rpschtuff · 2 years
Could you provide any good links that help describe rp terminology? I unfortunately only know OOC and multimuse and few small other terms, and I'd like to broaden my tongue, so to speak cause I'm making a pinned post and all ^^'
I'd recommend these two! They're pretty thorough.
Roleplay Terminology by evansyhelp
Glossary of Roleplay Terms by nphofrph
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dreamrutine · 3 months
si soy nuevo, ¿cómo debo presentarme para empezar? ¿Cómo puedo participar en roles? ¿Cuál es la información básica?
¡buenas buenas! con completa honestidad, todo depende en que nos estemos queriendo meter. si sos alguien que recién entra en la comunidad de rol de tumblr, te comento que hay dos mundos a los que podes meterte ¿te interesaría más meterte a un rol grupal o a un indie? las dinámicas son bien distintas. en esta ocasión me centraré en el rol independiente / indie.
la información básica para un rol independiente es que debes hacerte un blog, puede ser con theme o sin este, pero en el blog debe encontrarse de forma accesible 1 (una) cosa: tus reglas. básicamente un publicación o un apartado en tu blog en donde digas: 1- con que te sentis comodo (fcs/avatars con los que no quieras interactuar, que tipo de tramas no rolearías, cuales son tus tags para cosas not safe for work si es que las reblogueas, con que clase de gente no rolearias -usualmente donde la gente dice que no rolearía con personas y personajes menores de edad-, si tus pjs son multiship o no, entre otras cosas), 2- lo que esperas de tu partner y lo que ellos deben esperar de vos (como manejas tus tiempos, que formato de publicación usas y si preferís que la otra persona lo utilice o no, etcétera), 3- cualquier otra especificidad para tu comodidad en tu blog. luego de organizar tus reglas, lo ideal es que escribas una publicación que fijes en tu blog con tu propia información personal (seudónimo o apodo, edad, zona horaria y si tu blog es privado, semi privado o si la gente es libre de seguirte). Adjunto como ejemplo mi propia publicación: aquí.
recomendaciones personales: tener publicaciones o una página de personajes para que la gente pueda ver al menos datos básicos de algunos de tus personajes (que incluyan al menos fc, edad, ocupación), tags de tramas/ships/opuestos deseadas.
una vez que al menos tengas esta información básica, se puede proceder a tu primera pregunta ¿cómo presentarte para comenzar? el formato depende mucho de uno mismo. lo más sencillo es una publicación diciendo que tu blog es nuevo y buscas gente con quien rolear tramas, si buscas tramas en particular lo podes mencionar. lo más importante de todo son los tags, sin ellos nadie va a encontrar tu publicación, los tags que siempre se utilizan son: #rp en español, #rp independiente, #rp hispano.
pasando a la siguiente pregunta, participar en roles en un rol indie es bastante sencillo de hecho. por un lado podes comenzar a seguir gente y darle likes a sus publicaciones de starter call o enviarles sentences o ask memes (también podes comenzar hablándoles por chat como una persona normal, presentarte y así antes de mandarles, depende de como seas vos), también podes ser vos quien realice un starter call y esperar a que la gente le de like y te siga. por otro lado mucha gente hace starters abiertos a que cualquiera lo responda y los coloca en los tags mencionados anteriormente, nuevamente podes responder starters vos o abrir tus propios starters y esperar a que la gente los responda. también podes hacer todo para asegurarte de empezar a rolear con alguien.
aclaración: cuando alguien realiza un starter call, significa que va a escribir el starter de rol. podes pedir que te aclaren con que musa/personaje quiere en el starter, pero usualmente nadie te aclara.
creo que en esto estoy dando información bastante general con la intención de que no sea una respuesta tan larga a pesar de que probablemente requiera de especificidades. para términos y conceptos que quizás dije de forma bastante libre, te recomendaría ver el diccionario de rol de evansyhelp o el de nphofrph. y para especificidades puntuales o para saber como es la dinámica en los roles grupales, te recomendaría mandarme otro ask, así me dedico puntualmente a responderte esas preguntas.
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dragonsdendesigns · 7 years
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18 icons of young Captain Teague, played by Alexander Scheer, in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. Screencaps were taken by me. Credit is appreciated but not required. Feel free to edit icons till your heart is content. Please like/reblog if using.
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fionaroleplays · 7 years
@bloody-gorgeous-rps - You are bloody amazing writer and you allow me to throw any sort of plot at you that I think is !!!!! where others may run away from and not consider. You are also a lovely human being.
@senshitracey - You are a great graphic maker and theme maker. I love talking with you and you give great advice to those who ask on RPH blog.
@tjroleplays - I love the characters you play whether it is in our 1x1 or when i’ve roleplayed with you elsewhere. I wish your rp had picked up because it was a great idea. Hope you make other roleplays.
@lisbugrph - You are a great RPH and I love the gifs and graphics you make, especially if i’ve requested them. I love how you make gifs or gif icons who are youtubers because I don’t know many who do that. Keep up the good work.
@heart-of-a-warrior - You are stronger than you look and I marvel in wonder everyday at how you keep going no matter what life throws at you. SJ you are amazing and I hope one day we meet because you are awesome. I also want to see all your pets and the tattoos you have on your body.
@spencerporterwrites - You are not active anyone but I miss talking with you. Dude you are awesome and I hope one day we reconnect. You play a great Spencer.
@nphofrph - One of the best RPH blogs around and you don’t mind me messaging you when I see a random error on one of your masterlists. Keep up the good work.
@babyblainers - One of the only blogs that doesn’t irritate me when they spam my dash with a lot of vintage Star Trek, lol. You also have helped educate me in certain things when it comes to feminism. You seem sensible when we have talked in private and I think you are cool.
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stardustrpc · 7 years
nphofrph replied to your post
Haven't seen Emperor's New Groove, haven't seen Gravity Falls... I don't understand what you're doing with your life.
I KnOW im a disgraceeeee 
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leiaofrph · 7 years
nphofrph replied to your post:
My aunt spelled my name wrong when she wrote a...
My grandpa misspelled my name on my birthday card twice. I know the feel, haha
Oh no! I just kind of gave it a look and shook my head. Her husband spelled it right at least.
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byrdy · 7 years
PSA: Nishi Munshi’s gif hunt has been updated. Not only have the images been replaced with working ones, I have also added a few more.
@lorddarkbooty , @web-of-muses , @jus-a-dash , @bunchofgifhunts , @nphofrph, @jeonrps, @ivywrites, @riorrim, @lucklessprincess, @lodgetalks​, @dempseyrps​, @lisbugrph
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leejiuen · 7 years
fun fact: @nphofrph might just be my favorite rph in all of the rp community
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heiheiofrp-blog · 7 years
When your hanging out with your friends and then you read a message from @nphofrph that actually makes you laugh out loud!!!
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march9rps · 7 years
@nphofrph horse friends don't die that easily-I played Bella Sara for 7 years! They will come back as zombies and destroy our society as we know it
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smilerpc · 8 years
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URL Inspired Aesthetic |  @nphofrph | (7/11) | No longer accepting  
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bunchoffaceclaims · 7 years
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Harvey Newton-Haydon
Gender: Male
DOB: 18 July 1988
Nationality: English
Ethnicity: Cuban-Jamaican-Scottish-English
Gif Hunt tag RP Icons tag
Harvey Newton-Hayden is an English model.
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eternalyouth · 3 years
Do you know if there’s a rp vocabulary guide. Like describing what are headcanons and such?
got you boo , these are the most helpful for me when I first started my indie !!
overall guide by @pirncessleia
basic guide to rp blogging by @rpprompts
plotting & hcing guide by @capricxs
rp terminology by @evansyhelp
rp terms by @nphofrph
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helpersofindie · 3 years
Hi, I’m not sure if that’s something you help with, but I checked your faq/tags and I didn’t find anything specific to this. I’ve been playing in group rps on tumblr for many years but I’ve never had an indie blog, and lately I’ve been interested in that but idk how to start. I don’t know the difference between open and closed blogs, what a personal is or how to find other indie blogs to write with. Do you know of any tutorials or masterlists with information on that?
hi, i've compiled a list that will hopefully give you some insight into indie rp ! i think if you look through these links you'll have a pretty good idea but if you're confused about anything afterwards please let us know !
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princessnijireiki · 7 years
don't u just love it when u msg somebody abt some real ass racism they r condoning so that they can correct their behavior & they just… respond to everybody else in their inbox instead bc they're like 38000% white & such things do not actually matter 2 them
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aylmaowrites · 7 years
anubiswrites answered your question “ay so im trying to figure out someone else to gif who hasn’t already...”
olivia munn is limited af
YOOO an #angel. i’ll see if i can find some resources tomorrow
nphofrph answered your question “ay so im trying to figure out someone else to gif who hasn’t already...”
If you'd like I've got a full page of FCs who have few to no resources (nphofrph.tumblr.com/hunts-to-make)
um actual hero... ur too good i feel like the heavens just shone down on me or smth.
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