#now and be done with it oh well i should stop in the cafeteria to buy a bagel before i go home
i'm noticing a correlation between working 16 hour shifts and having worsening suicidal ideation huh wonder what that could be about
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mellowwillowy · 8 months
"Stop the wedding!!"
So you get to see NRC food fighting RSA in the end lol Yan! NRC vs Yan! RSA x GN Isekai'd Player (Self-aware)
All the people inside the cafeteria turned their attention to you, an isekai'd player.
"(Name)!!" Idia beamed in tears, finally someone saving him! ... wait, someone? Oh no no no no! You are not just 'someone'!! Why did he even bother troubling you to this extent? He should have just kissed the bride!!!
"Make it right in time, you got me, Ace?" "Thank you for kicking me like a barrel toward the ghosts, pal," Ace replied dejectedly but posed no annoyance at all.
"Potato, since when do you have the funds to get yourself such a nice suit?" Vil questioned as he inspected your overall. The makeup and hairdo were not done to the utmost perfection but he can let it slide because anything on you equals absolute beauty.
"Oh, this? So you are smart enough to realize Crowley won't cover MY suit! I mean, he was trying teeth and nails to not let me join Ace and Co!"
"At least he does something right for the first time," Leona added. "White suits you though I thought you'd surely go with Black as usual?" Trey cocked his head to the side questioningly.
"Look, this is what Neige lent me. And all his attires are almost pristine white! I'm telling ya'!" At that statement, you saw Vil twitch despite not being able to move, he must have been very pissed at the mention of Neige's name alone.
"Originally I planned on taking Cheny'a's but I realized how eccentric his taste is so I decided to go with Neige. The RSA students are kind enough to assist Neige in tailoring it to my size too! Got them right in time before Crowley could shoo me!"
"Dude, even the RSA knows how to respect them, I don't know if I should be angry or nah but it certainly leaves a bad aftertaste seeing them wearing what RSA makes for them." Cater whispers something to the person next to him, inaudible to your ears.
"What do you say if we steal the suit and then burn it down in front of them after we are done here? I'd like to give them a nice thank you hug too while we are at it." "And we should leave them some of my... flowers collection too. This alone should be enough to show our gratitude right?"
"I'd say we should try giving them a proper form of token of gratitude too, how about Master Lilia's cooking?" Sebek added with a grin, he had his fair share of Lilia's cooking to the point he'd like to share it with the others.
"Oh? Then I'd have to make sure to add extra 'love' into it." He replied, this time intending to poison people so its horrifying taste was multiplied at natural without him realizing it.
"Wait, why would we even bother giving them a handmade cooki-" Jack was immediately silenced by Cater's eerie smile. He had his fair share and he knew they meant nothing well from it at all.
"Hey Ace, do something! Stop throwing all your work on prefect!" Deuce yelled by the sideline, ready to chew his ears off.
"I agree, you shouldn't let someone magic-less handle this handful situation alone, get a hold of yourself right now will you, Ace?" Azul scowled and started to usher Ace into work.
"Dude! Now all of you are cornering me?" "You haven't finished, Ace?!"
And Riddle's voice was all it took to make Ace cowered like a puppy. Rook shook his head in disappointment, this had taken way longer than the original gameplay.
"Hurry! We should wrap things up as though we are changing a dirty tablecloth into a new one!" Epel yelled out rather... unique lines. Was he trying to be as poetic as Rook? If anything, both Rook and Vil said nothing regarding this.
"Riiiiighhhhtttt, I'm kinda checked out now, to be honest." Idia's eyes immediately widened, not you too?!
Just before the other could chant another "Smooch the bride", you immediately lunged toward the bride. All those gym class training paid off! Basically, this and that until the ghost inflated.
And instead of Rook ordering you and Epel around, you took the steering wheel before anyone could. "Move yer' ass you glorified wood logs! Move move move!"
The lucky person is the person who gets to feel you dragging them. Absolute win!
"Urgh, I'm so gonna have phasmophobia now." Idia rolled his eyes as the ghosts departed but to be honest? He was happy to see you barging into the cafeteria like a knight in shining armor for him! (It was mostly the others fighting lol)
Idia was taken by surprise the moment your hand smacked his back. "Would you look at it, the star of the show, a handsome groom adorned in black! You look positively breathtaking, senior Idia."
"Eep-! Oh no, they have graced me with their words that are enough to deafen me! What should I do? How should I show them just how grateful I am to be even considered by them???"
"What did you say? I couldn't hear you really well." "Well, brother said that-" "N-n-no! Nothing! I uh... am thankful... for your assistance." He answered bashfully, his hair tip turned into a shade of pink.
"Now now potato, it's time to change, wearing that must have been uncomfortable right?" Vil immediately pulled you away from the pink introvert. "No...? Neige said that it's meant to be comfortable and it's true!" "Well, we have something even wayyyy more comfortable for you, shrimpy! Come on now, let's take it off and dress you up in something else!"
Lilia was leading everyone with a basket of something, a speaker in one hand and Neige's suit in the other hand, "Hey you RSA whippersnappers! Get down!"
The head mage was coincidentally away that day and it allowed the NRC students to lead a protest in front of the academy's gate.
Lilia threw the white suit onto the ground while Leona whistled, signaling Rook to shoot an arrow of fire toward it like an Olympic grand opening. (What a duo.)
"Yeah! Eat this you good for nothing!" Cater and Ruggie immediately took out the pie from Lilia's basket and threw it right onto the students' face. Kalim was generous enough to sponsor lots of baking materials for Lilia with Jamil assisting with the baking. It was badly burnt but still hard as a rock.
Cheny'a was careful enough to avoid Trey and Riddle while Vil was feeling rather generous in feeding Neige~ Oh, and Malleus is always bullseye in his shots, hitting everyone down in no time. He was pretty pissed (sulking) that he was not invited to join your fun. Silver was not being merciful too, he didn't fall asleep at all during this whole thing!.
Rollo was feeling rather grateful but also sad that you did not come to him to ask for his help :( And Crowley just watched everything from the sidelines while praying that nothing bad will be sent to him after this. Well, he's happy with how bright his students are.
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minimickzy · 1 year
Oh My God || Hazel Callahan
Listen- I believe in loser hazel and I find her to be perfect- I know this isn't my best fic but I've been in serious bottoms brain rot
dialog prompts:
"Hold my hand" "Absolutely not"
Characters: Hazel Callahan x Reader, the whole club
Word count: 2359
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Hazel Callahan was your mortal enemy. Did she know? Probably not. It was honestly beside the point. Because what mattered was that bitch seemed to have it out for you since the start of high school. First, it was taking your topic for a history project. Whatever- no big deal. Then all the “accidents” spilling coffee on your backpack (she had given you money for a new one but still), tripping you in the walkways, and hitting you in the face with a volleyball (multiple times). After that, she got the better parking spot for senior year, and finally, the great big plump cherry on top, she took the lunch table you had practically reserved since freshman year. 
At the end of the day, the whole ordeal may be a bit over-dramatic… but that table was perfect. In the corner, you could either hide or have a great undisturbed lunch with your friends. Hazel had sat there one day with Josie and PJ. which was weird in itself because they never had eaten in the cafeteria before and you didn't even remember them being friends. 
For how much you didn't care about Hazel Callahan- she sure took a lot of your attention.  
If anyone else had done any of those things- you probably wouldn’t have thought anything about it. But this was Hazel Callahan who despite your best efforts you could not stop crushing on. 
The stolen table was a very recent development. As in on Monday and it was now Wednesday. You sat at the next best table with Sylvie and Krystal, watching as Hazel feverishly wrote something in her notebook as PJ seemed to make a grandiose speech. 
She had no right to look that attractive while sitting in your spot. You groaned and face-planted into your crossed arms on the table. 
“Are you good dude?” You rolled your head to the side to look at Sylvie and then let out another frustrated groan. 
“Everything is awful and I hate it here.” 
Krystal patted your back while Silive sighed, “You know what you need?”
“To hit something.” 
You laughed from inside your arm fortress, “Okay Sylvie- what should I hit? A fucking tree? Jeff? A Huntington player?” 
“No, you should join the fight club! It’s for women empowerment- I’m trying to train up to deal with my stepdad ya know?” 
You lifted your head and gave your friend a questioning look. “Fight club? For women empowerment?” 
Sylvie and Krystal both nodded excitedly. 
“When and Where?” 
Of fucking course. 
When you walk in behind Krystal and Sylvie to the gym, the first person you see is Hazel.
Your body immediately fills with rage. At this point, it’s starting to feel like you're more angry at yourself for crushing on someone you barely even know. But you believe in self-love so you plan to continue projecting your anger onto someone else. 
Everyone was milling about and chatting, you left your bag on the bleachers by everyone else’s and followed your friends to the middle of the gym. 
Stella-Rebecca caught your eye and waved, which you gladly returned before PJ stomped as hard as possible on the floor to get everyone's attention. 
“What time is it?!” She screamed and was answered by a chorus of “3:15”s 
“That’s right you sluts! It’s time to get down and dirty!” 
You couldn't help the look of mild disgust that passed across your features. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. After al, Sylvie made some seriously questionable choices- you thought you could trust Krystal though. 
“Alright cunts- who wants to start us of-” PJ started by being cut off by Hazel who whispered something to her and then directed PJ’s attention onto you with a point of her pen. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” PJ gave you an unimpressed look which made you roll your eyes. 
“I can leave if this is a closed cl-” You started to point behind you to the door but Josie stopped you by waving her hands
“No- no you're more than welcome. PJ just gets a little into it- you know flashbacks to juvie and all that.” Josie gives a reassuring (and awkward) smile.
You pursed your lips and nodded, “Cool.” out of the corner of your eye you could see Hazel giving Josie a thumbs up. 
“Well, Since you’re fresh blood let's see what you got,” PJ says while smiling at you. 
“Okay,” you shrug. “I really don’t know what I’m doing though so don’t expect much.” 
PJ just brushes you off, “Don’t worry. It’s mostly just instinct.”
You nod and step into the center of the circle of girls. Okay, maybe this was a stupid fucking idea. 
“Let's see…” PJ looks around the circle, trying to decide who to pair you up with. “Hazel- why don’t you hop in.” 
Hazel looks nervous, but she still nods and enters the ring, giving you a small smile and nod. 
You look at her blankly, “Now what?” you ask.
“Now you hit each other.” PJ claps her hands together, “Fucking beat each other the fuck up!” 
“What-” You can’t finish your question because Hazel deals a hard hit right to your gut. “Fuck!” you double over in shock before gathering yourself again. “What the fuck.” 
Hazel looks a little confused but motions to herself, “Hit me now- that's how this works.” 
You give her the best “what the fuck” look you can convey before settling into a fighting stance. You thought there'd be a little lead-up or something.
You swung and got in a decent hit to the side of Hazel's face. It left a stinging sensation on your knuckles but you tried to shake it off. 
The two of you exchanged a few more punches and kicks back and forth before Hazel managed to catch you completely off guard and- 
Your ass hit the ground hard. “Fuck!” you couldn't help the curse from leaving your lips. You let yourself unfurl onto the ground and stared at the ceiling. The girls around you clapped as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Good fight,” Hazel said, reaching one of her hands out towards you on the ground. 
You just looked at her, “Yeah. Good...” Suddenly your head hurt a lot more than it did a minute ago. “Fight.” This was definitely a stupid fucking decision. Maybe this is what killed you. RIP the girl who got her lights knocked out but the girl who was both the love and hate of her life. 
You tried to sit up but the world was kinda spinning. 
“Hazel, how hard did you hit her?” Josie asked as she joined Hazel looking down at you. Hazel looked like a lost puppy. 
“I didn’t think it was that hard- are you okay.” 
You laughed not handling the embarrassment of the situation well, “I am so good actually.” You went to stand up but stumbled before your legs gave out putting you back on the floor. 
Hazel tried to grab at your hand to help you up but you retracted your hand on instinct. “Hold my hand.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
Silvie barked out a laugh- “damn rejected!”
Hazel looked at you- her big blue eyes filling with hurt. Fuck. You didn't want to have to see those sad puppy dog eyes. You took hold of her hand and let her pull you up. If you thought the world was spinning when you were sitting, now it was like you were on a tilt-a-whirl. “Shit.” you couldn't keep yourself upright and leaned into Hazel so you didn't fall back to the ground. 
“Uh- I’m gonna take her to get some water.” Hazel sounded very concerned but you giggled. This was so embarrassing. Not only were you weak in front of your enemy- but also your crush. “Oh my god, I think I broke her!” 
PJ scoffed, “You just gave her like a concussion- she’ll be fine.” You nodded to agree with PJ. 
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god…” Hazel mumbled as she walked you out of the gym.
“I’m so so sorry.” She continued to apologize to all the girl's bathrooms where she propped you against a sink. “I didn’t think I was that strong.” She gathered some paper towels and got them wet, dabbing them to your forehead. 
In all honesty, you feel fine now. The dizziness was gone and replaced with a dull ache. But you were kinda enjoying Hazel being all over you. 
“It’s fine. Don't worry about it.” 
“If you want to hit me I get it- I deserve it.”
You laughed, “Yeah you can say that again.” You needed to practice biting your damn tongue. 
“I’m so sorry- I can’t believe I did that- I always do something stupid around you. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard- I just can’t like to focus with you around and I’m sorry-” Hazel continued to ramble and you started to zone out a little before saying the only thing running through your mind. 
“You stole my table”
Hazel stopped talking and looked at you. “No, I didn’t”
“Yes, you did.”
“What are you talking about? I’ve never stolen anything let alone a table- I don’t even know where I would’ve put-”
“No Hazel, my seat. In the lunch room.” 
She just stared at you and blinked. 
“You stole my spot- where I have sat every day for the last and you spilled coffee on my backpack and hit me in the face with volleyballs and… and… and now you gave me a concussion with your fists.” 
Hazel groaned and moved away from you holding her face in her hands, “Oh my god you must think I hate you.”
“Well yeah!” 
Hazel just groaned again. “I just like you.” 
“Oh yeah sure- wait- what did you just say?”
“I just like you okay,” She kicks the floor and starts to pout, “You’re just like really cool and like always around and you make me nervous.” 
“Oh my god.” 
“I know- i’m sorry- I knew you hated me cause of all that stuff”
“Oh my god-”
Hazel made more inhuman nosies as you started to laugh.
“Hazel what the actual fuck- you like me? You like me? For how long?” 
Hazel stopped with the noises “I don’t know? Like freshman year? Why?” 
“Despite all of the mishaps, and how much they pissed me off- I could not stop crushing on you… since freshman year.” 
Hazels jaw literally dropped, “What, no way?” 
“Yes way. Why didnt you just like talk to me?” 
“Well everytime I did I would somehow manage you hurt you.” 
You shook your head and laughed lighty, “thats actually fair, I can’t blame you for that.” 
She cracked a bit of a smile, relief from the last few seconds flooding over the both of you. 
“This is crazy.” 
You laughed, “it is. And to think all it took was you punching me to the ground.” 
She groaned, “god I really am sorry-”
“It’s fine- definitely worth it.” 
She smiled, “now what?” 
You shrugged, “I don’t know- we’ve wasted almost four years it seems like so theres no point in wasting any more.” 
She gave you a dopey look and figeted with the rings on her fingers.
“Hazel come here.” She followed your instructions obditally and stood in front of you- close enough that you could feel the gentle wind of her breath. 
You placed your hands on her shoulders, not entirely sure the right way to go about this- and maybe this was moving a bit fast and the common sense had gotten knocked out of your head but at this point you were kicking yourself for not making a move over the entrieity of your highschool career. 
Her eyes were open, glued to your lips. 
“Gotta start making up for all that lost time.” you leaned forward, barley brushing your lips together, when you pulled back Hazel stood completely still with her eyes shut tight. You smiled to yourself. “Do you want to..” Hazel keep her eyes shut but nodded. 
You leaned again, this time trying to add in some movement. It was painfully obvious that neither of you really knew what you were doing. Hazel seemed to have a sudden surge in confidence after accidentally (maybe?) bitting your lower lip which drew some type of sound from you. She stepped forward, pushing you aagint the bathroom sink and putting the two of you in a much more intainte position. 
Despite the awkwardness and surprise, it felt nice- or good? Something like that. You stopped anazlying everything and instead focused on the fact that their was a very attractive girl running her hands down your back and letting your shirt cover her finger tips as she explored you. 
The second you started to thank whatever god was a above that it was after school hours so the building was essentially vacant- the door brust open, followed by two very loud “fuck”s. 
Hazel rushed back away from you, her face already blushing a bright pink. 
PJ and Josie stood in the doorway- matching faces of shock painting their features. 
“No fucking way Hazel is getting puss before us.” PJ rolled her eyes. 
“Uh- sorry we just uh- you know- wanted to make sure you were good.” Josie was doing a horrible job hiding her uncomforatbleness as she questioned you with a thumbs up. 
You bit your lip to stop from laughing and gave her a thumbs up back, “Doing great in here. Thanks- but if you wouldn’t mind leaving-”
“Oh yeah! Yeah! For sure- we’ll let you two lovebirds get back to it.” Josie did a half bow before turning and pushing PJ out the door. 
You laughed as hazel just looked mortified, “we’ll continue this later, I think we should get back to the club though- kinda wanna see you lay some bitchs out.” 
She took a deep breath and patted down her shirt, before looking in the mirror and fixing her hair. 
You gave her another thumbs up before the two of you left the bathroom to go back to the gym. 
Send me requests please 🙈
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yparkwrites · 3 months
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Pairing: Mafia Sunghoon x Female reader (Y/N)
Content warnings: explicit content (smut), mentions of abuse, bruises, blood, etc.
Word count: 18k+
Synopsis: When Sunghoon, the son of Mr. Park meets a fearless girl everything will change around him as he tries to fight for his freedom from his father's nest.
Note: this is my first ever Enhypen ff, it is published on Wattpad as a complete story.
© 2024 Y. PARK WRITES. All Rights Reserved.
Part 1 - 4
CHAPTER 5: Moving Forward
Three years had passed since the night Sunghoon had left Y/n, the night since he left a void in her heart. During those past years their circle of friends became bigger. Jay and Jungwon are additions to their circle. 
“How many years left before we graduate?” Yura asked, completely worn out due to their projects and exams coming up. 
“2 more years,” Y/n replied, chuckling at Yura’s presence, bags under her eyes and messy hair. 
“Did you guys hear the rumor?” Jungwon asked as he sat beside a sleepy Yura. 
“Jungwon, everyday you come with new rumors, new gossip, please give us a break,” Jake said, taking a seat as he placed his tray of food on the cafeteria table. 
“The new gossip is for Y/n,” Jungwon said smiling, raising both his eyebrows.
“Just spill it,” Jay said uninterested, worn out too, as he failed to get enough sleep the other night. 
“Sunghoon is back in town, a student said he saw him beating up a drunkard in the alleyway near the convenience store.” Jungwon said, catching Y/n’s attention. 
“What?” Jake asked.
“You weren’t interested awhile ago,” Jungwon retorted at Jake. 
“Well now you have my attention spill everything,” Jake argued back at him, widening his eyes a little.
“That’s the only information I know for now, but I heard that he’s gonna go back here anytime soon, and everyone should be prepared as he’s not the same Sunghoon from three years ago.” Jungwon said. 
Before Jungwon could add more details on what he had said the bell rang indicating that lunch was over. 
“Damn I’m not even done eating.” Jake said.
Y/n sat in the library to study, she decided not to pursue business and study literacy instead, she doesn’t have many classes compared to when she was in business class. 
As she tried working on her reviewers, her mind kept drifting off to Sunghoon, especially to what Jungwon had said during lunch. “Is he really back?” Y/n asked herself, looking at the necklace around her neck, the necklace Sunghoon told her to keep. 
“Are you really back?” She asked herself again, touching the necklace. 
“You good?” Someone said from behind her, and it was their group leader, Heeseung.
“Yeah, just thinking about something,” Y/n responded, looking down at her books.
“If you’re thinking about what I told you yesterday, it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way,” Heeseung said, taking the empty seat beside her.
“No, it’s not that. It’s about the rumor.” Y/n replied.
“Oh Sunghoon? Yeah, it’s not a rumor, I saw him a while ago, he enrolled in our class, I don’t know why our class but what can we do about it.” Heeseung said, clearly frustrated that Sunghoon will be in the same class as them. 
“Do you hate him?” Y/n asked.
“It’s not that I hate him, but he’s gonna put everyone in danger,” Heeseung said.
“He won’t.” Y/n replied looking at him.
“You don’t know him Y/n,” Heeseung replied back.
“Neither do you, he protected me from getting hurt three years ago.” Y/n stated slightly raising her voice. Y/n started grabbing her books to leave.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you, but still.” Heeseung argued, holding her arm to stop her from leaving.
“You asked me, where I got the necklace, Sunghoon gave it to me three years ago before he left so that his father won’t try hurting me,” Y/n said, pulling her arm from Heeseung’s grip and leaving him alone in the library. 
“So you’re telling me, Heeseung told you he saw Sunghoon at the university?” Jake asked while driving Y/n home.
“Yeah,” Y/n responded. 
“And Heeseung pissed you off when he talked bad about him?” Jake asked. 
“Yeah, he’s talking like he knows him very well.” Y/n said, crossing her arms.
“Y/n we might know the old Sunghoon, but not the new one, the student that saw him the other night said he had changed completely, he’s like a different person,” Yura said, opening her eyes to look at Y/n.
“Well that’s just the gossip.” Y/n stated.
“It was on the news this morning that my mom watched, he killed the drunkard Y/n.” Yura replied, looking at her. “You don’t have to believe it, if you don’t want to, but I wouldn’t approach him first, if he approached you first talk to him, but if not, don’t.” Yura added.
At night, Y/n can’t fall asleep again. She grabbed the bottle of her sleeping pills, “It’s empty, great,” 
Y/n stood up from her bed and went downstairs. It was dark and quiet. She reached the kitchen, flipping on the light to search for something that can help her sleep. She sighed before opening the refrigerator, hoping a glass of milk might help her. 
She stood there, her thoughts consumed by what Yura had said, Sunghoon, a killer? That 's impossible. 
Y/n took her glass of milk and went upstairs to her room, she went out of the balcony as she stared into the night. She remembered the ball night, the first he held her in his arms, he kissed her and left her. 
Tears streamed down her face remembering that night. “What if they’re right?” Y/n asked herself. “What if he really changed?” She asked herself again. 
Y/n sobbed imagining the worst case scenario possible. 
The next morning, she texted Jake to let him know she was walking to the university to clear her mind.
Lost in her thoughts, she heard someone call her name and saw Heeseung approaching.
“Y/n, hey, you’re walking today?” Heeseung said.
“Yeah, just to clear my mind a bit,” Y/n replied, trying to keep her voice steady.
Heeseung sighed. “Y/n, look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I know I might have come off harsh. I don’t know your history with him, and I’m not really into gossip. I was just worried.”
“It’s fine, no worries. I just hate it when someone badmouths him. But I understand, it’s been three years, and he might have really changed,” Y/n said, her voice softening.
“You don’t mind if I walk with you, right?” Heeseung asked.
“No, it’s fine,” Y/n responded.
Due to their upcoming exams, Y/n decided to stay late at the university library, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Sunghoon.
“I should just go home,” Y/n mumbled to herself. She gathered her things and decided to call it a night.
She walked home to clear her mind. As she passed by her mom’s convenience store, she saw a familiar figure.
“Sunghoon,” she whispered. She watched him grab some snacks and pay for them. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. He looked at her, emotionless.
After a few seconds, he walked away without saying anything.
CHAPTER 6: He changed
Y/n stood there, her heart pounding as she watched Sunghoon walk away. She couldn’t let him leave without trying to talk to him. Mustering all her courage, she called out to him.
“Sunghoon!” she shouted, her voice trembling.
He stopped but didn’t turn around. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder, his expression unchanged, cold and distant.
Y/n walked closer, her steps hesitant. “Is it really you?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Sunghoon turned to face her fully, his eyes cold and filled with confusion. “Excuse me?” he asked.
Y/n looked at him, her eyes welling up with tears. “Where have you been?” she asked.
“Do I know you?” Sunghoon asked. Y/n’s heart sank upon hearing those words. He didn’t remember her. She let her tears stream down her cheeks. Sunghoon sighed before turning to leave.
“You gave me your necklace before you left,” Y/n mustered all her courage to say. He looked back at her.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember you, nor that necklace,” he replied, leaving her heartbroken. Just then, it started raining heavily, as if the clouds were crying with her.
“Y/n!” Someone yelled from behind her. She didn’t turn around, watching Sunghoon’s shadow disappear.
“Are you crazy!?” The same person said before dragging her into his car.
“Jake, what happened?” Yura asked as she brought Y/n a towel.
“I don’t know. She won’t say anything,” Jake replied to his sister.
“He doesn’t remember me,” Y/n mumbled as they both turned to look at her.
“Who?” Yura asked, sitting beside her.
“I saw Sunghoon. I saw him, and he doesn’t remember me,” Y/n replied, tears streaming down her face.
Yura hugged her, letting her cry on her shoulder while Jake watched, feeling helpless as her sobs grew louder.
The next morning, Y/n woke up with swollen eyes and a heavy heart. She couldn’t shake the image of Sunghoon’s cold, unfamiliar gaze. The weight of his forgotten memories pressed down on her, making it hard to breathe.
“Morning,” Yura greeted softly, bringing a cup of tea into Y/n’s room. “How are you feeling?”
Y/n took the cup, her hands trembling slightly. “I don’t know,” Y/n responded.
Yura sat down beside her, gently squeezing her hand. “Everything will be fine. By the way, we called your mom to tell her you had a sleepover here,” Yura said.
“Thank you,” Y/n said, taking a sip of tea.
The three of them went to the university together.
As soon as they walked inside the university, everyone was gossiping about something. Just then, Jay and Jungwon came running toward them.
“Slow down,” Y/n told them as they almost slipped.
“You wouldn’t believe it,” Jungwon said, panting.
“Sunghoon is here,” Jay said, smiling at Y/n, unaware of what happened last night.
“You’re not happy?” Jungwon asked as he noticed the lack of excitement in her eyes.
“I’m going to class,” Y/n muttered before leaving them at the entrance of the university.
“What?” Jay asked Jake.
“Sunghoon doesn’t remember anything,” Jake responded.
“Who told you?” Jungwon asked.
“Y/n saw him last night. He didn’t recognize her, so don’t talk about him for a while,” Jake said, following Y/n.
Y/n entered the classroom and saw him there, sitting beside her assigned seat. He looked up when he heard the door opening, and their eyes met. His gaze fell on her neck, where the necklace was now visible due to the sunlight shining into the classroom. He stood up from the seat. As he slowly approached Y/n, his eyes remained fixed on the necklace.
When Y/n noticed where his gaze was, she held the necklace and tried to hide it under her shirt, but before she could do so, Sunghoon grabbed it, pulling her toward him, making her wince in pain.
“It hurts,” Y/n mumbled, trying not to cry.
“Where did you get it?” Sunghoon asked coldly, pulling her closer by the necklace.
“You gave it to me. Please, it hurts,” Y/n said, but he didn’t let go. He pulled her even closer, making her wince in pain.
“Let her go,” Jake said as he approached them, trying to pull Sunghoon’s grip away from the necklace.
“It’s mine,” Sunghoon said, tightening his grip on the necklace, making Y/n wince again.
“You’re hurting her!” Jake yelled. By now, they had attracted the attention of other students.
“I’ll remove it. Please, it hurts,” Y/n mumbled as Sunghoon released his grip on the necklace.
Y/n removed it, and Sunghoon took it harshly from her hand.
The next day, rumors of Sunghoon losing his memories spread throughout the entire university.
Sunghoon arrived at the university, wearing the necklace. Students started whispering about how harshly he had taken it from Y/n.
“Sunghoon,” someone called him, and he turned around.
“What do you want?” Sunghoon asked Jake, clearly frustrated.
“Can we talk?” Jake asked him.
“We already are,” Sunghoon replied sarcastically.
“In private,” Jake said, glancing at the students whispering among themselves.
Sunghoon and Jake went to the parking lot.
“What happened to you?” Jake asked him.
“Nothing happened to me,” Sunghoon replied.
“You gave that to Y/n before you left her, left us,” Jake said, slightly raising his voice.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’ve never seen you or that girl in my life,” Sunghoon replied. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be late,” he added and turned to leave, but Jake held his arm.
Sunghoon grabbed Jake’s collar and punched him.
“What, are you going to kill me too?” Jake asked as he held Sunghoon’s collar.
Sunghoon was about to land another punch, but someone pushed him off Jake. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Y/n yelled at him.
“Stay out of my business. Next time, I’ll put a bullet right in your skull,” Sunghoon said before walking away.
During lunch, they all sat in front of Y/n’s mom’s convenience store.
“What has gotten into you?” Yura asked Jake.
“He really changed,” Jake said.
“Why would you even approach him after what happened yesterday?” Jay asked him.
“I wanted to clear things up, to see if he really lost his memory or if he’s just pretending,” Jake responded, eating his sandwich.
“Well, that was a dumb idea,” Y/n said.
“Is your neck okay?” Jungwon asked.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Y/n responded, smiling a bit at them.
“So, did you think about what Heeseung told you?” Yura asked, raising her eyebrows to tease her.
“I don’t like him,” Y/n responded.
“Oh, then I’ll take him,” Yura said.
“Yeah, do that,” Y/n said, chuckling.
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clarisse0o · 16 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 64
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Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 5k
Monday, March 1; 6:15 AM - Alexia and Ona's Room
Returning to my roots stings throughout my entire system. I'm exhausted. My first night away from Lucy's arms was a disaster. Needless to say, I didn't get a wink of sleep. Now she's doing her usual rounds around our beds while I yawn so wide it feels like my jaw might unhinge.
"Rough night, Batlle?" she teases kindly.
I groan pitifully, causing my friends to chuckle. She stops in front of me, scanning me from head to toe, checking my outfit before pulling me into her arms. A sigh of relief escapes me instantly. I bury my nose in her neck, inhaling her scent deeply to ensure I remember it. When I finally lift my head, she lingers on my face. One might think she's scrutinizing my barely-there makeup, but it's probably my dark circles she's focused on. Then she kisses me properly, making Alexia clear her throat after a moment.
"We should get going."
"Yep," Lucy exhales. "Go on, off you go," she says.
I head for the door, following my roommate.
"And Ona," she calls as I reach the threshold.
"Don't forget your evening classes. Time to get back into the groove."
I smile and nod. We spent yesterday reviewing my classes and finishing the last bits of homework I had left. I'd already done most of them during the evening classes before the break so I wouldn't be bothered during the two-week vacation. It was a good way to get back on track.
"I don’t plan on missing them. Have a good day, Commander."
A smug smile stretches across her lips as I leave the room. I catch up to Alexia, who had gone ahead. She smiles when I reach her.
"Looks like things are going well, huh?"
"Better, yes, but it could still be better without this decision hanging over me."
"Has she changed her mind?"
"Yes and no. She explained the reasons behind her choice," I reply, shrugging. "We'll see. First, I plan to negotiate at my next meeting. Then, I’ll send a few requests to other galleries, and we'll see."
"That's already something. I hope everything goes well."
We step outside, where most of our friends are waiting. My eyes fall on Alessia, reminding me of yesterday’s anxiety. She and her sister know about Lucy. I don’t expect them to tell anyone, but it's still a situation that could make things awkward. We greet everyone before heading to the cafeteria. Good habits really are coming back.
"Your sister’s not here?" I ask Ale.
"Well, turns out she’s got a girlfriend now."
"Really?" I ask, surprised.
"Yeah, apparently she's here, at school, so I assume she's with her."
"Wasn't she a bit difficult because you were away for two weeks?"
"Nope. Seems like having a girlfriend has its perks. I plan to find out who she is just to thank her."
I laugh. I'm curious too. With everything that happened before the break, I hadn’t noticed her getting close to anyone in particular.
"We’ll do our investigation if you want," I tease.
"Oh, for sure! If she thinks she’s going to keep her in the shadows, she's dreaming."
"And you’re the one saying that?" I tease again.
"My case is different."
"Of course," I mock. "Still, it’s time for her to introduce her at least once."
"Yeah, yeah. Soon, since the year is almost over, and I plan to move in with Jenni after school."
Seems I’m not the only one thinking about the "after school" period. I hope she tells her soon because I have a feeling this situation might backfire given how Alba is. We reach the cafeteria. Once we’re served, we sit at our usual table. From where I am, I can see Lucy join her side with Ingrid. I don’t linger, though, afraid I won’t be able to look away from her. The others start recounting their fantastic vacations. I turn to Alessia, who’s sitting next to me. Best to address the elephant in the room right away.
"How were your holidays?" I ask her.
"Pretty good," she admits. "And yours?"
She’s calm. A bit too calm, and probably a little embarrassed too. Lucy did make a point of kissing me in front of her to stake her claim the day they caught us together. I still don’t know if Alessia saw that. All I know is that Lucy marked me with a huge hickey on my neck again last night, just to be sure. My friends haven’t seen it yet since I’ve kept my scarf on, and I plan to keep it that way for a while.
"Good as well," I reply with a small smile.
"Is your girlfriend planning to keep an eye on me from now on?" she retorts, without much emotion.
I glance over at Lucy and see that, indeed, she’s sneaking looks at us between sentences with Ingrid. I bite my lip to suppress a smile. She’s impossible. Yesterday's lecture about jealousy clearly wasn’t enough for her. Maybe it’s time I tell her how much I love her to get her to relax.
"I'll talk to her. Don’t worry."
"Have you seen the hickey she gave her?" Alexia teases mockingly.
"Stop," I groan, unconsciously covering my neck with my hand. "It was the only way to leave without a ten-hour lecture."
Alessia and Alexia laugh at my expense, making me blush even more. To be honest, I like Lucy’s jealousy, but I’d never admit that to them. After our cold moment, she simply reminded me that she loves me no matter what. She knows how to reassure me.
"Did someone say hickey?" 
We turn toward the voice we all recognize. Alba stands behind me with her tray in hand. I smile softly at her. I’ve missed her, actually. I didn’t expect to get so attached to her personality, but I have. She’s genuinely a good person deep down.
"Mind if we join you?"
It’s only then that I notice someone standing behind her. It’s Misa, and judging by the look she gives me, there’s no doubt she’s the girlfriend Ale mentioned. She never hung out with us much, but it happened occasionally. All I remember about her is that she wasn’t very friendly. Her choice surprises me, but after all, I don’t know her well enough to judge their relationship. The question was mostly for show, as they sit down at the end of our table. I exchange a look with Ale, who doesn’t seem thrilled with what she’s seeing. She’s understood the situation just like I have, but I know from previous conversations that she doesn’t like Misa much either. Neither of us knows how to place her.
"So, what’s this about a hickey? Who’s the victim?" Alba asks again.
"Ona," Alessia replies. "Apparently, from her girlfriend."
"Really?" she asks, surprised. "You’re with someone?"
I run my hand through my hair, feeling awkward. I didn’t want this to spread around the table. I feel like Alessia is challenging me, which is irritating. But if Lucy gave me a hickey, it’s because she wants people to know I’m taken, right? After that little internal debate, I nod.
"Uh, yeah. I’ve been dating someone for a little while," I admit.
"Wow, didn’t see that coming," she smiles. "That’s cool! Is she from here? Do we know her?"
"Alba, that's none of your business," Alexia cuts in. "And you? When were you going to tell me you were dating Misa?"
I'm relieved by her intervention. It gives me time to breathe, and she knows why. I can’t afford to reveal Lucy’s identity.
"If I’d waited as long as you to admit I was seeing someone, I wouldn’t have told you until next year," she retorts proudly.
- "What nonsense," she muttered, rolling her eyes before glancing at me.
I stifled a small laugh. I gave her a sympathetic smile, but in reality, her sister wasn't wrong.
- "So, are we not allowed any juicy details?" Alba returned to the original topic.
Of course, she was back to me. Unfortunately, I hadn't had time to think. I just shrugged. I would like to share with them, but I know I can't reveal everything.
- "She's a girl. A few years older than me, and well, that's it. We've only been together for a few weeks."
Only a few weeks. Now that I say it, it feels like we've been together for months. I'm already eager to reach our first month. Unfortunately, that's in a few days, and we'll still be here. I'm trying to stay positive, reminding myself that we'll be in Barcelona this weekend. At least I’ll have the advantage of being on my home turf. I can plan something for her at a place she doesn’t know, with Mapi as my accomplice.
- "So, you're into girls too?" Misa asked.
I leaned to see her as she was sitting just next to Alessia. She kept eating while glancing at me. Surprisingly, she smiled. Now that she knew she had nothing to worry about with Alba, maybe she’d behave differently.
- "Indeed" I replied, without going into detail.
- "And this girl," Alba asked again, "does she treat you well at least?"
Alexia rolled her eyes again, making me suppress a laugh. Honestly, they should have stayed away from each other if they were going to act like this in each other's presence.
- "Absolutely. She's amazing, even if sometimes she struggles to grasp that she's the only one who matters to me."
I punctuated my words by showing off the huge purple, almost black, hickey on my neck. She had pinned me down against the mattress, leaving me no means to defend myself. My friends gasped in disbelief, making me chuckle slightly.
- "Damn, seeing it again now, I realize she didn’t hold back at all," Ale teased as I quickly covered the evidence. "Think I can tease her about it?"
- "You? Tease her?" I raised an eyebrow. "I’d love to see that," I mocked.
- "Oh, shut up," she mumbled.
- "Wait, you know her?" Alba asked, surprised.
- "Yeah. Who do you think I spent my vacation with?"
- "Any particular reason she marked you like that?" Alessia asked, trying to prevent a sibling argument.
- "I don't know," I admitted, shrugging. "Jealousy, I guess. She knows a bit about my friends... I mean, I tell her about them a lot, so she probably feels threatened," I quickly corrected myself.
- "I wonder why. You practically devour her with your eyes. You'd have to be blind not to notice," Ale commented.
I hid my blush behind my mug of hot chocolate. I knew how true her words were. I just hoped it wouldn't be too obvious here at school. Even though there were only two months left and Lucy had said she didn’t care if she got expelled, I wasn’t on the same page. I wanted her with me until the end, so I hoped we could stay discreet. It had been a while, so I glanced over at her table. I was disappointed to find it empty. I looked quickly toward the line where people were clearing their trays, but I had to admit the truth: she was already gone. Clearly, I was already missing her, judging by the pang I felt at this realization. This day was going to feel longer than I’d like to admit.
Monday, March 1st; 5:15 PM - Lucy and Ingrid's Office.
I tried not to seem too eager when I headed to Lucy's office. First, I had to be patient while Alessia talked to me after class, and then I had to weave through the students in the hallway. If it were up to me, I would have sprinted from class the moment the bell rang. But sadly, that only happens in movies. So here I was, standing in front of her office door, which was wide open. I tapped on the wood to announce my presence before stepping inside. I didn’t wait for permission anymore—I felt at home here after having come so often. I was greeted by an empty desk on the left and Lucy behind the one on the right. We were alone. Perfect.
- "Hello," I said cheerfully.
- "Close the door," she ordered without taking her eyes off the screen.
I was already almost at her desk when she gave the command. Oh, she didn't seem to be in a good mood. I turned back to obey without complaint. A few months ago, I would have already retorted for her to do it herself. But now, I sensed this wasn’t the moment. I hoped everything would be fine. I had missed her so much today, and I didn’t want to spend the little time we had together in a bad mood.
- "You're late," she noted, as if it needed pointing out.
- "Did you miss me?"
I tried to joke to lighten her mood. To my surprise, she stood up abruptly to face me.
- "Hell, yes."
Before I could react, she spun me around and pressed me against her desk. Her slightly cold hands slid under my already open jacket. I smiled against her lips as she took them without asking. She grabbed my thighs firmly, lifting me onto the desk. I welcomed her between my legs, running my hand through her hair. For someone who wanted to keep our two relationships separate, we were far from her long speeches.
- "Take off that scarf," she growled, tugging at it.
I laughed harder as I unwrapped it before she could strangle me with it.
- "You like seeing your marks on me? I got so many comments because of you."
- "Really? I didn’t see you take it off today."
I raised an amused eyebrow. So she was watching me. Good to know. To be fair, I wasn’t any better, but now I understood why I kept running into her in the hallways.
- "You did it on purpose, didn’t you?"
- "I have no idea what you’re talking about."
I laughed, wrapping my arms around her neck. She smiled mischievously in return.
- "Well, just so you know, my friends know I’m taken. I talked to Alba this morning, and the others figured it out. They teased me all through lunch trying to figure out who you are. I said you weren’t from the school, but they think I’m lying."
- "Why would they think I’m from here?"
- "No idea. They think I don’t have a life outside of school."
"Well, aside from Mapi, you don’t see many people from your old life," she reminded me. "They’re not wrong, really. »
- "Well, it's easy to meet people nowadays. There are social media or even dating apps."
- "As if that’s your thing... It isn’t, right? Maybe I should take your phone away…"
- "Hey! No way, you idiot. As if I’d do something like that."
I roll my eyes before she kisses me again. I’ve missed her lips. It’s hard to go from two weeks straight together to a sudden cut. I’ll be happy when we no longer have to deal with the constraints of school.
- "Did Alessia say anything?"
- "No. She thinks you’re very... How do I put it? Vampiric. Or something like that. I don’t think she expected you to devour my neck."
She laughs and kisses the mark. I checked it in the mirror again during lunch and realized it’ll probably stick around for a few more days. She then steps back from between my legs, signaling that our little break is over. I hop off the desk, landing on my feet.
- "As long as she doesn’t hover around you anymore, I don’t care what she calls me."
- "Oh please, like she’d even try to go up against you. It’s a good thing she knows now."
- "Hmm... Alright, get your stuff out so we can tackle your homework. How were your classes?"
- "Boring, as always," I sigh. "I’ll be glad when I finally graduate."
- "I get that, me too," she admits with a small smile. "But we’re not there yet. By the way, I talked to Wiegman about your interview."
- "Already?" I ask, surprised.
- "Yup. The sooner it’s settled, the better. That way, we can avoid unnecessary arguments."
- "What did she say?"
- "She’s giving you permission to go, since it’s after your time here. But she’ll have to inform your mom."
I shrug, indifferent. It’s not like my mom doesn’t already know I had an interview. She’ll figure it out soon enough.
- "Will you come with me?"
- "Of course, I’ll drive you," she smiles. "There are perks to still being your guardian. Now, you just need to call Mr. Fields to find out the date."
- "Yeah... Can we also check out other galleries?"
- "I’ve already done some research," she tells me. "I made a list and sent it to Beth. Since she’s more knowledgeable and knows their reputations, she promised to review them and let me know which ones are worth sending your resume to."
- "Thank you. You’re amazing," I reply sincerely.
- "It’s only natural," she says, linking our hands. "I’ve thought about it a lot, and I want to apologize again for making you think I wanted to push you away. That was never my intention."
- "I know, don’t worry," I smile softly. "Let’s wait to see what Fields says before getting ahead of ourselves. He might offer something else."
- "Don’t get your hopes up too much. He can have as many apprentices as he wants. If you say no, that might be it for him."
- "We’ll see," I say confidently. "He seemed really interested in my profile. Maybe he won’t want to let me go so easily."
- "Babe, seriously. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and be let down. I’ll be happy if he offers you something else, but it’s better not to expect too much."
I nod. She’s right. Ever since I got the positive response, I’ve been feeling confident, but I’m likely setting myself up for a fall. I sigh, sinking into my seat.
- "Shall we get to work?"
- "You’ll get to work," she replies with a small smile. "Try to do it on your own, and I’ll correct it. I’ve still got a lot of work to do since the break is over."
I groan as I pull out the management assignment from this morning. Our teacher didn’t go easy on us, and we’ve already been hit with five exercises under the pretext that we need to be ready for the big day.
- "It’s not as fun without you."
- "Oh, come on. I won’t be sitting next to you during the exams. This is the final stretch. You need to learn to handle it on your own now."
I sigh and pout but still get to work. In a few months, I’ll be sitting through the same kind of exercises, except it’ll be on an exam paper for four hours straight. For now, I have nothing to complain about. The stress is slowly creeping in. I know I won’t be fully prepared, especially in my main subjects. Let’s not forget I’m two years behind. And to top it off, I found out today that we actually have compressed courses. Murphy explained that due to the school’s structure, we’re missing a semester out of the usual three years. After quickly doing the math in my head, we only have three semesters instead of four in a given track. At least I understand now why we’re moving faster than normal. Fortunately, my teachers often revisit points that were covered in previous years during the course. Thanks to Lucy, I’ve started asking for help more often. While I think most of my exams are out of reach, Lucy believes in me. She says I might have some terrible grades, but I can still pass. That’s all the support I need. I’m determined to prove her right. I don’t care about having outstanding grades, just passing is enough. I’ll focus on excelling in the subjects I’m stronger in, like literature and languages. They won’t be the most heavily weighted, given the track I chose, but it’s better than nothing. Time passes, and I finally finish the exercises for my upcoming classes.
- "Can you check my work?" I ask my girlfriend.
- "Of course."
She pushes aside her pile of papers and grabs my assignments. She picks up a pencil and starts reading through them. I take advantage of the calm moment to admire her. She moves her long brown hair to the side, making her even more beautiful. I smile as she unintentionally reveals the mark I gave her. It’s much smaller now and a few days old. Our bubble bursts with a knock at the door, followed by its immediate opening to reveal my management teacher. His sudden presence reminds me that we’re never truly safe from being interrupted, even with the door closed.
- "Oh yes, I forgot about your evening classes," he murmurs. "Good evening, I hope I’m not disturbing you."
- "Not particularly," Lucy replies. "How can I help you?"
- "I was just following up on the field trip, but I can come back later if necessary."
Lucy leans back in her chair, crossing her legs, but she keeps my packet of assignments in her hand and removes her glasses—the ones that make her look so irresistible—with the other. She places them on the desk and massages the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again.
- "I’ve already told you, Ona isn’t a problem. What do you need?"
I can’t help but smile at her cold tone. He’s definitely getting on her nerves. I turn back to my teacher, who looks slightly flustered.
- "Well, I wanted to confirm that Miss Engen and you will be part of the teaching staff accompanying us."
- "Alright. Is that all?"
- "For now. I’ll let you know the date of the trip and which group you’ll be in charge of."
- "Hmm. If you’re organizing the groups, make sure Ona is in mine. Since I’m designated as her guardian until the end of the year, it’ll allow me to keep an eye on her."
I can’t help but laugh at that request. Thank goodness Wiegman put her in charge. We’re definitely taking advantage of it now. I thought I was being discreet, but Lucy must have heard me because she raises an eyebrow as she glances at me. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing again. I love it when she plays the serious role like that.
- "Any objections?" she asks me.
- "None," my teacher responds.
It’s too much; I have to laugh again. He doesn’t even know who she’s addressing anymore. Lucy doesn’t miss the opportunity to remind him.
"I was talking to Ona. »
- "No problem, Bronze," I replied with as much seriousness as I could muster in that moment.
- "Good. Well, that's settled then. I'll be waiting for your update."
- "Great. Thanks again for agreeing."
Before he turned to leave, I smiled when I noticed him lingering on Lucy's neck. She couldn’t have chosen a better time to show off the mark I left on her. Then his eyes shifted to me, narrowing slightly.
- "See you tomorrow, sir," I said innocently.
- "Hmm... see you tomorrow."
- "Have a good evening," Lucy added just before he left.
I turned back to Lucy, who had resumed correcting my work as if none of that had just happened. Her glasses were back on her nose. With the door closed again, I seized the opportunity.
- "Is he always that annoying?"
- "He never was."
- "Really? I think he is. He tries to get to you at every chance he gets."
- "Well, now you can be sure he won’t come by after class, not with you here."
Her mischievous tone didn’t sit well with me. I slumped back in my chair, crossing my arms. It was obvious that if he wanted to be alone with her, he wouldn’t come by at this time anymore. That idea bothered me a lot.
- "You're not going to sulk, are you?" she teased. "I was as cold as possible. I think I made it pretty clear, didn't I?"
- "Hmm..."
- "Plus, I made sure you’d be in my group for that outing," she added. "I couldn’t really do much more than that."
- "Yes, you could. You could tell him outright that you’re not interested in men."
- "Fine. I’ll do that if that’s what you want."
A silence settled in. My mood lifted a little. I hadn’t expected her to go that far, but I felt relieved. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore. I watched her as she reached the last page. She had used her pencil several times, so I could already tell there were corrections to make. When she finished, she handed everything back to me.
- "Here you go. You made a few mistakes, but you’ve understood the essentials."
- "Thanks," I replied shyly.
I took my papers and started working on my errors. Most of the time, they were just careless mistakes. Management requires a lot of formulas, and even though I’d memorized them with Lucy’s help before the holidays, I still mixed them up sometimes.
- "How was your night?"
- "Rough," I admitted. "I had trouble getting used to my small bed again, and I didn’t sleep much."
- "Your nightmares came back?"
- "No... I’m a bit afraid they will, but we’ll see. Worst case, I’ll ask to sleep over with Alexia."
I felt close enough to her now that I could ask her for that. I was sure she wouldn’t mind if I did.
- "Hmm... If it’s just her, I think I can accept that," Lucy said with a small smile. "You should take a page out of my book, you know. I know how to control myself."
- "Is that so?" I giggled. "Shall we talk about how you stared down Alessia after I talked to her? I saw you," I accused her shamelessly.
- "I think we should calm down," she laughed. "It’s not like we just spent two weeks living together."
I smiled. She didn’t even try to defend herself.
- "We should, that's true, but I doubt I could resist. I love your jealousy. It makes me feel important in your eyes."
- "You can. You're the most important person to me anyway, baby."
I blushed softly at her unexpected compliment.
- "You are too. Never doubt that. No one even comes close, no matter who I talk to."
- "Noted," she smiled. "Just make sure to remind your friend that you're taken."
- "You do that quite well on your own," I teased, tilting my head to expose my neck. "She knows, don’t worry."
- "Then we have no problem," she smiled wider.
Indeed. Aside from the issue of next year, there didn’t seem to be any more problems between us. I sincerely hoped everything would turn out fine, and even if it didn’t, I was confident we’d find a way through it.
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hannie-dul-set · 8 months
sorry but golden retriever sungchan x black cat reader is the only canon option! if you write a blurb on this pls i will actually kiss you in the mouth (ily btw)
[man on a mission]. jung sungchan has taken it upon himself to make you laugh at least once a day.
“you’re so fucking lame,” you tell him with a roll of your eyes, sitting in front of him at the cafeteria while he has two chopsticks sticking out of his nose. “gross,” you say, but the slight quirk of your lips and the way you quickly reach for your iced lemonade to cover it up makes him pump his fist in the air in victory— even at the expense of his image.
“ha! you laughed! i win.”
his other friends ask him why he even bothers. or, in the words of anton, “hyung, why are you so hell bent on making a fool out of yourself at least once a day?” but his motivations go beyond the selfish desire of proving that his sense of humor can even penetrate the moody and scary (i.e. you). sungchan has made is a mission to make you laugh every single day because of one single reason.
sungchan is simply sick and tired of people talking shit about you.
“it’s ridiculous!” he huffs, slamming both fists on the table after anton asked him the question. “they don’t even know them that well!” yet those same people call you bossy, call you a stick in the mud, temperamental and so on and so forth— which, sungchan has to admit isn’t all wrong. you’re always scowling or glaring or telling people off, but your love language is violence and words needled with spikes. sungchan is the only with enough fluency to see the tenderness in your light punches and your eloquent “fuck you’s” straight to his face.
no, he doesn’t want you to change. he doesn’t want you to soften up your edges just because of the thoughtless impressions of a couple dozen unimportant people. 
but it won’t hurt to see you laughing ever so often, right?
“oh my god, stop it,” you wheeze, hands pressed tightly to your face after sungchan shows you a dumb tiktok video he just saw, then imitating it with just as much grace and passion, causing you to snort out loud and burst into a fit. “fuck’s sake, i hate you so much.”
once more, mission accomplished. he forced you to tag along with his friends for dinner today, so that was a necessary move to break the ice— especially because anton is kind of afraid of you. seeing you out of your usual resting bitch face should ease their intimidation, and jung sungchan is proud of himself for a job well done seeing shotaro having a passionate discussion about a manga you’ve both read.
“no way, i couldn’t find a copy anywhere! can you lend it to me?”
there’s  a swell of pride in his chest seeing you talk so easily with someone else other than him. it’s nice to see other people finally seeing you in the same light as he had for the past couple of years. pride. yes. that’s exactly and the only thing he’s feeling right now.
but as your conversation with taro lengthens that you haven’t looked at him since laughing at his joke, and as eunseok discreetly calls his attention while staring at you from across the table with a look in his eyes that’s all too familiar— almost as if he’s looking straight at a mirror—sungchan thinks that maybe he should abort his mission.
“your friend has a pretty smile.”
he knows. he’s been trying to get everyone else to see it all this time.
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insomniactic-daydream · 2 months
Princess- Bakugo x Reader
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader (Pt.3)
<- Previous Pt.2
Summary: Time has passed, and Bakugo gauntlets are almost done. However, due to a Todoroki family argument, Y/n decides she needs a break from her family by focusing on completing the gauntlets sooner.
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"The USJ? Like Universal Studios USJ?" your older sister Fuyumi questions you're twin brother.
"No, it's a training facility we're going to. Apparently, All might and another pro are coming to see us and how we perform, " Shoto says calmly. Your older sister has made a habit of forcing both of you to talk about your day.
You lazily eat your food, hoping Fuyumi can squeeze more out of Shoto rather than pestering you. You're day always seemed uneventful compared to you brother. Unfortunately for you, Shoto didn't have anymore words to spare; giving you the spotlight.
"How about you Y/n, does you're class have anything planned? Anything exciting." Fuyumi smiles warmly.
"Not really. I'm almost done with those gauntlets I've been working on. So I might get graded on that soon."
"That's great, I'm sure that student is excited for thier new gear. You're going to definitely pass" Fuyumi says trying to make do with all the silence.
"Oh, they definitely won't stop nagging me, that's for sure." You remember all the texts and in-person conversations you've had with Bakugo that always started with "Wheres my shit at?".
If he's not pestering you at the cafeteria, then he's found you hiding away in the support classroom to eat.
You almost feel bad for not having anything to say but you can't get past the old Fuyumi that has side against you for simply loving the only parent that'll look at you, to the one trying to make amends now.
"Listen... I think the both of you should visit mom some time soon. Her recovery is doing really well, and it might help her if she saw the two of you more." Fuyumi says hesitantly; causing you to drop your utensil down.
"I'll think about it" "No thank you" come out of the two of you simultaneously.
"Y/n come on please, can you try and make the effort." Fuyumi pleads.
"Why would I make the effort for someone who could barely stand me. Hell, I'm pretty sure I learned to crawl faster than  Shoto cause she couldn't bear picking me up." You spat.
"That's not her fault and you know it." Shoto defends his mother. "You know the reason why she struggled." He says in his dull tone.
You scoff. "Well, it isn't my fault I was born identical to Dad. But hey, at least my quirk allows me to fix that, huh? I'm doing all of you a favor, I guess." You say standing up, grabbing your plate to put away.
"Y/n that's not what-"
"Thank you for the food Fuyumi it was delicious. Sorry I soured the mood." You interrupt her. Not wanting to cause any more issues, you headed to your room.
Forgiving never came easy to you. I mean, how could it. Everything little remark or digust they have for actually giving thier dad the time of day really did a number on your mental health and how you act today.
It hards to accept how Fuyumi cares now all of a sudden to include dad, while she made you feel horrible for loving him in the past.
Don't get it wrong, Enjj Todoroki is no saint and Y/n understands that her mother is not a monster. But, her father at least tried to make up for the lack of attention your mother gave to you while focusing on Shoto.
Endeavor was also the blame for the dynamic, but your mother never opposed it. They had agreed that he would take care of the one she couldn't bear looking at, and she'd make sure the boy is healthy.
Shoto was the focus for Endeavor; he pushed your mother's priorities towards him. After all, a boy with split hair had more quirk potential than you with just red. That was until your quirks came
Endeavor had ended up training both of you till exhaustion. However, only Shoto was consoled by their mother at the end of the day. Only Shoto was defended to take a break.
Just a child wanting to be loved by her parents. But she still had to be appreciative cause it was more than what her older siblings get to have. But still.
Guess the death of Touya, and your mother being put away, really made it easy for your father to accept that you didn't want to be a hero and you found it more enjoyable to make gadgets.
After all, you remind him so much of his first son that saying no to your passion would be doing Touya a dishonor. At least Shoto was still interested in being a hero, not for your father but to show him he doesn't need his fire quirk. Maybe that's why Shoto gave you a hard time with you using yours.
You sigh into your pillow, contemplating Fuyumi suggestion. You wanted to try. So bad. But then again, if your mother really wanted to make amends, then wouldn't she try and contact you.
You toss in your bed, groaning in frustration. You inevitably grab your phone before typing.
'You busy tomorrow? I heard you're going to a training facility soon. I can get your gauntlets done this weekend, but only if you have a place I can use my quirk safely.'
Maybe you shouldn't have texted the aggravating blonde, but you could use his nagging as a distraction for at least the weekend.
You wait a little before you hear a notification go off.
'The old hag said we can use the metal shed in the back. Or is that not up to your standards, princess?' You read out. The nickname catching you off guard with pink cheeks, but you know he's only mocking your social status. (As if he didn't mention his parents are wealthy designers in an attempt to not feel inferior by you.)
'You're lucky I spent too much time on your gauntlets to melt them to a metal sheet just for that comment asshole.'
(Next Part 4) ->
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Little family angst 💜☺️
I'll admit that I haven't really fully caught up on the series yet. I'm only where dabi reveals his identity. So, sorry if the storyline is a little off or completely wrong.😅
Tags: @queenriki7
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oreoov · 10 months
Imagine like you were shipping bestfriend!kazuha/xiao (pick whichever!) with someone else, but he likes you and gets abit frustrated when he keeps giving you hints but their so subtle you don't notice em?
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bestfriend!xiao x gn!reader / angst (?) & fluff / modern au <3
note ; bye i screamed when i saw this BUT OFFCCCC, i was gonna do kazuha because likes hes just so hdidjdisidi but i haven't done xiao in a while so YEAHHH, BTW ILYY TYSM FOR REQUESTING <33
synopsis ; xiao kept giving you subtle hints that he likes you ... but you never seemed to noticed them, and even started shipping him with someone else ..?
the bell finally rang after what felt like hours on end ... you and xiao were making your way to the cafeteria together, right before some girl bumped into xiao as she was in a hurry.
the sudden crash had caused her to drop all her books, and like what any person would do, xiao helped pick them up and returned it to who it belonged to. he even gave her a subtle smile as she thanked him before leaving.
"oooohh!! was that a smile i saw? hmm?" you teased him as you both resumed your walk to the cafeteria.
xiao gave you a confused look as he didn't understand why it was a big deal to you. "you're the one who told me to smile more ..?"
"okay well─ umm─ thats different!! you dont usually smile at people ... or .. YOU LIKE HER? is that it?!" you were literally onto nothing ...
from a confused look, he turned into a 'wtf?' look ... "what? i smile a lot more with you anyways ..." xiao mumbled the last part as he thought it was quite embarassing to say, he just hoped you would catch on already.
but you completely ignored what he said and started feeding your delusions to him again!
"its okay to admit that you were kinda into her xiao, you guys made eye contact for like 0.2 seconds ... like, dude she literally wants you so bad .."
"it's okay xiao we know you're new to all this."
"no i dont like her─"
"shhh ... i dont wanna hear it!"
but he likes you, not some random girl he crashed into, and might've thought that you would already notice .. maybe he needs to make it more obvious?
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the next day as you were both passing the lockers in the hallway, you couldn't help but notice the girl that crashed into xiao yesterday.
"omg, thats the girl from yesterday!! you should totally talk to her right now, this is literally your chance!" you said as you nudge xiaos elbow.
but he didn't want to. he wasn't interested at her at all, especially when there's someone way better right beside him after all.
"how many times do i have to tell you? im not interested in her whatsoever." xiao groaned as you kept insisting to.
"but why notttt? you guys would look cute together .. plus shes super pretty too ..."
"no, even you look better than that?" xiao looked at you, just for him to turn away again as his gaze meets yours. you're the prettiest one in his eyes and no one else! was it that hard for you to understand?
xiao was laced with frustration as you kept babbling nonsense about xiao and that oh, so, pretty girl and how cute they would be together.
you probably didn't even seem to notice that he basically just called you pretty ...
he was on the verge of confessing to you right then and there. but at the same time, he couldn't. what if you didn't feel the same way? what if you were just purposely ignoring the hints he gave you as a sign of rejection? he would never know.
meanwhile, you noticed that xiao has gone quite. has he grown upset? "heyy .. alright im sorry! i didn't know you'd get that upset ... ill stop now i promise!" you mumbled with a pile full of guilt.
"if i were really to be with her, how would you feel?" xiao unexpectedly blurted out, he was even surprised at his own words. but still, he wanted to know.
"uhh .. wha- what do you mean?" you were bewildered by the sudden question. it was unsual for xiao to ask such things, especially with his cold demeanor.
"if i were to be with her, wouldn't that mean most of my time with you would be taken away?"
the thought of that had never came across your head. it actually doesn't feel right anymore. in simple words, the thought of another girl taking xiao away from you? hell no ...
there was an awkward silence between the two of you before you finally spoke up. "i dont know ..."
xiao sighed as he set his eyes on you. "good, cause i don't know what I'll do if you were with someone else either." xiao mumbled out quitely, barely even audible.
but you heard it. you heard all of it, is he trying to say that he ...
xiao huffed as he still needed to explain it to your slow brain. "archons, how oblivious are you? i like you. was that not clear from the start?"
you didn't know why, but you felt like you had to chuckled a bit at his frustration. "okayy, okay im sorry!! okay but i swear i noticed a bit but i wasn't sure alright??"
"and yet you were so sure that i liked that other girl when i don't even know her name .."
"IM SORRY!!! but i guess i like you too by the way ... hehe .."
even that was enough to leave xiao completely flustered.
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extra notes : HELP THE ENDING WAS KINDA SCUFFED IM SO BAD AT WRITING CONFESSION STUFF SORRY LMAOO also this was not meant to be that sad 😭
─ masterlist.
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jrow · 5 months
May Prompts (12)
Day 11 here. Day 13 here.
It’s funny the degree to which having a real family shifted his priorities.
Maybe not funny, but surprising. At least to him.
His entire life, family had felt like an obligation more than anything else. His mother meant well, but she didn’t really know how to parent. His dad was a drunk arsehole. And the least said about Harry the better.
No wonder he’d ended up fighting in a war across the world.
Obligation was exactly how Mary had felt at the end. But despite his spiral after her death (and the resulting piss poor parenting that took all the worst elements from his own parents style), his love for Rosie had been fierce and unwavering. She hadn’t been an obligation, but a gift he didn’t deserve. She got him through.
Well, her and Sherlock. Once John finally let himself acknowledge that Sherlock had become like family himself, things slowly got easier. John was happier. Suddenly, family was love.
But, that can complicate things at times. Balancing the wants and needs of the two members of his family against each other and his own.
Sherlock has been here with him at the hospital all day. After Sherlock first arrived this morning, they spent about a half hour talking about what happened. The thief, the chase, John’s fall. Not surprising, really, given their choice of profession. Although perhaps a bit of a wake up call. John isn’t as young as he used to be, and now he has a child to consider.
John had also hoped to talk about the intruder and see if Sherlock had any theories. He promptly fell asleep instead. And slept for over six hours. Understandable maybe, but embarrassing all the same.
Sherlock was still there when he woke up. John is fairly certain the man never left his bedside. And for twenty minutes, they have been discussing the intruder—the evidence gathered so far (limited, much to Sherlock’s hilarious annoyance) and theories on motives. It’s wonderful and John hates to cut it short, but he knows he must.
Molly would likely agree to pick up Rosie from nursery. Mrs. Hudson too. But they’ve never done it before and, under the circumstances, that will scare Rosie. Right now her comfort takes precedence over John’s and Sherlock’s wants and needs.
Sherlock is currently ranting about security measures in the hospital. To be honest, John stopped paying attention to the details a couple minutes ago. He opens his mouth to interrupt, but is beaten to the punch when Sherlock stops abruptly and stands up.
“Sorry, John. I need to head to the nursery now. If I pick up Rosie a bit early, there will be time for a short visit here for. The timing will be perfect for her tea.” He puts on his coat. “The cafeteria has cut fruit, goldfish, yogurt, and some rather boring pasta dishes that she’ll probably like. It should be sufficient.”
John finds himself smiling broadly. “You are going to get Rosie.”
Sherlock rolls his eyes and the sight warms John’s insides. “Of course, I am getting Rosie. This will be a very stressful time for little Watson. After our visit here, I will take her home and put her to bed. Molly has agreed to spend the night at your house again so I can leave.”
“Oh yes, of course,” John says. “You’ll be wanting to get back to Baker street.”
Sherlock looks at John like he’s the biggest idiot in the world. It’s ridiculous how much John loves that look. “I’m coming back here, John. Why would I go to Baker Street?” He shakes his head and makes his way to the door. “Do sleep now, so we can continue working tonight. Gerald has managed to finagle his way on to the case, so the Yard may actually prove helpful. He will be coming by at 9 to go over what little evidence they have.” He pauses. “Don’t tell Gerald I said he might be useful.”
John chuckles. “I believe visiting hours end at 8.”
“That doesn’t apply to you,” Sherlock says with a dismissive wave. John doesn’t doubt it.
And with that, Sherlock is gone. But, soon to return with Rosie in tow. John smiles to himself. This family thing is pretty great. He doesn’t deserve her. Doesn’t deserve them.
Despite his injuries, he’s one lucky bastard.
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @phoenix27884 @friday411 @calaisreno @quimerasyutopias @lisbeth-kk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @momma2boys @helloliriels
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crystalflie · 2 years
Two Cat People In The Same Room. (IV)
Part IV—> (Part llI here)
Chishiya Shuntaro x Reader x Banda Sunato
Description: Apparently raiding the department stores was everyone’s first instinct after the king of spades scare at Shibuya Cross. Now you’re stuck with only a cat hoodie over your inconvenient swimwear from the beach, and two unconventional cat lovers in a game of betrayal.
Word count: 1630
Tags: Gender-neutral reader, general audiences, canon divergence, fluff, canon typical character behavior and description of violence, Chishiya and Banda side-eyeing each other, can be platonic or romantic.
^A tiny bit of angst this chapter, with comfort.^
You think that Matsushita is avoiding you.
After the little ‘incident’ with Banda and Chishiya, it was fair enough…but that doesn't mean you didn’t feel ashamed every time you were in the same proximity.
And it also didn’t help that Banda liked to subtly give you attention by getting close whenever he had the chance, or by asking to help you with your suit symbol when Chishiya was very obviously within range and listening.
It was all generally harmless and you didn’t mind it as much as you act like you do- until players suddenly began to die, even after the intimidating bully had passed. It shocked you to an unexpected degree, only because it was different when you knew that the people you were surrounded by, the people you were supposed to trust, were responsible for those that never got to leave their cell.
It was terrifying that ‘trust’ was so fragile, yet the most important component of the game. You’ve never been so relieved to have Chishiya and Ippei..though sometimes forbidden thoughts manage to cross your mind. Horrible, you knew, but more than once you found yourself to be hesitant, and accepted Banda’s offer to share symbols.
Not as if you’ll fully trust Banda either, but it doesn’t hurt to get some reassurance, right?
More or less, it was all done away from Chishiya’s knowledge, since he and Banda don’t exactly get along.
You strangely didn’t want Chishiya to be disappointed in you.
You really didn’t want him to know..how Banda and you would ‘accidentally’ bump into each other in the halls, where you’ll take off your hood and he’ll part the back of your hair, saying either spade, diamond, heart, or club.
Luckily, each time it matched what Chishiya and Ippei had told you. An unexpected weight had been lifted from your chest, and you were able to rest assured.
Though one thing didn’t change.
Banda never stopped approaching you, and even when you didn’t need to ‘help’ each other anymore, the little exchanges continued. You supposed that it would be unfair to stop now that your own doubts were gone, who knows how Banda feels about Matsushita?
Banda turned around, smiling, and gave you a pat on the shoulder.
“Thanks for the help.”
He was always extra kind to you afterward, even sometimes bringing you snacks from the cafeteria. It seems to be the case this time too, because he pulled out a packet of cookies from his pants pocket.
“Thank yo-”
Then he pulled out another pack.
“Oh, more-”
And another.
And he continued taking out cookies pack after pack until your hands were full and he patted himself down to make sure he’s got every last one.
“Banda, how- why did you take so many?!”
Banda hummed, brushing off your question with a slight shrug.
“I want to make sure the kitty cat is eating well.”
If the definition of ‘eating well’ is consuming an unauthorized sum of cookies, then yes, you would be eating well before you died from a sugar overdose.
“Okay..thanks I guess, but I should get back now, don’t want my friends to be suspicious..”
You gave Banda a nod, walking past him down the hall. He didn’t object either, footsteps indicating the man was off to his own business.
The building was still a little unsettling despite you having gotten used to it, and it had way too many turns for your liking.
You also didn’t know what to do with all the cookies Banda had left you with, you certainly weren’t going to eat them all. At least there were different flavors, but still, they were all the same brand.
Did Banda like these?
As you walked, you tried to stuff the packages into your hoodie pockets, but it still looked unnatural, like you were secretly hoarding something.
Maybe if you can get back to your cell, then you can throw them in the sink. Better than getting questions.
Your walk sped up, eager to quickly arrive at your destination, but as you rounded a dark corner, something- or someone was in your way.
Unable to stop, your only option was to fall backward, landing right on your butt. As you did, all the cookies came slipping out of your hoodie, scattering around the floors.
Your eyes darted up to see Chishiya’s amused face, who was a little surprised at how extreme your reaction was.
“Wh-What were you doing there?!”
He takes a few steps closer, staring you down with no intention of lending a hand.
You instinctively scurried further away, still sitting on the cold floors.
“What was I doing there?”
Chishiya wore a neutral expression, the edge to his voice making you nervous.
You slowly nod, unsure where he was going with this.
“I think the real question is, what were you doing?”
At some point, your back hits the wall, and Chishiya’s form cornered you.
“I was just going to find you..”
Your voice came out less confident than you'd like, but all that was on your mind was whether or not Chishiya had seen you speaking with Banda.
Judging by his words, he totally has.
You don’t realize how you tried to curl into yourself more until Chishiya let out a small scoff, kneeling down to meet your eyes.
“You don’t trust me.”
He stated it like it was a fact, and you felt the need to refute the accusation. You didn’t want to lose Chishiya and Ippei’s trust, because you did trust them, and if they didn’t trust you, then…
“I-I do!”
Chishiya tilted his head as if he were confused, not saying anything.
“I’m sorry..”
His intense stare was making you nervous, and you did the only thing you knew how—apologize. Maybe if you gave in now, you’ll be able to salvage the situation, and Chishiya wouldn’t be too upset.
“I really do trust you and Ippei..with Banda, I was just..”
The white-haired man sighed, chuckling as he shook his head and stood up again.
“No, you were smart for that, don’t worry, I won’t tell Ippei.”
You felt yourself trembling at what he said, suddenly overwhelmed with a new sense of fear. It was almost like you betrayed Chishiya, and for some reason, you really, really didn’t like the feeling of losing him. He was honestly a nice companion to have, in a weird comforting sense having known of him before this stupid game.
A few seconds passed and you couldn’t feel Chishiya’s presence over you anymore, he was walking away.
You didn’t give him the chance to go far before you managed to desperately cling onto one of his legs in a bear hug, not letting go.
“No! Don’t go!”
Frozen, he looks down to see you holding on for dear life.
“I wasn’t lying..I do trust you..I’m sorry for doubting you before..”
You squeezed his leg tighter when he didn’t respond, muttering another apology before letting go and attempting to stand up on your own. Your legs were shaky, and for an unknown reason your head was warm, clouded with aching when you realized you were being ignored.
At least you thought you were, you didn’t hear anything other than your labored breathing, perhaps even sobs you tried to hold back in front of Chishiya.
You didn’t even know why you were so worked up, just the pure atmosphere of this place was weighing down on you, and the thought of losing the trust of a friend when you needed it the most..was too much.
You stumbled a bit trying to quietly leave, but felt something stabilizing both of your arms. Blinking through your tears, you could see Chishiya’s mouth moving, saying something you couldn’t make out.
As you didn’t know what he was saying, you remained still and allowed him to set you on the ground, leaning your back against the wall.
You just let it happen, sniffling, feeling too defeated to care whether or not he’ll leave anymore.
The man ended up crouching next to you, using one of his sleeves to wipe away the wetness on your face.
He was gently shushing you, trying to get you to stop crying.
“Take a deep breath, okay?”
You bite your lower lip, trying to listen to his instructions, when Chishiya moves his hand to the side of your ear, stroking through your hair.
He does this until your breathing stabilizes, and you were disappointed to find his warmth slipping away.
“Look..I’m sorry for scaring you, okay? I’m not angry, I believe you.”
Chishiya knew he wasn’t exactly the best at expressing his emotions, but he wasn’t expecting you to be that affected by his rather apathetic nature.
He tried his best to be comforting, but one look at your reddened eyes and anyone could tell you’ve been crying. He didn’t mean to purposely upset you or push you this far, and now, it was up to him to raise your spirits again.
“Okay..that's good..”
You awkwardly moved your arms, debating whether or not it was alright to hug him. You decided you were too relieved to care, and hugged him anyway.
Equally awkward, Chishiya slowly patted your back.
“Do you want to go to the cafeteria? You’ll be less lightheaded if you have something.”
“Maybe if you carry me there..” You quietly joke, hoping to lift the mood.
“Huh? Wai-”
You feel one of Chishiya’s arms slipping under your knees, and his other arm hoisting up your lower waist. In one swoop, he lifted you into a princess carry and began walking towards the direction of probably, the cafeteria.
Chishiya sighs again,
“I’m starting to notice you like to scream my name a lot.”
~AN: I just want to say if I spelled something wrong or if the wording is bad pls let me know because its like 5 am and my brain is muddled. Thank you for reading!!~
Tags: @laivi @kokxm1 @huachengsbestie01 @bxcndd @fiqire @micheshiree @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @bowscale @kuzuryussuit @rebeccawinters @sweet-citrus-candy @cham0mil-and-h0n3y @cdwmtjb8 @yanfei-kisser @reinixis @recromage @cosmicwintr @mynameisbaby9 @like0 @parkthatmay @kreishin @cloudylaze @aceredhairliberal
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agaypanic · 1 year
can I request benny weir with a vampire gf?! ayghhh theyd be so cute together because she feels the need to protect him at all times and he gets all flustered and stuff ykwim😭
Benny Weir With a Vampire Girlfriend Headcanons
Request Something!
I like to think vampires are territorial to some degree
So the second you start dating Benny, you become way more protective than you would be of a friend
If someone’s flirting with him, you put a stop to that right away
Even if he’s trying to tell them that he’s not interested because he has a girlfriend
You were waiting for Benny in the cafeteria with the gang. Usually, you’d walk together, but you had forgotten to grab a juice box of blood for lunch, so you had to race home to grab one. 
“Shouldn’t Benny be here by now?” You asked the group. None of you were in his period before lunch, so he usually kept to himself. This meant that if you didn’t walk with him, he’d race right to the cafeteria. But it had been ten minutes, and he still wasn’t here. “I’m kind of worried.”
“He’s probably fine, Y/n,” Sarah said reassuringly, patting your arm. 
“Why don’t you just listen for him?” Rory asked. You raised a brow.
“Don’t you mean look for him, Rory?”
“No, listen. If he’s anywhere in the school, you could probably pick up on it.” It had suddenly occurred to you that one of the perks of being undead was you had gained an incredible sense of hearing. 
“Huh, Rory having a good idea. That’s a first.” Erica muttered. You started tuning everyone out, searching for your boyfriend with your ears. You shut your eyes tight to focus. Starting out faint, you started to hear his voice.
“I should really get to lunch.” He said, laughing somewhat nervously. You didn’t have to wonder why because a voice near him responded.
“Oh, okay.” It seemed pouty, but soon turned flirtatious. “Wanna walk together?” Your stagnant blood started to boil. He was talking to some girl, probably from his class. You could practically hear her playing with her hair, trying to get more of his attention. 
You don’t know what came over you. You knew Benny could handle himself, but there was some instinct in you telling you to get that girl as far from him as possible. One second, you were sitting in the cafeteria, about to leave dents in the table from how hard you were gripping it in anger. 
The next, you were rounding the corner, heading straight for the two. 
The girl leaned against the lockers by Benny’s classroom, staring at him with a dreamy look. You were even more pissed, only you got to look at him that way. Luckily, Benny looked like he was looking for any way out of there. And you were about to give him his escape. You were just waiting for an opening.
“I usually walk with my girlfriend, who’s waiting for me right now. So I should go.” The girl seemed disappointed in his answer, but quickly recovered.
“Well, she doesn’t seem like that good of a girlfriend. If I was dating you, you’d never have to walk anywhere alone.” Wow, that’s fucking creepy.
“It’s a good thing I’m here now, then.” You said, stepping into their view. Benny’s mood visibly brightened while the girl scowled. “Ready, Bens?” You held your hand out, which he grasped immediately. The two of you walked back to the cafeteria, leaving the sulking girl in the dust.
“Thanks, Baby. That chick would not let up.”
“I was about to suck her dry.” You grumbled. 
“Well, I know something else you could suck dry,” Benny smirked at his own joke.
“Oh my God, you’re disgusting.” You pushed him away but still laughed.
You scare him with mirrors
A lot
It’s not intentional half the time
After all, it’s not your fault you don’t have a reflection anymore
You and the gang were having one of your regular sleepovers, complete with video games, junk food, and having to watch after Ethan’s little sister. Luckily, you all stayed up later than Jane, so she was soon tucked into bed and out like a light.
“Benny, go wash your hands when you’re done. I don’t want pizza grease on my controllers.” Ethan grimaced as he watched his best friend practically inhale the food. Sometimes Benny joked that he was eating for the both of you, since you weren’t able to enjoy human food anymore. It was a sweet gesture, but it also baffled you how much he could eat without getting sick.
“Ugh, fine,” Benny responded after swallowing his last piece. He went to give you a kiss, but you pushed him away.
“When you’re less messy.” He pouted, sulking all the way to the bathroom. You leaned against the island, immediately getting off when you felt something on your arm. Someone must have spilled some soda because there was a small puddle on the island, and your arm was now wet and sticky. 
Grimacing, you went to the bathroom to wash off your arm. Stopping at the doorway, you waited for your turn as Benny washed his hands. When he washed all the soap off, you thought he would dry off. But instead, he grabbed one of the washcloths in the towel cupboard that the Morgan’s had and dipped it in the water. He leaned in close to the mirror and started washing his face. 
When Benny’s face was cleaned, he threw the washcloth in the laundry basket. Thinking he was alone, and being the dork he was, he started doing random poses in the mirror. You would’ve kept watching if you weren’t so bothered by your sticky arm. But luckily, he spun around and jumped in surprise at your presence. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“How long have you been standing there?” He asked, a bit embarrassed. You nudged him a bit, so you had room to wash up.
“Just a few minutes.” You said as you scrubbed. “I’m surprised you didn’t see me in the mirror.”
“Uh… Y/n…” You looked up, confused but soon realized what he meant. Sometimes you forget that having no soul meant no reflection. But you tried not to think of it like that, so you laughed.
“Oh, right.” You dried off and looked at Benny, just to see that he was already looking at you.
“Can I kiss you now?” He asked. “I’m mess-free.” He held up his now clean hands and gestured to his clean face.
“Sure.” You grinned, arms winding around his neck to bring him to your level. He pressed a hand to your back to bring you closer as he kissed you.
The two of you probably would’ve stayed in there forever if you weren’t interrupted.
“No making out in my bathroom!”
You always team up when you and the gang are fighting monsters or looking for clues
A warlock and a vampire are a dynamic duo
Especially when they’re dating, and the vampire won’t let anything happen to her warlock
This fight seemed very ironic to you. Ethan had a vision that the school’s annual blood drive was being run by vampires. You couldn’t let these nurses get away with all this blood for themselves. But while you fought them off, you were fighting your own urges to break into the truck that had all the blood.
But there was a problem with the truck. Two fellow vampires, Rory and Erica, were stuck in the truck that was full of blood. So while you, Ethan, and Sarah tried fighting the demonic nurses off, Benny tried breaking Rory and Erica out. Your job was to keep the nurses away from Benny so he could focus on opening the doors.
“How cute. You seem to have your own blood bag.” One nurse sneered at you. “Mind if I have a bite?” She sped at you, and it took all your strength to keep her away from your boyfriend. Kicks and punches were thrown with fangs bared.
“Find your own blood bag!” You launched her across the small parking lot with a powerful kick. You turned to Benny, who was now staring at you. “You okay?”
“That was so cool.” He whispered. You grinned, about to respond, when you sensed the nurse recovering. You raced towards her, and the two of you continued your fight. Benny stared at you, somewhat flustered, knowing you were doing all of it to protect him.
“Benny!” The boy was brought out of his thoughts by Ethan yelling at him. “Focus!”
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blissfulip · 8 months
on AO3
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Viktor x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, idiots in love (?) dubious science, mostly canon compliant, no use of y/n, chemist!reader, eventual smut, masturbation, angry sex, unprotected sex,
Cw: uhhhh smut
Words: 2.5k
[A/N: russian very kindly corrected by soln, ly<3, tags and content warnings to be updated in each chapter, updates weekly(ish). (also, let me know if you want to be tagged in fic updates!)]
Tags: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @chemical-killjoy @jinxed-jk @bobobomao
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Chapter 6: Big-headed? (NSFW)
The corridor leading to Heimerdinger's office was markedly narrower and longer than the others at The Academy, as though he was covertly attempting to thwart visitors. It didn’t stop you, however, and as you found out when you got there, it hadn’t stopped Viktor either. It made sense that, at one point in his life, long before you even met each other, these halls must have been a habitual destination. His close-knit relationship with the professor also showed itself confidently in the volume of his voice, a line that, despite your frustration with the situation, you’d never dare to cross.
You had every intention of staying put and waiting for him to come out, but the half-open door compromised your presence, and given that you were almost certainly there to make a fuss about the same issue, you decided to get it done and over with; after all, perchance Viktor's presence there could give your argument a compelling edge.
"Well, I’m glad you were able to join us at last, dear. I trust you are feeling better." Heimerdinger started.
“I’m okay; yes, thank you for the concern, professor. I should say I have a surmise that I am here for the same reason as him."
“Yes, I was trying to argue that our work styles do not meld well, and making us work together for any period of time greater than 5 minutes could be catastrophic; would you confirm as much?”
“Absolutely, I can do the work all on my own if that’s necessary; just don't make me work with him.”
“Interestingly enough, he has offered to do the same. Although I do commend both of you for your altruism, I must insist. This is what the Academy has decided.”
“Professor, if I may—"
“Enough delays, my boy; the decision is final. If I were you, I would get to it immediately; you have only a couple of hours to work.” You were swiftly rushed out the door by him, swept away by tiny, impatient footsteps and a heavy wooden door closing behind you.
Another door closed right on your faces when the sweet librarian denied you access on the pretense that your arguing had inconvenienced a whole two people the past couple of weeks, and you were now banned from using the premises at the same time. You had to compromise and go in by yourself to get the books you needed and then go all the way to the half-empty and uncomfortably cold cafeteria tables, where you worked tirelessly until you were yet again kicked out once the place closed. 
A couple infectious yawns and rubbed eyes later, you leaned back on the stiff plastic chair and stretched your back.
“What time is it?”
“Past 9.” Viktor answered after lazily turning around to try to make out what the clock read. You groaned loudly.
“We’ll need to move again—my dorm or yours?"
“Mine is probably cleaner.”
“Are you implying I’m messy?”
“No, I am affirming as much.”
“Rude.” You were offended, though only as a habit, because he was not entirely wrong.
“Oh no, have I offended you? Someone put me out of my misery!” He dramatized.
“I’d be first in line.” You said already standing up and walking in the direction of his dormitory.
“Not everything needs to be done your way, you know?"
In the wake of the cafeteria work stretch, you had found yourselves completely spent and depleted. With most of the work done and text written, you had taken some minutes to stretch and rest your eyes. Viktor had informed you as soon as you got there that it was imperative that you were as silent as possible, given the next-door neighbor's propensity to complain about noise.
You did your best to keep it down, of course, and granted, you had been doing a particularly good job. That is, until Viktor decided to wonder who between the two of you would be the one actually giving the speech with the material you had prepared. Although you did your best to ask him politely at first, his immediate negative response caused you to get defensive.
“I wrote most of the text; why can’t you just do me a favor once?
“It’s not a favor if you have to throw me under a train for it! You know I hate speaking in public, and genuinely, I’m dog-tired of you being so incorrigibly selfish.”
“I’m not selfish, how am I selfish?” You said almost forgetting you had to keep the volume down.
“You never think about any consequences, ever. You can go around saying you are a free spirit and spontaneous and fun as much as you like, but if truth be told, you are nothing but cataclysmic chaos!”
“I don’t make mistakes on purpose, Viktor; it happens; you just have zero empathy because you insist on making everyone believe you are the Academy’s perfect golden boy! You never make mistakes, and you never do anything wrong, right?. But I know all you really do is push people away because everyone is afraid of disappointing you! I don't know. If you were a little less hostile, maybe you’d have some friends."
“You mean friends like you? I’d rather staple my ears together than be friends with a jumbled  mess. He said, standing up from the chair, his nose flaring up as he inhaled a sharp breath and held his cane forcefully. “You are so excruciatingly intolerable, overwhelming, big-headed—”
“That is what you take offense to?”
You couldn’t say anything beyond a dismissive shrug, and you knew your disregard for his opinion was what would sting the most anyway.
The silence was loud; it could be felt in the air between you, the irate flare of irritation in his gritted teeth, his ears colored in that familiar tone of blush, and his eyebrows uncomfortably knit together as he whisper-screamed at you. He took a couple steps forward, leaving you at no farther than a palm's distance. The sudden closeness somehow did not bother you; you could hear both of your breaths, heavy and panting from the strain of containing your screams, and you could tell by the heat you felt all over your head and stomach that your cheeks probably mirrored the flush on Viktor’s face.
In hindsight, you never really understood why you didn’t talk back to him after that last comment. You had so many things in mind you could have said, but an unknown force pulled your attention away from his amber eyes glowing with rage to his lips instead, which were a bloody cherry red from biting on them too much. You couldn’t look away, and Viktor quickly noticed.
Then his shoulders visibly lost tension.
"Ah…prydoruk,” he whispered, mostly to himself, and you wished you understood because it somehow felt like another insult. Perplexity became fright when the loud clang of his cane falling directed your eyes to the floor, but in an instant, both of his hands were holding your face firmly, and one of them slithered in between the locks of your hair.
You hated how fast your guard fell. His fingers, icy yet delicate, caressing the lines of your jaw, were enough to disarm you completely. You mouthed multiple offenses at him under your breath as you searched for his lips. You were agonizingly in need of each other’s taste. Your hands had a strong grip on his shirt, tugging at it unintentionally as your body, which desperately wanted that idiot, tried to gripe with your rationality. The war in Viktor’s mind was a similar one, but just as much as yours, his body was unable to pull back.
Eventually you needed to catch your breath from the kiss, beyond hungry, and when you pulled back just slightly, you looked at each other like two deer in headlights, frozen in place by a blend of contradicting emotions that prevented you from moving and still holding each other closely. Viktor moved first, and when he kissed you again, you could feel his hands move almost on their own, going against his orders to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. He felt his lungs grow hungry for air as his tongue buried itself deep inside your throat.
“Stop pulling," he tried to whisper in between kisses. You shushed him, bringing a finger up to his lips, and started leaving a trail of kisses along his jawbone. “If you tear my shirt, I—” He tried once again, but your lips got to his neck at the same time, and his sentence changed into a muffled groan.
“I won’t. Just shut up; don’t make me think too much about this; just sh—”
“So crass,” he said as he walked backwards to the bed, pulling you along with him. “You’re so unpleasant."
“You have history that says otherwise, asshat."
You already had a leg on the bed, fully intending to push him on it to straddle his lap, but he moved faster than you could think and shifted to hover above you. He crawled up slowly without ever stopping the deep kiss you were sharing and used one of his knees to push your legs apart, positioning himself between them. You tried not to react, but the feeling of his erection against you prompted a slight chuckle to come out of your throat. 
“If this is how you get when I’m unpleasant, I can’t imagine what could happen if I were nice to you.” you smirked. He sank his teeth against your skin in response, leaving a small bite mark on your collarbone before he whispered.
“You are not funny, Zaychik."
“You’re just humorless." You said this as you pulled his shirt over his head. This must have been the open invitation he was waiting for to introduce a hand under your dress, completely bunching it up to gain precious access to your bare chest.
Although the energy of the room had shifted noticeably, the pooling heat in between you never replaced the ravenous disposition. You still felt the frustration in him as he bit into you multiple times, leaving a wake of purple and red bruises you would have to explain the next day. You didn’t know if his motivations were guided by a fit of lust or if it was a way to punish you for all of the irritation you had caused him throughout the years of knowing each other; either way, it felt good, and you did not care to keep pondering.
His hand trickled down to your underwear in excruciatingly slow designs, one of his eyebrows raising in a self-congratulatory expression when he felt the dampness of the fabric.
“Pat yourself in the back; why don't you?” You said, rolling your eyes. He did not answer, and, to your astonishment, he did not take your underwear off. He took his hand back up, bringing the fingers wet with arousal into his mouth, pulled down the elastic of his sweatpants and underwear to reveal a cock you wished you hadn’t gasped at, and pulled your underwear to the side to position himself at your entrance, all without ever breaking eye contact.
Even though he was panting abnormally loud and you could tell he would probably soon burst into a cloud of smoke, he still nodded slightly at you, asking for confirmation, and when you nodded back, he impatiently tilted his hips as far as the position allowed it and his leg could withstand, plunging into you with hungry zeal. He didn’t start slow; he was incisive and deep with every thrust, making sure he was completely inside you with every move. Calculated bastard
You used both hands around his back to hold yourself steady, your not exactly manicured nails digging into the soft flesh of his shoulder blades as you did your best to not make any noises too loud. Down on the bed under him, you pondered the dim light in the room and the curious designs of the roof. They might as well have been figments of your imagination, swirls of light and haziness as your eyes filled with tears.
You confused the erratic rhythm of his hips for what you thought at first was the arrival of his unraveling and immediately realized was simply his leg tiring out, and you gathered enough momentum to push him off of you, his back now on the bed, and you were ready to ride him. Long overdue, you thought, you couldn’t let him get his way with you without having a mirriad of his whimpers to your name. Your pace wasn’t slow either; you drove him into you with the roll of your hips, making sure you could feel him in the right spots.
The look of enamoured trance on his face as you bounced on his lap was far from the vexed expression you were expecting, and the suppressed groans of pleasure touched something in you that made you suddenly bashful. You leaned over to nuzzle your face against the crook of his neck and pressed your lips against his when his grin was getting too wide for comfort. You devoured each other again for what felt like too little time before you could feel the overwhelming heat in your core preparing you for your climax.
You tried to tell Viktor you were about to come, but something in your face must have made that obvious, because he brought you close again by the back of your neck, your mouths nearly touching each other as he spoke.
“Say my name,” he murmured into your mouth.
“Yeah, right”
The hand on your neck slithered its way up to your hair, which he tugged at firmly.
“Say it; I know you’re close.”
“Fuck you.” You hissed, neither of you being able to contain a half-pleasure, half irritation, out-of-breath groan.
It didn’t take much longer before you felt the brief pain and sweet spasm that followed it, and Viktor revealed the feeling of your walls contracting around his cock. You took a second to compose yourself with your forehead pressed against his, and then gave him a devilish grin as you slid down to his lap. His eyes opened wide when you pressed the heat of his erection flat on your tongue, taking it in as far as you could manage.
His head shot back and his face contorted in pleasure, the hand that hadn’t left your hair oscillating between pulling at it harshly and gently caressing your head. You tasted him, salty, in your throat soon enough, and sat up after swallowing every drop of it. Viktor drew you back to him, and you laid there next to each other, avoiding eye contact, even though you were too high from your orgasms to feel any regret yet.
‘Yet’ came soon enough, though.
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You licked your lips with nervousness as you sat on the helicopter with the new team you were assigned with.
They all had tattoos and weird haircuts. Looked as if they came out of prison. You didn't like their style.
You bowed your head and held on the box of science equipment.
The Colonel introduced you to his loyal team.
You felt puny around them.
Now here you were. You sat between Zdog and the Colonel.
You could smell his cologne sandalwood with shaving cream. You liked it.
You saw him staring at you. You gave him a smile smile then looked away
Quaritch inwardly smiled. You were so well mannered. He knew you were a good person.
He felt the butterflies in his stomach when you smiled at him. What a model you are.
His life improved a lot when you moved in with him and started "dating" or whatever.
You cooked food for him. The healthy quality of handmade food gave him better health.
Not the cafeteria crap
Not to mention the way you would clean his shared room with you. Less germs. No bugs.
With the clean laundry and all that. You were an asset.
He can imagine living with you.
And not to mention the sleeping patterns. He now sleeps easily. He cannot take medicine since he is a soldier. A rule. But now you are his pill. You relax him. Give him inner peace.
The helicopter landed and Quaritch held his hand out for you. He made you stand safely in the grass.
Off the helicopter. And that is where your beautiful eyes widened. It was a natural heaven. So healthy and fresh. No industrialization. Like a country life esthetic. You hate the city life
How cozy too
The colonel watched you amazed expression with love
You were indeed so cute
He let you wonder a little.
You gathered the plants Grace told you and the team would watch. Quaritch then heard something. He motioned his team to follow him.
He will not go too far or long away from you so he followed the noise. He refused to let you die. He knew he said he will not succeed in protecting all. But, you he will make a priority.
You were done with the gathering and that was when you noticed you were alone. You decided to roam around some more. The farther you went the more beautiful the forest was. Amazing.
You hated the over devolved earth with their technologies. The old days were better.
As you continued walking, you failed to realized your mistake
Quaritch came back and chased a mean looking jaguaruan (made up predator name. Haha.)
It got scared off. The team returned but found you gone.
Holy shit
Quaritch's heart beated like bat shit crazy
Did a monster take you?
"Scout ahead!"
"yes, sir!" His team shouted in unison.
Quaritch ran quickly. You poor thing. He left you alone. It was his fault. He overestimated you. You were not a soldier. He thought if he protected you from afar would be fair judgement but not close.
He scolded himself. He was a fool for putting you in danger. His sweet delicate Name.
You were to fragile to be left on your own
He then saw your sneaker prints and then there you were. Collecting weird goddamn flowers.
He realized that you walked away instead.
You jumped and saw your lover heaving. Uh oh.
He grabbed your hair. You hissed and clutched his hand to ease the pain.
"You almost gave me a fuckin heart attack. I told you not to go far. You deliberately disobeyed me."
"I'm sorry colonel I forgot."
The colonel dropped his gun and let go of you. He told the mic that his team should go next to the helicopter and wait for him and told them he found you.
Then sadly it rained. Pandora rain was always harsh. Muddy soup. Your clothes were already soak. The Colonel saw your wet clothes clinging to your curvy body and saw your nipples
Fuck. He couldn't take it
He pushed you to the grass ground and began to take off your clothes
"Colonel, what are you doing!?" You tried to stop his greedy hands from lifting your blouse.
"you need to be disciplined. Besides this place is the most romantic place for us to consume our relationship rather the fucking stuffy base "
That's right. The eclipsed moon. The rain. The fresh scenery and open air. Like Adam with his eve.
He first began to eat you out. Your pink and wet virgin pussy
Your eyes rolled back in pleasure.
This was really happening
The Colonel then began to suck your perky tits and then kiss your body and all that. He wanted you to feel cherished and he wanted to complete your fantasy like every romantic woman.
He never did this to any woman he slept with in the past. Just a way to get laid
You were nervous, he knew. He then kissed you as he Inserted himself in you. He hissed in pleasurable pain as he pumped in you.
You cried. He was too thick and too long. But he kissed your tears away and continued. The blood came out but was immediately washed away from rain
He spilled his seed in you and then he collapsed on the crook of your neck. He would get you pregnant but you waited a long time for this. So, he guesses he will have to let you have fun first before making you settle down with him.
He separated from you then watched you catch your breath
He felt remorse of him being harsh in yelling at you. But you almost killed yourself.
He sighed. He then made you sit up and he dressed you. Then himself. He held your hand and made you follow him.
The team was waiting and you arrived at the base.
When you two were finally alone in his room, Quaritch immediately stripped you out of your wet clothes. He then dried you. But instead of letting you sleep. He took you again . He was again rough. Like he was waiting for this his whole life. How long was he pining for you?
"look at me " he said sternly
You looked at him in surprise.
"don't disobey me again. It's for your own good."
"I'm sorry."
Again you were cute. So innocent and well mannered. He kissed you. What a princess.
He pumped hard into you. He wanted to fill you to the brim. Full of his seed. He licked your neck.
Finally after down, he made you sleep on his chest
The next morning. The Colonel was in a good mood. His soldiers noticed. Grace knew why. She was in a good mood too. She loved her plants.
Maybe Quaritch was not so bad after all. But boy you were wrong...
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
From Newark to Burlington
"You are that motherfucker who spilt coffee all over me and almost made me miss my plane in the cafeteria and now we’re stuck beside each other for this 4-hour flight; wait a second, did you just fall asleep on my shoulder? Oh god you look cute while sleeping"
Word count: 2.3k
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Your day was only beginning but already could not get worse. You needed to get the 10 a.m. plane from Newark to South Burlington in twenty minutes, and the barista was infuriatingly slow.
The queue was moving at a sloth's pace, and when it finally got to you, you could only control yourself not to run from the cafeteria to the gates in a panic. But you had some semblance of self-respect and settled for a quick walk; not everyone was you, though.
When you were just getting to the glass doors, someone from your left, too preoccupied with texting on their phone, crashed right into you, spilling your drink all over the nice suit jacket you bought for your first day at your new job. Great! Perfect! Now you had a ruined jacket, no other clothes to change into for the flight and worst of all: no coffee.
"Watch it, damn it!" you yelled at the person rapidly shooting apologies to you from over your head.
Over your head? What? You stopped to look the person in the face, and could not help but hold your breath for two to three seconds. Standing tall beside you was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, and you'd seen some very fine women in your college days. Art school had all types of exquisite people, from models to actresses and tormented poets who always managed to surprise you in bed.
No, the silvery blond with reddened lips and badass sunglasses was the most gorgeous woman you'd ever laid eyes on.
You didn't know what to say for a bit, watching the regret and kindness wash away from the woman's face and be replaced by an arched brow and an unimpressed sneer.
"I am tremendously sorry," she definitely wasn't, "I should have looked" her tone was icy, and her posture was erect, although her smile was sickenly sweet.
You cursed yourself for your temper and tried to remedy your behaviour by sweetly reassuring her that it was all fine, but all you received in return was a side grin and scrunched nose that didn't convey the normal cuteness you'd think but utter distaste before she walked away in those mile-long legs and disappeared in the crowd.
Only you to fuck up so well what could have been a nice airport chat and, with any luck, exchange of numbers (you were smooth enough, it wasn't difficult to pick up women most times). Sighing, you went to your gate to get on the plane and finally be done with it all. Four hours of flight and you'd be starting your brand new life at Nevermore Academy. All the stress would be worth it.
It wasn't forty minutes later when the last passengers were boarding the plane and you saw her again. That goddess of a woman, walking down the corridor looking at the numbers on the seats. She had a scarf around her hair now and gracious gloved hands you hadn't noticed before. She didn't see you at first but stopping by the seat beside you, she looked up and saw you and the notebooks on your lap. You could guess your face was paler than the white sheets of paper all around.
She breathed deeply, and you briefly wondered if she would start a fight with you right now, in the middle of the plane, to get rid of the earlier stress you caused her. Wait, what? She bumped into you! You were the one with the right to be annoyed!
But she didn't do anything. She didn't even say anything or acknowledge your presence before sitting in the comfortable recliner beside you and picking up a novel from her rather tasteful tote bag (how could a motherf*cking tote bag be tasteful?? What the hell?). She proceeded to read for the next couple of hours, giving you the cold shoulder you were starting to think you didn't deserve all that much. Ok, you snapped at her once, but you apologised, right? Oh, no, you didn't. Well fuck.
You also didn't want to interrupt her and elicit more of her wrath, so you just resigned to admiring her from the corner of your eyes every few minutes. Damn, she was fine.
At eleven thirty, the plane made a one-hour stop at Washington, D.C., and some passengers were starting to get up to walk around or buy some snacks at the airport. You decided to have a stroll and left the tall, mysterious drama queen with her book. She could brood all she liked; you needed that coffee and some fresh air if you were to spend two more hours controlling yourself from trying to pass her a pickup line or not drool over the elegant movement of her fingers turning pages.
She did soft sounds while reading. You noticed it half an hour into the flight. While you were writing some notes and adjusting your schedule for the upcoming week, she would lightly chuckle or release a small huff as if frustrated with the character's choice in the story. It was mesmerising, utterly adorable, and you had to refrain from telling her to shut up if she didn't want to be kissed.
This airplane crush was getting out of hand, and while waiting for your coffee to get ready you decided to act.
Back in the blue-carpeted corridor, you strode confidently to your seat and weren't surprised to find the lovely woman still there. She wasn't reading this time but apparently writing on her phone. You could not abstain from feeling a bit frustrated by it being the entire reason that breathtaking piece of paradise was annoyed at you.
"Hey" you started, very charmingly of course, "I thought you'd be hungry by now, I haven't seen you eat since we left Newark and brought you these almond butter and banana roll-ups" you give her a smile you truly hoped was one of your cute ones that every girl at bars said made you look adorably sweet and naive.
She looked up at you and, for the first time, you saw her eyes without sunglasses. Of course she would have beautiful deep pools of blue in which you'd happily drown on. She looked questioningly at the treat neatly wrapped in a fancy cardboard box with leaves and flowers printed on it and back at you. Did you really sound that much of an asshole for her to be so suspicious?
"I didn't know if you were a vegetarian or vegan or whatever, so a went vegan to be safe" you shrugged lamely, trying to seem casual and not at all the weirdo that yelled at someone and was now pathetically trying to pave a road back to civility with them... and maybe a bit more than just civility.
"Thank you," she said uncertainly, taking the tiny package from your hand and sweet Jesus a glove could not make you shiver like that, it was against the law, "You didn't have to" she seemed a bit speechless, and you counted that as better than outright telling you to piss off.
"But I wanted to" you smiled charmingly at her and went to your seat. Some color was beginning to paint her cheeks and you couldn't help the smugness you felt by eliciting a response like that from her. She was not an ice wall after all.
"I wanted to apologise for how I acted earlier" you started again while she untied the lace around the cute box, a sweet banana scent coming from it when opened "I shouldn't have snapped at you, I was just a bit on edge to get to the plane" you chuckled.
"And yet I made it to the plane too, being polite and all" ooookay she was a bit of a bastard then. You liked the sass.
"Yes, indeed you made it" you laughed at that, beginning to feel that bubbly excitement of flirting in your sternum "To my delight".
She laughed with the food in her mouth, bringing her hand to cover it while she tried to control herself and finish eating.
"What do mean, delight? I've acted like a stubborn brooding child for the past two hours" she was laughing a throaty deep laugh now and you couldn't get enough of it. God, this woman would be the end of you.
"Yes, but I enjoyed watching you read. Very regal and imposing" she smiled at that, turning a bit redder but relaxing, her shoulders dropping a bit with a breath.
"So when you aren't being an irritable prat you're a charmer?" she arched a brow at you and you felt it like a blow to the stomach. That girl had some serious balls.
The flight improved 200% after that, with you asking her about the novel she was reading (Emma) and her taking an interest in your general class notes on classical portrayals of discriminated races throughout history. Turns out she supported normie-outcast-relations and thought it was an important issue to address in the modern era (which yes, finally someone agrees with you — it was so goddamn hard to find other normies that weren't scared shitless of people with superpowers) and you had very similar ideas on it.
Larissa, you learned, was not cold and unfriendly at all. She was a sweet bundle of nerves in a position of power at some institution that seemed unable to work without sending her e-mails every half hour. It was actually what she was doing when you bumped at the cafeteria, and you felt like the biggest dumbass on earth when she told you.
Around one you had fallen into a comfortable silence; her arm pressed against yours between the seats. You were slowly pilling up the courage to maybe graze her fingers and see if she would hold your hand when a weight fell on your shoulder and Larissa was sleeping against you.
You were ready to die then and there. Y/n, the happiest puppy alive on planet Earth. She was breathing softly against your neck and her throat was close to your shoulder. Although you really didn't mind the warmth from her small outtakes of breath, that could not be comfortable at all, so you tried to gently settle her until she seemed satisfied enough. If the light moan she made when her nose met your neck was anything to go by, you were sure she was fine. And for the seven hells, you weren't. How did she dare moan so close to your ear? Against your goddamned skin? If you could melt from overheating you would be a puddle at her feet.
The thing was, she wasn't just sinfully gorgeous, she was also heartbreakingly soft and comforting and sweet and everything good that ever existed. You could tell that underneath the mascara her eyelashes were pale and the little tip of her upturned nose was the cutest thing to ever be made in the entire history of the human race. You could spend an eleven-hour flight easily just cataloguing every inch of her face and fantasizing about getting the chance to kiss those lipstick-red lips, wondering if it would smudge and show everyone who saw you what you were doing. You had a feeling it would smudge, and if it didn't you'd have to put extra effort into showing people she was yours.
Jesus, that was a bit too much, wasn't it? But with her cheek pressed against your shoulder, you couldn't help but feel it wasn't. Truthfully it wasn't even near enough.
The airplane landed shortly after, and you dreaded having to wake her up and lose the warm pressure. You didn't have to, tough. The movement caused by the landing woke Larissa, who breathed deeply into your skin and rapidly sat up, suddenly tense.
She was turning a very becoming shade of red, and you had to bite your lip to keep from smiling too much.
"Good morning, princess" you teased.
"Oh, shut up!" she hid her face in her hands "I can't believe I slept on you, oh my god"
"Don't act so mortified. You are much nicer when sleeping, I enjoyed myself immensely" you laughed at her murderous face and you both started getting ready to exit.
You didn't want to lose her at the airport, but after getting your luggage it was quite easy to spot her. You thanked god for your taste in women and approached the tall goddess.
"Hey, I know this might be a little too soon, but would you like to go out for coffee sometime?" you tried the casual excuse to have her phone number, and she laughed. She laughed! The guts!
"I think coffee should be avoided near me" she winked, and you were going to die "But I'd love to meet again, maybe we could have hot chocolate at this cosy cafe in the city I'm near, Jericho."
Your brows went up, was this destiny?
"Actually, I'll be living there for a while til I get settled on my new job, so that would be perfect!"
"Really?" she seemed excited, but a small crease formed between her eyebrows and she looked you up and down before snapping out of whatever thought she was having and picking up her phone to save your number.
You didn't receive any messages, and that was expected just over two hours after you parted. You were about to meet with the headmistress of the Nevermore Academy for your new position as the new history teacher and not having your nice suit jacket was making you nervous. Of course everything would be fine, but you wanted to make a good impression nonetheless.
When the door opened, a redheaded woman led you inside the most extravagant and tasteful office you'd ever seen. But behind the desk wasn't your new boss... seated in a fitted pistachio-coloured dress was Larissa. The beautiful stranger who spent half a flight cosily sleeping on your shoulder just hours ago.
"Y/n y/ln?" Larissa asked politely as if nothing was the bother.
"Principal Weems, I presume" you were so screwed.
"What a delight to see you again so soon" she smiled devilishly.
You were in shock, every inch of your body overjoyed and strangely aroused when a voice knocked you off your half trance.
"Wait, you two know each other?"
Part two can be found here.
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 13
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Word : 5k
Wednesday, November 4; 6:45 AM - Cafeteria
We’re all having breakfast together around the table in the cafeteria... well, almost. Leah is still missing. According to Alba, Engen got her out of bed this morning. I then had to explain how I got tricked by Bronze. They all had a good laugh at my expense, and they understood why Leah was absent. I don't regret my idea at all. I loved the evening we spent together. It could have ended badly, but it didn’t. The conversation we had allowed me to get rid of the knot in my stomach that I had all day. Leah finally shows up, slumping into the chair next to me. She must have gotten quite a scolding judging by her expression. Bronze had warned me she’d be in big trouble…
"Hey chica! You okay?" Alba asks him.
"You’re an idiot for asking that," Lotte sighs, rolling her eyes.
"Your mother’s the idiot," she mutters. "Stupid school. I have to deal with Bronze all day because of this crap!"
"Seriously?" I ask.
"Yeah," she sighs. "Thanks for trying to take the fall for me, though. Wiegman thought I forced you to do it, but Bronze defended me, saying it was your idea and you paid the price for lying," she laughs. "Did you really get punished?"
"In a way," I shrug. "Bronze knows how to find creative punishments… I had to do some rock climbing."
"Rock climbing? What a lame punishment!" she laughs.
"Oh, believe me, it was enough. I'm terrified of heights! She didn’t let me come down until I reached the top."
"Ouch, cruel," she mocks. "I hope I get the same kind of punishment."
I stick my tongue out at her in reply. She should just be glad she gets her breakfast. Bronze denied me more than one at the beginning. Leah barely has time to eat before it’s time. We all scatter to our obligations. Mine is to get to class on time. Bronze gave me a reminder this morning after yesterday’s events. She knows the reasons, but two tardies in one day are unacceptable according to her. Especially coming from her student. I'll try not to disappoint her too much today, especially since she seems to have a busy schedule. I'll try to keep quiet. I've managed before, so it shouldn't be too hard to do again.
Wednesday, November 4; 3:05 PM - School
I come out of my last class, relieved that my day is over. I hate classes. It's so boring to sit on a chair all day. One thing I was right about is that Bronze was indeed busy today. I didn't see her all day. Nor Leah, for that matter. Poor girl. I'm sure she’s giving her a hard time. Few people must understand what she’s going through. I do, and I feel for her. At the same time, I thank her. It's the first time I feel free at school. It’s a breath of fresh air. I walk through the halls with Alexia. We’ve decided to spend some time in the library on the ground floor to do our homework. I think I'll take the opportunity to catch up on my long backlog. It must be the Bronze effect. She makes me too serious. I could do without it, but I really need an update.
Alexia and I stop and turn to face my caller. I frown when I see Engen. We just walked past her office where the door was closed. She must have seen me on her way there.
"Good timing. Bronze wants to see you. You have to meet her on the field."
I groan in frustration. I thought I was done with her for the day…
"What do you think?" she retorts sarcastically.
I sigh in annoyance. This is really bad timing. I would have preferred to work on my classes rather than go see her. I nod to Engen, who is waiting for my response.
"Yeah, okay. I'm going."
"Go now. She's waiting for you."
As soon as she says it, she turns back to her office. I smile foolishly as I watch her walk away. This image would definitely please Mapi. She’s totally her type of girl. My contemplation is interrupted by a little shove on my shoulder.
"Sorry, but it was tempting," Alexia giggles. "What was that about? I'm starting to believe the rumors about you."
"What rumors?" I frown.
"About your sexual orientation."
"Oh, those rumors…"
Alexia looks at me curiously. Maybe she expected me to deny it. I should have, given the smile stretching her lips. I run my hand through my hair. I’m not ready to have this conversation.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"So what? Are you into girls?"
I hesitate for a moment. I would have liked to give her an answer, but it’s hard to get it out. It’s not a trust issue this time, but rather about accepting myself. You never know how people around you will react. The few people who know about my orientation took it well, but there’s always that little doubt that lingers. Once the words leave your mouth, you can’t take them back.
"Can we have this conversation later? Bronze might not be happy if I don’t go to her right away. And it would be better to have this kind of talk in a more appropriate place."
" Ona, I won't judge you if that’s the case. I m gay you know"
I roll my eyes, regretting my overly intense look. It wasn’t even to ogle. Engen is beautiful, but she’s not my type. Now that I've planted the doubt in Alexia’s mind, she won’t let go without an answer.
"I don’t understand why these rumors started. It’s not like I’m interested in anyone here."
"Stop beating around the bush," she giggles. "You wouldn't have hesitated to reply if it wasn’t true."
"Okay, fine," I relent. "I might have dated a girl and I might be a lesbian"
« I knew it...," she whispers. "Why didn’t you ever tell me!?"
"I just did," I giggle, more at her reaction than my answer. "I don’t own up to it, and I don’t like the looks people give lesbians."
"That’s no excuse," she pouts. "It's not like I wouldn’t accept you! You should have known that."
I smile amusedly, seeing her cross her arms and pout. I feel like I’ve really upset her. Was I afraid of her opinion? Not really. I know she’s gay herself. It’s just that I’m not comfortable with the subject. I’ve never been, so I don’t bring it up.
"I never doubted,  Ale. The only friend who knows is my best friend... who is also my ex."
"Nobody else knows?" she’s surprised.
"No, so if you could keep it to yourself, that would be cool."
"Of course," she smiles. « So why did you reject my sister » she jokes
"It’s mostly that I don’t want a relationship. I live on the other side of the country, and I don’t plan on staying here once school is over."
I jump when I hear my name echo in the hallway again. I turn to Engen, who doesn’t look pleased to see me still here.
"Do I have to drag you by the ear?"
"No," I stammer.
"Then hurry up before I change my mind!"
"I'll meet you at the cafeteria if Bronze doesn’t let me go earlier."
I slip this sentence to Alexia before hurrying towards the exit under Engen’s disapproving eyes. I slow down once outside, taking a deep breath. I can’t believe I just shared one of my biggest secret with Alexia. I hope she keeps it to herself. If others are to find out, I want it to be from me. I quickly reach the field next to the school buildings. A smile comes to my face when I see Bronze overseeing other students besides me. I recognize Leah and another girl I don’t know well. It’s strange to see others in my place. I walk towards my supervisor, who is reading a book. I envy them! When it’s me, she doesn’t take her eyes off me for a second and encourages me if needed. I take a deep breath halfway to gather courage. I think I know why she wants to see me... I hoped she wouldn’t find out until tomorrow. I hope I’m wrong.
"Hey Bronze," I say as I approach her. "You wanted to see me?"
"There you are," she says, looking up from her book.
"Sorry, Alexia held me up a bit," I admit. "What’s up?"
"What’s up?" she repeats sternly. "You know very well what’s up."
"Oh, right…?"
I try to play dumb, but it doesn’t seem to work. She narrows her eyes in return.
"I know you talked back to your teacher and fell asleep in class,  Ona. Does that refresh your memory?"
"Oh, that..." I say, nervously running my hand through my hair.
Damn, she already knows... I thought I had more time since she’s busy with other students today. Looks like I’m in for another scolding...
"Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?"
"Well, I thought… Just… not right away since you’re busy," I say, pointing to the two running students. "I promise it wasn’t intentional. He started speaking rudely to me. I just defended myself," I argue.
" Ona," she growls. "That’s not the point. You don’t disrespect your teacher. That was one of my main rules I told you from the start! Talking back and falling asleep in class is a big sign of disrespect."
"Two even."
"Stop treating this like a joke!" she yells.
"Sorry!" I jump.
I didn’t expect her to raise her voice. I lower my eyes to avoid hers. Damn, she’s really angry... I only glance at her when I hear her sigh. She runs her hand over her face, looking exasperated. I’ve disappointed her, I can feel it.
"Do I need to change and join them?" I ask softly, pointing to Leah and the girl.
"First, you’re going to explain what happened."
"What?" I blurt out in surprise.
"You heard me. I know the only times you talk back are to tease me or because you’re upset. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt by hearing your side of the story."
I’m taken aback. I didn’t expect this when I came here. I thought I’d be punished, not given a chance to explain myself. She crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow. I gather myself as best I can to her surprising request.
"I-I... He yelled at me for talking to Alexia," I start. "It was the first time in class, and it was about something she didn’t understand. I defended myself by explaining, but he just got angrier. He called me a liar and said I only think about myself and never respect anything... H-he added that my father didn’t raise me properly... That’s what made me lose control," I admit. "I responded with some harsh words..."
I stare at the ground, not daring to look at her directly. I don’t feel proud, but I can’t control myself when someone insults my father. I feel nervous. If she knows what happened, she must have read the report my teacher filled out about the incident.
"That wasn’t a reason to lose your temper like that. Your words were indeed harsh, as you said."
It's confirmed, she read the report. She wouldn’t have so much detail otherwise. I avoid looking in her direction, not knowing what else to say. She’s right. From an outside perspective, my behavior was inappropriate and exaggerated. From my point of view, it wasn’t.
- It’s about your father, isn’t it?
I lift my head, surprised by her question. My mouth opens, but no words come out. How does she always hit the nail on the head? I bite my lip. I feel like an open book to her.
- The only time I mentioned him, I got a sponge thrown in my face, she reminds me. This time, you were told your father raised you poorly, and you insulted your teacher. You were lucky it was the end of the class; otherwise, you’d have ended up in the principal’s office, and I wouldn’t have been there to defend you.
- I know…
- I want to understand why you acted that way, but for that, you need to talk to me.
I close my eyes and shake my head. I know what she’s trying to do, but there’s no way I’m talking about him.
- Sorry, but I can’t.
- Ona... she sighs.
- It’s too much for me. I-I won’t talk about him, so just punish me and let’s get it over with...
I feel shaky. I look anywhere but at her eyes. One thing I know for sure is that I can’t talk about him.
- Fine, she sighs. I can’t force you, after all.
- Sorry, I murmur. It’s really a taboo subject for me... I’ve never talked about it with anyone.
- I understand, which is why you lose your temper whenever he’s mentioned.
- Uh-huh... Well, I’ll go get my gear, I say, glancing at the others.
- No.
- No?
- I’ll spare you this time. In return, promise me you won’t lose your temper on this subject again. It’s your choice not to confide, but don’t forget I’m here to help. The teachers don’t need to bear the brunt. They’re just doing their job, sharing their knowledge, and that’s it.
- I can’t promise that, but I’ll try.
She sighs, realizing she won’t get more from me.
- Well, I guess I’ll have to settle for that for now. Do you have any plans after this?
- Catching up on my classes.
- Do you have everything with you?
- I think so.
- Good, you’ll stay with me then.
- What? No, but I was supposed to mee-
- It’s non-negotiable, she interrupts. Keep complaining, and I’ll really punish you for your behavior.
I shut up, not wanting to provoke her. I just avoided one punishment; I don’t want to get another one so stupidly. She calls back Leah and the girl. She releases the girl and asks Leah and me to follow her. We head to her office where Engen hasn’t moved. She’s typing on her computer, not paying attention to us at all.
- Sit there and get your stuff out, Bronze orders, pulling a chair out in front of her desk.
I comply without thinking, given her authoritative tone. I put my bag on the second chair to make it easier to use my things. I glance at her as she starts explaining filing to Leah. I suppress a smile at her dejected look. I don’t even want to know what she made her do today. She looks exhausted.
- Get to work instead of daydreaming.
I turn around as soon as I hear her order. I hate that she knows what I’m doing without even looking at me. I take out my notes as she finishes with Leah. I pretend to be busy when she sits down in front of me. She quickly pushes her stuff—like her pen holder or keyboard—aside to make room for me. I spread out the papers Alexia lent me to catch up. This time I really get to work. It’s easier for me to focus when I know she’s keeping an eye on me, even without constantly watching. The room is silent except for Leah’s groans and the sound of pages or the keyboard. Time flies without me counting the minutes. I’ve never worked so efficiently. I’m so engrossed that I don’t hear Engen approaching from behind.
- So, Bronze, what’s the commander making you do this time?
I sit up from my slouched position, meeting her hands on the back of my chair. She removes them to massage my sore shoulders. I freeze for a moment before relaxing and leaning my head to the side as she bends over my paper, looking at it curiously. She furrows her brows, probably not understanding the content.
- I didn’t punish her, Bronze responds. She’s catching up on her classes.
- You didn’t punish her? Engen exclaims. You’re getting too soft, she chuckles.
- Oh yeah? Ask Leah for her opinion, she retorts.
- Leave me alone and keep me out of this.
We laugh at her grumbling. She must be fed up. Her posture suggests she’s about to collapse any moment.
- It’s not that I’m soft. I was just understanding this time.
- You’re lucky then. If it had been during her period, she wouldn’t have been as courteous.
I was afraid I misheard. I realize I didn’t when Bronze throws a pen that just misses my head. Engen barely dodges it. I chuckle at the thought of Bronze getting grumpy because of her period.
- It’s just a matter of luck, apparently, because she wasn’t courteous with me at all, Leah chimes in.
- Sorry for you, but Wiegman specifically said not to hold back, Engen laughs. She was really mad at you. You dared to touch her precious building, oh my! she mocks.
Tonight’s atmosphere is different from other days. They seem… More open, more relaxed. Yeah, that’s the word. There’s no pressure, no rules. It’s like I’m dealing with different people. Engen puts my bag on the floor to sit next to me. I didn’t imagine she could be so cool and funny. She’s usually so serious. I glance at the door. The hallway light is off. It’s motion-activated, meaning no one has passed by in a while. The only students who might be in the building are those going to the library, but that’s rare after classes. I guess they’re letting loose because there’s no one else around. It makes me curious about their real behavior outside of the camp. They must be cool.
- She’d better go have a drink to get over it instead of taking it out on me! Leah spits.
- If only, Bronze replies. She’s been on edge lately, she says to Engen. We have her breathing down our necks more.
- Yeah, she’s become annoying. By the way, are you feeling better after your week? she asks me.
- Yeah, I’m better. I’m dreading going home now...
- Where are you from again?
- Barcelona.
- Really? You’re from Spain ? Leah interjects.
- Yeah. I mentioned it on the first day.
- I must not have been there then, because I didn’t know.
- I probably said it before dinner since we only met at that time.
- Certainly! I would have known otherwise. I’ve always wanted to go there, she confesses. Is it a nice place?
- Let’s just say we have better weather there, I chuckle.
- Oh, that’s for sure. Nothing like here, Engen  laughs. You must have been thrilled to arrive.
- I was forced to come here, so I was already depressed before even landing, I share.
- Have you always lived there? Leah asks.
- No. I was born in Portugal and moved there when I was about twelve.
- Oh! We have another Portuguese then. Lucy is from Portugal, Engen says cheerfully.
It takes me a moment to realize who Lucy is. My eyes immediately fix on Bronze, who doesn’t seem pleased.
- Seriously, Ingrid ? she scolds harshly.
A smile spreads across my lips. I exchange a knowing look with Leah. We hold back laughter at Ingrid’s dismayed expression. She just realized her mistake.
- Crap, it slipped out, she says, biting her lip to hold back a smile.
- It’s not funny! It’s okay to relax, but you crossed the line.
I giggle to lighten the mood. This only earns me another glare from my supervisor. She should be intimidating, but I’m too euphoric for it to affect me. It must annoy her, given how strict she is about rules.
- It’s okay, relax, Leah intervenes. It’s not like we’re going to shout it from the rooftops.
- Look on the bright side, Lucy, I say, emphasizing her name. At least I won’t bother you about knowing your name anymore. It suits you, by the way.
She looks at me for a moment before sighing. I’ve been dying to know her name for so long. I knew I’d find out eventually. She hinted at it in one of our conversations. I think she didn’t expect it to be this soon. Maybe she just wanted to wait until the end of the year, which would also be understandable. Anyway, I mean it when I say it suits her. It’s unique, like her personality.
- Thank you, she replies. But I would have preferred if you didn’t know. We risk a lot by letting this kind of information slip out.
- I won’t call you by your first name if that’s what you’re afraid of, I roll my eyes.
- We both know you love breaking the rules.
- Yeah well, I giggle. I can’t help it if I enjoy teasing you!
- Of course. You can never help it.
- Hey, it’s fine, Leah says calmly. It’ll stay between us. This was by far the best evening I’ve spent ending up here. So I guess we can do this for you, she shrugs.
- Still, this rule is pointless.
- It’s there so you have more respect for us since we’re young, Engen explains.
- It’s to avoid you getting too familiar. We’re not your friends. Right, Ona? my supervisor jabs at me.
- I never wanted a friendship, I retort. Just a bit more friendliness, that’s all.
- Oh, she gives you more than you think, Engen laughs.
- I’m supposed to guide you to become better, that’s all, Bronze responds. Some students tend to forget that. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you my first name because I know you’re dying to use it.
I bite my lip. Yeah, she’s probably right. I feel targeted when she talks about students being too familiar, and it’s true that I’d love to use her first name. I understand better why this rule is important to her. I’m still the only student who dared to be so familiar with her. No one else even thought about it. To think it was just to annoy her at first. Now it’s more out of friendliness than anything else. I really appreciate Bronze.
- We won’t spread it.
- Good. Our surveillance has already doubled since the infamous relationship. The last thing we need is to defend ourselves over this, Engen says.
- What relationship? I frown.
- A relationship between a student and an instructor. Both were expelled, Bronze informs me.
- You’re actually the replacement for the student, Leah adds.
- I didn’t know that.
- Naturally, the principal kept it under wraps, Engen explains. We’ve had increased surveillance and additional rules because of it.
- That’s really lame.
- Let’s say you came at the wrong time, Leah says. You were cooler at the beginning of the year, to be honest.
- It’s not up to us. Believe me, if we could, we would be, Bronze admits. We were asked to be stricter with you because, according to her, there was a slackening.
There’s just too much information all at once. So the instructors are not only under control but also have to be less friendly and stricter with the students. It’s completely ridiculous. Okay, there was an inappropriate relationship, but that’s no reason to punish everyone.
- Anyway, Ona, Engen pulls me out of my thoughts. It’s rare to see a student come in the middle of the year. It’s actually the first time it’s happened. What did you do to end up here?
- Not much.
- Not much? Leah snickers. If you’re stuck with Bronze from the start, it’s surely not for nothing!
I frown, looking at the concerned party. It’s true that I was told she handles the worst cases since she arrived. She’s known for her cruelty. I shrug.
- If I tell you I didn’t do anything special. I found out my mother is friends with the principal, I explain. She just has no influence over me and wanted to place me somewhere. I never killed anyone or stole anything, I say ironically.
- Well. Strange way to place her daughter, Engen comments.
I smile slightly. That’s for sure. Well, the truth isn’t entirely there, but it’s kind of the summary. Lucy has been watching me from the corner of her eye for a while now. I avoid her gaze because I know she’s very observant. She’d quickly find out I’m not saying everything. I distract myself by putting away my copy that I just finished transcribing. I still have a lot to catch up on, but it’s starting to decrease slowly.
- Well, that’s enough for today, Bronze finally speaks. We’ll let you go. It’s dinner time.
- Hallelujah!
Leah drops to the floor the second she’s freed. We laugh, watching her. I think she’s had her fill for the day.
- Behave a little better, it’ll give us a break, she says.
- Oh, come on! We all know you love seeing us suffer, I tease her.
We laugh again as we pack our things. Leah gets up to put away the last folder she used. I sling my bag over my shoulder, waiting for her to finish.
- Batlle, my supervisor calls me.
- Yes?
- Since I didn’t punish you for your disrespect, you’ll do me the favor of coming here after your classes until you’ve caught up on all your coursework. Understood?
- I guess, yeah...
I’m in no position to complain. I know she’s punishing me in a way by reducing my free time, but I could have gotten much worse. If the other evenings go like this one, I’ll come willingly. Leah joins me at the door. We wish them a good evening and a good appetite before leaving. We decided to go directly to the cafeteria after checking the time.
- I feel like you might be the one to change things here.
- How so?
- It’s the first time since the incident at the beginning of the year that I’ve seen the instructors relax. It felt like going back a month in time but ten times better!
- I’m not doing anything though, I reply, shrugging.
- Yes, you are. You break the rules. That’s unheard of since she’s been here. The worst part is, she doesn’t even scold you every time you do it! I don’t even know how you stay so indifferent to the sanctions you receive. I just find it incredible. No one here reacts like you.
- If you say so, I murmur.
I don’t try to contradict her, even though everything she’s saying is false. It’s so much easier for me to play the role of the person everyone thinks I am. Apparently, I’m incredible and confident. Yet, I’m just a girl eaten up inside. I couldn’t be happier that Bronze is my supervisor. She’s understanding, and I feel listened to and supported. That’s what helps me accept my punishments. I know she’ll only inflict them if she has a good reason. I don’t find her as terrible as the rumors say after spending time with her.
- Well, I laugh. No one has ever been able to control me completely, and that’s not likely to change.
- Yeah, well, I don’t know how you handle Bronze. She made me endure some things today! I thought I was going to die more than once!
I giggle, thinking she’s exaggerating. Well, maybe not after all. Bronze did force me to scrub toilets one day. I think I’ll never forget that memory. Leah looks exhausted, so I don’t doubt she went all out. My supervisor is disliked by many students, if not everyone. Yet, they don’t know what they’re missing. She’s cool if you get past her cold side. Her punishments aren’t my favorite, but she’s always been fair with me. Our relationship has evolved too. We know each other now. I’ve reached the point where I’m starting to trust her enough to open up. She’s always been there to encourage and push me through my difficulties. That’s what I was missing, and that’s why I’m not afraid of her. I know she’ll be there for me if I’m feeling down. If I’m afraid, it’s only when she’s really angry with me, because then I know I’m in for a hard time. In those moments, I shut up and let her explode. Other than that, I know she’ll always be there for me. It’s with a smile on our faces that we pass through the cafeteria doors. Unlike Leah, I don’t think I’m the one who can change things here. A simple student like me doesn’t have the influence to change a school like this. All that matters to me anyway is finding myself, and I hope to achieve that.
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canirove · 23 days
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 25
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“Declan, stop moving your leg like that. You are gonna end up making a hole on the floor.”
“Sorry. I'm sorry.”
“And don't bite your nails!” I say, slapping his hand.
“I'm sorry, Liv. But I'm so nervous” he sighs.
“It's just a scan, Declan. Everything was fine on the last one, and everything will be fine on this one.”
“It will” I say, taking my hand on his and giving it an encouraging squeeze.
“I don't know how you can be so calm, Liv.”
“Well, someone has to when everyone else isn't” I shrug. Because on my previous scan, the one who was biting his nails was my dad. Then I have my mum and Madders constantly asking me if I'm ok, and at work everyone is treating me as if I was made of glass. Everyone but Alex, who is too busy acting as the perfect future dad. 
So far he seems to be happy with that and with not getting involved as we agreed during a little chat we had, and people have stopped asking questions about why we aren't doing anything together. I guess that the murderous look I give them all has helped. 
“Miss Chapman?” a nurse calls.
“That's us” I say as I get up from my chair, something that has started to become more complicated than it used to. “Declan? Declan, why aren't you coming? What… fuck” I say when I see the person standing in front of me. 
“Hello, Liv. And company” Aaron smiles. Aaron fucking Ramsdale. Declan's teammate on both Arsenal and the national team. 
“I… ummm… hi” I reply.
“What a lovely surprise” he says, still smiling.
“Yeah, definitely” I say with a nervous laugh. “What are you doing here?”
“Georgina had a scan today” he says, nodding towards the girl standing next to him.
“Oh, yes, of course! I had forgotten you are going to be a dad.”
“I am” he says, hugging his wife. “What about you?”
“What are you doing here?”
“What do you think, you silly?” Georgina chuckles.
“I meant both of them” Aaron says, looking at Declan. He still hasn't moved or said a word.
“I… We…”
“Miss Chapman?” the nurse calls again.
“That's me, I have to go. Come on, Declan” I say, grabbing his arm and basically dragging him behind me. “It was nice seeing you, guys.”
“Wait” Aaron says, putting his hand on Declan's shoulder and stopping us. “There is a really nice coffee at the end of the street. Why don't we meet there once you are done with your appointment? You girls could catch up, share thoughts… Declan and I definitely have to.”
“I… I mean…” I mumble once again.
“We'll meet you there” Declan says, finally speaking.
“Great!” Aaron grins. “We'll see you there. Good luck!”
“Thank you. Let's go, Liv” Declan says, now being the one who is dragging me inside the doctor's office. 
“Ready?” Declan says.
“Are you ready?” I ask him. The scan had been perfect, our little boy growing healthy and strong, and everything that needs to be ok with me also being as it should. But neither of us have been able to stop thinking about Aaron. About having to explain everything to him. 
“I guess” he sighs. 
“This is gonna be a good thing, you know? He is your teammate, your friend, and is going through the same experience you are. So having someone with whom you can talk and vent, just like I do with Kennedy, will help you a lot. Especially since you haven't told your family yet.”
Oh, yes. That tiny little detail. He's told me that he is waiting for the right moment to do it, that they still are asking him about what happened to end things with her ex. But if he keeps postponing it, I feel he may tell them once the baby is here. 
“Yeah, I guess it could help.”
“C'mon” I smile, taking his hand and walking into the cafeteria. Aaron and Georgina are waiting at the end of it, kind of hiding from everyone else so we can have some privacy.
“Hello, guys” Aaron smiles. “How did your appointment go?”
“Everything was perfect.”
“Oh, that's wonderful. Sit, please” he says, gesturing towards the two seats in front of him. 
Once we all have our drinks, the awkward silence starts. Declan is so focused on his coffee I feel the mug may explode just by the way he is looking at it, all while Aaron looks at him and tries really hard not to smile.
“So, do you know what you are having?” Georgina asks me.
“A boy” I say.
“Us too!” she smiles.
“Two future gooners, uh?” Aaron says, not being able to contain his smile anymore.
“Not if my dad can do something about it” I chuckle.
“Oh, yes! He is like the biggest Tottenham fan! Family dinners must be fun, uh?” he laughs.
“Yeah… Umm… Have you picked a name?” I ask Georgina. “We are struggling to choose one.”
“Because you don't like any name” Declan says, remembering he can talk. 
“I do like names. Just not the ones you suggest.”
“You don't like any name, Liv. For example, you don't want to name him after me or anyone in our families who is still alive because you don't want to call after him and have three different people replying.”
“Well, it's confusing” I shrug.
“I agree on that” Aaron says.
“Ok, fine, I get it” Declan says. “But then you want a name who has a good nickname. Why is that important?”
“Says the person who gets called Deccy” I reply, rolling my eyes.
“I beg your pardon?” Aaron laughs.
“See? It is important” I say, gesturing towards him. “Look at his reaction.”
“I suggested calling him John, and you said no because you didn't like Johnny. What is wrong with that?”
“Johnny Rice? Seriously?” Aaron laughs again.
“Oh, that's another thing. It has to sound nice with Rice” Declan scoffs.
“I mean, he is your son, bro. The chances of becoming a football player in the future and using his full name like you do, are there” Aaron shrugs.
“That's another excuse she's given me. That I only pick football player names.”
“Because you do, Declan. When we made a list with names we liked, yours basically was made of the names of all your teammates and idols. John obviously was for John Terry.”
“Wait, was Aaron on the list?” he asks.
“It was. And she actually liked it, said that Aaron Rice sounded nice. But it didn't have a nickname” Declan says, taking a sip of his coffee to hide that now he was the one rolling his eyes.
“Roonie” Georgina says.
“Too similar to Rooney.”
“See?” Declan says. “She doesn't like any name!”
“That's actually the name we've picked” Georgina says with a shy smile.
“Oh, sorry, I…” Great job, Olivia. Wonderful. You just insulted them.
“It's ok, don't worry. You didn't know.”
“Yeah, but… I'm sorry. It makes sense, tho. Aaron, Ronnie… It's the same but different. We can't do that unless we want his future classmates to bully him.”
“Whatever” Declan says, drinking again.
“You'll find a name, bro” Aaron says. “When you least expect it you will see it written somewhere or someone will mention it, and boom! That's it.”
“Or maybe once you see his face” Georgina says. “That's what happened with me. My parents knew that if I was a boy I would be George, but couldn't decide on a girl's name, and when I was born…” she shrugs.
“Let's hope that's the case” I sigh.
“Yeah” Declan mutters next to me.
“Three six seven?”
“Yep, that's it.”
“Perfect. I'll text you the link later. You will love those leggings, Liv. Trust me” Georgina smiles. “Aaron, we are done.”
“One minute” he says.
After finishing our coffee together, he took Declan outside with the excuse of letting us talk about pregnant women things they didn't need to know about. And judging by how serious Declan looked when Georgia and I left the cafeteria, I can imagine what their conversation was about. 
“Looks that it went well” she says when Aaron hugs Declan, both of them laughing. 
“Looks like it” I say, letting out the biggest sigh ever. 
“If you need to talk about anything else, you can also text me or call me.”
“Aaron couldn't tell me much after we left the doctor's, but things are a bit complicated between you and Declan, aren't they?” A bit, she says. Ha! “So if you want to talk, I'm here for you, Liv. I know we just met, but…”
“Thank you, Georgina” I smile. They say that Aaron is like sunshine, but honestly? So is she. No wonder they found each other.
“Of course” she smiles back. 
“We need to meet again before the little men are here” Aaron says, he and Declan joining us. “Maybe you could come over to our place for lunch?”
“Yeah, why not?” Declan says, smiling for the first time since we crossed paths with them.
“Great. It was really nice seeing you again, Liv.”
“You too, Aaron. And it was lovely to meet you, Georgina.”
“Likewise” she smiles.
“See you tomorrow, bro” he says, squeezing Declan's shoulder.
“Yeah” he replies.
“So…” I say once Aaron and Georgina have left. 
“That wasn't that bad, was it?”
“It wasn't, no. And sorry about the way I behaved when we were talking about the baby's name. I was too tense and nervous and I made you pay for it.” 
“It's ok.”
“No, it isn't. I… I'm sorry, Liv. I truly am” Declan says, taking my hand on his and starting to make circles with his thumb on my skin, the feeling making my knees feel like jelly. “I've behaved like a dick and I hate myself for it.”
“It wasn't that serious” I manage to say. Is he turning me on just by touching me like that? Yes, he is. Damn you, hormones.
“Maybe this time, but in the past...”
“I think I owe you an apology for breaking your heart, Liv. For everything I did while we were seeing each other. But I… I…” 
“You what?” I ask, taking a step forward and closing most of the space between us. Why? I don't know. I can already feel his perfume surrounding me, and that usually ends with me letting my guard down. 
“I, Liv... I…” he says, lifting his eyes from our hands and looking at me in a way he hadn't before. He looks hurt, confused, kind of sad too. There is no sign of the confident man I know, the one who always has a joke to tell or a flirty thing to say.
“Declan, what is it?” I ask, caressing his cheek with my free hand. “Tell me.”
“Liv, I… I… I'm sorry” he whispers. And call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the only thing he wanted to say, that there was something else. But what? 
“I know.”
“Well, umm…” he says, clearing his throat and taking a step back, the moment we were having, gone. “Fancy going for a walk before we grab something to eat?”
“Will you buy me chocolate cake for dessert? It's a good way to say I'm sorry, and I think we both deserve it after everything that has happened today.”
“Ok, fine. We'll have chocolate cake for dessert” he says, rolling his eyes but also smiling. “C'mon.”
“Thank you” I smile back before hugging him.
“Thank you, Liv” he replies, hugging me back and kissing the top of my head. “Thank you.”
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