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418uchuu · 1 year ago
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yridenergyridenergy · 7 months ago
Trailer for Dir en grey's "Bloodline of Resonance" film featuring their European tours in March 2024
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they-call-me-birdsong · 4 months ago
Soooooo I hear there’s a girlfriend?
How did you-?
Yeah…there is
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honeyblssom · 2 months ago
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our golden girl
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jonnychuone · 4 months ago
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English Undertale oc Supernova Novie: he live in waterfall since it feels like he seeing stars like home, he a boy from the stars, even tho he looks human but he a monster, he friends with naps he dose get lil annoyed how Metta left his cousin behind even tho he like alphys and watch anime together, he likes Muffet baking Nd help hers out a lot but hangs with papyrus a lot with undye and has to handle sans jokes but he at least enjoy them even going with grillby and Toriel, you will bump into them it be different with other routes.
Nice route will show his art/writing and his backstory that he reminds where he fell from the sky where naps found him and he will show him and naps music they made and papyrus cooking they both did that day.
Normal routine it the same but won't show his backstory or any other thing.
No mercy hell get so annoyed that you kill half his friends and go supernova on yo murder ass to almost exploding...
He still nice shy boy if you get to know him more.
Spanish Undertale oc Supernova Novie: vive en una cascada porque parece que ve estrellas como en casa, es un chico de las estrellas, aunque parece humano pero es un monstruo, es amigo de Naps, se enoja un poco porque Metta dejó atrás a su primo aunque le gusta Alphys y ven anime juntos, le gusta hornear Muffet y ayudar mucho a la de ella, pero pasa mucho tiempo con Papyrus con Undye y tiene que lidiar con los chistes de Sans, pero al menos los disfruta, incluso yendo con Grillby y Toriel, te los encontrarás, será diferente con otras rutas.
Una ruta agradable mostrará su arte/escritura y su historia de fondo que recuerda dónde cayó del cielo, dónde Naps lo encontró y le mostrará la música que hicieron con Naps y la cocina de Papyrus que ambos hicieron ese día.
La rutina normal es la misma, pero no mostrará su historia de fondo ni ninguna otra cosa.
No tendrá piedad y se enojará tanto que matarás a la mitad de sus amigos y lanzarás una supernova sobre tu trasero asesino hasta casi explotar...
Sigue siendo un chico agradable y tímido si lo conoces más.
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crisicsgames · 4 months ago
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maykitz · 3 months ago
reading a book from 1962 proclaiming the tiny percentage of "true" homosexuals should be left alone as a disabled minority but that the real problem is the growing epidemic of socially contagion'ed young people who only feel gay because of societal stress, mental problems and the derogation of women and that homosexual extremists ought to accept the reasonable compromise of not being actively persecuted in exchange for the institution of a conversion therapy-first approach plus laws that protect vulnerable impressionable children from being infected by a trend that will lead to psychological and physical damage
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kropotkindersurprise · 2 months ago
February 1, 2025 - Tens of thousands of protesters marched to the city of Novi Sad, Serbia, demanding accountability from the government for the roof collapse that killed 15 people in November last year, which they say was caused by government corruption. [video]
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nof-ckinsaint · 6 months ago
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novy2sirius · 6 months ago
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based on numerology
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more degree posts: venus degrees // mars degrees ⋆.˚🪐⋆
tw: this is going to be a very deep post and will involve hard topics such as bullying, abuse, trauma, anxiety, social anxiety, addiction, drugs, alcohol, war, weight, obesity, eating disorders ⋆.˚🪐⋆
note: the entire chart matters. this is not based on nikola stojanovic’s degree theory it’s based on my numerstrology degree theory .⋆.˚🪐⋆
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♄ saturn at 1°/10°/19°/28° · people with these degrees in their saturn will endure lots of challenging conflicts in their life. these are some of the more challenging degrees to have in your saturn numerically. these people may struggle with their confidence, being assertive, or being a leader. these things will all be something they struggle less with as they get older though. these people have to learn lots of karmic lessons surrounding controlling their temper and learning to be patient. if these people want anything in life they must work hard for it and they often learn this from a younger age due to their upbringing. these degrees in saturn are also common among those who got bullied. the positive to these degrees is that the people with them will be very hard working and determined people that don’t take no for an answer when they truly desire something such as success. another positive is it that they do often become wealthy at some point in their life since 1 is associated with the root chakra and the root chakra is associated with materialism. this especially applies to 28
♄ saturn at 2° · people with this degree in their saturn often have a hard time finding peace or struggle with feminine energies. this could be their own feminine energy and the struggle of taping into that side of them or it could be struggling when being surrounded by other people who have strong feminine energy because they tend to spread their negative energy toward you sometimes for no reason. similar to lilith in the 1st house, often the women with this placement especially, are bullied a lot or picked on by other women. this degree in saturn can make you extremely introverted, sensitive, and insecure compared to others too. the positive to this placement is that these people often have a very peaceful life after their first saturn return. these people would benefit from being in a career that’s more calm/peaceful or not working and being with someone who provides for them. they can be amazing writers or authors! i’ve also seen them do very well in careers where they’re caring for others or one that involves femininity in general
♄ saturn at 3°/12°/21° · people with these degrees in their saturn often do not have a fun upbringing and may have trauma surrounding their childhood. often they have an amazing since of humor because of their trauma though and tend to be some of the funniest people in the room. these people tend to have darker humor or say really out of pocket things, but it’s iconic honestly. since 3 is the number of socialization these people often hate socializing and can struggle with things like social anxiety a lot. these degrees are the worst for saturn when it comes to responsibility. these degrees in saturn can make you dislike being responsible. people with this placement may have been cheaters in a past life and now are reaping what they sow in regards to romance if they weren’t a good person in their previous life. the positive to these degrees in your saturn is that these people make great comedians, writers, and also they are very simple people that enjoy the little things which often creates more optimism in someone
♄ saturn at 4°/13° · people with these degrees in their saturn are some of the hardest workers that you’ll encounter. these people have to work hard for anything they want in life, but the pro is that they almost always get what they want when they do whereas there are some others without these degrees that may work hard at some things and still not succeed. these people do really well in jobs involving the law or crime such as being a lawyer, cop, criminal investigator, etc. in order for them to thrive in life they should create a consistent routine, only date people that are already stable independently without them/that don’t need their help emotionally/financially, and they shouldn’t be friends with people that are a bad influence. often these people aren’t born with natural intelligence like some where they can ace a test easily, they must study a lot and work harder to get to the top. they are very logical people though. at worst these people can be stubborn, jealous, or violent
♄ saturn at 5°/14°/23° · people with these degrees in their saturn are more likely to be irresponsible or unpredictable than the other saturn degrees. they tend to be rule breakers and love their freedom. these people can be troublemakers a lot of the time and may get fired from a lot of jobs when lower vibrational. something they can struggle with is their sex drive. you will commonly see this in the charts of people who are asexual since saturn can show where we feel a lack of something and 5 in numerology is associated with sex drive. the positive to these degrees in your saturn is that you likely have very beautiful bone structure, when you want something are restless and will never give up in getting it, and you are less prone to abusing substances such as alcohol or drugs. these people do very well in careers that involve the entertainment industry, sex/fertility, traveling, war, parties, or socializing in general. although these people don’t enjoy socializing a ton and have lots of insecurities around it (often social anxiety is common in these people) they can be good at doing so in their workplaces
♄ saturn at 6°/15°/24° · people with these degrees in their saturn may have trauma surrounding a lack of nurturing a love as a child. they may struggle to express love for this reason and feel uncomfortable receiving it in some ways. these can be hard degrees to have for friendship as well since saturn shows where we struggle a lot and 6 in numerology is associated with friendship. often they won’t have good and loyal friends until after their saturn return because of this. these people can struggle with their weight a lot. this could be in multiple ways not just obesity, but also with eating disorders. these degrees are also hard to have in saturn when it comes to intelligence. you may have a lower iq depending on the rest of your chart. although there is lots of hard attributes to these degrees in your saturn the positives can be that you will have a stable life after either your first or second saturn return and will have a great family of your own, loyal friends, and a devoted lover. this also indicates doing well in careers such as being a doctor, nurse, vet, farmer, wedding planner, etc
♄ saturn at 7°/16°/25° · people with these degrees in their saturn may struggle a lot mentally. this indicates having mental struggles due to the trauma in your past. these people also often have learning problems or disorders such as adhd, dyslexia, etc. these people may struggle a lot with their sexuality. i see this often in the charts of people who waited to come out late due to people in their lives such as their parents shaming them for the way they were born. many people i know with these degrees in their saturn struggle with anxiety (especially health anxiety), depression, or personality disorders such as bpd as well often due to being bullied (especially online) or abused. the positive to these placements though is that these people can work really well in careers involving technology or inventing. they can do really well as social media influencers, engineers, film editors, etc. they also make great teachers (especially history ones). these people personality wise can come off as cold, but often they’re really just extremely misunderstood. they enjoy being alone and sometimes have a low social battery
♄ saturn at 8°/17°/26° · people with these degrees in their saturn live a very karmic life. they would benefit from killing others with kindness as hurting others is something that will come back to them quickly. when they hurt others the karma comes back harsh and quick, but the same goes for when others hurt them. negative karma will come back to those who hurt these people quick. these people are often workhorses and when high vibrational can be very good people that do a lot for others, but when low vibrational can be overly controlling, abusive, cruel, vengeful, and possibly abuse their power in some situations. the positive to these degrees in your saturn though is that these people make amazing leaders and tend to be in higher positions of power both in general and in their workplace. they may not be wealthy or financially stable, until after their first saturn return though. these people need lots of balance in their lives, so they should never overwork themselves or be overly irresponsible either. they need a good balance of work and play or it can be damaging to their spirit. these people tend to have good judgment when it comes to analyzing other people as well. they would do well in careers involving politics, finances, business, influencing, etc
♄ saturn at 0°/9°/18°/27° · people with these degrees in their saturn often struggle in finding out who they really are and can struggle with things like personality disorders. these people are the most likely to struggle with addiction, although it’s a way to cope with their trauma. these people often just live really hard lives, but because of this they have a talent for turning their challenging emotions into beautiful art. they’re naturally really artistic people and creative. they’re naturally emotional people and very sensitive due to things that occurred in their childhood. they tend to be the black sheep’s of their family. the positive to these placements is that often these people live long and don’t pass until they’re really old. often from natural causes. they also can be very good at manifesting career opportunities into their life. they do best in careers such as being a singer, dancer, performer in general, actor, astrologer, tarot reader, etc. when you hurt these people they can be harsh sometimes and hold long grudges, but when you’re on their good side they’re very compassionate and romantic
♄ saturn at 11°/20°/29° · people with these degrees in their saturn can do really well in spiritual careers or careers where they can use their charisma. these degrees are common in general in the natal chart among people who are social media influencers, but saturn being one of the main planets they have it in if it’s long term social media fame since saturn represents stability, longevity, and work while 11 in numerology is associated with influence and charisma. they also do well as astrologers, tarot readers, numerologists, teachers, actors, artists, life coach, athlete, etc. this (11) is one of the main fame numbers, so you’ll see these degrees a lot in the charts of famous people. these specific placements indicate that someone is a very emotional person, but just keeps everything within and can struggle to express themselves emotionally. others may perceive it as lack of emotional intelligence when it really just is them not feelings the same ways others feel in certain situations where they know they’re supposed to because due to their trauma they can be numb in certain areas emotionally. this doesn’t mean they don’t want to try to understand others emotionally though. these people at their worst can be emotionally unstable though
♄ saturn at 22° · people with this degree in their saturn are naturally very wise people. they may often get told that they’re an old soul by many. they can struggle a lot with things like confidence, feeling restricted, or being over sensitive due to their trauma. when you’re on these peoples bad side they don’t mind burning bridges with you and can be ruthless as well as stubborn. when low vibrational they won’t like taking advice from others and won’t be open minded. they can also have ulterior motives at times. when higher vibrational these people will be open to lots of new experiences and learning many new things. they will also have good intentions with everything they do. these people tend to do well in careers involving crime, destroying, building, or sharing their wisdoms with others. they make great architects, body builders, gang leaders, cops, criminal investigators, marine biologists, construction workers, etc. these people (similar to saturn at 4°/13° people) are some of the hardest working people you’ll ever meet
© novy2sirius
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fulgurbugs · 7 months ago
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Novi mikus
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cryptic-forge · 2 months ago
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look back month challenge, day 4: do you still have any toys from your childhood?
i don't. i didn't play with toys a lot or form deep bonds to them because all i wanted to do was craft. not much has changed there.
but i do have these novi stars customs i made as a gift for my kid self. when novi stars released in 2012 i was already an adult, but if they had existed in my childhood, i would have been obsessed. i've been super into scifi and Space Facts since i was tiny, and most of my art as a kid was comets and galaxies and colorful little aliens. so when i found out about the existence of novi stars, i had to get my hands on a few and customize them in a way i would have loved 20+ years ago. and also do now; i need to reuse that solar system headgear idea for a bjd.
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texcritterspizzajamboree · 6 months ago
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since everyone liked decora pinkie so much, you can have mallgoth pinkie. as a treat
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honeyblssom · 11 months ago
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also Skipper fishes now
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jonnychuone · 4 months ago
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Akaruitale Supernova Novie: he live in waterfall since it feels like he seeing stars like home even tho he doesn't remember but feel like it, he a boy from the stars, even tho he looks human but he a monster tho Asgore try to kill him but didn't since Toriel went from hiding to stop him to protect him and ran back to ruins with him but he still wanted in Asgore eyes and the underground, he friends with naps he dose get lil annoyed how Metta left his cousin behind after what naps told him about there backstory even tho he like alphys and watch anime together when she not to busy, he likes Muffet baking and help hers out a lot of she doesn't try make him I to a cake hehe but hangs with papyrus a lot with undye even tho undyne is command to get him,she let him go but they play cat and mouse when they have to lol and has to handle sans personal jokes but he at least enjoy them even tho dose get on his nervous but tho he dose go with grillby for milk but dose get ask for his id and Torie when she needs help on something for pie, you will bump into them it be different with other routes.
Nice route if your nice and make him out of a moody mood will show his art/writing and his backstory that he reminds where he fell from the sky where naps found him and everything that happens why he wanted in the underground and he will show him and naps music they made to go against Metta and papyrus cooking they both did that day. That claim him down plus his scars lol.
Normal routine it the same but won't show his backstory or any other thing if you are lil Mean or don't help him claim down.
No mercy that a hell death wish because get him so annoyed that you kill half his friends even tho some want him dead but hell go supernova on yo murder ass to almost exploding to kill you....
He moody but get to know him more and claim him down in any route you do he becomes more of a nice shy boy long the way.
Akaruitale Supernova Novie: vive en una cascada ya que se siente como si estuviera viendo estrellas como en casa, aunque no lo recuerde, pero lo siente, es un niño de las estrellas, aunque parece humano, pero es un monstruo, aunque Asgore intentó matarlo, pero no lo hizo desde que Toriel salió de su escondite para detenerlo para protegerlo y corrió de regreso a las ruinas con él, pero todavía quería los ojos de Asgore y el subsuelo, es amigo de Naps, se enoja un poco porque Metta dejó a su prima atrás después de lo que Naps le contó sobre su historia de fondo, aunque le gustan los alphys y ven anime juntos cuando ella no está muy ocupada, le gusta hornear Muffet y ayudar mucho a los de ella, ella no intenta hacerle un pastel jeje, pero pasa mucho tiempo con Papyrus con Undye, aunque Undyne tiene la orden de atraparlo, ella lo deja ir, pero juegan al gato y al ratón cuando tienen que hacerlo, lol, y tiene que manejar bromas personales de San, pero al menos las disfruta, aunque se ponen nerviosos, pero lo hace. Ve con Grillby por la leche, pero te pedirán su identificación y Torie cuando necesite ayuda con algo para un pastel, te los encontrarás, será diferente con otras rutas.
Bonita ruta si eres amable y lo sacas de un estado de ánimo malhumorado, mostrará su arte/escritura y su historia de fondo que recuerda dónde cayó del cielo, dónde lo encontraron las siestas y todo lo que sucede por qué quería estar en el subsuelo y le mostrará la música de las siestas que hicieron para ir en contra de Metta y la cocina de papiro que ambos hicieron ese día. Eso lo reclama más sus cicatrices jajaja.
La rutina normal es la misma, pero no mostrará su historia de fondo ni nada si eres un poco malo o no lo ayudas a reclamar.
No hay piedad, ese deseo de muerte del infierno lo pone tan furioso que mata a la mitad de sus amigos, aunque algunos lo quieren muerto, pero se convertirá en una supernova sobre tu trasero asesino y casi explotará para matarte...
Es temperamental, pero conócelo más y reclámalo en cualquier camino que tomes, se convertirá en un chico tímido y agradable con el tiempo.
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