#novena to the guardian angels
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catholicsapphic · 5 months ago
ARGH I missed the opportunity to begin a timely novena yesterday but this is your friendly reminder that 🕊️ this is a great moment to begin a novena to your guardian angel, since their feast is coming up! ✨
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ahopefulbromantic · 5 months ago
How do you get in contact with your guardian angel? Is there a prayer or novena that you recommend?
Honestly I just talk to them like I would talk to a friend. To me personally it's the best way of connection. I once heard that our guardian angels are custom created by God to be our perfect best friends which is so cute I just can't so I try to treat them so - I even gave mine a funny nickname (Erika)!
Unfortunately I don't know many prayers to guardian angels but there's Aniele Boży, the one all Polish children learn, and it goes something like:
Angel of God, my Guardian dear
Please always stand beside me here
Morning, evening, night, or day
May you always be my help I pray
Guard my body and my soul
And lead me to Kingdom of Heaven, my eternal goal
I also found this litany to Guardian Angel which is very wholesome
Hope this helps! God bless you and your guardian angel!
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kallistophilles · 9 months ago
Chaplet of Archangel St. Michael
"The history of this Chaplet goes back to a devout Servant of God, Antonia d'Astonac, who had a vision of St. Michael. He told Antonia to honor him by nine salutations to the nine Choirs of Angels. St. Michael promised that whoever would practice this devotion in his honor would have, when approaching Holy Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen from each of the nine Choirs. In addition, for those who would recite the Chaplet daily, he promised his continual assistance, and the company of all the holy angels during life and after death, and deliverance from purgatory for themselves and their relations."
The St. Michael Chaplet was recommended by St. Padre Pio to all of his spiritual children and to those who were suffering from temptations. It can be prayed daily or at any time and is especially recommended on the following feasts: • Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (May 8) • Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (September 29) • Holy Guardian Angels (October 2) • Archangel St. Raphael (October 24) • And on Tuesdays Commence a novena to complete on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7)
Act of Contrition
O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be ...
(Say one Our Father and three Hail Mary's after each of the following nine salutations in honor of the nine Choirs of Angels)
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Seraphim, may the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect charity. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubim may the Lord grant us the grace to leave the ways of sin and run in the paths of Christian perfection. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones may the Lord infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominations may the Lord give us grace to govern our senses and overcome any unruly passions. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues may the Lord preserve us from evil and falling into temptation. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers may the Lord vouchsafe to protect our souls against the snares and temptations of the devil. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities may God fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels may the Lord give us perseverance in faith and in all good works in order that we may attain the glory of Heaven. Amen.
By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted in the life to come to Heaven. Amen.
In honour of St. Michael: Our Father … In honour of St. Gabriel: Our Father … In honour of St. Raphael: Our Father… In honour of our Guardian Angel: Our Father …
Concluding prayers:
O glorious Prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, thou who dost shine with excellence and superhuman virtue vouchsafe to deliver us from all evil, who turn to thee with confidence and enable us by thy gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day.
Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ. That we may be made worthy of His promises.
Almighty and Everlasting God, Who by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, hast appointed the most glorious Archangel, St. Michael, Prince of Thy Church, make us worthy, we beseech Thee, to be delivered from all our enemies that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into the august presence of Thy Divine Majesty. This we beg through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Who is like unto God? Who can withstand the sword of St. Michael?
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piouscatholic · 1 year ago
#Novenato OurLadyoftheMiraculousMedal
O Most Holy Virgin,
O my Mother, ask thy Son on my behalf for everything my soul and all mankind needs so that thy Reign be established on earth.
My most earnest request is that thou mayest triumph in me and in all souls and implant thy Reign on earth.
[First Day]
(Chair used by Our Lady)
The chair used by Our Lady while speaking with St. Catherine
During the night of July 18-19, 1830, the Most Holy Virgin appeared for the first time to Saint Catherine Labouré,
who had been awakened and led from the dormitory to the chapel by her guardian angel.
In the sanctuary, Saint Catherine later wrote:
“I heard something like the rustling of a silk dress, coming from the side of the tribune,
close to Saint Joseph’s picture.
She alighted on the steps of the altar on the Gospel side,
in an arm chair like Saint Anne’s...
As I looked up at Our Lady I flung myself close to her, falling on my knees on the altar steps, my hands resting in her knees.
That was the sweetest moment of my life.”
O Most Holy Virgin,
O my Mother, look on my soul with mercy,
obtain for me a spirit of prayer that leads me always to have recourse to thee.
Obtain for me the graces that I implore of thee and, above all, inspire me to pray for the graces that thou most wants to grant me.
Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be....
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.
Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
Oh God, who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His consolation, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
People: Amen.
O Mary, conceived without sin.
Pray for us who have recourse to you (repeat 3 times)
Priest and People:
O Lord, Jesus Christ, who have vouchsafed to glorify by numberless miracles the Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculate from the first moment of her conception, grant that all who devoutly implore her protection on earth, may eternally enjoy Your presence in heaven, who, with the Father and Holy Spirit, live and reign, God forever and ever. Amen.
O Lord, Jesus Christ, who for the accomplishment of Your greatest works, have chosen the weak things of the world, that no flesh may glory in Your sight; and who for a better and more widely diffused belief in the Immaculate Conception of Your Mother, have wished that the Miraculous Medal be manifested to Saint Catherine Labouré,
grant we beseech You, that filled with like humility, we may glorify this mystery by word and work.
Remember, O most compassionate Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your assistance, or sought your intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, we fly unto you, O Virgin of Virgins, our Mother; to you we come; before you we kneel, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but, in your clemency, hear and answer them. Amen.
O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Lord Jesus and our Mother, penetrated with the most lively confidence in your all-powerful and never-failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal, we your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain for us the graces and favors we ask during this Novena,
if they be beneficial to our immortal souls, and the souls for whom we pray.
(Here privately form your petitions.)
You know, O Mary, how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity.
Obtain for us, then, a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to His greater glory.
Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial, that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode where you are the Queen of angels and of men Amen.
O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, we dedicate and consecrate ourselves to you under the title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
May this Medal be for each one of us a sure sign of your affection for us and a constant reminder of our duties toward you.
Ever while wearing it, may we be blessed by your loving protection and preserved in the grace of your Son.
O most powerful Virgin, Mother of our Savior, keep us close to you every moment of our lives.
Obtain for us, your children, the grace of a happy death; so that, in union with you, we may enjoy the bliss of heaven forever. Amen.
(Repeat 3 times:)
O Mary, conceived without sin.
Pray for us who have recourse to you.
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peter-shafton · 1 year ago
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years ago
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Novena to the Holy Guardian Angels Recited From: September 23rd through October 1st - Feast Day: October 2nd (Both Latin Calendar and Ordinary Time)
The word Novena derives it name from the Latin word “novem” meaning “nine.” A novena can be either a private or public devotion in the Catholic Church to obtain special graces.
Novena Prayer
(Said Daily before each day’s prayers)
Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, I praise and thank You, not only be-cause You have created the visible world but also because You have created the heavens and called the numberless spirits into being. You created them most splendidly, endowing them with power and understanding, and pouring out upon them the riches of Your grace.
I praise and thank You for having showered these blessings upon the good Angels, especially upon my Guardian Angel, and for having rewarded them with eternal glory after the time of their probation.
Now they surround Your throne forever, singing jubilantly: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Your glory.
Hosanna in the highest!
Eternal Son of God, I honor You as the King of the Angels. Yet You Yourself were pleased to take their name and office and to dwell among us as the Angel and Messenger of God. You were the faithful Companion and constant Leader of the chosen people. By Your Incarnation You became the Ambassador of our heavenly Father and the Messenger of the great decree of our redemption.
For Your greater glory, loving King of the Angels, I wish to praise and honor Your servants, the Holy Angels, especially my own Guardian Angel. In union with these Holy Angels I adore and revere You as my Savior and my God.
Holy Spirit, Divine Artist, Finger of God's right hand, by Your power and love the hosts of the Angels were brought into being to adore and serve God. They do so with constant fidelity and ready obedience. They carry out Your commands with fervent love and holy zeal. Divine Spirit, You also created us in Your likeness and made of our souls Your living temples.
I thank You for having given us Your Holy Angels to help, protect, and guide us that we may persevere in Your grace throughout life's journey and safely reach our heavenly home. Help me to be attentive to their guidance that I may do Your holy Will perfectly and at the same time find true happiness in this life and in the next.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in honor of the Holy Angels, I ask You to grant my special request if it be Your holy Will:
(Mention your request).
Day One—Ardent Seraphim, you who dwell in the eternal home of love, unceasingly absorbed in the rays of the Sun of Justice, we beg you in virtue of the Divine Blood, to enkindle in our hearts that holy fire with which you are consumed.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels, protect us in our combats, that we may not perish in the tremendous judgment of God.
Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Day Two—Bright Cherubim, you who are allowed a deeper insight into God's secrets, dispel the darkness of our souls, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, give that supernatural light to our eyes that will enable us to understand the truths of salvation.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Day Three— Sublime Thrones, dazzling in your beauty, upon whom rests the Almighty and who convey His commands to the inferior Angels, obtain for us in virtue of the Divine Blood, peace with God, with our neighbor and with ourselves.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Day Four— Supreme Dominations, you who have the authority over all Angelic Choirs, and are charged with the execution of God's orders, rule over our minds and hearts, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, help us to know and faithfully to accomplish the will of God.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Day Five—Invincible Powers, whose mission it is to remove the obstacles to the Divine will, and to overcome its enemies, defend us against the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, render us victorious in our combats against this triple power.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Day Six—Heavenly Virtues, who watch over the harmony of the material creation, you whose name signifies "Strength," have pity on our weakness, and obtain for us in virtue of the Divine Blood, the grace to bear with patience the trials of this life.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Day Seven—Sovereign Principalities, you who are the Princes of Nations, we beseech you to guard our Country effectively, that it may realize God's designs in its regard. Govern our souls and our bodies, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, obtain that we may attain eternal life.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…
Glory be…..
Day Eight—Most noble Archangels, you who, under the command of St. Michael, guard and protect the Holy Church, deign to deliver her from internal and external enemies. Watch over the Holy Father, as well as over all the children of the Immaculate Spouse of Christ, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, obtain for us the grace to live and die in the Faith, Hope, and Charity of Holy Church, so that we may be eternally united with its august Head, Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Day Nine—Most holy Angels, you whose zeal for the interest of God, wherever they need to be defended, carries you through the universe more rapidly than lightning, protect His cause in our souls, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, obtain for us the signal grave of final perseverance
St. Michael, the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels,…..
Glory be…..
Antiphon: O most glorious Prince, Michael, the Archangel, be mindful of us, here and everywhere, and always pray to the Son of God for us.
Verse: I will praise Thee, O God, in the sight of Your Angels.
Response: I will adore Thee in Your holy Temple and I will confess
Your Name.
Let us Pray:
O God, Who has in an admirable order disposed the ministry of angels and of men, grant in Your goodness that our life on earth may be protected by those who in heaven always assist before Your throne ready to do Your will. Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.*
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,*
God the Holy Spirit,*
Holy Trinity, One God,*
Holy Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for us.**
Holy Mother of God,**
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Saint Michael, who was ever the defender of the people of God,
St. Michael, who did drive from Heaven Lucifer and his rebel crew,
St. Michael, who did cast down to Hell the accuser of our brethren,
Saint Gabriel, who did expound to Daniel the heavenly vision,
St. Gabriel, who did foretell to Zachary the birth and ministry of John the Baptist,
St. Gabriel, who did announce to Blessed Mary the Incarnation of the Divine Word,
Saint Raphael, who did lead Tobias safely through his journey to his home again,
St. Raphael, who did deliver Sara from the devil,
St. Raphael, who did restore his sight to Tobias the elder,
All you holy Angels, who stand around the high and lofty throne of God,
Who cry to Him continually: Holy, Holy, Holy,
Who dispel the darkness of our minds and give us light,
Who are the messengers of heavenly things to men,
Who have been appointed by God to be our guardians '
Who always behold the Face of our Father Who is in Heaven,
Who rejoice over one sinner doing penance,
Who struck the Sodomites with blindness,
Who led Lot out of the midst of the ungodly,
Who ascended and descended on the ladder of Jacob,
Who delivered the Divine Law to Moses on Mount Sinai,
Who brought good tidings when Christ was born,
Who ministered to Him in the desert,
Who comforted Him in His agony,
Who sat in white garments at His sepulcher,
Who appeared to the disciples as He went up into Heaven,
Who shall go before Him bearing the standard of the Cross when He comes to judgment,
Who will gather together the elect at the End of the World,
Who will separate the wicked from among the just,
Who offer to God the prayers of those who pray,
Who assist us at the hour of death,
Who carried Lazarus into Abraham's bosom,
Who conduct to Heaven the souls of the just,
Who perform signs and wonders by the power of God,
Who are sent to minister for those who shall receive the inheritance of salvation,
Who are set over kingdoms and provinces,
Who have often put to flight armies of enemies,
Who have often delivered God's servants
from prison and other perils of this life,
Who have often consoled the holy martyrs in their torments, pray for us.
Who are wont to cherish with peculiar care the prelates and princes of the Church,**
All you holy orders of blessed spirits,**
From all dangers, deliver us, O Lord.*
From the snares of the devil,*
From all heresy and schism,
From plague, famine and war,
From sudden and unlooked - for death,
From everlasting death,*
We sinners, beseech Thee to hear us.
Through Your holy Angels, we beseech Thee, hear us.**
That You would spare us,
That You would pardon us,
That You would govern and preserve Thy Holy Church,
That You would protect our Apostolic Prelate and all ecclesiastical orders,
That You would grant peace and security to kings and all Christian princes,
That You would give and preserve the fruits of the earth,
That You would grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed,**
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Silently, say the “Our Father” (Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.)
Bless the Lord, all you Angels:
You who are mighty in strength, who fulfill His commandments, hearkening to the voice of His words. He has given His Angels charge concerning you, To keep you in all your ways.
Let Us Pray
O God, Who dost arrange the services of Angels and men in a wonderful order, mercifully grant that our life may be protected on earth by those who always do Thee service in Heaven, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost art one God, now and forever. Amen.
O God, Who in Your unspeakable Providence dose send Your Angels to keep guard over us, grant unto Your suppliants that we may be continually defended by their protection and may rejoice eternally in their society, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Novena Pamphlet To Our Guardian Angel - With Litany
All Novena Pamphlets
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internetcatholicism · 2 years ago
Starting a novena for your intentions to St. Blaise on his feast day. I'm sorry things are so hard right now, I hope they get a little softer or lighter where they can soon. February is the month first bulbs start showing green where I'm at. There's snow, there's ice, and there's a little more light at the end of the day with the promise of daffodils to come. I hope your guardian angel helps you see some of that. Peace be with you.
Thank you so much 💛💛💛 I'm definitely looking forward to St. Blaise's feast day this year
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traumacatholic · 3 years ago
On the 2nd day of my novena to Saint Michael the Archangel, my mum brought me a guardian angel keychain. She’s an atheist + didn’t know about me praying that novena. Kind of funny to think about, going to imagine that it’s a little gift from Saint Michael
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gratitude73 · 3 years ago
Gratitude Day 1160
Lord, help me to love You with my whole heart, mind, soul and strength.  Help me to love You with my whole being.  In that love, I pray You transform me into Your instrument of grace.  Jesus, I trust in You!
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my husband Ell ❤️ filled with joy love peace and fun ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my best friends V and J and all is well filled with joy love peace and compassion and fun ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a loving connected relationship with my family and lovely mum and all is well filled with joy love peace and compassion and forgiveness ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now that I am love I am joy I am peace I am patience I am successful I am intelligent I am open I am a teacher I am a learner I am a leader I am a director I am awesome I am a brilliant friend I am a mentor ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the magical ✨️ outcome of the day ✨️ the huge success in the ways of working briefing the focus and completing the referrals in my Level 7 the write up of all the PFD conversations. the peace love and joy of the day living in the moment releasing fear and putting my trust in the holy spirit the Father and the son. thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the holy spirit 🙌🏾 guides me through all the time in all that I do and say and my guardian angel 😇 is by my side to rule and guard 💂‍♂️ to light and guide Amen 🙏🏽 thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the full healing and recovery of Paul and Mark Vooght and my lovely mum is happy and healthy ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽
I am so happy and grateful now for the beautiful home I share with my husband ❤️ filled with joy love peace and fun ❤️ thank you god thank you god thank you god ❤️ 🙏🏽 💖 🙌🏾
St Monica pray for us ... Novena Day 1 🙏🏽
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witchythingscore · 3 years ago
I am not used to prophetic dreams, witches (are you?), despite I ask every night my guardian angel to have inspiring dreams. The last, three years ago, was my recently deceased grandma warning me that Gregorian masses told for her apparently worked. However this night, I had the surprise to witness the martyrdom of an apostle (despite today saint is Patrick, I know). I first thought of Jude due to my recent novena, but no.
Then of Saint Peter, but no. It was his brother Andrew, killed on a X shaped cross. He caught me by surprise already years ago, when I was visiting Almalfi, Italy, and stepped on his tomb in the cathedral (I did not knew he was buried there). 
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I woke up and thought, “Why Andrew, what does he patron?” 
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I checked: fishmongers and fishermen, nothing to do with me. Golf? I’ve been tempted to do this. A few countries, too. Scotland, I knew already, it’s on the flag.
But I did not knew for Russia, or...Ukraine? For real? 
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Oh wow. What should I do then? Yesterday my mother, two others parishioners and myself prayed Saint Michael, invoked in case of war. 
Sure, but what to ask to Saint Andrew in that case? I’ve made a tee-shirt on Redbubble. What else?
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angeltreasure · 4 years ago
I once read somewhere that one of the sings of the End Times will be a collective conversion of the Jews and Muslims, scattered worshippers of One God will finally reunite in Christ; interesting thought, also highly desirable for me, even before that. I have many dear Jewish and Muslim friends, and I pray everyday that they know the light of Jesus! Not only them, but also followers of other religions, even atheists, agnostics and those in occult error in general. It makes me happy to imagine everyone as one big, happy family in Christ.
——-Did you know, one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is praying for the living and the dead? Prayer is one of the most powerful ways we can support others and create peace. Here is some ways you can do pray for the living and the dead:
Pray a Rosary, Litany, Chaplet, or Novena, dedicating it for someone else. One that really comes to mind for this ask is the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Request a mass intention for someone in need.
Light a candle in church and pray for someone.
Request a mass intention for a friend or family member who has passed away.
Keep your own book of prayer intentions, by writing down the names and places of those who you are keeping in your prayers. I have one called a Rosary Book.
Ask a friend, family member, or even people on social media if there is anything you can pray for them about.
Offer up completing mundane chores and tasks in this life as prayer to lessen the suffering of souls held in Purgatory, who cannot pray for themselves until they are completely purified to enter Heaven.
Send your Guardian Angel into prayer to help someone in need or another Guardian Angel.
Ask your Guardian Angel to pray with you and attend mass with you.
Ask specific saints, who are patrons at a certain subject, to help someone you known needs it. They will send your intentions through intercessory prayer up to God.
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alwaysabeautifullife · 4 years ago
Day Four, Novena to Saint Joseph
Day Four: Faithful Servant
Saint Joseph, you lived for one purpose -- to be the personal servant of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Your noble birth and ancestry, the graces and gifts, so generously poured out on you by God -- all this was yours to serve our Lord better. Every thought, word, and action of yours was a homage to the love and glory of the Incarnate Word. You fulfilled most faithfully the role of a good and faithful servant who cared for the House of God.
How perfect was your obedience! Your position in the Holy Family obliged you to command, but besides being the foster-father of Jesus, you were also His disciple. For almost thirty years, you watched the God-Man display a simple and prompt obedience, and you grew to love and practice it very perfectly yourself. Without exception you submitted to God, to the civil rulers, and to the voice of your conscience.
When God sent an angel to tell you to care for Mary, you obeyed in spite of the mystery which surrounded her motherhood. When you were told to flee into Egypt under painful conditions, you obeyed without the slightest word of complaint. When God advised you in a dream to return to Nazareth, you obeyed. In every situation your obedience was as simple as your faith, as humble as your heart, as prompt as your love. It neglected nothing; it took in every command.
You had the virtue of perfect devotedness, which marks a good servant. Every moment of your life was consecrated to the service of our Lord: sleep, rest, work, pain. Faithful to your duties, you sacrificed everything unselfishly, even cheerfully. You would have sacrificed even the happiness of being with Mary. The rest and quiet of Nazareth was sacrificed at the call of duty. Your entire life was one generous giving, even to the point of being ready to die in proof of your love for Jesus and Mary. With true unselfish devotedness you worked without praise or reward.
But God wanted you to be in a certain sense a cooperator in the Redemption of the world. He confided to you the care of nourishing and defending the Divine Child. He wanted you to be poor and to suffer because He destined you to be the foster-father of His Son, who came into the world to save men by His sufferings and death, and you were to share in His suffering. In all of these important tasks, the Heavenly Father always found you a faithful servant!
Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being God's faithful servant. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to be a faithful servant of God as you were. Help me to share, as you did, the perfect obedience of Jesus, who came not to do His Will, but the Will of His Father; to trust in the Providence of God, knowing that if I do His Will, He will provide for all my needs of soul and body; to be calm in my trials and to leave it to our Lord to free me from them when it pleases Him to do so. And help me to imitate your generosity, for there can be no greater reward here on earth than the joy and honor of being a faithful servant of God.
Saint Joseph, I, your unworthy child, greet you. You are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. You know that I have special confidence in you and that, after Jesus and Mary, I place all my hope of salvation in you, for you are especially powerful with God and will never abandon your faithful servants. Therefore I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belong to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death.
Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore:
(Mention your request).
Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen.
Remember, most pure spouse of Mary, ever Virgin, my loving protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection or asked for your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding, therefore, in your goodness, I come before you and humbly implore you. Despise not my petitions, foster-father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen.
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piouscatholic · 2 years ago
[Novena for Families]
#Day6: (Aug20)
St. Joseph teaches us to trust
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
<Prayer of Leo XIII: To you, O Blessed Joseph,
O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family>
“To you, O blessed Joseph,
do we come in our tribulation, and having implored the help of your Most Holy Spouse,
we confidently invoke your patronage also.
Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God
and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus,
we humbly beg you graciously
to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood,
and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.
O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family - defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ;
O most loving Father,
ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence;
O our most mighty protector,
be kind to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness.
As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril,
so now protect God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity;
shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection,
so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously,
to die in holiness,
and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen. "
“Joseph trusts God when he hears his messenger, the Angel,
say to him:
“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.
For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her”
(Mt 1:20).
Throughout all of history, Joseph is the man who gives God the greatest display of trust,
even in the face of such astonishing news. (...)
As you see, we always ask the Lord to protect the Church – and he does! –
Just as Joseph protected his family and kept watch over the child Jesus during his early years.”
(Benedict XVI, sermon of 19 March 2009)
we pray together, entrusting ourselves to the intercession of St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, guardian of our families.
Even the carpenter from Nazareth knew uncertainty and disappointment,
concern about the future,
but he also knew how to walk in the dark of certain moments
letting himself be guided, without reservation, by God’s will.”
(Pope Francis, March 19, 2020)
Saint Joseph, mirror of patience,
pray for us
Saint Joseph, protector of the Holy Church,
pray for us.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father
[Pope Francis prayer]
“Protect, O Holy Guardian,
this our nation.
Enlighten those responsible for the common good,
so that they might know — like you do —how to care for those entrusted to their responsibility.
Grant intelligence of knowledge
to those seeking adequate means for the health and physical well-being of their brothers.
Sustain those who are spending themselves for those in need,
even at the cost of their own safety: volunteers, nurses, doctors who are on the front lines in curing the sick.
Bless, O St Joseph,
the Church: beginning with her ministers, make her the sign and instrument of your light and your goodness.
O St Joseph, our families: with your prayerful silence,
create harmony between parents and their children, in a special way with the youngest.
Preserve the elderly from loneliness: grant that no one might be left in desperation from abandonment and discouragement.
Comfort those who are the frailest, encourage those who falter, intercede for the poor.
With the Virgin Mother, beg the Lord to liberate the world from every form of pandemic.
“By accepting himself according to God’s design, Joseph fully finds himself, beyond himself.
His freedom to renounce even what is his,
the possession of his very life, and his full interior availability to the will of God
challenge us and show us the way"
(Pope Francis).
© Marie de Nazareth 2023
Association Marie de Nazareth 75 rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris – France
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years ago
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Novena To The Guardian Angels Recited From: September 22nd And Ends On October 1st. - Feast Day: October 2nd
The word Novena derives it name from the Latin word “novem” meaning “nine.” A novena can be either a private or public devotion in the Catholic Church to obtain special graces.
Novena to our Guardian Angels
O holy angels, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favors, I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable protector, to continue thy charitable care and defense of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies. Keep me away from all occasions of sin. Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice. In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favor which I ask for by this novena.
(Here mention your need(s).)
Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the presence of my Creator in the mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.
Angel, my counselor, inspire me.
Angel, my defender, protect me;
Angel, my faithful friend, intercede for me;
Angel, my consoler, fortify me;
Angel, my brother, defend me;
Angel, my teacher, instruct me;
Angel, witness of all my actions, purify me;
Angel, my helper, support me;
Angel, my intercessor, speak for me;
Angel, my guide, direct me;
Angel, my light, enlighten me;
Angel, whom God has assigned to lead me, govern me.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Queen of the Angels, pray for us.
St. Michael, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, pray for us.
St. Raphael, pray for us.
All holy Angels and Archangels, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who unceasingly behold the Face of the heavenly Father, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who never part from us, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who are devoted to us in
heavenly friendship, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, our faithful admonishers, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who preserve us from many evils of body and soul, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, our mighty defenders against the attacks of the evil enemy, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, our support in the time of temptations, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who help us when we stumble and fall, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who comfort us in troubles and sufferings, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who uphold our prayers and carry them before the Throne of God, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who through your inspirations and encouragement help us to progress in the good, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who despite our faults never leave us, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who rejoice over our improvement and advancement in perfection, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who watch over us and pray for us even when we rest, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who do not abandon us in our agony of death, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who console the souls in Purgatory, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, who lead the righteous into Heaven, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, with whom one day we hope to eternally praise and behold God, pray for us.
Noble Princes of Heaven, pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord!
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Our Father... (Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.)
Bless the Lord, all His Angels, you mighty ones who do His Will.
He has sent His Angels before you, to guard you on all your ways.
My God, in the presence of the Angels, I will bless You.
I want to adore You and praise Your holy Name.
Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto You.
Let us Pray
Almighty, Eternal God, in your ineffable goodness You have assigned a special Angel to all men, from the womb onwards, as a protection for body and soul. Graciously grant that I may follow my holy Angel so faithfully and love him so dearly, that through Your grace and under his protection I may one day reach the heavenly Father’s House and may merit to behold Your Divine Countenance together with him and all the holy Angels. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pamphlet -Novena To Our Guardian Angels
All Novena Pamphlet's
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bylagunabay · 4 years ago
Unseen Warfare
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Use these brief prayers when an evil spirit is harassing you, tempting you gravely, causing bad thoughts in your mind, attacking you in your sleep, making you feel fear by letting itself be felt, giving you pain or sickness … These warfare prayers can also be used for places when you sense their evil presence.
1 As far as possible, be in the state of grace by frequenting Confession and reception of the Holy Eucharist.
2 Have a devotion to our Blessed Mother. Meditate on the Rosary daily. Make novenas to Her. Learn more about Her and practice Her virtues, Speak to Her from your heart.
3 Seek the intercession of the Saints especially St.Joseph.
4 Speak frequently to your guardian angel and always ask him to guard and guide you. He will speak usually through inspiring thoughts and impressions in your heart. Do also pray to St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael.
5 Wear blessed Sacramentals with faith: Scapular, Miraculous Medal, St. Benedict's medal …
6 Use holy water frequently on yourself, family members and on your property.
Before praying the prayers, place yourself in God's presence and sense his nearness. Pray the following prayers from your heart.
 Step 1: Prayer For Protection
Jesus Crucified, cover me, my family, my relatives, and friends, and all our possessions, work, properties  with your Precious Blood. (Recite three times.)
 Step 2: Prayer For Armor
I put on God's armor to resist the devil's tactics. I stand my ground with truth buckled around my waist and integrity for a breastplate. I carry the shield of faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one. I accept salvation of God to be my helmet and receive the Word of God from the Spirit to use as a sword.
 Step 3: Prayer For Deliverance:
(Pray this prayer with a commanding voice. If you have holy water, sprinkle while praying this prayer).
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, through His tremendous power as God and through His most powerful and salvific name. I rebuke, repudiate, bind, and cast out all spirits not of the Holy Spirit. I command you in the name of Jesus, to depart now from (state name of person or place) and go immediately and directly to the foot of the Cross and never to return.)
 Step 4: Prayer To The Holy Spirit
(Then pray this prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking for assistance and His infilling)
O Most Holy Spirit, enter into the empty spaces left by these spirits and fill (state name of person or place) with your presence, love, and protection. Please do not allow these spirits to return.
 Step 5: Prayer To The Angels
Say a prayer to the angels to stand guard and remain around you, your family members, home and  place of work to seal them from future demonic oppression.
 Step 6: Prayer For Cleansing
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the Precious Blood of your Son come upon us right now. Purify us and wash us clean with the Blood of Jesus from the top of our head down to the very soles of our feet,
Let this Blood penetrate the very marrow of our bones to cleanse us from the entanglement from whatever spirit we have come in contact with during the course of our intercession. Anoint us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and refresh our body, soul, and spirit.
And may the sign of your Holy Cross drive away all evil spirits from us. (Make the sign of the Cross)
 Step 7: Prayer Of Praise And Thanksgiving
(Make a personal prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God.)
1 If right afterwards there seems to be some form of retaliation from the evil spirits like sickness, pains, and depression, use the Prayer of Deliverance, but instead of saying "all spirits not of the Holy Spirit," say "spirit of retaliation and all accompanying spirits," then finish with the cleansing prayer.
2 Before going to bed, make the sign of the cross on your forehead using holy water. Bless your family members also.
3 Use Holy Water frequently in your room and, if possible, sprinkle exorcised salt
(rock salt blessed by a priest) around your room and home.
 Inspired by Fr. Jose Francisco C. Syquia, Director of the Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism, from his book “Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult”
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traumacatholic · 3 years ago
When I was very seriously suicidal, one of the things I genuinely believe helped me walk away from the (literal) edge was asking my guardian angel to hold me back. Just… when you're in that state, every bit of help you can get can make a difference to help you just get to bed for tomorrow. It's not going to make the problem go away, but I wouldn't underestimate the power behind asking one's personal bodyguard to help fight off such despair. My prayers go out to all going through that right now.
I'm so glad that could be of help to you! For sure, I think when it comes to tackling personal experiences of mental health issues, there isn't going to be one set way of improving your circumstances - but that doesn't mean that there can't be things that can help even in the moment, or for setting yourself up for long term success. Sometimes for me, even just praying a litany or something can be really helpful when it comes to distracting and calming myself.
For anyone interested, here's some prayers to your guardian angel:
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