#now what about 244 in a dress
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stolenwetfloorsign · 5 months ago
Me: I'm over them! They're both dead! No one even Cares anymore!!!
Also me: writes 3k words in porn for them because I Can't Stop Loving Them.
Dead Friends - Chapter 2 - Wet_Floor - How to Fight (Webcomic) [Archive of Our Own]
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nosugarallspice · 2 years ago
Can you do one where Neymar and the reader is at a party and then they have sex
Yes yes!
Word Count: 244
Minors DNI!!
You gave yourself a quick look in the mirror before reaching for the door to step out- before you could exit the bathroom, Neymar came in, quickly shutting the door behind him, locking it.
“What are you doing-“ you were cut off by him kissing you. His hands are gripping you in all the right places. “Ney.” You giggled in between kisses, your hands resting on his chest.
“We can’t, not here babe.”
“I can’t help myself, you look so pretty, baby.” He turned you around, your back now pressed against his chest. You stare at him through the mirror, he towers over you.
“We’ll be quick, I promise.” He kissed your neck, pushing you forward so you’re leaning over the sink. Quickly pushing your dress up, pulling your panties to the slide, he slips in between your folds.
The way your wall’s swallowed him, the warmth of your cunt, he could cum right here, but he held on longer. He needed to fuck you.
Your moans filled the bathroom but you weren’t worried about anyone hearing- the music was loud enough to cover up your sounds.
His pace is fast and rough. You watched him through the mirror as he fucked you from behind. Your pussy clenched around him as your orgasm took over.
“That’s my girl,” he kissed your shoulder, “doing so good, baby.”
His own release approaches, his thrust becoming sloppier by the second, soon filling you up to the brim.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year ago
FFXIVWrite 2023 Prompt #12: Dowdy
dowdy (adj.): (of a person or their clothes) unfashionable and without style in appearance.
Rating: General
Word count: 244
Y'dehlya Rhikta wasn't afraid to freely admit her own vanity. Honestly. Hells, she'd gone around claiming that she could make any outfit look good. She probably was making this look good, too. This...whatever the hells it was the Loporrits had dressed her in. But she also wasn't about to be rude. She and the other Scions were their guests and possible future inhabitants, after all.
If it wasn't Livingway's freak-out over their group's "small" adult sizes or the carrot-ification of every known food, it was definitely this that told her the Loporrits never actually took a good look at the people and cultures of the star. That one restless Loporrit even said they didn't know what fashion on current Etheryis was like! The clothes being a robe and a mask in the first place were definitely based off of what the Ancients often wore.
But they were trying their best, and their efforts were so earnest. Just being with them gave her the warmest fuzzies deep down inside. It was hard to be truly cross with them.
And yet, her own pride just still couldn't help itself...
"You okay, Dehlya? Your tail's going crazy over there." U'reksh pointed out, watching it rapidly lash back and forth.
"I'm fine, Reksh." She stressed through grit teeth.
The boy awkwardly tugged at his collar. "Oookay..."
She's facing facts now. She looked ridiculous. Also, she was jealous of Thancred's robe design. She wanted at least something like that...
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Project 3: Modernity, Cities, Technology, Ecology- Reading Report:
My chosen text for the reading report of this project is Rebecca’s Solnit’s, “Walking after Midnight: Women, Sex and Public Space”. After having read this text, one of the main concepts and ideas that I found interesting would be at the beginning when the writer comments about how women as far as in the 19th century experience “walking out” either on your own or at a considered time of danger, a thing considered “explicitly sexual”. For example, at this particular time period of England, women were given different names to portray how they are viewed particularly by men. Solnit, 2002, pg. 234 says that some of these names include: “prostitutes, streetwalkers, women of the streets, women on the town as well as public women”. This already indicates that the way women were seen as could be considered quite ‘derogatory’ and ‘vile’ especially because all they are really doing are normal, day to day tasks such as “walking” but it is being highly sexualised. Another aspect of the text which appealed to me would be that women are viewed as targets towards men because of what they wear and how they present themselves visually to the public. For instance, Solnit, 2002, pg 234 says that “women’s clothes and bodily confinements - high heels, tight or fragile shoes, corsets and girdles- very full or narrow skirts, easily damaged fabrics, veils that obscure vision”. It echoes the idea that in society women can’t express themselves in a way in which they feel ‘safe’. Some could argue that we live in a world where men tend to ‘sexualise’ and ‘objectify’ everything about a women when it isn’t necessary. All these factors then tend to contribute to an uncomfortable environment for these women in their everyday lives, the only types of women that were perhaps a little protected would be the ones that are “sexually serving one man and under his protection and sexual control”.
However, this perception still wouldn’t be considered right as in regards to modernity and modernism because it is still a global issue that surrounds many women in the world at present day. For example, women still find a need to have to ‘protect’ themselves, this can be interpreted through an educational website called UnWomen- United Kingdom, focusing on an article called “Safe Spaces Now”. Statistics state that “Over 70% of women in the UK say they’ve experienced sexual harassment in public”. This is quite concerning that even two centuries later, women still have to live in “fear” because anything they may say or do or even have to interact can be crucial danger for them. By relating this back to my chosen text, there was a significant aspect that strikes as important which was an event which happened to the author of this text itself. In pg 244, she commented that she moved to the area of San Francisco after being constantly sexualised on a regular basis in Paris. Instead of her situation becoming better, living in San Francisco in particular the nights proved to be a stressful and scary experience. Although, this very incident that occurred was during the day time in which “a well - dressed man (….) murmured a long stream of vile sexual proposals to me” in which the author panicked and “told him off”. Sadly to her horror, the man commented that she had “no right to speak to him like that” and “threatened to kill me”.
Again, this highlights the perpetual danger women face even when there are efforts made to try and stand up for yourself and what is ‘right’. Sadly, this type of violence still continues in society now with statistics saying that “Every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence”. It shows that women don’t have a ‘free voice’ in the world, there are clearly not equal spaces between genders. It is quite upsetting that women still don’t have the right to express themselves in a way where they feel safe and free whether in their own cities or countries. It would also illicit that even at present day, men have the ability to possess ‘ dominance’ and ‘power’ and these occurrences can even happen socially such as at work or even in public transportation which has been quite a relatable experience faced myself. Compared to the text “Walking after Midnight”, when the author focuses on “women’s clothes and bodily confinements”, it is still an issue that is prevalent today. Evidence that would back my point up would come from an external source cited “Modifying Perception: How clothing and Context influence the objectification of women” by Megan Sherman. (Sherman, 2022) comments that “objectification is defined as the ‘experience of being treated as a body (or collection of body parts) valued predominately for it’s use to ( or consumption by) others” with studies saying that “studies have focused on how skin exposure drives sexual objectification”. This reiterates the idea that no matter how a women dresses or acts, a woman’s bare skin is enough to provide ‘motive’ for a man and again is sexualised for no apparent reason rather then her bodily appearance.
Furthermore, the author argues that “clothing is a factor of victim- blaming in cases of sexual assault” as proposed by ( Workman and Freeburg, 1999). For instance, it is found that men who have sexually assaulted a woman “attribute more responsibility to a woman who wears sexually suggestive clothes”. It alludes that woman are essentially from the males point of view considered as asking for ‘it’ whether they are going out to an event or simply taking a walk just like the author in my chosen text. This also highlights the fact that society has not developed in a positive way because no matter what awareness is made or spoken about, the same things that happened in the 19th century are still troubling women today.
Personally, I believe that more should be done to allow ‘modernism’ to enter and be reestablished - once we recognise what has to be changed, that will be the only way for women to be able to be comfortable in their own ‘skin’ and ‘body’. The text recognises that the treatment/ and perception of women has always been rigged so therefore illustrates that it’s always been a wide-scale global problem that has to be tackled in the near -future. In terms of my own work as an illustrator, there is some relevance of women, nature and modernism especially in the module 3 project on composing a record track based on a classical piece of music. There are quite a lot of women in my Magic Flute by Mozart opera piece and when having a look at different illustrations of its interpretation, women are drawn in quite a dramatic and feminine way especially the ‘ Queen of the Night’ which can be seen through her makeup and costume. This could suggest that even as illustrators we have an idealised concept about how a woman should be viewed as or even dressed as. This would be different if a woman wore ‘baggy’ clothes or was illustrated in ‘baggy’ clothes because some could argue that less revealing clothes are least likely to attract male perpetrators. Therefore, this again instigates the idea that ‘clothing’ does a play a huge role in personal perceptions because it can change or alter someone’s view so is relevant to this module.
Bibliography/ References:
Sherman, M, (2022), “Modifying Perception: How clothing and context Influence the objectification of women”, Published Thesis Honors BSC in Psychology, Oregon State University- Honors College ( https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/downloads/xw42ng687#:~:text=Looking%20at%20objectification%2C%20there%20is,is%20a%20well%2Dexplored%20one. )
Solnit, R., (2002), Wanderlust: A History of Walking London- “Walking after Midnight: Women, Sex and Public Space”, London: Verso, pp 232-246 ( https://discover.library.unt.edu/catalog/b6106856)
Unwomen- United Kingdom, (Date, Unknown), Safe Spaces Now- Making every UK space safer for every woman. Now ( https://www.unwomenuk.org/our-work-safe-spaces-now/#:~:text=Only%203%25%20of%20women%20aged,as%20a%20result%20of%20violence )
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esmealux · 11 months ago
March 23rd: 23 244 words
“Just watch the movie, Lucifer,” she tells him, trying to hide a smile.
He actually does as she tells him—for about five minutes.
She feels his hand on her knee first, left bare by the slit in her dress. He slides his palm up a bit, stroking the skin just above her knee, before sliding higher up her thigh, then higher, then down again. Smooth, broad strokes of his palm against her bare skin, up and down. Then his fingers start gliding more towards her inner thigh, dangerously close to the hem of her underwear.
Chloe grabs his hand and laces their fingers together. “What, exactly, do you think you're doing?”
He leans in close. “Your part of the movie is over. Not much of anything on screen to keep my attention now.” He places a gentle kiss behind her ear, right where she’s most sensitive. Shivers run down her side. 
“Seriously?” she still manages to whisper. “We did all this and now you're bored twenty minutes in?”
“Not bored, particularly, merely… shifted my attention.” He strokes her thigh with his thumb.
Chloe shifts in her seat despite herself.  “Behave,” she tells him. “We’re surrounded by people.”
“Mm, I seem to remember a few times where that prospect intrigued you.” He moves both their hands higher on her bare thigh.
Chloe breathes a little harder, stuck in aroused indecision.  
Lucifer continues moving their hands. “Tell me to stop if you’re not interested.”
She doesn't.
I'm gonna try to post a bit of the next chapter of Feels Like Home every day of March, starting today
March 9th; 9 words
“You’re going to be in a movie?” he realises
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summerdazed · 4 years ago
Hi! How would Sushi and 244 take care of their child while s/o is away? Thank you! (P.S. I forgot to add thank you on the other ask, sorry about that; the one with “White Tiger”)
Hey curious anon! I actually really liked your other ask I just haven’t gotten around to it heh… Soon though! Honestly i'm not really proud of these but it's definitely a start to get back into writing more. Mkay now onto the request!
Baek Seongjoon and 244 watching their kid
Baek Seongjoon
S/o probably had to go out of town for a few days to take care of something which led to him taking care of the child himself
he definitely has taken care of the kid by himself before so he isn't too fazed
Not a strict father but firm, however he is soft for his family so if his kid gave him puppy eyes enough he would cave
wouldn't it be cute if his kid was upset that his other parent was gone and the only way to keep them calm was cuddling them and allowing them to sleep with him at nice
from what we've seen from Seongjoon's past, it seems like he wasn't the most well behaved kid so if his child acted anything like him he'd be banging his head against the wall cursing the fact that the kid ended up acting like him and not his ever lovely s/o
calls his s/o to ask for help if things get too rowdy, probably wasn't too proud to do that
overall, good dad! tries his best because he didn't have a dad around and he wants the best for his kid
glad when his s/o returns because i have a feeling his kid would be a handful
s/o comes home early and sees their two darlings curled up on the couch together, you better take a picture before they wake up
chill dad! like extremely chill
I'm not going to lie, i don't really see him super involved in his child's life so i wouldn't be surprised if he just hired a babysitter so he didn't have to watch them but lets say he didn't
wouldn't it be funny it be funny if his kid was a splitting image of him but acted the complete opposite? like him talking hyperactive bouncing off the walls? i think that would be funny
s/o had to do something for the day which now led to him watching their child by himself. he almost wanted to get a babysitter but the way his kid was clinging to his leg told him that he would have no other choice but to what the kid himself
thank goodness his child likes animals because he is definitely going to use his literal petting zoo to distract the kid as long as possible
i can't say he has any idea what the kid eats so he probably just goes to Seongjoon and like "here feed them"
at one point his child wants to play with him and who is he to refuse when his kid sounds so much like his s/o
didn't realize that it would entail having a tea party while dressed up. actually i think he would like it if his kid wanted to play dress up or mess around with makeup. just not his though he'll get them their own stuff
when his kid finally settles down for a nap i bet they force him to stay with them as they sleep. to ensure this they lay on top of him and cling
very glad when his s/o comes back at the end of the day because it was probably the most exhausting day ever. i seriously feel that from when i was a babysitter cause hyper kids will absolutely drain you
overall decent dad. he wants the best for his kid but he probably doesn't like being around young kids too much so yea
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Friday 14 December 1832
10 ¼
10 ¾
talking and pressing and love making till after three this morning   tho’ her cousin came on Tuesday night and I could only handle her outside the napking [napkin] as she lay upon me and in my arms  then sleptt near eight and then talked till after ten   I insinuated (first time) that our present intercourse without any tie between us must be as wrong as any other transient connection   she seems to think refusing me is refusing her best chance of happiness and is more likely than ever to accept me? breakfast at 11 – at the accounts again and talking till out at 1 20 – the walked together to the hut in my walk – sat there near an hour till John came down after his dinner - Miss W- planted the mulberry tree (that came yesterday) and the magnolia grandiflora that came this morning. with 80 more box, 10 yews etc walked back in about 25 minutes and left her at her own door at 4 – then returned to my walk – saw Sugden there come to speak about getting a short-horse instead of Ball for £10 or not exceeding £15 came in at 5 10 with my aunt and then with my father and Marian till near six – dressed – dinner at 6 ¼ - then read the introductory sketch of the Greek revolution pp. 123 prefixed to Emersons’ history of modern Greece – then wrote the above of today -  Miss W- told me in the hut if she said yes it should be binding  it should be the same as a marriage and she would give me no cause to be jealous   made no objection to what I proposed that is her declaring it on the Bible and taking the sacrament with me at Shibden or Lightcliffe church   she may do as she likes    but we now seem quite as likely as ever to get together? am I foolish to risk it again? Wood and Briggs elected yesterday – total for Wood 244, Briggs 237, Stocks 184, Wortley 175 – went into the other room at 9 – read over the courier – came upstairs at 9 50 very fine mild day – F47° now at 10 5 p.m.
 Pickles (his son not here) finished forking over east slope of arbutus walk
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yeetlinglaozus · 4 years ago
Really I’ve been sitting on this for weeks and wasn’t sure if I should post or not, but I have some things I think need and should be addressed regarding MXTX. 
She’s fabulous and a danmei icon at this point, which is all well and good, but what is she actually putting out here? The content needs to be properly examined and I’m here to do exactly this. 
She perpetuates the idea of black and red being "demonic" i.e. stigmatizes the color scheme which can be commonly seen in gothic culture. This is harmful stereotyping. 
Also, on the topic of being a colorist, she gowns all her “morally good/righteous” characters in white. This only lends more fuel to the fire that white is an inherently pure color and represents the goodness in one’s heart and soul. This seems like yet another cliche and leads me to wonder what other colors have ever done to deserve being spurned by her. 
Dares to use her own cultural experiences and upbringing as the basis of her novels, forcing international fans to consume concepts they are incapable of perceiving. This leaves them with no other option than to scream cold and stale takes all over the internet, disparaging her heritage. Absolutely this was her goal; to upend centuries worth of history and have it watered down and westernized.
Obviously touts necrophilia in the union of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. Dude may be hot and worth it, but dead is still dead no matter if it's dressed up in a snazzy eyepatch and has a beautiful butterfly motif. Disgusting.
On the subject of TGCF; this entire novel disservices godly beings and shows very little care for religious idolatry and iconography. She drags heavenly beings down into mortal/human nature and dyes them in sin, literally the opposite of what they should be beholden to. It’s almost like she did this on purpose and with the intent to make us all think and reevaluate our stance on upright religion. If she did, that’s sort of lame because I came to read, not get an ethics lesson and now my brain feels like it has actual thoughts. 
MXTX supports the idea of sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamics. This is proven in the way all of her gong are wealthy and handsome men that avidly dote upon their respective shou and thus sets a bad precedent for romance. Really she is out here writing about being able to buy love. 
Also a bad precedent for romance and relationships in general, she advocates for being dishonest to your partner. Shen Qingqiu never admits that he is actually Shen Yuan and continues to carry on his marriage with Luo Binghe as a fraud.This showcases that people are only worth so much so long as they pretend to be someone else. MXTX is single-handedly killing romance. 
She either writes women into small existences or kills them off (except you, Ling Wen) and it’s almost as if she understands that her target audience wouldn’t typically rage about something like this when the story itself is meant to be a BL, not a movement on female empowerment and it’s like she also believes that women don’t have to be outwardly productive to have meaning and are still just as valuable as background characters. 
She makes executive decisions about her characters, minor or main, and doesn’t include the backstories we feel they deserve (who does she think she is, the author and creator???) and this actually just amounts to international theft. She robbed us of our chances to be thankful for a wholly developed character and instead left us to dangle above a pit and let us fall to our deaths at the bottom where we were skewered by our own outrage that 244+ chapters weren’t enough to satiate our thankless consumption of her media. 
I don’t know about all of you, but I think we should be better fans and let her know we won’t stand for such a tacky reputation. I mean what does it say about us that we read and dwell in her fanbase when she only gives us so much dedication and a variety of characters to be swindled by? I’m thoroughly repulsed. 
Anyway, I said what I needed to say. No criticisms allowed; this is just my opinion, okay? 
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dat-silvers-girl · 3 years ago
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I posted 3,369 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 19.9 posts.
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#sarahi silvers - 127 posts
#hphm mc - 94 posts
#hogwarts mystery mc - 89 posts
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#patricia rakepick - 62 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#if i have to go to college this monday again i'll be this close to deleting my wips just so that i can study things nobody cares about
My Top Posts in 2021
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Friday Night Funkin: Sphinx Club edition
Here you go @weirdcursedvaultkid!!! In reference to this, Merula and Ismelda are now ready for a proper rap battle!
Have fun bopping on the speakers, Alex! ❤️
60 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 21:06:25 GMT
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"I've never gone all out before. I'll show you what I can do."
I enjoyed the duel with Rakepick in chapter 42 and all, but I really wish it was more epic. In my headcanon, Sarahi uses the smokescreen spell, Fumos, to distract Rakepick and when the smoke cleared, she'd literally pointed dozens of arrows at her. That was obviously not good.
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Made a loading screen version too because it was fun.
61 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 19:11:50 GMT
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"Happy Birthday Sarahi..."
Today is 11 September 2021, therefore mine, and Sarahi's birthday! I'm always just overly excited on my birthday for no reason whatsoever. I guess while I'm not exactly ready to grow up, I do find it amazing, personally, that I am, in fact, getting older. As of today, I am now 19 years old, but my brain mostly goes towards the fact that I will be 20 next year. It feels weird to me, but it's also rather thrilling.
I always make a birthday drawing for myself in advance, but I was late this year and only finished this soft Saranby piece at 5 PM. I have to say, I think this is the softest Sarnaby drawing I have made to date. I wanted to make this last year, as this is something that happens in Year 6, when Sarahi turns 17, but I forgot then, so I made it this year instead.
In Year 6, Sarahi doesn't spend her birthday with her friends. After putting on the dress Andre had given her as an early present, she goes to Diagon Alley to wait for Jacob, who had promised a week ago that he would show up for her birthday. He did show up, and presented Sarahi with a music box he had finished recently. Sarahi spent as much time as possible with him, but Jacob had to leave quickly. Even then, she only returned to Hogwarts in the evening. By then, her friends had already gotten worried and had been looking for her for hours. Barnaby eventually finds Sarahi in the Astronomy tower as it was getting dark, playing the tune of the music box on repeat. Soon enough, he sits down next to her and asks her where she had been. Sarahi explained where she was all day and her concerns, seemingly uncomfortable. Barnaby is thoughtful as ever, decides not to pry further, and just spends the evening with Sarahi, giving her as much affection as he possibly could. The two spent a while in the Astronomy tower, before Sarahi agreed with him to go have dinner and see her friends. At dinner, everyone is happy to finally see her (especially Andre who is so proud of himself for making the dress), and give presents of their own to Sarahi. She also recieves some gifts from her muggle friends back home.
61 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 12:07:03 GMT
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I'd like to meet you and shake your hand.
68 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 04:14:28 GMT
SPOILERS for Year 6 Chapter 18 and later
Tagging my fellow Rowan lovers/friends because I think you may like this?
@weasley-adoptee @wandsandrings @adellovesrowan @carewyncromwell @carmilla-the-bird
So we know that Jam City apparently “had to” kill Rowan off in Year 6 Chapter 18 because we know in canon she’s not the youngest Professor at Hogwarts.
That “canon” problem could have EASILY been avoided by making it so Rowan DID become the youngest Professor, but AT ANOTHER SCHOOL!
Imagine this: Rowan is gravely injured by a considerably less lethal curse (than Avada Kedavra at least). Her parents now are terrified of literal attempted murder, and decide to switch her school for her last 2 years of education.
Rowan could be left with scars like the ones @immagrosscandy once made? And once she has recovered in the Hospital Wing, we visit her, and she gives MC the news.
And you know where Rowan goes? The Brazilian Wizarding School, Castleobruxo! Maybe let’s assume she has some family there. And that’s when Alanza comes in! (Alternatively, Ilvermorny is also an option, but I’m just saying.)
And because we had to let go of Rowan because of Rakepick’s antics, the Circle of Khanna could still be made in her honor. And once we’ve thoroughly kicked Rakepick’s ass, write to Rowan about it, and she replies “I’d normally pummel her with my extensive vocabulary of profanities, but I’m not going to write them down. I hope you gave her a couple punches from me.”
BONUS: The Head Kid TLSQ
MC writes to Rowan that Dumbledore offered us the position. Rowan writes back saying she’s proud of us, and also writes some stuff in Portugese (with translations), while excitedly telling us that she’s picking up the language and getting better, and how amazing Castleobruxo is. MC misses her extremely so we can’t share her enthusiasm very much even when we try. The whole “Dream Rowan” conversation could happen, instead, when Rowan sends MC a letter encouraging them to take it up.
In the end, MC sends her another letter saying we got the position and the badge, and we go the extra mile of even sending her the badge so she can see it. Rowan is already doing excited SQUEEEEEEEEEE at breakfast because she’s so proud of her bestie… and she sees that MC sent her two badges- one with MC’s name, and one with ‘Rowan Khanna’ on it. In the letter, MC has written, “Thank you for encouraging me, Rowan, but I will always feel like this position should have been yours. I may be the Head Girl now, but I choose to stand in your place. In the meantime, I requested Dumbledore get a badge for you too. You’re still my Head Girl, and that will never change. I hope you find it as shiny as I do.”
And Rowan fucking cries, like “That’s my best freind, right there!” Feeling a little bad that MC misses her so much, she sends MC her badge back with a letter and a surprise.
“Thanks for getting a badge for me, MC! I love it! Now you take yours and put it on, and remember that we now have matching badges! I miss you too, and I know you do as well, so I decided to send you a gift- the very thing that began our friendship in the first place. You’re my best friend, and I’m trusting you with this. Take care of it, yeah? Love you!”
Lo and behold, Rowan has sent MC the item from the beginning of the game- The scarf, hat, or sweater. AND WE. FUCKIN. TREASURE IT. LIKE WE DO ANYWAY.
As for the future, she tells us that she wants to continue studying at Castleobruxo and become a professor there. And MC and friends will be supportive!
Bottom line is, A LOT OF LETTERS.
108 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 07:16:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mysterylover123 · 4 years ago
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 243-244 "Goofball Hime Returns!"
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1. NEW OP! The highlights of this one include a look at our stylishly dressed and sexy new cast of villains, and a hero lineup that includes a badass Orihime wielding some kind of weapon. Sadly, none of the Soul Reaper characters. I'm sure they'll return eventually, but I guess this is the Humans Only arc.
2. OOH, Ichi reveals there's been a time skip and he's now a senior! And Hime and Chad revealed to everyone that Ichi's a superhero, so no more secret identity crap. Except he doesn't have a secret id anymore. OK...
3. OOH and Ichi's sisters are getting powers now! Cool, are they gonna fight this arc? AND IS THAT TATSUKI WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR HAIR GIRL?!
4. Ooh and Uryuu's back in focus since he's the only one with powers left. And Ichi's missing Rukia, who - DAMMIT - hasn't showed up to visit her other human friends. Seriously Ruki?
5. OOH and we're dealing with high school stuff. And Ichigo gets good grades? I didn't know that. So he's not the classic, bottom of the class Shonen hero IQ? COOL.
6. "I'm enjoying my quiet retirement" Ichi basically says. Oh damn dude you know that's an invite to IMMEDIATELY have it ripped apart. In film speak that's like saying "DESTROY ME PLOT"
7. And Ichi's still a tough badass, even without superpowers, so he beats up a purse snatcher like the superhero he is. THAT'S OUR ICHI.
8. Though apparently the guy whose purse he saved is evil or something. DAMMIT PLOT HE HAD 3 DAYS LEFT TILL RETIREMENT
9. Tatsuki has a part time job at the dojo! And OOH YES THERE'S MY GIRL FINALLY!! ORIHIME, who struts down the hall like a goddess who everone she passes immediately falls for. And she's got longer hair and she comes in by rolling down a pole!! Tatsuki reprimands her.
10. OMG TATSUHIME IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER. And Ichigo is officially attempting to join their OT3. I legit enjoy all 3 corners of this trio now.
11. ORIHIME IS GETTING TO BE WHACKY AND ECCENTRIC AGAIN. I've missed eccentric Orihime, she's been through so much crap recently we haven't gotten to see her goofing around. And Ichi highlights that her "eyes now look like #3". LOL THIS IS HILARIOUS I LOVE IT.
12. "boss" So Ichigo has a job? And he immediately gets fired. Or quits. And then a gigantic thug team shows up to...threaten him? URYUU SHOWS UP TO THREATEN THEM LIKE A BAMF.
13. And it appears our new villains' boss is a sexy maid. NOICE. And Ichi and Uryuu are bickering about how to handle the thugs in 244. (just kiss already). OOH URYUU IS CLASS REP? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT.
14. This really is my week for shipping Shonen heroes with their glasses clad, class rep BFFs.
16. So we meet Ichigo's boss and determine what his job is. It is very strange. His boss apparently has kids and she is able to flop from sexy badass to loving mom in an instant. I LOVE HER.
18. YAY BACK TO ORIHIME. "Hey did someone kidnap Ichigo? Do I have to go rescue him?" "Nope just his boss" "Yeah that sounds like Ichigo. Always surrounded by weirdos like you and me."
19. Hime apparently has a 6th Ichigo sense. And Hime has a part time job?! OMG LETS SEE HOW SEXY AND WEIRD HER BOSS IS. Anyway Uryu''s got a stalker apparently.
20. Anyway Ichigo's getting hired to track down his own dad apparently? And Karin is training with Urahara. And she's resolved to protecc her big brother. NOICE. This arc needs to end with all the lady BAMFS lining up to kick some ass.
21. Some shit's gonna go down that'll threaten Ichi's family and our new mullet-haired villain or whatever he is warns him.
22. Orihime comes by his window with bread and is now in Ichi's room feeling awkward. "LOL HIME YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE" says Ichi. Oh, do tell? Also Hime and Ichi are now comfortable bickering a little, which is definitely making me ship them hard.
23. Hime asks if he's being stalked. And Ichi tells her it's ok that she's so inquisitive. Uryu is stalking them and annoyed apparently that Hime is stealing his boyfriend. Then follows our new villain stalker off to see what's up. AND OMG URYU DON'T BE DEAD!!
43 notes · View notes
stolenwetfloorsign · 3 years ago
Here’s a very self indulgent sushibird fic-
Marilyn Monroe would be jealous of 244’s permed wig, as white as a cloud and curled to perfection. She would simply die over the smudge resistant makeup that sat on his vanity, the key to crisp clean looks and an audience's heart. But tonight, 244 had an unknowing audience of one, sitting in his living room. He drew the glossiest, most sickenly red lipstick over his lips and tucks it ino the band of his lingerie. It’s a fashion crime for the 50’s, small and lacey with a matching bralette. But the statement piece of this look was a historically accurate copy of the famous dress Ms. Monroe wore on top of that train station, cementing her as the western worlds favorite sex symbol. A blindingly white cocktail dress made of heavy satin and tailored to 244’s curves (or lack thereof). 
244 steps into the dress, and pulls it over his lingerie, careful not to disturb the lipstick, or his full face of makeup as he pulls the halter over his head. He takes a minute to adjust it in front of the mirror, and pulls on matching ivory satin gloves. Seongjun is going to die when he sees it. That simple thought has 244 smiling as he pushes his foot into a 5 inch heel.
He waltzes into his living room with a bottle of chardonnay, where Seongjun sits cross legged on a couch watching something on his phone. His focus stays trained to the device as a glass of wine is poured for him, and as 244 sits across from him.
“You were gone a while.” Seongjun absent mindedly grabs the glass and swirls it before taking a bitter sip that leaves something foriegn and sticky on his lips. Only then does he look up at the glass to see a red imprint of someone’s lip now smudged sticking to his own. When he looks to 244 for an explanation he nearly drops the glass. 
“Did you miss me Mr. President?” 244 asks in his best innocent little girl voice. He takes a long sip of wine and savors the way Seongjun stares. Seongjun clears his throat, 
“Did your American fans pester you?”  He asks, and places his phone on the coffee table. 
“You’re usually more perceptive.” 244 says as he reapplies a layer of obnoxious red lipstick. 
“Right, of course, you can’t just apply contour over your tattoos.” Seongjun mocks him.
“I’ve taught you well.” 244 smiles, showing off pearl white teeth. He fluffs his wig for the drama of it, then looks back to Seongjun who continues to stare at him in disgust. “I get all dressed up for you and don’t even receive a compliment?” 
Seongjun puts his wine glass down, he attempts to smudge the remnants of lipstick off of his lips but just smears it onto his cheek and knuckles. 244 reaches out a gloved hand and stains it red with the lipstick from his cheek. 
“You’re very pretty in red.” He says and puts his fingers to Seongjun’s lips. “Off.” 
Seongjun blinks for a moment, then takes the tip of 244’s white glove in between his teeth and lets him pull his hand out of it. He lets the glove fall to the ground as 244 stands over him. 
“You look much better in a suit.” Seongjun huffs and stands after him.
“That hurts, Seongjun.” he feigns disappointment but Seongjun quickly resolves it by invading his personal space, a hand on the small of his back as if they were about to dance. 
“So?” Seongjun asks, “get it over with.” He pulls 244 in closer barely an inch away from his chest. Maybe it would seem romantic if he didn’t need to look up to see eye to eye with him. 
244 smiles as he bends down to kiss him, smearing red over his lips, chin, and tongue. 
“What’s the rush?” He asks as he pulls away and pops his lips through another layer of lipstick.
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backslashdelta · 4 years ago
Glee Soundtrack Rating Project Results: angelhummel
Favourite character: Kurt Hummel
Least favourite character: Will Schuester
Favourite season: Season 5
Least favourite season: Season 6
Mean song rating: 4.91
Mean song rating for favourite character's songs: 6.59
Mean song rating for favourite character's solos: 7.36
Mean song rating season 1: 4.93
Mean song rating season 2: 5.1
Mean song rating season 3: 4.95
Mean song rating season 4: 4.95
Mean song rating season 5: 4.92
Mean song rating season 6: 4.38
Songs rated: 702
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[ID: A bar chart titled Number of songs assigned each rating by angelhummel, illustrating the number of times each score was assigned to a song by angelhummel. 10 was assigned 36 times, 9 was assigned 15 times, 8 was assigned 56 times, 7 was assigned 86 times, 6 was assigned 99 times, 5 was assigned 97 times, 4 was assigned 89 times, 3 was assigned 86 times, 2 was assigned 74 times, 1 was assigned 64 times, and 0 songs were not rated.]
About the Project | Results Masterpost
1. (10) - S1x03 - Bust Your Windows
2. (10) - S1x05 - Maybe This Time
3. (10) - S1x06 - It's My Life/Confessions Part II
4. (10) - S1x13 - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
5. (10) - S1x18 - Rose's Turn
6. (10) - S1x19 - Dream On
7. (10) - S1x20 - Bad Romance
8. (10) - S1x22 - To Sir, With Love
9. (10) - S2x04 - Le Jazz Hot
10. (10) - S2x04 - With You I'm Born Again
11. (10) - S2x06 - Teenage Dream
12. (10) - S2x06 - Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer
13. (10) - S2x10 - Baby, It's Cold Outside
14. (10) - S2x11 - Thriller/Heads Will Roll
15. (10) - S2x18 - As If We Never Said Goodbye
16. (10) - S2x22 - For Good
17. (10) - S3x04 - Candyman
18. (10) - S3x11 - Scream
19. (10) - S3x11 - Smooth Criminal
20. (10) - S3x13 - I Will Always Love You
21. (10) - S3x14 - Cough Syrup
22. (10) - S3x17 - How Will I Know
23. (10) - S4x04 - The Scientist
24. (10) - S4x06 - There Are Worse Things I Could Do
25. (10) - S4x08 - Home/Homeward Bound
26. (10) - S4x09 - Being Alive
27. (10) - S4x15 - Come What May
28. (10) - S4x20 - At the Ballet
29. (10) - S5x06 - Just the Way You Are
30. (10) - S5x07 - Nasty/Rhythm Nation
31. (10) - S5x09 - Brave
32. (10) - S5x12 - Defying Gravity
33. (10) - S5x14 - People
34. (10) - S6x02 - Home
35. (10) - S6x03 - It's Too Late
36. (10) - S6x07 - Somebody Loves You
37. (9) - S1x13 - Don't Rain on My Parade
38. (9) - S1x16 - Home
39. (9) - S1x18 - The Boy Is Mine
40. (9) - S2x04 - River Deep, Mountain High
41. (9) - S3x06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You
42. (9) - S3x13 - Love Shack
43. (9) - S3x16 - Disco Inferno
44. (9) - S3x17 - So Emotional
45. (9) - S3x18 - Shake It Out
46. (9) - S4x03 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
47. (9) - S4x14 - We've Got Tonite
48. (9) - S5x10 - The Happening
49. (9) - S6x07 - I Know Where I've Been
50. (9) - S6x11 - Take Me to Church
51. (9) - S6x13 - I Lived
52. (8) - S1x01 - Leaving On a Jet Plane
53. (8) - S1x10 - Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl
54. (8) - S1x11 - True Colors
55. (8) - S1x15 - 4 Minutes
56. (8) - S1x15 - Like a Prayer
57. (8) - S1x18 - Lady Is a Tramp
58. (8) - S1x22 - Don't Stop Believing (Regionals)
59. (8) - S2x02 - Toxic
60. (8) - S2x03 - I Want to Hold Your Hand
61. (8) - S2x05 - Sweet Transvestite
62. (8) - S2x09 - Dog Days Are Over
63. (8) - S2x09 - Valerie
64. (8) - S2x10 - Last Christmas
65. (8) - S2x14 - Don't You Want Me
66. (8) - S2x16 - Blackbird
67. (8) - S2x17 - I Follow Rivers
68. (8) - S2x18 - Somewhere Only We Know
69. (8) - S2x18 - Born This Way
70. (8) - S2x19 - Go Your Own Way
71. (8) - S2x19 - Songbird
72. (8) - S3x01 - Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
73. (8) - S3x05 - Uptown Girl
74. (8) - S3x11 - Human Nature
75. (8) - S3x13 - Cherish/Cherish
76. (8) - S3x17 - I Have Nothing
77. (8) - S3x17 - My Love Is Your Love
78. (8) - S3x18 - Not the Boy Next Door
79. (8) - S4x02 - Boys/Boyfriend
80. (8) - S4x02 - 3
81. (8) - S4x04 - Don't Speak
82. (8) - S4x08 - Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time
83. (8) - S4x11 - No Scrubs
84. (8) - S4x12 - Centerfold/Hot in Herre
85. (8) - S4x13 - Don't Stop Me Now
86. (8) - S4x13 - Nutbush City Limits
87. (8) - S4x16 - Cold Hearted
88. (8) - S4x16 - Bye Bye Bye/I Want It That Way
89. (8) - S4x17 - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
90. (8) - S4x21 - Higher Ground
91. (8) - S5x01 - All You Need Is Love
92. (8) - S5x02 - Hey Jude
93. (8) - S5x02 - Let It Be
94. (8) - S5x03 - Seasons of Love
95. (8) - S5x05 - If I Were a Boy
96. (8) - S5x07 - Into the Groove
97. (8) - S5x09 - I Believe in a Thing Called Love
98. (8) - S5x14 - Downtown
99. (8) - S5x15 - Not While I'm Around
100. (8) - S5x15 - Broadway Baby
101. (8) - S5x20 - Pompeii
102. (8) - S6x03 - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet
103. (8) - S6x03 - Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move
104. (8) - S6x08 - At Last
105. (8) - S6x09 - Cool Kids
106. (8) - S6x11 - Chandelier
107. (8) - S6x13 - Someday We'll Be Together
108. (7) - S1x01 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot)
109. (7) - S1x05 - Alone
110. (7) - S1x07 - Hate On Me
111. (7) - S1x07 - Ride Wit Me
112. (7) - S1x14 - Hello, I Love You
113. (7) - S1x15 - Like a Virgin
114. (7) - S1x16 - A House Is Not a Home
115. (7) - S1x18 - Jessie's Girl
116. (7) - S1x19 - I Dreamed a Dream
117. (7) - S1x20 - Funny Girl
118. (7) - S2x01 - Empire State of Mind
119. (7) - S2x02 - I'm a Slave 4 U
120. (7) - S2x02 - Me Against the Music
121. (7) - S2x05 - Time Warp
122. (7) - S2x06 - Stop! In the Name of Love/Free Your Mind
123. (7) - S2x11 - Bills, Bills, Bills
124. (7) - S2x11 - She's Not There
125. (7) - S2x12 - When I Get You Alone
126. (7) - S2x14 - Blame It (On the Alcohol)
127. (7) - S2x15 - Landslide
128. (7) - S2x16 - Misery
129. (7) - S2x21 - Some People
130. (7) - S2x21 - Pure Imagination
131. (7) - S2x21 - Try a Little Tenderness
132. (7) - S2x21 - My Man
133. (7) - S2x21 - Back to Black
134. (7) - S3x01 - Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do
135. (7) - S3x02 - Something's Coming
136. (7) - S3x02 - I'm the Greatest Star
137. (7) - S3x03 - Spotlight
138. (7) - S3x03 - Cool
139. (7) - S3x03 - It's All Over
140. (7) - S3x06 - Hit Me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another
141. (7) - S3x07 - Perfect
142. (7) - S3x08 - Buenos Aires
143. (7) - S3x08 - We Are Young
144. (7) - S3x09 - Christmas Wrapping
145. (7) - S3x09 - Let It Snow
146. (7) - S3x09 - All I Want for Christmas Is You
147. (7) - S3x09 - Do They Know It's Christmas?
148. (7) - S3x09 - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
149. (7) - S3x09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas
150. (7) - S3x11 - Never Can Say Goodbye
151. (7) - S3x12 - La Isla Bonita
152. (7) - S3x15 - Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf
153. (7) - S3x15 - Somebody That I Used to Know
154. (7) - S3x16 - If I Can't Have You
155. (7) - S3x17 - It's Not Right But It's Okay
156. (7) - S3x20 - Because You Loved Me
157. (7) - S3x21 - Paradise By the Dashboard Light
158. (7) - S3x21 - Tongue Tied
159. (7) - S4x02 - Oops!...I Did It Again
160. (7) - S4x03 - The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
161. (7) - S4x04 - Mine
162. (7) - S4x05 - Hopelessly Devoted to You
163. (7) - S4x06 - Beauty School Dropout
164. (7) - S4x07 - Some Nights
165. (7) - S4x09 - Don't Dream It's Over
166. (7) - S4x10 - The First Noel
167. (7) - S4x11 - Tell Him
168. (7) - S4x11 - I Don't Know How to Love Him
169. (7) - S4x14 - Getting Married Today
170. (7) - S4x17 - Wannabe
171. (7) - S4x17 - Mamma Mia
172. (7) - S4x21 - You Are the Sunshine of My Life
173. (7) - S4x21 - Superstition
174. (7) - S5x03 - Make You Feel My Love
175. (7) - S5x04 - Marry the Night
176. (7) - S5x04 - Roar
177. (7) - S5x08 - Mary's Little Boy Child
178. (7) - S5x09 - Every Breath You Take
179. (7) - S5x09 - Don't Rain On My Parade
180. (7) - S5x10 - Hold On
181. (7) - S5x13 - Don't Stop Believin' (Season Five)
182. (7) - S5x14 - You Make Me Feel So Young
183. (7) - S5x15 - I'm Still Here
184. (7) - S5x15 - Colorblind
185. (7) - S5x15 - No One Is Alone
186. (7) - S5x17 - Pumpin Blood
187. (7) - S5x18 - Doo Wop (That Thing)
188. (7) - S5x19 - Take Me Home Tonight
189. (7) - S5x20 - American Boy
190. (7) - S6x02 - Tightrope
191. (7) - S6x03 - So Far Away
192. (7) - S6x06 - Promises, Promises
193. (7) - S6x06 - Alfie
194. (6) - S1x06 - Halo/Walking On Sunshine
195. (6) - S1x07 - You Keep Me Hanging On
196. (6) - S1x09 - Dancing With Myself
197. (6) - S1x09 - Proud Mary
198. (6) - S1x09 - Defying Gravity
199. (6) - S1x11 - Bootylicious
200. (6) - S1x15 - Express Yourself
201. (6) - S1x15 - Vogue
202. (6) - S1x16 - One Less Bell to Answer/A House Is Not a Home
203. (6) - S1x16 - Fire
204. (6) - S1x18 - Pink Houses
205. (6) - S1x19 - Safety Dance
206. (6) - S1x19 - Dream a Little Dream
207. (6) - S1x22 - Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
208. (6) - S2x01 - Listen
209. (6) - S2x02 - Baby One More Time
210. (6) - S2x03 - Bridge Over Troubled Water
211. (6) - S2x03 - One of Us
212. (6) - S2x05 - Science Fiction Double Feature
213. (6) - S2x07 - Forget You
214. (6) - S2x07 - Singing In the Rain/Umbrella
215. (6) - S2x07 - Nowadays/Hot Honey rag
216. (6) - S2x08 - Sway
217. (6) - S2x09 - Don't Cry for Me Argentina
218. (6) - S2x12 - Silly Love Songs
219. (6) - S2x14 - Tik Tok
220. (6) - S2x15 - Animal
221. (6) - S2x15 - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
222. (6) - S2x16 - Raise Your Glass
223. (6) - S2x16 - Candles
224. (6) - S2x17 - Turning Tables
225. (6) - S2x17 - Ain't No Way
226. (6) - S2x19 - Dreams
227. (6) - S2x20 - Dancing Queen
228. (6) - S2x22 - Light Up the World
229. (6) - S2x22 - Still Got Tonight
230. (6) - S3x01 - It's Not Unusual
231. (6) - S3x05 - America
232. (6) - S3x06 - I Can't Go for That/You Make My Dreams Come True
233. (6) - S3x07 - Constant Craving
234. (6) - S3x08 - Control
235. (6) - S3x08 - Man in the Mirror
236. (6) - S3x08 - ABC
237. (6) - S3x09 - My Favorite Things
238. (6) - S3x10 - Summer Nights
239. (6) - S3x10 - Without You
240. (6) - S3x10 - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
241. (6) - S3x13 - L-O-V-E
242. (6) - S3x15 - Up Up Up
243. (6) - S3x15 - Fighter
244. (6) - S3x18 - Cell Block Tango
245. (6) - S3x19 - Dinosaur
246. (6) - S3x22 - You Get What You Give
247. (6) - S3x22 - In My Life
248. (6) - S4x01 - Chasing Pavements
249. (6) - S4x02 - Everytime
250. (6) - S4x02 - Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy
251. (6) - S4x02 - Womanizer
252. (6) - S4x04 - Teenage Dream (Acoustic)
253. (6) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
254. (6) - S4x06 - You're the One That I Want
255. (6) - S4x10 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
256. (6) - S4x12 - This Is the New Year
257. (6) - S4x13 - Diva
258. (6) - S4x13 - Girl On Fire
259. (6) - S4x13 - Hung Up
260. (6) - S4x14 - Just Can't Get Enough
261. (6) - S4x15 - You're All the World to Me
262. (6) - S4x16 - Closer
263. (6) - S4x17 - My Prerogative
264. (6) - S4x17 - Copacabana
265. (6) - S4x21 - For Once in My Life
266. (6) - S5x01 - Got to Get You Into My Life
267. (6) - S5x01 - Yesterday
268. (6) - S5x01 - A Hard Day's Night
269. (6) - S5x02 - Here Comes the Sun
270. (6) - S5x04 - Wide Awake
271. (6) - S5x04 - Applause
272. (6) - S5x05 - Wrecking Ball
273. (6) - S5x08 - Away in a Manger
274. (6) - S5x08 - Love Child
275. (6) - S5x09 - My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
276. (6) - S5x09 - Breakaway
277. (6) - S5x10 - Gloria
278. (6) - S5x10 - Jumpin' Jumpin'
279. (6) - S5x13 - Party All the Time
280. (6) - S5x13 - I Am Changing
281. (6) - S5x14 - Rockstar
282. (6) - S5x16 - Love Is a Battlefield
283. (6) - S5x20 - All of Me
284. (6) - S5x20 - Shakin' My Head
285. (6) - S6x01 - Let It Go
286. (6) - S6x02 - Take On Me
287. (6) - S6x02 - Mustang Sally
288. (6) - S6x06 - Arthur's Theme
289. (6) - S6x06 - Wishin' And Hoping
290. (6) - S6x09 - I Want to Break Free
291. (6) - S6x13 - Daydream Believer
292. (6) - S6x13 - This Time
293. (5) - S1x01 - On My Own
294. (5) - S1x01 - Rehab
295. (5) - S1x02 - Push It
296. (5) - S1x03 - Mercy
297. (5) - S1x04 - Taking Chances
298. (5) - S1x05 - Last Name
299. (5) - S1x07 - Keep Holding On
300. (5) - S1x08 - Sweet Caroline
301. (5) - S1x11 - Papa Don't Preach
302. (5) - S1x12 - Smile (Lily Allen)
303. (5) - S1x14 - Hello, Goodbye
304. (5) - S1x17 - U Can't Touch This
305. (5) - S1x17 - Physical
306. (5) - S1x17 - Run Joey Run
307. (5) - S1x20 - Shout It Out Loud
308. (5) - S1x20 - Poker Face
309. (5) - S1x21 - Give Up the Funk
310. (5) - S1x22 - Faithfully
311. (5) - S2x01 - Telephone
312. (5) - S2x02 - Stronger
313. (5) - S2x03 - Losing My Religion
314. (5) - S2x03 - I Look to You
315. (5) - S2x03 - Papa, Can You Hear Me?
316. (5) - S2x04 - Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy
317. (5) - S2x04 - Sing!
318. (5) - S2x05 - Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?
319. (5) - S2x05 - Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me
320. (5) - S2x08 - Marry You
321. (5) - S2x10 - Merry Christmas, Darling
322. (5) - S2x11 - Need You Now
323. (5) - S2x15 - Afternoon Delight
324. (5) - S2x16 - Loser Like Me
325. (5) - S2x17 - All By Myself
326. (5) - S2x18 - I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
327. (5) - S2x20 - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You
328. (5) - S2x22 - Yeah!
329. (5) - S2x22 - As Long as You're There
330. (5) - S3x03 - Out Here On My Own
331. (5) - S3x03 - Fix You
332. (5) - S3x07 - Jolene
333. (5) - S3x08 - Survivor/I Will Survive
334. (5) - S3x10 - We Found Love
335. (5) - S3x13 - Stereo Hearts
336. (5) - S3x15 - I'm Still Standing
337. (5) - S3x16 - Boogie Shoes
338. (5) - S3x19 - Take My Breath Away
339. (5) - S3x21 - Starships
340. (5) - S3x21 - Pinball Wizard
341. (5) - S3x22 - I'll Remember
342. (5) - S3x22 - Roots Before Branches
343. (5) - S4x01 - It's Time
344. (5) - S4x01 - Call Me Maybe
345. (5) - S4x03 - A Change Would Do You Good
346. (5) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise)
347. (5) - S4x06 - Greased Lightning
348. (5) - S4x07 - Heroes
349. (5) - S4x07 - Holding Out for a Hero
350. (5) - S4x11 - Locked Out of Heaven
351. (5) - S4x12 - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)
352. (5) - S4x12 - A Thousand Years
353. (5) - S4x12 - Torn
354. (5) - S4x12 - Love Song
355. (5) - S4x14 - Anything Could Happen
356. (5) - S4x15 - Shout
357. (5) - S4x16 - I Still Believe/Super Bass
358. (5) - S4x16 - How to Be a Heartbreaker
359. (5) - S4x16 - The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up
360. (5) - S4x17 - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
361. (5) - S4x18 - Say
362. (5) - S4x20 - Longest Time
363. (5) - S4x21 - I Wish
364. (5) - S4x21 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours
365. (5) - S4x22 - All or Nothing
366. (5) - S5x01 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
367. (5) - S5x02 - Get Back
368. (5) - S5x02 - Something
369. (5) - S5x07 - You're My Best Friend
370. (5) - S5x07 - Cheek to Cheek
371. (5) - S5x08 - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
372. (5) - S5x10 - Barracuda
373. (5) - S5x10 - Don't You (Forget About Me)
374. (5) - S5x11 - America
375. (5) - S5x12 - Toxic
376. (5) - S5x13 - Be Okay
377. (5) - S5x15 - You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
378. (5) - S5x16 - Addicted to Love
379. (5) - S5x18 - Story of My Life
380. (5) - S5x19 - Memory
381. (5) - S6x06 - Baby It's You
382. (5) - S6x07 - Time After Time
383. (5) - S6x09 - Lose My Breath
384. (5) - S6x09 - Friday I'm in Love
385. (5) - S6x10 - Rise
386. (5) - S6x11 - Come Sail Away
387. (5) - S6x12 - Pony
388. (5) - S6x12 - Popular
389. (5) - S6x13 - Teach Your Children
390. (4) - S1x01 - Mr. Cellophane
391. (4) - S1x01 - Respect
392. (4) - S1x01 - I Kissed a Girl
393. (4) - S1x10 - Endless Love
394. (4) - S1x11 - Hair/Crazy In Love
395. (4) - S1x11 - Imagine
396. (4) - S1x12 - Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
397. (4) - S1x13 - My Life Would Suck Without You
398. (4) - S1x16 - Beautiful
399. (4) - S1x18 - One
400. (4) - S1x21 - It's a Man's Man's Man's World
401. (4) - S1x21 - Tell Me Something Good
402. (4) - S1x22 - Over the Rainbow
403. (4) - S2x01 - What I Did for Love
404. (4) - S2x05 - There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)
405. (4) - S2x05 - Damn It, Janet
406. (4) - S2x07 - Make 'Em Laugh
407. (4) - S2x08 - Just the Way You Are
408. (4) - S2x09 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life
409. (4) - S2x10 - Welcome Christmas
410. (4) - S2x12 - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
411. (4) - S2x12 - Fat Bottomed Girls
412. (4) - S2x13 - Somebody to Love
413. (4) - S2x13 - Sing
414. (4) - S2x13 - Take Me or Leave Me
415. (4) - S2x13 - Baby
416. (4) - S2x14 - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
417. (4) - S2x16 - Get It Right
418. (4) - S2x18 - I've Gotta Be Me
419. (4) - S2x19 - I Don't Want to Know
420. (4) - S2x19 - Don't Stop
421. (4) - S2x19 - Nice to Meet You, Have I Slept with You?
422. (4) - S2x22 - Bella Notte
423. (4) - S2x22 - Pretending
424. (4) - S3x01 - You Can't Stop the Beat
425. (4) - S3x01 - We Got the Beat
426. (4) - S3x05 - A Boy Like That/I Have a Love
427. (4) - S3x09 - River
428. (4) - S3x10 - Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash
429. (4) - S3x10 - Wedding Bell Blues (Bill)
430. (4) - S3x11 - Bad
431. (4) - S3x11 - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
432. (4) - S3x11 - I Want You Back
433. (4) - S3x13 - Let Me Love You
434. (4) - S3x14 - Glad You Came
435. (4) - S3x16 - You Should Be Dancing
436. (4) - S3x17 - Saving All My Love For You
437. (4) - S3x17 - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
438. (4) - S3x18 - School's Out
439. (4) - S3x20 - Flashdance...What a Feeling
440. (4) - S3x21 - Edge of Glory
441. (4) - S4x01 - Americano/Dance Again
442. (4) - S4x04 - Barely Breathing
443. (4) - S4x05 - Everybody Talks
444. (4) - S4x07 - My Dark Side
445. (4) - S4x10 - Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
446. (4) - S4x10 - White Christmas
447. (4) - S4x13 - Bring Him Home
448. (4) - S4x15 - Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone
449. (4) - S4x15 - Footloose
450. (4) - S4x17 - Creep
451. (4) - S4x19 - Outcast
452. (4) - S4x20 - Little Girls
453. (4) - S4x21 - Uptight (Everything's Alright)
454. (4) - S4x22 - Clarity
455. (4) - S4x22 - I Love It
456. (4) - S5x01 - Help!
457. (4) - S5x01 - I Saw Her Standing There
458. (4) - S5x03 - I'll Stand By You
459. (4) - S5x05 - On Our Way
460. (4) - S5x08 - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
461. (4) - S5x09 - Whenever I Call You Friend
462. (4) - S5x10 - Danny's Song
463. (4) - S5x13 - Loser Like Me
464. (4) - S5x13 - Just Give Me a Reason
465. (4) - S5x16 - I Want to Know What Love Is
466. (4) - S5x16 - Let's Wait Awhile
467. (4) - S5x17 - Lovefool
468. (4) - S5x17 - I'm the Greatest Star
469. (4) - S5x18 - Wake Me Up
470. (4) - S5x19 - Lucky Star
471. (4) - S6x01 - Suddenly Seymour
472. (4) - S6x04 - Thousand Miles
473. (4) - S6x06 - What the World Needs Now
474. (4) - S6x06 - They Long to Be Close to You
475. (4) - S6x08 - Our Day Will Come
476. (4) - S6x12 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot/2009)
477. (4) - S6x12 - I'm His Child
478. (4) - S6x12 - I Kissed a Girl
479. (3) - S1x01 - Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat
480. (3) - S1x01 - You're the One That I Want (ver. 1)
481. (3) - S1x02 - Gold Digger
482. (3) - S1x05 - Somebody to Love
483. (3) - S1x08 - I Could Have Danced All Night
484. (3) - S1x08 - Thong Song
485. (3) - S1x10 - Lean On Me
486. (3) - S1x11 - Don't Make Me Over
487. (3) - S1x12 - Jump
488. (3) - S1x14 - Gives You Hell
489. (3) - S1x14 - Hello
490. (3) - S1x15 - Borderline/Open Your Heart
491. (3) - S1x17 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
492. (3) - S1x17 - Ice Ice Baby
493. (3) - S1x20 - Beth
494. (3) - S1x21 - Loser
495. (3) - S1x21 - Good Vibrations
496. (3) - S2x03 - Only the Good Die Young
497. (3) - S2x04 - Lucky
498. (3) - S2x10 - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
499. (3) - S2x10 - The Most Wonderful Day of the Year
500. (3) - S2x12 - Firework
501. (3) - S2x12 - My Funny Valentine
502. (3) - S2x16 - Hell to the No
503. (3) - S2x16 - Big Ass Heart
504. (3) - S2x16 - Trouty Mouth
505. (3) - S2x19 - Never Going Back Again
506. (3) - S2x20 - Isn't She Lovely
507. (3) - S3x03 - Run the World (Girls)
508. (3) - S3x04 - Last Friday Night
509. (3) - S3x04 - Waiting for a Girl Like You
510. (3) - S3x05 - One Hand, One Heart
511. (3) - S3x06 - Hot for Teacher
512. (3) - S3x07 - I Kissed a Girl
513. (3) - S3x11 - Black or White
514. (3) - S3x12 - Bamboleo/Hero
515. (3) - S3x14 - Stand
516. (3) - S3x16 - How Deep Is Your Love
517. (3) - S3x16 - Night Fever
518. (3) - S3x18 - The Music of the Night
519. (3) - S3x18 - Cry
520. (3) - S3x19 - Big Girls Don't Cry
521. (3) - S3x21 - We Are the Champions
522. (3) - S3x21 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now
523. (3) - S3x22 - Glory Days
524. (3) - S3x22 - Forever Young
525. (3) - S4x01 - Never Say Never
526. (3) - S4x01 - New York State of Mind
527. (3) - S4x02 - Hold It Against Me
528. (3) - S4x05 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
529. (3) - S4x05 - Born to Hand Jive
530. (3) - S4x07 - Superman
531. (3) - S4x08 - Live While We're Young
532. (3) - S4x08 - Gangnam Style
533. (3) - S4x09 - Something Stupid
534. (3) - S4x09 - All That Jazz
535. (3) - S4x15 - Unchained Melody
536. (3) - S4x15 - Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl
537. (3) - S4x15 - In Your Eyes
538. (3) - S4x18 - Your Song
539. (3) - S4x18 - More Than Words
540. (3) - S4x19 - You Have More Friends Than You Know
541. (3) - S4x20 - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
542. (3) - S4x22 - Hall of Fame
543. (3) - S4x22 - Wings
544. (3) - S5x01 - Drive My Car
545. (3) - S5x02 - Revolution
546. (3) - S5x03 - If I Die Young
547. (3) - S5x06 - My Life
548. (3) - S5x08 - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
549. (3) - S5x11 - More Than a Feeling
550. (3) - S5x11 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
551. (3) - S5x12 - Keep Holding On
552. (3) - S5x14 - Don't Sleep in the Subway
553. (3) - S5x17 - Who Are You Now
554. (3) - S5x19 - Werewolves of London
555. (3) - S5x19 - I Melt with You
556. (3) - S5x20 - Girls on Film
557. (3) - S6x02 - Problem
558. (3) - S6x03 - You Learn/You've Got a Friend
559. (3) - S6x05 - It Must Have Been Love
560. (3) - S6x05 - All Out of Love
561. (3) - S6x06 - I'll Never Fall in Love Again
562. (3) - S6x09 - Uptown Funk
563. (3) - S6x10 - The Final Countdown
564. (3) - S6x11 - Mickey
565. (2) - S1x01 - Can't Fight This Feeling
566. (2) - S1x02 - Take a Bow
567. (2) - S1x04 - Tonight
568. (2) - S1x08 - Bust A Move
569. (2) - S1x10 - I'll Stand By You
570. (2) - S1x13 - You Can't Always Get What You Want
571. (2) - S1x14 - Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
572. (2) - S1x15 - Burning Up
573. (2) - S2x01 - Getting to Know You
574. (2) - S2x02 - The Only Exception
575. (2) - S2x05 - Planet, Schmanet, Janet
576. (2) - S2x06 - One Love (People Get Ready)
577. (2) - S2x09 - The Living Years
578. (2) - S2x10 - We Need a Little Christmas
579. (2) - S2x13 - I Know What Boys Like
580. (2) - S2x15 - Kiss
581. (2) - S2x16 - Only Child
582. (2) - S2x20 - Friday
583. (2) - S2x20 - Jar of Hearts
584. (2) - S2x22 - I Love New York/New York, New York
585. (2) - S3x02 - Somewhere
586. (2) - S3x06 - You and I/You and I
587. (2) - S3x07 - I'm the Only One
588. (2) - S3x08 - Red Solo Cup
589. (2) - S3x11 - Ben
590. (2) - S3x11 - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
591. (2) - S3x12 - Don't Wanna Lose You
592. (2) - S3x12 - Sexy and I Know It
593. (2) - S3x13 - Home
594. (2) - S3x14 - Fly/I Believe I Can Fly
595. (2) - S3x14 - Here's to Us
596. (2) - S3x14 - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
597. (2) - S3x16 - More Than a Woman
598. (2) - S3x16 - Stayin' Alive
599. (2) - S3x18 - The Rain in Spain
600. (2) - S3x19 - What Makes You Beautiful
601. (2) - S3x19 - Love You Like a Love Song
602. (2) - S3x20 - Mean
603. (2) - S3x20 - I Won't Give Up
604. (2) - S4x03 - Celebrity Skin
605. (2) - S4x04 - Give Your Heart a Break
606. (2) - S4x05 - Juke Box Hero
607. (2) - S4x08 - Come See About Me
608. (2) - S4x09 - Being Good Isn't Good Enough
609. (2) - S4x09 - O Holy Night
610. (2) - S4x10 - Jingle Bell Rock
611. (2) - S4x11 - I Only Have Eyes for You
612. (2) - S4x13 - Make No Mistake (She's Mine)
613. (2) - S4x14 - You're All I Need to Get By
614. (2) - S4x19 - Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel)
615. (2) - S4x20 - We Will Rock You
616. (2) - S4x20 - Everybody Hurts
617. (2) - S5x02 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
618. (2) - S5x05 - Blurred Lines
619. (2) - S5x05 - You Are Woman, I Am Man
620. (2) - S5x06 - Honesty
621. (2) - S5x06 - Piano Man
622. (2) - S5x06 - You May Be Right
623. (2) - S5x06 - An Innocent Man
624. (2) - S5x06 - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)
625. (2) - S5x07 - The Fox
626. (2) - S5x11 - Vacation
627. (2) - S5x12 - Valerie
628. (2) - S5x14 - Best Day of My Life
629. (2) - S5x18 - Piece of My Heart
630. (2) - S5x20 - No Time At All
631. (2) - S5x20 - Glitter in the Air
632. (2) - S6x04 - Bitch
633. (2) - S6x05 - Father Figure
634. (2) - S6x07 - All About That Bass
635. (2) - S6x08 - I'm So Excited
636. (2) - S6x09 - Break Free
637. (2) - S6x10 - Rather Be
638. (2) - S6x13 - The Winner Takes It All
639. (1) - S1x02 - I Say a Little Prayer
640. (1) - S1x03 - I Wanna Sex You Up
641. (1) - S1x05 - Cabaret
642. (1) - S1x07 - No Air
643. (1) - S1x08 - What A Girl Wants
644. (1) - S1x10 - (You're Having My Baby)
645. (1) - S1x10 - Crush
646. (1) - S1x14 - Highway to Hell
647. (1) - S1x15 - What It Feels Like for a Girl
648. (1) - S1x21 - Another One Bites the Dust
649. (1) - S1x22 - Bohemian Rhapsody
650. (1) - S2x01 - Billionaire
651. (1) - S2x01 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
652. (1) - S2x04 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
653. (1) - S2x07 - Conjunction Junction
654. (1) - S2x08 - Ohio
655. (1) - S2x09 - Hey, Soul Sister
656. (1) - S2x13 - This Little Light of Mine
657. (1) - S2x14 - My Headband
658. (1) - S2x16 - Jesus Is My Friend
659. (1) - S2x20 - Rolling in the Deep
660. (1) - S2x22 - My Cup
661. (1) - S3x01 - Big Spender
662. (1) - S3x04 - Bein' Green
663. (1) - S3x04 - Take Care of Yourself
664. (1) - S3x05 - Tonight
665. (1) - S3x07 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
666. (1) - S3x09 - Blue Christmas
667. (1) - S3x12 - A Little Less Conversation
668. (1) - S3x13 - You're the Top
669. (1) - S3x13 - Chapel of Love
670. (1) - S4x01 - Sister Christian
671. (1) - S4x02 - Gimme More
672. (1) - S4x08 - Whistle
673. (1) - S4x10 - Feliz Navidad
674. (1) - S4x11 - Baby Got Back
675. (1) - S4x19 - Fight for Your Right (to Party)
676. (1) - S4x19 - Next to Me
677. (1) - S4x22 - To Love You More
678. (1) - S4x22 - Rainbow Connection
679. (1) - S5x03 - Fire and Rain
680. (1) - S5x03 - No Surrender
681. (1) - S5x08 - O Christmas Tree
682. (1) - S5x11 - Mr. Roboto/Counting Stars
683. (1) - S5x11 - I Love LA
684. (1) - S5x12 - Raise Your Glass
685. (1) - S5x12 - Happy
686. (1) - S5x17 - NYC
687. (1) - S5x18 - The Rose
688. (1) - S6x01 - Sing
689. (1) - S6x01 - Dance the Night Away
690. (1) - S6x01 - Uninvited
691. (1) - S6x02 - Viva Voce
692. (1) - S6x04 - Rock Lobster
693. (1) - S6x04 - Whip It
694. (1) - S6x05 - My Sharona
695. (1) - S6x05 - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
696. (1) - S6x07 - You Give Love a Bad Name
697. (1) - S6x07 - Same Love
698. (1) - S6x08 - Hey Ya!
699. (1) - S6x10 - Far From Over
700. (1) - S6x10 - The Trolley Song
701. (1) - S6x11 - We Built This City
702. (1) - S6x11 - Listen to Your Heart
13 notes · View notes
bolintheturtleduck · 4 years ago
Song Ranking
So I did that song ranking thing and it took HOURS. literal HOURS. Don’t ever do it, I won’t even link it. I hated doing it. But here is my list. And dare I say my Top 130 is immaculate hjgkhg
Some of this is not really accurate though. Could be me or the generator. Like ‘Cold Hearted’ being 500 something???? Not in my house. 
Also don’t go looking for christmas songs. They are all somewhere down there lmao
Anyways! Let’s go!
1 Nasty / Rhythm Nation
1 Rumour Has It / Someone Like You
3 Be Okay
4 Love You Like A Love Song
4 Seasons Of Love
6 Mustang Sally
7 So Emotional
8 Tightrope
9 Barely Breathing
10 Cough Syrup
11 Shake It Out
11 The Boy Is Mine
13 Back To Black
14 Valerie
15 Paradise By The Dashboard Light
16 River Deep, Mountain High
17 Problem
18 Faithfully
19 Gloria
20 I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
21 How Will I Know
22 We Are Young
23 How To Be A Heartbreaker
24 Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move
25 If I Die Young
26 I Feel Pretty / Unpretty
27 Bust Your Windows
28 Candyman
29 American Boy
30 I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) / You Make My Dreams
31 If I Can't Have You
32 It's All Coming Back To Me Now
33 Crazy / U Drive Me Crazy
34 ABC
35 Bad Romance
36 It's Too Late
37 Hungry Like The Wolf / Rio
38 I Wish
39 Need You Now
40 Landslide
41 Start Me Up / Livin' On A Prayer
42 Thriller / Heads Will Roll
43 What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)
44 There Are Worse Things I Could Do
45 Losing My Religion
46 The Edge Of Glory
47 Teenage Dream (Acoustic Version)
48 Make You Feel My Love
49 My Prerogative
50 Singing In The Rain / Umbrella
51 Songbird
52 Spotlight
53 Mine
54 Take Me Or Leave Me
55 Take Me To Church
56 No Surrender
57 Never Say Never
58 Constant Craving
59 Brave
60 Born This Way
61 Pumpin' Blood
62 Blame It (On The Alcohol)
63 Glad You Came
64 Give Your Heart A Break
65 It's All Over
66 It's Not Right, But It's Okay
67 Everybody Talks
68 Here Comes The Sun
69 Into The Groove
70 In Your Eyes
71 I Don't Want To Know
72 I Lived
73 I Kissed A Girl
74 Halo / Walking On Sunshine
75 You Can't Stop The Beat
76 She's Not There
77 Nutbush City Limits
78 True Colors
79 Can't Fight This Feeling
80 Breakaway
81 Dancing Queen
82 Don't Stop Me Now
83 And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
84 Empire State Of Mind
85 Doo Wop (That Thing)
86 Arthur's Theme
87 Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy
88 Toxic
89 This Is The New Year
90 Last Name
91 3
92 A Change Would Do You Good
93 Got To Get You Into My Life
94 Tongue Tied
95 Smooth Criminal
96 Papa Don't Preach
97 Animal
97 Another One Bites The Dust
99 Don't Speak
100 Don't You Want Me
101 A Hard Day's Night
102 Some Nights
103 Somebody That I Used To Know
104 Superstition
105 Survivor / I Will Survive
106 My Life Would Suck Without You
107 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
108 Misery
109 My Love Is Your Love
110 Somewhere Only We Know
111 Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
112 Me Against The Music
113 I Follow Rivers
114 Mean
115 Here's To Us
116 Stronger
117 Summer Nights
118 Make No Mistake, She's Mine
119 Love Song
120 Waiting For A Girl Like You
121 We Got The Beat
122 We Found Love
123 We've Got Tonite
124 Love Shack
125 The Scientist
126 Love Is A Battlefield
127 Run Joey Run
128 Wings
129 When I Get You Alone
130 Uptown Girl
131 Roots Before Branches
132 I'm The Only One
132 I've Gotta Be Me
134 Hopelessly Devoted To You
135 Hit Me With Your Best Shot / One Way Or Another
136 Dinosaur
137 Dog Days Are Over
138 Hung Up
139 Everytime
140 Go Your Own Way
141 Every Breath You Take
142 Fire And Rain
143 Fighter
144 Not While I'm Around
145 Not The Boy Next Door
146 Fly / I Believe I Can Fly
147 Girl On Fire
148 Oops!... I Did It Again
149 Stop! In The Name Of Love / Free Your Mind
150 Stereo Hearts
151 Bills, Bills, Bills
152 Somebody Loves You
153 Hold It Against Me
154 Turning Tables
155 Wide Awake
156 You May Be Right
157 Cell Block Tango
158 A Boy Like That
159 All Out Of Love
160 Alfie
161 Jessie's Girl
162 I'm A Slave 4 U
163 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
164 I'll Stand By You (Amber)
165 I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
166 Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)
167 Lovefool
168 Just Can't Get Enough
169 Just Give Me A Reason
170 Keep Holding On
171 Like A Virgin
172 New York State Of Mind
173 My Dark Side
174 More Than A Feeling
174 My Cup
176 I Want To Hold Your Hand
177 I Want To Break Free
178 I Want To Know What Love Is
179 I Want You Back
180 Teenage Dream
181 Take My Breath Away
182 America
183 Glory Days
184 I Say A Little Prayer
184 I Wanna Sex You Up
186 I Will Always Love You
187 A Thousand Years
188 Like A Prayer
189 Don't Rain On My Parade
190 Disco Inferno
191 Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals)
192 Dream On
193 Get It Right
194 Gold Digger
195 Telephone
196 Without You
197 You're The One That I Want
198 Tell Him
199 Let Me Love You
200 Good Vibrations
200 Raise Your Glass
202 Run The World (Girls)
203 Gimme More
204 Hey Jude
204 How Deep Is Your Love
206 Higher Ground
207 Vogue
208 Something's Coming
209 Footloose
210 Forget You
211 Gives You Hell
212 Everybody Wants To Rule The World
213 Far From Over
214 Fat Bottomed Girls
215 Hair / Crazy In Love
216 Hall Of Fame
216 Hello
216 Hello, I Love You
216 Somebody To Love
216 Time Warp
216 To Love You More
222 Last Friday Night
223 Hate On Me
224 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
225 Locked Out Of Heaven
226 Rose's Turn
227 Everybody Hurts
227 Express Yourself
227 Loser
227 Shout It Out Loud
231 Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
232 Pompeii
233 Party All The Time
234 Our Day Will Come
235 Perfect
236 Old Time Rock & Roll / Danger Zone
237 Greased Lightning
237 Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
237 Live While We're Young
240 Firework
240 Love Child
242 Fire
243 You're All I Need To Get By
244 The Scientist (Acapella)
245 Afternoon Delight
246 Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)
247 Listen To Your Heart
248 Tik Tok
249 You Keep Me Hangin' On
250 The Rose
251 You Can't Always Get What You
252 Let's Have A Kiki
252 Listen
254 Pretending
255 More Than A Woman
256 More Than Words
257 Hot For Teacher
257 No One Is Alone
257 Not The End
257 Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag 257 O Christmas Tree
257 One Hand, One Heart
257 One
257 Only Child
257 Proud Mary
266 Heroes
267 Hey Ya!
268 Getting Married Today
268 Happy
270 Hell To The No
271 Night Fever
271 Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club
273 The Music Of The Night
273 The Only Exception 273 The Rain In Spain 273 The Safety Dance 273 Thousand Miles 278 Billionaire
278 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 278 The Happening
278 The Lady Is A Tramp
282 Borderline / Open Your Heart 282 Born To Hand Jive
284 Control
284 The Longest Time
286 Give Up The Funk
287 Chasing Pavements
288 Man In The Mirror
288 Say
288 Sexy And I Know It 288 Shout
292 Marry The Night
293 Mamma Mia
294 Loser Like Me
295 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 1)
296 Colorblind
297 Diva
297 Don't Cry For Me Argentina
299 Don't Dream It's Over
300 Let It Be
301 Don't Stop
302 Highway To Hell
302 Hold On
302 Holding Out For A Hero 302 We Will Rock You
302 What I Did For Love
302 What It Feels Like For A Girl
308 Take On Me
309 For Once In My Life
309 Good Riddance (Time Of Your
309 Hello Goodbye
309 Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
309 Home
309 Homeward Bound / Home 309 Honesty
309 Human Nature
317 Drive My Car
317 For Good
317 I'll Remember
320 I'll Stand By You (Cory)
321 On My Own
321 Taking Chances
321 The Bitch Is Back / Dress You Up 321 Werewolves Of London
325 My Man
326 My Life
327 My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
327 Never Going Back Again 327 No Scrubs
330 Creep
331 Come What May
332 Never Can Say Goodbye
333 Who Are You Now?
334 You Give Love A Bad Name
335 Womanizer
336 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
337 Come See About Me
337 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 337 People
337 Popular
337 River
337 Roar
337 Rolling In The Deep 337 Santa Baby
345 Boogie Shoes
346 At Last
347 I'm The Greatest Star
348 Jar Of Hearts
349 It's Time
350 It's My Life / Confessions Part II
351 It's Not Unusual
352 I'm So Excited
352 I'm Still Here
354 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 5) 354 Don't You (Forget About Me) 354 Dreams
354 Unchained Melody
354 Uptown Funk
359 Bohemian Rhapsody
359 Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel) 359 Lucky
362 Don't Stand So Close To Me /
Young Girl
363 Bridge Over Troubled Water
363 Bust A Move
365 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
366 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
367 Longest Time
368 Applause
369 All Of Me
370 Any Way You Want It
370 Anything Could Happen
372 Red Solo Cup
372 Rock Lobster
372 Rockin' Around The Christmas
Tree 372 Rockstar
376 Saving All My Love For You
377 (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
377 Piano Man 377 Poison 377 Poker Face
381 A House Is Not A Home
382 4 Minutes
383 Black Or White
384 Blackbird
385 All By Myself
385 Smile
385 You Make Me Feel So Young
388 Wrecking Ball
389 (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural
389 (You're) Having My Baby
391 Superman
392 Ain't No Way
392 Stayin' Alive
394 Still Got Tonight
394 The Most Wonderful Day Of The
394 The Way You Look Tonight / You're Never Fully Dressed Without A
Smile 394 This Time
394 Whatever Happened To Saturday Night?
399 They Long To Be Close To You
400 All About That Bass 400 Sing!
400 So Far Away
400 Some People
404 Addicted To Love
404 Moves Like Jagger / Jumpin' Jack Flash
404 Sing
404 Someday We'll Be Together 404 Somethin' Stupid
404 Something
404 Somewhere
404 Stand
412 Scream
413 Rather Be
414 Next To Me
414 No Air
414 Papa Can You Hear Me? 414 Physical
414 Piece Of My Heart
414 Pinball Wizard
414 Pony
414 Rehab
422 La Isla Bonita
422 Lean On Me
422 Let's Wait Awhile
422 Little Drummer Boy
422 Little Girls
427 Light Up The World
428 Science Fiction Double Feature
428 Silent Night 428 Silly Love Songs
431 Le Jazz Hot
432 Out Here On My Own
432 Pure Imagination
434 School's Out
435 Hey, Soul Sister
435 I Kissed A Girl (Season Six) 435 Sway
438 I Believe In A Thing Called Love
439 I Have Nothing
440 I Am Changing
441 I Saw Her Standing There
441 I Was Here
441 I Won't Give Up
441 I'll Be Home For Christmas 441 I'll Never Fall In Love Again 446 Funny Girl
446 I Look To You
446 I Only Have Eyes For You 446 I Still Believe / Super Bass 446 Story Of My Life
451 I Love New York / New York, New
452 What Makes You Beautiful
453 What The World Needs Now
454 An Innocent Man
454 Bad
454 Because You Loved Me
454 Bein' Green
454 ByeByeBye/IWantItThatWay 454 IfIWereABoy
454 Take A Bow
454 Take Me Home Tonight
462 Barracuda
463 Beauty School Drop Out
464 Chandelier
465 Baby It's You
466 It Must Have Been Love
467 At The Ballet
468 Baby One More Time
469 Beautiful
469 Being Alive
469 We Built This City
472 Being Good Isn't Good Enough 472 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 472 I Love It
472 Isn't She Lovely
476 All That Jazz
476 Blurred Lines
476 Bootylicious
476 Extraordinary Merry Christmas 476 Father Figure
476 Fight For Your Right (To Party)
476 Flashdance... What A Feeling
483 I Don't Know How To Love Him
484 Fix You
484 I Could Have Danced All Night 486 Push It
486 Rainbow Connection 486 Rise
489 Promises, Promises
490 Oh Chanukah
490 Ohio
490 One Love (People Get Ready) 490 Only The Good Die Young 494 Baby
494 Dancing With Myself
494 Defying Gravity
497 Baby, It's Cold Outside
498 Cherish / Cherish
498 Christmas Wrapping 498 Closer
498 Downtown
498 Endless Love
498 Forever Young
498 Friday I'm In Love 498 Friday
498 Gangnam Style
498 Get Back
498 Safety Dance
509 Cold Hearted
510 Clarity
511 Centerfold / Hot In Herre
511 Just The Way You Are 513 Jumpin', Jumpin'
513 Kiss
515 Juke Box Hero
515 L-O-V-E
517 Jolene
518 Jump
518 La Cucaracha
520 Dream A Little Dream
521 A Little Less Conversation
521 Beth
521 Bitch
521 Don't Sleep In The Subway 521 Girls Just Want To Have Fun 521 Have Yourself A Merry Little
Christmas 521 Help!
521 I Dreamed A Dream 521 I'm His Child
521 I'm Still Standing 521 Ice Ice Baby
521 Imagine
521 In My Life
521 It's A Man's Man's Man's World 521 Lose My Breath
521 Memory
521 Outcast
521 Over The Rainbow
521 Same Love
521 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 521 Teach Your Children
521 Tell Me Something Good
521 The Final Countdown
521 Uptight (Everything's Alright) 545 Big Ass Heart
545 I Love L.A.
545 I Melt With You
548 Big Girls Don't Cry
548 Mary's Boy Child
548 O Holy Night
548 On Our Way
548 One Bourbon, One Scotch, One
548 One Less Bell To Answer
554 Maybe This Time 554 My Favourite Things 554 My Sharona
557 Marry You
558 Cool
559 Cool Kids
560 Celebrity Skin
560 Cheek To Cheek
560 Dance The Night Away
560 Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend / Material Girl
560 Don't Go Breaking My Heart 560 Don't Wanna Lose You
560 Feliz Navidad
560 Here Comes Santa Claus 560 I Know What Boys Like
560 I Know Where I've Been 560 Trouty Mouth
571 Total Eclipse Of The Heart
572 Don't Make Me Over
573 Call Me Maybe
574 We Are The Champions
575 Time After Time
576 Bring Him Home
576 Broadway Baby 576 Buenos Aires 576 Burning Up 576 Yesterday
581 Boys / Boyfriend
582 Mercy
582 You Get What You Give
582 You Have More Friends Than You
582 You Learn / You've Got A Friend
582 You Should Be Dancing
582 You're All The World To Me 582 You're My Best Friend
582 You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 590 Break Free
590 Jingle Bell Rock 590 Jingle Bells
590 Joy To The World 590 One Of Us
590 Tonight
590 You're The Top
590 You've Got To Hide Your Love
590 Your Song
599 To Sir, With Love
600 Torn
601 Wake Me Up
601 Wannabe
601 Wedding Bell Blues
604 Touch A Touch A Touch A Touch Me
604 UpUpUp
606 All Or Nothing
606 Alone
606 Cry
606 Leaving On A Jet Plane
606 Let It Go
606 Mickey
606 Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) 606 Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars 606 Try A Little Tenderness
606 U Can't Touch This
606 Uninvited
606 Vacation
606 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 606 What Kind Of Fool
606 Whistle
606 Will You Love Me Tomorrow /
Head Over Feet 606 Wishin' And Hoping
606 YouAndI/YouAndI
624 Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?
624 Do You Hear What I Hear? 624 Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh
624 Lucky Star
624 Merry Christmas Darling 629 Damn It, Janet
629 Danny's Song
629 Daydream Believer
629 Deck The Rooftop
629 Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead 634 All I Want For Christmas Is You 634 Angels We Have Heard On High 634 Anything Goes / Anything You Can
634 As If We Never Said Goodbye
634 As Long As You're There 634 Bamboleo / Hero
634 Bella Notte
634 Copacabana
634 Do They Know It's Christmas? 634 Last Christmas
634 Let It Snow
634 We Need A Little Christmas
634 Welcome Christmas
634 Whenever I Call You Friend
634 Whip It
634 You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
650 All You Need Is Love
651 Americano / Dance Again
652 Crush
653 Big Spender
653 Make 'Em Laugh
653 White Christmas
653 Yeah!
657 (Charlie Chaplin song)
657 (originally by Michael Bublé) 657 Away In A Manger
657 Baby Got Back
657 Christmas Eve With You 657 Come Sail Away
657 You Are Woman, I Am Man 657 You Spin Me Round (Like A
665 You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch
666 Starlight Express
666 The Trolley Song
666 The Winner Takes It All
666 There's A Light (Over At The
Frankenstein Place) 670 Take Care Of Yourself
671 Sweet Caroline
672 Ben
672 Best Day Of My Life 672 Blue Christmas
672 Candles
676 Starships
676 Suddenly Seymour 676 Sweet Transvestite
679 Thong Song
680 The Fox (What Does The Fox
680 The Living Years
682 The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
682 The First Noël
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angelhummel · 4 years ago
once again i spent hours of my life answering >5000 questions in order to sort almost all of the glee songs ever (there’s 683 songs in the sorter when there’s over 700 on the show) anyway if you wanna see my rankings for those then check it out <3 [also here’s the sorter!]
1 Being Alive 2 Rose's Turn 3 Baby, It's Cold Outside 4 Le Jazz Hot 5 Maybe This Time 6 And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going 7 Come What May 8 To Sir, With Love 9 As If We Never Said Goodbye 10 Valerie 11 Somewhere Only We Know 12 Cough Syrup 13 Teenage Dream 14 Not The Boy Next Door 15 It's Too Late 16 It's My Life / Confessions Part II 17 Start Me Up / Livin' On A Prayer 18 When I Get You Alone 19 The Happening 20 The Boy Is Mine 21 Home 22 Don't You Want Me 23 How Will I Know 24 Bad Romance 25 Not While I'm Around 26 Scream 27 Shake It Out 28 On My Own 29 Hate On Me 30 Bills, Bills, Bills 31 4 Minutes 32 True Colors 33 There Are Worse Things I Could Do 34 Go Your Own Way 35 Jessie's Girl 36 Proud Mary 37 Tongue Tied 38 Last Christmas 39 Somebody Loves You 40 Back To Black 41 Sweet Transvestite 42 For Good 43 At The Ballet 44 Gloria 45 Blame It (On The Alcohol) 46 Like A Prayer 47 So Emotional 48 Misery 49 Nasty / Rhythm Nation 50 Toxic 51 Don't Speak 52 Born This Way 53 Dog Days Are Over 54 Defying Gravity 55 Last Name 56 Womanizer 57 I Will Always Love You 58 Broadway Baby 59 The Lady Is A Tramp 60 I'm A Slave 4 U 61 Centerfold / Hot In Herre 62 Thriller / Heads Will Roll 63 Bust Your Windows 64 Candyman 65 Brave 66 Boys / Boyfriend 67 The Scientist 68 The Scientist (Acapella) 69 Dream On 70 Hey Jude 71 I Lived 72 I'm Still Here 73 I Believe In A Thing Called Love 74 Me Against The Music 75 Like A Virgin 76 My Man 77 Everybody Wants To Rule The World 78 I Have Nothing 79 Blackbird 80 Got To Get You Into My Life 81 Animal 82 3 83 I Follow Rivers 84 Just The Way You Are 85 Constant Craving 86 Don't Stop Me Now 87 Hung Up 88 Let's Have A Kiki 89 Love Shack 90 Marry The Night 91 Hit Me With Your Best Shot / One Way Or Another 92 It's Not Right, But It's Okay 93 I Want To Hold Your Hand 94 All You Need Is Love 95 Getting Married Today 96 Don't Rain On My Parade 97 Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals) 98 We've Got Tonite 99 Smooth Criminal 100 Uptown Girl 101 Sway 102 If I Die Young 103 No One Is Alone 104 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee 105 No Scrubs 106 Mamma Mia 107 Papa Don't Preach 108 Teenage Dream (Acoustic Version) 109 Santa Baby 110 We Found Love 111 Roar 112 She's Not There 113 Spotlight 114 The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile 115 Some Nights 116 Rumour Has It / Someone Like You 117 You Make Me Feel So Young 118 You Keep Me Hangin' On 119 I'll Stand By You (Amber) 120 Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move 121 Crazy / U Drive Me Crazy 122 Funny Girl 123 Cold Hearted 124 Keep Holding On 125 Bye Bye Bye / I Want It That Way 126 I Know Where I've Been 127 I Kissed A Girl (Season Six) 128 Hopelessly Devoted To You 129 Homeward Bound / Home 130 Into The Groove 131 Hold On 132 Tell Him 133 Nutbush City Limits 134 Because You Loved Me 135 Perfect 136 Cherish / Cherish 137 Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) 138 Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead 139 You Are The Sunshine Of My Life 140 Tik Tok 141 The Safety Dance 142 Oops!... I Did It Again 143 Run Joey Run 144 Time Warp 145 Something's Coming 146 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 147 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 148 Vogue 149 Downtown 150 Diva 151 Dancing With Myself 152 Rockstar 153 Wrecking Ball 154 We Are Young 155 I Saw Her Standing There 156 Jumpin', Jumpin' 157 Just Can't Get Enough 158 Take Me To Church 159 Wannabe 160 It's All Over 161 Take Me Home Tonight 162 If I Were A Boy 163 Landslide 164 Pompeii 165 The Bitch Is Back / Dress You Up 166 Christmas Wrapping 167 Buenos Aires 168 Call Me Maybe 169 You Can't Stop The Beat 170 Seasons Of Love 171 Safety Dance 172 Dream A Little Dream 173 Alfie 174 I Want To Break Free 175 Baby One More Time 176 A House Is Not A Home 177 Daydream Believer 178 I Don't Know How To Love Him 179 Hungry Like The Wolf / Rio 180 Suddenly Seymour 181 People 182 Silly Love Songs 183 Love Song 184 Shout It Out Loud 185 Some People 186 One Of Us 187 Sing! 188 Up Up Up 189 Torn 190 Popular 191 This Is The New Year 192 Paradise By The Dashboard Light 193 Let It Snow 194 Let It Be 195 Never Can Say Goodbye 196 Touch A Touch A Touch A Touch Me 197 La Isla Bonita 198 Tightrope 199 My Love Is Your Love 200 Love Is A Battlefield 201 Losing My Religion 202 Total Eclipse Of The Heart 203 This Time 204 I Dreamed A Dream 205 Leaving On A Jet Plane 206 Locked Out Of Heaven 207 Chandelier 208 Girl On Fire 209 Telephone 210 Don't Cry For Me Argentina 211 Human Nature 212 Halo / Walking On Sunshine 213 Anything Goes / Anything You Can Do 214 Make You Feel My Love 215 Stronger 216 Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag 216 Pumpin' Blood 218 Papa Can You Hear Me? 219 Summer Nights 220 Sweet Caroline 221 Superstition 222 We Will Rock You 223 Alone 224 Hello, I Love You 225 Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) 226 A Hard Day's Night 227 Mine 228 My Prerogative 229 Beauty School Drop Out 230 My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It) 231 Extraordinary Merry Christmas 232 Every Breath You Take 233 Express Yourself 234 Everybody Talks 235 Everytime 236 Marry You 237 Moves Like Jagger / Jumpin' Jack Flash 238 My Favorite Things 239 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 240 River Deep, Mountain High 241 My Life Would Suck Without You 242 Be Okay 243 Applause 244 Cool 245 All I Want For Christmas Is You 246 American Boy 247 Cell Block Tango 248 Breakaway 249 Don't Dream It's Over 250 Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) 251 Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? 252 Without You 253 Science Fiction Double Feature 254 Loser Like Me 255 I Kissed A Girl 256 I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You 257 I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) / You Make My Dreams 258 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 5) 259 Empire State Of Mind 260 Old Time Rock & Roll / Danger Zone 261 Take My Breath Away 262 You Get What You Give 263 Take On Me 264 Beautiful 265 It's Time 266 ABC 267 Afternoon Delight 268 Don't Stand So Close To Me / Young Girl 269 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 1) 270 Colorblind 271 Cool Kids 272 Dancing Queen 273 Songbird 274 Somebody That I Used To Know 275 Singing In The Rain / Umbrella 276 I Feel Pretty / Unpretty 277 Borderline / Open Your Heart 278 In My Life 279 I'm Still Standing 280 Blow Me (One Last Kiss) 281 Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? 282 Do They Know It's Christmas? 283 Mustang Sally 284 Pinball Wizard 285 Anything Could Happen 286 America 287 Any Way You Want It 288 Higher Ground 289 Flashdance... What A Feeling 290 My Life 291 Let It Go 292 If I Can't Have You 293 L-O-V-E 294 Closer 295 Addicted To Love 296 Heroes 297 A Boy Like That 298 Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend / Material Girl 299 Holding Out For A Hero 300 Dinosaur 301 Disco Inferno 302 Party All The Time 303 Raise Your Glass 304 Push It 305 Lean On Me 306 Pure Imagination 307 Lovefool 308 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' 309 Americano / Dance Again 310 All Of Me 311 At Last 312 Promises, Promises 313 Hair / Crazy In Love 314 Happy Xmas (War Is Over) 315 Chasing Pavements 316 Don't You (Forget About Me) 317 Love Child 318 School's Out 319 Poker Face 320 Boogie Shoes 321 Bootylicious 322 I Love New York / New York, New York 323 One Less Bell To Answer 324 Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours 325 Rehab 326 I Don't Want To Know 327 Shout 328 I'm The Greatest Star 329 I Love It 330 Never Say Never 331 Juke Box Hero 332 One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer 333 Glad You Came 334 For Once In My Life 335 Here Comes The Sun 336 Baby It's You 337 Drive My Car 338 Last Friday Night 339 Roots Before Branches 340 The Only Exception 341 Survivor / I Will Survive 342 All Or Nothing 343 Time After Time 344 You're The One That I Want 345 Yeah! 346 Starships 347 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 348 Story Of My Life 349 Something 350 We Need A Little Christmas 351 Gold Digger 352 Beth 353 Fighter 354 Forget You 355 How To Be A Heartbreaker 356 Get Back 357 Love You Like A Love Song 358 There's A Light (Over At The Frankenstein Place) 359 We Got The Beat 360 Make 'Em Laugh 361 Sing 362 U Can't Touch This 363 Try A Little Tenderness 364 Pony 365 On Our Way 366 Lucky Star 367 Loser 368 Over The Rainbow 369 Outcast 370 Stop! In The Name Of Love / Free Your Mind 371 What Makes You Beautiful 372 Will You Love Me Tomorrow / Head Over Feet 373 Wide Awake 374 Wishin' And Hoping 375 Yesterday 376 Out Here On My Own 377 You're All The World To Me 378 Somethin' Stupid 379 Someday We'll Be Together 380 River 381 The Longest Time 382 Somebody To Love 383 The Edge Of Glory 384 The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year 385 Lucky 386 Memory 387 Mary's Boy Child 388 Longest Time 389 My Dark Side 390 Taking Chances 391 The First Noël 392 Smile 393 Celebrity Skin 394 All That Jazz 395 A Thousand Years 396 Big Girls Don't Cry 397 Ain't No Way 398 Don't Sleep In The Subway 399 Doo Wop (That Thing) 400 Don't Stop 401 Uptight (Everything's Alright) 402 New York State Of Mind 403 Turning Tables 404 Vacation 405 Fire 406 Hold It Against Me 407 I've Gotta Be Me 408 Endless Love 409 Run The World (Girls) 410 Saving All My Love For You 411 Give Up The Funk 412 I Am Changing 413 I Melt With You 414 I Could Have Danced All Night 415 Fat Bottomed Girls 416 Hot For Teacher 417 Never Going Back Again 418 Imagine 419 Jolene 420 Arthur's Theme 421 Damn It, Janet 422 Control 423 Barracuda 424 Copacabana 425 Barely Breathing 426 I Look To You 427 Come Sail Away 428 Jump 429 Clarity 430 Friday I'm In Love 431 Jar Of Hearts 432 It's Not Unusual 433 Footloose 434 Here Comes Santa Claus 435 Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy 436 Help! 437 Greased Lightning 438 Hell To The No 439 All Out Of Love 440 (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman 441 Candles 442 All By Myself 443 Hello Goodbye 444 It's A Man's Man's Man's World 445 I Say A Little Prayer 446 It Must Have Been Love 447 Just Give Me A Reason 448 Come See About Me 449 Born To Hand Jive 450 I Want To Know What Love Is 451 I Wish 452 I'll Remember 453 Get It Right 454 (I've Had) The Time Of My Life 455 I'll Stand By You (Cory) 456 Forever Young 457 A Change Would Do You Good 458 Smile (Charlie Chaplin song) 459 Best Day Of My Life 460 An Innocent Man 461 Dreams 462 All About That Bass 463 Home (originally by Michael Bublé) 464 Black Or White 465 Baby 466 Bad 467 Problem 468 Oh Chanukah 469 What Kind Of Fool 470 Wings 471 You're My Best Friend 472 You're All I Need To Get By 473 White Christmas 474 Whenever I Call You Friend 475 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 476 What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) 477 Wedding Bell Blues 478 More Than A Feeling 479 More Than A Woman 480 Our Day Will Come 481 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 482 Here's To Us 483 Honesty 484 Hall Of Fame 485 It's All Coming Back To Me Now 486 Teach Your Children 487 Night Fever 488 What The World Needs Now 489 Listen 490 Let Me Love You 491 Live While We're Young 492 Light Up The World 493 Trouty Mouth 494 Werewolves Of London 495 Kiss 496 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 497 Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) 498 Mickey 499 Mean 500 Mercy 501 Merry Christmas Darling 502 Let's Wait Awhile 503 Man In The Mirror 504 Rather Be 505 Rise 506 Good Vibrations 507 Faithfully 508 Firework 509 How Deep Is Your Love 510 Fix You 511 Fire And Rain 512 Give Your Heart A Break 513 Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree 514 Little Girls 515 Cry 516 Bust A Move 517 Bridge Over Troubled Water 518 Bring Him Home 519 Cheek To Cheek 520 Break Free 521 As Long As You're There 522 Big Ass Heart 523 Bitch 524 Bamboleo / Hero 525 Away In A Manger 526 Deck The Rooftop 527 Christmas Eve With You 528 Angels We Have Heard On High 529 Creep 530 Crush 531 Make No Mistake, She's Mine 532 Lose My Breath 533 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise) 534 What I Did For Love 535 Wake Me Up 536 Thousand Miles 537 Take A Bow 538 Still Got Tonight 539 The Music Of The Night 540 Stereo Hearts 541 The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) 542 Take Me Or Leave Me 543 I'm The Only One 544 Isn't She Lovely 545 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 546 I'll Never Fall In Love Again 547 Unchained Melody 548 You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch 549 You Have More Friends Than You Know 550 You Should Be Dancing 551 I'm His Child 552 You Learn / You've Got A Friend 553 Somewhere 554 So Far Away 555 Uptown Funk 556 The Winner Takes It All 557 They Long To Be Close To You 558 Tonight 559 Being Good Isn't Good Enough 560 You May Be Right 561 To Love You More 562 Don't Wanna Lose You 563 Do You Hear What I Hear? 564 Ice Ice Baby 565 Don't Go Breaking My Heart 566 Don't Make Me Over 567 I Won't Give Up 568 I'll Be Home For Christmas 569 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 570 I Still Believe / Super Bass 571 I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 572 I Want You Back 573 Father Figure 574 Everybody Hurts 574 Gangnam Style 576 We Are The Champions 577 Stayin' Alive 578 Superman 579 The Rose 580 Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel) 581 Fly / I Believe I Can Fly 582 Gives You Hell 583 I Love L.A. 584 Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars 585 O Holy Night 586 Only The Good Die Young 587 One 588 Silent Night 589 Piano Man 590 Sexy And I Know It 591 Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band 592 Pretending 593 Physical 594 Danny's Song 595 Stand 596 The Final Countdown 597 You Can't Always Get What You Want 598 You Are Woman, I Am Man 599 You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 600 Your Song 601 Say 602 No Air 603 Need You Now 604 No Surrender 605 Piece Of My Heart 606 Thong Song 607 Blurred Lines 608 Another One Bites The Dust 609 I Was Here 610 Bella Notte 611 I Know What Boys Like 612 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 613 Glory Days 614 Friday 615 More Than Words 616 Waiting For A Girl Like You 617 Welcome Christmas 618 You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) 619 You Give Love A Bad Name 620 We Built This City 621 Whistle 622 Who Are You Now? 623 You And I / You And I 624 Take Care Of Yourself 625 Tell Me Something Good 626 The Rain In Spain 627 Can't Fight This Feeling 628 Jingle Bell Rock 629 In Your Eyes 630 Hello 631 Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) 632 I Only Have Eyes For You 633 Jingle Bells 634 Joy To The World 635 I Wanna Sex You Up 636 Fight For Your Right (To Party) 637 Feliz Navidad 638 I'm So Excited 639 Uninvited 640 The Living Years 641 The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) 642 O Christmas Tree 643 One Love (People Get Ready) 644 Ohio 645 Only Child 646 Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love 647 My Sharona 648 Dance The Night Away 649 Poison 650 My Cup 651 Not The End 652 What It Feels Like For A Girl 653 Listen To Your Heart 654 Little Drummer Boy 655 One Hand, One Heart 656 Bein' Green 657 Big Spender 658 Billionaire 659 Ben 660 Gimme More 661 Burning Up 662 Hey Ya! 663 Hey, Soul Sister 664 Baby Got Back 665 Blue Christmas 666 Bohemian Rhapsody 667 Far From Over 668 The Trolley Song 669 Starlight Express 670 Whip It 671 You're The Top 672 Red Solo Cup 673 Next To Me 674 Rolling In The Deep 675 Rainbow Connection 676 La Cucaracha 677 (You're) Having My Baby 678 A Little Less Conversation 679 Happy 680 Highway To Hell 681 Same Love 682 Rock Lobster 683 Girls Just Want To Have Fun
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themuzzleofnemesis · 4 years ago
7–Memory of the God; Scene 5
The Muzzle of Nemesis, pages 244-255
A vast plain.
A world with nothing in it.
I stood now at its center.
Postman—no, the “Servant of Evil” Allen Avadonia, stood by my side.
“Welcome back.”
It was a short greeting.
Where in the world had I returned to?
I knew the answer to that, now.
This was—the real world.
A nothing world after it had been brought to ruin.
--The world I had destroyed.
That clinic.
That laboratory.
And me, working there.
Allen told me that it was all a delusion.
But that wasn’t right.
It had also been a truth.
Before this world had been born.
The world that I had lived in.
That was the way it had looked before it fell.
Before we had “run away” to space.
That was me from the days I had fought there.
“What I’d like to ask first,” I said to Allen. “Is how you’re here on the ground world now, when you died centuries ago.”
Allen replied, smiling slightly, “It’s not just me. Everyone is here. Everyone who once lived in this world.”
“Even though the world was destroyed?”
“It’s because it was destroyed. Almost all of the souls are here on the ground world as a result of the barrier between this place and the hellish yard being broken.”
“Then are you a soul too?”
I didn’t really need to ask that.
I had just said it myself.
He died centuries ago.
“I see…Everyone’s a soul. Then there’s no more living people in this world, I suppose.”
“Wrong.” Allen shook his head. “There is one.”
“—You. The sole living thing in this world…is you. On the world’s last day, a deranged Nemesis fired the weapon of mass destruction “Punishment” all over the world.”
“…Inside Nemesis’ spirit was a ‘malice’ that sought destruction--one of the ‘gods’ that had once been locked up in the ark. The voice of her ‘other self’ that Nemesis heard was the ‘malice’ that slept inside her.”
Inside that ark, I had wished for the world’s destruction.
I suppose that meant that in a sense, after a thousand years I had finally achieved my original aim.
…Though it wasn’t all that satisfying now.
“The world was obliterated by ‘Punishment’. But how am I still—”
“Don’t you know? A demon contractor—can’t commit suicide. Your body was blown away by ‘Punishment’. However, as long as a single scrap of your flesh remains, you’ll be revived eventually.”
I had destroyed the world, and I alone survived.
“Never has there been a more bothersome suicide attempt.”
“Ha ha, I guess so. …Your body was reformed. But you hadn’t gone back to normal exactly. Your shattered heart wasn’t restored.”
“I don’t care much for your wording.”
“Then let’s reword it as ‘your body and spirit were separated’. Nemesis’ soulless body continued to wander through the empty world, and meanwhile the spirit locked itself up inside a delusion world of its own creation.”
So that delusion had been the laboratory in the clinic.
“But why did you come inside the delusion to meet me?”
“Nemesis’ body was solely devoted to repeating the last actions that she had taken. Wandering eternally through the same moment forever, neither moving into the past nor the future.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The world’s destruction by ‘Punishment’—Her body was trying to repeat it.”
“But…such a thing is impossible, isn’t it?”
If everything was destroyed then even ‘Punishment’ wouldn’t exist anymore.
“You’d think so. But even without ‘Punishment’ there’s still the thing it was based off of.”
“…The ‘Boy’.”
“Yes, the creature that brings destruction. Seth created various things with that as his starting point, such as ‘ghoul children’ and ‘Grim the End’. The ‘boy’ was also caught up in the world’s destruction, but…as a living creature he had a soul. That yet remains in the depths of Lunaca Labora—the ‘grave yard’.” Allen pointed to the ground. “Nemesis’ body went to the ‘grave yard’ looking for the ‘boy’’s soul, and tried to carry out her destruction once more. ...It took a great deal of effort to put a stop to her.”
“But there’s nothing left on the ground world to destroy, right?”
“The ‘boy’ as he is now is a soul. So then the targets of his destruction would be other souls like himself. If I hadn’t stopped Nemesis’ actions, then even the beings that wander the ground world like us would have been erased. Once that happened the world truly would have ended.”
“…I see.”
By ‘souls’ he was talking about spirit data.
“Even after capturing Nemesis that didn’t mean everything was settled. Without bodies ourselves we couldn’t hold her back forever.”
“So then you came to see me—Nemesis’ soul.”
“Yes. We needed to get her back to normal. …However, it wasn’t a straight-forward issue getting inside your spirit world. I had to satisfy various conditions. One among them was that I needed to disguise myself as ‘someone who existed in Nemesis’ memories’.”
“That’s why you were dressed as Postman.”
“Going as myself wouldn’t have cut it. I had met ‘Elluka Clockworker’ before, but ‘Nemesis’ was different. They’re based on the same person, but when you ‘swapped’ into Nemesis you lost your memories.”
But Allen hadn’t entered that spirit world alone.
I hadn’t seen them directly, but I could sense other people there.
--And I had another question as well.
“What was that ‘Irregular System’?”
“Well, that was a last resort to get you to remember everything. It was difficult for me to perform on my own, so I relied on some help.” Allen snapped his fingers. “—Elluka Clockworker’s apprentices.”
The two of them suddenly appeared from nowhere.
--Michaela, who had inherited Held’s remains and become a god of the forest.
--Gumillia, who had become Master of the Hellish Yard after the duel of Merrigod Plateau.
The two of them had always watched over me after I was reborn as Nemesis.
I spoke to a smiling Michaela, “So then, the true identity of the ‘Will of the Forest’—I know that now. You were the one who tried to save me.”
“Haha…Were you alright when it came to Lich?”
“In the end I never met him as Nemesis even once. Well, I have finally remembered…the connection between the two of you. Though I know to be cautious of him, to an extent.”
Next I approached Gumillia, expressionless as ever.
She was wearing a mask.
Yes, it was the mask of the “Demon of Wrath”.
“You’re the one who sent Mr. Ziz to me.”
“…Because I, couldn’t leave the Hellish Yard. But, frankly, he wasn’t much help. On the contrary, actually, he made things more complicated.”
I could hear a voice coming from the mask.
<But I did intend to follow your command? At the very least I upheld my promise to keep Nemesis from dying>
“That’s true. …Thank you for everything, Mr. Ziz—or rather, Seth,” I thanked the mask.
<…Hmph. You and I have an old debt with each other. Don’t think this makes us even>
“That’s my line. Come on, let’s set aside our quarrels for now.”
Michaela giggled as she watched us from the side.
“What’s so funny, Michaela?” I asked. Still smiling, Michaela handed me a mirror.
“Oh, it’s you and Gumillia. When you two are lined up like that you’re almost like twins.”
I accepted the mirror and looked at my face.
--Reflected there was no longer Levia.
It was Nemesis’ face.
That was proof that my body and spirit had once more become one.
“…Now that you mention it, is there a reason why Nemesis and Gumillia look so much like each other?”
Allen was the one to answer my simple question. “Events like that were occurring all over the world just before its destruction…Though asking the one who created the “World’s Rules” might be the fastest method for answering that, don’t you think?”
“You mean the sun god—Sickle.”
“He is currently in the ‘heavenly yard’. We can go there, but…I don’t know if we’ll be able to return to the ground world once we do. That’s why—there’s something I want to do here before then."
“I haven’t got any urgent business, so that’s fine…What is it?”
“There’s still many ‘mysteries’ left on the ground world. I’d like to solve them…and there are also some people I want to see. First—let’s head to ‘Evils Theater’.”
“…What do you mean? Are you saying that theater is still around?”
“Surprisingly, yeah. That alone is still around, despite the fact that everything else has burned down.”
That theater had also survived unscathed when the prototype “Punishment” was fired at the Millennium Tree Forest as well.
That was certainly a curious point.
“Will you come with me? L—Er, what name would you prefer I call you by?”
“It doesn’t matter to me. Levia, Elluka, Nemesis. The fact remains that all are me.”
When I said that, the other people around us started to voice their various opinions.
“Hmm, I think maybe her real name of Levia would be better.”
<No, she’s Nemesis right now>
Listening to the three of them quibble from the side, I answered Allen, “—Alright. I’ll go with you. It’ll help me ‘kill time’, yeah?”
“Thank you very much. That’s reassuring.”
“But the world is already in ruins—What’s your ultimate goal here?”
When I asked him that, Allen replied, his expression full of self-confidence:
“Naturally—to save the world.”
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summerdazed · 2 years ago
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63 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
hi can i request for 244 headcanons please 😭
I live y'all. Shocking I know but I wanted to write about my man. Sorry but these are going to be short. ---- Lee Jinho (244) Headcanons
This man I swear, he's so crazy but that's why I love him
Now Jinho is a character, we know that. He's heartless. His empty. But if all that doesn't matter to you and you actually manage to catch his interest then good for you. As long as you don't try to cross him you should be relatively okay. Hopefully.
Do I see him as the type to cuddle you or hold your hand? No but I think that if you were to just do it anyway while he was in a good mood, he would find it amusing and indulge you.
I feel like he would bite honestly. I mean look at him
He's a little shit. He will play with you like another one of his toys. He will lie, manipulate. and do other horrible things to you because at the end of the day he's a bad person. That's what draws us in though, right?
76 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
What happened to him he was so hot 😭😭
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77 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Eli Jang relationship headcanons?
Apologies for this not being long I wrote it before work lol
Eli Relationship Headcanons
Protective. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. You’re part of his little family after all.
This is a given but you’d have to get along with his daughter. I sort of feel that if Yenna doesn’t like you/you don’t treat her like your own daughter (even if you don’t have one) then you just aren’t going to have a relationship sorry.
Wants to constantly be around you. Not in a clingy way, though I feel like he had his moments, but in a way that he just genuinely enjoys being around you and spending time with you.
Speaking of spending time together, if you plan something and bring all of Hostel along his heart will probably melt. Especially if you get along with all of them. The fact that you are actively working to establish a relationship with his family sends him straight to cloud nine.
Honestly if he found out that you hung out with them outside of when he’s with you he’d die on the spot.
Overall, sweet boyfriend. He really cares about you and if I’m being honest he feels like the type that if he loves someone, he’ll be devoted to them. So that means you better be devoted to my man Eli as well or we’re fighting (I love this man)
101 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Could we have some Seongjun with a s/o headcanons please🧡🕯
In honor of the new chapter that might come out today, I present you this <3
Seongjun with a S/O Headcanons
You saw him in his little flashback dresses up for his girlfriend. He’d do the exact same for you. Boy is absolutely whipped for his lover.
Kisses his lover every morning without fail. Sucker says that kisses from his partner are his good luck charms so expect him to want kisses before streams, interviews, etc.
Absolutely does not let 244 around them. He knows first hand how dangerous Jinho is and just doesn’t want them to be involved with him at all costs.
He loves making food but if they cooked for him a special dinner for a date night or something he’d die. Actually, he’d eat it first then die. His partner does even have to be a good cook for him to eat it. That’s how much he loves them.
Steal and wear his hoodies. Boy will melt. Especially if he doesn’t know then sees a post with his lover wearing it on social media. He will call them right away to tease them.
Sweet, sweet boy that loves his partner. Ride or die for them. Seriously though, he’s the definition of ride or die. He would fight Jinho with his bare hands in a Dennys parking lot at 2 am just for them. 10/10 love him (love jinhoe more tho <;3)
143 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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