#now to update the playlist
littlecrittereli · 3 months
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"Martin was the self-sacrificial type. He was the one who woke up every night just to pull Chris out of a nightmare. He was the one who tested the more questionable technology Aviva whipped up. He was the one who took on extra tasks when someone wasn’t feeling well. He was the one who would take the blame when the brothers landed themselves in trouble. He was the one who would carry the burdens of everyone else around him, while locking his own away in a dark corner, and never once complain.  And Chris knew for a fact, the only reason Martin didn’t trade places with him when Diego dragged him away and locked him within his own mind was because his brother couldn't work miracles. But Chris didn’t think he could share this burden with Martin. He decided he wouldn’t even give him the choice."
Reprogrammed part 2: Decoded's first chapter will be posted this Saturday.
Also special thank you to @nervousloveheart for suggesting the name "Decoded"! It's honestly stuck with me and I kinda just started subconsciously referring to the fic as that before I even officially chose the title lol
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dawnbreakerluna · 3 months
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sylus qin, leader of onichynus. ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ
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pinofdnp · 2 months
'cause i'll find you in our paper mâché world
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cloud-ya · 1 month
you ever listen to something and your brain is like "new oc lore fact dropped"
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dalloneveryday · 11 months
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DAY 61.
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youchangedmedestiel · 1 month
The eleventh chapter of my first long AU fic is now posted on AO3.
Read the 11th chapter here!
I made a playlist for the last part of the chapter, which you can start when you read the word "Californication."
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Summary: THEN: Cas was being all nice and protective with Dean. Dean appreciated that and still struggled with defining his feelings for Cas.
NOW: This is Dean's last full day there. He tries to enjoy it as much as possible, which means touching Cas as much as possible, but also spending time with him. Looking at him. Thinking about him. And this, in a specific intimate moment.
The tags: Alternate Universe ; Summer Vacation ; Summer Love ; Feelings ; Pining ; Pining Dean Winchester ; Possibly Unrequited Love ; Fluff ; Light Angst ; Dean Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues ; Beach Holidays ; Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester Friendship ; POV Dean Winchester ; Other Additional Tags to Be Added ; Attempt at Humor ; Alternate Universe - summer holidays ; Poker : Football | Soccer ; Humour ; but like dean's humour ; well kind of mine since I'm writing it so don't judge please : Self-Esteem Issues ; Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel ; Dean Winchester Has Feelings For Castiel ; Jealous Dean Winchester ; Dean Winchester Dreams about Castiel ; Texting ; Trampolines ; Thunder and Lightning ; Guitarist Castiel (Supernatural)
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rozugold · 7 months
share the clingy playlist we all need it 🥺👉👈/nf
Yess here you go
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
ever get an idea so delicious you think you're gonna explode yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
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moonscape · 3 months
i love siffrin playlists because i feel like so many of them have soft sad songs (which i don't mean in any sort of judgemental way to be clear) and then you get to mine and there's just a lot of angry screaming metal
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elitehoe · 9 months
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re-rating rise of red songs as i listen to them on spotify
see the first rating here
red by red, jack of diamonds, and guards: 7.75/10
i've warmed up to the chanty chorus so that made the rating go up. again, kylie sounds really good. don't know how to feel about the pre-chorus. still don't care for jack of diamonds and the guards' parts (other than the "oh oh oh oh" parts but those go on a little too long imo)
so this is love by cinderella and king charming: 9.75/10
literally almost perfection! paolo and brandy sound SO GOOD. it's so so pretty omg. the pacing again is the downfall, some parts sound slightly too fast but i almost don't care, it's that pretty
love ain't it by red, queen of hearts, chloe, cinderella, and auradon citizens: 6/10
same ranking. mainly the same notes as the first ranking post, i like the beginning and chorus but it's (as a whole song) a little messy. again didn't really care for the citizens and guards singing and wanted a lot less rap. rita sounded great though
what's my name (red version) by uma and red: 7/10
the "stop us" is thankfully fixed as far as i can tell. the new instrumental is taking some getting used to but i like that the song isn't just the 2017 vocals on top of a new instrumental. red's talking parts in her verse are what's throwing me off and what brought down the ranking down a number. i am fine with the rap part though. the "that's my name, that's my name" adlib at the end sounds slightly off to me too
fight of our lives by red and chloe: 7.75/10
it definitely picks up after the first chorus. speaking of the first chorus, there's odd editing on the line "running out of hope" that takes me out of the song. i really like the instrumental though (the wannabe drummer in me is very happy about it). kylie, again, sounds very good but that's a given (i really like her chorus) and like i said in the first ranking, malia and kylie's voices sound very nice together and the layering and harmonies are nice (TO ME)
life is sweeter by rise of red cast: 6.75/10
again the chorus and the villains's (specifically hook, morgie, and uliana) part are the selling point to me. however why is maleficent's part like drowned out?? (actually a couple parts of this song are) ruby's voice sounds very nice on the chorus's melody. still haven't decided if i like that the song is everyone's introduction. the verses don't click with me, save for the first verse. the instrumental shift to the villains' introduction could be better. and the final chorus is very jarring with the villains interjecting, and not in a 'so bad it's good way'
perfect revenge by uliana, hook, morgie, hades, and maleficent: 6/10
i feel like this song is the definition of a grower and an earworm. i'll probably sing it over the next week even though it's my least favorite song. basically it's objectively catchy and i would understand why someone would like it. i personally don't love the melody of the post-chorus and i don't care for hades and maleficent's voices or parts (no offense). i do like dara's ad-libs at the end and the song makes my choreographer brain start ticking so i guess that's an upside.
shuffle of love by bridget: 8.5/10
one point off for the fact that i had to strain my brain and ears to figure out the lyrics of the first line of the chorus (it's "first, one two-step to start", had a feeling disney+ captions were wrong and they were). a half point off for the MORE unnecessary rapping (it wasn't bad just unneeded). other than that i really like this song. i especially like chorus, which i mentioned before, and i was robbed of this being fully in the movie
get your hands dirty by ella and chloe: 8/10
don't know why it went down, just vibes. everything i said is still true. i like the melody and absolutely love the songwriting and the rapping/talk singing is a bit more bearable. and again morgon sounds very nice.
life is sweeter (reprise) by red and queen of hearts: 7/10
pretty reprise, same ranking. nothing much to say that i haven't said already
life is sweeter (remix) by rise of red cast: 5/10
i like the little nuggets of vocals that can be heard but like i said before, not always a fan of remixes. ranking went lower because the scene talked over the remixed instrumental so i couldn't get an opinion on it.
bad reputation by red: 3/10
this is a lot at once and will probably be the only song i don't add to my soundtracks playlists. the instrumental is very loud and very distracting but kylie sounds nice
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 3 months
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File Name:
Kaiden "Kaizer" Stones Williams
28 ( joined the military since 21, the AAF in 23 and 141 Task Force when he is 24. )
Kai, Steel, Blade, Will, Blade Soldier, Son, Brother, Bro, Sergeant.
Close friends(in military):
Emily "Miller" James, Robin "Jetfire" Munichkin, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" Mactavish, Captain John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley and Fyodor "Code" Anderson.
Band Guitarist, ( still on going but he has to retire ) Sergeant Blade Soldier, [HIDDEN OCCUPATIONS]
Loki from Marvel (British)
Captain America, also from Marvel (English)
Observation, Sensing Danger, Blades, Daggers, Throwing Bombs, Stealth, Protection with Blades, Secret Gun Skills.
Custom DX6 IronBlades (HIDDEN REASON BECAUSE SOMEONE MADE THIS FOR HIM) DX-38 Iron Dagger and DX2 Iron-1 Dagger.
English, German, French, Italy.
Beauty marks:
Depression and PTSD.
"Sign of Empathy" - When it comes to seeing people in a similar state he is in. Kaiden knew he had to empathize anyone in a kind and comforting matter. Because no matter what, Kaiden is the type of guy to show how empathetic he is in.
"Just a Hidden Facade" - Kaiden has been through a lot of worst and terrible things he is in and in his own early life. Whenever he sees the others who turned very concerned and worried for him. All he can do is to fake it, pretending he is just okay even though he is not okay at all. No matter what when anyone asked him if he is okay, he can always fake it.
"Observing for Bravery and Self Sacrifice" - Kaiden was too focused to be serious when it comes to missions and risky missions. Observing is sharping the true great senses to him. Protection is also what makes Kaiden become the strongest blade soldier ever. With a slash and a swing, Kaiden was protective to his teammates, even his Captain. But that's okay, Kaiden doesn't care if the risk is too risky.. he'll make it anyway to sacrifice his own life for everyone to protect.
- - - - -
William "Jaxson" James (father)
Melanie Smith (mother)
Jax James ( brother )
Harmony "Smith" James ( sister )
Early Life:
Born in July 4 [HIDDEN DATE], Kaiden and his own family lived in Los Angeles, USA. Along with his one younger brother(Jax) and one middle-ish sister(Harmony).
Kaiden, was always a father's boy. The two joined the military in each different ways.. but until they were told to join the AAF/ALTER Army Forces due to personal reasons. That worried Melanie and Harmony. But Kaiden reassured them that they will come back when it's all over.
But for Kaiden, he was dreaming of a life of being a rockstar because his own father gave him an electric guitar when he was 14 on his birthday. This made him happy however.
But unfortunately, his life is soon to be upside down when something happened on a last mission. Something that he would recommend not explaining it.
....Kaiden is the only one who knows that his father died from [HIDDEN CONCERNED REASON].
This, of course... Shocked him.
But since his return, he had to lie to his family that William went missing. But he and the AAF were the only ones who knows that he died.
And now, with all the grief spiralling him.
..Jaiden had to run away from this spiraling madness because he can't stand the grief that he experienced to his father's death. Guilty to leave his siblings behind.. The Williams Family was about to go on a bankrupt because Melanie didn't even have time to pay taxes, before Kaiden ran away from home.
..Years had go by, Kaiden was now all alone without a single graduation. He was about to be a junior because he is sophomore. The boy had to live in an apartment alone, because he just stole his mother's wallet and his father's too in order to not let anyone know his poor.
But...however, his own life will turn downside up when he saw familiar three of his old-childhood friends needing help to start a band. "Shoot the Rockstars" is the name.
There was Jake, the bassist. Scott, the co-guitarist and Elena, the drummist needing help for a new singer.
And that's why Kaiden had to make his own life happy yet again, by becoming a singer guitarist!
His life is happy yet again when Shoot the Rockstars had grown so much, both of them were so close and always hang out very well and good!
...Til the darkest days returned. Why?
The friends are about to host an anniversary celebration for the band's progress until..
A friend showed up at the Golden Bar, "Derek 'Bulletproof' Johnson", Friend of William "Jaxson" James.
He told him to read the letter his father made and asked if he had to sign for the 141 Task Force.
Because of one reason.
Kaiden was confused at first.. he didn't understand why Derek has to tell him to read a letter William made.
It read as follows:
To my son Kaiden, I know you are reading this. I don't think I'll had to tell anyone to send this to you from a risky mission that I will soon die.. yet.
You are in deep trouble.
The Crimson Corp, the secret army is targetting me and so is you. They're the secret and most strongest organization ever.. and I can tell they're planning what to do on us. Torture, abuse, suffering... I was so scared of what will happen if they officially found you.
But I thought, that you had to become stronger for me. I know you can, but it's your own choice whether you had to take it or not.. You're still lucky that they haven't found you.
But please, this is the only way to not let them capture you. They're gonna be so shocked when they see you as the strongest person ever. Especially Theodore, the boss and leader of Crimson Corp.
But um..again. You don't have to do this, it's your choice. And that is fine.
From - William
P.S: Do not tell everyone, and I mean everyone about this. Only the ALTER Army Forces knew for this.
And the rest of the file infos is hidden.
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bat-luun · 4 months
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(tags via @encryptidarchivist)
YESSSSS i love him very much hes my darling beloved!!! <33
(ramble below cut cuz this got so long oh my god lmao - cw: suicide mention)
The tma oc is actually an au version of 'Pai Rite' (he/she)! He's player character i made while co-DMing a Call of Cthulhu campaign. He's originally from 1982 Chicago and about 28 years old. Her og lore and backstory and what played out in the campaign is rather complicated so imma leave it out. (tho i'd happy to rant about it lol-)
For the tma version: She uses her full name more often than just her nickname/chosen name; Joshua 'Pyrite' Kerr (he/she). She was born in 1978 in LA, moved to England in 1997, and died 2010 at age 32.
She is marked by both The Vast and The Spiral! (in the same way Martin is a mix of The Eye and The Lonely)
Pyrite has a rocky relationship with his parents from the start, his father was killed/taken by The Vast when Pyrite was only 17. His mother was killed by The Spiral, which triggered Pyrites leave to England to study mathematics at the King's Collage in London.
(Idk if it would really work all that well in canon but I've taken The Vast in a less 'real' direction? Like making it less of a place of endless mist or whatever but making it more like a concept?) Pyrite's father was a mathematician and investigating/trying to figure out more of the pi number. The horror of the uncomprehendable powered my the Fear drove him to insanity and eventually suicide, leaving his family suddenly and without a word.
Her mother, turning even more hyper religious than before, turned to pseudoscience as a way to cope with the grief (buying crystals and crafted religious symbols/spells to protect her, and doing other low-key paranoid superstitious stuff).
She eventually got her hands on some colorful (sea)glass shards which she hung by the windows to catch the light and "ward off evil".
The glass is an artifact of The Spiral! It slowly multiplies in numbers in the given location, and starts changing colors/patterns of objects within it's line of sight (though the owner is the only one who can see it's effects).
The longer the artifact is a set location and affecting it's victim, the more intense the distortions get (pottery/dishes "melting" or changing shape, entire rooms becoming mirrored, objects switching places with each other, glass clinking sounds being heard from every room, ...). Eventually it moves from inanimate objects to people in the victims life.
Pyrite's hair got turned a purple/pink as a cause of the artifact. Panicked, Pyrite's mother took a hammer to the glass, breaking it untill there was nothing left but dust. Pyrite found her body later that day as it was being taken away by paramedics. He moved away after that, taking a single glass shard as a keepsake to remember her by, having no idea of it's effects.
He went on to study mathematics in London and found his fathers research notes, going down the same cursed rabbit hole he did.
She did become an avatar for The Spiral later on as the artifact went on to distort any research notes Pyrite made/found beyond recognition, essentially 'winning' and making her a Spiral avatar. Pyrite died in 2010 after Gertrude and Michael stopped the great twisting. Died mad and dazed and out of breath, trying to keep her grip on the only thing that was left of her mother, the destruction of the ritual making her take her own life.
me and my best friend(one of the other co-DMs) did art of Pai Rite and his gay boyfriend Revemine for valentines day!! :D
(also tagging @horrid-mothlegs for if you want more info for when our tma ocs can hang out >:])
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galpalkirk · 1 month
wtf is lestat and nicki’s shipname
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
Francis Bonnefoy || HWS France
Character Playlist | 60 songs | 3hr 35 min
• Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - Katy Perry • Pony - Ginuwine • Party Like A Millionaire - Millionaires • Lavender - Dreamer Boy • Prophet - King Princess • I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE - Måneskin • Gimmie More - Britney Spears • G.U.Y. - Lady Gaga • Slumber Party - Ashnikko, Princess Nokia • LoveGame - Lady Gaga • Call Me - Blondie • Lollipop - Framing Hanley • Homewrecker - MARINA • Hot Mess - Cobra Starship • Dernière danse - Indila • Déjà Vu - 3OH!3 • Church - Fall Out Boy • Style - Taylor Swift • Warm Me Up - The Audition • DONTTRUSTME - 3OH!3 • Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me - Lene Alexandra • oops! - Yung Gravy • Bejeweled - Taylor Swift • La Seine - Vanessa Paradis • Merry Go Round of Life - Joe Hisaishi • Amour plastique - Videoclub, Adele Castillon, Matthyeux • Careless Whisper - Seether • Vending Machine of Love - The Stupendium • Arsonist's Lullabye - Hozier • Bubble Pop Electric - Gwen Stefani, Johnny Vulture • notre dame - Paris Paloma • Sunlight - Hozier • Do It All The Time - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME • Play Me Like A Violin - Stephen • FVN! - LVL1 • How I'd Kill - Cowboy Malfoy • rises the moon - Liana Flores • I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers • Inarticulation - Rio Romeo • Dear Arkansas Daughter - Lady Lamb • fly away - deer death • Eat Your Young - Hozier • Obsession - OK Go • Tonight - Amira Elfeky • Lovesong - The Cure, Chris Parry, Mark Saunders, Robert Smith • the fruits - Paris Paloma • Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance • Northern Star - Dom Fera • IDC AT ALL - Lauren Sanderson • Lovers From The Past - Mareux • Fashion Forward - The Home Team • Me and My Husband - Mitski • Voilà - Barbara Pravi • Orange Girl - Dreamer Boy • What He Don't Know - Anarbor • The Hills - The Weeknd • telepatía - Kali Uchis • Évidemment - La Zarra • Return to Versailles - Joshua Kyan Aalampour • EVERYTHING - LuLuYam • Daughters Lie In Empty Fields - Traitrs • Casual - Chappel Roan • Kiss It Better - Rihanna • Woman - Doja Cat • Marie Don't Sleep In Your Makeup - Faith & Disease • Francis Forever - Mitski
Spotify | Youtube
Version 2: Songs that remind me of HWS France that don't bust it down sexual style
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raymondshields · 6 months
Man, knowing that I'm less than two weeks from my last final is really shaking me because I have so many things I said I'd do after I graduate and they're very close now!!!
One of them is going to be leaving all the discord servers I don't talk in and also pruning following / friends lists like hell and back. This will allow me to finally come off invisible on discord, and it'll be nice to have discord statuses available to me again ;~;
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