#now and forever .
citizenscreen · 27 days
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Gary Cooper engrossed in “What Every Young Mother Should Know” in Henry Hathaway’s NOW AND FOREVER (1934)
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azertyrobaz · 1 year
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You with me?
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I think I might love Tom even more than I love Fabio 😭😭
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chippythedog · 4 months
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justcallmehappy · 5 months
(Step 2) Qiu Lin x gn!MC
Synopsis: Rain was always bittersweet to you. However, for Mx. Qiu Lin, it was the opposite. They find the rain calming, so why is it that Qiu and your opinions have switched today?
Word count: 1.3k
a/n: this was angstier than i meant it to be… also, i haven’t written in a bit so i’m pretty rusty. still, i hope you enjoy!
A song to listen to while reading:
Pitter patter, pitter patter.
Your backpack drops onto the floor, utterly soaked. Of course, you are, too.
You made the mistake of not checking the weather to see if it would rain today. Since it was so sunny this morning, you simply assumed it would be nice and warm all day.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Still standing in the entryway, you peel your sweater off, scrunching your nose up at the sensation that never fails to make the hairs on your arms prickle.
Though it’s safe to say the weather isn’t the only thing that’s dampened your mood.
Tamarack caught a cold; another reason as to why you were in this predicament in the first place.
She always makes sure to check the weather.
The floorboards creak as you make your way up the stairs and into your room to get changed into something a little less soggy.
Normally you would shower, but your fingers itched to glide across the keys of your beloved piano.
Ah yes, your piano.
Qiu used to joke that you enjoyed the object’s company more than their own; that was a lie, of course.
When you moved into Golden Grove, your mother offered to sign you up for some extra curricular activities; that included piano.
Quickly, you fell in love with the instrument. It was sort of an escapism for you; a way to tell a beautiful story without having to say a word.
And so, you bound down the stairs, emitting a loud groan from creaky old things as you eagerly approach the beautiful baby grand.
A soft smile eases its way onto your lips as you stand in front of the sheek instrument. Gently, you run a finger over the shiny, black surface.
A thin layer of dust goes along with your finger as you pull away, but you pay it no mind as you turn to the strewn about pile of sheet music on top of the piano.
Shuffling through the papers, you find a song you’ve recently learned; all on your own, outside of private lessons.
You deem that its nostalgic sound is fitting for a day like today, and promptly pull out the piano bench your mother had bought from the antique store just for you.
You sit down on the familiar, worn mahogany cushion as you place the music onto the stand.
Your fingers hover over their starting positions as your eyes trace the familiar bars of music.
Then, you begin to play.
Qiu lets out a long sigh as they stare out their window, sprawled across their bed.
This is what they’ve been doing for the past fifteen minutes; just… lying there, watching the rain droplets fall.
There’s something about rainy days that’s always managed to calm Qiu’s restless mind. However, today is different.
They feel… off.
Why? Well, that’s the very same thing they’re mulling over right now.
“Tamarack’s sick; but that can’t be it…”
After all, the two aren’t friends anymore.
Qiu’s brows furrow at the thought and their mind drifts to someone they are friends with.
You, still the kind and caring kid you’ve been since you first met on that fateful day a little over four years ago now.
Sometimes Qiu would feel guilty; their relationship with Tamarack surely put you in an awkward position, but you’d never shown any signs of discomfort, much less talked about it.
You’ve always managed to intercept and mediate any arguments they’ve had, though they’d be an idiot to miss the worried and tired undertones of your voice and expressions.
Of course, Tamarack never noticed.
Stupid Tamarack.
Qiu rolls over onto their back, fixing their gaze onto their off-white ceiling.
When they were little they used to beg their parents to put up little glow in the dark stars on the ceiling so it could look like they were staring at the sky as they fall asleep, but their parents refused, saying it would just wake them up more.
Qiu still didn’t understand their logic; the stars are relaxing, fake or not.
Suddenly, they sit up.
They’d reached a conclusion; they’d go over to your house. You’d know a way to entertain them, no matter how much you complained that you weren’t their jester.
Qiu’s legs swing over the side of their bed as they get up to retrieve their navy blue damp coat from the sad pile in the middle of the floor.
Zipping up their jacket, they quietly shuffle down their stairs and to where they left their shoes earlier.
Their father was busy on a meeting with a client and their mother was out on a grocery trip.
Not that they need permission to visit you.
The fluffy rim of their hood tickles them as they pull it up and open their front door.
Their hood is immediately blown off and a cold, stinging sensation barrades their face.
They frown and wipe their cheeks of the relentless droplets that just pelted them.
Qiu suppresses a shiver as they once again pull up their hood, this time clutching it to their head.
A huff comes from their mouth, a white cloud of breath with it; it shouldn’t take this much effort just to see what their neighbor is doing, but it does.
That annoys them.
However, deep down, they know that you’d do the same for them if they ever called on you.
Which Qiu hasn’t. And Qiu won’t.
They trudge through the long, grueling two minute walk to your house. However, instead of going to the front door, they decide to go to the back, just to switch things up a little.
There’s already been so much change these past few months, why not sprinkle in a little more?
They groan as they realize just how much more suffering they’re putting themselves through just by that one harmless decision.
But it’d be worth it.
As they approach your back door, they’re about to knock until they hear a quiet melody from inside.
Their fist hovers over the damp, wooden door as a delicate set of notes float through the air.
The wind gently pushes Qiu’s hood down again but they pay it no mind, instead blankly staring at the door in front of them.
Their bottom lip snags between their teeth as they clench their fists.
Damn it. They really didn’t feel like getting emotional today.
Why was the melody so sad yet happy at the same time?
Before they knew it, rain drops weren’t the only thing rolling down their cheeks.
As the gentle song plays through the air, Qiu’s gaze lowers to the porch beneath them. Their previous fist, now a limp hand, rests at their side.
Now they know why they’re crying.
This song gave them a sense of familiarity; their uncertainty of their identity yet at the same time, complete security in their friendship with you.
That’s all it is. At least, that’s what they keep telling themselves.
Qiu sniffles, wiping a tear.
Why can’t they just be honest with themself?
You’ve always been special to them; they knew that. But they didn’t know if it was a friend kind of special or a romantic kind of special.
They murmur softly.
“…Not yet.”
Your fingers rest on the keys as you play the final chord of the song, smiling quietly to yourself.
Something about this song reminds you of Qiu. You can’t quite put a finger on why, but you thought that if Qiu were a song, this would be them.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, a flash of navy blue passes by the window in a familiar shape.
Your brows furrow as your gaze shifts to the backdoor of your home. Slowly, you stand.
You make your way over to the door, gripping the handle. Gently, you pull the door open.
However, only the heavy rainfall greets you back.
Pitter patter, pitter patter.
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cultofthewyrm · 2 months
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kivrin · 20 days
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whitepoppyflower · 11 months
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It was supposed to be experimental doodle for just my mc layze but it end up like that somehow ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ oh well it's very cute in the end. adding tamarack and qiu is good choice layze won't be lonely. (Just using eyes and eyebrows are so cute me dying ;w;)
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makeyoumine69 · 7 months
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He’s a God, indeed.
Many thanks to @iron-flavored-lipgloss for sharing this with me.
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boydswan · 2 years
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zuzusexytiems · 9 months
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anyway fuck israel
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miyamiwu · 3 months
This song sounds too happy for Link Click jahgdhjsgdjfhgsj
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ringosmistress · 11 months
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The End
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thistledropkick · 4 months
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On the mic at the end, you blurted out something that wasn't appropriate for live broadcast. That's so like you.
Congratulations 🍾
Taichi, when you went heavyweight
Back then, both were completely out of my reach but you were able to achieve in both divisions
I haven't forgotten what you said to me, back when I was unable to do anything, when I didn't even know what I didn't know.
It took time, but somehow I was able to do it.
Thank you
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Hey, c...cut it out!
I, I don't remember anything like that! You... you big dummy!
But... From the bottom of my heart Congratulations...🥹👏
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justcallmehappy · 4 months
I love your writing so far! can I request a male mc x tamarack and qiu step 2? The scenerio is during school when someone tries to take the mc’s attention and qiu and tamarack sees this and gets jealous
yes ofc anon! enjoy, sorry about how short it is <3
(Step 2) Tamarack Baumann x male!MC, Qiu Lin x male!MC
synopsis: You were recently assigned a new project for your global history class; creating a poster on the French Revolution. Luckily for you, you were paired up with your friends! Qiu, Tamarack, and Jack. However, you can't help but notice the jealous glances Qiu and Tamarack send your way when you speak to your other friend.
word count: 706
"Great, great, great!"
You can't help but grin to yourself as you look at the three friends you were assigned to a group project with.
Qiu, Tamarack, and Jack!
Well, Tamarack and Qiu weren't friends with Jack.
And Tamarack and Qiu weren't friends.
So... this was really only a good group for you.
...Oh well!
You eagerly wave over the three kids to your table when the teacher instructs everyone to find their group members and start working.
As the three approach, you can see Tamarack practically sighing in relief that she was paired with you, Qiu walking with a pep in their step, and Jack grinning widely.
The latter sidles into the seat next to you, greeting you enthusiastically.
"I'm so glad we're in the same group! You're the best in class when it comes to history and I'm pretty terrible, so... yeah!" He chuckles, earning a smile from you in return.
What you didn't notice was how both Tamarack and Qiu stopped in place, staring at the boy next to you. Tamarack had a quiet disdain for the boy, while Qiu was just flat out glaring at him.
You frown when you notice the seats across from you are still vacant, and promptly tilt your head back to look at your neighbors.
"Are you guys going to sit? We need to figure out who's doing what."
Their gazes shift over to you, Qiu's losing it's edge and Tamarack's gaining a little more edge.
"...Yeah, yeah." Qiu mutters and makes their way over to the seat directly across from you. Tamarack visibly bristles when she realizes she can't sit across from you.
Though, that small glimpse of extreme jealousy is gone within the blink of an eye. The golden haired girl smiles at you and sits in the seat next to Qiu, across from Jack.
"So!" Jack claps his hands, grinning. "As (Name) was saying, who's doing what?"
"I can research what we need to write." Tamarack murmurs softly, absentmindedly picking at her skirt.
"...I'll draw." Qiu mutters, gaze hard set on the table.
"I can write everything, then." You volunteer, seeing as there's really nothing else to do.
"Oh, I'll help you. I have good handwriting."
"Cool." You grin, shooting Jack a thumbs up. He eagerly returns it, laughing slightly.
For any onlookers, this scene would probably give them whiplash.
On your side of the table, all is well. Great, even! You and Jack are laughing and joking with one another, lightheartedly teasing each other's handwriting.
However, on the other side of the table, you can practically see the jealousy radiating off of the two students.
Tamarack is quietly typing away at her computer, sending small, jealous glances your way. Once, Jack accidentally bumps your shoulder when he was laughing, and when that happened, Tamarack let out a small yelp.
Frowning, you glance over to her. Her cheeks are bright red in embarassment.
"You okay, Tam?" You gently ask, concern written all over your face. She just squeaks out a yeah, saying how she accidentally deleted the tab she was looking at.
However, the student next to her was the exact opposite.
Qiu's arms are crossed over their chest, and they are openly glaring at Jack. Every once in a while, you send Qiu a concerned look and they just shrug, never once taking their eyes off of the boy.
You genuinely can't tell if Jack is too dense to notice the obvious signs of dislike thrown his way or if he's just choosing to ignore it.
You let out a nervous chuckle, earning worried looks from your group members.
It's funny how just how one thing that might seem off with you takes Tamarack and Qiu's attention away from the boy next to you.
You laugh at the thought, and worry turns to confusion.
However, you feel like Qiu can figure out what you're laughing about because they frown, averting their attention from you and staring at the table stubbornly.
Tamarack and Jack look helplessly between you two, Qiu pouting with crossed arms and you just chuckling at them.
"Anyway," Your laughing subsides and you look away from Qiu, grinning at the three of them.
"Can we actually work on the project now?"
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leclercskiesahead · 4 months
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