#now i can finally start reading everybody elses fics
This is fulfilling my angst demon but it has a happy ending.
“There's a guy, and then a woman, and then another guy. They all spark something in him but nothing catches fire. Nothing seems to fill this chasm of uneasiness that looks and smells like a memory.”
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redbullgirly · 8 months
Hi! Can you write something about Lando x reader where she wants to wait till marriage to have sex and how'd he react to this? I'll leave the rest to you, it doesn't have to be a whole fic, maybe just a small blurb. Thank you <3
Lando Norris x reader
Summary: You and Lando have been going out for few weeks, maybe months now. While you're enjoying each other's company on a beach with sunset behind your backs, you decide to tell him you want to wait with sex till marriage.
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I honestly didn't write for a while, so if some sentences are kinda weird or sloppy, I'm very sorry! Don't be afraid to correct me if you find some errors.
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thanks for the request! I hope you and everybody else will like this shorter fic I wrote based on it. I'll appreciate likes, comments, follows, reblogs and any other form of support! :)
The sand beneath your feet was still warm, though the sun had almost set behind the fluffy clouds on the horizon. You ran up the beach, trying to get as far from the sea as you could, before the curly-haired man could throw you into the waves, messing up your hair. He followed you, laughing and almost tripping, which was probably the only reason you actually managed to escape to the laid out blanket with your things and bags.
You laid on it, your chest covered in droplets of salty water heaving with uneven breaths. Some sand probably stuck to your wet skin, but you didn't mind.
“Y/N, you left me there all alone!” Lando faked a pout, standing above you with crossed arms and a silly smile.
“Yeah, 'cause you tried to drown me!” you fired right back and stuck out your tongue.
He shook his head and stretched out his arm, helping you stand back up. Then, without any warning, he slapped your ass. You squealed his name and tried to punch him, but he dodged effortlessly. May his fast reflexes be damned.
It was getting darker by every minute, the sun now nearly gone from the evening sky. Shadows slowly crept to the beach, and you shivered in the cool air. Lando, the caring boy he was, instantly noticed the goosebumps popping up all over your body. You were both still just in your swimsuits, and it was getting cold. 
He bent down to the bag you took to the beach with you and took out a big towel. “C'mere baby,” he mumbled, and when you took a step towards him, he wrapped you and himself up in it. 
Suddenly, you didn't feel cold at all — quite the opposite, really. Lando's firm body was pressed against you, his hands around your waist and faces impossibly close to each other. You could feel his warm breath, smelling after the vanilla milkshake you drank at a cozy café before going to the private beach.
One of his big hands cupped your cheek, your eyes locked in with his intense blue stare. Lando and you were going out for a few weeks, even months now. You didn't put any label on it, maybe too afraid of the feelings that bubbled in your stomach every time that exact expression appeared in his eyes. The one of pure adoration and happiness, as if you'd give him the Moon. And honestly? If he ever asked, you probably would. Or at least try.
As if the boy could read your thoughts, his smile deepened, and he finally closed the remaining distance between you two. His lips felt soft and hard against yours at the same time, asking and demanding all at once. Lando was always careful at the start, but as soon as your body relaxed, and you gently bit his bottom lip, the kiss heated up pretty quickly.
He moaned into your mouth and his hold on your waist tightened. This wasn't your first time making out, but it never felt so intense, so breathtaking before. You struggled to keep pace with him, though you'd lie if you said you didn't like it. However, when his hands slipped under the towel that was still wrapped around your bodies, and tugged onto your bikini straps, you pulled away. Your cheeks were flushed, lips swollen and hair messy.
He stopped, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at you questioningly, eyes wide. You realized Lando thought he did something wrong, again. And that made you feel even worse than before.
“What's wrong, babe?” he asked in a quiet voice, his hand still cupping the side of your cheek. You wanted to look down, ashamed and not knowing how to say what had to be said, but Lando didn't let you. “You can tell me Y/N. I won't be angry or anything.”
It was his assurance and sweet voice that caused you to sight and swallow thickly.
“I… there's something I need to tell you,” you whispered. He just nodded, listening curiously. “So, I feel weird saying it, but… I never actually… you know.” You point between you and him. “I never did this before,” you confess, not able to look him into the eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That's no problem at all-” You put your finger on his lips, silently asking him to be quiet.
“And,” you say, making him know that's not all you wanted to say, “I don't want to. Not until marriage.”
Now he seems surprised, taken aback even. It's clear he's processing your words for a moment, while you almost faint from the nerves. You're worried he won't understand. That now, when you told him he won't get what most men want, he'll break up whatever you two have going on.
But he does nothing like that. No, he nods slowly, a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips. A smile that soon turns into the grin you know so well by this point. And then, Lando pulls you closer and whispers in your ear: “Well, good thing I plan on marrying you one day.”
And even though he says it in a joking voice, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere, you know right there and then that deep down, he means it.
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eeunoia · 5 months
ENHYPEN Imagines
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insolitus | yjw.
part two
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: you’ve always thought jungwon is out of this world, out of ordinary. he’s someone who seems familiar but at the same time mysterious for almost everybody. you didn’t expect that he himself will unfold more of him with you and it was an insolitus experience.
word count: 3k
warnings: yandere themes, mention of murder, violence, obsessive love, grammatical errors, kissing. (let me know if i missed some)
note: this is the part two of our insolitus. i suggest you read the first one before this. you can find it here › part one. thank you for waiting. leave some replies and reblog this post. i would really appreciate it. send me some asks! ily & stay safe. look out for part three.
fic moodboard › here
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“Are you stupid?! We had a plan, Jungwon! Why did you impulsively made a decision by yourself?!” his hyung quickly took a hold of his collar, jaw clenched and eyes enraged.
One of their friends came closer and placed a hand over Heeseung’s shoulder to stop him from doing something towards Jungwon. The younger one doesn’t seem fazed about it. His eyes remained blank and he’s very much relaxed despite the situation.
It wasn’t new to his friends. This is how he normally react on things. Jungwon’s usually calm and precise. He’s very reserved and doesn’t react aggressively.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t caught.” he stated calmly that pisses his hyung even more.
Heeseng’s jaw clenched hardly. “And that’s suppose to make things better? Jungwon you were interrogated at the police station. If it weren’t for your Father’s influence, you’d be in juvie right now!” he couldn’t help for his voice to raise due to so much anger for the younger one's bold move.
He was really upset and seeing Jungwon reacting so calmly triggers something in him even more. Jungwon tilts his head slightly and smirks.
“Are you worried that I was almost caught or you’re scared that this may affect negatively on your plan from getting your girl, hyung?”
Heeseung was caught off-guard, but he didn’t let it show on his face. He kept his stern look and his hold over his collar. Jungwon scoffs before shoving his hold off from him then he raised his chin up, unbothered.
“You’re making a mess on my uniform.” he stated before putting his hands inside his pockets.
Heeseung’s jaw clenched harder and was about to take advance, but he was stopped by Jay and Sunghoon. Their other friends remained silent while watching them argue.
People will probably go ferral if they heard what kind of thoughts they have. They will probably be put straight to a mental facility if someone else knew about their dark plans. It all started by harmless attraction towards their special someone. They didn’t even realized how it escalated into something like this.
They have the power and money so things can be a lot easier for them. It isn’t a big town, so influence and money have big impacts over the flow of life the people living here. They used it to their advantage into fulfilling their plans. Into getting what they want.
“My plan worked. I just messed the order, but we can just resume to how it used to be. Right after y/n, you can finally take your girl.” Jungwon said referring towards Heeseung.
“And you think they won’t be suspicious of people missing one after another? It’s a small town! Almost everyone here knows everybody.”
“Heeseung hyung’s right, Won. Not to mention that you murdered someone. That’s not on the plan.” Jake.
“The world will rotate just fine even if he’s gone.” his friends couldn’t believe they’re hearing these words from Jungwon. The very same guy who people see as a model student, someone very responsible and very kind.
His Father’s a public servant so it’s just natural for him to be helpful to everyone around him. People in their right minds won’t ever think of him to be having this kind of thoughts.
“Jungwon, we have to delay our plans because y/n’s parents will probably look for her. We cannot just continue or else it will raise concern to people of the town. It will be more difficult moving onto our next plan.” Jake tries to make him understand as much as possible.
Finally, Jungwon seems to take in his hyung’s words well. He sighs and nods his head.
“I will check and see what I can do so the public won’t get suspicious about it.” he glances at his friends one by one and they’re looking at him seriously. Some reflects worry.
“Don’t worry about the police interrogation as well, my Father made sure that it will not come out on public.”
They all nod their heads except from Heeseung and was left with no choice but to start replanning once again. After-all, there’s no point on getting mad at him since it was already done. What they can do is to keep an eye on Jungwon after they witnessed what he’s capable of. It is a bit alarming, but they cannot do anything about it as of the moment.
They all decided to go on with their day as usual, like as if they didn’t just almost beat each other out.
“May I excuse Mr. Yang, Miss Lim.” everyone in the class whipped their heads at the door when their principal entered.
Their teacher nodded her head and asked Jungwon to excuse himself. He stood up confidently and bows politely once to their teacher before following their principal outside their classroom.
Jake eyes Heeseung worriedly. They’re wondering why he was called outside. Did the school perhaps discovered his involvement about the incident? Hopefully not.
Jungwon eyed your Mother as the principal tries to comfort her. Your Father is beside his beloved wife, caressing her arm and whispering things such as ‘It's okay' or 'We’re going to find her'
He wanted to scoff and tell to their faces that there is no way that they will find you. He wants to laugh at how devastated they look right now. But instead of doing that, he showed a look of empathy.
“This is Yang Jungwon, the president of our Student Council. He will help with the volunteers for the search of your daughter. We will also put up signs and her pictures all over the town so more people will be aware.” the principal informed them.
He saw how hope ignites over their eyes at the sight of Jungwon. He bows and as his face is not visible to their eyes, a smirk plastered over his handsome face.
“I’m Yang Jungwon, Mr and Mrs (Surname). I will do my best to help searching for your daughter.” to his surprise, your Mother took a hold of his hand. Her crying eyes seems so familiar for me and just later on he will realize that it reminds him of you.
The very same look she has reminds him of your crying eyes while you beg him to let you go. Jungwon almost scoffs at the memory. Something about you begging to him just makes him so excited. Boost his pride and stroke his ego.
“My Father is also the governor and I will surely ask for his assistance for this case.” he added and the joy over your parents eyes just got even more intense.
They couldn’t believe how kind this young man is, not knowing that he’s actually the mastermind to your disappearance. Jungwon gently caress your Mother’s back to calm her down. He felt so evil trying to comfort her when he knows very well he was the reason for their pain. It gives him so much power. He felt like they were under him, powerless.
“What did the principal said?” Jake was eager to know what happened when Jungwon was excused.
Jungwon smiles and put his hand inside his pocket. “Nothing to worry. They just want us to hold a meeting to let everyone know about her disappearance.”
He can almost see the relief through his eyes. The other boys just watch silently. Heeseung pursed his lips and didn’t say anything else. He’s still a little mad for how impulsive his friend acted. They’re just lucky he didn’t ruin so much of their plans.
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Sounds of multiple things breaking echoes through the hallway of the Yang’s mansion. It was almost 9 pm and the whole house are like usual. Quiet. Except from the sound of another thing, getting broken.
“Go away! Leave me the fuck alone!” your screams are loud and there’s no doubt that it will hurt your throat.
Tears streams down your face while the people from that house kept their distance, trying not to trigger any more of your emotions. They’re just trying to feed you when you suddenly starting acting this way.
A week being abducted by Jungwon felt like a year already. Time is so slow, the fear of what’s he’s about to do occupies your mind all the time, the punishment he sets whenever you disobey him and you missed your family already.
“What’s going on here?”
Everyone, including you, stops and heads turned to look over the newly arrived Yang Jungwon. His placid expression as he roams his eyes around the whole room made your knees weak. It was obvious that he’s unhappy about it. Probably not because you broke vases and things that cost so much, but because you are once again disobeying his orders.
He’s been somewhere, volunteering to help your poor parents to look for you. They’re just so pitiful and Jungwon’s the very nice boy and responsible president of the student council. His father even sent people to assist every volunteer, provided free food and water. Your family, friends and even schoolmates went around the town to search for you.
Without even knowing that the one who took her was with them, a ghost of smile spreads his face while thinking how stupid every one of them. The true wolf under the sheep skin.
Your eyes shakes in fear at the sight of Jungwon. He’s wearing a plain white shirt that emphasize his broad shoulders and a sweatpants. His hair’s not properly brushed like how he do it whenever he goes to school. Right now, he really do look a normal boy. Except, he isn’t normal at all.
“S-She started to get out of hand and breaking everything, Sir.” despite being years older than Jungwon, he fears him. Just indicates how much power he holds.
He glanced at him and the man lowers his head, hands hardly pressed together.
“Leave us alone.” he demanded that made your soul left your body.
He is scary while having all these people around. What more if you two are left alone? Panic went into your system at the sight of them leaving the room, trying to gather some pieces of the things you broke.
You scurry and tried to stop one of them from leaving or maybe leave this room together. But Jungwon uses one of his arm to halt your steps, wrapping it around your waist and without so much effort he hold you still.
“N-No, d-don’t leave me!” you screamed, your eyes brim with tears. Even how much you try to escape from his hold, it was no use. He’s so much stronger.
“Don’t piss me off, y/n.” his low tone sent shivers to your spine.
For the past days you are with him, there are things you noticed about Jungwon. He’s not that patient, he do tries to be but then suddenly snap once you push his buttons continuously. His eyes softens while staring at you, but if you say things he doesn’t like they turn dark. And its terrifying.
“Let me go! Let me fucking go!” you screamed through your lungs.
“What did I say about shouting?” he asks in a strict tone that slightly made you anxious.
You gulped and kept your glares shooting at him. “Fuck you.”
He clenches his jaw hardly and hold both of your wrist before lightly pushing you towards the bed. His action made you sat over the soft mattress of your bed. With tear stained eyes, you glared at him. He stared down at you before going to get your food that was settled by the corner table.
Your eyes follows him silently, glares almost digging holes at the back of his head.
“You need to eat.” he doesn’t sound mad, but he definitely not pleased as well.
With one hand carrying the tray of food and the other slipping inside his pocket, he struts his way towards you. You lift your chin, hiding your fear behind the teary eyes and trying your best to look brave in front of him.
Even if you know that one touch from him, and you’ll crumble in fear. One look with those eyes and you will feel weak.
When he was near enough, you pushed the tray and it wasn’t long until all of its contents scattered all over the floor. His eyes follows it down the floor before he jaw clenched harder and hand clenches into fists.
“I said I don’t want to! I want to go home! Leave me alone! I hate you! I fucking hate you!” you scream towards him then stood up to hit him by his chest.
Jungwon stood still and unbothered by your action. He stared down with dangerous eyes as he let you do it to him. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he swiftly grabbed your wrist and pressed you over the near wall.
You yelped and groaned, feeling hurt when your back came in contact to the hard surface. He doesn’t seem bothered even after you winced in pain.
One of his hand rests over your hip while the other raised to hold your neck. His pretty slim fingers wrapped over it, putting pressure on it enough to limit your oxygen. Your eyes waters even more in fear and slight depravation to breath properly.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
The memory of him stabbing (ex boyfriend) multiple times with no remorse in his eyes flashes back your mind. It was terrifying and you can feel all your nerves shaking. His eyes bore into you, and stared right straight to your eyes.
You whimpered and tried to escape from him, but he didn’t even budged.
“It will be a lot easier if you just obey me,” he murmured under his breath. He was too close that it fan your skin, making you shiver.
You tried catching your breath and calming your mind. Slowly, you stopped resisting and you held on his arm that was slightly choking you. Jungwon’s pretty eyes follows your action then trailed back to your eyes. When he saw how it softens and the look of surrender flickers through them, his heart thumped faster.
He couldn’t explain what exactly he was feeling. Something tugs inside his chest and warmth flamed, invading his whole system. He slowly loosen his hold over your neck and hand slid down, rested just right above your chest. He can feel your heart beating so fast and he was thrilled.
You kept staring at his eyes. To see how much you affect him is very fascinating even for you. Even if you’re scared, tired and hungry from all the stunt you pulled a while ago, you tried to keep standing on your feet.
Both of his hands are now at your sides, resting on your hips to keep you in place. He caged you between him and the wall behind you. The whole room fell silent to the point that you can almost hear your loud heart beating.
You sighed heavily and slowly leans your forehead over his chest. Jungwon was caught off-guard. Are you finally opening up at him? Did he really did it?
One of his hand slid over your waist, the other to the small of your back to pull you closer to him. To feel you between his arms are making him lose his mind. He placed a kiss on top of your head and smirks, feeling giddy inside.
“See? That’s not so bad.” he mumbled near your ear.
You licked your lips and shut your eyes for a while to rethink your life decisions. After making up your mind, you lift your head up to once again look at his eyes.
Compared from a while ago, they look more remorseful. He looks so concerned and when his eyes dropped to your slightly red neck, a hint of worry appeared on his eyes.
“Does it hurt...” he was once again caught off guard when he just felt your hot lips smashed on his.
Wait. Your hot lips. Your. Lips.
Jungwon blinks a couple of times, trying to wake himself up from the dream if ever he’s inside one. But no. You are kissing him.
His grip over your waist tightens and he closed his eyes to start kissing you back. He slightly pushed you towards the wall, this time very gently. His other hand even placed behind your head just so you wouldn’t hit it hardly.
He tilt his head and kissed you hungrily, making you gasp for air. His soft hot lips makes your stomach churns. Even if you try to kill whatever that feeling forming your chest, it was no use. Yang Jungwon is really making you feel these things. You’re indenial, but he’s the only one that gave you butterflies and make you feel terrified at the same time. Oddly, it felt... good.
Jungwon groans on your lips and pressed his body towards you even more. You whimpered and tried moving away to catch some air. He lets you, but kept his face so close. Your noses touching.
Both of you are gasping for air while staring dirftly at each other’s eyes. He smirks and gently pressed his forehead at yours while he stare down at your now swollen lips.
“You taste so sweet.” he whispered.
You gulped and tip toed before wrapping your arms over his nape to give him another kiss. Jungwon’s more delighted to wrap his arm over your waste, responding to your hot kisses.
He used to imagine having you like this and it already drives him crazy. Now that he’s experiencing it, he’s done for it. He’s ruined. He’s down bad for you.
“Agh,” he grunts when you bit his lips so hard.
He slightly pulled away and you used that chance to push him hard. He was caught off-guard and still high from your kiss so it made him step back a few times.
You hurried your way towards the door and burst it open. Surprisingly, there are no one by the hallway. You bolted and just run without having any idea where to go to. All you know is that you need to get away from Yang Jungwon.
Suddenly the memory of your hot kiss flashes through your mind and it made you halt from your steps. You let out a frustrated sigh then smack your head once.
“Snap out of it, y/n!” and you went back on finding your way out.
Even before you can turn to the next corner, the whole mansion turned dark. Your feet stopped and stood frozen on the spot. The lights are all turned off.
Tears started forming your eyes as your heart thumped loudly out of fear. You know for sure that he’s very much pissed off for what you did and now he will hunt you. This is his home, you are in complete disadvantage. The night felt colder as you try to hide yourself inside the corner of the first room you found. Trying to hug yourself and not make any sound.
You shut your eyes and silently prayed that he won’t manage to find you here, although you’re sure he will. Tears stream down your eyes as your clenched your fists, body shaking.
Jungwon smirks as he orders them not to meddle. He stared blankly at the dark hallway of their mansion. The only thing that serves a light was the bright moon outside, its light shining through some gap from the big curtains of the windows.
He strides the hallway while whistling, each steps are slow and obviously taking his own time. He seemed relax as he kicked the first door to his right open. He tries to roam his eyes as it adjusts to the dark.
He’s suppose to feel enraged for what you just pulled a while ago. His lips have a stain of blood from your hard bite, but a smirk spreads across his face. But after tasting you, he just couldn’t seem to be in a bad mood. He couldn’t get enough of you.
And there’s no way he will ever let you go. You belong to him. So that’s why you end up in that situation, a predator hunting its pitiful and helpless prey.
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zeltqz · 1 year
USED [1]
Ran Haitani seems to have some sort of fixation with you so suddenly, and though you despise him, you don't miss the way your strict father hates his guts, so you ultimately use him to get back at your father.
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ran haitani x fem!reader
tags: (5.8k words) one-sided enemies to lovers, college student!reader, implied bet on reader, toxic relationship with reader's father, tenjiku ran haitani, i tried to make ran irritating as possible, but i love him too much, lolz, explicit sexual content: kissing, oral (f), implied blowjobs, fingering, exhibitionism; ran fucks you in a car park, alcohol usage, you work at a bar
author's note: this was based off a request from 🍉 anon (ps i love u so much. i had so much fun writing this). and as majority of my fics are, it's too long to fit into one part so i'm splitting it up....lmao
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You know Haitani Ran from the way he walks into class late, unbothered, with a prep in his step, hands shoved into the depths of his pockets, taking his sweet time to walk all the way up the lecture stairs to his seat at the back right of the top row. The entire class sits still, women admiring him with flushed faces, whispering to their friends next to them about him, the boys spiteful, bitter at the reactions of the girls to his mere presence. Ran’s infamous, “Sorry, sorry for being late,” line is one the lecturer is prepared to hear every Wednesday. He slots himself down in his spot, which happens to be next to you. 
As someone who takes their education very seriously; it’s unfortunate to be stuck with such an idiot as a seatmate, always looking over at your paper to copy your answers, and if he’s not copying, he’s on his phone, playing an obnoxious game that’s quiet enough for everybody else not to hear, except you since you’re seated so close. 
“Did everybody submit the assignments?” The lecturer asks, disappointed in the way half the class sweat in panic, the other half nodding, a monotone yes , sir filling the air.
Being part of half of the class that bothered to do the work, you don’t panic, rather feel confident in your abilities, leaning back in your chair as you can spend the next few weeks relaxing for the final exams. 
It’s amusing seeing Ran’s eyes go wide, from the corner of your eye, at the mention of an assignment, his delusions so high that he’s reaching inside his bag for work he didn’t even know existed.  
You can’t help but scoff.
That catches his attention, and you stiffen up when you feel him look at you. 
“Somethin’ funny?”
“Yeah,” you challenge, turning to face him, meeting him eye to eye. “You.”
He does an excellent job at hiding his surprise, but you’re good at reading people, picking up on the way his head jerks back a little at your response. He chuckles, short and sweet, resting an elbow on the table, leaning his face on his palm and stares down at you. 
“Yeah? What about me?”
It’s probably the first conversation you’ve had with him since you started studying here. He’s popular, not just in school, but outside. Infamous for…loads of things. Just know he’s not a good person, the police know that, the civilians know that, the school knows that; yet they turn a blind eye to his antics. Is it his charisma? Does he pay them off? You feel like you’re the only one with common sense in the entire city, because you have a valid reason to hate a delinquent like him.
You don’t bother to dignify him with a response, rolling your eyes and turning back to your laptop. 
Ran won’t lie; he’s a little stunned at your behaviour towards him. So used to girls practically falling at his feet, kissing his shoes, fainting at his presence. That last one was pretty exaggerated, yes—but it happened once at a club. Maybe it was influenced by alcohol, or drugs…but it happened. For once in his life, he’s stumped, sneaking glances at you every now and then. 
You’re typing away at your laptop, getting started on the next assignment. Your education is something you take a lot of pride in, not only for your future self, but for your father. Overall, he doesn’t really care about you, not as much as your brother. The favourtism is obvious even though he insists he doesn’t exist and you’re just being dramatic . 
If you were to ask yourself why you’re spending so much studying just to impress him, why you’re craving fatherly love from someone who can’t give it to you. It’s been your only motivation to study, the thought of your father being proud of your accomplishments.
Ran’s stare is…distracting, to say the least. Whether you think he’s staring hard deliberately, or staring obliviously, it doesn’t matter because it’s still fucking annoying. 
With a hefty sigh, you stop typing, turning to face him. “Do you mind?”
There’s a sweet saccharine smile on his face as he leans on his elbow, looking down at you like you’re the best thing in the world. You shift in your seat, not liking how your body reacts to that stare, but keep your face stoic. 
“Mind what?” 
His smile only grows when you roll your eyes, shifting your chair away from him to focus better. Briefly, you look around the lecture hall for empty seats. There’s no way in hell this guy will follow you if you do choose to sit somewhere else. Not only would that be irritating as fuck because he’s probably found a new target to leech onto, but you’d automatically turn into Public Enemy No.1 if you were now labelled as Ran’s plaything . Eesh, even the thought of being that makes you shudder with disgust. 
Your lack of sexual nature is one thing you take pride in. Most people your age couldn’t go more than two weeks without sex. It’s not that hard , you think, but then again, when you have attractive idiotic men running around with their dicks out like the dude next to you, it is pretty hard for some girls to resist. 
Deep down, you know if you were more like them, you wouldn’t be able to resist him either. He smells good, always . A smoky signature scent that if someone else tried to replicate, it would be obvious who they were inspired by. It’s so strong that the scent stays lingering in the area even when he’s not around. A constant reminder marking his presence. 
For someone that hates him so much, there’s a part of you hoping he comes in everyday, just to smell him. As creepy as that sounds, you don’t go and sniff him like some dog with no home training, just a small sniff whenever the scent wafts in your direction. 
It’s not your fault, nor your nose's fault that he uses such a nice smelling cologne.
Either way, it doesn’t matter; because the lecture is ending earlier than usual; the professor had to go to a meeting so class dismissed.
As you pack your bags, you’re vaguely aware of him staring at you again. It’s hard to ignore, but you refuse to let him know that he has an effect on you. His gaze follows you down the steps until you exit. 
The following evening, you’re working your night shift at the campus bar, wiping down freshly washed glasses with a cloth when you hear his obnoxious voice behind you, laughing loudly at something his friends are saying. Your heart drops down to the floor when you realise he’s seated in your section, meaning whether you like it or not you will have to serve him sooner or later. With a sigh, you grab at your notepad and pen far too aggressively for someone that should be obeying the bar's policies, ‘always serve the customers with a smile !’ or the one your manager had reminded you far too many times because of your resting bitch face, ‘always look approachable .”
Yeah. Whatever .
It’s obvious you’re stalling with the way you’re dodging Ran’s table, taking everyone’s orders, smiling that perfectly trained smile you forced yourself to plaster on your face from the hours of 1700 to 2300 every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Before you get to dodge his table once more, there’s a tug at the hem of your uniform, skirt flowing from the force of it. It’s strong enough to stop you in your tracks, but not enough to force you to fall over or something. 
Turning to face the man himself, your smile instantly drops, back into your unamused expression. It seems that no matter how hard you trained your facial muscles, you couldn’t force that smile for someone that doesn’t deserve it. 
“Have you been avoiding me?” He speaks questioningly, and you curse the fact that his brother has stopped talking, now directing his attention over at you. His stare is just as, if not, more intimidating than his brothers, and you feel a shiver run across your body.
“No. I just didn’t see you,” you huff in annoyance; an obvious lie that has his perfectly shaped brows wrinkling. 
He’s probably trying to figure out how someone just happened to not see him.  It’s not out of cockiness, or arrogance—which seems to make up most of his being—but as stated before, being infamous for doing all sorts of things makes him pretty popular in this city, whether he intended that or not. So it’s only natural for someone to notice his presence. 
“Yeah, okay ,” he’s scoffing like he doesn’t believe you. To be frank, if you were him you wouldn’t believe yourself either.
“Who is she?” His brother asks, taking a sip of the water he’s been forced to drink because a certain someone wouldn’t take their order.
“If I play my cards right, my future girlfriend.” Ran also takes a sip of the water, smacking his lips, when he practically hears you squawk out in shock. 
“As if ,” you bite out, clutching your notepad closer to yourself, deciding if getting sent home early for refusing to take someone's order and losing out on money is worth being here with him for one more second. “Now tell me what the fuck you want to drink and stop wasting my time.”
“Fiesty one, huh?” His brother looks over at Ran who nods his head in appreciation.
“Yeah. Ain’t she cute?” The fact he’s talking about you like you aren’t even there, or aware is aggravating. 
Looking down at the imaginary watch on your wrist, you click your tongue, sighing exasperatedly. “You have three more seconds to cough up your order before I abandon you.”
Ran doesn’t catch your bluff. “Guess I’ll be having a wonderful discussion with your manager then, aye?”
Yup, that does it. You poke your tongue at your cheek, closing your eyes and counting to three in your mind, facial muscles twitching in pain as you force the smile back onto your face. “Hi. What would you like today?”
Ran leans his elbow in on the table, smiling up at you contentedly. “Your name and number, please.”
It takes everything in your power to not drop the smile, but it already took the majority of your energy to put on, so you’re not about to ruin the facade even more. 
“I’m afraid that isn’t on the menu ,” you say that part a bit more aggressively, mildly gesturing to the closed menu pamphlet on the wooden table that he didn’t even bother to open. “Maybe if you look at it , you’ll see what we serve.”
He looks down at the menu, and his brother chews at the whites of his nails, watching the scene with a slight interest. 
“I’ll have whatever you recommend for me, and your name and number.”
“Would you just —” you shut up before you could get violent, closing your breath and inhaling deeply to steady yourself. Since your eyes are plastered shut, you vaguely miss the look Ran sends his brother, and how it sends him off into a laughing frenzy. “Look. At. The. Menu.”
He makes a show of looking at the menu for a new record of around .34 seconds, somehow already coming up with a drink of choice. “How about a cocktail that’s as sweet as you, hm?”
You know what. That’s good enough. Probably the closest answer you’ll get to the real thing.  “Sure, whatever.” 
You approach your co-worker behind the bar, tell her the drink is for Haitani Ran and watch as her eyes practically morph into hearts, doing your best to ignore her asking if she makes the drink well enough, will he fall in love?
“Do me a favour and pour vinegar in his drink.” You take a shot from the clean glass she just washed, uncaring of the way she frowns.
“No! Why would I do that?” Ai seems genuinely horrified at the idea, wondering if you know who he is and why you would want to prank someone like him.
“‘Cause he deserves it?” 
Ai shakes her head, mixing the drink as well as she can, pouring all her love into it before sliding it onto a tray, handing it to you. “Voila! If he likes it, tell him to gimme his number, yeah?”
“Cool, whatever.” You walk off before she could say anything further. 
If this was a plate of food, or a bottle of water on the tray, you would’ve slammed it onto the table, uncaring of the mess it makes after. But since it’s a very delicate , fragile cocktail glass, you fight back on that urge. 
“Enjoy it,” you say with the most monotone voice, stalking away before he could find something else to say. 
The rest of the night goes by quickly, and peacefully, and it wasn’t until you were closing up for the night, you felt those same pair of lingering eyes on you as you mopped under the tables. 
“How the fuck are you still here?” You ask, going borderline insane, looking over at the same table the two brothers have been occupying for the rest of the night. 
Rindou has his chair tilting back on its heels as he leans back, feet on the table, and your face scrunches up when you realise you have to do extra cleaning tonight. Ran stands from his chair, hovering over you, enjoying the way you don’t even bristle, or look away like most girls would. 
“Wasn’t leavin’ without your number.” 
“Then I hope you brought a sleeping bag.” 
You try to move to clean the rest of the floor but of course , he stops you, extending his arm out to curl around your side, pulling you back to him. 
“Oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening to me right now,” you mutter more to yourself than to him, the thought of Ran Haitani now leeching onto you as his latest target was annoying in itself. 
He holds his hand out, not saying another word, presumably waiting for you to hand your phone. You reach down to smack his hand away, but his reflexes get the better of you, gripping onto your hand tight in a way you struggled to escape out of. 
“I’m not playing these games with you, Haitani.”
“Neither am I.” With an irritating amount of nonchalance, he extends his spare hand (acting like he isn’t currently squeezing the life out of your own hand), and gestures over to your phone, prominent in the pocket of your uniform. “Number please . See? I’m even being polite.”
“How generous.” The sarcasm drips from your voice blatantly, but he either is too idiotic to pick up on it, or just ignores it completely because he’s so persistent on getting your number. “Fine,” you kiss your teeth, giving in, thinking if you ghost him it might be enough to decimate his ego to the point of no return.
“Yay ♡ ” He sounds as giddy as he looks and as annoyed as you should be, you find it kind of cute that he’s this excited to contact you. 
“Take it.” You hand him the piece of paper you wrote your number on, pulling it away before he could grab at it. “But if you spam me, I’m blocking you.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Obviously you don’t plan on doing anything with him, just ignoring all his messages till he gives up and finds a new girl to leech onto. There’s plenty of pussy in this campus for him anyway, yours just happens to not be easily accessible. It’s not like he would have trouble finding a new target. Hell, you can already name fifteen girls in your Monday 10AM lecture alone that would drop everything to lay in bed with that man. 
By the time you get home, he’s already sending you a text that you ignore in favour of taking a shower. Your father looks like he’s in a bad mood, so the last thing you want to do is talk to him and provoke him further with your presence alone. But it seems when he’s angry enough, he’ll look for anything to argue with you about.
After eating dinner, you were perched up on the living room couch, enjoying yourself some pity ramen as you watch Love Island USA, engaging in on the drama before your father storms in; clearly irritated as he hears the stupid voices on the TV. 
“Can you turn that crap off ? My news programme starts soon.”
You barely bother to look at him, focusing back on the TV, more specifically, the shot of Tommy, 27, as the camera pans downwards towards his abs. It’s a bit annoying he had to walk in now , but you don’t care. You’re ‘grown’ according to his words whenever you ask him to help you out with something. You’re a grown woman now, what do you need my help for? Act like an adult. 
And acting you will . 
He seems offended that you don’t respond, instead drool over some dude on the TV. “When are you going to start acting your—”
“My what ? My age? I’m nineteen, not 34 with three kids. You should be lucky that I’m not out there, doing drugs, sleeping around, getting arrested like most people my age are! Because if you want that, just tell me. I’ll do it.” 
“They’re being irresponsible in their own way. What about you? When was the last time you even showed me your grades?”
“Because the last time I recall, you told me I’m a grown woman, so why should a grown woman show her father her grades, like I’m a fucking child?”
“Do not swear in my house.”
You take a moment to chew your food before cussing up a storm, spewing out every swear word you can think of. The argument escalates with both of you yelling at each other, expressing your differing opinions and frustrations. The tension in the room was palpable, and the exchange of your words became equally hurtful. 
“You never listen to me, Dad! You’re so focused on yourself and your failing business that you can’t see that I’m not you and I won’t sacrifice my happiness just to please you.”
“This is not about me ! What don’t you get?! This is about you being responsible and making something of yourself. Right now? All I see is a pathetic girl, crushing over men that are twice her age on the TV. You’re just being stubborn and selfish.”
“Oh, so you want me to go after real men then? That what you want? You want me to find some toxic asshole that would ruin me so I can come back home to you so you’d have some sick pleasure of saying I told you so ?” At this point, you feel emotionally drained, too tired to keep arguing like this. 
Your day was going well-ish , minus the pest called Ran Haitani, but removing him from the equation made your day overall a 9. Knowing your father, he would only continue escalating the issue at hand because he can, so you hand him the remote. “ There . Change the damn channels and enjoy your news programme.”
He seems awfully proud of himself, like he didn’t just verbally abuse his child all for some goddamn news programme. You can’t find it in yourself to walk out of the living anyway, so you both sit there in silence. The only sounds are the remote buttons clicking as he types in the channel.
As the news unfolded, the anchor mentioned the infamous delinquent gang known as Tenjiku, followed by the name you were all too familiar with: Ran Haitani, and a few other random guys he’s criminally acquainted with. Your father’s face tightens and he looks over at you.
“Those boys are you age, right?”
You fight the urge to say, yeah, want me to join them? , choosing to be the bigger person and nod your head in silence.
“This is what I hate about your generation—”
And here he goes again. You tune him out now, instead focusing on the news reporter discussing how gang violence has been increasing rapidly over the course of the last few weeks as many young influenced middle school boys are now joining more gangs. In the background, your dads rant comes to a stop.
“I’m glad you stay at home all day instead of being around bad news like them. I don’t want my child getting caught up in their mess.”
You sigh, not bothering to comment on how your dad is a fucking hypocrite, but realise that his concern stems from a desire to protect you. It’s a shame you didn’t care because you found your hands moving to your phone, sending a quick text out to Ran, asking him to hang out this weekend. 
Is it wrong of you to be using him like this just to get your dad angry? 
Yeah, probably. But Ran was most likely using you in the same way just to impress his friends, so in a sick sense, you were both even. 
Days pass by after the living room encounter with your father, and you found yourself deep in thought. One evening, you decided to take matters into your own hands, determined to seize the opportunity, you snuck out of your room, venturing to Tenjiku’s hangout location; just an abandoned car park. Ran spots you looking around the place uncomfortably, so obviously out of place, and hops off the wall to head over to you. His expression shifts from surprise, to amused, chuckling as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Well well well, look who’s finally caved.” 
If it wasn’t for the fact you just spent the last fifteen minutes walking here, you would’ve abandoned the plan you made and gone home already. His cockiness was something you weren’t excited to entertain. 
“Don’t get too excited before I change my mind,” you say firmly, ignoring the flutter of nerves in your stomach when his eyes shamelessly wander down the length of your body. 
“I like that attitude,” he admits with a smirk, tilting your chin up with his finger, making you meet his gaze. 
Maybe it was out of pure shock,  but you don’t remove his finger, just let him redirect your gaze to meet his eyes. You notice how nice his face is up close. Regularly, you can’t bear to stare at him for longer than five seconds at a time, but with his finger keeping your face upright, it allows you to notice his long lashes, how they’re curved upwards almost perfectly, the faint splatter of freckles dusted asymetically across his cheeks. His hair…you refuse to comment on it, lest you say something you’d regret. But that aside, he wasn’t bad , and you maybe…just a little— (a smidge or a pinch) see the hype around him. His voice wasn’t anything to play around with either, and you’d think if it didn’t belong to an ingrate like him, you could successfully admit without a shadow of a doubt that you liked it. 
You seem to be oogling his face, sending him mixed signals because he’s leaning in, capturing your lips in a heated kiss that instantaneously sends a rush of adrenaline through your body. You were too stunted to push him off, despising how you’re enjoying the feeling of his lips moving against your stiff ones. It wasn’t your first kiss, but it had been a while since you kissed someone, so you were a little off. It was like he could sense your hesitation, your awkwardness, because his hand cups the back of your head, gripping your hair as he moves your head in the way he wants you. 
The fact you now know that Ran Haitani is a good kisser pisses you off because that was information you couldn’t care less about storing inside your brain. But what pisses you off more is the fact you still haven’t pulled away yet , and his friends are not even a couple metres away, smoking or whatever it is they do in their free time. 
He bends down to pick you up from your thighs, relishing in the way you yelp from being lifted from the ground so suddenly, holding onto his shoulders for balance. 
“Relax, would ya? I’m not gunna drop you.” He’s referring to the tight grip you have on his shoulders as he walks towards his car.
“You might as well. I need some sense knocked into me anyway.”
“That’s not the only thing I’ll—” He stops himself with a grin, refusing to finish those words and leaving you second guessing.
Obviously you’re not stupid , you have some vague idea of what dirty joke he’s implying. “You’re sick.”
“‘M aware of that.” He puts you on the hood of his car, laying you flat as he steps in between your open legs. 
It seems he misunderstood what you came here for because you didn’t come here for this, yet you still can’t find it in yourself to push him away, moaning softly when his lips crash down to your neck, sucking away at your skin. Maybe tricking Ran into dating you would do no good, he’s not cut out for relationships anyway; your brain tries to persuade you that revenge on your father isn’t worth your dignity but with the way he’s kissing down your neck, so sensual, you can’t help but clasp your arms around his head, guiding him further down your body.
He goes further downwards and lifts your shirt up to reveal your stomach, kissing the soft skin there while simultaneously hooking his fingers between the layers of your shorts and panties, tugging them off your body, placing them next to you on the car. 
Is it a little (just a little????) crazy that you’re about to get eaten out in public, on a hood of a car ? Yes, it is. But the rush of adrenaline hits you before you had the chance to fight it off. You’re aware you’re a bit of a hypocrite but looking down at him between your legs had shifted the narrative of your thoughts a little.
He kisses the flesh of your thighs, teasing you as he surges upwards to around your pussy, pressing a light kiss to your clit before moving back to your thighs.
Irrirated, and desperate, you call his name out as harsh as you can, only for it to come out as a breathless plea. “Stop messing around, Ran.” 
You’re not ready for him to flick his eyes up at you, those damn hooded eyes staring at you with a longing hunger. “So you do want this?”
“I didn’t let you lay me on your fucking car for no reason, Ran.”
His fingers dig painfully into your thighs, reminding you he has the upper hand here. “I’d like some respect when you speak to me from now on.”
“Suck a dick.”
“You will later. For now though…” he trails off as he  looks back down at the wetness that accumulated between your legs and leans down, sticking his tongue out to lick a stripe from base to tip, circling his tongue around your clit and repeating the shameless action.
You bite down on your lip, hard, in an attempt to silence yourself. The loud laughter coming a couple feet away reminds you that you’re not alone, and the last thing you’d want is for his friends to find you like this. Especially not his brother, oh no , he’s the last one you’d want to see right now. He’s the only one out of the group that witnessed your initial disdain for his brother, and you’d at least like to slither away from this night with a shred of dignity, knowing that to the rest of the general public that know you, you didn’t just fall to your knees for Ran Haitani. 
Your moans shift in pitch when he begins working you open with his tongue, wrapping your legs around his head so his hands are free, he rubs his finger up and down your folds, enjoying the way you squirm from the sensation.
It’s hard to stay focused on him, his tongue, his finger that just slipped inside you. It’s even harder to stay focused on controlling your noises when he curls his finger just right . He pulls his finger out, spreading apart your folds with two fingers, and licks you up, flicking his tongue on your clit.
He really knows what he’s doing, doesn’t he? Fuck, you’re frantically looking to the side, at the sound of his friends, stomach twisting in knots from the anticipation of being caught.
Knowing that your attention is elsewhere pisses him off, shoving two of his fingers back inside you without fanfare; you let out a loud moan, instantly covering your mouth and glare down at him, ready to hiss at him before he’s standing up, holding you by the throat to pull you forward into a sitting position. His fingers are still ravaging your insides as he looks at you, keeping you steady by the hand on your throat. 
“Focus on me , not them.” He watches your eyes threaten to roll back when he twists his fingers perfectly, curling them against your g-spot. 
“I—I ca—” He kisses you again, hot and heavy, not letting you explain yourself. Though you should smack him for choking you like that, you’re partly grateful because he’s doing a great job at silencing you, swallowing your moans down as his tongue slides against your own. You can taste yourself in the kiss, and it’s bitter , but Ran seems to enjoy it because he’s pulling away to kneel back between your legs.
You shift to lay down  against the hood once more but his spare hand grips your hips, stopping you. 
“Stay there,” he says, pulling his fingers our momentarily to tug your body towards him. 
You almost fall off the car, and you most definitely would’ve fell forward if he wasn’t steadying you. He shoves his face back between your legs, devouring your pussy with his lips and tongue, overstimulating your clit to the point of no return as he clamps his lips around it, sucking hard before you fall apart. Goosebumps form on the surface of your arms as he flicks his tongue against your cunt at a rapid speed, slurping your wetness hungrily. 
You slap your hand over your mouth, having to bite down into it to conceal your moans as he works you through your orgasm. Your thighs twitch and convulse by his face as he looks up at you, watching you fall apart. He shamelessly watches your chest inflate and deflate with every fast paced breath you let out. 
“So fuckin’ pretty ,” he stands, laying you back down against the hood of his car. He cages you in, kissing you without letting you catch your breath. 
Your legs wrap around his waist, locking him in close as his hand grips onto your chin, tilting your face up so he could kiss you deeper. He’s such a good kisser it’s almost humbling how quickly he can placate you with his lips alone. 
He pulls away with a devilish smirk on his face and you roll your eyes, pushing him away from you to slide off the car.
 “Don’t get all cocky now ,” he coos, wondering where this energy was not even ten seconds ago.
Your legs wobble and you fight to stand upright, but manage just fine, refusing to give him that much power over you. Grabbing your pants and shorts, you change back in shame, meanwhile he just leans against the hood of the car, watching you with a satisfied look on his face. 
“Nothin’ to say?”
“Take me home.” At least tonight wasn’t a total bust; you can still go home and have your dad see him bring you back. You can still have a little bit of dignity left.
He shrugs and fishes out his car keys from his pockets. His car smells just as nice as him, you think as you step inside, tugging your seatbelt on. 
“Where do you live?”
You tell him your address and it’s weird how he knows the city in and out, not even pulling out a GPS before figuring out the direction to your house. He parks right in front of your gate and you’re already unbuckling your seatbelt to get out. You’ve spent more time here than you’d initially planned anyway. 
Except he locks the doors before you could get a chance.
The irritation bubbling from earlier comes back and you’re reminded of all the reasons why you despise him. 
“Let me out.”
“Not yet, pretty.” He turns off the car and turns to face you. It’s amusing to him how you still haven’t quite caught your breath yet, still panting slightly as a result from your orgasm. 
“What do you want now ?”
He hums in contemplation, musing his thoughts over. “Honestly? To bend you over my backseat.” He sends a suggestive look over to the back and your lips part open in shock. Mainly shocked due to how shameless this guy actually is, but also because you…liked the—no. 
No. Moving on.
“Well that’s—uh—” You’re at a loss for words, mouth opening and closing like a fish, struggling to think of something witty to say and the smirk on his face has you wishing your brain was actually functioning right now so you could say something to wipe it off. 
“Looks like I finally broke that know-it-all brain of yours.”
“You didn’t—” Your voice gets tinier and tinier as he leans forward, cupping the back of your head to kiss you again. This time, he’s much slower than the previous two, taking his sweet time to work you open. His tongue sweeps along your bottom lip and you subconsciously hold his nape to tug him closer. 
He pulls away before you could fully get into it, eyes lingering on the swell of your bottom lips before flicking up to your eyes, looking down breathlessly at him. 
“Think your pops’ is mad at me.” He nods past your body, out the window revealing your dad on the doorstep of your house, looking positively furious, arms crossed by his side, waiting, daring you to step foot inside his house.
You whip your head backwards, eyes widening marginally at his face. 
You’ve never seen him that mad before….
“On second thought…” you bite your lip, picking your dignity again over your mental well-being. You’re far too out of it to have another argument with him tonight. “Can you take me to yours?”
“Fuck, ‘course I can.” 
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i'll upload part two later this week once i finish writing it 👻
extra author's note: just a lil fun fact of the day : the arguement between reader and her father was actually one i had with my own dad😒 except obviously more exaggarated to fit in with the storyline. funnnnn...
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jaesqueso · 1 year
Double Trouble: Greedy (m)
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pairing: co-worker!johnny x fem!reader x co-worker!jaehyun
summary: jaehyun gets greedy and johnny teaches him a lesson
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
word count: 1,621
warnings: dub-con (but it's all consensual I promise!), fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex
a/n: it's been a long time coming but finally the third part is out! as always this can be read as a stand alone fic, but more fun if you're into the whole story ;) I have more ventures planned for this trio so let me know if you'd like to read that, hope y'all like it! ❤︎ not proof read
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
As soon as you get home you change into some comfortable clothes. Johnny and Jaehyun will be dropping by later but you still have time so you turn on the TV and relax on the couch. Not long later the doorbell rings. The guys have a key to your apartment, so it can’t be them and you’re not expecting anyone else, so you curiously get up and go open the door.
“That’s me.” Leaning against the door frame, there he is with a smirk.
“Why did you ring? Don’t you have a key?” You ask looking behind him. “Where’s Johnny?”
“He has the key and had some stuff to do so I thought I would just come earlier.” He explains. “Is that ok?”
“Oh, yes, of course! Come in.” You step to the side and close the door behind him.
“What are you watching?” Looking at the TV he takes a sit in the living room.
“Just some trash TV show.” You shrug, settling next to him.
“Everybody always talks shit about those shows, but we all love to watch them.” You both chuckle.
“That’s true, they’re so bad it’s enjoyable.” You add.
“A true guilty pleasure.” Your laughs fade as you feel Jaehyun’s hand on your exposed thigh, slowly moving upwards.
“R-Right…” Stuttering you re-adjust your position but his hand doesn’t leave your skin.
You can feel his eyes on you and are unable to resist looking at him too. The distance becomes smaller and smaller until his lips join yours. His body gently presses agains yours until your laying down with him on top of you, the kiss getting heated.
“Jaehyun, wait…” You try to push him away but he only takes his mouth down your neck. “We shouldn’t be doing this, Johnny-”
“He’ll join us later.” He mutters against your skin. “Just relax.”
As his hands rummage all around your body, you’re getting hot but also guilty. When the three of you decided to have casual sex ventures you made a promise to always be the three of you, not just two without the other. Which is exactly what Jaehyun is aiming for right now, and as much as you know it’s wrong and you want to push him away, you can’t deny how good it feels to have him all over you.
“Am interrupting something?” Your head instantly turns at the sound of Johnny’s voice.
On the couch, you and Jaehyun were so distracted you didn’t hear Johnny coming in and catching you. Finally you have the strength to push the boy on top of you away and quickly get up, fixing your clothes that were still on be very much out of place.
“This is not what you think, we-” You try to explain.
“So you two were not getting it on without me?” Johnny interrupts with a very calm voice to your surprise. “I thought we had an agreement.”
“Dude, chill.” Jaehyun says, still sitting on the couch like nothing happened. “We were just warming up as we waited for you.”
“I don’t recall that being part of the rules.” Johnny starts waking towards the couch and you back up unsure of what he’s going to do.
“C’mon man, it’s not a big deal.” Jaehyun gets up, still very relaxed as Johnny approaches him.
“Well it is a big deal.” You gasp as Johnny’s hand steadily wraps around Jaehyun’s neck. “And maybe it’s time for you to see what happens to bad boys who don’t follow the rules.”
Attentively you watch as Johnny guides the other to the armchair that faces the couch, forcing him to sit down, neck still in his hold. You try to understand what’s going through Jaehyun’s mind because his face almost feels like he’s enjoying the older’s dominance.
“Because you were so greedy, now you’re going to sit here like a good boy and just watch. No getting up, no touching yourself. Understood?” Submissively Jaehyun nods as Johnny releases him.
Turning around, the older now faces you with a nasty smirk that makes your knees tremble as you wonder what’s coming your way.
“As for you…” He looks you up and down with hungry eyes. “Take off your shirt and sit on the couch.”
Without thinking twice you obey, the action leaving you naked from the waist up. Johnny makes his way over, kneeling down, but careful not to block Jaehyun’s view. Pushing your legs apart he runs two fingers through your clothed pussy, his eyebrow raising as he can already feel how wet your are. Slowly he pulls the remaining clothes off your body.
“She’s warmed up alright.” Grabbing your soaked panties, he throws them at Jaehyun who doesn’t move an inch just like he was told.
This time, Johnny spreads your legs even further apart, leaving you on full display for both of them. His fingers get back to your now naked core, rubbing against your clit as your head falls back.
“No, no. Look at him.” He pulls your head up, making you face Jaehyun. “Everything that’s about to happen it’s his fault.”
Without a warning, those two fingers that rubbed circles on your clit make their way up inside you leaving you gasping as they smoothly slid in through all your wetness. Moving in and out, Johnny makes sure his digits rub right on that precious place inside you, making your breathing speed up as soft moans escape your lips.
Not long after, Johnny’s mouth joins the party, making your moans get louder and your hands grip on the pillows next to you. The nasty sounds of your juices fill in the room and through half lidded eyes you see Jaehyun struggling to stay in place as his pants get tighter on the crotch area.
When Johnny feels you’re getting closer to your orgasm, of course he’s not giving you the pleasure just yet, se he completely removes him self from you to sit by your side.
“My turn.” He claims, freeing his half hard dick.
Getting the hint, you get on your knees now, between his legs, grabbing his length and pumping it slowly as you spit on the tip.
“Ass up, sweetie. I want Jaehyun to take a good look at what he’s missing for being a greedy bastard.” Johnny winks at the other boy who’s still behaving.
You get on all fours, giving Jaehyun a good view of your pussy as your finally take Johnny’s cock in your mouth. Moving all the way down until your nose touches the base, you can hear him groaning as his hands gently push your hair out of the way.
You’ve always enjoyed Johnny’s taste, but knowing Jaehyun is watching right behind you is getting you extra hot. Combine that to the fact that you just got edged moments ago, you just really want to get your hand between your legs and give yourself what you need. But you won’t do that because who knows how you’d get punished for that.
Feeling his dick grow inside of your mouth, you swallow the pre-cum, twirling your tongue around his girth as you bob your head faster. You can’t wait to fill him inside you and luckily your prayers are heard.
“Get up.” Johnny helps you, turning you around to face Jaehyun.
Lowering your down, he rubs his tip between your folds before aligning himself in your entrance and finally entering your tight hole. Your lips part as his length stretches you until he’s fully inside, staying there for a second before he guides your hips up and then back down.
Getting used to the feeling, you start moving yourself on his lap as you watch the way Jaehyun licks his lips at the view. Sensing your orgasm build up again, you lay your back against Johnny’s chest and his hands cup your breast, massaging them.
Your moves get sloppy as you get closer to your high and you can now feel the boy under you bucking his hips to meet yours, increasing the friction. Right as you’re about to cum, Johnny’s arms wrap under your knees, pulling them up and apart, allowing Jaehyun to see the others dick disappear and re appear from inside you. Not able to hold it in anymore, you finally let get go, body trembling under Johnny’s hold as he keeps thrusting into you.
“That’s it, good girl.” He praises you, slowing down his movements as you ride off your high.
Once he feels you relax again, he manhandles your body so that your kneeling on the cushion with your elbows resting on the back of the couch. Standing behind you, you feel his cock get back inside you, not taking any time to pick up his pace.
By now you’re in sub space, completely succumbing to Johnny’s will. And now he focuses on chasing his own orgasm, while Jaehyun keeps watching, hangs gripping on his pants as he desperately needs to be touched too.
Johnny’s hips start to loose control as he thrust faster and faster until he he stops, deep inside you, shooting his warm seed with a grunt. Involuntarily, you clench around his length squeezing every drop of cum into you. Once he comes down his high, he slowly pulls out and you can feel his juices starting to drip out of your hole.
“See that, Jaehyun?” He admires it, rubbing it around your folds. “So beautiful.”
Johnny looks back when the younger one lets out a whine, not able to hide his despair anymore.
“You feel like you deserve to have your turn now?” Johnny cockily asks.
“P-Please…” Jaehyun pleas.
“Well, since you were such a good boy and asked so nicely…” Johnny teases. ”Come here.”
“Oh, thank god!”
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
taglist: @yokshi-unbeliebubble @nc-teen  @yutahoes @dimplehyunn @iknowyuno @bebskyy @ne0cultur3technology @nurenciye @luvjeongjaehyun @chenleyang @booyouwhore17 @jenoxygen @soupsprouts @neodreamzennie​
unable to tag: @doahflix @criminalmindsz @jaehyunsprincess
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gizm0-gadgetz · 2 months
Oki doki! I don't really have a name for this au so if yall think of one lemme know. Call this the first chapter of my Post DTTM New Texas time travel fic I guess?
I don't know how well the concept is worded in this but I hope yall enjoy. Please please please lemme know what ya think
Under the read more (spacing might be a bit weird as its copied from my docs
    When Jonny came too he was pissed. This was supposed to be the end, why was he still alive? It was like the universe was just trying to rub it in that he'd be alone…yet he felt someone else next to him. Somebody quite cold. Slowly and with much more effort than he expected he rolled over onto his back and sat up, having to do a double take at what he saw.
   The entire crew was there, presumably knocked out themselves. Nastya was sitting closest to him, her body radiating a cold chill. Carefully he put a hand on her shoulder, almost jumping at the lack of warmth. He didn't let it dissuade him and carefully began searching for a pulse. It took a moment to find, he wasn't the greatest at it in the first place, but soon enough he found a pulse. It was slow but there. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and began to check everyone else in the area. Everybody who had a pulse normally still had it. They were all alive and all together. 
    That was that problem solved now where were they? It was a large empty clearing, a dry planet it seemed. Something about it nagged at him, like it was framiler. He tried to focus in on any noises and smells traveling in the wind which was harder to do than he expected. Perhaps he'd run out of practice? His ears twitched, alerting him to the sound of his friends starting to move. 
    He looked over to see Ivy slowly sit up and try to orientate herself. She brushed some dust and sand out of her hair and metal plating as she looked around before locking eyes with Jonny. Neither of them knew what to do for the moment, just staring at each other before finally he made a move. He practically launched himself at her to pull her into a tight hug, not saying a word. It took her a moment to process before she hugged back. 
    “Where are we?” She finally asked once he had let go. He just frowned and she seemed to get the message. “Should we awaken them?” With a simple gesture to the crew they agreed and began to shake everyone else awake. It wasn't too hard, most everyone woke up quite easily. Soon it was just the Toy Soldier left who didn't seem to respond to anything. 
    “Shit. How do we wake it up?” He looked to Ivy for ideas since everyone else was still adjusting. She stayed silent for a moment, staring at its body intensely as she analyzed the situation. 
    “It stopped pretending.” 
    “Yeah. Can we make it start again?”
    “I think so.”
    “Pretend back.” 
    “And how do you suggest I do that exactly?” Jonny had to fight an eye roll at the simple suggestion. She paused to think it over before snickering quietly. “What? What did you come up with.” 
    “Well the most effective way, a 90 percent chance I believe, would be to give it a little kiss!” 
    “Wha- i- it's always kisses with you people!!!” He groaned, ignoring the rest of the crew's snickers as he crawled over to the toy soldier. After a moment he frowned and gave it a little kiss on the forehead. It seemed like nothing happened for a good few minutes before suddenly its eyes opened and it shot up like a bullet, hitting Jonny as he was still kneeled over it. He tumbled backwards holding his head. “Motherfucker!!!” 
   “Oh! Sorry Jonny old chap!” It held its hand out for him, clearly not picking up on his glare as he took the hand and let himself be pulled up. Once its hand had been taken the Toy Soldier pulled his friend into a tight hug, lifting the man off the floor ever so slightly. The others just watched as he attempted to wiggle his way out of the embrace, it being none the wiser of his escape attempts. “Lovely to see you again!!” 
    “Toy soldier, drop him.” It frowned but released the first mate from its grip, looking to Nastya who had given the order. “Thank you. Now, where are we exactly?” She turned her attention to Brian and Ivy, both of which were trying to work on recognizing the area. 
    “I do believe there is a town nearby.” Ivy clarifies after a long moment of silence. “Do you feel it?” Brian nodded and began walking toward something. 
    “Hold on, we can't just be going off into the middle of nowhere!” Jonny called out, having to sprint to catch up with his long strides. Brian paused for only a moment, scooping Jonny up in his arms once he was close enough. “Hey!! Hold on a fuckin’ second!! Put me down, bastard!!!” 
    “It's better than staying out here in the middle of nowhere. What's the worst that could happen?” Nastya's breath was visible as she spoke, the intense difference of the hot climate and how cold she was obvious. 
    “Shes got a point.” Ashes chimed in, catching up with the group. 
    “Theres a lot we need to discuss too.” Raph added; stretching as she walked. “Wouldn't that be better over some drinks?” Jonny didn't awnser right away, just staring at the group from over Brian's shoulder before sighing. 
    “Fine.” He grumbled, his tail flicking like that of an agitated cat. “Just…” Suddenly he sat up fully in Brian's arms, eyes narrowed and ears twitching. A low growl reverberated in his throat. The rest of the Mechanisms were confused. Clearly something had caught his attention but they couldn't see anything. 
    “Jonny?” He didn't respond even as Brian shifted to try and make them look eye to eye. Clearly whatever had his attention was important in some way. “What do you see?” 
    “I know where we are.” He finally clarifies as they continue to walk. “and we are going to stand out a lot. Now the problem is when..” He sighed and closed his eyes, ears twitching forward toward the horizon. 
    “Well, spill. Where are we then?” Ashes paused to light a cigar, missing the framiler taste. Jonny doesn't answer right away, instead shifting in Brian's arms so he could see ahead better. He was squinting in the bright sun's gaze, eventually deciding to pull his goggles over his eyes to focus.  
    “When would be a better question.” He grumbled mostly to himself as the town started to come into view.
    “Looks like Vegas almost..” Tim pointed out as they approached. “Old party city on earth. Filled to the brim with gambling alcohol and all that fun stuff.” He explained after getting a few confused looks. 
     “Yeah…that's one way to describe this place.” Jonny sighed and climbed out of Brian's arms, this time allowed to do so. He did a wide gesture to the whole place as he began to talk. “Welcome to New Texas,” choosing to ignore the soft gasps coming from a few of his crew, he continued. “You're almost all going to stand out a lot just for being tall. I'm the taller side of average here.” 
    “No way. Really?” Tim had his doubts as he looked over his significantly shorter partner. 
   “Yes!! If you don't belive me you'll see in just a minute!!” He turned around and stormed toward the city, his tail betraying just how agitated he was about it. 
    “Well…I belive its about time we learn about Jonny.” Ivy pointed out as she began to follow the man. 
    “Oooh, do you think we can learn about his medical history here?” Marius chimed in with an excited look on his face. 
    “That would be wonderful!” Raph clapped her hands together with a big grin, the others simply choosing to ignore their interest in the topic. They kept walking until they reached the edge of town, proceeding into Jonny who had stopped. 
    “Something wrong chap?” Toy Soldier asked as it followed his gaze into town. After a moment the man just sighed and turned to face his companion. 
    “You look too clean, you're gonna stand out.” It didn't even have a chance to ask what he meant before he pulled him down by the shirt and took its hat away. He took a moment to ruffle its carefully styled hair before letting go. “That'll do for now. Right, listen up. As your captain-”
   “First mate!” 
   “-You need to listen to me. Especially here.” For once he didn't even react to the jest. “This place is…shit. People here are gonna try and trick ya and rob ya at every moment. Just…keep a look out i guess.” He sighed, his gaze drifting back into town. “Blasted timelines.” After a moment he shook his head and ruffled his hair up. “Lets go to the bar.” He didn't even wait for a response before heading further into town. They had to hurry to catch up, lest they lose him in the crowded streets.
    “Wow…he wasn't kidding.” Tim mused as he walked, paying attention to where he was stepping.  
     “So many of them-!” Raph squealed, barely able to contain her excitement. 
    “Until we know exactly what is happening you are not touching anybody.” Nastya’s tone left no room for discussion on the subject. She pulled her coat closer, glad she still had it as the cold had permeated her bones.
     “This certainly explains a lot about our first mate!” Toy Soldier exclaimed, looking around with an eager smile. Eventually Jonny finally stops outside a larger building in the center of a crowded street. He took a deep breath and looked back to his crew. 
     “This is One-Eyed Jacks??” Tim interrupted, looking up at the sign. 
     “Yes. As much as I absolutely detest this place...they serve good drinks. Just…don't do anything stupid.” Jonny takes one last deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside. Everyone started following him in before there was a soft thunk. Turning back they saw tim holding his head, having clearly hit the door frame on his way in. Jonny just stared at him for a moment before chuckling which quickly turned into a proper laugh. “Should'a ducked jackass-” Tim only grumbled, still holding his head as he ducked this time before purposely stepping on the smaller man's foot. His hand flew to his holster only to find it empty. Right. He had thrown it away a while ago. “Yer a lucky bastard Tim.” 
    “Jonny.” Nastya scolded, looking down at him and then at Tim. “You already said we will stand out, do not bring any more attention to yourselves.” 
    “Yeah yeah…” He grumbled, hating the fact that she was right. Once he had taken the moment to calm down he led his group to the edge of the bar and took a seat on the farthest end he could get. It was clear to anyone paying attention he was very fidgety compared to normal. “Ashes ya got gold?”
    “Always.” They dug into their pocket and pulled out a wallet, glad to see the papers weren't burnt. “Not in the mood for violence huh?” He just watched them as they took the seat next to him. After a moment he answered with a shrug. 
    “‘M too tired.” He spoke quietly, a very rare occurrence for himself. Tim decided to just stand next to Jonny, leaning against the bar as everyone else took a seat. Nobody knew what to say as they waited for a bartender to spot them. 
    “Good afternoon gents, and ladies of course.” A voice spoke up as someone approached. Jonny had to stop himself from growling as he recognized the man behind the bar. “Can't say i've seen yer faces ‘round here before ‘nd I know everyone. What can I get ya?” It was pretty easy to figure out that the bartender was the “one eyed jack”, owner of the casino and bar. The eyepatch made it quite obvious, confirmed by how much Jonny tensed up. 
    “Just whiskey,” Ashes decides to take the wheel before Jonny reaches over the bar and strangles the man.
    “For all of yall?” They just nod as he reaches under the counter and pulls out a bottle of whiskey. “Never seen yall ‘round here before. Where'd ya come from?” 
    “We came from outer space!” Jack pauses pouring a glass and looks at the Toy Soldier who only smiled. He was certainly intrigued, especially as Ashes elbowed it. 
    “Soldier! Don't answer random questions.” They scolded, watching as it paused for a moment before nodding and doing a mini salute, a signifier of having taken an order. Jack takes a moment to finish pouring the nine glasses before looking at them again, this time taking in as many details as he could. 
    “So, outer space huh? We ain't get many of those ‘round here too often. What brings ya to our lil’ town?” Clearly he was trying to sound nonchalant about it all despite being very interested. They could all see it from a mile away. 
    “None yer business jack.” Jonny grumbled before very quickly slamming his drink back. The man's ear twitched as he turned his focus to Jonny. 
    “Visitin’ after ya left huh? Ain't a very common thing to see. Dunno I've ever seen someone come back.” Jack leaned over the counter right in front of Jonny. Everyone just watched, unsure of what to do. If a fight broke out there was no saving the guy as Jonny was clearly barely holding back. “I can hear it in yer voice. Yer from ‘round here.” Jonny didn't answer, just staring at the man for a long moment before reaching over to Ashes and swiping their cigar. 
   “Wh-Jonny! You could just ask for your own!” They gently punched him in the shoulder but didn't bother taking it back as he took a puff.
    “Taking yers is more fun.” Jack opened his mouth to say something before his attention was pulled away by someone knocking on the bar. Someone set an unmarked envelope on the table which Jack slipped into his pocket without a word. They didn't get much of a chance to look at the stranger before they disappeared through a door behind the bar. Jack watched them leave before turning his attention to the group again. 
    “Anything else I can get ya?” Jonny just shook his head. 
    “No. We should get going.” He could feel the rest of his crew look at him weird, after all they hadn't been there long and he almost never left after only one round of drinks. Quietly he just gestured to the door, mouthing something about explaining in a second. It took them all a moment to understand but soon enough Ashes was paying the tab and they were out in the hot sun again. 
    Jonny wasted no time in walking away, clearly having his mind set on something and not sharing what it was per usual. Since he was essentially their guide the rest of the mechanisms had no choice but to follow, each with varying levels of curiosity on where he was going. After a few minutes of silent walking he took a turn into an alleyway. 
    “Okay, what are you doing Jonny?” Nastya eyed him suspiciously as he pulled himself on top of a dumpster. 
   “Gonna check somethin. Stay put.” It was strange to hear him so serious as he climbed up the side of a building and onto the roof. He paused to look down at the group, once again gesturing for them to stay before walking across the roof and out of view. 
    “Well thats not suspicious at all.” Ashes scoffed, lighting a new cigar as Jonny hadn't given theirs back. 
    “Should we be following him?” Marius fidgeted awkwardly with his coat tail, unsure of what to do.
    “We should give him a few minutes.” Brian piped in, startling a few of them. He had been very quiet since they arrived in New Texas and had been the last to finish his drink. If Brian was encouraging something it usually meant he had an idea of what was happening so they agreed to stay, at least for the moment.  
    Still they couldn't help but wonder what he was up to that climbing onto a roof was the best way to go about it. Clearly he'd taken that path many times as he got up with ease. It was just more mystery about his actual backstory. 
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Small But Good (Sneak Peek)
I am once again displaying the inability to keep things short! This, too (like the Steter fic that turned into a multiple chapter fic, or the 1.5k Sterek fic that grew into 18k) was supposed to be short but as I am currently clocking in at 6k and they BARELY got from the warehouse to Peter's penthouse, I have decided to, once again, make my inability everybody else's problem by posting a sneak peek!
Small But Good takes place directly after the s2 finale, where Peter takes Stiles home with him to take care of his injuries and they have to confront the fact that they're mates, something Stiles only realized after he had helped kill Peter. The full fic will be posted on August 2nd, as part of my personal little Stiles Summer 2024 event.
“Take off your clothes,” Peter prompted, giving Stiles an expectant look.
“Yeah, no,” Stiles huffed out a laugh. “I am not getting naked in front of you.”
“Fair enough,” though as Peter said it, he sounded defeated and a bit… pouty. “I do need you to take off your shirt and pants though. I need to check your injuries, darling.”
“Ri—ight. Check my ‘injuries’, creeperwolf,” Stiles muttered teasingly.
He did comply though. He’d done his best to take care of them earlier himself but that only went so far. With a wince did he peel his shirt off over his head, stretching up pulled painfully on his ribs. A hand grabbed his shoulder and the pain was once again replaced by a warm, comfortable feeling. A pleased sigh escaped Stiles as he relaxed in Peter’s grasp.
“Thank you,” Stiles whispered while unbuttoning his pants.
He kicked them off and found himself down to his boxers and oddly self-conscious. His breath hitched at the sound of a growl. It was filled with rage, the kind that should tell Stiles not to move because there was an angry werewolf in the room. When he looked at Peter, he could see the Alpha all wolved out, snarl on his face, all fangs and glowing red eyes. His hands were balled to fists, blood dripping from them where his claws were digging into his palms. Without even thinking about it, Stiles stepped up and took Peter’s hands, startling the wolf into relaxing his grip enough so Stiles could ease his fists open. Stiles frowned down at the claw-marks that were already healing.
“I’m sorry,” Peter sighed. “I didn’t mean to scare you…”
“You didn’t scare me. Come on. Give me a little more credit. I know that little display wasn’t aimed at me, it was aimed at Gerard. Yeah, I know it looks… bad, worse than the bit of bruising on my face,” Stiles heaved a sigh. “I don’t think anything is broken though. Broken ribs feel different. But I do think they’re bruised. But I’m okay.”
“You are not okay, you are hurt,” Peter growled again.
“Yup, uhu, fully aware of that,” Stiles looked up at Peter with one raised eyebrow. “But nothing’s broken, or torn. I can walk all on my own. I’m okay. Besides, you already killed him, so there’s nothing you can do about this with violence and wolfiness right now anyway.”
Stiles’ heart jumped at the admission that Peter had killed Gerard Argent. Peter had killed Gerard Argent for hurting Stiles. Impulsively, Stiles leaned up and brushed his cheek against Peter’s. The wolf went impossibly still at the action, his breath catching in his throat.
“Stiles-” Peter growled, a soft, low warning. “Don’t do things you don’t understand.”
“Don’t,” Stiles growled back, annoyed. “Don’t start underestimating me now, Peter, not after you’ve been pretty much the only person in this damn town who acknowledges I got a brain.”
A flash of surprise and confusion went over Peter’s face. Like the wolf had really thought Stiles would do something as weird as rub his cheek against someone else’s just for fun. Of course did he know about scent-marking, he’d been reading up on werewolf behavior for long enough at this point and he knew that scenting was important among a pack, among mates even more so.
“You killed him,” Stiles said in explanation, offering a half-shrug. “You killed him for me.”
Peter huffed out a surprised laugh. “Sweetheart, aren’t you perfect for me.”
A blush lit Stiles’ face up at the compliment. “C’mon, you wanted to inspect my injuries. Because I would actually love to get into that bathtub and soak in it for like an hour.”
“That can be arranged,” Peter’s voice was a purr.
“Alone,” Stiles clarified with a sharp glare. “I will be going into that tub alone.”
Again with the pouting! A grown-ass man had no right to look that cute while pouting!
��Another time then, darling,” Peter winked playfully at him, before turning more serious. “I am going to touch you now though, to check your injuries. Is that okay?”
And oh. Oh, Peter and consent were really fucking hot. A thought that had crossed Stiles’ mind already when Peter had toyed with his wrist, offered the bite – and let go as soon as Stiles had declined. So much has been happening to him with no say so on his part that it was just incredibly good to be asked, and for his boundaries and wishes to be respected.
“Yes,” Stiles whispered, his voice soft. “That’s okay.”
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
The Birthday Girl
Pairing: Gwyn x Azriel
Hey everybody!! It's been a while but I'm finally returning to the acotar fandom. I can't believe how long it's been since I posted my last fic for this fandom but here's a fluffy established gwynriel fic! I hope y'all enjoy!!! As always I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist Read on Ao3
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Warnings: birthday party, fluff, book buying, hiking, kissing, Velaris, Az being a bookworm's dream
Word Count: 1378
Description: To celebrate Gwyn's birthday, Az plans a whole day for her which includes book shopping and spending the day with her friends before having a party
Taglist: @sylveryfire
“Good morning, beautiful.” Azriel leant in, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder. “Happy birthday.”
She turned over to face him. “Thanks!”
“I brought you breakfast.” He motioned over at the bedside table where he had laid a platter of all her favorite breakfast foods. Grabbing it, he set it on the bed next to her so she could eat. Gwyn sat up and started eating.
“So, once you’re done with this I have the whole day planned.”
She gave him a teasing look. “As expected.” He was well-known for having everything planned to the second. She suspected that his plans involved distracting her so everybody could set up her surprise birthday party. Nesta and Emerie had been acting a bit suspicious lately so she had gotten them to confess that there were plans in motion.
“First, we are going to that bookstore I know you’ve been wanting to go to. Afterwards Nesta and Emerie have a whole day planned for you. After that, I have a dinner planned for the two of us.”
“Just us?”
He nodded.
She finished up her breakfast and got dressed, eager to find some more books. She had recently finished a series that she had really enjoyed but hadn’t been able to find something else. Gwyn had been asked repeatedly if there were any books that she wanted for her birthday but she hadn’t been sure what to ask for. She knew both of her best friends had some ideas as to what she might like but she wanted to find something that was similar to her most recent reads while not being the same. Oh, who was she kidding. She was going to go to this bookstore and get as many books as possible. That was one of the benefits of being with Az, he would buy any book she seemed remotely interested in, even if she insisted she didn’t need it.
He flew the two of them to the bookstore, landing right outside and startling a few passersby. They entered the store, the bell ringing as they went inside. Almost immediately, she gravitated towards the section of the library with fantasy and romance. Scanning the shelves, her fingers trailed along the titles until she found something that jumped out at her. Pulling it from its place she read the blurb on the back before putting it back.
Az made a noise but she ignored it. When she did the same thing yet again, she turned on him. “What’s with the grunting?”
“What’s with the reshelving?”
“They just didn’t interest me is all.” She shrugged but he gave her a look of disbelief. It’s your birthday get as many books as you want. Mother above, we can buy the whole library if you want!”
She shook her head, smiling. “Fine. I’ll get them.” When she returned with the book along with a few others that looked good he gave her a smug look as if to say, “See?”
“Just for that, you’re going to have to carry them.” She said, smiling satisfied before handing him the book. Then, as a bit of a test she started grabbing book after book until the pile covered his face entirely.
“Need any help?” She taunted.
“Nope, I’ve got this.”
“Good. Here’s ten more!” Gwyn said, all chipper.
He groaned, “There’s more?”
He rearranged the pile so it was half in one arm and half in the other. “There! You can stack five on this side and the rest on the other.” He gritted through his teeth, satisfied to have won the battle. At least, for now.
Determined to make him break, she grabbed even more books. Some of them she wasn’t even interested in that much, including a few that she knew he would like. Despite the book piles becoming more and more precarious he soldiered on, reaching the front desk where he set them all down.
“Okay, your total comes out to,” The shop owner paused and reread the total with wide eyes. “5623.05.”
Gwyn stared at Az, eyes wide, knowing that that was probably too much. The shadowsinger simply said, put it on Rhys’ account.
“No, that’s too much.” 
He looked over at Gwyn said, “Nothing is too much for you. It’s your birthday, let me spoil you.”
“But 200 books?”
He shrugged. “Rhys is good for it. This will barely make a dent.”
Grabbing the books, he refused to let her carry any. Saying bye to the shop owner, she followed him outside.
A second later, Nesta and Emerie came into view.
Nesta whistled. “Nice job shadowsinger.”
He nodded at both of them, gave Gwyn a kiss on the cheek before winnowing away with all of the books.
“That was a lot of books.”
“I know! I can’t believe he actually bought all of them.”
“He loves you. I don’t think that there’s anything he wouldn’t do to make you happy.” Emerie said before giving her a hug. Nesta also joined in and the two of them both wished her a ‘Happy Birthday!’.
“Thanks!” She looked between the two of them. “So, where are we going?”
“Well, there’s this cafe that opened recently near here that has delicious food and afterwards we were thinking we would go on a little adventure!” 
“Oooohhh, intriguing.”
The adventure turned out to be a short hike. On the outskirts of Velaris were some foothills on the edge of the Steppes that had a few trails that led out to these beautiful viewpoints and lakes and waterfalls. They had been hiking for about an hour when they reached the top of a hill that they could see almost all of Velaris from. The city from up above was absolutely gorgeous, more so at night.
“Hey, look!” Nesta called, pointing at something in the distance. As they drew closer they could hear the roar of the river. The waterfall was beautiful, water droplets spraying them in a fine mist. The water itself was crystal blue and looked so inviting. Watching their footing they hopped from rock to rock, crossing over to the other side of the river.
Ten minutes later they reached the lake. It was the same piercing blue as the river and had a near perfect reflection of the mountains looming over it on the other side on its surface. The breeze was gentle, cooling them down after their hike. A second later, a small animal darted across their path and a bird chirped in the distance.
“It’s so peaceful up here.” Gwyn remarked.
Emerie agreed before suggesting, “Let's go sit on that rock over there while we eat some lunch.”
“You brought lunch?”
“Yeah? We’re not animals.” Nesta said, taking out some sandwiches from her pack.
Once they were done eating they looked around some more before walking back. Gwyn made her way back to the House of Wind with Nesta and Emerie where she went to hers and Az’s room to shower and change into something nice for their dinner. She eventually settled on a lovely green dress that she had gotten a year ago.
She walked up to one of the balconies where she heard some rustling about and people talking. Unsurprisingly, she couldn't see anyone.
“Surprise!” Everyone shouted, suddenly visible again. The entire Inner Court was there, along with Nesta and Emerie. Even a few priestesses who were a little more comfortable around others had come. Then, at the front stood Az looking as dashing as ever. 
People started filling their plates with food.
“You look stunning.”
Blushing a bit, she thanked him.
"I know it was just supposed to be us but I thought you'd want to spend your birthday with friends. Tomorrow, thought, I have a nice dinner planned for us."
"Do you really, or is it just a cover for a second party?" She teased.
"I do."
"Thanks for organizing this, it means a lot to me."
The party lasted long into the night, eventually leaving them somewhat alone in the corner watching the night sky in peace. A start shot across the sky up above and Gwyn made a wish. Leaning her head to the side, she nestled into Az’s side and he wrapped one arm around her, holding her tight.
“Happy Birthday Gwyn.”
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bjorkshire-pudding · 2 months
Special Day
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Rating: G Media: Bleach Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Original Female Character Additional Tags: Birthday Event Fic, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship
Done for the 6 Weeks of 6 Event hosted by me! :)
Part Six of The House That Valerie Built
Read on AO3
“Do you think you would know me, in another life?”
“Nah.” His reply is immediate - he doesn’t spare even one second thinking about it - and her whole body deflates a little at how quickly he has answered. 
“...oh.” It’s just one word, but she has a hard time keeping the disappointment out of it.
Grimmjow turns his head to look at her. “That hurt your feelings?”
“No,” she huffs, turning her own head so he can’t see her face. “Why would it?”
There’s a pause, and then her ears are met with the sound of the sheets rustling. It’s probably an indication that he’s got his whole body turned to face her now, but she keeps her gaze focused away from him. “It did,” he rebuts, and she tries to ignore the smile in his voice. 
“So what if it did?” She mumbles defensively. “You don’t have to be an asshole about it.”
“Ah,” he says quietly, sobering up. There’s more rustling, and suddenly she finds herself enveloped in his arms, surrounded by his warmth and his scent. “Sorry. Guess I shoulda explained what I meant by that, hm?”
She shrugs, unwilling to give in just yet. 
“Not everybody’s lucky,” he starts, when it’s clear she’s not planning on speaking. “Or unlucky, I guess… dependin’ on how you look at it. See, I know this ain’t my first life,” he goes on, pulling her closer and burying his nose in the soft skin at the nape of her neck. “But knowin’ that is rare, and rememberin’ the life that came before the one you live now is even rarer.”
She wants to ask what he means. She bites her tongue.
It’s just as well; he goes on talking anyway. “I don’t remember my human life before. Who I was, where I lived, what kinda person I was.” He chuckles. “Must’ve been a special kinda bastard to end up where I did though, don’t ya think?”
“You know that isn’t true,” she finally says. “You ended up as a hollow, but that doesn’t mean you were a bad person. It could’ve just been that they didn’t get to you in time. The Shinigami, I mean.”
She feels him shrug, feels the way his shoulders shift and his chest rises and falls with the deep breath he takes. “Yeah, well… we’ll never know now, will we?”
She isn’t sure what to say to that.
“Anyway,” he continues. “Point is - I don’t remember my past life. Don’t remember nothin’ about myself or anybody else that was there with me. So if I met ya before,” he goes on, pressing his lips to her temple, “I don’t remember. I don’t know ya.”
What he’s said makes perfect sense. Somehow, though, she still feels the little pang of disappointment in the pit of her stomach. “I get that,” she says quietly. 
“But just because I don’t know ya,” he says, putting a finger on her chin and turning her head slightly so he can look into her eyes, “don’t mean I wouldn’t still love ya.” He flashes her a grin - the kind that only she gets to see - and suddenly that disappointment in the pit of her stomach turns into a familiar fluttering of affection. 
“You scoundrel,” she whispers, shifting her body to bury her face in his chest. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he laughs, bringing one hand up and cradling her head. “But ya love me anyway, don’t ya?”
“More than you know,” she answers honestly, lifting her head to look up at him again. “That’s why I let you get away with so much - you should know that by now.”
“Lucky man I am - and gettin’ ya all to myself for the day, too.”
“Well,” she laughs, “it’s just for today, you know. With it being your special day and all. And the others will be back tomorrow morning.”
“Twenty-four hours, that was the deal.” He hums in agreement. “Still don’t quite get the whole concept of celebratin’ my birthday when I don’t even really know how old I am,” he asserts, “but if it means I get whatever I want one day a year, I won’t argue with it.”
“And what you want is to stay in bed all day?” She raises an eyebrow at him, skeptically. 
“Maybe not all day,” he shrugs, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Just long enough to get a few things done…” He trails off, his lips now far more invested in tasting her skin than finishing his thoughts. She squirms, but makes no attempt to flee from his embrace. 
“You’re a menace,” she giggles, the last word turning into a shriek as he presses his fingers to all her ticklish spots.
“Yeah, but I’m your menace.”
“Well,” she concedes a little breathlessly. “I can’t argue with that.” He stills his fingers for a moment, and it’s long enough for her to meet his eyes and offer him a soft smile. 
“Happy Birthday, Grimmjow.”
Tag list: @kryptoniteforsale @villainsrtasty @shimadalluvia
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sabo-has-my-heart · 6 days
Writing Help For Non-English Speakers
Greetings dear followers! 
So I’ve got something a little different today. So I have a number of followers whose first language isn’t English. Obviously you know enough to enjoy my fics, but not enough to use it in your own writing. This is okay! In fact, if you want to write in your mother tongue, I encourage and endorse you! I won’t read it because I’m literally unable to, but I encourage it! That being said, I’ve noticed a good number of those who don’t speak English do still want to write in english. I’ve seen very many people who write in English who are very, very good and I’m glad they exist to share their works. That being said, English is one of the hardest languages for people to learn as a second, third, or fourth language. Even a lot of Americans struggle with it to a great degree. So, I decided to put together a small post of the basics that will help you write in English (if you do so please). Hopefully it won’t confuse anybody more, lol (laugh out loud). Also, please note, I’m a little scatter brained so I apologize if this reflects this.
     Lesson 1: Paragraphs. Paragraphs are sections of writing composed of multiple sentences. Each of these lessons will actually be composed of separate paragraphs. A paragraph typically deals with one topic, one theme, one overarching idea. An example will be the paragraphs here. Each one is a different lesson, a different theme, etc. So if you’re writing and suddenly you want to switch to a different moment in time, somebody else’s perspective, or a different place, you should start a new paragraph. That being said, you don’t have to change topics when you start a new paragraph. It’s perfectly fine to start a new paragraph but continue the scene. Otherwise you end up with endless paragraphs that continue on forever. So separate it into paragraphs every now and again. Many ‘experts’ suggest paragraphs should be about 3-8 sentences long and/or contain no more than 150 words. That being said, we’re fic writers. I’ve had longer paragraphs. However, it’s important to learn the rules of writing before breaking them!
     Okay, I’ll be good and start this on a new paragraph. Besides, this is the perfect chance for an example. As I stated before, you can start a new paragraph but continue on the same topic as earlier. Here we have a new paragraph but the same topic! This one will also be a little shorter than the previous one because lesson one is coming to a close.My final statement on separating things into paragraphs is that paragraphs can also be good for those with dyslexia, autism, or some other disorder. Don’t quote me on those, I’m not familiar with any of those learning disabilities or such. So smaller paragraphs of 6 sentences and 75-100 words might, might, be beneficial in some instances.
     Lesson 2: indenting. Indenting, what is an indent? An indent starts at the beginning of a paragraph. As many of you may have noticed, there’s always a space before I start writing a paragraph. This is a great marker that you’ve started a new paragraph. Being fic writers, this rule can be used or ignored at your whims, but if you’re looking to do more formal writing, it’s good to know. Also, in most word documents and such, there’s this wonderful little key labeled ‘tab’ that will automatically indent the paragraph for you. On Tumblr, this doesn’t work. The way I do it is to use 5 spaces. Okay, that’s our short lesson 2.
     Lesson 3: their/there/they’re! Their, there, they’re. You’re, your. It’s its. These are common mistakes among everybody. In fact I haven’t seen it more in anyone than I have in Americans. Even still, it’s important to know which one to use. Their: this is the possessive form of they. It relates to something belonging to or connected to ‘them’. It can be used in a variety of ways. For example: This item is theirs, their school is in another country. There: this is all about location. The store is over there, she’s there, the trees are there. They’re: they are. This is a pretty simple and straightforward one. It’s used to mean they are. So instead of ‘they are stupid’, it would be ‘they’re stupid’. Or ‘They are at the store’ it would be ‘They’re at the store.’ 
     Your: this is belonging to or associated with a person. Similar to their. This post is yours to use. Your name is Y/n. Your house is very beautiful. You’re: you are. Another simple and straightforward one. It’s short for you are. You’re all so amazing. You’re my beloved followers. You’re going to like this post 😆. 
     It’s and its. It’s: it is. Another straightforward one but one that is so often confused by everyone. Quite simply if you don’t know whether to use it’s or its, just think, what if I separate it into it is. If the sentence doesn’t work as ‘it is’, then use its. ‘It is no big deal’, okay use it’s. Put the beast in it is cage. Nope, use its. 
     Lesson 4: dialog. Dialog is used in probably 90% of fanfiction. You can have a piece with absolutely no dialog, I’ve done it, but most will have dialog. Now I’ve seen a lot of people, english speakers and non english speakers alike, use things like “I can’t write properly.” he said. “Well it just takes practice.” she said. “But I do practice and I’m still terrible.” he said. This… well, it’s not correct, but more importantly, it should be broken up. Whenever you switch who’s talking, it needs to be placed (or at least should) on a new line. For Example:
     “I can’t write properly.” he said.
     “Well it just takes practice.” she said.
     “But I do practice and I’m still terrible.” he said.
     Don’t be mistaken though. Just because these are on different lines, doesn’t mean they’re different paragraphs. They’re just separated for clarity. Also! Plenty of teachers, experts, whatever, will say “don’t use said all the time.” ignore this! If you don’t know what to use, just use said! It’s better to overuse said than to use other words incorrectly. If it’s a question, you can use ‘asked’, but if you’re unsure, you can use said. Another option is to look up a word to see if you’re using it correctly. I do this all the time. She shouted… wait, is she shouting? Shout: Utter out a loud call or cry, typically as an expression of a strong emotion; a loud cry expressing a strong emotion or calling attention. Alright, well she’d angry with him, so shouted can be used. Or I could use yelled, or if I don’t know, perhaps I’ll just use, she said loudly and angrily. 
     Lesson 5: The Semicolon. Ah the semicolon, one of my favorites. I’m sure some of you have noticed I put ; in some of my writings. This is a great thing in my opinion. Let’s say you have a sentence. This sentence could be separated into 2 sentences or kept as one long sentence. In this case, if you’re not sure whether or not you want to separate it or not, you can always use the semicolon(;). I don’t have any examples because I can’t think of one off the top of my head. That being said, use the semicolon sparingly. If you’re using it in every other sentence, you’re probably overusing it. But it can be helpful from time to time. 
     That’s all of my writing lessons for today. If you liked this, please hit the like and/or reblog buttons. If you want to see more of these, send me an ask to my inbox along with some lessons you’d like to learn about. Remember, learn the rules before you break them. One you know the rules, you can do what I do and laugh at them.
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kamiversee · 6 months
IK THIS ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN BUT I HAD SUCH A GOOD THOUGHT! Imagine this whole book was actually a movie that they were filming. So gojo, choso, sukuna, the reader and everyone else are just actors. So like when the book ends, it’s interrupted by a “Cut!” and then everybody js breaks character and start telling eachother great work and congratulating everyone for finally finishing this movie. And gojo and the reader are actually close friends so while everyone’s busy cleaning up and getting ready to go home, he asks her if she could get him his bag from his dressing room. She says sure and makes her way there. She enters the room and spots his bag, while picking it up, a book falls out. Originally, she was going to grab it and js place it back inside but her curiosity gets the best of her and she opens it. She realizes its a journal and while she’s skimming through it, shes giggling to herself at the first silly pages her best friend had written. But then she gets to a rather odd page. Covering the whole sheet, leaving no spaces of white whatsoever, is her name. Just her name. Over and over again. And it went on for atleast 4 pages. After turning the fourth page, she finds something very disturbing. The funny and silly man you knew as your good friend had written about how obsessed he was with you. He wrote that he would look forward to seeing you everyday, obsessed with your scent, hair, eyes, legs, hands, mouth, etc. Basically every single part of you. While you kept reading it, it js kept getting weirder and weirder. When you turned the page, there was hair taped to the book. YOUR hair. SEVERAL strands. Your face twisted in disgust and your hand flew to your mouth. There was more writing on the next page and smth disturbing had caught your eye at the end of the entry. “If you think about it, I really don’t have to do much acting for this role. Part of it is being an obsessive freak who would do anything for the woman he loves. And that’s exactly me. Can you really blame me? Look at her. Shes so pretty. Especially when she’s sleeping. But lately she’s been getting a little too close to Choso..i really don’t like that. But it’s fine! I’ve gotten rid of that problem already so i dont think he’ll be talking to her anymore..” Her eyes grow wide and you realize..Choso hasn’t been here these past few days. Someone had called in saying he was sick and wouldn’t be showing up for the last few scenes you guys had to film…that’s why you never grew worried. But now..now you know that choso was probably never sick. Oh god..was he..? Before you could finish your thought, someone broke you out of your trance. “what are you doing.” Your head slowly turned towards the door of your room and there stood gojo, lifeless, serious look on his face. You couldn’t speak. He continued to stare at you with dead eyes until he smiled at you. A wide creepy smile. “Guess you know my little secret now, huh? Sweets.”
& funny because I like to think of all my fics as movies that I’m directing & everyone’s just an actor💀
I do rlly love this concept tho, 10/10, ty for this <3
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theelderhazelnut · 9 months
Baldur’s Gate 3
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Warning: none
Pairings: Ombra x Astarion
Characters: Ombra (my oc), Astarion, Gale
Summary: Ombra, a metal bender, is merely tolerating her new companions because she has other plans in her mind. One of these people disgust her to the core, but her depressed soul eventually find him “lovely”. Her busy, calculated mind can finally rest for one night. But does this vampire deserve her love truly?
Author’s note: Yay my first fic for BG3! I may post more drabbles like this untill I start posting the whole story of Ombra! I really love how these two work out together. Extroverted, charming boyfriend x introverted, also charming girlfriend.
Taglist: @vivilovespink @scentedcandleibex @darialovesstuff @confidentandgood @spacestephh @cyberneticsanguinaire @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @shegetsburned @bloody-arty-myths @zoetheneko @hi-thisiszira @admin-pipes @mitsuko-saito @malewifefirestar @krysta-cross @huepazu @cassietrn @breakfwest @nightbloodbix @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement @ninibear3000 @cyb3r-v4l @sinclxirx @gavincruikshanksexhusband @voidika @orbitinytheworld (writing taglist is here to be added/removed)
Out there around the camp, the fire was burning in my death; the death of my soul actually. The thick fabric of my tent was strong enough to shelter me for a while until I get rid of my stupid “companions”. Astarion, however, was the most stupid of them all.
I pushed away the fabric slightly to peeked at his tent which was a few meters away from mine. The gentle light of a lantern dimly lit his private place. He was awake; probably reading or taking notes. His voice rang in my ear.
“Even your spirit is of iron. I like that.”
I would be in a much more peaceful state of mind if he would shut his mouth for five minutes. But the more I explored in my heart, the more I realized that I would miss hearing his voice, his rich British accent, and the way his crimson eyes flamed with naughtiness.
I am always direct with my emotions. I either love someone to death, or I don’t even flinch if they are tortured in front of me. But my mind was beginning to be confused about him. At first, I loathed him just like how I felt about everybody else around me. He was no different. He was just a regular talkative, narcissistic, immature person who believed each and every one of his opinions were valuable.
But now, I couldn’t forget about the way his pale eyebrows rested, and his smile became true when he witnessed my monotone tone become a bit harsher when I was lol easily annoyed by others. When I pushed them away, and gave structres for our next move with a permanent glare on my face. And when I don’t seem to be bothered by the death of our companions.
If my calculations weren’t bteraying me, I would say that Astarion understood me, deeply. His guesses were seemingly right about the real person I was beneath these twenty layers of defense. This real person was as harsh as my outer facade, just even weirder.
I heard him stepping out of his tent, and I immediately closed the fabric door.
My heart raced in my chest.
I listened closely. His footsteps were approaching untill they stopped near the fire place.
“If it wasn’t for her analysis skills, I would not hesitate to throw her out of our way.” Gale whispered.
My lips curved donwards into a smirk.
“We owe her all this information we have gained untill now. Also, her presense is quite an entertainment for me.”
“Your opinion about her seems to be altering, Astarion.”
I didn’t hear him expressing anything as a response, istead he walked towards my tent. Quickly but silently, I crawled to my sheets, pretending to be asleep. A few moments passed after what seemed to be hours, untill I felt him sitting beside me. He didn’t say a single word, but his gaze weighed heavy on my figure.
“Are you asleep?” He murmured softly.
“…no… .” I replied with my eyes closed.
“So, may I?”
I opened my eyes to make sure he was not about to kiss me. Astarion gestured to my side.
“You may.” I crossed my arms, watching him getting comfortable next to me. He lied down on his side, and rested his head on his palm to hold it up.
“I couldn’t sleep either.” Slowly, he reached out his hand towards my face, and once he was not rejected, he shoved a wavy strand behind my ear. I wanted to grab his hand and keep it there, telling him how much I enjoyed this little act of affection. But instead I hid behind my stone face and kept glaring at him.
“Why?” I asked.
“Well, I was thinking about some certain things.” His voice trailed off as his eyes roamed down my body.
I kept looking at him, silently seeking explanation.
“Can I ask you something?” His grin faded away “Would you please don’t abandon us?” The blue cloud of sadness shadowed over his usually sunny gaze.
I raised my eyebrows in concern. “Who said I’m going to leave?”
“I am well aware that you are only tolerating this…” He searched for the right word. “…this companionship. I see that you are constantly looking forward to the tiniest chance to separate your way.” He put his hand on my shoulder.
“Stay with me, Atoosa. Please.”
My heart melted once Astarion called me by my real name instead of “Ombra”; a nickname so widely used by people that it had almost replaced the real one. It was just a simple Persian name untill he said it, and it was the most soothing lullaby.
And he just begged me to stay by his side not because he needed my iron bending powers and strategic mind, but because he’d miss me. Myself.
I frowned. “Why do you care?”
His eyes widened in shock. “We-well I am very sorry that I have found beauty in you! In your terrifying manners! In the way you don’t care about anything but your own goals! I am very sorry that I love you!”
My heart forgot to beat for a second. I did not trust my own ears. Astarion knew very well how to get what he wants by mere words. He knew how to fold those words in golden paper and sell it to you.
“Not all of your actions agree with that, Astarion. I’m not here to play your game.”
Suddenly, a large hand grabbed my jaw firmly, and forced me to look at him straight into the eyes. They were burning with anger and desperation.
“How many more days do I have to claw at any chances to save you from danger? How much more do I have to watch you from afar? How many nights do I have to stay wide awake horrified that you might leave us tomorrow? We two resemble more than you think.” Astarion closed his eyes and sighed deeply, loosening his grip around my jaw. “My apologies, darling.” He kissed where his fingers were pressed to although I did not feel any pain.
I leaned in and attached my lips to his. They were soft and cold. My heart beat blasted in my head as he kissed me back. The warmth of his mouth dropped on the dry skin of mine. Perhaps this time it was better to trust my heart, and let it rule over my exhausted brain. He was the angel to sew the bloodied feathers of my broken wings. He was the one on whose shoulders I could lean my head and sigh all my pain out without scaring him away.
I loved him.
“How can I just forget about you and run off?” I whispered.
Astarion chuckled, magnetising even more blood to my cheeks. “Ah, I knew you had a heart somewhere deep in your chest.”
I smiled. Astarion was the ray of sunshine through the thick clouds gaurding my heart.
All of a sudden, life was saturated with colors. I found joy in it.
For the first time in a long while, Astarion reminded me what happiness felt like.
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hanzhen0506 · 3 months
~’Enough Saying Sorry!’~
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Hello! Its Zhan! Im back with another Youngjae fic, (I am loyal to Hanjin okay, its just- Youngjae in this comeback is something else istg) Thank you and enjoy reading! Muahhh
The music stop and everybody collapse on the ground from tiredly dancing. “I think thats enough for now.” Shinyu announce, getting up. “Teokkbeokki for dinner!” Kyungmin cheered as the others join. “Wait for a moment, I havent contacted y/n” Youngjae inform and they all groan.
“The lovebirds really cant seperate huh?” Jihoon teased with Dohoon.
“Just leave him be, we can wait for a few minutes. We also need to consider how she’s doing after what happen” Shinyu said. Youngjae thanked him and hurriedly grab his phone that was silent for 3 hours. These days lately was a pretty tough week. He and you officially revealed your relationship towards his fans and although the majority happily accept you both. There was still some anti’s who sends mean and hateful comments, going as far as invading both of your privacy too. So he turned on his phone only to see your multiple miss calls and texts, even including your friend’s miss calls and texts
“Jae-ie, can we meet now?”
“Jae-ie, what are you doing right now?”
“I really need you right now.”
“I just had a shitty day and one of the worst nightmares please answer me.”
“I need your help.”
“Youngjae, where are you?”
“Hey Youngjae! Its y/n’s friend, ____. I just wanna check is she with you? She hasnt been answering me and all so Im a little worried. If she’s with you right now then thats great. Sorry for interrupting you again and please contact as soon as you can 🙏.” He freak out seeing your friend’s text.
“Y/n’s missing, I have to go find her!” He said, packing his bag while the members freak out. Dohoon stop him from moving. “Woah, what do you mean she’s missing? And do you even know where you’re going? We should report the police about this!”
“Listen, I dont have time and im worried for her. Report it to the police for me, I need to start searching for her.” He said pushing Dohoon away and leaving the Hybe building. He took the taxi to your apartment that was luckily near. Arriving, he open the door with the spare key and tried to look around for you in the place. “Y/n?” He shouted looking around. Once he open the bedroom his anxiety heighten. There is not a single soul in the house and there were no clues whatsoever of your whereabouts. He opened his phone and called everybody you knew, colleagues, friends, families and yet none of them about where you are at all. He notices something shining when the sun was setting on your desk. He took a closer and it was the promise ring he gave you for your one year anniversary with your phone by the side. Under it was a letter, for him.
“Dear Youngjae,
Whatever you do, please, dont find me. I notice how clingy I have towards you and hope that you dont find me annoying. I have been rethinking that maybe I should leave you alone for a while. Your comeback is coming closer right? You should focus on that right now. Im at my comfort place, so you dont need to worry about me. -Y/n”
He thank the gods for finding the letter and bring you ring. Running towards the Han River bridge before the sun sets, his body is aching and screaming to stop running and use a taxi, but he doesn’t care and wants to see you no matter what. He kept running and running until he can finally see you again in the middle of the bridge. You always find the bridge interesting due to the beautiful sight and lights surrounding it, how long it is, the cold temperature that you would use as an excuse to hug him and of course the suicidal cases. He just wishes you wont do it too.
In the far distance, he teared up at the sight. You were sitting on the railing of the bridge, a habit you often do that sometimes scare him. But your face looked so peaceful, looking at the sunset. He carefully walk towards you and hug you tighlty from behind. “Jae-ie?” You gasp as he placed his face on your shoulder. “You scared me..” He sniffles, making you look back. “Im sorry.” You said gently and he just tightens in response. “I-I thought I was gonna lose you, you dont know how much you worried me.”
“Im sorry.. There was this fan, who was following me and kept asking me questions. I had to hide but they now know where I live and all so I panic. They finally went home, but I still felt unsafe, so I went here to clear things off my mind. Im sorry-“
“Enough saying sorry!” He shouted. “I should be the one to say sorry to you. I was too busy with practice that I ignored your messages. I wasnt there to stop the fans and comfort you, and it took me a while to find your whereabouts even though I should have known. Its my fault for leaving you alone..”
You shook your head, carefully turning around while Youngjae holds your hips. “I know you wont do that purposefully, and I appreciate. But we must admit that it was also my fault for leaving and not contacting anybody, Im sorry.” You said holding his face as he tears up again. He pulled you closer and hugged. “I forgive you, I will always forgive you. Im so sorry.” He sobbed on your shoulder as you too, cried as it is the first time you ever see him cry. You caressed his hair as you hold onto him tightly. Finally the sun sets, revealing the moon and the lights surrounding the bridge turns on.
“Ill make sure to talk to the company about the fan.” Youngjae said and you nod. “Lets go home,” he said. Carrying you princess style towards a nearby bench outside of the bridge. Ordering a taxi for you both.
Arriving to the TWS dorms, all the members circled around you looking worried. You reassured them that everything is fine, although they were hesitant they all left the both of you alone, making sure to keep an extra portion of the teokkbeokki for you. Inside his bathroom, he pampered you with a bath, massage, skin care and of course kisses and cuddles. Youngjae makes sure that the fan will get a warning by talking to the company as he doesnt want to see you in that state again. He pulled you close in the bed, spooning you and hum your favorite songs, helping you drift asleep and he joins you after.
(Please do not steal my works!)
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hd-wireless · 1 year
🎶  Just a perfect week Read fanfiction in the park And then later When it gets dark, look at art. Just a perfect week Reading at work in the loo, And then later a podfic, too And then home.
Oh it's such a perfect fest We're glad to share it with you Oh, such a perfect fest It just keeps us reading on, It just keeps us reading on.   🎶
🎤 Welcome to our 8th round of H/D Wireless!
The time has finally come to start posting all the fantastic entries we’ve received this year!
We’ve revealed 14 top hits so far, with many more to come. The mods have been working non-stop since December to make this happen, so we’re beyond excited to finally be back 🤩
As always you can listen to the prompted songs for the works we post on two playlists:
Click here for Spotify (many thanks to @evaeleanor for helping us out there) ❤️
And here for the YouTube playlist.
And now without further ado, our Wrap-up for the first week of posting:
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 Why don't you like me? [T, digital comic]
🎵Song Prompt: Grace Kelly by MIKA 🎵Summary Failing to ask Harry out, Draco deals with his feelings in a very dramatic fashion.
📻 Alive [E, Digital comic]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Alive' by 'Sia' 🎵 Summary Harry is lost after the final battle, but he finds comfort from an unexpected source. 
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic and Art 🎶
📻 Before the Cold Sets In [T, 9,154, origami art]
🎵 Song Prompt: Cold Tea Blues, by Cowboy Junkies 🎵 Summary But if I measure the sugar To satisfy your expectant tongue Then that is love Sitting untouched and growing cold - Cold Tea Blues, by Cowboy Junkies Sometimes, the person you should be planning your life with is already in it. Or, how Harry realised that true love is at the bottom of a tea cup.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 Everybody Hates a Tourist [E, 51,500]
🎵 Song Prompt: Common People by Pulp 🎵 Summary On a stag do in sunny Brighton with the Gryffindor lads, the last person Harry expects to run into is Draco Malfoy. After a glimpse of Malfoy’s Muggle life in Britain’s gay capital, Harry’s curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself returning to the seaside again and again, drawn to the city, drawn to this new version of Malfoy that Harry barely recognises from school. Meanwhile, Draco’s just trying to live his big and best queer life: working for the weekend, chasing hot men, getting lost in Brighton's nightlife, and making friends with the neighbourhood cats. Why does his former school rival and crush have to show up and spoil everything?
📻 Take You Home [E, 26,333]
🎵 Song Prompt: Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches and Take You Home by Dido 🎵 Summary Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love.
📻 love is just a shout in the void [M, 4,489]
🎵 Song Prompt: i'm in love with u, sorry by j'san 🎵 Summary Draco accidentally texts Potter his biggest secret and he’s pretty sure the Chosen Prat isn’t ready to hear anything close to it. So he pretends he didn’t mean to. But the problem is: Potter is still as infuriating as ever, if not more than he was before.
📻 The Two Of Us In Sympathy [M, 5,782]
🎵 Song Prompt: Rent by Pet Shop Boys. 🎵 Summary Draco Malfoy is a sex worker. Harry Potter is the client who falls in love with him.
📻 Vipera Berus [M, 20,614]
🎵 Song Prompt: Just Pretend by Bad Omens 🎵 Summary Everything was fine. Draco resided at the Manor, made a decent living selling potions and most of his customers actually kept coming back despite his last name. Hence, Draco was fine. He really was. And so what, if he was still waiting.
📻 Don’t hate him when he gets up to leave [M, 2,226]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Two-Headed Boy' by 'Neutral Milk Hotel' 🎵 Summary The linens are white and empty, sunlight slanting through the window illuminating a bed that has been deserted. Draco knew Potter would leave; he’s always gone by morning. Draco doesn’t even remember what he looks like in daylight.
📻 (you) find me when the lights go down [T, 1,839]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'save me from the monster in my head' by 'Welshly Arms' 🎵 Summary Harry can hear footsteps on the stairs behind him but doesn't bother turning to look. There's only one person likely to follow him out here at this time of night. "Potter," comes the crisp voice, easily recognisable as Draco. "You do know that most sane people, especially those who spend every waking moment complaining of being cold, would cast a warming charm. Or at the very least grab a sweater. Not spend every night attempting to turn into an icicle." - What makes someone a ghost? Because if it's dying, Harry's got that covered.
📻 If You Took the Time to Try [T, 18,169]
🎵 Song Prompt: "Go Like" by Fox Stevenson 🎵 Summary Last summer, Draco's impulsive decision to sleep with Harry Potter resulted in a bruised ego and a broken heart. Now he's looking for a fresh start- something that was absolutely not just an excuse for him to run away from his problems. Only it totally was, and while leaving London might have been easy, leaving Potter in the past was not.
📻 Title & Possession [E, 49,063]
🎵 Song Prompt: Misery Loves Company - Asking Alexandria 🎵 Summary Harry Potter’s life is going well in the aftermath of the war. Sure, his house is dark and run-down and might hate him (while his house elf definitely hates him). But other than that, things are good. Except, yeah, okay, Hermione and Ron are no longer on speaking terms. Worse, they keep trying to get Harry to pick sides. But otherwise, Harry couldn’t be happier. Well. Except for the fact that Ginny is being super weird about their relationship and never wants to have sex or talk about the future. But other than that, Harry is perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch. At least, he is until Draco Malfoy threatens to sue him for ownership of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, and winds up moving in until the issue is settled. Then Harry really isn’t fine at all.
🎶 H/D Wireless Podfic 🎶
📻 Inside These Walls [podfic] [M, 33 minutes]
🖋️ Original author: Jackvbriefs 🎵 Song Prompt: Black Sheep by Metric 🎵 Summary The year before Draco moves to Los Angeles, Harry Potter disappears. Draco doesn't mean to find him. He's just doing his job.
📻 Moldova's Magical Tea by aibidil - a Podfic [E, 2:46:12]
🖋️ Original author: aibidil  🎵 Song Prompt:  Clint Eastwood by Gorrillaz 🎵 Summary Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and—to everyone’s surprise—Draco Malfoy are opening a magical tea shop to revive wizarding tea culture and, hopefully, to bring the community together after the war. Harry, who is unemployed and trying to find his way in post-war society, wants to help his friends with their new business—but that means spending a lot of time around Malfoy. Featuring Muggle music from summer 2001, trips to the Muggle cinema, herbology and magical herbal infusions, and Draco trying to convince Harry that, while he’s still a snarky git, he’s no longer a bigot.
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cicada-circuitry · 6 months
#God tho this does make me want to pull back up that notebook fic snippet i had#of Margo confronting Molly about this too but like with science.#Margo would know. Just saying. She knows. ⃪ does this mean you have Molly/Margo fic?
Hi anon! sorry this is now several days late but boy do I. ( watched FAMK for the first time in February, wound up with Pages and pages of fic snippets (for a couple ships, margo x molly included) in chicken scratch on physical paper which is always a great sign that im being normal about a show, thought I'd cure myself if I just watched the whole thing a second time and absolutely only made it worse. )
I meant to answer this ask by just typing up the quick excerpt of the fic I was talking to myself in the tags about but...... started typing and did not stop. It lives over here now! Was not the one of the notebook fics I thought would see the light of day but you know? why not.
(I assume if you're here you, like me, have already read all the fics to be found but if you have Not read everything in that tag already, highly recommend. this fandom may be small but boy did it have good food on offer when I rolled in four years late fresh off a few episodes and absolutely screaming.)
Since I went ahead and dropped that one on ao3 at like 4am i'll throw in something a little more typical of the the notebook archives - how about this thing that exists entirely bc i noticed that used bookstore you can see beside the Outpost in season 1 and it gave me Ideas
Sometime post crossword-quiz / pre- run-in at the Jazz club.  
Margo walks fast past the Outpost on her way over to Bargain Books. When she can, she prefers to park down at the other end of the street and not have to go by that eyesore of a bar in the first place, but when you double the size of the astronaut program with twenty female ascans, you turn street parking into a blood sport. On her salary, no way is she playing chicken with the corvettes, not even to avoid mustering a polite smile for a coworker at his inebriated worst. 
Most days, that’s only an issue if she swings by after dark, the hour when everybody’s trickling out and stumbling home for the evening. Otherwise, the dingy whitewashed plywood keeps a nice impenetrable wall between book-seeking passers-by and drunken test pilots. Today, however, a spell of perfect weather is conspiring against her. Someone has the door propped open with a rusty paint can, letting the sound of laughter of clinking glass spill through it onto the sidewalk. 
A flash of green catches Margo’s eye before she can make it past. Despite herself, she recognizes that shade in an instant. It’s the flannel shirt she had to reprimand earlier that afternoon for bringing a lit cigarette into the sim. Molly Cobb, bent over a pool table, chin twisted up towards Patty Doyle, grinning like a woman about to win.  
Just Margo’s luck that this is the perfect time of day—indoor light matching outdoor light—for Molly to catch her eye straight through the open door as she makes her shot. 8-ball, dead in the pocket. 
For no reason she can think of, Margo feels heat rushing up into her cheeks. 
She stalks into Bargain Books in a hurry. 
The sweater-vested owner behind the front desk gives her the polite nod reserved for a good customer (and disinterested conversationalist) as she beelines for Paperback Fiction. She finished Matheson’s Ride the Nightmare last night— should have picked up two when she noticed how short it was in the first place, but nothing else tickled her fancy when she was in here a week ago, so here she is again, browsing spines. Maybe it's time to cave and finally grab a 10¢ copy of Rosemary's Baby from the stack on the end, seeing as it’s the one highly recommended title in her genre-of-choice the entire country seems to have read in the last couple years, but she already knows the ending (and the entire premise of demonic pregnancy does not appeal for tuning out after the work day). 
She’s dubiously eying the back-cover blurb on a Chandler detective thriller instead when a voice over her shoulder says, “Oh, Patty loves this shit.” 
To her great chagrin, Margo jumps, gasps, and drops her book. “Jesus, Molly.” 
“My bad.” 
Molly squats down to pick it up, slouchy brown corduroy flexing over her thighs. She fixes a bend in the cover before offering it back to her, but when Margo tries to take it away, Molly doesn’t let go. Instead, she adopts a playfully quirked brow and tugs it back towards herself inch-by-inch, bringing Margo, frowning, a step closer than she was before. “Came here to see if I could talk you into a drink.” 
Margo’s voice comes out approximately four steps too high as she looks around for some explanatory audience and says incredulously, “In there?” with a jerk of her thumb towards the Outpost’s adjoining wall. 
“Yeah. NASA central, shithole though it may be, but I never see you around.” 
“Well, I’m not an astronaut.” 
“Neither are the five white-shirts who monopolize the best booth in the back six nights a week. They don’t check for a pin at the door, Madison. That’d be no way to run a business. It’s a bar. Come have a drink with me.” 
“With… you.” She asks because she expects there to be an and. Me and the other ascans. Me and the rest of you white-shirt types in the back. Me and Patty Doyle. 
But Molly just raps the cover of The Lady in the Lake with her knuckles and says again, “With me.”
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smollangrycat · 2 years
Ikran, Pt 4
(Avatar: WOW Oc)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
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Quick Note - FINAL CHAPTER! Hi, thank you to everybody who has been enjoy this fic it has ment the world to me to see that you guys are enjoying my story’s. So here we are part 4 - 9,205 words later. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this as I have really loved writing it 😁🥹🥰
(Pre Avatar: WOW) When 12 year old Alue’k is told by her parents that they don’t feel she’s ready for her Iknimaya she feels the need to prove them wrong … in a rather stupid way.
Slight gore/mention of injury
Mention of premature birth/ difficult brith (There is a TW so u can skip that part it’s not essential)
If you think anything else needs to be added leave a comment. 
Alue’k basked in the warmth of her brothers hug, just enjoying the comfort and company.
Lo’ak smiled, he remembered so clearly how a younger Alue’k would claim hugs can make anything better and she would rather eat Ikran shit than admit otherwise.
Eh, what can you aspect from a girl that a carbon copy of her (extremely stubborn) father. 
The moment was quickly disturbed as the sound of an Ikran landing caught their attention. A figure dismounted the Ikran and made his way over to the group. As he grew closer a knot started to twist itself in Alue’k stomach as her grip grew a little tighter on her brothers.
It was their father. 
Lo’ak and Neteyam shared a concerned look, which wasn’t helping with Alue’ks growing worry at all.
The man in question all but charged at his children but at a calm pace trying to keep some level of composure. 
It wasn’t working very well.
Once Jake had reached his children he stood tall, towering over them. Alue’k stared at her feet worrying on her bottom lip and wringing her hands, she could practically feel her father burning gaze on her.
She swallowed the lump in her throat as she nervously let go of Neteyam and Lo’ak. Slightly lifting her head to give them a small smile showing that’s she would be ok … probably.
Both boys have small reassuring smiles before turning to face their father. Neteyam stood tall matching Jakes posture while Lo’ak stood slightly slouched looking more comfortable but the way his tail flickered in agitation and worry betrayed his facade.
Neteyam met his fathers gaze Jakes eyes were strong and determined but right now they seemed dazed and … tired. 
Who wouldn’t be? He’s been up for hours searching for his little girl who has a history of reckless behaviour. For all Jake knew his baby could have been laying broken and dead at the bottom of the floating mountains. 
Neteyam tried to ease his dads worries, he always looked out for his siblings, making sure they were safe. However Alue’k was … different. She didn’t back down, wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to prove her worth … which normally lead to her doing something stupid.
Even if she never had to, she struggled to see her worth. Her size and stature often acting as a  hindrance to her … adventurous activities.
 her entire family valued her they couldn’t imagine a life without her. Neteyam couldn’t understand how someone who is loved by others so much could feel so … alone.
He can’t even imagine what life would be like without his baby sister who’s always trying to make others laugh and smile. He can’t imagine what life would be like without any of his siblings but again Alue’k is just … different. 
Who would make there dad laugh, lighten his mood when there in trouble and would bring out their fathers goofy side when she declared a tickle fight.?
Who would make their mom smile when she looked at the way her arrows were entangled with pretty flowers and colourful plants or bring out the smile their mother reserved for when she was being bombarded with story’s of all the funny things Tonôwa had managed to do in just one day?
Who would Lo’ak spend hours joking around with, causing all sorts of trouble?
Who would kiri have to share her secrets, a confidant who would give the best advice? 
Who would wait behind with Tuk so she didn’t feel left out from the big kid games, who would always find a way to cheer her up when she was sad or know the right words to say when Tuk felt inadequate? 
And finally he thought who would hug him the hardest when he was struggling with all the pressures of being his parents golden son, to show him it was ok to mess up and make mistakes. To not have the weight of his sibling on his back at all times?
Neteyam looked at his father and watched as he sighed, pulling his hand own his face.
Jake looked at Neteyam jerking his head to the side signalling to him that he was to go home. He nodded, gently but firmly grabbing his brother by the arm and dragged him back to where their Ikran were waiting.
Once they had mounted their respected Ikran, Lo’ak turned to his older brother.
Lo’ak - She’ll be ok, right?
Neteyam met Lo’aks eyes which were filled with worry, he gave his brother a reassuring smile.
Neteyam - She’ll be fine.
That’s what he hoped. With that the brothers flew back home to wait for their father and sisters return. leaving Alue’k to her fate.
The thick silence that followed the brothers as they left was … intimidating.
The younger of the two Na’vi was still focused on her hands as she all but nearly dislocate her fingers with the force she was putting into fiddling with them.
Jake let out a long dawn out breath. Not a sigh but … yeah it was a sigh. He looked at his daughter a frown growing onto his face as his brows knitted together. Jake folded his arms all the while staring at his daughter. 
His baby girl. Who he almost lost … again! At this point he was starting to lose count of the amount of time his child has endangered herself and almost died. He was exhausted. Not of his child but the worry and fear that was weighting on him. 
When he woke up this morning to find her missing it felt as if his hart had stoped right there and then. Waking up Neytiri with shaking hands and calling out a search party to find his little girl who hopefully hadn’t joined Awa in the time it took him to find her missing.
He took in the sight of his little girl, watching her fidget and not making eye contact. He noticed the makeshift turner kit on her arm noting how the wound looked deep and might even need a few stitches … that’ll be fun.
Jake was just staring at her and Alue’k felt so nervous and some other emotion she couldn’t name.
Yeah, she new what she had down was reckless and stupid but she needed to prove herself … she had to … right.
Is that why she couldn’t look at her dad … was she ashamed, embarrassed? No, thats not it. She was proud of her accomplishment, of her victory but if that wasn’t it … what was it?
Jake - What were you thinking? You could have been killed, is that what you want? To leave this family broken so you can have a joy ride?
Jake didn’t mean his words … well not all of them. He was angry and he wanted to get his point across to his daughter. He didn’t want to loose his baby, why was that so hard for her to understand?
Alue’k stoped fidgeting instead focusing all her energy of the ground and if willing Awa to swallow her hole.
Jake - What you did was dangerous and reckless. Awas sake, and for what? To prove that your grown, that your ready for the responsibility of being a hunter? 
Alue’k stood still with bated breath, eyes still glued to the ground. Tears had started to grow in the corner of her eyes as she stops a silent sob from escaping her throat.
Fuck. She couldn’t do anything right. She had completed her Iknimaya, she had earned an Ikran so for the love of Awa why was her father still not proud of her. Why dose he still not believe in her, is she truly that hopeless that her accomplishment mean nothing?
Jake, not noticing his daughters change in dementor continues, only one thing going through his mind. His baby could of died today.
Jake - All you’ve done is prove that your not mature enough, that your not ready! Do you know how stupid this was, how recklessly life endangering your actions where? We could of lost you today!
Silent hot tears had started to make there was down Alue’ks face. Why couldn’t she be better? Why … why couldn’t she just do it right? Wait. She had done it, maybe not conventionally but she had done it, damit! So why was her dad so pissed?
Alue’k looked at her dad a new ferocity hitting her like a wave hitting a cliffs edge, she hissed angrily as her fathers ears twitched.
Alue’k - Why can’t you just be proud of me! I know I’m not perfect, I know I came out wrong but the least you could do is let me at least think you believe in me!
Her voice came out as a yell, voice hoarse from holding back sobs. Jakes eyes widened in shock … what?
Alue’k took his expression as one of being caught out and continued as hot tears ran down her face.
Alue’k - I know that you don’t believe in me, I’m nothing, I’m useless and I can’t do shit! I’m slower than Neteyam, I’m not as smart as kiri, I’m not as brave as Lo’ak, I’m not as helpful as Tuk! I’m not good enough, I know! 
Her yelling continues, she had wrapped her arms around herself growing desperate for any form of comfort. 
Jake looked at his daughter the weight of her words pressing down on him. Is this what she though? Is this what his baby had been carrying around with her since who in the hell knows how long? Had he truly failed as a parent this much, had he failed his baby girl?
Alue’k had went back to staring at her feet, her feeling had brought on a new exhaustion she didn’t know existed. 
Jake sighed for what felt like the millionth time today as he moved closer to the girl and lifted his daughters chin up so she was looking him in the eye.
Jake - Alue’k, I see you.
Jake found his daughters words harte breaking. He couldn’t believe what he had heard, his baby girl had been suffering and had no idea. He was so focused on the idea of protecting her from the outside world that he didn’t realise what was happening to her on the inside.
Alue’k sobbed clinging onto her father as he brought her in for a hug. He held her tight almost as if she would disappear if he loosened his grasp. 
Jake sat on the ground, pulling his daughter to sit on his lap as he made a comforting rumbling noise from his chest. Alue’k leans into her fathers hug as her sobs slowly turn into sniffles. 
The older Na’vi looked down at his daughter in his lap, a gentil smile gracing his face as he slowly rocked her back a forth in a comforting motion. Just like he had when she was a baby. (Well she was alway going to be his baby, no matter how old she was).
Jake - Have I ever told you the story of the day you were born?
Alue’k shook her head, her outburst of emotion had tiered her out and now she couldn’t muster the energy to talk.
Jake - You came into this world very early, you were too impatient to wait an extra a month. You just had to come out and meet everyone.
Jakes comment made the girl smile a soft chuckle leaving her chest, it was met by a smile from her father who was just happy to see his baby laughing … and alive, safe in his arms where he could protect her.
Jake - Your mother and I were so happy to meet you but you were so small, I could hold you with one hand. 
Jake looked away for a moment as it it physically hurt him to say his next sentence … which it did. Nobody want to talk about their child almost being taken away from them, especially when they’ve bearly had the chance to get to know them.
Jake - When you were born you didn’t cry, you were completely silent. Your mother and I begged Awa to let you breathe, begged you to breathe then Awa answered us and your chest started to breathe. You started to cry and after that I never wanted to feel like I was losing you again. 
-TW- (Mentions of difficult birth/ baby struggling to breath)
Jake didn’t mention some parts of the story as he didn’t think they were fit for a 12 year old. 
He didn’t mention how Neytiri had spent hours in labour struggling to gain any progress in delivering her baby. 
He didn’t mention Neytiris heartbroken cry’s at the realisation that their baby wasn’t breathing. 
He didn’t mention how he had broken the newborns ribs doing CPR trying to get blood flowing through her body and air to her brain as her lungs seemed to fail her. 
He didn’t mention that in his story as he still had nightmares about it.
(-End of TW-)
Jake - I see you Alue’k. You’re my baby girl who can do anything she sets her mind to. You always find a way to go on, you’re a tough kid. I believe in you. I’m just scared of losing you.
The tears that had subside only moment ago resurfaced as she clung to her father, mumbles of I’m sorry tumbling out of her mouth.
Jake just held her close shushing her, gently rocking her back and forth.
Jake - It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here. I’ve got you, your safe I promise.
After about an hour or so Alue’k calmed down and just sat comfortably in her dads arms. She finally mustered the strength to sit up a looked him in the eyes.
She understood now. While her insecurities where still there, she knew her father believed in her. He didn’t think she was not enough. 
She smiled at him and he smiled back just enjoying each others silent company.
Jake - Your grounded.
Alue’k taken aback by the ruined moment looked at her father.
Alue’k - Daddddddddd!
Jake just chuckled a small bemused huff leaving his chest.
Jake - Don’t “dadddd” me baby girl, you snuck out and nearly got yourself killed. That’s fair ground for getting grounded.
Alue’k - Uhggg.
She slumped over, laying on her father while Jake just laughed stroking her hair out of her face.
An’ri who had sat patiently while her Na’vi … finally dealt with her unresolved emotions had decide that it was time to make an appearance.
She made her way over to the Na’vi and laid her head on her friends shoulder who erupted in giggles as it somehow managed to tickle her.
Jake cocked his head and gently held his hand out to the Ikran who looked at him wearily. An’ri turned to Alue’k and watched as she hugged him showing that he was not a danger. 
So An’ri accepted his offer allowing the older Na’vi to stroke down her neck. 
Alue’k - She’s death, so she can’t hear me when we’re not bonded so I’ve got to show her I’m safe in a different way.
Alue’k explained anticipating her fathers question, Jake only nods not expecting that answer but of course it was his daughter who managed to bond with the only death Ikran he had ever heard of.
He smiled to himself watching his daughter cuddle and coo to her Ikran, reminding him so much of the girls mother who had once done the same to her own.
Once again noticing the wound on his daughters arm her pulled her to him and inspected it. He looks at her asking a silent question of what happened.
Alue’k sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck with her other hand, chuckling nervously.
Alue’k - I kinda forgot the leather tie so I had to use my … arm instead.
Jake shakes his head in disbelief.
Jake - your going to be the death of me kid.
She drew in closer to her dad, cuddling close to him.
Alue’k - I know.
A mischievous smile crossed Alue’k face as she turned back to her dad.
Alue’k - Wanna race back to high camp?
A matching smirk crossed Jakes face.
Jake - Ok baby girl but I’m not going to go east on you.
Alue’k snorted as she picked up a sleeping Tonôwa and mounted her Ikran.
Alue’k - I was hoping you’d say that.
Jake just shook his head in amusement as he mounted his Ikran making the bond.
Jake looked at the fine young women his daughter was turning into … determined, strong, funny, caring he was so proud, he didn’t think there was a word for how much pride he had for his baby. For all his children.
Jake - Ready? 
Alue’k smiles in agreement as she hold on to Tonôwa as she edges toward the cliffs face. 
Jake smiled doing the same.
Alue’k - On 1. 3, 2, 1.
With that they took of racing each other through the floating mountains back to their home, back to their family.
Laughter filled the air as Alue’k did a flip, it was as if she was made to ride Ikran … maybe she was.
Once they finally reached home Alue’k was met with a very pissed Neytiri who cuffed her on the back of her head before bringing her into a bone crushing hug.
Alue’k - … Ow.
Neytiri - Foolish girl. Never again, don’t scare us like that again.
Alue’k pulls her mom closer cuddling into her.
Alue’k - I’m sorry mama.
It was almost a whisper but Neytiri heard it, she looked at her middle daughter cupping her face and smiled. 
Neytiri - Oh my sweet girl.
She pulled Alue’k closer (If possible) to her and they just stood like that for a moment until Tuk joined.
Then kiri who laid her head on Neytiris shoulder and stood close to Alue’k (Kiri’s not a huge fan of hugs). 
Lo’ak and Neteyam soon joined cuddling close to their sisters and mother.
Finally Jake joined in the group hug as well, his large arms engulfed the entire family, holding them close.
This is when Alue’k realised something very important. No matter what, this is where she always would want to be. Wrapped in her family loving, warm … safe embrace.
Alue’k smiled enjoying the warmth and thanked Awa for her breath … for her family.
The End.
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