest guys on the football team?” Ned recalled the days when those beefy fat bodies would pound through the halls and shove him against lockers.
“Oh yeah. I heard they were working as assistant coaches at some college and ended up swapping with their respective school’s freshman swim team. They... certainly lost a lot of that freshmen 15 that we saw them with in university.” Jackie laughed admiring how they both towered over their former bullies, though Ned once again felt insecure about how much their abs looked better than his. Those three guys kept messing around but in different ways. Instead of belching and arm wrestling they were doing some handstands and showing how flexible they were. 
“Ok. Ned. Stop sulking and start catching up. You wanted to prove to yourself you could stand up to your past. Now is your chance. Next person to walk through that door is gonna be a new person you have to say Hi to ok?” Jackie commanded.
Ned gulped and looked at the door nervously and was in awe of who stepped in.
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“Paul Bailey?” Ned said astonished. He’d recognize that familiar leather jacket anywhere.... he could still smell it as the closeted athlete wrapped his arms around him all those years ago under the bleachers after a big game. Neither have them had mentioned the night since, but that hadn’t stopped Ned from cherishing that memory.... as well as stalking him occasionally on social media seeing who he swapped with. 
Ned hadn’t realized he’d been staring that long as Paul immediately saw him and walked over. “Holy... Ned? Is that you. Wow you sure changed.” The man joked. His voice was different... but still so deep and smooth Ned nearly swooned.
“H-hey Paul. Guess we all have since the switch. You’re um... looking good.” Ned admitted, blushing. He missed his previous heritage that made these embarrassing actions less noticeable with his former darker skin. 
“Thanks. I guess I traded in my older pasty body for a new more bronze kind. I wasn’t expecting to swap with an Asian bodybuilder, but hey I was at the airport. Right or wrong place depending who you ask for the shift.” 
“Really? I was at the airport too when I shifted. It was kinda funny. I’d been traveling a lot since I got tenure as a professor, but the first thing I did when I shifted was trip. I guess no amount of travelling prepares you for suddenly having size 14 feet.” Ned laughs.
“Really? They do look big... dang. Those are like twice the size of your old ones.” Paul laughs too!
“Y-you remembered me that well?” The nerd felt touched.
“Of course,” Paul replied as it was his turn to blush. “Though hey! I got you beat with these size 17 wide feet. With these heavy muscle I nearly took out an entire cart of luggage.”
The two continued to laugh, comparing bodies, stories, and catching up. Jackie suddenly took her leave to be ogled by all of the female attendants.
Ned and Paul were having a great time walking around, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company.
Ned didn’t know that their bodies had met previously. That Connor was on the way to visit his boyfriend at the time... that miles away their original bodies were holding hands and laughing too... Ned couldn’t know that Paul had also been secretly keeping up with Ned after feeling bad about kissing and never calling...
But there are some things a know it all doesn’t know. Maybe it’ll be fun for him to start learning again. This time with someone both old/new.
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vanfleeter · 1 month
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Black Smoke: Chapter 8 - Green With Envy
Characters: Jake Kiszka x Fem!reader Warnings: 18+ as always. Fluff. Mentions of pregnancy. Angst. Insecurities. Anger. Jealousy. Arguments. Crying. Hurt feelings. Apologies. Flirting. Smut. Sexual acts. Penetrative sex. Oral sex (f receiving). Fingering. Nude photography.
Black Smoke Masterlist
The wind was chilly in the early morning, nearing four weeks after arriving home from Michigan. You adjusted the cap on your head after closing the trunk door of Jake’s jeep. Your stomach growls and you pout and whine. Jake peers around the corner of the jeep with his eyebrows creased together. “What are you whining about?”
“I’m hungry..” Shaking his head, he walks away and goes to the driver door. “Can we please stop and get some food on the way to the airport?” You ask when you climb into the jeep and close the door.
“We can eat when we get to the airport.” He says as he starts the engine. “We’re already running behind schedule.” You huff, making him chuckle and he puts the vehicle in reverse and drives off to the airport.
Making it to the airport and getting through security, Jake leads you through the crowded terminal and to your gate before dropping his backpack and yours to the floor. You hold out your hand, pouting your lip and he sighs rolling his eyes. “You literally ate this morning, how are you hungry again?” He says as he hands you his credit card. You simply shrug your shoulders and take the card from his hand. “Bring me back a coffee!” He calls as you’re walking away.
The second you step into the nearest cafe, you can smell the food cooking and it makes your stomach churn, but the food on the menu board looks really good. Ordering yourself a couple breakfast sandwiches and extra one for Jake just in case, you also order his coffee before making your way back through the terminal and to the spot where you had left him at the gate.
“Geez,” Jake chuckles when he spots the food in your hand and the two coffees.
“I hope it tastes better than smells,” You say as you pull out one of the sandwiches and hand it to him.
He cautiously sniffs it and shrugs his shoulders before pulling apart the wrapper and taking a bite. The action alone makes your stomach church again and you grimace at your own sandwich. Luckily it does taste better than it smells.
An hour passed and you were finally boarding the plane to head off to New York before boarding an international flight to London. By the early morning, the flight landed in London. Jake quickly dropped your stuff off the airport before taking a rental car to the studio.
“Mr. Kiszka!” The studio manager exclaims as he greets Jake with an open armed hug. He smiles widely at you. “And you must be the future Mrs. Kiszka,” He says, pulling you into a hug as well. “It is such a pleasure to be working with you, Mr. Kiszka. I’ve seen your work and it is absolutely amazing. I definitely believe you are the right fit to take on this job.”
“Thank you,” Jake says with a slight chuckle. You’ve learned since being with him that he sometimes gets a little flustered when complimented. It was something you found endearing.
“Well, let’s head on back and meet your model for these next few days,” The manager says as he begins to lead you through the studio and towards the back dressing rooms. Knocking on a door, a woman’s voice calls, allowing you to enter and he pushes the door to reveal the most gorgeous woman sitting on a chair in front of a large mirror while the makeup artist is dabbing on a little powder.
“Angelica, I would love to introduce you to Jake Kiszka. He’s going to be our photographer for the next few days for this shoot.”
Angelica smiles and excuses herself from the artist and stands up from the chair. If you were already insecure over just seeing her face, you’re definitely even more insecure when you see just how perfect her body is too. Perfectly sculpted body and toned abs. Surely Jake would find her attractive and that sends a nervous vibe through your body.
“Jake!” She smiles and immediately pulls him in for a hug. “I am so happy to be working with you! Oh I’ve seen your work and I have to say that it is phenomenal. When they told me you'd be the photographer for this shoot, I was so excited. Still am!”
Instinctively your eyebrows crease when you see his cheeks flush red and he stammers over his next sentence that falls from his mouth, “Th-Thank you Angelica. I’ve been looking through your portfolio to gain some idea of what seems to work best for you and I have to extend the same compliment. You’re very beautiful and you’re definitely right for this shoot.”
“Well thank you, Jake.” She giggles. Angelica’s attention turns to you and you can just tell the smile is fake as soon as she looks at you. “Hi! Oh my gosh, I’m being so rude. You must be Jake’s assistant.”
“Oh uh, no–”
“She’s my fiancée,” Jake interjects. “Angelica, meet (Y/N).”
“Oh! Fiancée! How exciting! Congratulations!”
“Well, we’ll let you finish getting ready while Jake gets his gear set up.”
“Of course! I’ll see you there!” Angelica gives Jake a wink before going back over to the chair and sitting down to finish getting her makeup down. Jake reaches for your hand and tugs you from the room.
He had been putting his camera together and changing the settings to ones he would need for the indoor portion of the shoot. “Okay, I am ready!” Angelica announces as she walks into the room. She dressed in a very revealing top and a pair of tight skinny jeans. You notice Jake glance up and fumble with the camera in his hands, nearly dropping. He clears his throat and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. You thought your scoff was quiet but Jake heard because he’s turning to look at you.
You shrug your shoulders and shake your head. “Nothing..” You say as you lean back in the chair that was provided for you.
“Jakey, how do I look?” Angelica calls as he fluffs her hair.
Who the fuck does she think is that she can him that?
“Jakey?” You mutter.
Jake shoots you a look. A warning look. He’s warning you? She’s the one trying to flirt with him and you get the warning look? If you weren’t starting to boil from jealousy already, you definitely are now.
“You look great,” Jake responds with his eyes still focused on you. You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest. “Do you mind getting seated on the couch? Make yourself comfortable.”
“Anything for you, Jakey.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes when Jake’s eyes look back at you to make sure you weren’t doing anything wrong. You give him an innocent smile and he scoffs with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
The whole shoot had you on edge. She would constantly call him ‘Jakey’, occasionally calling him ‘Sir’ and giggling when his cheeks flushed red. When he’d go up to fix her hair in the way he wanted it to look, she’d take that as an opportunity to fidget with the pendants on his necklace and compliment him on how cool they are after he explains which one is.
Is he purposely doing this to get under your skin? To test how far he can let this go before you explode?
He did catch you a few times rolling your eyes and sending you the same warning look. “Would you stop it?” He says coming up to you after calling for a break.
“Stop what?”
“Stop rolling your eyes–”
“And stop scoffing–”
“None of her flirting means anything.”
“Tell that to your red cheeks, Jake.”
“You’re embarrassing me, stop it.”
Woah. Pause. Did he.. You’re embarrassing him? “Wow..” You breathe as you slide out of the chair. “This has gone from a photoshoot to flat out flirting. She’s always calling you ‘Jakey’, gross. And ‘Sir’? I’m sorry but there’s one person who can call you that, and that person is me.”
“(Y/N), it means nothing to me.”
“Well tell that to your dick,” You whisper-yell to him. “You think it isn’t noticeable? Gosh, Jake, you fucking fumbled your camera when she came out dressed in that outfit.”
Jake takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and exhaling. “Go back to the hotel.”
“I said, go back to the hotel. You’ve been so rude all morning and I’m tired of it.”
“I’m being rude?” You shake your head and grab your coat and purse. “Have you seen the way she talks down to me? It’s so condescending and you haven’t even noticed. But whatever, I guess I’m the one being rude.”
“Just go and take a nap. You’ve been up for so long and it’s making you crabby.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key for the rental car. “Here, take the car.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll get a taxi or something after we wrap up.” He gives you a kiss on the forehead and a light tap on your ass. “We’ll talk after I get back and after you’ve slept.”
Getting back to the hotel and up to the room, you toss your things onto the couch before going into the bedroom where you proceed to change into something more comfier. Standing in front of the mirror, you slowly lift up your shirt to look at your midsection. How can you compete with her? She has the perfect body and she’s fucking beautiful. Why wouldn’t he be attracted to her?
Of course he’s attracted to her, he got fucking hard just looking at her. He hasn’t felt that way towards you since the two of you got back to Nashville. He hasn’t even touched you since either. When was the last time you two were ever intimate? Was it really in his old bedroom at his parents’ house?
You didn’t realize you were crying until you looked up in the mirror. Your eyes grow red and your chin wobbles. Pulling your shirt back down, you turn away from the mirror and walk over to your suitcase to retrieve your earbuds. Music might be a good distraction and get your mind off of today.
It was nearly midnight in London by the time Jake finally came back to the hotel. And suddenly you are sent down the road of jealousy and anger when you see him as he walks into the bedroom. You give him a short glance before going back to scroll through social media on your phone.
“I figured your nap would have made you feel a little better.” He says as he sits on the edge of the bed and takes off his shoes.
“I’m not tired, if that’s what you mean..” You say, not taking your eyes away from your phone. “Did she flirt with you any more after I left?”
“(Y/N)..” Jake sighs.
“Well did she?”
His shoulders drop and he turns to face you. “Yes..” Your only response was a simple nod of your head. “It means nothing.. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“Until your dick stops hardening for her.”
“Would you knock it off?!” He finally shouts as he stands to his feet.
“I’m sorry, Jake! But it hurts, you know.” You toss your phone down on the bed and stare at him. “You seem so attracted to her.”
“But I’m not!”
“Yes you are, Jake.” You sigh. “And it’s fine, I get it. I don’t look like her. She’s fucking beautiful and her body..”
“Baby,” Jake kneels onto the bed and crawls over to you, his face just centimeters from your face. “You are beautiful.”
“But I don’t have her body, Jake.”
“So?” He rested back on his knees with his hands laying on his thighs. “Why does it matter if you have her body or not? I love your body.” Your bottom lip quivers and you lower your chin. “Hey look at me.” He says as he reaches towards you and lifts your chin back up. “Why would you think such a thing?”
“Because..” Your voice is shaky. “The way you looked at her today.. You haven’t looked at me like that since we got back from Michigan.”
“Just because you don’t see me looking at you, doesn’t mean that I’m not ever looking at you.”
“We’ve not been intimate either..”
“I have no excuse, really..” He sighs. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not still attracted to you. So what if you don’t have a supermodel’s body. I still love you.” He reaches for your arms and pulls you onto his lap. “You’re still so beautiful to me.” He gives you kisses before leaving a trail of them down your neck.
“Jake, stop..” You push away from him, crawling off his lap and moving away from him. “I don’t want pity sex..”
“Pity sex?” He questions. “Is that what you think it was going to be?”
“Yes, because you feel sorry and I don’t want to feel like you have to have sex me because I said that. I want you to have sex with me because you want to and because I’m sexy.”
“But I do want to.”
“No, you don’t..”
“Baby, yes I do!” He crawls over to the edge of the bed and holds your face in his hands. “I always want to have sex with you!”
Tears escape down your cheeks and you push him away again. “Then why haven’t you for the last month, Jake?! But the second Angelica steps out in that top revealing her boobs and her jeans were so tight, you were totally into that! She turned you on, dammit! I haven’t done that to you in weeks!” More tears fell down your cheeks. “How can we get married when I don’t make you feel like that anymore?”
“(Y/N), I’m sorry that I ever made you feel this way..” He tries to reach for you again but you take a step back. “(Y/N)..”
“Just go find Angelica.. At least you won’t pity her..” You quickly go into the bathroom and close the door behind you and twist the lock.
Geez, why do you have to be so emotional? You’ve never cried this much. Leaning against the sink, you slowly rock back and forth as you breathe in deeply and exhaling at a slow pace. And your anger? Jealousy? You’ve never been jealous because you’ve never had a reason to be jealous.
A gentle knock sounds on the door before Jake speaks. “(Y/N).. I’m sorry.. I-I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, but I want to make you feel better. I want to fix this. Please open the door.” He went quiet for a minute or two before speaking again. “I want to make love to you, and not out of pity. I want to make love to you because I do love you. I really do. I want to kiss you in all the right places, I want to touch you until you’re squirming beneath me. Please let me prove to you that I love you.”
Wiping your hands across your face, you go over to the door and unlock it before pulling it open. He stands there with the most sorrowful look that you’d ever seen on his face. He doesn’t move as you wrap your arms around his torso and rest your head against his chest. Slowly he moves his arms around you and holds you close.
“I’m sorry..” You whimper. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me..”
“It’s okay..” Jake says as he rubs his hand up and down your back.
You lift your head to look at him. “I love you.”
He smiles and raises his hand to your face to brush your hair behind your ear. “I love you too.” He moves slightly closer, his lips just barely brushing against yours. “Can I kiss you?” He asks.
He smiles before he presses his lips to yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you press your body closer to his as the kissing begins to heat up. His hands find their way back to your waist and he rests them on your hips before he’s pressing your body up against his. Bending slightly, he picks you up off the floor and sets you on his waist and carries you back to the bed where he lays you down.
He pulls away from you long enough to remove his shirt before kissing you again. You can feel him growing hard beneath the fabric of his jeans and he grinds himself against your core. With your permission, he slowly addresses you and kisses every inch of your body as he goes.
As much as he desires to bring you pleasure, he longs to make love to you even more. He settles himself between your legs and kisses you before pushing himself inside of you. You gasp from the sting, fully aware of how long the two of you have not been like this. He moves slowly, allowing you ample time to adjust to him again.
“I think I might be pregnant..”
He slows his pace before coming to a stop and he props himself up just enough to really look at you. “What makes you think that?”
“Just a feeling..” You say. “I’ve never been this emotional before.. And the airport? The food made me so queasy. And then suddenly I'm a raging, jealous bitch only to burst into tears and feel so bad.. I’m supposed to get my period in a couple days but.. If I’m late..”
“Then let’s hope you are.”
“If I am, are you for sure okay with that?”
“Of course I am,” He leans to kiss you before gently thrusting his hips forward.
He starts to move again, still gentle but passionate. Soon he’s bringing the both of you to your climaxes. The warm feeling takes over your body as you feel the two of you melding together. He’s resting his head on your shoulder, him breathing heavily as you softly run your fingers through his hair. When the two of you relax, he carefully pulls out of you and goes off to the bathroom to retrieve a wet washcloth to clean you both off.
He can’t help but to kiss way down your leg when he finishes and tosses the cloth off the side, no doubt that he’ll probably be using it again here shortly. Making it to your inner thigh on your right leg, he sets it back down on the bed before starting on your left leg. He licks his tongue through your folds, earning a light gasp from you. He looks up to find you looking down at him with your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. He smiles and places a kiss to your still sensitive clit before he kisses his way up your body. Coming up your abdomen and to the valley your breasts, he pauses and pulls away slightly.
He puts on his thinking and rubs his chin with his index finger and thumb. “Hmmm..” He hums. “Which one do I want?” He shrugs shoulders and leans back down to envelope your right nipple in his mouth while he palms your left one in his hand and gently massages it.
He leaves your left breast and slides his hand down your body, first squeezing your hip and then dipping his hand between your legs. Though he probably could have done this first, he missed being intimate with you just as much as you had, so he couldn't help but dive straight into the fucking. Or love making, actually.
And he’ll do it again too. To hell with the foreplay. He loves being shoved so deep inside of you and nudging all the right places just so he can hear those little sounds you make when he does.
He pauses the circular motion of his fingers on your clit and releases your right breast from his mouth. Pulling away completely, he climbs off the bed and goes over to his things on the other side of the room and retrieves his personal camera.
“For my eyes only,” He says as he turns it on.
Instantly popping up, the last photo he took with his camera was one of you that he snapped without you noticing. You were fully naked and walking in the direction away from the camera. Your arms were raised as you were stretching and lifting your hair just slightly. He zoomed in on your ass, biting his bottom lip as he stared at the red hand print visible from when he smacked your ass as he pounded himself into you. That was the night before the two of you took off for Paris. After coming home late that night, he still felt a little twinge of remorse for missing the dinner date and he knew presenting you with the trip to Paris was not going to fully make up for it. So he fucked you, there was no love making it. He did everything to pleasure you, even when you begged him to be rough on you.
You missed him so much then as much as he missed you. He remembers having you on your hands and knees and he was railing himself into you, not worried about the pain you might be in the next day. He was fully prepared to have to carry you around if he needed to. The smack of his palm against your ass has the blood rushing to his cock.
But he’s being pulled from that memory when he hears you calling his name and the warmth of your hand enveloping his cock. “Are you looking at her photos?”
“If by her, you mean you? Then yes.” He turns the camera to face you showing the naked photo of you. He winks at you and kisses your forehead. “That night was amazing.” He pulls away from you, the warmth of your hand leaving his cock as he sinks down to the mattress and spreads his legs. “Pop a squat.” When you have yourself straddling his waist, he looks into the mirror and adjusts your legs around his body until he has them just the way he wants them. “Perfect.”
He lays your head on his shoulder and moves your hair to the right spot. When he is satisfied with how the two of you look in the mirror, he brings his camera up, blocking both of your faces with it, and snapping a few photos.
“We look so good together,” He says as he looks through the photos. He lowers the camera and looks at you. “You are stunning and I couldn’t be luckier.”
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do,” He pecks your lips and sets his camera off to the side as he deepens the kiss. “And if you are pregnant? I would definitely be the luckiest man in the world.” He topples you both over and reaches above you to flick off the lamp.
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The Dream - Chapter Seventeen.
Yeah... I think I’ve made you all wait for long enough, which is unheard of with me as I usually do give y’all a little filth much sooner, so here. Have at it. Come graze upon this offering of smut I present for the besties!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed (note: those not engaging will be automatically removed from the tag list, FYI)
Words - 2,778
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
‘Miss you, gorgeous. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow and let you examine how pretty my new undies are with a very, very close inspection xx’
“Fuck. Me. Sideways.”
“Is that even physically possible?” Coco chirped, miming moving a woman around over his crotch, trying to work it out.  
“He’d find a way,” EZ nodded, Angel lifting his sunglasses as he lay back on his bike, viewing the picture Keri had just sent him with nothing short of very keen interest. “Keri sending you nudes?”
“Yo, lemme get a look.” Coco was off his bike and attempting to peer at Angel’s phone in seconds, the man himself pushing him back with a boot to the thigh.  
“Get outta here, homes. Y’all ain’t checking out my girl,” he snorted, turning to EZ. “And no. In undies. That I wanna fucking remove with my goddamned teeth.” Oh, how he did, too. He wouldn’t lie to himself, he’d been left massively sexually frustrated upon his departure from Utah almost two weeks before, but he was trying hard not to revert to his bad habit of making things all about him.  
In the past, he likely would have snapped at her that she didn’t have anything to worry about, given her some kind of “yo, girl! Can’t you fuckin’ see I’m crazy about you, so just let me bang you already!” speech, but he’d made those kinds of inconsiderate mistakes much too often, which had inevitably ended up with him being labelled - quite rightly - as a thoughtless jerk. He didn’t want to be that guy any longer, and Keri, she very much brought out the desire not to be.  
Even if right at that moment, he was quietly cursing her for making him so horny, with no outlet for that. Again, not too long ago, he would likely have lost interest and not had to work very hard in chasing someone else with the end goal of getting between their legs, but not this time. Not with her. If something as inconceivable as meeting her in his dreams had taught him anything, apart from that she was there for a reason, it was that he was capable of doing – and being – better.  
Maturity; it had to land with him sooner or later. He was sick of the messes he perpetually found himself diving into headfirst where women were concerned.
As soon as Bishop arrived back with them, relaying the information they were waiting on, it was business as usual, the guys heading out, their affairs not wrapped up until 4am the following morning, after which Angel very, very gladly faceplanted his bed. He fell asleep smiling, knowing the next time he’d be in it, Keri would be beside him. Eleven hours, and he’d have her in his arms. After one quick commitment to uphold for the club, he was free to take the ride up to San Diego, excited beyond measure to see her again.  
“Angel, you’re smushing me,” she spoke at just after 3pm the following afternoon as he greeted her from her flight.
“Might have missed you, just a tiny bit. Not much, just this much.” He held up his thumb and forefinger, a barely there gap between them.  
She replicated the gesture. “Just this much?”
Leaning to her, he kissed her softly. “Mmhmm.”  
Draping her arms around his neck, she basked in his affection, the warmth and scent of him, wanting to entwine in endless kisses. God, she’d missed him so much. Moving through the airport arm in arm, Keri couldn’t help but notice something quite different, being with him on his home turf. The way people looked at him was entirely different to when he’d visited her. Could he really be so notorious in California, especially in a city almost an hour from where he actually lived?
It hit her then. The notoriety wasn’t his specifically; it was the kutte that he wore. Mayan. Danger. Outlaw. What she saw in the faces of those who viewed him was uncertainty, distrust and fear, which were at polar odds with how she herself viewed him. It was a strange sensation that came over her, one of suddenly feeling untouchable by association. What he was, it carried weight, a weight that she was only truly witnessing at that moment for the first time, all because of the patch upon his back.
Then there were the women, who looked at him with the same level of lust he stirred within her. She was more used to noticing that, though, a little tingle of pride sparkling in her. He was gorgeous, and he was hers. He chose her. He wanted her. To be wanted with such desire, Angel pausing beside his bike to devote a little more time to affection, it only made the happiness within her bubble more. As well as something else, too.  
As soon as the arrived at his home, she set her bag down, turning to him with a sultry smile, her fingers undoing the buttons of her top. It had been long enough. “So, that close inspection of my underwear.” She watched the corners of his mouth turn up, eyes narrowing slightly as he stared down at her, his fingers nudging beneath her bra straps, fingertips smoothing over her skin.  
She expected an onslaught, the release of everything that had steadily built, but as he tilted her head back and bent to kiss her, there was no urgency to it. The heat blazed as a slow tempest, her fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt, his flicking her bra undone as he guided her towards the bedroom, both naked by the time they fell to the bed together.  
“Yeah,” he breathed, hands stroking her thighs, “I’d rather inspect what’s beneath way more.” For the two weeks they’d been apart, they’d burned for one another, for their dreams to literally come to life, their bodies catching up with their minds. Her hands wandered over the wide plains of muscle, the feel of him sublime, his mouth buried at her neck, stirring heat to mist beneath her skin.  
She wondered briefly whether he’d seek to get his own back after her little stunt in the shower, but with the speed his kisses descended her body, hands stroking her with keen appreciation, she realised that his want for her was far greater than his need for sexual revenge. When those kisses fluttered over her apex before his tongue spread the petals of her cunt with a firm lick, her hips jolted, breath caught fast in her throat, her heart somersaulting in her chest when her gaze caught his, watching him wink, his eyes shuttering to closed, Keri sighing in bliss as she focused on the magic his tongue began to conjure.  
Focused circles at her clit had pleasure falling through her like a shooting star, her body the sky it streaked across, her mouth dropping open as a soft moan poured out, Angel’s hands smoothing up her thighs, pushing them, spreading her before him more.  
The flat drag of his tongue through her folds sent a skitter through her, his lips closing around her clit to suck, cheeks hollowing, his cock jerking in response to her sudden cry. No dream could compare to the reality, the heaven of burying his mouth against her, the way it felt to have her purl against each lick as her hands grasped tightly in his hair.  
He had her mindless quickly, Keri shaking against him as his tongue sped and slowed against the wet of her, her clit swelling, her thighs quivering as his fingers clenched, short nails leaving red crescents upon her soft skin. What had begun as slow soon escalated, Angel eating with greedy aplomb, his lips tight around her clit, the bliss cutting through right to the very marrow of her.  
She jerked against the anchoring weights of his hands holding her down, and he smiled against her slick, releasing his hold on her, enjoying the feel of her legs wrapping around his head, his hands touring her body, clenching at her tits, her nipples pinched until she wailed, the pleasure breaking over her as each lick dragged sparks of utter nirvana at her clit.  
“Oh... fuck!” she gritted, panting hard, writhing against his mouth. He continued to stroke her, the contrast of hot hands and the coldness of his rings making her tingle, her feet rested on his shoulders as the tip of his tongue became a blur of flickers over her clit, driving cries from her as she slicked against his mouth, his groans hungry.  
She felt bereft when he suddenly sat up, reaching to his nightstand drawer. “I swear, you can fucking sit on my face for as long as you like later, but right now, nah. I gotta be inside you, baby.” He ripped open a condom wrapper and pulled it on quickly, moving to exchange ferociously heated kisses with her, Keri grabbing her legs and pushing them down either side of her head behind her arms. His raised eyebrow was extremely approving.
“Oh yeah,” she purred, “I’m very flexible.”  
He smirked widely. “Imma ‘bout to have a whole lotta fun with that fact.” Kissing her again, he shuddered when she reached to squeeze his shaft, teeth laying a soft bite upon her lower lip, moving to grip her wrist and move her hand away. She moaned longingly against his tongue, her hands gripping his shoulders, nails dragging down over his chest.
“Please, just fuck me, Angel.”
“Is this what you want, huh?” Grasping his cock, he rubbed it through the silk of her folds, feeling her tremble beneath him. “Yeah, you want this dick right up deep in your gorgeous little pussy, want me to stretch you out, make you moan pretty for me?”  
Oh god... she could barely handle it. The feel of him, the tease, the dirty talk. “Yes.” she breathed, clasping his face and kissing him, feeling him press her opening and finally, finally, part her soaking walls with a push, her groan full-bodied. He gave her a few thrusts, pulling out again, mouth raining kisses over her neck, his thumb moving to stroke her clit.
He filled her again, giving her another few drags of his cock before retreating, her nerve endings tingling beneath his thumb, a little helpless whine spilling over her lips. “Well, I did say I’d get you back for that shit you pulled on me in the shower.” Kissing her, his thumb sped up, her body quivering harder. “Might have to tease you for a while.”  
The head of him pressed forth, shallowly opening her, their kisses all embers and honey as her nails dragged down his arms, biting his lower lip softly as he filled her, then left her aching and empty again. “Oh my god, Angel please! Just fuck me, please fuck me.”  
He kissed her, nuzzling her nose with his. “Yeah, baby. I will. Eventually.” She growled in frustration, making him laugh softly. “You’ll love how I give it until I do. Trust me.” Pushing into her again, her walls locked around him, a viscid clench pulsing on his shaft. He withdrew from her, his thumb pushing a little firmer, kissing her slow and dirty, her entire body stiffening when he thrust forth once more, a few strokes given before once again denying her.  
She shook uncontrollably, the anticipation tightening in her muscles, filled again, emptied again, the heat at her clit building as he rubbed his thumb faster, breeching her once more, Keri wailing as he gently bit the side of her neck. “Shit, I’m gonna come! Fuck!”  
It shot through her at the same time as he filled her, and didn’t pull back again, long, hard strokes making the sparks continue to roll over her spine, the way he parted her soaking walls knocking the breath from her, their kisses all smouldering smoke, hands pawing at one another as their skin began to glint from the heat of the afternoon mingling with the magma that surged between them.  
The threads if their bond thickened in what weaved them together, a stare of deep brown meeting hazel, intense, their foreheads touching, lost in one another entirely. A shift of her hips sent him deeper, the drag of his fat cock warming her veins with a pleasure that was sharp toothed and biting, his fuck stretching her wide, making glimmers sizzle through her.  
Lightning began to crackle beneath his skin, beginning its scorching ascent up his spine, the need to feel himself unravel so wild, he couldn’t contain it.  
“Yeah, that’s it. Come for me.” she panted, grasping his face in her hands, her nails dragging through his beard and over his neck as he pounded out every last wave of bliss that took him to his undoing, groaning deep against her tongue as he shuddered, his muscles all tightening as the dark wave of pleasure pulled him under. He slowed in the aftermath, not stopping immediately, cock still gently cutting through her slick walls, Angel looking pained.
“Sorry,” he panted, laughing softly. “I swear, I usually last way longer than five damned minutes!”
“It’s okay!” Her reassurance was quick, kissing him, her hands smoothing over his arms. “I take it as a compliment. Besides, you’ve had two weeks of me being a terror with some of the messages I’ve been sending you.”
He glowered, making her laugh. “Yeah, that too, you tiny beast.” He caught his breath, enjoying the warmth of her before sliding out, disposing of the condom and falling onto his back, beckoning for her. “Gimme about a half hour, and then you’re getting the absolute hell pounded out of you.”  
And lord, he wasn’t wrong.  
With her legs spread into full splits, lying on her front with a big hand gripped at the back of her neck, Keri wailed into the bed covers as Angel railed her from behind, his other hand clutched tight on her ass cheek before it moved to spank her, the pain of it sending throbbing little skitters up her spine. The way he fucked her, each forceful roll of his hips sending every last inch of him within the velvet clasp of her cunt, oh god. She thought she’d known amazing sex before. Her exes had been good, great, even. Angel? Dynamite.  
He slipped from her for a moment, his hands grasping at her hips, pulling her up until she took her weight onto her knees, looking down at the soaking mess of her sex, a ripple of erotic delight running through him to witness her literally drip onto the bed covers, she was so aroused. Pushing back in, he parted her slowly, dragging his cock back out again, rubbing the tip against her clit, watching goosepimples begin to fleck her skin as he repeated the action again and again.
Keri couldn’t remember the last time she’d been rendered utterly dick drunk, but god, he was making that happen for her so well, absolutely blissed out as he continued to make her flutter around him with slower strokes before once more, she was rendered a wailing mess by the magmatic onslaught of the pounding she received.  
He came hard, filling the condom before taking it off, securing it with a knot and flinging it into the trash, telling Keri to stay exactly where she was before lying beneath her, his mouth wrapping in a thirsty suck around her folds, tongue prodding against her dewy hole as he pushed her up until she was sitting on his face.  
“You seem to be at your most content with a mouth full of pussy,” she noted, gasping as he sucked hard on her clit.
“Mm.” He hummed, tongue circling her bud as he sucked, hands gripped onto her butt, each cheek squeezed firmly as she leaned back against his chest, making him groan as she grinded herself against his mouth. She loved the way his beard felt against her tender folds, never experiencing someone with quite so much facial hair going down on her before, the way he looked at her while he did it, too, those groans, him. All of him.  
All of him was exactly what she continued to enjoy long into the evening, neither of them leaving his bedroom unless it was to use the bathroom, or when Angel grabbed them some beers and took in a pizza delivery at just gone 8pm. After they’d eaten, they were back to fucking each other senseless in between bouts of lying there talking.  
It was about to become a very enjoyable four days, if nothing else.
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meret118 · 2 years
I haven't written fic since my LJ days and don't see that changing, but based on what I've read about the TW movie, (I have no intention of ever watching it.), I know how I would fix it.
Stiles and Derek are married, and Eli is their biological son by hand-wavey magical means. They don't live in BH, but are visiting, along with Lydia etc, for their high school reunion. Stiles had to stay behind at the last minute for something at work, (he's an FBI agent), but plans to still make it back for the reunion.
Allison is still dead, and Scott and Kira are married. He's a vet, (Deaton left town.), and she teaches kendo. They have a daughter who's a werefox. She gets into something of Noshiko's she shouldn't have while at her grandmother's house, and accidentally releases the nogitsune.
Lydia is there for the reunion, and starts having visions about Stiles dying in a car accident. She tells him to stay away, which he of course ignores.
Derek becomes possessed by the nogitsune while saving Scott and Kira's daughter. Void!Derek kidnaps and tortures Scott. It has access to Derek's memories, so being made to bite Gerard is brought up during the torture scene, among other things. The others eventually find them, and during that battle Scott kills Derek in order to defeat and trap the nogitsune.
(Derek does NOT die by fire though! It's very quick. He doesn't feel it, ànd Eli doesn't see him die.)
Stiles is frantically driving to BH from the airport, feels Derek die through their mate link, loses control of the car and dies in the crash. Lydia feels her vision come true and screams.
Since Derek died while possessed by the nogitsune, and Stiles had been possessed by it before and was linked to Derek when they died, they both end up in a Nemeton limbo with the nogitsune. They destroy it for good this time, (with true love of course), and climb out of the ruins of their bodies in the morgue like butterflies from really disgusting chrysalises, reuniting in a desperate, (and nude), embrace.
Stiles uses his FBI status to cover up their deaths. They grab Eli and leave BH, vowing to never return. The Sheriff retires soon after, moves to be closer to them, meets a lovely woman, and gets married. Eli becomes captain of his high school lacrosse team, and they go to all his games to cheer him on.
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fireboots4all · 6 months
A Final and Fiery Vacation:
A Fictional Extreme Fantasy Story by Fireboots
Ah the warm, smoggy air of Mexico City in December. It is cooler than I thought, low 20s, pleasant but not hot. I’ve packed very lightly for this final vacation as I plan on spending it nude and finish it in a blaze of glory. I’m heading for a rendezvous in a forested area even higher than Mexico City. As planned my driver Anna-Maria was waiting for me.
She is a striking woman, with a full firm Latino body that I love but with crystal blue eyes slicing out from her tanned face. She is wearing an oversized black sweat shirt belted around her waist with fanny-pack purse and very little else. The shirt has a print of a nude woman reaching up surrounded by flames on the front, and a rear view of the same woman in flames on the back. The woman in the flames looks very much like Anna-Maria herself.
“Well hello Mr. Boots, we finally meet in the flesh, so much better than on-line web chats even with a web cam. You look like you lost a lot of weight and firmed up in the last year.”
“Oh yes Anna-Maria, I want to put on a good show for my final performance.” I replied.
“I see you haven’t packed much, perfect you won’t need a lot. This is a one way trip for you. We are in that Land Rover over there. The road to the camp isn’t much of a road but that old beast makes short work of it.”
I throw my small travel pack into the Land Rover. I notice that there are several jugs of fuel in the rack on top.
“I hope you aren’t planning to use that on me! I want a wood pyre.” I ask.
“Not initially, except a little for starter, but once you are well done the fuel will help reduce what ever is left to ashes and dust. That is what you want isn’t it, a slow “execution” followed by a huge fire to finish the job. ‘Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust’.”
“Oh yeah, that is the way to go. Nothing left but ashes and dust.” I feel instant arousal at the thought. I am going to fulfil my ultimate fantasy. My excitement is showing as a bulge in my shorts.
“You can’t wait for this can you Boots? Neither can I.” Anna-Maria says as she looks over at the bulge in my shorts. “You should take those shorts off before your cock splits the zipper”
Not needing a further invitation, I quickly undid my shorts and dropped them to the floor of the Land Rover. Anna-Maria was pleased with my gesture and pulled up her sweatshirt to reveal what I suspected outside the airport, she was totally bottomless.
“It is going to be a rough ride, but I think you will enjoy it.” Anna-Maria says as she pulls the Land Rover out from the airport.
The drive out of Mexico City was not pretty. This is an amazing City, bustling with life and excitement. From the Land Rover I could see incredible wealth and incredible poverty but I’m not here to explore this great City, I’m here to fulfil my ultimate fantasy, to be burned at the stake nude. Anna-Maria knows these streets intimately and soon we leave the sprawl of the City and start the long climb up the mountains that surround Mexico City, above the smog and into the crisp mountain air.
“This is going to be so exciting!” Anna-Maria was getting chatty, “Mexicans are big on burning people alive but now they usually just pour fuel over them and turn them into human torches. I’ve seen lots of “narco” executions, a couple of vigilantly lynching burnings, and more than a few self-immolations. Very exciting but too quick.
“Two women and a man immolated themselves on the ranch last year, it was a great show. One of the women really wanted to burn at the stake properly over a wood pyre, but she decided to go the quick route with a jug of gasoline. Too bad, she had a sweet body that would have been wonderful to watch in a slow stake burning. I’m so glad that you want a traditional burning at the stake.”
“Oh yes do I ever want a real stake burning Anna-Maria, I dream about my own execution almost every night. I always get a raging erection that needs to be relieved. I regularly roast my butt and cock over fires. I finally decided that I need to fulfil this ultimate fantasy. That is why I connected with you.” I replied, my hands caressing my swelling cock.
“I’m so glad you did, I’m totally looking forward to watching your bare butt slowly burn. I do wonder why you want to burn facing the stake? Traditionally people were burned with their backs to the stake.”
“Burning facing the stake goes back to the origins of my BATS fetish, a print of Heaven & Hell in Mother Superior’s office in my Catholic School. Hell was full of naked people burning, lots of bare bums getting licked with flames. I really wanted to get my bum burnt. If I burn facing the stake I can hump the stake as the fire licks my butt”
“Yes, I did read your stories. You really do love butts, female and male. Did you really get tied to a stake nude and have your butt burnt by those boys at summer camp?”
“Yes! And I’ve never cum so many times in one night as I did then. Part of me really wanted them to finish the job.”
“Well we will finish the job! And I promise you will cum a lot! We will give you some special Mexican aphrodisiacs to keep you going a long time. It will be a great show!”
The conversation continued for the several hours as Anna-Maria described to me other burnings in detail and how I was going to be burnt. Anna-Maria gave me a folder full of prints of actual burnings. Almost all of the victims were nude, and most of the men had huge erections as they burnt, except the ones that had been castrated first by the narcos and vigilantes. Many of the women looked like they were in sexual ecstasy.
We climbed into the high country, having long left the main roads. Finally we pulled up to a sturdy fence and gate. Anna-Maria gave me a set of keys to open the gate. I stepped out of Land Rover, now totally nude except for my glasses and boots and opened the heavy gate. Man it was cold! I desperately wanted to warm up by a fire.
“Get back in Boots, I want to take you to where you are going to burn. I think you will like our preparations.”
I closed the heavy gate behind the Land Rover, my cock swollen again thinking about my coming execution.
The road wasn’t really a road anymore, basically a trail, but the Land Rover had no trouble. After almost a half hour driving through a fairly thick forest the Land Rover came to an opening. In the middle of the field stood the stake where I would burn. On either side of the stake were piles of carefully stacked firewood. This was real! I’m going to get my ultimate fantasy fulfilled! I couldn’t wait. I jumped out of the Land Rover and ran over to the stake wrapping my naked body against it. I wanted to burn right away!
“Patience Boots, your butt will feel the flames soon enough but first you need to clean up to get ready for your sacrifice to the Sun God. Lets walk over to the hot spring.” Anna-Maria said as she stepped out of the Land Rover. She was also totally nude, having left her sweat shirt in the cab.
How perfect is this, a beautiful natural hot spring high in the mountains of Mexico, a clear night with a waning full moon, a beautiful naked woman as your escort, and a stake waiting for you to be secured to it and slowly burnt to death. Heaven!
Anna-Maria’s firm butt was looking so tempting as she stood under the steaming water fall in the hot-spring I had to indulge myself. I slipped up behind her and rubbed my cock between those wonderful cheeks. Anna-Maria reached back and grabbed my cock guiding it into her anus lubed with the slippery water of the sulphur hot-springs.
“I know how much you love girls bums from our chats and I love anal sex.”
Well what is a boy to do, I thrust hard into her. Deep full strokes that quenched both of our over heated drives. We collapsed into the warm steamy waters.
Anna-Maria broke the awkward silence: “Boots, when you just fucked my ass, were you making love to me, or thinking about getting your ass burned?”
“Both” I replied. “I’ve been so horny since I got off the plane thinking about actually getting burnt at the stake that my cock has been ready to burst. Then when I saw your perfect bum with the hot-springs running over it I couldn’t resist. I’ve become very fond of you since we met on-line over a year ago. What is there not to love in someone willing to fulfil your ultimate fantasy, especially such an extreme fantasy as mine.”
“Boots, did I tell you that this is going to be a very public execution? We have a lot of guests coming to watch you burn. As soon as I confirmed that you were for real, and really wanted to burn at the stake. I contacted a village elder with strong ties to both the Aztec shamans and the Catholic Church. He was totally thrilled to preside over your “sacrifice”. He is bringing his entire congregation to watch your fiery sacrifice.”
“We do have some work to do first.” Anna-Maria” continued. “We need to attach the manacles and chains to secure you to the stake so you can get your butt burned the way you want it.”
We set to work, carefully positioning the fasteners and making sure the firewood was well placed to focus the flames on my butt. The work done Anna-Maria looked over at my re-engorged cock and started to stroke it.
“A firm cock like that shouldn’t be wasted.” Anna-Maria said as she dropped to her knees taking my cock in her mouth. Soon she was on all fours offering her pussy up to me. I accepted the offer. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t have anything left for when I get burnt.
Finally I hear the sound of people coming up the path. They are in a festive mood, wanting to see the sacrifice to the Sun God. They are carrying torches, and even more bundles of firewood. At the head was a tall man wearing an Aztec headdress.
“Quick Boots, drink this.” Says Anna-Maria, handing me a steaming cup of well spiked Mexican Spiced hot chocolate. “This will turn your pain in uncontrollable lust”. I took a long drink of this wonderful potion, and I quickly found that my lust was fully restored. Anna-Maria noticed too.
The crowd of people walk in a circle around Anna-Maria and myself. They are all well dressed for this cool night except the “Priest”, who is almost nude except for some decorative clothing.
The Priest speaks up: “So you are Mr Boots, Anna-Maria has told me how much you want to burn at the stake. It would be such a shame to waste such a desire on a simple lustful suicide when you would make for a perfect sacrifice to the Sun God. It is so rare to have any voluntary sacrifices, let alone one by burning. Do you accept this offer Mr Boots?”
I was puzzled by this offer. The Priest already knew how badly I wanted to burn at the stake. What was he offering?. I replied to his request: “How could I refuse such an offer, my strongest desire is to feel the flames consuming my naked flesh, and it only improves it to be a sacrifice.”
“I knew you would accept Mr. Boots. For my part of the deal I’ll offer you some special Aztec chocolate tea to help carry your through your time in the flames. Please drink up and enjoy.” He poured a large mug of the steaming spicy chocolate drink and handed it to me.
I took the cup in both my hands, which were in desperate need of warming in the chilly night mountain air and drunk lustfully from it. What a wonderful drink, similar to the one Anna-Maria just gave me, but it had something else in it. My head was feeling very light and my mind very open.
“Well Mr. Boots, you must be very cold standing around naked, same for my dear Anna-Maria. I think it is time to heat up this celebration. Are you ready to fulfill your ultimate fantasy Mr Boots?” the priest says as his eyes fall on my swollen cock.
“Oh I’m more than ready!”
“I can see that Mr. Boots. Go to the stake to meet your fate. I promise you that you will be in great pain for 20 or 30 minutes, but I also promise you that you will enjoy every minute of it as your body and brain turn all that pain into ecstatic sexual stimulation with the help of that drink you just had.”
I walk to the stake and wrap myself around. Anna-Maria and I had already fixed manacles and chains to the stake at perfect heights so when I was secured my butt would be sticking out while my cock was pressed against the stake. I locked my own wrists into the manacles mounted high on the stake then Anna-Maria secured my legs around the stake, giving my already swollen cock a few loving caresses and kisses. Anna-Maria then went to work carefully arranging the firewood around the base of the stake behind my waiting buttocks.
Anna-Maria stood up and said: “Well that should be enough to get things started Boots. The fire should just get high enough to lick your lovely bum then we will slowly add wood to keep the flames hovering there until you pass out.” Then Anna-Maria took out a jug of fuel.
“Hey Anna-Maria, I told you that I want to be burnt to death with a wood fire, not immolated!” I yelled.
“Don’t worry Boots, the fuel is just to make sure the wood catches evenly. Also, to make this a truly voluntary sacrifice, and a self willed death, you should light the fire yourself. The only way you can do that is to drop a torch onto the fuel which will carry the flame to the wood behind you.”
“Oh Anna-Maria, I like the way you think, but shouldn’t the priest light the sacrificial fire.” I reply.
The priest pipes in: “I’d be glad to light the fire, but the effect will be so much better if you light it yourself. Please take my torch, then drop it into the fuel soaked straw when you are ready. I’ll help tend your pyre until your soul flees your body, then I’ll invite the guests to add their wood to finish the job and reduce your body to ashes and dust.”
“That works for me, hand me a torch” I say as I try to reach my manacled hand out.
I hold the torch high with my manacled hands as the gathered crowd start to chant something in a something that wasn’t Spanish or English. I drop the torch onto the straw. I hear a whoosh as the flames circle the base of the stake, then I hear the crackle of the kindling as it catches fire. Finally I feel the heat on my waiting buttocks.
I can’t believe the sensation, my already swollen cock has grown so hard I think it could cut through the stake. My buttocks are clenching in pain as the first flames reach them. I smell my body hair burning. I’ve started pumping against the stake like a dog mounting a bitch in heat. I am starting to scream in pain.
Then I feel the flames falling back as the kindling burns down. I look around and see Anna-Maria still nude stroking herself. As soon as she sees me she says: “Sorry I need to add more wood.”
Anna-Maria starts to rebuild the fire under my bum, and the priest is lending a hand. Soon the flames are back up caressing my bare buttocks. I’m in ecstasy and start to cum. The crowd cheers!
It’s too soon, I don’t want to lose the stimulation and only have the pain, but wait I’m still fully aroused. The potion that Anna-Maria and the priest gave me is working miracles. I smell my flesh burning, I am screaming and writhing in pain but my mind is somewhere beyond the pain. The crowd notices my still swollen cock pressed against the stake and is very pleased. I can hear them murmuring in Spanish. I can make out enough to tell that they are enjoying the show. My buttocks are being fully covered in flames now, I feel them bubbling a blistering, yet the pain is manifesting itself in a very different way.
I feel the flames drop again. Then I feel something very different, the arms of a woman around me. Anna-Maria has joined me on my pyre. I hear a voice in my ear: “I couldn’t let you have all the fun!” then I feel Anna-Maria press her naked flesh against me and hear a click as she fastens handcuffs around the stake. I feel the weight of fresh firewood pressing against our bodies. The flames are climbing fast now, we are engulfed in a circle of fire. We are breathing in the super heated air and coughing between our screams. I feel my blood heating up at a fantastic rate and rushing into my head. Anna-Maria is trying to wrap her legs that aren’t bound around me. I feel her pelvis pressing against my burnt butt. If we were reversed my cock would be buried deep into her pussy or anus instead of against the now burning stake, but that is the sensation I’m feeling as my body braces itself for the on coming rapture. Finally I release a thick powerfully propelled stream of cum that spews out beyond the stake and onto the fire that now surrounds us. I surrender to the flames and leave my tormented body. I am not alone, Anna-Maria is still clinging to me as our spirits rise above the flames.
We look down on our now charring corpses. We watch with only a hint of regret as the spectators pile more wood around the lifeless bodies. They will keep their promise. In a couple of hours all that will be left of those burning pieces of meat and bone will be ashes and dust!
My Rapture is Complete!
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cicaklah · 2 years
Hi Cicak! From forget what I need, give me what I want
(sorry not sure if this is at or less than 500 words…)
“Usually, she blends into the crowd, even though there isn’t much need for it these days. 
Their change in circumstances has meant a change to their operating procedure. Without the bureaucracy of the ICA, the need for complex, isolated covers has been dispensed with, and a simpler approach can be taken. A joint cover more than suffices, one of moderate wealth, professionals who do professional things, a married couple who are quietly devoted, no drama. They wear rings; they have investments. Normal people, hiding their extraordinariness in the plainest of sights.
Although not today, it seems, by the outright stares of most of the men and some of the women at this usually so very humble regional airport.
(“I know what it’s like to have everything taken from me,” Diana had said, harshly, that first night they broke the rules. The echo of his own words back at him was deliberate, and the implication was heard loud and clear. I am done with being alone.
“So take it back,” he had said to her, and she had.) 
Tonight she takes a little bit more of him, the way she is dressed is enough to kill a weaker man. It’s not so much that she is wearing something inappropriate, the dress covers her and this is a free country as far as sumptuary laws go, but it's the way she’s wearing his favourite suit jacket over her simple dress that clings insouciant to her curves, the way it looks like the jacket is all she’s wearing, the way she wears it like a statement, it is that, that makes him that little bit more hers all over again.
She kisses his cheek exactly where the woman had kissed him earlier, but this time Diana’s lipstick is stark red in comparison to his earlier partner’s tasteful nude. This is the marking of a territory. 
It is incredibly erotic to be branded for all around them to see. He likes it.”
so this whole fic was written because the hitman fic prompt generator accidentally made the perfect cicak prompt, and so I was leaning a lot into my own bullshit.
I find it very personally erotic and tantalising to use phrases like "the night they first broke all the rules" as a stand in for like, 200k of slow burn I never will be the right woman to write. I still think its a hell of a line. I probably stole it from someone else, and I will probably reuse it again.
Also right, not enough is made of the hotness of Diana wearing 47's jacket just in general, okay? Wearing a man's suit jacket is Very Sexy. Wearing it deliberately to remind the man you love that he has everything he needs at home is a very Diana thing to do. I like writing Diana and 47 being ridiculously in love with each other but still very uncertain that they're allowed to have this, that they are safe, that no one cares about them, they can be in love. Like the ICA still lives in their heads, and so they have to try really bloody hard to overcome it, which ends up with Diana wearing his jacket and marking him with her lipstick and 47 loving it. The prompt was so happy together, and I wanted to capture that but still have them feel like them. They are living in a new paradigm and they kind of suck at it. Psychopaths in love, basically. My faves <3
Also, sumptuary is one of my favourite words. Sumptuary, Quotidian...plus all the others I can't remember right now.
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Well, today is apparently a rest day (but at least I don't have covid!), so let me wax poetic about this pic from 20 years ago. I'm feeling some hard nostalgia feels, but trust me, it's probs hormones.
So that's me, second in from the left. This is the day I left a sorta kinda commune on Maui for grad school in australia. The guy in the red shirt was one of the 'managers' - addicted to painkillers, but otherwise a nice enough dude. I was in 'a thing' with the guy in the middle and woman next to him (do I have a taste for skinny australian guys? naaaah (yeah)). They were both so beautiful, and complicated, and lovely. Most nights we used to roll smokes for each other, read a verse from the Tao Te Ching, and then do terrible things to each other. That girl had a real knack for packing a bowl while driving with her knees. I never saw them again after this picture was taken. The guy all the way to the right I shall name bc i doubt it's his real one: Captain Bob. Capn Bob is exactly as cool as he looks - he had a boat and would split his time between Alaska and Hawaii (which a lot of people out there do, I think?). He made all the necklaces, etc. we're wearing (you can't see, but the three of us in the middle have on matching anklets). Yes, his dick is the only thing holding up that sarong. He was the elder statesman and he used to lead us on field trips to find shrooms in the cow patties. Out of everyone there, I miss him the most and I hope he's still captaining out there somewhere. There were maybe about 15 people living on this property, but the 5 of us hung out the most. We'd lay out under dark skies and talk. We'd weed the garden. We'd go to the secret nude beach and swim from dusk til dawn. One night at that beach, we were smoking in the parking lot and I happen to strike up a conversation with some random dude who turned out to be someone from my class in hs??
I have no memory of who took the picture. Actually, it was probably the landowner?
I was so used to peeing outdoors at this point that when I got to the airport and had to go to the bathroom I almost had a panic attack in the stall. Though, I'm sure there was more to it than that (but for real, the claustrophobia!) - I didn't last long in grad school, but I'd like to think it was more about the racism and general backwaters mentality run rampant throughout northeastern oz, and also the fact that by the time I got to school I was already done with academia. I'm also sure there was a part of me still stuck at this place with these people, and while it was mostly dysfunctional, that's the hallmark of dysfunction, right?
god, I don't even have that hat anymore....
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joekeeryfics92 · 4 months
Chapter Two: The Exam
indented itallics are texts
tw: smut
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Joe’s Point of view.
You are seated on the couch in your living room panting as a woman sits atop grinding on your nude hips. You grunt with each jerk from the woman while she bucks her hips. Things get overwhelming when the waves crash over you both, breathing heavily as she moves, sitting next to you. You pull the filled condom off and toss it in the trash bin catty cornered from you, panting.
Suddenly, your phone rings out loud as the woman groans, standing and grabbing her clothes. She throws your clothes on your lap. You pick up the phone, answering it. You quickly get dressed before taking a seat again.
A shaky voice is heard on the opposite end as you sit up, listening closely. 
“Hello?” You ask. 
“Hi, Joe. It’s Amelia. We last saw each other the night of our high school reunion.”
“Yes, yeah, hey. What's going on?” 
“Well, uh, something happened, and I need to speak to you… in person. Is there any way you could get the next flight out? It’s very important.” Amelia speaks, her voice shaking.
“Uh, yeah. I can get out there. Is everything okay?”
“I don’t know. Can you–– can you please, just come here from Chicago.”
“Yes, I'll be there as fast as I can. I'm booking a flight right now.” 
You hang up the phone, and begin looking for flights out to Utah where Amelia lives. You scroll as the woman –– Nancy –– from earlier comes back and rests her hands on your shoulders before moving them lower and lower as she almost hangs over you, looking at the iPhone sitting in your hand.
A list of flights and the prices sit on the screen as she scoffs, standing up straight. You turn your head, and see the look in her eyes before she gets irritated. 
“What did I do wrong?” You ask, sternly.
“You’re leaving your girlfriend– who just fucked you a few minutes ago — to fly out to Utah? What the hell, Joe. You know what? Never mind.” 
“Hey, listen.” 
Before you could say another word, she walks to the door but pushes you away before opening it, pulling away from your grasp and closes the door behind her. You stand there defeated but go through with the flight, you didn’t know what was going to happen but you wanted to help out in anyway if it turns out to be an emergency (and to help your best friend and ???).
You purchase a one-way ticket to Utah for the night as you drop your phone on the sofa before packing your suitcase, not knowing for sure how long you’ll be there, but you pack for four and half weeks. You are rushing around your apartment to retrieve as many toiletries and other stuff for your flight. After, you rush to your keys and grab your phone as well as your suitcase before rushing out of your apartment. You throw your suitcase in the back of your vehicle then slide into the driver's seat, fumbling with the keys before putting them in and starting the car.
You drive to the airport and get ready to wait for the next few hours to catch a flight for something you are scared to approach. You do it anyway.
You wanted to be there for Amelia since you care for her as much as you did when you both were younger and more reckless.
Your point of view.
With no contact from Joe, you begin to feel like you're losing your mind, but get on with your life. Chloe enters before leaning against the counter of the island in her kitchen.
"You don't have to have this baby, but it is your choice. Whatever you choose I am okay with it, and will support you."
"Thank you, Chloe. That means a lot, but I am gonna hold back on the medication for now. Just until things get sorted out with me and Joe."
Chloe nods, leaving the room. You sit in your spot, laptop sitting on your thighs. You browse over the website and decide to look for parents to adopt your baby instead since you don’t think you are capable of raising a child at twenty six. So you do your research for parents who you want to adopt. You didn’t know when the baby will be born since you are new to this whole pregnancy and parenting aspect. Chloe walks into the room, dressed in workout gear notices you and wonders why you looked so stressed and tense. You look towards her and sigh as tears well up in your eyes, trying to speak but no words came out just sobs. She drops her rolled up yoga mat and rushes to your side, comforting you in anyway possible.
"I c-can't do this, Chloe. I can't."
"Then don't. It's your choice."
You managed to stop yourself from sobbing as you try to work online, seated on the couch, questioning your sanity. You abruptly began thinking back on the night you had sex with Joe on the roof of your high school a month ago, feeling yourself squirm at the thought of the pleasure. But you cut it off as a thought comes to mind.
Joe doesn’t care, because if he did care he would be here right now, comforting you and telling her that everything will be okay.
Where the hell is he?!
Except here you are, alone on the couch making a sonogram appointment for the next month to check the baby, or if there’s even a baby inside you since you just took a pregnancy test. You hear the ringing before someone picks up.
A woman speaks, asking if you want to make an appointment. You oblige as she asks you for your information including your number, concluding the call by telling you that your appointment is tomorrow. You thank the receptionist and hang up, dropping the phone and laying down. You release a big sigh when suddenly your mind becomes foggy, overwhelmed with anxiety about having a baby.
The following day, you are currently walking out of the doctors as your feet drag beneath you. You found you are pregnant and about seven weeks along but you weren't thrilled. But you kept your head up high and went home to your cold apartment where your best friend awaits the news. You burst through the door as you make eye contact with Chloe as tears well up in your eyes. She drops the bag of health chips and rushes to your aid, bringing you in her arms.
"Are you okay?"
"I-- I don't know." You fumble over your words.
"It's okay, you wanna talk about it?"
You nod your head and pull away from Chloe before making your way towards the couch, sitting beside each other.
"I am seven weeks along, and can get rid of the unborn child, but I will have to pick up a pill in order to terminate pregnancy."
"Okay, well, if you need me to, I can pick it up for you. I'm running a few errands after my meeting."
"Thank you, that would be best."
A weak smile forms on your face, tears stream down your cheeks.
"Well, I gotta get going or I'm gonna be late. I'll call when I'm on my way home."
Nodding, Chloe hugs you one last time before getting up to leave by grabbing her purse and keys before shutting the door behind her. You release a sigh, sitting in your spot before grabbing your cellphone from your back pocket. You scroll through Instagram, and see the many posts from Chloe from earlier that day - posted for Throwback Thursday of her partying at the high school reunion with you. It was also the night you had a one night stand with Joe.
Rising to your feet, you walk out of the apartment and towards the elevator. You rush out, going anywhere besides your apartment. You feel your breathing is ragged, your palms are sweaty and a million thoughts fill your mind. You are distracted while exiting the elevator, walking out of the complex and towards a random building nearby. You continue walking until you bump into someone.
You crane your neck up and see Joe — the last person you want to see. You both make eye contact as you are rigid in your place, face going pale, eyes widened.
You exhale.
“Hey, are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost or something.”
“Joe, hi. Hey, yeah. Everything's fine."
"Are you sure?"
"No, everything's not fine. There’s — uh, oh god how do I say this."
“Okay, what is it?” He asks, furrowing his brows at you. 
You drag him to the main floor of your apartment complex with as you sigh, unsure of what to say. Then it hits you instantly. You don’t say anything as a huge wave of nausea hits you. Holding back the little food in your stomach, you close your eyes and take a few breaths, trying to calm yourself down.
You open and look at him, tears filling your eyes. Joe softens, he sighs and looks down at your stomach. It’s flat, of course, but you’re only a month into your pregnancy. You don’t say anything as he connects the dots, inhaling before releasing the breath he was holding. He doesn’t say anything as he brings you into his embrace, comforting you as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear. You sob and begin soaking his shirt, staying there for another few minutes before pulling away. You both look into each other’s eyes, he cups your face. 
“I’m pregnant, Joe.” You blurt.
“I -- how did this happen? We were careful that night, right? Please, tell me we used protection. Oh, God. Did the condom break?" He stands, asking many questions.
You stand in front of him, shaking your head as he sighs. Joe runs his hand through his hair as you flop on the loveseat, him following after you but kneels in front of your legs. Joe manages to hold your gaze, thinking of the right words to say.
“Whatever you need, I’ll get it. I will help and be there even though it’ll be hard, but it will be worth it in the end.”
“Thank you.” 
He brings you into another hug as you wrap his arms around his neck, his arms wrap around your waist. You felt bad because you didn't want to derail the lives you both have, afraid he might pull back, but he stayed there and that made you feel better. Soon though, you pull away from each other as he holds your hand. 
“Everything will be okay,” He reassures.
Those words echoed in your mind as he leans in, brining your lips closer to his right when you gag, pulling away and covering your mouth. The scent of meat that is currently being brought into the building made you feel sick. The smell dissolves and you manage to keep yourself from puking, looking at Joe. You insist on heading to your apartment, following him to the elevator.
You guided Joe to your apartment, both entering as you see it’s been abandoned by Chloe who left not that long ago. You walk toward the kitchen to fetch yourself a piece of toast, holding the bag of bread in your hand before Joe takes it from you.
"Hey, I was gonna get myself toast."
"Let me do it. Please, go sit."
Rolling your eyes, you get settled on the couch and waits impatiently. By the time you know it, Joe walks toward the sofa and hands you a piece of toast on a small plate and sits beside you on the couch. 
“So, we didn’t get to talk very much since all we did was have sex that night.”
“Yeah, and we were drunk.” 
“Yes, I remember that.” 
“How long have you lived in Chicago.?” 
“I loved there for six years -- I moved out in late 2009 -- started college and graduated in 2014”
“Okay. Yeah, we lost contact after graduating. Like, literally after graduation."
He chuckles before clearing his throat. 
“What about you?” He asks.
“Well, I'm not from Massachusetts. I was born here in Utah, but moved there in 2007 with my parents due to my dad's job. Eventually though, we all moved back when my grandmother got sick in 2011 and we pretty much lived here since."
“Wow, when we dated, you never told me that stuff. I had no idea your grandmother died. I'm sorry."
"Oh, thank you, but it's okay. You we're in college, and we lost contact. It's fine."
"Okay. You have a lot of Utah signs."
"That would be Chloe's doing. We were drunk after she turned twenty-three, and we went shopping and she bought all that shit and now, she can't return any of it."
He laughs as you do the same before composing yourself.
"I don't recommend getting drunk and shopping."
"I'll keep that in mind."
You suddenly hear a crash in Chloe’s bedroom as it startles you both. You quickly stand to investigate. Walking towards the door, you turn the knob before entering. You look around and see two females on the bed half-naked. Widening your eyes, you realize what’s happening as you abruptly shut the door and look at Joe. He bursts out laughing while you stood there like an idiot, but walking over to to Joe and sat down on the couch eating the now cold toast. 
“Who was in there?”
“Chloe... and another female. Half naked, making out.” 
You manage to get Joe settled in your room. He of course will share your bed, but will keep your hands to yourself.
That night after you return from dinner with Chloe and Joe, you and him get comfortable in your bedroom. He’s in the bathroom brushing his teeth as you remove your makeup next to him, making sure all the cosmetics are off your delicate features. Joe finishes as you begin brushing out your hair before cleaning your teeth. You put your retainer in before getting into bed as you look at your phone, seeing a reminder for your appointment tomorrow. 
“Oh, we have my sonogram appointment tomorrow. I forgot.” 
“We do?"
“Yeah, it's early, so we need to get up on time. Thank you, for coming out here."
"You're welcome. I just want to be here and take care of you and our baby. I'm gonna be a dad."
You smile, sliding under the covers and plug your phone in before setting an alarm. You and Joe lay there, facing each other and try to strike a conversation, but you drift off to sleep.
Early the next morning, you quickly get ready before waking Joe up. He does the same as Chloe asks to tag along. You decided it was best since you haven't told your parents yet, so you knew your best friend had you in good hands. Currently in Chloe's vehicle, you have the visor down as you are touching up lst minute details of makeup. Steve is seated in the backseat. Closing the visor,you shove the makeup item in your purse then lay against the seat.
"I'm lonely back here... Why couldn't I drive?" Joe asks.
"The last time you drove my car was in high school after a party. You crashed it, and I took the blame for it and had to spend over $900 for repairs; breaks, engine, airbags, both front lights--"
"Okay, okay. Fine, I get it."
"A little bit you did."
Steve makes a face as Chole watches him in the mirror before putting her eyes on the road.
You arrive at the gynecologist as you pull your phone out of your purse, glancing at the time. It's currently 7:40 AM, and you are right on time for you 7:50 AM appointment. Chloe pulls into an empty parking spot, hopping out of the vehicle as Joe and Chloe do the same, following you up to the front desk. You grab a spare pen and sign your name on the paper that lays clipped in a clipboard. Your stomach churned from nerves, sighing before setting the pen down and taking a seat beside Joe. He looks around the room nervously, following his gaze upon the other pregnant females in the waiting room.
He tucks his hands between his legs as you extend your arm, grabbing Joe's hand and hold it. You squeeze it gently as you chuckle at him.
"What? I'm nervous. It-- It's weird, okay?"
"Oh, stop. You'll get used to it in no time."
A nurse steps out, holding a clipboard.
"Ms. Carter?" She calls.
You look up at the woman then tap Joe on the shoulder before rising to your feet, beginning to follow as Chloe stays behind. You follow the nurse into a hallway to check your weight and temperature. Following, a finger pulse oximeter. After, she brings you and Joe into an empty room as you sit atop the exam table as the nurse tells you that the doctor will be in soon. Joe, who should be taking a seat and waiting patiently, walks around the small room. He messes around with a diagram of a woman's uterus and a baby, picking it up and handing it to you to look at.
"I can't believe this is happening and that this'll be you in a few months. Holy shit, I'm-- I'm nervous."
"Me too, Joe. But can we put the diagram down?"
Joe begins to set the diagram on the counter when the fake baby falls out as he tries to fix it. He picks the unborn fetus back in the uterus, fumbling endlessly with it. The baby now sits in the wrong way right when the doctor comes in with a machine, startling Joe. the gynecologist parks the large machinery next to you. She also tells you to lay down, placing a thin piece of tissue-like paper atop your lower stomach. You try your hardest to relax at the same time the female slides up your shirt, viewing your non-existent bump.
You glance at Joe who is standing beside you, looking directly at the screen. He leans down to your level still watching closely. You extend your as Joe is hesitant to grab it at first, but does so anyway.
"It's okay, I'm right here. We'll be fine."
You relaxed once you felt his hand in yours, feeling cold gel fall on your stomach before feeling the probe move the jelly-like substance around.
“Will you be wanting pictures?”
“Yes,” you and Joe say in unison.
The doctor explains everything by pointing to certain parts of the screen right when she gets interrupted by the baby's heartbeat thumping strongly inside your belly.
"It's a little early to hear the heartbeat." She says. "But it's good. Strong, in fact. You look like you're due November 20th.”
You feel yourself tear up, but Joe wipes the tear away after it rolled down your cheek and knowing that you can't get rid of this little angel. Joe stands closer, holding your hand still looking at the monitor. You crane your neck to look at Joe, stunned as his grip tightens a little bit while you furrow your brows before wiggling your hand to get him out of the trance he's in. He exhales, smiling brightly.
Once finished she removes the probe and hands you a tissue. You wipe the gel off your stomach, sitting up then sets the used tissue to the side, but Joe takes it and tosses it in the trash before coming back grinning at you.
“Thank you.”
The doctor nods, smiling softly as she begins to explain the importance of pre and post natal vitamins. Soon enough, the appointment was done as the anxiety slips away. She hands you two photographs of the tiny baby inside you, sending you both of out the room. You quickly sign out and by the time you know it, you’re already in the elevator a heading down to the main parking lot.
You call Chloe to pick you and Joe up from the entrance. You press her contact, putting the phone up to your ear.
“Hey, we’re done with the appointment. We’re at the main entrance of the hospital.”
“Okay, be there in few minutes. When do you need to be back?”
“I need to be back in four weeks.”
“Alright. If Joe’s busy, I can take you.”
“Thanks, but we’ll see.”
“Hey, I’m about here. I don’t— oh, I see you guys.”
You hang up the phone before sliding it in your pocket. Chloe pulls up and parks, unlocking the doors as you and Joe slide in the vehicle. You both get situated before she takes off, getting on the main road soon enough. In the passenger seat, your phone buzzes in your pick. You pull the device out and look at the text.
Mom: I wanted to ask if you’d like to come over for dinner this weekend.
You: I’ll be there, but I will have someone there with me.
Mom: who?
You: Joe Keery. We went to high school together. Dated too, in fact.
Mom: oh, yes. I remember him!
You: see you then. Love you.
You put your phone down in the cup holder as Chloe raises a brow.
“Shit.” You curse.
“My mom. She asked if I wanted to come over for dinner this weekend since they haven’t seen me since moving in with you.”
“Okay. Is it just you?”
“No, Joe is going with me. But, we will have to tell my parents I’m pregnant.”
“Well, good luck.”
“I’ll be supportive.”
“Thanks, Joe.” You say. “God, I don’t know about this.”
“It’ll be okay.”
“I hope.” You say, almost defeated.
You decide to go through with the dinner, just unsure of how to approach something complicated like this.
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0 notes
deepdiveswithdoireann · 6 months
Bin Bags, Bed Sheets and Balenciaga
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In recent years athleisure wear has become a fast growing trend amongst the rich and the poor. I remember as a child my mother telling me wearing a tracksuit or leggings outside of the house looked lazy, tacky and unkept. The recent trend has changed my own mind about this, but I do recognise I have bais’ and so do a vast majority of people. 2020 saw the rise of the “chav check” trend on Tik-Tok, where people would dress in orange make, tracksuits with messy hair and impersonate British “chavs”. Basically people were just mocking working class British teenage girls. I grew up surrounded by girls like this, who fake tanned, had thick eyebrows and wore their Adidas leggings and Nike Air Max with pride. I looked up to these girls, I was pretty intimidated by them too and honestly for a while I tried to be them. But to see how the global media has mocked them and their style is so disheartening. It seems as though working class women cannot dress in any type of way without being called trashy, cheap and common. Whereas Kim Kardashian can be caked in makeup, wearing legging and puffer jackets and be called a trend setter. 
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For my last entry of this series I am going to look at Balenciaga and how they incorporate many aspects of the “chav” style and sell it as luxury, innovative and trendy clothes. Their recent Fall Winter 2024 show was held on a street in  L.A and most of the models wore tracksuits and leggings. There were some interesting aspects of exaggerated tailoring, but for the purpose of this review I won't be discussing this. The show began with a shirtless model wearing shorts and oversized trainers, which set the tone for the first portion of the show. 
As I mentioned most of the models adorned tracksuits and legging style outfits. There was a recreation of the Juicy Couture velour tracksuit, which if I remember correctly was another fashion statement that was considered gaudy and distasteful. The models pranced down the street in these varying outfits, from oversized ill fitting tracksuits to the tight body suits that resemble something I have seen on Shein.
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Balenciaga is very much a fashion house that is based on hype trends and creating conversations around their pieces. They were after all the brand that chose to completely cover Kim Kardashian for the Met Ball in 2021, which stirred a lot of conversation. Now this is great if you are someone who can afford to keep up with these trends, and have the designer logo on your new leggings or catsuit. But most of us cannot and when we look for cheaper alternatives we are judged by those who can afford it. I myself remember seeing a woman in Schipol airport, wearing a form fitting lycra catsuit, and I internally judged her for this. I thought to myself, “why do people think this looks good” , then I opened instagram and saw Miss Kardashian herself wearing pretty much the same outfit, but it was designer so therefore better. I write this now acknowledging the bais I projected on this girl at Gate G4, and to her I am truly sorry for this.
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But I also write from a critical point of view of these fashion houses, who create trends that are only accessible when you can afford them. 
  Even one of the more interesting pieces of the collection was a dress that resembled a bin back, in black and a bed sheet, in white. It was fabricated in a way that made it look like the model had no option but to wrap herself in a bin bag or her bed sheet in an effort to stop herself from being nude. As I said this is probably the most interesting piece of the entire show, but when you consider the show is set on the streets of L.A, it's a little bit less digestible. L.A currently has an ongoing homelessness crisis with an estimate of over 75 thousand people experiencing homelessness in 2023 alone. This idea of presenting a piece of clothing that looks like the model had nothing else to wear, on the streets of a city full of homeless people is tone dead.
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They had celebrity models featured in the show such as Cardi B. She wore, admittedly, a fabulous faux fur jacket. But her makeup was done in the stereotypical Chola style. Chola is an aesthetic that is often associated with the Mexican population of California, specifically the middle and working class women. Cardi B has received criticism throughout her career for her past as a stripper and has been called cheap throughout. Perhaps Balenciaga were trying to have her reclaim her power as an Afro-Latina artist, but to me it reads as performative and costumey. 
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For most of this series I have looked at how fashion houses have incorporated styles from the middle and working class population and sold them as innovative ideas. Balenciaga, do this a lot. They play into this aesthetic too, by producing a boring tracksuit bottom, slapping a label on it and selling it for upwards of 500 euro. I mean lest we forget this is the brand that created the duct taped shoes and sold them for over 800 euro. So they are surely aware of their influences from mainstream or working class clothes trends. They play into modern consumer culture by creating pieces that already feed into pre-existing popular trends, but make them desirable to those who want to stay on top of popular trends. I don’t think Balenciaga is the problem here, I think that there is an overarching theme of luxury brands creating collections that derive obvious inspiration from the working class. These brands don't call it for what it is, instead they hide it by calling it a “reinvention of….” or “inspired by the seedy underbelly”. It's tiring, it’s boring and honestly it’s just unfair.
 Popular brands take inspiration from working class women yet the majority of the media ridicule these same women for their appearance, their clothing choices and lifestyle. We need to see a change, in either how we as consumers consume or how we as a society react to working class aesthetics. I admitted in this review my own bias and I think this is something that I hope more and more people will start to recognise in themselves. I also hope that this trend of celebrities and rich people trying to seem relatable dies down, but that seems unattainable. My personal mission for you is to consume more critically, really look at what designers are presenting as “new” and dont fall for the fancy words and tricks.
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ghtrrgwe · 8 months
Epstein papers leave questions about what powerful men knew about his crimes
The new trove of documents linked to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, which was released by a federal court over the past two weeks, didn't unmask any major public figures or include shocking revelations.
But the documents include claims from Epstein's alleged victims who say prominent men who socialized with Epstein must have known what was going on and failed to blow the whistle — even if they didn't engage in criminal behavior themselves.
"If you walked foot into Jeffrey Epstein's house and you went in there and you continued to be an acquaintance of his then you would have to know what was going on there," Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein's alleged victims, testified in a newly revealed 2016 deposition.
"I would say the first time they came to [Epstein's home] there is nude pictures everywhere. These are [photographs of] salacious acts of girls, young girls doing things to each other that would be considered child pornography," she added.
Those named in the Epstein documents include former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former Maine Sen. George Mitchell, and Harvard professor and attorney Alan Dershowitz, among many others.
The fact that an individual is named or that they socialized with Epstein does not indicate wrongdoing. But the documents raise questions about who knew what about Epstein's activity.
At one point in testimony made public for the first time, Giuffre said former President Bill Clinton was among the men aware of Epstein's activity:
"Yes, he would be a witness because he knew what my purpose there was for Jeffrey and he visited Jeffrey's island," she said, adding that sexual activity involving girls was "something that Jeffrey Epstein wasn't shy about admitting to people."
Photographs have emerged of Clinton receiving a neck massage at an airport from a young woman who now describes herself as one of Epstein's victims.
But in a 2019 statement, Clinton — who is named frequently in the documents --- said he never visited Epstein's private island in the Virgin Islands and "knew nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida."
Angel Ureña, a spokesman for Clinton, said it had been nearly 20 years since Clinton last had contact with Epstein and that the former president has never been accused of any wrongdoing.
In separate sworn depositions, alleged victim Sarah Ransome said Epstein was transparent about trafficking girls to visitors who came to his home in New York City and his private island in the Virgin Islands.
"There were various buildings around the island ... like little shelter things, where him and his guests used to have sex with the girls, like beds set up for instant sexual entertainment," Ransome said in 2017.
"At his town house [in New York] I was also lent out by him to his friends and associates to have sex," she alleged under oath.
At least one public figure, former President Donald Trump, has acknowledged in a 2002 interview being aware that Epstein "liked beautiful women...on the younger side."
Trump, who is also named in the documents and acknowledged being friends with Epstein for "fifteen years" has said he did nothing wrong and knew nothing of Epstein's criminal behavior.
In an interview this week with NPR, Harvard law professor and attorney Alan Dershowitz, who was friends with Epstein and represented him, said Epstein kept his predatory behavior carefully closeted.
"Did any of us know what was going on? I can't vouch for other people. I can only tell you, I didn't know," he said.
"That was shocking that could have happened without us knowing, without us seeing, because as you say there were so many people around them."
Federal prosecutors now say Epstein, who worked for decades as a private financier for a secretive list of wealthy clients before taking his own life in a federal jail in 2019, operated sex-trafficking ring, which at times involved minors, from 1994 until at least 2004.
He allegedly developed a scheme to identify and exploit "dozens" of vulnerable girls and young women, some as young as 14 years old. His accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, is currently serving a 2o-year sentence for perpetrating what U.S. Attorney Damian Williams called "heinous crimes against children."
Dershowitz, who denies any wrongdoing, acknowledges being close to Epstein from 1996 through 2008, describing visits to Epstein's homes as well as phone conversations and meetings at social and professional gatherings.
He worked on the high-powered legal team that crafted a controversial deal in 2008 allowing Epstein avoid federal charges.
Epstein instead pleaded guilty to relatively minor state-level prostitution charges in Florida and was allowed to serve most of his 18-month sentence in a work-release program.
Dershowitz told NPR he now believes Epstein did engage in criminal, abusive behavior, and says their personal relationship ended after 2008. But he says he saw no red flags involving young women while they were socializing.
"One of my sons said, 'Stay away from this guy, I don't like him financially," Dershowitz recalled, referring to the financial and consulting services Epstein provided to clients. "But nobody warned me about anything having to do with sex."
"You would have to be blind not to know"
In 2016 testimony, revealed in the new documents, Giuffre offers a different narrative, saying under oath that Dershowitz was one of the powerful men present at social events where it was obvious that young women like herself were vulnerable.
Giuffre: The only thing I can say to that is that there were minors around and did Dershowitz know that Jeffrey Epstein was using these minors for sexual purposes, yes, he did.
Q. How do you know that?
Giuffre: How do I know what he knew, because he was around Jeffrey Epstein so many times that you would have to be blind to not know what Jeffrey Epstein was doing.
Asked by NPR about those statements, Dershowitz described Giuffre as unreliable and said claims by her and Ransome that he had sexual encounters with them were false.
Dershowitz pointed to the fact Giuffre has since expressed uncertainty about her claims that she had met and had sex with him.
Asked more broadly by NPR how he and others could have missed signs Epstein and Maxwell were abusive to young women, Dershowitz said Epstein "kept his private life completely secret."
"I regret having ever met him. I think it was the worst thing that ever happened in my life meeting him," Dershowitz said.
Asked about his role as an attorney, helping Epstein avoid more serious federal criminal charges for trafficking underage girls, Dershowitz said he acted professionally:
"I don't know how I could have done anything different. That's just in my wheelhouse, what I do. I regret the outcome, of course, I regret having ever met him, but I can't say I feel guilty about anything I did."
After that deal was struck, Epstein, a registered sex offender, continued to live freely for years. According to an investigation published last month by The Wall Street Journal, he continued his practice of traveling to meetings with powerful men in the company of young women.
There's no evidence that at any point any of the men who interacted with Epstein raised concerns about his behavior with authorities.
In 2019, after the Miami Herald published an expose about Epstein, he was finally arrested on federal sex trafficking charges. He took his own life in jail while awaiting trial.
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whattheabcxyz · 10 months
4-room Pinnacle@Duxton flat sold for S$1.41m, setting record @ S$1,409 psf
How this "stateless" man with no citizenship ended up permanently stationed here in our country selling tissue paper to make ends meet is a mystery - he's even being given "$410 a month in financial assistance"
HDB resident questions if neighbour's "cosy corner" in common area is allowed
Heavy afternoon downpour causes flash floods in Jurong West
想不到这里的报贩还有工作做! - I am shocked people here continue to buy physical copies of our $hitty newspapers
Jail for former loan shark who fled country in 2018 after jumping bail
Coroner rules that 15-year-old girl killed her 84-year-old grandfather in Bukit Batok flat before committing suicide - This case sounds very, very strange, especially considering that the girl's mother, who found the murdered man's body, washed the bloody knife that she found next to it before calling her husband & not the police!!! Shouldn't she be charged with evidence tampering?!
Maintenance worker falls into 4m-deep sprinkler pump room - he was rescued & taken to hospital
Paralysed man can walk again after spinal implant
Walking faster lowers your risk of Type 2 diabetes, British research says
Singapore: Lower-income patients to get higher subsidies for surgical implants on subsidy list
25-year-old woman with ovarian cancer reveals symptoms dismissed by doctors
37-year-old Malaysian singer suddenly dies while filming - ~40 min after saying she felt unwell, she was dead; autopsy pending
Simple but profitable businesses that are raking in the $$$
Unity Software to cut 265 jobs & shut Singapore office - offices in 13 other locations will be shut down too
Tiger Beer’s parent company retrenches workers in restructuring exercise
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^ More about Singapore's "Long Island" project to counter rising sea levels
Spider lays eggs in man's toe while he was on cruise - this is so completely gross it's surreal
26-year-old man arrested for stripping nude on Disneyland's "It's A Small World" ride - he was under the influence of drugs (as usual) 🙄
Local celebs (including washed-up ones) take to doing sales livestreams to make $$$ - this is why education is so important: so you can avoid being a useless bum like this bunch
2-hr queue just to get into Tokyo Disneyland - I visited back in the early 1980s & don't remember there being a crowd, but then again, the world was much less populated back then, & fewer people could afford to travel because there were no budget airlines!
Changi Airport traffic crosses 90% of pre-pandemic levels for 1st time, fuelled by South Korea travel
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cinemapremi · 10 months
Urfi Javed's Bold Move: Unveiling the Viral Tape DressUrfi JavedUrfi Javed's Bold Move: Unveiling the Viral Tape Dress
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Explore the latest social media storm created by TV actress Urfi Javed as she shares a video featuring a unique 10-second tape dress. This unconventional fashion statement has garnered attention, sparking a flurry of comments and reactions. Shorts and Trolls: Urfi Javed Faces Criticism for Wardrobe Choice Urfi Javed Visit to Golden Temple: A Controversial Fashion Statement
The Video Revelation
Witness Urfi Javed's daring move in her new video, where she goes topless, adorning her body with tape, deeming it a 10-second dress. This audacious display has quickly gone viral, with viewers expressing surprise and admiration.
Social Media Buzz
Urfi Javed, known for her active social media presence, frequently shares videos and photos that captivate audiences with her fashion sense. However, this particular video has stirred quite the reaction, with users trolling and praising her bold style.
Tape-Clad Controversy
Urfi Javed's Saturday Instagram post showcases her semi-nude appearance, covered by tape applied by another woman. The caption, '10-second dress,' has fueled discussions online, with users offering a mix of criticism and curiosity.
Social Media Persona
Despite occasional controversies, Urfi Javed has carved a niche for herself on social media. Since her TV debut in 2016, she has participated in various reality shows, gaining recognition for her bold photos and videos.
Fan Reactions
As social media users continue to comment on Urfi Javed's bold fashion choices, it's evident that she remains a polarizing figure. From playful banter to serious critiques, the reactions showcase the diverse opinions surrounding her latest video. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0Dxrj_yLS_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Urfi Javed Turns Heads in Unique Attire at the Airport: A Fashion Statement Urfi Javed's latest video has once again placed her in the spotlight, emphasizing the blurred lines between bold self-expression and societal norms. As discussions unfold online, one thing is certain – Urfi Javed knows how to keep the audience engaged with her unconventional style. Is this the first time Urfi Javed has faced controversy? No, Urfi Javed is no stranger to controversy, often facing criticism and praise for her bold choices. How has Urfi Javed's social media presence contributed to her fame? Urfi Javed's active engagement on social media has played a significant role in boosting her recognition and creating a unique persona. What was the audience's response to the tape dress video? Reactions varied from admiration for her confidence to criticism for what some perceive as an unconventional fashion statement. Has Urfi Javed addressed the online reactions to her video? As of now, Urfi Javed has not publicly responded to the online reactions, letting the video speak for itself. What are Urfi Javed's upcoming projects in the entertainment industry? While her TV career had a modest start, Urfi Javed continues to be active in the entertainment industry. Stay tuned for updates on her upcoming projects. Also checkout: Read the full article
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kkbarksdale · 1 year
St. Thomas Diary Pre-Travels
Thursday, April 27th, 2023- Day before travels
Such a hectic day. I started the day by going to 6:30am Burn Boot Camp to get my last workout in. I had my manicure appointment at 9:30am. When I got to the appointment, my nail tech accidentally double booked her appointments. She ended up asking the other lady to reschedule, because she knew this was for my wedding. I had chosen an ombre pink and white design. My nail tech stated that it was more of a pink white design and it would be no problem. Once she started putting the translucent coats on, we knew we would have to change the design. My old nail was turning the design more yellow/nude from the old nail underneath. I quickly had to make a decision to change the design I wanted which I felt very unprepared for. I ended up getting a white, pearly chrome design, which I was satisified with. I spent the remainder of the day cleaning the house and packing before my lash appointment scheduled for 9pm that night. Keep in mind, we had a 6am flight the next morning. My lash tech, god love her, was travelling back from Vegas and offered to do my lashes as soon as she landed so that they would be fresh for my wedding. Well, I did not even consider that her flight might be delayed or cancelled. Her flight did end up getting delayed by an hour, so I don’t think we started the lash fill in until almost 10pm. I feel like I owe her my life for this because I was on week 4 lashes and desperately needed a fill in for my wedding. Lesson learned from this one- just book the lash appointment in advance. It was not worth the anxiety of “Oh my god I have no lashes for my beach wedding”. I don’t think I went to bed until midnight, and never finished packing before our 3 am wake up call. 
Friday, April 28th, 2023- Travel Day
Boy, this is also a tough day. We had a 3 am wake up call, for our 4:15 am exit of the house to get to the airport. I still was running around finishing up packing. I was so busy the day before, that I never finished putting all of my stuff together in my bags. Our angel on earth neighbor, Susan, offered to drive us to the airport. She showed up right on time, excited, to take us at 4:15am. This was quite the experience. She is not super tech savvy so I doubt she will ever see this, but that woman is a terrible driver. Cody and I were quite scared for our lives that morning. However, we did make it safely (barely) to the airport. With a lack of time on our hands, we needed to check a bag with American and unlike the usual Richmond airport experience, the line was super long. American Airline’s flights were all booked that morning. The lady running the line asked us to check our bags with the kiosk which ended up putting us even more behind. Our bag was 56 pounds so Cody and I scrambled to get it down, and I’ll be damned the few items we took out put us perfectly at 50. We then rushed over to TSA to find another long line. It didn’t take too long to get through but Cody and his bag got pulled. Apparently our foot long sub we carried for lunch was “too big and wet” for the TSA scanners (lol). We eventually made it over to our gate and had a small sigh of relief. 
Off to our connecting flight in Miami! Our connecting flight only gave us barely an hour layover and little did we know that our gate was all the way across the airport. Cody and I unfortunately took our time getting to the gate, and almost missed boarding by a minute and a half. However, we made it. The Miami flight was so hot too and we were waiting on the tarmac to take off for forever. However, Cody and I knew that all the hard parts were over and we were finally about to enjoy our vacation!
We finally landed in St. Thomas around 2pm. The airport was poppin’! They had a DJ, dancers, and free rum shots! We were giddy with excitement and relieved that our traveling was finally over. Cody and I split up so I was handling the rental car and he was handling our 3 bags. The rental car process was a pain. The original estimate for the car was $1,800 for our entire stay, but they “required” that I insure the vehicle which put the total at 2,500. Additionally there was a 600+ insurance deposit. The woman working the counter was not explaining this to me very well, so I understood it that I was potentially pay $5,500 for the rental car. Shocked and stressed, I wanted to quickly get the rental car done with as I had no back up plan in place. I was very upset about the rental car, the stress of the travel day, and disoriented from being in a new destination. Little did I know, Cody was feeling overwhelmed too. 
We went out to grab our rental car, which was a lovely green Jeep by the way. While we were putting our bags in the car, a few other tourists were turning their rental in. They offered us their wine that they could not chug before heading into the airport. We chatted with them for a moment and headed off to explore St. Thomas. Driving on the left side of the road was an adjustment but not too difficult. It was rather hectic in the airport and downtown area due to the last day of the Carnival festival. Cody and I were stressed from flying and opted to stop in at a brewery while we waited for our AirBnb check in. I wanted to change into my flip flops and asked Cody where he packed them. He stated they were in the back seat in our carry on bags. When I opened the door to the backseat, there were no bags to be found.... Immediate panic overtook us both and we raced back through the busy downtown area to get to the airport as fast as possible. My wedding dress, all clothes, our rings, and pretty much everything so important to us were in those bags. I was sobbing, Cody was pleading and we were 30 min away from where we think we left the bags in the rental car parking lot. When we pulled up to the parking lot, low and behold they were still there. We were so relieved and Cody was so upset with himself the rest of the day. In Cody’s defense, the tourists that stopped to talk to us really distracted us from getting the rest of our bags.
Another thing I failed to mention yet about our first encounters at St. Thomas, is that the island is very run down and ghetto. I tried not to focus on this during our trip because we ultimately decided that we just had a culture shock and that the island is just poor, not crime filled. It made our race back to the airport to retrieve our lost bags even more nerve wracking. However, as it always rings true, everything worked out. 
Cody and I could finally vacation/honey moon and enjoy our time together! That night we just settled into our Airbnb, grocery shopped and tried to relax. We took a dip in our pool and chatted with our AirBnb neighbors. 
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sexyelfdreams · 2 years
the night before last, i had a dream where i was wandering around an airport. i wasn’t actually at the airport to take a flight, nor had i arrived there on a plane, i was just wandering around it for some reason. i ran into a girl i knew there but i don’t remember what she was doing there or what we talked about, if anything.
then the dream changed into another dream, in which i was inside a movie. the movie was about a little girl (me) wandering around a mansion, but the twist is that the little girl is dead and the mansion is the afterlife or what you see when you’re dying or something. however this was really obviously foreshadowed so i realized immediately, at the start of the movie, that i was dead. i wandered around the mansion anyway. because it was a movie one of the rooms was just a matte painting, but it was like an old painting full of staircases that didn’t go anywhere and trees and ponds and stuff. the painting also had like eight copies of the same woman in various places. she looked like the usual nude pale woman you see in 19th century paintings by dead pale men, except she had absurdly long hair, like 10 meters long. i thought this was a stupid and bad movie.
then the dream changed into another dream, where i was at some kind of film screening outside a big, borderline-mcmansion house. it wasn’t the afterlife mansion, and the film wasn’t the movie i was in, i think it was some kind of crappy horror movie. all the other people at the screening were guys that looked like they could have been extras in napoleon dynamite, so i was worried that i would get covid from being near them or that they’d just murder me. then i woke up.
usually when i remember a dream and care enough to post it, i’m able to pick out something funny from it, or segue it into some kind of punchline or statement about myself that technically qualifies as comedy, but i’m really coming up blank on this one. so i guess i just typed a post with several paragraphs and a signal-to-noise ratio of zero. and now i’m submitting it
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tezlivenews · 3 years
एयरपोर्ट पर बिना कपड़ों के महिला को टहलते देख खुली रह गई लोगों की आंखें, पुलिस ने कंबल से ढका और फिर...
एयरपोर्ट पर बिना कपड़ों के महिला को टहलते देख खुली रह गई लोगों की आंखें, पुलिस ने कंबल से ढका और फिर…
महिला एयरपोर्ट पर बिना कपड़ों के घूम रही थी और वहां मौजूद लोगों से बातचीत भी कर रही थी. (फोटो: Twitter/@CBSDenver) अमेरिका (USA) के डेनवर इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट (Denver International Airport) पर एक महिला बिना कपड़ों (Nude Woman) के घूमती नजर आई तो हड़कंप मच गया. लोगों की आंखें खुली की खुली रह गईं. इसके बाद पुलिस ने उसे जल्द से जल्द गिरफ्तार कर लिया. सोशल मीडिया अजीबोगरीब खबरों (Weird News) का भंडार…
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