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mikodrawnnarratives · 1 day ago
Nova x Narcissa. Yall yall guys Nova pov
Hey stranger I notice every book you read You finish them so fast I could never match that speed So I can't even find a way To start a conversation with "hey, I've read that one too!" But I wanna know you all the same Gee stranger, it'd be nice to know your name
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crazonia · 7 months ago
Revising Various Things
I somewhat got back into world building so I'm revising planets and galaxies. I'll be updating stuff at my leisure.
General Changes
Galaxies will include 5 planets instead of 6 just to make my life easier
Theta will have 1 as the only planet in there is I-Prism
The lists will be edited accordingly with the changes
Galaxy/Planet Changes
The planets are getting compressed down as some of them are somewhat redundant and I wanna have them all be more cohesive
Alpha Galaxy
Cephalade (Brichi)
Planet Ooh La Love (Cloud Haven, Aviair )
Planet Tech
Planet Woooo
Beta Galaxy
Jungalo Bungalo
Eyeclops (Planet Psy-Yaiyai)
Fleffs (Planet Plorfus)
Gamma Galaxy
Holly Snow
Delta Galaxy
Planet Ae-Ai
Planet Buzztune
Hellava (Flaeros)
Epsilon Galaxy
Vetera (Beetalion, Desolénia)
Beddibye (Planet Plushi)
Clashyn (Elmena)
Zeta Galaxy
Mustidust Prime
Planet Absolune
Eta Galaxy
Minimush 3
Theta Galaxy
Iota Galaxy
Château Étoile
Château Vie et Mort
Château Amusement
Aliens Moved to Other Planets
Alpha Galaxy
Cephalade (Brichi)
Planet Ooh La Love (Cloud Haven, Aviair)
Beta Galaxy
Eyeclops (Planet Psy-Yaiyai)
Fleffs (Planet Plorfus)
Delta Galaxy
Hellava (Flaeros)
Epsilon Galaxy
Vetera (Beetalion, Desolénia)
Beddibye (Planet Plushi)
Gemkitty (Gemkitties)
Clashyn (Elmena)
Sluppy (Sluppies)
Character Changes
I straight up do not wanna copy out the whole list of characters who got moved around but they all will get moved accordingly.
Anything Else
I've now got 3 planets left to figure out so I guess I should ponder those 3. So far the working idea is like... a magic planet/wild magic planet.
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novannna · 3 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @lackadae​ !!!! I know we don’t talk to much, but you’re such a good friend, and i always love seeing you in my notes!  You’re so kind and talented.  All your artwork is incredible!  your comments on my fics are honestly some of my favorite things i love rereading them when i feel sad, it always helps me feel better I hope you have an amazing bday (even if it is almost over.)  💙💙💙
anyway here is an actual fluffy novissa ficlet where they arent traumatised, just gay idiots (wc: 938)
Waiting for the right words
Nova’s eyes were heavy, though she wasn’t tired.  She was sitting in that comfortable silence with Narcissa, the sort where you were completely separate, but closer than you’d ever be.  The sort where words couldn’t quite describe the sheer amount of connection between you, so why bother trying?  The sort of silence that you knew meant that this person, they loved you so much it would be impossible to acknowledge.  (And, it went both ways.  Nova loved her too.  Nova loved her past the point of words, past the point of any language.)  
Narcissa was playing music through the speakers, volume turned down to a background hum.  She was curled into a ball on the couch, rereading a book, occasionally pausing to scribble a note in the margins.  Nova couldn’t help but continue to glance over every few minutes, remind herself that Narcissa existed, that Narcissa was here, next to her, in her life.  
Nova was trying to do a crossword, most of the clues already completed, only the hardest ones left.  (Which was unfortunate, because she needed to finish soon, otherwise Adrian might finally beat her in their ongoing competition, and she couldn’t have that)  
“Nova,” Narcissa said softly.  She stood up, crossing the room, walking towards Nova.  
“Hm?”  Nova set down the crossword.  
“Dance with me?”  Narcissa extended her hand, half hidden in the enormous sweater she insisted on wearing.  Heat Waves, by Glass Animals had just come on.  
Nova giggled slightly.  (If Oscar ever found out Nova had giggled, she might actually die.)  “Dance?   My love, I’m many things, but a dancer is not one of them.”  
Narcissa pulled Nova to her feet, and turned the speaker's volume up.  “You have to.  It’s the rules. This is my favorite song.”  
“What rules?”  Nova allowed Narcissa to pull her close, and sway in a circle around the small room.  
Narcissa rolled her eyes.  “You know.  The ones that we made when we first started dating.”
“Funny, I don’t seem to remember this.”
“It definitely happened.  You just forgot.”  
“Right.”  Nova rolled her eyes, but gave up resisting, and let Narcissa guide her across the floor.  “Remind me, what was the rule?”  
“Whenever your girlfriend's favorite song comes on, you have to dance with her as long as she wants.”  Narcissa grinned, her eyes lighting up.  
“You are ridiculous.”
“And you are a terrible dancer.”  
“I don’t dance!  You know that!”  Nova stuck her tongue out at Narcissa.  
“That’s not what I meant. You’re a fine dancer, you’re just being too cautious.  Come on.  This isn’t a slow dance, we’re supposed to be dancing, not swaying awkwardly.  This isn’t a middle school dance.”  
Nova scoffed.  “Fine.  You lead.”
Narcissa grinned.  “Happily.”  She brought her hands to Nova’s waist, and started to step forwards, then backwards, to the side, and then back.  (Nova copied, without the elegance Narcissa had.)  
“Is this a waltz?”
“I think so?” Narcissa shrugged.  “When I was little, I watched videos of people dancing, and copied the movements, but never learned the names of the dances.”
“I remember that!  I walked in on you practicing in the back of the library, when we were younger. You were so embarrassed.”
“Was not!”  (But her face was flushed a brilliant red, so maybe Nova was right)
“Sure, love.  And I don't think this song is really a typical waltz.”  
Narcissa hummed.  “Any song is a waltzy song if you try hard enough.”  (It was most decidedly not a waltzy song)
They continued, exchanging light hearted bickers, and slowly, Nova felt her feet move to the music, and lost herself to the music.  
But all things end.
“The song’s over,” Nova whispered.  “You said the rule was just your favorite song.”  
“Just one more,” Narcissa pleaded.  (Nova was all too easily convinced.)
Nova couldn’t tell how long they spent dancing.  Everything faded into each other, and it was just her and Narcissa.  Narcissa and her.  
They went from doing a waltz, to flailing their arms around wildly, to some dance Narcissa insisted she knew (she didn’t, it was a mess).  One song, they just took turns spinning each other in circles, their hair flying out around their head like halos.  
Now, they stood, swaying slightly, holding each other close,  heads buried in the others shoulder.  
The music had faded away, completely irrelevant.  (The only thing that mattered was them.)
“I thought you said we weren’t allowed to sway awkwardly,” Nova whispered, not daring to raise her voice any higher.  
“Shh,” Narcissa murmured.  “Don’t ruin the moment.”  Her arms were warm and soft and heavy on Nova, wrapping her up, keeping her safe.  
Nova smiled.  (She hoped Narcissa could feel it through the layers of fabric separating them.)  
“I love you,” Nova whispered.  She hadn’t said it before.  Never knew how to put it into words, never knew how to express the immense mountain of emotion trapped inside her.  But she understood it now.  She didn’t need to prove it, she didn’t need to show just how enormous it all really was.
Narcissa already knew.  
Sometimes you just needed to say those short three words, and understand that the other person knew just how much they meant.  
How could Nova explain it?  She loved Narcissa in a way that was so uniquely hers, Narcissa wouldn’t comprehend it.  (Like how Nova wouldn’t be able to comprehend Narcissa’s love for her)  They’d just be speaking different languages to each other.  
But they shared three words.  Three words that bridged the gap, three words that made all the difference. 
Nova could feel Narcissa smiling into her shoulder.  “I love you too.”
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phobidawg · 4 years ago
i made a novissa playlist! this one i actually bothered to put in an order, it’s supposed to show them becoming friends to lovers to not so much in love, but they have fond memories of each other and become friends again after supernova. 
anyways they <3
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janisarkisian · 4 years ago
We Fell in Love In December
Merry Christmas @nova-artino !!!! I was your gifter from the discord gift exchange :) I wrote a novissa one-shot for you a little over 2000 words. I hope you like it!!
Word Count: 2189
Pairing: Novissa (Nova Artino x Narcissa Cronin) 
Nova could barely remember what Christmas was like. Sure, she had celebrated it with her family, but the Anarchists had encouraged her to banish those memories from her mind. Acknowledging them would only make her hurt worse. 
“Hey, Nova!” Ingrid called to her hastily from the other train car. 
“Yeah?” She responded. Getting her thoughts interrupted by Ingrid had become a normal occurrence. There was always more training to do, fewer memories to remember. More errands to run, less time to relax. 
“Could you run down to the Cloven Cross Library to get me some bombshells?” Ingrid asked her. 
Nova, fifteen and eager to help, immediately responded yes and grabbed her flimsy coat. She had outgrown being cold long ago. Now she skipped straight to numb. They had never had enough money to go buy a real coat anyway. 
The streets of Gatlon had a new air about them. There were decorations, for Christmas she assumed, and everyone seemed happy. Why were they all out and around? Didn’t these people have to train? It was so easy for her to see why everyone was so incompetent. The Renegades only existed because people were too lazy to help themselves, and to be honest, the Renegades were a dictatorship. They made idiotic rules that they just expected everyone to follow. No one would ever even bother to help themselves because they had the Renegades. What would happen to the poor souls of Gatlon when the Renegades didn’t come? She knew there would be a day. It had happened to her, and she was sure it had happened to others. 
If she were to compare the cheer from the Cloven Cross Library to the cheer of the streets of Gatlon, the competition would be non-existent. There was a huge wreath on the door, and the small pine trees that were in front of the Library had been decorated more than Nova thought the little trees could handle. The white Christmas lights were in just enough areas to really make the aesthetic, but they didn’t overdo it. The whole area just had a cozy feeling that living in the subway tunnels had always lacked. Frankly, it seemed even more inviting than the cathedral had been. Then again, maybe that wasn’t saying much. 
The only thing that didn’t seem to be inviting was the large closed sign that hung over the antique door. 
There was absolutely no way that she could go back to Ingrid without those bombshells, and there had to be other alternatives. If Leroy were here, he could easily concoct a serum that would break the lock, but she was by herself. Normally, she carried a bobby pin on hand, which was very helpful for picking locks, but she had forgotten one in her haste. Her only hope was that maybe The Librarian had left one of his backdoors open before leaving for Christmas. Though it was very unlikely, she went to check the front door too. 
One of the things she had always admired about the Cloven Cross Library were the small windows that surrounded the door in the shape of an arch. From the inside, you could see the dangerous weather and know you were safe. From the outside, you could see friends reading, couples cuddling, and the fire roaring. 
Today, as she peered through, only one figure was pleasant from her cozy fantasy. Narcissa Cronin, the librarian’s granddaughter. She was a sweet-looking girl who was probably a year older than Nova herself. Her speckled, gray eyes were perfectly framed by her flaming red hair that shone under the light of the fire. Her lips looked effortlessly soft unlike Nova’s which were always chapped.
Even though she had initially had plans to try the back doors, Nova suddenly felt compelled to talk to Narcissa. She was curled up reading a book with a mug in her hand and Nova didn’t think she had ever seen anyone look prettier. Slowly, Nova raised her hand to the door and knocked. 
Narcissa looked up and started to shake her head no, but after a moment, Nova could see the realization in her eyes that Narcissa recognized her. She could see the small smile in Narcissa’s eye, the kind of thing that seemed like a dream and a perfect reality all at once. Or maybe she was just imagining it. 
As Narcissa walked to the door, Nova felt her breath hitch and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe. Narcissa started to get closer and she tried to compose herself. She was here for bombshells, not to look at pretty girls. 
“Hey, Nova,” Narcissa opened the door to the library and gestured for her to come inside. 
“Ingrid needed a few bombshells,” Nova replied lamely, unable to fully comprehend everything happening around her. 
“No-can-do,” Narcissa grinned, “Grandpa and I closed the library and the side-hustle yesterday.”
“Christmas?” Nova responded. Why would anyone close a shop for Christmas? To her, it was simply an overly-glorified day of the year and nothing else. 
“Yeah, Christmas.”
Nova watched as a look of something near pity spread onto Narcissa’s face. At first, she was a little offended. She didn’t need anyone to pity her or have feelings for her in general. It was just the Anarchists vs. Renegades and nothing more. Then, she realized Narcissa cared, something she had never felt before either. Sure, the Anarchists cared for her, but not in a way like this. The look on Narcissa’s face was so purely genuine that it nearly made her heart melt. 
“Well,” Narcissa spoke slowly and Nova turned her attention over, wanting to hear her voice, “I was going to do some fun Christmas-themed things before I meet up with Grandpa for Christmas Eve Dinner. Do you want to come?” 
It sounded fun. Fun. It was something the Anarchists would never approve of, but for once, just once in her life, she wanted to do something fun. Something that would piss them off. Something that would show them they didn’t own her, and that she could do anything and everything she pleased. 
“Sure,” she said firmly, though she could feel her face heating up. She had a feeling that this could be one of her best Christmases yet. 
Narcissa had taken her to a grimy mall on the South Side of Gatlon. The neighborhoods around here were mostly abandoned, and she felt the Anarchists would fit right in. 
The two of them had been in comfortable silence for a while when Narcissa spoke up. “So all I really came here for was a fluffy blanket, but if you want, we can go to some more stores. Do you have a favorite?”
Nova shook her head no. The only places she had ever really liked to go were hardware stores, and that was strictly for tools. She had never been allowed to buy real clothes of her own, mainly because the Anarchists had never had any real money. They had only ever had just enough to buy basic necessities like food or an occasional outfit. Things like fluffy blankets had always been out of the question, considering they could barely supply themselves with basic needs. 
“Wait!” Narcissa blurted out, suddenly struck with a new idea, “Not to be rude, but this mall sucks. Let’s go to my favorite 24/7 diner and get funnel cakes with hot cocoa or maybe egg nog. I mean, if you’ve never had either before hot chocolate is definitely the way to go. It’s like warm chocolate with whipped cream, and you can get it with peppermint if you like that.” She sounded so excited, and it warmed Nova’s heart. For the first time in fifteen years, she felt good enough to let her guard down. Even with Mama, Papa, and Evie, things had never been that way. She had always fought for survival. 
“That sounds really fun,” Nova felt herself blushing. Slowly but surely, her walls were crumpling and she knew the only reason for that was this girl, Narcissa Cronin. 
Walking into the diner, Nova’s senses were flooded with all different sensations. By a normal person’s terms, it might have been considered crappy, fast food. But this was the first real restaurant she had ever gone to and suddenly, she was starving. She hadn’t eaten in over twenty-four hours and she hadn’t intended to eat again until tomorrow. Narcissa walked over to a booth that was relatively far away from where they were standing, so Nova assumed it was a favorite of hers. She gestured for Nova to take a seat, so she slipped in, feeling the comfort and somehow homey feeling of the diner. 
She had expected Narcissa to slide in on the other side of the booth, but surprisingly, she slid in right next to her. Instantly, their shoulders brushed and they were close. Very close. She had never been this close to anyone before, especially people she wasn’t related to. She could practically feel the heat radiating from Narcissa’s body, and she had the urge to move closer. 
“Hey, Narcissa!” An excited waitress approached their table. In a way, the women reminded her of Ingrid, with eyes that could pierce her soul, but the energy was very different. She had an excited air about her, like she wanted everyone to be happy. To Nova, she looked like a huge Renegades supporter. 
“What can I get for you two today? Our Christmas-related specials are on that side menu. Should I go ahead and mark you two down for some of our special hot cocoa? You look pretty chilly.” 
She went to grab the small menu sitting near the wall of their tight booth, but Narcissa was too fast. 
“We’ll have two cinnamon funnel cakes and two hot cocoas with extra whipped cream and add some chocolate drizzle on hers,” Narcissa gestured over to Nova. She nodded in return to Narcissa, seeing that she was doing all the talking. Plus, being around Narcissa had taken away most of her ability to think. All of her thoughts had been mushed, and she hadn’t even taken her normal precautions like counting possible exits or looking for security cameras. 
“Oh wait!” Narcissa added before the waitress left, “Can we get it to go? I want to show Nova town square.” By the way she was grinning, Nova knew that she was in for a treat. 
Boy, had she been right. Town square was sparkling. There was a huge Christmas tree, decorated with more types of ornaments than she could ever imagine. The hot cocoa in her hands warmed her whole body, practically making up for the flimsy coat. And having Narcissa near her was the icing on top of the cake. She felt giddy, something that she had never experienced. Narcissa Cronin was the best thing that had ever happened to her. 
“So, what do you think?” Narcissa grinned, curious. 
“This is definitely the prettiest I’ve ever seen it. I don’t really get to come out often, and when I do, it’s with the Anarchists. Don’t get me wrong, I love them. I mean, they’re the only family I have. But sometimes, I want to do things on my own. So thank you Narcissa. You’ve given me an experience I would have never gotten.” 
It gave her a small joy to see Narcissa start to fluster. She looked like she was about to say something, but it ended up just coming out as a small “Thanks” and then her changing the topic. 
“So, is there anything else you want to do before I have to leave? I don’t want to keep Grandpa waiting.” 
Nova racked her mind. “No, I think I’m good.”
“Well,” Narcissa took a step closer to her, “There is one thing I want to do.” 
Suddenly, her heart rate sped up, and her pulse started to flutter. She wasn’t completely oblivious. She knew Narcissa wanted to kiss her. The Anarchists would never approve, but at the same time that was exactly the reason she wanted to kiss her back. 
“I think it’s the same thing I want to do,” She replied, her breath shaking, taking a step closer to Narcissa. 
They were barely inches apart now. As she gazed into Narcissa’s gray eyes, her breath hitched, and whatever knowledge she had left was no longer functioning. All she wanted to do was kiss Narcissa Cronin, and never go back. 
Narcissa breathed slowly. “Can I kiss you?” She asked quietly, her tone sending thousands of butterflies into Nova’s stomach. 
She nodded, but didn’t give Narcissa time to respond before she kissed her. It was a soft, dreamy kiss that sent Nova breathless. Narcissa’s lips were so soft, and they tasted like the hot cocoa they had been drinking. She could briefly taste the cinnamon from their funnel cakes too, a scent that made her stomachs do flip-flops just thinking about it. 
Finally, Narcissa pulled away. She put a firm grip on her hot cocoa and started to walk away. “Merry Christmas, Nova Artino,” She said, walking away, only to leave Nova exploding. This truly had been her best Christmas yet.
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novissa · 5 years ago
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i don’t really like how this turned out but remember the scene where catra sits on adora’s lap? yeah that but novissa
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orionhong · 4 years ago
i am once again asking for the url i’ve had since when i was 13 back
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crazonia · 8 years ago
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A new species called Neblit(s) from a new planet called Novissa. The one in the picture, her name is Minnerva Here’s a bit about them.
They’re sort of gaseous or cloud-like. Unlike Cumulians, they’re not really solid.
The only solid part is their eye which functions as both an eye and a core that holds all their “innards”.
In their body, really tiny nerves hold them together. It also allows them to feel and move. If a piece of their body breaks off, it’s ok, since the nerves are constantly regenerating.
They have what appears to be tiny stars or other decorations on and in the bodies. They can change these to fit their style at will.
They also come in all kinds of colours and sizes, considering their bodies are amorphous.
They can live from about 250-300 years.
I also wanted to note that I painted this all in one layer, so I’m pretty proud of that.
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venetianeli · 2 years ago
de Daniele Marcuglia
‘Sta festa xe senpre stada par i contadini tanto particolar, parché xe proprio a San Martin che se vedéa se vegnéa o no rinovài i contrati agrari; jera cioè l'11 de novenbre che 'na fameja podéa védarse rinovà el proprio contrato o no.
Se el paron no li tegnéa là, la fameja ghe tocava ciapar sù tute le so robe e abandonar la tera e la casa indove che i jera stai fin a chel momento là; 'sta trista operassion vegnèa ciamada apunto "far Sanmartin".
Da notar come 'na roba quasi conpagna la fusse presente 'na volta anca in cità, no solo in canpagna, e anca fora dal Vèneto, tanto che a Milan, par esenpio, i faséa scader i contrati de afito el dì 29 settembre, festa de San Michele Arcangelo, tanto che ne i dialeti lonbardi l'espression "fa San Michèe" la vol dir proprio "traslocare, cambiare casa forzatamente".
Se par la fameja invesse el rinovo del contrato el jera 'ndà ben, se podéa festegiar col dolse contadin tìpico del periodo che sarìa la pinsa, difati el proverbio prevede: A San Martin 'a pinsa so 'l larin, o anca copando l'oca o co le nosse de la propria fiola, da cui se dise: A San Martin se sposa la fiola del contadin.
Soratuto nel Venessian, xe tutora difusa l'usanza del dolse tìpico, el cavalo de San Martin, un dolse de pasta scura, sagomada drio la figura de un cavalier con la spada sora el cavalo, rafigurassion tìpica del santo.
Par finir i "riti" de San Martin, ricordemo che in 'sta ricorensa de sòlito vegnéa inbotilià el vin novelo, da cui un altro proverbio dise: A San Martin el mosto se fa vin.
Tuti 'sti lavori che i rientra nel mondo de l'agricoltura i xe de sòlito colegài a l'imàgine de bel tenpo che se dovarìa catar in 'sti zorni, la famosa istà de San Martin.
Conta infati la legenda che San Martino a cavalo el gavesse incontrà un poareto che in 'sto periodo de novenbre el tremava par el fredo che za ghe jera e che alora el santo, ciapà da la conpassion, el gavesse tajà el proprio mantelo co la spada per dàrghelo a 'sto poro omo parché el se scaldasse.
A védar quel gesto el Signore el ga vossùo premiar 'sta assion e quindi se dise che ogni ano a San Martin el fredo se ferma per lassarghe spassio al ritorno de 'na istà picenina.
‘Na tradission difusa in area vèneta e soratuto venessiana par la festa de San Martin la xe quela de la questua de i tosatèi par le strade o par le cali che i canta in coro de le cansonete come 'sta qua: "San Martin l'è 'ndà in sofita a catar la so novissa, la so novissa no ghe gera, San Martin l'è cascà col cul partera".
‘Ste usanse le se conserva in qualche caso anca ai nostri dì, come par esenpio ne la parochia venessiana de San Martin, nel sestier de Castelo, dove la tradission va 'vanti ano dopo ano e ansi 'desso anca le scuole, oltre a la parochia, i se ga dà da far par proporghe ai tosati 'sta particolar forma de questua; l'ùnico canbiamento con la tradission xe che mentre 'na volta i putèi se tegneva le oferte, 'desso tuto el ricavà ghe vien spedìo ai cèi pi desfortunài ne le tere de i missionari.
La stessa inissiativa la xe 'ncora presente anca ne la vissina cità lagunare de Ciosa, dove i testi dele canson de questua che dise i putèi par le cali le fa sentir sùbito l'imàgine caraterìstica de Ciosa, co i so bragossi adoperài ogni giorno da i pescatori de Ciosa: "Semo giunti rivai col mio bragosso, del mare in porto sempre el daradosso; San Martin xe stà che n'à portào, e a sto castelo el fero a 'mo butào".
Ghe xe anca in 'sta tradission la minacia schersosa par chi che no ghe dà la mancia ai questuanti, dove che se proclama adiritura de volerghe brusar la casa de i proprietari: "In sta casa ghe xe de tuto, ghe xe el so belo e ghe xe el so bruto, se no ne darè i caponi brusaremo anca i paroni".
Par quel che riguarda i piati tìpici, nel Veronese xe tradission magnar a San Martin el galeto par inprìmar el novo ano agrario. El galeto vien fato de sòlito in tocio, cioè in ùmido, e el vien conpagnà da patate e fete de polenta da tociar nel condimento stesso.
Nel Venezian ghemo visto che se costuma magnar el caval de San Martin, che al dì de unquò el xe pien de confeti, ciocolata, sùcaro colorà, caramele e ciocolatini.
‘Na volta invesse i costumava ne le canpagne vènete de pareciar el "vin coto" che se faséa metendo a bójar el vin 'pena fato con sùche, peri e pomi cogni, come che me ga dito 'na siora:
“A San Martin se faséa el 'vin coto', che no el xe el brulè, se faséa bójar el vin 'pena fato co' dentro tòchi de suca marina, pomi cogni, peri e el bojeva fin che la vegnèa 'na spece de marmeata, e i ghe la dava anca ai tosati..."
La pararìa proprio la riceta originale de la preparassion de la mostarda, dita cussì parché la vegnéa parecià col mosto stracoto dentro del quale vegnéa messi i tòchi di fruta.
da Quatro Ciàcoe
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phobidawg · 5 years ago
LOOK AT THEM  😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
For art requests.... some Oscby/ or Danissa/ or Novissa/ or Nobell for the soul? (Any of my four precious underappreciated ships
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this is based on the one fic that @rubys-finger-cymbals did which was pure Novissa fluff in that lounge place thingie? I did my own thing for the outfits but I do remember there being bean bags so-
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novannna · 4 years ago
🏳️‍🌈 with novissa? maybe one (or both lmao) coming out to each other (u can also add in🌹if u want!)
tysm for the ask!!! this is kinda a train wreck, im not really sure what happened, but here you go <333
Nova pulled her hair out of her eyes, and crossed her arms.
“One more time.”
Honey sighed. “Nova, sweetie, we’ve been over it a million times. She likes you, she likes girls, there is no way for you to screw it up.”
“Wrong! We don’t know any of that’s true! There’s a million things that could go wrong! Again.”
Honey shook her head. “Fine. What are you wearing?”
“Button up shirt with a quirky pattern,” Nova gestured at the old shirt she stole from Leroy, colorful fabric beakers decorating the gray fabric. It smelled of chemicals and smoke, complete with mysterious stains and several holes, some singed around the edges.
Honey wrinkled her nose, but didn’t remark on it. “What else?”
“High waisted baggy jeans with rolled hems, combat boots, and your heart sunglasses.” Nova pointed at each thing in turn.
“Good. One last thing.” Honey reached into her jewelry bag, and drew out a pair of dangly earrings, with knives dangling down.
Nova raised her eyebrows. “Really?”
Honey nodded sagely. “Do you want Narcissa to know your bi, or not?”
Nova scowled, and snatched them from her hand.
“Alright, Nova. Remember, ask if she listens to girl in red, Clairo and Hayley Kiyoko, and Dodie are also a safe bet. Try not to sit normally, don’t order hot coffee, only iced.” Honey’s face softened. “You can do this Nova. And, if all else fails, just say you’re bi. I believe in you.”
Nova smiled nervously, her stomach a knot of nerves. “Thanks Honey. I should go.”
Honey shoved her, perhaps a bit too roughly, towards the tunnel exit. “Go get your girl, Nova.”
Outside, everywhere was plastered with rainbows, and signs, and flags.
Rainbows gleamed in every shop window.
And Hugh Everhart, and Simon Westwoods stupid, perfect, superhero faces were everywhere.
Pride month was good, Nova actually enjoyed it. She and the Anarchists celebrated it every year.
But they didn’t celebrate by putting the face of the most famous gay couple in the city everywhere, and call it support.
Nova felt sick to her stomach. Though that may just be nerves from the anticipation of seeing Narcissa.
Her heart skipped a bear, and her mouth was suddenly completely dry.
Narcissa was running towards her, a large tote bag slung over her shoulder, her red braid swinging around.
Nova forced her useless lips into a smile. “Hey Narcissa!”
The girl reached her, face red from exertion. “Give me.. Give me a sec,” she panted.
“Coffee!” Nova blurted out. Honey had said something about coffee, right?
“...coffee?” Narcissa echoed.
Nova flushed red. “Do you want to get coffee now?”
“Oh!” Narcissa nodded. “I’d love to.”
“Great.” Nova exhaled. She could do this. She had to do something about this stupid fucking crush. “I like coffee.”
Narcissa laughed slightly. “Yeah, me too. There’s a good cafe this way, if you want.”
Nova nodded, probably a bit too enthusiastically. “That sounds great.”
Narcissa led their way through Gatlon.
The warm blue eyes of Captain Chromium smiled down at her from every corner. Most were paired with tacky phrases, like, “Real heroes support LGBT rights” and “Be like the heroes protecting this city, and wear your true colors with PRIDE!”
Nova snorted.
“What?” Narcissa asked.
“It’s just..” Nova burst out laughing, and pointed at the most outrageous poster yet. Hugh Everhart stood in all his heroic glory, decked in a rainbow version of his iconic suit, his chest puffed out. We are HUGHe advocates for LGBT+ rights! read out, in bright rainbow letters underneath his feet. “Look at this shit! It’s ridiculous! And everywhere.” Nova struggled to contain her laughter. “Honestly, when I’m not too busy laughing at it all, it’s sickening.”
Narcissa’s eyes were bright wide. “What do you mean?” Her words were cautious, almost harsh. No more smiles, now her lips showed a hint of a frown.
“All this ‘Rainbow pride’, and sweet rot, Captain Chromium, and the Dread Warden are everywhere. Decked in complete rainbows no less.”
“Honestly Nova, I didn’t expect this from you.” Narcissa turned her head away, and stormed off.
Nova’s laughter died off. “Narcissa?” The red head ignored her. “Narcissa! Where are you going?” Nova sprinted towards her, and grabbed her wrist, forcing her to turn around.
“Let go of me Nova!” Narcissa wrenched her hand away.
“What did I do?” Nova demanded.
Narcissa scoffed. “What did I do? Please. Stop pretending you aren’t just another bigoted asshole.”
“Bigoted asshole? What the fuck are you talking about ‘Cissa?”
“You're just another homophobe. I thought you would have been better than that, but I guess not.”
Nova’s mouth fell open. “I’m not homophobic!”
“You were literally just making fun of pride.” Narcissa crossed her arms, and glared at Nova.
“Not of pride! I was laughing at how infuriating it is how companies are using our struggles and hardships to make money. How the fucking supercop gay powercouple are the only ones that ever get any publicity and support. I don’t see anyone else whose queer get acknowledged.”
“...our struggles?” Narcissa wasn’t glaring at Nova anymore.
Nova cursed. “This wasn’t how this was supposed to go?”
“How what was supposed to go?”
“I’m bi. I’m bi, and I really like you, and I didn’t know how to tell you, but, fuck, I just did, and crap im rambling, and I just-”
“Nova.” Narcissa smiled gently. “Shut up.”
Nova nodded, and shut her mouth tight.
“I’m sorry,” Narcissa mumbled. “I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. And, thinking you were homophobic. I shouldn’t have immediately thought that. It’s just… I really like you too. And I was… disappointed, I guess when I thought you were homophobic.”
Nova’s eyes widened. “You like me? You’re queer?”
“Look at me! Do I fucking look straight?” Narcissa gestured to her outfit. She wore a pair of worn overalls, and a graphic tee, an old cartoon character peeking out. Over it, she wore a paint splattered flannel. “I’m like the most stereotypical lesbian you can get!”
Nova blushed bright red. “In that case, would you want to make this a date?”
Narcissa rolled her eyes. “I suppose. But I had been planning on asking first. Just to be clear.”
“Of course you were.” Nova grinned, and slipped her hand into Narcissa’s. “I’m sure you were going to. I just did it first.”
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phobidawg · 4 years ago
How dare you get me hooked on novissa then not mention there's barely any fics 😤😤
Rosegold - fic by asmileyoucouldbottle/lesbianariescalante (me hehe)
Something More - fic by everhartartino
Maybe I Love You- fic by nowinwriting/instant-karma-official
i think this is literally it but if there are any more someone please add on!
also there is some art done by @novadreamer95438 @nova-artino and maybe more so if you want me to dig around and find those 👀
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janisarkisian · 4 years ago
The Beauty of Your Dance
It’s hard to believe this is my first contribution to wlw renegades week!! Anyway, today’s prompt was enemies to lovers dance au and im here to danceeee!! okay have some novissa. 
Pairing: Novissa
Word Count: 1,889
When Nova had entered the 8th grade, she had gotten serious about dance. Before, she had been serious to an extent. She had danced all the time and had gotten her pointe shoes two years before. And the best thing was, everyone knew she was the best at her studio. She worked day and night at Anarchy Academy of Ballet, but part of her wanted freedom. 
Ever since she had decided to become serious about dance, she had been sworn off to talk with people from any other studio. Technically, no one was stopping her from chatting with them, but it just wasn’t what was expected of her. 
And of course, today was the day that Reject School of Dance held an invitational. Most studios were just there as a formality. The real competition was between Anarchy and Reject. Narcissa Cronin, their best dancer there, and was just as stuck-up and snobby as the people she worked with. Nova tried hard to understand what she was going through, she tried to remember they were working through the same problems. But the problem was, she needed to hate Narcissa Cronin, simply because of who she was. 
As she tied her pointe shoes backstage, Nova regretted not sewing and breaking in a new pair yesterday. With all the dancing she did, Anarchy shipped her two new pairs a week, which still wasn’t enough. 
“Ew,” A Reject dancer laughed as she walked past, “I can’t believe you even have the guts to go up against the Rejects. You should probably save yourself the embarrassment, honey.” 
Nova’s lip curled up in disgust, but she wasn’t about to fight back. Before a dance competition, it was always best to have good mental health. Arguing wouldn’t help her. 
Finally standing, she did a few releves’ on pointe before marking her dances. This year, she had a duet with Winston Pratt, a man she didn’t particularly like due to his clownish antics, and a trio with Honey Harper and Ingrid Thompson. Not to mention their smash group number for the end. She knew the Anarchists would win this year. They had to. 
She watched in the wings as the first number started. As expected it was a really big group number from the Rejects. She had to admit they were really good. The energy their dancers had couldn’t be mistaken. And they all looked happy. Truthfully, it could have just been the lighting, but there was no mistaking the sparkles in their smiles. By the end of the dance, the audience clapped so loud she thought they would eliminate the rest of the dancers for the Rejects being so amazing. 
The next dance was pretty unimportant. It was a solo done by a boy who danced at Renegade Ballet. She had never even heard of the studio, but she wondered how he was able to dance with his cane. He made it seem effortless, but she knew it must have been incredibly hard for him to dance with a disability like that. 
Watching as the dances slipped by one after the next, she started to get anxious for her duet, which was coming up soon. Finally, the dance before her came on, so she checked herself over once, and headed further into the wings. 
When she got on stage, everything melted away. The competition, the crowd, even Winston, who was spinning her around. There were no Rejects and no Anarchists. It was just her, and this beautiful dance. Nothing could change that. As the lighting went dark, she realized that was the first time she had ever nailed that dance perfectly. As much as she practiced, there were still moves that didn’t come perfectly natural to her that were even harder to do with Winston. But on that stage, she had been perfect.
The tensions during intermission were high. The most communication that happened were whispers between dancers in the same companies. Nova’s anxiety started to kick in, so she did what she always did to help. Plies, crunches, and pirouettes all helped her relax and get into show mode. 
“Nova,” Ingrid spoke while spraying more hairspray on her bun, “We all know you’re going to be great, stop worrying about it.” 
“I can’t,” she responded, knowing it was true, “There’s always an opportunity for someone to get better. If I stop now, I won’t be the best forever. I’ve got to keep persisting. Narcissa Cronin’s probably practicing right now too. I have to beat her.” 
“Actually,” Honey interrupted, “She’s over there hanging out with her friends. Like you should be doing.” 
Nova dropped down from her posse, sighing. “It’s not my fault she won’t be the best at her studio soon enough.” 
“Nova,” Honey’s voice took a level on her heart. Her friends only wanted what was best for her. Maybe they were right. Maybe there was more to life than just dance. The only problem was that she had no idea what was missing. 
Soon enough, the intermission was over and everyone was back in the wings, hoping their studio would win. It was no surprise that Narcissa Cronin was opening Act 2 with her solo that every Reject claimed to be amazing. Nova hoped it wasn’t true, yet knowing Narcissa’s reputation, it probably was. 
As the music started, Nova felt all her worries wash away. Normally, this only happened to her when she danced, not when someone else danced. But watching Narcissa dance was like being in a dream. She flowed perfectly with the music, making the whole experience one you should have paid thousands for. Her fiery red hair lit up the stage, perfectly contrasting with the cyan lighting. Narcissa looked beautiful, and Nova couldn’t take her eyes off her. 
She was caught in a trance, something she had never seen before. Then, she heard it. Narcissa had picked up the pace of her dance and fallen. At first, Nova felt no remorse. With her enemy fallen, the victory could be her’s. But not long after, she got ahold of herself. What if Narcissa was hurt? Any dancer knew that an injury could keep you out of the studio for longer than expected. 
Narcissa didn’t appear hurt as she picked herself up, and continued her dance as nothing had happened. Nova admired her for that. If she was hurt, there were no signs of it, and if that had embarrassed her, there were no signs of it. But when she got back up, her dance didn’t have the same magical spirit it had before. It looked empty almost like she knew everyone in the crowd was disappointed. 
Her dance ended, and the crowd clapped, though it was half-hearted. Narcissa’s dance had been amazing, yet the crowd and the judges would only remember her fall. 
Still feeling remorse for Narcissa, Nova knew she needed to get ahold of herself. She, Ingrid, and Honey were on next, and they still needed to be flawless if she wanted to win. 
The dance was short, yet meaningful. It was hard too, their jumps needed to soar, and all be in perfect time. Only the most elite dancers were able to perform it. Still, she felt like she shouldn't be prepping to go onstage. She should have been with Narcissa, comforting her. 
She hoped that at least someone was there and that her whole studio hadn’t turned on her. 
There was something that Nova noticed when she went onstage. She felt happier, but sad all at the same time. Though her dance earlier had been flawless, it had been empty. This dance felt full of feelings and all the things she had missed before. It felt whole.
Before she knew it, the dance was over. It had felt so blur-of-the-moment, just like what had happened to her when she had seen Narcissa onstage. Quickly, the exited stage left, while Ingrid and Honey disappeared stage right. Since they had unloaded their stuff near stage right, she would have to walk around the large stage, but she didn’t mind it. It would give her a quick moment to process the blur of feelings she had just experienced. 
There were many reasons Nova liked the Reject’s theatre. The main reason was that the stage was so big. But another always-present reason was all the dark corridors. It was so easy to get lost if you wanted to, but easy to stay on track. Since she was done for a while, she wanted to get lost. Because sometimes, getting lost was so much easier than facing the things that were directly in front of you. 
She was so lost in her thoughts and problems that she barely heard the sniffle that came from a short, dark corridor which Nova was 87% sure led out to the stage, yet most people used the main wings. 
“Are you okay?” she asked the mysterious figure, who appeared to be pretty distressed. 
“No,” the voice responded. She now knew it was a girl's voice, and it was pretty too. It was probably the most serene voice she had ever heard. 
“Do you want some company?” She asked the shadow, hoping she would say yes. 
“Are you a Reject?” The girl asked, and Nova was unsure how to respond. 
“No,” She responded hoping she had made the right choice, “I’m an Anarchist.” 
“Then be my guest.” 
Nova stepped into the shadows, somewhat shocked to see the girl was none other than Narcissa Cronin, her former worst enemy. 
“Are you Narcissa Cronin?” She needed to be sure. 
“Yeah. Reject School of Dance’s biggest disappointment. I’m sure you love me for that. The Anarchists are practically guaranteed to win this year. All because of me.” 
“You know what?” She asked Narcissa, “I don’t really even care about winning this year. I mean, I did, but something happened to me, and now I feel like it doesn’t even matter. Anarchists, Rejects, we’re all human so why the hell does it matter who wins this stupid dance invitational?” She felt adrenaline rush through her. Why was she admitting things like this to Narcissa Cronin, of all people?” 
“I think that’s really cool because it’s a perspective I’ve never heard before. All the Rejects just want to win. It’s like their only priority. And truthfully, I’m like them. I’m like them so much that I’ve pretty much forgotten to enjoy dance.” She stopped, and for a moment, neither of them said anything. “I’m sorry,” Narcissa said after a moment, “Honestly, I have no idea why I’m telling you all of this. I don’t even know your name.” 
“It’s Nova. Nova Artino.” 
She watched Narcissa’s eyes grow big. “You’re Nova Artino? But I heard you were like, the most competitive person on Earth!” She let out half of a laugh, but the statement hit Nova pretty hard. 
“Well, I used to be.” It was true. 
“Look, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. You were really nice to talk to.” 
“Thanks. You were too. Do you feel better?” 
“Well normally, when I’m feeling down, I just dance. But right now, I don’t think dancing is how I want to cheer myself up,” Narcissa confessed. 
“That’s fair. Will you come backstage with me? I have a number coming up.” 
“Yeah. I think I’d like that,” Narcissa grinned. 
“Then come on. Let’s dance.” 
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cywo-61 · 3 years ago
Ricordi d'infanzia
11 novembre, San Martino non mancava mai il dolcetto della festa.
San Martin xe 'ndà in sofita
a trovar la so novissa.
So novissa no ghe gera,
el xe 'ndà col cul par tera.
E col nostro sachetin
Viva, viva San Martin!
Tumblr media
Traduzione: San Martino è andato in soffitta per trovare la sua fidanzata, ma lei non c'era, così è finito col culo per terra. Con il nostro sacchetto ( quello con cui si raccolgono le offerte), viva viva San Martino!
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shellyseashell · 4 years ago
Because I clearly have a thing for modern aus.
Nova’s parents still died, in like, a car crash or something. They were not murdered. Evie is alive and well, and Ace is actually a good uncle.
Nova has trouble sleeping, and often doesn’t.
She does karate.
Adrian is the son of two businessmen. What do Hugh and Simon do? I have no idea.
His mother died when he was young, so Hugh and Simon, her friends, adopted him. They later adopted Max too.
He’s in the art club at school.
Ruby lives in a small house with a large family, much like in canon. Her parents couldn’t afford to move to a bigger house, and so they stayed.
Since her family is poor and she’s the oldest, she works. For some reason I see her as liking painting, so I think she’d do painting lessons.
She also does karate, and that’s where her and Nova meet.
Danna lives in a small apartment with her father. Her mother died when she was young.
She does soccer, and for some reason I feel like she’d like music club? I dunno why.
Oscar’s family is small. He has no siblings, so it’s just him and his parents (does he have siblings canonically? I feel like he does for some reason but idk).
He likes robotics club and acts as cheerleader at Danna’s soccer games.
Narcissa lives with her grandfather. They run the local library. Because of this, she really likes books and is the leader of the book club.
They all go to school together, and are in the same grade. Max and Evie are friends.
Other than this basic information, I have no other ideas. I’m also not sure what the ships would be. Nodrian? Nobell? Rubell? Novissa? Danissa? Osby? No idea.
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rcsfuhistorian · 4 years ago
hello everyone. since i have created my first post detailing an event, i suppose i should introduce myself. i am the rcsfu historian, and this blog is dedicated to profiling events that occur involving the rcsfu, so that people in the future will be able to have a reference to look back on this and figure out everything that happened. i will try to keep this blog up to date with everything that happens, but people are welcome to submit their own summaries of events if i seem to be busy. i am also a safe person to trust secrets with, so if someone wishes to confide in me about something without me revealing their identity, i will keep their identity a secret. however, while i will not snitch on people who have trusted me with certain information, this blog will often theorize on the identities of various anon blogs, and people are free to come to my inbox with evidence or accusations. my inbox is also open if you have specific questions regarding the history of the rcsfu. i am also hoping to conduct interviews, so if you are someone active in the rcsfu in the discord, or if you are an anon blog, or even an innocent passerby, you are welcome to schedule an interview with me. this blog is not currently open to other historians or admins, but that may change eventually. feel free to send me an ask if there are any additional questions.
@therealrcsfutwilight @therealrcsfutowmater @therealrcsfuhooty @therealrcsfusonic @therealevanderwade @therealerevanderwade @therealrcsfuswiftwind @therealrcsfulucky @therealrcsfuedsheeran @phobidawg @thepurpledragon4444 @novissa @redassassin @yadrieljulian @sleeveev @qujaruto-qujhe-qujear @janisarkisian @rvbell @novannna @lavenderbloo @cat-copnt
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