#nova is so beautiful and perfect and i need to gently hold her Now
stellorc · 2 years
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I was commissioned by the lovely @xephtastic to paint her beautiful Jedi Exile, Nova!! I really loved working with her wonderful design and absolutely ethereal vibes. Xeph, you have a very pretty bean!!!
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Don’t you leave me right here (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N:  Hi guys! ARE WE ALIVE? PB DELIVERED, PERIOD. I haven't felt this on the edge of my motherf'n seat. This fic is a rewrite of the diamond scene in Chapter 11 plus my own spin on it and the aftermath because I have no self control.
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @awhmilkywey @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @akshara16 @maurine07
  Enjoy! <3
Ethan’s eyes haven’t left hers since he entered the room. Now, sitting next to her, she could see, clearer than ever, the desperation and panic, etched into them deeply, following him like a shadow. Her words had a clear effect on him, shocking him into silence, drawing the quietness around them out into what seemed to be infinity. When he spoke again, his voice was heavy with emotions, but his eyes were still firmly focused on her, never straying, holding all of his hopes and dreams.
“Since we’re sharing regrets, do you mind if I share one of mine?”
The question took her by surprise. Ethan was never a man to openly express his feelings, or regrets for that matter, and she could almost feel the change in his behavior, in his approach to the situation they were currently in, as though fate gave him a sudden shove into the direction he was eyeing for quite some time now, but was too terrified to pursue.
“Go ahead.” Claire nodded slowly, her movements expressing how tired and sore she felt, toxin draining her faster than any of them anticipated. He took her bare hand into his gloved one, deep regret striking him painfully when he didn’t feel her skin upon contact. The electricity he learned to anticipate, hell, welcome with every time they touched, wasn’t as intense, his brain relying on the memory of her closeness to induce the same sensation.
“I wish I hadn’t asked you to stay away.” he admitted quietly, lowering his head in shame slightly. Her tired face twisted in confusion and surprise, taking in the new information, the one she was waiting for, the words she wanted to hear so many times before.
“You do?”
“We’ve wasted so much time.” Ethan paused, his eyes becoming a shade darker to accommodate his growing shame and pain. Shaking his head, he rephrased. “I’ve wasted so much time.” His hold on her hand tightened, as though he could pass through it all that he was feeling. He was never good with his words when it came to her, only moments of brilliance here and there; she was always better at this than him. But now, he couldn’t run; he didn’t want to run. “I should have held you in my arms every single day and told you how much I-“
His voice broke. Unable to bring himself to say a word, he took a deep breath, searching her green eyes for anything that would tell him that she would make it, that it wouldn’t be the last time they were talking, that he would have the opportunity to do this properly. She deserved to be confessed to properly, not when fear was running through his veins and panic was making him talk like he’s never talked before.
“How much I care about you.”
A bright smile lit up her face, and to Ethan, she looked as though the whole massacre of the past day didn’t happen. To him, she was as beautiful as ever. Her fingers squeezed his in excitement, dimmed by the lack of energy. “I’ve always thought we should be together.”
“You have?” he chuckled, running his thumb over her knuckles. She nodded, grinning like she always did.
“Kind of thought it was obvious, actually. We were always drawn to each other, from day one.”
“I’d hate to presume anything.” He felt himself relaxing, falling into the comfort of their day to day bickering, feeling like he was coming home. And in a sense, he was. Somewhere between him trying to run from her and now, they built a safe place for one another, without realizing it, always being pulled towards each other in times of need. “Though… that feeling was very definitely mutual.”
Ethan’s hold on her hand became tighter, expressing his excitement. The smile that lit up his face must have been the biggest she’s ever seen to this date; he’s never been happier than in that exact moment. Claire’s face fell in disappointment, longing spelled out all over it. “I wish I could kiss you.”
“Soon. You will soon.” He promised, partly to her, and partly to himself, making himself swear to never let her get away again. Guilt was eating him alive, driving him mad, making him want to kick himself for being a fool for so long. “Claire? What’s wrong?” he immediately asked when he saw her expression change into a pensive one once more.
“It just hit me that Rafael might be the last real human contact I ever get to have, not through plastic.” She took the plastic surrounding his wrist between her two fingers, rubbing the material between them. His head told him to reassure her, but his heart couldn’t stand to be that far away from her, even if the suit was still separating them.
He moved from his chair, sitting down next to her, and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to him; not as close as he’d like, but it would have to do. “Look at me.” he said, trying to keep his voice level, letting the emotions take control after some time. Their eyes met, same emotions reflected in them. “You can’t think like that. You can’t give up.”
His soft gaze made her feel as though she could almost touch him, through all the layers of thick plastic. Rip apart the barriers that kept them away from each other, hold onto him and never let him go again.
“But I can kiss you… sort of.” her voice was raspy when she said those words, her hand already raising his until she could press her lips to his knuckles, shielded away from her. He cupped her chin, stroking the line of her cheekbone with his thumb tenderly. He muttered her name, softly and quietly, trying to find the words for the impossible situation they’ve found themselves in, but found none.
With his hold on her never wavering, he maneuvered them into the horizontal position, allowing her head to rest, her eyelids drooping against her will slightly. Their gazes were still locked, like they were since the moment he stepped inside her realm of isolation, and they remained that way until she fell deeper into his embrace, nuzzling her face against his chest with a ragged breath.
“I’m glad I at least got to hold you one last time…” she muttered, inhaling the clean scent of the room they were in. His hold on her tightened, expressing how much he wanted to be confident in his own words.
“This isn’t the last time, Claire. I promise you that.”
He was right. In the morning, her friends arrived with the cure, and hours later, she was showered and recovering in her very own, new and clean, room, taking every opportunity she had to rest. Her flatmates came by, but couldn’t stay for long, with their shifts starting soon. One person that was by her side every moment he could, was Ethan.
He visited her more times than a boss checking up on his colleague would be deemed appropriate, but he didn’t care. When he asked Sienna, earning himself a teasing grin from her in the process, he learned that none of their coworkers noticed or cared about him and Claire being close, the information being the last push he needed to spend as much time with her as he could or wanted.
The first time he visited, he lingered in the doorframe, watching her with a vulnerable and timid smile. She turned her head at the feeling of a slight heat on the side of her face, her eyes brighter at the sight of him. She beckoned him to sit next to her, neither of them saying anything yet.
His hand was shaking when he took hers gently, unable to believe that they were able to touch each other again, that she made it through and that they still had a chance. After last night, not much was left unsaid and they both knew where their feelings were placed. They still had a long way to go, but Ethan was ready to take the leap, follow her wherever she wanted to take him.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, tangling and detangling their fingers nervously. Claire stretched a bit, sitting up in her bed.
“I’m much better now. Headache is letting up too.” He placed his other hand on her forehead, his cool skin meeting her slightly warmer one. A small moan escaped her lips as her eyes fell shut. “Now that is perfect.”
“Yeah?” he laughed, looking at her with utmost adoration. She nodded, breathing in and out deeply. When she gazed at him again, their faces were much closer than she remembered them to be. Her first instinct was to lean away, expecting him to do the same, as they were in the hospital and anyone could walk in on them. Their only ally was the fact that the room didn’t have a window, so one would have to open the door to actually see what was happening inside.
But he didn’t do that. After coming so close to losing her, every moment with her felt precious, and he had every intention of savoring it. The heat of her body, the scent of her shampoo, the comfort of simply talking to her and being by her side. Yesterday’s Ethan Ramsey would keep his distance and maintain a professional front, even if it hurt him. The new Ethan Ramsey simply didn’t care anymore. Or, rather, he cared more than he used to be able to admit. He’s spent past months wallowing in regret and drowning in endless ocean of what-ifs. To say that he was tired of his own rules would be an understatement.
Ethan pressed a soothing kiss to the inside of her wrist, whispering softly, his voice full of pain. “You don’t even know…” he trailed off, his voice breaking for a split second before he composed himself again, taking a deep breath to ground himself.
“I know.”
It became their routine. For the next five days, she would wake up just in time to see him walking through the door, two steaming cups in his hands, one coffee and one tea. Once she was cleared to eat normal food again, he also began bringing meals he’s spent every evening and half of his nights making, both of them talking quietly while eating.
“You’re going to spoil me too much with all this delicious food. How am I supposed to move back to eating instant ramen?” she gasped dramatically, her grin growing even wider when he smirked.
“You could always eat dinner with me. I wouldn’t complain.” He pointed out, words leaving his lips before his mind could filter them. He really wouldn’t mind if she agreed to spend more time with him. His own bold words made a wave of excitement run down his spine, endorphins rushing through his bloodstream. Her eyebrow shot up teasingly, making him sweat for her answer until, eventually, she nodded, so happy she could probably emit light.
“Is that a date, then?” her voice betrayed how nervous but hopeful she was. The same euphoric expression appeared on his face, just like it did a few nights ago; he decided, right then and there, that he’s been longing to feel like this for a long time. Since the moment the thought of them being together became a possibility, in fact. This feeling of fullness, of being exactly where he wanted to be.
“It’s whatever you want it to be, Claire. Though, I won’t lie, I would very much like to take you out on a proper date once you’re fully recovered.” He kissed her cheek, his eyes holding the streak of vulnerability when he leaned away. “And I’d like to be there for you in the meantime.”
They both visibly relaxed, tension leaving their bodies as they fell into their each other’s arms, the embrace warm, as tight as he dared to hold her given the circumstances, carrying the desperation that seemed to still have them in its hold.
“I’d like that very much.” she muttered, her words muffled by the material of his white coat, pressed against her lips.
“Dr. Trinh, may I speak to you?” he called out, probably a bit louder than he should, a few interns stopping in their tracks, terrified and feeling sorry for the resident. Sienna, however, kept her face neutral as she followed the attending to his office, observing his face carefully, trying to decipher what could this possibly be about. As soon as the door closed and he got visibly got nervous, she had her answer.
“How are things going with Claire?” she asked lightly, cocking her head to the side when his gaze hardened for a second, coming to his senses immediately after he remembered their conversation a few days back. He cleared his throat before answering.
“I’d like to believe they’re good. Going in the right direction too. That’s actually why I asked you here.” He guided her towards the seat by his desk, twisting his fingers anxiously. “Claire is getting discharged today. We talked about me picking her up, and she suggested staying at my apartment, but I think she’d be more comfortable in her out home, in her own bed. Surrounded by things she knows.”
“No offense, Dr. Ramsey, but I’m pretty sure she knows your apartment pretty well too.” She giggled when a furious blush started creeping up his neck, unable to disagree with what she said. “But besides that, what is it that you’re asking me here?”
“I don’t want to be an inconvenience to you, and I’ll understand if you’re unable to help me, but I thought I’d ask.” He stumbled over his words, the whole premise causing him to lose the ability to think clearly. “Would it be possible for Claire and I to- uh…”
“Watching you stumble over your words is an unusual sight, I must say. Are you asking me if we could spend the night somewhere else so that the two of you could have the freedom to talk?” she made it easier for him, sensing his cry for help in the way he talked.
“Yes.” He blurted out, shocked at his own forwardness. “There are some things we need to discuss. I just want her to be as comfortable as possible.”
“We just so happen to have wanted a sleepover at Bryce’s place. What a coincidence, huh?” she smiled enigmatically, then took her phone and sent the message to the rest of her flatmates excluding Claire. Minutes later they had their answer. “We’ll leave the house at six thirty. Claire has the keys. Good luck, Dr. Ramsey.”
He breathed a sigh of relief, smiling to himself as he fell deeper into his chair. All that was left to do was get through the rest of the day, get her discharged and hope for the best.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” He greeted her, waving a stack of papers in his hand. Claire’s eyes widened in excitement, swinging her legs over the side of the bed almost immediately.
“You’re kidding.”
“When do I ever joke, Dr. Herondale.” His features hardened momentarily, only to melt into the teasing smile right after.
“Ooh, so serious and professional.” she joked, walking over to him slowly. Her hand brushed against his, sparks flying up their arms. “I haven’t been to your apartment in a while.”
“Actually, I’m taking you back to your place.” He picked up her bag, turning to look at her. Her mouth opened in surprise and confusion, unsure what he was talking about.
“I thought you wanted to keep an eye on me.” she muttered, her spirit falling as her hopes for the evening began to fall apart.
“I still intend to do that. I just think that you’d be more comfortable in your own space, your own home and bed.” Ethan felt his cheeks reddening, holding his breath while waiting for her answer.
“Are you sure that you want to spend the night with all my flatmates? I wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for the fact that I… kinda hoped to be alone with you.”
“Oh, really?” he smirked, wrapping his arm around her waist and pressing them against each other gently. “Then I guess it’s good that they’re sleeping at Bryce’s place tonight.” He watched how the corners of her lips went up and up, forming a charming smile, a quiet question hanging between them. “I asked Sienna if she could arrange it. I think she wants us to talk.”
“She does, I have no doubt about that.” Claire’s feet moved on their own, bringing her even closer to him, stopping just as they were breathing the same air. Her gaze strayed from his eyes to his lips, staring at them shamelessly. “Take me home, then.”
Ethan offered her his arm, a warm sensation spreading in his chest when he felt her touch, firm and trusting. Gripping the bag in his other hand, they moved towards the exit, making sure to leave her discharge papers at the nurse’s station.
He held her hand throughout the whole way to her apartment, and even when they walked towards the elevator, he still wouldn’t let her get too far away. There was an intense need in every move he made towards her; she noticed it on the very first day after she was cured. His touch was lingering, his hands gripping hers for a moment longer than usual. His gaze swallowed her whole. His kisses that never reached her lips, no matter how much both of them wanted it, were tender but with underlying strength to them, fueling them both for the next couple of hours until they would meet again.
Claire dug up her keys from her purse, opening the door to let them in. Ethan set the bag down on the floor next to the entrance to her room, turning to look at her. She remained by the front door, hands folded behind her back, looking at him with the intensity that made him fall apart. With each step she took towards him, his heartbeat got faster, his senses gained sharpness, tuning into her frequency.
“What’s your plan?” she asked, taking one of the buttons of his sweater into her grasp, rolling it between her fingers. It was a genuine question, but she would be lying if she said that she didn’t mean to tease him. They were like that, always toeing the line, crossing it over and over again.
“You’re in control here, Claire. You tell me.”
“I’d kill for a shower. I would ask you to make yourself comfortable but…” she stepped on her tiptoes, her lips a mere inch away from his ear. “… you can always join me.”
He almost choked on air, his breath kicked out of his lungs at her suggestion. She kissed his cheek, giggling when she leaned away, seeing his face slightly redder than before. Figuring out that, at least to some extent, she was teasing him, he relaxed a bit, running his hand up and down her arm. “You go ahead and do that, and I’ll try to think of something to cook.”
With that, they separated for the next thirty minutes. She left the door slightly open in case something happened, or they needed to talk, their strategy from Miami still working wonders. Ethan managed to get the food cooked and waiting for them in twenty minutes, deciding to wait for her, sitting on the couch and observing the sun that was barely visible over the horizon.
He’s thought in depth about what he wanted to tell her. He knew what he wanted to tell her, so many sleepless nights spent on thinking of her, or rather, trying not to think of her. There always was a part of him that knew that all his desperate attempts at keeping his distance, pushing her away and denying what was so obviously in front of him, would fall short. He refused to believe it at the time, but here he was now.
The sound of the door closing and soft footsteps on the floor pulled him back into reality. Just as he was turning his head to look at her, she sat down, straddling him, her hands on both sides of his face, and the next thing he knew, her lips were touching his in a heated kiss. Surprised only for a moment, he placed his hands just above her hips, kissing her back with as much desperation and fire. She had her many ways of stealing his breath, but this one was one of his favorites.
She lowered herself onto his lap even more, a soft sigh escaping her lips at the contact. Ethan tried to keep his reactions at bay, letting her take over, giving himself over to her just as much as he was taking from her. He could feel her smile, his head leaning back a bit when her fingers pulled on his strands, a helpless moan echoing in the air.
He wasn’t able to tell how much time has passed, losing himself in her completely. Moving his hands to her face, he brushed her hair away, their eyes locked tightly as they stared at each other in utter silence. Water was dripping from the strands of her blonde hair, soaking his sweater and the T-shirt she was wearing. Ethan only now noticed that it was strangely familiar.
“How did you get ahold of my T-shirt?” he laughed, welcoming the sight of her in his clothes with familiarity he didn’t know he longed for. It barely covered her thighs, in their current position the material being bunched up around her hips, exposing a bit of her panties to his touch when his hands were holding her in place.
“A girl’s gotta have her secrets.” She echoed her own words from the very first day they met, his eyes sparking up in recognition. “Besides, we both know I look better in it anyway.”
They enjoyed their dinner, conversing quietly about anything other than the past couple of days or work. Ethan wanted her to relax, not think about her workload (which was already taken care of) or the horrific circumstances that led to her needing her rest in the first place. Once they moved back to the couch, Ethan having changed into more comfortable clothes, the blanket covering their legs, the conversation continuing. The biggest manifest of how comfortable they were with one another was all written in their moves, his arm draped over the back of the couch, his fingers playing with her hair while she inspected the lines of his other hand absentmindedly.
Suddenly, his smile dimmed, his shoulders falling with his heavy breath. Claire caught onto it immediately, squeezing his wrist with an underlying question. He looked into her eyes, blue irises gaining depth as he prepared to tell her the very thing that’s been haunting him for days now.
“I can’t get rid of the panic that takes over my whole body and mind when we separate.” He confessed, searching for more words, trying to come up with a way to explain it better. She listened to him patiently, her touch firm and reassuring. “It sounds crazy now that I think about it, but I’m sure the feeling will only increase when we’re both back to work. Every time I turn the corner or look inside the room, I’m scared that I- that you- ugh, goddamn it.” he let out a frustrated sigh, sliding closer to her and touching her cheek softly. “I’m terrified that I’m going to see you in danger again. I don’t think I can survive it the second time.”
He dove forward, capturing her lips in another kiss they shared his night. Only this time, the tone of it was entirely different. Gone was the fire, the heat and the lust that had driven them both to pull closer, to have, to own. Now, the need was greater, the desperation was more palpable, and the feelings were overflowing. Each time he leaned into her, she leaned back, until she was lying down with him hovering over her, barely keeping himself balanced on his elbows while her legs were wrapped tightly around his hips and her fingers were tangled in his hair once again.
Their faces were wet with tears, cleansing them of all the stress and anger they held within them. Ethan was the first one to lean away, resting his forehead against her collarbone, eyes still closed, breathing heavily. She stroked his back, basking in the warmth of his body, staring at the ceiling.
“I thought I was going to die in there.” she whispered, not trusting her voice to carry out the words. His entire body stiffened, eyes opening at once, his lips pressed to her skin. “Without telling you how much I need you. How much I want you, right here, by my side.” She lifted his head off her chest, making their eyes meet. “How much I care about you.”
“The moment I saw you in there was possibly the worst thing I could imagine. I’ve told you that before, but I’m never going to stop saying it. I’ve wasted so much time, trying to shield you from me; you and your work. I’ve never stopped to look at us.” He stroked her cheek, his smile full of pain but at the same time, hope. “There aren’t enough words in any language that could possibly express the grief I feel, or the sheer panic that froze me in place when I realized what was happening.” He paused, wiping first hers then his own face, just as a new batch of tears replaced the old one. “I want you to stay with me. I need you, Claire. In any and every way I can get you. I finally understand my feelings. And I won’t deny them anymore. The line is so far back that I don’t even remember what it looks like. You have me. You’ve had me for a long time now.”
She didn’t say a word for a long moment, searching for a confirmation. And she got it. In the way his eyes sparkled with utter happiness. In the way his hold on her never wavered, always believing in her. In the way his body relaxed after he finally told her everything.
Claire smiled so widely that her cheeks begun to hurt a bit, then hauled him onto her, kissing him with wild abandonment. “Let’s not wait for a next disaster to see where this leads us.”
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 2, Un-alone
Here it is!
"Oui, Marie?"��
"Take your coat."
"Non, jolie fleur, you are cold, keep it." He grinned sweetly.
[Pretty flower]
"I'm cold but you're freezin'!" 
He chuckled at the jump of octaves in her voice.
"I am perfectly fine, please." He insisted, his hands shifted awkwardly to his face, he brushed an eyebrow nervously. 
"Look at this…!" She suddenly took his hands in hers and it took him aback. He blushed. "Your hands are frozen!"
"It matters very little, I assure you. Now please, follow me." He gently laced a hand around her and she followed him. He took her around the restaurant, to the back door. 
"Where are you takin’ me? Oh… Lulu… What are you doing?”
He opened his cigarette case, the same he still used to this day, and retrieved the pins that were concealed there before picking the lock. It yielded and he opened the door. 
“Are we… Can we...?”
He offered a gallant hand to her and she put her slim fingers on his before he pushed her inside and shut the door. He took her to the stage and switched a spotlight on, just that single one, on the piano. 
“Lulu, did you just pick that lock?”
“I might have.” He answered and sat at the piano.
“Hold on, that means we’re breaking in! Oh my God!” She burst out laughing and hugged him from behind, as his fingers started playing with the ivory keys. 
Lucien closed his eyes just as he did that day. He remembered her perfume. Rose water and a hint of jasmine. Perfect for the beautiful flower that she was. He remembered the feeling of her hair brushing against his much younger skin. 
“Is there anything you want me to sing?”
“A private concert, huh?” She said and he raised lovestruck eyes to her.
“Oui, if you want." 
“Play whatever you want, but please sing. I really like your voice.” 
It started like a warm ballad, a style that Marie would come to know is called Bossa Nova. It comes from Brazil, Lucien had explained. It is similar to a samba but slowed down. It is much more mellow but still carries the sunlight from where it comes from.
She listened to him sing in languages she barely knew existed. He played and his entire body gently rocked back and forth as he sang in rhythm. She sat next to him and his eyes went to hers, her smile. That night was the first of countless ones where they would exit the restaurant, walk around the block and Lucien would make them slip inside again. She never questioned his ability to pick locks, she followed him and trusted him blindly. Meanwhile, Lucien melted and sank, falling deeper and deeper for her charms but also her character. The extended private concerts were great opportunities to talk more.
He came to learn that she was working as a waitress, in a diner. From that, he knew that she was spending up to her last dime to go and see him in that restaurant, the best in town. She didn’t have many different dresses and would alternate between two or three. The first time she came to one of their rendez-vous with a dress that Lucien had already seen, she had apologised and explained that she would have loved to afford better outfits for him. 
Pff, Lucien assured her that it was ridiculous, that he didn’t see the dress. 
“Comment pourrais-je remarquer autre chose que tes yeux?”
“You’re doing it again, Lulu…”
“What am I doing again?” He asked with a chuckle from the piano seat, playing lazy arpeggios. 
“You know very well what!” She answered.
“Pray tell, I do not know what you are talking about, petite fleur.”
[little flower]
She chuckled. 
“You’re speaking in French again and I can’t understand you! C’mon, honey, tell me in English!”
His heart stopped at the word “honey”.  He raised lovestruck eyes to her. First, she had called him Lulu, and now, it was “honey”...
“I said… Uhm…”
“Come on, please…?”
He looked away and translated himself.
“How could I see anything else but your eyes?”
He blushed again and each time he did, the heat in his cheeks was exquisite agony. For the first time, Lucien was the one to fall. With his impeccable looks and manners, he was used to being the centre of desires and attention but this time, it was all upside down! He felt a soft and warm pain that only grew when she came close to him, or when she was far. 
When he wasn’t at the restaurant, his thoughts were on her. Was she well? What was she doing? Did she need anything? Oh he hoped she was smiling and laughing, he hoped that she graced the world with a flash of her pearly white teeth.
Marie started to receive these packages at work. She had slipped in the bathroom to open the first one. A dress! Gosh, and what a dress it was! It was gorgeous. Blue, a bit lighter than her eyes. Oh, what was that? Gloves? They matched the dress and… oh, a headband! 
“Who left this for me?” She asked one of her colleagues at the diner. 
“I don’t know, I just found the package on the counter, I thought you’d forgotten it there.”
She frowned. 
Gifts like these started appearing in her life. At work, on her doorstep… Once, she even found a red rose in her skirt pocket!
That’s when she understood. There was only one man who was agile and subtle enough to manage a sleight of hand like that. 
“Hey, honey.”
That night, she had joined him at the cinema. She found him waiting patiently in front of the wall of large and wide posters. He turned to the voice who had addressed him and his face beamed up with a smile.
“You forgot this in my pocket, Lulu.” She had brought the flower with her. 
“Non. I do not think so.” He smiled and took it from her hand to slide it on her hair, snugly pinned by the headband, over her ear. “Besides, why would I need a rose? C’est toi ma petite fleur.”
She didn’t have to do more than raise an eyebrow for him to translate himself. 
“It’s you who is my little flower.”
She chuckled and took his arm. 
“Thanks, hon’.”
“Are you ready?”
“Before we go, what do you think of this?” She opened the panes of her coat and Lucien saw one of the dresses he had offered her. His smile widened and the words failed him. 
“I… Woah… You look… You look… ravishing. Pardon my stuttering.” He cleared his throat and she chuckled. 
“Y’like it?”
“Only a blind fool wouldn’t. You are resplendent, Marie, truly.”
“Someone offered it to me.”
“Ah, surely they are a person of good taste, hm?” He joked.
“Oh, yeah, with keen eyes too. They knew my size without asking!” She added and he had to look away. There was no way he could look in her eyes. 
Oui, he knew the measures of her body. He had dreamt them countless times, with his eyes both closed and open. A simple glance at her had sufficed. He had seen it all. The curves that beckoned him and before sleeping every night, he dreamt of his fingers exploring them all, just grazing the warm and soft skin. 
“Thank you, Lulu.”
Her voice made him look back at her. 
“Y-you are most welcome, petite fleur.” She grabbed his arm and they went to the counter. He paid for the tickets and he had noticed how she had eyed the popcorn. He treated her to some. She turned to him, looked around them and seeing that no one was paying attention, she squeezed him in a tight hug before holding his arm again, leaving him breathless. 
They entered the room and sat at the back, in the middle, under the projector.
Soon, the light went out and the movie started. 
Lucien couldn’t remember it now, but to him, it seemed that the room was empty. There was only Marie and him. And for the movie, it was one of those romantic comedies that he only liked when he watched them with her; because then, he could safely admit it, he liked those movies. 
She had leaned her head on his shoulder. His heart beat so hard all of a sudden that he shifted a bit on his seat, hoping she wouldn’t feel the collar of his jacket and shirt tremble under his pounding heartbeat. He got hot all of a sudden. But her spontaneity and boldness surprised him again when he felt something against his lips. It was some popcorn. He parted his lips and took it in his mouth before he felt a thumb brush his cheek. The sensation was so strong that he had to close his eyes for an instant.
He remembered how ridiculous he felt. Him, the womaniser, the man used to woo any female he wanted with baffling ease. He had been humbled and put back in his place by the flutter of Marie’s eyelashes...
She fed him popcorn from time to time and soon, he found himself leaning his head on hers. He didn’t know it but he was smiling too, until delicate fingers slid between his. His heart jumped again and he felt her shift away from his shoulder. He looked down and could only see her when the movie was bright enough. He saw two stars twinkle, her eyes. Her eyelashes slowly bent down and finally, a hand on his cheek. They stared at each other for what seemed like eternity.
Marie craned her neck gently and pushed her lips on his.
Lucien closed his eyes. 
It was nothing but a prude kiss on the lips but it had pushed tears to his eyes. He frowned and his fingers trembled, spasming in the air before he planted his nails on the armrests and dug violently, to control himself, hold himself back.
She soon withdrew and he took an extra second to open his eyes.
She chuckled.
“I… Je t’aime.” He admitted in a breathless whisper.
“I love you too.”
Lucien remembered it all from his lifeless hotel room.
“Merde… Merde… MERDE!”
[Shit… Shit… SHIT!]
The bottle of whiskey was sent flying at full speed against the wall and smashed loudly. After that, silence fell that was only interspersed by the noise of Lucien’s loud breath.
He went to the telephone and dialed the number that the hotel boy had given him.
“Oui, it is me.” Lucien said.
“Lucien? Ah, it’s Fred.”
“I know.” The Frenchman’s voice was cold, but unlike his usual well-measured way. No, his old American colleague could tell that it was different.
“Look, I’ve just learnt and uh… I’m sorry for your loss.”
Lucien sighed but didn’t answer anything. He was too hurt.
“If you need to talk or… I don’t know, if you need someone, I’m here.”
“Fred.” Lucien answered. 
“I know, you’re not that type of guy but, I don’t know. I just need to tell you that I’m here.”
Lucien frowned and put a hand on the bridge of his nose.
“Are the headquarters the same?” He finally asked.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah, it’s still the same, why?”
“Is there anyone in now?”
“No, it’s the middle of the goddamn night, of course not!”
“Fine.” Lucien hung up and left his hotel room. He couldn’t bear the smell of the whiskey spilled on the floor and splashed on the wall. He exited the hotel to slip in a taxi and gave an address he knew too well.
Fred was also working for the secret services, but the American ones, of course. He had always been a friend of Lucien’s, a reliable colleague. But if Fred had learnt, then when morning struck, the entire world would know. Lucien clenched his jaw harder and soon the taxi stopped. 
He exited it and headed for the building in front of him. He didn’t have any trouble entering. He went from a service door behind and picked the lock. He didn’t even hide his face from the cameras. But he knew he wouldn’t face any consequences. Fred knew he was there and in any case, if the Americans came to tell him off, they could go to hell.
Lucien entered and after a second of surprise at the new paint on the walls, the new tiled floor and the new overall interior of the building, he found some stairs and went down to the lowest level. 
Ah, finally, the gymnasium. Lucien pushed a switch and the wide room lit up.
He pushed the door, kicked his shoes away and threw his jacket down on the floor. He took his blade out however and headed straight for the dummies used to train punching and kicking.  
And there he went. He released it. 
It started with rage first. He punched and kicked until he could barely feel his knuckles, which dissatisfied him greatly. He wanted it to hurt. He craved to feel the pain on his hands, on his useless hands, on the hands that couldn’t hold hers anymore, that couldn’t have saved her, that weren’t there for her in her last moments.
A pneumonia is what had taken her. 
A simple, goddamn pneumonia. 
Her lungs were fragile, he knew that and never smoked around her. He had… He had given up smoking for her. He would have given her his own lungs and got the rotten ones. He didn’t care. He didn’t deserve to live more than her. She was an outstanding woman, a woman like they didn’t exist anymore. A woman, not a princess or a toy, a proper, proud and solid woman. A queen walking amongst simpletons.
Only she could understand and bear him. Only she had the shoulders and the heart for it. He never met anyone with whom the connection had been that deep. No, of course not. 
The dummies were assaulted like they never had before. The precise hits and blows made them crack sometimes, but Lucien did not hear any of it. Only his loud shouting and later on, his sobs, as he slashed and stabbed. He had ripped his tie off of his neck and a few buttons of his shirt had popped away. 
More stabbing and slashing through his sobbing roars, punches and kicks as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the thin windows at the top of the room. They did not stop the brokenhearted mess of a man to rip his shirt away from his chest and stay in his sweat drenched white tank top, yelling, sobbing, pulling his hair off his own head. A man descending to madness is what the first users of the gym found that morning. 
“Oh my God! Are you alright?! What happened here?!”
They ran to him, seeing his bleeding knuckles, dried blood on the broken dummies and on his clothes and face. 
“Stay away from me!” He ordered and the American spies stopped when they recognised him. The French accent, the piercing blue eyes and the short blade. Yeah, it was him. 
“Agent L of the DGSE? What are you doing here?”
Lucien picked his shirt and put on his shoes before exiting the gymnasium and the entire centre. A taxi took his depraved self back to his hotel where the whiskey had been cleaned.
He flopped down on the sofa and laid there, still covered in blood, his own, dried and drying, and still sweating with silent tears rolling down his face. His hair stuck to his face and everyone he happened to cross paths with in the hotel gave him the weirdest looks. Who was that wretch of a man they were letting into the five-star establishment?
Lucien sighed and turned his eyes to the coffee table.
The letter was there, open towards him. He sat up and went to his knees on the floor. He didn’t want to touch it in the filthy state he was. He simply read it with his hands in his hair, pulling and crying after each word.
That was it. It felt different now. 
The first time he had read it, it felt that she had just written it for him a few seconds ago. But now, it was a relic of the past, something that did not take him closer to her, but somehow, it became the measure for how far he had been from her. 
Lucien had always been a letter away from Marie. 
Although now, he couldn’t even be a letter away from her anymore.
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 5, Ch. 9
PART 5: THE YEAR WHEN EVERYONE FIGHTS Chapter 9 - The O.W.L.s and a Letter
The morning before my first O.W.L. which was from Care of Magical Creatures, so I couldn't help to be a little nervous as I still held Kettleburn by his word that I could take care of a Salamander if I get an O on my O.W.L., I made my way down with Tulip for breakfast. Bill, Charlie, Penny, and Tonks were already there and they greeted us as we sat down.
“Nervous, you three?” Penny asked, looking at Tonks, Charlie, and me.
“Nope.” Charlie and I both said at once.
“I think that I have third wheeled with these two enough to pass the class.” Tonks pointed at us.
“What do you mean third wheeled?” I asked puzzled. I looked at Charlie who just chuckled. I still haven't managed to figure out what was different about him. He has always been a tranquil person but ever since we made up he seemed so okay with everything and if something happened that made me confused he just chuckled like now or winked at me. And I knew that was new, as Charlie was too shy to wink at an animal let alone to me, or any girl for that matter.
Before any of them could reply it was time for Owl Post and I saw Pip searching for me.
“Hi, Pippy!” I greeted him and took the letter from his beak. He made his way to Charlie at once.
I stared at the envelope, without knowing what to do. I haven't gotten a blue envelope with a golden stamp since my dad passed away.
“What's wrong?” Charlie knew something wasn't right immediately, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“It...it's from Egypt.” I was still holding on to the letter and now we all stared at it as if it was going to open itself.
“What do you reckon is about?” Penny asked as gently as she could.
“I have no idea.” I replied. I looked at Charlie and he nodded for me to open it. I turned it around and broke the seal. I took out the parchment and started reading. I appreciated that Charlie pulled away from me so I could read the letter in private, even though I would've shown him the letter anyway.
Dear Nova,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I don't know if your mum told you but we are still unable to fill your father's position. The interns we got this Summer were nothing compared to the boys he trained last year.
We decided to go through his files and found a recommendation letter in the folder of William Weasley.
If I recall correctly, he is your friend and he got the internship because you told your father that his ambition is to become a Curse Breaker. Upon looking through his file, we were quite impressed and your dad wrote and I quote “he is a rising star in the Curse Breaking community”. Upon seeing his birth year, I would assume he is in his books studying for N.E.W.T.s right now but just in case I have miscalculated something, I was wondering if you would be so kind and give him this letter.
We would be delighted to hear from him and offer him your father's position if he is still interested in working with us. Of course, he would have to go through several training exercises and the whole procedure like everyone else, but I don't want to bore you with the details.
I greatly appreciate your help and know that despite what happened, you still have family here that you can visit.
A warm greeting from us all here in Egypt,
A tear ran down my cheek, as I finished the letter. I looked up, everybody was still looking at me.
“It's for you.” I looked at Bill and gave him the letter across the table gently smiling. Tulip and Penny, sitting next to him, peaked and read it with him.
“They're offering me your dad's job?” Bill couldn't believe it. Charlie took the letter from him at once and read it along with Tonks who sat next to him.
“What are you going to do?” Charlie asked, pulling me in a half hug after he was done reading.
“What do you mean what will I do?” I looked at Bill. “Bill has to reply to them not me.” I smiled.
“Are you sure, Nova? It's your dad's position.” He asked.
“If it's up to me if you get the job or not, I wouldn't want anyone else to take his place but you, Bill.” I stood up and walked to the other side and hugged him.
“Nova, I don't know what to say. How will I ever repay you?” Bill was in shock. He squeezed me so tightly, that I let out a small sigh.
“You don't need to repay me, Bill. You're my friend and the amount of help I have received from you over the past 5 years makes us even, don't you think?” I smiled at him.
“Nova, thank you.” He still couldn't grasp the fact that he just got his dream job.
“Just stay my friend and promise to write to us and send me pictures from Egypt.” He hugged me again.
“Oh,” I pulled away and cupped his face, “and please, stay safe.” He nodded and for a second I could swear I saw him tear up.
He went to the Gryffindor Tower immediately to gather everything he might need to send with his answer.
“That was so nice of you, Nova.” Penny wiped a tear off her cheek.
“I didn't do anything. He deserves it, he has been working so hard for this and I remember when my dad told me how impressed he was with him. I wouldn't have it any other way.” I didn't feel like I needed credit for his hard work. Yes, I got him the internship but he wouldn't have received this letter if he didn't show hard work, talent, and determination.
“Thank you.” Charlie suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. “It means a lot to me that you did this for my brother.” Suddenly, I couldn't help but take a bit of credit for the whole situation, as it meant the world to me that I made Charlie happy.
To say that Charlie and I aced our Care of Magical Creatures examination was an understatement. We walked out of there like we were the best wizards in the world and we didn't expect anything less.
I have to say that so far I was very proud of how I did on my O.W.L.s. I do have some doubts about Potions and I am not sure about a few questions on the Herbology theoretical exam, but other than that I think I have nothing to worry about. Charlie had some mixed feelings about his Potions practical exam because he forgot to add an ingredient to his potion but he is pretty content with everything else.
Tulip said that based on the fact how little she studied, she was doing pretty good. Jae was doing just fine as well and apparently, those two had a really good chat in the Kitchens about their careers as Tulip didn't worry about it at all after that day.
Penny was beaming when she left the Great Hall after the Potions' practical. Of course, we weren't surprised at all that she would ace that. She worried about Defense Against the Dark Arts as she forgot the proper wand movement for the Blasting Curse but we reassured her that that is not a big mistake.
Tonks was doing rather well. We made a plan to take extra precautionary measures so that she wouldn't run away again: we gave her Pip. He was the perfect agent! She felt obliged to look after him and he kept her company when she studied and she revised with him and he hooted cheerfully at her and so far she has been doing great. She is confident about her performance so far and we are all very proud of her. Especially Penny! Every time she sees Tonks studying she bursts into tears of joy.
We were heading down to the Great Hall for our last O.W.L.: History of Magic. On one hand, I was glad we had the subject saved for last as I didn't worry about how I'll do on the examination at all but on the other hand, I couldn't wait to be over with it as it lingered in my mind.
We were sad to find out that we would receive our results in the middle of the Summer. Tulip and I promised each other that we are not going to open any of Penny's letters until we get the results as we knew that would be all she would write about and that she is going to panic until the very last moment when she realizes just how perfect her results are.
I got a letter from my mum in the last week of my Fifth Year. I wasn't even that surprised when she told me that she was bombarded with work and probably won't be able to spend as much as two days with me because she took so much time off last Summer. She suggested I talk to my friends if I can stay with any of them because she couldn't bear the thought of me being alone in our house.
To be perfectly honest, I was okay with her letter. She had the entire Summer off last year and I was so happy that we were able to spend it together that I didn't mind if I couldn't spend this one with her as well. And besides, I knew I was going to make one redhead Dragon lover very happy by not going away with my mum.
Penny was very pleased to announce that this year, there will be the Official Haywood Muggle Vacation so I knew I couldn't spend the Summer with her even if I wanted to. Tulip was going to Asia with her parents to visit some relatives. Tonks was going away as well and for the first time, she looked happy to go somewhere with her parents. I think she finally realized that they love her and want the best for her. She even announced that her first name might not be so bad.
Tulip and I were both grateful that she didn't say that in front of Penny as we both knew she would jump to Tonks for a hug and start sobbing about how proud she is of her for finally growing up.
I decided to surprise Charlie with the news that I am spending the Summer at the Burrow. I know how upset he was that I wasn't there last year. I decided to write a letter to Molly to politely invite myself to their beautiful home. I knew she would say yes as Bill already asked me weeks before if I will be able to visit them because Ginny and Ron miss me so much.
A few days before the end of term, Pip greeted me with Molly's reply, when we were having breakfast. I opened it, hiding it from Charlie, which he found very suspicious and it made him want to read it even more.
Nova dear,
you know we would love to have you for the Summer. Ginny and Ron are going to be thrilled when I tell them! The twins miss you too and I know Charlie would want you nowhere else.
See you soon! Arthur and I will pick you up at the Station along with the boys.
“Hey, Char.” I looked at him, grinning.
“Yes?” He was still eyeing the letter, curious to know who wrote to me.
“Guess who's spending their Summer at the Burrow!” I exclaimed and showed him the letter. He read it, his eyes moving quickly then he looked at me, the most serious expression on his face.
“I don't understand, who's coming?” I blinked at him as I couldn't see how the letter didn't make it obvious.
“I'm kidding, Nova! Of course, you're coming! You have to make up for last year.” He started laughing, seeing the expression on my face.
“For a second I really thought you didn't want me there.” I felt relieved. Every year he was complaining about how I don't spend enough time with him during Summer and now all of a sudden I thought he didn't want me to come.
“Nova, I always want you there.” He winked at me and smiled in a way that I have never seen him do before and I felt something turning in my stomach. I knew at once that he was over the roof about me coming to the Burrow but in a way that wouldn't completely give it away to those who didn't know him as I did.
What was he doing to me? It was a completely new side of Charlie that I have never seen before and I am not going to lie, I was attracted to it. It was as he was two people in one body. One was my loving best friend for who I would give the world for and the other was this cool, calm young man with strong arms and soft hair.
“Earth to Nova, you alright?” He chuckled.
“Yeah, right here.” I smiled at him, feeling the heat on my cheeks. “I was just counting the times I will beat you in Quidditch.” Nice comeback Nova, nice comeback.
“Oh, we'll see about that.” He pulled me into a half hug and I couldn't stop my lips from curving when I smelled honeysuckle on him. It was my favorite scent.
When I came to the Weasleys, the house looked like they had a party that lasted for 3 days. I guess the older the twins the bigger the mess. Ginny held me in a hug for solid 5 minutes before Ron told her to bugger off so he could have his turn. He started telling me about his new chess strategy immediately and even though I already knew I was going to lose, I couldn't help but be excited for him to show it to me.
The twins asked me at once if I would like to see something in their room and when I looked at Bill and Charlie, both shaking their head, warning me that I rather shouldn't, I politely declined, even though I knew they were going to show me whatever it was sooner or later.
Percy went upstairs at once but came back down with a book and sat on the sofa to read for a change. Which to me was quite an improvement since I don't think I ever saw him for more than 10 minutes, even when it came to breakfast or dinner.
The day to receive our O.W.L.s results finally came. Bill got his N.E.W.T.s the day before and he was so calm about it since he accepted the job Robert offered him that I was curious how nervous would he be if he didn't know he had a job secured. Nevertheless, he had nothing to worry about as he received a total of 6 N.E.W.T.s which was 2 above average and even though the results didn't matter anymore, giving the fact that he could now officially call himself a Curse Breaker, he was proud of himself.
Charlie seemed completely unphased by the results as he was confident that he did well in most of his subjects and I wasn't that nervous either. I just wanted to see an O next to my Care of Magical Creatures so I could adopt a Salamander next year!
We got our results delivered first thing in the morning. We each grabbed our envelope and much to everyone's displeasure, we decided we wanted to take a private moment and share our results only with each other first. We sat on the bench in the garden and opened our letters.
Pass Grades:
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)
Fail Grades:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)
Ancient Runes E
Astronomy A
Care of Magical Creatures O
Charms O
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Herbology E
History of Magic A
Potions E
Transfiguration O
“How did you do?” Charlie asked me and I knew he did well just by his tone.
“9 O.W.L.s! 4 Outstandings!” I exclaimed.
“3 Outstandings and 8 O.W.L.s!” We exchanged results.
Ancient Runes E
Astronomy E
Care of Magical Creatures O
Charms O
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Herbology E
History of Magic P
Potions A
Transfiguration E
“History of Magic is nobody's strong suit.” I tapped his shoulder. He looked at me, trying to be serious but I could see he was going to burst out laughing any moment now.
“Oh, no. Whatever will I do!” We started laughing as we really couldn't care less for the subject and ran inside to tell the Weasleys.
I sent my mum the results at once and that afternoon I received an owl from Penny which I was expecting and would worry if I didn't. She wrote that she got all her 9 O.W.L.s from which she got 6 Outstandings and 3 Exceeds Expectations and I had to remind myself that the next time I see her I have to say 'I told you so' as none of us expected anything less from her. She also added that Andre did really well on his exams and that he got an E in Potions and she wrote that he is thanking me because he passed Transfiguration and that they were going to meet up next week to celebrate as Andre was very grateful for Penny's help.
“I bet he was.” Said Bill who was reading the letter over my left shoulder. I didn't see his face but I knew that he had a smirk on his face before he took a sip of his coffee.
“Do you reckon they're doing it?” Charlie, who was leaning over my right shoulder, asked as casually as Tonks did only a few months ago. I knew he only posed the question so he would make Bill spit out his coffee and I knew what the look on his face was when he succeeded.
Tulip sent me an owl the next morning and she got 7 O.W.L.s which was 2 more than she expected and said that even her parents were okay with her results.
We didn't hear anything from Tonks that day or the next day for that matter. Charlie and I got worried so we decided to send her a letter with Pip.
He returned with a letter in his beak the very next day and in it were Tonks' results.
Astronomy A
Care of Magical Creatures E
Charms E
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Divination P
Herbology O
History of Magic P
Potions O
Transfiguration E
“SHE GOT AN O IN POTIONS?” For a second both Charlie and I thought that we were seeing wrong or that the results belonged to Penny as we stared at the O next to Tonks' Potions result. We couldn't believe it and we now understood why she didn't send us an owl the very day the results arrived. She was probably just as shocked as we were.
We knew Penny will probably cry for a week out of happiness and will never forget it. And I could already see her throwing it in Tonks' face if she freaks out about exams next year “Tonks, you have nothing to complain about. You got an O on your Potions O.W.L. last year!”
We all got very good results and we were pleased with them but I think Tonks outdid us all and I couldn't wait to sit with my friends on the train back to school when she tells us how in the bloody hell, did she managed to do that.
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novannna · 3 years
“Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.” with novissa (bc I love them) por favor?✨
ahhh tysm for the ask rae!!! I haven't written them in a while and theyre so fun to write!!! i love them so much ahfagsdf
i dont even know how to summarize this, just novissa fluff ig??? im not really sure asdfhdf theyre just gay idiots in love takes place some time before the start of renegades. (nova and narcissa are together)
wc: 1553 ao3 link
Narcissa tapped her fingers against her leg impatiently. Nova was late. Nova, one of the most punctual people Narcissa knew, was late. It was probably fine. She was fine. She was Nova after all.
But Narcissa couldn’t help but feel a squeeze of panic in her throat. She just needed her girlfriend to be alright. She needed Nova in front of her, so she could look at her warm brown eyes, and know that they were both fine.
Narcissa could feel her breaths start to quicken, and her vision grow a bit hazy around the edges.
She tried to take deep breaths, and calm her rising heart rate.
“Nova is fine,” she muttered under her breath. “Completely alright, just a bit late. There was probably something blocking her path. Most people are late all the time. I’m sure that’s what happened.” Her words did little to quell the fear. Nova had never been late before.
She had even promised she would be there on time.
I’ll see you monday, 7 pm sharp, Nova had said. You know where? Narcissa had laughed, and pushed a strand of hair behind Nova’s ears. Of course I do. Good. I’ll see you then. Nova had kissed Narcissa’s lips, hesitantly at first, but then harder as they both sank into each other, desperate to stay away from reality. Don’t be late, Narcissa had said half heartedly as they drew away, aching for Nova’s familiar warmth again. Late? Nova had laughed. I wouldn’t dream of it! And then, with her typical Nova flair, she had swung over the side of the railing, and raced away into the night. And now, three days later, Nova wasn’t here. Narcissa looked at her watch, wishing it would say that she was early. 7:27
“Fuck,” Narcissa muttered. Almost half an hour, and Nova still wasn’t there. She’d been the slightest bit angry before, but now she was just scared. Scared for what could have happened to Nova. If she died, Narcissa would be the only one who cared. Nova didn’t have anyone else. No one else would miss her. So Narcissa loved her all the more, trying her best to make up for the Anarchist’s shortcomings. “Cissa!” A voice shouted, and Narcissa turned to see Nova, alive and healthy and safe Nova, running towards her, a bouquet of flowers clutched tight in her hands. Narcissa felt her heart jump around in her throat, the way it always did when she saw Nova. Nova with her short black hair, shot through with streaks of blue, Nova with her black eyeliner drawn to perfection (Like Honey insisted), Nova with a beat up leather jacket, looking like some teenage romcom love interest. But, despite how absolutely breathtaking Nova was, all Narcissa cared about was that she was safe and alive.
Nova was grinning, and she embraced Narcissa, hugging the girl tight to her while spinning her in a circle. Nova’s infectious joy sank into Narcissa. She couldn’t keep a smile off her face, even if she tried.
Nova cupped her hands around Narcissa’s face and pulled the taller girl down for a kiss.
Narcissa gladly obliged, practically melting under the contact.
Finally, Narcissa drew away, the simple motion taking all her effort. She could stay tangled in Nova’s lips forever and ever without complaining.
“You’re late,” Narcissa accused gently. Nova tucked her head, and nodded. “I’m so sorry, there was a problem, and I had to stay later than I thought. I know I’m terrible.” Nova scuffed a foot against the ground. “But, I did get you flowers. To make up for being such a horrible girlfriend.” She presented a small bouquet of forget-me-nots to Narcissa.
Narcissa lit up as she lifted the soft blue blooms to her face and inhaled deeply. “Thank you Nova, these are beautiful. And you aren’t a horrible girlfriend, you’re the best. I was just scared.”
Nova nodded, not needing to ask why. They both knew the reason.
“Well you don’t need to be now, because I’m here to protect you.”
“What makes you think I need protecting?” Narcissa protested. “Maybe I’ll be the one protecting you!”
Nova laughed, the rough sound sending waves of happiness through Narcissa. “I’d happily accept your protection. I know I would be in the best hands possible.” Her face sobered slightly. “I am really sorry for being late, I feel terrible. If it ever happens again, I’ll find some way to tell you. You shouldn’t have to-”
Narcissa cut her off mid sentence by stepping forwards and pushing Nova's hair off her neck, exposing a large bandage, stretching from her left shoulder, across her collarbone, and dipping out of sight into her shirt. The bandage was more red than white at this point though, from blood leaking through.
“Is that blood?” Narcissa asked, a familiar panic rising.
“Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” Nova tried.
“You are literally bleeding.”
Nova’s small frame was stiff, ready to run. “There was an accident,” she said tightly. “Right before I left. Things got out of hand, and well- you know how they can be. I got caught in the middle of things, and well…” she gestured haplessly at the bandage.
Narcissa could feel her heart tearing at the pure hopelessness in Nova’s voice. The girl had gone through so much, and all the Anarchists had ever given her was trauma. Narcissa just wanted to hold on tight and never let her go back.
“I’m so sorry Nova,” Narcissa whispered.
Nova laughed quietly, trying to defuse the tension. “It’s fine. It wasn’t anyone’s fault really. Ingrid was just being a jerk, goading Honey, and Honey tried to shut Ingrid up by throwing her jewelry box at her. Unfortunately for me, I was just walking by, and Honey has spectacularly bad aim.”
Narcissa nodded. God, all she wanted was to have Nova get away from that place, but Nova was too damn set on revenge. She couldn’t see how much it was hurting her. Narcissa was afraid she wouldn’t realize until it was too late. And all Narcissa could do was watch. Once Nova had her mind set, there was no changing. No amount of sweet words and promises could stray Nova from her path of vengeance.
“You did a shit job of patching yourself up, Nova,” Narcissa said instead. “You’ve already bled through.”
“Yeah, well I was in a hurry to see my girlfriend,” Nova retorted. “I don’t suppose we could patch me up before continuing the evening?”
Narcissa laughed a little, and pressed a gentle kiss to Nova’s mouth. “I suppose. It’d do me no good if you bled out before we even ate dinner.”
“I suppose not. Seeing as you are the smart one between us, is there a chance you could fix me?”
“You’re plenty smart too, love. But yes, I can help you. For a price of course.” A smile danced over Narcissa’s lips.
“I’d expect nothing less from the grand daughter of a world renowned black market weapons dealer.” Nova smirked. “What’s the price?”
“Kisses, and moonlight walks, and as many piggy back rides as I want.”
Nova tipped her head back, laughing. The fading colors of sunset shine through the strands of her hair, illuminating her head.
“You drive a hard bargain, but I suppose I accept.” Nova brown eyes gleamed. “Do you require a down payment?” She stood on her tiptoes, her chin almost level with Narcissa’s.
“Nova, let me save you before we start making out!” Narcissa scolded, but without any force behind the words. Truth be told, all she wanted to do was lose herself in Nova, but she had other things to do first.
Specifically, stitch the large gash on her idiot girlfriend’s shoulder up.
Nova rolled her eyes. “So pushy.” She smiled up at Narcissa. “Fine, my savior. Where to?”
Narcissa laughed, and pulled a small blue flower out of her bouquet, and tucked it behind Nova’s ears. “There’s bandages at the library, as well as some other supplies. We’ll go there, and then you can carry me to the river, and we can look at the stars while making out.”
Nova grinned. “Sounds like a plan. But, you are taller than me, so shouldn’t you carry me.”
“Well, A, I have absolutely no strength at all, I live in a library, what did you expect, B, my terms for fixing you included piggy back rides, and C, I know you like carrying me, and showing off how strong you are.”
Nova grinned, and nodded. “Very true. I suppose I better start carrying you now!”
Narcissa’s eyes widened with realization. “Wait Nova, No!” she shrieked, but it was too late. Nova scooped her up, and tossed Narcissa over her shoulder in a fireman's carry. A flurry of petals fell to the ground. It was comical really, 4 foot 11 inches Nova, carrying 5 foot 7 inches Narcissa with ease.
“Nova, you’re injured!” Narcissa practically screamed. “Don’t you dare hurt yourself more!”
Nova simply laughed, and started walking towards the library, Narcissa still slung over her back, laughing.
Narcissa sighed, and gave up. Nova was too stubborn to argue with. “You’re an idiot,” she said.
Narcissa could imagine Nova’s lips curving up into a smile as she said, “I love you too.”
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spell-cleaver · 4 years
The Heir // The Luke Palpatine AU, Part 91: The End
Prompt from @heartsofstars
It had been a year, but it felt longer. The day Vader had waited for had finally arrived—the day when he would see his sweet little angel again—but as he stepped off the ship and onto Naboo, he realised he was nervous.
What if Luke hated him? What if Luke had never fully recovered, and blamed him for it?
Still Vader continued on his path, into the garden... and then he felt someone behind him. Slowly, fearing what he would see, he turned around...and froze.
He couldn't believe his eyes.
There was Luke, wearing the most brilliant smile on his face...and, for the first time in his life, he looked really, truly happy.
Previous parts on the masterpost here!
He was wearing clothes more colourful than he’d worn in the last fourteen years, in a thousand beautiful shades of blue, his cheeks rosy and face tanned. Of course: the school year had been over for several weeks by now, though the work of the Empire had not been, and Luke had spent a lot of time out on the Lake Country with his… friends. The Naberries had been most accommodating for him.
Now… Vader just stared.
That was his son.
His son.
He looked so, so happy.
He pattered down the garden path of Varykino, to where Vader was standing, awkward, on the edge of the estate. He was aware that the Naberries were inside, were all staying there for the holiday while Vader dropped by to see Luke, and Vader found himself reluctant to go closer. This was Luke’s happy family tree, the perfect life he’d built for himself, that he deserved. Vader should not step in to ruin it.
But then his son was two steps away from him and had scooted to a halt, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Vader took a moment to study him in even more detail: he was taller, broader—Jedi training with Ahsoka was paying off—and lines around his eyes betrayed an abundance of the broad, bright grins he was currently bestowing on Vader like they were suns and stars to give away.
“Luke,” Vader said, and when Luke leapt forward to hug him he received the hug with an oomph, his heart nearly full to bursting. Vader leant down to hold him as tightly and as gently as he could, careful with his own strength, careful with his boy.
He’d seen him in holo calls and messages, he’d heard about his progress through Ahsoka and through Sabé, who’d been updated through Sola. He’d been sent a holo, which he kept in one of the compartments on his belt, of Luke after Sola had dragged him to the hairdresser’s in Theed to get him a haircut that looked less severe, more like a teenage boy. He’d been sent another holo of Luke after his first day of school, with Leia and Zev dropping by to visit and staying for dinner, with Luke smiling broadly in front of a plate full of potatoes, leaning in to hear something she was saying, his eyes fixed on Zev in a way that made Vader both fiercely protective and nostalgic at once. He kept that one on his desk.
But it wasn’t the same. Luke’s Force presence had blossomed, so lovely and unapologetic and true, and he basked in the feeling of it, the way it opened at his touch like a flower to daylight. Luke laced their fingers together.
“Come on,” he said, still smiling that dizzying smile. “Nova came early, to help me prepare those rooms for you again—you know, the ones you had last time? With the view of the lake?—and Aunt Sola even bought an extra big chair for you so you can sit at dinner, I—”
He realised he was babbling, then, and tried to calm himself—stopped himself from skipping, as well. He’d been skipping.
“I missed you,” he told him candidly. “It hasn’t been the same.”
Vader squeezed his hand gently.
“No,” he agreed. “It has not.”
“Can you come inside?” Luke asked. Vader looked up at the building—the manor where he’d told his son the truth for the first time, the house where he’d married Padmé. The place that had been so much happiness, for so long, even when he was so miserable that the memory of that happiness only hurt more.
There would be Sabé, and Ahsoka, and the Naberries inside that building. It would be awkward—it would be beyond awkward; one thing he was here to discuss with Luke was his official resignation as Emperor, and what he thought about Sabé being coronated as Empress in his wake while she worked to deconstruct the Empire, all the politics that Luke had fled to Naboo not once, but twice, to get away from—but…
Luke would also be inside that building.
And so would Padmé.
He squeezed Luke’s hand tightly as they bounded up the stairs and walked through the doors. The entrance chamber was as beautiful and arching as ever, the breeze stirring through the air to tug at his cape and shift Luke’s hair, the sunlight gleaming in the glasswork. There were several people sitting and standing around in the downstairs living room when he first got in there: two young women perhaps five or ten years older than Luke, who looked so much like Padmé Vader had to glance away; an aging couple, who he’d met before, and were all but glaring at him, the man trying to disguise tears of sorrow and anger; and a woman only a few years older than her sister, who also looked far too much like her sister, and whose expression was not angry but… fierce. When she beheld Vader’s mask, and also the hand which clasped his son’s so tightly, it was positively ferocious.
Her gaze softened when it landed on Luke, though. Good, then, that she was so protective of him. Luke deserved as many protectors—
Luke deserved as many parent figures as he could have.
They were not his protectors. Or his enforcers, or attack dogs, or advisors. Luke was no longer an Emperor—he was just a boy, just a son, and he was a part of a family that had grown into more than the lonely, abused child he’d been could’ve ever imagined.
Vader had grown into a man he could never have imagined, either.
“Grandmother, Grandfather, Ryoo, Pooja… Aunt Sola…” Luke bit his lip, then revealed his teeth in a gleaming smile. “This is my father.”
The Naberries’ eyes moved, cuttingly, to Vader, but all he had space for in his mind was Luke’s words.
As Luke wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him forward, into the sitting room proper, that was all he thought.
He was Luke’s father.
And he realised, he understood now, that that was all he ever needed to be.
The End
Beginning | Previous | Finish
Okay. I... have no idea what to say. Where to start, how to express.... aaaaaaaaah is the only way that comes to mind. This fic was such a strange undertaking. It’s a ficlet series nearly 100 ficlets long! Inspired by a five sentence prompt that ended up being sixty sentences! It’s over 100k on my doc! I started writing it in... I don’t even know, January or February, balancing so many fics, and then quarantine came and this was a reliable thing I could post, and work on, and update, and it helped me a lot. A million shout outs to everyone who made this possible, even though there’s no hope I’ll get you all -- it’s a collabfic, essentially; there are so many people I brainstormed with about different plotlines, so many people who sent in prompts, so many people whose enthusiasm kept me going..... You know who you are, and please know that you were amazing.
This was such a fun challenge to work on, a completely different style to what I was used to, and the emotions, and ahhhh I enjoyed this so much; I’m so sad it’s over now. But I’ll be back soon, once I’ve got into the rhythm of the new way life is going to bel I have a lot of fics I’ve been meaning to write for a long time :D
Thanks to everyone for reading, whether you’ve stuck with me the whole time or are only just discovering this series now!! I love you all so much <3
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redassassin · 4 years
a beautiful nightmare
part three-> part four
Adrian stared in awe as Nova, armed only with a small knife, per her request, held her own against Gargoyle, the opponent of choice. Nova hadn’t cared which she fought, so, Genissa, her smug grin still prominent on her face, had suggested Gargoyle, one of the oldest and best trained among the guard. Adrian had begun to protest, worried for Nova’s safety against the large man, but she had only shrugged and asked for a weapon to defend herself.
“I assumed we weren’t allowed to bring weapons to the castle, but as my claim of being able to handle a variety of weaponry is being challenged, it seems only fair that I’m given something to defend myself with.” 
“Gargoyle, as her opponent, you may confirm or deny her request.” 
A low chuckle emerged from Gargoyle. “Why not. It won’t make a difference.” 
The Captain asked Nova for her weapon of choice, and Nova simply shrugged, requesting a knife. 
Frostbite scoffed from her corner. “A knife won’t even pierce his armor.”
Captain Chromium sent a disapproving glare her way. “Genissa, would you do the honors?” 
Grinning, a small ice dagger appeared in Genissa’s hands,  of her own creation. She tossed the dagger at Nova who winced as the cold material burned her hands. She tucked the handle into the waistband of her trousers. 
“Try to keep the bloodshed to a minimum, any loss of life will be punished. First to knock the other to the ground wins. Miss. Mclain, if you are victorious, you will join the Renegades.” 
Gargoyle had been a difficult opponent, and Nova wasn’t used to having an audience. Every time it looked like one of them would succeed the crowd around them gasped. Nova took a second to glance up at Adrian, who was staring at her intently, a mixture of surprise and admiration on his face. He caught her watching him and gave her a subtle nod of encouragement. 
Nova knew that she couldn’t beat him with force, but Gargoyle was slow and clumsy in his armor. If she could trip him, or get him off balance, he could easily be beaten. Nova ran at him, sliding down beside him to avoid his hands grasping at her. She drove her ice dagger into the skin behind his knee, through the crack in his armor. He howled in pain, lunging at her, but Nova quickly sprang out of the way, coming up behind him to kick his legs out from under him. As he fell to the floor, Nova planted a foot on his back, glancing up at the spectators, her eyes shining. 
From behind the Captain, Thunderbird stood, her wings folding out behind her. “Welcome to the Renegades, Insomnia.” 
Nova blinked in confusion. “Insomnia?” Not exactly Nightmare, but it was as good as any other.
“We all have codenames. Sketch, at your service. Welcome to the Renegades.” Adrian gave her a little bow, earning him a discouraging cough from the Council. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” She gave him another curtsey, giving him a confused look. 
“Adrian. Call me Adrian. Please.” 
“Adrian...” He turned, the entire council looking at him in disapproval. The Captain,  having delivered the quiet reprimand, gave him a stern look and continued, “We’ll talk later.” 
Adrian shrugged turning back to Nova. Her confusion continued to grow. He flashed her a brilliant smile. “How about a tour?” 
“I- okay?” 
He grabbed Nova by the wrist, just like he had earlier that day at the market, and began pulling her out the door. 
“Don’t you have to finish the other interviews? The Council seemed pretty adamant that you be there. I’m sure someone else could show me around.”
“They can handle it. Plus, I like to get to know my guards. Some of them, at least.”
Nova scoffed. “I take it you’re not a big fan of Frostbite?” 
He grinned. “Not in the slightest. But the Council insisted. They’re very good at what they do, and are some of the most experienced among the force.” 
“You’re the prince, shouldn’t you have the final say? Besides, you’ll be 18 soon, right? You’re practically the King already.”
He shrugged. “I never really wanted to be the King. Or the Prince. I didn’t even know my father. And I think my mom knew that, and she made sure that if anything happened to her I would be in good hands. Although the Council isn’t perfect, I think they do a pretty good job. I’d honestly rather things stay how they are, everyone is used to it.”
His words sent Nova’s brain into a frenzy when she remembered what her uncle had told her. He had told her that the Prince was power-hungry, caring little for the lives of those around him, but every interaction with him proved her uncle to be more and more wrong. Still, she had a duty, and even if Adrian wasn’t as bad as her uncle had painted him to be, the Renegades were still in the way. 
“So, what do you want to see first?” Nova jolted back to reality, and for the first time, she realized that Adrian still had his fingers wrapped around her wrist. She gently pulled away, before looking around and sighing. 
Adrian had met a lot of people in his life. Some were kind, gentle, and caring, others were malicious and greedy. Some were in the middle. But never before had he met someone who confused him as much as Nova Mclain did. She didn’t recognize him at the market, and when he revealed that he was a Renegade she had narrowed her eyes and refused to answer any of his questions. But, here she was, joining their ranks. If she disapproved of them, then why was she here? And now, after defeating one of their highest ranked guards, she stood before him, impossibly eager to learn about the castle. She asked dozens of questions, examining everything, pointing out the things that she found interesting, or ways that things could be improved. He learned that she loved to invent things, and have made a variety of weapons for herself. He learned that she liked physics, and loved to experiment with energy and mechanics. When she opened her mouth to ask another question he turned to her. 
“Is there anything you can’t do?” Her mouth hung open, a look of genuine surprise flashing across her face. She slowly closed her mouth, her face clearing as she deadpanned, “Sleep.” 
Her face was so serious that Adrian couldn’t help laughing. A something spread across her face, a mixture of humor and hurt, and her face reddened.
“Sorry, sorry. It’s just- you really can’t sleep?” 
“I don’t like lying. Of course I don’t sleep. Is it really that hard to believe?” 
“I’ve never heard of anyone else having power over sleep, except Nightmare.” Nova tensed. Was it really that rare? Had he made the connection already? Would she be escorted to the dungeon and locked up for the rest of her love, or would they kill her on the spot? 
“I don’t exactly have power over sleep,” she began carefully. “I just don’t need it.”
He shrugged. “Still, it’s interesting.” 
Once he had turned away, leading her down towards the kitchens, as he claimed, Nova allowed herself to relax. She was safe. He hadn’t figured anything out. She let out the breath she hadn’t noticed that she was holding. Adrian Everhart may not have been the villain she thought he was, but she still had a goal. And she would see that goal through until the end, no matter what it took. 
tag list: @obssesedwithliterallyeverything @red-eyes88 @onecannotbebrave  @renegadesmarissameyer @somanyfandomsonly1username  @everhartartino
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Cherry Coke Special: Eleven
Bucky held the large box carefully. It was pretty. Old fashioned. A hatbox, Nat had called it as she handed him ribbon to help keep it closed. He was careful not to jostle it too much as he walked to your door. And oddly, he was nervous. 
What if you didn’t like it?
What if you cried?
He hated it when you cried. 
He let himself in quietly and smiled a little. You were trying. Trying so hard to pull yourself back together. The apartment had been cleaned today, and on the stove, something was cooking in a pot. Probably something you could start and just let simmer for a while, but still. You were doing things. His guys had told him you’d gone on a ramble today. No discernable destination and you weren’t out long, but it was something. 
“Y/N?” he called, toeing off his shoes.
When you walk out of the bedroom in clean pajamas, toweling your hair, he smiles. “Hey, Princess,” he says. It had been a few weeks since he got his idea, and slowly you’d been awake when he came home more often. It made him feel better. 
“I’m not royalty,” you snort. 
“Who told my Princess that, huh?” he said, scowling playfully, leaning into the touch when you stand on your toes and kiss his cheek. 
“Bucky,” you sigh, shaking your head and carding your fingers through his hair. Usually, he hated it when a girl just started touching his hair, but when you did it, it just made his heart skip a beat. 
“What?” he asked, kissing your nose, “You’re a Princess. My Princess. And I brought you a present.”
“It’s not my birthday,” you tell him, smiling a little.
“Nope,” he said, walking you to the sofa gently, “But I saw it, and you just had to have it, Sweetheart.”
He puts the box very carefully into your lap and sits next to you, watching you pull the ribbon off the box, head tilted curiously. “What is it?” you ask, lifting the lid.
“A friend,” he said, smiling a little when you gasp softly. 
At the bottom of the box, curled up fast asleep, is a puppy. A back German Shepherd puppy. She’d been expensive, but she had a good pedigree, and she was gonna grow into a beautiful dog. One that could be trained to protect you and be your companion. And maybe, just maybe, chafe a little more life back into you. His Princess deserved a dog like this, he’d decided, as soon as he met her.
“Bucky!” you gasp, scooping her up gently. The puppy makes a soft sleepy sound and yawns as she wakes up, realizing that a new person is holding her; she starts wiggling and licking the tears off your cheeks, making you giggle. 
Something unclenches in his chest then, and he takes the box out of your lap and puts his arm around you. “You like her?” he asked, kissing your head. 
“She’s perfect,” you say, stroking her ears lovingly, “Aren’t you a pretty girl?” you ask. It’s not baby talk, but it’s a tone Bucky’s never heard you use, and he smiles. 
“What are you gonna name her?” he asks, kissing your head again. 
“Nova,” you answer after a long moment. 
“Nova,” he repeated, “That’s a good name.” He watches you cuddle her for a while as he holds you and sighs. This feels good. And he’s happy that you’re happy. The few happy tears you’d cried hadn’t felt like it was killing him.
“Thank you,” you murmur, looking up at him. 
“You’re welcome, Sweetheart,” he answers, blinking for just a second. He’d brought you little gifts before. Nothing this extravagant, mostly because you wouldn’t allow it. But, every time you thank him, it takes him by surprise. It isn’t effusive. You don’t promise to love him forever. Nothing that dramatic. Not by a long shot. But it feels a thousand times more genuine than anything Rena would have ever said. 
“Bucky?” you ask, looking from the puppy in your lap back up to him.
“Yeah?” he answers, kissing your nose.
“I don’t have puppy supplies,” you tell him. 
“I know,” he says, “We’ll go get them after dinner.”
“Don’t you have work?” you ask tentatively. 
“Nope,” he says, kissing your nose again. He’d been trying not to be out all night as often. Trying a little harder to keep to the straight and narrow. Mostly because it had torn him apart, knowing that you were hurt because of him. “I like being home with my girl at night,” he says, “I get in less trouble that way.”
You smile a little and shake your head, “Coulda fooled me,” you tell him. 
“Hey,” he protests chuckling, cuddling you and tickling your side
“Hold her for me?” you ask, still giggling, handing him the puppy and going to the kitchen to check on dinner. 
He nods and watches you go. Basking in the contentment that flowed through his chest as he patted the little dog in his lap. “You take care of your new ma, huh?” he ordered, stroking her. She nibbled at his fingers, and Bucky smiled, shaking his head, “A real killer, huh?” he said, grinning, “You gonna be a big bad guard dog, huh? Tough girl.”
The clatter of plates and silverware being set out makes him look back towards the kitchen, and Bucky smiles, “Your ma’s a first-rate cook,” he explains, stroking her ears when her head turns towards the sound, “Something tells me that if you look unfortunate a lot, she’ll feed lots of treats,” he stage whispers, making sure you hear him. 
“Shh,” you tell him, “Don’t tell her that!”
“Hey,” Bucky said, grinning, “she’s gotta know who I’m handing her to. We have an arrangement.”
“An arrangement?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he said, “She takes good care of her ma for me, and I make sure she gets a steak on Saturdays.”
“Bucky!” you tell him, dishing up a plate and putting it on the table for him.
“What?” he said, unrepentant, “She’s gotta earn her keep.”
“Why?” you ask, “I don’t right now.” He doesn’t miss the frustration in your voice.  It’s not a big change, but it is a definite change. A different timbre, even if the expression on your face doesn’t change. 
“Sweetheart,” he said, putting Nova on the Fleece blanket on the couch so she could nap as he got to his feet. “We talked about this,” he soothed.
“I know that but that doesn’t mean I’m not shitty about it,” you sigh, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Well, if it makes you feel better, you’re still the least expensive girl I ever had,” he teased, kissing your cheek as he pulled out your chair. He respected your independent spirit. The need to do stuff. The need to do more than look pretty and spend money. You measured you life in things done, not stuff owned. And without realizing it, you’d changed him too. For the first time in his life, he felt shallow when he thought about the girls he used to date. He’d thought he was better because he knew he just wanted them for their looks but. As he watched you struggle to be taken care of and coddled, he realized grown women. The caliber of woman he needed in his life, was going to be bothered by that. Because they were going to want to give to him too. 
You sigh, “At least I can be a cheap date, I guess.”
Bucky winced, “Sweetheart,” he says, squeezing your hand, “I can afford it. You aren’t putting me out. I want you to be safe. And happy. That makes me happy, knowing that you’re taken care of. You make me happy. And that’s all I need you to do right now.”
“And what happens when I don’t make you happy anymore?” you ask quietly, looking away and picking up your fork. 
And Bucky doesn’t answer. There is no answer, he realizes that’s a going to allay that anxiety. Because you’ve seen it happen. Your dad had left your mom. Hell, your high school sweetheart had put you in the hospital. All he knows is that he has to show you that he’s going to keep choosing you. Because he can’t be the reason you cry anymore. Not unless you’re crying tears of joy when he hands you a whole herd of puppies. 
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star-spangled-eyes · 5 years
Forbidden: Part 2: Someone You Loved
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. Some content in the first part are direct words from TRR Book 3, Chapter 16. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: The Queen of Cordonia as an adulteress  
Pairing: King Liam x MC / Drake Walker x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this series: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, heavy angst, drama of course, very steamy sex scenes in each part -- IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, DO NOT READ THIS SERIES. Also, if you do not like reading smut, especially mine, please do not read this series.
Series Description: Forbidden is an extremely steamy story that takes place in Cordonia picking up the night of Bragnae’s bachelorette party in Las Vegas. She accepted King Liam’s proposal, despite also being in love with Drake. But when Liam gives Bragnae permission to have one last fling before they’re hitched, she chooses Drake.
Even though Bragnae tells him their dalliance is for one night only, Drake can’t seem to let it go. Once they return to Cordonia and the King marries his betrothed, Drake convinces Bragnae to embrace the forbidden pleasure of being with him in addition to filling her role as queen – consequences be damned.
Master List
A/N: I definitely don’t condone cheating in a relationship, but I have to say this is more a love story, than a lust. And it is delicious! I’m just having fun with this fic (but don’t worry… drama will still ensue), and I hope you are too!
Warnings for this chapter: NSFW, Adult content, sex, angst, suggestive and strong language, (I’m amping up the sexual language in this series!)
Word Count for this chapter: 9408 – Sorry, not sorry. It all needed to be said.
Setting for this chapter: Bragnae and Liam have some fun on their honeymoon, and Drake copes with his decisions.
Permatags: @burnsoslow​​​ @cora-nova​​ @dcbbw​​​ @thorfosterlove​​​ @emceesynonymroll​​​ @edgiestwinter​​​ @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld​​ @msjr0119​​​ @notoriouscs​​​ @drakewalker04​​​ @pedudley​​​ @desiree---1986​ @choices-lurker​ @kingliam2019​ @loveellamae​​ @drakexnadira​ @flutistbyday2020​ @indiana-jr​
Series Tags: @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria​​​ ​@silverofdreams​​​ @texaskitten30​ @mskaneko​​ @jemrmax2love​ @nomadics-stuff​ @queenjilian​​ @yukinagato2012​ @ravenpuff02​ @forthebrokenheartedthings-blog​ @moneyfordiamonds​
Part 2: Someone You Loved
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The first few days of their honeymoon went by in a blur. Leave it to the King of Cordonia to own his own private island. With only a few staff around to cook their meals and tidy up the villa, Bragnae and Liam were virtually alone. It was a refreshing change after the whirlwind that was her life once she stepped off the plane in Cordonia for the first time.
Getting a moment alone with Liam was more difficult than she would have liked, but she understood. First, she’d been competing for his hand with five other women. So, he had to be fair to share his time with them all. Next, he was engaged when he didn’t want to be, and Bragnae was branded as a harlot, so having Liam seen with her would have looked bad on him.
Once they were engaged, they had the freedom to be with each other more, but with Liam’s duties as King, Cordonia always comes first. Bragnae accepted that. She knew what to expect with him, but it didn’t make her want him any less. If anything, the moments they could be alone together were that much sweeter.
The honeymoon was a particularly special treat because it was truly just about them. In the days they spent on the island, their pleasure was of the utmost importance. A true honeymoon. They’d eat, have sex, sleep, wake up, have sex again, eat some more, and the cycle just repeated itself. Far from being an exhausting routine, they enjoyed every minute.
After they intimately explored every square inch of the villa, Liam took Bragnae out to discover the island leading to many impromptu erotic moments. In a quiet oasis towards the center of the island, Liam bent her over a downed tree, making her come hard twice while the wild birds scattered from her ear-piercing screams. They had also found a beautiful waterfall to make love under, letting the power of the water invoke many sensual and heightened orgasms.
As if Liam had placed it there himself, a large, smooth bolder sat in the shallows of the ocean, which was the perfect place to enjoy the silvery glow of the moon bouncing off the water while Liam pounded into her. The crashing waves lapping against their lower halves only enhanced the experience. With miles separating them from the nearest person, especially after the staff left the island for the night, Liam encouraged her not to hold back with her pleasured cries, and he made sure she didn’t.
Aside from the frequent, mind-blowing sex, Bragnae and Liam had grown even closer than they ever had before. There was actually time for them to talk about their interests, relax without any major distractions, and just be with each other. It was all she could ever hope for – the perfect honeymoon with her new husband, the King.
Bragnae finished getting ready for bed with a quick spritz of perfume. She looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the black and red negligee that hugged her curves. She knew it wouldn’t stay on long, and being naked made more sense, but the King liked a challenge.
Flipping off the bathroom light, she strolled back into the bedroom to see Liam sitting up in bed with a laptop resting on his thighs. His brow furrowed as his eyes scanned the screen. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and she hoped he was bare even under the sheets. She’d soon find out.
Bragnae got on the bed, and crawled seductively towards him, catching his attention. “How’s the kingdom, Your Majesty?” Her tone was flirty and playful in hopes to get his mind on her instead.
He smiled at her. “It’s running smoothly, although it looks like we’ll be a bit busy when we return.”
“Why do you say that?” She straddled his knees, and leaned over his computer letting her ample cleavage tease him. His eyes immediately shifted to her chest with an appreciative look.
His gaze returned to her eyes. “Well, for starters, we have to have your coronation. Since you married the king, you automatically fill the role as queen, but Cordonian tradition states that there must be a coronation for you to be officially considered a ruler of the country. It has to happen within a month of us getting married.”
“That sounds nice. I’m looking forward to it. What else?”
Liam sighed. “As soon as we get back, I have to go to Lythikos.” He ran a hand through his silky, blonde hair. “Olivia needs some help with something in her duchy. She’s being vague as to the details, but needs my assistance.”
“Can I go with you?”
“Normally, I’d say yes. But I want you to get settled in at the palace, and start getting to know your role as queen. There will be a lot for you to adjust to, I’m afraid.”
“What’s a queen without her king?” Her lips transformed into a sultry smirk.
“You make a valid point, but I won’t be gone too long. One night, maybe.” Her smirk faltered at the thought of not being with him. “Trust me, I don’t want to leave you either. We can make up for it now, and when I come back.”
Bragnae nodded assertively. “Fair enough. And speaking of now, what do you say we put the country’s needs aside, and focus on ours instead?” She slowly pushed the laptop closed, and put it on the bedside table, making it a point to hover over him in a sexy feline sort of way.
Liam grinned, using a finger to pull down her top for a better view. “I don’t even know why you’re wearing this. I’m just going to take it off of you anyway.”
She inched herself closer, still on all fours. “Maybe I wanted you to work for it.” Leaning forward, she slowly and barely brushed her lips against his before sitting back again.
“I will always make an effort to work for it when it comes to you.” Just then, Liam sat forward grabbing her by the waist, and pulled her on top of him like it was nothing.
“You’re so strong, Liam,” she said biting her lip. Flattening her hands onto his well-defined chest, she admired his physique. “You have such a sexy, toned body. I can’t get enough of it.”
“A king should be strong to defend his kingdom… and his queen.” Liam pushed the satin fabric above her hips before running the back of his hand across her pelvis.
Bragnae tingled at her core. No matter how many times they’d slept together, his touch always inspired such a reaction. Not to mention staring at the blonde Adonis sitting beneath her already made her wet and ready for him.
“Well, on behalf of the citizens of Cordonia, we want to thank you for every chiseled muscle on your body for the betterment of our country.” Her finger outlined his pectorals, dropping down to trace each of his defined abs as she spoke. Her hand slipped further down beneath the sheet to gently grip his already hardened cock.
A low groan rumbled in his throat. “That particular muscle is not for Cordonia. It’s only reserved for you.”
“Yes, but the citizens are rooting for me to have a very pleasurable honeymoon, and this,” she paused to peel back the sheets to expose his monumental erection, “plays a vital role in that.” Bragnae slowly stroked him, mesmerized by his mouth-watering dick.
She briefly wondered if all Cordonian men were as well-endowed as he was. A recent memory breached her mind of the other massive cock she encountered and who it belonged to, but she quickly pushed it away.
Liam smiled, shifting a bit under her touch. “The people are already rallying around you, huh? It makes sense. They, like me, want you to be completely satisfied.” He rolled her on her back, so she was underneath him. “Over and over and over again.”
His mouth crashed against hers, kissing her with everything he had. That was Liam – full of passion, devotion and eagerness to please her. She moaned as his hands moved down her body. He gripped her hips, and tugged her down the bed a bit before lifting her negligee up. Instead of removing it completely, he made it so the fabric both covered her eyes and restrained her arms. She was bound by her own outfit with her body bare and entirely at Liam’s mercy.
She squirmed a bit just to play along. Seeing nothing but darkness made her other senses spike, especially when Liam caressed her breasts, loving each one of her taut nipples with his tongue and a gentle tug of his teeth. Bragnae gasped, her breathing increased.
“God, Liam that feels so good.” A surge of heat rushed to her core as he loved her body.
After assuming he’d move south next, Liam surprised her by capturing her lips once more. “You ready to scream, my Queen?” He bit her lower lip, slowly dragging away from her before his mouth worked its way down her body.
Bragnae moaned deliciously. “You know that I am.” If there was an award given for ‘most skilled at oral sex’, King Liam would win it every time, hands down. He not only was exceptional at it, but he liked doing it as well – almost to the point of obsession. It was thrilling and unbearably hot. A man with such a skill should be afforded as many opportunities as he wanted to perform, and Bragnae would happily and shamelessly enable his pleasurable addiction anytime.
It didn’t matter what position he had her in – because it did vary, she would reach her climax hard and fast, and would soon be putty in his arms. Worthless to the world for at least two minutes, sometimes longer. He was that good. Thinking about it in more depth, it made sense that he excelled in this particular area.
Liam was charismatic, a well-spoken man, and he addressed the public on an almost daily basis. His tongue assisted him in speaking five different languages, negotiating with diplomats and other foreign leaders, and her most favorite, talking dirty to her. It was no wonder that when he flicked his tongue at just the right speed and pressure that she’d fall apart around him.
To add to the suspense of it all, he would always include an extra move that pleasantly surprised her whether that be using his hands to assist his skilled mouth, humming into her, or even biting. Yes – biting. Where she thought it might be too much for her sensitive skin, the way Liam did it made her toes curl. Whatever combination he decided to use never failed to elicit the same response in her – glass-shattering screams, soaked sheets, calling to God… it was all amazing.
Liam spread her legs wide, placing tender kisses on her inner thigh. Bragnae gasped as she felt him blow lightly on her hot, aching center. He chuckled at her reaction.
“I could stare at you like this all day. Spread eagle, your hot, wet pussy in my face, your beautiful breasts moving up and down along with your ragged breathing. You’re. A fucking. Work. Of art.” Liam punctuated each word with a lap of his tongue, making Bragnae writhe with anticipation.
As much as he enjoyed the act itself, it seemed he relished teasing her beforehand as well. She didn’t mind it because she knew what was coming – aside from herself, that was a given – and it was worth any wait she had to endure.
She smiled, exhaling a giggle that turned into a moan. “I wouldn’t mind this all day, but I’m pretty sure the country would need your attention sooner or later.”
“Such a pity.” Bragnae could feel his hot breath before his expert tongue grazed the soft skin between her southern lips. He always knew the right place to start.
Bragnae dreamily sank into the incredible and hastened strokes of his tongue, which he would use in all the cardinal directions as well as the occasional swirl. Her hips would have rolled with him if he hadn’t held her firmly in place.
Just as she felt the warmth start to build, Liam hummed as he licked, making her entire core vibrate. She pressed her head back against the mattress, tensing her body as the flood gates were about to open. His name left her lips in a breathy whisper as he helped to unleash the blissful fury she had expected.
Her body convulsed as her still restricted hands grasped at the pillows above her head. Liam kept up with his mission until her long screams subsided. An overwhelming sensation of pleasure, love and comfort filled her – almost as if she had floated out of her body and was left hovering on cloud nine.
She tasted herself on his lips as he kissed her, and removed the negligee so that it no longer held her captive. Her eyes fluttered open looking at her husband who wore a big, accomplished grin on his face.
“I love when you scream like that. Makes me so hard.” Liam winked at her before hopping off the bed.
Still in a euphoric state, Bragnae barely noticed as Liam tugged her towards the edge of the bed. He picked up one of her legs letting the other rest on the mattress, and stroked himself as he looked at her. Her gaze met his – those blue eyes dark as an ocean with desire.
“I’m going to be useless to you for another minute or so.” Still panting, she barely managed to speak.
He lined the tip of his engorged member to her, teasing her dripping wet entrance. “Hmmm, not completely useless. All you need to do is relax and moan like the goddess that you are.” He pushed himself inside her with ease prompting a throaty moan of agreement from Bragnae.
Leaning over, pumping slowly in and out of her, he smiled. “That’s it. How do you like my dick, Bragnae?”
All she could do was whimper from the wonderful feeling of him stretching her out.
“Tell me you like it,” he demanded in a low, hoarse voice. He increased his pace a little.
“I love it. I love when your big, hard dick is inside me.” What wasn’t to love about that?
“Such a dirty mouth you have,” he said chuckling before bending down to kiss her again. “And I love your tight, wet pussy.”
She smiled. “I remembered to do my Kegel exercises for you too, big boy.” As if to emphasize her point, she used her internal muscles to contract her walls around his cock, giving him a unique, sexy hug.
He smirked down at her. “I do appreciate that.”
“Harder, Liam.” He answered with a powerful thrust that she felt in her throat.
“How’s that?” He did it again. She hissed a sharp breath through gritted teeth.
“Good. Now, faster.”
He kept his eyes on hers as a determined look spread across his face. His abs flexed with each thrust he made into her, pounding at rapid speed. Her leg pressed against his chest as he held onto it with both hands, squeezing her thigh.
The position of her leg and the slight curve of his dick made for the perfect position for him to rub in just the right spot. She felt the hot pressure in her pelvis swiftly change to the promise of more.
“Liam, I’m close. Oh, my God. I’m so close.”
He moved his thumb over her clitoris, lightly rubbing as he kept up his pace. “Go on. Soak my dick, baby.”
The added stimulation sent her over the edge. Gripping the bed sheets with both hands, she squeezed her eyes shut, and became consumed with all that encompassed her sensual release. Seconds later, Liam set free his own climax draining himself into her.
Still nestled safely inside her, he leaned down again to kiss her. “I love you, Bragnae.”
“I love you too.”
Empty bottles that once contained alcohol and used glasses littered Drake’s otherwise tidy room. He laid in his bed, fully clothed, as rays from the sun shined on his face. This was the way he’d fallen asleep every night for the past week – drinking until he was good and drunk, and then passing out on his bed with the lights on. He felt a pounding headache throb at his temples that hadn’t seemed to go away since the night of wedding no matter how much whiskey he drank.
Of course, he knew the alcohol wasn’t making things better, but he didn’t care. He needed two things: to be comforted, and to forget. Since he didn’t have the woman he wanted to warm him with her touch, the whiskey sufficed. And because that particular woman was on her honeymoon, likely getting fucked in every position imaginable – and if he knew his friend, he wasn’t far off, he needed to get her out of his mind.
He had grown to realize that even after nearly drowning himself with all that he consumed in alcohol, it hadn’t been as reliable as he’d hoped. Still, through the mind-altering haze, he found himself thinking about Bragnae. There wasn’t an inch of her body he didn’t see in his mind, not a single detail of their dalliance that he didn’t obsess over.
Hoping to find some solace amidst the pain, he even tried to use the thoughts of her to inspire a release of his own built up sexual tension and strife, but knowing he couldn’t be with her took the thrill of the fantasy out of the equation. Frustrated, horny, sad, pissed off – this is what his life was now. He was already a bitter person, but somehow in the last week, he was able to dig down to a whole other level of disturbed.
He wanted nothing from life but Bragnae. Being with her made him happy, in ways he didn’t even know he could be. She challenged him, laughed at his sarcastic jokes, and went out of her way to make sure he was having a good time. They had bonded to the point of friends, which he didn’t expect at first.
But with his desire for her coupled with her reciprocating need for him, they had entered a new plane of existence between platonic friendship and romantic relationship, which was confusing as fuck. And because of his incessant need to put others before him, he missed his chance to be with her for good. He hadn’t even told her how much he loved her, and had loved her since the beginning.
  A knock at the door startled him. It sounded as if a bomb had just gone off, making him cringe. There was a pause before another repetition of knocking came. He drew in a deep breath, heaving himself off the bed to stop the head-splitting noise.
On his way, he stumbled a bit, still feeling the effects of last night’s binge. He opened the door to see the small, but fierce Hana Lee looking up at him in surprise. Why the hell is she surprised to see me? This is my goddamn room.
“Drake, you look awful.” Her mouth had gaped open as her eyes raked over his disheveled appearance. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, so his dark stubble became more than that. His wrinkled clothes hadn’t been changed in a day, and his longer hair hadn’t seen a comb in twice that amount of time. Maybe he shouldn’t be so shocked that she had that reaction.
“Thanks. It reflects my mood. What do you want?” His voice was low and grumbly. When she pulled back, appearing to have been offended, he retraced his words. “I’m sorry. I have a headache. What can I do for you?” His eyelids felt heavy, probably from the lack of decent sleep he’d gotten, but also from the anguish that plagued him. He hoped she didn’t notice too much.
Hana placed a gentle hand on his arm. “I just came to tell you that Liam and Bragnae come back to the palace today. And I thought it’d be nice for us to be there to greet them when they arrive.” As soon as the happy couple was married, Hana stepped in as Bragnae’s Senior Lady-In-Waiting, and she took her role very seriously. “It looks like you could use some time to… freshen up. How about I grab you some coffee, and then you can do what you need to do?”
Hana also grew to be one of Drake’s few friends. She was sweet, caring, talented as hell, and could knock a guy’s block off if she wanted to – even if her confidence told her she couldn’t. Standing at just over five feet tall, he towered over her small frame at his own six and a half feet. She was half-Chinese, half-Cordonian – gorgeous. She’d make any man happy, any man that wasn’t already infatuated with someone else like he was.
He looked into her compassionate, brown eyes that pleaded with him to comply. He hadn’t wanted to leave his room today, except maybe to find something to eat, but he couldn’t say no. Plus, they were coming home today. It wouldn’t look good if Liam’s best friend wasn’t around to welcome him back.
“Sure, Hana. That’d be great. Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll meet you in the dining hall. And I take my coffee black.”
She nodded. “I’ll order some food for you as well. Twenty-minutes, Drake,” she said, pointing at him with a stern look.
He chuckled at her sudden assertiveness. “I promise. Thanks, Hana.”
“You’re welcome, my friend.” He closed the door as soon as she walked off.
Leaning against it, he sighed. Now, he had to do the impossible: prepare himself to face the woman he loved as she hung on the arm of another man. All the while, he had to look presentable as if her marriage to his best friend had not transformed his life, now wrought with despair.
An hour or so later, Drake had showered, shaved, and eaten a bigger breakfast than usual. Having a strict diet of whiskey over the past week would surely make a person ravenous. The coffee was strong, just how he liked it, and it gave him the energy he needed to brave the rest of the day. Maxwell and Bertrand had even come in from Ramsford to greet the King and Queen.
Hana had caught them all up with the day’s festivities. They’d have a dinner with the royal couple celebrating their return. Drake grumbled inward – all the royals did was throw parties, it didn’t matter the occasion. He tried to mask his bitterness, but felt like he was failing. His intention wasn’t to snub his best friend and his new wife, but the situation dictated a different response. He felt like an asshole.
His headache had gone away with the coffee and stomach full of food, so after everything was said at breakfast, he excused himself to go back to his room. He had a little over an hour before he was needed in the Grand Hall, so he took some time to clean up his room. The trashcan filled up quickly with the embarrassing amount of empty whiskey bottles. He made his bed, and picked up his floor.
Checking the clock, the cleaning had only taken thirty minutes of his time. He sighed, sitting on his bed, feeling antsy. Normally, when he hadn’t resorted to poisoning his liver with endless whiskey, he would go to the gym to exert his tension, stress or just for the fun of it.
He couldn’t do that now, there wasn’t enough time, and he’d have to shower again. He decided he’d go later. Late night work outs were nice to clear his head before bed, and he’d most likely need it after being forced to be in the same room as Bragnae.
He leaned back, thumbing through his phone. First through social media, then over to a game that could let him escape reality for a bit. His fingers twitched before moving to the other app. What he really wanted to do was look at the few saved pictures of Bragnae he had on his phone.
Some of them were some they took together over the engagement tour, when Liam was still betrothed to Madeleine, and the others were some he’d swiped from her social media. She had modeled in a photoshoot for a friend in New York once, and the second Drake discovered those photos, he was a goner. He’d incorporate them into the background of his phone had it been acceptable, but of course it wasn’t. Still the guy on the outside looking in, he had to hide his desire for her.
Luckily, the game had done its job, and it was time to head to the Grand Hall. Drake slipped his phone into his pocket, and left his room.
When he reached the meeting area, Hana, Maxwell and Bertrand were already in place along with many other servants and guards. Select members of the press too.
“You’re just in time. Their plane landed twenty minutes ago, so they should arrive any minute,” Hana told him. She looked happy, as she should, for their friends’ return. He wished he could be that happy.
Drake acknowledged her, and proceeded to cross his arms over his chest. After a few seconds, he realized the way he stood made him appear unapproachable, so he shook out his arms, and let them rest at his sides. He fidgeted a bit more, feeling uncomfortable.
Loud applause and cheering spread through the room as Liam and Bragnae strolled through the double doors. Camera flashes went off and the crowd swarmed them. Drake and the rest stood in the back allowing the media a chance for their questions and pictures before the palace guards would shoo them off.
After a few minutes, the crowd began to dissipate, and he could now see his friend, the King. Liam wore a polo and shorts, his aviator sunglasses hung on the V-neck of his shirt. He looked relaxed, care free. Why wouldn’t he? He just got to spend the week doing nothing accept his wife. Drake clenched his jaw at the thought.
Finally, the persistent media goons left, allowing Drake full access to look at the new queen. He dreaded this moment just as much as he craved it. No matter how much pain sat in his heart, not seeing Bragnae was worse than seeing her. He missed her – he wasn’t afraid to admit that. She had been such a big part of his life over the past several months, and being away from her for a week was excruciatingly difficult – obviously.
He drew in a sharp breath as he saw her face. She smiled brightly at those around her. Her skin looked tanner than usual, and her long, black hair was tousled in a breezy sort of way. She wore a strappy sundress that extended to the floor, and a long gold necklace, drawing his eye to her impeccable breasts. God, that dress looked great on her.
Drake felt stirrings of arousal hit him suddenly. He wanted to deny them, but they were relentless the more he looked at her. The high slit in her dress gave him all kinds of naughty ideas, and soon he was daydreaming about the things he’d love to do to her. He wasn’t even concerned with anyone else in the room. All that mattered was her.
Liam stepped up to Drake first before greeting the rest. “Hey, buddy. Things been well while we’ve been gone?” He pulled Drake into a bro-hug.
He cleared his throat. “As well as can be expected.” What can anyone expect of a man with a broken and lust-filled heart except that things were all they could be? Unchanging and depressing as fuck.
Liam clapped him on the shoulder. “Good to hear. Looking forward to catching up with you soon.” He quickly moved on to Hana and Maxwell sharing similar greetings.
Drake knew Bragnae was close just by the smell of her sweet perfume. Her scent was intoxicating, both graceful and seductive. It suited her. He watched her traipse over to him with a bright smile. It awakened his heart to see her looking at him like that.
“Your Majesty,” he said with a slight bow and straight face.
Bragnae lifted an eyebrow at him. “Come on, Drake. You don’t have to do that. ‘Bennett’ is just fine.”
“That’s no longer your name.” His responses seemed callous. He didn’t exactly plan on them coming out that way, but it did reflect his mood.
She scoffed. “Fine, Drake. Call me whatever you want.” As she turned to walk away, Drake grabbed her hand. He couldn’t let her leave like that. He had to make it right.
Bragnae snapped her head in the direction of their joined hands before glaring up at him. “What are you—,”
“I’m sorry, Bennett. How was your honeymoon?” He hoped she’d tell him it was terrible, and that she thought of him the whole time, but he knew that wouldn’t happen.
She visibly relaxed, but didn’t pull her hand away. “It was nice. Thank you. How’ve you been?”
“Well enough.” He looked into her amber eyes. She stared right back. He noticed her breathing had quickened, and knew it was a result of holding her hand from the way her gaze dropped to it. She swallowed, trying to hide being flustered, but Drake could see it. He saw everything.
He still affected her with a single touch, even after being a rude asshole to her. He, too, felt the electric current running through his veins stemming from their joined hands. He knew she was experiencing the same thing. Seeing her react that way gave him hope. A hope for what? What would he do with it? He didn’t know just yet, but he had a feeling he’d soon figure it out.
Bragnae cleared her throat and shook off her entranced expression as she gently pulled her hand out of his. “That’s good, Drake. I’ll see you later.”
He nodded, keeping his heated gaze on her. She took a step toward Hana, but looked back at him once more. The end of his mouth curled up into a smirk. Bragnae quickly averted her eyes and focused on Hana instead offering her a warm greeting.
After a week away with her husband, a single touch from Drake still muddled her composure. He decided he would test the waters further telling her what he wanted, and maybe she’d want that too. The night should prove interesting.
It was good to be back at the palace, even though she already missed her alone time with Liam. After greeting the welcome committee, they went back to their suite to shower and get ready for the dinner with their friends. Liam, as insatiable as he was, caught her before any other clothes could shield her body, and made love to her in their king-sized royal bed. Good to be back, indeed.
Bragnae slipped on a pink, chiffon dress that stopped at her knee, and stepped into a pair of peep-toe heels before her husband escorted her to the Dining Hall.
Everyone was already waiting for them when they walked in the room and took a seat. Liam at the head of the table, and Bragnae to his left. Out of courtesy for their position, their friends waited for them to sit before taking their own seats. Hana sat next to Bragnae, while Drake, Maxwell and Bertrand filled in across from her.
Her eyes flicked over to Drake as he settled in. He was looking particularly handsome today. She didn’t know what it was, but still she tried to ignore that. So, she turned to look at Maxwell, and thought about how nice he looked, and even Bertrand.
Maxwell, the hilarious party-guy she had come to love, was extremely good looking. He styled his hair, in what she considered was purposefully carefree, but he always looked good. He smelled delightful and warm, as a man should, dressed nice, and was toned and fit. Despite all of that, Bragnae had grown to love Maxwell as a brother-figure than anything else, which was probably best as she already had two men, specifically at this table, that she had romantic feelings for.
Bertrand was handsome in his own way. As Maxwell’s older brother, he was the Duke of Ramsford. He had been the indignant man that always gave her a hard time during the Social Season when she wanted to act like her ‘carefree American self’ – his words. Over time, however, he had become something more to her, like an older brother or even father-figure. Raised as an orphan, she was grateful to have him and any of her friends to consider part of her close-knit circle, part of her family.
Drinks had been served, and the servants presented them all with their meals. Everyone started to chat, especially Maxwell with his seemingly endless, but adorable questions about the island they just spent a week on, already making plans for them all to go back.
As she continued to listen and eat her meal, she felt like she was being watched. After taking a bite of the savory pot roast, she looked at Maxwell again before shifting her eyes to Drake. It was him. He was looking at her. But when their gazes met, he didn’t look away. In fact, he made it a point to deepen his stare.
Bragnae had to avert her eyes as a shiver shot down her spine. That was the second time that day one of his looks affected her that way. She took another bite. Maybe he was done staring. Of course, she’d need to check. Looking back in his direction, he had a glass of his favorite libation in his hand, and before he took a drink, his eyes flashed over to her again.
She could feel her heart race. Drake, with his dark eyes, could slay any woman with a single look. Well, so could her husband. But there was something to his smoldering and always brooding expression that made her tingly. She wondered why he was so attentive with her today. Before the wedding, it felt like he did all in his power to avoid her eyes, perhaps so she wouldn’t see the hurt inside him.
But now? He was eyeing her like a predator stalking its prey. Not that she ever felt threated by Drake, but his looks now definitely were intimidating. Mostly because she didn’t know what they meant.
Liam put his hand over hers on the table. Startled, she jumped slightly at his touch.
“Are you okay, Bragnae? Your face is a little red,” Kindly, he lowered his voice to a whisper not to draw the attention of the others, but they all still honed in on her.
Suddenly feeling self-conscious and needing a moment to sort out the mixed emotions running through her head, she stood. “I’m fine. Thank you,” she told him with a soft touch to his arm. “I’m a little warm. I think I’ll go splash some water on my face.”
The men at the table stood, chivalrous as they were, as she left the room. Once she was out of their sight, she headed to the nearest powder room. Closing the door behind her, she walked up to the sink, leaning on the counter as she took a few deep breaths.
She raised her head to see herself in the mirror. She was a bit red in the face. Damn Drake. No matter how hard she tried, he would always get a rise out of her. She shook her head, partly in disgust at herself as well as frustration. How could she move on from him if she saw him every day? He lived at the palace, same as her.
It would have been fine, and easier to deal with had he not started to intentionally capture her attention with his sexy, determined eyes. She put a hand to her chest feeling her heart beat faster than normal. Even her breathing was ragged. That wasn’t good. It was too soon to be around him again. How would she get around this?
Bragnae sat down on a cushioned tuffet she pulled out from under the counter, and gave herself another minute to regain her composure. Then, there was a knock at the door. She sighed. This was how life would be as the queen. She’d never truly be able to escape for a moment alone without someone coming to check on her.
Stubbornly, she let the person knock again before she called out. “I’ll be right there.” She stood, pushing the seat back in its place, and looked herself over once more. Taking another deep breath, she opened the door to see Drake staring down at her.
Her heart rate skyrocketed again. “Drake, what are you doing?”
Without an invitation, he gently pushed his way into the small powder room, closing the door behind him. “Shhh, Bennett. I’m sorry but I’ve got to talk to you.”
He’s got to talk to me? No way. I’m doing the talking. “Why do you keep looking at me at the table like you are?”
The room felt bigger before he was in it. Now, standing over her, crowding her a bit, the room was shrinking. She backed up against the counter, and he continued to step forward. Summoning all her strength, she tried her best to appear confident instead of the reality of her about to melt on the floor in a lustful puddle of herself because of his presence.
“That’s what I want to talk to you about.” He paused to study her for a moment. “I missed you… and I’ve been an idiot. I should have told you this sooner. You’re everything to me. You’re my last thought before I fall asleep, and on my mind immediately when I wake up. I love the way your smile lights up your entire face, I love that you laugh at all my stupid jokes, and I love that you push me to be better — you make me want to be a better man than I was.”
Drake took a small step forward. “I care about you so much, and… I want to be with you. It hurts,” his hands clutched at the fabric of his shirt over his heart, “it physically hurts that I’m not the one you call yours.” He visibly swallowed. “I love you, Benn— Bragnae.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her eyes frantically searched his for an ounce of humor or sarcasm, but there was none. He was sincere. He was pouring his heart out to her, telling her everything she wanted him to say before, and he chose now to do it. What a nerve. Suddenly she felt hurt and irate.
“How dare you say this to me now? You’ve had plenty of chances to tell me how you feel, and you wait until the day I get back from my honeymoon?” Her voice had raised a bit on that last word. “What is wrong with you, Drake?”
He dropped his hands to his sides again, and straightened his posture. “Plenty. And don’t think I don’t know it. But I’m not going to apologize for telling you this now.”
Surprised by his confidence, she gave him a questioning look. “What am I supposed to do with that? In case you forgot, you can’t be with me. I’m married now. You were there. You saw it.”
Drake stepped even closer to her. Their bodies mere inches apart. “Yeah, I saw it. Do you want to know what else I saw that day – on your face in particular? Longing, desire, maybe some regret – and that was just a few minutes after you said ‘I do’. Today, five minutes after you return from your honeymoon, I saw it all again. But this time there was more. I know you care about me, Bennett, dare I even say that you love me.”
He shifted his weight, looking down in attempt to gather his courage again. “I wouldn’t be telling you this – I wouldn’t be trying to ruin your marriage if I didn’t think you felt the same about me.”
I do, but I can’t allow you to think that. Not when my heart is still in this fragile state. “Well, I don’t.”
“Bullshit.” He narrowed his eyes at her. He had the gall to call her out, and at a time like this?
Unwilling to let him compromise her emotions further, she started for the door. She got it open a crack before Drake’s hand slammed it shut. She turned around to face him. His arm extended against the door, not allowing her to leave.
“What are you doing, Drake?” Anger and shock filled her voice.
His stature exuded confidence, but his face and words showed his vulnerability. “I know why you’re running away, but I can’t let you leave until I get all of this out. It’s… it’s okay if you don’t want to be with me. I know you said what happened in Vegas was a one-time thing. And at the time, I was so desperate to touch you again that I didn’t give a shit about the consequences. And now, it’s haunting me.”
Her expression and voice softened. “I was afraid of that.”
Drake looked deep into her eyes. “The day you got married, I sat in the parking lot trying to figure out whose life I was going to ruin: Liam’s, yours, or mine. I considered leaving Cordonia for good, but I knew that would hurt you. And to be honest, I didn’t think I could survive without seeing you regularly. So, I chose Liam because I just had to have you for myself.”
Bragnae listened intently. He was opening up to her, and she wasn’t going to interrupt.
“I walked into that church, spotted your door, and made my way to you. Before I could get there, Liam stepped out of his room, and told me it was time to go. And it was at that point I realized that Liam deserved to be happy too, and I couldn’t ruin his life by taking you away from him. So, I ruined mine instead.”
She so badly wanted to reach out to touch him, but something held her back.
“Bennett, you will never understand the level of pain and regret I have for letting you slip between my fingers. I know I hurt you. I know I didn’t speak up when I needed to. I know that I have no leg to stand on, but I couldn’t go another day without telling you how I felt.” Drake ran his hand softly down her arm. “I’d give anything to turn back the clocks, and tell you all of this before Liam proposed, but I can’t.”
“No, you can’t.” A lump of emotion welled in her throat. “Please don’t bring this up again. It hurts too much.” She turned away from him, hoping to avoid seeing the agony on his face. After a moment, Drake dropped his hand from the door, and she left the room.
Later that evening, Bragnae lay awake in bed next to her peacefully snoozing husband. She couldn’t sleep. Even when she and Liam had sex a few hours ago, she was distracted. Drake’s words had imprinted her mind, and she couldn’t stop thinking about what he said, and how he said it.
She hadn’t seen that kind of passion in Drake, when he was speaking, in… ever. The barrier of his friendship and duty to Liam always shielded whatever emotion he’d hoped to convey.
It was half past midnight. Liam had to leave early in the morning for Lythikos, so she didn’t want to disturb him with her restlessness. She decided she’d get up, and walk around the palace to help clear her thoughts. She threw on a camisole before slipping on a pair of pajama shorts. On her way out of the bedroom, she put on a jacket, zipping it up halfway.
Bragnae shoved her hands in her jacket pockets as she roamed the hallways of the palace thinking about Drake. As much as she wanted to hear those words from him, and as wonderful as they were to hear, she was more upset than infatuated. Why did he have to wait so long to tell her?
He had mentioned he wanted to break up their wedding, but changed his mind at the last second. Thinking about her wedding day, she tried to imagine what she would have done had he found her before Liam interrupted his plan. Would she have run off with him, or would she have denied him? Knowing her heart, and how desperately she wanted to be with him, there was no question.
But what about Liam? He wasn’t just this unbelievably attractive guy who was also a king. He was kind, tender, and loving. Even though it had only been about a week, she enjoyed being married to him. Granted, they were on their honeymoon the entire time, but still. He meant the world to her.
So, Drake corralled her in the bathroom to tell her all the things he should have said before, and expected her to jump right into his arms? She shook her head at the thought. Although, she’d be lying to herself if she said she didn’t want to. It was Drake, after all.
Looking ahead of her, Bragnae saw a bright light coming from a room. As she approached, she recognized it as the palace’s gym. The room had a wall of windows looking into the spacious area. She had only seen the gym in passing, never visited it for its intended purpose.
She looked at the vast array of equipment, cardio machines, weights, other contraptions geared towards different muscles in the body. A brief thought came to mind for her to go in there and work out – try to release the stress and pressure she now felt inside her. But before she could make any plans, she spotted someone.
It was Drake. He wore a black, razorback tank top, and a pair of red athletic shorts. She watched him pick up a set of free weights, forty-five pounds in each hand, as he pulled them up and away from the sides of his torso, putting his impressive wingspan on display. His back was turned to her, so he hadn’t noticed her gawking. Thank God.
The muscles in his arms and shoulders rippled with each repetition. His back glistened from the sweat of his hard work. Bragnae’s heart fluttered in her chest at the sight of him. The strength he possessed made her insides ache. Seeing him now reminded her of the few times his strong hands held her, picked her up, and touched her. She wanted more, but it wasn’t right. Not now. Not ever.
And suddenly she was mad again. Mad that she couldn’t have him. Mad that he waited so long to tell her. Mad that he conflicted her already unstable emotions when he confessed his feelings. Before she could think better of it, she opened the door and stepped inside the gym.
Drake set the weights back down, and squirted water into his mouth before wiping his face with a towel. The melodic tunes of American Classic Rock blared in his ears, helping to motivate his work out. He shook his arms out as he rested in between sets. He’d move up to the fifty pounders next.
As he turned back to the weights, he was startled to see Bragnae walk into his view. Why is she here? For only a moment, he froze up, not sure what to do, but then logic set in. He slowly removed his ear buds, one at a time, and gently tossed the cord over his shoulder.
He continued to stare at her, not wanting to speak first. Not after what happened earlier. Plus, it gave him time to catch his breath, both from the work out and his surprise.
“I couldn’t sleep,” she told him, crossing her arms over her chest.
Drake felt guilty. He knew why. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Well, you should be.” Her tone had taken an unexpected direction, and now the softness of her amber eyes burned with ferocity. It had been a very different reaction from what he witnessed from her earlier.
She’s mad at me? He scoffed. “What? Look, Bennett, I know it was a dick move to surprise you with this information, but I do not regret it. I needed to tell you. No matter your response, you had to know.”
“Drake, I was happy!” Her elevated voice stunned him, but he stood resolute as she continued. “After we made love in Vegas, you kept pushing me away. I knew then it was never going to happen with us. I made peace with that. So, I pushed the thought of you out of my mind, and focused on the other man that I love.”
He heard her emphasis, and his heart swelled at the thought of her loving him – actually loving him. The concept was unfathomable.
“I love him, Drake. I wouldn’t have said ‘yes’ to him if I didn’t.” And just like that, her words cut him deep. Now he had to put up his walls again, so he didn’t get hurt anymore.
“So, what? Did you just come in here to rub that in my face? If you did, you can leave. I’ve already been tormented enough seeing you two together.” He turned away towards the weights, hoping she’d take the hint to go before his heart shattered into a million pieces.
“And whose fault is that?!” She screamed at him.
Drake rounded on her, snapping his attention back to her livid face. Even with her as mad as she was, he still wanted to kiss her. “Mine! I fucking said that earlier!” He fumed, staring down at her. With almost a foot of height over her, she had to tilt her head back just to look at him.
“I need you to hear me right now.” Her voice leveled out again. “I’m in love with you, Drake Walker. And if you would have acted on what you wanted instead of trying not to hurt your best friend, I’d be with you right now. I was prepared to hurt Liam’s feelings because you were worth it.”
She was right. Everything she just said, as hard as it was to hear, was true. He hated himself.
Bragnae lowered her gaze, shaking her head. “And now it’s too late.” She looked back up at him, her eyes glossy. “I’m married to a wonderful man who tells me he loves me every day. I’m the Queen of Cordonia. I just can’t erase that. No matter how much I might want to.”
They looked at each other for another moment, letting the words sink in. This can’t be how it ends. She obviously had feelings for him, and desired him still. If his lack of action before was what kept him from being with her, then he wasn’t going to make that mistake twice.
As Bragnae started to walk away, Drake grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. She protested at first, feeling rigid in his arms, but after another second, she melted against him. Her hands ran across his swollen biceps as she pressed her full lips into him.
She felt amazing in his arms, and even better was her kiss. He could feel the love pouring out of her, and the little moan she released told him she was enjoying the moment as much as he was.
Suddenly, he felt the pressure of her hands pushing against him, and the protests returned. He let go of her as she took a few steps back. Both of them breathing heavily, staring at each other. He waited for her to say something or rush out the door, but she didn’t. She just kept looking at him with hunger in her eyes. And he really wanted to finish that kiss.
He took a step forward, so did she, and soon their lips were locked again in a heated kiss. Their bodies pressed together so tightly, it’d take a crowbar to pry them apart.
Drake wanted her. That much he knew. And he also knew he’d do whatever it took to have her. Against his own desires, he tore himself way from her, gripping both of her arms as he looked into her eyes. He needed her full attention.
“You can still be the queen, and be with me if that’s what you want. If I can’t have you completely to myself, I’ll share you with the king. If that’s what it takes to be with you, then so be it. I need you, Bragnae. I can’t live without you.”
Her eyes fixed on his as she contemplated his suggestion. Even he was surprised by it, but he was past the point of caring. His morals were shot the second he agreed to have the fling with her in Vegas, regardless of Liam’s approval.  And now, he was offering himself to her as someone she could fuck on the side of her marriage.
“I’ve got to go,” she finally said, taking another moment to look at him before she gently pushed herself out of his grasp.
Drake watched her leave the gym, as guilt and pain reentered his heart.
The next morning, Bragnae stood on her toes to kiss Liam by the front entrance. He would be traveling to Lythikos, and wouldn’t return until tomorrow. Whether that was a good or bad thing, she didn’t yet know. With Liam away, she could have time to sort through her thoughts, to find out what she truly wanted. But with him gone, she was afraid that would present a convenient opportunity to explore Drake’s proposal.
“I won’t be gone long, my love. Just an overnighter, and I’ll be back in your arms tomorrow.” He smiled down at her, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
“I’ll miss you.” She pulled him in for another kiss.
His hand slid down to her curvy tush, giving it a hearty squeeze. “I’ll miss you, too. I’ll call you when I land.” Liam gave another kiss. “Goodbye, my queen. Have fun today.”
She smiled at him as Liam walked out the double doors to his limousine. Heaving a sigh, she turned around to head back to her room. As she walked out of the foyer, she saw Drake standing with his shoulder leaned up against the wall, looking at her. She stopped in her tracks.
Even though he stood several feet away from her, she could see the longing in his expression. She felt it too.
He stared at her not moving a muscle. Everything had been laid out on the table. Now, they knew how each of them felt about each other, and Drake had told her he was okay with being the other man. Still not completely proud of his proposition, he was more than willing to move forward despite it. She was worth the risk and everything else involved.
Bragnae reached around her neck and unclasped her pearl necklace, balling it in her left hand. Curious about her peculiar behavior, he watched as she ascended the stairs, dragging the pearls over the polished banister keeping her eyes down and in his direction. His gaze followed her as she reached the top of the stairs, and turned right down a hallway. Before she walked out of sight, she looked right at him, and that’s when he knew.
Drake waited a minute. He pulled out his phone, and pretended to engage with it in case anyone was watching before casually walking up the red carpet-lined stairs. He nonchalantly looked down both hallways before following Bragnae’s trail. With many closed rooms before him, they all looked alike, but only one had a set of glossy pearls hanging from the doorknob.
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emybain · 5 years
the other day I read over some supernova scenes that made me upset and want to write some younger nova with the anarchists for whatever reason. so, I wrote a little fic with honey and nova when nova’s 12 (and too nice for her own good like cmon the anarchists shouldve see her “weaknesses” before she went undercover as a renegade)
Masterpost of all my Renegades fics
    After nearly six years of living with the Anarchists, Nova had learned that Honey Harper was best left alone when she went into a crying meltdown. The first time she had heard the painful sobs coming from the older woman’s train car, Nova had been eight and concerned. Ingrid and Leroy advised against Nova going to comfort the distressed Anarchist, as it was normal for her. At least, normal since the Age of Anarchy came to an abrupt end and Ace was forced into hiding. 
    Tonight, however, Nova was recovering from a high fever that almost had Leroy taking her to the hospital out of desperation, as none of his concoctions or drug store medicine was helping. It was a last resort, as no one knew of Nova’s existence among the Anarchists, and a simple DNA testing could have her removed from her only family and placed in a foster home. Thankfully, as if by some miracle, she pulled through and was now resting and regaining her strength, something that would be easier if not for the pitiful wails coming from the other side of the subway tunnels. 
    Everyone else was asleep, so not even Ingrid could go and shut Honey up. Nova had a piercing headache and a sore throat that made talking like poking knives into her neck and chest, and was not really in the mood to hear the sound all night. That, mixed with her own body racking coughs, were enough to send Nova over the edge. 
    Sighing heavily, the movement ending in a pathetic wheeze she could feel squeezing her lungs, Nova snapped her copy of one of Ace’s books shut and set it beside her cot. She would have to return to her pre-Age of Anarchy literature later. For a moment, she debated making some tea to take with her just in case Honey ended up sending her away and she would need a legitimate reason for being there. But she decided against it, not in the mood for the cheap, bitter tea Leroy got from the nearest convenience store. 
    It was cold in the tunnels, being early November, the prime season for illness, so Nova grabbed the blanket off of her cot and wrapped it around her shoulders. After a second thought, she also grabbed Dolly Bear, who was sitting beside her bed. The bear was as old as Nova, and after almost twelve years of wear and tear, it’s age was beginning to show. Nova made an effort to take care of it, since it was one of her only remaining physical memories of her family, but she couldn’t always stitch up age. 
    Upon reaching Honey Harper’s door, the crying now obnoxiously loud, Nova raised a hand and knocked. Briefly, the sobs paused so Honey could allow Nova entrance into her train car. As always, Honey was at her mirror surrounded by wasps and bees of all kinds. Before her sat a collection of beauty products, some looking older than others as if they meant more than what could be seen by the eye. 
    Honey sniffled. “Oh! Nova, darling, I wasn’t expecting you. Usually it’s Ingrid who comes to my door this late at night.” She touched her curls softly with her hands, attempting to fix her messed up hairdo. 
    Nova almost retorted that she was only there to deliver the same message Ingrid would’ve eventually given, to shut up, but the words died before she could even open her mouth at the tear and mascara streaks running down Honey’s face. The empty, haunting, glassy eyes. 
    She lifted the corners of her lips up slightly and shrugged. “I just thought you might want some company?”
    Honey’s face relaxed at that, and while she didn’t smile, she pointed to a small ottaman beside her cot. “Pull that over here next to me.” Nova did as she was told, sitting and curling her knobby knees up underneath of her on the cushion. A bumble bee landed lazily on Nova’s finger, and she gently shooed it away. 
    “How’s that fever of yours been? Staying down, I hope.” Honey grabbed a tissue on her vanity and dabbed at her eyes, not doing the best job at removing her runny makeup. 
    Nova nodded, hugging her bear closer to her chest. “I’m not sick anymore, just coughing and a headache. But they’re not a big deal,” she tacked on quickly, not wanting Honey thinking that she was weak. “The fever wasn’t even that bad.”
    Honey raised an eyebrow. “Really? Last I checked, a fever of one hundred and four is not something many would classify as nothing. You’re lucky to be getting better without needing medical attention, Nova.”
    “I guess.” Nova’s fingers became distracted with a hole near Dolly Bear’s eye. “At least now I can resume my training with Ingrid.” 
    Honey turned from her to face her mirror again, checking her appearance carefully. “Is that all you care about, darling? There is more to life than fighting and weapons and blood.” A shudder ran through her body. “Not that I’m saying it’s not important. I’ve had my fair share of violence.” Her manicured hand drifted over to a mean looking wasp sitting upon a makeup compact, stroking it’s back gently with one finger. Nova averted her gaze; she had never been victim to one of Honey’s bees or wasps, but she had heard stories of how terrible they were, more painful and dangerous than a normal bee sting. She could only imagine how many had fallen to Honey’s pets. 
    “I will not rest until the Renegades pay for what happened to my family. Whatever the cost.” Nova wondered how convincing her words sounded, considering she was sitting cross legged on top of a cushion with a torn up stuffed bear clutched between her fingers, looking bony and sickly from her fever. Probably not very.
    Honey studied Nova, and Nova’s cheeks reddened at her intense stare. It wasn’t often Queen Bee paid so much attention to anyone other than herself. “How old are you again, child? Nine? Ten?”
    Her fingers tightened around the bear. “I’ll be thirteen in May.” 
    Honey hummed in her throat, then reached forward and grabbed a bottle from a pile of other bottles on her vanity. “I was eleven when my mother first let me put makeup on. Not much, just some eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick. Have you ever worn makeup before?” Nova shook her head. Her personal belongings consisted of what little she had from her life before the Anarchists and what she needed for her inventions and for survival. She would never waste money on something as self centered as makeup. Besides, she had never understood the point of makeup, or why people even liked it. 
    “Well, a girl’s go-to best friend is eyeliner.” Honey rolled the bottle in her palm. “Face me. I’ll put a little on you.” Nova watched as she unscrewed the top and pulled out a wand. Honey leaned toward Nova with the device poised between her clawed fingers; Nova shrank back on instinct. Honey rolled her eyes. “Sweetheart, it doesn’t hurt, I promise.” 
    Nova would rather not have Honey’s hands so close to her eyes, but if it kept the woman distracted and from crying, well. Nova held back a sigh and turned toward Honey, tilting her head up. 
    “Close your eyes.” She did as she was told, and nearly flinched when the cool, wet end of the wand pressed against her inner eyelid. Honey placed her other hand on Nova’s chin to hold her still. Makeup felt weird. Nova was surprised how heavy the eyeliner felt on her eyelids when she opened her eyes up after Honey was finished, blinking rapidly. 
    She turned her head to look in the mirror, squinting to get a better look. It wasn’t often she saw her reflection, much less saw it willingly. It was nothing fancy, just a simple wing on either lid, standing out against Nova’s plain complexion. 
    “What do you think?” Honey clasped her hands together, waiting for Nova to show any reaction. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she liked it. Maybe one day she would, but that day was not today. However, due to Honey’s fragile mental state, she couldn’t just say that. 
    Nova plastered a smile on her face. “It’s different.”
    A sigh escaped the older woman’s honey-coated lips, appeased. “You’re turning into quite the pretty young lady, Nova. Almost as pretty as I was. It doesn’t surprise me, you’re parents were very attractive people, especially that handsome father of yours. I suppose it’s the Artino blood, huh? In just a few years, all the boys will be chasing after you. The ladies, too,” she added, laughing lightly. “Do you want to try now? I can teach you all the secrets to the perfect wing.” 
The mention of Nova’s parents flipped her stomach. Honey’s compliments on her looks turned her mouth sour, as she had never found herself attractive or anywhere near looking like her parents. Her face was plain, her long hair limp, and she didn’t have curves like Honey did; her body resembled a stick figure. She would rather not be in Honey’s car anymore, but glancing at the now dried tears and runny makeup left behind from Honey’s breakdown on her cheeks and her still red eyes, Nova forced herself to nod. 
She only somewhat paid attention to Honey as she dove into a lecture about the importance of a sharp wing.
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endless-vall · 5 years
Taking things slow - Thomas Mendez x MC fanfic
Summary: After deciding to take things slow, Thomas and Ellie finally go out for their first date. Spoiler alert... It’s adorable.
Author’s note: I don’t usually write fluff, I’ve done it a few times but it’s not always the easiest for me, but with those two it came naturally! They’re so sweet, I can’t wait for when they finally get together!
Tagging: @mcchoices @chetachisblog @god-save-the-keen @furiouscloddonutpeanut @writtenbycandy @asprankle @cora-nova @lilyofchoices @paisleylovergirl @dandeservestheworld @mfackenthal @quacksonlover @blackcatkita. Please let me know if you wanna be tagged in future works for Thomas Mendez x MC/Moty/Perma tag! Let me know if you want to be untagged!
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"I just want to take things slow, you know? I'm afraid that if we start something and things move too fast I'll just get left behind." Thomas wasn't able to put exactly things to words, but the look on Ellie's face made him realize she probably understood what he meant.
"Then we don't have to take things so fast. We can start slow. Baby steps." She tilts her head to the side, smiling that brilliant smile of hers.
"How slow?" Thomas was almost convinced. Hell, he wanted to throw himself at her right there and then, but he knew that if he'd done that then things will end just as fast as they started. And he didn’t want things to end with Ellie. He was going to keep her for the long haul.
"Going on an awkward-first-date slow." She says, as a matter of fact.
"Awkward first date?" He was on board with the plan, simply confused, that's all.
"You know, the 'I don't know if to kiss you at the end of the night' kind of awkward." Ellie said, and Thomas burst into laughter.
"Deal." He took a hold of her hand, gently. "Ellie Day, would you like to go out with me on an awkward date?" He purposely overdid it, but he was, after all, a hopeless romantic. (Well, he was once, before Soledad passed away).
"There's nothing I'd like more." She squeezed his hand contently.
Chuckling to himself, he searched his mind for an open slot in his busy schedule that could also work for Ellie.
"Tomorrow, 8 pm?" He suggested.
"Ooh, I'm busy tomorrow, Friday evening?"
"Friday evenings are always reserved for Luz," He furrowed his eyebrows apologetically.
"Oh, it's fine, another time, then?" Ellie shrugged.
"How about Saturday?" He wasn't ready to back down.
"Saturday's fine." She grinned.
"Great," he smiled back. "God, it's hard being a single parent, huh? Not a lot of free time" he joked.
"You're only finding this out now??" She commented and they both laughed again.
The week flew by, and Saturday arrived. They agreed to meet at 6 pm, Thomas was supposed to arrive for her soon.
Zoey was all too excited, helping Ellie pick a perfect date outfit. Ellie didn’t really want to tell Zoey about her date, not wanting to get her hopes up too soon, but she also couldn’t just not tell her. She was always truthful and honest with her daughter. 
Ellie had already changed outfits three times, and was still unsure of her selection.
“You know Thomas would love just about any of these, right?” Zoey peeked from behind her, playing with the ruffles of her dress.
“I know, It’s just first date jitters,” Ellie explained, shrugging and checking herself again in the mirror. It was a funny feeling to have when you were in your thirties, had been married before and already had a kid, but here she was, nervous and bubbly.
“First date jitters-- But you already have gone out with Thomas, on multiple occasions!” Zoey protested. “Does calling it a ‘first date’ really does make such a difference?” Funnily enough, the nine-year-old was the voice of reason.
Ellie sighed. “You’re right, as always,” She crouched down and gave Zoey a peck on her forehead. Zoey hugged her in return.
Letting go of Zoey a few moments later, Ellie turned to look at the mirror one last time. “You really think Thomas will like what I’m wearing?” She motioned to the light blue dress that was on her.
“I’m sure he will, mom,” Zoey chuckled, shaking her head at her mom.
Right on cue, they heard a knock on the door.
“And even if he doesn’t, you’re out of time!” Ellie heard her daughter giggling as she got the door.
Opening it, she found Thomas standing there, dashing as ever.
He was holding a bouquet of flowers, smiling bashfuly from underneath it.
“For me-- ?” Instead of greeting him, it was all Ellie managed out of her mouth. Somehow hanging out with him and going out on a date were suddenly very different things.
“Of course,” Thomas grinned, and handed her the bouquet.
“Oh, Thomas, they’re beautiful, thank you.” She quickly took out a vase and filled it with water. Thomas came in while she placed the vase on the dining table.
“You ready to head out?” He asked, a smile making its way to his lips.
“Yes.” She smiled back, seeing Zoey peeping out of her room. 
“Zoey, i’m heading out. If you need anything, Alma is right across the hall and she knows i’m going, you can even go over and just watch some movies with her. And you can always call, okay?”
“Okay,” Zoey nodded. “Hi Thomas!” She smiled as if she knew all about their date, and Thomas’ cheeks reddened a bit.
“Hi Zoey,” He waved, although flustered.
Ellie still had no idea where were they going to. Please don’t let it be any fancy restaurant, please, she begged in her mind. She took her purse from the stand by the door, ready to go.
By the casual look of his clothes, she guessed it wasn’t going to be a fancy restaurant, to her relief. But even in his casual clothes, he still looked like someone taken out of a modeling magazine.
“After you,” Thomas opened the door for her, like a true gentleman. Ellie fought the giddy smile forming on her lips.
Much to her liking, they didn’t drive to a restaurant or anything like that. A quarter of an hour later they pulled by the beach shore.
"I thought we could walk around, watch the sunset?"
"Watch the sunset? Thomas, are you secretly a hopeless romantic or are you just trying to impress me?" She raised an eyebrow, although she adored his ideas. It was a long time since someone pampered her.
"I guess you'll have to hang around and see for yourself," He gave her a warm smirk.
"Oh, I plan to hang around alright," She promised.
Walking out of the car, they started walking along the shore. Thomas' fingers brushed against hers a few times before Ellie grasped his hand in hers.
"You look stunning, by the way." He spun her around suddenly, now facing her.
"Flatterer." She bit her lip, giving him a look that was ought to make something flush inside of him.
"N-no! I mean it!" He chuckled, his cheeks getting color. She liked how sincere Thomas was. How she could always read his emotions on his face. That he didn’t hide them under a tough exterior.
She also liked that she was probably one of the few people that he showed that side to, knowing how quickly he can change into lawyer mode like he did that time in the principle’s office.
Ellie smiled in satisfaction. "Glad you liked it. You're not so bad yourself." She playfully bumped into his shoulder and Thomas beamed at her.
"Ice cream?" Thomas suggested, and Ellie noticed an ice cream truck parked nearby. "They have the best pecan ice cream in all of Goldcliffe, I swear." It's not that she wasn't convinced beforehand, but... "How did you know it's my favorite?" She narrowed her eyebrows suspiciously.
"I..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Might've used my powers for bad and sent a spy to ask Zoey what tastes you like or prefer," He admitted.
"And that little spy answer to the name Luz by any chance?" She laughs while still raising an eyebrow at him.
"Mayyyyybe." Laughing together, they headed to the truck. Thomas bought them two ice cream cones and before Ellie could protest, he pushed the pecan one her way. "You have to try this."
Ellie obliged, taking her cone in her hands.
"Wow. You weren't kidding. This is amazing." It was indeed delicious.
They continued their walk, now each munching on an ice cream cone, when Ellie spotting a pier not that far from them. "Mind staining your fancy shoes?" She motioned with her head.
"For you? Always."
Passing the shore, and getting sand all over their feet, they arrived at the pier just when the sky started changing color and the sun started to set.
A beautiful mixture of purple, pink and yellow colored now the evening's sky, but Thomas had only eyes for her.
Ellie smiled contentedly, a beautiful scenery before her, a beautiful and caring man by her side, who also adores her daughter and has little chipmunk of himself that she also adored, what more could she ask for?---
"Eeee!" She squealed as she felt something cold and wet meeting her cheek.
Thomas instantly burst into laughter, as Ellie realized he’d just smeared ice cream over her cheek.
"Two can play that game!" She threatened, before brushing her own ice cream across his chin.
Thomas didn't back down, both of them giggling now, and brushed some more of his melting ice cream, now staining her lips in the way.
"Oh, you're going to have to clean that up, mister,"
"Okay." He had a mischievous smile on his face.
Ellie made a move to take the baby wipes she had in her purse (being a mom, let along a single one meant having always baby wipes on you, along with other things necessary), but before she could hand them to Thomas, he leaned in and kissed her.
Ellie's eyes widened only for a second, before she melted into the kiss. Closing her eyes and forgetting they were covered in ice cream, she caressed Thomas face and deepened the kiss.
Thomas flicked his tongue along her lips, earning a satisfied sound from her, before pulling away all too soon.
"N-no..." Ellie expressed her complains and Thomas only slightly made fun of her.
"Maybe we should clean up a bit before continuing?" He suggested.
He did have a point, it just didn't mean Ellie was fond of that point.
"Fineee," she took the baby wipes out of her bag, and handed them to Thomas. They helped clean each other up, not wasting the chance to caress each other up.
Ellie ran her finger across Thomas' lips, wiping ice cream but also hanging there longer than necessary, the look in her eyes intent and purposeful.
"Ellie..." Thomas sighed impatiently, before they both leaned in and kissed again.
It was much more tender this time, but still full of emotion and passion for one another.
After finally breaking away, they both were blushing, getting a little bit ahead of themselves making out in public.
Ellie didn't remember the last time she forgot the world around her like that.
Standing up, giddily offering her hand to Thomas, they started walking back to his car.
"I guess I don't have to wonder if I can kiss you at the end of the night anymore," Thomas joked, pulling Ellie closer and placing his hand on her waist as they walked.
"You better." She narrowed her eyes at him, but her lips were forming into a smile and Thomas felt a warm feeling creeping into his chest.
"Good night," They arrived back at Ellie's place, and Thomas leaned in and brushed a strand of hair behind Ellie's ear.
"Good night, Thomas, I look forward to doing this again." She admitted, leaning in too so now they were merely inches apart.
"You better," He mimicked her response from before, closing the remaining distance and kissing her goodnight.
Walking up to her apartment Ellie realized, this wasn't some little crush. She was already falling for Thomas.
And she had no doubt Thomas was going to catch her.
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official-weasley · 4 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 1, Ch. 1
Chapter 1 - And so it begins
I decided to post my Charlie Weasley fanfic here ❤️
I will post a chapter per day since I have already finished writing it!
A mixture between Harry Potter Books lore and Hogwarts: Mystery Game
I just finished reading the books for the 10th time and between reading and playing the game on my mobile phone I have never been so intrigued or had so many questions about Charlie Weasley.
My imagination started to go wild halfway through The Goblet of Fire and I decided to create my own little story about how it would be like to know Charlie Weasley from his first year at Hogwarts and all the way to the Battle of Hogwarts (yes, it’s a LONG story)!
I will stop being a babbling, bumbling baboon now, bye!
I still can't believe I had to wait so long. My opinion is that if you are born after the 31st of August you are the unluckiest child ever! Imagine getting a letter of acceptance, that your parents have been waiting for since you have been born and since they are so excited about it, you get excited about it and then you turn 11 on 14th December only to find out that you have to wait until NEXT SEPTEMBER to go to school! Who came up with this rule!
Nonetheless, the wait is over as in one week I will be sitting on Hogwarts Express to go to the school my parents have been at so many years ago and have fun adventures as they so like to reminisce on how fun it was to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
“Nova, dear, we are going to be late!” My mother called for me from downstairs. I couldn't help but let out an exciting shriek that sounded like a baby Pixie, as I grabbed my favorite notebook which I took everywhere; and I mean everywhere if you were thinking about the bathroom. I loved to draw magical creatures, ever since my parents bought me Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I inspire to be the second Newt Scamander, except that I would work in a creature reserve, rather than have one at home.
I ran downstairs into the living room, as my dad was opening a bag of Floo Powder, ready to travel to Diagon Alley! My father was a Curse Breaker for Gringotts and ever since he was assigned to Egyptian tombs, mum and I barely saw him. It meant the world to me that he could take a week off work to accompany me to my first ever trip to Diagon Alley to gather all the things that I would need for my First Year at Hogwarts! I still remember the whole list, which included several sets of plain black robes and a pointy hat among other things, with the books like the Standard Book of Spells Grade 1, for which I was so excited to start waving my wand in Charms Class, along with History of Magic and the one I already had Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
That reminds me! If you are asking yourself, why have we decided to leave the shopping until the last week before I had to leave on the Hogwarts Express if I got my letter in December? Well, this is a little embarrassing but I tend to be a little bit of an overachiever and if mum and dad would get me the books in December, I would probably read them all 3 times by now!
That's also the reason my mum and dad made a bet about the House I will get sorted in. My mum thinks I will be in Gryffindor, while my dad strongly disagrees and thinks I would make a perfect Ravenclaw.
As I watched my mum disappear into the green flames and my dad pushing me to go next, the excitement grew in me as I knew I was about to embark upon the best journey of my life.
“Alright, pumpkin! Are you ready? Here, there you go!” My dad gave me the bag for me to take the Floo Powder out of. “Now, speak clearly and carefully, as we practiced: Diagon Alley.”
I took the powder, stepped into our fireplace, and as I threw the powder I said loud and clear: “DIAGON ALLEY!”
The next thing I know, I was standing on a busy street next to my mum, looking up at her to see a proud face as she was trying to hold in the tears of happiness, seeing me travel by Floo Powder for my second time; the first being to visit my aunt and uncle in Scotland.
A second later, my dad appeared next to us and I finally took a look around me. It was just as they have described but busier. Perhaps waiting to get the books until the last week before school wasn't such a good idea, as it seemed that everyone did the same.
Without even asking, my parents first took me to Ollivander's as they knew I wanted my wand more than anything. My mum accompanied me into the wand shop, as my dad whispered something in her ear and hurried down the street.
“Where is dad going, mum?” She smiled at me gently. “You will see soon enough, sweetie.”
She nudged me into Ollivander's and I couldn't help but get nervous as I saw the number of boxes from black to wooden and purple to burgundy. I gasped as a man appeared right behind the counter.
“Ah, Miss Goldhorn, it is so lovely to see you again. Ebony wood, 11 inches, Dragon heartstring, very flexible. Yes, yes, I still remember.” The old man said to my mum, with sparks in his eyes.
“It's Blackwood now but the wand is still the same.” My mum smiled as she pulled out her wand and showed it to the man.
“Ah, eldest or youngest?” The man asked with a grin.
“Ah, that would be, 10 2/4 inches, Unicorn hair and very unbendable.” He said proudly as he guessed my dad's wand without even hearing his name.
“Wow, you remember that?” I was now looking at him with total amazement. I imagined myself looking at him the way I did when I saw a drawing of a Chinese Fireball for the first time.
“I remember every wand I have ever sold, Miss Blackwood. Now, shall we find one for you?” He said slowly, even though I had a feeling that he was just as excited to find me a wand as I was.
“Alright, let's see...” He said as he turned around and disappeared behind one of the shelves.
“Alder wood, Dragon heartstring, 9 inches, fairly flexible.” He opened a green box, gently taking out the wand and handing it to me. I swung it once and absolutely nothing happened. I got nervous, as I swung the wand again and again nothing whatsoever happened.
“Oh, dear.” He said as he took the wand away from me. “That one didn't like you. No worries, let us try...let's say this one!” He exclaimed as he brought the next box. This one was wooden and out he brought a smooth-looking wand that looked a bit crooked.
“Redwood, Dragon heartstring again, 11 ¾ inches, not particularly flexible. Come on dear, try it out.” He encouraged me as he put the wand in my hand. I swung this one as I did with the other one with the fear that my mum and dad will make me go to a Muggle school if nothing happens with this one. Suddenly, the nearest lamp to me broke and Mr. Ollivander was quick to take the wand away from me.
“Or perhaps not, this one doesn't seem to listen to you either.”
Again he hurried and hid behind the shelf, murmuring something to himself as I could see he was thinking hard as he was enjoying a challenge.
“Ah, I think we could get somewhere with this one!” He was so excited now that he almost jogged back to the front, a burgundy box in his hand.
“Ebony wood, Unicorn hair, 10 3/4 inches, and surprisingly swishy flexibility.”
I took the wand carefully, wishing this could be the one as I was getting quite embarrassed. I swung the wand and it gave out sparks and I got a sensation in my body as if something just connected with me.
“There we go! I had a hunch Unicorn hair would be for you!” He gently clapped his hands together as my mum, pride on her face, got closer to the counter to pay the man.
After that we spent quite some time in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions as the lady inside took measurements of me I didn't even know could be made and afterward spent almost the same amount of time in Flourish and Blotts as my mum had a hard time getting me out as I wanted to grab more than just the 8 books I needed for school.
We finally found dad as we were looking through display windows of several shops while having the tastiest ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.
As he saw us through the window, he came out of Magical Menagerie, hiding something big behind his back.
He smiled at me and showed us a big owl cage with a beautiful barn owl inside. I wanted to scream with excitement but decided not to as I didn't want to scare the owl.
“Your mother and I were thinking that you should have an owl of your own as you would have to write to me and mum while at Hogwarts.” He smiled at me and stroke my thick bluish hair.
“It's so beautiful! Can I name him?”
“Of course you can, darling!” My mum chuckled.
“Pip!” I exclaimed as I admired my new best friend. It had such deep black eyes, a white face in a shape of a heart, and the most beautiful patterns I have ever seen on its wings. I couldn't wait to draw him!
I exhaled and inhaled deeply as I was standing in front of a wall between platforms 9 and 10, my parents one on each side of me.
“You can do it, sweetheart. Just don't run too fast.” My mum said to me softly, while dad gently squeezed my shoulder.
I took another deep breath and ran towards the wall, closing my eyes. As I opened them, I was on the Platform 9 ¾, steam running from the black and red Hogwarts Express.
We had exactly 7 minutes until the train would leave. While I was standing with my mum, admiring the train, my dad took my luggage to the luggage compartment.
“Oh, sweetheart, I wish you the best First Year at Hogwarts! I hope you will have as much fun as your dad and I had!” She kneeled to me, hugging me tightly, holding back the tears. Once she stood up, my dad came back. He hugged me softly while whispering in my ear how proud he is of me.
I hurried on the train as we heard a whistle, waving to my parents who started shouting after me: “Send us Pip to tell us in which House you were sorted!” My mum yelled. “And listen and take notes in classes!” My dad added.
I waved at them through the window until the train took a turn and I couldn't see them anymore. It was time to find an empty compartment.
I was in awe of how many students were on the train as I was almost at the end of it and couldn't find a single empty compartment. I passed a compartment with two kids arguing who is going to be a better Slytherin. A compartment with someone talking about Quidditch so enthusiastically that I couldn't believe just how fast he was talking. A compartment with 2 redheads that looked like brothers, one munching on a chocolate frog with hair so long he could put it in a short ponytail, the other one sighing while saying “Aw, another Helga Hufflepuff, I already have her.” He had so many freckles on his face that it was tough to define his skin tone.
I finally stopped in front of a compartment as a girl with pink hair caught my eye. She was sitting and conversing with 2 other girls and it looked like they were having a nice time. I slowly opened the compartment, cleared my throat, and asked if I could join them. To my surprise, they were more than thrilled to have me join and I was a little relieved that I finally found somewhere to sit as I sat down next to a girl with blond hair.
“Wotcher, my name is Tonks, nice to meetcha!” The pink girl said, grinning at me.
“I'm, Penny. Very nice to meet you.” Said the blond girl next to me, with a polite voice as she smiled at me.
“And I'm Tulip, Tulip Karasu.” Said the redhead as she extended her hand to me.
“Blimey, if I knew we were going into such details I would've said more!” Tonks said while Tulip and Penny chuckled. “Nymphadora Tonks, a Metamorphmagus at your service! And you better call me Tonks as I swear my parents are paying every single day for naming me that way!” The girl with the pink hair said. The other 2 chuckled again.
“They are paying for it?” I asked, puzzled.
“Ah yes, I prank them all the time and I am as mischievous as I possibly can be!” Said Tonks, proudly.
“Just because of your name?” I asked. She nodded in confirmation. I already liked her, even though I had no reason for not behaving around my parents, but I liked her energy.
“And if we are introducing each other with the full name, I am Penny Haywood, half-blood and proud of my dad being a muggle.” She said with the biggest smile I have ever seen anyone admit that they are not a Pure Blood.
“Blimey, I don't know how to introduce myself.” Said Tonks a bit disappointed that Penny added a new thing to learn about each other.
“Oh, I have an idea. How about we go in a circle and each of us says a sentence about ourselves. That way we can get to know each other and can give each other ideas about what the others haven't said yet!” Tulip said, quite proud of her idea.
“Yes, let's do that and let her start since we don't even know her name.” Tonks said while nodding her head at me.
“Alright, well. My name is Nova Blackwood, I am a Pure Blood. My mum is an Auror and my dad is a Curse Breaker in Egypt.”
“Wicked!” Tulip and Tonks said at the same time.
“That sounds like a dangerous but very fun position.” Said Penny thoughtfully.
“It's obvious that Penny's hair is naturally blond and I think that's Tulip's natural hair but may I ask why is your hair blue?” Tonks asked bluntly.
“Yeah, I was wondering that as well!” Said Tulip excited as if Tonks was reading her mind and then adding “And my hair is naturally red, yes.”
“Well, it's quite a funny story.” I started, chuckling. “When my mum was pregnant, my aunt from Scotland tried to dye my mum's hair dark blue. She is a very clumsy woman and as my mum was talking right before my aunt cast the spell, my aunt tripped looking at her instead of where she pointed her wand at, and as she cast the spell she pointed it at my mum's belly. They thought nothing of it since they thought the spell didn't work. However, when I was born and my dad had a puzzled look on his face as I came out with this hair color,” I pointed at my dark bluish grey hair, “my mum knew exactly where I got it from.
They asked the nurses and they did tests on me however they couldn't figure out how to reverse the spell so that my hair would be brown like my parents' so they eventually gave up as the hair color grew on them, naming me Nova after the supernova explosion since the color of the explosion tends to be blue sometimes.” I said, finishing my story.
“Wicked!” Said Tulip and Tonks together again.
“That has to be the most beautiful story I have ever heard.” Breathed Penny, looking as if she was ready to cry.
“Thank you?” I said as I didn't know what to say as I tell the same story to anyone who asks me.
“My turn!” Shouted Tonks. “Well, you know my name already. My father is a Muggle-born as well, mum's a witch from the Black family line. Don't like to talk about it too much. My hair's pink because as I said I am a Methamorphmagus and I can turn it whichever color I want. And I can also do this!” She said excitedly as her nose turned to that of an elephant.
We all stared at her in awe, clapping as if we have just seen an amazing performance.
“Well, I am a Pure Blood too. Mum works in Diagon Alley and my dad works for the Ministry: The Department of Mysteries so you can guess, I have no idea what his work is. And since we are talking about hair, I have it after my mum, she has hair just like mine.” She said grinning.
“Tonks said that she doesn't want to talk about her parents but Penny you were really happy to announce that your dad is a Muggle. Can you tell us something more, I have no knowledge of Muggles.” I said with an interest in my voice.
“Well, my mum is a Potioneer, selling her potions to pharmacies and other buyers, my dad however is a writer.
Since my mum and I are witches, he is quite successful as he writes children's novels mum giving him false information about Magic folk for him to write about, since she, you know, can't tell the truth because of the Statute of Secrecy but my dad loves it anyways and envies us that he can't clean the dishes with his wand.
I also have a younger sister named Beatrice who can be quite annoying but I love her all the same. Having a Muggle dad is interesting as there is always something mum has to explain to him but as he is always fascinated by it, it works out quite alright. And all my family including both sides of my grandparents have this kind of blond hair so I guess it runs in the family.” She chuckled after finishing the last sentence.
“Sorry to bother you ladies,” our compartment opened and a girl who looked like a Head Girl put her head in, “we will be arriving shortly, so I suggest you put your robes on. Also, I assume you are all First Years, meaning that you will want to find a rather large man when you exit the train as First Years make their way up to the Castle in a bit of a different way.” She said, giving us a friendly smile.
“So, which House do you think you'll be sorted in?” Asked Penny while we were all changing into our robes. “I don't care as long as I can have all the Potion Classes that I can get.” She added enthusiastically.
“Hmm, didn't put that much thought into it.” Said Tonks, frowning as she started to think about it.
“My parents were in the same year, but my mum was in Gryffindor and my dad was in Ravenclaw, so we'll see. They did make a bet in which House I'll be as they are both rooting for their own House.” I said as I buttoned my final button on my shirt.
“You know what?” Finally said, Tulip. “I like you lot, I would be very happy to be in the same House as all of you.” We all smiled at her as we realized that we would all like that very much.
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princessselene126 · 5 years
Hot Chocolate
I’m back with another Renegades fic! This is for secret santa trade that @dreamsarelikedragonflies started. My secret santa was @timerosesandstars! I hope you enjoy it even though it’s short. This fic does not contain Supernova spoilers! 744 words of Nova as a child hanging out with the anarchists fluff.
It was chilly in the subway tunnels, so chilly that little Nova wandered to Honey’s room to steal a fur coat. Not wanting to wake the snoring beauty queen, she grabbed one from the rack, put her arms in the too long sleeves, wrapped it around herself, then headed back toward her own subway car.
She felt much warmer now.
Her little feet made little noise as she headed through the dank tunnels. She watched as a rat scurried across her path. She knew most girls her age would scream and run away from it, but Nova had been living in the tunnels for three years now. She wasn’t afraid of the rats, never had been. She looked at them the same way a kid in the apartments above the tunnels would look at a dog or cat.
She turned around, seeing Leroy’s head peeking out of his own subway car. He looked surprised to see her, not that he didn’t know she was always awake, but like he expected her to be in her car tinkering or something else. Not out in the cold.
“Get in here before you freeze to death, little Nightmare.”
She didn’t argue. Holding the fur coat tighter around her shoulders, she walked inside the subway car. She immediately felt warmer. Wondering where the heat was coming from, Nova looked around. On one of the tables in the middle of the car, several Bunsen burners were lit, effectively keeping the car warm.
Leroy shut the car door behind her.
Nova sat down on a fold out chair in front of the burners then lifted her hands near the flames. 
“I told Ingrid you needed something warmer,” Leroy muttered to himself as he grabbed a blanket to drape over Nova’s shoulders. “How’s that?”
Her toes were starting to gain feeling again. “Better.”
Nova’s stomach rumbled and she frowned down at herself. She just ate a few hours ago, so she shouldn’t be hungry.
Leroy gave her a small smile. Just like the tunnel rats, Leroy’s smile would scare most children her age. His face was so scarred and discolored from years of experiments that he might be considered grotesque.
Nova never thought that though. To her Leroy was just… like an uncle to her. A silly uncle who tried to appear gruff and intimidating on the outside, but was really just a teddy bear once someone got to know him.
He turned to grab something from one of the cabinets. “I know what will keep you warm.”
She watched him curiously, trying to see what he was doing.
After a few minutes he rotated back around and settled a cup in her small hands. “Hot chocolate for the little Nightmare. It’s not like the sugar will keep you up at night.”
Nova smiled. “Thanks, Leroy.”
She took a few sips with a small smile on her face. It wasn’t as good as the kind her mom used to make, but it was the best thing she’d tasted in a long time.
The car’s door opened again, letting out some of the warm air. Bees buzzed around Honey’s blonde locks as she stepped inside and then shut the car door behind her. Smiling, she walked over to Nova and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“I was wondering where that coat went. Staying warm?” She didn’t sound upset about it. In fact she looked glad the coat was being put to good use.
“Yeah. Sorry I didn’t ask. You were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you up.”
Honey pat her hair gently. “It’s alright. Can I steal a sip of your cocoa?”
“Already made some for you.” Leroy nudged Honey’s shoulder with a second mug
Honey beamed at him, taking the mug and sipping just like Nova had.
Nova took another drink of her own hot chocolate then looked up at Honey and Leroy with a smile. Yes, she missed her parents, but she was glad for the family she had now. They weren’t perfect, but they took care of her and loved her just like her own parents had.
Leroy lifted Nova from the chair for a moment, sat down, then settled her on his lap. His arms held her close, protectively like her father used to. She snuggled into him and closed her eyes. She wasn’t going to fall asleep of course. She never did. But for the moment she was comfortable and warm and happy.
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The After Party II [AU]
[Red Carpet Diaries Masterlist]  ||  [Hollywood U Masterlist]
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Characters: Alex, Professor Hunt Rating: Mature (by clicking Keep Reading you agree to be 18 years of age or older) Notes: @cora-nova​ ; @choicesbyjade​ & @choicesdecemberchallenge​: NYE and @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge​ smiles 
This is the last part of my Winters Wonderland Series: This takes place after A Winters Wonderland, Christmas Eve, A Kiss, A Sleigh Ride… or Two, and After Party (but it can be read as a standalone too)  – – –
“Stop fussing with it,” Alex suggested as she watched Hunt struggle with the hoodie she had borrowed from Addi’s studio to help him blend in on campus. “That’s how it’s supposed to fit.”
“How can anyone be comfortable in this thing? I feel like I’m being swallowed by a sack,” Hunt complained continuing to fidget with his new outerwear. 
“We’re almost there,” Alex scanned her student I.D. card to grant them access to her dorm. 
She looked around cautiously before ushering Hunt to follow her. It was Christmas Eve and everyone was either home for the holiday or out at a party. Alex led them up the stairs to her dorm on the second floor. It wasn’t his glamorous mansion, but it was her home away from home. She flicked the lights on and stood back as Hunt entered her room. 
“It’s not much,” Alex shrugged. 
Hunt moved beside her wrapping his arms around here. “It’s where you are. And that’s all that matters.” 
Alex smiled coyly as Hunt lifted her chin bringing his lips to meet hers, which only caused her smile to widen. His lips were warm and still had lingering notes of scotch from earlier in the evening. Her fingers trailed under the hem of the hoodie and lifted it above his head. 
“I think I’ll take being found out over wearing that abhorrent garment again,” Hunt complained one last time. 
“Well, for the rest of the night, I promise you will not need to wear it,” Alex smirked. She retrieved a scrunchie from her roommate’s desk and slipped it over the doorknob, locking the door behind them. “Just to make sure we won’t be disturbed.”
Hunt quirked an eyebrow and began unbuttoning his shirt. Alex kicked off her shoes and slipped her dress over her head tossing it in the corner. She returned to Hunt running her fingers over his belt and relieving him of his pants. His boxers were next. Alex stepped back to admire her handiwork. 
Hunt’s hands were on her hips his fingers curled under the waistband of her panties. “These seem a bit superfluous, no?” Hunt slid them down and lifted her into his arms. 
Her lips met his; she needed his touch, his embrace, his closeness, all of him. He was her only Christmas wish and finally, he was all hers. 
Hunt gently placed her on her narrow, twin bed and straddled her hips. He planted a trail of feathery-light kisses along her collarbone, up her neck, and across her jaw, finally meeting her lips. 
His every touch lit a flame in her that grew brighter with every brush of his lips. Her fingers meandered through his hair as she held him against her face. Her tongue moved in a perfect melody with his as the warmth inside of her grew to her core. 
Alex reached down and stroked Hunt’s hardened cock as it brushed against her thigh. She enjoyed how his body shivered under her touch. She kissed him harder, nipping at his mouth as she guided him toward her. 
Hunt lowered himself between her legs never breaking his lips from hers. Alex leaned back allowing Hunt more room as she moved her hips in rhythm to his every thrust. 
“Mmmm,” Alex moaned softly under his pressure her back lifting off the bed. 
Hunt groaned into her mouth as both his tongue and hips moved slowly, methodically, and purposefully. His every intention of bringing her to the edge and pulling back ever so slightly to keep her toes curled and back arched hanging on his every movement. 
“Thomas,” Alex managed to breathe, breaking from his kisses. “Please. I can’t.”
His lips met hers once more, kissing her more deeply as he thrust faster and harder against her.  
Her moans grew louder as her fingers dug into his back holding on to him as waves of pleasure crashed throughout her body. His muscles flexed under her fingertips she could feel how close he was and she felt the same way. 
“Alex!” Her name sang out his lips just before his warmth flooded over her. Hunt collapsed beside her, maneuvering carefully in the small space so that she could curl into his arms. He whispered in her ear, placing a soft kiss on the side of her head. “My beautiful, Alex.”
Alex rested her head on him, allowing herself to move with the rise and fall of his chest. 
“When do you leave,” Hunt questioned, his hand caressing her back softly.
“My flight’s at 1,” Alex lifted her head from his chest to look up at him. “I’ll be back on New Year’s Day.��
Hunt nodded and held her a little closer.
“Now, you better not have any plans to kiss anyone else on New Year’s Eve! Those lips are mine,” Alex warned as she traced his lips with her finger. 
“You have nothing to worry about,” Hunt admitted. “There’s no one else… I hope you feel the same, but I would not hold it against you if you didn’t. You’re young and owe it to yourself to explore your options.”
“Hey,” Alex called, lifting up on her elbows. “You’re the only option I want to explore tonight, tomorrow, this year, and the next. It’s you, Hunt. Just you!”
“That means more to me than you can know,” Hunt continued caressing her tenderly, enjoying how perfectly she felt against him.
_ _ _
Thomas Tags: @the-soot-sprite​​​​​ ;  @alleksa16​​​​  ;  @hopelessromantic1352​​​​  ;   @flyawayboo​​​​​ ; @mfackenthal​​​​   ; @lilyofchoices​​​​   ;  @alj4890​​​​  ;  @twin-skltns​​​​   ;    @ab1901​​​​​ ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom​​​​  ;  @thearianam​​​​​​   ;  @cora-nova​​​​​   ;  @choicesbyjade​​​​​  ;  @choicesdecemberchallenge​​​​​  ; @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge​
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alj4890 · 5 years
Love/Angst prompt
(Thomas x Amanda) in a request by many to see the twins birth.
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(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) as taken from And Then I Met You storyline.
A/N I had a high risk pregnancy with hyperemesis gravidarum with my last pregnancy. I was kept in the hospital for most of my first trimester and in and out for weeks at a time during my second trimester. My veins collapsed continuously while in the hospital. My third trimester, I was kept in the hospital the entire eighth month and beginning of the ninth month. Instead of hemorrhaging in my third trimester like Amanda in this story, I was leaking amniotic fluid and my baby had stopped showing that he was practicing breathing in the womb. I was given steroids to help strengthen his lungs in case of emergency delivery. Our goal was thirty-seven weeks so he wouldn't have to go to NICU. I had preterm labor three different times with an accelerated heartrate, thus unable to be given Terbutaline. I was given morphine each time to try and stop the contractions. My son was truly a miracle to be born with no health problems after all we went through.
@lxaah11​ @alleksa16​ @penguininapinktuxedo​ @blackcoffee85​ @stopforamoment​   @hopefulmoonobject​   @krsnlove​   @annekebbphotography​    @cora-nova  @hopelessromantic1352​ . @sunflowergirl05​ @desiree---1986​ @greywitchyshots​ @lilyofchoices​ @emceesynonymroll​ @dr-nancy-house​ @aworldoffandoms​ @ab1901​   @lolablackwrites​   @flyawayboo​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ . @trappedinfandoms​ @kate-mckenzie​ ​
Catch up here with Part 1. Continue with Part 3
The Unexpected
Part 2
"I need to talk to you." Amanda said as Thomas tucked in his shirt. "I want you to take Kathleen out for some special father/daughter time."
Thomas ran his hands down his face. "Amanda, we've argued this before. I'm not leaving--"
"I'm no longer needing blood." She tried to smile. Her hands were bruised from the veins collapsing the last two weeks. She now only had one IV in her arm. "And I'm even allowed to be pushed around in a wheelchair. I will be fine for the night."
Thomas slumped into a chair. He felt like he was being pulled apart. He needed to watch over Amanda. The thought of something happening while he was away worried him everytime he left her room.
He dropped his head forward as she reminded him that Kathleen needed reassurance that all was going well.
"I'll take her to dinner." He said. "Then--"
"You'll stay the night at the palace." Amanda interrupted. "You need a decent night's sleep or you won't be able to care for me and the twins when they are born."
She reached over and cupped his cheek. Her eyes touched on the prominent lines of stress forming. "I'm worried about you."
He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes. "I can't be away from you that long. You've heard the doctor. You're better in some ways but not completely out of the woods yet. What if--"
"You would be called if something happened." She argued. "Please do this for me."
He dropped his head in his hands. "Don't do this to me." He pleaded, anguished eyes lifted to hers. "There's been so many times these last three weeks when I thought I was going to lose you. I won't rest not being able to see that you truly are fine. I can't leave you alone in here."
She sighed. "I have a floor with nurses and--"
"Who also tend other patients." He snapped. "You need someone here to help you roll the IV stand when you get up and hook you back to the monitors."
Amanda bit her lip. "Thomas, you need a break."
"My break will happen when I know you are no longer in danger." He checked the time. "I have to go pick up Kathleen." He leaned down and pressed an achingly tender kiss to her lips. "Don't try and get up until I return."
She nodded and kissed him again. "I'll stay put."
He told her he loved her after one more kiss then left.
Amanda's head dropped back in frustration. "Your father is incredibly stubborn." She murmered to the twins. Her hand rubbed where either a knee or elbow was pushing against her belly. "Seems you are just like him."
So far, three tortuous weeks had passed. There were multiple times where it seemed that they would have to take the twins. Then all would calm down and Amanda was left trying to comfort Thomas and Kathleen.
She honestly didn't know if she could go another two weeks of this.
Week thirty-seven was the goal she and the medical team were trying to reach. That would be the safest to deliver the twins, especially her son. She found out that boys' lungs developed slower than girls'. Amanda was keeping her mind on him and praying he wouldn't have to be taken to NICU for breathing treatments.
She tried to focus on all the little hurdles that were overcome. Her husband though could focus on nothing but that possible death could strike at any moment.
Her optimism should have rubbed off on him at some point in their years of marriage.
She reached over for her phone and decided to call for someone that had quite a way of swaying people's minds. Perhaps she could convince Thomas to take a night off.
"Daddy!" Kathleen ran into Thomas's arms. "Is Mommy better?"
He nodded. "She is and we might even be able to take her outside today." He picked her up and smiled at her excitement.
"Thomas?" Riley called out. "Can I talk to you a moment?"
He quirked an eyebrow in question before setting Kathleen down.
Hana walked up with her and held her hand out to Kathleen. "I was going to make your mother a bouquet. Would you like to help me pick her favorites?"
Kathleen looked up at Thomas. "Can I?"
"Of course." He squeezed her hand. "Don't take too long."
She grinned and skipped off with Hana.
Riley waited until they were out of earshot. "I talked to Amanda and--"
"Not you too." He muttered.
Her eyes narrowed. "Thomas, she's right. I can't tell you how often I hear Kathleen cry herself to sleep. It doesn't matter that Liam and I hold her and say all the right words. She needs you to reassure her."
He rubbed his hands over his face. "Riley, I can't leave my wife. I--"
"I'm not saying you stay here for days. It is one night." She watched him closely. "If you won't take a break for yourself, at least do so for Amanda and Kathleen."
"I'll see how Amanda is this evening and then decide." He stated. "That's the best I can do."
Riley relaxed her stance. "How about if one of us stays the night with Amanda? Then you could stay here and know we are keeping a close eye on her."
Olivia came around the corner. "You know I will not only keep watch over her but will also demand immediate medical attention if something happens."
Thomas let out a deep sigh. "I can't fight you all." He reluctantly nodded. "I'll call when we are planning to leave so you can come up there."
"Good." Olivia left to make her plans.
Riley placed her hand on his arm. "You're doing the right thing. Amanda will finally relax and Kathleen will have you here."
He forced himself to smile when Kathleen came running back up with a big bouquet of tulips. "We got Mommy's favorite flower!" She waved it up at him. "And look at all the colors!"
"It's beautiful." He told her. "Your mother will be so surprised."
"Kat, I have good news." Riley added as they were leaving. "Your father is going to spend the night here tonight."
Her little face lit up. "You are?"
Thomas slowly nodded. "Yes. Your mother is better and suggested I get some rest and spend more time with you."
Her happiness began to dim. "But Mommy will be all alone."
"Olivia is going to be with her." Riley quickly interjected. "She has missed being able to visit with Amanda."
"I could stay and help." Kathleen offered.
Thomas knelt down. "You are always a big help, but I want you and I to have a night where we have fun and rest."
Kathleen's bottom lip quivered. "Okay."
"I wouldn't leave your mother if she wasn't doing better." He said in a firm tone.
She swallowed down her tears and hugged him. He picked her up and cast Riley a disgruntled glance on his way out.
Amanda held Kathleen's hand as Thomas pushed her outside in the hospital's courtyard. "Isn't is a beautiful morning?"
Kathleen looked up at the sky. "Look at that cloud! It looks like Chance."
Thomas looked up at his ladies' urging and nodded. "It does look like that fat little corgi."
Kathleen giggled. "Aunt Riley says he isn't fat. She says he is turning into a butterball."
Amanda smiled at seeing her little girl laughing once again. She had missed that sweet sound. She leaned back against Thomas as he pressed a kiss on top of her head. The moment seemed perfect. She had all that she loved peacefully content.
"Why don't we go over there that way you two can sit down?" Amanda pointed to a shaded bench.
Thomas rolled her over while Kathleen continued to chatter about her adventures in the palace. He sat down and gently held Amanda's bruised hand.
She laced her fingers with his as she chuckled at Kathleen's stories.
"Let me know if you get too tired." Thomas whispered while moving her wheelchair closer.
"I will. It feels so good to be out of that room." Amanda replied.
"Mommy?" Kathleen moved to her other side and rested her head against her shoulder. "Daddy's staying the night at the palace."
"I know. I'm so happy he is. Now both of my loves can get the best sleep." Amanda pressed a kiss to her cheek. Her teasing smile popped up. "We all know that the palace has fluffy clouds for beds."
"Can't I stay with you?" Kathleen mumbled. "I know Aunt Olivia is staying tonight. Couldn't I stay tomorrow night?"
Amanda hugged her tight. "Let's see how I feel." She bit back tears when she heard her daughter sniff. "It won't be much longer. Two weeks will fly by. And then I will really need your help." She cupped her chin and looked into the tear filled eyes. "Please don't cry sweetheart."
Kathleen rubbed her eyes and tried not to. "I miss you." She mumbled, throwing her arms around Amanda.
"I miss you too." Amanda closed her eyes tight. "Everything will be back to normal soon. I promise."
Thomas silently watched them. He leaned forward and cleared his throat. "That cloud up there looks like Mommy when we wake her up too early."
Kathleen and Amanda both looked up at the one dark gray cloud that was shaped like a woman sleeping.
A burst of tearful laughter came from both of them, making him smile.
Amanda leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." She whispered.
He kissed her lips tenderly before standing up. "Let's get you two back in--"
"Four!" Kathleen corrected with a grin.
Thomas chuckled. "Forgive me. Let's get the four of you inside before it starts raining."
Thomas took Kathleen to a small diner that specialized in hamburgers. He checked to make sure his phone's notifications and ringtones were set at the highest volume and then focused all his attention on his daughter.
"Daddy? Can I get a milkshake?" Kathleen sat on her knees as she looked at the pictures on the dessert menu.
He nodded. "I think the night calls for some celebrating. It has been a long time since you and I had one of our special dinners."
She smiled and began to color on her kid's menu. "Will we still have these when Elizabeth and Ian are born?"
Thomas paused. He certainly hoped so. "We will make sure to."
She pursed her lips in thought. "You'll have to have special dinners with them too."
His frown eased. "Yes, I will."
Kathleen became quiet as she colored. Thomas couldn't help but notice how much she looked like her mother when concentrating. Even down to the annoyed motion of pushing that one unruly lock of hair out of her eyes, she had inherited all her mother's expressions and tics.
His lips curved into a soft smile as he watched her.
She looked up at him and smiled before focusing once more on her picture.
Their order came and the two settled into talking about everything that came to mind. He listened closely to her tales of playing with the little princes. He wondered if there might be a crush going on with Emerick and his daughter. She certainly brought his name up often.
"Emerick plans on adding a water balloon canon to the treehouse." Her dark eyes grew large. "He even drew pictures of it."
Thomas cocked an eyebrow. "The prince is already constructing blueprints? That is impressive."
She giggled. "He asked me to color them because he says I am the best colorer."
"You are immensely talented. I suppose it was only a matter of time before some young man noticed." He grumbled.
"Emerick said I can be the first one to shoot a balloon." She added.
"Putting you before himself. That is admirable." He muttered.
"He thinks we should try and shoot Xavier first." Kathleen's brow furrowed while she sipped her milkshake. "I don't want to shoot at our firends."
"He is clever, eliminating further competition for your hand." Thomas leaned back in surprise. He might need to change his focus from the possible Beaumont beau to the princely one.
"I told him about Michael's water canon. He says his will be a kabillion times better." She scrunched her shoulders. "I still think Michael's will be my favorite. He doesn't try and shoot anyone unless we are having a water battle."
"And how did Emerick take that?" Thomas asked, a bit relieved and worried about a third possible crush with Matt and Addison's eldest child.
"He frowned and said he would prove that his is better." She took a long sip of her strawberry shake. "Then he asked me to play hide and seek."
"Really?" Thomas muttered. "Kept his cool and changed the subject."
They both jumped when his phone rang. Kathleen stilled as she watched him answer.
"Hello? Amanda? Are you alright?" He asked in quick succession.
"Of course." She said with a laugh. "I was wondering if you two would bring me back a vanilla milkshake. These two troublemakers are demanding one."
He relaxed. "We can do that. Any other craving?"
"That's the only one at the moment." She said. "I'll let you get back to Kathleen. Love you both."
"We love you too." He said softly. Once the call ended he told Kathleen their new mission.
"Vanilla?" She wrinkled her nose. "But Mommy usually gets either banana or Oreo."
"It seems your brother and sister aren't quite as fond of your mother's taste in ice cream." He waved to their waiter and added the milkshake to go.
Once the shake was ready and they paid, Kathleen slipped over to his side of the table and hugged him.
Thomas wrapped his arms around her and held her for a moment.
She kissed his cheek and took his hand when he stood up.
He smiled down at her. "Let's visit with your mother before we go back to the palace "
Olivia walked in and paused at the laughter she heard. Her smirk eased at hearing that rare sound. Thomas was even laughing.
"I didn't realize this was a party." Olivia dropped her bag on the couch. "I would have rushed over sooner."
Kathleen giggled as she snuggled closer to Amanda.
Thomas felt his earlier joy dim somewhat. He hated leaving. It felt so horribly wrong to leave the one he loved when at any moment the hemorrhaging could worsen.
As if sensing his unease, Amanda gripped his hand and rested it against her cheek. "It'll be fine." She pressed a kiss to his palm. "I promise we will call."
He swallowed against the lump of emotion in his throat. He leaned over and kissed her. "I'll call before going to sleep." His dark eyes met hers. "I love you."
Her smile was tender. "I love you." She looked down at Kathleen and kissed her forehead. "And I love you."
Kathleen kissed her cheek. "I love you too." She let out a yawn and grinned. "Goodnight Mommy."
"Goodnight sweetheart." Amanda hugged her.
Olivia noticed Thomas hesitating and helped Kathleen down. "Come on Kat. I need your opinion on which snack is the best from the vending machine."
Thomas sat down on the side of Amanda's bed when the door shut behind them. "You promise you don't feel strange or weak?"
Amanda shook her head. "No more than usual. I'm a little more tired than I have been, but that might just be because I was able to go outside." She sighed into the sudden kiss he gave her.
His arms carefully wrapped around her. "You know I don't want to do this."
"I know." She rested her head on his shoulder. "It makes me so happy that you are."
He pressed his lips to her forehead. "They usually check on you around three in the morning. I want you to call and tell me what they say."
Amanda shook her head. "The whole point of you leaving is to get an uninterrupted night's rest." She trailed her fingers down his cheek. "I'm not going to wake you."
His frown reappeared. "Then I will call you."
"No." Her eyes narrowed. "Promise me you won't set an alarm or force yourself awake. If at three there is something new wrong, I will call."
He closed his eyes and, as much as he didn't want to, accepted her compromise.
"Are you two done being affectionate?" Olivia asked. "Kathleen and I don't want to lose our dinners."
The little girl giggled and ran over for one more hug.
Thomas picked her up and reluctantly left for the night.
Around one in the morning...
Amanda squirmed as another contraction happened. That was the fifth consecutive one. She reached over and called for a nurse.
Olivia sat up when she heard the noise. "What's wrong?"
"I'm not sure." Amanda said in a painful gasp.
Her normally calm under pressure friend jumped up in a tangle of blankets. She stumbled over to the bed. "I need to call Thomas."
"NO!" Amanda snatched her phone out of Olivia's hands. "It took three weeks to get him to leave so he could sleep. I'm not calling until we have a definite reason."
Olivia's eyes widened in shock. "Thomas will never trust either of us again if we don't call. He--"
"He said he would call at three to check on me. I told him not to. If he does, then I might tell him what's going on. Until then--" Amanda closed her eyes as she bent forward in pain. "We wait."
4 hours earlier, at the palace...
After tucking Kathleen in bed, Thomas took the room next door and stretched out on the bed. He groaned at how soft the matress felt. He kicked off his shoes and gave up on getting undressed.
He hadn't realized how exhausted he was until he went into the quiet guestroom. He somehow got under the covers and fell into a deep sleep. He forgot to set an alarm for both the three am check and for getting up early enough to return to the hospital.
Back at the hospital, 3 am...
Olivia sat with her eyes glued on the babies' monitor. She would occasionally look at Amanda to make sure she was truly resting.
The past two hours had been a nightmare. Amanda's heartrate had been too high for them to administer Terbutaline and she was put on a Morphine drip. Olivia had to deal with something else she wasn't comfortable with: her friend's tears.
Amanda had broken down hard after weeks of keeping it all bottled inside. Her harsh sobs were filled with fear that she had done something wrong to cause all this. She was worried over what effect the morphine might have on the twins. She was scared she wouldn't make it to week thirty-seven.
Olivia felt like a deer in headlights. She had never seen her calm friend reach this point of near hysteria and heartache. The morphine eventually caused her to fall asleep while calming the contractions.
Once Amanda was in a deep sleep and everything looked well baby wise, she stepped out into the hall and called Drake.
"Liv?" He mumbled half asleep.
"Talk to me." Olivia pleaded.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I just need you to talk to me." She repeated in a harsh tone.
Drake turned on a lamp and sat up. "You need me to come to the hospital?"
"No." She leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling as she explained what happened. "She wouldn't let me call Thomas."
Drake ran a hand through his hair. "You want me to go tell him?"
"No. Things have calmed down." She mumbled. "Drake, I--" she trailed off, unable to voice how scared and helpless she had been.
"I know." He replied. "It'll be okay Libby. Try and rest while she sleeps."
"I will." She mumbled.
"You want me to stay on the phone?" He offered. "We don't have to talk."
Olivia nodded. "Yes. I--I need you to."
"Okay." He reclined on his pillow. "I'm right here."
Early afternoon...
"Daddy?" Kathleen pushed on Thomas's arm.
He cracked open one eye. "Hmm?"
"Aren't we going to see Mommy today?" She asked.
"Umhm." He grunted while turning over. "First thing in the morning."
"It's lunch time." She told him.
His eyes flew open. He reached for his phone and cursed. "I'll be ready in ten minutes." He told her to go play while he got ready.
He didn't bother shaving and hurried through his shower.
"Did you sleep well?" Riley asked when she bumped into him in the hallway.
"Yes. Why didn't anyone wake me?"
"Amanda made us promise not to." Riley explained.
Thomas bit back a retort while he collected Kathleen. With a goodbye, he rushed to the hospital.
"Can we take Mommy outside again?" Kathleen asked while skipping next to him.
"We'll see." He opened the door to Amanda's room and stopped cold.
Amanda looked up from watching the nurse try and find a vein. "How was your rest?"
He turned toward an exhausted and worried Olivia. "What happened?" He nearly shouted.
Olivia looked at Amanda, silently willing her to explain.
"We had a couple of small scares but it is all better now." Amanda tried to brush off his worry. "Some contractions started last night."
His eyes narrowed. "Why wasn't I called?"
Olivia winced. "I--"
"I wouldn't let her. Once everything calmed down, there wasn't a need." Amanda looked up at him. "Thomas,--"
"You promised me." He said in a dangerously low tone.
Olivia took Kathleen's hand. "Come on, let's let them talk alone for a few minutes."
Kathleen had tears in her eyes. She gripped Olivia's hand and left without argument.
Amanda bit her lip as they tried to get the IV to work. The morphine had made her so nauseated. She needed something to keep from vomiting. The more she strained, the more blood she lost and then caused the contractions to start. It was a viscous cycle that had been ongoing since four in the morning.
After the seventh try, one vein held up long enough to administer some phenagrin. It burned going up her arm, even with being flushed with saline. She gently rubbed the inside of her forearm while studying the IV.
She took a deep breath and braced herself to face Thomas after the nurse left. "I knew if I called, you would have rushed back. There was no need after the contractions stopped."
He threw his bag across the room, making her jump in surprise. "No need?!" He ran his hands down his face in a futile attempt to calm down.
He couldn't yell at her. He knew just by looking at her that she was not doing well. Her hands were trembling as they clutched the cream colored blanket.
But oh how he wanted to unleash his temper on her. He had never wanted to scream at her as much as he did in this moment.
"I'm sorry." Her voice cracked. "I didn't want to add any more stress on you." Tears slipped down her cheeks. "I'm so tired of being a burden."
"You're my wife." He snapped in a brisk tone. "I don't know how else to convince you how important you are to me. I'm more stressed over the fact that you didn't call me during last night's emergency than if you had. I don't care if I had been unable to fix it. I could have been here for you like I want to be!"
She started to cry harder while telling him what happened in the middle of the night. Her voice became more hoarse with each cry.
He watched her shake some before sitting beside her on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and tried to calm her down.
She turned into his embrace and cried against his neck.
Thomas gently rocked her while remaining silent. He could feel her muscles relax as exhaustion took its toll on her.
"Try and rest." He told her. His tone still held his barely suppressed anger.
She moved out of his arms and looked up at him. "Please don't be mad at me."
A muscle spasmed twice in his jaw as he bit back his temper. "I understand why you thought you shouldn’t call." His dark eyes flashed in warning. "But you won't be given another opportunity to make that decision again."
Amanda's bottom lip quivered as fresh tears formed. "I'm sorry. I--"
"We aren't discussing it again." He interrupted. "It's done and there's no use dwelling on it. Rest. I'm going to tell Olivia to return to the palace."
Amanda reached for his hand. She gently tugged him to the bed. He stiffly stepped closer. His narrowed, dark eyes touched on her face.
"I always need you." She softly admitted. "So much. Having you near helps keep me calm. I depend on you for everything. Last night, I wanted to be less of a burden. And I know you don't consider me one. I simply wanted you to sleep without worry."
His hard expression softened with her heartfelt words. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her voice cracked when she told him how much she loved and needed him.
He cupped her face and kissed her once more while telling her what was in his heart. "Try and relax." He managed to say. "I'll be back with Kathleen."
She let him go and tried to get comfortable. She knew the next two weeks would be the longest of her life.
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trulymadlysydney · 6 years
The Boy Next Door- a College AU
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(56.3k total words)
Part I (6.6k words)
Harry smirks that damn smirk once again and his fingers trace the rim of his mug.  “Try me.” “The night that they think I was… conceived…” She says the last word softly, because damn, it feels weird to know the night you were conceived.  “My parents were at a music festival.  They looked up and swore that there was a supernova in the sky.” Harry leans in, genuinely interested.  “That’s sick.” It’s Nova’s turn to smirk.  “It was a music festival.  In the 90s.  They were on several drugs.” “Oh.”  Harry snorts at how blunt– for lack of a better term– she is.  He takes another sip of his coffee and speaks into his mug.  “I mean… you never know.  There could’ve been a supernova.” “There wasn’t.” “And how would you know?  Were you there?” “Technically yes.”  Harry nearly chokes on his drink and Nova beams.  “Besides.  The last supernova was in 1604.”
Part II (10.8k words)
“So, you’ve lived there how long?” Harry asks, that stupid smirk tugging on his lips. “Almost a year now.” Harry shakes his head.  “So weird.  I’ve lived there two years and never saw you.” Nova shrugs.  “You probably just weren’t paying attention.”“No no, I would’ve remembered your face.” Her cheeks redden.  “Apparently not.” “I mean, I’d seen you around yeah.  But to think… you’re… my neighbor.” “Lucky you!”  Nova beams at him, and he snorts. “Lucky indeed,” he says, and Nova wants to ask him what he means by that, but he cuts her off before she gets the chance.  “S’just weird, innit?  Like, how did we never meet?” Nova shrugs.  “I mean, I don’t know.  Maybe we just weren’t supposed to meet until we met in the coffee shop.”“You mean like fate and all that?”Holding her hands out for dramatic effect (and feeling the effects of the shot she’d taken), Nova giggles.  “There are an infinite amount of outcomes to any given situation on the planet. Everything leads up to something else, ya know? Like, every decision you’ve literally ever made– ever– has lead you to being here right now on this bed at this party. Isn’t that insane?” Harry smiles.  “This is going a bit over my head, Novocaine.” 
Part III (10.2k words)
“Alright.  Well.”  Nova takes a deep breath and lets it out in a puff.  “What do you feel guilty for?”  Harry doesn’t say anything, but his dimple pops once again, and he continues to stare straight ahead.  Nova shakes her head.  “You’ve really got to stop doing that.” “Doin’ what?” “Smirking like you know something that I don’t.” “Maybe I do.” Nova tenses up, sitting up a bit.  “Do you?” Harry shakes his head.  “No.  I mean… kind of.  Not really.” “You’re exhausting,” Nova groans, and Harry laughs. “Me?  I’M the exhausting one?”  Harry pokes her in the ribs.  “Yes! You are!  You always make me feel like I’m… under you.”  She’s still smiling, so he knows she isn’t mad. But Harry is nothing if he isn’t a little shit.  He raises his eyebrows.  “Do you want to be under me?” Nova’s cheeks grow hot at his abrupt question, and Harry grins victoriously, as if he can feel them.  She swallows.  “Definitely not.” Harry purses his lips, as if considering what she’s saying, and then chuckles.  “Alright.  Suppose I deserve that.”
Part IV (9.2k words)
“What are you doin’ out here?” He asks. “Um, I could ask you the same question,” Nova blurts.  She feels awkward and exposed for some reason, and she doesn’t know what to do with her hands.  This is weird.  This is not right. “Didn’t want to distract,” Harry states matter-of-factly.  He hits the power button on his phone before shoving it in his pocket and finally turning to face her. “Distract?  From what exactly?  The whole reason I came here was to see you.” “Did you?”  Despite his mood, he’s still got the hint of a smirk on his face.  It’s different now though.  This one doesn’t turn Nova on.  This one makes Nova feel small, and not in a good way. “What are you talking about?” “Your friend.  He couldn’t have stood any closer to you if he’d tried, you know that?”
Part V (19.3k words)
Harry’s hand finds its way to the back of Nova’s neck while his other hand slides up her waist.  It feels so good, so absolutely perfect to be here with her like this again.  He’s thought about this every night, falling asleep to the thought of kissing her, tasting her in the most innocent way.  Intimacy in the softest form.  He sighs into the kiss, hardly removing his lips from hers.  “You smell good.”  Nova hums into his mouth, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck and tangling her fingers in his hair.  She traces his bottom lip with her tongue, and he gladly complies, opening his mouth for her and pulling her even impossibly closer.    It’s beautiful, but it’s sad.  Tension fizzles in every corner of the room, and they know that nothing has been resolved just yet but god, do they need this right now. Both of Harry’s hands find their way to Nova’s hips, and he guides her gently backwards until her backside presses against the table.  She shifts a bit until she’s sitting on it, with Harry resting between her legs. “I wish you were mine, Nova.”
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