#now I am a digital content development manager
thenookienostradamus · 3 months
I frequently forget about my age (aside from the knees that sound like a popcorn machine). Like I'll see a notice on LinkedIn or get an email about 'networking for young professionals 20-30' and think 'oh that's cool I should go to that, networking is awesome' and it takes me a second before it hits that oh wait no I am 45...
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orion-nottson · 1 year
pillow talk | tfp!megatron x reader
A/N: y’all remember that scene in “partners” (s1e20) when airachnid was all like “we talk 😏” when referring to megatron? yeah, those two words inspired this fic.
summary: usually the moments after are quiet. this time it isn’t.
content: SMUT, 18+ ONLY, minors DNI, cybertronian!reader, gn!reader, developing (🤔) relationship, afterglow, implied smut, decepticon level flirtation tactics, a lil bit of roleplay? kinda?
word count: 1,362
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Megatron’s spike slips from your valve with a wet squelch of transfluid-soaked mesh and sensitive nodes. He dismounts you with a long groan, his vents hitching as another spurt of transfluid ejects from his twitching spike. Then the silver mech sighs, long and loud, as he rolls off of you so lackadaisically you can’t help but feel immensely gratified by your performance.
The rippling aftershocks of your overload still has your thighs shaking, systems recovering from the overwhelming, wonderful charge. You don’t bother with your interface panel— Your valve and anterior node are so tender the air feels like a glossa licking up your mesh— so you settle as Megatron lies beside you and pulls you in close. Frame flush against his, helm resting on the slope of his chassis, it takes a lot for you to use your jellied limbs to embrace him back.
Satisfied like the cat that got the canary, you smile inwardly, and close your optics. With the tips of your digits, you trace the sharp Decepticon insignia on his chassis, and privately preen at managing to become the Lord of the Decepticon Empire’s berthwarmer. 
It was nice and hot and sticky, as have all rounds of interfacing with Megatron so far, and how you like it, but you couldn’t help but notice that the silver mech was slower today, more… cautious? No, that’s not the right word— You don’t believe Megatron’s disposition to hold caution as a behavior of high regard. No, Megatron was more… indulgent, this time around. He held you closer, his mouth scarcely left yours or any part of your body for more than a nanosecond. He was voiceless this time, no singing your praises or complimenting, no sounds other than a pleasured groan or exerted thrust.
It felt more intimate. More personal. You could’ve found yourself melding and sinking into him and you wouldn’t’ve been shocked in the slightest. For the first time in a long time, interface felt like a connection past the physical. The thought shakes you to your core, so you rid your mind of it.
What you have with Megatron— What this is— is purely material. Or at least that’s what you’ve decided to tell yourself.
Beside you, Megatron snakes a servo under your back struts to hold you better, and doubt over your previous thoughts begins to plague your mind. 
“May I ask something radical?” You murmur, not bothering with titles and foregoing with decorum. Megatron’s allowed you to speak freely before, so you’re confident he won’t deny you now.
“Hm.” His approval is a single hum, just as lacking in formal protocol, as he usually is when it’s just him, you, and a quiet habsuite. With you, in the secrecy provided by closed doors, Megatron hasn’t ever once commanded you to call him “Lord”. He must be tired, you assure, finding yourself unconvincing. No matter, you won’t dwell on the thought.
“I don’t find myself despising humans.” You state simply, startling when Megatron shifts enough so that he stares you down. His red optics bore into yours, aflame with mild disdain and utmost disappointment that dies once you meet his stare with a coquettish one of your own. You give him a cheeky grin, then a kiss on the side of his chassis that makes his engines rumble.
“That is radical. I am curious of your reasons.” Megatron responds easily enough, and the foolish part of you wants to say he’s unbothered, but you know better. And you know him better— You might as well have just told him you’d bed Optimus Prime if given the chance (which you wouldn’t, of course). 
Though it’s not really that bad, Megatron may despise the pitiful organic planet and it’s pesky inhabitants, but it’s mere annoyance at best. If anything, you’ve just interested him.
You know the silver tyrant well enough to be sure of it.
“Yes, the species may be the unfortunate spawn of the Unmaker,” You say in mock pity, swinging a leg across Megatron’s lap, “But they make... acceptable music.”
Before he can reply, you tack on, “And films.”
At that, Megatron sighs loudly, the sigh he usually does when accompanied by an optic roll and his ire directed at Starscream, but here it’s just the sigh. You stifle a grin against his chassis, feeling mischievous— It’s the dizziness and mental haze from your overload, nothing more.
“I had known Knock Out to be blasé of my direct orders and indulge himself with the... temptations of Earth, but had not gleaned you to do so as well.” Megatron makes it sound as though you’ve renounced the Decepticons and defected to the Autobots. You want to roll your optics and groan like an insolent youngling, but you resist. Playfulness walks a tight line where Megatron is concerned.
“Oh please, I haven’t stooped to Knock Out’s level. I have enough common sense to sate my desires in the privacy of my quarters.” You reply tersely, flippantly waving the servo that otherwise hadn’t left Megatron’s warm, silver armor plating. 
“And your perspicacity astounds.” Megatron groans, finally rolling his optics, and you laugh, frame warming with the alight desire that builds within you.
“Without fail.” You purr, placing a chaste, placating kiss on the ridged edge of his chin. Your Lord glances down at you, unimpressed, so you kiss him again, straining so that your dermas ghost against his. Megatron’s engines rumble again, the servo he has wrapped around you tightening ever so slightly.
“I should punish you for your acts of insubordination— Fraternizing with products of the enemy.” Megatron rumbles, his other servo coming up to rest on the thigh you’ve thrown over him. Sharp, pointed claws drag along transformation seams, deceptively appearing as though he’s only adjusting his grip— And nothing more.
You see his ploy, the game he’s started. 
And it is thrilling.
“Please, my liege, anything but.” You stress desperately, kissing the mech deep and hard, whining when the reigns of control are soon seized by him. Megatron allows you to be on top, but his mouth and glossa dominate yours like it’s a small war to win: Lust battling with power. His denta flirt with the idea of nipping your bottom derma, but then he pulls away, leaving you with your cooling fans clicking to life.
“Trust is why I allow you into my berth, my dear.” Megatron tilts his helm, eyeing you, “Should this be cause for me to stop our... couplings?”
“It’s folly, my beloved Lord.” You flutter your optics wistfully at him, “Some personal moral failing of mine. Perhaps my code is corrupt— Oh woe is me...”
That gets you a raspy laugh from Megatron, and so, all coy and sweet and tantalizing, you coo, “Do forgive me, Lord Megatron?”
Your syrupy sweet tone and honeyed optics must work something on the tyrant, as Megatron responds by curving his dermas up into the first proper, dangerous smirk you’ve seen this evening. You smile in turn, leaning in just as Megatron’s deep, rolling engines thrum deep in his chassis, beneath the sign of his cause you’d been oh-so-lovingly caressing.
It’s more easy to turn you on, a wandering servo grabs at your aft and long, firm digits find the edge of your still bare, still wet valve. The presence makes you shiver with anticipation, need and lust hot on its trail.
“Another?” You beg breathily when his dermas finally release yours after a long and delicious kiss that was all glossa and denta and fervor. Megatron lifts an optic ridge, taking in your frazzled, aroused figure in front of him, savoring the heave of your heavily-venting chassis, and the curves and tapering slopes of your frame.
“Insatiable.” He murmurs, drawing you in for another kiss, nipping the edge of your dermas, resulting in a startled, but happy moan from your intake. When the opportunity reveals itself, you deviate from his mouth, kissing his cheekplates, his chin, then landing back to his dermas again.
Breathlessly, you say with optics half closed, “Says you.”
“Watch your glossa.” Megatron growls with no bite, and he swallows your gentle laughter in another bruising, deep kiss full of promise.
~ * ~ * ~
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bluesest · 16 days
Hello. I had an idea for a while. A guy named Jorge with a plump bubble butt unknowingly ingested dairy when he's lactose intolerant and suffers nasty explosive diarrhea all day and shits himself at least three times in the same day.
A Lactose Distract
Jorge was a young sportsman and independent, he lives alone so he takes care of the household chores such as cleaning, cooking and shopping.
Every end of the month, Jorge goes to a supermarket where he is in charge of buying groceries from home, he made sure that they have enough protein to maintain and grow his muscle mass even more, he had barely been in a local gym for a month and his muscles were still not marked, He always thought the gym would be the same as sports, but he found it even harder to see results, aware that it only takes a short time for him to expect more from his body.
He concentrated on taking foods such as red meat and fish, great foods to support his development, or well, that's what his coach told him, another food was dairy that helped by providing calcium, however, he could not afford to eat this type of food because he was lactose intolerant.
Jorge struggled with this problem since he was a teenager, one of his habits was to eat ice cream every Sunday but little by little this generated problems: first gas that gained a terrible smell and that used to last a long time, then stomach pains such as colic and finally an incredible desire to evacuate his bowels, he remembered how one of those days when trying to fart he literally shit himself with thick and bad diarrhea This problem continued until his lactose intolerance was detected, and from that moment on, Jorge dedicated himself to taking care of his diet.
He used a dairy replacement, i.e., lactose-free products such as lactose-free milk, among others. Whenever he went shopping, he made sure to check his milk cartons and read his labels. 
This specific day he bought 3 cartons of lactose-free milk, next to him was an old woman who bought regular milk, she left her shopping cart next to Jorge's while he was distracted by seeing a sign with the week's offers, the old woman got confused about her cart and took Jorge's (both shopping carts only carried milk cartons).
Jorge turned to look at his new cart and confidently did not check its contents, ready to continue with the shopping day. An hour passed and he was already paying when the first warning flashed, the milk had an irregular price, that is, cheaper, but he did not give it importance and thought that it was just an offer that he did not realize existed.
He came home and restocked his fridge with all the food he bought, sat down to watch TV, and fell fast asleep.
After a three-hour nap Jorge got hungry, he took cereal with milk and helped himself to two dishes, they had a different flavor, a sweeter one, but again he didn't think about it, he thought: "Maybe now they put more sugar in this cereal"
An alarm distracted him from his thoughts, it was his digital hand watch, it only meant one thing: his daily jog to the park. He dressed in black leggings and a gray shirt, grabbed his phone and headphones, and jogged out of his house, but without first making himself a milkshake to drink in the park and relax.
He reached the halfway point when he stopped, ignored the music on his phone and closed his eyes: *GRRRRRRRRRRRRR* that was the sound that generated his stomach, it was so loud that Jorge managed to hear it even with his headphones on, took his arm and began to feel his stomach.
"Ufffffffffff, what was that? Am I hungrier? It's a good thing I save my milkshake for problems like these."
He took his thermos out of a small bag he was carrying and finished taking it all in one sip, his stomach stopped his annoying noises and Jorge decided to continue with his daily jog.
When he arrived at the park his stomach rumbled again, but this time a small pain invaded his body, he stopped and this time he turned off his headphones and put them away, put his hands on his hip and looked at the sky closing his eyes: "I don't think it's hunger... I've already eaten a lot in a very short time, but my stomach feels so bad..."
His back bent and he bent down keeping his hands on his hips and his eyes closed *GGGRRRRRR* "What's happening to me... I'm sweating a lot...?" he lifted his head *GRGRGGRGRGR* "I feel... Feel... something inside my stomach, could it be...?" he opened his eyes and relaxed his stomach... *pftftfftft* "uuggghhhh, I had a fart stuck *GRGRGGGRRRR* and I think I have another one... *PPFFTTFTFpfptptf* this one was even worse, ufffffff yes it sucks *GRGRGRGGRRGR* Oh no, here comes a big one"
Time froze, Jorge opened his eyes as wide as he could and led his left arm to his stomach and his right to his bubble butt, it was real, the unthinkable happened, an adult shit his pants:
"Oh no no no no, how could this happen? What should I do? I didn't even feel like going to the bathroom!"
"But now I can feel it."
He repositioned his arms and running with all his might fled the park, he didn't want people to find out what happened through the terrible smell that enveloped his body, from afar you couldn't visualize any stain thanks to the dark color of the leggings, however, if you pay attention you can see a small lumpy bulge on the back of the tight pants.
"Not again, please!"
"I don't understand, that I could have eaten enough for this to happen to me, I hadn't shit my pants since I was a teenager!"
Sweating and with his tired legs he managed to visualize his house in the distance, when he touched his garden he felt an annoying stomach pain that prevented him from continuing running, Jorge felt that the shit was approaching his back door trying to knock it down and come outside, with each movement the rancid mixture turned and hit Jorge's large intestine.
He took the same position as before, one arm to his stomach and the other to his butt to apply pressure to prevent his underpants from ending up in a big mess and shaking, Jorge grabbed the keys to his house and quickly opened the front door.
"I must get there, I can't hold on, WHY THE HELL DID THEY BUILD THE BATHROOM BY GOING UPSTAIRS?! ugghhhhhh"
Climbing the stairs was quite a challenge, his diarrhea was struggling to get out and his tense and tired muscles were not strong enough to try to climb the stairs by jumping or running, but despite this Jorge managed to reach the top and dazzle the open bathroom door.
He arrived, left his bathroom door open, pulled down his tight leggings and underpants with various proofs of the stomach mess, and sat down on the neat, clean porcelain. 
Jorge lived alone, so he didn't limit himself to containing whatever was wrong with his stomach.
"Oh it can't be, what did I eat enough for this to happen to me?, and why right in the park?!"
"Oh... no, something is coming..."
"Aghhhh, I think I'm done"
Jorge took a large piece of toilet paper, folded it and slowly and carefully passed it on his burning butt, and before throwing the first piece away, Jorge stood up with his butt in the air and looked down in the toilet, the accumulated fecal material was disgusting, thick and full of lumps with a dark brown color, Jorge could swear he saw a bubble.
He sat back down and finished his work by using up half a roll of paper, flushed the toilet and left the stinking bathroom, leaving the door open for the rotten smell to disappear.
He sat down on the couch in his living room and grabbed a washcloth to wipe his sweat: "What the hell was that, I hadn't felt bad in the morning, I watch my diet, is it something in my trainer's new diet?"
"Oh! My stomach is really burning inside."
"I'm so gassy, ugh, I think a nap wouldn't hurt me..."
"And so I think my stomach is going to relax."
Jorge went back up the stairs with his hands massaging his stomach, he undressed, got to his room and lay down dropping on the bed, closing his eyes and with one last fart his mind shut down closing his eyes.
2 hours later...
Jorge opened his eyes in a cold sweat, lifted his back and massaged his stomach again, the great pain and stomach roars lifted him, the sweat consumed him covering every part of his body especially his big butt and between legs.
Jorge looked down to see his weakened stomach, but something underneath alarmed him, he pulled his butt away and saw something terrifying: a giant brown stain covering the white blankets of his beloved bed.
Jorge was going to scream until a stabbing pain came over him:
"Oh God!"
He jumped up from his bed and ran naked to his bathroom without success because little by little wet gases came out of him, staining his ass more with dry shit:
"I can feel melted lava mixing with trash inside my rectum!"
Almost slipping, Jorge reached the prized toilet which retains the smell and small brown marks marked on the porcelain from the previous visit to his bathroom.
And with his butt stained, he sat down and freed his stomach a second time:
"AHHHHHHH, how is this a possible thing?"
Jorge turned his head back, his forehead swam in sweat and his butt was quite sore, there must be a cause for all this, it's not normal diarrhea he wondered until he remembered the cereal he ate:
"It could be..."
"I have to investigate... But first I need a bath."
Jorge got up from the toilet which thanks to the sweat combined with the dried shit of his butt left stains all over the lid, his clean toilet now looked like one that belongs to a gas station in the middle of the desert where only greasy truckers go.
He took two steps and entered the bathtub, relaxed and let the clean water cover his body replacing the sweat and shit, brown water accumulated and disappeared on Jorge's feet and with a sigh of relief he dried himself with a soft towel and left the tub without first farting.
"I don't think this will end anytime soon..."
He went downstairs when again he felt the pain of an approaching diarrhea, but this did not stop him, he reached the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, checked the cereal and there was nothing strange about it, this gave him a clue to the origin of the problem, Jorge refused to think what he thought it was and bravely took one of the cartons of milk and the news did not hit him, literally:
"So this is responsible for the diarrhea I have!"
"I can't believe it! How did it happen?"
"I must throw away all this milk... and... I MUST GO TO THE BATHROOM."
Jorge dropped the carton of milk spilling on the floor, with both hands he held his bare butt and started running with all his might:
"Come on, stay inside, don't explode!"
He climbed the stairs, but a misstep eventually led him to lose his strength and:
Jorge shit on the stairs, his ass exploded spilling thick brown lava, he was embarrassed, but he still continued on his way letting drops of liquid shit leak out of his tight and strong ass that tried to prevent more shit from staining the stairs without any success.
Walking like a penguin, Jorge finally got to the bathroom, he saw that the toilet lid was still stained, he didn't have time to clean it, but he doesn't have time to clean it now, he slowly put his butt in the dirty toilet and relaxed:
"Personal note, check purchases before paying... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH"
"I think ... Forget it!"
After 30 minutes Jorge was finally able to get up and set out to clean his bathroom and stairs being interrupted by occasional diarrhea, when everything calmed down he threw the milk in the trash.
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pollen · 2 months
Just because you've mentioned it a couple of times and I'm curious, can you talk about your career a bit? You've mentioned marketing, but did you major in 'marketing' or was it something more specific? Is what you do similar to graphic design? Just asking because I am graduating this upcoming year and am very scared career wise
yeah of course! it's long but bear with me.
i'm primarily an editor who wound up in marketing. and really it all started with what i did during undergrad. i double majored and have both an english degree and a sociology degree. i think the history minor i did is attached to my english degree.
during undergrad, i worked as a writing mentor and taught first-year composition while working closely with students to workshop their writing. i was also a teaching assistant in upper-division sociology classes about technology and healthcare. and i earned certificates in front-end web development from my university.
i was looking for editing roles and wound up interviewing for a few different positions out of college: namely a proposal coordination role at a transportation technology company, a technical editor role at a very large tech education company, and a content specialist role at a digital marketing, advertising, and PR agency in the healthcare space.
i was offered the position at the marketing agency. and that's how i ended up in marketing! i started out writing copy, developing brand voice and identity, proofreading all materials, and doing brand guardianship and management for a fortune 500 client. then i was transferred to an account management role for that fortune 500 client, which was a lot of project management mostly, as an account coordinator.
accounts was so fun at that agency. it was a lot of strategy and i loved how busy and visible the role was. i still did a lot of work with content at this point and was the primary point of contact for any fires that needed to be put out.
i got promoted to a jr account executive role and gained two accounts to manage at that point. i was too busy with my own accounts to do work for most others, so i stopped working on agency-wide content directly, but i was working on it heavily behind the scenes. i developed content operations to improve overall content quality and establish a content department, and i was managing the content developed by other editors and writers on staff, still hopping in to save content on any of the other accounts when they needed a heavy-hitter.
then i got laid off! and now i'm a freelance editor because all of the work i did was for private clients so i can't use it in a marketing portfolio, so finding work is a bit of a grind. and i have nooooo idea if this is actually what i want to do forever. i can see myself going back to school to pivot into a different field because marketing is very unpredictable and i don't really know if i want to be at a desk all day.
so i'm also feeling a bit iffy career-wise at the moment. if you ever want to talk, or to work on some pieces for your portfolio (i can write the copy!) please feel free to message me!
i wish you so much luck and love!!!
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frechbachs-2nd-child · 5 months
What makes art high quality on youtube?
Post Watcher Incident, I finally collected my thoughts regarding a pattern occurring in internet content creation spaces.
Most popular creators manage a Patreon or similar payment platform where bonus content, behind the scenes, etc. content is provided to paying members in the community. The benefits of such platforms are on the nose; it provides more income for creators to produce high quality content. Watcher, like many who started their career on youtube, sought to expand their art to a higher standard.
As a non-content creator, I believe that rebranding is incredibly difficult on an individual level (youtube). Art accessible through archives creates large quantities with a range of quality (archiveofourown, youtube, tiktok, etc). Professionals are looking to solve the dichotomy of the democratization of media and how to create a system that prioritizes the quality content of artists. Check out "Death of the Follower", a speech done by Jack Conte. Each person deserves an opportunity not only to consume good content, but artists deserve a chance to have their creations properly advertised.
Creators are feeling the impact of the algorithm, often times in a very negative way. Cool creations get drowned out, and popular creators have to fight tooth and nail for followers to even get notified when videos drop. Income and sustainability are put on the line. That's why I reemphasize, its no wonder that creators are looking for other means of income to continue to produce their work.
Now, I do have a problem with creators like Watcher who have no need to worry about content suppression. They have a large enough fanbase, praise from the algorithm, and sponsors to ensure longevity on the platforms. It comes off as a money grab to place a paywall on their content with the intent of 'tv quality production'.
Part of the beauty of archival style platforms is the 'homemade' or 'crafty' aesthetics of art. There are many instances where the initial videos come with a beautiful human aspect to the videos. People who post to youtube initially are not looking to build fame or fortune as a number one priority when it's good content. Amateur storywriters, video essay creators, gamers, whatever is being made comes from a humanness to make something. A lot of people criticized Watcher on their reasoning because the 'tv quality' idea was not apart of the identity of the show. Part of the beauty of youtube is that we recognize this genuineness of people wanting to make something because they recognize that there is something worth making.
Obviously, I am all for compensating artists, especially when new members, technology, and ideas are coming forth. I do not think archival platforms are the place to make television. New equipment, settings, any resources to help develop an idea into reality is worth it, but do not take the human out of it. Companies like Marvel, Netflix, and Amazon that over green screen or digitalize the art make it gross.
Creators interested in trying something bigger and newer deserve spaces to do that, but don't remove your content that no longer meets your quality standard. Move yourself to a new space where that kind of art is wanted. Watcher could find a netflix deal and say goodbye to youtube if that's what they felt their creative journey needed, but they should not force tv style art into places like youtube.
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Meghan Markle's employer saved from Chapter 11
May 11, 2021 Paper Source Acquired by Elliott
Elliott investment supports Paper Source for a bright future of its own and in teaming with Barnes & Noble
CHICAGO & NEW YORK & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Elliott Investment Management L.P. (“Elliott”) announces today that funds it advises have entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the assets and business operations of Paper Source Inc.
The acquisition of Paper Source by Elliott allows the stationery and gift retailer to emerge from Chapter 11 with the support of a well-capitalized owner committed to the development and growth of the business. Following the Chapter 11 process, Paper Source will benefit from significantly less debt on its balance sheet. It will operate from approximately 130 stores across the US, from Papersource.com, as well as its wholesale division, Waste Not Paper by Paper Source.
Elliott is also the owner of Barnes & Noble, the leading bookseller in the US with bookstores in every state. The businesses are highly complementary, with shared product ranges and a common commitment to excellent customer service. While the businesses will continue to operate independently, considerable opportunities exist for mutually beneficial retail partnerships.
Barnes & Noble has enjoyed a strong performance since its acquisition by Elliott in September 2019, overcoming a number of pandemic-imposed challenges. Elliott now looks forward to the continued progress of both retailers. James Daunt, CEO of Barnes & Noble, will have oversight responsibilities for both companies.
James Daunt, CEO of Barnes & Noble said: “I look forward to working closely with everyone at Paper Source. This is a wonderful brand, with a unique culture and community. With Paper Source’s management team, we will support and accelerate the brand’s strategic growth initiatives. Alongside this, the opportunities for Paper Source to work with Barnes & Noble are tremendously exciting for both businesses.”
Winnie Park, CEO of Paper Source said: “All of us at Paper Source are delighted with Elliott’s investment in the brand and look forward to working with them, and with James and the team at Barnes & Noble. I am so grateful for the community who have supported Paper Source through both the pandemic and the Chapter 11 process – our amazing teams, our incredibly loyal customers, landlords, and our partner and vendor community.”
Paul Best, Portfolio Manager and Head of European Private Equity at Elliott said: “As the country’s leading specialty retailer of stationery, cards and gifts, we see tremendous future potential in Paper Source’s business. We look forward to working closely with the management team to position the brand for continued growth coming out of the pandemic.”
About Paper Source
Founded in 1983, Paper Source is a premier lifestyle brand that offers a curated selection of fine papers, gifts, crafts, party supplies, wrap, greeting cards and an exclusive collection of envelopes and cards. With a mission to inspire people to Do Something Creative Every Day, Paper Source offers a creative aesthetic with a unique color palette and proprietary designs that are hand-illustrated by an in-house art and design team, as well as over 1000 artists and makers around the world. Paper Source is an iconic brand with approximately 130 stores across the U.S., a direct-to-consumer eCommerce business, and a robust wholesale network. For more information, please visit www.papersource.com.
About Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble, Inc. is the largest retail bookseller in the United States, and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products. The Company has over 600 Barnes & Noble bookstores in 50 states, as well as the Nook Digital business and one of the Web’s premier e-commerce sites, BN.com. General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be found on the Company's website at www.bn.com.
About Elliott
Elliott Investment Management L.P. manages more than $42 billion of assets. Its flagship fund, Elliott Associates, L.P., was founded in 1977, making it one of the oldest funds under continuous management. The Elliott funds' investors include pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations, funds-of-funds, high net worth individuals and families, and employees of the firm. Elliott Advisors (UK) Limited is an affiliate of Elliott Investment Management L.P.
Media Contacts
Paper Source (Chicago)
Noreen Heron
Heron Agency
Elizabeth Owens
Paper Source
Barnes & Noble (New York)
Amelia Mulinder
Barnes & Noble
Elliott (London)
Sarah Rajani CFA
Elliott Advisors (UK) Limited
T: +44 (0)20 3009 1475
© 2024 Business Wire
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Bobby Carter is slowly changing the music industry, one genre-bending performance at a time. As the Senior Producer for NPR Music’s Tiny Desk Concerts, he’s brought on an increasingly-growing roster of emerging artists, big names, and icons to the company’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. to perform not only for the building’s employees, but for an audience of millions worldwide.
The St. Louis native’s journey has been long and arduous, but fulfilling, to say the least. “I’ve been at NPR for 23 years,” Carter tells ESSENCE. “But my route to where I am now was a bit unconventional; I started out as an intern in the summer of 2000. I was in the digital media space at the time, my job was to edit our content for the web stream. I spearheaded or managed our live streams – and this predated Tiny Desk.”
“I knew at some point I wanted to get involved with music at NPR, but that opportunity wasn’t there yet until NPR Music came along,” he continues. “I slowly started to drift over into the music space by writing pieces here and there, and contributing to our year-end content. In 2014, that’s when I produced my very first Tiny Desk concert, and three years later I was officially over with Tiny Desk in a formal role.”
Since his full transition to Tiny Desk in 2017, Carter has developed partnerships with Complexcon, and HBO’s Insecure, along with creating new initiatives to grow and diversify the program’s reach. He’s also known for further innovating the Tiny Desk Concert Series with artists such as Usher, H.E.R., Anderson.Paak, Jazmine Sullivan, Kirk Franklin, and more. The process of choosing musicians for the now-iconic performance platform has shifted from the time of its inception, but for Carter, he’s more hands on than ever.
“Well, early on it was a lot of us pursuing artists from our end and selling artists on what the concept is and getting them to come and play,” describes the Jackson State University graduate. “Fast-forward to now, it’s pretty much a two-way street. Tiny Desk, as you’re aware of, has become a phenomenon of sorts, where artists and labels know at this point that it’s a vehicle for promoting music and selling music.”
While many musicians feel that Tiny Desk is critical to promoting their music, Carter has found that the promotion of Black music has been equally as important. “I’m really passionate about helping to tell the story of Black music, because the story of Black music is the story of American music, if you ask me,” he says. With the month of June being Black Music Month, NPR has observed it by honoring Black music’s influence through various mediums, and highlighting its impact so that the story is told properly.
“You can’t tell the history of music without black people,” the veteran DJ says. “What we’re trying to do here at the Tiny Desk with Black Music Month is to really present that in a way that shows us in different lights. You have R&B, gospel, etc.; there’s just so many layers to black music that have made American music what it is today. It’s a story that isn’t told enough, it can never be told enough.”
Outside of jazz the only other true artform produced in the country is hip-hop, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. During his earlier days at the platform, Carter speaks about the “internal conflict” that he has dealt with to get people to recognize that hip-hop and artists like Gucci Mane also need to be heard in a space like NPR. 
“I think that there is a struggle to be sure that every single perspective is heard, and understand that whether or not a they’re a street MC or a trap artist or a neo soul artist, that they all belong, their perspective deserves to be heard at the Tiny Desk, as long as the performance is right,” he says. There were people who were uncomfortable with a Gucci Mane at the Tiny Desk, given his history and whatnot. But he served his time for his wrongs, and he has been the ultimate redemption story.”
The Atlanta rapper’s appearance on Tiny Desk altered the trajectory of what the concert series was, helping to catapult it to the successful platform that it ultimately became. “I think that Gucci Mane, that Tiny Desk was a big, big game changer for the Tiny Desk in terms of hip hop, because it showed other artists in his lane that, ‘We can come and we can do our thing here too,’” Carter states, before pausing briefly.
He continues by saying, “There is an internal fight, because a lot of times people want to feel comfortable, they don’t want to feel threatened by hip hop. But if you’re a little uncomfortable, that’s okay – maybe it’s just not for you, but it is for somebody.” After Gucci’s performance in 2016, Tiny Desk featured Chance the Rapper, Big K.R.I.T., Rakim, Lizzo, Megan Thee Stallion, and Trina, among others; bolstering the fact that the genre is still strong, and is here to stay.
Throughout the years, many legendary performances have taken place behind the desk of the All Songs Considered’s host Bob Boilen. Tiny Desk has risen to the heights of popularity, and is now a staple in today’s culture. Carter, who helped build it to what it is today, understands the task at hand, and knows how special this platform is. “I feel like it’s part of my duty to continue to do this,” he says. Not only continuing to push current stars and rising artists to the forefront, but also giving flowers to legends like El Debarge, Patti LaBelle, Charlie Wilson, Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds, and more.
“I think that it helps to bridge that gap and it helps to bring the youth over to these legendary legacy artists, and to remind them of their greatness,” Carter explains. “I think a lot of times  when I bring some of the artists that I bring to the Tiny Desk, this should serve as a reminder of their status in music.”
“So, I feel the ultimate responsibility, from a cultural standpoint, is to show people and use our huge audience to spread awareness about these artists,” he continues. “To grow and continue to be a voice for black culture, and for diversity as a whole.”
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maiji · 2 years
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[images: First three pages of a comic drawn in a digital ink-brush style with greyscaleshading.]
fight / flight: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Alt text, full transcript and commentary continue below the cut.
A YYH North Bound story. This takes place after I Heard A Cicada Cry and Survive.
Content warning: Violence, people fighting with swords. Blood and injuries in future parts.
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[images: Remaining five pages of comic.]
[page 1] *Text reads: "fight / flight - a North Bound story by Maiji." Opening panel depicts a moonlit site in a forest. Hokushin is grooming a horse. He detects a new presence. The horse grows nervous.* Hokushin: (It’s not one of the new recruits.) ?: Don’t waste time pretending. I know what you are.
[page 2] *Otake, as he appears at the end of I Heard A Cicada Cry, leans against a tree, arms folded.* Otake: You’ve killed many humans. Devoured many more. *Hokushin turns his head, but says nothing. The horse nervously skitters off.* Otake: Not going to defend yourself? ‘“I did only as my master bid! I must eat humans to survive!”
[page 3] Hokushin: You’re not human either. Why do you care? Otake: Very perceptive. What gave me away? Hokushin: Nothing. Thank you for confirming. *Otake twitches*
[page 4] Otake: Unlike you, I serve a greater power. A power commanding life and death itself, that watches over this sinful, lost human world. A power a pitiful demon like yourself has the rare opportunity to serve, *he holds something up to show Hokushin, causing Hokushin's eyes to widen in shock* if you answer my questions about this Mirror. Hokushin: How did you convince the monks to unseal the Mirror? Otake: Convince? So many are casualties of war these days. Hokushin: …What do you want to know? Otake: Certain conditions must be fulfilled in order to access its powers. I must know what they are so that I can inform my master.
[page 5] Hokushin: And if I tell you, you’ll spare my life or something like that? Otake: It will be considered. Hokushin: Fair enough. I will tell you all I know. *The two of them stare at each other in silence* Otake: I am waiting. Hokushin: *smiling and shrugging* Alas, I have no idea what the conditions are. Why don’t you ask the Mirror yourself? *Multiple veins pulse on Otake’s forehead*
[page 6] Otake: *draws his sword as he speaks; Hokushin’s face reflected in the blade* No matter. The power I serve sees no future for vermin that terrify and corrupt the vulnerable creatures of this realm. Your head will be good enough to show my master.
[page 7] Otake: *raises his sword over his head* I am Otake and I serve Enma Daioh!
[page 8] *The perspective flips to Hokushin also rapidly drawing his sword* Otake: Now stand your ground and fight for your life, demon!!
And now we shall enjoy a nice indeterminate break until I figure out how to choreograph the rest of this fight!! Action sequences will be the death of me. At least there’s no suspense in the end result, since we know they both must survive this encounter in order to be able to appear in Yu Yu Hakusho!!
Otake has finally caught up with Hokushin, after picking up the Mirror of Darkness from the temple that Hokushin left it in at the end of Mirror Most Dark. I estimate here they’re both around 100 years in age, and neither of them are anything close to the powerhouses they’ll be by the modern era.
I’ve been plotting fight / flight for a long time because I wanted an opportunity to draw a cool fight sequence for Hokushin. (He has one with Raizen in the first North Bound comic I ever drew, First Meeting, but it wasn't much of a fight. Also, it's been a few years; hopefully I have developed my skills somewhat, so now is the time to try again!) It turned into “well why don’t I have him fight Otake” after I managed to work Otake into the story, then I had to actually make proper narrative connections and give it consequences for the trajectory of North Bound. I kept intimidating myself while trying to work on it, periodically doing some script work and test drawings to try to psych myself up. You might recall the drawing tests I posted a while back here. I mentioned in that post that at one point I debated making this a visual novel (possibly interactive fiction) format, but also felt that was a copout to my shounen manga roots. The title is actually a tide-over from when I was considering that.
Aside from the actual still-to-come fight sequence, I struggled with resolving some pretty big considerations like, uh, where this encounter actually takes place?? And how to end it without one of them dying?? But in early October 2022 I went for a walk and then took a shower and an inkling transformed into a fleshed-out solution. Go walks and showers and subconsciousness magic!!! Then I continued to struggle on and off for months being too scared to deal with the action. Finally over the holidays I figured I might as well just flesh out the first part to light a fire under my own butt and inch along to the next part! This took about three days to thumbnail, sketch, draw and clean up on the computer, but there was a lot of time... months, years of behind-the-scenes work to make these three days possible...
I have some photos of the thumbnails and wip saves of the page sketches, so I’ll make a separate post with those. But one last thing I wanted to note is that I am really really proud of the speed lines on the last page with Hokushin! They’re far from perfect but I think they’re my best radiating speed lines to date! I manually eyeballed and drew them all individually because that’s all I know how to do, hahaha. The vertical/horizontal ones are easier since I know to hit Shift to force them to stay straight, lol.
Update: A post showing the thumbnails and page sketches for part 1 is available here! https://www.tumblr.com/maiji/705344009349005312/fight-flight-part-1-thumbnails-and-page
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upismediacenter · 2 years
FEATURE: New Requirement: Mandatory F2F
New semester, new you, and new mode of learning too! But this time around, it’s more of a mix of past set-ups with some adjustments. For the second semester of AY ‘22-’23, the UPIS administration is implementing mandatory face-to-face classes. If before, students had limited face-to-face classes with the option of being a roomie or a zoomie, all are now required to attend in-person classes. For students in kindergarten to grade 2, face-to-face classes are twice a week, while for grades 3-12, they are held thrice a week. This major shift is a period of adjustment that has brought forth many new thoughts, feelings, and realizations to the members of our community. Students and teachers alike from different levels have much to share about their experience.
While high school roomies from the first semester have had some time to dip their toes in once a week face-to-face classes, elementary students have a bit more adjusting to do. Even those who were roomies last semester only attended in-person classes twice a month. Going from that schedule to in-person classes thrice a week is definitely much less gradual of a transition. That being said, it sure hasn’t dampened the spirits of Reen Lopez, a student from 6-Perlas. “I feel joyful knowing that we have face-to-face three times a week. I do think that this could improve the social development of the youth,” she said in an interview.
It is indeed joyful as, according to her, the current set-up has much improved her enthusiasm for learning. “I [also] understood the lectures and discussions more properly since I do not encounter the same problems as before (internet or broken device).” More than that, it’s the little things you can’t get with remote learning that Reen enjoys the most, such as simple chats with her friends, the food from the canteen, and even the laughs and shouts of children outside their classroom, which she said she missed a lot.
Of course, given that it’s been practically three years of mostly remote learning for her, face-to-face classes come with its own challenges. “All of my classmates have matured and changed a lot during those years. This was the problem I experienced on the first day of face-to-face for the 2nd semester.” She said, sharing that her unfamiliarity with her classmates’ interests led to very brief conversations and interactions with them.
But overall, she feels that the good outweighs the bad. When asked whether there is anything she would suggest or change with the current set-up, she answered, “None, none at all. I'm content[ed] with the set-up right now, and I don't need anything more.”
As for first semester high school zoomies Justice Aguinaldo of 9-Barium and an anonymous Grade 12 student under the name, Yoshi, the live classroom experience provides much to delight in and each have expressed a comparable level of surprise at their adjustment to mandatory F2F. “I was nervous as to what my experience would be. Now that we're almost a month in, my perception [of] it has completely changed and [I am] liking [the] system,” said Yoshi.
It indeed appears that certain things require only the passage of time to get settled into, for while Justice also faced challenges in adopting a new routine for the schedule, they are now, according to her, more manageable. “Even if the travel to and from school can be exhausting, it is worth it,” she said. Despite similar struggles, Yoshi has also found a number of the changes, along with reinstatements, in the new normal to be worth rejoicing.
Save for twelfth graders with their interest courses, students no longer need to transfer to different rooms; and as they can also opt to bring only digital copies of their course packs instead of traditional printed ones, baggage and commute-liability has considerably decreased for some. In the same way, Justice commends how classes have been conducted, particularly, in the wealth of health and safety protocols that are being implemented.
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A temperature-scanning alcohol dispenser situated by the UPIS gate to greet, check, and disinfect those intending to leave school premises. Photo credit: Allana dela Cruz
According to her, “I feel assured and safe somehow that UPIS has an organized system, which follows the health guidelines needed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.” For students such as Justice and Yoshi who’ve only ever attended classes on Zoom for nearly three years, truly a sense of comfort must be derived, not just from a well-ordered state of things, but also in the various familiarities that come with the physical setting.
In Yoshi’s case, adapting to the new system was easy because of how it still feels so much as it had during pre-pandemic. Justice, too, has been able to meet with old friends as well as make new ones with greater ease in the current set-up—some of the former advantages that were unique to taking classes in person. Most salient for her though, is the opportunity to communicate with classmates and teachers in a manner that is both productive and engaging—to learn and connect at a more personal level.
Gone now for the two, are the warbled online discussions occasioned by a weak internet connection during classes held on-site; and while remaining partly online, it is no longer so fraught with the stress of contacting one’s peers or the helplessness of being locked at home. The day devoted to classes online now functions, as Yoshi has said, “as a refresh for the body and mind.”
On the other hand, Mishi Guiang of 6-Perlas takes a more impartial stand. “I don’t think I favor one mode over the other,” she said. She also remarked that they do not differ much overall in her experience. Despite this, the unique upsides to mandatory F2F cannot be denied, for she’s professed to enjoy a pleasantly higher degree of attentiveness and interactivity, as well as a greater sense of responsibility, “Procrastination has been less during the current set-up.”
Lessons for her are easier to understand compared to before, with live discussions coming across with greater clarity and tasks given in person posing less difficulty. A concern however, similarly includes commuting to school thrice a week; Mishi feels for those with whom it is a shared issue, “the harder part is traveling if you live far or if there is traffic.” The one day allotted for remote learning has likewise allowed for troubles with signal and connectivity to remain.
Though by no means trivial issues, she has stated that she wouldn’t change a thing with the current situation and merely acknowledged that she understands why some have a significantly preferred method, “Online is good for people with gadgets and good internet and like online in general. Face-to-face is good for people that like meeting the teachers and being able to answer things physically instead of google classroom.”
The latter part of Mishi’s sentiments definitely goes both ways for Sir Michael “Myk” Dela Cerna, as this set-up provides the opportunity to slowly return to traditional teaching and learning methods. Finally given the chance to consistently see his students face-to-face, he prioritizes getting their input on the topic being discussed. This is especially important considering the subject that he teaches. “Bilang ang aking kursong tinuturo ay Sining ng Komunikasyon kaya dapat higit na mahasa ang mga kasanayan sa paggamit ng wika (isa kasing hamon ang mayaman at aktibong talakayan sa dating moda na purong online),” he said. To make the most out of the current set-up, he makes some adjustments to his teaching methods by having more groupworks and discussions.
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Sir Michael “Myk” dela Cerna conducts Pagsasalin class to the twelfth grade students. Photo credit: Allana dela Cruz
It does seem that class discussions are going well for Sir Myk, as he observes a higher morale in his students now that they are regularly interacting with their peers. In his words, “Hindi na kailangan “pagalawin ang baso” upang madama na kasama mo na ang mga mag-aaral.” Now, he’s able to actually feel the class’ interest and reactions.
Regular face-to-face classes is certainly Sir Myk’s preferred set-up when it comes to teaching. Aside from the more frequent and regular interactions with students, he’s now more able to focus on one group of students as opposed to during blended learning, wherein he had to simultaneously cater to both roomies and zoomies. Additionally, given how limited face-to-face classes were last semester, teachers had only a few select activities that they were able to carry out then. But even now, when there’s more in-person classes and opportunities, he says that the challenge lies in maintaining the momentum of learning.
If, for the greater heft of nearly three academic years, both teachers and students had utilized various online platforms—such as Google classroom, Padlet, and Quizizz—committing to mostly live activities and past face-to-face methods might not suffice. In Justice’s words, keeping them in commission, “can ensure that the students are supplied with the materials they can use to have a deeper understanding of the lessons.”
Though regularly conducting face-to-face has been a long-time coming, or as Yoshi had put it, “rather foreseen than sudden,” it’s important to keep in mind that years have passed since being subject to it—that more students still need an adjustment period and that teachers should be given time to strike a balance between the best of past teaching approaches. Many of us are dreaming of the way things were, but what warrants our attention at the moment, is getting the most out of this current mode of learning. //by Allana dela Cruz and Alyana Fabella
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successpointt · 2 years
What actually means of success? How to get success easily in life? Here some tips and tricks
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Are you looking for easy success of life? If yes, then you are in the right place. If you want to live a happy life, you must be successful.We all want to do well, make money and have a good time doing so. But what makes someone successful? It's not just about having an education or being wealthy; it's about having the right mindset and attitude toward your goals.
What is Success
Each and every one of us has a diffet belief of what success is, millions of definitions, but it all boils down to one thing. Success is nothing but your goals, be it short term or long term and actually make sure you are grateful for what you have. You can be successful in life by working hard and not taking anything for granted. So get started now!!
Easy ways and tricks to get early success in life
Success is not always about what you gain from life but how you got it and what you do with it. It's a process, not an end result! One can have success in a lot of things in life. There are many different paths to achieve success and that all depends on the kind of person one is, as well as where one wants to go. So here are some tips, tricks and easy ways on how to get success in life easily.
1.Define your priorities
It's important to define your priorities in life, especially when it comes to time management. This can be challenging because there are so many things that you should be doing and prioritizing at once. However, if you take the time to make a list of what matters most and how much time each thing takes up, then it will become less overwhelming for yourself.For example: I am currently studying abroad in France for two years as part of my master's degree program in International Business. During this time period, my priority tasks include writing my thesis paper (a 5-page research paper) on "The Impact of Piracy on Digital Content Distribution" while also learning French language fluently through classes like "French Conversation" or "French Culture." The upside is that this process has helped me develop skills like reading comprehension which could lead towards future employment opportunities if they exist after graduation! While working towards these goals would require more hours than have available right now due down lack thereof due low pay but perhaps someone else might need someone who speaks multiple languages so may be someday soon? However, while I am focusing on my goals and prioritizing my tasks, I need to make sure that I am still taking care of myself. This means making sure that I am eating right, exercising regularly and staying hydrated throughout the day. If you feel like you are getting burned out at work or school then it is important to step back for a moment and evaluate what is happening.
2.Set realistic goals for yourself
When setting goals for yourself, it's important to know what you want and how to get it. If you don't have a clear picture of what your life will look like when all is said and done, then it's hard to set realistic goals. You should also be specific about what kind of life changes or accomplishments you'd like while working toward achieving your ultimate goal. For example: "I'm going to lose 20 pounds by January 3rd." Or: "I want my finances in order so that I can retire by age 50."Setting these types of specific goals will help keep things on track as well as prevent procrastination because now there are deadlines associated with each task.
3.Work on your skills and knowledge constantly
You need to understand what skills and knowledge you need to be successful. This can be a challenge, since it's easy to get complacent in your current situation or career path. But if you want to change things up and advance your career quickly, then you'll have to work at it constantly. If there's one thing that I've learned from my own journey as well as others', it's that being open-minded is key when trying new things or learning new skills-especially when we're talking about business management! For example: when starting out with my own company (which was only 20' months ago), I had no idea how many hours per week our employees worked because they didn't tell me which means we ended up paying them less than what would've been fair compensation for their time spent working on projects outside their normal duties at the office during evenings/weekends. Success in life is a journey that never ends. You have to keep working at it and you'll never know if you're on the right path until you get there. But if you follow these simple steps, you can increase your chances of success.
4.Use your time effectively
Before you can get anywhere in life, you need to learn how to use your time effectively. The first step is to make a list of all the tasks that need doing and prioritize them based on their importance. Use this list as a reference when scheduling your day so that it doesn't get lost in the clutter of other commitments.You should also avoiddistractions at all costs; if there's something more fun or interesting happening at work or home, turn off your phone! You'll never get anything done if it's distracting enough that you can't focus on what needs doing next."
5.Know that failure is part of the process.
You need to know that failure is part of the process. It's not the end, it's a learning opportunity. Failure can be used as a way to learn, grow and improve in your life-and for many people it's a necessary step along the way. The most successful people have learned from their failures and have kept going forward with their goals despite them (often because they've done so before).Failure isn't necessarily something negative; sometimes it just means that we didn't get what we wanted out of something else at first but eventually got there anyway!
6.Surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing
Surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing. If you want to become a writer, find people who write and hang out with them. If you want to be an entrepreneur, look for other entrepreneurs in your area and go on trade shows together. The more connections you make with people who share your interests, the easier it will be for you to achieve success in those areas as well!
7.If you want success in life, you need to define what you want and then go after it
If you want success in life, you need to define what you want and then go after it. You can't just say that "I want my dream job" or "I want this house with the big backyard and pool." Instead, think about how much money and time you will need for each goal-and whether or not those things are possible for your current situation.Once you have defined your goals, break them down into smaller steps using an action plan (or "TO DO list"). For example: Get up every morning at 5 AM on my way home from work; drink water while doing so; eat breakfast before leaving home; exercise everyday before going back into work again... and so on until reaching my final target date by which point I will have achieved success as defined above!
8.Setting goals
One of the most important things you can doto get success in life is setting goals.You may think that setting your goal is enough, but it's not. Your goals must be clear and defined so that you know exactly what success looks like for you. If your goal isn't realistic or attainable, then it won't work for you! For example: I want my kids to graduate from high school before they turn 18 years old... but how? How would I meet this goal?Another mistake people make when setting their own goals is thinking about them as something separate from themselves - like a list of things they need from someone else (like their parents). This makes it difficult because then there are no consequences if things don't go according to plan! You need accountability so make sure that everyone involved knows what the end result should look like before starting out on this journey together
9.Working smart, not just hard
Working smart is better than working hard, and you can be more productive by using the right tools and techniques.The right tools don't always mean more time spent in front of your computer; they simply allow you to concentrate on what's important: getting things done. For example, using a calendar app will help keep track of deadlines, appointments, etc., so that there are not surprises later on when it comes time for those projects or tasks. Using different applications for each task also helps ensure that nothing gets overlooked because there's too much going on at once-and therefore not enough focus being given over all tasks/projects at hand, You should also avoid distractions as much as possible; this means rejecting social media sites entirely until after work hours when everyone else has gone home already!
10.Taking calculated risks when necessary
Taking calculated risks when necessary is one of the most important things you can do to succeed. It's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by the scale of an opportunity, but it's important that you understand your limits and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.The more time we spend trying new things and failing, the better our chances of success will be in other areas of life too!
We've covered a lot of ground here. Hopefully, you're feeling inspired and motivated to take action on some of these goals. We know it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, but remember that this process isn't about being perfect or achieving perfection-it's about working towards something greater than yourself. If you want success in life, then it starts with defining what makes up an ideal life for yourself. Only when you know exactly what kind of person you want to be will it be easier for others around us too.
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miabacilla · 2 years
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Thought Blog #1
In the world of emerging media, journalism and media content should incorporate digital advancements. As a communications professional working in the digital marketing field, understanding those digital advancements is vital. 
Communications professionals in digital marketing need to consider the implications of ChatGPT and how it can impact journalism. I had just heard of ChatGPT when I started this class, and Pavlik's (2023) article provided details about the generative artificial intelligence software's capabilities and limitations. One of the main points of this article is the ethical issues surrounding using ChatGPT. I believe ethics is the most critical factor to consider as a digital marketer for a business or brand. A business or brand's audience is established on trust and loyalty, and Pavlik (2023) explained how generative AI and its potential impact on society is the question of accountability (p.5). If a digital marketer used ChatGPT to produce content writing for social media or a website and it was proved false, that would directly impact the trust of an audience. I support journalism ethics in today's digital advancements, and digital marketers should consider all implications of accountability when using ChatGPT. 
Along with digital advancements, social media development has caused specific keywords to go “out of style,” so to speak. As a digital marketer, understanding keywords that no longer impact engagement on social networking sites can make or break audience engagement on platforms. John’s (2022) article is essential to understand why specific keywords can lose popularity and how to appreciate their decline. For example, the keyword “sharing” no longer serves as the predominant call for action on social networking sites. Now that I have read John’s (2022) article, the keyword “sharing” has not been related to social networking sites in my mind for some time. As a result, I now have a more in-depth understanding of how the keywords I use impact how I carry out my job as a digital marketer. 
Digital marketing encompasses all social media details, including applications and definitions. Aichner et al. (2021) article are fundamental to understanding what those definitions and applications mean, especially if you are a digital marketer working for a brand or business. There are so many applications of social media described by Aichner et al., and I was surprised by how many I did not know. My job requires me to manage multiple clients' social media accounts, and knowing what applications should be used for each will only increase overall engagement. Definitions also play a significant role, especially when explaining why I use specific social media applications to clients. Professionally, I am very thankful for this article for helping me sound wise to clients when it comes to definitions. 
As I stated at the beginning of this thought blog, digital advancements are important to incorporate, especially as a digital marketer. When it comes to predicting the future of digital progress, imagining a better world online can come with challenges. At the rate digital advancement comes about today, the Pew (2022) article about how researchers' vision of the internet in 2035 can lead communication professionals in the wrong direction. Professionals could lose sight of the humanistic aspect of the internet, which is helpful for the digital marketing of brands and businesses. If a digital marketer loses sight of the humanistic aspect, trust and loyalty with an audience goes out the window. In my opinion, I do not believe this article is helpful for the digital marketing world, because who really knows what the digital world will look like in 2035.
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Questions to ponder about social media by Alexander Gonzalez
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The existence of social media has been a positive and negative influence on the world. I see social media as a business and tool for communication. However, there are many ways that I can describe or define what social media means to me. I am very biased on this topic because I am a social media manager and marketer. Without social media, I would probably be working in a much less creative field than I would like. 
Either way, social media is a way to help people communicate from all over the world. A way to share memories and experiences with people you want to interact with. It is a social tool, and it is in the name “Social Media”. But it does not stop there. It can help us stay active in the lives of our loved ones. While also keeping us informed of recent news and events worldwide.
Social media is also a capitalist manipulation business. We are fed ads and content that an algorithm decides for things we do not need. It entices us to fantasize about a lifestyle that is not realistic. It creates self-image issues and causes a strain on mental health. 
Social media has good and bad, but it all depends on how we use it. I read somewhere that the origination of social media was intended to be a communication tool to keep people connected. That lasted a few years before turning into the monstrosity it is now that dictates how we live or what we buy. 
The book defines social media as a networked hub of information and relationship management. I disagree I define it as a sales tool and disconnection from reality. 
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I can only compare myself to a typical millennial who is curious about what others are doing. That is how I would say that my time is spent on social media for personal use. I am a looky-loo and nosey-nelly. I spend a lot of my free time checking to see what my friends are doing and if they are hanging out without me. I also believe that is more of a symptom of my anxiety. 
However, I do like to know what other people are doing. It gives me a sense of motivation to see people traveling or spending time in new scenery. I want to be able to explore the world and if that means exploring the photo grid of an Instagram travel influencer then so be it. It also allows me to plan future travel by scoping out places that others have been to. A much better way of checking out restaurants and tourist locations without leaving my home. 
Sometimes it amazes me what people will post on their social networks. Things that I would not like to share publicly are so easily spread across stories, posts, blogs, and photos. Nothing is secret and that is somehow liberating. Knowledge is power and I am glad to see people sharing it. 
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Having grown up in the digital age has really been a head start for me with the understanding of social media. I know what it was like prior to social media and that helps me understand a world without it. I can determine the differences between what is real and fake on social media. I have an upper hand because my childhood was not publicized like a lot of people have grown up in the last couple of years. 
I know what social media was originally intended to be and how it has developed throughout the years. This also has led me into a career path that I never thought I would be a part of. I now get to be completely submerged in all things that are social media. Having to actively stay on top of changes and the ever-growing attributes of social media is a strength that I do not take lightly. 
One challenge that I have encountered is determining when I have consumed too much social media. My professional and personal life revolves around social media and sometimes it is difficult to disconnect. Something I have really struggled with is putting my phone down and shutting off the noise that social media causes. 
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I would love to really refresh my knowledge of social media. I believe that learning about a topic that you are already familiar with allows you to go past what you already know. Especially with the fast-growing monster that is social media. There are so many things that I do not know, and I am hoping to gain at least one small piece of knowledge that will help me build a better relationship with social media usage. 
A lot of my knowledge comes from user experience and things that I had to self-teach. This will be a way to learn from a college-level curriculum and to me, that is more beneficial. Sometimes it takes a discussion with a classroom or feedback from a professor to help you understand more clearly. I also believe that I may have an interpretation of what I have experienced with social media whereas this class may help me understand something I could have missed entirely. 
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Goretober 2022 'The Staycation 🏡💙' Post-Event Reflection
Some thoughts about how the event went, now that it's concluded, so I can look back and reference them next year ✅
>Introductions to the Mitchs: I was SO HAPPY to FINALLY be able to share all of my selfinsert characters with you guys!! I’ve been slowly developing them and their stories ever since ‘KEWKs Kidnapping,’ but wanted to come up with an interesting way to reveal all of them to you. I’ve wanted to, but held back on making art and fics about them because I wanted to save all of it for The Staycation event. Now that the event is concluded and they’ve all been introduced, I’ll be able to freely talk about and draw them as much as I like! I can already tell they have a few fans, (particularly Mitch(2)/ coworker!Mitch, who just so happens to be my favorite one! c:) so please feel free to ask about them/ their AUs if you’d like to. I may hold mini events where I RP as them and L.S.S. during their original timelines, but for now, I’d like to finally make character sheets for them and maybe write fics for their original AUs :D
>Trying new things: I took this event as an opportunity to try out some different artistic mediums that I don’t usually dabble in- pencil (my go-to before I started drawing digitally), pen/marker, collage, pixel art/ simple animation, digital but with simple lineart and a new brush, and I even threw a poem in there! It was a ton of fun to experiment with all of these, and I found that I really enjoyed all of them and would like to mess around with them more in the future. I particularly liked making the pixel art for videogame!Mitch and the collages for dealer!Mitch, and am very happy I finally figured out how to make simple animated gifs out of my art c:
>Story building: I had SO MUCH fun creating the story for this event, dropping hints to the ending, including throwbacks/references to past goretober events and sprinkling in easter eggs in the art and writing, especially all the references to food/eating, rabbits, and wolves/dogs! (tbh for a minute there, I was worried I was making things too obvious lol) I’ll have to make an ‘in case you missed it’ post pointing out some things that people haven’t mentioned yet…~
>Productivity: I succeeded in creating a total of 41 pieces of art and wrote at least 100 pages of story for this event, with about 90% of it created between October 1st and November 1st! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself UwU Doing this event always shows me that I’m capable of doing way more than I give myself credit for, and while that rapid pace is not at all sustainable long-term, I’m still very proud that I was able to pull off what I did in that short amount of time! It also gets me into the practice of drawing and writing much faster in general, which means my general art and writing will turn out quicker, too (good news for you guys, now that I’m back to my usual shenanigans~)
>Better self-care: While I did not succeed in avoiding all the pitfalls I fell into during the 2021 ‘The Do-Over’ goretober event, I still did a better job at caring for myself during this years event than the last. I managed to make time for a little socializing, did not lose as much weight over the course of the month as I did last year, and managed to avoid having a major breakdown due to the workload (still had a little cry toward the end, but it lasted like 5 minutes so I just consider it business as usual lol).
>Planning does not equal preparing: I did a lot of planning for this event- tons of spreadsheets, notes, ideas and a rough outline for each chapter- but I quickly learned that planning is not a substitute for preparing. I thought it would be much easier to write in real-time this year with so much to pull from in my back pocket, but I still ended up writing and drawing for at least 3-8+ hours every day during the event and often stayed up past 4am to finish the content for each day. Even with all that work, I was unable to fit in A LOT of what I wanted to include, simply because there was not enough time to create it from scratch. 
Out of all the ficlets posted during the event, the only ones that were prewritten were the finalized day zero fic, the rough drafts for Penpal, Coworker, and Neighbors original introductions, and the draft for Penpals original death, and out of all the art posted, only the intro pics for Mitch 1-5 were completed before the 1st . Everything else was created within a few days of being posted, usually the same day. So, it’s safe to say at least 90% of this event, written and drawn, was improv and was therefore not the quality I wanted for it to be, despite all the effort I put into it. 
>Things not going as intended: Despite having so much planned before October, having preset points for the appearances and deaths of each S/I and a definite ending in mind, the inbetween parts went VERY differently than what I’d set out to make them, simply because I had nothing concrete actually written for them and got new ideas mid-event. Still, I hope each chapter is enjoyable for what they turned out to be! (I may end up writing a fic version of this event that goes how I originally intended, or how I wish they turned out after-the-fact…)
>Human limitations: Despite telling myself not to do what I did last year, the pace I set was incredibly demanding, and after putting in so much work for the whole month, I was completely exhausted by the 31st. That day, I was feeling very sick and was having trouble thinking straight, but because it was pretty much the final day of the event and I’d come so far, I wanted to post something and get it over with. The writing posted on that day is not at all what I wanted it to be- it was, after all, supposed to be the climax of the story, but it fell completely flat and I am very, very disappointed with it. I intend to go back and edit it when I’m feeling up to it, but for now, I’m still recovering and trying not to beat myself up over it too bad…
>Lack of interaction: First off, I am incredibly grateful to those of you who sent in asks during The Staycation, with a special shout-out to @meadow-hearthfire and @stormcellarwitch! Your asks played a MAJOR part in the story and really helped to move it along and spark inspiration for me. Thank you so, so, SO much for your participation!! I really hope you enjoyed the ride, and that you’ll join me for next years goretober event as well :D
That being said, I was disheartened by the general lack of interaction during the event, especially after I was told there were a number of people that were excited to participate. I had more asks than I could handle last year and about half the number of followers that I do now, so I was anticipating a big turn-out and am wondering why that didn’t happen. (What made it more confusing was that I actually gained quite a few followers during the event, when I’d expected to lose a bunch due to the shift in content! But otherwise, there was very little activity in my feed…) I do realize I’m not owed interaction from any of you, and that my goretober events are very self-indulgent and different from my usual stuff, but I would still very much appreciate some constructive input as to why people were not interacting as I’d hoped and what I can do next year to motivate participation:
Was it boring? Too repetitive? Too confusing or involved? TL;DR? Were you disappointed because it wasn’t what you expected it to be? Were you confused as to how you could interact, what you were supposed to do, or assume you could not participate for some reason? Did you enjoy and follow the event, but just didn’t feel like participating in it? Are my goretober events just not your thing, and you were simply waiting for when the blog went back to the usual vibe? Or, were you just busy with life and didn’t have time to participate this year? 
Thank you in advance for your input! It’ll be very helpful to me so I can make next year as entertaining and fun as possible for you guys and for myself ^^
Notes to Self for 2023 (that may be useful anyone that wants to do an event like this themselves):
>PREPARE: You DO NOT want this to take over your whole life for the entire month or be unsatisfied with the results because it’s rushed!! Make a goal to have AT LEAST 50% of the writing and art done (ESPECIALLY THE FINALE) before October 1st, and have an outline written for the rest. It is WAY easier to edit things a little during the event than to make it all from scratch the same day you post it!!
>Stick with the plan: Throwing in some things on impulse is fun, but taking a hard left out of nowhere just makes it so you have to improvise even more afterwards. Make a flowchart if choices made by the audience can affect the story progress so that you can stay on track and still get to where you need to go in the end.
>Be interactive, but independent: Include audience participation when/if it's offered, but do not depend on it, because it may not be there when you need it. 
>Be clear: Set guidelines for participation, what the event is about, and make a masterlist/ guide for past events and the AUs within them so newcomers can get up-to-speed with the story so far
>Do some refreshing: Reread your own writing and take notes so you actually remember your own story. It will spark new ideas and help keep things consistent! Also, edit things that are not congruent and fix any plot holes you find.
>Remember this story is for you!: Just because people aren’t participating doesn’t mean your story isn’t worth creating and putting out there. Make it because you love it, and if people like it, that’s great! If not, you have a whole story custom tailored to your tastes, and that’s awesome, too ^^
Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to getting back to business as usual on the blog and to thoroughly planning AND preparing for next years goretober event. Until then, I hope you all enjoyed this years event and had a great Halloween~ 🤗🎃💖
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rhtech4you · 7 days
Sonic review -100 million playlist podcast build in 60 seconds.
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Introduction Sonic review
wrlcom to my Sonic review. sonic is Fundamentally, an AI tool that fabricates a music, podcast, or radio streaming service in minutes via a click of a button. In the sonic ,undefined There is no need for coding or design skills . Sonic will help you to do any kind of streaming business online. you can purchase this Sonic product at a very low price to run your long term business .
I am going to show you a brand new Sonic this product helps you please read Sonic app review post if you are interested in this product.
 Sonic review - Sonic overview
Product- sonic
Creator-seyi adeleke
Official website  - click here
Front end price -$16.99
Recommendation-Highly recommended
Niche- software and app
 The amazing streaming app is developed by seyi adeleke. He he had more than 7 years of experience in the digital marketing and software app creation industry okay now come down to the next section of Sonic review where I will explain its .
  complete features
1-AI hyper media platform that give you your own playlist podcast audio book and live radio platform .
2-  reboot search function allow your user to find any music and podcast .
3- Without learning any coding or designing can create AI customisation Buyer . will have to option to upload any music podcast audiobook and soundtrack you want which called customs upload .
5- You can create web streaming subscription .Service and also there has payment integration facility .
6- Server always very fast
7- Free commercial licence
8-  30 days money back guarantee
9-No coding no designing no marketing skills required
10-Can build music streaming platform
 Who is Sonic best for
Affiliate marketer
CPA market
product creator
E-Commerce store owner
local business owner
And you
get access >>>>>> click here
how sonic works
Sonic works only simple 4 steps
Step 1 - login to Sony cloud base app
Step 2 - set up . ( Inter ek hi word and let Sonic do the rest it will create publish and AI hypermedia platform that can stream100 + million playlist podcast audiobook. )
Step 3- publish . ( With one click Sonic will published streaming platform and giving you 600000000 paying customer. )
Step 4- profit through every streaming minimum of $300 a day.
The Powerful Resources Of sonic
This product is a complete training and arrangement for fast online success. Purchasing this product will give you success overnight. Inside this product you will find many systems that are consistently easy to generate revenue and traffic. It is perfect and well-designed. After receiving this training you can start business online. You will learn how to create 100 Million+ Playlist, Podcast & Radio Channels .No need to worry if you are a new entrepreneur. Here are some tips to help you improve your online business. You’ll see things like secret business files online. You can double your revenue, content and traffic shortcuts if you use this product.
Sonic The 1-day plan is perfect for your mental health and your motivation. Tomorrow morning you’ll see dozens of dollars being made,finally knowing you’ve got something real. Sonic with so much work you start your own online business and even make money.
>>>>> Get access now<<<<<
Why Buying sonic Will Change Your Life
SonicThe best training program at the moment is the perfect solution for any targeted traffic. If you want to provide traffic solutions for your online business then you must choose this software and app .sonic No previous work skills or marketing experience is required to use the product. There is no risk here as it provides you with traffic for online business. If you can manage traffic then all your problems with online marketing are solved.
Sonic Follow the simple instructions to get results by purchasing . Those who are new to online buy different types of softwareand app . But no software works to provide built-in traffic. If you want to change your hard life, choose this kind of proven system and take the step- by-step training. I assure you that you will not be disappointed, lose or fail when you purchase sonic 
If you want to make money online , you have to go the right way. If you are a new then I think this system helps you a lot. Not only newcomers but also advanced marketers can grow their business fast. The person who created sonic has created it after a lot of experimentation. So buy this sonic product without any worries.
Is sonic A Scam?
No, this is not a scam product. It is a functional product at the present time. If you use this product your business will be much richer and you will benefit a lot more. I have chosen to verify with this sonic.
 You don’t need to be very efficient online to get results using this system. This product is very easy to use and can completely control you and change your life.
The faster you purchase this product, the faster your profit will be. sonic Anyone can choose to get huge target traffic. If you are new then there is no problem. By purchasing this product you will be able to understand everything consistently.
I do not guarantee you it will be 100% effective for you. If you are an active marketer, You can get results to create this  app and software. I share everything inside this sonic review post. So, I guarantee you will not have any loss if you buy this product.
Frequently Asked Questions  (F&Q)
Do I Have to Install Anything?
= Sonic is completely cloud based app. Just login, set up with zero coding  or design knowladge and click publish button then start creating pages.
Is there a limit on the number of pages I can create?
No. We don’t believe in imposing restrictions on you to grow your business. Once you pay this low one time fee, sonic is your streaming app or platform . You can use it as much as you want. No restrictions.
Can I get it later?
Sure,sonic is going to be around forever. But, unfortunately it won’t be available at this one time price. There will be 1 time low price .
What if I don’t like it after using it?
That’s hard to believe! But just in case that happens, rest assured, it’s as easy getting a refund on sonic within 30 days as buying it right now.
What If I have faced problems using sonic?
We have made sonic as the simplest app and sofware to work with. There are video tutorials to help you in case you get stuck somewhere. But even if that doesn’t help and you need more assistance, there guys are more than happy to help.
Sonic Is There Any Guarantee Of Refund?
You will buy sonic to improve your business.sonic If you think this product is not working after purchase. Then you can return this sonic . You will receive a full refund if you return the product within 30 days of purchasing it.
>>>>>>>get access now<<<<<<<
My Recommendation
Thank you for patiently reading my sonic review. Although you are all already clear about this brand new product that it is a complete solution for an online business. If you purchase this product today and start marketing. You can earn commission instantly. You will receive step-by-step training after purchasing this product which makes it easy to operate. I support you to purchase the  sonic product from my long 5 year experience.
Most people run after various fake promising methods . But that product is of no use to him.If you want to do business online for life then sonic is highly recommended for you or everyone. Thank you so much for reading my sonic. 
>>>>> Get access now<<<<<
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🎯 "Want My Help to Create a Powerful, Innovative Info Product?
🎯 Enter for a Chance to Get Expert 1-on-1 Guidance on Developing a $3 Product in Your Niche!" Knowledge Economy Success Blueprint Market Research for Information Products Identifying Market Needs - Analysing Current Trends in Your Niche. Analyzing current trends involves closely monitoring the shifts, developments, and emerging patterns within your industry or niche. This process requires keeping up-to-date with the latest news, consumer behaviour, technological advancements, competitor strategies, and other relevant factors that influence your market. By understanding what’s trending, you can identify gaps or opportunities for new information products that meet the evolving needs of your target audience. Use Cases: Product Development Competitive Advantage Content Strategy Innovation You can find more information in the "Knowledge Economy Blueprint Guide". https://webmarketsupport.com/7IDIntINN/ Identifying Market Needs Role-Playing Challenge Your Role: You are a digital entrepreneur who wants to develop a new information product in the health and wellness industry. Recently, you’ve noticed that mental health has become a top priority, especially with the shift to remote work. Your goal is to explore current trends and identify what specific market needs exist so you can tailor your product to this growing demand. Your Task: You need to analyze trends in the health and wellness space and identify a market need that isn't being fully addressed. Here’s how you’ll do it: Research a Trend: Start by identifying a trend in your niche. For example, many remote workers are struggling with mental health challenges due to isolation and increased screen time. A recent report shows that 55% of remote employees reported feeling more stressed since shifting to work from home. Define the Market Need: Based on the trend, what specific problem is emerging? For example, remote workers may be experiencing burnout, anxiety, and difficulty separating work from personal life. Write down the key issue you’ve identified (e.g., the need for accessible mental wellness solutions for remote workers). Brainstorm an Information Product Idea: Come up with an information product that addresses this need. Is it an eBook on stress management? A series of online workshops for work-life balance? Be specific. For example: “A 4-week mindfulness course designed for remote workers, focusing on relaxation techniques, managing screen time, and building healthy routines.” Explain the Value: Why will this product be valuable? Use one of the use cases (a) product development, (b) competitive advantage, (c) content strategy, or (d) innovation to explain your product’s value. For instance, you might say, “By tapping into the growing mental health awareness trend, this course will give remote workers practical tools to manage stress, which is an underserved area in current wellness offerings (competitive advantage). The Challenge: Post your trend research and product idea in the comments. Explain how you identified the market need and how your product will fill a gap in the health and wellness space. Be creative and think about real-world issues that your target audience is facing right now! I am rewarding the 3 best answers. I will be helping you develop an innovative information product for your respective industry or niche. A product in the $3 price range. #KnowledgeBusiness #knowledgeeconomy #selfeducation #informationproducts https://webmarketsupport.com/7IDIntINN/
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nichellegerman · 14 days
The most crucial tool to have in 2024 is a phone. It is a calculator, alarm clock,  flashlight, mp3 player and it connects us to things like Google, Amazon, or social media sites like Facebook or TikTok. 
Social media single-handedly changed how people utilized their phones, and it is one of the greatest advancements that came out of the technological era. But what is social media? According to  Freberg (2021), it has many definitions. Social media has the capacity to “bring communities together, break down barriers, raise awareness of world issues and create movements to spark impacts.”  These are all evident by the various world issues being seen around the world, how quickly challenges spread to various parts of the world and how campaigns such as #MeToo, #BLM and #PRIDE bought awareness to their causes. 
But is that an actual definition of social media? Yes and no. With the ever-changing advancements happening within social media, it encompasses the above definitions and so much more. The official definition as stated by Freberg (2021) is that Social Media is “a personalized, online networked hub of information, dialogue, and relationship management. These new communication technology tools allow individual users and organizations to engage with, reach, persuade, and target key audiences more effectively across multiple platforms.”  
In simpler terms, this means that social media is a group or collective of people, like minded or not, who have the capacity to create, share, connect and interact with others like minded or not. I would also define it as a platform used to communicate, relay ideas, and create. Applications like Zoom or Google meet are used to connect loved ones or businesses via electronic video conferencing.
Although I use social media every day, I characterize myself as a passive user who uses easier platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. And while I am not an overly active user, I do post things I am enthusiastic about whether it is pictures or recipes of gluten free foods. Endless scrolling is a pastime I am trying to curb so I currently limit how much time I spend online. 
My strength in understanding social media is contingent on what my children understand. I could say I try to understand concepts or review the diverse types of platforms, but it is not true. I tend to stick to Facebook for funny sayings, Instagram to find out local eateries and Pinterest on how to make those recipes. I am willing to research newer platforms, but I quickly abandon them if they  are not adult friendly. My other challenge about understanding social media is how quickly things change. The minute I master one platform an updated version is available, and it can be overwhelming to try to stay relevant in an ever-changing world. And I lack the willingness and the patience to learn newer platforms when I am content with the older ones. With my children back in school now, and I cannot call them when I can figure out how to post a picture!!  
In this class, I would love to learn how to manage and create content using social media. I am hoping to gain and improve my understanding of utilizing social media to advance my writing career, and to develop strategies on how to craft and create a successful digital footprint as an author. Understanding which platform works best, is most popular and easy to use will help my understanding of social media and allow me to use it for my benefit. My children would thank you.
Freberg, K. (2021). Social media for strategic communication: Creative strategies and research-based applications. Sage Publications. https://reader2.yuzu.com/reader/books/9781071826881/epubcfi/6/18[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Ds9781071826867.i682]!/4
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