#notice how she’s stanley’s daughter
jayandfreakybob · 16 hours
I should force all my mutuals to watch Stickin’ Around
they all need to know the greatness that is Stanley Stickler 😇
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jasperhaleobsessed · 9 months
The grumpy cowboy (Twilight Gift Exchange)
Jasper Hale x Female reader (gift for flesh--amnesiac)
Summary: I'm thinking maybe Jasper and the reader have a hate to love relationship? Like maybe Jasper act like he hates the reader but deep down loves her. Like he gets annoyed at things that she does. Like maybe she's what is referred to as a sunshine character. Someone who's always happy and it like irks Jasper to no end instead of making him feel at ease. Maybe he does or says something to her that really cuts deep deep and he doesn't feel bad about it until he realise what he criticized her on was for her family who was life alteringly ill or something.
Notes: Takes place during the first book twilight. I am so sorry if Jasper seems OOC but I'm hoping by the end of it he seems more like the cowboy we all know and love. This is only my second x reader fic so bear with me! I'm not the best with writing angst but I'm gonna try!! :)
Notes for flesh--amnesiac: • 𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 🎄 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝙨𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚 • 𝙄 𝙖𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 • 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 • 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙤 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙚
Warnings: Some angst but it'll have a sweet ending don't worry! <3
Word count: 3k
Tagging: @flesh--amnesiac and @twilight-secret-gift-exchange
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Jasper's POV
My family and I walked into the Cafeteria, as we headed to our usual spot more than a few pairs of eyes landed upon us. We seated ourselves and started to converse. But the conversation wasn't eventful, all we did was some small talk. Today was going to be a long day, I thought glumly. I shifted my focus to my siblings. I noticed that each of them attempted to act as if we were eating but we failed miserably. I gave up long ago trying to act normal. I had heard more than a few ugly rumors about myself and my siblings. I shook that thought away. I gazed back at the food. Human food wasn’t…very good. But this school’s food was worse than the other school’s I’ve been to. Edward even tossed a piece of an apple across our table in disgust. I could feel his uneasiness towards our meals. They all felt disturbed by our food, I couldn't agree more it didn't exactly smell appetizing.
I felt their boredom, they tried to entertain themselves. Edward was focused on Jessica Stanley who was conversing with the new student Isabella Swan. Or Chiefs Swans daughter that many knew little about. But word travels fast, rumors run wild very quickly. I'm sure Jessica will learn a lot about her in a short period of time. That girl loves to talk. Everyone seemed to be curious and intrigued by Isabella just like they were when we arrived in Forks. Suddenly I could feel frustration and anger radiating off of Edward. I decided against asking him, he usually would vocalize these things when he was ready. So I shifted my focus to Alice, she appeared to be having another vision. I wonder what it could be? She was deep in thought, I thought it would be best if I left her alone. I wouldn't want to disturb her while in such a fragile state. 
Emmett had his arm around Rosalie, they were both entranced into one another. I could feel the love they had for one another, it radiated brightly. I turned my attention away when I heard a familiar voice. 
I looked to the side, getting a small view of who was conversing. I realized that Y/N was talking to the new girl Isabella Swan. She introduced herself “Hi I’m Y/N! It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled warmly at her. I don't understand how she can be so…nice all the time. She held her hand out for Isabella to shake. Isabella looked surprised but took her hand, and shook it gently.  “It was a pleasure to meet you as well.” Y/N spoke up and asked “It’s Isabella right?” 
“No, I go by Bella.” Isa–Bella I corrected, she looked annoyed. Y/N nodded in understanding. 
Bella turned to Jessica and asked, “Who are they?” 
Y/N chuckled. “What’s so funny?” Jessica asked.
“Oh nothing.” She turned her attention back to eating her lunch. I think the amount of time Jessica has talked about us Y/N is sick of it. 
I didn't particularly like her. We'd never quite gotten along. But some may argue that I never really gave her a chance or anyone for that matter. Most humans avoided us, but I guess what worked out well for me because of their scent. Socializing doesn't work very well due to my lack of control. The thirst for blood was just too much. I felt my throat burn, lunch will be over soon then I can get some fresh air. I need it desperately. 
I could feel Emmett conflict as I continued gazed at where she was seated. But he finally got the guts and asked me, "Why do you hate her so much?"
"I don't hate her." He gave me a look. The rest of my siblings turned to look in our direction. Edward tore away from looking at Bella and turned to me. He smirked, he leaned forward listening intently.
"Okay, okay I don't love her but I really don't hate her. She's just annoying and infuriating. And she’s just so…nice it irks me.” I shivered thinking about her. 
“It irks you?” Edward questioned. 
“Yes, Edward it does.” Emmett boomed with laughter. 
After wiping away some fake tears he said,“Uh huh. Suree.” I rolled my eyes at his antics. Rosalie looked amused as Emmett. They were truly made for each other. And Alice looked excited. I could feel her excitement, the question is what did she see?
The bell rang and my siblings and I headed to our next class. My next class just happened to be with Y/N but at least it was History, my favorite subject. 
Y/N’s POV 
I sat down in my usual spot in the classroom, I sat my romance book on the desk and situated myself. My partner wasn’t here today so I was sadly alone for the day but at least I could read. I flipped to my last spot and started to read. I was at the end of the book and it happened to be one of those hallmark books. Yeah I know it's cheesy. But it’s predictable and sweet. I was towards the end where they’d kiss and makeup. My favorite part. I smiled to myself, I felt a blush creep up on my face as the couple were finally leaning in to kiss and then the bell rang. I begrudgingly closed my book and looked up to listen to Mrs.Lewis. 
“Today in class, you will be starting a project on the Civil War.” Some of the people in my class groaned while others looked at each other excitingly, hoping to be groupmates or partners. 
“But I will be picking partners.” I groaned along with my peers. This was gonna be fun. Maybe it won’t be so bad? I guess I’m just gonna have to be hopeful I’ll get someone I like. 
“Now, Once you all will be in pairs together…” She emphasized and then continued. “You will be deciding on a certain event or a certain person that is critical to the Civil War. For example for a certain person you could do a presentation on President Lincoln or a Sergeant even that was critical or played a crucial part in the Civil War. In other words the person or event needs to be influential to what happened in the War. Now if any of you have any questions let me know.” She looked up eyeing the class. 
“Right, I almost forgot the project will be on a postboard. You will need four pictures of the event or person. You will need to explain why they were influential, 5 fun facts, a general explanation of the Civil War, and what happened at said event or what your person did.” 
I wonder who I’ll be with? I kept thinking this over and over. I was starting to get nervous. I suddenly felt a wave of calmness rush through me. I drifted my eyes from Mrs.Lewis and started to look around the room and met a pair of golden eyes. Jasper Hale was looking at me. Doesn’t he hate me…? At least that’s what it always has seemed like. But you could argue that he dislikes most people at this school. But if he does hate me, why? What'd I do? If he didn’t hate me so much I’d admit he’s kinda cute. Wait what? I turned away quickly trying to forget about that thought. 
Mrs.Lewis was calling partners, people were shifting to different seats. I tried to wait patiently but it wasn’t easy. I kept tapping my foot over and over again. And then I heard my name. But it wasn’t what I was expecting. Or who I was expecting to be with. 
She called, “Jasper Hale and Y/N L/N.” I didn't move. I stayed still. I was shocked. I wasn't expecting to be his partner.
I just couldn't believe it. I was gonna be partnered with Jasper Hale? We’ve never gotten along. Clearly since he hates my guts. 
“Ms.L/N?” Mrs.Lewis called. 
“Did you hear me? Are you going to move?” She asked. 
“Right, sorry Mrs.Lewis.” I moved my backpack, book and headed to where Jasper was sitting. He tended to sit in the back, he was always very quiet. He also had a habit of glaring at people and seemed to be in pain. I don't know how to explain it, it just always seems angry. I don't know what his problem is. Hmm maybe he has a good reason or there's more than what meets the eye. I hope I'm wrong. I don't want him to hate me, I don't want anyone to hate me. 
She nodded curtly. And I positioned myself in my seat. 
I focused my attention back to Jasper. I turned towards him and asked “So how do you want to do this?” I asked. 
“Do what?” He asked. 
“Umm…how do you want to split up the work and what event or person do you want to do the Civil War on?” I asked, for some reason I felt kinda awkward. 
He looked deep in thought, “We could do it on Abraham Lincoln. That shouldn't be too difficult.” 
“Okay.” I felt bored. I don't think this is gonna be a fun project. I looked down staring at my paper. While I was shocked Jasper grabbed our papers for the assignment. I think the paper had something to do with the research. It was supposed to guide us? 
“Am I boring you?” 
“What?!” I felt my cheeks flush. 
“N-no! I'm just unsure how to feel about the project that's all. I-it's not you.”
He leaned forward, “So it's the it's not you its me line, huh?” He joked. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile. His smile was beautiful like an angel. It may be silly or cheesy but it really did. 
“Nooo… okay maybe a little.” I felt a bit embarrassed. I rubbed the back of my neck. My cheeks once again flushed. So I decided to distract myself by grabbing a history book from my desk. I grabbed a pencil and started to write down some notes for the project. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, looking at me carefully. 
I turned back to look at him and said, “Umm…writing down some notes for the project?”
“You sound unsure.” He observed. 
I take a deep breath and say what’s been nagging at me this whole time. “Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you that was so awful? Why do you stare at me with daggers in your eyes?” I feel anger course through me. 
“Why do you care? You’re as bad as everyone at this school, in this town. You're all the same.” He said carelessly. He looked so angry. Rageful. His eyes were dark, coal back. I’ve never seen someone look this angry. It scared me. But then my anger rushed back, the nerve of this man. He knows nothing. I try to be kind, nice, good, and true. I’m not perfect but I’ve never said anything bad about him. Or about anyone. I try to be nice to him and to everyone for that matter. I am not always perfect. I may mess up and get angry but I’ve never treated him or anyone like this. I’ve never assumed that everyone is the same because they’re not! We’re all unique individuals with our own amazing qualities. But then the sadness rushed in me, I felt tears spring in my eyes. Why does he have to be so cruel and so cute? The bell had perfect timing, it rang and I left as fast as I could. 
Jasper’s POV
I could feel her anger from miles away. Who you may ask? My pixie of a sister. Alice. She’s angry, to put it lightly. My siblings wanted to know what was wrong. But neither of us would budge. I’m sure Edward tried to read her mind but she blocked him out. I only know this because he looked frustrated. When we got home she berated me. Everyone was staring. 
“What is wrong with you?!” She questioned. 
“What do you mean what’s wrong with me?” I asked. 
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “You're gonna let her get away? She’s your mate! You love her! Anyone would say she's literally a ball of sunshine!” She yelled. I’d never seen her so angry. It was unlike her. I tried to send calming waves through her but that only made her angrier. She pointed a finger towards me, “Do not try to calm me down! I am not done! And I will not stop until you see reason!”
She continued by saying, “You thought it'd be a good idea to break her cute little heart? She cares about you Jasper, flaws and all. So go get her. Hold her tight and don’t let her go because she's a keeper, alright!” I stared at her blankly. She took a deep breath, “I know that your are most likely scared anyone would be–”
“Except for ME!” Emmett yelled. Rosalie slapped his head. “Aw!” He yelled again. Everyone watched and listened intently. 
“Anyways, I know you're scared but don’t push her away, you need her. And I know you assume the worst because you’ve all you’ve known but some humans can be truly good. Think about it. Please.” She pleaded. 
“I will.” I say calmly. 
She pointed her small finger at me again, “You better mister or you’ll be in a lot of trouble.” She said with some sass in her voice. I scoffed at her jokingly of course. 
I decided to get some fresh air, I needed to think.
When I first met her or saw her it did irk me with how much she could be kind or nice. But as time went on her kindness and sunshine felt pleasing. Most humans especially when they’re teenagers emotions are everywhere and that means it can be a lot. It can be suffocating at times. But when I felt Y/N’s emotions it was like a breath of fresh air. It felt good after so long of so many suffocating emotions. But it did take a while before it felt like this. For the first year I had met her I really did dislike her and how she acted irked me. It rubbed me the wrong way. Then I realized I didn’t hate her, I loved her. She was so kind, so sincere, so true and I didn’t want to take that away. So I avoided her, I kept telling myself I hated her with every fiber of my being. But it just isn’t true. Even though I knew she was kind I did feel a bit wary of her because most people in this High School weren’t exactly the most sincere. And then I convinced myself she was just like everybody else. It would be easier this way, I wouldn’t hurt her. I wouldn’t harm her. I honestly don’t know why I said what I did. Maybe in a way it was me trying to protect myself from harm or maybe it was the fact I wanted to protect her from me. I think I’m scared of hurting her. 
The look in her eyes broke my heart. The way her eyes were glossy from tears ready to spill out of her eyes was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Alice thought she needed to snap some sense in me but she didn’t. I already knew. I could already feel it. I could feel her heartbreak, her anger towards me. But I can’t leave her like that. I have to do something. I won’t leave the person I love most hurt so deeply. I have to mend her broken heart, I have to mend my broken heart too. I love her too much to leave her in the state she is. I remember the way it felt when her heart broke into a million pieces. I felt her anger. I could imagine her saying “How dare he?” ‘Why would he think that?” I say how she essentially ran out of the classroom because of the pain I’d caused her. I felt her fear, I wanted her to feel safe with me. But first I need to hunt quickly and I know something for certain. I will do something about this. I vow to never cause her such pain again. 
Y/N’s POV 
I felt like my heart was broken into a million pieces and was trampled on. I was currently laying in my soft, comfy bed surrounded by my favorite stuffed animals alongside my trusty tub of ice cream. I also was playing soft music in the background. I felt tears stream down my face, I snuggled closer to my stuffed animals. I know it may be childish but I need all the comfort I can get. So who cares!
I couldn’t help but think of the times when I saw Jasper help a fellow classmate or when he helped one of the teachers. Many including myself thought at times he seemed cold but that wasn’t it was it? I’m sure what’s going on with me but I don't think he is what meets the eye. But at the same time that can’t be true he literally just looked at me with such hatred. Now, I don’t know what to think. Maybe he isn’t as good as I thought. I hope I’m wrong. I turned over and closed my eyes. But just as I started to doze my mom yelled, “Y/N! You have a visitor!” A visitor? Who’s coming to visit me? What’s going on? I moved from my bed practically running down the stairs. I kept thinking who it could be. I was not expecting him to be here. I was shocked. My mom said with a small smile “I’ll leave you too alone.” 
It was Jasper. He was here! He was wearing a black suit which, funny enough, suited him well. He looked very gentleman-like and handsome. I couldn’t help but blush looking down. I had almost forgotten what had happened. But it hit me like a rock. He said some pretty cruel things. And scared me half to death while doing it. I looked up at his honey golden eyes, “Why are you here?” I asked quietly. I wasn’t sure what to feel. I was unsure. But a question kept popping in my head, Why is he here? What does he want?
He spoke up and said, “I came here to apologize, I should have said what I did. It was wrong. You aren’t like everyone and perhaps everyone else isn’t so bad either. You truly are an amazing person and I am so lucky to have met you. You're so warm, so kind, nice, sweet, sincere, loyal, and true. If you can accept me for what I am, flaws and all, then I’d be the happiest man on earth.” I gasped. No man, no guy, no boy had ever said anything like this to me before. 
And I could see it in his eyes. He meant it, he loved me too. He truly cared and I hadn’t felt that in a long time. I felt tears fall out of my eyes. And I hugged him and he spun me around. I had never felt this happy, this joyous. 
“Of course, I forgive you! You’d be too hard not to be such a gentleman!” I let out a giggle. He wipes out my remaining tears. He speaks up again, “I have one more surprise.” He pulls out a bouquet of Gardenia. It could mean, “Purity and sweetness and they can indicate a secret love or crush. They give joy and if given you are telling the recipient you think they are lovely.” It’s funny I just read this the other day. This man is full of surprises but amazing ones.
“I love you Jasper Hale.” He smiles, “I love you too Y/N L/N too.” He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.
The End
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flower1622 · 11 days
What if Allison made Five agree with her?
Allison watches Five, Viktor, Luther and Diego while they eat, drink and talk with each other. She has her arms crossed.
Allison: Are you fucking kidding with me?
Luther looks at Allison confused, Diego is annoyed, Five doesn't really care and Viktor looks at Allison in shock.
Viktor: Allison, is something wrong?
Allison: Yes, everything is wrong, starting with you all that instead thinking ways to come back home, you guys are having fun.
Diego sighs and stares at Allison serious.
Diego: Allison.
Five: Let her speak her mind, Diego. Poor woman doesn't understand that we can't think about the Apocalyse or home for 24 hours. We're still humans that need to relax too.
Allison gets angry.
Allison: Five.
Five: What? Am i wrong? Serious, Allison. You should learn to relax too. Since we arrived, you are acting cruel and angry all the time. This is not helping at all.
Allison: Well, i'm sorry if i want to see my daughter again!
Allison leaves and her other siblings only sigh.
Allison is walking through the corridor and passes by a room, but something catches her attention, so she comes back and sees Stanley over Klaus' dead body.
Allison thinks.
'Perfect. With Klaus, Five's biggest weakness, out of the picture, i wanna see if he'll continue being calm about this. It's time to bring cold five back.'
Allison walks towards Stanley and rumours him.
Allison: I heard a rumour that you'll go downstairs and tell to my siblings that you killed Klaus in the pink bedroom. You won't remember that you saw me here.
Stanley runs to tell the others about what happened.
Allison gets close to Klaus' body and sighs.
Allison: I'm sorry, Klaus. It's the only way.
Allison gets close to Klaus' ear and whispers.
' I heard a rumour that your body will stay dead until we come back home. This way, five is gonna think that you died and he'll put his focus 100% on how to come back. After that, you won't remember that i rumoured you.'
Stanley runs and stops in front of the siblings with a desperate expression on his face. Everyone looks at him confused.
Stanley: I killed Klaus in the pink bedroom.
Five gets angry.
Five: You did what?!
Five teleports himself while Diego starts crying, Luther seems to be in shock and Viktor looks sad.
Five teleports to the bedroom and sees Klaus' dead body. Five falls down next to Klaus and starts shaking his body, begging his brother to wake up while he cries and sobs over Klaus' body.
Hours later:
Luther is eating his food pretty fast. Diego and Viktor are just taking some bites, both pretty sad with Klaus' death. Since that time, some things changed. Lila took Stanley away after Five threatened to kill the boy. Diego also discovered that Stanley was never his son. Cold and pycho five is back and joined Allison. Both act rude and bad towards other people, including their siblings. The three siblings try to stay away as much as possible. The two only think about going home now and fix the Apocalypse. Viktor, Diego and Luther are slapped hard in their heads. They turn to see Allison and Five glaring at them.
Five: What the hell are you guys doing?
Luther gets confused.
Luther: Eating?
Five and Allison give fake laughs to each other.
Five: He's eating.
They continue laughing, scaring their siblings. Then, in matter of seconds, the table is pushed down and falls on the floor. Five takes Luther by the collar, almost suffocating him. Luther notices that Five has a deadly look on his face.
Five: Look Luther, i've spending my whole life and these last hours we have trying to find ways for us to come back home and stop this stupid Apocalypse. So, if you prefer to keep eating your horrible food, i guess you could stay here forever with no problem, right? You'd love to disappear, wouldn't you?
Luther gets suffocated, but he still shakes his head. Five goes to stand next to Allison and stares at his other siblings with a pretty serious expression on his face.
Five: If i see any of you eating or drinking something instead of thinking about the Apocalypse, i'm gonna leave the person here...and i'm not kidding.
Five leaves and Allison gives a little dark smile to her siblings and goes after Five.
Luther, Diego and Viktor keep staring shocked at Five and Allison walking away.
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mekochansblog · 2 years
My sane
Five Hargreeves x reader
Tag: @thirteen2003fan & @instabull
Warnings: talking about death, sad Five.
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Five looked at Diego and Lila trying to find their “son” Stanley. Five rolled his eyes and sighed knowing the kid he probably got kugelblitz.
He turned his head a bit and grumbled, “Can you believe it Y/N they lost the kid they adopt all because they are sentient STDs.” He then actually looked at his side and saw no one. It’s been a habit lately that he talks to himself thinking his wife was just going to be there. He decided to ignore them for a bit and saw Luther and Sloane. They wanted them to join them at the Sparrow academy.
While walking to the academy he thought about everything he went the past 20 days and more. First, he landed in the courtyard of his house, back to his 20-year-old body. Then he tried to save that apocalypse from his brother, which made him take his family back in time to save them, he landed in the ’60s and tried to save his family from that apocalypse. Took them to the right time but not the right timeline and now he has a stupid kugelblitz to handle yet again. Can’t even get a break right Y/N?
He remembers finding a Polaroid camera during your little search in the apocalypse and taking a picture with you. He remembers your smile and the giggles you will let out when he will say something about his calculations that you knew you weren’t able to understand. It made him want to cry remembering you. He zones back when they got to the academy and Fei opens the door for them.
“Lovely to meet you.” Lila introduces herself to Fei.
“Welcome.” Fei returns to gesture, “make yourselves at home.” She tells the academy people.
Allison who was already in a bad mood, “bitch this is our home.” And sat down.
Five decided to ignore them for now and listen to what Diego noticed. “Where the hell is Viktor and Klaus?”
Five chuckled, “With our luck, probably kugelblitzed by now.”
Diego looked at him weirdly. “You’re a dark little dude sometimes.”
Five listened to Diego and Ben argue like little children and sighed. Jesus, why can’t they just get to the point? “Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I’d like to get back to a plan.”
Viktor then jogged into the room looking around. He looked like he was about to be in tears.
“Where is he?” He asked looking at the Sparrow academy and then at Allison. Five also looked at them not knowing who they were talking about but having a clue who. Five zoned them out a bit, but Ben brought him back.
“20 bucks on the little one,” Ben whispered to Five while eating cheese puffs. Five looked at him and thought about it.
“I’ll take that action.” Five leaned to Ben to whisper to him, not wanting to get in the middle of his sibling's fight.
‘You shouldn’t be betting on your own siblings Miele that’s just mean coming from you.’ He can already know what would be his wife’s words if she was here.
“This wasn’t about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for - -“ Viktor started, making Five stop thinking about his wife and listening to Viktor and Allison argue.
“Go on. Say her name.” Allison went on looking intimidating and looking down at Viktor. Five got tired of it and stood up.
“That’s it Allison we get it you’re hurt you lost your daughter, but everyone lost someone, not just you, you can’t just say this shit to Viktor, you killed someone important to him.” Five exclaimed back at Allison and everyone started looking at him. Five was pissed everyone lost someone, Luther lost Pogo in a way, Diego lost his mother, Klaus lost our Ben and Dave, and Viktor lost Sissy and now Harlan. Allison turned to him.
“You haven’t lost anyone Five you were stuck in the apocalypse and you were gone for years so how the hell can you say you lost someone!” She screamed at him while holding back tears. Five gave a painful laugh and looked at his sister with so much pain.
“You think I didn’t lose someone too?! I lost my own wife! My happiness I lost her to the stupid apocalypse that I so badly wanted to save all of you guys because those were her last words to me! To save my family! I lost the one person that kept me sane all those years from an illness that we both couldn’t do anything because guess what Allison!?” Five yelled while looking at her, “There was no medicine! No cure! No hospital! I saw the love of my life die in my arms! So to answer your stupid question sister yes I did lose someone are you happy now?!” Five finished and had to take deep breaths.
The whole family looked at him lost for words, not knowing what to tell their young but older brother from the news that he told them. Five sighed and started sniffling feeling the weight of guilt for his wife drowning him. “I lost the only person that I cared about, and I couldn’t do anything to keep her alive with me. I miss her. I miss my Y/N.” Five wept softly. Diego sighed and grabbed his brother and hugged him.
Five felt rigid not having felt a hug since the last one you gave him. He slowly stop tensing and hugged his brother back and cried. Five broke down his walls and held on to Diego for support.
“I miss her Diego and I can’t do anything to bring her back.”
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kai-anderson-whore · 2 years
You promised yourself you'd never (jimmy darling x pregnant wife reader)
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Summary: you and Jimmy have been married for years and are now starting a family of your own but with the heartbreak that's happened at the freak show takes its toll on your husband
Warnings: angst, alcohol abuse, labour, childbirth, mentions of death
A/n: jimmy darling got the most votes on the poll a fee days ago I'll post the next fic in the upcoming days enjoy
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
To say things in the freakshow have been weird this past year is an understatement elsa is now on her way to fulfilling her dream of becoming a star with the help of Stanley but you didn't trust it call it a daughters intuition you wanted to look out for you mother and your family.
But what really got to you was the fact your marriage with jimmy was on the rocks, ever since dell came along you noticed his strange behavior like he's keeping something from you, you had a talk with Ethel and discovered that dell was infact your husbands father, Ethel trusted you enough to tell you that but you couldn't imagine how painful it must have been for her to see her sons father infront of his eyes and do nothing that was until the incident with amazon eve.
Jimmy set out to have a talk with dell in the town, you expected him to be gone an hour or two but he never returned till the next morning, you were heavily pregnant with Jimmy's child you stayed at Ethel's till Jimmy came home in the early hours shouting and bawling Clinging on to dell.
You stood outside his mother's door watching Jimmy with the look of disappointment he never drank a day in his life and here he is drunk, "where the fuck were you jimmy" you sighed annoyed holding onto your obvious bump through your nightgown, "baby I went to town" he slurred "get in the caravan jimmy" you said crossing your arms together.
Elsa told dell something you weren't really caring about, "Jimmy I gotta tell you something is the toledo code the minute you let a woman tell you what to do is the minute you hand your balls to them" dell stated making you, your mother and desiree pissed, "I wanna keep my balls" jimmy slurred going on to tell elsa things are going to change.
"Dell you get your son in that caravan and get him to sleep cause I ain't you got him in that state you deal with him" you snapped walking off, "y/n no where are you going" jimmy yelled in a slur, "to my mom's tent till you sober up" was all you said going into elsa's tent.
*a few weeks later*
From then on everything got worse Ethel passed away jimmy was out his mind with drinking all the time it wasn't jimmy anymore he wasn't the man you fell in love with and married at 17 years old.
You didn't want the baby being born with their father drinking all the time you had enough, you went to get breakfast you could hear Jimmy shouting at himself thinking it was someone trying to start drama in his own head, you made yourself a sandwich something light you couldn't eat much with worry.
"Baby" Jimmy slurred guzzling down a bottle of beer you let out a sigh through your nose trying not to get mad, but it was hard when your literally about to drop a baby any moment and your hormones are going crazy, "you talking to me or that bottle jimmy" you huffed going to sit with the others whilst they ate, "What's your problem y/n" Jimmy raised his voice throwing the last of the bottle away at the end of the table alone.
"You Jimmy, you're my problem look I get it your grieving but drinking ain't the answer not when you have a wife and a baby ready to be born at any given moment Ethel wouldn't have wanted this for you" you sighed cradling your bump.
"Well nothing we can do now y/n because she's dead she's not coming back" he slurred his eyes threatening to fall shut, you felt angry that he would say that he knew what it was like being a kid with a parent who has drinking problems why would he want his baby to be brought up the same, "you better get your act together jimmy before this baby is born the ball is on your side of the court now because I'm done trying I gave my fucking life to you darling you have responsibilities now so wise up before it's too late" you yelled slamming your fist on the wooden table before walking off to cool down desiree following behind you.
"FUCK" you could hear jimmy yelling kicking something in his way you didn't care you just went to your trailer the tears slipping out your eyes, "it's alright sweetheart it's going to be alright" desiree assured holding your frail pregnant body close to her as your sobbed into her arms.
"I'm tired of this des I'm just so so tired" you hiccuped in-between sobs, you couldn't take it anymore if he wasn't going to listen to you who would he listen to, "maybe dell could maybe get to him it's worth a try" desiree suggested you were desperate so you had to talk to del, you nodded in agreement going to find dell.
You searched everywhere for dell finally finding him near the main tent talking to Stanley, "dell I need to talk to you" you said earning the attention from the two men who noticed your tear stained eyes, "after me your first in line" Stanley chuckled trying to gain dell's attention back to their conversation, "Stanley I'd advise you not to piss me off now beat it I need to talk to you dell it's important" you urged "I'll be a moment stanley" dell excused himself his hand on the small of your back guiding you somewhere more private.
"What's wrong?" Dell asked his eyes scanning your face in concern, "it's jimmy he's going down a very bad slope with the booze dell I can't get through to him but maybe you can just tell him how much it fucked everything up for you as a dad or something just tell him anything he needs you more than ever now" you began to breakdown again sitting on a sack of hay dell didn't know what to do.
He was terrified to share his feeling with jimmy on why he abandoned him, "you at least owe him that anyway dell it might give him the closure he needs" you said dell sighed heavily taking a seat next to you, "I'll try and get through to him you and the baby needs him more than anything right now" was all dell could say you nodded staring at the ground silence filling the space.
"Why did you leave him" you suddenly asked wanting to know, "I was so scared he had what I got criticised for not having by my family and I freaked out when I saw his hands they brought up the past I know it's a shitty excuse but it's true" dell stated feeling the guilt eat him up.
"But I wanted to come back I wanted to be there for him I missed so much if his life, his first word, steps, birthdays, Christmas even his own wedding I just don't know how to make up for lost time" dell sighed a stray tear slipping out his eye letting himself be vulnerable, "just be there for him right now dell you can't make up to jimmy for all that lost time but think of it this way you can gain those memories with your grandchild all those things that you missed out you and Jimmy can make even more special memories" you smiled hoping that maybe that would lift dell's spirits up.
"You know what y/n your right maybe me coming here is really a blessing I can't turn back time and make the right choice with jimmy but maybe being there for him now and for this family" dell smiled you trying to push your body up from the sack of hay with dell's assistance to get on with your day.
Jimmy was no where in sight you thought he probably went into town or something you weren't to sure, you went into your mother's tent to talk with her but she was again talking to Stanley it seems if so whenever you wanted to your mother or anyone for that matter he was there rambling on about showbiz and their chance in Hollywood you had a feeling it was all talk about it all.
"Mom?" You tried to gain her attention like a toddler wanting to show their parents a picture they drawn, "not now y/n can you see I am busy my darling" your mother's German accent shushed you Stanley glanced over at you with a smug smile like it was a competition for anyone's attention against you, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the pettiness of it all your mother was so dumb to fall for it.
"Just think about what I'm offering elsa" was the last thing Stanley said to her before walking past you but not without that smug grin on his face, you scrunched your face at him taking a seat on the sofa, "what was that all about?" You asked cradling your bump trying to get yourself comfortable but it was no use.
"He wants me to be on the television I don't want to be on television I prefer the beauty of the silverscreen" your mother shrugged you scoffed she's really falling for that, "what are you scoffing at my sweet child huh?" Elsa raised her eyebrow at you waiting on your answer, "mother you tried to shoot your shot at fame but look where that got you here hiding the fact that your a freak too it's not right at all" you sighed shaking your head.
"If I remember you married a man who has lobster claws as hands and your carrying his unborn child in that stomach of yours" your mother took offence to your statement pointing her finger at you, "exactly there's nothing to be ashamed of your just like the rest of them mother sure you weren't born with the disformity but you can relate to them I'm the lucky one I could have ran and had a better life but I chose not to because this is my family" you argued back with her proving your point that this is her family she would be leaving behind.
"Because you fell in love your lucky you have someone to love you I'd kill to have someone love me like jimmy loves you y/n you have it very lucky child" elsa hissed she was always jealous of you and Jimmy's relationship since she always wanted to be loved, "well I don't think that's the case anymore" you whispered your hormones now switching rapidly from pissed off to on the verge of tears.
"Why whats the matter my darling" elsa asked of course your mother hadn't noticed that your marriage was on the rocks when everyone else saw, "I tried to talk to you about it all the time of but you wouldn't have noticed since your too busy thinking about yourself as per usual" you snapped a single tear leaving your eyes, elsa's face dropped now realising how much you were hurting and how alone you felt.
"I needed you mother and you were to busy thinking about elsa Mars like always Jimmy's even too busy getting drunk every second of everyday i- I just feel so alone" you sobbed finally having enough you needed a good cry and let all of your emotions out after months of keeping them in.
"But I thought you and Jimmy were fine now" elsa thought out loud you let out another scoff, "Oh yeah mother my husband and I are getting along great Jimmy's just getting drunk all the time barely bothers with me and I'm a raging ball of hormones" you scoffed shaking your head.
"I'll so sorry my darling you and Jimmy will sort things out you always do" you just nodded at elsa's words making your way out the tent jimmy was still no where to be seen.
Later on that night you laid on you and Jimmy's shared bed your record player on to some soft music you held your bump singing softly to your unborn child. You couldn't help but smile thinking how much closer you were to seeing their little face.
You were snapped out of your peaceful mind with the door banging closed revealing the culprit jimmy, staggering in drunk of his mind, "fuck" he slurred almost tripping over his own feet you just watched him not saying anything.
His back was opposite you so you couldn't see his face as jimmy tried to take his shirt off leaving himself in his old worn out wife beater on, "this fucking shirt" he huffed throwing it on the table once he finally got the fabric off with a struggle you cleared your throat gaining your husbands attention.
"And where were you jimmy" you asked  nonchalantly you were over this now this was Jimmy's problem to deal with if he wants to drink himself into the gutter then so be it, "out making a little more dough than we usually make like always" he slurred you knew about the tupperware party's for years and it did bring a decent amount of money home so you were fine with it.
"Okay I'm surprised you even made your way back home never mind getting those woman off in that state" you shrugged, "well I made it home and I made a few bucks now I want to open a beer and lay down" jimmy slurred opening the small refrigerator realising its empty from alcohol.
"Where's my beers?" He asked closing the door then opening it back it hoping that maybe the fridge would magically spawn a pack of beers, "well they went down your throat jimmy" you recalled getting yourself off the bed to make yourself some tea, "no I could have sworn I had a few-" jimmy was cut off by you latching onto your stomach in pain a loud groan of pain leaving your lips.
Your body was bent over the counter a wave of fear and panic washed over you, "What's wrong y/n" Jimmy asked also in shock and fear his body sobering up seeing you in such pain.
"I think my waters broke" you groaned your nightgown now soaked another Sharp pain overpowering your body making you let out a scream of agony, "AHH jimmy get my mom please" you begged jimmy laid you down on the bed rushing out to get your mother.
You laid there trying to get your breathing back to normal but everytime you managed to get your breathing more normal then the pain cane back as time went by the pain became more frequent.
The pain was unbearable you couldn't believe the pains of the contractions you were dreading the actual birth, the door swug open revealing jimmy, your mother and desiree all in a panic, "my darling What's wrong" your mother asked kneeling down beside you, "I think I'm having the baby I'm so scared mother" you sobbed holding your mother's hand.
"How far apart are the pains y/n" desiree asked "elsa grab some towels and a bucket of water" she instructed you mother was off in a hurry grabbing everything needed, "there about two minutes apart now" you groaned, Jimmy stood beside desiree not knowing what on earth to do, "Jimmy don't just stand there hold her hand be there for her" desiree said Jimmy was right by your side holding your hand the other stroking your damp hair.
The tears filled the brim of your eyes the pain was unbearable, desiree was checking if she could see the baby's head, "Don't worry honey I've delivered a baby or two in my time" she reassured you nodded holding into Jimmy's hand squeezing the life out of it.
What felt like forever desiree telling you to keep pushing you heard those little cries of your baby, Jimmy's eyes went wide watching as desiree wrap you baby in a blanket, "congratulations it's a gorgeous baby girl" desiree announced your face lit up in a smile hearing those words jimmy couldn't help but let tears of joy escape him.
"A girl y/n a baby girl" he whispered desiree handed your small infant to your husband his eyes never leaving the baby, "elsa can you give y/n a wash and change her into clean clothes" desiree instructed your mother took you to get washed and changed.
By the time you got back desiree was gone jimmy was still holding your daughter with a small smile, "I'll leave you two alone" your mother said leaving yours and jimmy trailer, "can I hold her?" You asked laying back on the bed you noticed the new sheets on the bed, "of course" jimmy handed you the baby you were so scared holding her like fragile China, "she's beautiful" jimmy smiled placing a kiss on your head.
"She really is" you sighed looking up at your husband with a smile and exhaustion in your eyes, "ethel" you whispered jimmy looked at you confused "what?" He chuckled sitting on the bed, "I think her name should be Ethel after your mother, after a strong woman" Jimmy's smile got brighter he couldn't have agreed more if he needed to, "Ethel darling yeah I like that, look y/n I'm sorry for the way I've been acting after seeing the baby I realised that isn't what you both need and I promise I won't ever let another drink come near me" jimmy apologised now in tears.
"Jimmy i forgive you and I know it was with everything happening but now we have a family that's all that matters now" you said placing a kiss on his lips.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i kind of like to imagine that after derry 2.0 where everyone lives that richie and eddie don’t start dating right away, that they’re both still a lil bit nervous about admitting and confessing their feelings to each other. but eddie divorces myra and he and richie grow close, but they do so in a way that is just... falling back into how they were as kids. the constant playful bickering. richie doing voices and impressions that he hasn’t done for years just because he remembers how much they used to annoy eddie. going back to making everyone around them feel like they’re 13 again, watching these two obviously flirt with each other without noticing. 
it isn’t until a bit of a “mixup” where stanley asks eddie to babysit his daughter, while patty had also “accidentally” asked richie, and the two of them show up at the house together. they try to decide on who will stay, but patty and stan tell them both to stay, that their daughter would love to spend the night with both uncle richie and uncle eddie, and the couple is departing before richie or eddie can get another word in, and it’s then that they also both realize that maybe it wasn’t exactly an “accident” that they were both called.
so they put up with each other for the night, making sure not to bicker in front of stan and patty’s kid and loading her up with pizza and candy and ice cream (“she’ll never sleep tonight if you give her all of that!” eddie complains. “oh come on, she’s just a kid, she deserves it,” richie says. “plus, i gotta earn my title as best uncle somehow!”) and her favourite movies until it’s finally bedtime, and that leaves just richie and eddie, together, alone.
they haven’t spent much time together, just the two of them since the big battle. they have both wanted to, oh how they’ve wanted to, but their feelings for each other, it’s just… it’s too painful. too painful of a reminder to each of them that they can’t be with the one person that they truly want to be with. so they fill that hole in their hearts with jokes and making sure their other friends are with them so they don’t fall deep into that hole.
until that night, as they’re sitting on the blum-uris couch together. alone.
and finally, for the first time ever… they actually talk about their feelings. and it’s not masked in jokes, their feelings aren’t conveyed through flirty bickering and arguing. it’s real, and it’s emotional. the thing both of them thought would never happen, what had always just seemed like a faraway dream, is actually happening, they’re actually confessing their feelings…
and it feels even more like a dream come true when those words are spoken, words that were only ever a faint and unrealistic hope…
“i’m in love with you, too.”
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kickingitwithkirk · 11 months
Restless Man -Pt 1
Summary: Beau Arlen finds himself in the middle of a case with more twists than a country road.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reina Cetanwakuwa-Stanley
Word Count: 1357
Warnings: cursing, show level violence, derogatory remarks (some in native languages)
Square Filled: @jacklesversebingo -Escaping Their Fate
A/N: The inklings for this started the first time I heard Jensen singing Restless Man. This work is partially from historical information and canon elements from the Big Sky series.
*Set after the series finally 3:13 That Old Feeling.
A/N II: All Native American words/sentences in this part are Lakota resourced from freelang.net and glosbe.com *some algorithmically generated on these sites.
*Translation:  lala -grandfather  Cetanwakuwa -attacking hawk or to hunt and chase
*divider by @firefly-graphics *no beta -all mistakes are mine
prologue masterlist
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“Hoyt slow down!” Arlen grabs the dashboard as the vehicle rounds a sharp curve too fast. “You good? Where’s your head at?”
“Nowhere. I’m all good.”
“All good my ass. You’re still a bad liar, Hoyt, can’t help noticing you white-knuckling that wheel over there. You know I’m here to listen if you want to talk about whatever it is between you and this Rihanna...”
“Her name is Reina and I told you there’s nothing to talk about.” He gives her a look. “Jesus, Beau, you're like a dog with a goddamn bone. Drop it!” The blonde snaps at the handsome man in her passenger seat making him laugh. “Not the first time I've been told that. Okay, I’ll let it go for now. But the offer stands.” Arlen changes the subject yammerin on about his latest video chat with his daughter, reminding Hoyt of their first meeting.
Hoyt walked into the Sheriff’s Department already put out before meeting Walter Tubbs' temporary replacement and Cassie’s warning that Arlen was very Texan proved true. Not to mention the man was a never-ending chatterbox. Eventually, as she constantly reminded everyone, the temporary acting sheriff allowed some of that veneer to peel back, exposing a little of the man underneath.
A man who loved too hard and had too many ghosts clinging to him, something Jenny Hoyt was way too familiar with. Her feelings shifted after a few months of working together and she began contemplating what a relationship with the transplanted Texan would be like.
Then things went sideways when Cassie was hired to find a missing hiker.
Her inquiries led to a glamping excursion run by Sunny and Buck Barnes, where coincidentally Arlen's daughter Emily and her stepfather were staying. The case also reopens a decades old unsolved murder and the discovery of fifteen million in stolen Crypto. They all became intertwined revealing Buck as a serial killer who kidnapped Emily and Denise and ended with his, and several others, deaths.
Arlen paid a surprise visit to Hoyt's home in a quandary the night after their rescue tells her that his ex-wife Carla had taken their daughter back to Texas leaving him unsure about staying in Montana. After a few beers, things started getting close to crossing the professional/private line between them. He left saying neither was clear-headed enough to make any rational decisions that would change them from colleagues and occasional confidants.
A week later, Arlen was served court papers stating that he’d allowed their daughter to remain in a place of known danger and Carla was granted primary custody with all communication between them monitored by a court-appointed third party.
Arlen had what Cassie calls his tantrum then sought legal counsel from a lawyer he knew back in Houston. The lawyer advised with his checkered history in law enforcement and at home, to follow the stipulations to the letter if he hoped for a chance in hell of regaining his parental rights before Emily turned eighteen.
Arlen felt Hoyt’s skeptical side-eye before she asked. “So how much did Denise tell you?”
“That Reina is the black sheep for not going into family business. And something about the Stanleys being descendants of the Four Georgies?”
“The Four Georgians,” she corrected, pulling into the Jefferson City First National Bank’s Park lot. “In 1864, four prospectors found gold in Last Chance Gulch and agreed to keep it quiet. But a few months later, more miners started arriving.” She finished summarizing Helena’s origins as they entered the bank and were assailed by a harassed-looking bank manager.
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Several hours later
Lewis & Clark County Sheriff's Department
Sergeant Madge Crowder greeted the returning duo with, “Got a visitor, sheriff.”
Arlen gestures around the empty waiting area, “There's no one out here,” and she comments, “Was a minute ago.” Before he could ask, Deputy Mo Poppernack popped up nervously glancing between Hoyt and Arlen. “Everything okay, Popcorn? You seem kinda,” Arlen says waving his hand.
“No sir, I mean yes sir...Beau, I’m good. Someone is waiting in your office to see you.” Still eyeing the fidgety deputy, Arlen addresses both, “Let me know if we get anything on the getaway car,” and heads off to meet his mystery guest.
Entering his office, Arlen spies the Stetson from that morning sitting upside down on his desk.
“Hello, I’m Sheriff Arlen. What can I,” and something that rarely happens happens when its owner turns, and Arlen loses his voice. The partially open blinds cast his visitor in light and shadow as his chartreuse eyes drink in every accentuated detail, bone structure hinting of being descended from the indigenous peoples but other ancestries contributing to the lighter hueing of skin, eyes, and hair.
“You must be the infamous Reina Stanley.”
“I see my reputation proceeds me,” her voice has the distinctive native Montanan drawl held out her hand, "I would appreciate it if we could keep this matter between us for now Sheriff.” Arlen shakes the offered hand surprised at the firmness of her grip.
“Call me Beau. Please,” he gestures for her to sit as he settles into his chair, “I assume this has to do with earlier?” She raises an eyebrow and he elaborates. “A friend and I caught some of that public performance this morning and said they thought it was you.” An amused smile graces her lush lips reminding him of pink beautyberry fruit.
“I see Denise Brisbane is still the town gossip.” Arlen chuckled, “She does have her ear to the ground. Denise didn’t go into details but mentioned your family has substantial influence in this state.”
“You’re mama brought you up right. Most people aren’t so polite about saying the Stanleys are not to be fucked with.” Arlen couldn’t stop the flash of surprise crossing his features. “Okay then. I'm guessing your visit has something to do with that brouhaha this morning?”
“Yes and no. I’m here on behalf of lala; my grandfather, who requested I give you this,” she handed him a sealed envelope. “I don’t recall meeting any of your kin.” Arlen remarks pulling out a letter with a small key taped to it reads it out loud. “I had a safety deposit box put in your name Beau Arlen and ask you to take my granddaughter with you when examining its contents. You will understand why I had to take these precautions and do what is necessary with the information enclosed. Gerald Centanwakuwa-Stanley” He looked up in surprise.
“Hold on, Gerald was your grandfather? The same Gerald I’d go trout fishing with?”
“Walter Tubb’s said you were quick on the uptake. Lala Gerald chose to use his given name outside of business.” The sheriff tipped his head. “Right, you're a transplant. The Stanley descendent who settled here left a will stipulating that all direct descendants maintain the family surname to keep their inheritance, including any man marrying in.” Reina paused scrutinizing him giving Arlen a fluttering he hadn't felt in years.
“Tubb also said you have a set of huevos for taking the job even after getting an earful about the undersheriff.” Arlen chuckled, “Yeah, Tubb had a few things to say about Hoyt. But she knows to stay between the lines, I’ll have her back.”
“Jenny Hoyt doesn’t know the meaning of staying between the lines. Excuse me,” she fishes out her phone and frowns, “Fuc...fraken lawyers, ‘cuse my language. When will you be free to check out that box?” There was a knock on the door and Poppernack stuck his head in. “Sorry to interrupt sir. We got a call that the First National getaway cars been spotted headin' down I-15.”
“And that's my cue to leave.” Reina gestures to his phone, "May I?” Arlen nodded, “I’m leaving you my personal number,” she hands it back, “Text me when you’re free to deal with that matter for lala.”
Several officers, along with Arlen and Poppernack, appreciatively watch her retreating form. “Please tell me all female Rangers as good looking as her?” Poppernack asks, “‘Cause if they are, I’m booking my next vacation in Texas.” Arlen turns and says...
“I’m sorry..she’s a what?!”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
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missriddle03 · 2 years
➪𝗧𝗲𝗱𝗱𝘆- 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵
➪𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀- 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀
➪𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀-𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁
➪𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱: 7 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 16 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀
➪ 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁- 1,392
🇹 🇪 🇩 🇩 🇾 
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Bill started walking up the stairs to y/n's room as her mother let him in. He had been going round the house quite often so her mother had gotten used to him and allowed him in unlike Richie who her mother didn't like with all his bad words and sexual talks. Her mother had grown to like him and usally invited him round when y/n wasn't feeling well or just needed someone to talk to. He was always her mothers first choice for help with her daughter seeing as he made her happy.
He wanted to see her earlier but he got caught up with Richie. Bill wanted to leave Richie to talk with y/n but he never had the chance until Stanley and Eddie showed up. He knew if he left then no-one would notice. Y/n and Bill have been what you call high-school sweethearts. He met y/n in your first year of high school. They bumped into each other almost simultaneously after you locked eyes. Since then the rest is history.
Bill opened the door quite quickly thinking y/n was awake. "Y/n I wanted to ask if you-" he stopped in his tracks. He noticed she was asleep, curtains open and she was on top of the sheets curled up tight with a Teddy. He didn't get a proper glimpse of the teddy until she slowly turned over to her side. The light beaming from the outside onto the teddy that he now saw. A very familiar teddy. Georgies teddy. Bill placed his bag and books,that he had brought over to study for an upcoming test, under her desk and sat at the end of her bed.
Bill began staring at the teddy thinking of georgie and how he had lied about being ill to not play play him on that rainy day. The day played through bill's mind as he remembered georgie waving goodbye and a peircing scream coming from down the street. A tear left his eye as he began looking more at the teddy.
Y/n must of felt someone staring as she almost immediately woke up. "What are you doing here?" She had asked him as he still sat there looking. "I w-was um c-coming round to r-revise for t-the test" he had stuttered. His stuttering had gotten worse over the months and he knew it. "Oh sorry I completely forgot I was out like a light seeing as I didn't get much sleep last night" y/n indicated that it was because of the quarry and especially only Richie. Richie toizer had made them all stop up till midnight just so he could say his new joke about how he fucked Eddie's mom. It was a good joke till you fell asleep on the floor and Richie shook you awake. Bill got her to ride at the end of his bike.
Y/n noticed Bill's constant staring. "You okay?" She asked him. His concentration didn't change he didn't even hear her until she clicked her fingers for attention. "I said are you okay?" He just looked at her and looked down again "that t-teddy it w-was g-georgies" he admitted to her. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know"
Earlier on in the week Bill had said that she could have any teddy she chose to help her sleep well at night. She went through his room and found a teddy that was on his desk. Y/n then took it and had slept with it ever since. Bill at the time didn't know which teddy she took and thought his parents took Georgie's teddy in a box of his stuff.
"I can give it back it's not an issue, I honestly didn't know it was his" Bill shook his head as she said this. "I-it's fine you d-didn't know a-and t-this way I can b-b-be w-with both of y-you" he smiled. He moved himself closer to y/n as she placed her head on his chest. Bill wrapped his arm around her and the teddy laid in-between them as she fell asleep. He placed a kiss on her forehead and then he placed a kiss on Georgie's teddy.
"I wish h-he w-was still h-here, I think y-you would l-like him" "I think I would very much"
After this was said they both fell asleep. Bill woke up an hour later hearing a noise. He silently moved away from y/n and followed the noise. Bill saw a figure with a yellow coat run past like thunder. Here and then got in a second.
Y/n must of felt someone leave because she woke up not long after. "Bill you alri-" she noticed he was gone. She immediately jumped of the bed leaving the teddy and went to find Bill in her house. She heard a noise so of course she followed it. Bill still followed the noise and went down y/n's basement. It was filled with water. Y/n found were Bill was and she ran down the stairs. "You okay what's wrong?" She had asked but he didn't respond. He was lost in thought more or so instead looking at something a yellow coat. He pointed at it. Y/n looked at it and slowly moved down the stairs. "It is just a coat" she reassured him. "You lied and I died" was heard. Y/n heard it and went back to Bill. He held her in his arms. Her body was facing the basement floor and started scanning the room for activity.
Bill was very considerate of you so when he knew that y/n was scared he asked her to "go u-upstairs". Y/n being the stubborn one she shook her head and stayed by his side. Something near the yellow coat moved, legs appeared then even a face. "Georgie" Bill had muttered. Y/n knew this was impossible seeing as georgie was and scientifically dead. More dead than a guy who was shot with blunt force head trauma. "Bill, you sure it's him?" She had asked with more like a whisper tone.
He looked back at her and didn't give her a response. Instead he walked towards the coat, towards the water in the basement and towards the voice. "You lied and I died" was heard again. Y/n started following Bill through the water. "You lied and I died" only being a few centimetres away the voice grew louder. The coat disappeared. Bill and y/n started walking back up the stairs. "You lied and I died" was kept being repeated. Y/n pointed towards a figure that was now infront of then, clear as day it was georgie. Georgie Denbrough. However, his face was different it was covered in a weird substance. "Maybe we should go Bill" she had said to him. The dazzling yellow coat with now the recognised face still kept repeating "you lied and I died" "Bill what's he talking about?" She placed her hand in his as she asked him. "You weren't really sick that day were you?" "N-no I w-wasn't g-georgie" "Bill come on we should go" Bill moved closer towards georgie. Or was was the representation of georgie. Tears fell down bill's face.
"It's not real Bill come on" he didn't listen. Instead he walked closer to the disoriented georgie. Y/n grabbed his arm and dragged him up the basement steps. "W-w-why did y-you do t-that?" She took him back down the basement steps."see, it wasn't real" she then walked up the stairs to her room alone. Bill took one last look before walking up the stairs. He followed her to her room. "Here" She handed him Georgie's teddy. "You need this more than me" he handed the teddy back. "I n-need to l-let go, I c-can s-still be with georgie if you k-k-keep it.
He gave y/n a kiss on her lips before sitting at her desk to study. Shocked at how quick he changed the subject of seeing a representation of georgie, she sat down and started revising with him. "I l-love y-you" Bill came out and said. "I love you too" she smiled.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 days
Random Prompt #1
Starla Fiona Pines was her name.
Her first name was a mix of her parents name, Stanley and Carla, two teens in love that resulted in her being born.
Which resulted in her mother's death.
Her maternal grandparents and other maternal relatives never blamed her though, they blamed the doctors. Mostly a nurse who ignored her mother's soft pleas that there was something wrong and who had ignored Stanley as he tried to get the hospital staff's attention. They were just teenagers who made a dumb mistake.
They didn't know anything.
Which resulted in a newborn child being left motherless and maternal grandparents without their daughter.
Stanley had help from Carla's family for the first five years of Starla's life, he was able to finish school and get into college for a business degree as well as mechanical engineering.
Starla was 10 years old when her father was contacted by his twin.
Starla was 10 years old when she watched her father lose his brother due to a small mistake just because her uncle did not speak clearly to him.
Starla was 10 years old when she learned the hard way that she and her father were now stuck in this town and as she grew and they had to make do with having to make a new life there, she started school there while helping her father as best she could when she had a break from school.
She wanted her father to get his brother back as soon as he could.
At 15 years old she realized that wouldn't be possible, that she had started to notice her father was struggling lately.
The answers she got when she had taken him to the hospital was not one she wanted.
"Who in... the world are you?" the gruff voice of her uncle said as he looked at her when he stepped out of the portal she had spent decades working on.
Starla, who was now 40 years old, a single mother of twin boys who were now 22 years old and worked for the government since they had been so smart to be able to skip grades and graduate early from college and enter into the FBI, looked at Ford with a harsh glare.
"I am your niece, Starla Pines."
"Where's Stanley?" he huffed out annoyed.
"He's-" "He's so reckless how could he open the portal-"
"I opened the portal uncle Ford," she hissed out already regretting opening the portal.
However, her father had forced her to promise to finish it for him, to bring back his twin brother.
His condition got worse the first two decades and her getting pregnant as a teen was a mistake that he did not get mad at her for and had tried his best to help her before she eventually had to get help for him.
"Where's Stanley?" her uncle questioned a little mad.
"At an inpatient care facility," she said softly as she looked away from her uncle.
Stanford stepped away in shock, "what? why?!" how careless was his brother?
"He had... dad had early on set dementia. It... he was diagnosed 5 years into working on trying to get you back and-" she took a shaky breath.
"After he started to get confused and such, I took him to get checked and they diagnosed him with early on set dementia, and we tried our best to finish up the portal... but after I had the twins and him doing his best to help me I had to reach out to mom's parents and informed them of the situation. Only after the boys turned 15 though. After that it was only me and the rare occation when the boys had extra time to spare," she said as she felt tears dare to spill from her eyes.
Ford stood there shocked from what his niece said.
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jknerd · 1 year
(Genderbend Robert “Bobby” Zimmeruski~)
Tumblr media
Full Name: Roberta Zimmeruski
Other Names: Barby Z, Barby
Schools: Mike Jay Middle School (graduated), Spooner Public High School (graduated), Oswald College of Arts/Music/Sports
Occuaption(s): X-Game Competitor (Maxine’s team), Student
Residence: Spoonerville, Ohio
Family: Mr. Zimmeruski (father), Mrs. Zimmeruski (mother), uncles and aunts, 10 cousins
Relationships: Maxine Goof (best friend), PJ Pete (best friend), Stanley Ampledexter (potential love-interest), Rox Hatchback (friend), The Gammas (rivaling team->occasionally friends), Fabrette Lewis (friend)
Likes: Cheeses, nacho chips, games, inline skating, MMA sports
Dislikes: Giving up, the Gammas’ entitled behaviors, Bradley’s arrogance
Abilities/Talents: Casual sports, fair sportsmanship, graffiti arts, language of Polish and Hebrew
Roberta “Barby” Zimmeruski is Maxine’s one of two best friends from same schools through their teenage years to current young adult years. Well-known with her obsession with all types of cheese, she is usually seen eating anything that has cheese in it. From Jewish-Polish descent, she can speak Polish or Hebrew fluently, but usually when communicating with her family members. 
She was first introduced in her, PJ and Maxine’s teenage years, quickly befriending them as she finds their love for casual sports as same as she does. Being one of the girls who were not considered feminine, she wasn’t in a popular crowd but always seen exhausted when dealing with the girls who have huge infatuations or admirations towards Maxine. When noticing Rox and Maxine shares same romantic feelings for one another yet unable to express them, Barby and PJ would often come up with plans to set them up. Being a most “chaotic” of trio, Barby is also not afraid to throw hands on whoever messes with her friends. Being one of few who is aware of Maxine’s identity as celebrity’s daughter, she and PJ are often seen teaming up to prevent anyone to find out the secret or chases out stalker/paparazzi who would have an audacity to sneak in Maxine’s house. In summer vacation, Barby was invited to Stanley’s house party to watch Powerline Concert Life pay-per-view and when seeing Maxine and her father danced with Powerline, she was one of the students cheering for her friend, but interrupted when bumping onto Stanley as they share brief but intense eye contact, foreshadowing a possibility of romance between them.
Years later as high school graduate bound for college, Barby, PJ and Maxine were preparing for the college, especially the upcoming X-Game. When departing, she drove to the college while PJ and Maxine were navigating. Despite the chaotic routes, they managed to arrive and Barby shared a same dorm room with Maxine. During the first day of college skating around the campus, they grabbed the attention of the X-Games champion team/Fraternity; “the Gammas”. Although, their leader Bradley was more interested in recruiting Maxine. When Maxine rejected the offer, two teams formed an immediate rivalry. Later, she expressed confusion and surprise to see Goofy as their instructor in “Entertainment Business” and “Performing Arts”. During fierce confrontation between Maxine and Bradley, Barby was prone to beat up the Gammas when Bradley insulted Goofy as they laughed, but impressed when Maxine retaliated with aggression causing to destroy Bradley’s shirt, and confusion when Bradley escaped the scene in fear. She expressed joy to see Rox and Stanley attending same college, but at the same time VERY amused with how the relationship of Maxine goes when it comes to Rox, Monroe and Bradley. In the X-game competition, Barby was excelled in rock-climbing and inline-skating as she managed to pass to the finals. During the final, she was out of the game due to the malfunctioning of the bicycle but seen in the infirmary later. Soon, she aided Goofy and others in helping Maxine, Bradley and Tank out of the burning blimp due to the scheme of Mr. Uppercrust and eventually congratulated Maxine’s victory. Along with Maxine, PJ and the Gammas, she was seen glaring at Mr. Uppercrust as Goofy calls him out for endangering others and chose his greed over his son’s safety. Although Gammas struggle with their declining popularity, Barby initially refuse to associate with them until she was assigned in partnership for the course’s project with one of the Gammas team named Thomas Churman. Later, Barby became open about interacting or befriending the Gammas as she witness a growing reformation of the team.
Other than cheese, as Barby aged, she loves to drink and is highly tolerant with the alcohols. During the party, Barby was seen winning a drinking contest against three BEST members who were known for strong drinker; Tank, Slouch and Thomas, as they were either no longer able to drink or passed out. Sometimes, she is also seen watching the MMA sports show with them.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 months
flowers for alexander | epilogue
It had been just shy of two years since the war had begun, and their little commune was still very much going there in the Sierra Nevadas, although Florence had faith that they would make it back home to the Bay Area soon enough, especially since her parents were still there. There was still very much the threat of a nuclear winter, but with the help of some ancient grains, some dumb luck, and some reading through the entirety of June Lake, Mammoth Lakes, and all the way down into Bishop, the bunch of them managed to survive with what they had. Florence knew that she lived in a commune full of young men, and the only other woman nearby was Francine, but she vowed that Nathalie would help rebuild things once things calmed down beyond their borders. They were all still young: once the radioactive dust faded away, they would all resurface again, and she hoped that there were other communes throughout the fractured country lest they were the only ones left behind.
Since they lived at such a high elevation, it had snowed a great deal the first night they stayed there near June Lake, and the snow never receded until spring was well advanced. Florence had her worries that the snow would be irradiated from the flying nukes but somehow, they managed to dodge strong levels of cesium and strontium throughout the entire winter.
Nathalie was born once the snow had gone, a small healthy baby and one that Florence knew would go forth with a wrench in one hand and a technical mind to guide her way.
However, once the snow returned, she found herself looking at another one on the horizon.
Come the middle of March, and the first clear day in weeks, they all made their way out of their makeshift homes into the warm sunshine, and Florence decided to take a walk with Nathalie in her arms. At that point, she was seven months along and already quite big, such that her old clothes barely contained her. Her tops were stretched tight across her belly, and she could feel Alex watching her from the safety of his front porch: he had placed a pair of wicker chairs next to his front door, including one that rocked a bit so he could sit with his feet up on the railing and strum his guitar. Gary once made a joke that he was the world's first Jewish hillbilly, and he maintained the feeling every time there was a break in the weather and he could be outside. During the whole time they lived there, he let his bangs grow out so at that point, he had long lush curls that surrounded his head like that of a mane: the real king of the commune even if he was the only one who still lived alone.
She noticed his door standing open a few inches, and she caught the smell of coffee brewing. Somehow, even in the midst of a world war, he still managed to find a way to have some coffee for himself.
“Hey, Florence... and Nathalie,” he greeted them, and it wasn't until she reached the edge he kept his eye on the little bundle in her arms. He dropped his gaze to her belly. “And... what'd you say your son was going to be named? Harry? Kerry? Jerry?”
“Stanley,” she replied. “And sons, too. We're having twins. Stanley and Steven.”
“That was it! For some reason, I kept on thinking it was either my dad's name or something similar.”
She chuckled at that. “How are your parents doing, by the way?”
“A lot better than I thought they were,” he assured her. “Radiation levels are still pretty low, but they've got a pretty good bomb shelter and enough brisket to last them until Passover, or until they can find a way down here.”
Gingerly, Florence set one foot on the bottom step and tried to make her way up to his porch; Alex stood up and extended his arms to her.
“Oh, no, I got it,” she assured him, and she stood before him with her daughter in one arm and her belly all the way out before her. “I busted the boys out of the boiler room, I can get up the steps fine. It is getting a lot harder, though, especially since I have a lot of fluid in here.”
He returned to his seat and swallowed at the sight of her.
“There's forty five more pounds of me to love,” she pointed out.
“Good god, I gain forty five pounds, it ain't coming off of me.” He chuckled at that, albeit a nervous chuckle. “Eh, I'm still a rat bastard.”
“But that's what makes you so cute, though,” she said, and he bowed his head and gazed up at her. “Case in point.” She took her spot next to him there in the wicker chair, and all the while, she kept Nathalie close to her chest. She never stirred or woke up for a second. He looked on at her with a thoughtful look on his face, and then he sighed through his nose.
“Well, girls, it's been seventeen months,” he declared, and he gazed up at the sky overhead, the way that it was still rich royal blue as if there was no war happening beyond their borders.
“Seventeen months since the war started and I already have three babies,” she said. “Eric and I are probably going to have more, too. He and I were wanting a lot of kids even before everything went to hell, anyways.” Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him gazing off into the distance, to the snow-capped mountains that crowned the edge of Yosemite. “What're you thinking about?”
“There's a lot to explore,” he told her. “Beyond the traditional family setting. I have a lot to explore, a lot to do and see and try for myself...” His voice trailed off for a moment, and then he returned to her. “As long as you're happy, though.”
“Yeah, I think I am,” she assured him, and she looked on at Nathalie, who was still sound asleep in her arms. “I have her plus two boys coming. I'd love another little girl, too.” She knew that she was going to have to feed her at some point or another. She then returned to Alex and the way that he gazed on at the mountains past their commune; Mark and Rob were over on the other side of the grounds with Francine, who was showing them how to plant something under a big rainbow umbrella. It took her a moment that they were planting millet grass and chili peppers, things that were easy to grow and could stand up to extreme weather. Florence smiled when she thought of the rainbow umbrella back in the Bay Area, and she returned to him again.
“I am always going to love you,” she vowed to him in a soft voice. “The world can disappear all around us and I can have seventeen children with Eric. I'm still going to love you.”
A soft breeze came up before them and swept his stray long black curls back over his shoulders. She shivered from the cool feeling of the breeze, and she knew that more snow was upon them.
“You and him seriously want seventeen kids?” he suddenly asked her, stunned. She shrugged.
“Nah, that was just hypothetically speaking,” she replied. “We're actually thinking more of like four or five.”
He let out a low whistle. “God damn, and I thought jamming atop of Half Dome was ambitious.”
“You want to perform on top of Half Dome?” she asked him, taken aback.
“Half Dome or El Capitan,” he corrected her.
“El Capitan,” she suggested. “It's more level, like I worry about you falling off Half Dome.”
“I'm gonna be strapped down,” he chided, and she giggled at that.
“Do you still wanna do a jazz thing?” she asked him.
“Of course! I don't know how, but I'll take the challenge, though. We're near Bishop and a library and a bookstore. I'll get down there today and fetch some things to teach myself. Once things calm down on the global front, I'll look into going to school. I have to get out of California. I know my parents do, too. They're from New York so it's almost like a calling for the three of us.”
Florence stopped at the sound of that, but she knew she would have to let Alex go anyway. It was his life and he did whatever he pleased, but there was still a small part of her that wanted him there with her.
“You know, I've actually heard you gasping from my bedroom,” he told her in that low tone of voice once again. “You know, the way you gasp and audibly breathe harder when you're about to come. I've heard you—a few times, actually—and you know me, Florence: I won't lie to you, I'm not a liar. I found myself fantasizing and jerking off at the sound of it.”
“Shhh, Alex!” she hissed, and she gestured at Nathalie. “Not in front of her!”
“She doesn't care,” he said. “And she's going to have to know about it at some point or another, anyway. If not from Mom and Dad, then from Uncle Alex.”
“Ah, but Uncle Alex isn't very reliable, though,” she pointed out with a wag of her finger.
“You're right, he isn't. I couldn't get you off, but I do have plenty of tissue.”
She giggled at that again, and then he returned to her, that time with a thoughtful look on his handsome face.
“You know what I'm always going to love about you?” he asked her. “If given the absolute choice of just one thing, the one thing that I'm always going to love about you?”
“What's that?”
He paused for a moment, and he locked eyes with her. “Besides the way that you think and utilize your hands and your genius and all of that that way... I'm always going to love how I could say some of the dastardliest of things, the dumbest of things, the dumbest of jokes, and yet you still find the humor in it all. If I said all of that in front of say, Francine, or any other woman alive, I'd get slapped in the face and punched in the gut and called a pig.”
“Because you're sweet,” she told him. “You're a gentleman. I always know you're just joking around, even when I'm full of hormones. My grandpa was the same way. An absolute gentleman but he loved a good dirty joke, though.” He smiled at that, and she then glanced back at his front door, still slightly ajar to give her a view of the messy front part of his home, filled with the brand new guitars and things that he had found down in Bishop in their trips down there.
“You are quite a bit of a pig, though,” she quipped at him.
“All I'm missing is forty five pounds,” he cracked, and she giggled at that again.
“Although, if I'm being honest, that's another part of your charm,” she added. “I've always found it oddly endearing that you don't keep house very well.”
“A clean space is the sign of a troubled mind,” he assured her. “Remember that once she grows up.” He gestured at Nathalie.
“And them, too,” she added with a gentle massage of her belly.
“And them, too, yeah.”
They were silent for another full moment, long enough to feel more of the cool, damp breeze. Florence took a glimpse up to the blue sky overhead, only to spot a few puffy clouds over the mountains. A few clouds always meant more was coming, especially when spring hadn't officially started yet and especially when the war still raged far beyond their little world there.
Carefully, Florence stood to her feet again, still with Nathalie up against her chest. She bent down and lightly kissed him, and he hunched his shoulders at that as if he was shrinking away from her. Always the love of her life, even if she found the real love of her life.
She returned to Eric, who had cleaned up their space a bit, and he headed back out of there to fetch some water. When she lay Nathalie back down in her crib, she took a glimpse out the window to find him over by the edge of Alex's porch. He said something to Alex, who then leaned over the railing with his arms extended to him. Eric gave him a hug, followed by a soft kiss on the lips.
She smiled at the sight of them there, and then she returned to Nathalie; even though she was still sound asleep, she found herself humming “Kokomo” to the sight of her, and she knew she would sing it to her again once she woke up.
She would always still love Alex, and she knew he would always have feelings for Eric as well. And she hoped it all would remain like the red flowers on the edge of the lake even as Alex found his out of there. That is, if he did.
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pomodoriyum · 5 months
watchign ep 6… aww jopson trauma <3333 yummy. :)
also wtf happened to irvings hands. did i miss something????
well either jopson’s mum died or she went right back to the laudanum. i think its 2 and then 1. for pain <3
also. why the hell is hickey even in heathers room???????
“theyre counting luggage, billy” ooooh hickey just figured out they’re prolly gonna be walking soon
awww collins. depression sucks man. also you have lead poisoning. stay safe <3
stanley your daughter you miss her….
heehee fitzjames has scurvy
bridgens you are such a sneaky communicator. good job man <3333
crozier. whyyyyy. whyyyy is half the time he talks to jopson when hes on the ole seat of ease????? surely there must be a reason the writers chose this. surely
this carnival is quite. intricate. also stanley keeping the tins secrettttttt. thatll end badly!!!
irving is fucking blasted lol. hickey staring from across the room like the little creep he is.
des voeux whyd you take your mask off???? also. terrible costume btw.
hickey running his mouth to. pilkingotn?
update: evil clown laugh track with suspenseful music. thanks i hate it
symbolic guy with top hat axing wood reference to hickey in top hat cleaving crozier’s leadership from his shoulders?
SILNAAAAAAAAAA. please get medical attention.
and hickey’s need to pee outside saved them all <3 (so sorry for putting it this way)
but honestly stanley. what the fuck man
mamma mia. and i thought the birthday party couldnt be beat in terms of shittiness
man hickey you have insane strength to be able to eviscerate someone like that. also good job des voeux and jopson staying behind with the captains trying to get every1 out. aomething i did notice is how coolheaded jfj and crozier thruout all this. :)
also peglar n bridgens huggg <3
in conclusion: this situation sure sucks
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princessdreamie · 1 year
Character references: Na: Naomi (daughter of Kai & Julie), Bu: Bully (son of Nicole and Clayton), N: Nicole, Ct: Clayton, St: Stanley (child psychologist), Co: Cornelia (St's assistant & Mitchell's gf), C: Chance, E: Eric, S. Selena, Se: Seth (son of Eric & Selena), Lo: Loid (Bully's minion/self-proclaimed bestie), Fa: Fabian (one of C's friends & an actor from Na's favorite show)
I highlighted the first 2 names since there aren't many colors I can choose from lol. So that's why i picked the current most important ones
Jump to a few days after
St still came, even If N was not happy about it, and the boy was not really cooperating. Co, who came with her boss, tried her best to stay professional but the boy just won't listen. Ct & n stand on 5he sidelines and watch all of it unfold. Needless to say, both of them were not happy with his behavior. After a while, Bu gave in and did the tests. And his answers and solutions to his questions and riddles made the other guy very disturbed. Ct & n heard everything and were just as worried.
After Bu completed everything, St let him go and talked with his parents in private. Co had the unpleasant duty to watch the Boy, but she couldn't complain about it now. St tells them that Bu wasn't just troublesome but actually a danger to ppl around him. N tried to play it down, saying that he just needs more time to learn. But Ct cuts her off and tells her to let him talk. He keeps talking about how he never thought of his family's well-being, like Na, as well as how their parenting barely makes his behavior better. The scolding is on but the constant positivity that he gets from his sister and Mom blindsided his actions and is not what he needed.
Ct understood but they were out of options. Since their last meeting with the director they were sure that by would not be welcomed in school, he might not be taken seriously. The only kid that would stay with him was Lo. And after recent events, related not only to the kids, where they had the suspicion that one of N's and Ct's employees, Lo's dad, had started trouble and they believed he had something to do with the smuggling incident.
After St finished his report to them, he and Co left their house and drove off. Ct tied to calm his wife down but N wanted to be left alone and take some time to think. Bu was already in his room since he couldn't be bothered. As soon as the boy started playing with some of his video games he got a call from Lo as he gets his usual updates at their school. But all he gets to hear is that no one stayed for too long at the same spot when they notice his minion. Even if he tries to hide the boy eventually gets caught. No one wanted anything to do with him after they heard what these 2 did to Na. Even kids from other grades would rather stay inside than be around him. Lo whines about how they hate them now but Bu tells him to stop crying and try something else if he can't spy like that anymore.
In the Ferguson mansion
C and Se play in the living room while S & Na watch her favorite show. Na invited C & Se to watch the show too, but Se got clingy forwards to his big bro, fearing that C might get too close to his girl cousin and not give him enough attention. S was supposed to go to the police that day but she didn't want to leave the kids alone. Last night some hooligans trashed the front of her bar and she needed to give out a report. E assured his wife that he will do it for her and got already a cleaning troupe arranged to take care of the mess after the police finished their inspection. The show Na likes to watch daily was a fantasy/adventure cartoon. The main casts looked exactly like their real live versions. That's why she and the others recognized him at her party. Today's episode was about the Female lead's former best friend/ally getting her trapped in their hideout while her group of friends try to find the place they locked her in.
S was not really understanding the plot so Na tries to explain to her what the story was about from start to finish. S found it adorable how a show could rile her up to that amount when she barely gets excited about anything else than meeting her friends and C.
Speaking of C. The teenager told his brother that he will come right back bc he got a message from one of his buddies from school. Apparently, that one friend needed one of his notes to help him study. C would sometimes give out some notes about certain test subjects in case a student is struggling. While Se waits for him to come back, he eavesdrops on the TV. And while he hated to admit it, the show got him intrigued.
After looking around to be sure no one saw him, he sneaked up to the sofa and peeked around the corner to see what was happening. From what he could see, the party found the FML and was about to escape. But bad guys ambushed them near the exit. The 2 groups fought each other to the point where Na and Se were at the edge of their seats. Until Fa's character fights their former ally, questioning how she could betray them like that. But the woman just laughed and ignored his question altogether while she dominated him in the fight. Luckily for him, Fa's character was saved by his girlfriend. Both of them fought her off. The fight ended with the main cast winning and finally getting away from this place. Na was jumping with glee at the ending, as was Se. The little girl held her moment of joy to look at her cousin in confusion. S saw her son watching the show with them but wouldn't say anything, not to embarrass him. C chuckled at the sight as well. He came back not too long ago and watched them from afar. C wanted his brother and girl cousin to get along so he thought that this wouldn't be a bad idea to let the little boy watch the show. Se denied any accusation they threw at him and stomped up to his room. S asked one of the servants to look after, the little kids so that she could rest in her bed b4 going to work. C offered to do it instead. S was admiring his dependability but reminded him that he still had his own duties to finish. He promised his mom to do so and wished her a good night.
Na and C spent some time together in the playroom. Se was too busy checking social media and searching for the full episodes of this show. C found it great that these 2 now have a common interest to bond over. Na played some games with ll while c chatted with his friends on his phone. Ll entertained her long enough until she fell asleep on the couch. To not wake her up, c tells a nearby maid to get a glass of water and a blanket.
There they let her sleep until the next morning. She only occasionally was waking up to take her meds. Se & Na started to talk a little bit. not much but for them it was an improvement. they mainly talked about what he wanted to know about the show. and if there are any comic reliefs in it as well. He likes funny characters. the sillier the better or that's how he puts it. Na got picked up by her parents after the 3 kids had breakfast together. E went already to his office and S was shopping with her friends.
While C was busy studying for his next test, while se is doing his own studies. E got his youngest a handful of very talented teachers for him alone. C thought it was stupid a few years ago. He could just take online classes or applied to the school he went to when he was a kid. But his dad wanted to keep his bio kid safe first and foremost,. At first, that statement put the older boy off. He knew that he was not really like him up until his brother was born but thanks for S's intrusion and calling her husband out on his comment. They talked it out for some time and eventually came to an understanding that their first meeting really was not ideal. C was still young and under the influence of his bio mom. And E was obviously hating on her as well.
C & E finally agreed on accepting the decision and let the past be buried. After the years went by C didn't complain anymore after seeing how he would have been a target as well. If he was not bullied by Bu, there could be still another brat looking for a victim. And here someone could always have an eye on the young boy. After he got all his homework done, C decided to go to the mall to eat something he likes. He got tired of the prim and proper dishes he got served and as a child, he always loved to go to KFC. So that is where he went.
Arriving at the front of the fast food joint, he ran into Br and her group of friends. As expected, she ignored him as they were standing in line. But unbeknownst to C, Br was waiting for him to apologize to her and invite her for lunch. But nothing happened. C stopped trying to please her with every demand she was giving him. Even after they knew each other for years, he was just over it by the time they got to a higher school. Instead, he was looking at his calendar and humming the old lullaby. That ticked her off, not even her girlfriends could distract her from her oncoming rage.
She finally turned around and stared at him. C felt her gaze on him but he knew her ploy too well. As Br and her friends were next to order she just kept looking at him. Eventually, the ppl behind them got annoyed and asked her to order already or leave. Without looking at her, C cut in line, to Br's disbelieve. After getting his number he sat down and waited patiently. One of Br's friends ordered for the group and led her to another table. There she went off about how 'rude' and 'unapologetic' C has been to her the last few days.
The brainless lackeys there are, everyone agrees on how he acted. Not only now but also in school. They don't meet that often bc their lessons don't always line up. But she gets a warm welcome in every class she went to. C used to talk to her when they had the same classes but now she just gets the cold shoulder. She was not upset about that bc she liked him. Far from it. But she couldn't handle rejection very well, especially if it is from someone she knows in private.
Lv told her to give him some time but she wouldn't listen. After their number was called, Br went to the counter and as she glanced at C's direction she noticed that another guy sat next to him. She knew him as she has seen him in a few magazines b4.
A few minutes earlier
C was debating on talking to Br but not wanting to give in so easily he stuck to his ideals. If she finally gets to understand how destructive Bu really is then he will say sorry for his comments about him. But as it stands there might be still some time for her to do some soul-searching. not too long after, Fa saw him from outside and came in to say hello. They continued talking until a certain girl stood in front of them. Br tried her typical cute act, which somewhat works for Fa, but C was so done with that. It was cute when they were kids but now he kind of feels embarrassed thinking back on how she had him around her little finger in the past.
Br started to chit-chat with the other boy, while C started to wonder when his meal is finally done. After some more waiting, C finally gets to pick up his food. As C stood up to get his order, Br didn't waste any time & asked Fa how close they are as friends. Not thinking too much out of it he tells her that he thinks he is a good guy, and his family is pretty nice whenever they are out in public. Not much was out of the ordinary for her, but she had to know something. B4 C came back Br asked if he is familiar with a certain show. And he gleefully admits that he is a voice actor in this show. C smashed his food tray on the table, glaring at his cousin. He overheard some of their conversation and knew that she had a reason to ask his friend those questions. Br never saw this show, nor wanted to watch it with anyone. So what she had in mind was a mystery to him. But the teenage boy knew it couldn't be any good.
part 6 coming soon
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the-toastyverse · 1 year
"Michelle..." The voice of Monty's mother awoke her. "Wake up and get dressed. The King has summoned all of the townsfolk for..." Sorrow welled up in Monty as she remembered what day it was, and she sobbed.
*The King was executing Stanley.* In the King's ignorance, he believed that *Stanley* was responsible for the slaughter of the livestocks in the districts. The only evidence he had that solidified this accusation was Stanley's status as a Lycanthrope.
Despite Stanley's role as a knight, despite his loyal service to the Kingdom. And despite the protests of his subjects, the knights that served him, even his own Council.
The whole kingdom knew of Stanley's innocence. Livestock that had been killed could be replaced, even the King's prized cattle.
But a life could not.
Despite the protesting, the attempts at reducing his sentence to one of imprisonment, the King was adamant. Stanley *had* to be killed, had to be executed, for the good of the Kingdom.
Monty glanced at the empty basket on her nightstand through tear-filled eyes. Perhaps she could give him something, before...
Monty's mother rose from the bed, taking the basket with her. Monty followed, drying her eyes. She watched as her mother packed the basket.
Monty did not fail to notice how her mother packed Stanley's favorite foods, clean clothes, and bandages into the basket. Her mother covered the basket's contents with a red checkered handkerchief.
"Michelle," Monty's mother looked at her with green eyes like her own. She hugged her daughter tightly. "Go to him, save your love. But please, mon biquet, be careful." Monty nodded, hugging her mother back.
They both looked up at the sound of Monty's father, Pierre entering the house. His face was grim, but there was hope in his brown eyes.
"I spoke to the Commander," Pierre turned to his wife and daughter. "She said there was a place we could hide him for the time being." Monty nodded, allowing herself to hope. The townsfolk were coming together to defy the King, and save one of their own.
She just hoped the plan wasn't for naught.
When they arrived at the castle, Monty spotted the cage beside the gallows. She ran towards it, kneeling beside it. Her gaze landed on a familiar face, haggard and defeated. His eyes were closed, but she could tell he was awake.
Monty reached for his hand through the cage bars.
"Mon loup..." She whispered, and Stanley's eyes opened slowly. His eyes, normally bright yellow, were dull and nearly lifeless. He squeezed her hand weakly.
"Ma...biche..." His voice was a rasping whisper. "What are you... doing here...?" Monty squeezed his hand, determination in her eyes.
*"We're getting you out of here." She whispered fiercely. "Commander said she had a place to hide you. You will not be killed here."* Stanley nodded faintly, closing his eyes again.
Monty squeezed his hand again before rising to join her parents. The townsfolk watched as the King appeared, sitting on his throne. There was no fanfare to greet him. The King's voice was thunderous in the silent space.
"Stanley Baldwin, it is with my power as King that I hold this execution. I declare you guilty of high thievery, and stealing from the crown." He paused, watching as he was taken from the cage, and led to the gallows.
Though he was weakened, and ill, Stanley held his head high, eyes glowing faintly despite his exhaustion.
Monty scanned the crowd, spotting her close friend Mindy. She was holding her pistol, blue eyes sharp and assessing. She knew in a moment, what her friend was going to attempt.
Mindy fired two shots in the air, and pandemonium followed. In the chaos, no one had put the noose around Stanley's neck. Monty took advantage of the chaos and ran straight for the gallows. She grabbed Stanley's hand, leading him to where the Commander waited. The Commander nodded and took him to where he would be safe. Monty followed, carrying the basket.
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rachelkaser · 2 years
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister
Mason’s latest client, Harriet Bain, is beset by trouble from all sides, as her sick father is being blackmailed and her fiancé seems interested in her stunning stepsister. Then the ex-partner behind the blackmail is murdered, and Harriet’s fingerprints are all over the murder weapon.
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Who’s Who
Perry’s client: Harriet Bain, a plain girl who gets involved in a blackmail scheme to protect her father, which spirals into a murder
The victim: J.J. Stanley, a grifter who once helped Harriet’s father embezzled $50,000 from a bank and who’s forced to blackmail him ten years later
Suspects: Sylvia Bain, Harriet’s stepsister, who’s unusually controlling and stern with her sister and encourages the wayward fiancé's interest Ned Bain, Harriet’s father and Sylvia’s stepfather, who’s supposedly too sick to get out of bed . . . until he needs to see his blackmailing ex-partner Arthur West, an unscrupulous private eye who’s the primary instigator of the blackmail scheme Addison Doyle, Harriet’s roguish fiancé, whose mercenary interests in Harriet become a little too apparent after she’s arrest
The Setup
A man sitting in the lobby of a boarding house follows a drunk back to his room and rudely wakes him. The man introduces himself as a private investigator named Arthur West -- and he knows the drunk is J.J. Stanley. West says he knows that J.J. embezzled $50,000 from the Texas National Bank ten years previously. West says J.J.’s partner in crime was a now-successful businessman named Ned Bain. Texas National would reward West if he tells them, but he thinks he can get more money out of Bain. While J.J. is reluctant, West bullies him into complying.
A young woman, rather unflatteringly dressed [Editor’s note: I’m not being mean -- I promise this is important.] in a Citroen car arrives at the Colegrove Apartments and goes to 2A. West, who lives in the apartment, plays her a taped recording of a phone call between Ned Bain and J.J. Stanley. On the recording, Bain tacitly admits to the embezzlement charges. The woman is Harriet Bain, Ned’s daughter, and she’s horrified and runs sobbing from the apartment when West thwarts her attempt to destroy the tape.
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Sometime later, in Perry Mason’s office, Della is getting some plane tickets together for him. Gertie tells her a woman wants to see Perry, and Della goes to ask if she can help instead. The woman is Harriet, who is devastated to hear Perry is shortly to leave for an extended trip to Europe. Seeing how upset Harriet is, Della invites her into the office and offers to listen to her story.Harriet calms down and tells Della she’s engaged to a man named Addison Doyle, whom her sister introduced her to.
Della asks her what’s wrong, and Harriet tells her about the blackmail. Her father has a heart condition and Harriet takes care of him, hence why she took West’s call. Not only could her father’s condition worsen if the blackmail proceeds, she’s afraid Doyle, who’s from an old money family, will break off their engagement if there’s any scandal. Della is sympathetic and, shortly after, pleads Harriet’s case to Perry.
While Perry’s not pleased to put off his trip to Europe, he’s intrigued when both Della and Paul have opinions on the case. Paul knows West by reputation, and he’s pulled this trick before: He pretends to negotiate the blackmailer’s price to the victim, then charges the victim a fee for acting in their interest, so he gets paid by both of them. He tells Della to postpone his flight (she already did that), to tell Harriet to meet him, and to get him the most powerful magnet possible on short notice that can fit into a cigarette case.
Enter Perry Mason, Attorney at Law
Sometime later, Perry and Harriet are back in West’s apartment, listening to the recording. He tells West he wants to inspect the tape to make sure it isn’t spliced. West won’t let Perry touch the tape, but he hold it out for inspection, and Perry leans in while taking out a cigarette. He asks how much J.J. will take, and West offers to bargain him down from $25k to $20k. He asks to hear the tape one more time, and this time the tape is completely silent. Perry and Harriet leave, saying they’ll reconvene when West gets the tape working again. After they go, West takes out a booze bottle and takes the recorder across the hall to J.J.’s room.
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Back in Perry’s office, he explains he used the magnet to wipe the tape. Della asks if he destroyed evidence, but Perry’s convinced it was just a copy, and he wants to force West to use his original recording. West calls and asks Mason to visit, revealing he has the original copy. Harriet enters, upset -- her stepsister, Sylvia, angry that Harriet hired a lawyer, told their father. Ned Bain wants to meet Mason. Della calls the airline and postpones Perry flight again.
At the Bain house, Perry meets Sylvia Bain, who’s rather glamorously attired and says she’s against involving a lawyer in a family matter. Addison Doyle enters and Harriet introduces him to Perry before they go upstairs to meet Bain. Bain, who’s bedbound, says the blackmail is fraud -- J.J. backed him in a wildcat oil scheme that hit pay dirt made full return on the investment. He’s not going to pay the blackmail, but he won’t go to the police for fear of a scandal disrupting Harriet’s marriage.
Perry promises to return the next day, and asks if Bain knows where J.J. lives -- Bain says he doesn’t. As they’re leaving, they catch a glimpse of Addison and Sylvia, laughing and leaning in a little too close to each other downstairs. Harriet looks sad, but not surprised, and returns to her dad’s bedside. Perry goes downstairs, interrupting the liaison, and walks out. Doyle asks Sylvia why she let Harriet, whom she supposedly controls, get Mason involved.
Just past 11pm that night, Ned Bain gets out of bed, fully clothed. He picks up a monogrammed briefcase and sneaks out of the house. Harriet just catches a glimpse of him as he walks out of the front door. Bain arrives at the Colgrove Apartments and rings J.J.’s doorbell, across from West. J.J. lets him in, and Bain tells him that he’s going to finish this whole mess that night, and shows J.J. what’s in the briefcase. Downstairs, Bain’s cabbie notices a Citroen car pull up behind him. Bain returns, sans briefcase, and asks the driver to take him home.
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The Murder
The next morning, Paul tells Perry that he’s discovered J.J. lives in the apartment across from West’s. They’re meeting Harriet at West’s apartment. He offers to accompany Perry and Della to the meetup, but Perry doesn’t think there will be trouble. At West’s apartment, a note tacked to the door has Perry’s name on it. In the note, West says he’ll be late and for Perry to let himself in. Della senses a trap, as West sounds like he wants them to search the apartment. They’re about to leave when there’s a loud scream from inside the apartment.
The door opens and Harriet comes flying out into Perry’s arms. She found the body of who she thinks is J.J. Stanley in the kitchen. Perry confirms this was a trap and goes to check the other apartment. It’s unlocked. He tells Della to stay in the hallway, and to pretend if West returns that they just arrived and were reading the note. He enters J.J.’s apartment and looks around. He notes the massive deep freeze full of food in the kitchen.
Della signals to him, and Perry sees her, Harriet, and West enter the apartment. He follows them in a second later. West says he was at a poker game and goes to make coffee. He enters the kitchen and sees J.J.’s body on the floor under the table. West goes to call the police, and Perry tells Della to cancel the trip. Later, Tragg and the medical examiner look over the body -- the latter gives a preliminary finding of death by ice pick to the neck, with the time of death around 3am that morning. An officer comes in with just such an ice pick, which he found in J.J. Stanley’s apartment. Tragg tells him to examine it for prints.
Later, in Perry’s office, Paul reports that Tragg knows Perry searched J.J.’s apartment, thanks to West leaving a tape recorder running by door. Tragg also fingerprinted the entire Bain family. Perry gets a phone call -- Ned Bain’s just had a heart attack, and they fear it might be fatal. He rushes to the Bain house, where the doctor tells them Bain will just barely pull through. The doctor says a shock or exertion could have caused it, and then he hands Harriet a tape he found under Bain’s pillow. Perry says he’ll take it for safekeeping.
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Perry asks Harriet if she heard her father leave the house the night before, and Harriet says she didn’t. Downstairs, they meet Doyle and Sylvia, and Perry asks where the latter was the night before -- Doyle admits on her behalf that she was at his apartment, to Harriet’s shock. She walks Perry to the door, where they meet Tragg. He relieves Perry of the tape, and arrests Harriet on suspicion of murder -- her fingerprints are all over the ice pick.
Mason visits Doyle’s shoebox apartment, and reprimands him for not visiting Harriet in jail. Doyle says he’s not interested in comforting her, as despite his family name he’s a very poor man. He outright admits that his hipster writer vibe is just a mask to attract a rich woman, and that he’s prepared to shift his attentions to Sylvia. Perry warns him Sylvia might not be as interested as Doyle thinks. Later, Della tells Perry she’s ordered a copy of a specific book he wants and will bring it to court.
The Trial
In court, Burger asks Tragg about the ice pick and enters it as People’s Exhibit A. Tragg says it was an implement from the Bain family’s kitchen, and had Harriet’s fingerprints on it. They also found Harriet’s cigarette lighter in West’s apartment. On cross, Mason notes it's not unusual for Harriet’s fingerprints to be on an ice pick from her own kitchen. He asks if the police were able to transport the ice pick without destroying Harriet’s prints -- they were. Mason asks then, if they could do it, why not someone else who wanted to frame Harriet?
Burger then questions the medical examiner, Dr. Hanover. The doctor found two puncture wounds in the front of J.J.’s neck which caused death by hemorrhage. He also says the ice pick has bloodstains on it, the blood being J.J.’s rare AB blood type. At Burger’s request, he explains postmortem lividity and rigor mortis, and how he used them to determine the time of death at 3am. On cross, Mason asks about other factors, and Dr. Hanover says he also used body temperature. Mason asks if his calculation could be thrown off by environmental temperature changes, and the doctor says they could. 
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Burger then asks for the court’s indulgence, as his next witness is coming in on a stretcher. Mason, realizing this is Ned Bain, immediately objects to the cruelty of bringing a sick man to court, but Burger hands the judge a doctor’s affidavit that Bain can testify. The judge allows it, though he quells Burger’s intent to treat Bain as a hostile witness. Bain is brought into court and sworn in. Burger asks him about the blackmail scheme and whether it was based in truth. Bain won’t answer, even though the statute of limitations has expired.
The judge asks about the relevance, and Burger clarifies that, if Harriet knew the allegations were true, she’d have a motive for murder. Harriet stands up, sobbing, and admits that she knew. Burger asks when Bain last saw Stanley, and Bain says it was the night he was murdered. On cross, Mason asks why Bain saw Stanley, and Bain says it was to pay him off. Mason asks if Harriet knew he was doing this, and Bain says yes -- she got the money from the bank. Mason thanks him, and notes this means Harriet had no motive to kill Stanley.
The next witness is the cab driver who drove Bain to the apartment building. He said he was tailed the whole way there, and noted the Citroen’s license number. It was Harriet’s car. On cross, Mason asks the cabbie if he could see the driver’s face, but the cabbie says it was too dark. Paul shortly after enters with the book Perry requested, and hands it to him as Burger is questioning West on the stand.
West claims he was approached by J.J. with the tape, and admits that he was party to the blackmail scheme. Burger tries to identify this as Harriet’s motive. On cross, Mason has to be pulled away from his book to question West. He asks why West was paying for J.J.’s apartment and food -- and why he bought the deep freeze in the kitchen. He submits an alternate theory: Whoever killed Stanley placed his body in the freezer in order to phony up the time of death and make themselves an alibi. The judge is intrigued, and says he’d like to examine the freezer personally...
In Summation
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Harriet Bain unfortunately joins the list of Perry Mason clients who lie to their brilliant lawyer for seemingly no reason than to make his job more difficult -- she lies that her father left the house and that she knew the story behind the blackmail was true. However, some other points of the episode are less clear, and that’s where the case becomes so confusing as to be tedious. But we’ll get into that shortly.
This case possibly has the greatest proliferation so far of unlikeable characters. Addison Doyle, Arthur West, and Sylvia Bain are all obvious in their unpleasantness. But even Harriet doesn’t get off unscathed, as it’s not even clear why she’s lying to Perry about the truth behind the blackmail when she’s the one who brought him in to deal with the blackmailer in the first place. Ned Bain sucks for not simply sending a rat like Doyle packing. Ironically, the only person who comes off easy here is the murder victim, J.J. Stanley.
Actually, now that I think of it, the opening scene doesn’t really make sense. Stanley point-blank refuses to help West blackmail Ned Bain, even saying he’d rather go to jail (and, judging by his living situation, he’s not really that far removed from three hots and a cot) West retorts, “For once in your life, you’ll do as your told,” and I fail to see why that would change the answer at all.
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I know jealousy is a real emotion that people feel, but something about the way it’s portrayed in Perry Mason, at least with regards to women, always rubs me the wrong way. It’s almost always an older woman who wants the attention of a man who hasn’t noticed her, being jealous of the younger female lead who’s succeeded. This episode is even titled after said jealousy -- and I won’t spoil, but we later find out that the motives of the older woman in this case aren’t what they appear to be.
One of the reasons this episode doesn’t really work for me is the way they talk about Harriet. Everyone acts like she’s uglier than a warty toad, could never have a chance of marrying, and should do everything she can to hold onto Doyle’s superficial attention. But she’s played by the lovely Virginia Vincent, and even the most unflattering clothes and makeup can only do so much to make her look plain. In the final scene, the “makeover” she gets from Della only consists of a little makeup and taking off the cloche hat she usually wears.
The other reason is that the tape in question, which is the impetus behind all of this, isn’t as incriminating as the episode behaves. Ned Bain never outright admits on it than he embezzled money -- both he and J.J. are just vague enough that I am hesitant to believe it would hold up in court. The worry is not that he’ll be prosecuted, but that the bank will bring a civil suit against him. I still doubt that the tape would be enough evidence to hold up, even in civil court.
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Which bring me to another question: Why was Ned Bain planning to pay J.J. off directly? The whole thing was West’s idea — it’s not like there’s any real way to cut him out when he’s the one holding the blackmail evidence, dubious though it may be. Also, it’s never explicitly stated how Bain was able to get dressed in a full suit, take a taxi across town, pay off a blackmailer, return, and then wait almost a full day before he had a heart attack when the doctor says he was in such delicate condition he couldn’t even walk to the bathroom.
This is the first time a judge in a Perry Mason case has gone to the scene to inspect evidence personally. As I have stated before, I’m not a lawyer, but even with my decent layman’s understanding of the law, I have no idea if this is a thing they can do. I would presume that, with the judge, bailiff, and clerk present, all the necessary court elements are there. The only time I’ve ever seen this happen is in a few episode of the old Animal Cops show, where a judge ruling on a case involving horses would go to the stables to see their condition.
One final note: This final scene of the episode might be one of the silliest ever. First we see Della waylay Perry, who’s finally about to depart on his long-awaited London trip (how a legal conference can go on long enough to outlast a murder investigation and trial is beyond me) to show off the “makeover” she’s given Harriet. Then she mentions that she got Harriet onto the same plane as Perry, and apparently expects her employer to be Harriet’s chaperone on a European vacation (Paul, briefly enchanted by Harriet’s new look, apparently thinks she means him at first). I know Della and Perry’s professional relationship is fairly tight, but I think that’s crossing a few boundaries.
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The Verdict
Judgement: ⚖ (one scale out of four) A “homely” woman who’s beautiful is the least of this episode’s problems, and the case is a mess from the outset as there’s insufficient evidence behind both the blackmail and the murder conviction. The side characters provide the only real color in the whole episode.
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enidette · 5 months
PERV carl grimes x fem!reader
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warnings — both are 18+, part two to caught, carl is a few years older than reader, reader is daryl’s adopted daughter, perv!sub!carl, carl is a peeking tom, cock slapping, oral (m and f!receiving), reader is kinda a mean!dom
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ever since that night you haven’t left carl’s mind. the way you controlled him without even touching him, it drove him crazy. you instructed his every movement, told him when to stop, told him when not to stop. safe to say he was fucked stupid even though you didn’t lay a finger on him.
and he swears you’re tempting him.
the skimpier clothes you wear, always talking about how hot it is so no one bats an eye. but he sees right through you, he sees that teasing look you give him. you want to get another reaction out of him. his pride is telling him not to satisfy you, but everything else in him is screaming to give in.
then there’s the closeness, all of a sudden you’re always near him. if you can get away with it, touching him too. not in the way carl wants, in the way it’s so sickeningly close it drives him nuts. he’s always had his eye on you, you weren’t that much younger than him, close enough in age. but it’s different now.
“hey carl.” fuck, he can just hear it in your voice. it’s teasing and it’s flirty, and no one seems to notice a thing. trust, if daryl could tell, carl would be pounded into flat stanley.
carl gulps when your arm comes over his shoulder, your face way too close to his for him to act normal. “hi,” he breathes out, hand nervously coming up to your waist. he was standing next to his dad, who was going over something with your dad, and everyone’s dad, glenn.
“now that’s a little close.” daryl grumbles, pulling you more towards him. they’ve come to notice the shift in your friendship, of course never chalking it up to you watching carl fuck himself. but did they need to know that anyway?
you look up to your dad with pleading eyes, “actually, i was here to ask if i could babysit judith today?” carl’s eye widens, babysit judith his ass. she’s at the age where she does hardly anything but sleep. of course, that’s in his favor, and he’s growing nervous at your offer.
daryl looks between you and carl with a scowl on his face, then to glenn and rick who shrug. rick’s always happy for the extra help, not yet knowing what it’s like to have to watch over a grown daughter. “fine.” you clap and grab carl’s hand, walking away with him with a small ‘thank you’, ignoring their confused looks.
“why are you taking me with you?”
you take your hand out of his and cross your arms, “do you not want me to?” he shakes his head frantically and grabs your hand again, letting you lead him. he soon realizes you’re on the path to your house, not his.
he tilts his head, “what about judith?”
“she’s with olivia. she’ll cover for me.” you’re not exactly sure about that, but you’re willing to risk it.
carl nods, walking with you and trying to keep up the same pace. despite being so lost in his head. he clears his throat, “so… uh, what are we gonna do?”
you giggle, “you’re cute carl.” you don’t miss how his ears turn red, the confusion spreading over his face. no doubt he’s never been called that before. “we could… read comics?”
he can hide the dejection on his face, that little cover up story, sneaking off together, all to read comics? “are you just trying to drive me crazy?” you turn to him with a smile and wink, walking him up your steps.
the longer he’s there the more pissed off he gets. you truly did just read comics. despite the glances you kept sending his way, like you were waiting for something, you never actually did anything. don’t get him wrong, he loves the spider-man volumes you have, but he thinks he’d love his head buried between your thighs more.
he can’t help but zone out thinking about it, adjusting his jeans when they get too tight. you watch him amusedly as his eye stays on one page for a good five minutes. “you done yet?” his gaze snaps up, looking to his side for you before looking up.
“when did you get up?”
“oh a long time ago.” you didn’t, you just stood up to go shower, but it was funny to mess with him. watch his pretty face turn red knowing you’re the only one who’s done it. “anyway, i’m gonna go take a shower.”
his face turns possibly even redder and he just nods curtly. he watches you walk around your room to grab everything you need, focus trained on your hips especially. when you turn around he scrambles to pick his comic back up, squinting his eye shut when you laugh. he waits until you go into the bathroom, he waits until the water runs to finally breathe.
he looks down and fucking hell is his boner obvious. he doesn’t know whether to be upset that you didn’t make fun of him this time or not. he sighs, unzipping his jeans and palming himself through his boxers. he has to be quick, before you can get out and catch him, again. or maybe he could let it play out… his head was a mini battle field.
no matter how hard he focused the running water brought him out of his head. he felt so gross, but it couldn’t be too bad if he stole a peek? just so things wouldn’t have to be all his imagination anymore.
he zips his pants and looks out the door, making sure daryl hasn’t come home yet. he crosses the hall to the bathroom, furrowing his brow at the ajar door. he pushes it a little and pokes his head in just enough to see. he swore he could cum then and there, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away no matter how hard he tried.
he lost track of time, practically drooling at the sight in front of him like some stupid teen boy. which he guess he had a mind of, after all that little night you two had together was the first time he did anything with anyone.
his eye widens when you step out, while body on display with water droplets cascading down. he was frozen, unaware of his hand going down his pants as you changed in front of him. he felt dirty, you had no idea did you?
oh you did, he should have known better, seriously. it’s you, he’s him, he’s a fucking perv. you knew it, you knew you had to tempt him. it’s what you had been waiting on. you needed him to finally give in and do just what you expected so you had the excuse to use and punish him just how you wanted.
he leans his head against the edge of the door frame, eye shut and mouth agape in a silent moan as he tries to get off before you notice. but you swing the door open, fist latching onto his collar to bring his face towards yours.
“what are you doing?” you ask with a knowing smirk. god, he’s so shameless. he looks embarrassed but he hasn’t faltered or slowed his movements at all. he kept eye contact and his heavy breath mixed with yours before he kissed you. it was needy and hungry and messy, full of inexperience and desperation.
you separate from his lips, attaching yours to his neck. you smirked at his moans, pushing him against the counter and motioning for him to sit on it. you place your hand over his and squeeze, a whine leaning his throat in response. you suck and nibble on the skin of his collarbone, hand traveling from his back to his hair, giving it a small tug.
he whimpers your name, “so loud, what if someone walks in, huh?” he squirms and you smirk at his reaction, picking your head up to look at him. swollen lips, dilated pupil, and that look that was begging for you.
"y/n!" carl gasps, your tug a bit harsher this time. the force led you to be in control of his head, and you lifted it so he would look into your eyes. he looked embarrassed, his pretty face painted with pink. "don't look at me like that.”
he attempts to get out of your grasp to no avail. he felt so small under your gaze, like a prey facing its predator. and he hates how turned on he was getting from it. he hates how despite everything he’s built up, the thought of finally getting taken care of is too fucking good to pass up.
he was lost in his head until he felt the cold air of his room hit his now bare cock. he whimpered at the feeling, glancing down to your eyes that were already set on his face. his cheeks once again returned to their pink hue that seemed to come around every time you did. he sucked in a sharp breath and let his head fall back when he felt your hand wrap around him, giving his cock a few strokes.
he felt bliss in that moment, eye screwed shut. but his moment was quickly ruined when a searing pain travel from his erection and up his body. he jerked forward, tears springing his eye as he looked down at the culprit. you just stared back at him with that innocent smile that kills him.
"why'd you do that?" he asked, lip trembling.
“you didn’t think i’d let you get away with being a dirty perv?” he blinks and you just start jerking him off once more at the lack of response.
he whines your name, shutting his eyes, snapping them open again when you slapped his cock for a second time. "stop!" he cries, his head falling back.
"you know, you look pitiful," you mutter, voice merely above a whisper as you slowly dragged your hand up and down his shaft. "nothing is tying you down or forcing you through this. you like it." carl rolls his eye at your accusation. he knew you were right, he just wasn't going to admit it.
you begin licking from the base of his cock to the tip. carl was a whining mess now, squirming on the countertop, trying his best to keep his eye on yours. you started to bob your head up and down, delicious noises escaping from the boy above you. you wanted to laugh at him, how desperately he wanted to close his eye, shy away from you.
you slide off him with a pop, "what's wrong, carl?" you ask innocently, the look on your face similar to your voice. he whimpered at the sight of you, your mouth so close to him while all you did was lazily jerk him off.
carl just pants, breath quickening when you went back to the task at hand. it took everything in him not to buck his hips up, because with your rules, he didn't know what would come to him if he did. your pace quickened when carl warned you of his approaching orgasm, whines, moans, and groans leaving his pretty pink lips. his stomach muscles would contract every now and then. finally he came, whimpers of your name falling from his lips as if it were the only word he knew.
you kept going until he pushed you away, "no, can't take anymore..." his voice was shaky, and he repeatedly took in breaths. he looked so pretty, shaking and panting. all because of you.
"well, what am i supposed to do then?" you fake pout, tilting your head teasingly. you stand up, taking off your shit and giggling at carl’s shameless gawking gaze. he adjusted in his seat, watching with amazement as you continued to strip in front of him. "shirt off," you instruct, the boy obeying immediately.
carl thought for a second before he opened his mouth, "sit here." his face was red as he moved, picking you up and placing you on the counter.
you quirk a brow at him, “what are you planning?” he opens his mouth to speak, but you’ve reduced him to something so small he can’t even force it out of him.
“i’ll show you.” his hands messily fiddle with your shorts, tugging them off of you. he attaches his lips to you immediately and you feel him groan into your pussy, the vibrations causing a moan to leave your lips. you couldn't help but move, slightly riding his face. he seemed to be enjoying it, his eyes closed.
you gripped at one of your breasts, then using one of carl’s hands to replace your own. you knew he was trying to jerk himself off secretly, failing miserably, but you decided not to interrupt him. after all his mouth was so good, albeit inexperienced it was him. and he was enjoying it as much as you were. if not more.
carl whimpers, mumbling the words ‘gonna cum’ into your cunt. "hold it," you command, combing your fingers through his hair, causing a moan to rip from his throat.
"can't!" carl’s eyes were screwed shut, nose scrunched up and lips forming an 'o' shape.
"you can, and you will. you're not incapable of such a simple task, carl," your voice was stern, the control you had over him driving him crazy. when you felt let yourself dangerously close, you gave carl permission. he was very loud, adorable moans of your name leaving his red and swollen lips, although muffled. his hands go to grip your thighs tightly when you cum on his tongue, afraid you were going to disappear if he hadn't kept you close.
he rests his head on your thigh, looking up at you with a small laugh. "thank you..." he trails off, his face was red, and his voice was very quiet. everything seemed awkward to him now. he stands up and you lean forward to give him another kiss, it was softer this time, a small moan from carl traveling to your mouth.
“you shouldn’t be thanking me for a punishment.”
carl shrugs, leaning his head on your shoulder. “got you to myself though now, didn’t i dixon?”
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